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i had a great weekend!

did you?

my little girls had their first indoor soccer game of the season.
annie never stops wiggling, dancing, jumping or kicking the entire game.
oh and also she hugs.
her teammates.



talby scored a goal….played tough.
she loves soccer! 
how about those lime green shirts?!  wowza.

my mother in law took annie and scott with her onto sean's tournament where craig already was.
i had a quiet afternoon of organizing in the craft weekend room.


folding all the fabric again and seeing how much i have.
organizing it by color.

this order came this week….new fabric is just the happiest package to get in the mail.

i found some new material at hancocks fabric this week too.
i love this one.
i know it looks like nursing scrubs from the pediatrician's office.
BUT it is happy and sweet and i love it anyway.


i feel much more ready for this Whatever Craft Weekend than the one just last month.
it is a great feeling.

i took talby to a volleyball clinic late saturday afternoon.
then everyone came back home and my mother in law took three to her house for a sleep over.
i love when that happens!
they love to go and it's nice to change it up around here.

with all that childcare….craig and i were WILD and CRAZY!
we sat on our computers and balanced bank accounts, recorded mileage and organized things for taxes.

pretty hot right?


our sunday was church, watching club volleyball for lauren and basketball for sean and some arby's drive through for lunch and pizza hut for dinner.
and a two hour nap….sooo good.

i hope i can share the sermon from sunday with you soon.
i thought it was really good.
i was challenged.
and i laughed really LOUD.
do you ever get the giggles when it is completely NOT appropriate?
i used to do that a lot but now i am mature.
totally kidding.

my bible study this week with BSF has been on 1 Corinthians. 
i have enjoyed spending more time with God this week.
i was missing that.


don't hold back.

and this morning i woke up to SNOW!
i love snow.
it makes me happy (in the beginning πŸ™‚

happy monday.


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cheap mlb hats - Thanks for making the pattern available so quickly. Hm, maybe I can re-prioritize some projects. Who am I fooling? I’m going to go buy more yarn

Lasso the Moon - I get the giggles at the worst times. Especially at church. I wrote a poem about it a few years back that you might think is funny:
Just catching up on your blog after a few weeks away. It’s so homey and inviting.

catie - i just love when everything is all organized and pretty looking! love the fabrics all together, makes me want to create something. and, hey, i recognize the town name on those soccer shirts, my husband works there! πŸ˜‰

Jacci - by the way, i’m loving your Ta Dot stash. I think that’s my favorite right now… the stone. Perfect.

Jacci - love the (new?) white buckety bins for the fabric. The bright white is so pretty with the bright fabrics. especially with the silvery insides & rim. good job getting on things ahead of time! it’s nice to feel organized. i think. not sure i can actually remember the feeling. ha.
the rainbow fabric made me think of Care Bears and 2nd grade. I had a slumber party for my birthday that year and got Birthday Bear… and one of the slumber party guests STOLE him. At least, I never found him again after that night.
Happy Monday!

Becki - I love all the fabric, and I love the Scripture too. It does feel great to spend time with the Lord…

Julia - Youre totally about the scrubs! So funny – I would have got in anyway too.

Kim from Miracle-Round - I so love organizing everything by colour! It’s so happy!

Jen Brandt - Happy post! Love your new fabric! Sounds like a busy, but fun weekend. Here’s to a continuation of fun and great. Oh, and your hot night sounds a lot like our hot dates.

amanda peters - Hey so I got my latest copy of Popular Photography in the mail today and YOU were on the back cover!! Congrats!!

Kimberly Dial - Looks like you all had a great weekend! Your fabrics are fab … I love all the bright colors. I’m a little afraid of color but I’m trying to be brave & add pops of it here & there … Just thinking about taxes makes me feel short of breath (I wait until the very last minute EVERY year) CW always looks so fun … I’m hope to make it there … some day! πŸ˜‰

casey - I LOVE reading your blog everyday! It’s like sitting down for a quick cup of coffee with an old friend (c:

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Fabric pictures always make me a happy lady:) You should see my stash here. I could host my own CW sometime. Wanna come? I can host and you girls who normally slave over everyone else can be pampered:) You’d feel right at home in my house…big and old like yours:)
Have a great night!

Amber Bray - Meg, where do you buy your fabric online? The idea of it worries me because I can’t put my hands on it and know its a decent quality, but we only have two small quilt shops and a joanne’s here. I need more funky cool stuff! : ) Thanks in advance!

happygirl - I’d be so interested to hear about the sermon you heard on sunday. I skipped church. It was snowing. I was tired. excuses, excuses… My husband and I worked on our taxes. sexy.

Whitney - I’m in love with all of those fabrics!!! πŸ™‚
That is a HOT weekend… πŸ™‚ Kinda sounds like mine πŸ™‚
Thank you for this verse, my friend (really) has been down today and I know that this one will perk her up! I love your blog MEG!

Marianne - Ha ha ha. Can’t wait to get our tax preparation on around here…

Kelly - Would love to know more about the bible study that you are doing?

Christy - Sounds like my kind of weekend! I think you were plenty organized for our craft weeekend. Is it bad that I’m jealous of the new crafters?!? I want it to be my turn again! πŸ™‚

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sorry….cake…and SWAG


craig played some games with the kids tonight….this one ended half way through.
sometimes games are just too hard to get through with kids of different ages.


i made the cake.
thumbs up from all the duerksen kids! Β (and mr. duerksen too)


enjoying my headband from daisysanddots….one of the craft weekend sponsors.


speaking of craft weekend sponsors….


these are just a few….

CLICK OVER HERE to see the all of the SWAG sent by our WONDERFUL sponsors!!!

we think they are super RAD.

happy weekend!


Mommy Dearest - Wow! The mpix ad in Pop Photo Mag was fab! I had TOTALLY forgotten to remind my kids to “Build a Snowman”… Duh! And they had forgotten, too. Oh well, Global Warming, and the Internets, I guess.

Kiki Dee - Love the headband! And what wonderful sponsors you have! Good Luck with the next CW… happy crafting!

Sharla - I’m not a game board person, but I LOVE Sorry and Trouble (we played Polly Anna growing up -same game) – we have the Star Wars Trouble game and it makes a terrible noise every time you pop the center. πŸ™ The cake and headband look great! Hope you had a good weekend.

Trish - love it πŸ™‚ it does look cute with your haircut!

Dawn - Was reading your blog today with my 5 year old son curled up next to me. He looked over at the screen and saw your photo in this post and said, “Wow! She’s pretty!” And, I could only agree! Out of the mouths of babes!

Thuy - Love the headband!!I just recently got on the wait list for a turn at this awesome event! I just recently had a dream that I received a email from you lovely ladies– hopefully it shall come true someday soon!! =) Happy Crafting!

Heather S. - I made that cake about three weeks ago. I think I may do it again, but add mint. Mmmmm…love me some mint! Cute headband!

Kimberlee Jost - Look at you in your headband!

Michelle From Australia - And my favourite photo? The one of you. HOW can a Mum of five who is doing craft weekends in her ‘spare’ time look so MARVELOUS???

Colleen - That headband is amazing. Also, you have SUPER green eyes. They look great with the headband. Now I want a headband.

Jaimie Cahill - LOVE your blog! I look forward to checking it out everyday! So inspirational! I happened to see this bedding from The Land of Nod and it reminded me of your style
That cake looks amazing! Happy weekend to you and your family!

Elizabeth - CUTE headband! … and that cake looks out of control!

AshleyAnn - The headband looks awesome with your haircut!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - MMMMMMMMMM that cake looks so yummy! I make a super easy ice cream sandwich cake for special days around here and its always a hit. I’ll have to try this recipe.
Cute headband,BTW. Happy weekend! Its finally here(can you tell Im a teacher? :))

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i want to make this cake….my kids would LOVE it.

a commenter yesterday told me about this site.…a Childs Own.
i was in awe.
the poor girl is so swamped with work though.  i wish i could help her out! 
she is an amazing artist!
my kids loved it too.
they kept thinking of which of their drawings would be the best to send in.
i think they think it's a contest….
annie quickly drew this picture for that blog.  


a rainbow bus!!! love that….and those cookies too.

i am sitting here in the crafting/dining room….surrounded and nearly buried in the things to prepare for the Whatever Craft Weekend #3.
i had a successful day today getting supplies and using my time well.
(that can be translated as….i had time for starbucks without having to speed on my way to the bus stop)

do you see i found cupcake fabric that is glittered?!  hello?!!  
(brother sister design studio fabric from hobby lobby)      (and my planner is from erin condren)

this is my little crafty cave.



so this has been on my mind to share with you lovely ladies…..

i was driving in my car and listening to a christian music station.
the DJ came on and said who the song was by and then said something like:

"there are so many people that think they need to change before God will love them"

they say that in church, in books, on the radio.
i have heard that probably over a hundred times in my life.
but all of a sudden


and i felt so sad in my heart.

do people REALLY think that?
Are there people that think that God won't love them if they are flawed? 
That they have to be fixed and pretty and better before God would want them?

if that is you….if that is what you were taught or what you have told yourself….


You cannot do anything in your life to make God love you more.

You cannot do anything in your life to make God love you less.

He loves you….right now.
in your mess.
in your heartache.
in your despair.

in your mistakes.
in your anger.
in your grief.

in your fear.
in your depression.
in your loneliness.
in every teeny tiny corner of your very being…..

no matter what you did ten years ago, last month or today.
He is ready to welcome you into His open arms.
all you have to do is ASK. 

i hope you know that deep and unfailing and unENDING and never changing LOVE from God and Jesus.

"Jesus said, β€œIt is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick." Matthew 9: 12

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."  
Matthew 11:28




Helen Wall - Wow Meg. Thanks for the God’s love reminder for all your blog readers. What a great way to share the Gospel of Jesus!! Bless you!

kids shorts - I think there’s a truth that with every little things that you made for your little kids they appreciate it without you knowing.

Amber - Love this. Pinned it!

Victoria - Well said! I was one of those people in the past….thankful that I know the truth now! πŸ™‚

Sonya - Lil' Soak + Friends - thanks for the encouragement. BTW, I love your crafty cave. I wish we had a big enough space to have one… loving it!

beth - What a lovely, heart-wrenching, beautiful reminder.

zina zraikat - HI Meg, great post. Love the link to the Childs Own Studio, but did you read how asked if we could NOT share her site right now? she writes ” Let’s keep Child’s Own Studio a secret for a while? Don’t share this website with your friends, pin me on Pinterest, post about me on facebook or blog about me. Yes, shhhhhhh….until I catch up.”
Please dont take me the wrong way, i mean no rudeness or disrespect by this comment. Just wasn’t sure if you’d seen it.

Jenna - I needed this: the happiness of the softies (wow!) and the message. Thank you!

Nicolle W. - I am reading a new book and just read this line last night, and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I loved this. It might have changed me forever…….
Jesus loves us not because we’re perfect, but because He is perfect.
so simple, but so profound! πŸ™‚

Kristin S - 1. Thank you Meg for this sweet reminder.
2. Read the cover of your planner and realized you and Craig have rhyming names. No wonder people can’t learn English! In what world are “aig” and “eg” the same sound.
3. That cupcake glitter fabric is ridiculous. Has Annie seen it?

Tonya Blais - Thanks for allowing God to speak through your heart… to mine!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - <3

Molly - Thanks so so so much for sharing! Aint that the truth!! It doesn’t matter…HE loves you!!
Oh and btw where is the yellow chevron from…love it!!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - What a beautiful post Meg!

Jill - AMEN Meg! AMEN! <3

Blakeley - I saw these on Pinterest and thought of your family. Rainbow pancakes!! Don’t they look awesome?? I can’t wait to try them.

bread and jam - There’s a verse in Romans…too lazy..can only move my fingers to type right now…it says something like…if God loved us when we were sinners (and His enemy) how much more must He love us now….that’s right…when we’re messed up and lost and broken down wrecks, He REALLY loved us, so, wow, He must REALLY REALLY love us when we accept Christ into our hearts.

Kristyn - Thanks for linking to my Oreo Cake. I really think your kids would LOVE it… so easy and good. πŸ™‚
Also saw that you will be speaking at Snap! So fun – I will be there. We have to meet. πŸ™‚

meaghan - boom! that’s right! now how do i follow you on pinterest?!?!?! can’t find ya!

Marla Rae - wow that’s all just wow! πŸ™‚

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I have a question: Ive been looking for one of thos (pink/purple) suction handles for my sewing rulers for ages. Where did you find them?
Also, did Singer sponsor your CW now? Or did you have to buy all the machines for the ladies to use(Im just bein nosy on that one):)

Gale - AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ™‚ I’m so glad you said all that – and I’m even happier to know that our Father would be happy, too – and He loves that we love kids and cupcakes and Craft Weekend and glitter and Him. So glad we all share the same family πŸ™‚
I keep crossing my fingers to be chosen for CW.. LOL!! I can drive there – woohoo!!!! πŸ™‚ Hope you have a wonderful, wonderful time!!

Tina Jacobsen - I love this post!! I love how you use your blog!! I love cupcake fabric!! I love that rainbow bus!! I love cookies and cake!! But most of all I love Jesus!! Thank you Meg!!

Whitney - Thank you! & AMEN! This was such a good and sweet post!
I love that fabric and that notebook!
I agree with the other lady’s comment asking you to walk around with your camera so that we can all feel like we’re there! πŸ™‚
Have a wonderful weekend Miss Meg!

Mae - Thank you for speaking TRUTH.

Cindy - WOW! I went to Child’s Own! She is amazing, right?! I saw today she has said she is SWAMPED, but I’m still going to share w/everyone about her. She is amazing. So are you…thanks for reminding everyone about God’s grace and God’s love.

Lori Austin - God is using you in great ways Meg!
p.s. l-o-v-e that cupcake fabric.
Have a super weekend.

julie f. - thanks for sharing that, megan!

Wendy - meg- Nailed it. you always do. Thanks for the blog. love this thought. The blog world is rocking my world today. Now to live it! Thanks again. your craft weekends look amazing!
Still am so in love with my family pics that you took! Thanks again for that. Can’t wait to sign up again next year.
πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

angela - you are AHHH.MAZING!
i love your blog – i feel like i know your fam and you. but seeing your message today about HIS love was exactly what i needed
i used to BELIEVE that. a year ago, i endured one of lifes biggest heartbreaks and my friends kept inviting me to church. i went.
and it CHANGED my life.
but even after going for a few weeks, i still felt NOT WORTH God’s love. a meeting and several classes later with my AWESOME pastor and i got it. I GOT IT.
you and all your GLORY reminded me of it!
thank you from the BOTTOM of my heart!

andrea - Thank you. I needed to hear that. I have been trying very hard to get back to being close to God again but the devil keeps butting in. Haven’t felt this lost since college. I know in my brain He loves me but needed to hear it in my heart again too. Thanks again, this was what I needed to hear today.

Lee Ann - Thanks for posting that and using your blog to speak TRUTH.

Toni :O) - Continue to love your blog and adore you…your posts are always so relevant and fun!!! Have a blessed weekend cause you are just a rockstar!!! :O)

Kirsten J - Well said, Megan – I have a little story – my mom went to Catholic school until high school and was always pretty strict with us kids about church. Lots of Catholic rules. And we went to confession quite regularly. Finally, somewhere in my teens, I told Mom I had always struggled to find something to “confess”. And Mom said “oh Kirsten, God knows you are good, God is kind and loving. You don’t need to go to confession if you have nothing to say, or to receive God’s love”. I tell you what, I have had such a different perception of God ever since. Absolutely freeing and so much love. I’m happy for you that you got some time to play with crafty stuff (and oh so jealous of those who get to go to CW3)….and aStarbucks run πŸ™‚

Seriously Sassy Mama - I have always loved that verse! Thank you!

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - Thanks for sharing this!
My heart has been so heavy the past few weeks with people who have been believing the lies that they need to change for God to love them, or that they aren’t worthy, are that they are all alone. I have 2 dear friends who are suffering from depression, one just checked herself into a facility, afraid of where she was headed, and another (a fellow pastor’s wife) is now in ICU because she wanted to die and almost allowed herself to do so. In the last two weeks, we had two 14 year olds commit suicide. And today, found out a local, unnamed girl, is planning on an abortion for tomorrow at 10:30 am. We are reaching out to her through FB to let her know how in love God is with her and only has good planned for her, that she isn’t alone in this, and that the enemy wants her to believe these lies.
I feel like I want to do something to shed light on this. To let the world know how much God loves them to be aware of the lion that is seeking to destroy. Don’t believe these lies! God is madly in love with you, YOU are his prized position!
Sorry for the long comment Meg, but just interesting to see your words here with the timing of everything going on!

Liana - Amen! One of your best posts, ever.
And I second the flip tour request! πŸ™‚

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - Oooh love that cupcake fabric….my eyes were drawn straight to it LOL! I only wish we had a Hobby Lobby close by.

Jill - I am so encouraged when you follow God’s leading with your blog! I’ll be praying that everyone hears this the way you did…

Kimberlee Jost - Such truth.
So good…and needed.

Jaime @ Queen of the Creek - Beautiful…. for all of the above. β™₯

Heather R. - Amen.

sara @ it's good to be queen - you preach it sister! yes, yes and yes. this is a good word today. God is doing good things with this here blog of yours. blessings blessings, sara

Christy - <3 this post.

jennyonthespot - Cupcake. Glitter. Fabric. BOOM.
P.S. Just thinkin’ of ya, friend… *blows kiss*

Amy G - I love the way you let God speak through your blog.
You are such an inspiration to me in so many ways.
Blessings to you!

Sarah - Yes. Just yes.

Jody - Wow. You’re like a friend I just called & who told me what I needed to hear…I am in the midst of reading “Crazy Love” and feeling like I am coming up very short on the person I am for God. These were kind words to hear – and for some reason – you wrote them just when I needed to hear them.

Alicia - Thank You for your post on Gods love. You have made a difference in my life.

Stephanie - God is love! So true! We actually don’t have to do ANYTHING… not even ASK. He already LOVES US SOOOOOOOO MUCH that He sent Jesus, to die on the cross for us. He loves us…whether or not we are loving Him. And He is and always has been there for us. Some are just rejecting Him. Its like if someone told you they just put $1000 in the bank for you, and all you had to do was go and get it… you would never reap the benefits of that if you just said “nah… you didn’t really, that’s funny though!”
Believe. God DOES LOVE EVERYONE. And its not because of anything we have or haven’t done. We don’t have to do a thing to be loved by God. It is already true and always has been, since before we were born. God loves babies… they haven’t asked for it. God so loved the WORLD… πŸ™‚
Thanks, Meg! πŸ™‚

tara pollard pakosta - I love this post so very much….
love IT> it’s so true, but I forget that all the time,
I think, I can’t go to church because God only wants perfect people there….ugh. need to stop feeling that way.

Laura Phelps - I read this last night
11 minutes after you posted it
It made me cry
a lot
like..the UGLY cry kind of cry
glad everyone was in bed and didn’t witness it
maybe the wine and exhaustion had something to do with the ugly cry
quite possible
but either way
what you said…
it struck a chord in me
it opened up something inside of me
I know God loves me beyond comprehension
I know how forgiving He is
my trouble is… forgiving myself
a weekly, daily, sometimes minute by minute struggle…
a cross I carry…sometimes beautifully, but most times, with great difficulty
I’d like to toss that cross of mine in the woods out back and set it on fire
but well, that would not teach me anything, now would it?
its mine to carry
its mine to love
its mine to be thankful for
its mine BECAUSE God loves me
it is morning now
no more tears
but the message is still with me
thank you, my little crafting bundle of awesomeness
love you

Trish - do you ever wonder how many people you will meet when you get to heaven that found their way to Jesus through your blog! won’t that be a fun day?!

Jenn - Its been said before, but its so true….AMEN, Sister! God IS Love! We can’t hear that enough. Thank you and love to you for having such a positive and loving blog.

Katie - nice encouragement!

Laura - Beautiful, Meg! Very well put. Sadly, yes, there are many people who think that. Hopefully fewer because of your post.

Anna - Girl this post rocks! Love it – the glitter cupcake fabric, but more importantly your message!
It irritates me to hear people (esp. Christians) say “We must change, this must be corrected”. While it may be true that changes need to be made, and it does matter to God, the truth is that his love is not conditional! As a believer this should be super simple, but to non-believers it’s hard to get this message across when they may be apporached with criticisms that they need to change just to be loved by God. – So not true.
Thanks for the Message!

Danett - I really needed that today — I really heard it. Great scripture!! Thanks!

tina - So glad I stopped to read your post today!!!!

Kristen - Awh Meg, you’re heart is just pure sweetness with sprinkles all over. I love your spirit.

Kate R - I’ve been lurking for a while (don’t even remember how I found your blog…) but had to stop and comment on this post. Thanks so much for sharing this thought today. I love reading blogs where God is a real part of people’s lives and yours is one πŸ™‚ Thanks!

Catriona - Amen, sister! The world is all about sorting yourself out, but God is all about Jesus having done it all for you. Simple and radical all at the same time.

SaraG - Amen and Amen.

Tracy Fisher - Thanks for your words today. They were appreciated more than you know. Tracy

Ashley - I am so thankful that you posted about this.
I needed to hear it, even if in my head I know it to be true…tonight you spoke to my heart.
Thank you!

Jacci - loving this. thank you πŸ™‚
i have a thought… i wondered if maybe you would consider doing a little flip tour of your house all set up for the next craft weekend (?). Like, before the ladies arrive, you just walk around with the ol’ flip and show us how wonderful it all is πŸ™‚ so we can pretend we’re there, too! and ooh and ahh and want to come to the next one even MORE.
not trying to add to your plate or be demanding… just throwing out a post idea.

Theresa - You are a awesome women of GOD. It is so great of you to post this. I feel inadequate because I am not knowledgeable of scripture so that I can speak of him to others with wisdom. What you have said has helped me…that he loves me anyways. In time I will learn because he has put this on my heart. You posted this right when I needed to hear these words! Thank you!

Lisa - You worded that so beautifully! Praying people “hear” it!

Nikki - What beautiful encouragement! I needed to hear it today.
(also I think I will hunt for that fabric this weekend. Glitter cupcakes.Too fun!)

Heidi Jo the Artist - So true. I think the hardest part is to forgive ourselves, well, at least for me. I too hope people don’t think that God won’t love them until they change.
Oh, that drawing of Annie’s is so awesome! You are pretty awesome at sewing, I bet you could make one of the rainbow bus in 3-D! I want to make so many things with felt right now that I might have to give it a shot! And if you are stretched for time, I bet you could use that rainbow stripe fabric I’ve seen around…since Child’s Own Studio seems kind of backed up. Plus, I’m sure it would be so much meaningful since you made it for her.
And of all people, I thought you would appreciate this!

Amy @ - Thanks for the reminder:)

Stephanie campbell - <3 love this post.

Tara Provence - just got off the phone with a friend talking about the exact same thing! He IS love. no matter how freakin’ flawed up we are. ♥

Robyn Farmer - Amen! Thank you for sharing that.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Oh, FREAK! I gasped when I saw that cupcake fabric. Thank goodness I already scheduled a trip to Hob Lob tomorrow. πŸ™‚ MUST.HAVE.

Jill - You’re the sweetest.

Barbara - Oh, your words are sooooo true, Meg. That He loves any of us is the biggest mystery. Thanks for sharing them!
And I bought the cupcake fabric from HobLob, too. I love it!! I’m making napkins as a gift for my GF’s bday.

Tina I - Thank God (literally) that He loves me, flaws and all!

Alicia - Such a cute idea- kids’ drawings turned into soft toys!
(And also, we have the same Erin Condren planner! Except mine has my ‘teacher name’ on it)

Jill Tracy - So VERY true and what a great reminder for us all. I read your blog religiously and those words may just have been the best I’ve read. Cause really, in the end, that’s what matters most…our relationship with God. Hope your message reaches many πŸ™‚

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - I sure needed to hear that reminder tonight, Megan!

Terrie G - Oh.My.Goodness!!! That is ONE TaLenTeD lady!! What a cute idea! I’d love to help her too…but I don’t think I’m that talented!
That is a lot of craft loveliness!!
You are so right about God not loving us more than where we are right now! Thanks for sharing!

Janelle - Thanks Meg…I don’t really think that but I do wish I had a deeper faith…and I often feel badly that I don’t. Thanks for the little pick me up before I go to bed πŸ™‚

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drawing by annie of the two of us.  :)

new jammies on clearance at dillards!  

not score….trying to find a stupid bra.
i loathe shopping for bras.
and i really REALLY hate it when you try on 10 and they are all wrong….even the $70 ones!!
i wasn't going to buy that….but i hate shopping for them so much that i thought "ya know….if this fits….i just might because then i won't have to come back here for a long time."  
but it didn't
i wish i'd been on the bra show on oprah when they opened the stage and had made the whole stage a bra boutique and they found the perfect one for every woman in the audience.  
i wanted to be one of those ladies.
oh well.
at least i got clearance pjs.

i am trying to cut back onthe tv my kids are watching.
in theory.
until they beg and i give in because i am tired.
but when this is what our evening looks like….it's so worth it.


if there had been cupcakes at our house yesterday…..they would have been gone.
stress + hormones + emotions = extreme cupcake/sweets consumption by me.
last night i just went to bed so i would not go back into the kitchen!
and i laid there thinking "oh man….i reeeeally want to go find something sweet…."
but i stayed in bed.
i thought "if i fall asleep i won't need it."  
and it worked.

but today….the battle continues!

craig turned this on just before we fell asleep…..appropriate.
he didn't even know my internal struggle going on fighting off the cake/dessert NEED in my head. 


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Angela - How do you like those jammies? I have my eye on the same exact ones and because they looked a little see-thru I wasn’t sure!! Haha! I loved Dillards Cabernet bras but they seem to be phasing them out. You know they’ll measure you and find the right fit but you have to be brave enough to let a stranger do that for ya! I’ve been enjoying seeing your home decor – I’m a new visitor. I also am moving from an apt to a small house with a roomie. I have waaaay too many housewares and decorations! Good for you for embracing change πŸ™‚

Emily Luongo - I have to add my 2 cents too about Nordstroms. Life changing bra fitting experience there! It is amazing how the right fitting bra can change your whole attitude. It is expensive but absolutely worth it! Oh and I adore your blog…. πŸ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - New favorite comedian, thank you!

Angela - Next time you’re in KC, make an appointment at Intimate Designs!
I’ve been to the one in Independence, and I’ll never buy a bra anywhere else. They do a fitting, and then when you find the style that works the best, they custom alter it to fit you exactly at no extra charge. You can also bring the bras back anytime, and they will make new alterations for free. They even do the same thing for swimsuits! There is a range of prices, and they may try to sell you on the $70 bras, but I usually buy the $40 bras and they last for years and fit perfectly.

Sugar Mama - I don’t know what you are dealing with but I DO know of the need for sweets… especially when dealing with teenagers. I just popped an entire little debbie heart shaped snack cake in my mouth like it’s my job. And last night I ate a handful of cherry m&m’s.
This will pass. But for now the sweets I’m craving. πŸ™‚
And those pj’s are perfect! They are sexy & comfy rolled into one perfect “outfit” that I would wear the heck out of all day.

tara pollard pakosta - Annie is a SUPER good artist, I mean LIKE REALLY GOOD!
love her art!

Alisha - Oh my gosh! I was having the same debate/fight with myself yesterday! Unfortunately the Hostess Zingers won or maybe it was my taste buds that won. Certainly not my hips! Bra shopping had to be created by a man. It’s evil. Good luck!

Melissa - Love your blog Meg! Seriously, it’s always the first one I look at each morning. Bra shopping sucks, a close second to swimsuit shopping. I’ve yet to find one I like. I’ve tried the expensive one’s with no luck. Lately I’ve seen the infomercial for the “Ahh Bra” and have seriously considered ordering one. Also saw something similar the other day at Wallgreens, looked to see if anyone was around, picked it up and thought to myself–Are you seriously going to purchase a bra from a drugstore-I put it back. πŸ˜‰

Susan - That was great! But, now I want cake!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Dude – he is my favorite! LOL. I love the pretend audience girl.

Cory - Thank You! I needed a laugh from Jim! And I feel your pain with the sweets! Ugh!;)

Wendy - I actually had cake for breakfast today … and I wasn’t wearing a bra! πŸ™‚

Anna Baer - i bought a bra at victoria’s secret and I’ll never go back to whatever else I used before.. They measure you so you can try the right size right off, and then you can just figure out the shape/type you want. Cute jammies though! :o)

Cindy - Annie’s picture…precious! Just precious! Some days when I’m at the end of my rope, I come across one of the kids’ precious little drawings that they made without my knowing and left lying around. And I can’t help but think that it’s a love note sent straight from God, because it completly turns my day (i.e. attitude) around!

Katie Sellers - I don’t know if you live near a big city where there might be a Nordstroms, but if you do it is so worth it to go their for bra shopping. I am not an easy size to find and I won’t shop anywhere else anymore. It is like having Oprah’s show right there. They measure you and then go find you lots of different options and then make sure you are wearing them correctly. I hate spending money on bras but I LOVE my Natori bras they fitted me with at Nordstroms they were in the $50 range. I don’t spend that much on the clothes that cover them, but they are so worth it! Hope you have better luck soon. Now I need a Nordstroms for bathing suit fitting (Florida girl).

Kyra - Want to look 10 pounds thinner? Go to Nordstroms or Macy
and be properly fitted for a bra. I used to swear by Playtex until I found Le Mystere at Nordstroms. Now that I know my size and style, I purchase them online and get free shipping.
And I LOVE the mug! A friend is coming over tomorrow for tea and I bought fancy cupcakes. Going for a hike in the afternoon to shed those cupcake calories :]

Courtney - Do you have a Soma close by? I love their vanishing back bras and the fitting process is fantastic! They are pricey but will last you for years! I highly recommend them!

Kimberly Dial - OMG Meg, I’m still laughing. I’ve never seen him before … thank you for sharing him! As for the bra shopping, I agree completely … the last time I went I was alone & the sales girl left me so each time they didn’t fit & I needed another I had to get completely dressed & go get more so they wouldn’t fit … so frustrating. I was exhausted when I left & I still wasn’t satisfied with my purchase :/

Stina - LOL. That video was hilarious. What’s this called? Cake? Too funny.
Bra shopping is of the devil. Plain.and.simple. I’m in the nursing/baby making stage of my life and my boobs don’t stay the same size the entire day, let alone the 6mos I’m supposed to go between new bras…and I’m not a small girl to begin with. It’s pretty awesome.
For my husband.
Your post yesterday also gave me quite the chuckle. How many times have I not understood a look until after we were back home. Oh man.

georgia - Bra shopping is rubbish!!!!!!
Took me 20mins to find my size the other day, all I could find were ‘skinny’ sizes like 32a! Lol
Damn me for having normal sized boobs!

Kathy P - Meg when i saw the picture annie drew it reminded me of this lady who has a business making plush toys out of childs drawings just like that one. It is simply incredible and news of it has gone viral , she says she is getting hundreds of orders a day You will love what she does – and her facebook page is

Alisa - I love it when you post about the everyday stuff. I love to hear what you struggle with and what makes your day. What I was wondering is how you manage all 5 kids and their homework. Do they have much? Do you have to help Lauren anymore(proofreading/projects?) How much do they have each day and how hard are their schools? Which type of schools do they go to? I am asking because I grew up in Kansas too, but I now live in Germany. The schools here for my kids are really tough – homework (especially on weekends – can be very long and tough and the schools are super selective. You often comment on your kids’ sports and I was wondering how you manage all the team practices and supervising all the homework. Could you give us “a day in the life of Meg?”

ann - Bra shopping is awful. I found the perfect bra for me at Target a few years ago. Then they discontinued that style grrr
We just quit TV this week. All of us. The creativity has increased already. I didn’t realized how much my kids’ TV viewing bothered me until we quit – aaah the absence of background TV is so much better.
Love Annie’s drawing
Cake mmmm

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, All you have to do is call and the cupcakes will appear!! Really! Anytime!! I will hook you up! Love ya Girl!! I hope your week gets better!

Lori Austin - Artwork – cute.
Bra shopping – stinks!
Jams and mug – love.
Video – hilarious!

Sarah - That drawing by Annie is super cute πŸ™‚
Love the jammies.
I DESPISE bra shopping. (even worse…nursing bra shopping…uggh)
Thanks for the video. Hilarious! So needed that.

Erika - First of all, I LOVE your blog. I read it and look forward to it every day.
Nordstroms is super for helping people find you a bra.
How do you display your kids’ artwork?

Karen - Meg,
When you come visit me in NYC (you have a standing invitation, you know!), I will take you to the Town Shop. The little old ladies who work there have been fitting bras for decades and are experts at it. They can tell your size before you get your coat off — it’s uncanny.

happygirl - Funny video. how do you make yours so big. Mine are always so small. Annie’s drawing capture her image quite well. She has talent. Btw, I hate bra shopping, too.

Mindy Harris - hilarious video. thank you for the laugh. i have such a hard time saying no to sweets. my nemesis. sigh.

jacqui anderson - Nordstroms!! it might be a little pricey but so worth it. The sales girls are great and they really know what they’re talking about. I got a basic, wear under tee’s type of bra by Chantelle I think and its super comfy, fits my girls well!!!! Its hard because you think you’re one size but in actual fact all bra’s made by different companies all fit differently no matter what the common size appears to be!!!

Sarah Wolfe - Yes. I say nordstom too. It changed my life and my day… To get them to lift and separate :). Hard to find both!

Karen Gerstenberger - I was going to tell you about Nordstrom, but I see someone did this already. It really is the best place if you want “fit.” They know what they are doing. I think every girl should get her first bra there (after the sports bra phase).
Being an “A-” cup now, I usually buy bras el-cheapo at the big box store and just wash & wear them, but they don’t always fit right. For people who have more to “lift & separate” than I do, it’s worth it to go to Nordstrom!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I flippin hate shopping for bras too.(Esp. since Im quite well endowed.) Its like torture in my mind.
Love that youre trying to wean the TV watching. We’re huge on that in our home. Some times you have to be creative in coming up with other options but hey…isnt that the point? Creativity instead of vegging out? Last night our girls were begging to watch or play (video) something. I just casually said “think of a play you can put on for us.” And they jumped right on it. We made a big deal, videotaped and took pictures and everything. And you know what? We had some great laughs and the smiles on their faces were huge because they felt creative and validated.
Turning off the tube can be fun:)

Sabrina - Man do I love Jim Gaffigan! I saw him live once, laughed the entire time!!! Afterwards I could hardly stand because my sides ached so badly! My favorite one he does is Hot Pockets! Gets me every time!

Jen - The craziest of all crazies is I found an AWESOME bra at Walmart of all places and it is in the 11 dollar price range… It’s called Danskin Core Strength Push Up Sports bra…. Amazing it has light padding and gives great Comfortable support plus cleavage… Win Win Win….

Amber - The Incredible at Victoria’s Secret is the most amazing bra I have ever found. Its comfortable and gives a little oomph!

Liz Woodard - I second (third? fourth? fifth?) the idea of using a bra fitting specialist. I went to Macy’s a few years back and got about 6 bras all at once. I was told not to wear the same bra more than two days in a row, so I rotate between the six. they have lasted a long time, though I am thinking I need to get back there. Go get fitted! I tried at Victoria Secret’s, though, and I felt a little too old for those younguns fitting me; they couldn’t find anything for me and I am a normal size. Good luck!

Sarah - Is that hot chocolate? Because now you have me craving hot chocolate AND a cupcake! πŸ™‚ I hate bra shopping too…and it takes me about 30 bras before I find one that I like–HATE it.

Amy - Bras – I feel your pain. I cannot stress enough how my life changed when last year, at the age of 34, I went to my first professional bra fitting at a real bra store. It is amazing how good you feel when your bra actually fits. Do yourself a favor and find a real store and get a fitting. They are expensive (in the $70 range you mentioned), but you are so, so, so, so worth it! This is the place I go to in MA, but it will give you an idea of the type of place to go:

Michelle - sugar sisters is open again in Delano. . . thought of you when I heard that πŸ™‚

casey - Your post today made my day today! It seems like I have the battle the sweets EVERY SINGLE DAY!! And more often than not give in… hey maybe that why I’m like 15 lbs over weight! Go figure!?! (c;

se7en - Oh I am so with you in a little mid-night snack… Really making a huge effort so I force myself to bed and then I lie there thinking… hmmm wonder if I just had a “little something” then I could have worked another hour or two… no, no, no the whole point is to sleep more and eat less… I am trying!!! And waiting for the day I feel wonderful for all this sacrifice!!! Waiting!!!

kasey - Megan!
Get over to Victoria’s Secrets and get FITTED for a bra.
Or Nordstroms.
Spending good money on a good fitting bra is key.
The end.

Curious Details - Do you have Soma stores in your area? Small boutique-ish and very helpful staff. I was in and out in 15 minutes and love the “vanishing back fat” bra. Now, if only they had something for “front fat”, lol.

Hanna - Go to Nordstroms- expensive but sooooooo worth it. The sales people there are always awesome and helpful. The older I get (40!) the more I don’t budge on certain things and this is one of them. Good luck!

Seriously Sassy Mama - Oh do I feel your cake pain. I too wants sweets when it has been a hella day. I am serious about losing weight and will drink some hot chocolate to curve my need. Otherwise, I will eat a whole candy bar. I will also keep a bag of kisses around. One kiss doe the trick. It take alot of control. I go to my room around 0830 after the girls go to bed so I will not eat. It is my time to do some reading, quiet time with God, or getting in a few ab exercises!
P.S. I wish I had bra problems. I pretty much do not have to wear one.

Danielle - Ah, the bra thing. I finally found the Body by Victoria from Victoria’s Secret, full coverage bra. It is a bit expensive ($45ish) but I tell you I have one that has lasted over a year with a lot of wear. I just wash it in the washing machine on gentle and hang it to dry. Love your mug! I, too, find myself going to bed instead of eating something else I really don’t need! Thought I was the only one!

Stephanie - battling the tv here, too. i try. they beg. i get stuff done for them to have a clean home to live in. i feel guilty. cycle continues… thanks for your post yesterday… i enjoyed a wonderful laugh πŸ™‚

catie - forgot to say that i totally feel you on the bra thing. i finally found ONE type of bra that i can wear from victoria’s secret and that’s it. i can’t even wear any of the rest of their lines, just the one (dream angel’s with the memory foam, btw.) keep trying, you’ll find one eventually!

Trish - hilarious… was laughing at the fruitcake part πŸ™‚

Becky - …must learn to proof read before i post….i think you know what i was trying to say (like a caveman)…

Becky - LOVED that video! My husband and I were killing ourselves laughing. Last week I made a super-yummy rootbeer float cake and wondered to myself, ‘what if i were the lady would always made delicious cake…?’
cake’s on the brain! πŸ™‚

Kim from Miracle-Round - Goodness. Or goodness and cheese! – As my 11 year old would say. I hear you about the bra thing. I think the only thing worse than not finding a bra is thinking that you found one. You know, the one that feels great when you try it on. And feels great for a few hours, but by the afternoon, it’s digging into places you didn’t know existed. Good luck!

JulianneB - Okay I love Lane Bryant for bras. They have quite a few styles and colors/patterns. Often they will have great sales and then I stock up. They just give the girls the support they deserve. Oh and where did you get that cute mug about keeping calm and eating a cupcake. My best friend would totally love it.

catie - i LOVE jim gaffigan! the “hot pockets” portion of that same show you just posted is pretty much the best thing ever!

linda - they have “bra fitting specialists” at macy’s and dillard’s…it is a free service. she measures you and does her magic with selection and fitting. i go that route every time i need new bras now. it is AMAZING compared to guessing what you need, trying on 57 different bras, cursing and leaving empty handed! try it, you won’t regret it. i swear by it and have told all of my friends–it is the next best thing to having oprah’s people do it for you!! πŸ™‚

Toni :O) - LOVED this video! I completely agree…pie is NO comparison to cake EVER!!! I LOVE cake, one piece is great but 15 is fantastic!! LOL!

Michelle Whitlow - oh man, I was having the EXACT same internal struggle last night. Good thing I was too utterly exhausted to get out of bed or things could’ve gotten ugly!! hehe And that video…hee-larious! Thanks for the laugh πŸ™‚

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - OK I just finished watching the clip. Please thank Craig for me. It was “the best comedian I’ve watched in a long time.” It’s already up on my facebook page. Soo funny.

Jane - Do you have a Norstrom near you? The ladies that work with bras there are THE BEST. They know how to measure and go off in seach and bring them back to you while you wait in the dressing room. You can try a bunch on and most are around $40 or so. I usually go once every couple of years. Hope that helps! I just walk in and just say “HALP!” and they scurry around and do just that!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - There must be some sort of star alignment. This is second post I’ve read today about the need for sugar and the struggles that some with that. Great PJ’s Meg. The bra thing? I’ve thankfully found “the one” at Walmart of all places. A cheapie too. But the best one I’ve ever had. You might find it in the most unexpected place.

Lynn - Saw Jim Gaffigan live on Friday night.. he’s HILARIOUS!!!

Kerry - oh man.. that guy is too funny – “hope its Chooccolaate for meee!” Because that is exactly what I’m thinking. The whole time.
Love that you’re blogging/computing with the girls there – I’m going to try that with mine, see how many minutes we last without a fight! πŸ™‚ xx

Jenny W - Meg…sounds funny, but try Wal-Mart for bras…I have tried the expensive ones and hated them! Went to the packaged ones at Wal-Mart…got Playtex #4745…LOVE IT!!! Under $18 AND NO UNDERWIRE…btw…I am not small, so worth a try!!!

Marianne - love the crafts instead of TV! Something we aspire to at our home!!

elizabeths - I love that comedian he’s so funny.

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have i told this story before?

a few summers ago….i walked to our downtown shops with my three youngest.

annie was 4ish.
still little…..but out of diapers.

they always like to go to the store that gives out free samples of fudge.
it's very yummy.
i like to go too.
so on this HOT hot summer day we walk in and i gave the mom talk "look with your eyes not with your hands"
we wander through the store and then make it to the counter for the yummy fudge.

the counter was too high for annie so i pick her up and set her on my hip.
she had on a sweet little pink halter sundress (it had been talby's and i loved it so much)

the woman working at the store comes to the counter and immediately i feel a judgmental vibe.

you know that feeling don't ya, moms?!
it's a look that is recognizable.
we get them.
we give them.
and it was obvious.

i remember thinking "geez lady if you don't want to give us free samples then don't put a big sign that says free samples in front of your store!"

so my kids each say what flavor they want….
the sales woman passes them out.

we say thank you.
i feel like i have done something wrong but more so i think to myself "boy that lady has got a real problem!"

we go to leave the store and i move my hand to shift the weight of annie on my hip….
and i that is when i feel it.

and by it…. i mean i feel nothing but skin.

a bare bottom.

she was not wearing any undies!

so i had just mooned that poor woman at the free fudge counter with my sweaty little kid.
probably touched that bare bottom ON the sneeze guard glass…. OH MY GOODNESS!

"ohhhhhh…..THAT'S WHY SHE LOOKED LIKE THAT!!!"  i thought.

we quickly left the store and walked back home cracking up the whole time.

ha ha haaaaaa.



my dad loves that story.


i feel a little worn down with the weight of parenting today so this story was a funny memory to make you smile in case you feel that way too.

they grow out of the no-undies-at-the-fudge-counter stage all too quickly.
and maybe someday i will laugh about the junk they are doing now….maybe.


(if i have told that story before….sorry….it's worth repeating.)

Jennifer - I feel your pain!! Last Easter after Sunday school, my 3 yr old daughter’s teacher came to me laughing to say that my daughter laid down on the carpet and threw her legs up in the air. Her yellow gingham/daisy covered Easter dress flipped back to reveal…EVERYTHING. She apparently went to the bathroom before we made it out to the van that morning and left her underwear in the floor. I felt like a GREAT mom!

Joy Foster - do not know me..but i “know” you and think of you daily.
You are so REAL and encouraging. I am so thankful for you! For your honesty. For your LOVE for our mighty GOD.for your heart for that amazing family of yours..and your love for all things rainbow and crafty.. I am sure people tell you that all the time..i see stuff and i think..”Meg would like this” like “my friend Meg”…well..this notie is starting to sound a little stalky..but i thought you should know the love you are freely willing to share with others has creeped into this little corner of my home in South Carolina.. and I thought you should know how Loved you are!
Joyfully His!

Annika - Ha-ha! My head would have probably exploded from the level of blood that would have come rushing to my face! Thanks for sharing that memory. Something to tell at Annie’s wedding! Or maybe not… :o) Hope your week got better from here!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Ha ha! You know my daughter dresses herself so I have found out that she will not put undies on sometimes, but I’m lucky in the fact that I taught her to wear shorts, leggings, jeans (a four year old looks cute no matter what they put on) under skirts/dresses. My sister wasn’t so lucky and had a similar experience at the doctor’s office with her little girl…
Hope your week has gotten better. My Monday was your Tuesday and I was definitely worn down. πŸ™

Christina - Thanks for the laugh! I’m having a tough week and not enjoying staying at home with my kids as much as I could be.

Ali - Thanks for the GREAT BIG LAUGH!
I totally needed a good laugh! How did you know!?!
Thanks for sharing that super funny story! Motherhood is exhausting and hilarious all at the same time!
Love ya,
~ Ali

Andrea - πŸ™‚ I went to the pet store with three in no undies yesterday b/c we were on a mission to save newly discovered baby fish. Love this! Mothering is exhausting!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - What a great story…those are the stories to remember when we go through the other parenting “junk”. Hope it goes better soon. Hugs and I’ll send a prayer too.

beki - Thanks for the giggle! I’ve been having some rough mama days adjusting to the normal routine now that we’re a family of 6. It’s all worth it!!

Lauren - My middle son is 18. Three years ago he was invited on a cruise with the family of a friend. A cruise. For free. I”ve never been on a cruise. On the last night, my son and his friend were taken into ship custody for throwing plates off of the side of the ship like frisbees. I was horrified. He came home and was immediately grounded for 3 weeks. His crowning glory was his hair. The morning after he came home we got it all cut off. I share all of this to tell you that, last week, I smiled as I told someone the story. At the time, you never could have convinced me I’d laugh about it…ever. He’s done other ridiculous stuff that I’m not laughing about yet….but I have hope.
God bless you Meg!

Lisa - YES! That is awesome. I can’t count the times I’ve been sitting and watching one of my girls in a swimming lesson and realized there were soggy underwear sticking out from under the swimsuit. It’s confusing knowing just when to put those suckers on! LOL.

AnnMarie - Meg i loved that story! Thanks for sharing! This week has been a pretty hard week for me as a mom too and I needed a story like that to pick me up and remind me that this too shall pass!

Jenn D - Too funny! We once flew all way across the country with my oldest (who was probably 4 as well at the time) in a dress with no panties on! It was due to a family emergency and we just raced to the airport and jumped on the first plane. Super stressful just me and my 4 year old and 3 month old. I remember at every little airport we stopped trying to find SOMETHING for her to wear under that dress. Still makes me cringe…..

Cindy - hahahhahahahhahahhah!

Missy - What a cute story! Thanks for the smile this morning – and the reminder how fast time goes by. One of my favorite parts of the story was the “walked back home cracking up the whole time”. A perfect way to end the story.

kat - Hahahahahahahaha! No butts on the sneeze guard! My friend’s little girl went commando during an Easter Egg hunt and a trip to Target. Yep. She mooned lots of people too. Hilarious!

amy - Oh Meg.. I just spit coffee all over the computer screen! I love it!! Hang in there!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i haven’t heard that story before….so funny.
i am worn down with parenting as well…sigh. last night my husband and i were discussing two of our children and the not-at-all fun stages that they are in right now. it is wearing and tiring and overwhelming. and i don’t feel like reading a parenting book about it right now…i just want them to act right. because i am tired!!
anyhow, thanks for the camaraderie.
happy wednesday….sara

Sandy - That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing. πŸ˜€

Shar - Too Funny! But, wait til they are really adults and they sit there and say, ” hey sis, remember that time we almost burned down the house?” Yeah, some things are better off not known!! Hope your hard parenting days are few and far between!

4FabFranklins - Oh Meg…that’s a great story. thanks for sharing. My husband and I are having a bad parenting week….er ugh month. My daughter is 14. Need I say more? I’m going to dig up some of our good time memories just as you did.
This too shall pass.
Enjoy your day! =)

Lindsey - So funny! Years ago, my dad once forgot to put undies/diaper on my little sister when we went to church. Nobody noticed until we stood to sing the first hymn and she was bare! I just remember the horrified expression on my mom’s face when she looked over and saw the bare hienie! Lotsa love to you, Meg!

tiffany gardner - Today…more than you know…I needed to laugh. Thank you

Lee Ann - Thanks for the good laugh Meg! That is a great story to remember when things aren’t so funny.
I also just want to tell you how much I appreciate your blog, you, and the way you write on your blog. I have two blogs I read every day. Yours and “clover Lane”. I feel like you’re both real mom’s. In real marriages in real relationships with your kids. But honestly, what I love most, is that you don’t share it all. That you leave so much UNTOLD. I respect that so much. Every mom resonates with you not having much fun parenting right now, but we certainly don’t need to know the details.
Thanks again for making my morning πŸ™‚

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - LOL…so funny. thank you so much for sharing….I needed that too!

Mollie - Meg- I just have to chuckle at that. Having a 5 year old myself, I can definitely relate! lol Last summer I found her swimming in the small dog pool with nothing on but her rain boots!

colleen from Alabama - Thanks for the reminder that there is something to laugh about at any stage. I definitely feel the “tired and worn out mama thing”. I am dealing with stuff that is just too big for me! If I’m not talking to someone, I’m praying. I am so wretched and God is so good. If not for His precious grace I would miss those laughable moments! I’m now looking for them with my 11 yr old girl and 9 yr old boy today! Thanks for being real Meg. You have encouraged me today!

Jill - Oh, I needed that! So cute!
May I say parenting sucks sometimes!???? (excuse my un-couth word)

Dianne - No shoes, no undies, no free fudge?! Thanks for “keepin it real” Meg. You made my morning!

Tiffany - YIIIIIIIKES! Kids love to hear these stories every now and then. Hope you have a better day today, music always helps (well that and booze).

Kim - Too funny! I’m glad you can remember the funny stories in the midst of troubles. We’ve had some hard parenting days here too. I was never a baby person, but it makes me long for the preschool years at times. Today the sun is shining and I am soaking it up.

Elizabeth - LOL love the story.

tara pollard pakosta - too funny! she should have just said, “no bare bums on the counter” lol!

elisa - Oh man- what an awesome story. I know exactly what you mean by the judgmental stare and when people are rude I usually say something. I can’t imagine if I did that and then noticed the booty hanging out. Soooo funny. That’s seriously classic. Can you imagine what she was thinking? lots of kid, free fudge, bare ass…..hahaha.

Heather R. - Ha! That is good…

happygirl - Hilarious story. It made me remember the day my son peed by the parking meeter before entering the Air and Space museum. See what happens when you grow up in the country. Embarrassing.

Sample Letters - Thanks for this so funny one. It is fantastic just.

Courtney - Thank you. I’m entrenched in the no-undies-at-the-fudge-counter stage right now and after dealing with sick kid and sick husband all week, I needed a laugh and a bit of hope that it does at least change.

Lisa - There is a verse in Isaiah that is talking about God as the shepherd. Part of the verse says, “He gently leads those wtih young.” I don’t know why I love this verse so much but it felt like it was written personally to me as a mom. It makes me think that God is so gentle with us parents cause he knows how hard it can be! Plus he is the Father of all of us humans who mess up and disobey him constantly! He really understands! Hang in there and keep making the tough parenting choices. You will be glad you did! And so will they… later in life, but they will recognize how much you loved and protected them! πŸ™‚

lacey poag - so so so glad you shared this considering my little 2 yr old girl wore no undies to church last week –her sweet nursery pastor let me know–
today after a loud hit, i gave in to her wearing her brothers toy story undies all. day. long.
thanks for the reminder that these days will just be memories soon… πŸ™‚ & πŸ™

Jenny Joy - Thank you for that story. I needed it in the worst way today.

beth davis - I love your comment: “i feel a little worn down with the weight of parenting today so this story was a funny memory to make you smile in case you feel that way too.
they grow out of the no-undies-at-the-fudge-counter stage all too quickly.
and maybe someday i will laugh about the junk they are doing now….maybe.”
Thank you for saying that. I, too, have had a day that made me feel the same and it gave me GREAT comfort to read sentences above.
BTW – my husband just went on a Starbucks run at 10:25pm – yep, it was that kind of a day!

Jenny B. - hilarious! πŸ™‚

elma - Love the story!! Parenting is so hard:( I have three teenagers and it is hard. I am just praying thr last four will be easier than the first four.

Katherine @ Grass Stains - I’ve been reading your blog for years, and I don’t remember that one. Thanks for sharing! It’s been a long day, and I needed the laugh. And laugh I did. πŸ™‚

flowerpowermomma - funny story. it’s my first time to hear it.
fyi, you’re doing a great job parenting. I know many times it seems to be a thankless job, and I’m sorry for those days.
Hope you get a chance for a break this evening to recharge yourself.

Amy G - You just made me laugh OUT LOUD! Hilarious!
You’re such a good momma! Thanks you for the encouragement!

Kristin - just what i needed this evening. thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

Amy @ - Love it! I have those days ALL the time…being a stay at home mama you’re bound to feel down sometimes. It makes me smile though that you choose to find something happy to focus on instead. Just today my three year old told me “Mom, if I blink my eyes too hard, my brain stops growing!” Don’t you hate when that happens? πŸ˜‰

Laura Phelps - IN the car
not SIN the car
there was no sin
just shame πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - ever tell you about the time all the guys at the grocery store were smiling at me?
one man even came over to help put my groceries sin the car
yeah, well…my blouse was unbuttoned
I shopped for 40 minutes in my bra

lisa - Ok, I am not joking, that exact same thing happened to me when I dropped my 4 year old off at preschool a few weeks ago! Naturally, my 2 year old insists on wearing dresses everywhere. Well I had my her on my hip, was holding my infant car seat in the other arm, and was getting these weird looks in the hallway. I had no idea until I put the carrier down and wrapped my other arm around her. OMG. I swear that little bit of “I still have everything together” went out the window when baby #3 was born.

Leah - Love the story! And I understand how you feel. Some days it’s just dang hard! Hang in there, Meg!

AshleyAnn - Totally worth repeating…though I don’t remember it. I have to say, when you said no diapers and fudge counter…my mind thought you were going somewhere else with the story. Glad it was a bare booty on your hip and not something that looked like fudge!

Kelly - Ha ha ha that’s great!
She is going to loooooove that you shared that with all of the internet when she’s 14!

Miranda - Bahahhahaa! Yes funny!

Maggie - Too funny, totally a mom moment, hope you are feeling better, we all have days like that:)
Hey, I made a print that reminds me of you, check it out

Tanya - That was a good, happy, funny story for a Monday πŸ˜€
My aunt and uncle lived in a very small town in Kansas when I was little and we always loved going to visit them and going downtown. Memories….I think we always wore our underwear though πŸ˜‰

Kimberly Dial - LOL … Oh Meg, thank you for sharing that story … too precious for words πŸ™‚

christy - πŸ™‚ I think I started following your blog when Annie was about 3 & I don’t ever remember reading it. That is hilarious. Too funny & yes I think we have all had those moments!

Eva - I’m having a bad parenting day too πŸ™ I am also in the midst of a hard core studying frenzy that the litle time I did spend with my girl today I felt I was so stressed, she felt it too i’ sure. Than daddy put her to bed while I was out studying, I feel guilty, about everything.
Needed a good read like this.. helps put life in perception again πŸ™‚ My girls in the bare bum no undies stage hahaha love me her bare bum πŸ™‚

Jacci - Oh, somehow I *knew* you were going to say that. Poor you!

jayne Barbour - Love it. That is just good stuff. Little kids buns are so cute!
I have a story that makes me snort out loud on occasion when I think about it. Last summer, in the midst of potty training, I took my children through the drive-through for a Frosty. My 2 year old had on a dress with only pajama shorts underneath since we had rushed out the door (and probably used every single pair of underwear in the house!) Not thinking straight, due to mommy brain, I took my three daughters (6, 4, and 2) into the Goodwill to burn some time before dinner. While in the back of the store looking at books I noticed my youngest was in a crouched position, looking at a book. When she stood up, you guessed it!-there was a nice *large* surprise on the floor-that had rolled out of her shorts!!! I panicked! I looked around and saw other shoppers in every direction. I wasn’t sure what to do and couldn’t bear the thought of someone seeing it-or worse-stepping in it! So I did what any exhaust ed mother would do. I grabbed it like a javelin and ran to the bathroom while commanding my children to follow me! Of course they were full of loud questions about what I was doing. I washed my hands for a good 10 minutes and we ran out of the store. Not my proudest mothering moment-and I’ve thought of lots of other solutions to it since then-but I thought it might give a laugh to another exhausted/potty training mom tonight:)
Thanks for sharing your story. It made my night!

Anna Baer - Love it! Reminded my of when my sister was about 2 (and she was already potty trained). We were in church and I kept telling her to sit down, and she wouldn’t. the finally she just yells out at me “I’m not wearing any underwear!” It was pretty embarrassing, but oh so funny!

Casey - Hey, Meg. It could have your bottom, right? I think you’re doing just fine! Love this old story.
– ps – Don’t think I’ve shared my new business with you. I’m (simply put), a mom’s assistant……teacher gifts, subway art, blog headers, bake sale goods, etc. Everything that busy moms want to provide, but can’t find the time or interest to do….I will do!
Thought you might enjoy!
xo, Casey (used to live in KC… San Diego)

Michelle - Perfect timing: we’re dealing with our 18-month-old’s first stomach bug. YIKES! Thanks Meg. xo

DebZorn - I sent your post to my daughter. She has a son who will be fourteen on Friday. He’s a great kid but he challenges her patience,every once in a while.:) Any one who is a parent knows these challenges with kids, especially teenagers. (My daughter says she was perfect at 14. I beg to differ.) Thanks for sharing.

Seriously Sassy Mama - That was funny. I remember when my oldest who is 8 now went to school one day without panties on in Kindergarten. The one day I do not help her. She told me it was because she saw me not wear any panties. This is what I get for going commando most of my adult life.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Hahah! Perfect story for a bad day! I love it πŸ™‚ I am actually looking forward to having stories like that. And, just to cheer you up, my 7mo old learned how to get out of her bouncer today and flipped it while I was in the shower. I jumped out to see if she was ok (she was fine!) and picked her up all the while covering my bathroom floor, her bouncer, and her with soapy shampoo water. We just stood in the bathroom and laughed. What are ya gonna do?

Rebecca W - bahaha! thanks…
rough day here too…teething…AND a cold…snot everywhere, sad little person πŸ™
hope tomorrow is better for ya!

Cheryl E. - Nope. Haven’t heard that one before but sooooooo glad you shared it with us! I’m having one of those days (actually, weeks) too. We’ve all been there and we’ll be back there again and again. BUT, one of these days, these kiddos of ours won’t be around and we’ll miss them – – – bad days and all!

Debbie Hargadon - Oh Meg. It must be a bad day as you posted the same thing twice w/in 1 minute of each other. Not sure that is what you meant by have i told this before πŸ™‚
So glad to hear you get worn down by the kiddos too. It is a hard job. Know you are not alone.

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monday stuff.

waffle is a dork.
craig and i watched him last night try to curl up on a small throw pillow….and we were cracking up.
he circled it….tried to put all four feet on it at once…..circled again….then laid on it but just buried it because it was so tiny and he is so not.
it was hysterical.
he looked so defeated. 

he really likes that hamster….
in a eat-it-for-dinner kind of way.

we were very chill during the super bowl.
watched it together as a family…mostly.
but i made little smokies and the rotel cheese dip with hambuger and i made some mac & cheese too.
annie shouted "YES!!! I LOVE SUPER BOWL PARTIES!!!"  
i guess if eating IN the living room with your mom and dad while watching a football is a party…..


we tried shauna's no heat curls on talby this weekend.

made me miss my long hair.
kind of.

have you ever heard of a fruit called a budda's hand?!!!
freakiest thing ever.
and it was $7.99 for ONE at our grocery store.
i am guessing they don't grow anywhere NEAR kansas and certainly not in february.
it looked like something off of starwars?!

100th day of school last week.
annie carefully counted out 100 M&Ms to take for the party…..and left them sitting on the countertop.
of course.
someone forgets something every single day.
it is nuts.

ran the four miles with two of my running buddies today.
there was frost all over everything but it was a great run….
even though i was ready to be done 3/4 of the way through.
very ready. 
i'm still in my stuff….gross.
i thought my reflection in my laptop made a funny picture.  :)



i keep forgetting to tell you…..

i am speaking at SNAP.
how could i forget that?
who knows why i forget so much stuff….i just do.

please say yes.
i want to meet you there.

it looks like LOTS of fun….can't wait!
i am speaking with jeanett gibson from liferearranged about using your blog for GOOD.
it's going to ROCK.

go check their site and register!!



i saw this super mom "barbie" on pinterest.
i tried to follow the links but it lead me no where.
i am pretty sure it's not a real toy you can buy…..but it should be!

funny isn't it?  :)


don't forget to go enter to win a gift card to the Olive Garden.
doesn't a dinner OUT for free sound lovely?
i sure think so….
(mmmm….dreaming about caprese flatbread right now…….mmmmmm)



catie - that barbie-like doll is REAL!
someone gave me one {a long time ago}.
of course i have no idea where it is now…
hey, maybe that photo is MY doll!
it comes with two heads!

shauna - i was jus thinking about emailing you to ask how the no heat curls turned out! so so cute! she is a doll.
did she like it?
us girls can be so particular about hair….
glad you guys tried it.
hope you are doing well friend.

jennyonthespot - OF COURSE you are speaking at SNAP. Oh how I wish I could go!

jackie chappell - praying for you right now .. as you experience the often confusing feelings of a “mother’s heart”
jackie oxox

Sara - Have you heard of this?

Jacci - speaking of pinterest – girl, there’s a HOT CAPRESE DIP on there!

Maggie - Gotta love waffle! My max did the same thing this morning but he curled up on my white nice pillow that we don’t sleep on but accidently fell on the floor….I just laughed, now I have to wash it:)

Megan - I saw the Buddha’s Hand at Dillon’s on Saturday morning and remember thinking, “I wish I had my camera.” I was so intrigued that I had to look it up when I got home!

Routhie - A dear friend of mine loves buddha’s hand. She candies them just as you would orange peels and dips them in bittersweet chocolate. She is my food guru. I love stumbling across food blogs and seeing her name. This is her entry about buddha’s hand:

Melissa - Ha! Baby body with what looks like a mans head…yup! Seems about right.

amy cornwell - YAY!! I can’t believe you’ll be at SNAP – I am SO excited!!

Kim from Miracle-Round - We forget things all the time too. I’ve lost track of how many times the kids have forgotten things this year. It’s a good thing that we live close to school, it’s makes the run home and back again quick.

Heather - We’ve tried Buddha’s Hand. It tastes like a mixture between floral and citrus, but the aroma is fragrant and the texture is kind of waxy so you feel like you shouldn’t eat it, like you shouldn’t eat an air freshener.

Heather G. - Love, love the no-heat curls!! And you’re speaking at Snap?!?! I am so excited!

Starr Anderson - I saw the Buddha’s Hand once at Whole Foods and the produce lady said it was a really good fruit for zesting. She said they were really lemony. A neat idea but I cringed at the price. πŸ™‚

Kim - Meg, Can we follow you on Pinterest? I looked for your name, but couldn’t find you. Would love to see what you pinned!

Marianne - lol Cracking up at the super mom doll. That’ll be me when I try the no heat curls… πŸ™‚

Lisa McCracken - My son had a “100th Day of School” party today too! I have never heard of such a thing, but he came home from school pretty stoked about the whole thing. He said it was a great day!

Rachel Spin - There was a car parked outside our house today. It was a nice Volvo with “WAFFLEZ” on the license plate. I thought to myself “I wonder if Meg is here?” But when we came home from school pick up there was a soldier SGT dude climbing in the Volvo. I told him we liked his plates. He told me that this was his wife’s car and that they have a cat named Waffles. We think it’s a totally cute name for a cat or a dog. We have 2 furry felines Leo & Vincent. They would probably like to eat the hamster too.

Krissy - I love Talby’s hair!!! It kinda makes me miss my long hair too! πŸ˜€

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Here’s the link to the company that makes the Super Mom doll, they have a list of retailers by state and online on their site!
Waffle is a dork but and adorable dork.

Kacey - Waffle is the cutest! My 50 lb dog tries to climb up into my lap – she just doesn’t get how big she is, either.
I tried the no-heat curls on myself a few months back. Disastrous. Maybe it’s my fine hair? Talby looks so sweet!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Ooh it’s in Utah! I remember those pretty photos you took there! I loved the colored powder shots πŸ™‚

Jenn D - My girls discovered headband curls this week as well. They are so cute – I sure had my doubts but it even worked well on my 8 year old who has super long hair. Best thing is my 13 year old discovered this and has been doing all their hair – no work for mom! πŸ™‚

Alicia @ La Famille - i tried shauna’s no-heat curls too. and YES! they do work! i have a friend that wants me to go to snap, but its a long way and i don’t know if it’s gonna work. but now that i know YOU”RE going to be there…hmmmm.
ps: i need to run. thanks for reminding me :-/

Karen Gerstenberger - This is so funny – I had never heard of Buddha’s Hand until friends visited us from Oregon recently. The wife is a former chef/restauranteur, and she sliced it and had us taste it – kind of like a cross between a lemon and a lemon rind. It’s not on my shopping list, but it is interesting to look at!

happygirl - I’ve got to start using my pinterest account. I have lots of followers, but I’ve never used the account. πŸ™‚

Seriously Sassy Mama - My Monday has been busy with waking up way too early, making french toast, driving 45 minutes to bring husband his work phone, shopping at Old Navy, lunch with my lil bit, and then home. Now if the pictures I took would just show up on my phone.

Jennifer - We had the 100th day of school last week too! Same crown too! It was a really big deal, was it there too? I don’t remember ever talking about the 100th day of school when I was in school, but it has been a very, very long time since I was in elementary school. Have a great afternoon!

Rebecca - Ok, you have to go to my Pinterest Board under inspiration….I found something that is so you!
Rebecca Kriner

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too fast.

i was looking for the perfect old photo to print on a canvas.
i went to the desktop computer, not mine, that has every digital picture i have taken since i got my laptop.

and immediately i was sucked in and fighting back tears.

george washington carver….obviously.   πŸ™‚








annie is holding WAFFLE as a newborn puppy!

p r e c i o u s !!!!




























time is a mean mean thing sometimes.

this makes me want to slip back in time and squeeze the snot out of those little babies.

talby and share a shoe size now.
annie can read!
sean is nose to nose with me. 
scott wears a men's 12.
lauren is almost ready for college.
we sleep all night.
there are no more sippy cups, diapers, blankies or pacifiers at our house.

but still great.
what a wonderful life! 

it just goes so darn fast… every grandma in the grocery store will tell you.

sometimes you just don't notice it till you go back and look.

so this weekend….at least….

i am determined to be present in the faces of my children.
hugging and laughing.
soaking them in.

i know i should do that all the time but you know that life gets in the way.
so at least this weekend….





Doris - so precious…
My baby is 2 years old now.
You have amazing family πŸ™‚ wonderful photos, as always!

Jenna - I am fighting back tears … the pictures reminded me so much of my own blessed and happy childhood! Perfection even in the imperfect πŸ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - Nice reminder for us all. I am here with mine, pretty much 24/7 (homeschooler)and I do a “reality check” every once and awhile. It is easy for us to put other things before our children/husband/family, when our society believes that family is not the top priority. Awesome photos btw. πŸ™‚

Jessica Johnson - STOP. IT. seriously. KILLING ME. i vote you order 38 canvases.

Farmgirl Susan - What a fantastic collection of memories. So many smiles! The lollipop was my favorite – until I got to Baby Darth and the Bunny. Priceless. I’m still laughing out loud. πŸ™‚

Melissa - This post made me cry. I have four kids who are in the young stages of the pictures you just posted… the boys are all into their Star Wars phase and the baby is a perfect chubber chubbers. Getting older seems fun too, but I really wish I could freeze time right now.

Lisa K - Thank you so much for this. I have been in survival mode and need to relax and enjoy the good life with my sweet kiddos πŸ™‚

Natalie - Beautiful. My 3 are still little- oldest starts kindergarten this fall and I have no idea how that happened. You have a beautiful family and it’s obvious from so many of your posts that you love all of them with every ounce of your being. This is a good reminder for moms like me to s l o w down. Thank you!

caren wise - wow! this post brought tears to my eyes.

chrissi - Loved looking at all of those happy faces. Happy family. Lucky.Enjoy them. Every single moment.

Kerry - Wow, time flies. Can not believe you have one going to college. But then again, so do I!

Southern Gal - So, so cute and bittersweet. (My boy is trying to identify all the Star Wars figures in that picture.) I’m one of those grandmother’s in the grocery store, only my unique perspective has me with a 10-year-old and an 19-month-old granddaughter and another grand on the way! I enjoy every single minute of it.

Whitney - How cute! It’s amazing to see them growing up so quickly! It made me feel sad to see the chidren I don’t even have yet grow up! Thank you for a reminder that we should all cherish the time we have- it races by!

Juliana Salinas - This is so beautiful.. I wish I can be a good mom for my daughter as you are for your kids. I am not married, work all day and my daughter stays on school all day too. I feel regret for this, but at this time I have no other choice. On the weekends I try to give her as much attention as I give to my boyfriend, but I still think its not enough… However I thank God for the angel He sent to me…because thats what she is.
Thank you for sharing with us your intimacy so deeply.
Kisses for you and you kids!
ML, Juliana – from Sao Paulo – Brazil

memejo - As a grandmother I can’t stress enough…”Leave the housework BE and enjoy your little ones before you are singing that country song-Your Gonna Miss This.The housework will still be there L-O-N-G after your little ones leave the nest.”

Kari - you pictures are beautiful . . . i get so overwhelmed sometimes with the kids/house/work/etc… but need to stop and remind myself how blessed i am and how i need to stop and soak in the moments. on friend said “you only have 18 summers with your children before they are gone . . . “

tiffany gardner - beautiful. life.

Marianne - Darth Vader + bunny = best picture ever!

Lauren - Oh my gosh, this is just how I was feeling this evening! Didn’t know if it was the remnants of the light-headed ness from the stomach flu making me so weepy….but boy do I miss those baby years!! Why can’t I just stop the clock for awhile?

tara - just got back from a date night with my boys…so much fun!!!
these years are flying by!!!

Jeanene Snell - I have been lurking (I know, a bit of a creepy description) for a while now and I LOVE your blog. I have 5 children as well. I was drawn to your blog for the everyday-ordinary-but-wonderful-ness of it (oh, and your fabulous kitchen). No drama, just real. And, I love all the chocolatey brown eyes! Beautiful. It looks like you have done a fantastic job as a mom.

Tami C. - Sweet memories, great reminder. Thanks for sharing!

Georgia - So cute! Love all these photos πŸ™‚

Courtney Walsh - my favorite is the one with the Darth Vadar helmet and the bunny. I just love this. I purposely don’t go back and look at our old photos because they make me SO sad!! but you’re sooo right. Engaged. I need it as much as they do!

Kerry - Oh Wow Meg… such lovely memories.. I’m taking time to snuggle my ‘not-so-littlies’ too this weekend πŸ™‚ happy weekend Duerksens xxx

Jenny B. - Love all the photos. My 7-year-old son and I got a kick out of the one where Annie’s trying to pet the rabbit while wearing the Darth Vader helmet. πŸ™‚ Time does go by so fast. That’s why I decided to quit teaching and stay home full-time next fall! I’m excited. I am going to try to “be present and engaged” more. But, I also have to be careful not to let the guilt set in when I’m not. I read a great article about that the other day titled, “Don’t Carpe Diem.” Here’s the URL: I thought it was really encouraging. πŸ™‚

Aby - Oh my Meg!! That made me cry. I remember your kids that little. I remember when you got Waffle. And you’re right. It goes entirely too fast. I breaks my heart. So THANK YOU for this today!!! I’m getting off of your blog….off of the laptop…and I’m going to go PLAY with my 10 year old girls that were just 4 yesterday. xoxo

Tracy - So so true! My husband and I were just talking about how it amazes us how much love we have for our kids (ages 16, 14, 12 & 12). It seems like the love just grows and grows. Every day I love them more than the day before. It’s mind-blowing and sometimes almost feels scary, but at the same time so wonderful. I’m so blessed that God has let me have them during their time on earth…

Andrea - I don’t know you or your kids and I was choked up just looking at those pictures–SOOO cute! Love the ice cream cone frowning one! They really do grow up too fast!!! I wouldn’t even remember some of the special things my kids did unless I had pictures to look back on. How? Why? When do they grow up? Ugh!

amanda - what a great word to take into this Saturday … engaged (these pics made me teary … and that one of Annie with the Darth Vader helmet and the bunny, priceless!) Thanks for this sweet reminder this morning.

Carrie - See this is why my husband needs to understand that we need three kids, not just two. Sigh, my youngest is 14 months and I do not know if I am ready to acknowledge that there will be no more babies!

Jill - The pic of Annie with the Darth Vader mask is KILLING me! It also makes me realize how long I’ve been reading your blog… wow.

Wendy - Annie with lollipop … on trampoline = canvas! πŸ™‚

Monica - Time sure does fly! These pictures tugged at my heartstrings and I’m just a blog reader! I often look at older pictures and feel a sense of melancholy, but also a sense of urgency…I need to spend time with my kids NOW, I need to cherish them right NOW for too soon, they will be off living lives of their own. I already have these feelings and my kids are still babies…haha!
Thanks for sharing the old photos and the sweet sentiment. Enjoy your weekend!

Sandy - Wow, I remember so many of those pictures. You’re right time goes way too fast. The picture of Annie outside with the tear on her cheek is priceless. …and asleep on the couch with the bowl of marshmallows. …and… all of your children are adorable and blessed to have you and Craig as parents.

Gabli - Thank you for this wonderful reminder to slow down in the middle of finding shoes, grocery shopping, laundry, work and hectic schedules and take a look at our little gifts.
I love the pic of your girl with the dath vader hat an bunny!

Gina f. - Amen!! Such an amazing thing to see the growth ad development of a child. I am going to do the same and soak up my kiddos this weekend;time goes too fast and I want to enjoy it. Thanks for helping me to remember that. - If you’re like me you were playing some sappy music in the background while walking down memory lane πŸ˜‰ Loved seeing your pictures of your “little” ones. They are all precious. Loved the one with the girls and the puppies. Happy “engaged” weekend with the family.

Allison - There are so many cute photos there, but that one of tiny little Annie in the Darth Vader helmet playing with the bunny… I think I might die of cuteness!

Julie B - My husband told me jokingly last night when we were watching Hoarders together that I was a stroller hoarder. Alas I am hanging onto 4 strollers. One single, a sit and stand, a double and a double jogging. Really we’ve outgrown them, except for maybe the jogging if I do it! They really do grow up so fast! Although I’m not sure I’ll miss getting up in the night, it still happens occasionally with the fourth kid and since he’s the last, I’m okay with it!

Linda - You really do have the most fabulous blog! I just love seeing the glimpses into your wonderful life. It is so inspiring! You have a beautiful family, a beautiful heart and you are right…. it goes way too fast!

Debbie Hargadon - Best post ever. I LOVE looking at photos of my kids when they were little — and now. Nice.

Heather - Those pictures were SO darn precious, I almost cried!
We only get one life to live.
Have you read, “one thousand gifts”?
You HAVE to! It’s awesome.

karen - wow…i even remember some of those. hmgh.

Kristy - Oh how I enjoyed everyone of those younger years. Weren’t they just the best. What a beautiful family you have πŸ™‚

nicole @ deliajude - what a great reminder! i decided to blog a post today of my kids when they were younger…a quick reminder. thanks.

donna from de - Looks like a happy life for all, thank you for sharing, it made my Friday night!!!!!

Jen Brandt - Are you trying to make ALL of us cry??!!! What a sweet post. Thank you. Bunny + Darth Vadar = OMG love it! I will hug my two babies (7 & 4) especially close this weekend. Thank you!

Maggie - Meg, i love the way you capture the everyday moments and make them special. All the pictures are wonderful…no more babies here either, my baby turned nine a week ago, I can’t beleive it…and puppy precious, i have to meet him one day{ and you too:)}

ranee - oh. my. what beautiful pictures…great post!!

Kimberlee Jost - Why am I crying now?
I loved every single picture.

Tara - I love getting lost in the memories of photos. I LOVE the bunny and darth vader…hilarious!

kaylee@life chasers - You are a very blessed woman!

Toni :O) - OMG, sooooo many amazing and adorable photos….you had me at Waffle!!! I cannot imagine how you are going to choose. I would do them all and have a magnificient collage of them all on one wall! Just beautiful and the Darth Vader Mask and bunny made me LOL! You have just a beautiful and precious family…such a gift from God, truly!

Tracey - how many votes do we get to decide which ones you should put on canvas? cuz you know you cant make this decision on your own!

sara @ it's good to be queen - this is so good and depressing at the same time. i always wish i could go back for just an hour here and an hour there…you know sit and play trains with my oldest when he was two and really look in his eyes and soak him up. but you’re right, we have right now and we can be present and focused right now. hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Debby - I still remember when you got Waffle. All those pictures remind me how fast time does slip away. We were looking at Hannah and Sophia and saying when the baby comes they will look HUGE!!! Did Laurel fall into that creek? I can’t see how she could not! I agree with many that my favorite is Annie in that Darth Vader hat. I laughed out loud!! Thanks for sharing the time lapse!

Valerie Rodriguez - WOW…..I am wearing a huge smile for you!!! in my heart

Leah - Wonderful photos! It is true how we look back and almost cry, but are happy in the moment now. I LOVE little Waffle. And that picture of Annie with the Darth Vader mask and the bunny is priceless!

Tracy Fisher - This brought a tear to my eye. Love the photos. I am going to go dig out some of our old photos this weekend and have a little happy cry myself.

May - OMG Meg, your kids are adorable, and I’m teary-eyed with you!!! My kids are 5 years old and 20 months old and I already cannot handle seeing pictures of them younger :-/ I’m glad you have all these pictures tho, to remind you. I’m trying to do the same with my kids, so at least I’ll have pictures πŸ˜€ Oh time…

Amy @ - oh for cuteness! I’ve been thinking the same thing lately as my baby boy is turning one next week! It’s only been a year, but it truly does go SO FAST! Have a great weekend!

Beth - Oh Meg! I have been so feeling this lately. I took Emma on a college visit last week to Ohio (OHIO!!!!!!) and it was so far away, and I was looking at their baby pictures and thinking of those sweet days. Intense, they were very intense at the time, but so, so sweet. It tears my heart out. I want them to grow up, I do, and go out into the world as strong, capable women. But it’s so hard to let them (like I have any control over letting them or not!). This really struck a chord with me today!!!

Rebekah from Simply Rebekah - 1) The picture of your little girl with the bunny… That is just too much! I love it! So funny.
2) Tonight we are taking away our 2 year old’s pacifier. Last night when I tucked her into bed for the last time with her nuk, I took pictures of her, and then SOBBED in my bedroom. It doesn’t help that my pregnancy hormones are taking over my body.
I’ve been dreading tonight all day and really much longer than that. Thank you for the reminder this time in my life is really just a blink of an eye. Tonight as my daughter is crying over her missing nuk, I will try my best to remember soak it all in anyway.
Thank you!

northern cottage - just on a lark – we were just looking through some of the kiddos baby scrapbooks & we had a riot! I’m was almost tearing up looking at yours – isn’t it AWESOME to look back?!
The DARTH VADER head is a classic – made me laugh out loud – I think you should seriously FRAME THAT ONE! xo

Lisa - Such a beautiful reminder! It slips by so quickly…even when we do try to soak it up. The Darth Vader/bunny picture is AWESOME! I laughed hard.

Kim from Miracle-Round - My kidlywinks are 10 and 8. It IS going so fast! I love our days as a family. I want to see them grow and do great things, but at the same time I long for the chubby little hands that are no more. So for now I will embrace today, get my baby fix from my 5 month old nephew and love our puppy.

Kacey - Oh my, I can see how you were in tears. So precious. The time really does fly, doesn’t it? Have a wonderful weekend with your kiddos…big and small.

Gina - and this is the reminder to every mom with little ones at home to take way more pictures than you think you need to, because one day you will want to look at their little selfs from every angel…simply because you miss those baby days. my kids aren’t as old as yours…yet…but I know what you mean. I’m loving this season right now, but at the same time I’m nostalgic about the past.

Cindy - I nearly cried looking through YOUR kids’ pictures…I can only imagine what it makes YOU feel like. My absolute favorite= Darth Vadar and the bunny! LOL!

Tami - Your post couldn’t have come at a better time. Thank you so much. A dear, dear friend of ours lost her 7 year old daughter yesterday. She was hit by a car while crossing the road on her scooter in her neighborhood. This is a just another reminder to hug your children tightly and spend all the time you can with them.

Mae - What a beautiful post!!

alyssa - what a fun post. I think these are always my favorite! Grandma is always right!!!

Gale - Love them – and totally agree – my YOUNGEST is 18 – how did that happen????! I so love them but they are HUGE now! πŸ™
Enjoy your weekend πŸ™‚

Leah - Those were the days when we new Annie as naughty baby. We still call her that in our house…it just stuck.

Mary - I always love, love, LOVE your photos. Such a fun, happy family. The Darth Vadar CRACKS ME UP!

elma - Oh it just goes way to fast:( I can’t take it either:( The sad thing is as we grow older the faster time is going:( Love all the pictures!!!

Kimberly Dial - Thank you for sharing your precious babes … yes, it goes all too fast. Mine are now 32 & 29 … it seems as though I blinked & they were grown men with families of there own … the good news is that one of these days those precious children will provide you with grandchildren, who will remind you of them, bringing back awesome memories and they’ll make you laugh & love even greater than before … love multiplied … I can’t explain it but it sure is a wonderful thing!

Shayne - Love this! I think my favorite might be Darth Vadar trying to pet the bunny…

Darcie L. - Favorite: her piggybacking you. LOVE those moments. I tell myself the same thing each day. “Mom, will you read me a story?” (“No, I have to wash, clean, etc etc… I mean, YES!”)

dawn - Oh, how I needed this post….I sometimes think I must be the only mom that feels this way and wonders where the time went! Thank goodness for pictures πŸ™‚
I love your blog – you are so creative and colorful. Hate it when you skip a day. ha!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Soak it in sweet Meg! Soak it in!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I do this on a regular basis…go back through the pictures and just sob like a slobbery baby. Time is an enemy, in a way. And then I think of how I’ll get to spend eternity with these precious people around me and it helps. But yes, I miss the little-ness too.
Great pics!

tara - time is a mean, mean thing.
the other day i told my dad how i just wanted to freeze time because my kids are 3 and 2 and just so stinkin’ cute right now. he said “no, you don’t. one of the most amazing things is to sit back and watch as your kids take on the world.”
so. i’m with you … soaking them in like crazy (at least for this weekend) but looking forward to watching them take on the world.

Barbara - The pictures look like a very happy & fun family.

Kristin - with a 3 year old and a 2 month old i find myself looking forward to the future – knowing some of our struggles are only “temporary”. thanks for reminding me to live and love in the present too. happy weekend!

Laura Phelps - PAINFULLY beautiful
I remember telling my therapist in college (yes. I was crazy.well…crazIER) that time went too fast
her response?
“Wait til you get older”
I am not good with babies being big and grown
even waffle’s puppy pics teared me up
and Lauren…
I am off to adopt a baby now
or maybe I will swaddle the dog
I love you and your growing up family and the snap shots that capture smiles and tears
love it all
OH!!!…and every pic of you with LONG hair…I thought it was ME! HA

casey - Beautiful absoultely, beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiffany - And I on the other hand will have my camera in hand to capture it ALLLLLLL. Thanks for the reminder Momma Dorksen (ha! i bet thats not the first time you heard that one)

Jacci - I’m feeling exactly the same way, today. I spent last night crafting… recharging… and I finally got to listen to Rachel’s “Death is not Dying” talk. Because you linked to it… way back. All I can say is, you’re right. It will be something I hear in my head for quite a while. It will stick with me. I’m saying “yes” more today. Asking the Lord to work in my heart, remind me that I’m not my own. That this day, these children, this house are GIFTS. BLESSINGS I DO NOT DESERVE.
have a great weekend. i’ll pray for you.

Mindy Harris - that is just GUT WRENCHING, megan!! awwwww…..squishy baby faces no more. πŸ™

Dawn - Thanks for the reminder! Time goes by soo fast!

happygirl - Awwwwwe. This got to me, too. And I’ve never met your kids. They grow so fast. πŸ™‚

Sarah - Oh, teary-eyed me! I’ve got a little squirt of just 10 months (the first one of hopefully five someday!)and already it feels like it’s gone by too quickly. Where she once fit easily in my arms, limbs now hang and dangle and my back sure does hurt! But after seeing how little all your ones used to be, I’m definitely going to try to hold my little octopus a little more today. x

Courtney M - I am reading this in the midst of a particularly trying week filled with several time-outs given, little ones crawling in our bed in the middle of the night, cleaning crayon off the wall & hoping and wishing I could get rid of diapers and have them just be potty trained already.
Now I will pause & enjoy all of this little madness around me. Thank you for this & hope you enjoying your weekend with those precious kids.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Fingers in nose = AWESOME!!!!! I have an Annie, her name is Abby.

Brenda - Just precious! Thanks for sharing! Love the Darth Vadar!

Constance - Time is flying! So true.
Thank you so much for sharing your family and your memories with us.
And I just LOVE the photo of Annie with the Darth Vader head, wearing pink and petting a bunny. TOO FUNNY! I’d pick this to print on a canvas.
Have a great weekend!

Siobhan - Not even my littles and I’m bawling they’re so big now, tears. I will go home
And soak up mine as well

Ryanne - Thanks. I am crying. Computer going off for the rest of the day. Enjoy your weekend.

Ani G W - Thank you for sharing. The photos made me smile and laugh. Loved the Darth Vader trying to pet the bunny photo! Your words, however, brought me to tears. Time is a very mean, mean thing. I have an 8, 4, and 1 year old and it goes by so fast. πŸ™ Thank you for sharing and inspiring me to be engaged this weekend (and more regularly often). The house cleaning and stuff can wait, but these babies grow up too fast to not be “present”…

chris - I’m trying not to cry here. How does this happen , I remember thinking Lauren was so grown up my kids are a few years younger , now my daughter Mason is 13 and taller than me and not a little girl at all anymore, I’m trying to get my 10 year old to stay a little girl. Oh why didn’t I have more kids??? I should have , there is an ease about having big kids but I wish I could go back and visit with my wonderful little cute babies too .

Beth - Tear. Because it’s so true. This funny thing called life…

Ashley - I am at the beginning of motherhood (my boys are 1, 3 and 5) but I totally agree with you. Time seems to fly by when you’re a mom. Thanks for the reminder to be more present…time is fleeting and I want to be engaged, just like you! πŸ™‚
Have a great weekend!

michelle@decorandthedog - This posts made me realize how long I’ve been reading your blog! Weird.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Ah! It never ends any way but me in tears, when I go through our old pictures! And my girls are only 3 and 4! lol.
Boo, time. πŸ™

Alicia @ La Famille - oh i so get this…my oldest is turning TEN in a few weeks…TOO FAST!! i hate that. but it does get easier as far as lugging stuff around. we’re trying to decide if we should go for #4 or not. i’m wondering if i just need a baby fix πŸ™‚

Curious Details - The Darth Vader/bunny image is SPECTACULAR!

Jodi - such an awesome reminder. my one and only will be moving 6hrs away this fall to go to college. reality has really been smacking me upside the head here lately.

Meg's mom - Those got me too! It is amazing to think those were just a few years ago!

Tanya H - Your photos made me teary and I don’t even know you! πŸ™‚ I’ve been in that kind of mood with my kids lately too…my son wants his hair long and my girl wants her hair cut off and I want them to be my sweet babies who let me do what I want with their hair, lol. and everything else. It DOES go too fast. sniffle.
and while I was scrolling thru your photos, One Republic’s Good Life came on. πŸ™‚ Thought it was nicely fitting.

Erin - I’m the throes of “babydom” right now, but your blog made me cry. How true! My oldest is 5 and i seems like just yesterday she was a baby. Makes me want to keep having them so I always have a tiny one to snuggle…. almost πŸ™‚

Kristin - What a great reminder – time goes by way too fast… You spend so much time wishing and wanting the next thing – I can’t wait until they can crawl, walk, talk, sleep through the night, go to school, get out of elementary school, etc. – and then one day you blink and it’s over… Time with your kids goes way too fast – I needed to be reminded to cherish every moment and every memory.

Terrie - I can see why you were reduced to tears!!
I am one of those Grandmas who will tell you that!
Those feelings of being reduced to tears only get stronger when you are holding your grandchild…
and you wonder ‘where did the time go’? My baby HAS a Baby!!
Darth vs. Bunny Rabbit…cracked me up!!
This whole post made me Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy!!
Thanks for sharing!! πŸ™‚

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