Masthead header

umm…i have no title.

first things first….ARE YOU CAUGHT UP ON PARENTHOOD?
i am so crazy for this show!!!


i am caught up and i was SHOCKED to see that next week is the season finalle?
when did this tv schedule become the norm?

since when is it acceptable to be finished for the YEAR in FEBRUARY???
it is not.
i need my shows sept – may.
just like the school year. 
it's just not cool.

but wow….LOOOOOVE the show.

and adam braverman is still smokin' hot to me.

—–UPDATE!  ————————————
this photo was just sent to me & needs it's rightful place on my post in which i declare the hotness of adam braverman…..



i have had so many people email me about The Color Run.

i am totally psyched about it.
you KNOW i want to take part in that!!
i have a wedding to go to that day….i am really hoping i can figure out a way to do both.
it's not like i am IN the wedding.
if my cleavage is bright blue for a week like last time it's ok because who cares?!!

THIS IS MY POST from utah when i had a color war with my photographer friends….one of the best days of my life.

Holi Powder War 35-21

it is going to be F U N!!!

go sign up in your city!


march is coming up.
and march needs to look out.
because i am declaring MARCH the month where i ROCK my body.
it's going to be amazing. (can you tell i am talking myself into it??)
i have 6 days to prep myself….i like deadlines, accountability (kind of) and results.

it involves more running.
and sugar.
and vegetables.
and water.
and sleep. 

you get the picture….


want to ROCK out your body in March with me?

you'll need a good sports bra….
and cute shoes.

those are my main requirements.  HA!

i will come up with my plan and fill you in….don't get too excited…im not that great of a planner.


go sign up for the giveaway from Spunky Fluff in the post just under this one. 


happy thursday.

Whitney - YES! I want to rock my body in March! Please give me some accountability!!!!

Jennifer S. - Parenthood and Justified on FX…I just cant get enough of those two shows! The hour passes so fast!

Ana - What can I say? To me, Peter Krause will always be Nate from Six Feet Under… but he’s hot no matter what show he’s on!!

Tami - This looks like so much fun!

Cindy - So glad that you posted about the color run!! I’ve never heard of it, but am now waiting for KC registration to open so I can sign up with 2 of my girlfriends! Didn’t even take much to convince them ;)Can’t wait!!

Stephanie - I’m with you on Parenthood! Didn’t the season JUST start?! Season finale?? Seriously?! I SO want to be a Braverman. πŸ™‚ best show on tv. Period.
The color run looks like so much fun! I loved your pics from Utah. As soon as I saw them I thought “I would love to do that!!”

Ashley - I’m 95% sure I’m going to do the color run in KC this summer. It looks like too much fun.

Mickie Lara - I too could not love Parenthood anymore. I was just sick to learn that next week is the season finale… wha???!!! I’m with you on where is September through May like when we were kids. As an adoptive parent and one who has a son with some special needs, this show reaches me on so many levels that I can’t even believe it sometimes. And… I so need to rock the body thing in March. I do NOT want to head into another summer about 20 lbs too heavy and out of shape so, let’s get this thing going for sure! Love reading you every day!

Alissa - Sounds like you have a great goal for March!! If you really want to rock your body, add in some weight training….it helps to keep your metabolism up and burn more calories over the course of a day than just plain cardio. I love lifting weights and love to introduce other women to it as it is truly the best way to change your body!! And I love Adam Braverman too!! Planning on the June Color Run in Chicago….can’t wait:)

Rachel K - I just discovered Parenthood on Netflix this month! I love it! I started watching it because I loved Lauren Graham in Gilmore Girls! πŸ™‚ The Color Run looks so fun!

mollie's mom - Oh wow!!! Practically my daughter’s whole sorority on her campus, Chi Omega, is doing the Color Run in ATL in March. I am going as official photographer… any tips on photographing this race?? I have been photographing her XC races for years but this one will be so much more colorful… I want the pics to be amazing and your photography is awesome!!!
PS. can’t stop thinking about that awesome sign in your bathroom πŸ™‚ Love her stuff!!

beki - I feel so robbed over Parenthood. Boo! How will I ever fill the void on Tuesday nights???
I’m a slug. I *need* to rock my body, but um, I’m a slug. I’m still hefting on a good 20 lbs of pregnancy weight and my boobs are bigger than my head (making milk is my super power). But hearing about YOU rocking your body just might inspire me to change my sluggish ways…

Meg - Parenthood is the best… I just got caught up. Not the best use of the “my son is napping” hours… But I love it!!! Excited for next week…

julie - So a friend asked me if I wanted to be their #4 for the Color Run. hahahahhahahahahahhahahahahaha. I replied that I can’t even run to the mailbox. Which is sadly true. I’d love to be a runner. Besides the totally hating running part. Or the sweaty part. Or the whole I need a way better sports bra to keep all my business contained. So, do a post about that. If you can do a spanx post, you NEEEED to do a sports bra post. Because I have way cute running shoes. That are lonely, dusty and sad, because of the whole sports bra problem.

Lisa - I’m ready to rock! I have been on Weight Watchers since October and have lost 30 pounds but I want to turn it up a notch! Let me know what the plan is…because I’m not a good planner either. πŸ˜‰

Laura Phelps - hmmmmmm……
I don’t want to be covered in color.
I have no idea what it is all about, however…none. at all.
I will read up on it…maybe that will change my mind?
I love color.
but that looks like a mess.
and it looks like it hurts.
keep in mind…I have never been camping. I like my hair and clothes neat and clean.
YOu look pretty in color.
How is that possible?
I would look dumb.
yes to Adam Braverman.
AND…did you know?
I dated him when I lived in LA… for two months!!!!!
I was his agent. We met at the office when I signed him.
He is really a jerk in real life.
And he couldn’t keep his hands off of me.
I had to finally break up with him.
I made that all up
Well, I was an agent.
That part is true.
But not his agent.
Never dated.
Never met him.
Sure he is wonderful.
AND…I do Bob Harpers ONE HOUR strength work out at least 3 times a week, and run…
try his video.
TRY IT!!!!!
It works.
He is great.
NO girly outfits, gym stage set up, or annoying music like Jillian.
Just add weights to your “bra and cute sneakers”.
My body changed drastically…and I still eat sugar.
And drink.
A lot.

Emily Palmer - Perfect timing Meg! I have a trip to Mexico at end of April and desperately need to ‘Rock my body’ in March if I want to be ready to sport a swimsuit. It would be a pity to hid in a muumuu the entire trip! πŸ™‚

Dani - I’m ready to Rock my body in March! Guess I will be shopping this weekend for a new bra and cute shoes! Can’t wait.

Tiffany - i live under a rock, i have no idea about this show parenthood. all this time i thought you were talking about the movie. Ok, i’m off to find out how I can catch up, but I don’t want to cry too much. Off to

Amber Pamper - omg i am so addicted to Parenthood. I already own the first and second season. I cry everytime I watch it. Did you know Peter Krause and Lauren Graham are dating???? Weird.

Sarah H. - I love Adam Braverman too. And, I love Parenthood. I don’t understand the tv schedule anymore either, but now I have some off season shows that I love on TNT so that sees me through! πŸ˜‰
I am doing the Color run here in Atlanta! Kimberly from your first Craft Weekend was supposed to do it with us, but she couldn’t get in. It sold out fast. We are excited though. And they said they have full blast blowers and they blow off most of the color before you leave if you’d like, so you’ll be fine for the wedding! πŸ˜‰

Jen@ADropintheBucket - LOVE, LOVE Parenthood as well; and am with you for the March rock your body. Sounds awesome. I have been working hard on losing weight for the last month or so, and seem to have stalled, so I need a jumpstart!!! can’t wait to see the plan!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Thanks for the info on this awesome race! I told myself I want to run a 5K this year and this sounds like so much fun and right up my alley! I was trying to decide between Kansas City or St. Paul, they are about equal distance from us. Looks like it is St. Paul because we have plans too when the race comes to Kansas City. Guess I’ll miss out on seeing you blasted with color (oh wait, I guess I have in photos on here)…not that I could keep up with you, working on getting in better shape myself. πŸ˜‰

melanie - YAY! I’m running a 5k every month in 2012 (my insane “what was I thinking?” goal this year) and there is a Color Run in Denver πŸ™‚ huzza! might as well make it fun. Only 10 more to go.
also I love love love Parenthood. I catch it on Hulu. And if you are on Twitter, you need to follow this guy for good Parenthood live tweeting that makes me LOL, I love his nicknames for all the characters:!/dustinwmilligan

Barbara Nelson - Yes Parenthood, love it since I am from the SF Bay Area it makes it even more fun. I think Julia is getting the baby and loved that Max got a friend but I’m tired of the Dad take the medicine and get on with it.

Randi-Dukes and Duchesses - I just ran The Color Run in Dallas and it was so stinkin’ fun! The color comes out quite well … only one pink patch in my hair for the remainder of the week. πŸ™‚

Colleen - I love Parenthood as well, although as a parent waiting to be matched with a birthmother for an open adoption I can say that just about everything in the adoption plotline is dead wrong. I about lost it last week when Julia freaked out because she saw the bithmother loving on her baby in the hospital. Um, this is totally normal. It’s okay for a birthmother to love on her baby in the hospital. And it seems that open adoption isn’t even being explored or mentioned. Also, a private adoption without an agency is NOT a great idea, and Julia, as a lawyer should know MUCH better. Besides that whole plotline, I LOVE that show. I have loved Peter Krause since Six Feet Under.

amanda - In general, the braverman’s are a hot crew. Fo’ sho. I was also STARTLED by the end of the season. Dying. can’t wait. And pissed.
I was also signed up for the color run, but had to miss it πŸ™

Kristin S - Yes, Meg, let’s rock it in March!!! I’ve hit a wall with working out and need a boost. I’ve also taken many eating liberties in the last two weeks and am very fluffy. I don’t like being fluffy.
last night at the gym we were doing jumping jacks and I had to hold my upper belly (I have two bellies – upper and lower) because it was jiggling! That is so not OK.
I like yoga pants to hold in my belly(ies).
OK, yes, rock it!

Jen - Love Parenthood! And that is quite a nice pic of Adam Braverman, I will admit. Our daughter is getting married in August. So far, I’ve lost 18 pounds, but I’d like to lose another 30! I’ll rock with you.

andrea - Girl. I’m with you on the rockin’ the body in March. Meant to start this month. Have started eating better already. Now need to add exercise. And accountability.

by Justin Timerberlake or Black Eyed Peas? πŸ˜›

Lindsey - I am in with you on the March Health Madness! I need some motivation in this area and shorts/swimsuit season will be here soooon! Must. get. ready.

Marianne - I love Parenthood!! This weeks episode was so crazy. My husband was like ‘I can’t take this. It goes from really happy to really sad too quickly!!’ πŸ™‚ - Duh, Just realized there is a Color Run in Seattle . . . Yippy!! - First of all, totally love Adam Braverman too. I also love the show and I feel like they do a good job portraying what is important bout marriage and relationships. It truly is so sad when the seaon finale is over. Have you watched Friday Night Lights? (I can’t remember . . .) Also SO GOOD!
Very interested in the Color Run! I’d have to drive down to Portland from Seattle tho . . . but it looks like it would be worth the trip! Ever since your photoshoot I have been curious about the power stuff. I want to get some of it to throw it at my hubby and son. Or have a big Colorsplash party this summer.
And I’m IN for the “March is the month to get my body-rockin’!” extravaganza!
One more thing . . . thank you for writing this blog πŸ™‚ I really appreciate you and what you have to say. I love meeting real people who love Jesus!!

Michelle - I LOVE the new, wacky TV schedules. There’s always new stuff on! Remember how summers growing up were so lame with nothing but reruns? Ah well … I’m so old I remember our family’s 1st VCR in 1987 πŸ˜‰

Tanya H - I have been into Parenthood since they previewed it during the last olympics. My husband and I have watched every episode togther, mostly on hulu. But no, the last few weeks are driving me crazy!! I spend every episode wanting to throw a pillow at ALL OF THEM!!! They NEVER listen to each other, no one lets anyone finish their thought and they’re all infuriating! LOL!!!
Plus I’ve cried with Julia a lot. Can’t quite handle it since I miscarried.
I just might join you in March. I can’t motivate myself to work out right now… I’m going to blame Pinterest. πŸ˜€

Becky@osp - Ok I was laughing at Adam Braverman = hottie BUT that pic…..WOW!!! I was so excited about jas&crosby last night (I watch on Hulu) and then my sis broke the news about the finale. Bummer.
My anniversary is the 21st of march so I could use some extra motivation. Throw some at me!!!!

Nancy - Parenthood. oh my. love. And, the Adam Braverman picture.. shut the door. WoW!!! I am a little bit infatuated with Crosby. There you go. my confession. But, I agree.. so not right that it is over next week. Come on!
Running…. I wish I loved it. When I see runners doing their thing, I want to do it. WHen I start running, I start to go into torture mode. And, sportsbras.. another wish.I wish I “needed” one. There is nothing to support. I wear one but it is really just going through the motions. Oh well. I love your mojo! πŸ™‚

Vonda - I’ve asked before, but WHERE do you get the colored powder? I was asking around FB and people kept telling me that certain colors contain lead and horrible stuff, and I was like “This girl would NEVER put THAT on her body”. lol So where do you get the colorful powder?

Tracy Fisher - You have completely inspired me. I just emailed a friend to ask if she’d do the color run with me in May in Seattle. Also, funny thing is she got me to go to a yoga class tonight in about an hour…. oh Lord… help me. I’ve been painting all day for my on line art show (little show) and I need to stretch. Hope this helps… and starts helping the body out. I have a show to go to in 2 weeks. Can yoga help me lose 20 lbs in 2 weeks???? haha

Kimberlee Jost - I sat straight up in bed on Tuesday night and said, “Season Finale? Season Finale!!!” Not happy.
Boo NBC.
Yay Bravermans.

Maranda - I also LOVE Parenthood!!! I was so sad for Joel and Julia last night, but so happy for Crosby and Jasamine. (Even my husband said, “ugh, that is what I have been waiting for all season”. hehe. So glad to hear that others love the show.

Erin - I’m in. Let me know what you’re doing… please just don’t kill me πŸ™‚ I need some major motivation (Adn chocolate, every now and then!)

erica - i just posted on fb today that i have an unhealthy love for the braverman’s. i dubbed this week’s episode the winner of most tears shed in a single parenthood episode by me. i was crying and clapping at the end, surely i looked like a seal. the only way i can make sense of the horrific decision to end the season so early is maybe because of the olympics this summer? maybe their shows have to all end early so they can air the olympics? i dunno, but i am NOT happy about it!

Maria - I’m in for March…gave up soda for Lent, so it should be interesting seeing as that’s how I get my daily caffeine…so far, so good…two days in…Trying to remember to drink more water (it helps that I haven’t been to the store since pre-Mardi Gras break too…)
I wish there was a color run near me….it looks like so much fun! Not that I’m a runner or anything like that…

Lori H - I love Parenthood…every show makes me cry at some point, and this week I cried through most of the last 15 minutes. And I too can’t figure out when it became acceptable to end the season so soon! I was talking to one of the “young things” LOL at work and she thinks it’s always been this way. NO! The season started right after school did, and ended in May! What a cop out. Anyway, Parenthood and Modern Family are my two favorites right now. Everyone is telling me to watch Downtown Abbey so I guess I will find Season 1.

Verna Lantz - I am totally with ya on the TV schedule. Remember the good old days…
But, yes I want to join you with rockin’ the body. Maybe not running per se, but working out regularly and motivation for working it!
Bring it on!

Tami C. - I love Parenthood too. We don’t have cable so have to watch on Hulu, didn’t know next week was the finale. Really?! Does that mean most of my dramas will be over in February? Good thing Army Wives starts March 4!!

jen - yes, love parenthood…best. show. ever.
i want all seasons on dvd and i don’t get shows on dvd.
one more thing….i was planning on doing a holi party this summer {what you did up top} and was going to order the powder paint but would love to know what you used – it’s my mom 60th this summer and we are doing a week long celebration at a cottage – all of us! – together. please please please email me and let me know what you used.
thank so much!!!
love reading about your adventures.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Too funny. I just wrote a post about how I am getting healthy! I am doing a 100 day challenge through work. I am psyched and motivated. I have already lost 4 pounds. I wish I needed a sports bra to run. I do not even need a bra. When I lose my goal of 10 pounds, I am buying me some awesome shoes. Happy Day!

Lisa - I loved this post the moment I read your title for it! haha I’m trying to be consistent with exercise so maybe I’ll join you in March to kick some… butt in that department! πŸ˜‰

G. - I LOVE Parenthood! I think I got my hubby sucked in too but, he gets up at 5am everyday so, he goes to bed right when it comes on so I usually watch it alone but, I’m hooked. Can’t believe the finale is next week either. Also, I wish I wouldn’t have seen that picture…oh my. πŸ™‚
P.S. the color run looks amazingly fun!

Sarah - I was shocked too. I love parenthood and I don’t like these wacky schedules of seasons shows are keeping these days.
Agree. Adam Braverman is a hottie.
I’m starting my post baby workout/diet on March 1st too. I keep pushing it back every month. Maybe you can keep me motivated!

Kim - Love Parenthood. Last episode? I didn’t realize that….the last episode is on my PVR. Can’t wait to watch it.
I think the season should run September to June – my kids are in school to the very end of June.
Love that you have no title…sometimes the title is the hardest part.

Kelli - I LOVE Parenthood and was pretty bummed to see that next week is the season finale. What is going on??
I need to Rock my body in March!! I just need to make sure all of the GIrl Scout cookies are gone!

Stevie - Love parenthood. I thought the same thing last night when they said the season finale is next week. WHAT?!?!?!?

Denissa - I LOVE Parenthood!! Except that I cry EVERY week! Haha πŸ™‚ and not cool that next week is the season finale!

Danielle H. - Okay, I’m in with the “rock your body” for March. Boy do I need to get my booty in gear!

Heather Mattos - Adam is awesome, but I personally love Joel the most.

sandi - unfortunately not all of us require a good sports bra.

Nichole - I have you to thank for introducing me to the show Parenthood. I started watching after you posted about it a while back. My husband has started watching with me as well. We love it so much we bought seasons 1 & 2. We were so bummed to see that the season finale is next week. To have to wait until September for new episodes is cruel and unusual punishment!

christy - I totally heart Parenthood! Love. love. that show. Crosby & Jasmine asre so meant to be together & I loved it when lil’ Jabaar smiled at them while they kissed in the rain. Love!
I won’t be running (ACL replacement a couple mos ago), but I will happily jump on the rock the body bandwagon (reminds of The Black Eyed Peas)! As soon as mt therapy is complete i have decided to join a gym. Let’s do this!

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - Oh my Lord this post got me all fired up! Yes – I am obsessed with Parenthood. But those writers do me in, I can get through one stinkin’ episode without ballin’ like a baby! Especially this whole Julia adoption thing. I just can’t handle it. Literally – been there, done that! So I was totally grabbing a pillow with all my might at the end and sobbing uncontrollably. And yes, I have been telling myself every single stinkin’ day that I MUST work out. I have yet to do it. So March it is. I will sign up with ya! I’m in!!!!! Love it:)

amy jupin - parenthood made me cry like a baby.
when it was over, john looked at me and said, “well how in the world are we supposed to go to sleep after that?”
he was serious!
yes, please help me get my butt in shape.
i need to be accountable to someone.
because i can’t fight off the half-gallon of ice cream by myself any longer!! πŸ™‚

Shannon R - There is a group of us doing the one in Nashville in October. If you can find a reason to come down you can join our team!

sam - I just watched the latest episode of Parenthood online last night. I was SO bummed I do not have any Parenthood watching friends, I so needed to talk through all the emotion that was in the episode.
The color run looks like SO MUCH FUN. I need to get back running, this may just be the perfect motivation.

Allison - I need to rock my body! Too bad it’s still freezing cold (and snowing) in Indiana so I can’t run outside and I’m certainly not paying a crazy high gym membership so I can run on a treadmill.
I’ve been trying to plan which races I want to run this year …
Can’t wait to see what you have planned!

Kelly - Love Parenthood! I even have my husband hooked, even though he would never admit it. I just have to make sure to DVR it so we can watch it in bed while he is “reading” and then he “might just happen to hear what is going on”! Wish the season wasn’t ending so soon.. can’t get enough of it!!

Kim - so funny you mention this! one of my friends sent me this link two days ago – totally made me think of your utah photoshoot! – we are doing the SF one in July, and i CANT. WAIT.

happygirl - I can’t run, but I’ll walk as fast as possible. Does that count? LOVE the color photographs. That does look like FUN.

4 Fab Franklins - Wow! This looks fun! I better rock my body too if I want to join in.

Kristi Thomsen - I agree 100%! The “Season” can’t be over next week! Sept – Feb is not a season…so sad!

Kati - We are thinking about the Color Run when it comes here (December)It looks like fun! πŸ™‚

Tawny - I love the show Parenthood. It needs more publicity. No one ever talks about it and I am so afraid it will go away. I love the Braverman family and all the actors that play them. I cried with Julia during the hospital scene. It broke my heart. Looking forward to a good wedding scene next week.

Shauna - Im with you on the Rock My Body! Im doing to Warrior Dash in Oklahoma…its going to be EPIC!! then a couple of weeks later the color run!!

Betsy C - I was totally gobsmacked too when they said it was the season finale. Crazy! I totally agree–shows should shadow a school schedule–not a college quarter!!!

Lisa - Season finale?! What the?!! I haven’t watched this week’s yet…tonight after the kids are in bed. Adam Braverman – that cracks me up! I just told my husband about the color run the other day – I want us to it together in KC. He is a runner – I am not. THAT will be a feat for sure. You will be far, far ahead of me, I’m sure!

Rachelle - Fun! I’ll do the March Rock my Body – ok Rock might be too strong of a term for my body, but we’ll go with it for now…

Tara - I’ll totally ROCK my body in March. Already doing the healthy eating thing, especially after all the Craft Weekend goodness. (and after reading Kimberlee’s post about all the sour cream usage!). Lent is helping too. I hate to run. But I want to like it, I really do. So maybe my March will be my month to rock the running? I need to go, gotta find my new running shoes…

Terrie G - I think I yelled at the tv when they said it was the season finale…I almost went to my calendar to see what month it was!! Who ends a season in February???!! That is wrong…just wrong!
And I so want to photograph a color war!! It looks like so much fun!
Are you caught up on sleep yet? Loved your craft weekend posts!! Inspired me once again! πŸ™‚

Sarah Wolfe - I’ll join you in March. I need to do something before my legs enter shorts!

Janelle - I am ready for your plan! I ordered Six Week Six Pack with Jillian…a few weeks ago. I think the six weeks probably needs to start now.
You reminded me of a Doodle Bop in your paint picture…can’t stand that show but it made me laugh thinking of you as a Doodle Bop πŸ™‚

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the gray bathroom and a giveaway.

we finished up that bathroom in such a whirlwind last month just in time for Craft Weekend….
literally with two hours to spare.
and i didn't share it with it ya.

so here goes….this is the before.
when we first moved in this house the seven of us shared this bathroom for 4 years. 

IMG_5235-1 IMG_5239-2

then we gutted it seven years later…which would be january 2012.

IMAG0354-1  IMAG0355-2

it was a mess.
but always worth the mess when it's done.

we put in new tile on the floor that looks just like the old tile but fresh and not cracked.
it was special order from lowes.
the subway tile for the shower was off the shelf at home depot.

the mirror is from hobby lobby….50% off.

the countertop was in a box at home depot.
the cabinet was built by Becker Cabinets....the same people who built our kitchen cabinets.
(i LOVE it!!!)

the lights are from home depot.

all of the construction work was done by BEZ Construction…also the same company that remodeled our kitchen.
love this big print from madebygirl.  :)


the body wash is by equate….found at walmart….ha ha haaaaaaaaa.

shower curtain is from west elm.
i think it's just sooooo pretty.
how can gray and white stripes be pretty??? i don't know…. but it is!

towel bar is from home depot.
the towel is from walmart.

the walls are Wood Smoke by Glidden Brilliance Collection paint at walmart.

and this funny little toothbrush holder is also from walmart.
i think it looks like a smiley face.
it cracks me up.

thank you thrift shop for this fabulous chalkboard.

drawer pulls are martha stewart at home depot….they have some really pretty pulls!
this is the thing the kids are mostly excited about…..A LOCK!! 
we've never had one.
they are taking FULL advantage.  :)
i made the curtains last week with fabric from Hancocks Fabrics.
it's just enough.
and i love the big dots.

this bathroom gets GREAT sunlight especially late afternoon….love this window with the old latch.


and now for the giveaway.

kristen from SpunkyFluff sent this sign to me and i was just giddy about it.
the yellow against the gray walls….yes!  

and she'd like to give away a sign to ONE of YOU!!!
isn't that fun?!
she has a whole bunch of colors to choose from after you pick your phrase.
her shop is FULL of super cute signs.

we'd thought we'd try to make this contest a little more fun.

for your comment to be entered to win tell us a phrase you'd like her to make on a sign for you.

it can be one from her shop OR you can come up with something original that you'd like her to make.

song lyrics….favorite movie quote….something your kids say….

tell kristen and i what phrase you would have her make on a sign.
we won't hold you to it if you win but it will be fun to see what you have to say!

GO visit her shop.
use the code  WHATEVER  for a 20% discount to her store….that is awesome!

ok i will get ya started….

you had me at hello (jerry maguire)
daisies are the friendliest flower (youve got mail)
girls just want to have fun (cyndi lauper)
You are the best thing  (ray lamontagne)
Your Love is my Drug  (ke$ha)

see….it's easy. 



Tami V - OOH Lisa, great idea, I loved that movie!
I would choose “Good Morning Sunshine” in bright yellow, jsut like you! It’s perfect, and caught my eye immediately when ready this post. I was disappointed because you didn’t mention it;s source when first pictured, but now I’m thrilled with a chance to win it! Fingers crossed!

Emiliy - But with joy wend your way.

Stephanie - Love that sign!
I actually would choose the sunshine quote… but if I had to pick a new one, ” All you need is love”

Alicia Dallas - I LOVE your new bathroom, especially the shower curtain and your sign. Love the color combo!
If I won a sign it would be a toss up between Coldplay’s “Look at the Stars” (my favorite band ever) or a Bible verse. These signs are awesome!!!

Mollie - I LOVE your bathroom! It looks sophisticated and yet, has wonderful pops of color that add whimsey! Thank you for sharing your family and spaces with us…I always look forward to your new posts!
If I had a sign made, I would love “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine”. I have twin 2 year old boys and they both love me to sing this to them at night. In fact, they have just started singing it back to me. Makes my heart smile!

laura arens - Mine would say, “Rejoice in the Lord always!”
Your bathroom is beautiful! I love the shower curtain!

Rachel J - Oh my, LOVE the white/gray/yellow touch in your bathroom!
The sign you have is great! I came up with half a dozen signs I would love. But then I saw the Bob Marley sign in her shop- Every little thing gonna be alright- that is my favorite!

M.D. - I love the phrase that’s on the sign, “Good morning Sunshine!” because that’s what my dad would always say to me when he would wake my sister and I up every morning before school! πŸ™‚ Love it!

juli garrod - My husband and I have 3 biological children, then adopted three children. Our family motto is 5 plus 3 equals family. That is what I would like on my wall.

Erica Kuhn - No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
Always a good reminder! I have 3 daughters and I so want them to remember this. Thanks!

Lisa - “family”
“Peace, Love, Happiness”
“Be Kind”
Love how your bathroom came out!

erica - ooh! fun! love your bathroom, too:)
im thinking i’d either have the simple hello one or
good morning sunshine.

shannon - Wow, those are some beautiful works of art that she makes.
I would love ones that would say choose joy or be happy..something simple.

Emma - I would choose be happy. It would look great on a sign. Your bathroom looks great.

Cori Angelino - “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!” Or maybe “And I’m pink! Who cares?” or another family favorite “You are my favoritest and my best”. My personal choice “Sweat, tears or the sea” from a quote by Isak Dinesan regarding the cure for life’s trouble being salt water.

Lizzy - This is the Day that the Lord has Made

Rebekah - I would have to go with the Bob Marley lyric, “Every Little Thing Gonna be Alright.” This speaks to me in more than one way!
Thanks for sharing.

Linda - I’d go with “Serenity now!” (Seinfeld) or “Carolina on my Mind”(James Taylor) or maybe “Boomerknickles” (from one of our favorite kids books Ginger Pye)

april - Love love love your bathroom! ! Gorgeous! The sign is totally awesome! Hmmm…maybe I would choose “my heart’s a stereo “

Kate - always give thanks.
The bathroom looks great!

Tami Smith - YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE… because my Mom always sang it to us growing up. I just love it. In yellow!

jessica kiehn - LET IT GO
Ok ill stop…her stuff is AMAZING!! such cool art. I love them!! Especially that red” hello!”

Joy Andrews - “You have to tell me when you go off cheese” -Will from Will & Grace, funny epidsode and my husband and I say it often to each other. A play on they hadn’t talked in a while and needed to reconnect.

Kasey - I’d choose “You are my sunshine” and would put it in my boys’ bathroom. That’s what I sang to my first when he was a baby. : )

Carrie - Love the bathroom and have been thinking about the same shower curtain for my son’s bathroom. I love Spunky Fluff’s Dog Sign: Life is short play with me & your good morning sunshine since I’m not so much of a morning person! Thanks for the chance!

Carrie-Grace Washer - We always sing Three Little Birds, “Don’t you worry ’bout a thing. Every little thing, is gonna be alright”
“This is the love of the one magician, turned the water into wine.” (Van Morrison, These are the Days)
“So big. So deep. So Wide.” To our babies every night.

Molly Lawton - I love you big time really forever promise
Thanks for the chance!

Jill - I would have to go with “Hey Buddy”. It’s what my husband and I have always called each other. Then we had kids and our family motto became “Buddies always stick together”.

Megan - life is good

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I would want mine to say my blog name, Live Laugh Love Craft.

Brittany - I’d have “every little thing is gonna be alright” from the Bob Marley song.
Love the yellow on grey!

Heidi - Love the bathroom remodel… you have inspired me to update ours. My sign quote would be either
1. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer (from the Bible – Romans 12:12)
2. “Beautiful things out of the dust” – lyrics from song Beautiful Things by Gungor (awesome song by the way!)

s - choosing would be tough! Love the Coldplay star sign, but if I had to pick my own it would be “Be Kind, Love More, Do Good Deeds”. Or maybe Good Night Sleep Tight…

Jennifer - I would love “hey y’all”.
These are adorable!

stephanie - I don’t know … but off the top of my head I think I would put “give thanks”.
I do love the “good morning sunshine” one, though – that would look super cute in my kids bathroom!

Anne - What’s up, Buttercup?
Love it!

Tara - I would love ‘You are my sunshine.’ I have always wanted something with this on it for my little girls’ bedroom!

Chrissy - I’d love a sign that said “Adventure time!” But I also loved her Achtung! pre-made sign πŸ™‚

Gina Hickman - Love the makeover!!! I sign I would love to have would be:
Do MORE of what makes you HAPPY!
Saw it on pinterest!!!!

RachelD - That’s a beautiful bathroom! You deserve it after sharing for so long!
Hw about “Don’t be a drag, just be a Queen” or “Too School for Cool” both song lyrics I love to hear in Body Pump. I’d put either one of those in my soon-to-be-here baby daughter’s room.

Julie Wearmouth - How about “Be Awesome Today”. I love that saying…because it is up to you! Love your blog Meg!

Tracy - I think I’d probably pick the “little hands, little feet, little baby” sign for my sis who is expecting her first baby in April. But for me, I’d probably pick the cute lost socks sign for my laundry room. Love, love, LOVE your new bathroom! I may have to do grey in a room – never thought I’d like that color but I just really love it!

kelly - whats the story morn glory

Becky Mueller - Good Morning to You
I sing this to the tune of Happy Birthday to You every morning when I go rescue my boys from their cribs.
Love the bathroom and the giveaway. πŸ™‚

Tamara H. - I love the “Good Morning Sunshine” sign. I would like one to say “Don’t forget to have a little fun today”.

Jennifer - I already entered but didn’t follow the rules. So I ordered a sign, (thank you for the discount, wouldn’t have done it otherwise!), but I love the Beware of Children and Missing Socks sign.

Sarah Beth - Wash your hands!
(The bathroom looks great, btw.)

Renee - the alphabet sign for a kiddos room
or beat it” (just kidding)
or “rejoice in the lord always!”
or “pray without ceasing”

Lael - I love her work! I would choose “You’re never fully dressed without a smile” from Annie of course!

Stephanie Z. - You are my sunshine

Tina - “you are my sunshine ” for my friend who is having a you are my sunshine theme for her daughter’s birthday. It would be perfect!!!

carrie - Love Always Wins

Samantha - Everything happens for a reason!
Love this shop!

Krystle - I can’t decide between two of my favorite lyrics. I’d choose either “Whisper words of wisdom, let it be” [Beatles] or “Oh and when the kids are old enough we’re gonna teach them to fly.” [Dave Matthews Band]

Michelle - I love your new bathroom! These signs are amazing too! Thanks for yet another opportunity for winning! There are so many options for the sign so here’s a couple –
Missing Socks
It All Comes Out In The Wash
The Kitchen Is The Heart Of Our Home
Good Morning Sunshine (I love that you put it in your bathroom!)

Lindsay F. - They are all so fabulous! I love the ampersand and the je t’aime ones. I’d also like “you are my sunshine” or one that said the song lyric that my hubby engraved on my engagement ring! πŸ™‚

Marla Rae - Call your mother. I don’t know where it’s from but I am the mother and love the calls I get everyday from my daughters and I am also the daughter and call my mom every day. Mother/daughter calls are a very big part of my life. πŸ™‚ thank you Meg.

Heather Patton - “Put your rock star jacket on”. Fresh beat band
My son loves them. And who wouldn’t want to put a rock star jacket on?

Julia - I love the “missing socks” sign, but I would have her make a sign for me that says “Welcome to our home y’all”.

Heather R. - Whatever
:)~Heather R.

This is our motto for our son who is battling a very rare neurological, progressive disease…he is 7 years old and a TRUE CHAMPION who inspires us every second of every day! Love your blog…so glad I found it. Wish I knew how to sew like you…!
Aimee Murray

Karolyn T - Probably…..
‘Pants are overrated’
because my son hates to wear pants.
CUTE signs!!

bonnie cummings - OK, so all the signs are adorable. Many got me singing the song the lyrics came from (yep, my kids looked at me a little funny, but that’s not unusual πŸ™‚ The ‘good morning sunshine’ is my absolute favorite. I like the cutout, and the happy morning greeting – would love, love, love one for our home!

Carol S. - Friends are the best therapy

Lesli - I love the “Every Little Thing Gonna Be All Right” sign. My husband and I both love that song so it is perfect! - Mine would be “Live, Laugh, Love”
Its my life motto =)
Love your blog!

Angie - Oh my gosh. I was like so many others- I thought you weren’t going to tell us about the sign! I should know better :). I love them all! I probably would love the one you have, and in yellow too- it’s so happy!
Other ones I thought of:
So So Funny! (My 4 year old daughter says this all the time- so cute!)
This too shall pass. (My grandfather always said this.)
Always Kiss Me Goodnight.
I also loved her Beware of the Children sign- hilarious!

Therese B - on my sign I would want “you are my sunshine” Its a little something that I always say to my hubby. Also like the “good morning sunshine” that you picked out!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Jesus Loves Me
Rise & Shine, & Give God The Glory, Glory
All You Need Is Love (The Beatles)
Love the touch of color in the bathroom, sunshiny yellow-perfect! Love the chalkboard too and how you added pretty ribbon to hang it up. All of it looks great! πŸ™‚

Pat - What Will Be Will Be
Thanks for your fun blog.
You bought my chalk board at the thrift store!!!!!!!!!!!

Maureen - I will love you forever
I will like you for always…..
Best book in the world to read to my littles…..

Trudy - “easy peasy”
“You got this.”
“Do it anyway.” from the Mother Theresa prayer.
I could use a little convincing at times. πŸ™‚

julie - life is good… oh so good!

Karla - Lisa took mine~
You is Kind
You is Smart
You is Important

Stephanie campbell - I seriously love your bathroom. SO pretty.
My sign might say “never compare your backstage footage to someone else’s highlight reel”. But I DO love Good Morning Sunshine and Beware of Children!

Shannon Hitchcock - Love the bathroom! Great job! My sign would be “love makes the world go round” I have lots of memories of my gma walking around singing those sweet little words!:)

Jenn - Yup.. same as the one i just read!
You is kind
You is smart
You is important

kathleen burgess - “make lemonade”
Whenever one of my three daughters complains about something, I remind them that you can’t control others and their actions – you can only control yours. So… I am often telling them “when life hands you lemons, make lemonade”

Brittany - She has so many great ones in her shop! It’s hard to pick just one! My top two would be “I love you a bushel and a peck” and your “Good Morning Sunshine”. Your bathroom turned out lovely!!

Tiffany - The “Good Morning Sunshine” would go PERFECTLY in our new little girl’s room!

Mindy W - You and Craig rocked the bathroom!
I would pick the phrase “I love being yours” in a not too cutesy font. I love her creativeness!

Lcuenin - What a fantastic giveaway! I HAVE to go with a good Needtobreathe lyric… so I’m thinking “Washed by the Water” would be my choice!

shara - your bathroom is GORGEOUS! love, love, love.
and the sign! amazing! i would heart one a lot. her ‘i love you a bushel and a peck’ is pretty much the cutest thing ever. the good morning sunshine is so perfect for a bathroom, too!
and lots of these commenters are way more creative than me…. kinda want to steal some of their ideas too πŸ˜‰

Lela Pohlmann - Oh boy that is tough! I love the Good Morning Sunshine! But would love Art is from the heART! Or my kids have always called our kitchen Pohlmann Family Dinners. That would be awesome too! I hope I win!

eliz. - Dogs Rule

Cathy alexander - Girls Rule! In hot pink
Love the bathroom so much I may copy it!

Beth P - Love the bathroom redo. I’m using grey in our new bathroom addition too.
As for the sign, mine would be “who, who, who loves you baby” a little tune I’ve sung to my 3 yr old his whole life…he ALWAYS responds…”Mommy”

kribss - NO DUMPING!
for my guest bathroom. I will put it on the backside of the door so people will see it when they sit down : )
[I already have a no dumping sign but this would be much prettier and don’t ask how I got the sign]

Joanie Woods - Thank you so much for the daily dash of happiness. I just love all the cheerfullness. You have inspired me to add lots of happy color to my house too! Just got finished painting my kitchen cabinets aqua,and love, love, love it! I would love to have a sign with the saying of “Simply Grateful” or “This is our Happy Place”. Cheers~

Laura D. - I have 3 because Im super indecisive and think they are all fun:
You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important
You do you and I’ll do me
God, Im beautiful.

Robin - oh my . . . Lay Your Burden Down . . . yes!

Melissa l - Be awesome today
Originally done by kevin Lucius in his etsy shop print

Marla - My sign would say “A person is a person no matter how small” from Horton Hears a Who

Alison K - love the ampersand sign.. so cute!

Nikol - The last think my husband says to our children each night is…and Jesus loves you most of all!
Love your bathroom redo!

Morgan Echtenkamp - I LOVE the “Sugar Pie Honey Bunch” one. I use that for my husband’s ring tone. It’s so catchy and upbeat. I’m going to use the discount and buy it in Teal. I love bright colors!

Tiffany - Be An Example!
This is the Day the Lord has Made!!!
I love the yellow. πŸ™‚

Emily F - You are My Sunshine! I sing it to my daughter all the time. She tells me I am not allowed to sing it to others.

Marie - I LOVE that one. I also love Jesus Loves You. It would be a sweet little reminder for my kiddos when they wake up in the morning. πŸ˜‰

MommyKnitsJen - I would either pick the “Good Morning Sunshine” because that is what I always say when I wake my kids up in the morning or “Love you Most” because my husband and I always say that.
I love the bathroom and how it looks so fresh and clean but is in keeping with what it was.

Jill Jones - “I’m sexy and I know it.” Just joking- I love the “Look at the stars…”. It would have to be in yellow,of course.
Nashville, Tn.

Trena - Serve one another in LOVE

Mandi Humphrey - “Pick your battles!”
I teach 1st grade and it is something I tell myself everyday. I would love a sign to hang in my classroom!

Susan - Be you.
Nobody can do it better.

Carrie - I love how the bathroom turned out! I would get the “hello” sign. It’s so cute and cheery!

susan - not sure —- can I think?

Tracy Rampersaud - I say “good morning sunshine” every morning when I wake up each of my girls! Love it!

Hannah O - I would definitely get “All I wanna do is LOVE you” from the Sugarland song.. it always reminds me of my husband : )

Brady Wilhelm - “I love you up to Heaven and back to earth.”
My mom always said this to us when we were little and I’m passing it on to my babies!
I love all of her signs. So neat πŸ™‚

deb - Dont sweat the small stuff………..

Julie Weaver - You’re my favorite.

Terri Monshaugen - Love your bathroom!
The heart that gives, gathers. -English Proverb

Megan K. - I love the re-do!! I love your house. Period.
Mine would say
Love, Loyalty and Friendship
Slainte (with a thingy above the e)

Jessie - I LOVE those signs! I think I would go with “Mama Tried”

Jules - I LOVE the gray & yellow bathroom! What an AWESOME combo!
One of my favorite sayings is “We Go Together Like Spaghetti & Meatballs.” This would be so cute hung in a dining room or kitchen. πŸ™‚

amy jupin - 669 comments?
i would pick “awake my soul” or “i love y’all” or “say your prayers”.
my fave in the shop is the lyric by mumford & sons: where you invest your love, you invest your life.
what a fun giveaway!

Mandy Hewitt - you are the cheese to my macaroni

Julie Wearmouth - Be Still and Know….I love your blog, all the crafty goodness and your house rocks too! You are truly blessed; keep up the awesome blog Meg! Thanks for the opportunity to win ‘stuff’.

Routhie - Good News.
My 8 year old daughter says that almost every day, whether it’s good or bad. She finds good in everything. It’s now a family joke and we say that when we have bad news. Amazing how those 2 words lighten everything.

Kim Garner - Since this would be in my son’s bathroom…I would have to pick the best Napoleon Dynamite quote. Give me some time brainstorming with my 13 yr. old and we could think of something fab.

Tee Bousquet - Live, Laugh, Love, Friends!
The bathroom looks amazing!! Love it πŸ™‚

Bethany - “Now you workin’ out girrrrl”
– My friend’s kid when he was 5.
“Boom, Roasted”
– My friend Dave
“Totes Clutch”
– My friend Maria

Angie - I think it is a toss up between…
It takes time to build castles
You are more
A good laugh and a long sleep are the best two cures for anything. (Kind of Long?)

Erin - All you need is Love.

Sara - Oh my goodness! Love the bathroom and LOVE her signs! She has one of my favorites, with Every little thing… but I might also go for Give me your forever or We are the music makers We are the dreamers of dreams… So many choices!

debi brown - “It’s a beautiful day”
Im a huge U2

robyn - oh i love the help quote. but i was going to say “everything happens for a reason” boring. but true!

sara - i’m a pepper or peace out – my 4 year old’s favorite saying at the moment!

Lisa - Love how the bathroom turned out! I would love a sign with the fruits of the spirit listed out.

Erika - kitty kitty cat i love you. Its what I say to my nieces. I’d love to get this and give it to them so that they can put it in their room to remind them that they are loved.

Stephanie C. - “home is wherever I’m with you”
from my current favorite song by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.

Kristen - My soon to be husband and I are getting married in April and a sign with our wedding song lyrics would be wonderful “Love will hold us together.”
What a great shop!

Juliann Brenner - “I love you a bushel and a peck” is so cute πŸ˜‰ I also like “Love is patient, love is kind” from I Corinthians 13

Courtney McIlwain - My children love to say ” Good Morning Sunshine, the earth says hello” Its from the Johnny Depp Charlie and the Chocolate factory.

laura r. in MS - It would have to be:
Good Night, Sleep Tight….Dream of Bed Bugs Tonight! (from The Lion King)
It’s what my kids say to us every night as they go to bed. πŸ™‚

Erin @ The Speckled Palate - How fun! I’m scrolling through her Etsy now, and I think I NEED to have the ‘Never Panic’ sign for my office… to remind me of the fact that it WILL be OK. πŸ™‚
The bathroom looks FANTASTIC!

stacey - We live in Vienna, Austria, so I would love “Malhzeit” (which translates to “soup is on”) in a bright yellow!

Elizabeth - Our Patch of Flowers – – our last name is Flowers. πŸ™‚

mollie's mom - Any saying would be great in one of her signs. I am with her work!!! I gotta get one.
I think ‘Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory’ would be awesome and seriously, don’t you think “whatever!’ would be too fun. If I were gift giving I might have Chi Omega done for my daughter but then Mollie’s Mom would be fun in my studio…. My mind is whirling with the possibilities… marcie 2 madebymolliesmom!

Amanda Eudy - I & Love & You
The Avett brothers
And I love the grey bathroom!! You have inspired me!

Kim - Love the bathroom!
My favorite sign is Love you more….My husband and I say that expression all the time! Funny!

Stacey - I’m stealing from a comment I read above….”A day without laughter is a day wasted”

Kelly - What a great remodel and a great contest! So loving your blog…a friend just introduced me to it
and I am hooked πŸ™‚
Okay…here are some quotes that make our world go round…
β€’With a little love and luck we will get by – Jimmy Buffett
β€’Count all your blessing and remember your dreams – Jimmy Buffett
β€’You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit
β€’ Book Nook – we have a great little nook in our house with a giant built on bookshelf…
the kids love to hang out in the space and read/play.

Tracy H - Your bathroom looks awesome….love the shower curtain!
I love the “Beware of the children” sign…..I do home daycare, so it would be perfect. I also love “I love you a bushel and a peck” sign….my mom used to always say that, so it would be perfect as well. Love her signs, may have to order one or two if I don’t win!

Amy G. - The bathroom is gorgeous, and I L-O-V-E the Hue print. So fab. πŸ™‚
Here are our phrases:
Hey, you…
Hey, Beautiful
It gets better
Love you more

Beth K. - Love the gray and white! I would pick “I love you a bushel and a peck” and might have her add “and a hug around the neck”. I say that all the time to my little ones – not so much to the 14 year old any more. πŸ™‚ I love everything on her site. Now I must find something to remodel in my house or maybe change some things around and make it feel like new.

Anne - i love the signs, so fun. I would pick ‘rise and shine’ or ‘share your smile’. Your bathroom re-do looks great.

elz - How funny, I was like, “What about the sign, I NEED the sign!” Then I saw the giveaway. Woo!
Probably- “You are My Sunshine,” Which is what I have sung to my girls since they were babies. Or, Dream Bigger; You are Loved; or Be You.

Joleen - I too love the missing sock one! Would be so cute in a laundry room.

Courtney R. - You Are My Sunshine

michelle allen - LOVE your newly remodeled bathroom Meg!!! Totally my kind of colors. and that shower curtain!! love. as far as a quote… fail to plan, plan to fail, maybe?

audrey jimenez - love the bathroom…if i won i would have “you need me on that wall” my hubby and i say that to each other all the time.

Martha Meier - So neat, love the bathroom.
With God, All things are possible.

Michelle - “Today is a good day to have a good day!”
By the way, your bathroom looks awesome!

Elliottsurf - Oh, I love this…
I’d like to see “Love is all you need” in red
Or I may like to see “Yoohoo”, which is what everyone in our house says when they come in the door!

kelly - I’d love to have some art with our family motto:
“For the love of God, in the name of Jesus, the Groom who gave His life to love His bride.”
(Andrew Peterson, from his song For the Love of God)

Caitlynne - I would love to make a sign for our baby’s room that says “I love you more” from the Matthew West song I sing him every night before bed.

Lesa - I LOVE your bathroom. Hi. New to your blog.
for the sign: “Enjoy some good music today!”

Phyllis - I would have “rejoice” in bright red to accent my bathroom. Sure do hope I win. πŸ™‚

Ronda - I would Like “EAT” for my kitchen. πŸ™‚
Your home is beautiful!!!! I have an older home as well and I find your home posts so inspiring. Thank you!

Maggie Vis - I will place it in my bathroom.
It will say:
What’s up shirt off?

Jennifer S. - Love the bathroom!
When I hug my great-nieces and nephews I tell them, “My heart beats for you”.

elissa - I am SMITTEN with the missing sock organizer. and it would be SO handy when my laundry room moves upstairs soon(ish) πŸ™‚

Linda - I am a child of God!

Kristin Hayne - Let’s Be AweSoMe today!!

alyssa - Home is whenever I’m with you.

Shelly - ….a bushel and a peck….
My grandma used to sing a buskel and a peck & a hug around the neck to us all the time . Sweet memories !

lalalovely lindsay - my grandma always said, “i love you a bushel and a peck.” i’m particularly fond of that.
thanks for the chance to win! it’s such a fun prize!

sarah - I wouldn’t mind the bushel and a peeck sign….or one thats says, “I like you and naps.” Or this is long but so cute….”You’re pretty much my favorite of all time in the history of EVER!

kristi borden - “Hollywood” by daughter is named Holley Ann so we call her hollywood:)

amy h - beautiful reasons i have to be happy [Natasha Bedingfield, Happy]
LOVE today [MIKA, Love Today]
Let your light shine.
Be a source of strength and courage.
Share your wisdom.
Radiate love.
-Wilferd Peterson
[I think any line of that quote would be lovely.]

LaRae - I always wake my boys with “Good Morning Sunshines” but I also love to sing “You Are My Sunshine” to them. They are my pride and joy!! ….and your bathroom is beautiful!

Nikki - That’s precious (me)
No Ma’am! (me)
Happiness is a cold nose (for my beagles!)
The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.(A. Hepburn)
Sexy & I know It! (LMFAO)

Lisa B - I would love a sign to say “Shmily”….it’s a small word we use in our house when we do random acts of love for each other. It stands for see how much I love you!

Darcy - Your bathroom looks GREAT!
I would have “welcome to wherever you are” (by bon jovi).
Thanks for sharing, Meg.

Jennifer W. - oh how fun! I would love a sign that says “I’m the luckiest.”
Although my hubby and I know that the blessings in our lives have nothing to do with luck we have always repeated this line from a Ben Folds song to each other.

Andrea - Let it Be- something I’m trying so hard to practice, these are some of the coolest forms of art I’ve seen in a while.

Yby5 - So calming…love the simplicity of it and that you kept with the integrity of your home…that tub rocks!

Talia - Gack! I would be thrilled to win! I’d love one that read…
I love you to the moon and back.
Thank you! πŸ™‚

Ruth - Love, love, love your blog…thankful you have chosen to be “salt and light” to the world through your blog and the life you live!!
I tell my family “I love you much” all the time…would love that on a sign….or “love you to the mooon back and forth, round and round.”
“For God so loved the Farneys”…would probably be my favorite, though….love putting a personal twist on scripture!!

Sarah - Love the bathroom! Just beautiful! I love the Good Morning Sunshine!! “What’s up buttercup” would be fun too. (…would it be bad to have “I’m Sexy and I know it”in my house?!? HA!) πŸ˜‰

Tiffany - “Decide what to be and go be it” (Avett Brothers) I love the Coldplay one you have in your shop too, that says Look at the stars, see how they shine for you” Awwww Love it!
OH! and I love the one above this post from THE HELP that says: You is KIND, You is SMART, You is IMPORTANT!

Tiffany Smith - Your bathroom turned out so cute! I love to see pictures of your beautiful home, it’s so happy.
My sign would be “Pour some sugar on me” or “Star Spangled Happiness”
Her signs are so fun. My fave is the alphabet and good morning sunshine.

Analia - “ALWAYS KISS ME GOODNIGHT” For my sister who would love it! Your bathroom is beautiful by the way!

Linda - Your bathroom is gorgeous! I love your “Good Morning Sunshine” sign. Some others I might choose:
All you need is love
The Loo
Serenity Now!

Jenny Wenzel - “Love Grows Here”…that is a sign we have had at our family cabin in Colorado my whole life…

Jen - “Let it Be”. I meddle in things too much. Maybe in a subtle grey?

Heather E - “A Bushel and A Peck” because I sing this to my kids all the time! Your bathroom looks fabulous! So sunny and cheerful!

Kelly - 143 – code for I love you
Such a fun and cheerful sign!
Your bathroom looks great! That is the kind of floor I want for our bathroom redo that will hopefully come along in the next year. Thanks for telling that the tile was special order from Lowes. Kelly

Becky J - Meg, I love your bathroom redo…very nice! I also would love to win a about this quote from Corrie Ten Boom… “Hold all Loosely…” Have an awesome day!

Kathie Whisman - I love the “Good Morning Sunshine”, because I say that EVERY morning to one of my co-workers, who is SO not a morning person. But here are some other things I like:
1) You’re so Delicious (Matt Nathanson)
2) I’m not mean, your just a SISSY (I work in Human Resources, so it is a little work humor)

Colleen Sullvan - No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
Love your bathroom…. tell us about the door with the frosted transom window??? new or old? It is beautiful!

Rebecca Wall - You are my Sunshine!
I used to sing this to my daughter.

Alisha - I LOVE your new bathroom. I love uber neutral colors with pops of bright colors!!
I would have a sign made that says, “Say Cheese!” These are AWESOME!!!

Wendy - Communicate with patience and love — it’s my goal for 2012!

Kari - I changed my mind on the saying I’d want. I’m not sure if you need the actual quote on here in a comment or not, so I’m leaving another one, just in case… “You’ll never know dear, how much I love you.” :]

Kameron - I love the sign in her shop that says “Every little thing gonna be allright”. My son was born to that song and it always makes me smile.

Library Momma - “Find joy in life’s small wonders” This is something I occasionally need to remind myself of!

Kris Bates - The bathroom looks FANTASTIC Meg!
The signs are absolutely darling
I think if I won I’d like one of the 2 phrases (which I think I’d love for her to surprise me with which one she decides to make)
“We may not have it all together but we have it all”
“I solemnly swear that I am up to no good”

Vicki - Love the Sugar Pie Honey Bunch sign. How fun! If I were making one, I think it would say, “We can do hard things” and I’d put it by the piano for my kids to see while they practice.

Janet Diemer - I thought of a few more…
Let my little light shine
Give God the glory
It is well with my soul
Please don’t forget to smile
All you need is love…
and a dog.
BElieve in

meredith - LOVE the bathroom! i love the good morning sunshine sign too πŸ™‚ if i had to pick something else, it’d be ‘when i get sad, i stop being sad and start being AWESOME.’ πŸ™‚

Oona Nicholas - You is Kind
You is Smart
You is Important. ~from the help
I love new bathroom πŸ™‚ and I love your style.
Good luck everyone.

allison - Oh Happy Day! It’s my mantra for when the blues show up. Love your blog!

Melissa Hermon - you are my sunshine

Beth - Your bathroom remodel turned out much better than mine!
My phrase would be “Camp Grandma”

Kat - O God, guide me, protect me, make of me a shining lamp and a brilliant star.
Part of the first prayer my kids memorized.

secret mom thoughts - I love “Oh Happy day!”

corey moortgat - OH, these are so cute! I love “Life is short. Play with me.” She shows it on a dog and a cat, but we sometimes need that reminder with our kids!

Ani G W - If you can dream it, you can do it. -Walt Disney

kari - I love the bright yellow color. I think I’d go with, you are my sunshine. Love this giveaway, and I’m loving reading everyone else’s great suggestions! Thanks for the opportunity-

Laurie - I wake my girls up each morning with “Good Morning Sunshine!” If could have a sign, I would have it say, “Suck it up Cupcake.”

Kaitlyn - hmmm. I’m thinking “You And Me Could Write A Bad Romance” or maybe just “Caught In A Bad Romance”.

Christy - How cool love the redo! That shower curtain is the bomb.
I would get One love, My favorite Bob Marley song and it was my first dance as we got married in Jamaica πŸ™‚

Nancy Peterson - Where You Invest Your Love You Invest Your Life

Shaun - To quote my then 4 year old daughter….”I love you like my luggage!” This always makes us laugh!

Kathie Simmons - I LOVE the “Oh Happy Day” in yellow. So cute!!!

Toni - Love your new bathroom!
It would be hard to choose just one, but I like the sunflower with “oh happy day”. Love to hang that in my studio.

Sandy - Lucy I’m Home

Denise - Oh that’s a great sign! I have a few catch phrases I say a lot…like when someone compliments my cooking I say “Hunger is the best sauce” (got that from Ma Ingalls)
I also say “Lord willing” a lot, because I like to acknowledge Who is really in charge…
I also say “Oh My Word” often…I think those would be fun signs! If it weren’t late I could think of more. πŸ™‚

Nicole B. - Gorgeous bathroom!
My sign would probably say “Silly Goose” as that is what I call my kids when they are being silly (which is 99% of the time!)

Christyn - Be STILL and KNOW…
I also like her Run Wild My Child.

Chrissy - I love the sign, and was happy to see you are having a give away for one of them! I think I would have mine say “Choose Joy”.

Bekah Moon - “He who calls you is faithful, He will surely do it.”

Jennifer - What lovely signs! I would choose, “Savor the Breeze,” a phrase that reminds me of my dad. Fingers crossed!!

Kelli Seawright - If i win, i would want it to say, I’m digging on you! Which is how my now husband told me he wanted to take me on a date! πŸ™‚

Dawn Eshnaur - I love your shower curtain, too! I am really loving gray right now. The sign I would choose is the “And” sign. Our last name starts with E and I collect E’s. This would look great with my collection πŸ™‚

Jenni Carlisle - I really love, “hey ya’ll” because I’m a Texas girl and say it all the time, but I also say “aww snap” a lot too and I think THAT would be a riot!

Carla G - Mine’s got to be from The Help as well . . . “you is kind, you is smart, you is important.” Love it!

Taylor - Remember! As far as anyone knows we are a perfectly normal family.

Maureen - “Hakuna Matata” πŸ˜€
…it means no worries….for the rest of your days!

Lisa - Your bathroom turned out beautifully! Before you even announced the giveaway I noticed the “Good Morning Sunshine” sign and fell in love. I am not a morning person (at all!) so that sign would be funny for me πŸ™‚

Karen - When you said there would be a giveaway with this post I thought for sure it would be paint for the walls. While that would be a cool gift for a happy house owner, it would be lost on me since I live in an apartment with a no painting policy. So I was very excited to see that it was for the cute sign. I would pick the same one as yours, because I immediately loved it when I saw it in your photos. I even thought to myself when I read the caption, “Oh bummer that she’s only talking about the paint, because that sign is super awesome.”

alphabetmomma - Your bathroom looks great! My sign would say “Obedience brings Blessings”

Amy K. - Oooh! That is a great sign!! I say, “Good Morning, Sunshine!” to my son every morning, so I would like that, or maybe “Life is Good,” which I sort of try to live by.

Schmidty - “To have it the way you want, you must change the way it is”
’tis true

Katie - it’s about love
it’s about compassion
it’s about kindness and faith
it has nothing to do with luck
you get what you give,so give good.
Is this too long? I found this awhile ago and have been wanting it on something ever since!!

Jessica P. - Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God

Jennie - the bathroom looks great!! I’d love a sign that says “morning by morning new mercies I see”…a fav hymn!

Barbara - I think I’d have to go with “A-Whir!” It is what my three year old says when he’s helping me in the kitchen. Love the bathroom. Also love that this is the only blog my son lets me look at when he’s around…we look for pictures of “Waffle Dog.”

Loryn Anderson - Similar, but a play on the original is what I would pick –
Guten Morgen Sonnenschein
Makes you stop and tink it through!

Mary Beth - Happily Ever After

Sharon - DON’T WORRY BE HAPPY!!!!!!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I luv your blog!!

Erin - Thanks for the chance to win! Right now my sign would say,
“He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.”
Col. 1:17


Sheri - “Every little thing is going to be alright” from my favorite song. Love the yellow color Meg got!

Preethi Narayan - Bollocks! for sure πŸ™‚

Julie - “and I wouldn’t have it any other way”
“I’d still choose you. “

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - ‘to the moon, alice!’

Stacy - Her signs are great! I would go with Always be your best.

Kari - “‘Til the Wheels Fall Off”
Love the new bath-it is funny how a bathroom remodel can create so much joy.

Elizabeth Grandon - I Love You A Bushel and a Peck.
And then a second sign that says
A Bishel and a Peck and a Hug Around the Neck
A fun loving phrase between my husband and I

Aimee - Oh WOW! I wish I’d had that discount last month when I ordered a sign for my mom. πŸ™‚ It came, and it’s beautiful – I can’t wait to give it to her on Mothers Day.
What sign would I want for myself? The “Look at the Stars” one. In Yellow, of COURSE.

Joell Rodriguez - SORRY FOR PARTY ROCKIN’!!! Is what my sign would say! Song Makes me want to have in even when I’m down.

Molly howe - If I had a sign it would say “it is well with my soul” but I love everything in the shop!!

Kari - Love the bathroom!
Love the signs.
“You are my Sunshine” would be my saying.

Grace - I love your new bathroom! “Good morning sunshine” has found a good place! Love it! I would not change anything. I would like that one too!

kelli - He will quiet you with His Love
Zephaniah 3:17

Joy - OK, I think mine would say “”tis so sweet to trust in jesus”… So true… so true. Best sign ever.

Christy - “Winner, winner, chicken dinner!” Lol, dumb I know, but our kids always say it…they get that from their dad. =)

Kristina Carter - i LOVE the bathroom! great job! I would definitely have my sign say
“O Praise Him Alleluia” what a great giveaway!!

Renee - Oh my! You’ve got a tough decision!
I’d get “This too shall pass” to help me get through the tough moments and also helps me remember to take in the good ones. Or “Love you, love you more, love you most”, which is what I say to my kids at bedtime!

Leanne - Every little thing is gonna be alright. (Bob Marley)
Love the yellow on grey colors!

Mindy Harris - i like the “it was always you” in her shop
and then i read lisa shay’s comment and cried.
so i would prolly get that one
you is kind
you is smart
you is important
did you know that bathroom is my dream bathroom? except i would want the tub from your other bathroom? are craft weekend people allowed to use the tub in your bathroom? whirlpool tubs are a big thing for me. i wish my friends would rent their out. πŸ˜‰

Tiffany - Live. Love. Laugh.

Berks - The bathroom looks fab! I am in love with your shower curtain.
My sign of choice would read “owl you need is love.” πŸ™‚

JustMommer - “That’s Dumb” something my kids have teased me about saying for years. Never to my kids though, just for the public that is common sense deficient.

Natalie from Oven Love - I’d love one that says, “I’ll be seeing you” – that’s our wedding song. πŸ™‚

Toni :0) - I have a furbaby doggie that I adore so my sign choice would be the doggie Life is Short Play with Me! Love it! Love your bathroom-turned out sooo great!

Meredith Gibson - “I love you a bushel and a peck.” My mom used to sing this song to me when I was a kid and now I sing it to my kids every night. Meredith

Susan - No more lollygagging
You butter my biscuit
I love you like a love song
Lower your voice, raise your mind
You are my favorite
i love quotes, would have to think on what I would want!

Biz - I think I would love a sign that has my catch phrase:
No Worries!
I literally say that at least once a day and I mean it!

Jaimie Cahill - keep laughing

Jana - If you don’t leave, how will I miss you?
(to be hung above the front door, of course, lol!)

Megan B - I’m due to have twins in the summer, and it might be fun to do “You and me together, we can do anything” (Dave Matthews Band).

molly - You Are Loved! I want my family to always know that!

Amanda - “It’s a beautiful day” U2
AWESOME redo!!

Amy @ - Fun! I love giveaways! I spotted the happy face in the toothbrush holder before I even read your comment below. It is there, for sure!
You’ve got my wheels turning…what would I pick for a sign? Maybe…
Happy lives here
Don’t worry about a thing
I am enough
You are beautiful inside and out
Snug as a bug in a rug
Whoever wins will be one lucky gal! Hugs!

kristen - His mercies are new EVERY morning
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
I hope you dance
Eternity. Forever. With HIM.
Laugh more-love more- live to the fullest.
This is fun – I need to think of some old movies and songs before I decide.

Jennifer - A pedastal sink for all of you???? OMG!

Anne-Marie P. - Time to make the donuts!

Megan - What is the floor tile called? Thank you : )

sam - Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Rachel - I LOVE the gray walls. Your new bathroom is beautiful!
“Just be where you are”
“The grass is always greener in the areas where you water it”
“One cannot do everything at once, but one can do something at once”

Debbie - Dare to be remarkable!

Greta - Love the bathroom redo! (esp. the shower curtain!)
Right off the top of my head, and I’ve seen this somewhere that I can’t think of right now…”Brothers are even cooler than superheroes!”

jill - Lovely love love the bathroom! Now if I can just put up with my bathroom for a few more years I’ll get a redo like you! πŸ™‚ I think my phrase would be, “Chop wood, Carry water.” Thanks for the giveaway!

MomBE - oh, and just want to add, I am crazy about the ampersand!!!!

MomBE - what will you do with this one wild and precious life?

Shannon - How cute is that sign?? If I was fortunate enough to win, I’d go with: “Like this old King James, I was made from love”…It’s an unreleased song from country singer Jake Owen and it’s my all-time fave!

Nicole G - I absolutely love your new bathroom! So cute! Just painted my kiddos room (they share) gray. We love it and it has a ton of bright white trim!
I would love the same yellow color sign to say “You are my sunshine!”

Angela - “Love is a great beautifier” by Louisa May Alcott. Or, on a funnier note, “Housekeeping ain’t no joke.” Also by Miss Alcott. Love Louisa May and your new bathroom!

angela - you make me happy when skies are grey…for my sweet baby niece who will be born this summer (my baby sister’s first!!)

Janet Diemer - God is a verb or You are my sunshine. πŸ™‚

Lisa - Love you to the moon and back!

lynn - Good Apples!

Ellen J - I’d love one that says, “life’s a hoot”!!

Amy McClendon - “God’s Girl” – for my new baby’s nursery πŸ™‚
LOVE the bathroom!

stacie - your bathroom remodel looks awesome!!!
i’d like a sign that says “many hands make light work.”

karen - Work Hard
Be Nice
thanks meg

Jennifer Roy - LOVE this! πŸ™‚
I’ve seen Faith that moves the mountains
Hakuna Matata

The Countess of Nassau County - I would get one for our bedroom that perfect sums up our courtship.
“Love at third date”.
But for our place at the beach it would have to be, “lay down your burden”.
BTW I LOVE the chalkboard in the loo!!

Meghan - so many great ideas here!
my choice would be between the ampersand,
“this is the day the LORD has made”
“You are the sunshine in my orange juice” (something my husband wrote on a card when we were dating)

mandy - Your bathroom is lovely! I heart the gray!
I think my sign would say:
“I’m gonna love you good and strong while our love is good and young”
-the Indigo Girls

Amanda Larkins - We’re all mad here….

Carrie Davis - Wow, I LOVE her shop.
I love the Run Wild My Child sign. I’d love to have yellow or red against my grey kitchen.

Emily - Oh my word. Your bathroom is amazing, and those signs are phenomenal!! I kind of love all of them she has in her shop, but if I had a custom one made, I’d have it say “Let them be little” and put it in the toy room to remind myself not to freak out about the huge mess the toys are making!!

Victoria Vicary - All You Need is Love would be great. Love your blog Meg!

Joanne B - Your bathroom turned out fantastic, love the color.I would love I love you a bushel and a peck. My mom used to say that to us all the time.

Erin - “Let Go and Let God” The motto my family has lived by this past year πŸ™‚

Lin - I didn’t even have to look at her shop. As soon as I saw Good Morning Sunshine I wanted it! It made me happy. I am so excited for this giveaway. Thanks.

Gwennie - “You are my favorite face.”
This is what I say to my husband, and is even engraved inside his wedding band.

Kari - I had a miscarriage in 2008 with my first pregnancy, and haven’t been able to get pregnant since. There’s a quote that always hits close to my heart when I hear it. “Those I cannot hold in my arms, are always held in my heart” I’d love one with that saying that I can have to look at every day. :]

Tami C - Lately I’ve ben saying “it is what it is” a lot. Maybe that’s our motto for 2012?!

April R - don’t have time to read all 400-some odd ideas now but I sure would like to πŸ™‚
I like Jes’ family motto, “Work hard, Play hard” or maybe a Narnia quote…
(btw – the bathroom is great! thanks very much for sharing!)

nicki - “Together Share This Smile” –Dave Matthews Band (and me & my hubby’s song!)
Thanks πŸ™‚

Verna Lantz - This is true love…You think this happens everyday?

tobi - This is for every hockey/sport family

Claire P - I seriously just love your Good Morning Sunshine one – or Hello Sunshine would be cute too.
From the shop my favourites would have to be ‘Look at the stars, look how they shine for you’ or the ‘hello’ sign is really cute too.

Janelle - I actually just purchased her “Every Little Thing Gonna Be Alright” sign last month! Love her shop – would love to win a sign! I love the quote from The Help – I like that one a lot. But I’m also in love with the Mary Oliver quote “what are you going to do with your one fabulous life” or something along those lines (too lazy to go look it up).

Elizabeth - Love your bathroom! Love the subway tile and the grey paint! Such a great space. My top three ideas for the sign would be: “you are my sunshine….” because I always say that to my son and husband because they are my sunshine! or “the joy of the lord is my strength” or “i have found the one my soul loves” for above our bed.

janelle - You are my sunshine! or Make yourself at home!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - My favorite phrase is “My hope is in the Lord!”

Amber Fussell - I would either want It is Well or the Good Morning Sunshine sign. They are all so cute!
You did a great job in your bathroom! Gray will always be my favorite color!

ronda beeman - If there is any peace, if there is any hope
We must all believe, our lives are not our own
We all belong
God has given us each other
And we will never walk alone
Lyrics from Jars of Clay The Shelter.
I love that song and the reminder that we are not alone and our lives are not our own. πŸ™‚
Great giveaway —-ronda(dot)beeman(at)gmail(dot)com
Have a wonderfully awesome day.

Linda Mullen - I’d go with
“Would you like fries with that?”
think i would be fun in the kitchen, or anywhere, really

Amanda Kay - Can I do two???
In the beginning God CREATED!

Amanda Kay - I carry your heart with me
(I carry it in my heart)
– E.E. Cummings

michele alexander - I would love for my sign to say a snippet of our family verse Isaiah 61:3
Oaks of Righteousness-
planted in the LORD and
displaying His Splendor It would be cool in a lime green

Elizabeth Leach - I love your new bathroom, by the way. We are doing our’s soon and you have given me a lot of ideas.
As for the sign, I love “Good morning sunshine” or the alphabet. What a great store!

Cindy B - I would quote my Mother in law with
“””Ooooooo my World! “”””
She is from the south so it sounds so great coming from her.
Which is used when you she is talking about her 75 year neighbor who just got engaged OR
when I tell her my daughter just got nominated for Homecoming Queen OR
My son just started playing football.

Becky W - That bathroom is so great! I am loving grey and yellow lately.
You are my sunshine
I love you so
Home is where you are
Wherever you go I go.

Sarah - You are my sunshine

Just_Joanna - Happy is a choice!

Suzanne - Probably I’d go with You Are My Sunshine OR the Ampersand OR This is the Day that the Lord has Made.
Love, love, love the new bathroom, BTW!

nicole @ deliajude - AS YOU WISH

bread and jam - it’s a southern thing
I love these signs!!!

Melissa Mackler - I have been wanting to make a sign that says “you i love” because my hubby and I used to say that to each other. or “let everything that has breath praise the Lord” if it’s not too long πŸ™‚ the bathroom looks great!

Nicole - Love the ampersand too! It would look fabulous in my master bedroom in soft grey!

Dorothy Miller - Keep calm and carry on. feel like i need that right now but i also love the one you have hanging in your bathroom.

Nicole - In love with ‘You are my Sunshine’! It would look great in the my soon-to-be nursery!


Eli - If I could have anything on a sign….it would be , “Con todo mi brocoli, todo mi ser, y todo mi corazon” — with all of my broccoli, with all of my being, and with all of my heart.

Alise - I love the “You are my Sunshine”, but I would love one that says, “God First, Others Second, and I’m Third” – Kanakuk Motto πŸ™‚

Stephanie - I would have to pick Love Will Set you Free or I love you a bushel and a peck! Great give away!

Heather M. - I love either “Make yourself at home” or “Love you more.” Hmmm, maybe I would choose “Love Lives Here”. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Stacy Hyatt Costner - Thank God for small favors. or my favorite quote…(which may be a bit too long) “Invention, me dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% Butterscotch ripple.” Gene Wilder in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

shannon - i LOVE your bathroom/blog/sign
from her shop, the “good morning sunshine” or “i love you a bushel and a peck” are my faves… but I would love one to say one of my fav lines from shakespeare’s sonnet 116…
“love is an ever-fixed mark”

Jessica - “You’re my little honey bun” a song my mom made up when we were little.
LOVE the new bathroom!!

Sunny Haynes - Love the sign and I would have Laugh Out Loud!

KLucas - I love you with every beat of my heart

stella - my 3-year-old sometimes “reads” me a story at bedtime, here’s my favorite so far:
“Jesus love you. Calleigh love you. The end.”

mandy falgout - from here to the moon and back
for my mom for mother’s day b/c we saw this to each other a lot….

mkpoggie - I love that sign AND this shop! I’ve longingly perused it many a time…What a fun surprise that you’re having this contest! Hm…I like the sunshine saying you have, but I might change it to “Hello, Sunshine,” or go with the classic “You Are My Sunshine” (my baby’s loved that song since the womb, I swear), or else just “Pickwick” (my daughter’s place holder name before she was born).

katie - Honestly what first came to mind is the word that my 3 year old son is really into:
Don’t hold me to it though:)

Melissa - Well I love the one you got! I think I would go with either ” my lovely sunshine” or “you are loved” for the bathroom my little girls share. Or I could go crazy and go with ” lovie mangos” since I call them my lovies and they call each other mangos (I have no idea why). πŸ˜‰

Jeannette from Plant City - love the bathroom makeover and the Good Morning Sunshine goes perfect in there!!! I would love a sign to say p.s. I love you or Faith.Hope.Love
thanks for the awesome giveaway

Beth Ann - Your bathroom update is beautiful! I love that you pieced everything together from everywhere!
I really like the ABC wall art- I have been looking for some for my kiddo’s bathroom. However, I really like Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother the “whenever I get sad, I stop being sad and start being AWESOME” sticks in my head, so a play on that quote

Jill - Wow! Every little thing gonna be alright….love.

Gina f. - I love the yellow “good morning sunshine”. How about ” wash with soap”. I have to tell my kids this when they head to the tub/shower. Your bathroom is perfect!!!

Emily - I would love a sign that says “Duva”. It’s been my husband’s and my own word for ‘Promise’. We’ve been saying it for 20 years…since our freshman year of high school.

Tracy Fisher - SHE BELIEVED IN GOD AND SHE BELIEVED IN ME (it’s from a Kid Rock song that I love). Tracy

EllenVR - This is a little long…but once my husband told me, “Nothing about you makes me want to throw up.” And I was pretend offended but really thought it was hilarious πŸ™‚

Ali - I and Love and You
It’s a song from the Avett Brothers.

Jen - Make Wise Choices!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the bathroom!! Someday I WILL see it in person at Craft Weekend! Honestly, I could care less about the crafting but I would totally come to cook and clean up! πŸ™‚ I’m weird like that.

Tina Jacobsen - Love the bathroom!! I have two sayings I just love so it would be either “Raise the Roof” or “Put your Shine On”

Anna - “You are my sunshine”
I have been saying that to my best friend for the past 24 years.

Erika - I LOVE your new bathroom.
For my sign, I’d put “Let’s hear if for the boys!”

Olivia Stewart - I would want mine to say “I love you a bushel and a peck”
It is lyrics from an old song I heard growing up and it is a phrase my family has continued to say.
I think I would post it in the nursery for my first baby due in May!

Dee D - “No Worries”
I say it all the time. Of course I have concerns and stress like anyone else, but my God is bigger than any worry I could come up with! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

karen peachey - I LOVE the alphabet on the wall art!!! And the bathroom is A.Mazing!

Heidi - I would choose Every Little Thing Gonna Be All Right (Bob Marley, Reggae)

Lee C - Sing like no one is listening and dance like no one is watching.
Maybe that’s two signs…not sure.
Lovely bathroom by the way.

seriously sassy mama - If I won, I would love mine to day 8 days a week. My favorite Beatles song.

Christy - I love the GoodMorning Sunshine! And that yellow….ugh one of my favs!

janel - Everything is gonna be alright or Good morning sunshine. yellow is great!

Michelle Z. - “You are my favorite and my best”
I’m not sure where that came from, but I say it to my kids and my husband all the time.

Michelle - Love your bathroom! Thanks for showing us!!
How about this for a sign: You are loved…..always.
Thank you, Meg! πŸ™‚

Jessica D. - My sign would say “Love without expectations”

Yaz - Te Amo
Te Quiero
Te Adoro
Everything is going to be alright
– The bathroom is perfect…best part for me is the big dots mixed with the stripes-

Deb A. - Love the bathroom. Love, love this giveaway. I would go with “Let Go, Let God.” I also like “Good Morning Sunshine”

steph - You are my sunshine.
Our little family.
Bless this home.
Lord, make me a blessing.
her stuff is awesome! i love it all!

Val - I like: Good Night Sweetheart..I sing it to my girls every night. (Although there are allot of good ones in your comments!)

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - After all tomorrow is another day (Scarlett from Gone with the Wind)
P.S. Loving the bathroom. It looks great!

Amanda - I love the “Look at the Stars…” sign. Bathroom looks wonderful!

Kari Tackeberry - Love the gray bathroom! I am ready for a change in ours…thanks for sharing your ideas. And can I say…I love the idea of your craft weekends! Maybe in another season of my life I would be able to do this.
“The best is yet to be.” is my favorite phrase right now.

Jenny B. - I really love the alphabet one. If I was getting a custom one, I think I would want, “I love you so much.” It’s a song I sing to my little boys. πŸ™‚

Kait - I would get our family motto : don’t be a jerk. Or maybe just a sign that says “Always” because that’s our family word. Once we finally get our kids home we plan to spend the rest of our lives always loving them and always being their family.
And I love that bathroom. Makes me want to tackle redoing mine!

Angie G. - Love your bathroom, Meg!!!! Absolutely love it!!!! For the sign, I would pick something my little boy tells me every day after we watched the movie “Tangled”, but in spanish πŸ™‚ “Yo te amo aΓΊn mΓ‘s” (“I love you most”).

Tonya - I’d love a sign for each of my kids that says “you’re my favorite”.
Love how understatedly(is that even a word?) classy your new bathroom is!

pinksuedeshoe - I believe in pink!(Audrey Hepburn)

Val page - Life is like a box of chocolates…you never know what you’re gonna get.

Sarah - My sign would say:
I would search the whole wide world just find you

lauren - la vie est dure, mais Diue est bon
Life is one grand, sweet song, so start the music.

Brenda - Love the bathroom! I would love to have the Hello in red!

Robin - OK, I have two signs to choose from:
1. At last… my love has come along (the song playing as we walked down the aisle to get married).
2. Hello sweetie pie (something my hubby always says).

kate - “It is well, with my soul.”

Victoria - The bathroom looks amazing! Love how you brought everything together – modern, classical and a little whimsy!
As for the sign…”so happy together”. πŸ™‚

Susie - Simply love the “good morning sunshine” one! I’m feeling that grey paint is in my near future also…

Sarah - “You are truly something special” I’d give it to my little girl. She really is something special. πŸ™‚

Sarah Hebert - You are my sunshine

Amy - “Life with you is half as hard & twice as good.”
best line(s) ever!
–from a beautiful song by sara groves!

Julie - I love Good Morning Sunshine!

Cass M - Either a simple ‘hello’ or Wash Your Hands!
πŸ™‚ Both so very appropriate for a bathroom!

Krissy - I love your bathroom!!! I totally agree about the shower curtain. You wouldnt think it would be pretty but it totally is!
As for my phrase, my boyfriend told me one day that there wasnt a word that described how much he loves me, so he made one up. Oobles. (haha i know) So my phrase would be what he tells me so many times a day: “I Love You Oobles” :o)

Amber - These are fantastic! I love her “run wild my child”. Great to put in the mud room or by the back door.

Kelly - Never Quit
(For my older boy’s room.)

beth - Home (just that) or Home is where I really want to be. Wow–great stuff! Those chickens are super cute!

courtney - i love us.
your bathroom looks beautiful!

Tina C - Beautiful redo!
I would have my sign say “Choose the Right” or “All You Need is Love”.

emmeline - love some of the suggestions i’ve seen!
“hey morning glory” (what my husband says to our baby girl each morning)
“the glory of God has defeated the night” (matt maher, Christ is Risen)
“hey y’all”
“hope” (baby girl’s middle name)
“There is no other stream,” said the Lion. (Silver Chair, C.S. Lewis)
i could keep going but best leave it at that! thank you!

Erika - Haste Makes Waste

Donna - Love More

Wendy - i like the mumford and sons one about love. πŸ™‚ or “let it be”, or “never will i leave you, never will i forsake you”.

Sheridan Eketone - Ooooh… so love this… so my phrase would be…
“Life is BETTER after COFFEE!!”
PIck me… pick meeeeee πŸ˜‰

Emily B - “Pucker Up Buttercup”
My four-year-old has taken to saying this… with puckered lips herself, so it sounds extra cute.

april - Oh I hope I win….mine would say SWOON….its my favorite word….<3

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - “Hey Y’all” would be my choice of saying. I swear I should’ve been born in the south just so I could say that phrase. But alas I’m as Yankee as they come(holla New Yorkers!) so I refrain from the saying:)
I love your polka dotted curtains. Cute fabric choice!

Rachel B. - “I’ll be loving you…always” The song from the great Irving Berlin.
Beautiful etsy shop. What a great name!
p.s.-so glad your lovely new bathroom is done!

Sarah F. - I get distracted by shiny things πŸ™‚

Yolanda - Wow…this is a great giveaway and so tough. “It is our choices that show what we truly are.” Harry Potter!!

Denise Feil - “Favorite Things”… Who doesn’t love the Sound of Music!!! That quote makes me smile every time.

Connie Krebs - the littlest birds sing the prettiest songs
What a beautiful concept and I love the colors!

tina - …when you wish upon a star…
The new bath looks great πŸ™‚

Jackie Barnum - Your bathroom turned out gorgeous! I would pick. Beware of the Children done in red. It cracks me up! I would hang it on our fence going into the backyard. =)

Rebekah - “You are my sunshine”
I have sung that song to all three of my kiddos and they love it when i replace sunshine with their names. I would hang it in their bathroom.

Sara J - I would love the sign ” You’ll never walk alone” as a college coach it has double meaning. God is always with me as I am serving and for my players they are part of a team and always have their teammates. It also is a conversation starter and since my office is still bare, it would be a great addition. Or “audience of one” always loved that phrase for life and as an athlete

Lisa McCracken - I knew immediately what mine would say….”Love You”. That is what each of us (me, my husband and my son) says to each other before leaving (or talking on the phone as our good-bye). And I will put it on the wall at the bottom of the steps from our upstairs so we can all read it every day!
Thanks for the giveaway! And, your bathroom looks awesome!

Caroline - Home is wherever I am with you – love that song and would LOVE a sign with that on it. What a great shop!

Anne Galindo - I like The ‘good morning sunshine’, or “beware of the children’.

Jenny - Oh my gosh! Love this etsy shop!! I cracked up at the Beware of Children sign! I also love the Mumford and Sons sign…I would probably have something made that said “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “Thanks for the Memories” to hang with a bunch of pictures of our friends and family or “Home is where the Air Force sends us”. Thanks for the giveway opp, your bathroom looks like a lovely retreat.

Annie - You are my Sunshine

Deborah - Hmmm…sooo many choices for an adorable sign like this. I would probably go with Be Joyful or FUN lives here! or I could certainly choose many from her shop too.

Dawn - Love it! πŸ™‚ My sign would say “Hello Darlin'” πŸ™‚

Mandy - Love dangerously would be what I would want a sign to say. What a great shop.

Lindsay - These are so fun! I would love one that said:
“Bake Bake Bake” For above my oven. πŸ™‚

Christina - Ahh!!!! I’m so excited! I’ve been wanting her Cold Play lyrics sign since you last posted about her shop but can’t justify the cost right now (but might be able to with the discount!! Sweet, thank you!!). When my son was an infant he pretended to play the piano while we were watching a Cold Play concert on tv – same song as the lyrics she has in her shop. It would be so perfect in his room.

sally whitemore - Om my gosh – what a great giveaway!
How about:
“Like a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils”
or our personal family motto
We are seekers of TRUTH!

Linda B - I love the “Home” sign from her shop!

Christie - “Be Awesome Today”…we say it to our kids before school every day and it’s just a reminder to do your best, be joyful, and to love others! Love it!

Emily Kinsaul - I love the “lettuce turnip the beet”! Totally awesome!

Judy - I do love the sunshine one–it looks great in that spot! (I’m going to her shop right after this.) My personal saying would be “slowpokes on the move” as it’s a family saying from our hikes.

Karen - “You are my sunshine” would be my choice. My daughter always sings that to me when she sees I am having a bad day!

amandha fuentes - Sweet Dreams

Jessica - WMWHFMWL
My husband & I hide this all over everything for each other. it stands for a phrase we’ve been saying to each other since we started dating.

Amanda - Oh that shower curtain! LOVE
It’s fun coming up with these sayings!!
I am the vine; you are the branches. (John 15:5)
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love. (Psalm 143:8)

Sarah D - I think I’d so “Tune my heart to sing Thy grace” from Come Thou Fount, my favorite hymn. I’m sure I could come up with lots of other ideas though. πŸ™‚ Your bathroom looks amazing!

sara @ it's good to be queen - well first of all…i love her “every little thing is gonna be alright” sign…love me some bob.
but if i were to pick a special phrase for our home, I would pick. “i like you and i love you.” my three year old started saying that to us and we all love it so much that now we say it too. it has kind of become our family thing.

Jenn - Be Happy

April - I would choose “you are my sunshine”. I have sang it to all three of my boys and the oldest is 20!
Love your bathroom!

Benay - I think I would have to go with “Be Sweet” which is what my mom said to me every time I walked out the door to go somewhere. Now I say it to my kids, too. (the boys love it!)

Rhonda Fendt - Hello… Im painting my bathroon gray too! It will look really pretty with the lavendar tile ( hmmm ) . Well Done Meg and Craig! You are an inspiration. I love the sign too!
I would Choose “Carpe Diem” or Believe.
Thank you

Emily - This little light of mine… πŸ™‚

Meghan - Love it all! Absolutely gorgeous!
I’d like
“I am the luckiest” from The Luckiest by Ben Folds… my wedding song:)

Kristina McCook - I would love a sign that says … be nice. Or … do good! LOVE the ampersand! Such a fun giveaway!

Chris - Be Awesome Today!
If I win, that’s what I want!

Naomi - LOVE the bathroom!
For the sign I’d have to go with plain old ‘Hello there, beautiful’ πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - I’d like my sign to say DON’T PEE ON THE SEAT!
not really
but that might be too long.
how about CHOOSE LOVE.
yeah. I like that.

Ashley K - I love the Good Morning Sunshine quote! I might choose – Be your own kind of beautiful! Or – What I love most about my home is who I share it with. (Tad Carpenter)
Would love to win!

Jennifer in VA - “Be a Blessing.” in red (a deep barn red)
It’s what I tell my kids when they head out the door to anywhere.

becca r. - i love you a bushel & a peck
my grandma used to sing that to us. πŸ™‚

Regina - “If it makes YOUR heart happy, then it makes MY heart happy.” -our family saying

Milena - Love the sign! I saw this at the perfect time, because we just moved into a new house and I’m working on the bathroom my four kids share. I have been scouring etsy for something for the wall, but I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for. This would be perfect. I would definitely want it to say, “rise and shine and give God the glory!” My mom used to sing that to us every morning – sometimes annoying when we wanted to sleep, but always a good reminder of the best way to start the day. πŸ™‚ I would love for my kids to see that every morning while they brushg their teeth.

Emily - I love the “hello”sign but I would really love an “eat” sign for my kitchen!!

Marcie - Your bathroom turned out beautiful! I love it!! I actually LOVE the ‘Good morning sunshine’ you have… it would be a perfect addition in my kids’ bathroom. Thanks for the chance to win!

Stephanie A. - Sing-Dance-Laugh-Love
I love your new bathroom, looks great !!

Tanya Couser - I personally think my sign would say “Oh no not me – it wasn’t me” a truly favorite saying around our house whenever something is wrong. Especially if the poor dog isn’t around to blame it on!

Laura - Love all of her signs! esp. “run wild my child” or “I love you a bushel and a peck” – would love to come up with a unique one too, though!! Your bathroom looks amazing! thanks for the giveaway!!!

Meredith Welborn - I’d love a YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE sign for my son’s room.

Kiki Dee - “I love you more than Sunshine”… I would love to have a sign that said that! I have always said that to my daughter to which she always replies “I love YOU more than Rainbows” Beautiful signs… thank you for the giveaway opportunity! πŸ™‚

Becky - I love the “good morning sunshine” and “every little thing is gonna be all right.” But reading some of the above comments, it would be fun to pick a personalized one πŸ™‚
Love the bathroom!

Kate Anderson - “Happy Day”
This is what my 2 year old daughter says to people instead of Happy Birthday. It’s stuck in our house and I just love it. It’s true of everything…just to have a “happy day”. πŸ™‚ I now tell people to have a “happy day” instead of Happy Birthday! Ha! πŸ™‚ I Love your blog! So much! It has inspired me to become crafty!! (And I can’t even sew a button!)

Heather F. - Truthfully, when I was reading your post I went gaga over that “Good Morning Sunshine” sign. That is the sign I would love to have. What a pretty and pleasant way to start the day, seeing that message in bright color!

Cindy - I absolutely LOVE your Good Morning Sunshine one, but given the choice of anything, I’d have to go with our family’s signature phrase: “I love you the mostest in the whole wide world.”

lacey poag - πŸ™‚ for my sign…
actually…i LOVE you -as my 4 yr old son says-

iralee henson - i lOve the ‘beware of the children’ sign!!! lol or she could do an alice in wonderland phrase, we’re all mad here

Jennie Peakin - “adoption is the new pregnant” πŸ™‚
Love the bathroom! Not sure if I’ve commented before, but thought I’d introduce myself! I am Cassie Burback’s sister and have been following your blog for a couple years now!

Lisa A - The bathroom is awesome!! I too am in love,love,love with the grey/white shower curtain. Super love.
“You are so Beautiful” Joe Cocker

cassie o - i apparently have very similar tastes as kristen because i found myself saying “ooh yeah!” and “good one!” over and over again, but i think i would have to go with:
“you’re just too good to be true”
my husband and i danced to the version by muse at our wedding. i still get tingles whenever i hear it. <3

Jennifer Ensor - You like me because I’m a scoundrel (star wars)
So fun!

Mae - You’re killin’ me smalls

Christy - I like the “Love you More”. My kids and I go through this “argument” all the time.

Cindy - We are HUGE Bob Marley fans so I love the “Every Little Thing is Gonna Be Alright!”

Shauna - “Wash your hands” would be a nice reminder for the bathroom!

Kelly O. - I’d love a sign in my room that says “love me forever, hold me for always”
her signs are A.MAZ.ING!

Michelle - i’d love a sign that says, “That’s How I Roll” for my son’s bedroom

Rachel Spin - My sign would say “Love Wins” maybe with an infinity symbol in there somewhere. This phrase reminds me of Jesus and that His victory has already been accomplished. It gives me hope when I am discouraged.

Linda Garcia - I’m so glad you told us where the sign came from. I was bummed when your caption for the photo didn’t include info about this cool sign! I like so many of these suggestions. I might choose, “Hello, Pumpkin!” because we say that to our daughter all the time.

Dianne - I would get the word “chimiladas”. It’s what my kids say for enchiladas…and it wouldhelp me always remember their sweet toddler years. I have feeling that I’ll need to remember the CUTE things they used to do when I’ve got two teenage boys!!

Lilly - I would suggest my fave southern saying: God-willing and the creek don’t rise. Lovely bathroom. Lovely sign!

Dena - Do you know what?
I love you SO much!

Amy Bogan Griffin - I would like my sign to say “Just Funderful” in bright red. that is a saying in our house for something that is fun and wonderful!!

Katie H - “Love more”
(Shawni over at 71 Toes Blog has that above the door to her house and I love it)!

Karissa - Wash.Brush.Flush. (to hang in my bathroom)

Lelia - How cool! I have been looking for a “girlie” version of “Live, Laugh, Love” for my daughter’s room, so I would love to have a sign made to say this for her! =)

Brenna - Good Morning Sunshine! Love that. Love your bathroom too! Thanks!

Maggie - LOVE LOVE LOVE the bathroom! So inspiring and the colors are gorgeous. As for the sign – Carrie said it above, but I would definitely choose “I Hope You Dance” for my kids rooms or bathroom.

jennifer brennan - i love your bathroon πŸ™‚
i think that my sign would have to say –‘there’s a fine line between genius and insanity. i have erased this line’ (oscar levant) i first read it on nicole owens blog…and it fits my life perfectly.

Nikki - So glad to see we are not the only big family sharing one bathroom in an old house! It looks wonderful!
I would love for my sign to say ‘Awake My Soul’ from Mumford & Sons πŸ™‚

amber van duyn - Home is wherever I am with you.

Chantel - Wow! The bathroom looks great! Love a bathroom with lots of natural light. πŸ™‚
Great contest! I would love a sign that says Love Never Fails.

jenny - nubba nu. a phrase that started b/t my husband and i when we were dating-i can’t even remember where / when it started exactly, but we still say it to this day.
such a cute shop! i love the oh happy day and hello! ones…so cool!
happy wednesday! πŸ™‚ jenny

April - I would chose the ampersand or a sign that says one moment at a time or it’s always more than you can handle.

Holly - Love You More

K - live well, laugh often, love much

Amy - I love the amperstand on her website.

Denine - Well I like the original saying.
I like your word “WHATEVER”
Remember who you are
and what you stand for.
Might be too long.
Oh well
I love your bathroom.

Ashley - I love your sign!!!!
ANother fun one would be “You can’t handle the truth”

Shelby P - I would choose “Don’t Panic” from The Hitchhiker’s Guide. Love that book and love that phrase!

Sandy W - Mine would say “Love lives here”

K - LOVE your work Kristen! We like: All you need is love and Good Morning Sunshine πŸ™‚

Sarah - i really like the one thatyou have “you are my sunshine” in the bright yellow- it looks great with the gray walls in your bathroon.
but i also like
i cross my heart (george straight)
i’ll be there for you (friends)
i bet he’d understand a heart like mine (miranda lambert)
i don’t know how i would pick!

Carolyn Mackie - “FLUSH” I’ve been trying to think of a way to remind those in my household to flush and when I saw that beautiful “You are my sunshine” hanging on the wall above your toilet, I thought that would be a perfect way to remind everyone!

sandee prince - i gotta say meg, i am with you. LOVE Good Morning Sunshine! and of course love that yellow. But if I had to design my own it would be “Today is a new day.” I say that to my kiddos all the time. Especially if I had a hard day with them the previous day πŸ˜‰ Which lately seems all too often πŸ™
You have such cute style. I have been eyeing that West Elm gray/white striped pattern but on a duvet instead of a shower curtain. One day I will fork out the $80 bucks and just get it!!!

Angie - Mine would say “Love Everybody!” My family says this at the end of our prayers …

Ashley - “Suzy Q baby I love you” for my daughter, Suzy’s room!

Amber - Love the vintage feel of your bathroom….swoon! I would go with the phrase “Be Filled with JOY” for a sign πŸ™‚

Shelby A. - Her shop is so fun! I like the quote, “Comparison is the Thief of Joy” as a sign for my home…such a good reminder!

Lari - Love her site! My saying would be “Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly”

Aimee - I’m just commenting to say that I bought the “sugar pie honey bunch” sign from Spunky Fluff last month because my 5 year old and I sing that song to each other all the time and I LOVE my sign. She got it to me super fast too. It looks cute on my boys’ play room wall (will look better once I get around to painting the walls and decorating more).

Joy - I would love one with: BAZINGA (from Sheldon) or “Shut the Front Door” or Smile God Loves You.

The Frat Pack + Me - It’s All Good
I love the yellow with the gray…

Angie Angel - I would do I Love you the Whole World in turqoise. My daughter always says that to me and I love it! Yellow would be awesome too!Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful sign!

Sheila P. - Just another day in paradise. And I would hang it in my laundry room.

Becky - Love these SIGNS!! I like “Be Bold”

Rebecca - I’ve had the “Look at the stars, look how they shine for you” pinned on my pinterest board for months for our new daughter, I would do it in a bright purple!
The bathroom look great and is making me wicked jealous!

Gillian - I love the “I love you a bushel and a peck” πŸ™‚

Jen Harnett - I lOVE the bathroom…the grays, the white’s, the tile and the splash of little colour. My phrase I’ve been saying alot lately that makes me laugh,
“Suck it up BUTTERCUP”!
See, doesn’t it make you smile?! Anyways, LOVE your blog, creativity and honesty! Blessings from Canada!!! πŸ˜€

Ashley Cook - “For I Know the Plans I have for you,” declares the Lord. “Plans to help you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Caroline - Breathe and laugh, breathe and laugh…

Rosemary - We have a saying here at home amongst our 3 swimmers so I would order “Remember it’s a race!”. Love the remodel!

Chantel - Your bathroom is stunning! As for a phrase, my favorite is “Life teaches. Love reveals.” It’s by an anonymous author and is so true!

Brooke in WI - A good laugh is like sunshine in the house.

Arlene - Your bathroom is so cute! If I won I’d ask her to do: The Vieiras est Jan 2010

Megan - I Love You
Like a Love Song
It is What it is
Love the bathroom!!

Lori H - Your bathroom is beautiful. I know you are loving it. If I could pick a sign I would pick either “to the moon, and back” or “Time After Time” (Cyndi Lauper, our song, so 80’s!)

Asccnelson - It is what it is. The signs are awesome…she is talented!
Love your blog!

Missa Lee - Real is Love.

stephany @ home is what you make it - home is…what you make it
not just because it’s the name of my blog, but because i believe it!
everybody has a place they call home…and it’s whatever they have made themselves. sometimes it is a physical space, sometimes a feeling, sometimes a dream, or sometimes faith.
we all have a different idea of what home is…and we all make it on our own (or with help from family, friends, designers, carpenters, contractors, artists, dreams, and faith).
your beautiful home (and bathroom) is what YOU (and anybody who has helped along the way)have made it!!

Tiffany - Oh how I love Movies. I watch the same Romantic Comedies on VCR while I set, I couldn’t choose one, so here are my submissions. I could go on for days with this.
Notting Hill:
Anna Scott: I’m also just a girl, standing in front of a boy, asking him to love her.
William: Whoopsidaisies! <---this one might be my fave. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Pretty Woman: Vivian Ward: I want the fairy tale ** Elizabeth Stuckey: [about Vivian] She's sweet, Edward! Wherever did you find her? Edward: 976-BABE.<--- that line for the sign, of course. ** You’ve got mail: Joe Fox: I wanted to be your friend. Birdie Conrad: You are daring to imagine that you could have a different life. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: That's it. Love the tile in the bathroom, you do such a good job of putting a room together. Please mail me that chalkboard though, thankuverymuch πŸ™‚

lynna cherry - I’ve been looking for a sign that says “no matter what”. We tell that to our kids all the time regarding love, doing their best, being a leader, obeying God, etc.

Alison Vaclav - “In every job to be done, there’s an element of fun.” That would be a nice reminder for the kids AND me!

AmyB - “You are the ultimate rainbow.” (inside joke with my best friend)
“here am i. all of me. take my life. it’s all for Thee. (Chris Tomlin song)

Sandy - even if you stand alone
stand for what you believe in
Is that too long? I love that phrase.

Caitlin - I’m trying to think of something creative but nothing’s coming to me! I think I’d go with the alphabet!

Maureen - Cute, cute, cute. I guess my sign would say cherry & Jane…for a my dream store on etsy. It would be some good inspiration to start my day off.

Carrie C. in VA - I adore the “I love you a bushel and a peck” sign in her shop. But if I won, I might think a little harder about a family catchphrase to use!

air greenwood - LOVE the bathroom! & funny enough, I just earmarked the same shower curtain in the West Elm Catalog. I love it so much more in “person” ha ha ha. & not in catalog…SO THANKS for sharing πŸ™‚
I would have a hard time choosing a quote but LOVE the sign.
so here is one I love, part of a longer quote..
“life is a dream, realize it.” – mother teresa
I hope to brush my teeth in that happy little bathroom for craft weekend sometime πŸ™‚

casey - I love you a bushel & a peck!
My mom always used to sing me that song when I was little. It goes: ” I love you a bushel and a peck, a bushel and a peck, and a hug around the neck!” And then you squeeze your little one three little times and say “boo boo boo!”
I know sing it to my 2 yr old! Brings back such awesome memories.

wendy - I would go with “You Rock!” or “Hello Sunshine” Both make me smile. your bathroom looks greaT! Thanks for sharing!

Gerri - Love your bathroom! I would love to have a sign that says what I have always said to my kids whenever they encounter something that’s upsetting, hurtful or when they are just plain having a bad day. “No matter what happens, your mother ALWAYS loves you”. They are adults now but I still say it to them and they have turned it around on me.

Tracie - “This is the day that the Lord has made” would be a great phrase to see each day!

Donna - I love you to the moon and back. My dad used to say this to my girls all of the time. Now, he is gone, but his love remains with us.

Sara R - My sign would say “theres no place like home”

Brooke - “They aren’t going to eat you” My mom reminds me often that my two two year olds “aren’t going to eat you”…it sounds silly but gives me perspective. Even though some days I swear they are going to!! πŸ™‚ I’d LOVE to have some art with that saying on it!

Rebecca - wow, love your bathroom!
mine would be:
You are my Sunshine

D - Clear eyes, full hearts, Can’t loose…
Friday Night Lights

Cynthia - I actually love the ‘good morning sunshine’ sign…i’m wanting to do my baby’s nursery in gray, white, and yellow, so it would be perfect!
Also, I would like ‘for the good 828’ in reference to Romans 8:28 for my family!

tiffany gardner - moote love pootie….. I know…weird. My mom used to sing this to me when I was a little girl (she made up songs all the time!) I know say/sing this to my daughter. The weirdness continues. πŸ™‚

jenni - “you’re like my own personal brand of heroin” – Edward
Ok…maybe not;)
Fun give away, thanks!

Katie Mathieson - have a little faith.
Would love a sign! How cute!

Kathryn Goertzen - “In case I forget to tell you . . . I had a wonderful time!” (from “Pretty Woman”) Kinda long I suppose.
p.s. to Meg . . . The bathroom looks great but there was something pretty special about that old pedestal sink! (No storage – I know)

Jenna - “It’s moments like this that make me wish I could freeze-frame time” (favorite song) OR
“LΓ‘ska hory pΕ™enΓ‘Ε‘Γ­” (Love conquers all in Czech [I’m Czech, my great grandma used to say this])

Cassie - I love the one you have “Good morning, Sunshine!” So sweet, bright and cheery!

Tracy - Je t’aime!

Amy P. - Love these signs! I’m putting a few, because I can’t choose just one!
“You is Kind, You is Smart, You is Important” (From The Help)
“You are my sunshine”
“Oh, Happy Day”

Candice - I love the “every little thing…” sign in her shop. I would definitely get that one.

Alison Vaclav - I don’t know if it would work, but I would love to have a hand in the shape of the American Sign Language gesture for “I love you”. Ever since our niece (who uses ASL) was born we have adopted this gesture into our family. Now that I think if it, I’m sure my sister and niece would love one too πŸ™‚
Cool product SpunkyFluff, cool bathroom Meg.

Karenth - My sign would be “True love was born in a stable”.
Although the sunshine sign is adorable. Great job on the bathroom as well!!

katey - When you didn’t comment on the sign with the photo tour, I was like “Wait, what about that awesome sign!!!!!” Glad I kept reading. Awesome giveaway. I would want “You are my sunshine” Thanks!

linda - One More Day God’s Way!
You Are My Favorite!

Cindy McAllister - “Prayers Go Up…Blessings Come Down.”
I love the sign and your bathroom is so pretty.
Keeping my fingers crossed!

Emelie - “We will be better than I was”
From the song Lykke Li – Love out of lust

Anna Marie - I would like my last name. But I am also in the love with the “Look at the stars, look how they shine for you”

Trish - choose joy
these are just the cutest signs ever!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Thank you for this opportunity!
I would say “I love you a bushel and a peck”

Jainatina - “You are my Sunshine”
Then I would hang it above our bed because it’s what my husband says to me every morning. <3

Amy - Cool bathroom πŸ™‚ Love this shop!! I really like the dog and the wine ones. If I had to pick one for myself, it would probably say “du bist nicht allen” which is German for you are not alone.

Maria - love the ‘beware of the children’ sign…perfect for october and beyond…

Rachel Matilda - Every little thing gonna be alright.

Brandie - Tomorrow may rain so I will follow the sun or Good day Sunshine!

Charlene @ Adventures In Mommy Land - Family is my Everything

Katie Skiff - Oh – Yes Please!! I love the new look.
I would get Top Of The Morning to Ya! (It’s from Mandisa’s Song Good Morning.) Thanks for the chance!!

Leanna - “All you need is love”
Yep, that’s it.

Ashley - Love the “lettuce turnip the beet”!

Tonya S. - What a lovely bathroom Meg!!!
I might have a difficult time deciding on a phrase, if I win.
“God is good”
“Love you more”
“Love you to the moon & back”

Jen - “Paradise starts with the love we show each other here on earth.”
LOVE these signs and your new bathroom. Enjoy it!

Jennifer - Good Morning Sunshine is my favorite! Another thing I tell my kids often is “Love you to pieces”.
Love her shop!

Heidi - Love it! The bathroom looks great Meg! I would have her make me a sign that says “comparison is the thief of joy”. Been thinking on that lately and it would be good to have a visual reminder!

Zizette - I loved the Good Morning Sunshine sign right from the get go. Then I was looking on the site and saw the Go jump in the lake sign and that would be awesome at my in-laws house. Great site. Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer - “Live, Laugh, Love”

Sarah - “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.”
“You make me happy when skies are grey.”
“Think happy. Be happy”.
“There’s no crying in baseball”.
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”.
LOVE the new bathroom!! and the new artwork!

the domestic fringe - I love your bathroom.

Summer Crosbie - I love you more.
I love you most.
(From Tangled)
We all say that to each other. πŸ™‚

Amanda Abney - Love your bathroom and your blog πŸ™‚ I love your sign! or maybe the same yellow sign and lettering that says “Oh Happy Day” πŸ™‚

amy - I like the “good morning sunshine” sign.

Jodi - I would love to have “Good Grief!” my boyfriend says this all the time. Or “Someone Like You” πŸ™‚

Amber - Whole, Whole Bunches.
We say that to our kids and each other to remind each other how much we love them.

Michele - Beautiful bathroom and awesome, yellow sign!
“You are so beautiful”

Jennifer Andersen - By the way… did you notice the happy face also in your new sign? Cute!

erica - well, from the ones in her shop i love “every little thing gonna be all right.”
as for picking one on my own… i’m having a hard time with that! i like the quote: “always radiate sunshine”

Amy - “I And Love And You” (Avett Brothers) sad song but I love the line. Maybe just a reminder so that they aren’t “three words that became hard to say”
I LOVE the bathroom. Love the pop of color the sign provides.
I actually pinned her beware of children sign a while back… I like that one too. πŸ™‚
I am definitely going to Walmart to find the body wash- great tip!! LOL!

Jennifer Andersen - “Brush your teeth – by order of management”
Loving the bathroom. Just the inspiration I needed. About to redo our master bath and wasn’t sure what white cabinet and black frame mirror would look like but I see now it looks great! Thanks to you!

Liberty - “Filled with Joy”
The number “6”
“He knows the plans”

Danielle - Love the bathroom reno! I’m totally loving gray right now, so your color scheme is right up my alley.
For the sign, I’d either like a “C” for a collage wall in my son’s room or “You Are My Sunshine”. Her work is awesome!

Lisa - a bathroom tour and a giveaway! be still my heart! this makes me so happy!
kristen’s signs are great! so much pizzaz!
on ne voit bien qu’avec le coeur….
(the little prince)
you is kind
you is smart
you is important
pink moon is on it’s way
your bathroom looks so fresh! it’s charming!

Janet C - Your new bathroom is so sparkly and pretty! I love penny tiles.
“Love grows big in small houses” would be my choice.

Amanda - “I’ll stand by you” lyrics from our first dance song.
Pleeease, pleeeease, pleeeeeease pick me!

Peggy in TN - No one is responsible for your happiness, but you.

Ashley - Mine would say “Good Morning, Beautiful” or “You Are My Sunshine.”
So adorable!!

Meg - I have “This is the best part of my day” in Uppercase Living in my bedroom – I always say it to my fiance and I’d love to have it on a sign to take to all our homes forever!

Meghan Hansen - My son always says ” I love you a google” we have no idea why!
Also, I would love a sign that says ” love and bear hugs!”
Thanks! Off to check out her products!

Meredith G. - “That’s so fetch” kidding kidding
No my sign would say… “Home is where your heart is”
Loved her work. I added it to my ETSY favorites.

Alicia - The sign is so great and I agree…the yellow with the gray is perfect. The bathroom looks really amazing. I am so glad you posted it because I so wanted to see how it all ended up. I bet it feels good to be done! Congrats!
For my sign…”Laughter through tears is my favorite emotion”
or “Smile! It increases your face value” both from Steel Magnolia’s

donna - I am also in the middle of renovating an entire house – and the bathrooms have been the most F.U.N. for me. I have done my kids bathroom in all chalkboard paint – with subway tile and the same tiles you have on your floor. I also have the SAME shower curtain but mine is yellow and white! I would LOVE a sign for that bathroom and I would hang it above the toilet – it would say “It’S pOttY tIme”

Kristen - “I have plenty” from Gensis 33:9. Just a nice reminder when I like to whine about all the things I want.
The bathroom looks AMAZING!! I’m in love with the shower curtain too!!

Erin - i think i’d want a sign that said, “work with me people.”
but i also love “good morning sunshine.”

Katy - My kids names on a sign would be cool!! Love the makeover and the shower curtain is awesome!

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - My husband and I are house hunting right now, and I would love to see our family-phrase this year is “I have everything I need, and more.” Or, perhaps “I love you to the moon and back.” to hang in my baby girl’s bedroom.

Happygirl02 - it would have to be “i love you to bits” for me. When my youngest daughter was about 5 years old, instead of saying, “i love you to the moon and back” she’d say, “mama, i love you to bits!” It’s just stuck and makes me smile every time I hear it. We still say it πŸ™‚
Bathroom looks great!

cassie spencer - I love the phrase “life is good”

Courtney - First off, your bathroom looks FAB! I really like the color combinations and how the grey makes the art and accessories POP!
As for quotes and such – I couldn’t just pick one, so here are mine:
Always (Harry Potter)
Comparison is the theif of joy (Theodore Roosevelt)
Be happy for this moment, this moment is your life.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle (Plato)
Everyone has a story
You never know how strong you are until strong is all you have
I’m not weird, I’m limited editoin
Naps are pretty amazing
Creative minds are rarely tidy
I Lovely love my family (Yo Gabba Gabba – The Shins)
My life has a superb cast, but I can’t figure out the plot
I don’t go looking for trouble. Trouble usually finds me. (Harry Potter)
It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live. (Harry Potter)
And I won’t even get into the billions of bible versus I could think of that’d be awesome LOL

courtney child - I have a few…
every little thing is going to be alright
you are my sunshine
I love you this much..
Good Morning Sunshine..
Love is All You Need
Love You More
I could go on and on…love your blog, I enjoy reading it everyday. thanks…

Allison - LOVE your bathroom, so jealous. I want to redo mine so badly! I would go with “All you need is love!”. Awesome giveaway

beth - “take my hand, we’ll make it i swear.” -bon jovi

Nicole - so cute and so fun!
“bella bootsy soft and cutesy”
“angel pop sent straight from heaven”
“you are my happy”
“good morning beautiful”

Rebecca - Trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding….

Bree - Love the bathroom! Great job!
And that yellow sign is perfect just the way it is. But I think “Celebrate” would be fun, too. It’s my life’s motto.
Love, Bree

natalie - i love the bathroom makeover. i am wanting to re-do our bathroom so badly. the tile is my favorite. one question? is the tile on the floor hard to keep clean?
i think i would have a sign that says “have a good day” and it would go either on the back of our front door or in the bathroom where the kids brush their teeth before school.

sarajane - Today I will be my own SUPERHERO!

Jermaine D. - I really like the ampersand…but I’d probably have to think about it for a while!

Rachel Stecklein - “Art is the stored honey of the human soul” <-- that would be my saying... I think. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Kristen's signs!! I see she is in Denver and that's where I live too!! I could save her the cost of shipping and just pick it up!! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ Pick me pick me!!! P.S. - I loooove your blog too. I look forward to reading it every day.

Sarah G. - “Just Breathe” | love the bathroom remodel! grey is so beautiful with pops of bright color!

Nikki Leach - LOVE YOU MUCH-ER…my 3 year old’s version of “love you more”. Makes me want to kiss his face all over! πŸ™‚
Thanks Meg!

Kara - I would go with something romantic, like “Always and Forever” or “It was always you” or “Still the One” or “I will be true to the promise I have made” (from our wedding song. What fun! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Jenni - I love the “Good Morning Sunshine” and the “hello”

jacqui anderson - wow her signs are amazing!! I love the home is where your mom is; hello; and of course Bollocks!!!!

shannon - Oh GOODIE GOODIE GUM DROPS!!!! My phrase would be:
There once was a boy who loved a girl…..
πŸ™‚ I have been DYING to have that phrase in our bedroom!

Kelly Lair - For my daughter “glitter is my favorite color”.

Jen Brandt - LOVE the bathroom makeover!

jacqui anderson - Don’t forget to FLUSH!
a little friendly reminder for a wee 6 year old boy!!!

Meg - Love the bathroom! You have such a great eye for colors and design… Want to come help with my house?!
So many possibilities for the sign… ” shoo there fluffy” from an old veggie tales movies always makes me smile though so I might go with that. Also love her missing socks sign, might have to get that for my laundry room (especially baby socks, those things always disappear!!)

Christine - Love the bathroom. I want a sign!! And I would be perfectly happy with mine saying “Good morning sunshine!”
Yes boring I know.

Alice H - Love the bathroom!!
I love that Beware of Children sign. I would maybe want “Don’t worry, be happy” or something creative for my kitchen!

beth davis - You are my sunshine!

Hilary - Wash Your Hands – in BRIGHT ORANGE!

bonnie - oh i love the sign and i love how the bathroom turned out. at our house, when we hug we say “never lettin’ go” and we call the kids “the Wid Kids”…. such a great giveaway.

Rebecca S. - I’ve always wanted Spunky Fluff’s “Every Little Thing Gonna Be Alright” sign. But “Stand By Me” or “Here Comes The Sun” would also be fun too.

courtney casper - how about.. Remember to look up. love that.
love her signs! how creative, and FRESH!
hope i win!!

Amy James - Trust in the Lord with all thine heart <3

Danielle H. - I have always loved the saying “Work like you don’t need the money; love live you’ve never been hurt; dance like no one is watching.” That’s what I’d pick for my sign if I could!!
Love the bathroom – you inspire me!

Karie - I love that shower curtain πŸ™‚
My sign would read, “You are my sunshine.” My 4 year-old daughter is always asking me to sing that to her…I’d love a sign to put in her room.

Michele - Oh my gosh I love that sign. When I first saw it in you post I was like hey why did she not say something about that sign! Then you did further down. I would love that sign or one that says Let It Be. Or “there’s no dollar sign on peace of mind this I’ve come to know”. Or “Life Is Good Today”. Or “All You Need Is Love”. Or “And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make”. Love me some Beatles! Meg your blog is a happy place. thanks.

Jen - The bathroom looks great, I’m sure it was very appreciated by the ladies at Craft Weekend. I’d love to win a sign, and am thinking something like “EAT” in red for our kitchen. Or, I like the “Honey Pie, Sugar Bunch” one from her store, too.

Linda - Your bathroom is amazing just like the rest of your home!
As for a sign its too hard to choose. I love your “good morning sunshine” I love everything about SUNSHINE. so maybe ‘You are my sunshine”
I also thought “A TIme To Keep”

Lori Austin - I used to never be a fan of grey. Now I love it. The new (old) chalkboard looks great in there – especially with the yellow
ribbon. πŸ™‚
My sign would be “Choose JOY”. Our life has been filled with one medical trial after another over the last 10 years. I’m constantly reminding myself of Nehemiah 8:10 “…for the JOY of the Lord is your strength.”

Anna - Your bathroom looks great!
I think something simple and graphic like “hello, goodbye” would look cute next to a door or “hey, good looking!” next to a mirror.

Lisa - “Big As Sun” that is how much my daughter says she loves us.
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the smiling toothbrush holders (it’s the little things).

Amy - “Who are you when I’m not looking?” or “God gave me you!” -Blake Shelton

Jessi - I’ve already commented, but I thought of another one that I couldn’t NOT share. Feel free to delete one of mine if this is against the rules. My great grandfather had this expression he always used for any sort of exclamation: “Great day in the mornin’!” It really doesn’t make much sense, but my family loves it and we quote him often.

Jen - Well, multiple times a day, I say I love you to my hubby, he always replies, I love you more, then I say I love you MOST… So my sign would say I LOVE YOU MOST…

Janelle - Cute…Good morning sunshine is a good reminder.


Lori Bowring Michaud - How sweet! The bathroom is WONDERFUL! Mine needs to be gutted (not just yet though $$).
My quote choices would be either; the glass is half full, or keep your nose clean, or be the bigger person – these are the words we always offered to our oldest son (God rest) before he left the house. They served him well and it would be hard to pick one!

Emily S, - Your bathroom looks so pretty!
My husband and I have been married for two years, and in that time we have started a new job, moved to a new town, bought a house, and just had a baby 7 weeks ago. We’re pretty laid back and when something new comes along we laugh and tell each other, “We’ll figure it out.” That phrase should definitely be posted somewhere in our house!:)

Dawn - Love your bathroom redo!
‘Be our guest’.
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jill - Ooooooooooo! I wanna sign like that one! LOVE CHEERY AND BRIGHT!
My sign would say: Eucharisteo – – Greek for thanksgiving…I am reading ONE THOUSAND GIFTS by Ann Voskamp = BRILLIANT!

Maria Burke - Beautiful bathroom!!!! I’d pick “bind my wandering heart to Thee” for my sign πŸ™‚

Shauna - Weve moved for the umpteenth time recently and our son was a little confused. My husband told him that it didnt matter where we lived as long as we had each other. And to show that he understood, our son said “HOME IS YOU”.
I would love to have a sign that would remind us daily that we are home when we have each other.

Talia - I would say “It’s all good”
love the remodel.

Sara - “Sorry for Party Rockin”
In fuschia πŸ™‚

Terri Fretwell - I would love one for my little boys bedroom that says ” I love you more than all the stars in the sky” I always say that to him. I do say more than all the stars in the galaxy sometimes too.
I do love the one you put in your bathroom, “Good Morning Sunshine” We say that to him sometimes too.
I love your new bathroom! We are going to remodel both of our bathrooms and love the way yours turned out.

kelly - First of all I love Walmart and your bathroom turned out fabulously.
Second a sign that said “together honey” -{two if by sea}
would be amazing. My husband and I have said that phrase to each other for the last 15 years. πŸ™‚

Debby - Awesome bathroom!!! And I love her signs. I like her; “Hold Your Own, Know Your Name and go Your Own Way” the best, but also like the idea of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” b/c it’s what I sing to my girls every night!

Stephanie - “Yeah. That just happened.” Juanito Bandito (a musical in Bear Lake, Utah)

happygirl - LOVE the bathroom remodel. Gorgeous. I want the sign in RED. I think it’s time I won. πŸ™‚

kae - awesome pictures of your fabulous bathroom!! my phrase would be……”Good Mornin’ Beautiful”
hung in the bathroom too. cause that’s the first place i go when i wake up! haha

Sandy - Love it!! I wish I had your window and natural light πŸ™‚
My phrase “no fussin’ at Grandma’s house”….
I have 6 grandkids and that is my saying to them, at any time they decide to fuss. It does work most of the time πŸ™‚

Sharla - Love your bathroom! I also love the saying from The HElp I see up above. I would want that one or the Missing Socks sign.

Jennifer - I like “achtung!”–it would be the perfect sign for my husband’s office. I also really like “Every little thing gonna be all right”. These are really cool!

Megan - I would probably get the “Good Morning Sunshine” one for my daughter’s room. Or maybe “Hey Baby” which is also something we say to her all the time, so much that sometimes she says it back to us. πŸ™‚ It’s our little love language.

Jessi - Bathroom looks great! And I’d SO love one of those signs. The quote I chose comes from my 3 (almost 4!) year old daughter: “I love you more than love.” I never get tired of hearing that one πŸ™‚

Debbie Smallie - “Did you remember to flush??” Classy? No. But I must say it 20 times a day in my house of boys. This would be pretty way to remind them πŸ™‚

Lynn - I love the sunshine sign you have! I also like the suggestion above of “Let it Be”. I would maybe choose “We go together like peas & carrots” from Forrest Gump.

Denise R. - How abut:
Just remember I love you and it will be all right (Firefall)
Love all the signs and your new bathroom!
Denise R.

Jacci - your so gansta i’m so thug
And can I tell you I got teary eyed when you said your family shared this bathroom for the first 4 years? I haven’t seen a lot of the photos of the first 4 years you lived there. We’re at Year 3 of our remodel of a not-so-aesthetically-pleasing-especially-now-that-it’s-all-torn-up remodel :/ Often times, I’m cool with it. We’re making progress. Albeit SLOW. But, sometimes – like this week – it can really beat me down. Exposed wires, torn up trim, one room dedicated to a circular saw… it just helped me to think that once upon a time, your pretty bathroom wasn’t there. Your playroom was funky blue floral wallpaper. The dining room just got done last winter, I think. Anyway, it helps to remember that πŸ™‚
And I really love your new bath. I love how you kept it pretty neutral but still made it Megan with the subtle polka dots an pops of bold color. And the zebra πŸ˜‰ It’s lovely.

Lisa Shay - You is KIND
You is SMART
(from “The Help”)

Olivia - LOVE this! Mine are all a bit long, but this was so much fun trying to find the sayings I love best.
Curiouser and curiouser! (Lewis Carroll)
Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. (Roald Dahl)
In the darkness, a day will come (Christian Kane)
Nothing lasts forever, even cold November rain (GnR)
A day without laughter is a day wasted. (Charlie Chaplin)
Sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast. (Lewis Carroll)
Oh, how will I ever decide! *Don’t worry, if you pick me, I WILL decide.* Best giveaway!

megan c. - I love the “Love Will Set You Free” Mumford and Sons one! Love these signs! So cute!

Nell - Married With Children:)
I am fond of that show!

Morgan Wenger - “Fear will fight, but love will win” in RED!
from Conner Garvey’s “Monster”
Love these metal signs!

Shawna - You get what you get and you do not throw a fit. This is my 3 year olds favorite saying these days.

Andrea - Let it be.
It is my life’s motto.
Love this giveaway! Thank you!

Tina Boone - I love your blog.Been following it for months. My children and I are doing the heart painting craft this weekend. I would like a sign that says…. You is kind, You is smart, You is important (The Help).

Karen - Wakey, Wakey Sleepy Head
When my grandson spends the night, this is how he wakes me up. I want a sign that says this.

Julie - Fantastic bathroom! Love the mirror!!! As to the sign–I love the “Good Morning Sunshine”–I say it to my boys (21 and 15) when they get up sometime in the afternoon. πŸ™‚ My other sign would be “You’re My Best Friend” –Tim McGraw. Favorite all time song!

Courtney Hale - Awesome! I’ve been looking for a teal sign that says ‘I’ve found the one whom my soul loves… Song of Solomon 3:4’.
I was married three weeks ago to my best friend and am busy decorating our sweet new home! πŸ™‚

Amy - I love the “look at the stars” sign. My 3 kids share a room with a star theme. This would be perfect!

Amber - I think it would be great to have one that says ” start each day with a grateful heart”

Kristina - I have girls so: PEACE, LOVE, and LIPGLOSS.

Gabrielle - Your blog is my absolute favorite, Meg! It’s a little long, but “Be still and know I am God.”

Rebecca Musser - I love the sign you have and say that every morning to my family members.

Kelsey - Oh, what I would do for a bathroom like that! We are unfortunately renting at the moment and our bathroom lacks a certain charm, that’s for sure πŸ™‚
The “Beware of the Children” sign would be so appropriate in our house!

Becky Z - I was thinking, “I love you a bushel and a peck,” and then I saw that she had that in her shop! πŸ™‚

Christy - Great bathroom! I love the Good Morning Sunshine sign but also the HOME sign oh and the alphabet sign….and Love you more!

Leslie Davison - I’d love to have a sign that says “Love Like Crazy”. Her signs are so cute!

Jennifer - Crisp and clean….love it! And I so love gray and yellow!
I’ve got a few….
“Get Over It”
“Y’all gonna make me loose my mind, up in here, up in here…”
“Let Go, Let God.”
“Handmade is Better”
“It is what it is”

Adrienne - I love the gray and crisp white look. You did a great job with the remodel. Your blog is so fun. I wish I had some of your creativity! πŸ™‚
The sign would have to say, I NEED COFFEE!

Elizabeth - Oh my goodness! I am in love with ALL of her signs! I think Good Morning Sunshine might still be my fave though. Or maybe the missing socks. Or the three little birdies. Okay, i can’t choose, i love them all!

Amber - I love these! My fave is probably the alphabet sign…we’re redoing our basement into a playroom and this would be perfect. My other fave is “I love you a bushel and a peck”! These are beautiful!

jen - great bathroom! that’s now the third time i have seen that fabric! in my bathroom and yours and one other! who would have thunk??

Amanda F - I want the “Go jump in a lake” for my aunts lake house and I would request one that says “If you’re a bird I’m a bird” from The Notebook.

Sarah - I love the bathroom!
I think my sign would say – “you need only be still”

Kristy - Oh my goodness! At first, I thought you weren’t going to tell us where that cute sign came from. I’m so glad it was because you were saving the best for last. πŸ™‚
I like, “As if you could kill time without injuring eternity.” (Thoreau)

Cecilia Madden - Love how your bathroom turned out! I really love those curtains…
I love all the signs in her shop, but I think I would want one that says “You are Loved.”

Kim - Can you come make over my boys’ bathroom?:) My sign would say “Up and Adam” We have a 15 year old named Adam and one of the reasons my husband wanted to name him Adam was the fun things he could say with his name like this. And I do wake him saying that in the morning.

amy m. - I would love one that said
“You are my sunshine” or ” This is the Day that the Lord has Made”

Han - Your bathroom is awesome – ours is so boring and monochrome – I think it needs something adding to it lol.
I’d like a sign that says. “You are My Sunshine” (as in the song – my friend used to sing this at me when I was having a bad day). Or Philippians 4:13 (I can do all things through God who gives me strength – or maybe just the reference cos it’s kinda long lol)

Emily B. - Your bathroom looks fab! I love the signs! I think mine would say, “New Day, New Mercies”.

sheri - I would pick “I love you to the moon and back”. I love her stuff – thanks for the opportunity to win. Your craft weekends totally rock! I would love to come.

Sandy - When my first born, now 22, was a wee little girl she would say, “Meena”, every time we told her that we loved her! I would love a sign that reads, “Meena”. We all still use her made up word in reply to “I love you” today.

BriBedell - Love your bathroom! My master bathroom has been half torn apart for a year :/ I shower in our girls bathroom, I can’t stand to even look at it anymore!! Anyways, so many phrases I like….maybe ‘All My Love’ or ‘someday’ πŸ™‚

Jen N. - I would absolutely love a sign for my kitchen that says β€œPeople who love to eat are always the best people.” Julia Child, smart lady.

Georgia - I would have the sunflower with ‘oh happy day’ from her store.
It would remind me to be happy everyday no matter what!

Megan - Looks great!
I would do either “good morning sunshine” or “always kiss me goodnight” – both for my master bedroom redo that I’m in the middle of!

Valerie K - The bathroom looks fabulous!
As for the sign, I’d love one that says “Hello, Sweetie.” That’s what River Song says to the Doctor when she pops up on Doctor Who. I named my dance studio after her. πŸ™‚

Rachel Newswanger - “Carpe Diem” Latin for Seize the Day!
Your BR turned out wonderful, the grey is awesome, especially the shower curtain & polka dot curtains you made. Clean,sleek,lovely!

Carrie - I can’t believe I forgot this one:
I hope you dance

Heidi - How wonderful….right now my mantra is ….”Let it be”. It may not sound so upbeat but it really helps when things are hard.

keely - those are so great! i might use something like “you’re my favorite” which is something my husband and i always say to one another. πŸ™‚

Andrew - Nice job remodeling! Hopefully we’ll be able to get started remodeling our bathroom soon too. My sign would probably be the Ampersand! Although maybe I’ll have to think of something that can be a word & a word. Maybe “faith & love”?

Jessica - I would go with the Ampersand or All you need is love!
Love the bathroom! Gives me inspiration to redo our bathroom that is still in the 50s! πŸ™‚

Dani - It took me about two seconds to find the perfect sign for my house! And, if I don’t win… I’ll just have to buy it!
My mom always sings “I love you a Bushel and a Peck” to my kids! It is such a cute little song! And on the first page… there it was! I just have to have that for my kids!!

Kristin - you are my sunshine – for my kids room. πŸ™‚ the bathroom looks great by the way!

G. - Rest High Above The Clouds No Restrictions.
-Satellite by DMB. I would hang it in my bedroom. Great giveaway!!! πŸ™‚

Brianna - Your bathroom is perfect! I love the ‘i love hue’ print against the neutral walls/furnishings. I’d put the sign in my new baby girl’s room and it would say “isn’t she lovely, isn’t she wonderful”

lauren - the bathroom looks great!! awesome job!
my sign would say ‘xox’ b/c that is how i sign-off on my e-mails, texts, etc. πŸ™‚

Carrie - Oh, boy. I could go on and on…I’ll try to limit myself:
Let Your Freak Flag Fly (my daughter’s showchoir song!)
You are my Sunshine
Take me out to the Ballgame
Someone Like You
Love Rush
Break a Leg
Daddy’s Girl
Diet Coke – My drug of choice
John 3:16
What Up?
Seasons of Wither
You’re like my own personal brand of heroin
Love rules

susan lanthrip - i would either go with “i love you to the moon and back” or “you are my sunshine”. Those are things I always tell my little ones.
the bathroom looks fabulous!!

Wendy - Awesome bathroom!!!
my sign: “Flush Please”

Meredith - “Happiest Girls are the Prettiest”

Jenn Shock - Since I’m about to have my 2nd boy, I’m in boy mode. We love the song “Beautiful Boy” by John Lennon. The line that hits home for me is…”Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans”
That may be too long, but I’d love to have it in the boys room one day πŸ™‚

Annie - I honestly have been searching for a “you are my sunshine” print for my house…I sing it to my kids EVERY night before bed.

Kathi - My sign would say “This is the day the Lord has made”
Love the bathroom:)

Chaos-Jamie - Be grateful. Life is a gift.

Sarah M. - I love you a bushel and a peck!!! My Mamaw always said this to all her grandchildren. Love the bathroom!!!

Sara - AHH! I am so excited. I have been pining for one of her dog signs. The bathroom looks great.

Robyn B - Not very original, but I would choose your same sign! Good Morning Sunshine….I say this every morning to my boys and they think I’m corny πŸ™‚

beth - I love the “Beware of Children” sign. THAT cracks me up!

Sky - LOVE your bathroom! We’re going to redo ours soon too πŸ™‚
And the sign shop is adorable! I’d probably go for the phrase: As you wish.

Holly - “God it good, All the time”! Your bathroom looks awesome!

Nell - “Good Morning Mary Sunshine”
It’s one our grandmother use to say to us all the time. Not sure why she added the Mary part but I’ve always loved it. Would be fun to hang this in the nursery for our baby girl…due next month. Thank you!

Naomi Williams - I LOOOOOVE her missing socks sign!
I have also been looking for a sign for my laundry room that says, “without spot or wrinkle” as a nod to the Scripture of how we are going to be presented by Christ to God the Father…and an obvious nod to what i have to do in the laundry room multiple times a day! πŸ™‚
I would also love a sign that says “how to eat supper” or “the best thing you can spend on your children is time”
GREAT giveaway and GREAT shop!

Amy - “Good Morning Sunshine” is great because I say it every morning to my teenage boy who is not a morning person. But I might have to go with “Nuggie Time.” When my daughter would ask to be tucked in and couldn’t pronounce “Snuggle Time,” she said “Nuggie time.” It stuck and both kids (won’t even reveal their ages!) still ask for it. These are great…and I’ve been looking for art for the kids’ bathroom!

Jen - I’d love an ampersand OR i love Good Morning Sunshine that you have but in the it was always you font!! <3 thanks for the giveaway!

angela - whatever
be the change you want to see
but probably whatever, it’s the MOST used word in our home.

Greta Buehrle - “Happiness is Homemade”
Never underestimate the power of remodeled bathroom!!! Glad you kept the tiny floor tile to go with the period of the home.

Jessica@ My Ardent Life - Terrific bathroom! Gray and white is so classic. My husband and I always say “we make our own rules” as a reminder to stop following the “shoulds.” I also like Jan Karon’s “Draw close. Hold hands. Life is short. God is good.” and “Life is not a dress rehearsal” from my own blog. πŸ™‚

Lisa - I’m totally jealous of your new bathroom. Ours needs to be remodeled, too. Plus, I love your blog! As for the sign, I’d probably have it say “Treat Others as You Want to be Treated” or maybe “Rejoice in the Lord Always!”

Tara - The bathroom looks great…and who knew a lock could cause so much enjoyment!!! I love the chalkboard, I have a thriftstore one waiting to go up somewhere in my house….and I LOVE the Good Morning Sunshine sign. I’m gonna go check out that shop.

Diane - Your blog makes me happy!
Your style makes me happy!
Your heart provokes me!
And my quote would be ” I’ll eat you up, I love you so”
I think it’s from Where the Wild Things Are

Amy Sytsma - Gorgeous bathroom! Love gray. I would have to choose “Love you more” My husband and daughter always race to say it first. A little things between them:)

Amanda - I love the Good Morning Sunshine, but I think I would get You make me happy when skies are grey.
I LOOOOOVE the grey on your bathroom walls! It’s so fresh and chic! πŸ™‚

julie h - i love the Ampersand from her shop…i have been wanting a sign that said .. “i’m walking on sunshine” for awhile now πŸ™‚ i also love the bushel and peck! my hub always says that to our daughters! πŸ˜‰ the bathroom is amazing!

Mandy - The whole shop is so adorable!
My sign would say “Coffee O’Clock” and I’d hang it in my kitchen!

Molly - My 5yo constantly asks us “Will you play with me, please?” I think it would be really cute on a bright red sign in his room.

Jes - We have two family motto’s “Work Hard, Play Hard” and “You get what you get, and you don’t throw a fit” πŸ™‚

Becca - Love the bathroom! The nursery for my 3 week old is gray with pops of color and I love it. As for the sign, I wanted to paint a sign that had the whole chorus of this song but never got around to it…..for size purposes, I’d just use the end of the chorus: “Never let your praying knees get lazy, and love like crazy.”

Faith Buss - “Mad About You” – Love how the bathroom turned out!

jeannett - the bathroom is fabulous. fab. you know, considering it’s where you poop and such.
as for the sign…i love the beware of children…or the look at the stars…or really, can i just say one of each please?

Momof2 - Love your bathroom remodel!! Love the sign…..what a great greeting in the bathroom. My sign would be…”be YOURSELF”

Linda@Restyled Home - Gorgeous bathroom…that shower stall is to die for!
As for my sign, I’d have it read, Everyday I’m Shufflin’
How’s that? πŸ™‚

Lisa - “All You Need Is Love” The Beatles

Stephanie - I always say “Good Morning Sunshine” to my sons when I wake them each day! How about “Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff!”
Your bathroom looks awesome!!

Lisa - Love the bathroom – I’m amazed at what you were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time! Pressure!!! πŸ˜‰
As for my sign:
You are my sunshine
You make me smile like the sun

Meredith Salmon - Love the bathroom and when I saw that sign I thought how wonderful it would look in my bedroom that we recently added bright yellow to.
My husband and I always say xoxoxo Mr or Mrs Buzz for (infinity and beyond), but I really like the sign just the way it is “good morning sunshine” would be my phrase of choice.
thanks for sharing. Going to check out that paint color. We wanted to repaint our room a gray color.

Mary - “Love you to the moon & back”
Love the bathroom!

Rachel J - Love the new bathroom! Hope to see it in person someday at Craft Weekend! πŸ™‚ I’m kind of loving the yellow and gray combo too! I would like my sign to say “Ain’t No Thing Like A Chicken Wing”! Hahaha. In teal! It’s something silly we used to say as kids. It still makes me laugh πŸ™‚

Amy - I love the purple Home sign or the missing socks one…so clever!

brandi - that’s a glorious tinkle room. grey is one of my favorite wall colors. the pops of color are brilliant as well as the textures and patterns!
as for the phrase, i think something fun like:
“no matter what, you’ve got to strut”
from the 1996 eddie murphy version of the nutty professor

Janel - If better is possible, Good isn’t good enough!

amanda - turned out beautiful! love all the light … and the shower curtain. And we have five in our family and share one bathroom … oh my πŸ™‚

Maria - Your “new” bathroom looks fantastic, all bright and fresh! Such a fun giveaway, so many cute ones it’s hard to pick, I love the “Love you more” or “Every little things gonna be all right” and I love the “Happy couple” , oh and the chicken is so fun….hope I win!

Jody - “Sun go down, Moon come up”
My son said this one sleepy morning and I thought it was so sweet – I’ve always wanted a sign made out of it!

Erika C. - Realistically I would probably choose the ‘&’ sign in teal or charcoal…..but it would be soo fun to have “take of your shoes, you’re on holy ground. take of your shoes, and run with me” in my photography office as a reminder for my days!!

Amanda - I’m going to have to go with “Let it Be” because it is simple and beautiful and always calms me down.

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alrighty then……


come on over and read all about craft weekend number 3.
all the crafts are shown and those are some happy ladies!

WHATEVER CRAFT WEEKEND blog is waiting for you.  :)


Lesley - Hi Meg, I’m going to put coming to one of your craft weekends on my bucket list! It just seems like soooooo much fun. So, can you please keep them going until I get to come?? Thanks!

Trudy - The pom-pom fringe makes me think of the book “Goldilocks Returns” by Lisa Campbell Ernst. Have you ever read that Meg?

Lori Austin - What fun you girls are having with these super special weekends. I’m parked on my rear end with mono – the bright colors and happy faces are cheering me up. Thanks. πŸ™‚

Jen H. - Love it! How fun!
My favorite craft was the freestyle canvas. I would love it if you could do a tutorial on that. Esp. the best way to get the letters on there. So many pretty and creative pieces!

beth davis - It was a pretty day in Kansas on Saturday, so I decided to trek it to Marion to the antique store – unbeknowst to me, there was a van-filled with the CRAFT WEEKEND girls! It was fun to see a glimpse into the weekend.
The sweet lady behind the counter invited me to follow you all out to the ‘barn’ – what a cool place!
Anyway – I felt like a ‘fly on the wall’ for a brief moment – not wanting to invade your fun, but it was very neat to see.
BTW – I am on the waiting list, too!
Glad you all had a great weekend!

happygirl - You are the bravest woman I know.

stephany @ home is what you make it - What a great weekend!
Thanks for the inspiration!!

Molly - your craft weekend post just made me so happy! i can only imagine how happy it would make me to be there! πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - okay….on my way….just need to refill the coffee cup….

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can you believe these aren’t even edited?!!






yes it's true….those pictures were STRAIGHT OUT OF THE CAMERA.  
amazing right?

ha ha ha

we had another fabulous craft weekend.
we are both resting up today.
even with my kids home from school…'s hard to be a nice mommy when you are tired.
but i am trying.

i promise a post all about this weekend, the crafts we made and the fun we had is coming up tomorrow.
and the crafts were REALLY great.

i did take the time to edit this one.  :)

kimberlee…..YOU are so much fun to work with.
i like you and i love ya!
your peanut butter cake is the best cake i have had in my entire life…..i am serious. 

ok…time to make some dinner.
and maybe a quick nap on the couch while it cooks…..


Michelle - If I lived close to you, I would totally sign up for your craft weekend! They look like soooo much fun!

happygirl - When the subject matter is so gorgeous there is no need for editing. πŸ™‚

Tanya - you’re cute πŸ™‚

Terrie G - You ladies are so beautiful, you don’t need no stinkin’ editing!!
Now, I’m hungry for peanut butter cake…gotta go make some!

Gemma - Sounds like so much fun!!
Gemma x
P.s I’m having a giveaway if anyone wants to enter : ) - So which came first? the friendship or the blogs? Just curious how you guys know each other and how long you’ve been friends. Maybe you’ve blogged about it before and I don’t remember (which could be as I’m soooo very old) but that might be a fun post to read about if you want to share πŸ˜‰ Looks like it was a successful CW.

Robyn Farmer - Now I want to know the peanut butter cake recipe!?

Diane - to continue with the hair color thing…if it’s your own haircolor- I”m SOOOO jealous!

Diane - I want to comment on how cute your aprons are…but I just keep staring at your haircolor! I know, weird, right? I’m about to dye my hair for the first time. (I’ve been covering my 5 grays with mascara- don’t ask)…and I’m in love with your hair color. So…please feel free to email me with the color. Hope this doesn’t sound to stalkerish. Ugh. πŸ™‚

Michelle From Australia - Love the pics. And the aprons. Don’t love the fact that I’m half a planet away and unless I win Lotto, I’ll never get to go to a craft weekend πŸ™

Natasha - Fabulous photos! And I totally love those aprons too… thanks for the inspiration! πŸ™‚

amy jupin - sniff, sniff!
missing you both.
biggie time.
and that heavenly cake too.
and my g-string pennant banner underoos.

Heather D. - I love your necklace and your haircut!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - You two are so pretty. And I am in love with your apron! πŸ™‚

northern cottage - gorgeous pics on you gorgeous ladies on this gorgeous day! and the aprons – oh my – the colors just pop and are – yep you guessed it – GORGEOUS!

AshleyAnn - Ummm…those could be may favorite CW pics ever…you two make me smile.

christy - I wish i lived closer..Im in sunny socal…By the waylove youre hiar color..Can you give me a hint of the color?? Thanks…:)

Jennifer - oh my! – you guys are like my kiddos! there’s always at least one that is looking away or making a face! so glad you shared these outtakes!

Mandy - Cant wait to see the pics and get that pb cake recipe!

tina - the first picture and that smile made me LOL!!!!! I hope I get to sit on those steps and have my pic. taken someday!! πŸ™‚

Susan - Go get some sleep! (But send pb cake first.)

keri - forever folding laundry - I second it: Kimberlee’s pb cake is the stuff addictions are made of.
Rich, filling, life-changing addictions.
Man I miss you girls!!

Heather G. - You girls are so cute! Hope you’ve gotten some good rest today and will get a great night of sleep!!!

Tara - I love this like crazy cakes! Makes me miss yall. Can’t wait to meet your new friends. And see the craft happiness. So glad it was another great weekend :)I need to go get a napkin, drooling due to thoughts of K’s peanut butter cake goodness…

Holly - cant wait! Yall look like you had fun!

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every group is awesome!

i have had so much WONDERFUL help for Craft Weekend.
friends have helped me clean….make beds…..fix sewing machines….fed me lunch….so much help.

and now we are in the middle of craft weekend again!
it's here.

and there are so many lovely women again this time.
blog readers are the best group ever….we all love blogs….we all read blogs….we love meeting friends ONLINE.

everything was set up and ready for the crafty girls to arrive.
i was talking in the driveway with craig when the fist van pulled up.
he jumped in the car and said "ok…i'm outta here!"
getting far away from craftyLand. 


kimberlee made amazing chili.
and pam's cheesecake.
i could have eaten three pieces for sure.

ruffle aprons are SO cute and fun.
we just can't get enough of them!

 the SWAG is amazing!!!
so much really great stuff from really great sponsors!

so far every CW group has made super creative color combos.
this group is no exception….of course!!

they each picked adorable fabric!! 

Lindsey wins the prize for finishing hers way before anyone else…quite a bit before midnight even!!



ok…the entire house is asleep except me.

guess i better get on that.

good night. 




Kim - :As these different inneclfues came collectively, a distinctly Cuban taste and model developed, which is reminiscent of nation peasant kinds of cooking by oral custom and eye, rather than relying on distinct measurements and the development of dishes that tend towards the uncomplicated and hearty, and that can be left on their unique to simmer. Fussy, major sauces are abnormal and deep-frying is just not a favored cooking system. The island nation, by natural means, uses a wonderful deal of seafood in its cuisine, which encourages the use of effortless cooking strategies and spicing that is meant to boost, not smother, all-natural flavors.

Heidi Jo the Artist - Looks like you guys had another blast, rock on!!! Love looking at all that eye-candy. Your photos are the bomb! Love Jennifer’s butterfly shirt too!

farmhousemama - You are amazing! it looks like so much fun. I used to teach craft classes at my local community ed and loved every minute of it. I want to come sometime. Heck, I want to host one sometime at my house here in good ol South Dakota. You should patent the idea and sell me the rights to your secrets of a smooth cw. Looks like a blast!

Lindsay - Where is the fabric from that is on the pillow with the pom pom edging- the colored circles fabric? I am looking everywhere for new pillows and that is perfect.

Χ™ΧžΧ™ Χ›Χ™Χ£ ΧœΧ§Χ‘Χ•Χ¦Χ•Χͺ - that’s cool! looks realy nice!

Jennifer - Any chance Kimberlee would share the recipe??? Sounds wonderful!

Heather G. - So fun!

Rachel - I love how women who don’t even know each other can come together, craft, and leave friends. This was a brilliant idea. Props to you! Can’t wait to see more of CW!!

Tracy Fisher - I love it. I can’t wait to go one day. I just need to make it happen. Have fun. Tracy Fisher

Katie - I LOVE this! I want to go to one! I love everything about your pictures – food, crafts, colors! : )

Dawn Eshnaur - I LOVE the pillow in your “pillow picture” with the rainbow poppies. Can you tell me where you got it?

Beth - Missed you ladies! Still feeling like poo-poo! Hope the rest of the weekend was bangarang!

Jennifer - I can’t wait to be chosen for Craft Weekend!!!!! It looks like a wonderful time!

jennyonthespot - Oh Meg… my heart is drooling πŸ˜‰ xoxo

Thuy - Everything looks amazing!! I cant wait until its my turn! I actually had a dream I got a email that i was invited to come but then I woke up! Boo!! Loving all the pictures and cheerfulness!!!

Kimber-Leigh - sooooo fun. i love how colorful and happy everything always looks at CW!
i’m hoping my name gets pulled while i still live in close driving distance (only a few more months)!!!

Kimberly C. - I hope you guys have as much fun as we did just a few short weeks ago…..and I hope you get some sleep Meg πŸ™‚ Wish I was there again…!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Question.. How many people have requested an invite to go to CW? I’m just wondering what my chances are.. πŸ™‚ Hope I don’t get picked too soon, though. Just started saving for it!

Lori Austin - Sounds like you girls are rocking another CW. πŸ™‚
I’m sitting at home terribly sick this weekend. You bright pics and fun details have cheered me up a bit. Have fun ladies!

tina - looks so FUN !!!!!!

Marianne - Looks like so much fun! Love the pillow with the rainbow of fabric circles!! - BOO….I want to go to your craft weekend!

Rachel - FUN! I wanna go to Craft Weekend!

maggie - that’s it, i can’t handle it anymore, i am going to start a savings account to go to craft weekend…it looks like sooo much fun. do you have any planned in the summer months?

Jody - So fun to see pics – I am dreaming of your craft weekend activities!! soo fun!! it looks like such a lovely reprieve. (and this may or WILL sound odd – but if you ever want to sell that aqua bird pic from Pier 1 you have hanging on the wall – I LUV it – I’ll buy it from ya – let me know!! I meant to go buy it and never did!!)

Cindy - Always love the aprons! The from your last CW actually inspired me to make a child’s one as a gift for a birthday party that my daughter was attending. It turned out precious and we gave it along with a little cookbook! The color combinations always turn out amazing. My MIL looked at the one I made and said, “I never would have thought to put those colors together!” Can’t wait to sit down and make one for myself and my daughters! Won’t be nearly as fun (or yummy) as being at CW, but crafting is always fun nonetheless! Wishing you all a fabulous weekend!

Jess - So fun. Hope it is another fabulous weekend! πŸ™‚

Laura Lee - Looks too fun! Your blog has so inspired me over the last year, my house is so much more fun and colorful now. I love it. Keep up the inspiring work πŸ™‚

Betsy from Elizabeth St - Eep! This looks like so much fun! Enjoy your weekend, crafty ladies. πŸ™‚

jen - i wish it wouldn’t cost me over $1000 to come!! this looks like the best time ever – even my husband agreed it would be fun for me and i should look into it…that NEVER happens! anyways i decided to drop some moo-la on a whack of fabric and am eagerly waiting the tutorials for all the goodies you mentioned you were going to do….i NEED to make those aprons for me,my mom & my sisters for my mom’s 60th birthday week away together – we are all chef’s….kitchen divas…and these would top it off perfectly! please tell you are still going to do it??? pretty please with a cherry on top! {as my kids would say! haha}
and ladies…not to sound like a stalker or anything…but she mentioned a while ago that that print is from pier one. {i have a crazy memory for things like that – my husband wishes i used it for good. haha}

Penny - Ha, it looks like many of us noticed the bird picture. I would love information on it also. Looks like another great weekend is underway! Enjoy your time together. Can’t wait to see more photos.

gina moore - Where did you get the bird picture that I see in the background (the pic with the girl sewing?)

Holly - looks like a great time! I need someone to come help clean at my house…..even without craft weekend! πŸ˜‰

Rachel Spin - I have a question. In the 9th picture where Lindsay and another lady are working on sewing machines, there is some artwork in the background to the right of the window. It has a big bird in a frame, looks like a western tanager. I am a total bird nerd and would love to know if that is fabric I could order and do something with, or if it is a painting etc…
Thanks, Rachel
p.s. cw looks like a blast, wish I could come one day.

Elisa E - I am so jealous. I wish we had something like this in the UK.

Ashley - One of these days I WILL attend craft weekend. I mean come on, I live in Kansas. It is necessary, right? πŸ™‚
Have a wonderful time!

ko. s - A fun post to read this morning! So excited and slightly jealous for all you ladies! Happy crafting!

Southern Gal - I didn’t realize your craft weekends were running so close together. Wow. You’re an amazing crafty girl!

angela - I AM going to do this one day! Have a great rest of the weekend.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Well Lindsey is just plain adorable herself, not to mention that fabulous apron!:)
Im glad to hear that everything is going so well again this time. And love Craig’s reaction. He’s a good man to keep clearing out of his home for these ladies:)

Michelle From Australia - I’m so jealous of the attendees. Why does Australia have to be SO far away from Kansas πŸ™

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i was right.

so i had some rather lame stuff happen today….

i gave the dog a bath in a cami and bike shorts (hello 1992 called and wants their shorts back???)
and i was completely soaking wet.
i followed waffle downstairs to take his picture of him SPAZZING out…..

IMAG0511-1 IMAG0512-2

just as i took that picture waffle looks behind me and barks like crazy.
i stand up 
and the FedEx man was standing at my front door RIGHT BEHIND ME.
my front door is made of glass….and he saw me…and i didn't have on a bra and my clothes were dripping wet.

i composed myself…showered and drove all the way to wichita (30 minutes) to the nearest target.
i filled my cart with things for CW and some groceries….and a cute cardi…of course.
i loaded everything out of my cart at the check out.
then i opened my purse and did not have my wallet with me.
and they said there was NOTHING they could do for me, even with my check book.  
so i drove all the way back home with nothing done (another 30 minutes).  
UGH…i was so mad at myself i felt sick to my stomach. 

i came home and found that my dog had eaten all 5 of my protein bars i left on the counter.
and their wrappers.
not cool dog. 

but….you know what….we made the watercolor hearts after school and it was completely relaxing.
just like i thought it would be. 


isn't that GORGEOUS!?!!!
that picture makes me a crazy amount of happy.

i had blown a fuse earlier in the day while vacuuming so we had no music on either.
it was just quiet.
my two little girls and i painted and talked.

i said "it's just so pretty!" 
annie "mom….you should do this craft at craft weekend….the ladies coming would love it!" 

that girl is too. stinkin. adorable.



talby was not sure if she was going to give her painting away or if we should frame it.
the jury is still out…her decision completely. 
of course my vote is to frame it.


ahhhhhhh….it was so nice.

i highly recommend sitting down and opening up a brand new set of watercolors
$3.44 (which thankfully i had purchased the day before!)
and painting a full page of hearts in  every color.
you will feel much better than when you started.

even if you had a pretty stupid morning.

which i did.




Rachael - Silly question, but where did you get the watercolors? They are so pretty?

Cheryl - What a great kids project! I’m so glad that my project inspired you! =)

melanie - well, i must say you recovered quite nicely. that’s a good takeaway for me b/c when i have a lousy day, it is hard to end well. i’m not a strong finisher. so thanks. πŸ™‚

elisa - love it when dogs freak out. always makes me laugh πŸ™‚

denise@victory rd. - without a bra!?!!!
no money at target?!!!
but you didn’t let that own your entire day. you allowed His mercies to be new in the afternoon.
colorful heart-shaped mercies. *love*

maggie - gotta love waffle, but gotta ask…is he constipated? lol!
Hearts are beautiful!

kb - you are such a good mommy!!!! wish I had more patience to do that stuff or was able to let go enought to deal with the mess. Maybe one day before they are grown and gone.

Mini Piccolini - Love this watercolor project! Had to share:

Jeanene Snell - You are a good person. From what I read, I like your heart.

Amber L Peters - i love it! i will definitely be making that watercolor painting with my girl!
sorry about your crappy day!

Beth - I don’t think my comment came through yesterday, if it did, sorry for commenting twice! I love the Etc. shop too, haven’t made it yet since they reopened, can’t wait! Also, the watercolors you’re doing remind me of some I used for an art class inspiration, and I think you’d enjoy them: (click on all the links across the top – bands of color, wrist flick, painterly strokes, etc. to see the cool ideas). Also, a blog that has great art inspiration is daisy yellow, and here’s a neat watercolor study:
Sorry about your trip to Wichita!

julie - I too was wondering where you got the pretty watercolors, but also the nice white paper? Thankful for you, thankful for your family and thank you for sharing all with us.

Salwar Kameez - love these pictures! The colors are so bright and cheery. The failed trip to Target is sucky, but the FedEx story is hilarious!

Lisa - Hi Meg! Sorry about the rough start to your day. My guess as to why they couldn’t take your check is that at Target they require a drivers license when writing a check (since everyone seems to be wondering about that!)
I only started reading your blog a few weeks ago, but love it so much that I went through the WHOLE BLOG and read ALL the archived posts. ALL of them. I feel like I know you and your family now, and that makes me happy, because I can tell what wonderful people you are.
You even inspired me to start my own blog and actually stick with it this time. (Granted, only 3 posts so far, but it’s progress). If you have time, check it out!

Jennifer - Just precious! I say frame it!

Mindy Harris - YOU ARE SUCH A HOOT.

Lindsey - Oh goodness, Meg. I too had a frustrating day but it was made better by the thought that I get to come to CW! WHOOP WHOOP! Painting rainbow hearts does sound relaxing. I cannot wait to come to CW and leave behind my petty woes! See you soon!

Anne - Love, love, love, love these pictures! The colors are so bright and cheery. I’m going to do this with my kids soon. The failed trip to Target is sucky, but the FedEx story is hilarious! πŸ™‚

AshleyAnn - Cami & wet shorts. NICE. Have you seen Legally Blonde? You could have done that snap thing for the FedEx guy when getting up from taking Waffle’s picture…that would be awesome.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Mmmm…. I think I need a shiny new watercolor set. πŸ™‚ Annie, I agree… they would LOVE it!

Alicia - I am sure the FedEx man thought it was funny! Can you imagine the things those guys see? Oh my! The hearts are so amazing. I am definitely trying this one tmr! We are headed to Target and new watercolors are in our cart! What is the paper you used? Is it heavy duty or anything special? Hope tmr your Target run will be completed successfully!

merlin - I did the heart painting. I am not crafty or artistic, but I could do this and it has brought me joy and peace. Thank you for sharing this activity.
Thanks also for sharing why not to have a glass door….maybe you made his day though.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I am so sorry to say that I laughed very hard at your expense….you just can’t make this stuff up!
This a.m. the repair guy was here to fix my oven and while he’s tinkering away my toast oven goes berserk! Seriously, I think my appliances are possessed but we’re rebuking the mean ole devil out of our electronics…Sheesh…craziness abounds!

Amy @ - Those sweet little hearts would be sure to brighten anyone’s day. Super cute. Arriving at a store without my wallet is my biggest fear, as I too live 30 minutes from any noteworthy store. I am always switching from a diaper bag to my purse, and even with my baby who loves to dig my wallet out of both, I have always been prepared, thankfully! (knock on wood). The good thing is that you can smile about it, and it’s just another reason to head back to Target. Darn πŸ˜‰

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im sure delivery men(& women) have THE craziest stories to tell…and yours wouldnt be the worst:)
I was sure you were gonna tell us that Waffle ate the hamster! I was all prepared to mourn & everything.
As for dogs and their appetites, thats what led to our fire(we had left a big Panera bag full of bread and bagels on the back of our gas stove; the beagle jumped up to get at the food and turned the gas burners on full blast. Lovely.

Kelly - I once walked to the grocery store with my baby in his stroller, got to the check out, realized I didn’t have my wallet, walked home to our apt. building, remembered I had left my “clicker” that opened both the gate and our garage door (my only way back into the apt.) with the management for repair and it had started to rain on my way home . . . it was just lovely. πŸ™‚
I thought you blew an emotional fuse! Funny that it was an actual real one! I blew one at our new house using the microwave and hair dryer simulanesously. I called my dad for help and he was so puzzled as to why I’d be using both at the same time. πŸ™‚ I can’t even remember now but I do know it made perfect sense at the time.
Happy Wednesday! Kelly

JustMommer - My own FedEx story this week. The tales they could tell.

Krissy - Firstly, im sure the FedEx guy has seen much MUCH more bizzare things/people. Secondly, i love the paintings. They are bright and happy. I just might do one for myself. Thirdly, I’m sorry your day got off to a rough start. πŸ™ If i still lived there, I totally woulda loaned you the money. Wasting time drives me bonkers. πŸ™ SO glad your day ended better. And thanks for making me smile, and reminding me of home, as usual! πŸ˜€

megan - hahahahaha
naughty waffle!
we’ve come to realize that winnie is a naughty one, too….counter-food snatcher just like waffle.
that’s why God made ’em so cute!

Juli - You can rock a rainbow photograph better than any other blogger I know!

natalie - i hate when the target thing happens! ahhh so frustrating.
those hearts are totally awesome and i think i need to do that. circles would be cool too.

alecia kleiner - I loved this post! Sorry for your wet t-shirt exposure, but it made for some serious laughs here in Seattle! Gorgeous hearts and we are so doing that today. It’s rainy and I need the inspiration.

Gail - Meg, next time, call me. I live in Wichita and would love to meet you at Target and float you a loan. And then maybe we could hit Sonic for a slush.

jen - i am doing this this weekend! minus the wet dog, impromptu wet t-shirt contest, fedex man and forgetting my wallet of course!! haha.

Karen Gerstenberger - What is it about rainbow colors that makes us all feel so good?
It is what first attracted me to your blog…that, and the fact that my best friend had moved away from here to Kansas, and reading your blog helped me to get a little “KS feeling and perspective.” Thank you for sharing your REALITY, both the up, rainbow times and the no-wallet-at-Target-times.

Sarah b - I have had so many humiliating target moments. Most recent was thinking I’d left my phone in the front of my cart, driving back to target, asking if one had been turned in (no), and then the manager walked the whole parking lot with me. We searched and searched all the carts, she asked “why don’t you just check in your car?” and lo and behold, there is my phone in the driver’s seat, not even covered up by anything. Grrrrr.
I’ve also left my wallet at home, but they kept my bags at customer service and let me cone back and pay later (only 8 mins away). And I use checks there all the time! Bizarre!
Thank you for sharing your lame day with us. πŸ™‚ CW will make up for it tenfold I’m sure!!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Alice H - Why wouldn’t Target let you write a check? I thought they did checks electronically like Walmart does. That is nuts!! Love the hearts. I wonder if my 2 year old son would enjoy that!

Tara - Annie is totally right, CW ladies would love to rock some watercolor hearts. I would know πŸ™‚ Miss your guts! Can’t wait to see pics from this weekend…

Jackie Kepner Barnum - Oh boy! I had the same kind of day you did yesterday. It is crazy how multiple things will break on the SAME day. The dog will take off with a bottle of cleaner and the lid pops off somehow and it goes all over the floor. Luckily I caught him before he drank any. But it all passes and hopefully we can laugh at it in the future. Hope you are having a great day today!

Alicia @ La Famille - i hate stupid days!! sorry πŸ™ but your watercolor paintings ARE beautiful! frame. def frame!

4 Fab Franklins - That picture of Waffle’s teeth is just so cute! He made me smile. Meg, I’m sorry, but I totally lol’d at the FedEx incident…sounds like something that would happen to me. Those painted heart projects are 2 – 2 Cute!
My opinion, I heart shopping at Target, but they have weird policies. I would really Really like it if they would stop asking me if I’d like to sign up for a card.
Enjoy your day!

Marianne - ugh. What a horrible start to a day! THe heart paintings are gorgeous though!!!

Kristin Hayne - 1. waffle cheers me up, yet again…. thank you!!
2. I have done that…minus wallet thing a few times…. so frustrating i could cry. I hate wasting time
3. Gorgeous watercolor hearts…. adorable girls
4. Just think, you MADE that FedEx man’s week!!
5. Thank you for praying for me the other day. If actually felt my day brighten after that
6. You rock…. I am going to have to do a Craft weekend with you guys now. πŸ™‚ So keep having them, OK?

shannon - it does look relaxing and very pretty! Our Target is also about 20 minutes away so I would be pretty mad at myself for forgetting my wallet but also a bit mad they wouldn’t take my check as well!
Glad the day turned out good in the end πŸ™‚

Kim from Miracle-Round - Although your day started off rough, I’m glad it ended on a happy colourful note!
The wallet thing – ug! I’ve left the house with my wallet in my purse (and I was so proud of myself that I remembered to check) just to discover that my debit card wasn’t in my wallet because I’d left it beside the computer when I was paying bills. Not good.

Shar - i love this craft. leading up to valentine’s, i spent my time cutting out random hearts out of various shades of red and pink paper. it became a challenge to get the heart either perfect or not! was so relaxing and i didn’t feel like i was being unproductive while watching tv.
hope the rest of your week goes super!

tiffany gardner - OH…my fav blog girl…I’m so sorry. What a yucky morning! You are such an encouragement…after all that yuck…you still chose JOY in the end. Wow…thanks…I needed that!

sandee prince - ps- where did you find that cool watercolor kit? we always buy the cheapo crayola ones and they never last πŸ™

sandee prince - I freakin love you. and i don’t even know you! you always seem to find the positive in every day. no matter how crappy it starts. (and not having your wallet at target is pretty crappy) πŸ™‚
Happy Thurs Meg…. keep up the great blog!

Katherine @ Grass Stains - What a terrible way to start the day! I feel for you; that’s a long way to go, only to be so frustrated. But I’m so glad those watercolor hearts turned your day around. Beautiful!

Kim - Boo! What a lame start! But yay what a great turn around! Annie is right – that simple craft would be perfect for a quick change of cw pace! I love this craft – totally would have done it! πŸ™‚ hope it’s a blast! Wish I was there!

Wendy - Oh Meg! I’m sorry about the rough start to your day. I had something similar happen to me at the grocery store too. Not fun! My husband is an airline pilot and we use the same credit card. Well, unknown to me, he used his the same exact time I tried to check out with $300 worth of groceries. The credit card didn’t go through of course. The credit company’s excuse was that they thought my card had been stolen since someone in Albuquerque, New Mexico had bought a Starbuck’s Latte and a burrito in the airport! I just had to laugh and wonder what credit card thief would just buy a coffee and a snack? I can laugh now, but at that moment I could have spit nails! Love the water colors, by the way! πŸ™‚

Seriously Sassy Mama - I always fear laving my wallet. I check my person every time I leave the house. Cami and biker shorts made me giggle.

Susan - Love the hearts! We homeschool and I am always looking for something to do in the afternoon. We could do this together!

beki - your link to that print inspired a little sewing project for me. i haven’t started it yet, but i can’t wait. i think it’s just what i need to get out of my creative funk. thanks πŸ˜‰

Lori Austin - I’m guessing the Fed Ex Man has seen a lot in his years of delivery. :-/
No wallet at Target totally stinks. I’ve done that at Walmart before with two kids in tow and a cart full of groceries. Just sat in the van and cried afterward with my poor kids wondering what the heck was wrong with me and why we left our groceries behind. Stinks!
Rainbow hearts and quiet time with your girls sounds like the silver lining to the day.

Jody - I want to do this w my boys…but whenever we do watercolors, the colors do not turn out very bright?! I must buy the cheapest I can find…we will try this!! So cute. A run to Target or Hobby Lobby is in order today..
(Laughed at your post today. I once was walking into Target and suddenly thought, “Oh my..did I change out of my PJ pants???”..and I didn’t even want to look down…but I did, and I had changed – whew!!!)
And the other day, the UPS guy came to our door & I looked just lovely – hair a mess, stickers all over me (from my boys) and frosting on my shirt from making cupcakes. Lovely, yes.

amy jupin - anna is completely freaking out over the hearts…
def gonna have to make that one asap.
and as for the fedex man…well…let’s just say our pest control guy has seen me at…not my best.
tank top with no bra and holey pj pants.
and with ben and buck trying hard to escape out the front door at the same time.
we all have those special people in our lives! πŸ™‚
hope y’all have the BEST time this weekend!

kristiina - YES!! I’m not the only one who doesn’t have her wallet in the check out line…not that I’m proud of it. Just nice to know I’m not the only one LOL (so embarrassing) Thanks for sharing ALL of your life with us!

Amanda - Your blog has definitely turned into one of my favorites! I love seeing all your crafts, hearing your hilarious stories, and seeing pictures of Kansas (this Kansas born/Georgia transplant sure misses her home state!) Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Kimberly Dial - So sorry you had a bad morning (forgetting the wallet … been there … done that!) but I bet the delivery guy was happy! LOL Love the hearts … you give me the best ideas to do with my grandgirlies! Thanks! πŸ™‚

Kristi Rediske - This may be crazy but why didn’t target take your check? I think ours still takes checks-maybe not though. Sorry you had a crazy day-but it sure ended nice-thats what counts (easy for me to say) Have a better day today!

Whitney - πŸ™ I didn’t have a great day yesterday either and today it’s rainy and cold.
I just wanted to sleep in this morning. ALH decided that she wanted a bottle at 2 a.m. and wanted to play with me after that. We were up until 4, my husband has leave by 5 … Rough Morning to say the least!
Just reading this post made me smile. Thanks so much! I need to get me some water color paints πŸ™‚

PrairieJenn - Ahhh…nothing like art therapy after a rough morning!
We’ll be doing those hearts for sure:)
Yay! Thanks for sharing.

Heather Crawford - Oh my…THAT was hilarious..I would have died!

Victoria - Oh me, oh my, what a morning! I’ve definitely had those kinds of days.
Your watercolor picture makes me happy to look at too! I will definitely have to do this with my 6 year old. She LOVES to paint and I do find it therapeutic to sit and paint with her. πŸ™‚

Megan - Why wouldn’t Target let you use your checkbook?! Strange.
So sorry about your rough morning but the beautiful hearts definitely made me smile! Love!

Catherine - so sorry about your wonky day… we definitely have all been there. πŸ˜‰
will you share where you got the tray of watercolors with the 3 rows? we’ve only used the crayola and rose art ones and i think we’re ready for an upgrade! especially if we decide to do the heart project! it’s fabulous! thanks, megan!

Colleen - Love the watercolor hearts. I think we’ll try it today. We’ve all had the Target moment. I once sent my husband to the grocery store with a gift card that turned out was all used up. He didn’t have his wallet and was mortified. Not his happiest day.
I’m wondering how much money I would save if I was 30 minutes away from Target?

Kimberlee Jost - That watercolor pic needs to be blown up to a canvas HUGE.
It’s beautiful.
As are you…even with a “stupid morning”.

Cheryl E. - Had a similar kind of day except that our 14 year old dog (8 lb Yorkie named Chase) ate 16 Hershey Miniatures and 1 Tootsie Roll – – – wrappers and all. Had to take him to the vet. Let’s just say he is confined due to all his “digestive issues” Gotta laugh at these moments!! πŸ™‚

THE FED EX MAN - thanks for the cami and shorts yesterday. You made my day.

Laura Phelps - I have written in my prayer book, scribbled actually, at the top of a page…”STUPID MORNING”
yesterday morning here was BEYOND ridiculous…and I fell into the pew at mass and wrote “stupid morning”, thinking it would be my blog post title that night!
I never wrote it because the morning was THAT bad (think Nick out of town for 2 WEEKS, car that wont get up an icy driveway at 6:30am, kids I can’t get to school, kind of BAD)
lovin’ the paints
I copied your butterfly on canvas and it was a success
me thinks I might do this too
Im a follower, not a leader…
love that you blew a fuse too
and the only thing more ridiculous then you in a wet cami and shorts, would be if you were also wearing roller skates…OR
if WAFFLE was wearing the cami and shorts…
on roller skates
AND…DOGS! I am new to this ownership of a dog thing…and my dog is chewing EVERYTHING!
not cool
thank God she is so darn cute.
and now I am done
this is long
sorry about the caps there
not intended
all for now
off to the bus stop
have a great day and don’t forget your wallet πŸ˜‰
love you

happygirl - You made the FedEx guy’s day, you know. Just sayin’

Michelle From Australia - 1. Don’t TARGET know you are F.A.M.O.U.S????
2. I love Talby’s hearts. Just gorgeous. That is both Talby and the hearts πŸ™‚
3. If Talby wants to auction her heart art with proceeds to WHATEVER (pun intended) charity she choses, I’m happy to open the bidding.
Good night!

Sally - Oh Meg, I had the exact same thing happen to me on a trip to Target. Only I was 9 months pregnant at the time, and on my way out to the car empty handed, a stranger yelled at me from across the parking lot, “UH OH!!! LOOKS LIKE SOMEBODY NEEDS SOME ICE CREAM!!” Really lame. Love your beautiful heart paintings!

Terrie G - the ONE thing I don’t like about our house…glass doors! front & back!!
And those hearts… I <3!!!

Leah - Target wouldn’t let you write a check?! That’s lame! I’m sorry, but I too, was laughing about the FedEx guy and Waffle the crazy dog. Sorry the day started out crazy. But sounded like it ended on a very relaxing note. And I’d totally frame Talby’s picture.

Heather D. - Very bad day, but the hearts and colors are sooooo bold and beautiful!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Oh my, that definitely qualifies as a bad day. I was giggling out loud about the Fed Ex man πŸ˜‰

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I bet the FedEx man figured he had a pretty good day : )

Amber - I’ve so been there standing like an idiot without a wallet. I Hate that! My ladies would absolutely love to paint hearts! So pretty. Glad your day had some redeeming qualities!

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the etc.

our local thrift shop is called The Et Cetera Shop.
the town i grew up in had one also so it's been part of my life for a long time.
i donate LOTS of stuff to it every year. (kids out grow out of clothes so fast!)

but i buy LOTS of fun stuff there too.

i stopped in yesterday for their grand re-opening after remodeling….ya know….just to peek.


i left with a box almost too big to take to my car myself.
oh my.

this seriously heavy duty fish shaped bottle opener could not stay there all alone.
it needed me. 
it was lonely….it had traveled all the way from Moses Lake, Washington!

a little spray paint….
a little oxi clean….
maybe some RIT dye for the chenille…

another chalk board.
i just can't resist them!

and if they have a green painted chalk tray….forget about it?!!! 
it must come home with me.
talby came home and said "what does thrifty mean?"


(of a person or their behavior) Using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully
economical – frugal – sparing – saving – economic


craig may disagree that i am "thrifty" BUT at least i enjoy a bargain when i find one. 

pottery in the perfect shade of turquoise….
teeny red cardinal salt and pepper shakers to be saved for a craft someday…
a silver dish to hold bracelets in my bathroom….

and a handmade blanket that screams "happy valentines day!"

a weathered globe….
and a yard of sweet heart fabric.

it was a fabulous day at the thrift shop.
i love those kind of days.

we are painting this after school…because….it's pretty!


and i can't wait.
it looks completely relaxing to paint that.
pattern and color over and over…..ahhhhhhh.


do you have big valentine's day plans?
i will be honest with ya'll….i don't celebrate Valentines.
i don't decorate.
i don't make treats.
i buy the $2 box of cards for my kids to take to class…with Victorious and Angry Birds.
i am sure if craig was one of those guys that went nuts with gifts and flowers for valentines i wouldn't object to that but seriously i just don't really care.

i know i am loved everyday.
and my kids know it too.
here is my ode to valentines….from the Lord.


thank you Lord for that kind of love.




don't forget to enter to win a $100 gift card to the Olive Garden HERE.


Jeeva - These are really funny. I would be esatctic to get the knot one in the mail. Also, a note, I’ve been reading your blog for a while, don’t think i’ve ever commented, but wanted to tell you I have really enjoyed reading your post.

Imran - these are so uber cute and special!!! Thank you so very much for srnihag!!! When I do a new blog post I will link these to my blog—I think that’s how you’d term it—-(I’m new at this)—be blessedBeyond Measuretammywww.bbbm.weebly.combartlettpair4atmsndotcom

Mehran - Oh I am ALWAYS out of ink… I think my Printer literally dinrks it before I can ever use it.. LOL!! These are Really Cute… I seriously need to learn how to use my photo elements that I bought Two years ago still sitting in the Original Box Unopened because of FEAR!!! .. πŸ™‚ But thankfully there are WONDERFUL people like you who offer such CUTE Free things to print.. πŸ™‚

Terrie G - so, how did you like the geodesic dome? My husband’s cousin made it. It’s like setting up all the dominoes…I wouldn’t have the patience for it!

Kristin S - Ugh, our thrift stores are so lame! Tempted to drive all the way to Kansas…

Bethany - Ah… I saw that afghan in their facebook pictures. Dreamy. But I didn’t make it up that way for the reopening. Glad it went to a good home. πŸ™‚

Karen Pittson - I found that EXACT “Bless our Home” plaque at the Goodwill. You can see how I transformed it here Loved the pretty pages of hearts, and your darling girls. Thanks for sharing your life with us πŸ™‚

Brandi - I made the Oreo pudding poke cake for my kids on Valentine’s Day. It was a huge hit. How could it not be, right? I’m going to try the water color craft later today. If it turns out like your daughter’s, it will be a framer.

elisa - I love vintage chenille. Love. And that pink and red blanket!!!!

megan - whoa. i’m kind of dying over your thrifty finds.
i don’t decorate for valentine’s either.
and, perk #142 of homeschooling? not having to make valentine’s cards. πŸ™‚
i’m kind of a valentine’s grinch.
the Mr. and I did leave the kids home alone to go out for an early dinner, though.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - P.S. I also meant to say that I had this exact same globe(your newest one) when I was in high school. And I actually used it for school:) If only I had known then that Id want them years later…

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im jealous of that chalkboard. I have one in my home that I made over from a cheap, gold frame of a full length mirror. It turned out great but Id love a huge rectangular one for my kitchen wall. We just repainted in there after the fire and its so much brighter!(Ive cooked meals almost every night since we repainted…a sure sign that its more fun to be in there now than when it was red:))
I recently scored a globe at a new thrift store here in town and it was still in the box! I got it for $7.

Vonda - You know how some things take you by surprise!? Well I just got the mail and my daughter gets Popular Photography and as I laid it on the counter YOUR picture was on the back. I was like “I KNOW HER”. lol. Been following your blog for a long time. It was a nice surprise!!! πŸ™‚

denise@victory rd. - i never have such luck when i go thrifting. never. love the globe. i am so in the market for globes. found some last week for $50-$60, used! that’s not thrifty.

Lisa - I can’t believe someone could part with that beautiful crocheted afghan! But what a score for you! I have one just like that in yellows, oranges, & browns that my grandmother made for me when I was a teenager . . . with a matching pillow! Sentimental love! And who can ever pass up chenille anything! Looks like a successful treasure hunt.

Yby5 - I would have wrestled you over the globe and chalkboard..I have the same love of those as well πŸ™‚
what a great day you had!!

Jenn - That’s awesome the the fish bottle opener came all the way from WA :). I am using your comments to find people who live close to Moses Lake since I live (semi) close to there too. I like other WA bloggers. So thanks for that! As for Valentines, nothing big, usually just a sweet note to one another and a bottle of good wine. Simple and fun.

Melody - fun finds! My mom grew up in Moses Lake WA so we were there MANY times over the years visiting family (and still have some there to visit) πŸ™‚

Lori Austin - Great finds! Love the bowl and the chalkboard….I’m waiting patiently to find some older (character filled) chalkboards in my town. No luck so far.
Love V-day. Start the day with heart plates and yummy breakfast with a couple of special surprises by my kiddos plates. Worked the party at my daughter’s school. Home to make our “special family dinner” with small valentine mailboxes filled with cute little items. Pink, purple, red color everywhere. Love it!! (plus my hubby one up’d the flowers this year and came home with the 2nd season of Downton Abbey on DVD. Woohoo! πŸ™‚

Mindy Harris - i love all of your finds. wonderful wonderful. i may hafto make a special trip to ETC. ha. happy heart day.

Amy @ - At first I thought that box was full of things you were TAKING to the thrft store and I thought “Why would she get rid of all that awesome stuff?!”. Makes so much more sense the other way around πŸ˜‰ Happy heart day!

Wendy - My girls went to school with their Valentines this morning without the accompanying lollipops … bc they ate half of them last nite πŸ™

Kristin - Oh my what good finds! We don’t celebrate Valentines Day either, our anniversary is a week later. πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hello Miss Meg, Happy Valentine’s Day to you. Just letting you know I “borrowed” your 1 Corinthians verse for my blog. Hope it’s okay. I didn’t think you would mind. P.S. Love the fish bottle opener πŸ™‚

Carrie - wow oh wow what an awesome thrift store day!! the globe is awesome!!! jealous of it all!!! πŸ™‚

Juli - I have that exact chalkboard! Yours originally had a green rope that went through the holes. Mine hangs over my son’s headboard and currently reads, “I love you, Jackie poo-poo”, a “love note” from his sister! HA!

kristin - ha! i had that afghan in my arms for about 10 seconds and put it back….feeling overwhelmed by my growing box.
: )

Rebecca - rad finds Meg!!! love that blanket!

Mary - I bought that exact same Bless Our Home sign last year at Goodwill! I painted mine turquoise and orange. And I’m thinking about repainting it again. So fun!

Marianne - Love the turquoise bowl!! We have a white and charcoal grey kitchen and I visit second hand stores to collect colourful dishes to display! I have come across some real lovelies but now that my open shelving is getting full I am becoming more choosie. I don’t think that’s a word but you get my drift… πŸ™‚

Kerry - What an awesome name for a shop! You got really thrifty there Meg – I can spend HOURS at the charity shop – buying stuff for ‘What if’ and ‘Just Maybe’ Great finds πŸ™‚
I don’t really celebrate Valentines either, but I got a bottle of Jimmy Choo perfume, so I’m all smiley anyways xx πŸ™‚

Jen - Oh that red and pink afghan is AMAZING. Wish I could find one of those!! We had heart shaped pancakes for brunch, but we don’t do much else… I’d rather celebrate love all year long than just today!

Margo - I am so happy you found such great things! As we put the store back together on Saturday I saw that globe and totally thought of you! If I had even had time to really look around that bowl may have been mine….ha!

kirsten - if only I could find stuff that cool at my local thrift shop.
i read your last post right before bed last night, and then dreamed that i came to visit. it was SO much fun visiting you in dreamland. πŸ™‚

Amy - Moses Lake is right next to where I live….we go to their water park during the summer and they’ve got a great pizza place! let me know if you want more fish for your sea…. πŸ˜‰
I made homemade nutella poptarts this morning for the kids….with strawberries to look like hearts! that’s it folks! I’m actually wearing black today….oops! Love the family and the hubby everyday!!

happygirl - I love your thrifty ways. It makes reading your blog so much fun. I don’t make the treats either. I’m glad I’m not the only one. πŸ™‚

Maria - Ugh, auto correct… A night off cooking…not alight…just ignore any other typos…

Maria - We keep it simple here. We order dinner out instead of the whole, grab a sitter,wait, wait wait with everyone else. I’d much rather just have alight off cooking and just relax at hometown catch up on the DVD together.
Flowers…if I don’t pick them out at SAMs myself (I can’t help myself sometimes), I’ll usually see a simple bouquet brought home, which is fine. This year I gave a big hint on which ones I wanted from SAMs. We’ll see…otherwise I will get them myself later this week…
As for candy, I have to pick up brachs candy hearts ( the big ones) every year….in fact, I already bought them…i am addicted to the orange ones…my kids get the rest…mostly.
Happy Valentines Day!

Ashley - Oh, how I wish we had an awesome thrift store like that! My grandparents have that Bless Our Home plaque. I have always loved it.
The boys helped make treats for school, valentines from balloons for friends, and we open small gifts with the kids. My favorite was my oldest’s pair of Night Fury sunglasses from the store. Just a small, fun gesture. It’s always been kind of big for me because it’s when the hubby asked me out nearly a decade ago. Sentimentality, I guess. Showing the love daily rocks, though, an that’s exactly what we strive to do! πŸ™‚
Have a happy day!

sara @ it's good to be queen - yes, love the etc. shop. you better believe that is a must stop whenever we’re in kansas. it is SO CHEAP!! way better than goodwill. i got a huge box of goodies over christmas. milk glass for a quarter? yes. please. i love all your finds. so great. happy day!

mandy friend - okay, your state is the place to thrift! we NEVER find cvool stuff like that in oregon…or if we did it’d be in an antique stor for lots of $! i paid almost $40 for the globe i was finally able to find!

shannon - Oh my goodness those goodies you got!!! I love the globe and that blanket is perfect, especially for today πŸ™‚ Your thrift store looks amazing, ours is not so great. Hope you and your loved ones have a great Valentine’s Day

Meg Duerksen - thanks so much dana!!!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Here’s a link from my pinterest page for the heart print-
And here’s the link for where she sells the print in her shop-
LOVE all your great finds!

Ali - Oh my goodness!!! I seriously would have bought every single thing you did. I loooooooove it all!!! Awesome πŸ™‚
Happy V-day!

geneva - I agree about Valentines Day! Just a commercial holiday to make $. Treat your love and loved ones the same way everyday! Who needs a “made up” holiday!! ;)Anyway, my love’s birthday is today! πŸ™‚

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I do NOT normally DO Valentines Day…its just not a “holiday” with much meaning to me…we love our family daily and don’t let the media or the masses tell us what day we have to set aside to show them that. So, imagine my surprise when the hubs comes home for lunch with a bouquet and a balloon?!!? It *IS* extra special simply because that is a rare treat and I love him surprising me! (He usually does that sort of stuff throughout the year and not ON V-day).
I told him I planned a nice family dinner but I can’t gift wrap the pork chops very well!

Lori H - Valentines is no big deal at our house. My husband knows not to buy the overpriced roses…I love the tulips from Trader Joes ($4.99). Now that my kids are older, they don’t take cards to school. Just a Hallmark Holiday in my eyes. Love your thrift store finds. Gives me the itch to go hunting!

Laura Phelps - you are so thrifty πŸ™‚
Nick is in LA for a while….
but cupid left treats for the kids
and I am off to do some fun baking
i do like valentines day
its my moms birthday
and well…
love is just so darn hard
so I am happy today to have so much of it around me
I dressed the dog
in a heart print dress
its killing me
tonight I think it is frozen french bread pizza for the kids and a little writing for me
love to you and your family

Amy@BuffaloRoam - Very cool finds! Love me some thrifting. πŸ™‚

Whitney - Good thrifting!
Such a cute painting, I can’t wait to see what the kid’s versions look like!
Happy Heart Day!

Kerstie - You so scored at the thrift shop. Valentines day IS over celebrated. Showing love threw buying flowers and chocolate… not my thing. We do do heart shaped pizza, heart cookies, and cards the kids scribble on. I am a crafter soooo some V-tines day crafting does happen. πŸ˜‰
Happy day!

Tiffany - Oh man, that art is cute & simple, i like that, we may have to give it a go too. Thrift days are like that, feast or famine. And you know what they say about men and thrifting…A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs. A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn’t need, it’s sooo true in my house, sounds like yours as well. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Jenn A. - I am sad that anyone ever got rid of that handmade blanket! But it is balanced out by the fact that it now has a loving new home. It’s gorgeous and so very HAPPY!

Mary - i love your blog, i visit often but don’t leave comments much, i figure with so many it’s just one more to read…:)
but i want you to know i look forward to each new post.
grace and peace

Seriously Sassy Mama - Valentines is not big at our house either. I tell my girls it is for grown ups. I get my husband a card every year, and the girls the $1 Russel brand chocolate box at Walmart, plus a tiny craft. This year it is a bead heart necklace I got for %50 at Hobby Lobby. I spent $1.50 on each child and they loved it! Personally I would just like someone to do my dishes today, and clean the girls toilet. That would be a great gift! God’s love was the first thing I thought about this morning when I started reading everyone’s Valentine stuff. Have a happy day painting, and yeah to your thrifting.

Molly - 1. love the verse!
2. we don’t go all out for valentines either. And that is fine with me! I do like to give the girls a little something special….like heart shaped marshmallows:)
3. Love the thrift store finds…makes me want to go be thrifty!
4. I had a dream about you last night….my family was driving through Kansas and our car broke down. You tried to fix it with your hair dryer. But we needed a place to stay and you said we could stay with you even though it was craft weekend and your house was already full. I think you even got my husband to do a craft.
5. I am pregnant with #3 and have been dreaming alot:)

Mandy - Love the fish bottle opener!!!
I just painted valentines day cards for my co-workers and it was very therapeutic! Highly recommend diving into that painting above….

Kim - i vote yes to your thrifty finds.
fun, fabulous, and educational too! πŸ™‚
i LOVE that bless this home sign.
LOVE LOVE LOVE. that is a diamond in the rough for sure.
and i’d be snuggling with that valentines blanked 24/7. i love a good pink and red combo. throw in some chevron and you have a big winner. πŸ™‚
happy valentines day!

Lisa McCracken - We celebrate Vday around here, just a little. But I think it’s “over”-celebrated to some degree. But it’s fun!
Can you tell us where you got that amazing print of I Corinthian’s? Is it something that can be purchased?
Thanks! and Happy Valentine’s Day! πŸ™‚

Kim - Nice finds! We really celebrate Valentine’s Day here – it’s my daughter’s birthday. She is such a sweet girl, having a b-day on Valentine’s Day really suits her. So today I am busy making lasagna and brownies, wrapping presents and all that fun stuff.

courtney casper - moses lake?! haha teeny tiny town..right next to my husbands even teenier and tiner home town!
good find!

Holly - love a good thrift store day!

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