Masthead header

listen up.

my internet was out ALL day yesterday.
i kind of didn't know what to do with myself.
how silly is that?

i mean….i found things to do….but there is so much you CAN'T do without internet!

it's back.
and i am happy about that.

remember all the stoves we gave in haiti in january??
that was AWESOME.

today i am SO thrilled  to tell you about the Adventure Project's newest campaign that i am joining!


World Water Day is March 22…next thursday.

The Adventure Project has a donor, Prem Rawat Foundation, that has agreed to match every dollar raised on World Water Day…. up to $25,000!!!
that is amazing!
We have the potential to raise $50,000 in ONE day to bring clean water to those in need.

and EVERYONE needs clean water.

everyone deserves clean water.

it's a HUGE goal but it is P O S S I B L E.

So….what i need YOU to do NOW is go to and read about what we are doing.

If you blog, CLICK HERE and sign up  to join us by committing your blog to talk about the well mechanics and clean water on World Water Day….the Adventure Project with provide all the info you need when you sign up!
And everyone else be ready to GIVE on March 22.


I WANT you to blog about it now and next week.
ask YOUR readers to get on board.
tell YOUR people about World Water Day and the Adventure Project.

facebook it…..tweet it…..TALK about it all week….



then on Thursday, March 22, i will have a BIG giveaway.
and i want you to donate on World Water Day through my fundraising page.

or start your own fundraising page 

or donate on ANYone's fundraising page through the Adventure project.

just give….every person COUNTS.  every single one.  every single dollar.

next thursday.


if you KNOW you are committed to blogging the cause of clean water in the world….you just sign up now.

but we GIVE on MARCH 22.

not today.

go read...go blog it ….go facebook it…. go forth and TELL THE WORLD about this big opportunity to bring water to those that NEED it.


you are awesome.
i know you will do it.  


Jacci - Megan – I love your heart for this. I’m right there with you. The thing is, there are so many needs, everywhere. One blog wants me to help with India, one needs me to help with Haiti… God has given you a heart for Africa. I do NOT want to do *nothing*, but if I spread out too thinly, I’m not really helping anywhere, you know? It seems like, right now, we’re still going to focus on Haiti, helping with local friends’ international and domestic adoptions, and our church’s mercy ministries. But, I will PRAY this with you 🙂 And encourage you to keep listening to the Spirit leading you as you blog about real stuff.

Holly - Meg…if that really is Justin Bieber, your girls will go crazy!!! My niece, Jasmine V opened for Justin in a leg of his tour last year!!! Good times!!! I hear he’s a great guy!!! 🙂

Justin Bieber - Nice one, there is actually some great points on this post some of my associates will find this worthwhile, will send them a link, thanks

Amanda - Love this … Bloggers can make a difference! 🙂

April R - will have to check that out – thanks!

beth - Meg–did you see Tim Challies’ visual representation of Phil. 4:8?
Saw it and thought of you!
Have a great day, glad your internet is back, it’s a nice thing to have 🙂

Holly - You think you had it hard with no internet all day??? How do you think it felt for me to keep looking and looking for a post from you and not see one??? LOL!!! And then today…it’s about stoves and water…UGH! I know those things are important…but dang it, I WANNA SEE YOUR NEW HOUSE!!! ALL OF IT!!! I wanna see the chickens and the barn and how you decorated things… UGH! Now I gotta wait for another day…and just hope, hope, hope!!! 🙂 Have a great day, Meg!!!

sue - If it was helping people in this country I would do it but not other countries. Sorry.

Dani - I think I must have checked here no less than 10 times yesterday! I was really needing my “Whatever fix”. I feel a great void when I don’t read about your day haha.
I don’t blog, but I will definitely be facebooking all about this!

Terrie G - no internet all day?? Welcome to the rural life! Do you have ‘farm tv’ too? We couldn’t get cable…so I called it farm tv. You know…3,8,10,12,24 channels only! LOL!! We used to chuckle about that alot!

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i am a fan.

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my husband took me on a hot date last night to hear the Avett Brothers.
to make it more amazing to me….it was at the Orpheum.
it's a 90 year old theater and it's gorgeously shabby inside.

there is all chippy paint and exposed brick, very grand and over done in the details.
it is such a beautiful place to see a show….especially this show.
it is a small theater only holding 1200.
we knew several people once we got there so it really did feel like a party.

the Avett Brothers band was very obviously having a BLAST up on stage.
they were going nuts on all their instruments…i had no idea a banjo could rock like that?!!  or a cello?!!
i have never really heard anything like it in person…..i was completely in love.
i really liked their music before but it doesn't even compare to the live show!!
it was SO GOOD!  

you need to listen to them.  you need to go to their show.  you will LOVE it.

i kept thinking about how much my dad and sister would have loved that show.  
i hear a lot of my childhood in their music. 

i found this clip of them from Late Night with Jimmy Fallon….liked it!


they sang this at the end during the encore…not rockin' but still beautiful…  :)

then my favorite video i found was the Tiny Desk Concert Series from NPR.
it's 15 minutes long….i don't expect everyone to watch that….but i have watched it twice today already.

and none of those compare to being there.


thanks for taking me Mr. Duerksen.
you are my favorite.


i am also a fan of ginormous trees on a sunshiney day.


this five-trees-in-one is in the yard right out the window from the kitchen and front room.
it's perfect to climb. 

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i was more of a fan of this dog when he played in the sun and looked and smelled a little cleaner.

he is now stinky and very muddy.  

i ran five miles yesterday on the treadmill at the gym.
i watched part of a basketball game, part of Hoarders and part of Behind the Music about PINK.  
i am hoping this killer headache i have goes away so i can get back out today and get a run in….  
if the sun comes out again it would sure help my motivation!


happy monday to you.



oh and don't forget to enter these giveaways…..

enter to win $100 Visa gift card from Hostess over HERE.

enter to win $100 Walmart gift card from IHOP over HERE

enter to win a $100 gift card to Olive Garden over HERE. 



Flower Patch Farmgirl - We are newly obsessed, too. (We always get to the cool stuff late.) Cory goes around singing that song about “if he dies in the city”. It freaks me out a little.
That venue is slaying me.

Mindi - We love love love the Avett Brothers! We are going to see them in June! Can’t wait we are super excited. My 6 year old loves, Die Die Die, my 4 year old loves I and Love and You and my fav is January Wedding…probably! For our anniversary I made my husband a sign with our last name and the line, “always remember there was nothing worth sharing like a love that let us share our name.”
So glad you enjoyed the show!

Christy Brenneman - Never heard the Avett Bros before. Love that music! Waffle looks like he’s having a grand time in the country! Loved that tree so much…a great climbing tree.

A Facebook User - Sweet! We saw them Saturday night and scored VIP tickets in the front row (because I’m a uber-geek — such a geek that I have a “Backwards With Time” tattoo and am planning a half-sleeve around other favorite Avetts songs — and hit “buy” immediately when they came on sale). Seth came off the stage and gave my son a guitar pick, thereby cementing his place as Henry’s favorite (formerly Joe Kwon! Sorry, Joe!).
They don’t get boring even after seeing them multiple times, I can assure you. (I’m hinting that they’ll be in Tulsa in a few weeks and again at Crossroads KC this summer, but I won’t be able to go because my due date is getting too close and my husband hated Crossroads last time we saw them there).

Emilee Prenevost - Ok so this has nothing to do with your post, but I was blog surfing and found this post and totally thought of you 🙂
Oh and I love your pics of Waffle! My dog’s name is Meatball…lol 🙂 He’s a gray mini schnauzer 🙂 he would have fun playing with Waffle 🙂 love ya!

Stephanie - This is so funny! As I was reading your blog I was listening to The Avett Brothers on Pandora! Love them! Waiting for them to come to California so I can go see them. I am even more excited to see them after your review! 🙂

Heather - I’m a fan of Avett Brothers. If you haven’t checked out The Polyphonic Spree yet, you must! Some of the most uplifting music I have ever heard and great for all ages!

Michelle - Yeah Avett Brothers! My 1st experience was seeing them live in 2007 at NC State’s homecoming. AMAZING!

Shauna Howington - Came back to reread your post and rewatch the clips. Yeah, I love them that much! Ha! What a treat that Bob Crawford was back on the bass, since his little girl has been so sick.
I love when the NPR guy asks Scott if he swallowed an amplifier when he was younger. 🙂

Dina - I.was.there.last.night.TOOOOO!!!! The Avett Brothers are amaaaazing! We had the best time! Had I known you would be there, I would have put my ‘Meg stalker skills’ to work:-)

Rachel - Went to an Avett Bros concert a few years ago w/o having ever heard of them. It was probably my favorite concert of all time… and now they are one of my favorite bands of all time. So so fun and entertaining!!!

amy jupin - semi-obsessed with the avett bros.
yay for date night!!

Sara - Love the Avett Brothers – how fun!

Capricious - Love your sunshine, Waffle and tree pics! I look forward to your posts everyday! I am from Kansas and miss it so. I love how you love Kansas, color, crafts, and Sonic! I posted a link to a blog today with a print that made me think of you since we share a love for Sonic drinks! Congrats on your move!

Andrea Jeanne - I am so jealous…I love them. Glad you had a chance to see them in person. I have heard that they put on a great show.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - we’re huge avett fans around here, esp. their early stuff. i’ve seen them a lot and each time is fantastic. 🙂

Katie Beth - Okay, so I have to ask…when you say you run 5 miles, do you mean without stopping…not walking at all? If so I am uber impressed, and I want to get to that point. I just recently started running [it had been about 7 years since high school when I played sports], and I really want to do a 5k, but I want to do it without walking breaks. How do you increase without dying? How do you know when to increase because I feel just as tired each time it seems. My longest is 1.5 miles without walking. I know I can increase, but holy cow…5 miles! Go you!

flowerpowermomma - aha! Waffle is becoming a ‘farm dog’, they don’t smell very well, but they sure have fun. Will explore the music’s just gorgeous in my neck of the woods so i must get outside.

Heather - yay, I love me some Avetts! They are SO MUCH FUN live! How crazy is Joe Kwon dancing around with that cello?! I saw them when I lived in Nashville at the Ryman (the mother church of country music)- got a poster and had it framed so I could remember it forever. 🙂 They have I think 3 live CDs which sort of capture some of the fun of their shows, but nothing is as great as that room full of people singing and clapping and stomping their feet right along with you!

Lauren - My kids are always saying our yard needs a bigger climbing tree, yours looks great!

lorel - Oh I really wanted to go to that concert but when I looked online the tickets were $75! Craig is awesome to get them for $35. Lucky you guys!

Carrie - I am ridiculously jealous! They were in Springfield, just an hour away from me, Saturday! I had no one to go with… should have went alone! Maybe one day I will have friends who like the same music as I do!

Kathy P - I had never heard of the Avett brothers, so i blasted those tunes here now in the house at 6.30 in the morning, sounded AWESOME. So spririted Those boys are hot!!!!!

Amber. - I’ve been a lurker of your blog for quiet some time, so I already knew you were awesome…but the fact that you have fallen in love with the avetts means you are beyond awesome.
I’ve had a huge crush on that band/their music for a few years now. But, nothing compares to hearing them live. After going to five of their concerts, listening to their music on a computer does it no justice. If possible, you should see them on NYE! I’ve went to two of their NYE shows…let me just say, AMAZING.

Grace - Thanks for sharing! Waffle is really cute on the last picture! He is kind of crossing his eyes 🙂

jenni - LOVE the Avett Bros! Love the lyrics:
…nothing worth sharing like the love that let us share our name…
Glad you and the Mr. enjoyed the show 🙂

Sandy - I love that Talby has shorts and a tshirt on in the middle of March! I could take this years winter EVERY year! I used to love the snow and still do really…but I have loved this winter with no (very little!) snow and lots of sunshine and spring like days!!

Melissa - I can’t believe I’ve never heard them before-Love it! Thanks for sharing about them, I googles them and listened to a bunch of their stuff, so great! A thousand times better than the Chipmunks Christmas CD that the toddlers love listening to in the car!

Maureen - Love,Love, Love them. Our whole family listens to them and my 15 year old played for me “Murder in the City” last Mother’s Day. One of the prettiest songs, especially when you have two boys and a girl. “Always remember there was nothing worth sharing, like the love that let us share our name.”
How fun, you will always remember that concert!!

beth - love the Avette brothers! How cool that you got to go see them in concert. Waffle I love my dog the most when she’s freshly cleaned and hasn’t rolled in…anything. ha!

Laura - I’ve listened to “January Wedding” an embarrassing number of times. My husband should be worried. I have the hugest crush on Seth. So jealous that you saw them in concert!

Sharla - We were there too! I wasn’t really a fan of their music before (this was for Nathan’s birthday), but I definitely appreciate them more after hearing them live. They were great! Love date nights. 🙂

Amanda Eudy - Excellent! The Avett’s are my favorite band! So glad you had the chance to see them live..Whenever I tell someone about them, I include the statement “You have to see them live, they are AMAZING!”
Glad you enjoyed the boys 🙂

Melissa - My brother saw the Avett Brothers in Springfield Friday night and then traveled to Witchita to see them again Saturday night! I saw them last summer at RedRocks in Colorado. They put on a fabulous show!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - The hubs and I and our 3 girls are going to see the Avett Brothers in April in Ithica, NY and I cannot wait!!!! We all love them over here – love the pics!

Nikki - You are blessed to have a hubby that took you. Tim and I just don’t see eye to eye when it comes to music. I’m still considering seeing them all alone if I have to though!!

Heather S. - The sun’s out now in T-town! Hope it’s shining on you now as well! I got my booty out of bed for an hour long boot camp class at 5:30….that was hard after spring forward weekend – but so glad I did it!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hey you know what, there’s an Orpheum theatre here in Los Angeles and it’s so beautiful and shabby inside too and I love it! That’s funny that there’s a chain of them?! Anyway so glad you had a date night. They are so important aren’t they? Glad you made the time. Hope your headache is over soon. Take care.

DeNanner - They are from Charlotte(where I live). I use to have them on an entertaintment TV show I use to produce several years ago. They were unknowns then and use to ring my phone off the hook wanting to be on every week.
so happy for them.

Marianne - 🙂 People always look at me weird when I say ‘blerg’. he he he.

Ali - I LOVE the Avett Brothers – especially live. My husband and I saw them in Lawrence, KS a few years ago and it BLEW ME AWAY. Glad you had the chance to experience that too. And good luck to the Jayhawks in the tournament!! I’m sure your hubby and boys are getting pumped.

robyn - i love that you were at your Orpheum Theater last night, and I was at mine!

Shauna Howington - This is the best post I’ve seen all day! They are my all time favorite band and such a treat live! I knew you had great taste!!

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fridays are awesome.

first off….i really wanted to go back to bed today.
my running clothes weren't clean.
i was tired.
it was cold.

but i went because my friends were waiting….thank goodness for them.
i would have slept my morning away otherwise.


with only one quick bathroom break at mcdonalds (thank you body that birthed five babies….)
it was hard.
but we did it!!!!!

31.5 out of 100 miles.  

i went back and finished the baby doll quilt.
there was a commenter that said "she won't ask for a doll quilt for much longer….you can always make pillows."
that was the clencher.
it is so precious.
i looooove it.
and so did annie.  :)

i came back to the farm house and there were a bunch of trucks and a huge fire!
i guess today was the perfect day to tear down an old shed that was here at the farm.
it was pretty dangerous the way it was so it's probably good that it's gone.


kind of exciting to get off the bus to a giant fire in your yard!!

yesterday i followed talby over on her second round of feeding the neighbor's chickens. 


what are you doing this weekend?

i think we are doing some swimming,,,,some soccer…some volleyball…some basketball….
that sounds relaxing right?



Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Update: so I DID finish the little one’s doll quilt like I said I would. Check it out here:
Thanks for giving me the kick- in- the- pants(by posting what your commenter said) to get it done. She loves it!

christine ishmael - Guess what my 11 year old’s science project was on? What’s a chicken’s favorite color? We put out a set of trays in all the colors of the rainbow and fed the chickens each day at the same time with the trays in the same place…guess what their favorite color was? It was a great science project!

Alicia D - AWESOME job with your running!! Im up to 5.0 miles now. Training for a 10-miler. It will be the first time I’ve ever run that far in my life. Only been running for about 6 months. Its a love-hate 🙂

Kerry - I love hearing about your running. I’m 37 years old and took up running again a year ago, just 6 weeks after giving birth to my 4th baby via c-section. I hope you’re signed up for a race somewhere! Keep the updates coming .. and great job of six miles!!

northern cottage - ohhhh i LOVE the little doll quilt. know what would be cool – AFTER she’s done with the doll quilt – make THIS into a pillow for her or you (it will ALWAYS hold wonderful memories now!) it’s completely gorgeous with the colors and stitching and LOVE built right in!
keep on chugging rocking running mama!
xo –

Stephanie campbell - Oh I want to raise chickens so badly…..

Helen Wall - Love that you took your banjo to accompanythe chicken feeding! Nice touch!

Lauren - love. that. quilt. sooo yummy! good for you on the run!

Sara Torbett - Six miles is major!
I echo the other ladies-I’m sitting here having a fit over that lovely white chippy paint wood…imagining all kinds of things to do with it. I hope you ran over and salvaged some before it was too late!
Doll quilt-precious. My favorite is the close-up of the square that says “peace always”. 🙂

Dani - Love the quilt! So bright and cheery!

tiffany gardner - Six Miles! I don’t think I could walk six miles! You rock!

Maria - Um, should have proofread first . . .
Instead of “get to the point where you can run for several weeks because of an injury.”
it should read, “. . . where you CAN’T run for several weeks.”
I need coffee! Ha ha. Happy weekend!

Maria - Hi! I just wanted to say that I love your blog. I stumbled across it a month or so ago, and I think it’s awesome. I love that you love the Lord, spend time with your kids, make awesome crafts, and you take some really great photos, too!
Just one thing I wanted to say about your running (you’re doing awesome, by the way!) — I’m not sure how long you’ve been running, but be careful about adding too many miles too soon! Trust me on this one, you don’t want to keep adding and adding miles until you get to the point where you can run for several weeks because of an injury. Been there, done that and it’s no fun! Blessings!

Kristin S - Love that quilt too! It is “so Annie” (from how she dresses anyway).
Commenter was right. Hey, maybe you can turn that quilt in to a pillow someday.
Coveting your farm life…

Tracie - I Love that you put the banjo music in the chicken video, so cute. Thanks for the running motivation!! I’m going.

Heather - This post came at just the right time. I settled down with my cuppa and had already decided to blow off this morning’s run (still have a little bit of a sinus infection, the house and my boys are so snuggly this morning, I stayed up too late last night, etc…). And there you are – out there when you don’t want to be. You got me out the door. Thank you!!! (and little boys don’t mind snuggling with a stinky sweaty mommy!)
And ko.s – you’ll get used to frosty east coast runs – you’ll even come to miss them in the heat of August!!

happygirl - We are going out to dinner to celebrate my husbands retirement. It’s going to be SO MUCH FUN, but not as healthy as running sex miles. Btw, getting over a horrible cough. I wasn’t so happy for the weak bladder. Just sayin’.

Carla Grace - Chippy painted wood…..I hope you grabbed some of it!! Aaaaack!!

christy - I love that comment & they were so right! The quilt is fantastic. I bet she will cherish it forever.
Okay, how long before you start raising chickens? 🙂 I have two, in suburbia and they are pretty entertaining & the eggs are GREAT! We have more than we need for our fam of 3 w/the 2 chicks we have. Warning though, THEY.EAT.EVERYTHING! I mean everything! My poor plants. The fact that they eat everything also means they poo everywhere. Ours run amuck so that is part of the prob.

Leah - I want chickens! And a farm. And the ability to run 1/4 of a mile.

Amy @ - Those chikens are sure serious about their bread! And that music you put along to it is the perfect touch. I can always count on your for a good smile 🙂

Susan - This was such a funny post b/c guess what?! I went back to bed after getting the kids off to school…I NEVER DO THAT! EVER!!! And I blew off Masters Swimming which i love soooo much and pay money ahead of time to do!!! But I just couldn’t do it and that’s okay. Spent the rest of the day (after the am nap!) making my son’s 12th birthday special. Tomorrow i’ll swim then spin and it will be ALL GOOD! Careful w/ your running…don’t increase your distance too fast or you’ll set yourself up for an injury…just sharing from my own personal experience…Love your blog.

Kim - Love the quilt and the chickens! This weekend? Hmmm…we just came back from our church group, the kids’ have play dates and a birthday party tomorrow, then off to Grandma’s as hubby and I head to a concert – Chris Tomlin – with fab friends, probably a few things on Sunday and then March break! Hooray for a week at home with the kids. So, so, so looking forward to it!

Heather - I am so lost! You have 2 houses check. One to live in and one to craft in? One you own one you rent one? I am so lost!

Terrie G - Oh the things I’d love to have my hubby make from that old wood!
Such a good mom!! Definitely good idea to choose the quilt!
You can always make pillows from the ‘good’ fabric! lol!!
Loved the quilt
My weekend…taxes, watching basketball and more taxes! Yeah…not!

Maria - Love the quilt! Something I hope to accomplish soon…
Our weekend (which started today with no school)…huge rummage sale for the scouts…soccer…bowling with the tiger cubs…sleepover…scout Sunday…an arrow of light cross over…and reception following that will make a happy end to my leader days…now I can just be a scout mom again…and a nap or two in there…I hope.

Darcie L. - Agree with Lanny Lou. That wood makes me want to come over and grab it! My husband now says, “Are you sure you don’t want to save this for crafting?” about almost everything. Even his passport holder. Sheesh…

shannon - Good thing it wasn’t your home!!!
I think that comment about Annie not asking for doll quilts for much longer would have made my mind up real quick too 🙂
Hope you get some time to yourself this weekend.

Robyn Farmer - Talby looks like such a big girl with those jeans 🙁

Marie - That doll quilt is precious. I should make one for my girls before they stop wanting one too. My 10 yr old has been asking for a doll bed for her AG doll. You are totally motivating me to run. It’s been 2 weeks since my last run cause I got sick and now I don’t want to anymore because it’ll be like starting all over again. UGH!!

ko. s - You have completely inspired me to get back into my running routine! We recently moved from San Diego to the East Coast and with that move I lost all motivation to run. The weather is just downright miserable! But you’ve motivated me….Thank you!

lorelei eurto - love the chickens. My mother raises chickens, and they are the best to photograph and video. This was nice to watch, thanks for sharing Meg!

Alisa - i am already at my kitchen table with my sewing machine and piles of fabric….i don’t know what will evolve, but i am looking forward to it! maybe everyone will leave me alone if i ignore them….but probably not. enjoy your weekend!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Looks like Talby is enoying her new neighbors 😉 and as far as what I will be doing this weekend? My weekends are changing…I used to have 2 baseball players, 2 basketball players, 1 soccer player, 1 trumpet player, 1 Irish Dancer, 1 ballerina and 2 Girl Scouts so I relate to those busy weekends and now that mine aren’t so crazy I gotta say, I kinda miss it! I know, I know, we always want what we don’t have. I want to take a drive to the beach and get lunch tomorrow and believe me there was a time that a free Saturday wasn’t even on my radar. Happy weekend.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Well you inspired me to finish the doll quilt I mentioned in your last post. I’m doing it this weekend.
Tonight I’m sitting here with my table full of teens. Its youth group night here at the house.
Weekends are always full of laundry and cleaning here since I cant seem to get a handle on it during the work week. And I’m sure we’ll do some relaxing with the girls. We haven’t done much of that since our own fire.
Have a lovely weekend!

Maria - Meg, I think you just came up with the next big thing in your Etsy shop, baby doll quilts! I know a little girl who would love a cople of them…let me know if you’d make and sell me a couple!

Heather S. - I feel ya! I do a boot camp class at 6 am Mon/Wed/Fri and if it weren’t for my friends waiting on me, I’d never make myself get out of bed and endure that torture for an hour. But afterward – I always feel so much stronger! What doesn’t kill ya……right?

Lisa - I love that you have neighbors that are friendly and let your kids come feed their chickens! Good neighbors are a blessing!

seriously sassy mama - Class, work, packing, laundry, and hopefully some time to head to our favorite catfish place for some yummy food!

mim - you can always turn it into a pillow when she is done using it as a blanket!!

Kirsten P - Annie’s doll quilt is beautiful!
I’m going to see Anne of Avonlea, a musical at the high school.
Also heading to the next state for a bridal shower – I bought her some beautiful high quality wooden spoons from
My favorite spoons at the moment are the 13 inch Stir Fry Paddle and the Cookie Dough Paddle-perfect for stirring thick cookie doughs.
Congrats on getting closer to your running goal!

beth davis - Good call on the baby doll quilt. 🙂

Michelle From Australia - Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful doll quilt. LOVE it! I hope Annie treasures it.

amy jupin - where is the chicken painting? i want to see how it turned out!
and i loved seeing talby’s ginormous sparkly shoes in the video.
and hearing your voice.
made me miss kansas!

Lanny Lou - okay please tell me your going to do something cool with that barn wood/siding ?

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this is our bus stop now.
the driveway.

i like it.


we've done a little painting.
annie made a landscape and i painted a picture of one of the neighbors chickens.  
we made our yummy pumpkin waffles for dinner….annie's request.

she cut some strawberries for me to serve on the side.

i am so glad strawberries are back that the store…and less than $3.99 a box!

i took a day OFF from life yesterday.
i was feeling worn out.
i slept most of the day.
and i put my closet together….it's organized.

but today i woke up feeling good….ready for a fun day.
i met my friend to run and we did FIVE and a HALF miles!!!
for reals.
i am so proud of us.  :)

so on march 8 i am at 25.5 miles.  
74.5 miles to go in march.
auuwww yeah.

i showered at my old house and then kimberlee came over to get crafty!
it's been awhile since i have made something just for fun.
it was time!

kimberlee made bunting and i decided to make a little quilt for annie's baby dolls.
she's been asking me for fabric and i have been hesitant to share….i mean…'s the nice fabric!  
so i thought i'd make one from all the little scraps.

i announced several times while cutting and sewing "CUTEST QUILT EVER!!!"


it was nice to spend the day with kimberlee.
at craft weekend we barely even get to have a conversation….we are both busy with all the happy crafters.
and she gets up up really early to cook breakfasts and goes to bed before i do.
we are on different schedules at CW.

i like getting to catch up again.

i got the quilt put together and sewed fabric to the back….and thought "ohhh…it looks so cute like a pillow…"
not sure if annie will acutally get a baby blanket out of this deal or not.
i may get a REALLY cute pillow instead

yesterday i worked on the craft weekend SWAG post.
I hope you will come over and read it….there are LOTS of discounts for you!
come over to the craft weekend blog…. and read about all the super fun sponsors!


Aimee - Hi Meg, can you tell me where you got the adorable rainbow letters on kid writing paper fabric? I want to make fun pillows for my boys’ playroom and that fabric would be perfect!

julie - So much goodness in each of these pictures!
But my favorite?
Kimberlee sewing. I love how crazy a year can be. How one day can change someone from being scared of a sewing machine, so a bunting making wizard.
That patchwork?
Love. Love. Love.

lindsey - It looks like you two had fun! Annie and I are recreating CW this weekend for some family members! We are going to make bunting too! It should be fun!

Lasso the Moon - I just want you to know that I’ve been totally inspired by your 100 miles thing. I got a jump-start on mine in NYC last weekend, and now I’m caught up with you. I’m calling it the “100-mile March”. Did I make that up or did I get that from you? Not sure.
Anyway, I’m glad to know I’m not the only one with a sonic cup in the kitchen. And that doll quilt! Cutest quilt ever. No doubt.

Tami - I can’t believe strawberries are that expensive. This will probably make you sick. I have been paying about $1.50 a box at our local flea market for the past 3 weeks. This week the guy marked them down to $1 and I bought 4 and he threw in the 5th. So less than $1. We love strawberries at our house too. I freeze them so we have them when they are not in season. Love your pictures of Annie.

Kim - I rode a bus my whole time in school. Some of my best memories! I say baby quilt, even though it would definitely make a cute pillow. Isn’t it nice just to make something for fun, for the sake of creativity? Way to go on the running! My little Canadian brain was impressed that you were running 5K a day, it took me a minute to realize that it was 5 MILES. Happy Weekend!

Lisa - Meg – I’d love if you could do a post about running. I’m a runner too — and I love when you talk about running, but you only give teeny snippets. I’d love to know when you started, what you like most about running, what you don’t like, do you have any goals (5k, marathon) what’s your pace.
Keep on keepin’ on!

Kerry - stunning blanket / pillow meg 🙂 Love the fabric with the handwriting on it! I really need to learn to sew. …. gah!
glad you took some time out – we SO need it as moms xx

Han - I really want to get back into quilting but I just don’t have the time – I’m supposed to be knitting a cardigan for my friend’s daughters birthday next month but I’ve just not got to it – it’s so not good! Need to get my priorities straight – I might have to save the wool and get her something else for her birthday and aim for her second birthday instead.

stephany - Thanks for letting the rest of us know that some of your days are duds, too.
I love that you got back in the game, for yourself, after you had a bad day.
That is my MO, too.
A day in bed never hurt anybody.
I went and bought some new fabric today…and found a globe at goodwill.
You can read about my thrift finds on my blog…I just started thrifting this week…I’m addicted.
I was inspired by your blog…your colors, your enthusiasm.
Thank you…

Kathryn - Where might I find some of the black and white “peace always” fabric? I like to find fabric with a Christian(ish) theme for making small wallhangings to go with people from our church who visit far away places. Usually not Africa. But usually a south American or Asian country.
Can I get it in at Charlotte’s?? - I want that baby quilt… You are right. CUTEST QUILT EVER.

Mindy Harris - sissy needs a quilt for her dollies. open etsy back up? yes?

beth davis - #1 – So glad to see Kimberlee’s face. I was worried about her – she hasn’t posted for awhile and her last post was when she wasn’t feeling well. Whew – these mama hens … we worry!
#2 – I would, definitely, make the baby doll quilt into a baby doll quilt for your little girlie. She won’t request baby doll quilts forever – look at your Lauren — they grow too quickly. You will have years and years to make cute pillows for your house. 🙂
#3 – Glad you are settled into the ‘new’ old house. Your post about change and moving came at a good time for me. We are contemplating a move – not for a few years, but none-the-less … contemplating and we have lived in this city our entire lives. It would be a BIG deal to move, but your post was a good reminder to me … thank you.

maggie - absolutely love the quilt….and the YAY sign is to die for! You rock!

Jenny B. - My heart is just welling up with joy for you! It is so wonderful how everything has worked out with the houses. God is so good. 🙂

Heather | Cookie Mondays - I am obsessed with that tin of chocolate chips!
And my favorite ever quilt is the one I made for my girls dolls! 🙂

shannon - Love that little quilt you made but yea it would be even happier as a pillow for everyone to enjoy. How awesome is having the bus stop in the driveway!!!
I’m off to check out the craft swag 😉

Sarah Wolfe - What a fun quilt.. And fun to recognize all those fabrics 🙂 glad you and kimberlee got some girl time in!

the.mrs - LOVE seeing that someone else loves their big starbucks cup! Now if only they would sell the straws in the stores instead of online for $4 with $6 shipping.

Kimberlee Jost - The bunting is all hanging and happy.
Spending the day with you was just what I needed.
Love you!

janet @ ordinary mom - We live out where our bus stop is the end of the drive too. BEST THING EVER!
o.k. that’s all. 😉

Anna Marie - I was on the phone with my sister a few hours ago and said that EXACT same thing about strawberries! Funny :o)

Christina - I’m not sure how I first found your blog, but I love reading it! I know your love of Africa and I know so many people follow you, so I was hoping you would watch this video and share!

Kelly - Gotta love the end of the driveway bus stop!! This is something I take for granted, but shouldn’t.
I think the baby doll can find another blankie. This has pillow written all over it!
The pumpkin waffles look good… I’ll have to check out the recipe. My kids like anything with chocolate chips.
Glad you got some craft time and quality time with your friend! Always good for the soul.

jen - you have so inspired me to get back into sewing that i went ahead and ordered loads of fabric from hawthorns, tonic living &!!! {i think my husband spied it the other day but has yet to say anything!} i just need to get some white aprons and i’m going to make my mom,sisters & me + my kids some aprons for our summer celebration! plus some totes and bunting. but i would love to know how you made that quilt! so darling……i wish i had a place to escape to to sew – i take over the kitchen table!
happy thursday! always inspired!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - There’s nothing like quiet girl/crafting time. I’m aching for some right about now. School has been stressful and I need to create!
I started a doll quilt(with some bright Kaffe Fassett fabrics) back at Christmastime with the intention of making it for my 6 yr old. I got the rows pieced together and then I got distracted. And so it sits, in the sewing room, still unfinished. {Picture me hanging my head in shame} One of these days…

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - That YAY banner keeps haunting me!! It is so gorgeous. Today I walked into my work (Fabric store) and we got in (are you sitting down??) FIFTY yards of burlap!! Oh yes.. Now I have no excuse NOT to make the YAY banner. 🙂
Off I go to the Craft Weekend blog.

Elizabeth - what a great quilt! I love all the pretty fabric!! it is so happy and would make a cute pillow. I think you might have to keep it, or…send it my way! hehe 😉 oh and you are rocking the ‘rock your body in march!’ great job!!

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the new neighborhood.

my three youngest were home sunday afternoon and were planning a walk to the creek down the road.
i said "how about i come too….just so we make sure it's safe"
we aren't farm people ya know?!
who knows what they'd get into on their first day.  :) 



when we got there we found it to be blocked off with barbed wire fences.
it's for the cows.



everything around us is getting green….signs of spring getting close!

we walked farther down and saw the neighbors with the cows.
we met them and their dogs….my kids love dogs!  


umm…hello beautiful barn.
you are gorgeous.


we found hay bales…and rusty fences….


dance breaks on a dirt road are always fun!

we walked to the barn at our house while singing the brady bunch theme song.
my kids just watched season 1 on dvd and that song sticks in your brain.



this place has chippy paint EVERYWHERE.  

{{{{ s i g h }}}}

i love that….all of it.

the weeds are blooming.

i asked what they liked best about the barn and one of them said the little door.
then someone said something mean to annie….
and she stomped away.
sometimes it's rough being a sister.


then the girls took me over to meet our neighbors….and their chickens!



it was AWESOME!
talby is holding a chicken!
this is crazy.
and so cool.  


i put out my hand and they ate right out of my hand….it felt so funny and kinda creepy.

these are all firsts for me.
i am not a country girl….not yet anyway.

i was in love with the chickens.

and they sent us home with a dozen eggs straight out of the hen house.
doesn't get much more country than that does it?

well….it probably does.
but i am still new to this.

ha ha ha


i ran 4.5 miles yesterday morning with my friend.
and i will try for 5 miles again today.

i am trying my best to drink LOTS of water.
big cups all day long.
i use a cup with a straw and i drink ten times more than i would if i just used a glass.
yesterday i went through Sonic and ordered a large ice water.
that's it.
but i really wanted a drink and i love their cups and straws….and i didn't have to get out of my car.
it was totally worth the .32 cents.

(found on pinterest)


hope your tuesday is  S U E R!!
because it IS super tuesday….not that i am "political" …but i love the way it sounds!
it sounds happy.  it does not sound political.  
so to me…it's a Happy name for today….SUPER TUESDAY!
mine is going to be filled with laundry and organizing my closet and bathroom.
then….we are done!
all moved in.
easiest move ever.
that does sound SUPER! 



Gina // C is for Cupcakes Baking Co. - this post reminds me of when Becky from the rusty chain moved to the country in Kansas. Oh, the sights she posted were glorious. All chippy paint, rusty fences and badgers. Yeah… badgers. LOVE the hay bales and chickens – so fun!! can’t wait to see how the country becomes a part of you all and how you bring your own brand of (brightly colored) special to the countryside! Glad to hear you are still doing craft weekends, finally found a friend to start saving her pennies with me so we can go sometime in the hopefully sooner than later future!

Shafeeq - This Chicken mission is pbsosiimle! You buy the chicks and feed them and as soon as they are adult the coyote eats them! You can’t protect them because they have to be adult before you can move them into the chicken coop, and you can’t sell them because you don’t have time.Help! I have used up sooooo much energy on this one. There must be someway to do this.

sonya - lil'soak + Friends - Your kids are hilarious. I hope my kid as as happy go lucky as yours. So awesome.

Cari - The road and creek remind me a lot of my parents place in northeast Oklahoma. That just happens to be my girls’ (10 year old twins) most favorite place on earth. I have no doubt your children will love it!! And holding chickens? Come on! That’s so cool!

Kat - Meg, you are going to get so many awesome pics living in the country!!
We live by the beach in Aus and we just got 4 chickens the other week. My 4 kids are loving it!!
One chicken each and they got to name them 🙂

Lelia - Meg,
This has nothing to do with this post …. but did you hear that La Creme is discontinued?!?!? I’m sure you did & I’m just behind, but I’m SO bummed … for reals!

Jenny B. - I’ve never thought chickens were pretty. But, those chickens ARE pretty – especially with the spring greens in the background! Love all your photos. So happy for you guys!! Question… did you get / are you getting new living room furniture? Did you leave the old stuff at the “town house”? Just being curious… any nosy… 😉

Aneta Kudasik - It’s so nice there! What a cute post. I just bought a house in a small town and am so excited to live there and your post just reminded me once again why.
Hope I can gave a chicken or two too!

Lisa - I’m really enjoying the pictures of beautiful Kansas country. Had to Pin the red barn! I really like your white barn, too. Those chickens look so fluffy and soft – makes me want to pet them! I hope your family enjoys living in the country. I wonder how many animals you will end up with? 🙂

mae - Oh my gosh. I grew up on a farm and… wow… these pictures remind me of all the amazing things the country holds… especially for kids. So excited about the move!!!

Kristin S - When did your “youngest” get so tall???

Maria - What a great place for your children to grow up!! My favorite show is the Waltons so I love the pictures with the kids walking!!! And by the way, Chickens are very easy to raise!!!

Annika - I cannot believe I am just catching up on my blog reading after two weeks and in these two weeks… YOU HAVE MOVED???!! To somewhere really lovely, by the looks of it! Congratulations on taking this step and getting settled in so quickly. I love the shot of the kids walking down the road and the close-up of the hay.

Kerry - OH man.. I see a LOT of awesome photo shoots coming up 🙂 Those Hay bales!! And that chicken! Brave girl…
We live in the country too and I’ve learnt to take my camera EVERYWHERE with me now – which reminds me… I need a camera bag! What bag do you use Meg?

Melissa - I went to Vegas for 4 days and look what happened!!! I dream of moving to a farmhouse in the country, but that would require a big move. My kids would be sad to move, mostly the 10th & 8th graders. Good luck and enjoy! I can’t wait to live vicariously!

Michelle - Looks like you’re settling in nicely! Everything looks so wonderful, and peaceful. How awesome to get fresh eggs from your neighbour! Once again, I LOVE your photography! Someday maybe I will be half as good!
Have a great week!
Michelle (from Canada)

Prairie Jenn - Yay for neighbors that give you eggs.
Next it will be vegetables from their garden.
Then chickens!
Really…it happened to us.
That’s how I got all my chickens- from the neighbors!
Gotta love the country life:)

Lori Austin - Your country adventures look wonderful. Makes me
want to live in the country again (just slightly 🙂
We just made poached eggs on toast with farm fresh eggs
the other night – that bright, golden color. Yum!

Alicia @ La Famille - you are definately on an adventure now!! 😀 fresh chicken eggs are the BEST!! glad you’re enjoying your new digs!

Michelle - Oh, and agree with comment above…farm fresh eggs are the best.

Michelle - I love the dirt road. I live in the “country” according to some, but not far enough out for me. I’ve always wanted to live on a long dirt road or lane and not be able to see my neighbors unless I take a long, long walk. I love your pictures, thanks for sharing.

Kelly - Loving the barn and the little door up top, too!
Gotta love the chickens…. and the egg pic is awesome…..
Your family is in for some new adventures on your farm!!
So glad we get a peek into your country days. Enjoy!

Melissa - What a terrific barn. I’ve always wanted a barn to host parties in…that would be fun. Can’t wait to see more photos to come!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - That barn would be a great photo shoot background, don’t you think? And I totally want to be on the receiving end of Annie’s hand-me-downs. Her clothes are adorable(love that hoodie).
Im glad to hear you’re getting used to your surroundings. The kids must be so excited to get home from school each day and go exploring in their new country ‘hood:)

Kathy P - oh Meg! I lived in a country town and lived on a farm on the east coast of Australia on a mountain range during my teenagehood along with my younger sister. I think it was one of the best things my parents ever decided to do. We had chickens, horses, cows, goats, and ducks. And a big river to swim in that ran along the front of the house. We had platypus in the river too. We had fresh eggs and fresh air and learned to ride horses. Talby and Annie – this is going to be so GOOD for them!!! Be good for all the kids!

melissa@joyineveryseason - That red chicken coming right at the camera really made me LOL … I came to your blog yesterday and thought I’d somehow missed the lead up to the big move to the country … and then read your “you know how when you’re pregnant but don’t tell” etc etc post … you’re so funny! Life is good in the country … I know you will love it :o)

Christy - So loving that barn, I see family photo shoot potential

Shann - Here’s a story…..about Megs new country life. la la la 🙂
Is that the song??? We have all the seasons on DVD. I love that my girls love Carol and Mike and all the kids too!
I think your new country life looks awesome. Have fun! 🙂

sue - Looks a nice place to live but I can’t help but think it is very quiet for the kids especially the ones getting older.

heather - I’m pretty sure we all did a collective “sigh” at the 1st shot of that barn. ahhhhh. I think we are all going to like living through your adventures on the farm….

Ashley - Oh chippy paint. How nice! I could never make myself drink water out of a glass, but when I started regularly dragging a camelbak around my water intake upped a ton. I usually finish about 3 or so a day, so about 75 ounces of water. I’m sure I could drink more, but I figure it is way better than nothing!

se7en - WooOh would you look at all that countryside fun – so wonderful!!! Happy to watch and learn as you go!!! And good on you for all that running!!!

Renee - Imagine all the crafty get togethers you could host in your barn!!! Oooh I can just see it- twinkling lights, chipped, painted tables with matching benches, good friends, baskets of fabric, food on hay bales covered in polka dot fabric… {swoon}
Enjoy exploring your new surroundings and the fresh eggs.

Hannah - I’m positive I will be the mom who also takes a picture of her daughter when she’s stomping away! Love it!

Dani - DIRT ROADS!! Love it! I miss seeing a trail of dust behind my car! The county paved all the dirt roads I walked down when I was a little girl! Nothing better than walking down those old dirt roads!
So, about your eggs. I’m sure you know this, but…if you don’t use them you will find baby chickens in them. Nothing worse than that! And then you will not want to eat eggs for a long long time. HA!

Marianne - Flip flops and a t-shirt. so jealous. *sigh* It’s freezing here.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Oh Meg, you little country girl you, looks like the country is agreeing with all of you. That is so cool. I can see all three of my neighbors on each side of me and across the street and down the street. You get the picture. Enjoy your piece of the country. It looks fabulous.

shannon - Well I was kinda sad that you guys moved from your old house but after seeing these pictures I’m hoping my family can come live with you guys too! What’s 4 more people anyway, right?
Every single one of these pictures is gorgeous and so full of LIFE! What an amazing experience you will all be living!

Short, Sweet Season - You are basically living my DREAM right now. Not that you asked, but I think you should get some chickens of your own! You could get some polka dot wellies to make the task of caring for them more appealing.

Heather F. - What a great place to raise your kids. Best wishes!

Kim - I am a country girl, living in a small city after having moved from a very big city about 1 1/2 years ago. For me it’s the best of both worlds. City life with the country right there. The town we live in has strong agriculture roots. My parents still live in the country, in the house that I grew up in, so we can visit anytime we need a fix.
Love that you have signs of spring! Today we woke up to another dusting of snow. But at least the sun is shining!
Not sure if you follow Design Mom, but she posted a picture that you would love.
Enjoy your run in the country.

Simple Daisy - LOVE your photographs!! For sure get some chickens!! How fun would that be:)

Laura Phelps - I am a country girl too!
not really
but for ME….I am.
I traded billboards, and 4 star dining, Rodeo Drive, coffee on every corner, sushi on every other corner, and the red carpet, for…..
a DRIVE to Starbucks.
Chickens…at least I hear them in the distance….
and TREES.
also, starry skies 🙂
I have to say…when I saw that loooooooong dirt road…….with NOTHING around, in front, or behind it…well….I had a small panic attack.
I felt scared! Seriously. I felt alone.
That’s just the city girl in me.
Life in the country..a REAL country life…just sounds so simple and beautiful.
And I think there is genius in simplicity.
Too bad I will always be drawn to the complicated and glitzy life!
maybe one day I can have a country home and apartment in NYC…
ya know
after I fix my mini van and pay the oil company (which might never happen)
love to you, you cute country gal!
can’t wait to walk that dirt road with you one day (but can I bring my phone and Starbucks to go?)

Jill - OH my! I SWEAR those fresh eggs will make EVERYTHING you put them in TASTE better!!!! We moved to the country 4 years ago and I am a TOTAL convert!

Tracy - My kids love to watch Brady Bunch DVDs! I do too..reminds me of my childhood. Gilligan’s Island, too!!!

Lasso the Moon - You have carved out for yourselves quite a sweet little life here. Thanks for sharing some of it.

Leah - I want to move to the country!

megan@contentedsparrow - i was away (from the computer) last week so i am just seeing that you moved! woo-hoo! i’m excited for you. i know you wanted to be closer to the kid’s school and i’m thrilled that God provided an awesome country house while you’re waiting on just the right thing to become available. excited to see how you’ll make the rental house look like you. and it looks like you need to join the chicken-keeping ranks, girl!

Terrie G - This post makes me miss living on the farm, and my kids being little…and dancing on the country roads when we took walks…..sigh…

Jen Brandt - I’m happy you’re happy! Enjoy the rest of your day! It’s sunny in Ohio and I hope it is in Kansas, too.

Kimberly Dial - Your new neighborhood looks like mine with the exception of the hills (WV is ‘The Mountain State’ you know! 😉 I know your kiddos will have a blast there, especially this summer but beware Meg … being a city kid who raised two country boys, I must warn you (LOL) you have no idea what they are capable of getting into! 😉 Thanks for sharing … enjoy!

Jen - In case you are interested, those golden chickens are buff orpingtons and the red one is a Rhode Island Red. Chickens are so much fun to have! You should really consider it.

Kristin - i love that red barn. and want to live in the country even more after seeing these pictures. what a great place!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - I can only imagine what your future photography backgrounds in the country will look like!!!
That barn is to die for!
And all the chippy paint… love it all!

Megan - Great pics… I am so happy that YOU are happy!

Rebekah - I like to get Sonic Water with cranberry and lime. Pretty tasty and still, just water.

Sharla - I don’t think anyone’s feeling sorry for you anymore 🙂 Beautiful pics – can you believe this awesome weather?!

Tina I - I am not a country girl, but you make me want to move IMMEDIATELY!! You should for sure get some chickens….

Emily - Makes me think of a country song by Rodney Atkins…makes me want to take a back road!
Your cheerful post has brightened my day! A coworker just needlessly stressed me out. And I needed to take a little break. So I decided to check blogger. Thank goodness you were there to alter my mood.

tiffany gardner - my hubby grew up on a farm. we live in the city. it is nice to have the best of both worlds. thanks for sharing your life with us! I look forward to your blog. everyday.

seriously sassy mama - Oh, how I pray for an easy move this summer. I would love to live in the country with a barn, and chickens. I am crafting a cleaning today!

aimee - i’ve never seen anyone make chickens look so beautiful! congrats on the move!

Cheryl E. - Meg – Thanks for all the pictures of your new home and new surroundings! Love all things country, life seems so much easier!

Mandy - Love Annie’s hands in her back pockets! How ‘country’ of her 🙂

This Farm Family's Life - Love the pictures! Glad you are enjoying your new space!

Shelly - I am so pumped for all of you!!! Living in the country is priceless. We moved onto our little farm in the Flint Hills 4yrs ago this week and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

kimber - I never get tired of seeing pictures of your free-spirited children. I love how expressive Talby’s and Annie’s faces are. Looks like you moved to heaven. Even the weeks are pretty!

kaylee@life chasers - I am so excited for you all! There is nothing quite as wonderful as farm life…unless their was a Starbucks drive thru on the farm.
That red barn makes me swoon. Can you say family pictures?

Brooke - I’m LOVING Whatever Country Edition! Yee Haw Y’all!! 🙂 You may become the new face of Kansas Tourism…you are making Kansas look wonderfully charming!
-Brooke (a Kansas girl too!)

Aby - No ma’am…it does NOT get much more country than that!! Walks down dirt roads? Barns? Cows? Hay bales? Chickens!?!? OMGoodness! You’re making me MISS IT!! BAD!! My girls and I moved from the country into town after a divorce 2 years ago. Lots of changes…not necessarily the best of changes…but like you know…HOME is where you make it! And wherever my girls are is home to me…even though it’s not the country anymore. ENJOY it! The simplicity of it all makes the very best kind of memories!!!

happygirl - I want chickens so bad. I’m not a country girl either. I wonder if I could have them in an apartment if I gave them their own room? I wonder. Pretty pics my friend.

Kelly - I am a country girl at heart and am deeply envious (in the most Christian way of course) of your new home! And the chickens! I want chickens!

Peggy in TN - I love the picture with the three chickens in a row-it’s frame worthy! I can’t believe you are all done unpacking!!!

Regina - LOVE the flip flops on a dirt road…LOVE the red barn…LOVE the weeds that I have forever thought look like bunny faces…LOVE the chickens and fresh eggs…LOVE the new-found BLISS in your new “hood”. Have a great run!

Sarah - How exciting to be in the country! I am not a country girl either, but I’d love to be – those lucky little girls of yours are going to love it! x

Chaos-Jamie - Is it not crazy that those are your YOUNGEST children? Freak me out. We are not this old yet. (One of these days you need to come to the Boro with your spouse so I can see you.)

Melissa - Meg! You guys should get chickens!!!
We just got 3 a few weeks ago and it’s awesome!
Do it, do it, do it! 🙂

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we are here…and happy.


thanks clorox….now onto the moving details!


only one diaster from the move….
otherwise it all went very smoothly.
we had strong men step up and help us out….love it when people are willing to reach out and HELP.
and my sons were SO HELPFUL!  
they surprised me big time at how strong and willing they were. 


we got all the beds set up and annie got cozy right away.  
she loaded her bed with ALL the stuffed animals she owns!

a very fun little extra to this house is this little room…with a tiny door.


it's the perfect size for two little girls to play with all the bajillion littlest pet shops.
they go in and close the door and you can hear their little voices…'s completely adorable.

the kids' rooms are pretty much set up.
our room is not.
we have too many clothes….way too many….we have to deal with that issue.
the kitchen is put together.
we had our first meal together in the house sunday night.


we had friends and family bring by meals on saturday and sunday.
it was SO NICE!!
i was extremely grateful to not have to think about what to make for dinner
and all the cookies….oh Y U M.
i decided to ditch myfitnesspal for the weekend.  :)

SERIOUSLY….this gift was to welcome us to our new home.
from new friends that we just met?!
i came inside and set it down and had a few tears of gratitude.
another confirmation that we have made the right choice.

we had been so busy with everything and then half our power went out and craig was working on that
i was so tired saturday night that i built our bed myself at 10:30 and put the sheets on and climbed in.
i slept like a R O C K.

the farmhouse is good.

and waffle is very excited about it too.


ok….i am off for a morning run.
and the walmarts.

have a fabulous monday!

nan - love the welcome basket and the tags, bread so you never know hunger, where can I get some love the presentation posted it on my pinterest page nan

Nanie Ismail - Awesome… Beautiful scenery…:)

Kristin S - That puts any meal basket I have ever made to shame! Beautiful.

Lizelle - Awesome! Enjoy the new adventure xx

Kelly - Sooo happy for you! love that you already have out jars of art supplies and scrapbooks on the shelves. The gift from the new neighbor friend, lovely and so special. Yea! Kelly

Jenn -
Okay, I went back – here is the info! Check you out!

Jenn - Congrats! AND I LOVE the glass jars full of colors (crayons). When my kids are older I will have those too! BUT, I have to know if YOU know – your crayon artwork is being highlighted on a main AOL page?! I guess they highlighted some pinterest accounts – and evidently YOU are one of the STARS! Which I already knew… but just wanted to make sure you know! Not sure where they were when you originally posted it, but better late than never!

Lori Austin - Thought about you all weekend and hoped the move was going well.
Broken mug 🙁
House warming gift 🙂
I bet Waffle is a happy, happy farm dog now.

danielle burkleo - so happy for you and your family, my friend!! i can’t wait to hear and see more about the farm house!!!

Rachel B. - I totally gasped OUT LOUD when I saw your broken mug.
Rejoicing with you all and the new move! May God bless your house richly!
p.s.-Love the bread with the “It’s a Wonderful Life” quote on the tag!!!!

Maria - Love the hidden room!
Boo for broken coffee mugs…
Housewarming cookies and baskets are the best!
I had a dream that we were getting ready to move (again in the dream, but we haven’t moved for almost 11 years!) We already (in non dream/real life) saw one we wanted, now if the people living there would just move out of it for us… 🙂
Have fun filling your new nest!

Tonya - haha…i am seriously cracking up that talby looks like a giant next to the tiny door!!! i’ve got an 11yr old and am so glad to know that mine isn’t the only one who writes on her arms and wears mismatched socks! 😉

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Oh I can totally relate to the broken mug problem because I ordered a set of them online and when they arrived, one was broken. I was so bummed but called the company and they sent me a replacement. But then when I opened the replacement pkg there were TWO! I love the Good Morning message. I keep one at school on my desk for those mornings I just cant live without a hot cocoa(Im not a coffee drinker).
Glad to hear everyone’s settling in to the new house well. I cant wait to hear more:)

Ashlyn@Pinecone - What sweetness!! Loving the little secret hideaway!

Krissy - So glad you got moved okay with only one casualty!!!! I love the girls’ little room, its too cute! Annie reminds me how I was when I was young, every single stuffed animal I had HAD to be on my bed. Or the monster that lived under it would get them. 🙁 Lol! She cracks me up. Have fun, and congratulations again! :o)

lacey poag - such FUN pics!!! I am so glad you are so at home in your new house…love from indiana 🙂

Amy @ - Aren’t secret little girl nooks just the greatest thing ever? My girl has one and we set it up as a play kitchen. Seriously one of the happiest rooms in our house! Can’t wait to see how you make the space your own.

Kelly - So glad you are done with the move and enjoying your new space. And that welcome basket from your new friends…. GOOSE BUMPS!!! That was so awesome and had to make you feel at ease. Have fun learning all the new sounds of your home…. something I’ll always remember from all of my moves. It’s amazing all the sounds each home has with it. Floors, water running, doors opening and closing, lights buzzing, cars passing, animals howling… A new chapter in your life. Enjoy the ride!

Denissa - How awesome! So glad that things went smooth and everyone is happy 🙂 your post has definitely made some things stir inside of me, thank you for that!
And thanks for Waffle’s silly picture last, made me smile 🙂

Pamela Gordon - Hi Meg. Congratulations on your move to a new house in the country! How fun it’ll be getting set up and decorating in your wonderful style. The kids will love the great space outdoors and that barn is awesome! All the best to you. Blessings ~ Pamela

Dani - A tiny room! How fun!
I was too excited to see a picture of your daughter with two different socks and writing on her arm! My daughter does the exact same thing! The socks I can deal with, but all that writing drives me crazy haha!
And you are amazing! I check for posts at least 4 times a day!

jennifer - So exciting! I can’t wait to see/hear more!

Laura Phelps - we were thinking about you all LOTS this weekend
not sure if it was a coincidence…but a running theme through out the weekend seemed to be that God and family are the ONLY things that matter. Nothing else.
SO happy to have your constant reminder of that for me.
Your family will never go hungry…you are too full of the RIGHT STUFF.

Kerry - So glad I’m not the only one with an Odd Sock brigade 🙂
Sad about your Good Morning mug – loved that mug! But SO happy you are in your new home and loving it.
And that house warming gift….. Wowza’s!

Cindy - Enjoy the moments of settling in! And wow! What amazing and welcoming neighbors you have!

Lee Ann - Love that you are allowing the Lord to lead you on this adventure!

Analia - I Love your blog! Thanks for being you and sharing your love for life. Thank you for reminding me today that change is good. And no matter where your home is…the family is most important!

Holly - I just love a good farm house. I know God has good plans for you and I cant wait to see what they are!

Tiffany - I mostly don’t read comments, but Jacci’s was so sincere and sweet. Melt my heart. I just wanted to wish you all the best in your new place. And say, isn’t it great when things work out better than you had planned, just gives you a warm feeling inside. Hope you have a fabulous Monday too. Lata chica.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - This is going to be the most random, scatter brained comment ever. 🙂
Noooo, not the Good morning cup! 🙁 That thing was so cute!
LOVE that little room for the girls to play with their LPS! I so need that. Those things are all over our house!!
Waffle is so stinkin’ adorable!
And I love that your neighbors brought you that beautiful gift basket. So pretty and thoughtful. 🙂

beki - I ditched my fitness pal this weekend, too 🙂
I’m happy to hear that all is well. Been thinking about you all.

Jacci - Praise God! Prayed for you several times this weekend.
The Lord is shaking me up a bit, Megan. Making me see my sin of worldiness more clearly. It’s been so obvious in the last week. Honestly, your move was one of the ways He made me question my heart. WHY would I cling to someone else’s house??? I think your move scared me. We’re working so hard on the house we’re in… what if He called us to just walk away from it? What if I never get a *forever* house? (This is our 4th home in 12 years of marriage). It made me ask hard questions… and then I read Flower Patch Farmgirl for the first time… and her struggle is my own struggle. “If Jesus is not enough, something is wrong.” And something IS wrong! When a beat up bathroom steals my joy something is WRONG. I’m seeking His gifts more than I am seeking Him Alone. Your move is so, so good. It is so right in SO many ways. And I want you to know that the Lord has used you, and your move, and this blog, to show me some nasty stuff in my heart. And that’s a mercy. It’s a gentle chastisement. I praise Him for it.
And thank Him for using you.
Amen 🙂

tiffany gardner - looks like you have many blessings to come in that house!

Bobbie - half our power went off the day we moved into this house six months ago. We found that if we wiggled the light switches it would come back on. Kinda scary so after it happened a few times we called an electrician who found that our house has some weird (but safe) breakers and that was the problem. Sorry for the long drivel. I hope you get some rest today.

Kimberly Dial - So glad you’re all settled in! Bravo to your kind friends & neighbors who brought in meals & cookies … how nice! Enjoy your run in your new neighborhood!

Amy - Congratulations on a successful move, sweet new friends and happy hearts! Best wishes on your new adventure!

Regina - So very happy for you all…and I love that God already had good neighbors planned for you! 🙂 That photo of Waffle literally made me smile and LOL. He wears his happiness all over his body! Best wishes for the rental. We are in the same situation…still own a home in one state and are renting (for our first times ever) a home in a different state. Renting has proven to be a little depressing for me, but I’m hoping it won’t be that way for you. I just can’t do all that I’d want to do in the decorating arena. I honestly never thought it would bother me as much as it has, but then again, it’s only “stuff”, as you said, and it’s not forever. Enjoy every minute of the farm life! 🙂

Marianne - Looks lovely! Can’t wait to see pictures of the rest of the house once it’s set up!

Southern Gal - Oh, the Good Morning cup! Oh, well. There’s always another cup that can be bought. Looks like a sweet cozy home. That note on the bread made ME tear up. It’s a wonderful life indeed!

Amy - So happy for you Meg! And while I’m thankful for all the stuff I own and grateful to have had the money with which I purchased it…you are right, it’s just stuff. And not the important stuff in life. I don’t know if you already know this or not, but I saw a link to your blog on over the weekend. You’re going viral 😉

Holly - So…I have some intersting questions for you…how far is the farm from your old house? And how did you decide exactly what to bring…so that you have furniture in both houses, dishes/kitchen items…I am so confused! LOL! Did you bring all your craft things? Did you bring ALL your dishes? What about your couches? I mean, if you took them from the old house what will you sit on when you go back there and visit? I know my questions are lame, but I am curious how you decided what decorations and furniture and dishes to bring…
Congrats on your new home…I would like to move into your old one, thanks!!! It’s adorable!!!

Toni :O) - Awesome and welcome to your new home…hip hip hooray! :O)

Kim - Glad to hear that the move went well! The day we moved into this house, we had a knock on the door. And standing there was a sweet neighbour with a newborn, a two year old and a fresh baked pie. We knew we’d made the right choice. Good luck with all the unpacking.

karen - yay..happy to hear everything went well.

Marsha - Meg you and your family will love the new place! I am so happy for you all!

Joy - I see good memories for you in that house!

Jessi - A tiny room just for pet shop toys?? We. Need. That.
And that house warming gift…I cried when I saw the photo. So kind. I blame my pregnancy hormones.
Happy for you all…hope you get settled quickly 🙂

Alicia @ La Famille - ok so meg….i just moved again this weekend too! i moved from south dakota to asheville, nc in october. then we moved houses this past weekend. it was ummmm…fun?? my bestest friend becky (farmgirl paints) came from virginia with her family and they helped us moved and becky helped me fluff the nest. it was SOOO much fun. i love having great friends like that.
i love that you and craig took a leap of faith like that. i love that your girls have a little nook to hide and play in. totally precious! i felt like our decision to move to nc was totally crazy too, but we knew it was God’s will for us. sometimes you just know these things, you know? i’m sure you and your hubby didn’t make a hasty decision. i wish you blessings and happiness in your new farmhouse.
alicia @ la famille

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - love it!!!
especially the little room with the tiny door!!!

Hannah - I’m really sad about your mug:(

the domestic fringe - Ok, I must read back and back and back…I totally missed that you were MOVING! Did you house sell?? Never mind, I’m going back to read.
Glad the move went well and some lovely friends brought you goodies. That always helps.

deborah@applesinwonderland - We’ve toyed with the idea of a place further out into the country. Looking forward to peeking into how it all goes. Why is it that everyone has one thing break during a move? Not 47 things like I would think, but one thing. We were coffee mug twins. 🙁

Aby - So very happy that you’re happy Meg! You’ll love being in the country!! I know that you will make this house an incredible HOME! Wherever you are…with your family…is home. Enjoy the adventure!! xoxo

Seriously Sassy Mama - We are moving this summer back to the town where my husband and I grew up. It is bigger now, but I am excited to raise my children there. We are closer to family and friends. It is going to be wonderful!

Katie - We have a tiny door/room too in our house – it is my closet…low ceilings but it works to hang stuff up in and a simple shelving system on the wall. A playroom is great too! Kids need special things during times of transition. Looks like a good weekend. We are moving in 3 months! I am already feeling God’s grace!

Jen Brandt - I’m so happy for you, Meg!

Christy - Sounds like the new adventure is going well so far! Can’t wait to hear more.

Gemma - Glad you’ve settled in well! Can’t wait to see how you ‘Meg it up’ and make it colourful : )
Gemma x

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2 AM

there is a reason i don't go to bed early.
i hate to be woken up.

but today…i put in a full 12 hours of not sitting down or stopping.
i went for a five mile run.
that is the longest i have ever gone.
i got the house ready to move into…it's ready…every floor mopped, walls washed, bathrooms bleached.
and i got new toilet seats because it just has to happen whenever we move into a house.
you do that too right?
even if they are fine (which they usually aren't) it's just gross…in my opinion.

i came home and we had chicken tacos….aren't crockpots one of the best inventions EVER?!

then craig took the little girls to his moms and i texted at 8:30 "i'm going to bed" 
that is unheard of.
i never go to bed before 11.

and three wake ups later…
that is why i don't go to bed early.
once i wake up i have a really hard time going back to sleep.
so…here i sit at 2 AM with a bowl of cereal and browsing the web for shower curtains.  
Do you know that for every one decent looking shower curtain there are at least 247 really ugly ones??

it's true.

so….in a few hours we move to the farmhouse.

i know from all your comments that you are sad that you won't see this house much on the blog anymore.
but you know that's not true.
it will be here for craft weekends and other fun stuff.
don't cry. 🙂
and i think the farm house has lots of great photos, projects and love to come.
in fact…i KNOW it does.

what i have figured out from all of this and from everyone's comments…

1. craig and i are not afraid of change.
2. we love our home but we don't want to love anything so much that we cannot leave it.
3. we love the small town upbringing we were blessed to have and want it for our family too.
4. we love our family….and that family can bond and love and grow stronger anywhere…not just this house.
5. we are very content and at peace with this choice.

and that all feels so good.

it's just a house.  
this one or the farm or anywhere….it's just "stuff"
it's a project….the bathrooms…the kitchen….the painting….they are beautiful!
but when it's done i just turn my head and say "what's next?"  
i know not everyone feels that way about their home and that is fine too…we can be different. 

will i miss my kitchen?  my big bathroom? my tall windows?  
of course!!!  i am human. 

but i am choosing in this new season of my life to focus on letting God show me the goodness of my life even without a granite countertop.  :)

i am choosing Phillipians 4:8  "whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy; think about these things"

five kids and two houses and two full remodels later…we are tired.

the farm house gives us a mandatory break from remodeling.
we get to use our time to enjoy other things….like…i don't even know what yet?!!

and that is exciting to me.

ok…i am rambling because i am sleepy and wide awake.

bottom line:  it's all good baby.
there is nothing fishy….nothing i'm not sharing….nothing wrong…we are just moving to a farm.  
it's A.G.

(i ran the same route as i did yesterday and this time had my nike+ in my iPod and yesterday's run was actually 4.5 miles!  SWEET!  i will take it.  5 miles today, 4.5 yesterday….90.5 to go.  YAY for Rockin' the Bod in MARCH!) 


time to try to sleep again.
i have a BIG day.
and i saw there are cinnamon rolls AND donuts on my counter….hmmm.
oh my.


Kanekaitlyn - the location offers a wide selection of ceramic, porcelain and natural stone tile and three complete lines of cabinetry with full service and installation on all product. the location has products vary from easy to elegant.

jennie - the five things you figured out (especially thing #2) are beautiful. can’t wait to see new pictures from around the new digs!

Tina I - What a great post! Thanks…I needed it. We moved our large family recently, and we always say that it doesn’t matter where the house is, as long as we’re all together.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hi Meg, love your honest words. Of course you’re going to miss all those fun things about the house you left. But new memories will be made at the farmhouse and new paint will emerge and all your fun craftiness will soon make the new house fabulous. I know that you’re being smart about the STUFF, because it is just stuff. I am relating to some of what you’re writing because we are thinking about downsizing our home in the near future with kids moving out and going to college, etc. and wanting to be more prudent with our finances the Lord blesses us with. Lots of thoughts just like yours go through my head. I love my house, the memories the blood sweat and tears we’ve spent here. But in the end you’re so right, it’s just a house, a building, just stuff. Thanks for your words of encouragement today. God bless you and your family and this move. Keeping you in my prayers.

Christine - Thank you for this post. The words you write “but i am choosing in this new season of my life to focus on letting God show me the goodness of my life even without a granite countertop.” ARE THE EXACT words I needed to hear today. We are house hunting and I’m realizing how bratty and selfish I am, but praying that God will help learn to be content without granite countertops!

Mumma - We just did the same thing. It has been the best decision. 2 months and some change later we have gotten settled in. The house is “done” and now it is time to live life beyond the “call of the house.” You know…the “fix me” “paint me” “clean me” call we always hear.
Now what? I love that question!

Lindsey - Meg, I love this post.

Lisa - First off — no, you’re not alone with the new toilet seats, it’s the first thing I do when moving into a new home. I just wanted to tell you that because of this post, I realize I was given a gift from God. We’ve been renters for the past 6 years. A beautiful house, but I never felt content because it wasn’t MY house. I’ve realized that a house doesn’t define who you are or what kind of memories are made. In fact when you said not having to remodel is a gift – you are so right, this whole time we’ve been exactly where we’re supposed to be — together )

Dawn - We’ve moved a lot. (A LOT!) I may have been attached to the first house, but then I moved on. It’s an adventure! Hope the move went smoothly, I can’t wait to see what you do with this place! Rentals can be good too — when the garbage disposal goes — someone else gets to fix it for a change. 🙂

Tiffany - Btw u are free to share only what u are comfortable with. The nerve of some people. The only constant is change – carry on.

Melanie - I’m confused…why are you moving into a farmhouse, but keeping your other house at the same time? Guess I will go through previous posts and see if I missed something.
Hope you get a good night’s sleep soon…all sounds exhausting!

Meg's Mom - Thanks Meredith – I found it on my own earlier today. Thanks for the tip though! That’s awesome.

Meredith - Meg’s Mom – It was fairly far down on the front page – far right. If I were more tech savvy I would take a screen shot. The link connects to The Stylist, which I think is a sister site to them. It’s (of course) a stunning picture of the crayon/hairdryer craft. 🙂 I hope that helps!

Rach - Good luck with the move and the new house. I do hate to move but I love the adventure of being in a new space. I have lived in 9 places since I moved to Los Angeles. The house my husband and I just bought is our first and we will be here for a while. While I will miss the adventure of a new place every couple of years, it is nice to be able to make fun changes and renovate and make our house a home. I am sure once it is all done and the way we want it, our eyes will wander and we will search for a new home. Change is fun. I have to agree with you on that one.

Jennifer - I live in the suburbs (city) but teach and my kids go to school in the county next door (in the country). The drive stinks and we’ve been trying to make that move to the country soon- especially since the kids are getting more involved etc. My parents live there too! I LOVE my house but we’re not too afraid of change either. Still kind of dragging our feet for the right time though. Are you worried about keeping up with two houses though?? That stresses me out a bit thinking about it. I don’t think I’d like the feeling of “living” in two houses, but obviously you’ve thought of all this. Just wondering 🙂 Oh, and I think no matter where you are at, it will be homey and beautiful- even without granite.

janel - I for one love to pick up and move. I don’t like the moving part so much, but I love living in a new space. I change the toilet seat too. every time.
What I love about your new space, is how cool and huge it is! When the leaves are on the trees, and everything is green and heavy, it is going to look so awesome. Then when the leaves change… oh my, I cannot wait for that. I think it is an awesome find, one to be enjoyed for a while.
And that is the whole point. Is is just for a while.
Looking forward to the home tour!

kat - Good luck with the move! I think you made the right decision for your family. Change is hard, but it sounds like you’re embracing it head on! Prayers for a smooth transition!

Meg's Mom - Meredith-where was that link on Huffington?

Meredith - Meg – your blog is one of my favorites (I follow it in my reader), and today I saw a link to a story about your blog (your crayon melting art project) from the front page of the Huffington Post! That’s pretty big and I am so excited for you.

jerusalem - i am so proud of ya’ll! this is awesome. we too are trying to move from our city house that we have worked so hard on to a farm house in a smaller community. we will be purchasing that house so I still have some remodeling in my future, but it is smaller than this house and has no closets! oh my. but we both feel that this is best for our little family. so, I feel ya sister. I do. Much love!

Meredith - Meg, it all appears wonderful. Above all it sounds as if you and Craig are energised and enthusiastic about what lies ahead. That’s just wonderful for the whole family. As for missing your house…I think your blog and your home are YOU, not the actual house or the long windows. Your home is wherever you are. So plug the coffee machine in, set up your favourite chippy paint furniture, a world globe or two, the gumball dispenser and you’ll be all set. Hope the move went well. All things are possible with new toilet seats, right? Meredy xo

Christina - New toilet seats = absolute necessity! 🙂
How exciting for you all! I am looking forward to hearing about this new adventure. How cool that you are able to keep the other house for all the things you will do there, and have the closeness to the school/small town life! I think it’s great. I have a hard time moving (even when we have moved in the same town), but your attitude is much healthier! 🙂
P.S. I loved Ding Dongs!!

Kate - I love that I’m not the only one who buys new toilet seats. I think it’s kind of necessary too.

karen - It is just stuff. For me the stuff makes me feel good though. I get happy when i get something that ‘makes my heart sing”. Now you will have new stuff and I can’t wait to see it.

Tanya - live your truth meg. the end.
you go get that farm house and love your family.
i’d like to hug you for some reason ~ hope the move goes well 😀

Katie Beth - I will admit that I kind of felt the same as many about how your current house just looks so great that I was kind of sad for you. Then I realized that is dumb. I love your comment about being at peace and not loving anything so much that you cannot leave it. It is earthly, and you have your memories. This is just a new adventure, and I can totally relate to always looking to the next project. Best of luck to you all!
p.s. I am jealous of the barn for sure.

jennibell - I’m the same way. . .go to bed too early and I’m wide-awake at the strangest hours. Sounds like a big transition in your life…I’m sure you feel blessed that you can make these choices. It will be a busy weekend.

tiffany gardner - ahhh….I just love you! I know this blog world is weird sometimes…. I have never met you or you me but I do! (not in a stalker kind of way.) (in an “I can relate” “mom to mom” friend to friend” kind of way.) Once again…you have reminded me of what is important in this life. Thank you…my fav blog girl!

Stephanie campbell - I love moving. You’re right about the stuff. I sometimes dream about selling all ours and living in an RV, lol. Imagine how easy it would be to clean! You have fun on your new adventure.

Lori Myers - Love this! Love your honesty and your willingness to move on when and where God leads!! You inspire me! Many blessings on your new adventure! All is Grace!

Cindy - Blessings to you and your family as you transition to your new home!

Kristi Rediske - I love the farm house-and I love your house. It doesn’t seem like you are leaving it me since you will still own it and use it-no big deal. I was wondering though-are you getting more furniture for the farm house or moving your furniture from your big house-how are you doing all that? I do have trouble leaving houses. We moved a year ago from a house I loved into a smaller house-it has taken me awhile to really love it-I do now-mainly because we added on a family room-HA! Anyway-glad you are happy.

Kori - My husband and I decided a year and a half ago to move from OC, CA to Spokane, WA. Trying to get the small town feel and life for our son to finish growing up.
The truth? Two out of three of us hate it. My husband isn’t one of those two. 🙁 The adjustment has been more than difficult. Friends are hard to make. There’s truly nothing to do here nine out of twelve months.
I’ve been trying to keep positive, but honestly I don’t know how much longer I can last. I always thought I was able to be a big town girl AND a small town girl…guess not if it means actually *living* in the small town.
Ha. Oh well.
Sorry to vent here, but I was just reading your post and thinking that how you feel is how I wanted to feel and although it hasn’t happened, I wish you and your family the best!
Moving is a ton of work, but very exciting! Make time for treats!! Can’t wait to see what this change holds for your family. 🙂

Eliza - For all who are concerned about not sleeping for 8 hours – aka “through the night”: found this story from BBC’s site – – so all can lighten up about what their own body needs are…
Peace to all – blessings on your new house/home.

Terrie G - I’ve been up at 2am a lot in the past few weeks…pain meds & muscle relaxants are helping me sleep through the night until I’m 100%! I hate being up that late for no reason!
Praying that all is going well for you today!
HaPpY Moving & Decorating a New space! That is so much fun!!

Kim - 2 am. Sorry. Never fun. Hope your moving day goes well. It’s cold, rainy and windy here, with ice on the ground. Sounds lovely doesn’t it? Hoping you have better weather.
We moved about a year and a half ago. It was a hard decision, but the best thing we ever did. I can’t wait to see what new opportunities God opens up for you.

sue - I’m sorry but I will miss the granite counter tops and the big bathroom and the long windows. So There!!!! lol

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, you neeeeeeeed this! Rainbow umbrella from the MoMA store. Oh my heavens … it’s glorious. And I think it would look right at home on the farm. ;_

Juli - Thank you for telling us about My Fitness Pal. Two weeks ago I set myself a modest goal of a pound a week, but I don’t know calorie counts all that well and I really didn’t know what I was doing. This has taken a lot of the guesswork out of things. I am a little shocked to see how quickly it all adds up, but…that’s the point, right?
All the best wishes as you start this new chapter in your lives. Can’t wait to hear all about it!

Amy @ - You are a breath of fresh air. Sunny side up. I like and admire that. Good luck today, and enjoy those yummy cinnamon rolls and donuts!!!

Laura Phelps - Oh Meg…if I had a dime for every person that looked at me like I was INSANE when I told them that I moved from big, exciting, LOS ANGELES to little ol’ SANDY HOOK, CT….I would be able to pay my bills and have money to spare!
I agree with you
I understand you
I value my GOD first
then my family
and so long as we are together, the rest will work out
Your house IS beautiful
and I LOVED visiting it
but your house is beautiful because YOU ARE IN IT
Because we have so little money, I have HAD to learn to not place my trust and value in THINGS
And this year I discovered that our lack of finances is a gift
My treasure is not from the things of the world
If my happiness depended on what I owned and how lovely my bathroom was, I would be screwed. SERIOUSLY, screwed.
My sister just said, “If you can’t be happy living in a mud hut, you will never be happy.”
Do I want a prettier house?
Of course!
Would I love to remodel?
But I can live with out it, too
My family, and my God, however, I can not live with out.
What a beautiful time of year to make this move…
ashes to ashes, baby!!!!!!!!
when it is our time to go home to the Lord, none of our THINGS come with us.
It is all left behind…it is JUST STUFF.
All good, is right!
prayers for a smooth transition and oh man, I am really looking forward to your life! Can not wait to see what God has planned!

Tina Jacobsen - Happy Move Day!! What an adventure our lives are when we go for it and follow God!! I think God has alot of great plans for your old house…a place of fellowship and gathering with many people!! And I know he has awesome plans for your new farmhouse, home is where your family is, not in houses or things! Keep following God and your heart!!

tracey - I totally get what you mean about “just thing”. Anything that can be identified as “it” is not important enought to get attached to. My husband and I were talking about this the other day because there is a possibility of a move in the future. And while I would be sad to leave the family and friends here, the house and the things we would leave behind would be replaced. And it’s all good. Because God’s worrying about it, and prepping the way.

Susan - I know what you mean about the toilet seats! I always change them out and I actually have a friend who replaces entire toilets, but she is a bit extreme and also has deep pockets! Last year when I remodeled my bathroom I looked for months for a shower curtain and once I gave up I walked into Dillard’s and found my dream shower curtain on clearance for under 20.00! I am clueless as to why there are so many ugly ones though!

elizabeth highsmith - the sheer fact you get to say i “the farmhouse” solidifies any doubts that this is Pure wonderful!!! love that attitude and that verse! love this blog!

Amy - What a fun chapter in your lives! So true that stuff is just … stuff. Funny how we let all of that weigh us down. God bless you all as you begin farm life! My husband and I are slightly envious (and living here in Wichita) so no farm in sight – LOL!

MJ - I am with you — a house is just a house. Home is where you live with the ones you love.
I am the oldest of nine kids; we grew up in a big old Victorian. When I was 23, there was a big fire in our family’s house; we were all safe, but the house was uninhabitable. For Thanksgiving, we were in a rental. By Christmas, they found a new house, which did not have a kitchen and had none of our cherished decorations. That was the happiest Christmas and that house was ours for the next 32 years. All of our children (26 of them!)came home to that special place.
A year ago my Dad died and my Mom moved to an apartment. Christmas was in a community room at her condo this time and it was happy, too.
Our family motto is “Where thou art, that is home” . We also like to belt out Billy Joel’s song, “Wherever we’re together, that’s my home.”

Jacci - Megan, Megan, Megan. I KNOW you’re right… you are SO right. It’s just stuff. Years ago, when I was a new wife and relatively obsessed with making a home, a friend of mine (quite a bit older in years) painted all her bedroom furniture black. Not a lot of people were doing that kind of thing then, and I just thought it looked FABULOUS. I told her how much I loved it. I’ll never forget what she said. She looked at me and said, “I’m happy with how it turned out, too, but you know it’s all going to burn.” (2 Peter 3:8-13)
Why am I so dense? My heart still so worldly? (Romans 7:23,24).
It’s just stuff, Megan. You’re right. We’re spending all day (again) working on our torn up house… but, it’s just stuff. Praying to hold it all very, very loosely. To be able to walk away without looking back should the Lord call us to something else. Thanks for the word. I’m appropriately rebuked. And challenged to set my eyes on things above and not on things of THIS WORLD.
Praying for your family today!

maggie - Wow Meg, every time i read your blog i am inspired, what an amazing step of faith. I hadn’t read your blog in a whole week (that’s a long time for me), only to read this post this morning. I love how you express God’s peace. I love your (old)house and am looking forward to your posts in the farmhouse. I would love to live in a farmhouse one day…i have lived my entire life in the city and find myself longing for the peacefulness and simplicity that seems to come with small rural farmhouse life. God bless you and your family on this new journey!

Molly - My husband and I grew up in Iowa and after grad school he took a job in Arizona. After living there a few year we took a lot of time to find the perfect house. After living in our new house a couple months my husband was offered a job back in Iowa. Of course we wanted to move back…but at that time the housing market had crashed. So the kids and I stayed behind to sell the house. After 9 months on the market it finally sold. That time apart really made us realize what is important in a house….the people in it. My husband bought our current house without me ever seeing it in person. By that time we just wanted enough bedrooms, a big yard and a 3 stall garage for all our bikes and junk….and to be together!!! You can always make a house a home if all the people you love are there:)

Kimberlee Jost - This post read like a devotional to me today.
I needed it.

Emily - Life is a good adventure. If you aren’t afraid to take a chance once in a while. I would LOVE to live in the country. (Says the girl who lives in a postage stamp in a big east coast city.) Best of luck! We can’t wait to see what happens!

Kimberly Dial - I love your attitude and you’re right it’s just stuff (albeit lovely stuff 😉 Have a smooth move! BTW,in regard to your country runs, I live in the country too – in WV – & we have had an increase in the number of coyotes, making walking/running a little scarey, especially alone – do you have all coyotes in Kansas? (I don’t mean to be an alarmist but those things creep me out!)

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, You should have stayed up for another 1 1/2 and then you could have really enjoyed farm life by coming over and helping Dan milk the cows HA HA I’m so excited for ya’ll! Let me know if you need any farm “tips” Love Ya!

Katie - We are selling our house and moving to a different state in a few months. I have peace about leaving but not about the new place. We haven’t found something we like yet. Thanks for the reminder that it doesn’t matter that much as long as we are together.

Curious Details - Adventure is good.
May your family be blessed in your new home!

Sabrina - You go girl! It is just stuff. And it’s your life and you can do whatever you want. I love how real deal you are. 🙂

Wendy - You are blessed to have family & friends that rally around you. I envy your life bc of the freedom you have to make the choices you do. Some of us aren’t that lucky.

chris - Good luck Meg , we just moved wednesday and it was so hard , I really don’t like moving , but I am really enjoying getting things in place at our new house , our house was great too but not a reason not to move on , get a fresh start. A house is a house that becomes a home , any house can become a home as long as you have your family there. I would so love a barn that’s awesome.

janet @ ordinary mom - I am like you. I would have no problem moving again if it was best for our family. I love my house but I know I can make a home anywhere as long as we are together.
I am happy that you old house will be still around AND excited to see you move into the new one. Having moved out to the country from suburbia last year, I can relate to the living style and we love it.

Elizabeth Macleod - I love your blog Meg….you are wise beyond your years…and such a good parent…I learn so much from you and I am a lot older than you!!

Maria - I’m glad I wasn’t the only one up…I couldn’t go back to sleep after waking up around 4:30. And that was with crashing around 11:30 or so…ugh.
I have a feeling a catnap will occur this afternoon…
“running” today…ds has a 2K fun run this morning (so its not like I needed the rest, right?)…Waiting to hear if the soccer fields are closed now…have a great weekend!

shannon - You inspire and encourage me! You are a brave woman! And honestly, this post is almost EXACTLY what I needed! We have been struggling with some changes in our family also. I have fought the good fight to stay where we are but I think the finish line of winning is slowly slipping from my grasp!
I cannot wait to see what all you do! Enjoy your day and have fun with your new exciting adventure!

Lori H - Good luck with the move! Can’t wait to follow your adventure 🙂

Sandy - Thanks for being such a positive and faithful person. I woke up at 5:40….I guess that’s sleeping in from my weekday 5:00 alarm. I’ll take a couch nap shortly. 🙂 I hope you were able to go back to sleep. Can’t wait to see all the upcoming changes. Thanks for sharing your life with us.

Jack - Good luck with the move. Can’t wait to see the new old house.

Jen@ADropintheBucket - You rock. That’s it. That is all I have to say. My very favorite blog. Your attitude and faith inspire me. Thank you.
And I can’t wait to see what you do with all your time. 😉

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