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world water day

so it's here.
today is World Water Day.

most of us reading this….we take our water for granted.
we can turn on the tap anytime we want.
we can use a drinking fountain just about anywhere.
we can bathe whenever we feel like it…in CLEAN water.
we can jump in a gigantic swimming pool or soak in a hot tub to relax.
we give our dogs big bowls of clean water…we make sure they are never out.

we don't have to worry about our babies getting sick or dying from the water we have to serve them.

we don't have to walk for hours EVERY DAY to get dirty water in buckets for our family.

we can help those that do have to do that.


and we HAVE.

we have built many wells through water4christmas and from your donations.

today we are rasing money to support the well mechanics that are desperately needed to keep the wells working.

for World Water Day, The Adventure Project is setting a goal to enable 186 people to become well mechanics.
if successful they could serve 930,000 people with CLEAN WATER.


it is a briliant plan.
to teach….to be effective….to bring solutions to a problem.
we can help.

but how about i throw in a little incentive?

i have a giveaway today for those that donate to The Adventure Project.

20 items of Craft Weekend SWAG.

let's explore it a little closer…..







 1. whatever….the shop                2. twirling betty
 3. out of eden soaps                     4. the pleated poppy
 5. artsyville                                 6. joyshope handmade
 7. crescendoh                              8. jeanne oliver designs
 9. jones design company             10. CM handmade   
11. studio calico                          12. ike & co.
13. Lisa Leonard                          14. DecoArt
15. Elizabeth St.                          16. rags to stitches boutique
17. crystal b                                18. daisys & dots
19. pretty lil packages                 20. Just Lovely Things

this is all for you!!!!

to enter this giveaway all you need to do is donate to The Adventure Project!


GO CRAZY….tweet it, facebook it, blog it!

GIVE BIG…..every dollar counts!

PRAY for the mechanics that will be trained because of your donation!

BE AWESOME….our huge goal is to raise $25,000 today together!!

come over to my page and donate….CLICK HERE.

one entry for every $5 you give.


let's make a BIG difference on World Water Day!!! 

a and p mechanic - It’s quite rare so I am really impressed to see good people. A gorgeous idea to declare a specific Day as being an international “24 hour water event”. Sincerely hope you will succeed in accomplishing your projects.

Kathy P - about the issue with dogs in teh house or not
i grew up on a farm and we never had dogs in the house, the dirt there was red, so it just want a possibility, and the smell because it rained a lot- wet dog
but Waffle is used to being an inside dog so its a bit difficult to go changing it….
Now i live in the city, i dont have a dog but if i did i wouldnt have it inside- just seems so dirty to me to have a dog in the house. Its just what you are used to
i think waffle would be really sad if you started making him stay outside, he is so sweet

Sheila June - Donated $45. Great cause. Thanks for talking about it.

Jenny - Just gave $10! Great cause, thanks for opening my eyes a little wider!

Melissa - Donated $10…awesome cause!!

Maria - I just gave $10, thanks for giving me the opportunity!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Ha ha, I meant raise $550, going on 5 hours of sleep…

Heidi Jo the Artist - Hey Girl, you are awesome to use your blog for good! I know you’ve heard that before, but seriously $2,505-WOW! And over $60,000 total right now-DOUBLE WOW! That’s a lot of mechanics and equipment to be able to fix wells for clean water!!!
I donated $50 under my campaign: I wish I could have raised at least something other than what I gave!! I really did try to spread the word through blog, fb, & twitter, maybe they donated under the regular part of the campaign, I really hope I helped in some way. Hoping to do some more campaigning and see if I can at least get to $540 to fund 1 mechanic over the next month.
God’s blessings to you!

Amy Sytsma - Donated 10$ yesterday. Thanks for letting me be a part of this in a small way.

Shelly Foster - Just donated to this awesome cause !

Lisa - Donated $50!!! I’m feeling lucky today!!! πŸ™‚ We give the gift of clean water on behalf of friends and family each Christmas. Such an important cause.

Jill - donated $10 – but I missed the link to your fundraising page – went to their site directly with your first hyperlink!

Gale - Just donated $10 – wish it could be more but happy I can do that! πŸ™‚ Well worth it – and sent the link to my family and friends!

amy - happy to have donated to a wonderful cause. thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate.

Melissa - Just donated! I hope your reach your goal!

Selina - I have donated to this fabulous cause!

Sara Torbett - Just donated! I must have thought of this every. single. time. I turned on the water today. For every bottle I made for my sweet baby…I thought of those who don’t have clean water. This makes tears from deep in my heart, and a desire to help.

Jenni Carlisle - Wish it could be more, but alas we end with number four.

Jenni Carlisle - And threeeee

Jenni Carlisle - entry nΓΊmero dos

Jenni Carlisle - Love your heart & love water! Entry 1

sonya - lilsoak + friends - Love what you r doing and that its training for mechanics for clean water
Heading over to donate.

Carrie - $20 in to help the Mama’s of the world provide their babies with clean water…thanks Meg for spreading the word.

Courtney - I love that this project equips them to help too and doesn’t just give them wells (not that the wells aren’t also AWESOME!). I donated as well. Love the awseom swag too! Thanks Meg!

Lynne - You make this so darn easy. Thanks for that, Meg!

Shauna Lobre - Gave $25
Keep the giveaways coming…..

Elizabeth Flowers - Excited to have just donated!!

Jenna - Thanks for the inspiration, Meg!

Lisa - Love this! Donated $20.

Mary Ley - Just donated $15

Kelly - Just donated $10.
You rock!

Anne - Just donated $25. Yay for clean water!!! πŸ™‚

Tracy - the swag is nice and all. and if I won,I would totally want it πŸ˜‰ but honestly, I just quickly scrolled down to find where I can give πŸ™‚ I love to be able to give and help the needy, but I love, even more, to empower them! thanks so much for heading this up! I’m going right now to give $20. And then I’ll go do a blog post….

julie - Love your water loving guts. So very much.
Let’s do this.
Donated $50.

nicole i - donated $25. I saw 58 earlier this year and one of the claims was about water…due to clean water wells there are less children dying from water borne illnesses worldwide.

karen - Just donated $25

Ashley B. - I donated! πŸ™‚

Jessica - Another $25 to add to your total. Thank you for awesome opportunities you give us!

Suzanne - Love this!! And so important!!! Donated $150.

Tara - Donated $25. Thanks for leading the way. I love what they do, great stuff. We helped with ovens at Christmas, too.

Terrie G - I love how you make me aware of ways to give to others! I love giving…it’s me…who I am! I feel blessed to be able to give! I just got an e-mail that they are matching my donation of $50!! So exciting! All I had to do was give and now it’s doubled! one step closer to training someone to maintain their own wells! I shared it with my friends on fb too…hope it helps to spread the awareness of a great need! Have a great day Meg! Hope you reach your goal and double it!! πŸ™‚

Jamie J - That was easy πŸ™‚ $25 more towards training another mechanic!

sue - Why not do this for a charity that is here in the United States. There must be plenty of good causes that need help here.

Jennifer - Just donated! Thanks Meg!

Danielle - Just donated $20! Happy to help:)

Arly Helm - Gave $10; I would estimate a lot of people in my community spend this much or more on bottled water each month, despite that we have lovely tap water, which can be filtered to further improve it.

SoCalLynn - I donated $10 and shared about it on my Facebook page. Good luck! I noticed you are one of the top earners so far!

Molly - Just donated $10! Thanks for letting my little donation be part of something big!! Your the best Meg!! πŸ™‚

Tiffany - You’re such a good cheerleader. I donated $10.

Christy - I donated $20. Thanks for giving me the chance to be a part of something that will make a difference in so many people’s lives!!

Anna Marie - I just gave $15 :o)

Amy Moran - Hi Meg.
I just made a $25, simply because I saw your post. Thank you for thinking of others, and encouraging us to do the same.

Lisa M. - Just donated…thank you for showing us the need, Meg!
God Bless you!

nora - I donated. Thank you, Meg!!!

Gerri - Donated $25. Thanks for always making us aware. Love your spirit. I’ll put this on my blog also.

holly - Just donated. thanks for bringing this brilliant idea to our eyes.

cassandra - Donated $10. You’re a true blessing to this world, Meg!

robyn - donated $20! great project!

Cara E - blessed to give $50 to help out!

Ashley - $25 more in their water bucket! Thank you for sharing your heart for others. You inspire me to do the same!!

Rachelle - $25 more! Hope it helps you double your goal! My cousin is in India at Sarah’s Covenant House for Children – I hope they all have access to clean water someday!

Sarah - donated $10!

Ruth - awesome project meg – i am volunteering in the south of india for a year and water is such a big deal. love your heart for the developing world πŸ™‚

jen - donated $25, blogged about {borrowed some of your words! they were so powerful and to the point i couldn’t write about it any other way!}, pinned it, facebooked it! let’s help spread the luxury of water! i hope to be as successful as you in my fundraising!

Angela - I started my own fundraising page to blast on my Facebook, and donated $10! πŸ™‚

Erin L - I donated (not much but its all I can do right now) and I posted it on Facebook!

Jamie - Just gave $25.

Niki - Done and done!! Can’t wait to see what kind of major dent we can make in this problem!! I love it!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I just donated!

Rachel J - I started a page with my own blog after reading your post last week. What a great cause!
God bless you Meg!

Renae - Let us know how to enter. Just donated!!

Katie Mathieson - What a wonderful cause. Good luck and God bless!

amy jupin - of course, sugar britches.
just dropped a twenty in the bucket.
love your heart!

Regina - Do we need to post for every $5? Surely not….or you’ll be swimming in comments by the day’s end (no pun intended, lol)! You may want to clarify that though. πŸ™‚

Regina - Just kicked it off with $10. πŸ™‚ Water is so very important!

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it was a crafty day.

i forgot about the sleeping in part of spring break!
i LOVE sleeping in.
especially on these rainy days.

i ran at the gym….i got there and the tvs were being replaced!!!
running in front of a mirror for an hour?
i almost left.
it sounded AWFUL to me.
then the dude next to me left and he was on the only treadmill that has it's own tv.
i assumed it wasn't working since he wasn't watching.
i took a quick bathroom break at mile 2 and then checked that treadmill….it worked!
so i got to watch old grey's anatomy on lifetime for my last 3 miles. 
i am glad i did not leave. 

i promised my girls a craft when i got home.
we couldn't agree on one so we did a few different things.
annie and i made winter cardinal art from
i was in a painting mood.

IMG_8247-8  IMG_8248-9
annie's cardinal.                                                             mommy's cardinal.

talby made a princess and the pea picture and painted the turtle shell!

IMG_8251-10  IMG_8222-1


later that night…i met some of my friends over at the craft house for a little paint party.

girls night out is getting pretty wild!!
look out…we are party animals!
we watched The Help and ate cheesecake and painted chairs.
such good friends.
they are helpful and funny and GREAT painters!


cheesecake… makes a great breakfast too!

have you made pam's cheesecake yet??


do it already.



its coming up on thursday.
go get signed up to use your blog or facebook or twitter right HERE.

we need you.

let's do it together.



join us here to be ready on thursday!


jenni - I really really want to be your friend! Dang girl, you have a craft house! Why oh why do you live on another continent?

Susan - Love the chairs – what type paint do you use?

Dana - I love when I haven’t been able to read your blog for a few days then I see a pin on pinterest from your blog (the chairs) and I think “ohhh Meg is up to something new…better go check out what I have missed!”

Heidi Jo the Artist - Now, that is a bed Talby! So cool. Love the painted turtle shell too. My kids love to paint rocks. πŸ™‚

Johanna - LOVE those chairs—I have some I need to paint. It looks like you did not prime them? Think it’s necessary? What about sanding? The thought of sanding all the rungs is keeping me from starting i think!!! πŸ™‚

Amy - I would love to borrow your girls and have a craft day. I have one son and he doesn’t like to craft or paint. I could craft all day, every day. Good luck in your new home. I live in the country on a farm and love it. Very peaceful and calm out here.

Kristin S - Meg, I’ve wanted to make this cheesecake but I don’t know what a “small tub” of sour cream is. 4 oz? 8 oz? I buy the ones at Sam’s so do you know the ounces/cups on that one?

Carrie - I have been reading your blog for quite awhile now. When life is busy I skim the title of the other blogs I follow, but read yours through. I just love to read it. I have 5 kids 15-4 and I open enroll them to a school in a neighboring district and drive them to school – the morning bus is too early for us this year. Our pick up is in a church parking lot. Looks a lot like yours. I had to laugh when I saw you drive a white suburban… me too. Also smiled when you talked about your inner homeschool mom. I have that too. I was jealous when you found a house – we’ve been looking for 3 years! I started running last spring… but I was really hung up on keeping on running (not walking) and pace, tried to train for a half marathon and made it to 8 miles but fizzled out by fall. Should have taken it slower. You inspire me to take it up again. Keep keepin’ it real!

andrea - Annie’s cardinal looks just like the one that thinks he is in charge of my bird feeders! He is one fierce little bird.
Love, love, love Talby’s painted turtle shell. Turtles are my favorite animal. Would never have thought to paint it.

Krissy - I LOVE your chairs!! They are so happy!!!

Katie - okay, seriously? those painted chairs are enough to make my heart stop. soooo adorable!
i feel your treadmill pain. i use the one that my in-laws have in their (unfinished) basement, so i’m staring at piles of junk the whole time. makes me want to scream sometimes… but then i’m thankful for the free workout : )

Prairie Jenn - Deep Space Sparkle makes me happy:)
Lots of art inspiration there!
Love the rainbow chairs…I want to do the same in my craft room if we ever get finished remodeling!

Laine - Ooooo….can I come paint in exchange for cheesecake?? =) Love the colors, what are the names? With all my squinting I still couldn’t make them all out, lol!

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - Oh my stars. It would be a dream come true for me to have a chair painting party. You have no idea πŸ™‚

Holly - I need to get some friends over to help me work on my painting projects! hmmmm….:)

Lori Austin - I would totally paint chairs for cheesecake! πŸ˜‰

Dani - The chairs look amazing! I love all the bright colors. Y’all are so talented! The cardinals were beautiful.

Mandy - I totally have that sea blue/green color from Walmart sitting on a white antique desk that I bought for a steal on Craigslist! I have yet to paint it!! Would love to see your finished product with that color paint!

Bernice - Love the colours you chose for the chairs! And your choice of entertainment and dessert
Sounds like it was a fabulous time.

Marianne - Gorgeous chairs! Aww, now I want my own craft house too… πŸ™‚

Leslie @topofthepage - i missed that cardinal one on deep space sparkle. i love that website. i want to do that. love birdies. and that cheesecake is the best ever. made it a few times now. once being in my grandma’s million year old kitchen in rural oklahoma. i’m not sure she even knew what a springform pan was. but it worked fine in a pyrex 9×13, though a bit painful to look at.

Sarah Wolfe - What a great idea! This is going to be such a lovely room. Your paint colors are so great. Wish I could include a little pink in my school room chairs, but I don’t think the boys would appreciate πŸ™‚

Sara Torbett - Love the turtle shell πŸ™‚ and the pretty chairs too. Cheesecake sounds delish with some strong black coffee. Yummy! Glad Grey’s came to the rescue for you today πŸ™‚

AshleyAnn - That sounds like a perfect girl’s night in to me…and I really want some cheesecake!! Have fun at CW. I’ll miss you all!

Julie - I love Talby’s Princess and the Pea picture! And Annie is such a great artist!
And…those CHAIRS! They are gorgeous!!!

ko. s - So fun! I would love to paint chairs and eat cheesecake!

Kelly - Loving the colorful chairs!
And no…. Haven’t tried the recipe yet. Why is it that making cheesecake scares me so?!?
I’ve always just bought it. Hmmmmm…

Karen Estes - Where are you going to use those chairs? I love the colors on them and would love to do that in my kitchen but my husband thinks I’m crazy.

Becki - The chair idea is great! What a fun girl’s night!

whitney f - Oh, and I must not know how to find the winners for things you giveaway??? haha
Was the winner announced for the Girls Night out $100 gift card to Olive garden??

whitney f - Those chairs look amazing!!!!!! I need to do that!!!!

Tanya - I work at a 50+ rec centre with a conditioning room and there are NO T.V.’s!! But the peeps still come cause it’s c-h-e-a-p πŸ˜€
We did bingo dauber art today, easy and fun.
I love the cardinal paintings <3

The Frat Pack + Me - Now that is my kind of girls night out…except could I have a cookie instead? I think I am the only person on the planet that doesn’t enjoy cheesecake.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Yes, girls night out does change as we get older, have hubbies and kiddies, but I wouldn’t change a thing, love that kind of night!

Patty Palmer - The cardinals and the sweet princess look divine! And I love your chairs….hmmm. My chairs are looking quite grey and boring!

tina - that cheesecake looks heavenly…ps peanut butter pie falls in to breakfast food at my house too πŸ™‚

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - ….except the blue ones in my dream were more of a bright turquoise blue!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - love the chairs — they look JUST like the ones in my dream from a few nights ago — too funny! : )

Happy girl - Those chairs are gorgeous and those friends are priceless. πŸ™‚

mae - Love this post!!! Thank you for supporting World Water Day and using your voice for the good of others. You rock!

Lasso the Moon - our girls are so inspiring! I love that shot of the painting that only has the blue and red. Looks so graphic and cool!
Now I need to stop reading blogs and go make something with my own kids.

Seriously Sassy Mama - mmmm cheesecake!

Anita - I sent you an email but wasn’t sure how often you check it and I was trying to get the recipe for the blueberry buckle muffins. Can you post it or sent it to me.

Kim - I love that you have a craft house! And good friends close by. We moved about a year ago. Still working on the close friend bit. It’s coming, but it takes time. The chairs are looking great!

Jacci - AWESOMENESS πŸ™‚ I’ve soooo missed watercolors and desserts since you’ve moved! ha ha.
I **love** the chairs. I should’ve known you were going to paint them. But, it just seemed like SO many chairs. How great that you have friends that are willing to come paint with you. I’m sure cheesecake bribery helps πŸ™‚
And… you *know* you’re going to get a bazillion commenters asking for the scoop on your paint colors. You might as well add the color names at the bottom of the post! I know I already squinted really close to my monitor trying to read the tiny letters. ha ha.

Sheila P. - Your life just looks way more creative and relaxing than mine. I think I need to go buy some paint and make some friends! Oh, and make a cheesecake too. πŸ™‚

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saturday in smaaaaall town kansas.


we packed up and traveled to Little River, KS. for scott's basketball tournament this past saturday.
Little River has a population of about 500.

that is really s m a l l. 

they lost their first game.
we hit their main street to find some lunch.
there were two options….a bar called Fat Boys or the grocery store.
with our time frame between games we had to choose the grocery store.

this picture made me smile.
it was just funny.

right next to where to talby is sitting…. 


and this?  hmmmm…..

my kids' favortie part of this little store was this:
so we had sandwiches made from the deli at Heavenly Meats & Groceries.  
and they made pizza too.
annie was full of loud and silly questions for the man running the meat counter.
he let her come and see where they make the pizza.  
then she was full of even more questions!

you won't see this very often….me drinking pop. (do you call it pop or soda or coke?)
i used to drink pop all day everyday.
but realized about 8 years ago that it made my stomach a mess so i quit.
i have MAYBE two a year.
and i usually have a 1/4 of the can and i have had enough…i start to feel sick.
i don't miss it at all.

we headed to another gym in Windom, Kansas.
population in windom is 130.
isn't that crazy?
130 people?

they won this game.  (it's a tournament of other kansas teams….not a windom team)

we played at the school playground in between game 2 and 3.

it was hot and windy.
but i love that sunshine for march!

talby shared her iPod with annie and her friend Nash.
they were watching UP.

scott's team won their final game.
they got second in the tournament.
a successful day i think….and pretty fun for the rest of us too.

craig was teasing scott a little that he couldn't touch the rim yet….maybe someday….
so scott HAD to prove he could grab it after the game.

the strength shoes and hours and HOURS of practice are paying off.
he is getting there….he'll grow a few more inches and he'll be dunking….he hopes.
i love his dedication.
i am so proud of that kid.

i never thought i would like spending a day at a basketball tournement for 13 year old boys with 3 other kids along…..but it turns out they are some of my favorite saturdays.
i like being all together and watching scott in his element.

ok….gotta get moving on my first day of spring break.
keep giving ideas on the post under this one.
i like the garden planning idea!
that is exciting!

have a great day today! 



mandi@herbanhomestead - I know this is an older post, but I had to comment! That “slap yo mama” rub. My dad is from Louisiana so I’m very familiar with this phrase. In sentence form (ahem): “This cornbread is so good makes you wanna slap yo mama!”. So there you go!

Karen Huber - This cracked me up… my mom grew up (and my granny still lives) in s.m.a.l.l. town Kansas, as in 100 or so people, as in one stop sign. I admire your ability to craft an eventful (with beautiful pics) blog post out of such towns! πŸ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - I love exploring new towns, looks like you guys had fun! We call it soda because my husband grew up on the east coast. Everyone around us here in Iowa calls it pop, ha ha!

Maranda - I am from that tiny little town called Little River!! Yay! I loved growing up there. And yes, do try Fat Boyz next time you are in town!! πŸ™‚

Natalie - Any tips on giving up the soda habit? I have tried several times and haven’t been truly successful yet.

Randi-Dukes and Duchesses - I just love reading your posts. I have a basketball player who reminds me so much of your son (they’re almost the same age) … he lives and breathes the game and is constantly training to be better.
But I just had to comment to tell you what a great mom you are. You spend so much time doing art with your kids, baking with them, and just giving of yourself. It’s inspiring.

Katie H - Love this post. I grew up watching my older brother play in gyms all over Kansas. Like your son, he eat-breathed-sleeped the game. He eventually was a walk-on for KU, then director of operations for the team, and he now coaches at Baker University and couldn’t be happier….but your post made me smile thinking of all those hot, sweaty gyms and car rides we made as a family. Good stuff!!

Beth - In Alabama we call it Coke. No matter if it’s Coke, Sprite, Diet Dr. Pepper. Wonder why we do that? Funny. But everyone knows when you say, “I need a Coke” it means a canned drink.

Sarah Wolfe - No diet coke for 8 years. Impressive πŸ™‚ That grocery store is hilarious. I like it when the town is so small that the gas station is a hang out and restaurant (that actually has good food) and a grocery store.

Marianne - I’m in Canada- it’s definitely pop. Soda just sounds weird. πŸ™‚

Faith Buss - OK, that Slap Yo’ Mama stuff is soooo good! I got some at a Piggly Wiggly in Louisiana (I’m in OK) because I thought it was funny. We put it on oven fries and everyone goes CRAZY! πŸ™‚ Fun post!

Wendy C - I heart small towns and basketball! Sounds like a fun weekend!

Megan - It’s too bad you didn’t have time for Fat Boys! We’ve actually made the hour trip to eat there — really good steaks!

Maria - I’ve seen the “slap yo mama” around here…never tried it though. It is supposed to be good though. They have crazy things here in the South.
I grew up calling it ‘pop’, until college, and my northern friend/roommate influenced me into calling it soda. Still do.
Our spring break isn’t until the first week of April…two weeks to go! The boys usually spend it gaming or playing outside (they never play on the computer/Wii unless its the weekend). I’m sure it will be pretty low key around here…although I am thinking we may need a little road trip somewhere during that time…
Enjoy your break!

Celia - We live in North FL and totally have that Butt Rub around here! Trust me….. try it on chicken, beef…. even sprinkle it in your scrambled eggs….. awesome! HA

Debby - Al’s sister lives in Little River! We’ve eaten at Fat Boys too. It’s a great town. Al grew up in Pretty Prairie, population 500.

Prairie Jenn - I love small town life! Yes, there are things about it that make me laugh, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Loved your photos! And we call everything a coke here:)

Sara Torbett - So sadly I’ve totally seen the “Butt Rub” for barbecue at our local meat market and recognized it right away-lol :). Fun weekend! I can’t believe you only have two sodas a year! Whaaat?! I wish I could say the same. I love Diet coke, and sonic vanilla diet cokes. So what do you drink at Sonic? (when not ordering water)

mollie's mom - I live in Atlanta – small towns like that seem amazing to me!!! Awesome , just hard to imagine πŸ™‚
We call it “Coke” because, obviously, we live in Atlanta – haha!!
And I have to comment on the butt rub t-shirt because I am from Charleston, SC and when we go to Carolina beach towns we shop at my favorite – The Piggly Wiggly- and my daughter has multiple “I’m Big on the Pig” t-shirts. Everyone just calls it “goin’ to the Pig”, not grocery shopping and it is fine for 5′ tall size 2 college girls to wear “I’m Big on the Pig” t’s but I’m not sure I need that blazened across my back. But I do love to shop at the Pig!!!

the whyte house - first off, good job, scott!
second, i lived in canton, ks..the high school is a combination of towns(canton-galva hs), where my sister graduated w 30 people. lol. my parents are still in canton, i lasted 7 mos before i had to move back to wichita. it was just too ridiculous. downtown canton had a restaurant that was only open on sunday, a grocery store and a bar. we’d go to the casey’s to get a pizza. that was the big thing to do in canton. ugh. if i had to live in a small town, i’d go to hesston. it’s not canton and it’s not wichita. just right. πŸ™‚

Michelle From Australia - We call pop ‘soft drink’. Who knows why?

Teresa - Perhaps you have a future Jayhawk on your hands!!
I live in the South, but grew up in the Midwest. I get called out EVERY SINGLE TIME I say pop.

Krissy - I have ALWAYS called pop, pop. I think it’s a Kansas thing. Being in the Navy, there’s so many people from so many places, and I havent found too many that call it “pop” My spring breaks were always spent outside (if it wasnt too cold)

charity palmer - absolutely love your blog! thought you might love these leggings my lil girl wore the other day:
I share your same love for color! πŸ™‚

kaylee@life chasers - This just really made me smile. We live in one of those smaaaaalllll towns and I’m pretty sure they all carry that same, hilarious charm. The school gyms even look identical. A perfect way to spend a Saturday πŸ™‚

Katie - I let the kids make a list of the things they wanted to do – kind of what you do for summer. It was great trying to read what they wrote (1st/kinder).
Tea Party
Visit our cousins
Sleep over 1 night at grandparents
Ride our bikes (pretty unusual for March in MN)
Maybe your kids are too old. Hope it sparks at least one idea.

the.mrs - LOVE basketball! Hoping one of my girls will decide to take it up. πŸ™‚
Love the pop! You’re lucky it makes you sick.. it can’t tempt you that way! πŸ˜‰ I’m from MN and we call it pop, but I was really confused when I visited TX b/c they kept asking me what kind of Coke I wanted… I wanted Dr. Pepper Coke? hahaha

Roganne - The necklace is to die for! Kudos to you for not drinking any pop…I totally wish I could kick the habit!

Jen Brandt - Most of us in Ohio call is pop, and good for you for not drinking it very often!!! Think of how much skinnier you are and how much healthier you are for not drinking it. You go girl! πŸ™‚

Lori H - Yes, do tell about the necklace! I love it. I do not love soda, however. Once in a long while I will have part of a Coke Zero. Or use a Sierra Mist to make an adult bev. πŸ™‚

Rochelle - OK, I wasn’t going to comment but now I have to! Those “Hot Mamas” are made by an awesome company in my neck of the woods: Beaverton, Oregon. The company, Reser’s, makes THE best salsa, burritos, taquitos, potato salad, etc. I’ve never had the Hot Mamas, but I bet they’re pretty tasty. It’s a great local company that supports the community’s kids sports and agricultural endeavors. I bet if you approached them for Craft Weekend “swag” snacks, they’d come through.
Love your blog! And your necklace!!

Katie Skiff - Fun weekend… looked like ours. Basketball in small town MT, but the town had a few more residents. LOL… Love the t-shirt, my husband bought some of that rub, I wrote his name on it, so now it says Greg’s Butt Rub. πŸ˜› I also don’t drink POP anymore, it tastes nasty to me.

megan@contentedsparrow - 1. that “meat-like” product in a jar: SICKKKKKKKK!
2. butt rub: {snicker}
3. pop, definitely

Alisa - we call ’em soft drinks:)

Gale Wall - I’m laughing because I don’t live far from those places. And butt rub is good stuff, people πŸ™‚

Mandi Humphrey - Oh my…did you get any Butt Rub? It is so good! Can’t make it through summer grilling without it!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I selfishly would like seeing pictures of your new home!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - In the Midwest its called Pop…then I moved to the East Coast and they laughed at me ’cause they’re all hip and call it Soda. I moved back to the Midwest and still call it Soda…but I don’t drink it…unless its a frozen coke; I must admit they are my cryptonite!

Amber - Spent the weekend in Pigeon Forge, TN watching my dd (13) play some basketball. I love the time with my family and friends. The ball team is like our second family.

Joy - Coke. It’s all Coke.
πŸ™‚ We’re planning glow-in-the-dark bowling for our Spring Break.

Leah - It’s called soda here in So Cal. I only like Diet Coke though. The regular stuff is just too sugary. Any new crafts you’ll be doing? I need ideas for our spring break.

Rebecca - The Slap yo Mama seasoning is very popular in the south! You should try it!

Jackie Kepner Barnum - Looks like a lot of fun. Here in TN it’s just called coke. It doesn’t matter what kind. Just coke. So sometimes you have to ask for it by name like Dr. Pepper, cause you just may get a 7up. ;P

Kimberlee Jost - That meat counter in Little River reminds me of the one at Dales.
Sausage anyone?

Heather S. - I have soda (pop) about once or twice a month when I am just craving it. I, too, though usually only manage to get about 1/3-1/2 of it down and I’m done. And yes, it does make me feel crummy.

Liz Schmidt - You have to go back to Little River and try FatBoyz. They have the best steak ever!

happygirl - I don’t drink pop, yeah, pop, either. I enjoy watching your family through your blog. Your family gives me hope for the future of this country. We need more families like yours. πŸ™‚

Kathryn Goertzen - Just a small town girl livin in a small town world . . . or something like that.
In Nebraska we call it POP.
And at noon we eat DINNER. . . and in the evening we eat SUPPER.

Jimi - So, I’m just curious what you get at Sonic if you’re not getting soda/pop?

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Megan, I always comment to the girls when I see someone with a kind face. We all try to figure out what it is, but we can’t, but we all know one when we see one. It struck me in your post today. Sean has a wonderfully kind face.

Shar - Oh what a joy of a family that you have. Treasure it girl, time will go by all too fast. My grown up son asked me what kind of an APP (for phones, etc.) I would like. I said an app to have more time with my family!

Jacci - it cracks me up how everyone idealizes small towns. BUTT RUB, people!!! πŸ™‚ There’s good and bad, just like everywhere else.
I grew up in a not so small “small” town in Ohio. But, all around us, there were really small towns, just like this. I dated a guy once from a *small* town nearby and when we went to get a movie to watch at his house, we rented it from – literally – a shack with videos propped against the walls on shelves. Totally cracked me up.

Kelly - Oh… I’ve spent many a weekend with a little-black-sharpie- marker- X on my hand, too! πŸ™‚
Gotta love the small towns! We have one stop-light in ours. And a gas station/deli that you can get a bite to eat at, too. Everybody knows everybody…. which can be good, and bad!

Rachel Spin - Please, oh please, can you give some info about that cute necklace in the soda pop picture??? I have a jewelry problem. And turquoise and red are my most favorite colors. And Mother’s Day is coming up, no? My dad grew up in a small town like that. My first teaching job was in a small town too, if 3000 is small. Happy Spring Break!!!

Tiffany - I don’t think I’ve ever been to towns that small, ever. Oh the simplicity and town knowledge that must be there. And you said it perfect, so much joy in watching your child in their element. What a joy to live to see and be a part of as a family.

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NATURE! (goulet)

one of my most favorite skits from SNL is will ferrell playing robert goulet out in the woods.
if you've seen it then you will understand my title.


please enjoy 30 seconds of my nature. 
this video was taken in the dark on my porch. 

how was your weekend?

i am going to go cuddle up next my man and watch the KU game.
cause i am tired.

no running this weekend.
we were too busy.
i was going to go now but it's super windy and my gym is closed….cause it's at a retirement center.
oh darn i guess ican't exercise tonight.

are your kids off for spring break?
are you going anywhere?
we are NOT.
5 full days together…..oh my…..i had better make some plans for us before we all go crazy.

any ideas?



Cindy - Meg, I just wanted you to know that your Craft Weekends totally inspired our spring break activities this year…kid style! And we LOVED it! We even included a trip to a vintage toy store and Sonic! You can check out what you inspired here: But just know the photos are horrible πŸ™ My camera was in Haiti with hubby that week πŸ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love nature!
Do you have a state park near by? We love ours and just last weekend we went to 3 and 1 county park. We had our first picnic of the year. We like to explore, hike, play, and go geocaching too. We’re loving the spring weather!
Love the garden planning idea. We already planted lettuce and other greens, I think it’s the earliest I have ever planted outdoors because it has been so nice. Hoping we won’t have a hard frost.
Enjoy your time together!

nicky - “Poppa, l like it when you call me big poppa” hahaha. I had to go watch that skit just now. Still hilarious. And my city dog perked up at your nature sounds too, I don’t think she’s ever heard stuff like that before πŸ™‚

susan - Have you heard of geocaching? It’s a “treasure” hung using latitude and longitude coordinates. The treasure is a generally a bunch of odds and ends left by other geocachers. When you find the treasure, you take something and leave something in its place. You can google geocaching to find places in your area. I haven’t done this yet, but I have a 13 yr. old (boy), 11 year old (girl) and 4 year old (boy) who all think it sounds great! Oh, yeah, one of the most important parts – you can download a geocaching app to your iphone/touch, etc. so that you have the coordinates.

Prairie Jenn - Declare each day of Spring Break to be its own holiday…
Ice Cream Day
Craft Day
Play Day (games or sports)
PJ day (pjs and movies:)
Cookie day- just because you should start and end the week with yumminess!

Jen - Thanks for posting those night sounds. These were the sounds outside my window growing up. Now I live in the city and I miss those sounds dearly. I’ll come back often for a little bit of sanity for myself:)
We don’t have spring break until the 1st week of April. I’m hoping grandparents will step up for some sleepovers, because we don’t have anything planned, either.

Nichole Kopp - Every Spring Break my boys and I make t-shirts. We buy plain white shirts at the local craft store and use our fabric markers to draw on them. They can draw anything they want, Star Wars characters, robots, military jeep… Last year on my t-shirt they each drew a flower. Too sweet! Another idea, check out your local library. (yes, I’m a children’s librarian) Our library is playing the new Muppet movie complete with snacks for free!

Tanya - We just finished Spring Break. We went to the maple sugar bush, that was fun. We traveled three of the 5 days to see friends and cousins ~ just day trips. And we hit the park, went to a puppet show and of course did some baking, crafting and watched some movies πŸ™‚
It still felt long πŸ™‚

Heather - I grew up in Hutch and I used to housesit/dogsit for a family who lived outside of town. The dumb dog would always take his sweet time coming back to the door at bedtime and I’d be on the porch calling him to come inside. Then coyotes started yipping. I hated staying in that huge house by myself knowing the coyotes were out there in the dark and I had to find the darn dog. I miss the frogs and the stars but I don’t miss the coyotes.

Krissy - I love the video! I miss those sounds so much now that i live in a big city instead of out in the country! πŸ™ GO KU!!!!!!!!

Colleen - Have you tried letterboxing? I”m certain they have it in Kansas… check it out!Can’t believe you are all unpacked.. how do you do it? ( you know that’s how I’d be spending my spring break if i had just moved w/ 5 kids!)

Betsy - Thought of your blog last night as we watched March Madness. We are huge Purdue fans. πŸ™‚ Wish the Boilermakers were going to the Sweet Sixteen, but congrats to KU!

Vicki - I’m going to steal that garden planning/planting idea posted up in the comments! What a great plan! and it’s an investment in your future. :o) and I liked the “5 kids 5 days let them each plan a day” idea, too. My kids are still pretty little, 3 & 5, but we do have a spring break! So – off to my parent’s farm for an over night, for sure. One day at the Portland Art Museum (kids are free anyway), probably a day at the zoo, a day at the science museum (new lego exhibit!) and there is definitely a Lorax viewing in our near future. Unless it’s too scary for a brave 3 year old… we’ll have to ask around. ENJOY IT! Love the froggies. *sigh* All we hear all night is drunken wanderers and ambulances. nighttime in the city = blech.

happygirl - I finally completely recovered from my horrible bronchitis. Life is looking good again and I missed all the pretty weather and was healthy for the rain. I’m good with this. πŸ™‚

JustMommer - My little dog Hermione stopped what she was doing and listened to your nature, she was very confused, she doesn’t really know much nature except the backyard.

Kimberly Dial - Meg, it sounds exactly like my deck … so relaxing … the spring peepers are my favorite harbinger of Spring! Enjoy!

April R - I’m w Michelle’s idea – staycation! We did that one year and it was some good memory making and easy and you didn’t get that “I need a vacation from my vacation” kind of thing when it was over.
Have fun!

Jill - Meg! When we moved to the country (4 yrs ago) I was UP at night AWAKE because of Bull Frogs! Now, I love them! (I DO NOT, however, love the sound of the coyote’s howling! OY!)
So beautiful! To hear the frogs and crickets NOT the coyotes! πŸ™‚

sonya - lil'soak + Friends - we just finished our spring break. I only have one child and it was a challenge. Lots of going out to the park running around, eco friendly crafting and the sorts. Lot of train building and helping to cook πŸ™‚

Deb Meyers - peepers are like a rocking chair to me.
I think you should sleep on the porch every night during SB. Before mosquitoes and flies come. Pray for a thunderstorm, too, so you can watch that.
Talk about a simple garden with your kids…
decide what veggies and flowers you want. (Simple is better)
go buy those veggies, try a couple recipes using them this week to be sure you want them.
Find the sunniest spot in your yard for the garden.
If you’ll do raised beds, build them and make your dirt mix.
Fill in a calendar backing up from harvest for when to put in your seeds or nursery stock. include vacation and who will care for it while you are gone.
Everything else in the week will be gravy.

Lori Austin - Loved the “video”. πŸ™‚ Reminds me of my childhood.
We are camping for SB. Can’t wait.

Leslie @farm fresh fun - Welcome to farm life ya’ll!!! Loved your froggy music. I just posted on that ~ they’re peepers! πŸ™‚
I bet you find lots of impromptu country activities to keep everyone amused… Like you said, now you can just let’em run loose and entertain themselves sometimes. I’m on my way out to collect eggs, feed critters n go JUNKING myself. Wishing you all a world of happiness in your new home.
THANKS for all the color you add to my world!

georgia - Have a sports day! Invite friends and have a picnic in your garden, arrange games, silly ones and serious ones. Like egg & spoon race, football, play tag, have a bbq! It would be fun, invite new neighbours, old friends etc πŸ™‚ xx

Jacci - Sure… let’s see… go to an art museum? lame? boring? ha ha. Um… do art and make cupcakes? Oh, you thought of that already? Let’s see… paint rocks to make them look like strawberries (pinterest)? Go for a hike & picnic in the woods somewhere. Do you do woods? Do Spring Break list like the Summer List only *much* smaller? Buy vanilla ice cream and a bunch of add-ins a let everyone make their own coldstone type dessert? Have special alone time (shopping, playing horse, whatever) with one child for one of the five days? OR since you have 5 days and 5 kids, maybe let each kid choose 3 things to do/eat on one of the days?
Have fun!

Kelly - Love that video! I just read this post:
don’t know if you read her blog but sounds like lots of fun things to do, some of which you could do over spring break maybe.

Michelle From Australia - Pity you can’t make it to Australia and back in 5 days πŸ™ We’d love to have you come and visit!

sandi - you can breathe now! good grief that was a close one. congrats on the win… maybe you will meet carolina in a few.

Susan - Love the video, my dog went nuts. We just finished spring break so back to the books tomorrow. We didn’t do much. Served at the food bank and Sydney had 3 sleep overs an
and multiple stops at TCBY.

christy - Loved the video, it made me smile. Thank you! Reminded me of spending summers at my grandma’s farm.
We are also on break this week & no vacay until summer. We are planning on a Spring training game (lawn seat & picnic), a museum, drive-in movies & jumping at the indoor tampoline park.

Julie - There was an article in the Wichita paper last week on inexpensive ideas that you can do in Wichita over spring break. At least I think it was the Eagle. I read it online. You might google cheap spring break Wichita.
I am planning on taking the kids to Hutchinson to the zoo, Carey Park and then Dillon Nature Center. That is if we get a day where it isn’t raining. Hutchinson isn’t on spring break until the next week. You could also get tickets to the Juco tourney if your kids like watching bball.

sandi - we recently had winter break and took the children snow skiing.
watching the ku game right now ~ i need someone to cheer for since duke is out (booooo!). carolina is my husbands team ~ yep, we have a mixed marriage come basketball season. of course, they are on a collision course with your team ~ i think the committee likes potential matchups like that. plus we have spent the last three years watching james macadoo in high school so i guess i will cheer for carolina and the local boy turned tarheel freshman. this is a great time of year!

Karen Gerstenberger - Our son is on his way back to Gonzaga after spending his spring break with us. We went to Cali to celebrate my dad’s 85th birthday with him & my mom…we are so blessed that they are still “up and at ’em” snowbirds. So today was “goodbye” to our young man, until Easter weekend. I know you’ll think of something fun and creative for all…and I bet it will include a trip to Sonic. YUM.

Brooke - we just enjoyed a little staycation in wichita this past weekend and had a BLAST! how about going on a picnic to the Keeper of the Plains and then go on a hunt to find the troll (do you know about the troll??!! Google it.)…your kids would LOVE looking for the troll! I have two year old’s…so their attention span didn’t last long enough to find it. πŸ™‚

Dina - You need a screened in porch…with a bed:-)

Shauna Howington - Ahhhhh, peaceful sounds to sleep to. I love country living!

Emily - Ship them off to Grandma’s!

Kristin S - Eggs from new farm neighbors. Game to see how many different things you can do with the eggs. I mean, don’t waste them but it could be fun!
Haven’t had a spring break since 1993… oh, that would be dreamy.

colleen from alabama - We are stay at homers for spring break too. trying to sane and not kill the kids is at times difficult. My husband is a High School teacher so he is at home too! That’s the best part πŸ™‚ Ideas… tonight both of my kids have a friend over to spend the night. I’ve planned a shopping trip with my daughter (i have one boy and one girl) We have given her a modest budget for spring and summer clothes so we are going to attempt to get what she needs on one day! HA! We got Globe Trotters tickets on groupon so my husband and son are going to do that one night. We try to load up on “groupon” type restaurant coupons so i don’t have to cook so much. We go to chuck e cheese (my 4th & 6th graders LOVE it still!), we also go to a place with laser tag, putt putt and skating all in one. Honestly we just try to stay busy and be together.. which is at times extremely hard given their ages & stage of life. Just praying for happy memories!

Michelle - What about a staycation where you look at your town from the point of view that a tourist would and go do all kinds of touristy fun things?

Terrie G - Your recording makes me miss living in the country…
Enjoying time with our son while he is home on spring break!
And DARE I say it…cheering on KU?!! That should make you smile! πŸ™‚
Surviving 5 days?? Go to Pinterest and see what you can find!! I know you’ll come up with something AwEsOmE!!

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it’s good. all good.


these are my 50 mile marker reward.


they are super bright and happy.
Nike Free Run +2
they are so comfy.  
today we did another 6 but only ran a little over half…but 6 miles is 6 miles.  

kimberlee and i went to the world's best barn for some craft weekend neccessities.
since i have moved out of the my house in town i had to replace a few of the things we took with us.
and add some more really fun things!

i almost got this.

check out this table kimberlee is sunning herself near.
it's giant.
it's covered in the perfect amount of rust…from sitting outside somewhere forever.
it weighs a ton.
it's the perfect height. 

it came home with me….delivered on a trailer.

it had to….if i didn't get it i knew Anthro would have come by and snatched it away.
i had NO choice.
ha ha ha

IMG_7981-2 IMG_7985-3

craft weekend SWAG is pouring in my mail box everyday.                                                        sunshine by sara
there is another one coming up in just two weeks!
it's such fun to prepare for!

IMG_7990-4 IMG_7996-6

                                                                house 8810                                                my paper doll designs


                                                    hawthorne threads                                                                          31Bits

                                                                                                                                                   Lucius Art

so now these are all in my kitchen at the old house.
how fun is this?
and messy i know.
i had the tables built for this room by the guys at the Barn from old barn wood & old porch posts (turquoise!!!)
i am IN love with these huge tables.


rust AND bright yellow?  
yes please.

oh Ree.
you are super woman.
this cookbook is so beautiful.
i hope to make every recipe.
you make it look so easy. 

check out this happy table!
this is not where things go….it's things that are stacked waiting for places to land.
but it is one happy corner for sure!
do you see my awesome canvas from  
i absolutely adore it.
crystal clear….BRIGHT perfect colors….amazing quality….i could not love it any more than i already do!

and lastly….do you know what this means?

my etsy shop is making it's way to a comeback.
slowly but surely.

ok…gotta get dinner made.
and i think tonight deserves a dessert.
something super yummy.
hmm….maybe from Ree's cookbook?!  

happy weekend to you.


Heidi Jo the Artist - Wow, those are some rad shoes! 50 miles!? You go girl! I have a ways to go…
Love the rusty table and all the mismatched chairs!

Lea - Love the sneakers too! I saw them at the Dicks sporting goods over the weekend and loved them…Im jealous.
Curious..Is Kimberlee now your business partner with the Craft House? We seem to be seeing her quite a bit. It really is a smart idea and sounds lucrative too. I’m impressed. I think you have good ideas all the way around and a craft weekend sounds like so much fun!

Jenny B. - I couldn’t help it… I saw that dark kitchen in the background of the chairs picture, and I felt a little sad… no Annie climbing on the barstool, no waffle running around… does it just feel really weird to go there and know that you you all live somewhere else? I’m excited for you about the new place and all the awesomeness that will happen in the craft house, but I am just imagining how I would feel if it had been my home. πŸ™‚ I think it would be fun to have it all to myself, though, and be able to spend time planning and decorating, and not picking up toys or doing laundry (besides cute fabric and lovely vintage quilts, of course). Ha! πŸ™‚

elisa - I love this post. All the color. And that water color canvas!!!! I want another pillow from you. Mine is still in storage in Ohio somewhere. I miss it. It was mine. All mine.

April R - inspired by the mpix (thanks for the reference!), the shoes (go go go), and your desire to make all of Ree’s recipes! thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

elizabeth - Those shoes are amazingly awesome!! Your blog is so happy and bright! Love it!

Tracy Fisher - I love your new shoes :). Thanks for keeping me motivated on my workout journey… you are truly an inspirational person, wife and mom. Tracy

Krissy - I love the canvas!!! It’s so happy! :o) I guess i’m totally behind the curve, i didnt even know you had an Etsy shop. (although i’m definitely not surprised lol!) When you put it back up, could you put a link to it? I would LOVE to look through it!! Your colors always brighten my day!

Beth - I have ree’s cookbook! it is so beautiful!

Karen Gerstenberger - Your photos always make me happy – especially when you go to the Barn and bring home something wonderful that deserves a new life with you. YAHOO!

happygirl - That table is GREAT. I love your eye.

Melanie - I’m not a runner, but those shoes are SO cute! I love the happy colors.
What in the world are you going to do with that ginormous metal table??!

jen - love it all.
and surprisingly i love the sneakers. might just have to copy. πŸ˜‰

Laurie - You have got to search for Pete the cat I love my white shoes – live telling on
Your blog title instantly made me think of that awesome song. Your shoes reminded me again.
You’d love it! I just know it!
here’s a link for it too…

Cara - I love all your yummy pictures. Every. Last. One. And I love the stories that go along with them. It would be a dream to fly out and join the craft weekend. Maybe someday, just so busy these days. I’m so happy you’ve decided to move your fam to them farm. What a beautiful and honorable decision. Happy St. Patty’s Day, Meg.

Vicki - You should sell prints of your paint print in your etsy store! It’s so extra cheery! and there is something so hopeful about a brand new paint set…

CarrieBeth - your blog makes me so, so happy πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Jen Brandt - The “paint” print canvas is AWEsome! Absolutely love it! Like your new big table too. Happy weekend!

Shauna - Oooh, i hope you’ll be selling some of your prints. I love your “paint” print! Im still thinking about those bird nest photos…any chance of putting those in your shop??

Kerry - Maaaaannnn, I was going to list all the things I love in this post – but then I would seriously be re-writing the ENTIRE post.
those shoes……..oh how I love thy shoes. x

Prairie Jenn - Beautiful colors, flea market treasures, and Ree’s new cookbook…what’s not to love?! Thanks for sharing the happiness:)
Headed to our old downtown antique (and junk) stores to find a few treasures myself today!

angela - I think I am in love with the places you visit to buy your *junk* that I love! I remember the cold, winter Saturday I sat in front of my gas logs and read every. single. post. I am still in love with your blog!!!!

karen - off topic…meg, you so need to do this…
love your runners!

Leah - I got PW’s book yesterday. I’m already in love. And hungry.

lacey poag - Love your HaPpY blog I NEED the watercolors canvas print…pretty please!

Lin - I want so many things pictured in this post. The Wonder Woman poster? I still love that show. I am so sad that I can’t find anyone to watch it with (I tried making my daughter using threats of time outs if she didn’t, but she knew I was bluffing). The happy sneakers? I was thinking of getting myself a pair of bright, happy, rainbow colored ones in the hope it would motivate me to exercise. And your canvas of the water colors? I don’t want it, I need it.

Margaret - I just bought myself those shoes for running. I love them. I have 15 miles on them so far πŸ™‚

Holly - Love that table and the canvas. I have a very similar photo from our water color adventures and I have always thought about making it into art. Yours looks great!

Lindsey - Oh, the antiques barn – how I love thee. I hope to visit again sometime! I can’t wait to see the etsy shop open up!!!!!!

AshleyAnn - This whole post makes me really happy for you. It also makes me feel more relaxed for you…two spaces. One for you and your family, out in the country, private & peaceful. Another place to celebrate being creative and entertaining with others. So happy for you.
Oh, and this time I didn’t have to type in my info. Now you can come fix that on my blog for me πŸ™‚

Kelly - I’m loving all of these colors!! Can’t wait to get my hands on Ree’s new cookbook, too. Enjoy your weekend!

Denissa - WOO HOO on 50miles! And those shoes are RAD!! πŸ™‚ love how bright they are!
The table is amazing, and the canvas..speechless! You blog has totally made me fall back in love w/ rainbows. I have a rainbow wreath idea in my head, just hoping it turns out how I’m thinking it will πŸ™‚
Have a great weekend!

Sara Torbett - The watercolor picture is happy and fabulous and perfectly colorful all at the same time! Rust and chippy paint make my heart sing. πŸ™‚ thanks for the early cw swag mention. πŸ™‚

Lori Austin - Those shoes!
Those tables!
Love it all!

Kristin F. - i LOVE your shoes. just be careful — Frees aren’t great for everyday running. i started running in them and the end result was a wonky knee and a new pair of shoes :). they are good for a few days a week to strengthen your feet. LOVE the turquoise — mine are purple & lime green!!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Its so funny that you started this post with running sneaks b/c just today on my way home from school I had it in my mind to email you and ask what you’d recommend. I’m NOT a runner, but have always wanted to be(weird, I know) and I need to get my lean-ness back. Yet I don’t want to injure my feet or knees. Wanna help a non-runner out and give me ideas?
And lastly, Ive gotta say I miss seeing the old house so much. I was thrilled to see bits and pieces of it again:)

Elizabeth - I am going to the barn 4 sure when I go visit my sis in Wichita….. I HAVE TO…… there is no other choice! Loving those shoes by the way!!

megan@contentedsparrow - gorge! all gorge! those shoes! that canvas (drool)! that rusty table! the big table! you reopening etsy! yeah!

Katherine - Just have to post and say that I am grateful that you share your gifts with us, I am always lifted when I read your blog…and encouraged to live more joyfully. I have none of your God-given talents, so it is really fun to see what you are up to. Thank you for sharing!

Justine - I was just at the barn on Monday..and i saw your tables that oggie (sp) built, he told us they were special order–didn’t know they were for you lol so crazy…to bad we weren’t there at the same time but we would’ve fought over the wonder woman photo so it’s pry good we weren’t. πŸ™‚

Jacci - YAY for opening the store again!!! Woo hoo! I am PUMPED! πŸ™‚ Oh, pretty please – a sunflower print. The one that used to hang over the chippy white cupboard in the family room. I have loved that photo for EVER and totally missed them all last time.
Very fun that you’re gearing up for a new CW. The change is… I admit… hard for me. I’m such a dork. But, I am totally excited for you.
Love the watercolors canvas print, too!

Linda - Oh my goodness that picture of the paints is pure happiness. My heart just totally smiled! And it so needed it today Thank you!

Valerie Rodriguez - You and your blog… made me fall in live with rainbows again!! I wish I could come out for a Craft weekend but instead I will live vicariously through your great photos!!

Marianne - How could you not buy that Wonder Woman print?!?! It is amazing. And I love that pic of the paint- it is even more amazing!

Sandy - I really, really, really should get my name on your waiting list!! I want to attend a CRAFT WEEKEND!

Kim - Don’t you love it when something follows you home? Love the table. I bet it’s great getting ready for craft weekend once again, in a house that is now just for that purpose. I mean, you can set things out and nobody will touch them, nobody will mess up the house. How great is that?!
Congratulations on 50 miles. 6 miles IS 6 miles. I need to get out and walk/run. And I will. The snow is finally gone!

Sarah Wolfe - So will everyone eat at that table with the turquoise legs? Fabulous! And I never noticed when I was a little girl what a body Linda Carter had… I’m surprised they let my brother watch with me πŸ™‚ that paint pic is so cool. Love it all

Seriously Sassy Mama - Those tables are fabulous! I want to paint my kitchen table turquoise. After the move. I am so jealous of The Barn. i must find something like that around me.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - How did I miss another craft weekend deadline? GAH! I need to get on some kind of direct notification list…. : ( I’m off to sulk.
but, first…I have to say, Your photos are adorable.
Love the giant watercolor canvas,
E wants your gum ball machine
and yes, that table HAD to come home with you
— love. it. all.

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my day without internet

i couldn't decide on the gym or the country yesterday.
i chose the country and .5 miles in i knew it was a very bad choice.
the wind was awful.
and my legs just couldn't do it.
i ended up running 1.5 and walking 2.5.
i kept thinking "man…i can't beleive i ache like this after i had that advil…not good"
i was feeling worried.
got home and sat down….there was my advil.
ha ha ha.
i never took it.
no wonder.
nothing serious….more about the lady business than my knees.
but the wind was the real killjoy.
dumb wind.
you stink.
go away.  
the end.


i did 6 miles today.



this dog lives next door.
she really likes my kids.

she is high energy.

she is very happy.

and a total spaz.
she is growing on me.  

waffle sure loves her….mmm-hmmmm….. you know what i mean.
but he had his waffle cone surgery long ago so at we arent going to be dealing with farm puppies.

(oh but wait….farm puppies sound cute…i am now conflicted)

tuesday, or as it shall now be called My-Day-Without-Internet, was GORGEOUS…the weather was unreal.
i asked the girls to go for a walk with me because the sound outside was ALL frogs and birds.
not kidding.

frogs croaking EVERYWHERE.
like one of those "sounds of the outdoors" soundtrack CD.

so we went searching for frogs.



talby found a turtle shell!

she came so close to catching those little bitty frogs.
but none were caught that day.

then my girls found our neighbors and begged to collect eggs again.


we had french toast for dinner…with farm eggs.

then out of nowhere sean and i were the placed as judges of a fashion show/beauty contest.
on the front step.

he asked them to give a speech on ending world hunger.

sean's scoring was a riot.
"i like your creativity"
"i like the rainbows…good use of color"
"nice hairband, didn't i buy that for you for christmas?"

he and i got bored and went to play h.o.r.s.e. during an wardrobe change.
the fashion show came to the barn.
then they decide to play basketball with us…..sean wasn't excited about that.

most of our basketballs need airing up so there wasn't a ball for annie.
it was almost 8:00 so she couldn't hold it together anymore.
to hold off more tears i suggested we go back inside and make brownies.
she gladly accompanied me in.
we made a cake on accident because i didn't look at what box she chose.


while it baked talby and annie read books to me.
which means i sat down and fell fast asleep on the couch until they were done and said "MOM wake up!"
i have problems.
reading books out loud…myself to them or them to me is like taking a tranquilizer.
i am O U T within two minutes.
i don't mean too do it but i can't fight it.

so they woke me up after four books
and we ate warm cake with melty betty crocker frosting.
and chocolate sprinkles.
and since i had my little nap i was up until 1 AM.

that was my long day without internet.

i guess it wasn't so bad after all.



AshleyAnn - I want to come collect eggs. I do not want to come collect frogs. I want to judge a fashion show with Sean too.
FYI..I have to enter my info each time to leave a comment on your blog too πŸ™‚

Honeybee Mama - oh yum. what a delightful day! i wish i lived on a farm and near turtle shells. and i think i have a boxed cake mix in the cupboard that may need to come out after friday night leftovers tonight! you’ve inspired me!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - “ONE”


Talia - Sounds like a great day!

whitney f - So, I have been wondering, Was there ever a winner for the 31 Bits giveaway?? I never saw anything on it.. and was curious to see =]

se7en - Totally love your days in the country – you just sound like you are on vacation – and it is so contagious!!! Gotta add – nothing on earth puts me to sleep faster than my kids reading to me … flat out unconscious in seconds!!! What is that…!!!

Denissa - Totally cracking up..loved this post! Loves the fashion show and that your son was the judge, so cute!
I really hate when the lady business messes up my runs..NOT COOL!
The neighbors dog is too cute πŸ™‚ we have a spaz yellow lab, she’s my running partner.

Katie Lockhart - I must say that I do hate you a little for your 6 miles, but I realize you are human with the 1.5…and I will rock that 2 miles tonight and add to it when I can. I kind of use your running to hold me accountable. πŸ™‚

Kelly - Sounds like a lovely internet free day. I think we should all enjoy one of these every now and then. The bare foot fashion show is a riot!

Aby - sounds like farm / mommy / memory heaven!!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I just spent the past three days in the country at my parents house on the lake. it is so relaxing. I went three whole days without internet. I blogged, facebooked, played on pinerest, all on my little iPhone.

shauna - i wanta come over

Michelle From Australia - Meg!!! Annie’s rainbow dress? It is FABULOUS. Any idea where I can find one online? Remembering I live on the other side of the planet that is πŸ™ My daughter will be 9 in June. And has already chosen that she will have a RAINBOW party. Inspired by her Mummy suggesting rainbows after reading your blog one day perhaps?????

Lori Austin - Your internet free day sounds like a winner. The wind…not so much. Warm cake….winner!!

Mindy Harris - u.r.hilarious.

Susan - The cake looks yum! I am on the same sheet with you and reading out loud. We homeschool so I make my daughter read out loud early while I’m still having coffee! Really!

Sarah - I LOVE this post – and pictures of your “country” girls in bare feet – what a lovely day!

Jules - Ha! Was the porch pavement cold on Annie’s feet? Check out her feet in the 1st picture! too cute!

Lindsey - It looks like you had an awesome day! Very fun! Also, good job on running 6 miles! Makes me want to get off my bum and go running!

mae - Sounds GLORIOUS!

Kristen - What an awesome day! I do have a question about the farm house…how far is it to Target or Walmart?? I’d love to live in the country but I not sure I’d be up for driving an hour or more to my staple stores!
We are totally strapped for cash, so we try to do little things for the ones we love. Baking treats, or sending little gifts like $5 Starbucks gift cards, or $10 iTunes gift cards are some of my favorites. We also ask our friends to join us for meals, or offer free babysitting when we know they could use it. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Amy Bogan Griffin - I click on the spot abourt Waffles cone surgery, ROFL that made me laugh out loud!!! too cute!

Heather S. - Honestly, I covet a day without internet. Mine was down for 10 days in November and while it was inconvenient, I loved the freedom of knowing I didn’t need to *get on the internet* to do this or that. Lovely! Sounds like you had a wonderful day Tuesday. And yes – it WAS gorgeous! πŸ™‚

Leah - Sounds lovely! And why are kids so grumpy when we take a nap? My daughter gets so mad if I rest my eyes. Sorry, I just don’t have the energy, kid.

happygirl - LOVE spring and tadpoles and farm fresh eggs. The world is WAKING UP. πŸ™‚

Mandy - Sounds like a fabulous day, wtg on the 6 miles!! AND…that cake looks amazing!!

Lisa M. - Sounds like a great day! I can be wide awake, but if I start reading a book out loud to my son, I just start yawning away. It’s weird.

Marianne - Maybe I need a few days without the internet- sounds way better than my day! That turtle shell is awesome!!

Vonda - Love it when you make me laugh(out loud)is the best! Especially when it’s about Waffle! Looks like your family is having fun at the farm! My kids love to get the eggs from the chickens at my parents too-they ask every time:)

karen - it’s amazing how much time the internet takes up. i’m obsessed. not good!

Cheryl E. - Can I just tell you that I LOVE your sense of humor? Your blog makes me laugh EVERY.SINGLE.TIME.
Love it!

christy - Sounds like a great day to me & what a great ending, warm cake! It looks like everyone is adjusting to the farm very well, especially Waffle! πŸ™‚ Enjoy!

Mantha - What a great post i really enjoyed it !! and that dog, she looks as crazy as waffle lol .. i bet they become best buddies πŸ™‚
Have a great day Mantha xx

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how do you pay tribute?

the people at Starbucks asked bloggers how we pay tribute to special people in our lives?

i loved thinking about this question.
i am a gift giver.
i see little things when i'm out and about and pick them out for special people in my life.

because isn't it the most fun to receive a gift out of the blue just for being loved?

a package in the mail just to say, "You are Special"?

i have had so many people in my life this year helping me with my business.
they help me because they believe in me and are supporting me.
and i apprciate those cheerleaders in my life SO MUCH.

i sent each of those helpers a gift card (to Starbucks of course)
and some chocolate.
and a big THANK YOU for supporting me!

when my friends are talking about their busy lives and the stress they are under, i start planning out a way to help in my head, and it's usually by making a meal to lighten their load that day.
i love being able to call and say, "hey i made you dinner…when can i bring it by?"


when a birthday comes along i usually pay tribute by taking the birthday girl out to dinner!
treating for a birthday meal is always a blast!

baking Pam's cheesecake and delivering it is like getting to play santa claus!
there is no way a friend would not smile after receiving a beautiful cheesecake.
it's impossible.

in the summer i make blueberry buckle and always make more so we can share with friends.


when it's the last day of school or last day of practice or GREAT JOB today…we go for ice cream!


sending cards and letters is something i have always done.
i like writing handwritten notes!
it's old school.
it's pre-internet.
and it's special.
i save cards and letters that made me feel loved.
if a letter made me stop and be thankful for that person i always save it.

and when i REALLY want to pay tribute to a friend i choose the gift of time.
preferably over coffee.
with a scone on the side…any scone will do.

You loved Tribute Blend so much, Starbucks brought it back. But, only for a limited time. Tribute Blend is a spicy, full-bodied blend with dark cherry notes, featuring four of our highest quality beans aged Sumatra, sun-dried Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea and Colombia beans.

Raise a cup once more to the limited-time return of Starbucks Tribute Blend. ItΓ­s still just for you, and still because of you. Available for a limited time in whole bean and Starbucks VIA.

Share with me today the ways that you pay tribute to people you love and be entered to win a $100 Starbucks gift card!
that is an AWESOME prize!!


Sweepstakes Rules:
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a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
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This sweepstakes is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from March 15th to April 1st 2012.

Be sure to visit the Promotions & Prizes page on where you can read other bloggersΓ­ stories and find more chances to win!

Betty Curran - I try to pay attention when people mention how much they like something. It might be a vanilla scented candle or a candy they haven’t been able to find and then I look for those things when I’m doing my regular shopping. Especially when I travel I sometimes find things that aren’t available locally and I stock up so I can treat my family and friends when they need a little pick-me-up.

sy - I tell them how grateful I am and give gifts if it’s appropraite. thanks for the giveaway!

christina - I like to make cookies or things like that but even a phone call can be so nice just to talk to them and get to share all the things that have happened, and to tell them how important they are to me and how much I miss them!

Mari - I keep pictures of loved ones in scrapbooks, and make scrapbooks for friends, who appreciate them and treasure them as time capsules of our experiences together.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com

Jammie - I try to do small things through out the day to show them how much they mean to me. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Krys R - You’re right, this is an awesome prize!
My girlfriends and I are all Starbucks fanatics, so a Starbucks Card is normally a part of our special occasions and celebrations!

ACMommy3 - Love the mug pictured above. πŸ™‚ I enjoy surprising family and friends with homemade goodies, flowers, chocolate, and definitely giftcards to Starbucks! It’s especially fun for me to pick just an “ordinary” day to spoil someone, the surprised and happy look on their face just makes my entire week go better! πŸ˜€

Jaclyn - I love to bake chocolate chip cookies!

Indigo - I pay tribute with a bouquet of fresh flowers. :)LOVE me some Starbucks!

arely - snail mail!

Sarah L - Simply remembering to say thanks to everyone who touches my life is a good way to live.
An attitude of gratitude.
Thanks for the contest.

Carmen - I make all my own cards for friends and family. They love the personal touch.

Kerry - Sending hand written notes is a great way to pay tribute!


Tina - home-baked goodies or an unexpected card are the best treats!

Desi - I love to cook for my fiancee. And I love to spend quality time with my mama and treat her to dinner or a movie just to let her know I appreciate her and everything she has done for me throughout my life.

Maggie Rose - Tweeted about the giveaway!

Maggie Rose - I like to take them out for coffee or a drink and treat them πŸ™‚

Gina - Baking Brownies!!

Betsy - I like to give a little unexpected gift and call right before I drop it off- so they don’t know what is up. So fun!

Mrs. - Sister-in-law is organizing a BIG family event for 13. SHE is addicted to Starbucks Chai, so weather I win or not, I’ll be thanking her with a gift card. Thanks for the idea.

Victoria - I send a lot of notes…notes in lunch boxes, notes to teachers, cards to Grandmother, husband, that kind of thing. I like your ideas though and need to remember to be more thoughtful and appreciative to people.

Wendy - i like to write cards or bake/cook something for them. πŸ™‚

Toni :O) - My kids are all about Dairy Queen on the last day of school…it’s a wonderful way to start summer and for me to say to them, “Great job, you survived another year of school!” I’m also taking meals to one of my bridesmaids who is battling liver cancer at the age of 42….it’s a small gesture but one I know she greatly appreciates and I want her to know I’m her for her anytime and that I love her!

Merissa - I usually try to make something with my hands. Crafts, food, cards, gifts, whatever I can get “my hands” on

Gillian - I love handwritten notes too…just so much more special than an email!

Carrie K - brownies or mini m&m cookies are my go to way to show love πŸ™‚ im trying really hard to get better about the card sending too!!

Toni - I like doing something out of the blue at random. The other day I bought my aunt a cookbook b/c she is always there for me and always so generous. I also like sending special texts or emails just out of the blue, little smiles, or thanks for all you do, or I love yous! Cooking for people is fun and rewarding too! Giving them yumminess!!!

angie lilly - I am a HUGE card person. I send ecards for everything and paper cards for special things or to people that don’t have email! Example: my hubby just got a new job after dealing with being told he was going to be laid off at the end of April. The job search was harsh and unfair (was looking for a transfer within the same company) and he worked SO hard and was on top of everything like a mad man! I sent him a ecard telling him how much I appreciate him and how proud of him I am, got him a paper card too, and posted stuff on his Facebook wall as well — All singing his praises! LOL That’s how I roll! LOL

Lisa - I LOVE gift-giving. Handmade gifts are my favorite – just made some sweet friends a tablecloth as a housewarming gift.

Wendy - I love to bake. A loaf of homemade breabread or a sweet treat is a great way to acknowledge someone.

Jeannette from Plant City - I bake for the ones I love and make homemade cards and such (I am a Stampin Up demonstrator). I also give gift cards to friends and co-workers as well and Starbucks is one that I give often πŸ™‚

meredith - I honor the special people in my life when they achieved something by giving them a big hug and kudos – and sometimes a special treat!

Kelly Massman - YUM!!!!! It’s nice to celebrate with a dinner out (or even a frappucino treat)!!!
thanks for a chance to win!
And, have a GREAT day!

Karina Lee - i usually make or bake them something homemade

sandra - we send notes or gifts so they know they’re appreciated

steph - with handwritten cards!

tara pittman - I bake them cookies

Agnieszka - I bake home made treats. People don’t know it, but it’s pretty much the only time I bake other than Christmas, so it’s kinda special πŸ˜‰

sam - There are few things nicer than a random handwritten note or small gift. It’s a little gesture that shows someone was thinking about you and took the time to let you know. I try to do it as often as possible.

Maria Cantu - I usually bake a cake or some cookies for them.

Jen - It all depends on who it is…
With my Mom, whom I don’t get to see a lot, whenever given the chance, we go out for coffee and sit and talk. This is something she doesn’t get to do a lot due to her Parkinson’s disease so those times are special when they happen. It is a love we both share and being able to share it together and treat her to an afternoon about her makes me feel good inside.
With my munchkins or husband… I like to leave them little notes to congratulate them or take them out on a “date” that focuses on them and who they are.

AJ - I make it a point to tell them in person or by card how amazing I think they are.

eunice b -!/tigergal01/status/182582477792083968
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com

eunice b - quality time is a wonderful way to show appreciation…esp to my dear husband who is my Starbucks date!
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com

Tracy Robertson - I tweeted!/tracylr233/status/182566983915683840
thank you!

Tracy Robertson - I always remember to compliment them and tell them how much they are appreciated.

anna pry - making and sending cards

Tina M - handwritten cards and picutres

Ris - I love to send mail, even if it’s to someone who lives in the same town. Getting (and sending!) mail is so fun.

Nicole F. - i love handwritten notes & finding the perfect unique gift for someone! we need more encouragement in this world! πŸ™‚

Elena - I like to bake or cook something yummy for my loved ones

Jessie C. - I pay tribute to my parents by always telling them how much I love them and sending them handmade cards with gifts in all occasions .
tcarolinep at gmail dot com

Jessica F - I like to surprise them with something homemade… homemade baked goods or a homemade card!

Susan Smith - I pay tribute to those I love buy keeping photos out and sharing stories about them with my children

Erika - Honestly, I do it through blogging. My parents, inlaws, and other relatives read my blog, and I talk a lot about our family (good things!).

Kelly G. - I used to be a gift giver always, but one day my friends approached me because apparently I was making them feel guilty because they couldn’t reciprocate gifts! I felt terrible, but now I turn to making treats and CD mixes for my best friends to share the love!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity πŸ™‚

Dana - I, too, love personalized note cards and baking for all the people I love in my life!

Mary - I do the same. I buy small gifts while I’m out or take someone out to lunch/coffee. I always hope that those I love know that I love and am so thankful for them!

Debbie B - here is the link to my tweet:!/bellows22/status/181610198622945281

Debbie B - flowers or a card and sharing special memories with others

Tracie Behan - I love going to coffee/starbucks with girlfriends and catching up…

Caitlin - I also love surprising them with a little gift. Anything from home baked goods to perfume or coffee. Just a sweet surprise to say I love you.

tara pollard pakosta - The thing I most love to do is take pictures for people of their children and either hand them a CD of the images or print them out and put them in a little book! I love to give the gift of pictures, it’s PRICELESS!

Dee - I pay tribute to my grandmother by whipping up her special chocolate chip cookies πŸ™‚

anash - Tweeted:!/anashct3/status/181229545804939264
Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

anash - to pay tribute I do random acts of kindness for my loved ones, little gifts here and there to let them know I care! Thanks for a super giveaway!
My email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Julie - Cards for sure. Wish I had more time to make meals.

cw - I honor and celebrate my families accomplishments by using the special red plate that says “you are special today”. I serve favorite meals to that person on the plate and we write on the bottom what we are celebrating and the date so we can look back.

kribss - I LOVE sharing baked goods with neighbors and friends or sending something with the husband for him to share with his office. I also LOVE sending happy mail to our favorite people back home in Indiana.

Kim F - Sometimes it’s the spontaneous things like going for ce cream after school or a special homeade mea that makes my kids or friends so happy. I like t bring sunflowers or tulips to friends to brighten their day.

Annette D - I like to treat my friends and family to a special dinner!

Jenny @ Savour the Senses - I try to honor those close to me by doing little things each day to make their lives a little easier and happier. I will do the dishes for my roommates, cook dinner for a friend, pick up the tab, compliment them, any little thing that will subtly make their day better. I hope that by doing this frequently, their overall happiness will increase more than if they were to get a big gift one time.

Erica Best - I pay tribute to my mother and my dad who past some years back by showing them i love them and spending time with them best i could.
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com

Kristin S - I love this question too. It made me stop. I LOVE snail mail so notes to others ministers to my soul probably more than them receiving.
But specifically, I was thinking about two of my closest friends who have lost children. One at 8 days old and the other lost two toddlers a few years apart. My calendar is marked to remember the birth and homegoing days for all three of these precious children. Whether it is a note or email or text that I’m thinking of their memory or praying for their parents, it is a way to pay tribute to their short little lives.

Jenny - Like many readers, handwritten notes are my “thing” and I am known for decorating my friends mailboxes and front doors for their birthdays! Doesn’t matter how old you are, everyone loves to feel special :). Thanks Meg,,,

Southern Gal - Homemade goodies and/or a handwritten note are my favorite ways to pay tribute to a friend. Thanks!

ValleyWriter - I pay tribute through baked goods. There’s nothing a cookie or cake can’t make better!

Bekah Moon - having them over for a home cooked meal!

Leigh - We make cards and bake cakes!

Elisabeth - I love sending cards when people least expect it!

Megan - Handwritten notes… coffee dates… swinging dinner by! Anything to help, but those are just a few of my fav’s.

Angie - I love sending notes and cards to people. If I bump into a long lost friend at a store I make sure to send them a note in a few weeks to let them know that they are still on my mind and in my prayers.

Amy - I pay tribute to the people I love by telling them so. Let them know you appreciate them and love them, and mean what you say.  It’s always nice to spend quality time with those I love and look back to the memories we share and create more sweet memories together.
Amy [at] utry [dot] it

amanda fuentes - I am a baker and a phone caller. Lately I’ve been trying to send more mail, the real old fashioned kind.

Dee - Baked goods are always a good way to pay tribute! This is what I do. πŸ™‚

karen peachey - starbucks is my favorite treat as well!! Both to give & receive!:)

Lorilei - I send them cards and pictures.

giving - Hand written notes and definitely something yummy and homemade. Always brings a smile to faces! πŸ™‚

Jennifer W. - I like to write a note or give a small gift. Hand-written things are so unusual these days that its like you’re giving the person a million bucks!!!

Shelby P - And here’s a tweet for you!!/blondiestarr101/status/180686308048510976

Alice H - I enjoy cooking so I usually will make my kids their favorite meal. Or let them pick out what we will do for the day. I also like giving little gifts to people as well. Thanks for the giveaway.

Shelby P - I think baking a treat or making a bouquet of their favorite flowers are great ways to show tribute!

Kristy - I like to make little handmade gifts or yummy treats and surprise them. Although, these are usually accompanied by a little note as well. πŸ™‚

Gretchen - I, too, love to look for things that fit the person’s personality. When in doubt, I usually do a coffee gift card or flowers. Who can resist those?? πŸ˜‰

Brenna - I think this is why I love your blog so much….I feel like I can relate to so much of what you post about. I love sending cards and small packages of fun! Even sticking a piece of gum into a card reminds me of when my Grandma used to do that for me. I love it!
Thanks for you blog! It’s the first one I check nearly every day!

Lisa - I make hand-made valentines for my mother each year, and during the summer I pick bouquets of field flowers for her. I like finding homemade surprises on Etsy for my sisters. For great efforts at school,or just to thank him for being a great kid, I give my son a gc from his favorite game-rental store. The best way to show a little extra love to my husband . . . homemade choc chip cookies with roasted pecans. And for friends and family far away I like to mail handwritten notes on pretty stationery. I also like to leave “may basket” type surprises on local friends’ doors . . . just for fun!

Vicki - Something baked with love, tied up with ribbon and a handmade card.

amy cornwell - I write handwritten, handmade cards to my loved ones as well as people who need encouragement ( Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

megan - I love your fun ideas!!
I always thank TEACHERS at the end of the school year for loving my child. Sometimes I give a “relax/summer” gift– gift card to sonic, beach towel, shades….
or through the school year I will send a little sweet treat for them to eat at lunch….
they always seem to enjoy it!!

Tiffany - Mailing a card is always a personal, intentional way to say you care. I do this often with friends I don’t see often. WAY better than just “facebooking”. And I always stay up late the night before one of my kids birthday and decorate the house with balloons, signs and decorations so when the get up they find a big surprise party! Even if we don’t have a party (with other guests other than family) for them they always wake up to a big I LOVE YOU AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY party.

Diana Yarborough - Writing notes and baked goods.

Rachel J - Calling to say hi, letting them know I’m praying for them and sharing conversation over a meal is always nice! πŸ™‚

Donna - Baking cookies!

Alicia - I pay tribute by sending handwritten notes. I love it when I get mail unexpectedly, so I pass this along to others. It’s always nice to get a surprise in the mail, and even better when it’s a note with someone telling you how much you mean to them…

Michelle - I like to set up a “coffee date” where I can just talk/listen and spend TIME with my friend on her special day. There is nothing better than having a listening ear that cares for you deeply!
I also love giving a thoughtful gift that I KNOW my friend will LOVE!!

Dian Olivr - well, there’s nothing like checking your real life mailbox and finding a note from someone. I usually make a card and send it. And for really special, I take flowers. Flowers from my yard are the best…especially hydrangias! Or maybe a small nosegay wrapped in a cone of music paper. Sometimes just a big hug!

Julie, momto7 - Um is it terrible to admit that I am TERRIBLE at this? But I do try to meet needs as they come to mind. Meals for families with newborns is a great ministry.

Michelle B. - I work right across the street from a Starbucks and am there every day, so it makes sense that when I want to do something special, I pick up a gift card or a pound of coffee. On a rough day, I’ll zip across the street and buy an employee their favorite coffee drink, just to “thanks” and “I appreciate you”.

Virginia Bibler - I am a total gift giver. I just love searching for just the perfect gift to pay tribute!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I am a words girl. Hand written words of encouragement are how I love up on my friends.

Nicole - I’m an old school handwritten note lover. My friends joke that I single-handedly keep the post office afloat πŸ˜‰ I also live for a latte from Starbucks! Bless you and thank you for this giveaway! I’m a night shift nurse… it will come in quite handy!

Eliece - I think everyone loves Starbucks so it is my universal gift. I’m thinking I need to do more random thank yous this year after reading this.

Karen - I like to make something crafty, usually a cool paper star to hang in the window.

Kristin - i love sending handwritten notes, delivering homemade treats (usually muffins, cupcakes or cookies), and lately i really enjoy making paper flower bouquets.

Amy - Sonic Happy Hour for my pals!
Also I love to send care packages to my brother & sister still in college. I loved care packages when I was in college.

Chelsea - We love having friends over for dinner, and I also write a lot of thank you notes

elizabeth highsmith - thank you notes!!! handwritten and sent with a pretty stamp!

Hettie - Whenever someone comes to visit us, we make them a loaf of my grandma’s special cranberry bread. Always, send handwritten thank you notes to those that have given to our family.

Barbara Youngren - My “love language” for honoring someone or trying to make them feel special is to cook their favorites, or cook something special I really think they will like. It’s my way of telling someone how incredible they are to me.
i also like to write notes and letters. I realized how simple this was to do, and how much it meant to me to receive one… you just have to take time, but isn;t that what makes it special? If it was too easy it wouldn’t be honoring.

Becky Joyce - I cook or bake for the people I love. I just love to see people I love loving the food I made. πŸ™‚

Kasey - I love sending cards in the mail. It’s always fun to find a personal card in the midst of bills. : )

Amanda - Right now in my MOPS group we’re doing a mystery MOP exchange where once a month for the year we exchange gifts with a secret partner, paying tribute to each other for being amaing moms and friends. It’s been super fun thinking of all of the different ways to show love. So far I’ve mailed anonomyous handmade/handwritten cards, bought a book I thought she’d enjoy, gave a sbux gift card, and sent homemade chocolate covered pretzals.
The best tribute is the time and effort you put into celebrating someone πŸ™‚

Tami C - I like to pay tribute with a small, thoughtful gift. Lately I’ve been inspired by homemade mason jar foods – mostly found on Pinterest. A simple vanilla sugar, or BBQ rub mix.

Beth Ann - My favorite is bringing friends a container of ice cream, some toppings, plastic bowls & spoons and a note saying “sundays are fundays with ice cream sundaes! Happy Sunday!”. Just because.

LibraryGirl62 - I am a food person. I bake. It makes us all happy πŸ™‚

Erica - Post cards. I send tons of postcards. From vacation, from thrift stores, home made ones. They are rarely FOR any purpose. But everyone likes getting mail.

Stefanie - I always buy them starbucks or Jamba juice!!…I know a fellow teacher next door to me that could use the starbucks!

Jennifer - I enjoy leaving little notes for my kids so they know they are special. And…I <3 Starbucks!

mel - i like to just call out of the blue and chat. most of my good friends live away from me now that we recently moved. when we get together my favorite is just hanging out at the house and talking. going to dinner is fun and i love a sweet card just because!

Whitney - Giving time to someone is the ultimate way to give tribute. Oh, and I love handwritten cards too!

rebekah - I love to surprise my husband with his favorite foods. He usually will eat whatever so I pick our meals and treats. When I surprise him with one of his favorites it means a lot to him!

Lori Austin - Leaving a small bouquet of flowers in a mason jar on the doorstep, delivering their fav Starbucks drink or just dropping them a quick note (sooo many cute bundles of notecards can be found in the $1 bins these days!!).

Carrie C. in VA - handwritten thank you notes

courtney b - we pay tribute by celebrating everytime someone does something good in our family by having a huge dinner for whoever did the special something.
That person gets whatever they want for dinner that night!:)

Andrea Jeanne - I like to give people flowers from our garden. My husband has planted an outrageous garden in our yard and all around the outside fence. I love to cut some flowers and tie on a beautiful bow from my ribbon stash. Makes a great surprise.

Amanda Larkins - I usually prepare a handmade cross stitch to show people I love them or bake them a cake.

Rachel V. - I love to cook for people. Seriously… how could a batch of homemade cinnamon rolls NOT cheer someone up!? πŸ™‚

Amy - Spending a little one on one time with the ones I care about is really hard to do these days with everyone so busy. But we try to make it happen as often as possible. Not just for special occasions, but just because!

Angela - I love your ideas. I send thank you cards and just because notes, I make cookies, give starbuck’s gift cards, invite people over for dinner. πŸ™‚

Elizabeth - Just a simple text or call to ask how they ‘re doing and to tell them I love them. That’s the cheapest way I can think of πŸ™‚

Vicky - I like to pay tribute with a nice hand written note and a gift card.

cailan - These are all such lovely, thoughtful ideas! The other week my husband and I had a date at Starbucks – a FIRST in our marriage, because he doesn’t like coffee, but he loved the tea! πŸ™‚

Holly - I like sending a hand written note.

Jody - A sweet treat – always – banana bread, brownies, or sugar cookies…something simple wrapped up pretty – it brings on smiles always!!

Michele - The ways I pay tribute to people are to take them out for coffee or lunch, buy them a Starbucks card or invite them to my house for dinner.

Michelle - I plan to honor them while they are alive by giving gifts and other verbal tokens of my expression.

alyssa - I bake!

erin j - I make them food. It could be a dessert or an entire meal but food in general means love to me.

the arthurz - I am better at writing my thoughts down, than sharing the in person. So, I send cards to people – not just for their birthday, but just to encourage, surprise and hopefully brighten their day. I also love to bake, which means lots of yummy treats to give away!Thanks for the chance!

Emily - How fun! I bake for my friends – desserts “just because” & chicken tortilla soup if they are sick!

Kelly - A hand written note, a phone call, a visit “just because”, and baked goods are always a great gift. For a new neighbor, I make up a list of our favorite local places with phone numbers. That way, they know where the best pizza, florist, dry cleaner can be found!!

mary - I love to sew them something special.

Jennifer - I like to write notes. I’m not quick on my feet with words. I like to reflect and craft a note that shows how I feel about someone.

Meghan - I love giving home baked goods to pay tribute to those I love!

colleen from alabama - My love language is gifts so my tributes usually involve some little thing i call a “happy”! The people that i love get them just because i love them! I try to remind them often! Happies can be something i buy, bake, write or make (i even rhyme!) Most of all,they are designed to make the recipients happy, so their likes, taste buds and sense of humor are all taken into account when gathering the gift. And of me, it is just plain fun to put it together.

Antonette - I love baking- nothing says “I care about you” like food! I guess that’s just the Italian in me!

Betsey - I love to send an unexpected card or gift! Or I bake special treats to give to so,meme or take tomy co-workers to tellmthem I appreciate them!

lynette - I like to make something special for my friends or family, food or crafty gifts.

Carrie H - I love to tell them what they have done, or make them a special meal.

Kate W. - i love to bake for the people i love πŸ™‚

Linda B - I love sending surprise care packages. I have so much fun finding the right things to put in them!

Tanya - I like sending cards and notes. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lori Allen - At one point in my marriage my husband and I had a journal that we would take turns writing in. It was a place where we could encourage eachother, remind eachother of our love, thank or appreciate one another…It was so fun to find it waiting on my pillow.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I’m a card sender. I just love to put little surprises in the mail!

Stephanie - I do the same thing! Surprise gifts on random days, or after rough days, for friends. πŸ™‚ My favorite is for friends at work… I bring them a cup of some kind of yummy coffee for their morning. This works well because no one is a “regular” at the coffee shops. But we all love our starbucks, so its fun to surprise them with a quick drive thru starbucks before heading into work. πŸ™‚ I can’t say I don’t get anything out of it either. πŸ˜‰

mami2jcn - I pay tribute to my relatives by taking a lot of photos and videos and sharing them with my children.

Tegan Aubrie | Twelve13 - I am a note-writer. I think it’s a lost art and love to send people cards and letters in the mail. πŸ™‚

jacqui anderson - baking for them or doing a craft for them. just out of the blue is the best form of gift!

Shelby Adakai - This is sad to admit, but two days ago was the first time that I’ve ever tried Starbucks! I tried the white chocolate steamer and a little apple pie…YUM!!! It’s my new favorite place, and I had to order more to bring home for my hubby to try!
I also love doing little fun surprises for friends. I love making tiny gifts seem more exciting by wrapping them up with cute doilies or ruffled fabric. I don’t think it really matters what the gift is, just letting them know that you were thinking of them is what really counts!

Julianne Brimner - I love to send handwritten notes….something about snail mail that warms your heart. My husband oversees a lot of younger staff at our church. I like to brag on them all the time and they get their fave dessert on their birthdays.

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love all your sweet ideas. i’m going to remember those. i like to bake a sweet treat to say thank you to friends or people who bless us or just someone who needs it. i also enjoy sending a handwritten note. πŸ™‚

Kristi - You are such a sweet and caring friend. I am going to have to take a page from your book in paying tribute to those who are near and dear to me.
In my group of mommy friends we always make sure to celebrate our friend’s birthday together in whatever way they choose. Tonight we will be getting together for a game night in honor of one of our friend’s bdays. We are all bringing something to share and I can’t wait to get to the good times!

Momof2 - By the way… I love your blog. New reader. Came over from under the sycamore!! We are also hoping to move to the country soon, so I am loving to hear about your new adventures! Thanks for sharing!! Also, where did you get that mug…keep calm and eat a cupcake??? That is pretty much my motto…: )

Colleen Kielty - I pay tribute by sending birthday cards to my friends near & far. Great giveaway!

Preethi Narayan - I like sending cards πŸ™‚

Momof2 - We love to bake at this house!! So it is always a baked good and a love note designed by my 2 or 3 year old!

Kelli Seawright - My favorite way to pay tribute is by spending time with a person, usually over a cup of coffee. I will say pintrest has helped to pay tribute too, just check out what dessert they recently pinned and make it for them, or get their birthday gift from something they pinned! I love that secret inside into what they love!

shannon - I love sending sweet cards or baking up some goodies for others πŸ™‚

danielle - I’ll admit, sometimes being frugal gets in the way of giving really great gifts. However, I’m working on it and know that you don’t have to spend much. A hand-written note sent by mail says wonders…the gift card just makes it rock!

Maria - I love to send cards with a special thank you tucked inside, I’m always on the lookout for really sweet and different cards…so I have a good little stash.

tiffany gardner - everytime i bake a yummy treat i always share with a neighbor…or two..or three. but i think the most important thing i do is pray for them… πŸ™‚

Renee - hand written cards to friends far away; a favorite meal of my husband’s to say i love you!

Erin V - I love to send a handwritten note through the mail. And I love to bake so giving someone freshly baked cookies or cupcakes is so fun.

Annie - I love hiding hand written notes for my family to find, or sending a card in the mail to a friend, just because.

Sara G. - I like to make a hot, bubbly bath for my kids along with a lighted candle, soft music and an icy drink in a fancy glass. They LOVE it!

Karie - Quality time or handwritten notes. What a fun giveaway πŸ™‚

MegM - Cards are my favorite. I even keep them in my desk at work so I have them on hand. I also enjoy putting candy bars on my co-workers deskt to let them know I appreciate them.

Allison H. - I love giving handwritten notes and gifts to my loved ones too! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Julia - I love giving people something I made. It’s usually food or something I’ve sewn.

Ali - I’ve started making homemade cards with my leftover scrapbooking scraps. It’s so much fun for me to make the card, and I even more excited when I give it. I think its more heartfelt. Especially when I made homemade Valentines for my sisters and brother in another state this past year.

Charity - I love creative handmade gifts.

Lori H - A handwritten note from me (with legible handwriting) is rare, so I save them for tributes!

Laura Phelps - I bring them Starbucks.
Not even kidding.
My dear neighbor…7 kids…twin baby boys…I like to surprise her and bring her her favorite..white mocha latte.
And I pray.
I say a rosary for a person on my mind…
this week I have been praying so much for my mom and dad.
they have saved me this week.
my dad has brought me a Starbucks latte every day this week.
Even though I gave it up for Lent!
He shakes his head at me unable to move in bed and says, “You deserve this”
so yeah
lots of prayers as a tribute for my dad this week.

Alison - I love cooking a good dinner and fixing up a fancy cocktail for a treat for someone. It’s so nice to be cooked for! And I love buying my kiddo little treats from the Target $1 section for car rides or for a rainy day.

melissa - i love that you love to mail handwritten notes and gifts “just because.”
i do that, too. i love getting surprises in the mail so i’m just sure my friends do as well.

Trisha - It depends on who it is for, but usually a card with fresh baked cookies or a gift card to someplace I know they will enjoy.

Tiffanie - I love to bake special treats or bring dinner. Starbucks gift cards are such a great gift too. Thanks for the chance to win

Mandy - I love baking and cooking for friends and family – mostly trying new recipes on pinterest and then sharing with little hand written notes on custom stationary!
Twitter post:!/DoseofRamblings

Heather S. - Unexpected love notes. I slip these in my daughters’ bathroom drawers to be found in the morning. I slip them on the dash of my husband’s car. I drop them in the mail to friends and family. There really is nothing better than a handwritten note. And yes, if a Starbucks card happens to be in there, all the better!

Jody - I love sending note cards. I have also sent Starbucks gift certificates via email or FB. It is an easy way to give a gift & a nice surprise for the recipient.

Bethany - Yum, usually I’ll bake something gooey or write a note. Snail mail is always awesome… and totally unexpected! But coffee is always nice too!

Mrs. B. - I try to verbally tell people the things I appreciate about them. I also like to randomly write a note, send an e-mail, buy a treat, etc.

Dani - My kids get special treats… money, gift cards, their favorite dessert, etc.
I love to write to my friends just to say hey you were on my mind today!

Shar - I love sending hand written notes to someone. I don’t think an email or FB post is enought. (Although, better than nothing, I suppose.)
I also like to get gifts for people for no reason other than it is perfect for that person!

sarah - I like to feed people. I’m big on baking or making food. I want to start doing more handwritten cards and letters. Who doesn’t love that?

Linda Garcia - I would love to give treats all the time, but the budget doesn’t really allow for that too much. When I see something I think the person will love, I pick it up and add it to my gift stash for their next holiday or birthday. I like to think it’s a tribute to their personality to find those great little “where did you find this?!” gifts

Andrea - My favorite is to offer a day or evening of babysitting so that they can run errands or go out on a date. No one has turned me down yet. πŸ˜‰

shelly - Who doesn’t love a Starbucks gift card and a note?!? I love doing special little things for my friends–gift cards are great, but my favorite is grabbing a couple cups of coffee and a treat and then go knock on my friend’s door! Coffee/Gab fest=LIFE is Good!

keely - I’m with you- when someone keeps coming to mind, I slip them something in the mail- a hand-written card, a “funny” from the newspaper. It’s the little things that mean the most!

Angela B. - I love writing notes and sending them in the mail. I love connecting that way and I love getting mail so I figure I’ll share that with others. I also like to make handmade gifts or baked goods and hope the receiver knows I was thinking of them and putting love into the gift all while making it.
This is an awesome giveaway!

natalie (the sweets life) - my favorite way is to bake for them!!!

Tere - Food is love….I cook and bake for those I love…

Jenn - I do things much like you. When I’m out and about I pick up things I think friends or fam will like. When their special day comes around or when I think they need a pick me up, I bust them out. I’m also about the handmade card and gifts for that matter. Thanks for the giveaway! I know I would feel pretty special if I won it. Who doesn’t love Starbucks!?

Meredith - My parents and inlaws help us out so much everyday that once a year (I know we should do it more), but we have a game night and dinner for them. My kids have a lot of fun doing that. I hope this year they will help plan a fun dinner. Special notes are always nice.

GB Jost - When we moved into our house, we found a pile of papers that were left by the previous owners. In those papers was a drawing of our house by a local artist. The cards were in black and white, so I use a red felt tip pin and color red on the house. They look so cool, and I love it! I use them for anything and everything.

tabitha - I love giving useful gifts too and things that someone would never get for themselves but want.

Sheila P. - I have good intentions, but usually life happens and I don’t get around to doing little things for other people. A handwritten note and/or a gift card is what I end up doing when it does happen.

Trish - i heart me some good ol’ fashioned snail mail!

Stephanie - I am addicted to cute note cards. I found if I have them AND stamps on hand (and cute stickers) I send them often!

christine n. - Honestly, a Starbucks card is my preferred ‘thank you’ gift –i always want my gifts to be useful or practical and EVERYONE enjoys an occasional fancy coffee (or baked good or herbal tea).

sarah - Love this. I need to get better at showing people they are special. For me making something be it a craft or food is always my go-to way to do something nice for someone else!

lisa - i send notes too … but sometimes i send starbucks gift cards too! who doesn’t love starbucks?? i swear it’s my love language. starbucks … and target πŸ™‚

Jen N. - I write little letters or I use it at as an excuse to make something delicious for them.

Meghan Hansen - I make a lot of thinking of you phone calls to check in and let people knw thy are on my mind. I also live to share what we bake:)

Rebecca - I pay tribute by rewarding a job well done, with a homemade something!

Rebecca - I love handwritten notes as well! I have my “stash” of cards on hand at all times~!

Wendy - I love to make them their favorite treat, and it’s so fun when it’s a surprise.

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