Masthead header


i scored today.

i stopped in at one of our local antique stores just after my run…sweaty and stinky…ipod on.
and over an hour later…. i left with fabulous goodies.


perfect shade of yellow chenille…

pink baby quilt…for pillows

white dot chenille…for a bed or pillows.

daisy juice glasses.

doilies and embroidery pretties.

this hunting dog was just too funny NOT to get.
what an interesting thing to embroider….

a quilt….on final sale for $10!!!


vintage table cloth…it looks green here but it's gray, turquoise and yellow.


i have a craft planned for hankies….i am stock piling them.

this was my favorite find today.
a big galvanized ALL bucket.
i have never seen one of these before.  
it was so ME.
no clue what i will do with it yet….but it was one of things you just HAVE to bring home.

also got a table for $7 that will soon be turquoise.
and a big gold mirror for $15 that will soon be yellow.

somedays you find nothing.
somedays you have to stop yourself because there is SO much great stuff there.
this was one of those days.

i love those days.


April R - Was offline a few days and so I came on over this afternoon to see what’s been up – wow!
A treasure load (fun! <3 those blue cats!),
new shoes (<3 the red and the glitter!),
and y'all are ok! (ThankfulThankfulThankful)

Amy G. - Great stuff!!! I have two of those All buckets but totally want/need more. I LOVE them!!!

Tami C. - Oh my goodness, I was born in 1970, so fun to see that tea towel! Fun fun. Praying you are well, such a sad and crazy storm.

Jayme McClure - Such wonderful finds! I can’t wait to see what you have planned for the hankies. I have a collection as well. Part of them were used as decor for my wedding and some were incorporated into my wedding quilt. I would love to see more ideas!

Angie - Waiting for a word that you’re all ok…

beki - Good gried, lady – SCORE!!

Lori Austin - Sure hope we see an update from you today. Thinking of you, your family and friends in Kansas. Hoping you haven’t been touched by the storms.

Beth - We spend last night in my Aunt’s basement (none of our own) and I hardly slept keeping track of the weather… got back online today and thinking about the safety of some of my favorite bloggers in Kansas…
I hope you and your family are all safe and sound!

Anne McD - My parents had those calendar tea towels when I was little- thanks for bringing up that memory! πŸ™‚

Krissy - I love the quit!! So pretty! And the bucket is freaking awesome too. Idk if it would work, but i think i would plant some flowers in it. πŸ™‚

jackie - Definitely great stuff!

Linnea - Hooray for thrifting! that’s one of my favorite things, too. I LOVE that quilted baby blanket and the birdie-embroidered doily. Too cute! Great finds!

sara @ it's good to be queen - this is all kinds of happy.

Sandy - Nice finds! May I please buy the 1966 calendar from you? I remember my grandma having calendars like that and 1966 is the year I was born. πŸ™‚

Tonya S. - I am praying you and your family are safe and sound this evening.

Anna Marie - I just saw that another blogger who lives in Wichita is taking cover in her basement. I am praying and hoping that you guys are safe and okay tonight. The storms are heading our way in MO in the next couple of hours. Highly doubt I sleep tonight. Too worried about my babies.

JustMommer - You did score, I did too, I bought a 70’s black payphone, a nice wire baker’s rack and a vintage kindergarten Sunday school lesson about friendship and the coolest green birdhouse.

Lisa - Sooo envious! I love that yellow and white chenille, and I, too, like vintage handkerchiefs. I have a few of my grandmother’s, and I just really like the designs. And I’m always buying hand-embroidered linens, just because they are so beautiful – truly art! Congrats on your winning day!!

melissa lorenz - I also am hoping too, like the previous commenter, that you guys are okay with all the storms going on in your area! Stay safe!

Susan - Praying God’s protection for your family.

Julie - I can’t wait to see how these items look in your new home! More indoor photos, please!

arlene - cool stuff!! how about using the ALL bucket for your homemade laundry detergent?

katie - that bucket is RAD!

A Facebook User - Meg, I always love your blog. As I’m expecting twins in 10 weeks, I was on Etsy and saw this and immediately thought of you. Check it out!
It combines one of your newest finds and your love of photography!

Kristin S - Your posts like this make me want to move to Kansas.
My only Kansas experiences are driving across I-70 for an eternity. Used to be boring and now I just count all the wind turbines.

happygirl - I’m so glad you find these things and LOVE them. I would never see what you see when you look at them. Can’t wait to see the hankie craft. πŸ™‚

robin allen - I too…think we are twins…born a few years apart….I am
THAT lady that buys the boxes of linens, and doilys and I own about 100 hankies, I went to Ireland a few years ago and a friend gave me an Ireland tea towel..I have 3 stacks of various vintage towels and nearly 20 vintage tableclothes…I used them at our church soup supper to decorate…….I have nearly 20 of the swaggers juice glasses…too stinking cute…I have SOLD one of those ALL tins…(FAINT) a few years ago in our garage sale….I was born in 1960 so I am REALLY old compared to you gals….as for your wardrobe and decorating style…they will continue to change as your life evolves…embrace each season with gusto…they blink by….with your awesome photographs you will always have a smile on your face when you look at the photos with your kids and grandkids…( TRUST ME ON THIS ONE!!!)
My mom ( rest her soul in heaven – for 10 yrs) did ALL of this type of stuff my entire life….we were VERY financially challenged….but I was an adult before I even ‘KNEW” that….we (she) always had projects and was NOT afraid to try something just because she did NOT know how to do it…I would not trade any of my experiences for the world…I just think outside ofthe boxes that my friends do…KEEP right on inspiring all of us to dream in color….I do…Auction today…Vintage cloth napkins being used at our mother daughter tea next weekend….clothes to hang out…silver toenails to paint…a pickup load of treasures from last week end, flowers to plant in the schooldesk I ;planted’ in the flower bed…

megan@contentedsparrow - oh, and i was going to tell you that we’re twins again….i collect kitschy calendar towels to make things with. now those are easier to find because not as many people have the vision to turn them into something cute.
that’s it.
over and out.

megan@contentedsparrow - what in the world????! does NO ONE go to that thrift store? i can’t fathom why those items will ALL still magically be on the shelves waiting just for you to rescue them. i call it a good thrifting day is i find ONE good thing. we have a million stores around here and also a million people looking for the same things that i am.
good on ‘ya!!

Rachel K - Wow!! Great loot! I LOVE that calendar with the cats! Such great colors in your finds!

valerie - k. I have been thinking about you…Have you been to Good Ju Ju? It’s in the Warehouse District of Kansas City and it’s the first Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of every month. I think of you every time I go. If you have not been – you should. I think you would love it! πŸ˜‰

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I’m excited to see what you do with the hankies! I always keep a vintage one in my purse so I can wipe my nose like a lady πŸ™‚
Also, I went thrifting today and found this awesome coat, but the zipper was stuck. So, they gave it to me for FREE! Now I just have to get that pesky zipper unstuck…

Becki - Yes, you really did score!

emily anderson - i’ll take all of that please, thankyouverymuch πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - Love all your lute!

Kimberlee Jost - The chenille blanket…in yellow. Perf.
All this loot and I wasn’t with you.

Janet Dreher - Meg, I used to give my grandparents a cloth calendar just like the ones shown above each year at Christmas while I was growing up, probably from the years 1960-1972. They were short on space, so they gave all of them back to me. I took them and sewed them together and made a tablecloth. I used it for special occasions so it wouldn’t wear out. It brought back such special memories.

Toni :O) - I was born in 1970!!! Yep, I’m THAT old!! So cool to see my birthday on your calendar…woot woot and it was on a Friday the 13th!!! Lucky day!

Kathleen - The ALL bucket has been on my list for quite a while….hoping to find one at the Antiques Extravaganza next month!
Awesome finds…good way to end the week!

christy - What a fantastic haul! Love, love, love the All bucket! I actually have those same juice glasses, scored ’em at GW a few years ago.

Christy - whoa awesome finds!!

Holly - very cool! My husband and I went to a town close by and found some really cool stuff as well!

Kelly - Fun finds! I went to the Country Living Fair in Ohio a couple years ago and the Farm Chicks Show in Washington last year (and am going again this year – yay!) and those galvanized ALL buckets were hot commodities at both shows!

gina f. - Score!!! i think my mom had some of those daisy glasses when i was a kid. love the strawberry calendar… you are a lucky girl!!

tiffany gardner - awesome! Love it all!!!!

Chas - Score is right! Great items! I can’t wait to do some thrifting soon. Yard sale season is starting up and I can’t wait to do that also!

Alisa - LOVE the ten dollar quilt…love.

Lindsey - SCORE! Wow! I love the All bucket! The embroidery stuff is way fun too- especially the dog. Neat-o!!!!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love your happy finds, especially the Daisy glasses, way cute!

beth - Oh cool, love all your finds! I found one of those cloth claendars for the year my oldest daughter was born but I havent found any for the next two, 92 & 04. Guess people don’t love vintage like me.
Also I got a daisy galss by libby. My grandmother used to have those and when I went hunting on ebay and etsy for them I grab them up and get them. I have only found three but I still hunt. I paid 7 bucks for one and that is high but it does make me think of my childhood memories that mean a lot to me.
Great find….do share how you paint furniture cause I have a couple things to paint also that I would love to change up a bit.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Fun finds! I scored big today too. Our next door neighbors both just passed away 6 months from one another(husband and wife). Their daughter had the first of probably a few garage sales today.I got a HUGE galvanized fruit bucket for $15(long, rectangular, reminds me of a feeding trough actually), old juice glasses from States we have visited on family trips($1/4), a big rectangular mirror for our powder room redo($3), an vintage aluminum cake stand top on glass base($3), an old blue canning jar($1..she had a TON), a pink vintage tablecloth($2), and a super old Saltine cracker tin in brand new condition($2).
Its fun mixing old and new in our homes, isn’t it?

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - so awesome! my goodwill/thrift shop has crummy stereos, chipped dishes from walmart, and gross shoes. yours is SO much better. the only place around here you can find stuff like the goodies you scored today is at our antique shops and then they’re marked up on prices…so i need a plane ticket to come see you and two empty suitcases to bring home my treasures (i’d just stay in my yoga pants all week — just like home!) : )
have a great weekend and enjoy your new goodies!

Debra Arevalo - Great finds are you using these in the craft house or the farm house :]hope to see pictures of your decor of your farm house.Thanks for sharing !

maggie - my friend who is a photographer just posted a picture of a newborn in the all bucket, super cute! You manage to find great deals

Seriously Sassy Mama - I hope to find some great stuff to decorate our new house with. I have so many ideas. My mom was laughing at all the planning/decorating I have done.

Melanie - Oh! I was born in 1970 (yes, I am old). I always thought i was born on a Monday, but if your towel is correct, I was born on a Wednesday. I’m going to have to have a chat with my mom! Love the stuff you find!!

erin - LOVE all the great finds!! especially the bird dog….we have two of those here. how to you clean up your thift store cloth finds? i’m always scared that they’ll fall apart.

Sara Torbett - What great finds! I think some of the dish towels and pretty embroidery would be so neat framed. Can’t wait to see what you do with all of it! Happy weekend!

Kim - ooooo! Love all your finds, but I have a thing for vintage table cloths. They call out to me. The daisy glasses are fun too.

DaenelT - Wow! What great finds.

Lanny Lou - one word … SCORE πŸ™‚

Jacci - Great fun. I’m painting a table yellow this weekend… just a little one for beside my very makeshift sewing table. But the yellow is very pretty. Painting stuff just seems like a happy Spring thing to do, doesn’t it?
When you said “this is so me”, I wondered – when do you think you started to really get a clear sense of what was “you” for your house. I remember not long ago, you felt like you finally found your clothing style. Pretty different from the way you seemed to dress when you first started the blog. Did you have some kind of “a-ha” moment, where your house style just kind of started falling in place like that, too?
Fun stuff. I think the chenille blankie is my favorite. I’d lay in the grass on it πŸ™‚

Katie Skiff - Oh Score!! Did you find 1979? I’ve been looking for one from 79 to replace mine!!

LadiesHoliday - When I read antique store finds, I thought, myeh…not my thing, but I suppose I’ll look anyway…curiosity, you know…but wow! You really did find some great things. I love the cats and the glasses with daisies…you have an eye for stuff like that. Way to go.

Anna Marie - Gonna go out on a limb here and guess that you are either making curtains or a bunting with those hankies. Am I close? Huh, am I? :o) Awesome finds, Meg!

ko. s - I wish I had a thrift shop like that in our area! Oh my word!!!

Meredith - Great job. I need to start looking for my antique shops in my area. I love this stuff.

Amy K. - My grandma had those daisy juice glasses! Thanks for transporting me back to her kitchen for a few minutes!!

Brooke - awesome finds! I love the chenille blanket! wanna sell it tom me? πŸ™‚ One of these days i will get to marion to go to the store there…you got several quilts there right?
where do you shop in newton?

Kelly - Score… indeed!! Can’t wait to see what you do with the hankies! Happy weekend!

Cindy - I looove that bucket too! Great score!

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i like my new art from LuciusArt.
his whole shop is so fun.
he has lots of positive thinking quotes, funny animal prints and i love the City prints!


his work has been featured on HGTV's Design on a Dime!
that is pretty cool!


 his shop has bunches of great prints which i love….


the wood block state cut out is simple but awesome.
it stands on it's own or hang on the wall.

i think i know someone who might need this for her house….or maybe this one??

or even this one?


Go through Kevin's shop…LuciusArt….  and see what is your favorite!

because today we are doing a giveaway of the woodblock city print.
actually for TWO of the wood block city print!!!

YOU CAN GET YOUR CITY made onto any city print…because i promise…Newton was not on his top cities.


what city would you pick if you won?
tell me in the comments!!

winner chosen this weekend!



Linda Beam - Love the ‘popcorn’ bedspread!

Caitlin - Key West, Fl. The tiny little island I was born & raised on. Too expensive for me to ever be able to afford to move back.

Nancy - Andover KS

lynn - Plymouth CT!

jordan-leigh - I would LOVE Edinburgh!! <3

Amy - I’m a Chicago girl!

Michelle - love this art! houston!!!

Karen - Fort Collins, CO. Yeah!

Carol S. - I’m torn between Chicago and Knoxville (where I currently live and where we have JUST decided me are moving to). Love the heart Chicago though…..

Nicole F. - Fayetteville, Arkansas! πŸ™‚

Trudy - Horton for the where my studio is, or the metropolis of Kennekuk. πŸ™‚

Carrie - Dallas, Texas!

theagnossticswife - I’d probably pick Anna Maria Island, FL the site of my favorite family vacation. My small town in Oklahoma is not listed, and I’m not sure if I’d want a sign with it’s name on it πŸ™‚

Rachel - What great art! Thanks for introducing me to another fab. artist! If I couldn’t have my city (oh the booming metropolis that it is!), I’d choose either Paris or the great lakes. I grew up a block from Lake Ontario and have always loved it.

Kari - I’d choose good ol’ Salem, Oregon. I love my town!

Katie - Would want one for Davison, Mi. πŸ™‚

carrie - I would pick Waterloo, iowa. Not listed in the top cities, but our home of choice! πŸ™‚

Kat - Hobart, Tasmania, Australia!!
Woohoo, it is where we live and a long way from you πŸ™‚

Lauren M - Modesto CA!!!

Lisa - I’d have to do my hometown and where I still live. Monticello, IL!!

Heather - Austin!

Linda - Charleston SC!!

Kelly W. - Pelham, AL!

kim - Oregon……

Marcie Millholland - Charleston, SC because I am aLowcountry girl!!

jessica marston - Deer Lake, MN

Debbie - Kingsford

TankTop - I would have to do my hometown πŸ™‚
Or maybe the city where I met my dh…Indianapolis.

Kasey - Milwaukee for me too!

DiAnn Cardona - San Francisco. Where I found the love of my life and where our baby was born!

DeAnn - Baton Rouge!

Amanda O. - San Antonio

Kris Bates - I would love to have Salem, MA… so many memories, and my birth place.

air greenwood - His art is SO amazing! I have browsed many times! I need to get the tiger print in the shades πŸ™‚
He and I also have convo’d and I am going to eventually have him do a piece with my dog’s photo. I am reminded to get on that now! I cant wait!
So everyone google East Carbon, Utah…VERY, VERY tiny. That is where we live & we love it! So that is what I would choose.
If I could choose one of my favorite sellers on Etsy for prints like this…It is definitely Kevin! I would be so extra grateful & thrilled to win!

Amy - Lone Grove, OK! πŸ˜‰ Pretty sure it would be his first one done there. LOL

TraceyR - Hmmm… Maybe I’d choose Lizard Lick, NC as a joke for my son. (Shh..don’t tell anyone I’m actually from there – don’t want that to get around.) Oh, it’s not actually a town; just a crossroads!!

Diana - My <3 remains in....Hillsboro, KS!

Lori - I’d pick Austin, TX πŸ™‚

Gina in Louisville - Louisville, KY
of course.

Hannah O - NYC heart/street map would be great, but I think i’d have to go with MINNEAPOLIS : )

Jade - Lexington, KY!! Home of the UK wildcats!!! Sorry Meg….;)
I hope “Jenny from the Blog” gets one of those Chicago prints!!!

Susan D - I would pick Durham, NC for mine! Super cute!

Lynn - Detroit. Was born and raised there and I remember when it was beautiful. I remember walking the old Polish neighborhood where my grandma lived and getting bubble gum ice cream for a treat. I remember going to Greek town for family dinner and riding the Boblo Boat around Belle Isle. So many great childhood memories!! πŸ™‚

Michelle Crook - Tonganoxie Kansas (definitely NOT a top city!) But our current home…

karen peachey - Lancaster, Pa!!! I bet that one is not on his list either!:)

Katrina - Portland, Oregon is the place I love! I’ve lived there off and on for the last 17 years.

Christine - I’d want the heavenly city of Cambria, CA for my parents who are losing their house in 30 days after living there for 34 years. πŸ™ This would be a great house warming gift for their new place and will put a smile on my mom’s face.

BGsTreasures - I pick Dallas. Love your work.

Leah - Well of course I’d have to pick my home city: San Diego, CA!! And how happy it made me to see the gumball machine and pinwheel pencil topper pencils that I sent you in the cup of pens! Smiles πŸ™‚

The Lovely One - I’d pick Sacramento, CA!

Linda R. - Lawrence, KS. We’re in Overland Park now, but we met in college at KU!

Kelly Brannan - I would choose Corsica, PA where my Grandma lives and where I have so many wonderful childhood memories!

Rhonda Fendt - Hello…
I would pick Orange, CA … I love love love my city, it has an awesome downtown loaded with antique shops. You should come for a visit Meg! You would love it too!

Cathy - Our brand new hometown, O’Fallon, Illinois!

Katie - Do I go go with . . . Keystone, Colorado (my absolute FAV place to be) OR with home. . Adrian, MI? I’m thinking Keystone =) I wish we would have had a better winter here for skiing this year. Oh, well, Keystone 2013!!! I’ll be there!!!

M. B. - Love these! Mine would say Tampa

Meaghan - Fort Collins Colorado!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Eden Prairie πŸ™‚

Ellen - NYC — word up! lol πŸ™‚

Kelly Lucas - Crawfordsville, Iowa! There’s nothing like small town country living!!

Annie Lanka - I would pick Philip, SD!! Population 800!

Kit - I would want a Boston print…we are about to move to TX from Boston and our hearts are breaking to leave a city we love. We know God is leading us, but we are in the grief stage…

Amy M - I would get Cleveland, Ohio (where I grew up) and Houston, Texas (where I live and LOVE now). I’ve had my eye on these for a while!

shelly - Can I pick Oz? Or maybe the Emerald City then? Love those prints!

Allison - Would love a St. Louis, MO one!! So neat!!! πŸ™‚

Dee - Akron, Ohio…where I met my man when we were in college. Go Zips!!!

Kari - kansas city and give it to my parents for their anniversary coming up – my dad played for the kc royals and they were married there πŸ™‚

connie - I heart Portland or Anything Seattle πŸ™‚ Fabulous!

Michelle Whitlow - oh man, those are neat!!! I love the heart map one. I **need** Spokane, WA!!

Amber - Can I pick somewhere international? If so it would be a toss up between Paris, Rome, or Bruge. Maybe Brussels . . . I’m beig fickle right now. Maybe it would be a little village in Holland, which we lived in for a year. Too many choices!

Cris Marsh - I would choose Chicago for a friend and Durban (S Africa) for myself.

April Ganser - Bozeman, MT

sarah harper - Camden, Alabama – my hometown… population 2,300!
Bet it’d be a first for Kevin. πŸ™‚

Kari - Very cool! I would pick Louisville, Kentucky!

Cathy - Cute! I love these. I would probably pick Auburn,Alabama. War Eagle!

Penny - I would love to see my hometown, {Swartz Creek}, Michigan. That would be cool. And I think Michigan is the coolest cutout of a state, just like a mitten!

Elizabeth - Boise idaho !

Brooke - Wilton, CT. It’s home.

Michelle - Cape May, NJ–I’ve vacationed there almost every year of my life. That’s a lot of years! And a lot of great family memories.

Jenny - oOooh I would pick Minneapolis… or Fort Worth… or Houston! Or Colorado Springs. Too many favorite places!

Rosemary Gustin - Kansas City, Missouri! πŸ™‚

Brittany - Charlotte, NC

tina - id pick my hometown Laguna Hills especially since i dont live there anymore!

Julie Weaver - Lubbock, Texas!!

Elizabeth - Dallas, Georgia!

Jen - I would pick Big Lake, MN, where my husband and I both grew up and love.

Kayla Parshall - My Hometown: Quincy, MI

Jill Trecker - San Diego for sure. I’ve lived a lot of places but have landed here and it’s home…the best by far!

katey - Huntsville, Alabama! Love his shop. Thanks for sharing it.

Katy - Salt Lake City!! My new town of 4 months!

Kim - Coopersville, MI

Katie Sellers - I would have Clearwater Florida!! Would love that beautiful print in my home!!

Eva Scott - How fun!! Jacksonville, FL!!

Allison - Kalamazoo, MI

Kim Rohrbough - Boerne, TX! Love this giveaway!

Londen - Oh these are so cool! I love the heart around the Chicago map plaque.

Linda B - Madison, WI, where I met and married my hubby.

Karla - Newton. That’s where my heart is.

Danielle Thompson - San Francisco….I left part of my heart there….sigh.

jen - It would have to be a custom one of my town, Bethlehem, PA. I love it!

Shawna - Hillsboro

JustMommer - Bethany, Oklahoma…the best town in the world. I grew up walking to church around the corner from home. A mom and pop store on the corner. Where children could ride their bikes anywhere as long as they were home before the street lights came on. Home.

Jenny B. - I’d pick my city, of course! πŸ™‚

Amanda C. - Love it!! I would get one that shows Gilbert, AZ where I live. Hope I win πŸ˜€

Gale - I live in Topeka but would pick my hometown of Norman Oklahoma !

amy farrell - Middletown MD

Sandy - TROY, OH πŸ™‚

Kathie Whisman - Let’s see, I work/kinda live in Louisville, KY. But I have a soft spot for Lexington, KY…home of the 2012 National Champs, UK Wildcats. It would be a toss up!

Shannon - Palos Heights, IL…for my parents. They gave my brother and I a great upbringing so this would be a perfect gift for their 40th anniversary this year!!

kristiina - Washington, DC! πŸ™‚

Shiloh - My hometown- Alta Vista, KS!

Dani - HA! Not even sure if my small town Pontotoc is on the map! But, hometown is always the best way to go!

Christina - Albuquerque!!! Lived there for 29 years & I still love it!!!

Maureen - How exciting! I really heart it. I would love to have one of Pittsburgh. My hometown. I’ve been a Southern California girl for many years now, but I left my heart in Pittburgh.

Jennifer - King City, CA…..that was our first home after we were married.

jen smith - meridian, idaho! woot woot!

Laura - Chicago! I’ll be moving there this summer, so it’s only fitting. πŸ™‚

Beth - I would have one customized for my hometown of Phenix City, AL. But I do LOVE the Tuscaloosa, AL sign! It’s my alma mater and holds so many wonderful memories. The artist does such cool work!

tara schaubert - i’d choose joplin, mo – our town!

Cara L - manhattan, ks πŸ™‚

Sarah Hebert - Wichita, KS!

Wendy - Fort Worth, Texas, baby!!

Angela - Absolutely Austin!!

Jen Rausch - Ohio!

Stacy Hyatt Costner - Glen Alpine, NC ~ We have one traffic light!

Sarah Rollins - King George, VA!!!!!

shaunna - i would have grants pass, OR made (where we live) or san fran as it’s my most favorite place in the world!

Lisa - Derby, Kansas !

Andrea - Austin, TX. I do love the “This is your life,start living it” wow so needed to read that!

stacy - I would pick my hometown. Shenandoah, IA

Ginny - I would do either Minneapolis, my hometown, or Vancouver Canada, where I will be marrying the love of my life in July!

Lisa - Gulfport, MS

Blaire - I would choose Denton, TX hands down…it is the place where I met my husband, we got married, and our first child was born. I love all of his other stuff too!

jenw - New Ulm, Minnesota – little German town in MN!! Thanks Meg for sharing the love!

Missi at Havoc-to-Heaven - Milton, Georgia for me! I would love to put this on my shelf in my office/blogging room!!

Lisa in IL - Cleveland, OH

allison - Macomb Township, MI!!

Alice H - Broken Arrow, Oklahoma!!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Corie - Seattle heart, but if I had to pick a quote I’d be stumped! Love these!

Jody - I’d pick Madison, WI (where we met & now raising our crew)…or New Haven, CT (where we lived for 10 years & had all of our babies!)
Such cool art!!

Verna Lantz - Gun Barrel City, Texas
Yep, it’s a real place. And yep, I live there.

Lisa - St. Louis, MO…go Cards! It’s opening day today! πŸ™‚

Jess - Chicago!

Julie - I would pick the town I was born and raised in-Medicine Lodge, KS.

Nicole C - Chicagao is our city. We live a couple of hours away, and it’s where we go to get away!

Melissa - I’d pick Monterey, CA, where my husband and grew up and fell in love.

Jackie - I would either get Sioux Center, IA where I live now or my hometown Bozeman, MT

Amber P. - Tulsa, OK please!

Clare - Madison (Wisconsin) — love that city πŸ™‚

Wendy - I would go for Prairie Village, KS! Thanks for the giveaway!

Tina B - Brandon, SD

Leah - Omaha, NE for sure! I love those!

Jenn A. - I would love an Atlant wood block print! So cool!!!

Virginia Bibler - Ellenton, Fl! where my heart is!


Robin - Lillington (it’s in North Carolina). We hope to retire there is 2 years and a print like this in our little farmhouse there would make my husband so happy!

Susan A - St. Joseph, IL
I have the perfect place to put it in our home, too!

dawn - Would want one made for La Crosse, WI
Beautiful river city – where I met my hubby and we are raising our kids!

Lexie - Los Angeles, CA. We moved from there 5 years ago. Most leave their heart in San Francisco but my husband and I left ours in Los Angeles. We dream about moving back on an almost daily basis!

Amber L Peters - Oh i love this little shop! My favorites are the I Love (my city) blocks and the I love Bacon art! That one just makes me smile.

Ruth V. - Gainesville, FL. Where my hubby & I went to college and where our baby will be born πŸ™‚ Go Gators!

Tiffany Smith - What a great shop! I would pick Salem, Virginia. That’s my home town. My husband is in the Air Force so home is wherever the military sends us, but I left my heart in Salem. My whole family is there and one day after my husband retires from the AF we hope to move back there.

Gina // C is for Cupcakes Baking Co. - I would do my husband and I’s home city : Worcester, MA , it’s a huge part of who we are and even though we have raised our girls most of their lives in the suburbs, it’s a huge part of who THEY are – it’s their roots and it’s in their blood.
You can take the girls out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the girls!
And I think this is going to be my go to gift for the rest of the year. A webster, Ma one for my daughter going of to college. a cali one for my 10 year old who is counting the days until she can go to college in California. A webster, ma one for my in-laws in Sarasota , FL and yup, you guessed it, a Sarasota , FL one for our home. Oh the ideas keep coming!!! Thanks for the great introduction to this artist Meg!!!

Gram - We live in Brighton, but I was born in Loveland, I think Loveland is the perfect city to be beside that heart!

Monika - Muscatine, Iowa I want to give one to each of my kids, to remember their roots!

Kristi King - Kingsport, TN

Caroline - Greer, SC:) I love my little “city”!

Deb A. - Milwaukee, WI

Ashley H. - Wichita!!!!

Cassandra - Holly, CO…I’m sure that’s not on the top of his list either!

Jennifer - I love the personalized state or city love ones, but the “My Cat is Cooler than Your Cat” really made me laugh. And, hey, she is!

Suzette - El Dorado Hills, CA !
I love the “pants are overrated” for my son!

Liesl - Just like Newton, North Haledon New Jersey might not be to top spot to choose, so I think I’d go with Kenya, a place special to my sister’s heart and give it to her for her birthday!

Stephanie Carroll - Austin, TX!

Sarah - Omaha, NE!!

Kim K. - I would definitely pick my town, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. A small, quiet town in northwest Bergen County. You should come and visit some time :)!
Kim K.

Jennifer H. - I would get Wichita on my print because that’s where we live and where we were both born. I would also have to get San Antonio because I spent all of my 20’s there finding myself!! Hope I win!!!

Emily - Florence, AL My birthplace!

Danielle - I’d pick Toronto (where I’m from) or Vancouver (where my son is) or NYC (where I’m close to now)
Great stuff!

rachel - Oh how fun! I think I need the Newton print…so simple and sweet. And the beard print would be great for my hubby’s “lumber jack” look πŸ™‚

Oona Nicholas - I’m from Canada and we live in a different province then where we are from. So in saying that, I would pick our home province of New Brunswick and the city in the province of Fredericton!! Where it will always be home. πŸ™‚
If he didn’t do Canadain provinces I would either pick New York City or Orlando Florida both places I have been and LOVED!! πŸ™‚

Jennifer - I would pick college station my home town.

Anne-Marie P - Chicago!

Ashley - Oklahoma City! πŸ™‚

Cory - I would pick Minneapolis Minnesota

Valerie K - Knoxville, TN!!

Kate - New Era, MI

Linda - I’d choose the Austin wood block art!

Stacey - Springfield, Missori! Our hometown and where my hubby ang I met!

Stephanie - Oooo! I’ve already looked over and dreamed up all those cool things living in my house. πŸ™‚ This is awesome! Hope I win! I’d pick Sheridan, Wyoming for my city. πŸ™‚ That’s where I live… moved here last year, and loving it! πŸ™‚

Amanda - Austin, TX baby!!

Liz - Love this! Birmingham!!

Angie B - Whitehouse, Jamaica, maybe, where i went on my honeymoon… or Beverly, MA, where my first son was born! Really cool art!

Carol Stritt - My best friend is moving from a Chicago suburb (Batavia) to New Jersey in June. I would love to give her a “Batavia” print as a going away gift. It would be a great reminder of her hometown and those of us here who are going to miss her! (She is 47 and has never moved out of state before!)

Stephanie - I would pick San Francisco! My husband and I lived there when we were first married and it was one of the best times of our lives…so far πŸ™‚

emily anderson - oh stop. i want to win this badly. come on random number generator, be my friend!
i would pick (of course) kansas city…or dallas…or orlando…or sacramento…or ethiopia.
i mean, we’re from all over.

Kim W. - I would choose Buford, GA. This would also make a great wedding gift.

Tonya S. - My would be in Kansas also!!! Oswego to be exact!!

Diana Yarborough - Charleston, SC

Tracey - Charlotte NC!

Jenn C. - I’d love to have a Baton Rouge Louisiana one! What a cool shop, thanks for sharing!!

Amy - Definately Indianapolis, Indiana!

Wendy C - St. Joseph, MO for my mom and St. Louis MO for me πŸ™‚

Laura - A small town in Vermont or Denver for my sisters wedding

Holly - Marietta, Illinois, which is about on par with Newton, Kansas, I’m guessing. πŸ™‚

Laura - Well, we are currently stationed in Spain… So maybe I’d choose Kansas City b/c that’s where my husband and I fell in love.

Courtney R. - Purcellville, VA I LOVE my small town!!!!!!!!!

Lisa A - Omaha…….Somewhere in middle America
Get right to the heart of the matters
It’s the heart that matters more
I think you better turn your ticket in
And get your money back at the door

Jennifer - Jackson, MS!

Sara - Pittsburgh! Being from South West PA my whole life, Pittsburgh has always had a cultural-sports-history-entertainment-exciting pull on me… There is such a strong immigrant heritage and many families here come from long lines of hard working people.

Cari - What a fun shop! I’d chose Locust Grove, OK — my teeny-tiny hometown. πŸ™‚ We have lived in Little Rock, AR and now reside in Charleston. SC, but LG is always home. πŸ™‚

Janelle - I want to win! It’d be cool to see what a St. Thomas Virgin Islands one would look like!

April - San Diego. CA

Nicole - ashburn, virginia or
san jose, california

Tiffany - Nelsonville (Ohio) πŸ™‚

nora - I think I’d pick the town we live in now – it’s our first house, it’s where we got married, and it’s where we brought home both our babies. Or nearby Philly since I LOVE PHILLY!!!!!

Charly - I would say Wichita…current city OR home state pride…OKC! I’ve been wanting to order some of his work for some time now…great stuff.

Stefanie - Ardmore, PA … close to Philadelphia, but it deserves it’s own block πŸ™‚

Jenn - Neat! I’d either have Plain, WA custom made (too small even for its own zip code) or Austin, TX for a dear friend who misses home.

Stephany W. - Born and raised in Atlanta, GA, that would be my pick!

Dwall - Charlottesville, va
Graduation gift for my daughter.
She would love it!

Leanna - Franklin, TN for sure, without a question, no doubt!

Gina - I like all of them but especially the Chicago ones!

Becky J - I have lived in this little town in PA all 43 years of my life…Derry, PA LOve it…thanks so much Meg for the giveaway!! πŸ™‚

Laura - Louisville, KY!

Lisa - Emporia, Kansas!
His shop is so great. “I like you because you like me and you don’t like very many things.” I think I found my husband’s anniversary gift!

Amber - I like the Charlotte NC one since that is my homestate.
I would like one for Tybee Island GA since my kids love to vacation there. Happy memories.

Kelli - Bruceton Mills, WV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sara - Grand Rapids, Michigan!!

Mary Wilbur - Charleston, SC!

Stephanie campbell - What cute prints! I would pick our new city Crestview. Thanks for the opportunity!

Mandi - Chattanooga–home sweet home!

Mary N. - Council Bluffs, IA and Yorkville, IL πŸ™‚ places I call home

karen brown - love be awesome today!
boston, ma for sure!

Lori H - Richmond, VA!

kristin - i think i’d have to stick with newton. i’ve lived here longer than anywhere else. but i could take a chicago print in honor of my childhood. or a portland print for my brother….
cool stuff.

carly zeiter - i love these! i would pick my hometown…liberty center, ohio!!!

Ashley - Fredericksburg, Virginia. Born and raised πŸ™‚

Eryn - I’d choose Mission Viejo, CA. And these prints definitely made me yearn for my home after being gone at school for so long! I’d love a print to hang in my room to remind me of it. πŸ™‚

Julia F - Red Rock, Texas!

Julie Wearmouth - Hey…it would have to be Newton….Iowa! Thanks Meg!

Jenny - PITTSBURGH!!!!!

Tawny - Dover, DE – Oh yeah!

s - Marlborough or Scarborough…not sure which

Jessica C - I’d have to go with Houston. Texas pics always feature Austin or Dallas, even though Houston is the largest, most diverse city in the state!!!

Denise - I’m from Fayetteville, AR but live in Dublin, Ireland. Does he have a map for that?

Jennifer O'Steen - Jacksonville, AL because it’s my college town, and where I fell in love <3

Cindy - Draper Utah! πŸ™‚

Amber - Redondo Beach, CA!!!!

Melanie - I’d probably get Boulder, Colorado, (where I work/near my home now) or the fabulous Scranton, PA, where I grew up!
These are so fun, thank you for sharing.

Denise - Boston! I love the heart shaped city print!

wendy - columbus, ohio! πŸ™‚

erica - so many cities close to my heart- but i would for sure pick good ol lancaster, california! πŸ™‚

Quinn R - Oh, oh, oh! Toronto! Let us recognize the great not-so-white north, but none the less one of the best cities around when you find the right places… awww so sweet!

Kate - I’d pick Fairhope, Alabama our little southern town on the bay started by people looking to create a utopian society of artist and free thinkers. We really love it here!

Shawna - Wood River, Nebraska. Definitely not one of his examples. ha!

Amnah - Fremont, CA!! I’ve lived here majority of my life and all three of my kids were born here.

Chelsea Oglesby - Definitely Denver. I love this place.

Erin Ussery - Bluffton, SC!!! Love your blog. So fun.

Aimee Harmon - Great Bend, Kansas! πŸ™‚ - Good ‘ol Thayer, KS…population 450! I grew up there…my graduating class had 16 people in it!!

Meg G. - Chicago!

Arlene - So cool! I’d pick Orlando =]

Michelle Burke - Waterlooyoohoo…okay, that would be a cool city name but it’s just Waterloo, and yeah, it’s still pretty amazing ; )

Katie Lockhart - I would pick my hometown of Cave City, Arkansas of course…it is the home of the world’s SWEETEST watermelons after all!

Sandy - Campbell… in MO……the “show me” I can win “state”!!

Sherry - We live in Seattle, but I’d get one for Loveland, CO…home sweet home.

Jennie - Nashville, TN, of course!!

Judy@Considering the Options - It’s so hard to decide – he has such great art! Probably Shawnee KS – wasn’t born here, but its home now.It’s the place that my kids will have great growing up memories of…they are Kansas kids from Iowa parents:).

Renee - We moved from Atlanta to a rural farm last year. So I am sure I will be the only one to request…Weogufka, Alabama! Woohoo!!

katie - My hometown, Yardville, NJ πŸ™‚

Annie - Boise, ID!

Jeni - Denver, Colorado!

Danielle - Phoenix!…I miss home:(

Amy @ Little for a Little While - That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing, i’ve always admired your “Be Awesome Today” sign. Our small town is pretty amazing, and I would totally rock it out on one of those signs!

Susan G - abilene, ks

Jess Mead - Kansas City ba-bay!

casey davis - love his work- my city: Cullowhee. Where played college soccer, Western Carolina University!

megan c. - I want Des Moines, Iowa!!! love these!

Kari - Waupaca, WI — the first town my husband and I lived in as a married a couple and where I hope we retire to someday.

Angie - I would like a Texas print with Waxahachie labeled. Pretty sure it’s not on his top cities list, but I love my town!!

Elizabeth Grandon - My wall needs a wood print of home! Mt. Vernon, Iowa! Or I would love to have the “midwest does it best” heart so fun, and so true!!

Melissa - I would choose home, Jacksonville, FL. Love it!!!!

karen - King Creek. I will be moving there in a few weeks and am excited!! I think my husband would love this!

Eliece - It would the New Orleans one since I’m a NOLA girl.

michelle - Portland OR. Love these!

Jen Christians - Oh by the way…. Will you come decorate y new house for me?….I went back to work, and have 0 hours in my day….

emmeline - Savannah, GA!

Jen Christians - I have to go with Castle Rock, CO….because honestly I can’t believe we actually made the move! But soooo excited to be here

Jennifer - I love the New Orleans one…since I love New Orleans, but I think I will go with my home…College Station TX. These are so cool.

Tami C - San Diego is where it’s at!!

Kelly - I would pick Tucker, GA where me and my husband met or Suwanee, GA where we live now!

Alison Vaclav - If you like these you might also like these:
My heart is in Austin, TX

karen - Portland, Texas

Cathy Alexander - Greenville,sc. It’s awesome!

barbara - San Jose, CA where I have lived all my life as well as my children.

Stacey - Wichita : )

Chelsea - Waco, TX!

Amanda H - Pender, Nebraska. My hometown πŸ™‚

Anna - Those Chicago ones are awesome!

kristin - chi town all the way!

Ashley - Milwaukee!!

Jo Ann - These are great! I love the simplicity and pure awesomeness. And, for the record, I would TOTALLY pick Chicago! Born and bred, and have spent 27 of my 29 years here! Plus…I studied Chicago History for my BA…I’m in love with this town!

peta - I wonder if he could do Sydney (australia)? x

Amber - Sandusky, OH

traci in virginia - I would love my tiny town of Vinton, VA! Very cool!

julie - Verona, Wisconsin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kasey - Dallas, TX!

casey - Make today ridiculously Amazing! Awesome print, just Awesome. And the city print I would get would be PORTLAND, MAINE! One of the best places on earth no doubt!

suzi failing - Byron Center, Mi.

Adrienne s - I would pick Cleveland. That is where my mom will eventually get her double lung transplant so it will mean something to us!

Elliottsurf - YES PLEASE! Pick me! I would choose Redondo Beach California…where we lived when my kids were little and the place they consider home! XOXO Thanks for the opportunity to win some an amazing piece of art from LuciusArt!

Erin - Boston…my husband’s dream

nicki - EEEK! LOVE his shop! I’d pick the fairest city in the land–Grand Rapids, MI!!! Thanks πŸ˜‰

Lynne - Chicago! Love those corn cob buildings!

Karla Simpson - Simpsonville, SC. It would be perfection!

Amy H - I would get my hometown! McPherson, KS!

Julia - Decatur, GA for sure! I love my city! Thanks for the giveaway!

Chantel - If he could do other countries, I would pick Keflavik, Iceland. (It’s where I was born.) If not, I would pick Branchville, South Carolina and hang it up in the center of my photo wall that features photos and legal documents from my husband’s family – all of whom lived, worked and/or were born in Branchville.

Erin - Omaha, NE… or my German home of Homburg if he could do Germany!

Corny - My home town “Hausen Germany”

Jenna - I would choose the City of Jordan, Ontario in Canada because I will be getting married there in August!!

Tiffany - Siloam Springs, AR.
Awesome artwork!

Corny - My favorite town “Intercourse Pennsylvania” Me and the Amish!

lindsey - I love the City prints. We’ve been in our new town less than a year – ours would be Harvest, AL πŸ™‚ thanks for the chance to win

Lisa - Burlington, Ontario! πŸ™‚

Amy mumaw - Big bear, california

Tessa - I would pick our small little town ~ Dallastown, PA!

Amanda - Auburn, AL – it’s where I went to college and am living currently. It’s the one place I call home.

Tiffany - My hometown, New Prague, MN!

Theng - Boston, MA. Because I only get to live there for a year and I know I’m going to miss it a whole lot when I return to my home country in July.

Megan K. - I would have to get two….Cincinnati (where our children were born) and Galesburg (where we are being a family)

mary - I can’t decide if I would choose Texas for our home state, or our first state as a married couple in new jersey! (yay military!)

Regina - Virginia Beach!

Mallory - Definitely Sarasota, Fl. That’s where my heart is!

Alison - Tuscola, IL all the way!!!

Mary Vaca - Charlotte, NC (current hometown) or Winamac, IN (podunk hometown I grew up in and LOVE)

stephanie silva - I would pick my home town of Newington, CT or my current home town Scottsdale, AZ. Met my first love in one and started our married life in the other! Cool giveaway!

Ariel - Lake Tahoe, CA….love the whole style!!

Dian Olivr - How about Huntsville, AL???

Alicia Meyers - Beverly, MA – where my husband and I got married. πŸ™‚

Melissa Hermon - Abilene, KS

Jamie - Table Rock, MO for my parents!

Lisa M. - Johnstown, PA!

Heather - Brooklyn or Manhattan – so hard to choose!
And Leadville, CO….

shannon - swanton, ohio! love the prints!

Leadia Jarvis - Fantastic Crystal Lake, IL I’m sure he gets flooded with orders for this one πŸ˜‰

Sandy W - The city I live Iin. Of course Napoleon, Michigan.

Kathi - DeKalb, IL

Andrea - Tulsa!!

Michelle - I would chose Maggie VAlley, NC…the site of all our family vacations and some of the very best memories!

Sarah - Baton Rouge, LA

Dawn Eshnaur - I would pick my beautiful city, Siloam Springs, AR! I love my tow and I love these prints!

colleen - Yeah NH!! But I would pick Burlington, VT!

Carla G - Lincoln City, OR
or . . .
Priest Lake, ID
It’s a tie! πŸ™‚

Susan - I would have to pick Laguna Niguel CA. Very cool!! I love your blog, you have so much fun. : ) Thanks.

Susan - Contoocook, New Hampshire. Isn’t that what everyone wants?

Rachel B. - FRESNO, California!!! YAY for my hometown!

Hannah T - Hmmm…either Hesston or Houston

Jolee - Wow tons of cute stuff. I would pick the Every Accomplishment Starts with the Decision to Try, I have a little boy who needs to remember this.

Carrie - texas..with Wichita falls as the city!! home!

Brandi - Went to a wedding in Knoxville, TN. I think this would be a unique wedding gift.

Sarah Davis - Definitely Seattle, one of my favorite cities! My family moved there a few years ago, and I love going to visit them. It will always have a special place in my heart.

alecia kleiner - I love these! I would pick Seattle!! Wawah!

Heather M. - I have this shop in my Etsy favorites and have been lusting after them for a while. Love!

Tanya - Oh Meg..are you a Newton girl?? That’s where my cousins grew up and this Canadian girl spent many a summer there!
Small world πŸ™‚
My city would never be available and it’s not in the US. But I love his stuff ~ a lot!

Sam - Bolingbrook, IL.

sherylsalik - I had a hard time picking between where I met my hubbie, where our daughter was bor. & where we were married. I picked Naperville, IL. Where we fell in love πŸ™‚

Amy - I’d totally pick my beautiful little town of Lakeville, Massachusetts!!!!!!

Angi - Columbus, OH or maybe Kelley’s Island, OH which is where my husband spent his summers growing up

Andrea Rauhut - Love these! I would pick Omaha, NE!

Laura Black - Greenville, SC, it’s the best place to raise a family. Right in the middle of the BIBLE belt! We love Jesus and our families here in Greenville, SC.

Angela Storm - I’m torn… Fort Worth is home for my husband and I, but New Albany, IN is home for my family. Chi-town, for his. πŸ™‚ Joys of being married, right?!

Amber Campbell Hibbs - Wamego, KS! The Tulip Festival is this weekend. I’m just saying.

Lindsey - Flagstaff, AZ! (Highest point of elevation in the state of AZ and home of the highest toilet in AZ!) Love the art, love your blog!

Maureen - It would have to be Lancaster, PA!

kerry - I would definitely pick my hometown: Omaha, NE!

Tami - Henderson, NE of course! Born, raised, and soon teaching in this great little part of the world! πŸ™‚

julie - sacratomato? that’s where i live.
seattle? that’s where i left my heart.
cereal city? that’s where i was married and where my honey is from.
honolulu? who wouldn’t love that?!
so much fun! i’m not sure what i’d choose though??!!

Kristy - Los Angeles for sure! His stuff is amazing. Thanks for the tip!

Rebecca - Grand Rapids, Michigan!!! I LOVE my city!!

Charlton - Houston, Texas!

Rosemary - Giddy up! Missoula, Montana…where my husband went to school. What a fab giveaway!

Shelly Foster - Bartlett, TN ….where the hubs & I met in the 3rd grade !

Jeannette from Plant City - I’m sure my city isn’t there so I would want Plant City, FL πŸ™‚

Julie - i’d do my hometown in michigan.

robin allen - Coldwater, KS

Starla Witzki - Battle Creek……..MICHIGAN!

Amanda - Buffalo, NY!

Lisa - Essex Junction, Vermont!!

Amanda Larkins - Nashville, TN! πŸ™‚

shannon b - I would pick Saint Helens, Oregon. We lived there for 10 years and we just (as in, last month) moved to Las Vegas for my husband’s new job. We miss our friends there terribly!

Amanda Eudy - So cute! I would do Cumberland, IA, and put it in my babies room. My parents are in Cumberland, and she is their first grandbaby πŸ™‚

Meredith N - Colleyville, TX!!! So cute!

elizabeth highsmith - atlanta george-ya

Jessica - Richmond, VA. I have the perfect spot for it in our new home!

Kristin Harvey - Hanford, Ca…we love our little farm town!!

Emilee - Awesome! I would choose San Diego, CA and Geneseo, IL!!!!

Carol - Since my small hometown has not been stamped by Lucius Art yet, I would have to go Custom…or Midwest Does It Best.

the.mrs - Minneapolis, of course.

Sara - Well, Lutz would be it. What – you haven’t heard of Lutz, FL? Well then you’re missing out.

Tegan Aubrie | Twelve13 - I keep hinting for the “Be Awesome Today” print– ever since I saw it in your house. I’d love one for Sacramento. πŸ™‚

Alise - Abilene, KS :))
Home sweet home!

Lisa - I’d pick Kingsburg, CA!

Katie H - LAWRENCE, KS!!!!! And then maybe I’d buy my own Ogden, UT because we loved living there for a bit…..but really, I love Lawrence πŸ™‚

Lydia - Springfield, MO!

Nora - Cambridge, MA

Megan Long - BOSTON!! My husband and I moved there a week after getting married.. its where we started our forever!

Brenna - Grand Rapids, Mi.

Jen - Sydney Australia. Because that’s where dh and I started to date!!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I’ll bet Im the only one who would pick Elmira,NY!!! πŸ™‚

Mary - AUSTIN! <3

Jennifer - Katy, Texas – LOVE!

Jenny Wenzel - Wichita baby!!!

Marcie - Chicago!!

Amanda - Windber, PA … aka Smalltown, USA πŸ™‚

Denise Wright - My home town would be great! Las Vegas!!! I can only imagine what it would be like!

Angela - I would go with Spokane, WA because it’s my hometown and where I live now…but then I’d have to go with Coos Bay, OR because my heart is always there on their beaches. πŸ™‚

Morissa - Olathe, KS – I love this place πŸ™‚

Samantha - Roosevelt, MN!!!! AwesomE!

Meg's Mom - Lawrence, KS of course!

Kate - Camden, Maine! That is not where I live, but that is where I vacation and some day ohhh some day, I want to live there.

Megan B - I would have to go with Boone, NC. That town has my heart.

Victoria - Hotlanta for me!
I laughed out loud at the “pants are overrated” print. Love the “be awesome every day” print as well.

Amy - Mine would say Franklin TN too! Or Chicago (where I grew up).

Tara - Little ol’ Randolph, KS…home sweet home! πŸ™‚

carole m. - love them~would be so cool for my new home in my new state!
i would pick eau claire (my new town) but also think pittsburgh would be great since that is where my hubby and i both lived when we met!
thanks for the opportunity meg!

Cristi Clothier - I would love one for my hometown, Jacksonville, Fl

Terri - Oakland, CA——better known as Oaktown the true city of rainbows

Tami - Love me some Newton KS!!!

Melissa S - Nashville!

Cassie H - I would get “Idaho”. Home, sweet, home πŸ™‚

Meagan - Love LuciusArt…especially the “Be Awesome” print. If I had to choose a city, I think I would go with Kevelaer, Germany. I don’t get to visit often, but when I do, it always feels like i’m “home”…or I could do a Tallahasse, FL print for my FSU fan husband.

Kathryn Walters - I’d pick our little farming community…Bonlee, NC …even though it’s not a city…it does have a zip code but only for the PO boxes at that Post Office. πŸ™‚ thanks for the giveaway! God Bless!

Jami - Westfield Massachusetts or if that’s too Obscure…Boston, MA πŸ™‚

Stephanie Z - way easy…Huxley, Iowa πŸ™‚

Robin - D.C., Arlington, VA, or Oakland, NE…all places I have loved and called “home”.

Melissa B. - Vintage looking goodness! I’d LOVE one for Boston!

Gretchen Nelson - I’d pick Rochester, NY πŸ™‚

Rachel - Little Silver, NJ! It’s itty bitty, but it will always be home.

Alisa - Snellville, GA

Courtney - Oh my word – yes! Love the art in his shop! I really like the print where the “home is whenever I’m with you” that is atop the state print. That would be perfect for our house, because we live where God has put us, and not where we would have chosen – but we are together and thus we are home. Also, my husband works from home and the I <3) my beard print would be hilariously awesome in his office!

Kristina - Hickory, North Carolina!

Talia - San Diego love!

kim - Minot, North Dakota.

Melinda - Cuyahoga Falls…I bet he hasn’t made that one before!

Erin - Whitewater, KS

Amy G. - West Point, New York! (GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY!)

Mary Beth - I would pick Lake Okoboji in Spirit Lake, Iowa.

Carrie - Sioux Falls (South Dakota) !!!! πŸ™‚

Aimee - I think I would choose either NYC or San Francisco since those are two of my favorite cities or maybe I’d choose San Diego because we hope to live there some day.

Heidi DeGroot - I would love to have one with Chicago because my husband and I are huge Bears and Cubs fans. It would also be nice to have one with my hometown, Brookings, South Dakota:)

Megan - LOVE these!
I’d probably choose “Oskaloosa” or “New Sharon” (Iowa) since that is where we grew up and originally met.

Sarah - La Porte City, IA!!

sarah roberts - Oklahoma City! Duh!

Nikol - I would pick Paso Robles, California!

tiffany gardner - I would pick NYC because my hubby and I lived there before we started our family. It was such a special place to us…..

Bri @ Mod Memento - These are such fab prints!!!! I would choose West Chester, Pennsylvania!

Lauren Chick - Wheeler, TX

shara - fresno! cause we just moved from there. and a little bit of my heart still lives there.

Rachel Spin - I grew up in San Diego, CA. Lucky me. I will always consider it home.

beth - I don’t know….we’ve lived so many places. I guess I’d choose my hometown of Columbia, MO!

Caitlin - Hmm.. I’m not sure since I don’t really consider the city I live in “home”, but maybe I would since both of my kids were born here. Maybe I’d choose Portland, OR., the place my husband and I honeymooned since it brings back so many great memories.

Amy - Sacramento, CA β™₯ where I was married β™₯


Heidi - Hillsboro, KS where my husband and I met. πŸ™‚

jen - leesburg va

Diana Moffo - Boston (where I live) or Columbus, Ohio (where my family lives). Thanks for the great giveaway!

Deana - Nottingham, PA!!

Kim G - Davenport, Iowa would be my city. We just moved after living there for over 6 years. I miss it.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Just looked through and I’d have to pick the Great Lakes State of Michigan! (The only city in Michigan he’s got is Detroit and while I love Detroit for many reasons I’d LOVE to have the State wood block art!)

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I would choose Laguna Beach, CA, my most favorite place ever!

Donna - Oh, love these!! I would put Winchester, VA!

Cristina - Alexandria, VA, where my husband is stationed with the Army. We’ve made it our new home because we’re all together here, and I love it now!

Naomi Williams - I would get: SPAMtown USA (Austin, MN) — Hey, there has GOT to be something cool about living in a place that alternately smells of bacon and rotten pigs πŸ™‚

Kristin - where we live now… pratt, ks. we’ve always lived in kansas, but this is where we are settle for now. all our good memories of starting out have began here – first house, our children, etc.

Krissy - Derby, KS!!! Im stationed in VA now, and I miss home so much!!! πŸ™‚

Mary G. - Definitely Madison, WI. I have so much love for that city. GO BADGERS!

Laura O - I would pick Lawrence, KS!!! Go Jayhawks!!

Angie P - Athens, GA, please. πŸ™‚

Sara - Vail, CO!! Where my husband and I met!! Love these!

Ashley - San Salvador, El Salvador where we just moved from!

Sarah Crosby - College Station.. where I fell in love, got married, and had my first baby

Juli - I’d do L.A. so my daughter has something to remember us by as she goes off to Harvard for Grad School.

Ady - Montreal….that would look amazing on my walls!


Jill - Chicago baby!!

Sarah - detroit lakes, mn

Short, Sweet Season - Austin, Texas!! I so hope I win.

Kelly - Does the I HEART BACON one count!?!?! πŸ˜‰
I’d pick Columbus, OH if he could do one of any city.
But if not, the Austin, TX would be nice.. just because it’s my sons name and I love TX.
Great shop!!

Ali - Mayetta, Kansas….home of 341! My hubby and I just bought our first home and would love to have something like this. LOVE the chunky woodblock.

Paola - I love all of them but my favorite is the heart with Chicago in the middle. It’s beautiful!
I would like one with my city, evergreen park.
Thanks for the giveaway.

Diane P - Atlanta!

Patti - Vancouver (British Columbia!) without a doubt!! πŸ™‚

keely - Norman, OK!!! πŸ™‚

Greta - BirmingHAM!

Jill - Omaha, Nebraska!

sarahkc - I would love one that show phoenix, az. it is where my husband and i met and where we are making our home and family. so fun!

Laura - Zeeland, Michigan

Meg - Such a cool idea! I think I would pick Baltimore, that is where my husband proposed!!

Jen - Chicago!!!

Mary - San Francisco! What a lovely giveaway πŸ™‚

lisa - I love that Chicago heart!!!

carla - Cincinnati……minus the WKRP!

Robin Riley - Denver! Thanks for introducing us to so many great artists and their shops!

Amy - Gettysburg, PA

Leah - It would be a toss up between Amarillo (where I grew up) or Dallas (where I am now). I love his style!

Jen - I adore this and it would look AMAZING in my new gray and white bathroom! I would choose Lodi (CA)

Jayme - Paducah, Kentucky πŸ™‚

Carrie - NYC is my favorite city in the US, so I would want that- but I live in Joplin, MO and I would love that too! Maybe I need two…

Jessica - Ohhh I’d want a Rochester New York one!

Lisa - Fairview, OK!

Corrie - Dayton, OH or Bedford, MA!!

Jodi Peck - Brook, Indiana It would be cute, ‘cuz no one has ever heard of my itty bitty town! Jodi

Brenda Thompson - Oklahoma City, OK…hands down!

courtney - New York City, of course! :o) Those are awesome!!

Carrie - How cute! I’d get Moberly.

Jessica R. - I love his work! I have his “Keep It Real Yo” sign next to our front door. I’d choose Norfolk (Virginia)

Dawn - Ocean Springs, MS πŸ™‚

rychelle - vegas, baby. πŸ˜‰

ranee - st. louis for our cardinal room!

shannan - i would love a Boise, ID one!!!

Alisha - Strong City, KS!!!!! LOVE these!

Shian Spaulding - Lyman, South Carolina. The best place in the world<3

another Meg - tallahasse! school, friends, and Jesus were a HUGE part of my experience there.

Amy - Manhattan, Kansas!!! Best years of my life!

Trudy - I would pick where our family began in Hanford, CA. My husband and I were both born there but he moved when just a few years old. Then I went on a blind date there with his friend and the rest is history. Both sides of our family have deep roots there. Thanks for the chance.

Maria - Either the small city we live in or the one that we love to visit…New Orleans

Stacy M. - I would pick Slidell, LA

Kimmie - Huntington Beach or Portland! πŸ™‚

alise - Maybe New York City where I live or Los Angeles where my brother lives!!!

Tina Jacobsen - I would want my city…Zeeland, Michigan (one of Michigan’s great little dutch villages) But we love going to Chicago for vacation!! Such a great city!!

Kelly G. - I would pick where most of my family lives, New York, New York, and where my uncle lives Chicago! He’s an architect and interior design fanatic and he loves prints like these πŸ™‚ thanks for another great giveaway!

Linda - Oak Harbor, WA!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Denton, TX

Michele U - Lebanon, mO

Christine - I think I would love a Chicago one because I have a lot of fond memories from my travels to Chicago. πŸ˜‰

Alyssa - Chicaaaaaaago!

Robin - ooh! Atlanta and/or DC…both cities are near and dear to my heart.

Rebecca Wall - Livermore, CA My husband’s hometown

ronda beeman - I {love} the Chicago Art City Heart Map. Makes me miss home.

danett - He is super talented! I love the heart maps, what a great idea. I could look at this stuff forever!

Whitney - The Atlanta city map heart, my sister in-law would love it πŸ™‚

Sarah T - I love these! Denver – my adopted home!

Summer Crosbie - I think I would have just Orange County, Ca. The city I actually live in is super long!

jen - sainte-marthe-sur-le-lac!!! well maybe i would stick with montreal. or should we be difficult and hold out for vancouver?? hhmmm? when DOES a new city become home?

Kelly - I would select St. Louis, Missouri. What a simple, neat idea!

Wendy - Newton Ransom … it’s in PA πŸ™‚

Anna Marie - Narragansett, RI for our bedroom. We were married there in 2006 (but we live in Missouri).

MissMir - New York City!!! <3

Kim - I would love Guelph (a city in Ontario, Canada)….but the Great Lakes one is nice too.

Melksham Mum - I would have to have Wellesley, MA to remind me of my gap year in the states !

jacqui anderson - I love the “my cat is cooler than your cat” my mom would find that hillarious!!!

Jennifer Chappell Deckert - Bogota, Colombia…because we are leaving soon.

Toni - Wildwood, FL!

candice - chicago! although neither my husband or i are from here, our daughter was born here and we bought our first house here. chicago will always be an important city to our little family πŸ™‚

Gevay - I would pick Delray Beach, Florida!

mim - wrentham ma !!

Bekah Moon - Los Angeles!!

Julie - St. Louis! Go Cards!

Hayden - Birmingham, AL! Though I love the Tuscaloosa one that is on his website…went to college there—Roll Tide Roll! πŸ™‚

Krista - Springfield Ohio!!!!!! Love his style!

Heidi Henderson - Philipsburg

Lindsay - Hard choice. Love Seattle, live here now. But St. Louis, MO is where my heart grew up.

Mary - New Orleans, LA, as a wedding present for my sister. She and her fiance would LOVE it!

Laura - I would pick newton ks because that is where my family settled when they came to the U.S.A.

Katie g - Love his shop. Columbus, Ohio!

kristin butler - im a cali girl…sacramento. but i love love love san fran and la. so either one!!!

april - San Fran!!!!! SWOON….

Trish - I would pick Holland πŸ™‚

Sara Torbett - My hometown..that I never left! Fayetteville, Arkansas. πŸ™‚ A wonderful place to live! You should visit sometime :). Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Karie - Wichita, KS πŸ™‚

Amber - I would pick my hometown: Virginia Beach, VA. I’ve been living in the midwest for 10 years now, and while I do love things about it, my heart will always be in VB!

Jermaine D. - Love these, mine would be Manhattan, KS!

Caroline - Oh I too love his stuff!! Makes for great gifts! I have always wanted the “Be Awesome Today” FUN!

Rachel - I would want Salem, Arkansas. Not where I am from, but where we live right now and where our first home was/is as a married couple!:)

Jess - I want the Newton print just like yours for Griffin’s room. Love it. And I think I need to get the I {heart} my beard print for my brother. It is perfect for him. πŸ™‚

Fizzy - I would pick my hometown, Las Vegas, especially since I am now living in Canada and home is oh so far away…

N H Forrest - Roswell NM – Alien City

Sheila P. - Cosmos (Minnesota). It’s out of this world. πŸ™‚

Ani G W - If I had to pick a U.S. city, I’d pick Fort Worth. If I could choose any city, I’d choose Yokohama, Japan…

Jessica - abita springs, la!!
these are so cute! - that’s easy…chicago!!!

Mrs Skvortsov - San Antonio!! Awesome giveaway πŸ™‚

Amy - NYC or Seattle….It’s where we were married and lived!!
Loved his ideas!!

amelia - Spokane Valley, WA

kaye - San Francisco of course!!

Tracy - Bellevue (Nebraska)…represent!

Alicia - Very cool! I would choose Evanston for my Sister and Cheyenne for my Mom and Dad!

Jen Allred - I would start with Wichita, but I really want one for each of the places we have lived… Looks like this would be a good housewarming gift for our new home in Omaha πŸ™‚

Allyson - New Orleans for sure! My daughter’s name is Nola, and we have a soft spot in our heart for that city πŸ™‚

Jenni - One for my parents…Lincoln, Nebraska!

Mary Lawhon - Oops, so underrated that there isn’t even one for Buffalo πŸ™ I guess I’d chose Great Lakes.

Emily B. - I’d love one for Milwaukee!

Maggie - Des Moines!

kristy - Ooh, I’d pick Cleveland!

Mary Lawhon - The most underrated city in the US – Buffalo, NY!!!

Katie - I would be torn between Ames, Iowa, which is my birthplace and remains the end-all, be-all town for me, or Portland, Oregon, which is where I’ve made my home and which is starting to feel like home to me!

sara @ it's good to be queen - love these! i’d pick fayetteville, AR! πŸ˜‰

Mickie Lara - Edmond, Oklahoma please!!!

Ami Davis - I would pick lovely Townsend,TN which is where our family has a cabin. It’s where we all meet up to visit with the rest of our “kin” that live in TN. A very special place.

Gina - Chicago! I live in the burbs and try to get downtown as much as I can.

Angela Miller - Corolla, NC!

Donna B - San Francisco! I may live on a farm in Nebraska (which I love) but a part of my heart does belongs to San Francisco!

lynna cherry - Totally Need the I love Austin wood block!

cassie spencer - Seattle, WA for sure!

Sara - Boston, MA. definitely πŸ™‚

The Frat Pack + Me - Charlotte, NC

chantelle - it would HAVE to be nyc… any ny born girl needs a subway map and a pic of the brooklyn bridge adorning her walls πŸ™‚

Sierra - I would pick Cottageville, WV. I love love love my tiny hometown.

Cindy - I’d pick Des Moines, Iowa. It’s where I live, but more importantly it’s where I met and married my love. It’s also where I found out I was pregnant. I’ll be raising my first baby in Des Moines this fall! πŸ™‚

Anna - Great prints!! I’d get a couple from NYC and one from DC. I lived in NYC for 7 years and miss it desperately – now I am back where I started outside of DC – my other favorite city πŸ™‚

Den - Dallas!! this would be great for the hubby’s office!

Lisa - Hillsboro, KS and Kansas City, MO – hometown and current town. miss that small town living, for sure!

Amy M. - Madison, WI πŸ™‚

Maria - St. Louis – home of the awesome CARDINALS!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - Corinth, Texas

Kelley Jones - College Station, Texas. Home of the Fightin Texas Aggies & where two of my three daughters were born. Husband and same two daughters graduated from A&M. (Third daughter is 7 so we will see what she chooses!) I love that city. Wish I still lived there.

Julianne Brimner - Louisville, KY because that is the big city close to me or Paris, France just because

Jordan Carlson - these are really neat!! I LIKE this post! πŸ™‚

Meredith - Cinnaminson, NJ
Love them!!!

rachel - Hiawatha, KS πŸ™‚

Ashley - Ack, I would have to get more than one: Pensacola, FL, Louisville KY and Tulsa, OK. All places I’ve lived and loved!

Gretchen - I would put my hometown, Columbus, OH. Love everything in his shop. May have to buy some prints for my son!

Mindy Urich - Boston (where we went for our honeymoon) and Mechanicsburg, PA (home)

alyssa - Newton…although it seems like I should pick something better…

stephanie - Franklin, TN!

Lindsay F. - Charlotte, NC!

kaylee@life chasers - I love these!!!! I’d pick Center, North Dakota, our new home!

Allison - He doesn’t have my city, but I like The Midwest Does It Best sign πŸ™‚

Dawn - I was going to say Chicago, hands down, but then I saw Paris. Decisions, decisions.

Sarajane - Los Gatos, California. My aunt would love it!

Kristen - I’d pick Charlotte!!
and how awesome is the “Be Awesome Today” sign! I totally need that as I’m making my morning tea!

Beth K. - I live in Colorado – so would pick one for my small town or Denver (since most people have not heard of my town, even those that live here in Colorado).

Jen N. - Minneapolis for this lady!!

Tara Hersh - Hesston, KS!!!!

Lacy - San Francisco!

deanna - I would pick the chicago one for my best friend who lives there! Perfect gift!

Jaime - Sacramento, CA!!

Ailie - Love these. I’d pick Seattle!

Michele T. - Awesome! I would pick Chicago!

Marlie - Paducah, KY!

Tracy - Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of….NYC!!! πŸ™‚

Kassondra - Cincinnati

Carrie - I’d pick Indianapolis. Easy choice. πŸ™‚

laura r. in MS - Gosh…maybe New Orleans? It’s closest to me, and we love it down there.

Brenda - Wichita, KS!

Brandi Hendrix - I would pick the Houston wood print!! I adore these prints and my lovely city! Cute giveaway!

sarah j - seattle or portland, or!
so fun.

Monica - San Jose, CA or Sacramento, CA

Tasha - St Louis! Love his work.

Christy K - My city isn’t listed so I would have to say I would go with Vancouver! My best friend lives out in B.C. and I have visited Vancouver a few times and I love it! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

Megan - I think I would pick our favorite vacation spot–the last trip we went on before kids-LA–and put it on my desk/hubby’s desk with a pic of US:)

Melissa - Denver, Colorado!

Sharla - Lebo, KS πŸ™‚

Jenn Shock - I’d pick Austin, TX because we’re finally moving back home later this year after I have baby #2. I’m so excited to go back home πŸ™‚

jaimie Cahill - Chicago πŸ™‚

beth davis - Wichita, KS – hands down!

Camm Taylor - Fredericksburg, VA!!

kribss - hmmmm. From Indiana, currently living near Houston but I really loved living in California!

julie h - too hard to choose! i would want one that said Henderson (Tennessee)…the city where me and my hubs met!

Juliana Whisman - I have wanted the NYC map/heart for a while, but really loving the state one…would pick Kansas City!!

Suzy Adams - I’d pick Lake Forest (Illinois) or Chicago! So cute! Thanks for sharing, Meg!

Stephanie - Lawrence, Kansas!

Rebecca @ Enjoy Life - Atlanta!!!

Megan Sosa - I love LA Block Print! Most definitely.

rae - i would get a nashville tennessee one, for where i live now, and a franklin tennessee one for where i was born. i haven’t strayed far

Jessie - I’d pick my hometown Indy or my favorite place in the world Siesta Key Fl.
So cute!

shannon - My city is not there….b/c it’s a small town so I would go with San Antonio Texas b/c it’s one of my most favorite places on earth!!!!

Abby - Chicago!

Elizabeth - New York City fo sho!

Jennifer - Clarksville, TN

jamie - {ann arbor} michigan. {gatlinburg} tennessee

Laura Phelps - I’d pick the ONLY city

Holly - I need a Nashville one! πŸ˜‰

rebekah - Milwaukee!

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what to do when my two girls have two boys over to play?
barbies and littlest pet shops are out.   
so i sent them hunting.
frog hunting.


our neighbors have a pond to explore that is full of all kinds of creatures.

and their dog is so sweet.
he just walks along calmly and quietly.
besides waffle….i'd say goldens are my favorite king of dog.

i just wish they didn't shed so much.

it was a team effort to catch the teeny tiny frogs.
and for the most part they were all being quiet to try to be sneaky…..mostly.




she has leaves in her hair.  :)
they are smiling because she asked me the password to get through her stick bridge and i said "i don't know" and she said "the password is butt"  HA HA HA
oh the comedic mind of a seven year old….so original.

all in all they caught 9 frogs, one earth worm, found one shell and one large egg shell from an animal we were unclear about…they said "it could be a bird or a snake!!?  probably a bird."
the frogs are about the size of a nickel or quarter.  
these are the frogs were hear in the evenings at bedtime (….like i have on video here.)



after the boys' mom came and we showed her their treasures we put them all back in the pond.

i am pretty sure that this is going to be the best summer we've ever had.
i can't wait to see what the farm has to offer all summer long!!

as i drove home last saturday down the dirt roads with the fields bright green and the clouds covering the sunset
i was a overwhelmed with strong feelings of complete grattitude and joy.
i thought "i can't believe i get to live here"
i have wanted it all my life but didn't think it would ever happen.
as a spazzy teenager i used to say "i'm going to marry a farmer/cowboy"  
in high school i took an AG class because i thought it would be easy.  
my class went on a field trip to a farm and there were cows ON their lawn…like next to their cars and house.
and they smelled like cows.
and they were muddy and poopy….and snotty.
i remember that moment crystal clear.  
i declared "i changed my mind.  i do NOT want to marry a farmer/cowboy…i just want to live in the country"
because apparently i thought ALL farmers/cowboys had cows on their lawns and that was a deal breaker.
and that my AG class needed to know these important details about my future husband.
that is the mind of a frivolous over reactive 15 year old.
dreams change at a moments notice.

17 years later seeing mr. duerksen out in the country on his "horse" …..i think i have the perfect cowboy for me.
full circle moment.


happy wednesday peeps.


shea B - I’m catching up on my reading and just saw this post. So lovely. I know your kids will love living out there. And if I had to guess, that is the leftovers of a turkey egg. Very cool!

Lori H - I didn’t grow up on a farm but we visited my grandfather’s farm a lot so we got our chicken, cow, barn cat , wandering the in the broom sage, playing in the creek fix! My mom and her siblings kept the farm after my grandfather passed and I still love to visit, especially when 23 + of us pile into the little farmhouse for Thanksgiving dinner. Priceless!

jeana - I love your how your dream is now reality. God sure does outdo himself! It’s funny that your post is about this. I’ve had a dream ever since I was a little girl…and it came true..official on Tues! I’m absolutely on cloud nine. I’m so happy for you and your family!

angie - Love reading about your country adventures. Your kids look so happy and content.
Btw we have a golden retriever and a golden doodle and the doodle sheds way more than our retriever! Not quite sure how that happened! They are my favorite breeds, too πŸ™‚

Lisa - happy. thanks for the fun.

Tracy Fisher - I let my kids get pollywags (sp?) last year at the Little League fields with their friends…. I’m actually not sure what ever happened to them… except that I hear frogs croaking all over our neighborhood… all year long… sorry neighbors. haha. Good memories of when I was a kid doing the same thing.
And by the way, I love Craigs horse!

Missi at Havoc-to-Heaven - What a great post! The landscape is so stunning. You are a lucky girl to live in the country. I have always wanted a farm with funny animals like fainting goats, alpacas, donkeys. I think that would make me giggle everyday.

Heather - Oh, Meg. Everything about this post leaves me with a big grin on my face, and slight envy in my heart. Okay, maybe more than slight, but not enough not to still be smiling. πŸ˜‰
My grandparents were farmers and I have such very fond memories of my time on their farm. If I could move to the country without making my life ridiculously complicated I’d do it. But for now I’m a city girl who spends time in the woods as much as I can.

Amy @ Little for a Little While - You are brave. I’ve never touched a slimy frog. Or a worm. And I have a son. Looks like this is what I have to look forward to, better get over the fear!!!

Katie - I’m so glad for you that you’ve found your “home”, part of my childhood was spent growing up on old farm land. It was so educational and full of exploring and adventure. I want that for my kids one day, hopefully we’ll make it. I want mountains, country, creeks and a pond, and fields, throw in an old farm house and a barn, oh and a garden that tends itself and I’ll be one happy chick! I do want one cow, for raw milk. Oh dreams! Anywho, I love your blog, but I’m not one for commenting and my reason for commenting today would be to inform the kiddos that the egg they found belongs to a goose. I’ve seen them around our parts lately as well!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Look at you country girl! Living your dreams, so great. Love your story of your “cowboy”. I can’t help but think of Little House on the Prairie when you post. I always loved that show and still do. I have them on DVD. I mean who lives with a pond in their neighborhood? Not me in suburban LA. You are a lucky puppy. Enjoy your new country life. You are blessed.

Kelly - Gotta love a city boy on his “horse”. Too funny.. but I can so relate!! I’m sure he loves riding on all that open green space, too. Wild and free!! πŸ™‚

happygirl - I love frog catching. It’s fun to play in the country and not be stuck in the apartment or townhouse. Fun to have a password and fun that they let you tag along and capture the pics. πŸ™‚

Suzanne - your beautiful daughters look like they have taken to living in the country….too cute!

Prairie Jenn - The country is the best place to raise your kids!!
Glad you’ve come around to liking it;)

Jenn - It’s amazing to me how life always seems to work out the way it’s supposed to in the end….sometimes it may take a bit longer than we expected. But that’s okay. I guess we’re more fateful for it when it finally happens. So happy to hear you and your family are loving the country life so much. My hubby and I grew up in the country but have lived in the city for years. We bought 5 acres in the country this summer and are so excited to build and move there. We’re going to have to wait a bit longer though before that dream can come true….until then, we’re having fun planning and preparing for our big move. πŸ™‚
Love all your pictures in this post….

Megan - You are fueling my fire for wanting to live in the country!

Londen - I think you’re right about having the best summer there, looks like so much fun! Our six year old explorer would love it! Be tick aware while out in the woods…we found one latching onto our dauthers scalp! We were only in our suburban back yard which freaks me out.

Lisa - I’m a bit jealous but feel torn. I would love to live more in the country but am afraid it’ll be so much driving. To and from the store, practices, friends homes. How has that part been? Or are you guys not too far away from everything? We are looking to buy and looked at a house further out but it just felt too far away from everything. I’d love to hear how that is playing out since you have a large family with sports, activities etc. πŸ™‚ PS-Your pictures do remind me of why my heart wants more country…room to explore, the beauty etc. (sigh)

elisa - This was an awesome post. Those frogs are so stinkin’ cute. Way better than my spider. Which I didn’t kill. Spiders eat mosquitos. Or however you spell it. I too am enjoying a more rural life- although I do wish I had a barn.
And “butt” really is a good password. πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - my dream at 15 was to grow up to be a famous actress, living in NYC.
Well…I married an actor.
And I am train ride from NYC.
good enough πŸ™‚
love the tiny froggies. so cute.

Tanya H - LOL! ME TOO! The part about wanting to live on a farm, taking Ag Bio at 15 becuase it would be “easy”, deciding to never, ever, ever, marry a cowboy, but still wanting to live in the country. haha!! I love the pictures of your new area, and all the fabulous adventures your kids get to have!

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh this post makes me so happy. this is my dream. so very happy for you!!

Becki - That little bridge over the stream is amazing! It reminds me of where I grew up! (We had no bridge though- just a “crick” as we call it!)

Kerry - What a clever idea to send them frog catching, and those froggies are just minature-too cute!
I live in the country too, and also feel so so blessed πŸ™‚ x

Suzette - I’m married to a city boy engineer with a nature boy son and a shedmeister golden named Lucy. We live in the burbs in CA but were right on the edge of the country. I wish we’d nudge a little more into the country but I don’t think it’ll happen. I’ll just have to live with one foot in each place. Oh, and with my newly turned 13-y-o son, the password would definitely be p – n – s! Why are adolescent boys so fascinated by it?!

virginia - goldens are my fav! i have one named flapjack, and the shedding was driving me bonkers. one day at the dog park a guy was telling us all about furminator shampoo and conditioner, and i am not kidding, it works! little to no shedding & i bathe him about every six weeks. btw i named him flapjack to be like waffle, but not to copy :0)

Di - You didn’t tell me Katie had a twin!? Love the pics…what a blast! and the password? hee, hee…know you were laughing too!:)

Tracy - my husband has a ‘horse’ just like your hubby’s! He LOVES it!!
My kids are going out right now to check the creek and see what’s going on with the tadpoles πŸ™‚

Pamela Gordon - What a fun time your kids are having! I’m so glad you and your family are getting to enjoy the farm/country life. There is so much to see and learn isn’t there? Just think of the millions of kids that don’t have any idea where our food comes from. A trip to the farm should be included at least once in a child’s early years. We live on 2/3 of an acre in the country and I wouldn’t trade it! Blessings, to you and your family. Enjoy!! Pamela

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - I love this so much. I teared up reading it! πŸ™‚

Seriously Sassy Mama - Too cute! I dream of living in the country.

Gretchen - We have our house on the market because we are making our dream come true, too! Moving to the country!!! I totally get it! πŸ˜‰

Jacci in Ohio - Ha ha… Ok πŸ™‚ you’re doing GREAT with the transition. I’m truly thankful and happy for you.
Glad it’s been so good for everyone! That the rental really will be a time of rest… A break for you. Love the
Little froggies!

Lori Austin - I love this post and you are really making me rethink living in the country. πŸ˜‰

Kirsten J - So cool – I really wonder what that egg held?!?!? I grew up with a creek in the woods in my backyard ( and love that my folks still live there, so my kids can play ) – and we’d capture water skippers and minnows for our pets. I only wish I had pictures of me and my brother playing in that creek – reminder to self: take more pictures this summer when we visit Meme and Papa.

Sara Torbett - I said I would NEVER marry a farmer and I did. Including cows that sometimes break into the yard and all. And I love every minute of it. πŸ™‚

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Hahaha…love the full circle comment. I always said I could NEVER marry a farmer or a military man. I married a teacher. Now that we’re both teachers we have the same vacations=BONUS!
We’re into so many different hobbies though(beekeeping, making our own food, ice cream, honey,etc…) that my sister in law says she thinks we’re trying to be Amish. I just tell her to back off. Everything is better homemade:)
Love the frog pics.Country life is the best! You can always drive or fly to a big city for that kind of life. But the quiet country…there’s just nothing like it.

Melksham Mum - Looks like a lovely day. Glad to see you released the frogs, the pic of the frogs in the jar brought back memories of E.T.! Lovely pics x

gina - Glad to see you guys have the right kind of “horse”. πŸ™‚ My dad has worked for Excel for YEARS.

Jen Brandt - Meg, I work for a park district and I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the term “Nature Deficit Disorder” but it’s a growing problem in the US. I applaud you for getting your kids out in nature, letting them get dirty, and letting them learn and grow. As you know, it is SO GOOD for them.
Love the “password”. πŸ˜‰

Terrie - Best years of my life were in the country!!

Peggy in TN - Keep Manhattan just give me the countryside!

Shelly - I live in the Flint Hills of Chase County and I thank God everyday for our little farm and all that we are able to provide for our two kids. We truly live in a beautiful place. Your kids will thank you some day for giving them such a fun place to grow up.

Elizabeth - Ahhh! I love it! I grew up in the country but not on a farm and it was a BLAST! We spent all summer playing flashlight tag with the kids that lived near… the best!

Talysa - I DID have the privilege of growing up on a farm..snotty cows and all…and let me just say this: YOUR KIDS WILL THANK YOU FOR THIS ONE DAY!!!
Best memories of my life were hot summer days picking watermelons out of the garden, finding a shade tree, and digging in. Or setting up “store” under a big oak tree and using the leaves as money. Or catching fireflies at night. Or how sticky I was every single night…baths were not optional.
You did a good thing friend. I’m envious. I am in suburb hell and hate every minute of it. I did marry a city boy though. πŸ˜‰

Holly - love it!

christiejayne - What a beautiful place to live! So much fun!

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check it out….



Can you imagine receiving a a stack of beautiful goodies like christmas morning just for walking in the door?!  it's pretty SWEET for the girls who come to craft weekend!

we have such generous sponsors.  
i sure do love them.  

i hope you go check out each and every one of their shops!  

please come over to the Craft Weekend blog to see ALL the amazing sponsors we had for March!




Wendy - When is your next CW? I sure wish my name would be on your list of guests!!!!

Michelle From Australia - Serious jealousy coming from this side of the planet…..

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Looks like some great swag is being handed out there:)Have a happy week!

maggie - goodies are great! Meg, i don’t know if you have already done a post on your decision to move out of your old house to the farm house. I think it is awesome that you are using your home for CW. It would be a great story!

stephanie - Some day…when my life does not consist of all things toddler…I will be crafty again, and maybe even attend a CW. *sigh* Until then, I will lurk and dream and drool.

Lori Austin - Pretty, pretty things. Heading over to CW now.

Jenna - I’m so sorry, I totally messed up that last post…
As a faithful reader, in all terms of the word faithful, I would greatly appreciate your help! If you could vote for me and my mom to win a Vera Bradley contest, I would super duper appreciate it! Or if you could mention it on your blog, I would be forever indebted to you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Jenna - As a faithful reader, in all terms of the word faithful, I would greatly appreciate your help! If you could vote for me and my mom to win a Vera Bradley contest, I would super duper appreciate it! Or if you could mention it on your blog, I would be forever indebted to you! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

tiffany gardner - i love seeing all these goodies!!!!! makes me happy!

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oh these goofball dogs.
they loooove to wrestle.

L O V E. 


they wrestled for at least 30 minutes straight without stopping.
rolling and running and tackling each other… maniacs.
in the dirt and my weeds.
all for fun…not hurting each other….just full on PLAY time.


waffle is the happiest he's ever been.

and then this happened….

they sat.
just totally chill.

first time ever.


they were TIRED.

it's about time!!!


i think waffle was having the best day ever.


until i declared "BATHTIME!"


ha ha ha.
wet dogs are so funny.
they always look so crazy and scrawny.

shake it.  shake it.
shake it like a polaroid picture.
he actually doesn't mind any part of a bath but his favorite part is when when we towel dry him.
he enjoys the massage.
he's a smart dog!
he hangs out for towel drying….he doesn't want us to stop!

since the girls had their suits on and were already wet they said "let's have a carwash!"
even though i thought it was totally cold outside, they were fine in their suits and cold hose water.  brrrrr.

brilliant plan.
my truck was filthy.
and so was craig's car.
country living in white cars….dirty dirty dirty.

annie's suit is new this year from the walmarts.





clean dog.
clean cars.
clean kids….they took a bubble bath inside after this.

we have had such a good weekend!
my kids are still off school today….who knows what we will do.
maybe some art.
it's been awhile that we have gotten crafty.


Katie - I love that your girls are NOT wearing skimpy ‘lil suits they make for young girls! They look very sweet!
Also, what kind of car do you have??? with baby 5 on the way, we are trying to figure out what is best!

jean anne chez - I just experienced carma from your post. relived my life for a few moments through your beautiful pics. ;0)
I too wanted to marry a farmer, live on a ranch..on a lake instead and loving every moment. We have a standard poodle who romped around with his dog cousin (just like Waffle) until they were completely content…ahh such bliss. thank you.

Jamie - Great photos.. We have a black lab that needs a buddy like Waffle to play with. He would FREAK OUT to be able to play with a four-legged friend to the point of exhaustion. And we love Wal*mart bathing suits around here too.

Christy Brenneman - Oh my goodness…..Waffle is smiling so huge. And they actually reached a “chill” moment together. It took a lot of wrestling to get to that point I’m sure. I’m so happy for them and for you. Ky began to really grow on me and I was quite attached to that girl when we left. Perhaps I will bring Josie out to help her get some energy out when it warms a bit. Thanks for sharing your special memories! They make me smile as big as Waffle was in that photo! Christy B.

Sara - I love your blog, your dog, your spontaneity. Waffle posts and photos are the best! You’re a fun and easygoing mama. I hope I can remember to laugh about messes and embrace the moment! Thanks for the bursts of happy your blog provides. πŸ™‚

Lynne - The dogs are just priceless. That really made my day! Waffle looks like one happy pup!

Becky Smith - Ahhh. A dog and picture post. Nothin’ better!

jackie - Cars got a bath last week, then it rained. Dogs will get a bath before traveling this weekend. How long do you think Waffle will stay clean?

The Lovely One - Happy dogs! They look so stinkin’ cute!

Donna R - Love your doggie pics and that super happy pic of Waffle. Super cute swimsuit find at Wally World…of all places!

Aby - TLOL (Totally lauging out loud) (I just made that up) lol. “the Walmarts” I thought my 80 year old mother in law was the only one that said that! Too funny! Except she’s not making a joke.

Sarah Wolfe - I love Annie’s suit. Do they have one in my size? Also love the car wash pics, and how the sun is setting in them. Looks like the country suits you πŸ™‚

susan - LOVE the backlight in your photos, especially the one of Talby and the hose! Gorgeous!
It’s nice to see that everybody is enjoying the country life.

Mary - so cute!
but oh my, it makes me shiver! πŸ™‚
have a wonderful week!

Lisa - Ohhh! I’m so happy for Waffle! Dogs need friends, too πŸ˜‰

Shannon - love it! waffle cracks me up! loved this whole post. especially the great photos of the sun behind the water droplets!!!

Stephanie - Enjoy your blog,but i just don’t get why you call Walmart “Walmarts”? πŸ™‚

shauna - that looks so fun.
what perfect light!
who knew dog and car washing could be so fun…

elisa - Waffle looked so sad during his bath- haha!

Adrienne s - I was going to ask about the black dog also. New?

Kelly - Never pass up the car wash request! I am cold from the picture of the hose on the head!! Swimsuits and flip flops… wow!! I was in a sweater today. Glad you had a wonderful weekend!

Vonda - Awwww, I think Waffle is a country dog at heart. He looks SO happy. And the picture of him right before your daughter with the hose, I SWEAR that dog is smiling in that picture, eyes closed tight smiling. Cracked me up.

Lori H - The difference between the laughing Waffle and the next picture (bath time- bummer) was hilarious. I love to see dogs play!

LadiesHoliday - There are few things better that puppy-dog and little kid smiles!

Marianne - Aw. so happy that Waffle has found a best friend! They look so cute together.

Leah - Waffle and the other dog look so cute! You can really tell how much dogs are pack animals when they find a doggy-friend playmate! I love the pic of them sitting together, just chillin’.

Jennifer - Ahhh…a prelude to Summer!! It all looks like it was such fun. Sometimes I think our black lab mix goes out into the rain just so he can get his towel drying. He loves it! Especially around the face. So glad you all are enjoying the country!

jessicakiehn - Show us pictures of the inside of your house, please?! Can’t wait to see what you do with your space. So fun and exciting to get to make such a big change as a family.

Sara Torbett - Loved the simplicity and fun in this post! The shot of Talby with the hose is awesome! πŸ™‚

Melanie - Waffle DOES look happy – he actually smiles! I got a good laugh out of how dirty he was; even his tongue had dirt all over it! Looks like you’re having so much fun living out in the country. I love how you chronicle every day life with gorgeous photos and great writing. Ya know, it’s kinda fun to live vicariously through you with young kids still at home and a dirty dog. πŸ˜‰

Shar - I would so love to have a goldendoodle! My daughter has a golden (regular) and I have 2 std poodles (regular. Great combo!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I need your kiddos to come on over and wash my van.

happygirl - Doggie BFFs, so cute. We dog wash and car wash together, too. You know what they say about the Great Minds. πŸ™‚

Lia - I think I forgot to comment this. At the end of February we brought home a 8 week old goldendoodle puppy!! Waffle was the first goldendoodle I had seen so I wanted to thank you for posting about him. We couldn’t imagine a better breed of dog for us and love our Pippa girl! Have a great monday!!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - I was wondering the same thing — new dog or neighbor’s dog?
Looks like everyone had a blast, water play in all forms is always a big hit around here.
Girls are playing playdough and eating jelly beans from their easter baskets this morning, I’m cleaning out the pantry. Might make a batch of homemade watercolor paints later too! : )
A crafty day sounds like the perfect way to wrap up the last day of spring break. That’s what we’re planning to do!

Lyn-de-lou - Is the black dog an addition to the Duerksen household or new neighbour??

Dee - How fun! My kids love washing the dog, cars, or anything else that involves getting to use the hose.

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girls day

i brought my two littlest girls up to my parents for a short visit.
there was no school and it looked like it might rain again and after that LONG rainy spring break we just had i was done with that…so we packed up and left.

and today we had a girls day.



breakfast at Wheatfields.
biggest french toast i have ever seen.

wheatfields has tiles all over in beautiful colors made into a mural…so so pretty!

trying on glasses.


pretty dress for mommy that did come home with me.

rainboots that i REALLY wanted to come home with me…..badly….the zig zag ones.
but they stayed.


i tried to convince my girls to pick these earrings and they went with milk and cookies earrings instead.


a little shopping at Gap…40% off shirts and leggings!!


visited my MOST favorite fabric shop!!! 
sarah's fabrics has an unbelievible selection of all the beautiful fabrics you want to see in real life…not just online.
camera fabric?!  



lunch was Sylas & Maddy's…local ice cream shop.



ice cream for lunch is perfectly acceptable for girls day.


pretties at urban outfitters….also loved their rugs.
did not love getting asked "can i help you with something SIR?"
excuse me?
never happened to me before….we had quite a laugh about it all evening.
so many comebacks i could've had. 


my mom and i stopped by to see my grandmas.
one was doing great and one wasn't feeling too well.
my girls were quite entertained by the fish tank at the home.



home to my moms….my sister showed up with her girls….we sent the kids off to play and had grown up girls time.
my mom found this wine in south dakota…home of sturgis…..oh my.


yummy dinner and off to the park till it was dark.


so much better than stuck at the farm in the rain.


i hope you have a beautiful Easter weekend.
we'll probably dye eggs today.
then i will head back to the rest of my family today so we can have easter together.
with a starbucks midway home…there is ONE starbucks exactly middle of the road between me and my moms house.
we frequent it…every time.

happy easter.


remember this video?

i still love it.

sunday's coming.


Stephanie - I’m not sure how I stumbled onto your blog, but I’m so glad I did! I’ve been reading for a while now and, while I love your everyday posts, the Kansas-centric ones have my heart. I’m a Lawrence native who has now lived all over the world with my military husband and you give me a dose of mid-America just when I need it. And to see someone else’s view of my AWESOME hometown? Perfect. Thanks for sharing.

Alicia D - wow, what a great day! these photos are aMAZing!! im jealous of your camera… and your eye.

Mary - wow!
that VIDEO! i’ve never seen it!
but i love it! thanks for sharing!
ps. i totally need a girls day. for SURE!

Alicia @ La Famille - was JUST thinking to myself that i need a shopping day! i need new running shoes and some summer stuff. call me next time, k? πŸ™‚ also, I am from sd (currently living in nc, but still) and i’ve been to sturgis during the ralley so i get that whole label and all that craziness. kinda cracks me up you were drinking south dakota wine…how was that anyway?? πŸ™‚ happy day to you!

ko. s - Now that is a fun girls day! I could use one of those! Happy Easter to your sweet family!

Londen - Looks like a perfect girls day! Happy Easter to you and your family Meg.

Connie - Love the rain boots…where did you see them?

happygirl - He is Risen, indeed! Happy Easter, my friend and the girls day looked MAHVALOUS

Jane@Kenwood BM450 - Looks like you all had a fantasic time. Happy Easter to you all, and donΒ΄t eat too many Easter eggs.

Jacci - Care Bears! awesome πŸ™‚
Happy Easter, Meg. Hope you have a joyful day celebrating.

Mary - Starbucks in Emporia, KS!! We stop there everytime we visit from Colorado; inlaws in Salina and my parents in Garnett.

lorel - Had such a nice time with the girls! Just exactly what I needed. Love you – Happy Easter!

Amy Schulz - Prairie Berry Winery! Another wonderful wine is Red Ass RHubarb….. delicious, and again another odd name.
Happy Easter!

Candy - We love Lawrence! Some day I am going to be walking down Mass, and see you and start screaming! So, just a warning, hope I don’t freak you out too much! πŸ™‚

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Looks like a fun couple of days. Have a blessed Easter Sunday with the family tomorrow. Sunday’s comin!!!!! Praise God! πŸ™‚

Heidi DeGroot - I found your blog about a year ago and have been keeping up ever since. I have never commented before, but it really surprised me to see South Dakota on here! I am from Brookings, SD originally and live in Aberdeen, SD currently. I have not tried Prairie Berry wine yet, but I do love the Schade` Vineyard wine. The vineyard is in Volga, SD where I went to high school. Their rhubarb wine is very good. Love all the neat stuff you find on your adventures:) Happy Easter!!

Amy - LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of you, your Mom,and Grandma…so much joy. Happy Easter!

April R - oh I wish I had a sister and mom to visit with and all that – thanks for sharing!
so thankful that
Sunday is coming
Sunday is coming
Sunday is coming

Melia - I was going to ask if the wine was from Prairie Berry and then the next pic showed the label! I’ve never had that one, but I adore that winery. If you ever have the chance-go! Love “Gold Digger,” “Calamity Jane,” and “Red Ass Rhubarb.”
Long time lurker…love your blog πŸ™‚

Kristy - Love the dress! Where is it from?

Brooke - we’ve been watching that video all week. πŸ™‚ my two year old’s have been saying “it’s Friday…but Sunday is a comin’!”
happy Easter!

Molly - Mmmm… Sylas and Maddie’s. I’ve been wanting to go there…

Kerry Wiebe - I have trained the girls well of course they picked milk and cookie earrings πŸ™‚
Have a great Easter my sister!! See you in church!

Heather B - Oh gosh, I love Sarah’s Fabrics. That store is my grown up candy store! I love shopping on Massachusetts St! And you are so fortunate to get a picture inside Claire’s. My 13 year old daughter and I got thrown out of Claire’s for taking a picture of her wearing some of their glasses! The manager said we could have been stealing creative ideas! We just laughed and went somewhere else.

sullyj - Thank you for the video…a great reminder for us all. Hope you and your family have a great Easter! And I would LOVE to know where you saw those zig zag rainboots! Would love to get them as a birthday gift to myself πŸ™‚

rae - haha, i’m cracking up at the sir. my husband got called ma’am once, and he has a buzz cut…and is 6’2″, and looks nothing like a woman! we still laugh about it!

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - He is Risen, Indeed!
Happy Easter!

Melissa - Thank you for sharing that video, I hadn’t seen it. What a wonderful reminder! Happy Easter to you and yours! It looks like you had a great time on your girls day – I have two kids, both girls and I can’t wait til they get old enough to have eating out/shopping/fun days with me. Right now they are still a bit young, my youngest is 18 months and the older just turned 6. She enjoys a good Mommy & Me day, but the younger one still doesn’t really enjoy leaving the house. Someday! πŸ˜‰

shannon - Shopping, Ice Cream, Wine, Family, Park, Love your girls day, it sounds perfect!
Hope you and your family have an amazing Easter!

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taking a walk.

i said to my little girls after school "let's go for a walk".
while they went to get "ready" (always have to get ready) i promptly fell asleep on the couch.
it just hit me really fast.

so 40 minutes later….we went for a walk. 



it was a very overcast day.
raining on and off earlier in the day.



the girls took me out through the field behind our house.
they have seen deer out in this field.
this day we saw wild turkeys…..oh so ugly.


annie brought her purse and her baby.
talby had a net and binoculars.
and as usual…we had a tag along guest.

hello weed/wildflower.
i like your yellow.

we explored hills and trees.
they climbed fences and old forts.
the dog just ran around.

if we are outside….she's right there beside us.
it makes waffle crazy.





hello my two cuties.

i was trying to take a picture of my feet in the tall grass.
someone was spazzing out at my feet.

that was the shot i was looking for.

we walked the entire field….just enjoying the outdoors.




the sunsets here are so happy.
nothing to block them….you can watch it go down over the field.

these are on the walkway around our porch.
brick path with flowers?  
big love.




after a 5 day break i am going running again in an hour.
i didn't mean to take that long of a break.
yesterday i showed up at the gym with exactly one hour to work out and i forgot my headphones.
i left.
it's just not worth it…im not that kind of runner yet. 

i finished 100 miles last friday.
this month i am going to run a lot but focus on arms and abs.
(7 minute abs…not 6….who works out in 6 minutes? name that movie)


happy thursday everybody.
lets just pretend it's not dark and gray and gross outside ok?



sara @ it's good to be queen - i love everything about this. that field is amazing.

Kelly - Those white flowers clustered together are beautiful! So delicate. Yea for flowered brick paths and old forts! I don’t know if you can do anything with them since you’re renting but I would paint those triangle trim pieces leaning against the barn white and hang them up somewhere! So fun! Kelly

Kat - I love your pics and I love taking walks and exploring with my 4 kids around here – beach and bush.
That sunset pic is beautiful!
Abs abd arms, this is my focus for the next 3 weeks so I can look good in my new dress for my 40 is the new 30 dress! (Having a cocktail party.)
I really admire you with the running, as I just don’t know if I could do that.
I have been walking, doing Zumba classes and aqua aerobics and handweights, but running?! Nope!
Keep up the great work!
Ps How did you get into the running?

Kelly - Beautiful photos! My boys would love playing in that fort. Thanks for letting us join you on your day of exploring!

Kerry - stunning part of the world you guys live in! I’ve been looking eeevveerryywwwherree for silver sparkle converse, obv’s not here in the uk yet! xx

Amber L Peters - Hi Meg! Beautiful photos! May I ask what lens you used to take them?

Haven - What a wonderful walk! I love the creativity and beauty in your pictures! What lens do you use?

Tina I - Cute neighbordog!! Your exploring walk looks like it was loads of fun. Made me long for country life and an exploring walk, not an afternoon of homework, swim team practice, eating in shifts, driving, and hubby travelling.

courtney child - Something about Mary…haha, love that movie.

Donna R - Always love your photos, but this batch is especially fun. That’s one happy dog for sure…I bet waffle is big time jealous! Happy Easter!

Jennifer - I love your dandelion pictures. Very artsy. I also love your Labby neighbor. He looks just like my black Lab Hank when we adopted him a few years ago. Labs stay spazzy and puppy for soooo long.
Enjoy your weekend and your Easter!

karen - aww. poor waffle!! that dog looks like a sweetheart!

Jenna - LOVE your country pictures … they say “home” to me!

erin - haha! There’s Something about Mary!!! I love the first picture of the cute dog, it reminds me of the do in “up” …….squirrels!? lol!!!!

Jen Brandt - I want to “like” some many of the above comments. Love that you get out and enjoy nature with your family. I hope you have a very blessed Easter!

Londen - Oops, I meant photos…

Londen - I love your beautiful photo of nature and the girls. You are inspiring with that camera!

Michelle From Australia - It’s bright and sunshining here in Brisbane, Australia. And it is supposed to be Autumn (aka Fall) here. Love living in the subtropics.

se7en - So love your walks in the country!!! LOVE!!! Hope you have a fabulous long weekend together!!!

Prairie Jenn - Love the photos…looks just like home to me.
The sun setting on the country road is my fave!
And even country girls have to “get ready” before going for a walk;)

April R - so many pretty photos that it kinda feels like I took a walk in Kansas πŸ™‚
and now I want to go outside and take our own little walk-about!
btw – sunset envy! ours are blocked by lots of trees and neighborhood stuff….
feel free to post lots of sunset/sunrise photos (thanks!)
(and I’m w Suzanne, tell the girls to Slow Down!!!)

Stephanie - Ok, that settles it…I am SO taking a vacation to Kansas. Gorgeous. Seriously.

Seriously Sassy Mama - It is bright and sunshiney her today!

Laura - The quote is from There’s Something About Mary, right? Love all the pictures!

shannon - I was wondering where Waffle was, poor guy jealous of the neighbor πŸ˜‰
Looks like you guys have so much fun exploring around your farmhouse, my girls would love it!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter Weekend.

Tiffany - Can I rock Annie’s style at almost 40!? Pretty photos gurl, pretty ..pretty.

Alicia - Such a tranquil way to spend the afternoon. After being in CO for 18 years, we have made our way back to the midwest and I am very thankful…your pictures show why.

Laura Phelps - i first fell in love with you when you wrote about taking a walk with annie…you walked to pre school…
a simple…love it…love you

Jessica J - What lens do you use to get these shots? I love them!

Dani - Reminds me of Sunday afternoon hikes with my cousins. We couldn’t wait to finish lunch so we could explore the woods behind our houses.
Sad thing is I wouldn’t let my kids do that now for anything. So much bad in this world….
I love how you can take a picture of wood and make it so beautiful!

tiffany gardner - thanks for sharing your days with us. makes me smile. πŸ™‚

Jessica - Something about Mary!
Made your chicken enchiladas recipe last night. So good, but way spicier than I thought they would be.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh meg… this is so beautiful!

Debbie Smallie - I am that kind of runner too. My son jokingly erased my playlist on my ipod and replaced it with Alvin and the Chipmunks Greatest Hits. I made it one block before I turned around and came home. No way can I run with only my heavy breathing to listen to πŸ™‚

Elizabeth - BEAUTIFUL! I grew up in Nebraska but now live in Texas…. I miss home. Thanks for giving me a taste of it πŸ™‚

angela - There’s Something About Mary!!!!!

lindsey - These are great pictures! I love the butterfly picture! It is so green down there!

Marianne - Ha ha! Your neighbourdog is hilarious!!

Suzanne - Dear Annie~please stop growing!

Jessica - I have to know… Living in Kansas and walking through tall grass and fields and being by a creek, do you not see snakes, poisonous snakes?! I only ask because I hate and fear them. Like more than anything.

Sara Torbett - Are you sure you didn’t magically end up on our property yesterday? πŸ™‚ Your walk and words about country life are my normal and happy place. We had a groundhog cross the yard yesterday and eery sounding coyote wake me up! Love the flower bricks. πŸ™‚ Happy Thursday!

Rachel J - We have a neighbor dog just like that. If we are outside, she is right beside us. She thinks she belongs to us. We like her……most of the time. Except she started in the garden……oh dear. Your photos are beautiful, even with gray skys. Have a great Thursday!

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