Masthead header

thanks mom.


when i was at my mom's house a few weeks ago she loaded up my trunk with stuff she was getting rid of.
she sent me home with a quilt, some art and this croquet set.
"we never use it" she said.

and it has been the farm family favorite ever since!


annie gets to start ahead because her skills are being perfected.
she's getting better though.



as with almost every game known to man….craig knows the rules and has taught them how to play.
how does his brain hold all that information?
rules to croquet? why is that in there???

and also with all games in the duerksen house….an extra challenge is thrown down.
"can you do this?"



trying to balance a croquet mallt is now more fun than croquet!

we looked like a family of circus performers.

this photo looks like annie is about to get whacked by sean…she didn't….thank goodness.


this bush/tree is in our yard.
there have got to be 5000 flowers on it…for reals.
maybe more.
it's so big and the awesome thing about it…'s always COVERED in butterflies!!



you could say it provides privacy for our outdoor area….but that would indicate that we need privacy.
there is nothing out here to need privacy from.
unless you didn't want the cows to watch you eat dinner?

so instead of privacy i will say it is beautiful to enjoy while we spend time in the front yard.




i have no idea what it's called.
do you?

it's obviously been here a long time….it's gigantic.

um…have you noticed that i love living out here?
i have given a few hints haven't i?


craig and i look at each other quite often and give a knowing smile.
we are both thinking it.
"this is an amazing place"

green acres is the place for me.



josy - I have so many memories of playing croquet with all my cousins at my grandma & grandpa’s house in Lehigh. Aw.

A Facebook User - Hi Meg, Just ran across your sweet blog. To answer your question about your over grown shrub in your yard, it’s a Mock Orange. It’s simply lovely the way it is. I have gardened all across our wonderful country and, you have been blessed to have such a lovely one as this to come with your house. Enjoy it!

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Elizabeth - Those bush flower pictures are heavenly!!!
You made the right choice πŸ˜€

shauna - i wanta be a farmer with you

Bethany - So glad people came to post mock-orange! I saw this post a couple of days ago and knew it wasn’t a butterfly bush, but wasn’t sure what it was until the kids and I visited Botanica. Lo and behold, there was the same bush and I thought “That’s what Meg has!”

Leslie - Beautiful pics – I want to run out and get one of those flower bushes – glad people are posting what it is πŸ™‚

Victoria - Awww this post brings back memories of my Grandparents croquet set! Love it.

Gina f. - Beautiful photos!

sharon - yes,pretty sure it’s a mock orange! lucky you! i love seeing all the pics. thanks!

Dani - I too believe it is Mock Orange. Beautiful flowers and smells!!
I have never played croquet! I think I might be missing out. I will have to invest in a set soon. I think my kids will love it!

Jenn - Mock orange was my guess too. We had one growing up – my favorite smell. Heaven.

Linda - I have got to stop posting without my glasses! Sorry for the punctuation and spelling errors.

Kim - Croquet is so fun! We used to play it all the time growing up. My parents still have their set. My kids have been asking to play – I’ll just have to do some digging around next time I’m at my parents’ house to see if we can find it.

Linda - Isn’t it great to have a tried and true yard game for the family! We like Bocci too. Don;t know the name of the bush, we hace one too. It is pretty and suits our 200 year old farmhouse so well! Glad to hear your settling in isgoing so well.

Karen Osborne - We just bought some land in the country and there is nothing like it. I am always singing the Green Acres theme and Thank God I’m a Country boy in my head when I am out there. We have a pond and have been raising ducklings!!!

Sarah - I’d say Mock Orange too. I have one and I LOVE the way it smells!!

Marissa - Mock Orange! We had one at the house I grew up in by Chicago, they sure do smell heavenly, don’t they?!

Kerry - Oh man, I’ve never played croquet… I know, I’m English, I totally should have…. πŸ™‚ May put that on my Summer list! xx

Misty R. - Be careful of the cow’s when eating outside! We grilled hamburgers and I swear they all started staring from across the road! I threw mine away due to guilt! πŸ™‚

bobbie - We had a set just like that when I was little. I so wish I still had it. So much fun!

Olga - Hi Meg,
It is my first time commenting on your blog but I have been reading for a while now and I’m impressed by you and what you are doing. Especially the love you are putting on everything.
My grandparents had the same bush and the smell comes back to my memories every time I think of them. It is a β€œPhiladelphus coronaries” or most commonly known as Mock Orange. You can cut out branches and bring them inside and your home will smell heavenly.

Adrienne - Maybe a mock orange… My sweet grandmother had one

Jen - The outside is lovely but I want to see some inside pics! Pretty please?? We loved croquet when I was a kid!!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - i LOVE your new place! those butterflies…just stop πŸ™‚ also, i was laughing about your hubs storing useless info. i always wonder how smart i could be if i didnt know so many random facts!

Meg's Mom - Your welcome! Glad you are making good use of it!

Adri @ FoodieBeFit - Beautiful pics!

Lisa - I love croquet! I have been searching garage sales for a set for ages. My grandpa and I used to spend HOURS playing. Sweet memories. This is our first spring in our house too. It’s like Christmas waiting to see what flowers will pop up next…and I didn’t have to work for any of them!

Terrie G - Love it all! The croquet, the throw down, the flowers…the cows watching you eat!!
The farm just makes me smile…thanks!!!

roganne - LOVE croquet!! also – your girls’ outfits are always so original. they have some spunk!

Vonda - Yep!!!

Vonda - I have butterfly bushes and it doesn’t look like that. My grandma had a Mock Orange and I agree with the person above, I think that’s what it is. Smells SO GOOD.

Mindy Harris - those monarch pics are just beautiful.
i dream of living in the country. central wichita is so noisy!

April R - yea! Your mom didn’t know what she started by giving you that! πŸ™‚
there’s going to be a whole lotta ‘croquetin’ this weekend thanks to this
inspiring post πŸ˜‰

Tanya - I have country dreams myself… πŸ™‚
And chicken dreams….
And pick-up truck dreams…
And quuiiieeet dreams…ahhhh πŸ™‚

Jacci - Fun photos πŸ™‚ Not a butterfly bush… those have different blossoms if we’re talking about the buddelia kind, but I don’t what it is.
Totally played croquet as a kid in the summer. Fun memories. My sister just picked up a set at a garage sale a couple weeks ago. I’m putting a round of croquet on the Summer List!

Lorie - We used to play croquet all summer long at my mother-in-laws house. Now that we are in Texas I should probably pick up a set of our own. Such a fun outdoor summer game!

tina - I like to play croquet, but have know idea what the rules are… we just make them up as we go along!

Lindsey - I love the butterfly pictures!!!! It truly is a blessing to live in the country. I was just thinking that the other night as I was out in the complete stillness and the scent of the plum blossoms made the night smell so sweet!

Laura Phelps - I am so sorry you are having such difficulty adjusting to your new life πŸ™‚
the way you feel in the country? That is what the city does for me. Just feels right.
and re: Craig had all that info in his head…Nick is a font of useless information. Amazing what that man knows…

Shar - i am fairly certain it is mock orange. i have one. and you can transplant offshoots from it. so if you move or something, you take a part with you! love the croquet games!

happygirl - We love croquet, too. But since we are all over 21 here at the HappyGirl house, we play Beer Croquet. I’ll bet Mr. Duerksen doesn’t know THOSE rules. It’s fun on a hot summer day. πŸ™‚ btw, I thought it looked like a crab apple tree, but I don’t know anything about plants.

Eliza - Yeah, croquet! At least you have a big flat yard to play it on.
Yes, I second and third the Mock Orange votes. A butterfly bush comes out last in the spring and has purple flowers.

Jill - Looks like a Mock Orange to me! They smell sooooo good! Loved croquet when I was little. Enjoy all the fun family times! Cherish every moment!

jessicakiehn - MEG! I have this same bush/plant in my yard and we have NO idea what it is! Does it have a bunch of little trunks at the bottom of it? It’s a mystery to us and we ask everyone that comes over and they all don’t know either. but yes, it’s BEAUTIFUL in the spring!

Jill M Pierce - Croquet..I need to go thrifting or to garage sales to find a set for my family. Looks like you all are having so much fun.

Diane - That looks like great family fun!

amanda - You made such a great decision to give your family the experience of country living! In ’09, my husband and I had the opportunity to move to my grandparents former home in the remote mountains of New Mexico. We spent an amazing Summer with our kids – taking hikes everyday, discovering hidden streams, feeding deer in our yard, and eating wild raspberries. It was magical and I wouldn’t trade it for anything!
That’s what all of your farm house pictures remind me of. So special! Of course, Summer turned to Winter and then we were buried in 5ft of snow for 4 months – over an hour away from the nearest grocery store – and I was pregnant and puking every 3 seconds, but I just try to forget that part…ha!

holly - Word of warning. be careful where u put ur wires. we had croquet set up in r yard n some sweet young thing put a wire at the bottom of the back porch steps. the next mornin i was giving a huffy demonstration on how easy it is to just listen and take out the trash when mama says and nearly killed myself with that dang wire boobie trap. ended up turning my tantrum into a good joke. hope nobody saw it. πŸ™‚ have fun!

hearts812 - Loved this post as it brought back lots of memories. My grandparents had an old wooden croquet set whihc we loved to play.
And the bush you are showing looks like a Mock Orange bush…which I had outside my bedroom window growing up. It smelled heavenly!

Chris - The last line of this post is awesome – and the perfect tie up! I really enjoy reading your blog.

Amy - Croquet is a family favorite around here too. Our kids think it’s a hoot. Apparently my dad was some local Croquet Champion when he was a teenager, which cracks me up! Love the pictures!

angela - It’s a Butterfly Bush….and a beautiful one!

Kassondra - I have to admit I was very sad when you said you moved out of your gorgeous house but seeing all these pictures of your new place makes me want to move to the country too!

kathleen - hey meg, this is my first time to post, though i’ve been reading your lovely, sweet blog for a while. I have that same bush/tree at my house. I’m way down here in Mississippi, but it is just beautiful! I love it, full of flowers. I don’t know what it is either..I’ll have to go over your comments. Anyway, so happy for your gift of those green acres your livin’ in, what a joy! Yall take good care, and thank you so much for your blogging…blogging is hard! But you make it seem so easy!

Linnea - love the IMG 14-5 with the butterfly – so pretty! Glad your family enjoys playing outdoors together… so nice to see!

seriously sassy mama - Our new backyard is huge, and my husband and I cannot wait to geta few croquet games going. Fun times to be had at The House of Kells.

Gemma - Pretty flowers!

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SNAP…a small recap.

i took no photos of people.
it's probably a nervous thing….right?
all the pictures in this post are of things i saw this weekend and have nothing to do with my words because that is the only option here!

well… as almost all nerve wracking, fear of the unknown situations are….everything was fine.
like all of YOU knew it would be.
it was me who was doubting. 

i really don't like being the new girl.
the one that no one knows….or in this case the one who knows no one else.
i was walking into a weird and new experience for me.
but it was GREAT!
everyone was SUPER nice and kind and friendly.

 (side note:  dont you think this couch could not be more perfect for the craft house????)

i had FUN roommates.
we laughed the entire time.
it was such wonderful girl time for me.
lindsey, jeannett and maggie were even better than i hoped.  



the entire conference was done so well.
we were entertained….spoiled….and taught.
i was so impressed with all of it.
i looooved the Queen Bee Market! 
it was my first time to get to see so many of these handmade products that i love online….in person!


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my session was with jeannett and ethan and moderated by amy.
i felt like it was just right.
i spoke from my heart.  
and as always….i cried.
only in the beginning.
it was a relief to be actually speaking the words i had been going over in my head for weeks…months.
to get them OUT and not have to worry about messing up any more.


speaking them out loud brought my passion alive again.
fanned the flame.
getting to share what is deep in my heart felt awesome…like it was stuck inside and then released!


God sent so many women to give me words of encouragement all weekend.
they were all so kind and gushingly sweet.
it was humbling.
they made me feel so good all day long.


i got to meet blogger friends in real life…
mique, kami,  tauwni, jess, andrea, heather, alissa, patty and kim to name a few.

the sponsors were generous!
our swag bags were extreme.
this was about a quarter of the loot…seriously…they rocked it.


so….my thoughts on what i got out of the conference.

1. it was a wonderful break from the everyday of mommyhood.

2. meeting bloggers is awesome.

3. speaking makes me nervous and yet i really LOVE doing it.

4. girlfriends are such good medicine.

5. i was reminded again of what i am in this corner of the internet….and i like it.
    i first realized it first when i was in Atlanta for the coca-cola social media conference surrounded by big
    bloggers filled with business mindsets and big goals and plans for their blogs.
    at the end of the day….i just want to glorify God.
    in my words, in my photos, in my home, in my relationships and definitely on my blog….every day.
    and that is a work in progress.
    it's a journey.
    i still mess up a lot.  
    i still react poorly sometimes often….i am normal.
    but i am here in to serve God with JOY and do my best every day to let His Light shine through me.


i loved SNAP.
it was awesome to be asked to be a part of it!
they know how to throw a party!

hey….how about if YOU were at SNAP and you took your picture with me….send it to me!
i have no photos of you or me.
it will make a great post.  :)



Brittany Shea - I am in love with this blog. What exactly is SNAP and I need this couch in my life. Does anyone know where I can get in touch with this vendor???

Tauni - This is a bit late, but I love you…That is all. xoxo

Patty Palmer - Nice meeting you in person, Meg! I saw that sofa as well and knew straight away that I don not have nearly enough color in my house. Great photos of Snap!

Kelli @ Lolly Jane - MEG! You rock. Loved chatting with you at SNAP. Our quick convo put things in perspective and made me feel better about saying no to a sponsored trip to NYC. Thanks girl!
ps: See Sandee Prince up there? My sister! She’s your stalker…in a good way. Love her πŸ˜‰

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Soo.. I got an email last night saying that I was randomly chosen to come to Craft Weekend.. I had the same feelings that you were having about SNAP. Nervousness, fear of the unknown.. But you know what? I am COMING to Craft Weekend! And I am so excited!! I know I would have kicked myself, had I not accepted the invite.. See you in August!! πŸ™‚

Christine Ishmael - It was great finally meeting you Meg! I wish I could’ve heard you speak because as soon as you were done, my friend (who was there) texted me and said it was so good, she was bawling! Keep up the good work! Christine of This & That Creations!

Brooke - the red/pink tulip picture is BEAUTIFUL! Do you sell your photos? This picture is the perfect jumping off point for my toddlers new big girl room!

Meagan - Oh my goodness, you NEED that sofa and all it’s pillows for the craft house. Absolutely. It’s perfect. I’m so bummed I missed SNAP this year. It would have been great to see you again.

kami @ NoBiggie - I’m so glad I got to meet you! I just sent you a pic of us.
That lace necklace is so pretty! I wish I had a full day all by myself to take in the Queen Bee Market, so many pretties.

Amy - Well said, Meg! Our sole purpose in life is to bring glory to God. It’s amazing when we strip everything else away and simply see life through that purpose. I needed that reminder today. πŸ™‚

ko. s - You made me tear up! I love that you were speaking at Snap this year! What a source of creative strength you are! I may just have to see if we can fly you out for our Women’s retreat!

Suzanne - First, of course you did wonderfully! Second, couch =! Third, thank you for being who God made you to be! Glorify God and be joyful in your life. What an amazing outlet you have to share in!

Lorie - I barely took pictures of people either! Too much going on and too many great people to meet! I never made it into the Emporium to shop, but that couch is amazing!

Jessica Johnson - i knew you would do great! also, i see you on instagram! kim and i need to fly out for a tutorial.

Stephanie - I was not at snap but I feel the same way that you do about blogging. I want to honor and glorify God with my life. With the thoughts that I think, the actions I do and the words I say or blog. I definitely fail but glorifying God through everything, the good and bad, is the most important thing.
And- completely random but I had a dream that I was at one of your craft weekends! I have seen the pics on your blog and it looks like so much fun! I may have to come one of these days! πŸ™‚
I love your blog!

Lea Carter - ” i am here in to serve God with JOY and do my best every day to let His Light shine through me.” and that, my dear, is what it is all about! Love your blog and your heart!

happygirl - Your images are beautiful. I love turquoise and brown combination. Why is that such a gorgeous combo? You are so brave to go to things like this. I have no courage for meeting new people.

Lori Austin - Love the tulip picks. Glad all went well. I’m sure you looked super cute in those fantastic outfits πŸ™‚

Sarah Wolfe - Would have loved to have been there to hear you speak… What did you talk about? Sounds like a great weekend… πŸ™‚

Jamielyn@iheartnaptime - What beautiful pictures! That couch is to die for! I’m saving up for one of your craft weekends. How fun would that be?! They sounds AMAZING! I really enjoyed meeting you Friday night. You are so sweet and down to earth. Plus your outfits were fabulous! Wish we could of chatted more. Hopefully we’ll be able to keep in touch! XOXO

tyranid - I’m glad that you had a great time with your room mates. You give your house a new color by doing your crafts and share it with others.

Kerry - so happy to hear it all went well meg!! And that COUCH!!! Good grief – its to die for… πŸ™‚
Knew you’d rock your sesh πŸ™‚ Kerry x

Kate B. - Andrea from knittybitties is the one that made the little walllet I sent you a while back! How fun to meet her in person!

Marie - It was so fun to meet you in person!! Bummer I missed your session, sounds like it was a gooooood one!! And great photos, even if there isn’t any of faces!! I loved that handmade market!

Becky - It was so great to meet you and chat at the queen bee market! Now I wish I had asked to take a picture with you. I was too embarrassed to ask πŸ˜‰ you are awesome! Someday I will come to craft weekend… where did you find that couch?!
-Becky Blood

Krissy - So glad you had a good time!! And I totally love your blog, you’re the only one I really read because I feel I can really connect with you! Loves and prayers coming your way! <3

Jenna@CallHerHappy - wow wow wow! what cool pictures! if i was at snap, i would be thinking, “man, meg would love this!” glad you got to go πŸ™‚

sandee prince - you know I will have my little sis send the pic of you and her…. the one she sent me that I made her get with you……a little creepy I know πŸ˜‰ lol She is at the hospital helping her twin push out her baby boy RIGHT NOW!!!
Check LollyJane later today and I am sure there will be a sweet little blessing on there for you to go ga ga over. Can’t wait to meet my newest nephew!

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m glad to hear that it went well and was fun (& re-energizing). Blessings to you!

jen - that is so awesome you go to be a part of it. glad you got something out of it.

Tina Jacobsen - That couch is amazing!! Glad you had a great time!! I love your blog and how you use it to glorify God!! I always smile when typing!!

Kristy Call {DavesWife} - Meeting you was DEFINITELY a highlight for me! I LOVE your little corner of the internet, and how you use it to inspire us on a daily basis. β™₯ DavesWife

Katie - Just keep posting photos and writing something as always and we will keep coming back! God does show through on your blog

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I wish I could have gone. It would have been fun and probably the encouragement I could use. Your words have encouraged me today. I’m kind of in a blogging slump πŸ™ Not really knowing why I’m doing this and then I read your words and I’m feeling better about my little corner of the internet too. You rock Meg! Glad you had a great time. You deserve it!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - People were tweeting quotes from your speech (that seems like the wrong word. whatev.) like mad fools!!!
From what I saw, you nailed it. And I would have cried, too.

Jen Brandt - Beautiful post, Meg. Congratulations! I’m glad it went so well.

Dani - So glad you had a great time.
I saw that couch and immediately started trying to figure out how I could make that and how I could talk my husband into letting me put it in the living room.

Jill - I am so glad you went and had so much fun! It is awesome to be refreshed in the Lord and have our focus renewed isn’t it. You have been a true blessing to me from just reading your blog, in fact, it is one of the few tabs that pop up when I sign online. I don’t expect perfection from you – just honesty and from all that you are – encouragement. Thank You for taking this opportunity for yourself so that you can continue to allow God to use you for folks like me.
Love and prayers!!

Kirsten J - I love how much clarity you have. Your focus is maybe why I adore you and your blog. And, really? You got to spend quality time with that WIWW cutie Lindsey? Happy you got a fresh spark –

Terrie - I heart your heart for God! I’m sure you rocked it!
Glad you had a good weekend!

Heather | Cookie Mondays - I bet you have fabric scraps to start piecing together a slipcover for your couch πŸ™‚

Kimberlee Jost - To God be the Glory great things He has done…and what more will He do?

Jenny Joy - I’m so happy to hear that you got a chance to share your passion with all those amazing people! Sometimes, there is no better medicine in the whole wide world than being surrounded by like minded people who share your vision.
Oh… and we all knew you could do it… the speaking engagement, I mean. Rock on with your bad self!

Jenn - It sounds like you had a great time. I would love to be able to meet other bloggers.
By the way, I love your blog. It’s the first one I check every morning.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Starting a piggy bank in hopes of attending next year — maybe we could be roomies! : )

Wendy - So many cool things! Do you have any info on the couch? It’s fantastic! πŸ™‚

Kristen Duke Photography - I enjoyed SNAP as well, my sentiments are the same–enjoyed meeting and making new friends that understand this bloggy world. I hadn’t heard of your blog before the conference, and I sadly didn’t get to go to your panel, but now I’ll be checking in. Funny you have non people pics, I have WAY too many in my just published post! I wish I took a few flower pics, those tulips were amazing!

ellen keeton - how fun!!! could’nt agree more about the couch fr the craft house!

Megan - I’m so glad it went well and that you loved it.
I love your honest heart and the way you strive to honor God in all you say and do!

Melissa - Oh, how I wish I could’ve been there to meet you and all those other amazing ladies!!

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two winners….and another giveaway! :)

because you are AWESOME.

winners for the LISA LEONARD giveaway…..

I'm officially signed up for Lisa's newsletter. I read her blog as often as she posts. Thanks for sharing!

Posted by: Lisa Q | April 17, 2012 at 10:22 AM


I signed up. I love everything! I want a necklace with my children's initials.

Posted by: Malissa | April 17, 2012 at 04:30 PM

email me with your info ladies and i will hook you up!!  (cdduerksen @ yahoo . com)

i have such lovely loyal readers who always fill my cup with encouragement and happiness.
so i want to giveback to you….at least one more of you.  

i wish it was everyone.

remember this VERY COOL poster?


this artwork is from Ryan Alexander.
i love everything it says.

i love the design using only black and white!
but you can get it in other colors in his etsy shop!


i love that it's BIG….i like BIG artwork.

his shop has lots of other cool posters too.


leave a comment here to be entered to win one from Ryan's etsy shop.

but really…..only one of you will win.
so go to his shop and get one for your house.



p.s….SNAP is fun.  people are nice.  yay.

i speak tomorrow morning at 10:30 utah time.
and i feel great right now.
thanks for praying and thinking about me!

i'm late to a session.



Smiily - Uncle Mario Whenever someone can take such a hoirfirc experience & turn it into something positive it becomes very special; and that great energy flows into the gala & encompasses the people attending. I’ve left both the last 2 galas feeling empowered.

Jenn - this is perfect
i love it

AmyM - Just wanted to thank you for sharing this poster. I bought one right after you blogged about it the last time. It is in our foyer. Everyone sees it when they enter our home. I just love it! Thank you, thank you! Love your blog! Thanks for your encouraging words!

amanda - So stinking cute and I hope I win.

A Facebook User - I have the absolutely perfect place for this where our family eats dinner together. Great poster! Love it!

Kerri - This would be perfect for me – I LOVE Jesus! πŸ˜‰

Bre - I think I have said each one of these sayings to each one of my boys!

Danielle Thompson - I’ve been wanting that poster since you first showed it. I LOVE everything it says but most of all I LOVE the giant first statement LOVE JESUS! It couldn’t be more perfect and I have empty walls screaming for that kind of LOVE!

Rachel B. - Love his work!

Maggie G - Great poster, thanks the the chance to win – new reader here πŸ™‚

Katie - So funny….I just went to your blog to find this artist in hopes of ordering one of his subway art “family rules” designs as a housewarming gift for a good friend. I had seen his work on your blog several months ago and figured I would have to sort through the blog entries to find his information And there it was on the first page- how lucky am I? I would love to give this to a good friend and her husband as they move to their new home. I might be too late for the give-away but thought I would comment just in case!

Kristin j - Love this! I’ve been looking for something like this to put up in our home.

Jen - Love the teal/aqua one!

Kimberly Wright - LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS! my kiss as well as the hubby and I would all benefit from reading this reminder everyday!:)

Debbie Allen - I would love one of these. Such a creative reminder of the important things.

Amy - love, love, love it!!! love those. i need one!!

Katie - The posters seem like they’d be such a bright ray of sunshine in any home. Love the size, too!

Melissa Hermon - After seeing this poster I knew I had to have it! I have the red one and absolutely love it!

Ann Parsell - Would really love this!!

Nicole F. - love it! would love to win! πŸ™‚

Molly B - I would love to win this. It says everything I want our family to live by.

Ashley - Please pick me!

Natalie - Fingers crossed for a win!

DeNeal - Love, love, love that Family Rules poster! I have been looking for just the right one and this is it.

Jill - I wanted this poster the FIRST time you posted it! NOW…I am not waiting and am going to go and order it NOW! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!

Angie Lee - I’d love to have one of those posters!

Jade - i need a poster!!!! glad you’re having fun @ snap! =)

hannah - love these prints, hope all went well for you!! πŸ™‚

Aby Gittings - Pick me! Pick me!!!

sandi - love this poster. don’t have anything like that on our walls… oh wait, i don’t have anything on our walls yet.

amanda - I too love this subway print! Thanks for the chance to win!!

melissa erin - i don’t know how in the world i could possibly win with this many entries, but i am going to try…love it.

Jenn N - I’ve been looking at Ryan’s Etsy shop since you first mentioned it. Love this poster and others as well.

marita - ohh πŸ™‚ i love these!

Janell Oberheu - Sweet!

Lindsay - Besides the “LOVE JESUS” part, my favorite line is “hands are for hugging, not hitting.” Seems like that line was inspired from my oldest two and their “love” for each other.

stephanie Janes - I would Love to win one of the wall hangings, but if not I may just have to buy one.

karentee - Would love one of these posters – awesome!

Virginia Bibler - Love!

Brook Hayes - This would look great in our Family Room!!

Terri Upton - Love the poster. We need it at our house!!!!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage - How great. Love that Jesus is at the top of the list!

Jordan Huie - Love his work! Would love to have one of these posters in my new home.

Amy - I am in love w/ his work….

Kim Allen - Hey Meg! This is a really great poster. My family really needs it. Are you going to the GoPro reunion again? I hope so ’cause I am and I want to hang out with you again. You rock!

Carol - love, love, love his prints!
Thanks for reminding me to visit his etsy shop!

Catherine Murphy - Would love to hang that in my new undecorated home. :0)

Talia - love it

Dani - Can’t wait to hear about SNAP! I’m sure you did an amazing job!
And of course, I’d love this poster!

Linda - Love the poster…. in your face with all the right words.

Julie - Random generator, pick me please!

Lauren Fortney - i love his prints!!!!!!

Carla V - Amazing Poster! I would hang it right where my kitchen and living area meet so everyone can see it.

Terri - Love this poster! Would be great for my kids playroom.

Carrie - I love this!!

cailan - My sister has this – it is fantastic!

sherry bendorf - I love, love, love that poster too. They are such great reminders.

Emily - Love this poster! Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

Melissa Lynch - Love,Love,Love

Sherri P - I Love these prints! This would look great on my bear walls!

Kim - This would look fabulous in my house! And is a much needed reminder for my 3 kiddos (and my husband and me too sometimes!)

Melissa - Sigh…totally want a family rules sign and I think I like black too. Sigh again!

Jenna - This is perfect and would look GREAT in my home!

Jenna - I love this poster and would love to have one in my house!

Denise Feil - My husband and I are creating our family mission statement right now…. this poster has been the inspiration!

Juli - Oh , I would love to win this! I like the B&W too.

Katie Jones - I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this poster and have a perfect place for it!! Praying for your time to speak! It will go great!

Biz - I have the perfect place for one of these!

Jami - LOVE the poster, thanks for a chance to win!

Karissa - Yay! I was JUST scrolling through your blog history last week looking for this poster. New house=wall space to fill. Would love to fill a wall with something meaningful like this.

Olivia - Word art…can there be anything better?

Janna - I would LOVE one of these:) Thanks for the chance to win!

Jennifer - Loving the poster, it would be great piece of artwork in our home! Thanks for the giveaway.

Claudia - I would love this in the foyer as a reminder on the way in and on the way out of the house. Hope I win!

Vicki - Love it! And yes! Big art is the best (especially when it has such a great message!).

Barbara - How perfect! Would love to display the poster in my home!

Wendy - Glad ur having fun πŸ™‚ Love his stuff!

Michelle M - I would love that!!

ginger - Would love to put it in my Grandkids playroom!

Jody - I’ve always wanted to make my own “family rules” poster, but this one has everything I’d want in mine!

Becky Joyce - Such a great print. Now I just need my kiddos to read so they follow everything. Ha!

katie - love it!

Shannon - Good luck in UT! You’ll do great! I LOVE this poster print. Great to see artists who embrace “Jesus” and share their god-given talents with us! Would love this in our home!

Lena - LOVE Jesus!!! That’s what I’m saying. Thanks for sharing with us;)

Jenn - Jesus! Had a great sermon/teaching at church today. Would be just perfect.

Jennie - Love that!!

karen brown - LOVE Ryan’s artwork! The black with white is my fav!

heather langley - Love the Wondertwin powers of big signs and positive words. Form of…AWESOMENESS!

Suzanne - Absolutely love the poster!!

Mindy W - I love this one, except in orange or brown. (But I forgot to see if he offers it in orange or brown.)

Julie F - that would be fun in our basement!!

jennifer hill - awesome posters! love love your blog.

Suzanne - love subway art. love family rules. best of everything!!

Dana Maize - LOVE those posters. Remember them from your previous post, and always meant to try to make something like it for myself. Did I get around to it? NO. So I’m leaving a comment. ha ha

Tracy Gibson - Awesome!!!

Kit - ooo, I hope I win! But I’d better go over there and shop anyway…Thanks, Meg!

Sharilyn - I love everything about this poster! It is a great stylish reminder… Win/win…. πŸ˜€

lisa - Great posters! I love them! Thanks!

Suzanne - I love it! My fingers are crossed πŸ™‚

Sherri Smith @wedwithbabies - My lovely friend @jonahbonah shared this in one of her photos and I just fell utterly in love with it! The stronger my families faith becomes the more we need a poster like this for our house. Plus it would go perfectly on my cross wall <3

Tami Sickels - Love this poster. Have the perfect spot for it.

Elizabeth - Love this poster — it would be perfect in my son’s room!

CT - Awesome – Great Christian Poster

Christy - love this!

kristen - would love to win one of these for my home!! And then get something for my kindergarten clasroom too. πŸ™‚

Victoria - That print is awesome and SO BIG!

Kara - Would look perfect on our wall!

Linda R. - Loved this the first time you posted about it. Good reminders not only for my kids, but for me too!

Jackie - Love his signs!

April R - so glad you are havin’ fun πŸ™‚
Those are some awesome/powerful words!

Mrs. B. - Hope I win! Love it!

Sarah Rollins - We need this…cause WE LOVE JESUS!!!!!!!!

Janelle - I’d love one of these for our playroom!

Amy - I would love to hang one of these in our home. Love it!

Marla - LOVE THIS! want one! If I don’t win – will be asking for this for Mothers’ day!

Amy Griffin - This should be rules of life for everyone!!!! It will have a place in my house soon!!!!

tiffany gardner - Soooo would love to have this! Great reminder for my family to see everyday!!!!! Thanks!

allison - i’ve been drooling over that poster since the first time you talked about it. would love one!

Becky Z - I love this poster! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sarah K. - I have the perfect place for that in my house! Love your blog!

Michelle - I love the “Be Happy” and the “Boys” definition! So true, so true!

Amy G. - I have a space upstairs that I believe was MADE for this sign. I would LOVE to win it! πŸ™‚

amaree davis - Would love this for my little boy Wickham’s room!!!!

jennibell - I still haven’t ordered one. . .maybe I just need one sent to my front door???

Lisa Shay - Love these posters! So clever and functional *wink*

Julie Wearmouth - All of his prints are awesome; words of truth in everyone of them! Love your blog; thanks Meg!

|Jenny Polischuk - I eyed up this poster when you posted about it previously….totally awesome and would be a great reminder. Thanks!

StellaL - I love the poster! Filled with great reminders not only for my kids, for us adults as well! πŸ™‚

Jo - Awesome poster! So graphic and awesome!

Marissa - Meg,
I’ve followed your blog for about a year now. And while I’m a twenty-something without kids yet, you are definitely the kind of Mom I plan on being – creative, encouraging, nurturing, available, real…
Thanks for being such a strong role model!
<3/ Marissa
P.S. The poster's pretty rad too!

gina f. - love this print. Hope your speaking session went well!!

kaye m - I love it! It would be perfect in my entry hallway.

Christy - I have the perfect spot for this!

Amy @ Little for a Little While - Another giveaway? Well aren’t you just devine… But we already knew that πŸ˜‰

Stacy - This poster is amazing. I love it.

Elizabeth Grandon - I need a reminder like this…look beyond my flesh!

Johanna - ooo… can i still comment? this poster rocks!!!

Mae - super delightful!

Merilee - Love these family rules!

Jenni Carlisle - Love this print! And sooo wish I could have gone to Snap & heard your panel!

Wendy - Totally fab giveaway. Ryan Rocks! Ü

Lori - I have been wanting one of these for my family but haven’t been able to decide on one!

Christie - Love this sign!!! Great giveaway!

Stephanie C. - Yes please!

Amy G - Awesome print! I love everything on it. I really want to win it free (hehe), but that is something worth paying for, too!

Marne - Love these prints and all the wise words… thanks for the chance to win!

Jennifer Spellman - Super duper love the red one!!

Sarah - Ooooh boy – I have a wall that’s perfect for that poster and two little boys who need some gentle reminders πŸ™‚

robyn - love this!

Jen N. - I love the message of the “What Defines Us” artwork.

Lisa - I love this sign! It’s perfect for my home!

Tara Swartzendruber - I love these posters and ones with inspirational and Christian messages.

Ashley - Oooohh!! I want one! I would put it into my little twins room!!! yay!

Jan - Love the sign!

Stacy Hyatt Costner - Great poster! Thank you for sharing your house with us.

Heather M. - Love every sentiment on it! We can all use these reminders. Thanks for the chance to win!

Stephanie Z. - I want this πŸ™‚ Love it! Stephanie Z.

Lori M - I’ve always loved this one!

Rhonda Fendt - I do love his Art Work! Those are great rules to Live by! Thanks Meg!

Karen E. - I remember seeing this poster on your previous post and I’ve been looking all over for it since! I love it! Thank you for posting it again. And I would LOVE to win one and implement ALL these rules in our home! πŸ™‚

Rebecca Hasey - LoVe ThIs!
My sister just introduced me to your blog today. So glad she did!

rosemary - Love the sentiment! What a great daily affirmation.

Analia - Beautiful Art with great reminders! Would love to own one!

nicoleigh - Some day I hope to get myself a fun piece of subway art. These are great!

julie - It says it all in one poster!

Molly L - I have the perfect spot in my home for one of those posters! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance!

Lelia - Love it in blue!!! Will check out the other posters on his site…..yay!

shara - i would LOVE to win this! so awesome πŸ™‚

melody - I am a brand new follower of yours. I am following on twitter and google reader…what an amazing blog you have. I love your enthusiasm for life…please when you have time, come visit me!
Oh, and if I was to win this poster I would jump for JOY! πŸ™‚

colleen from alabama - I already have the poster that you are featuring but would love to win another or one as a gift for a friend!

giving - We would be so proud to hang one of these in our home!! Great work! πŸ™‚

Halley - HUGE GIGANTIC YES PLEASE!!! We are constantly working with our kids on all of these things and it’s so neat to have something modern and cool to gang up-plus, what a great testimony to people who stop by. Crossing fingers and toes!

Taylor b - What cool posters!

Shannon - Is Canada included in this give away?? Mister man, I hope so. πŸ™‚
I love it.

Marla - I love the poster…and the color options.

She Loves Life - Love that poster!

jenni@talkinghairdryer - I LOVE IT! I would want the red or teal one.

Dawn Oberholtz - Love this print! These are all things my kids could use a good reminder over. Well, mom too I guess. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance!

Leigh - I have the perfect spot for this and have wanted it for a long time! Can’t wait to hear all about SNAP!

Ruth Baumgartner - Meg, You have been in my prayers and I am so grateful for God blessing you with His peace. Favor? Would you share your message from Snap in a post? I don’t even have a blog, but I always want to try and do good–maybe I should start a blog? πŸ™‚
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Ryan’s artwork. I looked it up when you first showed it. So inspiring!

Sarah Burgis - NO WHINING.
That will be hard if I don’t get one

Gevay - Love his work!

Kimberly Dial - I have the perfect spot for it! πŸ˜‰

Asccnelson - Love it! Thanks for the chance to win πŸ™‚

karen peachey - I need a piece of big artwork like that!

natalie kirby - LOVE this poster. I PINNED IT way back when and now it’s all over Pinterest thanks to me. (kidding) But I truly love.

Ronda O. - Love it!!

Gretchen - How cool are you?! Speaking AND having a giveaway on the same day??
Rockstar. Seriously.
I would love one of these posters!

Mandy - Love this poster!!! I would love to have it in our family room! What a great reminder, of how we are supposed to treat one another!

Elizabeth - I adore that poster! you’re right, it says everything right. love. Did I mention I love it?

Amy - My 4 kids (and the hubs and I) could all use this awesome reminder of how to live, all the time. I can totally see it on our kitchen wall, to reflect on while we are eating every night! (and hopefully to ward off some of the occasional dinnertime grouchies). Love it!

Cindy Mcallister - Keeping my fingers crossed because I love this so much…pick me.

Kelly - Oh I love it!!

Heather Overton - I absolutely love it! The LOVE JESUS says it all! I am new to your blog but have quickly become addicted! Thank you for sharing your heart, your homeS and your family! Bless you! XO

MH Toth - love it!

Emily - I would love to have this in my living room to inspire my family daily!

Renee - pick me πŸ™‚

BB - I remember when you showed this off before, very cool!

Meg - Love these posters!

amy kate - Great words and ideas to remember…love it! Blessings!

Lisa - I would love to win! I’m always looking for cool, different art for the walls.

amber p - I love his artwork and that family rules poster has been on my wishlist for a long time now ! awesome giveaway!

Cerissa - Ahhhhh! I haved LOVED this poster ever since you first mentioned it. If my budget would allow it would be hanging in my home as we speak! Good luck as you speak-I will be praying that the Lord will guide you so that He can be glorifies thru you :0)

Merely Meg - Love, love, love it. I have been searching for a sign that has house rules with God first. This is it! even if I don’t win, I think I need this in my house.:-)

Kristin M - I have wanted one of these! love the colors!

Lindsey Claassen - I NEEEEEEED one! : )

Sam Andrews - Love the creative way of reminding the little family members of house rules!

Marcie Millholland - Love the bold graphic and I agree- I’m a B/W kind of girl!!! Marcie

PrairieJenn - Awesome! I like the black…or maybe the blue:) Beautiful words to guide our days.

Eva Scott - OH!!!!! I would love, love, love, love, love to win this!!!!!!

Tiffany - You always have the best give-aways! πŸ™‚

Kelly W. - I love it! πŸ™‚ I hope we win!

Becky J - Oh yes, I have the perfect spot for that baby-where all 5 of us can read it DAILY!! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the awesome giveaways!! Blessings for your speaking engagement today at SNAP!!

Kristin - Thank-you for sharing these wonderful and create shop owners sites. I love looking at all the ones you recommend. What a great way to get others noticed because it certainly is hard to sit on ETSY all day and look for all the amazing and talented artists that are on there. I love the picture that he has How you rise is what you do after the fall. I have had a lot of caos and pain in my life lately and that will become my new motto. Thank-you again for always sharing. Good luck and praying for you.
Kristin W.

Tami - We have this poster in our kitchen! Would love another poster to give away!

Sara G. - Love Jesus….just love it!!! I have the perfect spot for this in my home!

secret mom thoughts - I love subway art and the words are great.

ang - Love these BIG posters!!

Shaun - this print is just what the docotor ordered! love it!

Sally - Have a great time at snap. I read that one of the other bloggers that I follow is having fun too. Enjoy!
I love the “Be Happy” poster. Our family just moved 2000 miles away from familiar so this would be a great addtion to our new house : )

Tara Hersh - Such an AMAZING print! I love it so much!

Molly - I love it!

kathy - GREAT posters!!! LOVE how you framed yours!!

Kristen D - Yippee! My four year old could really use this!!

Kristi Lindholm - I love his etsy shop and I do plan on ordering one of those posters if I don’t win.

Christy K - L.O.V.E these posters! So glad to hear you’re having fun at SNAP… Have a great weekend! : )

Heidi DeGroot - I LoVe these pictures and so would my Sister-in-Law. I like it in the bright blue. Must go check out the store on Etsy.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I would really love that poster but I’m actually leaving you a comment to say I’m thinking of you and you will be in my prayers this weekend.

Michelle - This is such an awesome poster! Would love it to hang in my house!

Alise - Love love love it

Angela - What a great list!

Gina - Love this poster, a must have for me and my kiddoes to read every day!!!

MyLinda - Would love one of those prints!!

Carol - Thanks for a chance at another Give Away today…praying for you tomorrow at SNAP. - I’ve got the perfect spot for this!!

Elizabeth Stewart - I love the red one and would love to have it in my home. I would love to have it in my home for my children and I to be reminded of the love of Jesus everyday. <3

Melissa - Love the poster, it shares the same values we want for our son.

Lesley VW - *swoon* I’ve been eyeing this forever! It would be a beautiful addition to our soon-to-be new home!

Amy Jo - Love it!

Holly - Perfectly lovely sentiments! Love!

SoCalLynn - Love these thoughts and would love to have this in my home!

Jenny B. - I’ve been eyeing that one ever since you got yours! πŸ™‚ Would love to win! πŸ™‚

Amber - I love, love these! I do need to order one…have fun tomorrow:)!

Katie - LOVE that piece. I’ve been in awe since the first post it was in.
I would REALLY love one.

Maria - Oh, I would love to win that! The big, black and white poster, that starts with “Love Jesus.” I love it! Love your blog!

Danielle - Hmmm…that aqua one would look quite nice in my house! πŸ™‚

nicki - Fantastic. Beautiful. The one about rising after falling is just wonderful. But love your Family Rules in B/W too. Thanks.

Jennifer - Love this poster. I have several in mind like this that I’d like to make, but I keep putting them off.

Lisa Hajda - Great poster!

shelley - Words to live by! Would love to hang this in my home!

Lael - Love, love, love this poster. Would be great to have our kids see it every singe day!

Chris - Would really love to have one of these prints!!!

Katie - I love this sign. It would look great in the play room.

jackie - Would love to have that hanging on the wall in my kitchen/breakfast area. Have the perfect spot. Thanks!

Carrie - Love, love, love this poster!!

Kelly - Can I get one any bigger… for each room!?!? πŸ˜‰ Kidding! Would love to have this in our home. Awesome poster!

Angie - BIG poster-love. πŸ™‚

Cindy - Really? Another giveaway. You rock!! And that artwork rocks too! I’m headin over to check out the shop. right. now.

Stephanie campbell - I put this on Pinterest the last time you posted it and it has been reprinted over 100 times. I LOVE this print and will get one for my new house next month.

Cindy - That is awesome. I would love to put it in my babies room. So he can grow up reading it!

Kari - Ooh Ooh! ME! Pick Me! I need some art for my new place.

Brittany - Love this! Thanks for your always inspiring ideas!

Mary Beth Hunt - We all can use this poster!

Nicole G - Awesome poster! Would love one of these for my kitchen or dining room! It’s where we all hang out!

Marla Rae - we are just about to begin rebuilding our home after a horrific flood last summer…all we have left are the 2 x 4’s and rafters…so each and evey square inch of my home get a remodel!! I would love to choose a special place on one of my new walls for this print. It speaks to me. Good luck “snapping”. You are in my prayers.

Cristina - I have been looking at this for weeks on Etsy! I loooove this!

alise - Love that poster. thanks for the chance to win!!

Penny - I would love that big poster for my kitchen, right by the breakfast table!

Sherry - I really love this art-so many great rules to live by!!

Sara - Would love it !!! Already have one picked out to buy if I don’t win.

Debbie - I now have the perfect spot for one of these.

Sarah - would love to have this at my house!!

Charlene - LOVE it!!

Kim - I would LOVE this poster. So glad you are enjoying SNAP. I get your nerves. YOu are such an encouragement to all of us who haven’t even met you. πŸ™‚

Terrie G - You will Rock tomorrow! LOVE, love, Love this poster!!

Jolee - I would love to put one on these over the mantel of my new house.

Ashley - I love the family rules sign!!! I need this for my house!!!

Ronnie - I have been eyeing these for a while, but just haven’t bitten the bullet yet. I think they are wonderful!!

Jennifer - I got something similar for my daughters’ rooms recently but this one is so much nicer. Would love it!

Beth K. - I love this poster and there are several others on his etsy site that I would like in my home. Several would go in the rooms for my children – nice reminders and of course one on the wall across from the time-out spot. πŸ™‚

Melissa - My best friend and I spent a week trying to make one of these with a canvas and cricut letters but it turned into a fiasco! I’d love to have one!

Angie G. - Oh, I sooooooo want this print…..I love it! I want one for my big family/living room. Ohhh, please, pretty please!!! πŸ™‚ Thank you!

Emilee - Awesome giveaway!!!!! Thanks!!!!

Talysa - me!!! Pick me! Love these. You have the best giveaways. πŸ˜‰

Madison H. - I love these! I would love to win:)

M. B. - Love everything it says!

Leslie Davison - I love it!!!!

roberta - Oh my, I can’t decide where I would hang it in my house. In the playroom, in the boys’ bedroom, above the mantle. Love the sentiment and the visual reminder for my family!

Kathy - Rules I would love for my grandchildren to live by….I would hang it in their study/play room!

Michelle Rotner - love. love. love

Shannon - I love that poster!

Ali - Love it!

Angie B - Very sweet.

Melissa - Awesome! I would love to win.

Karen - LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Need it!!!

Amanda - Super fun and I love the words too. PERFECT. Crossing my fingers and toes!

Becky - I’m an assistant principal and would love to win one of these prints for my office!

Bernice - I have lots of bare walls that need some decorating! This would be fantastic!

Heather - Oh I love this!!! This is perfect for my house filled with children & life. πŸ™‚ Thanks dear Meg for awsome give aways! Glad you’re enjoying SNAP! πŸ™‚

Amber Davis - Love the poster! I would love to have this for my kids playroom!! :o)

Krissy - I love this poster! Also, I’m super glad you’re having a good time! Knew you would! :))))

Lucky number13 - I have faith that you will do a fantastic job tomorrow and a whole lot of women will walk away very inspired! Good luck πŸ™‚

Mrs Skvortsov - enter me!! i love the poster. so cute.

Jamie - Love this poster!

kay morrison - love it!!

Ani G W - I would love to win this and hang it in my kitchen!! LOve it!

Nikol - Such a wonderful poster!

michelle@decorandthedog - Awesome poster!!

Sandy - Love!! Love this poster and love giveaways!!

Short, Sweet Season - This poster is fabulous and if I don’t win, I’m ordering it!

Kristin Radtke - “Hand are for hugging, not hitting” is a mantra in a house with BOYS. I absolutely love his subway art, but the “Love Jesus” is my favorite.

Ana - I would love it for our family room!

steph - have fun at SNAP!
hope the nerves are all settled… and you can meet some wonderful people.
those posters are fab!
would love one in my home. πŸ™‚

Kirsten J - Gorgeous print! And hey – ho wouldn’t be nice to you??

Angie - I love everything this poster says! I should just buy it…but it would be so fun to win!!

hillary b. - Love this! It was one of the first things I ‘pinned.’ Would be so, so happy to have this in our house!

Abby - I remember seeing this the first time you posted it. Love it and would love to have one in our house!

Tiffany - I love it!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway and loving your readers! πŸ™‚

Angie Rathbun - I have loved this poster every time you’ve shown it. I would love, love, love to win. Please!

Megan B - Great poster! Thanks for the giveaway!

Tanya H - Turn south (mtns on your left) and wave! πŸ™‚ LOL!

Patt Mullican - Glad you’re having fuN! I told a girl at work about the clothes you took today. I loved those sequin Converse! Love the poster, too. Going to check out his shop, but sign me up for the giveaway as well. You never know…

Stephanie - Would love to win this poster!!! Am going to make myself wait until we have multiple kids to buy one of these… though that will be hard! But #1 is already on the way… πŸ™‚

Christy - Oh I loop veer this poster!!

Rachelle - Great artwork!

Michelle - I would LOVE, LOVE , LOVE this print! I have a BARE spot in my living room and has been BARE and BORING way too long… I know what would be perfect in that spot! πŸ™‚
Have a blast making connections with others at SNAP!

Grace - Oh what a gorgeous artwork! I love them all!

danett - Love big art! Amazing amazing amazing!

julia - I love this poster. A LOT. I’d put it in the most prominent place in the house…maybe next to the fridge!

Brenna - I love this! Would love it in the basement where the kids hang out.

Brooke - have fun in Utah! kansas misses you! πŸ™‚ I REALLY REALLY want that poster! πŸ™‚

Ellen - Love it! It would make a great birthday gift for my hubby!

Denise - I like the gray and the turquoise posters!

Julie A - “Encourage your siblings” is my favorite line!! Thanks πŸ™‚

Becky - Awesome prints!

Stephany W. - Love the print and everything it says!

Emily - These are awesome prints. Love them! I never win though so I won’t hold my breath:)

Lydia - My mom needs the red one! (Although, I’m not sure that dad needs any more encouragement to dance crazy…)

Carrie - This is fabulous! What great sayings … and great reminders!

Kristi Rediske - I love this and would love to win it. thanks so much for the opportunity!

meleea - oh, my goodness! LOVE that and my family needs that right now more than you can know!

Amanda Eudy - i love that the poster starts with Love Jesus! and I’m glad that SNAP is going so well!

StacyTat - Would love to have that poster!!

Katie Sellers - Really Really Really want to win! Maybe one more really will be good luck! Really!
Good luck with your presentation!

Jodi - O how I love this print. I have the perfect spot for it in my house!

kelly - oooo, i REALLY want this!! to remind ME first, to remind the kids, second. πŸ™‚

lisa willis - I love the LOVE JESUS poster!

alyssa - I want that in out playroom!

kerry - would love this for our game room!

kim - love the print! would love it even better hanging in our home! πŸ˜‰ thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Kim - Love these poster…just checked them out on Etsy πŸ™‚

Meg Pitts - I love these! I’d totally get the turquoise one for our kitchen!

Tracy - I think we NEED this!!! I also love the ‘only speak words that make souls stronger’! Best be saving my beans….
Glad you’re having a good time πŸ˜‰

Rachel - I want! I want! I want! Does it help my chances if I’ve lived here for 8 years and currently have nothing on my living room walls? I think I need to change it to… I need!

Denise - That’s a great poster!

Robin Riley - I have wanted one of these for a long time. Thanks for the giveaway and enjoy your conference!

Deb A. - Love this poster!!! I know the perfect spot for it in my home. Cant wait to hear about snap!

Benay - I love this poster. Would love to win one! Thanks!

deb - daily reminders of positive, upbeat words are essential…
More Jesus please!

Lisa - Ooo…love it! Glad SNAP is going well!

Tonya - I LOVE this poster…it’s hanging in my dining room and has been for months!!!

michele alexander - I’m in love with this print!! The bigger, the better!

Arlene - Such a great poster!

Sarah - Love this inspirational poster and the incorporation of God!

sandee prince - Loving the b&w one too! Mr. Ryan Alexander is talented for sure!

Melissa - I love this poster!!! Love!

Jessica Garcia - I would love to put that poster in my home!

Jill - Oh how awesome it would be to win this! Lately, it seems like my family could really use some encouraging words staring us in the face everyday!

Vicki - I just moved into a new house and still have lots of wall space to fill! This would be perfect!

Blaire - That poster is awesome! Where will I put it? Hmmmm

Denette - Love the poster and have the perfect spot for one! πŸ˜‰

Joy - I have an empty spot just begging for that. Begging.

laura r. in MS - Adorable! Esp the maroon/white one!

Mindy Harris - what are you speaking about at SNAP?

Holly Drown - Prayers for you at SNAP! I need to read those words everyday and read them to my boys. Excellent words to live by!

tina - Very cool poster!

nan beach - I love these. I would love love love one!

Momof2 - Love the size of this poster too!! Excellent daily reminders for me as a mom and to the rest of my family!! Glad you are enjoying SNAP… so jealous!!!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh yes, i really really want to win this print!!
have such a great time at SNAP!

Michelle Etheridge - I love love love this print. I have checked out his store many times since you first posted it. My husband lost his job 8 months ago- so I have tried hard to watch our “fun” spending. I would love this print for my 4 girls to read everyday.

Marlie - I love Jesus!

Kim - Great words! I would love to win this neat giveaway.

Julie - LOVE Ryan’s work!

Samantha - I love it! I love hands are for hugging not hitting! Something my 3 little boys NEED to learn!

Corrie - I wanna win! I love that poster.

Southern Gal - These are such great additions to any home. Thanks for the chance!

Jessica - love this. I already have the PERFECT spot to hang it for all to read πŸ™‚

Gemma - Would love to win! I love them all.

sarah roberts - my house needs this.

jaxcheryl - LOVE this! Going by the front door, for sure.

Lindsey Jo - so cool! i wanna win!

Lisa - ooooohh… I was looking for something JUST like this for our new home. Love it!

amye tester-mallon - have the perfect place for “be happy” ……

Beth Neisen - I have been eyeing this since your last post. Would absolutely love to see this on my wall!
Good luck with your speech, you’ll do great!

Amanda - oh that teal poster! I need it in my life πŸ™‚

Tina Jacobsen - Meg, you are way awesome! Love the poster…now off to his etsy shop to check it all out!!

cassie spencer - love the poster and would love to win!

Stacey B - I love this poster! I saw one (though not as big) at HomeGoods recently, but I didn’t love everything it “said”. I wished for more. I have the perfect spot for this in my great room.

Karyn - oooooooh!!! LOVE that poster! Pick me, pick me!

megan - awesome!!! great print!

Sarah - Love. This. Poster! I’ve been loving it for a long time and just haven’t gotten one. I hinted to my husband that it would be a great gift for anytime. Apparently my hints have been too subtle. πŸ™‚

Melissa - i would love to win one of these posters! i have a space in my family room that is dying for the aqua one! love it!

Sunny Haynes - Love It!

Jaclyn - I love the BE HAPPY one. It would fit in perfect at my house.

Juliann Brenner - Hi Megan – I love these prints!

sharon y. - Love this! Thanks for the opportunity!!

Gina - I love all of the wordy big posters that are out these days but I can never decide which one to get when I go to buy one! I’m so indecisive!! Love this one though!

Melissa - I love big artwork too!!!

Dana - Would love one of the posters for my kids playroom. I think they are AWESOME!

Jody - So perfect. Love it!!!

Bekah M. - I like the ‘Marry Me’ poster.. so sweet!

Andrea - would love one!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I remember that poster…FUN stuff!

Jess - Love this poster! We need one at our house for sure. πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - I do love this artwork
I keep a small chalk board in my living room…I change up the quote/picture everyday…it’s cheaper than buying new artwork πŸ™‚
glad SNAP is fun
I will pray for you….
and I would love to hear what you talk about
anyone video-ing?

Lindsay - I would love it in gray and white! πŸ™‚

Katie Clements - That is awesome! It looks great and the message is wonderful too. It would look awesome in my hallway!!

Sheila P. - I would like to be the ONE who wins this.

Tiffany Smith - Love Ryan’s shop! I would be thrilled to win one! I really like how you can have a custom one made with words you choose. Thanks for all the great giveaways you do!!

Jennifer in VA - A red one please! To add some color to our family room walls. But I will probably buy one if I don’t win. πŸ™‚

Ashley - So sweet and true!

Heidi Henderson - love what yours says.

jamie - Love the poster!

Kristen - Love this print! Would love for my children to see these reminders every day. Also, I really enjoy your blog. It is so colorful & fun!

Amanda - I love the blue! Great words!

Kristina - Love his stuff!

Nicole Q. - Love these words!! I’d love them more on my wall ! :))

Tracy - I would like to win this. Mama needs some happy mail to look forward to. Please.

Ashley Hall - Would love this for my kids room!

Linda B - I have wanted one of his pieces since you first wrote about him.

Danelle - Beautiful message…simply stated! Good luck at SNAP!

emmeline - would love to win this one! πŸ™‚

Kate B. - I know you’ll totally rock SNAP because you’re awesome. And I think this poster would be awesome at my house. (You can see it when you come visit!) πŸ™‚ Katie

Jill E - Love everything this poster says….especially the first thing! Have a great weekend!

Susan V - This would be so perfect for my niece with a 2 year old!

Melissa - Hi Meg,
I just wanted you to know that I fell in love with this poster when you put it on your blog a while ago. I have ordered 5 posters since then and they made AMAZING Christmas presents!! (I’m not entering the contest- just wanted you to know πŸ˜‰

Tiffany - Fabulous giveaway! You’re awesome πŸ™‚

Lisa Q - so excited about winning the Lisa Leonard!!! I’m screaming my head off…really! Thanks for making my day! I’ll be praying for you tomorrow! You’re going to rock!

Stacey - Love it!

Rebecca - Rules to live by!

Abby - Absolutely LOVE this print! So many wonderful reminders for everyday!

Cathy - I’ve been looking for something like that for our house.

the.mrs - Love Jesus & think this poster is super yummy. πŸ™‚

Lindsey - I adore this print! I am so glad that you are having fun at SNAP! I wish I could hear you speak at the conference!

Jacci in Ohio - Commenting! Hoping to win! πŸ™‚ have an awesome time!!!

Jen - oooh…pick me! pick me!!!
(but if you don’t, I really should just go buy one).
Thanks for the great give-away!!!

Kristi Barrett - LOVE this!

Tiffany - Belongs in the kitchen where everyone sees it on a daily basis! Love it!

Mary - love that print! my 2 year old could definitely learn a few things πŸ™‚

Kimberly - Love this! It would be perfect in our soon-to-be-repainted living room.

Carrie H - Those are awesome! I would have such a hard time choosing! and the colors! love.

shelli - thank you for the chance to win this! i ahev 2 boys and need to update their bathroom-this would be perfect!

jen smith - love this!

andrea - Would love one for my hallway!!

Brianna - i would love one of these to hang in our home to keep us encouraged and remind us of the important things in the midst of day-to-day hustle and bustle!

Amber - Ooo, yes please! My 5 year old son is learning to read, and I would love to have this for him to practice on! : ) Thanks for the opportunity Meg!

Lisa A - I have the PERFECT spot for this in my house….and it just ‘fits’ my family so very much!! Love it!

happygirl - I honestly think you should give the Be Happy one to me. After all I write the Being Happy blog. haha. I hope I win. πŸ™‚

Lisa in IL - thanks for offering a giveaway, such a neat poster!

Katie - would loooooooove to hang that in my house. have fun at SNAP. you’re an inspiration. - Looked at the site and loved it!!! I have just painted my studio and have blank walls. I have painted and started adding some pops of color or top of shelves and such but nothing on the walls yet. That would look amazing over one of my tables! I love this simple font as well. Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer - This would look awesome in my house! ;o)

Christyn - My kids are home from school today and I really could use this poster! They need the reminder of how to treat each other and not have it come from Momma! Thank you.

Jessica in Texas - Love it and would like one for each of my kids’ rooms. Words to live by!

Gretchen N. - Would love to win one of his posters!!!

Donna - I love this poster. I would love to hang it in my house! {And you’ll do great tomorrow!!! Have fun!}

Renae - I really enjoy the larger format of these prints and the high ceilings in my living room command art with presence…this fits the bill!! I love the colors too!

Bailey C - Fabulous words there. Thanks for the chance to win. Hope you are having fun!!

Crystal Swoverland - I DO remember this poster and loved it the first time you showed us! I know exactly where in my house I would hang something of this size!!! Sign me up!!!
Have fun at SNAP!!!

Karie - Love the poster!

Jennifer Ensor - What a great reminder! I love it.

Anna Marie - I like his work. *fingers crossed*

Julie - L-O-V-E

stacy - I’ve checked him out before. Would love to win! Your speech will be great and you will look so cute!

Lisa - you AND your blog ROCK!
have the funnest time at SNAP!
’cause funnest is better than fun!
grammar schrammar!

Lyndsey - I would love this poster for my son’s playroom! How perfect!

Jenny - Such a great piece of art! Glad you are having fun!

Sarah - i love that print! the light blue would look great in my living room!

Sabrina - I love that print!
Have fun at Snap!!!

Sara - Sigh….love this. I’d like to say I want it for my kids to see everyday….but it speaks volumes to my heart. Have fun at SNAP. Utah is fun!

Kristen - Ohhh I’d LOVE one!!! Thank you!!

Christine - Love this, would be perfect for my family! I can’t wait to hear about Snap.

Karen Osborne - I love everything that it says too.

Raye Marie - Love this print! Thanks for the fun!

Sarah - Love this! Thanks for the give away!

courtney - looks like a great set of family rules

Jane - I love this! If I won, I would give it to my daughter for her birthday. It would be great for her family.

Michelle - Really lovely posters!

Cristi Clothier - Love this poster as well!

Mandy - What good words! Love the design! Definitely going to have to add that to my mantel whether I win or not! Enjoy your trip.

Dianne - I’ve had this in my cart for MONTHS so I’d love to win one!

Michelle Whitlow - LOVE those!!!!

Michelle Webster - Oh my! I love all of his prints. I hope I win. Don’t forget to have fun this weekend!!

Becky K. - Great visual art. I need some BIG art to fill the walls of our soon to be rental house, since we can’t paint the walls.

chantelle - i love jesus. and house rules.:)

Amber F. - Oh how I love these prints! Good luck speaking!

Lindsay - I love that print and I know right where I’d put it too!

Brenda - Love, Love, Love this! Good Luck!

Kristin Fleck - love these!!!!

Sara Torbett - I have Ryan’s shop as an Etsy favorite so I would love to win a print! πŸ™‚ good luck at snap! Praying for you.

Allison H. - Love it!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Ashley - I LOVE this! Thanks for the chance to win!

Meg - I hope I win but if I don’t, I plan to buy one anyway (I might just buy one even if I win)!

Caroline - Keeping Jesus where everyone sees Him all the time!! What’s better than that?

Happygirl02 - I love this poster! I bought it when you first showed it on your blog.

lennie - I would love finding a spot for the print in my house!!!

Carrie - I would love this for our blah bedroom, nothing in the walls!

Melinda - I love graphic art.

Trudy - I know just where to put this πŸ™‚

Caroline - ME ME ME!!!!!!

Rebecca W - I like what this says too!! You will do fantastic tomorrow!

kristy - I love the “Love Jesus” one. Someday I’ll win… someday I’ll win. πŸ™‚

Jennifer Cole - I am a librarian and I so need this poster in my library! Would love to win one!

Toni - Love this poster!!! Would look great in my family room!!!

Jamie - That poster definitely needs to be at my house! I love it!! So glad to hear you’re having a good time, can’t wait to hear all about it!

janet @ ordinary mom - I have been loving Ryan’s posters for a while now. Would LOVE to win one. πŸ™‚

Shawnie - Love everything about those posters!

Beth - I totally need this for my house! Love it!

Nancy - This poster is perfect! Thanks for all your great ideas and opportunities!

Jenny L - I love these prints!!

Emily B - Love this! I’ve been wanting to make something like this, but I may just buy one instead. Lol Thanks for the chance to win one!

keely - Love those posters! Thanks, Meg!

Jenifer Miller - Awesome prints, would love to hang one in my living room!

rachel - That poster says it all! I want it πŸ™‚

Meggan D. - On my way to check out his shop… if I don’t win here.. I’ll get one myself!

Rachel Van Horn - Love that poster…especially the no fussing part πŸ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Love that poster! Yay! I’ll be praying for you!

Nicole - Love it! It would look fabulous on the gallery wall I’m creating in my nursery πŸ™‚

Amy Sytsma - So cool! Would love to win. Yay!

Gretchen - Love, Love this poster!! I think it should be in every house!! Glad you are having a good time at SNAP.

sullyj - A great reminder for us all! I would love to put this on my mantle-love it. We will all be thinking of you tomorrow, you’ll do great!
P.S. I too, have fears of large groups of women (or anyone for that matter!)

Nicole - this is very cool.

kribss - awesome!

Abby Gossard - I purchased the Family Rules poster for myself for Christmas. I picked the one with LOVE JESUS in HUGE letters on the very top…makes me smile every time I see it & I hope my 18 month old know early our family rules. πŸ™‚ Have fun at SNAP & be brave…if you aren’t uncomfortable then you aren’t growing. Grow big. πŸ™‚

Lisa - Glad you are feeling good at SNAP. I am sure you will do great speaking. πŸ™‚ And I would LOVE to win this one! Gonna go look at his website now…

Alice Nakles - ooo I love those. It would look awesome in my new apartment πŸ™‚ Thanks for the give away.

Jayne Barbour - This is awesome! Would be so special to have!

Kati - Love it! He’s got some other great prints too! πŸ™‚

Kristi King - Love it! Would love to win πŸ™‚

Misty - I’d love to win this! So wonderful!

Shelly Foster - Love that poster !

Sarah Beth - I would put this on the wall across from the door so it’s the first thing you see when you walk in the house!

Leslie - I have been wanting one of these posters! Love it!

Jessica - Fab prints! Would be fun to have one. Glad you are having fun!

Darci Weinert - Love the “love Jesus” poster-that is exactly what we try to keep as the focus of our home everyday!

Donna Goff - I would love to win this poster..I hope I win!!

karen - these are great mantras!! i would love it! i doubt you ship to where i am though.

Magda - Beautiful poster, so positive, you read and smile thinking “that is all so true”:)

jenny - Love it! Have just the empty wall for it! πŸ™‚

Maria - Have fun at Snap! You’ll do great tmrw!
Love the prints!

Kathi - Already have this one on our mantel. Love it! I would love to have another as a gift:)

Sharla - Yep, black and white is great and BIG πŸ™‚ Glad you are having a good time!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I like the simple black and white. It would be a great piece for my entryway! Hope you are having a great time and rocking those red wedges!

jacqui anderson - pick me πŸ™‚ glad you’re having fun at Snap, can’t wait for photos!!

Danielle - I would love this! Praying for you, you’ll be great tomorrow:)

Kelly - What a great way to be constantly reminded of good messages! I love the family rules and marry me posters.

Jennifer - Awesome! I love his family rules!

Jennifer - Love it!!!

shannan - Love this poster!!! Cant wait to hear about snap!

deborah@applesinwonderland - Those prints are beautiful. Good reminders. Was it an episode of Brady Bunch where to fight nervousness of public speaking one of the Brady kids was told to imagine everyone in their underwear? You could do that. Though, that wouldn’t help me. I tend to giggle inappropiately anyway. Just breathe in, exhale out. You’ll be great.

Sara W - Great poster and I would love to find a place for it at my house.

Diane - Oh how awesome this would look on my mantle. I will go check the shop out now!

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just moved in.

we are still loving the neighbor's chickens.



the kids keep asking when we are getting OUR chickens??
i think….why should we get chickens when the neighbors already have some!
if some one would build me a coop and tell me how….i might consider it.
but then what do you do about the dogs?
and what about when we go on trips?
it's just easier to enjoy the neighbor's for now.

but look who just moved in across the street from my front door!!!

this is LITERALLY the view from my front door.  (say that like rob lowe…)

i went out to the fence to see what happens when cows live across the street.
they saw me.
and just kept eating and slowly walking side-by-side-touching-non-stop in a line got closer and closer.


i knelt down and covered my face with the camera but still right out in the open on the other side of the fence.
the fence is barbed wire so i wasn't hiding.
they seemed very curious about the camera.
when my face wasn't covered they would get startled and back down a little.



especially 109.
we were about two feet apart.

eating but keeping an eye on the crazy camera lady…..


they were all so close together it made ME feel claustrophobic!  

i love the grass stained knees!
what a show off you are number 132.

my driveway….with cows.

the spirea bushes bloomed last week.

and another sunset picture.
the cows would be on the left side of the road….our house on the right.


this is my outside area that needs work.

my mom said "i thought you were taking a break?"  
i guess maybe i could take a break from gardening….but i doubt it.
i was planning on doing some kind of gardening out here.
this little space is SCREAMING to be worked on!
i don't think i can leave it alone.
after SNAP i may have some time to work on it….if i decide to.

this past weekend we had such a beautiful night that we decided to have a campfire.
with s'mores.
behind the barn.



it was pretty much a perfect night.
you can see the whole sky filled with stars when you are out here.

pretty amazing.

i may even agree to do some tent camping in the yard this summer.




btw….i just made it to Utah.
it's going to be very fun!!! 
bring on the bloggers.
or maybe i will just go hide in my room instead….i get so weird about big groups of women!

i can do this.

deep breaths.

smiley face.

i need to go find more deoderant.
i am sweating.


maggie - Meg i have said this before but admire you for your move and though you have not shared the details, i know it is awesome! I love that you have cows and chickens, i am a total country girl stuck in suburban california…one day, maybe God will bless us too with a move to a slower paced life…for now i enjoy your pictures.

Mary - LOVE the cows!
what a dreamy view! πŸ™‚

Emma - My 2 year old loves the cow pics. Thanks for sharing.

Kelli @ Lolly Jane - My sons are on my lap chatting in my ear about your cows but they request to see a bull, haha. SO glad to have met you. You really put life in perspective in our short chat. I can see why my sis is obsessed with you..

marci - hey meg…it’s snap ugly crier gush girl.:D
you did an awesome job…loved meeting you.
sorry about the ugly crying. you ARE awesome.;D
i am going to email you so watch for me ok?

melody - I live on a dairy farm so I HAD to comment! πŸ™‚ Although we have Jersey cows…:) You know the brown ones with the big soft eyes? πŸ™‚
Your pictures were awesome.

PrairieJenn - Chickens are far easier to take care of than even our cat and dogs! You’d be surprised. Love your photos and the new house. And take your time…work on the front when you want…if you want. You’re in the country now, girl. Things move at a different pace:) Enjoy it!

Chris - I super love your cow pictures. So funny how they stayed so close together in a line. And the grass-stained knees…I love cows.

Suzanne - Cows! I feel especially close to number 109, now that I know what the inside of his nose looks like! My father-in-law has chickens and my kids love them… they freak me out!
Have fun at SNAP – you will do great!

Michelle - I had to show my two children your pictures! They laugh at me because I take my camera with me when I walk and have been known to stop and take pics of the neighbors’ “gorgeous girls”–cows and “cuties”–goats. (named somewhat mockingly by my teenage daughter as I had to stop for yet one more picture!)
I love spring with all the farm life and flowers surrounding our home. So thankful to all the farmers. As for chickens, we are on our way to having our own small flock–I am very excited.
Good luck at SNAP. You will be awesome!

Antonette - Oh my gosh. You are LIVING my dream. I would looove to live in the country again. …Now how can I make that happen for me? Hmm…

Diane - I absolutely LOVE all these pictures.

jen - wonderful as always and you are going to be brilliant this weekend. head held high, deep breaths, shoulders back and remember…smile when you enter the room, it relaxes others and lifts the features of the face! good luck.

Stephanie - Living in the country is the best. We love our chickens and we have a huge variety so that we not only get brown eggs…we get speckled ones and blue ones. We have outside rabbits in a large enclosed area since we live where mountain lions and bears wander through the creek nearby. Animals are wonderful to have because they teach our kids responsibility. I barely do anything with the animals. πŸ™‚ Enjoy!

Tami - Get the chickens. My girls are awesome. We go out of town a lot and we have a dog who loves our chickens. Super easy pets and we always have fresh eggs.

Jen Brandt - Love the pictures of the cows, Meg. Made. my. day. Thank you so much! Have a wonderful, wonderful weekend!

Krissy - I love love love your cows!!!! Especially Mr. 132. That tongue is just crazy!!!! You’ll be great in Utah, I’m sure everyone will love you!! :o)

Gemma - Amazing! I love the close-ups. Cows are so pretty.
You are so lucky!
Gemma x

Benay - Good Morning! The Lord brought you to mind when I read this today, so I thought I’d share:
So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will PERSONALLY go ahead of you. He will be with you, he will neither fail you or abandon you. Deuteronomy 31.6
Blessings to you as you bless others!!

Linda - Havign smores in the cool of the evening is a sweet time with family! Lovely place.

elisa - I am loving your farm life. πŸ™‚ My neighbor has chickens. I love them. She has two labs- they leave the chickens alone- sniff them. I get eggs from them. But now I feel guilty every time I eat chicken.

amy cornwell - Love it! I’m so jealous still πŸ™‚ You’re so blessed!! Awesome.

christy - Love the pics! Farm life is treating you well.
I promise you chickens are as easy if not easier than taking care of Waffle. I have 2 adults hens & a new girl, she’s only about 6 weeks. I live in a large metro city in the burbs &! We have a coop, built by us (under $100), I took 2 storage boxes from Big Lots, cut openings for their nesting boxes, gives them some pine or straw, chicken scratch & a water container ($8-10) as the feed store. Mine free range & go to the coop @ night. I have 2 cats & 2 yellow Labs, they could care less about the chickens. The chicks rule the roost & even hijack food from my boys (dogs).

Katie - The cows are fabulous you lucky girl!!

Mindy Harris - people adore you, megan! you will do great!
i wish i could go to snap.
i love the last pic of craig and annie. so sweet.
are the cows reall stinky?

Kelly - Just pretend you are hosting all of them like at a craft weekend! Then you won’t feel nervous. You’ll know you’re about to welcome them to a wonderful experience!
I love the cows!! Kelly
p.s. thanks for saying the name of that bush. I may just have to plant one. I love them. Any downsides to them?

Jenna@CallHerHappy - #109 is litrally the cutest cow I’ve ever seen! (I like to spell it like that cause that’s how he says it!)
Also, I get nervous around big groups of women too. Prayers!

pam - oh man! it is letting me leave a comment. πŸ™‚
i love the sunsets…
and the moo cows. makes me really miss home…
you are an awesome photographer.
miss you.

Laura Phelps - I am not sure what weirds me out more…a group of cows, or a group of women bloggers!!!!
I think the bloggers πŸ™‚
the cows are actually adorable.

ko. s - How fun! How lovely! How much I dream of a house like that!
Have fun at Snap! Don’t hide missy, you’ve got sooooo much talent to share!

casey - I love the 132 cow picture! I hope that is going to be framed in your house somewhere.
Also.. “More deodrant!!” I know, right?!! I’m the same way! I get nervous and the sweat and I’m not even hot! And then I get even more nevrous because I worry that I have pit stains or something and then end up sweating more! It’s vicious cycle!

Kerry Wiebe - That is the same view but from my screened in porch!!! You are going to be great sister!! Just remember you rock! Love YA!! Can’t wait to hear all about it!

Kelly - All I can think of is Meg turned Pioneer Woman. πŸ˜‰
What a great place to call home!

Amy @ Little for a Little While - Thos pictures of the cows are beautiful! It would have scared me to have them so close, good for you, brave one!

Kristi Thomsen - I love, love, love the cow pics! Especially #109!

April R - (lol Angie!)
Meg, have FUN at SNAP! πŸ™‚ Be awesome πŸ™‚
ok, you were probably just being funny about the deodorant thing
but for anyone out there that might not know there’s the wonderful Rx: Drysol.
It’s a summertime, public speaking time, humidity busting time friend.
You put on at night, wash off in the morning,
u don’t need the regular stuff, AND you don’t use it everyday.
It works.
And people who have to be around me are glad it does.

Sarah - Awesome.
Love the cows.
Love the campfire.
Love that barn.

Angie - Do you feel like PW taking pics of all those cows for your blog? lol
Maybe Mr. Duerksen could dress cowboy for you someday. πŸ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - LITERALLY πŸ™‚

Jess - Look at you! You are a true farm girl now. πŸ˜‰

Kim - Love, love, love cows. They are so funny. And their eyes are so kind.

jen - i just love, love those cows and wow your new home is awesome! not something you ever see here in so. ca..just beautiful. but i am for sure bonkers over #109 how could you not lay one on his nose! he is so sweet! love your blog… it’s so so fun!
have fun in utah

Shar - Have a good time at SNAP. And, then when you get home, your front garden would be perfect for an herb garden!
And, the cows and chickens will be asking for a family photo once they learn your talent!

Lisa - What a peaceful new life you have now. I’m happy for you;)

Theresa McCabe - omigosh SO BEAUTIFUL! great photog πŸ™‚

Amnah - Not gonna lie, I miss seeing pics of your old house, or should I say “the craft weekend house” now. But I’m falling in love with your country home. Very cool.

Dian Olivr - loven the chicken and cow and sunset pictures. the thing is…will your kids still eat chicken if they have live ones in their yard? i know they wouldn’t eat their very own! but, will they make the connection? just a thought! have a blast at snap. i know you will!!

jamie - seriously love how you call the cows by their numbers. once you discover their personalities you should name them! you’re super fun…

Dina - I want chickens SOOOO bad! One day my hubs is on board, the next he isn’t…we live in Wichita… the city says we can have up to 3. I can handle that:-)…maybe sneak in a couple more;-)
And cows…cows…my fave animal ever! I should live on a farm but my heart is too fragile for that…ya know what I mean? My farmer friend told me the lifespan of a laying hen…2-3 years:-(…and the way they die…you don’t even wanna know! Have a fantastic time at SNAP!:-)

Sara Torbett - We live on a farm with cows! We love ’em. Our evenings are often spent checking the cows. My 10 month old especially likes them πŸ™‚ the BEST is the new little calves! They are so playful and frolick everywhere. Not so smelly and “manure-y” yet either. πŸ™‚ praying for your conference! You’ll do great!

happygirl - I love your new home. I’m confused, did you move and I missed it? Thanks for sharing the pics.

Julie - I am having cow envy! We would looove to move to an area just like yours, but alas, the housing market is preventing any movement for us. I long for only the sounds of wildlife in the evenings. Keep sharing pictures…I look forward to them! Hmmm..I wonder if my subdivision would frown on chickens.

Amber - I will totally build you a coop. I mean that seriously. I only live 2 hours away. Maybe we could work out a swap of some sort or a discount if my name ever comes up for a Whatever Craft Weekend spot. I have several sets of plans and I’ve been thinking a coop would be a fun project for a while. That and I really wanted to design one after the Williams Sonoma Agrarian collection came out a couple of weeks ago.

sue - What is SNAP in Utah ???

nicole - Oh, these pictures are making my heart sing!
I have been in need of a farm fix the past couple of days.
Since I don’t know when I’ll get to the family farm next, I did the next best thing…. I shared some of my Instagram pictures on my blog.
But man, these pictures are doing my heart lots of good!

Terrie G - I heart #132 and that tongue sticking out!
Just wait until you get a wiff of them in a strong wind when you are ready for a ‘fresh’ breeze in the house….that part of being on the farm I don’t miss so much.
Girl…you will do fine in that crowd of women!
If you get stressed….just pretend they are the chickens or the cows…I mean that in a good way… LOL!! πŸ™‚

Jill - Oh I LOVE it! I love snapping pics of cows – they are bit stinky animals but they are SO PHOTOGENIC!

Shelley - Since you’re a bonafide “country” girl now, I must tell you that you live on a road, not a street-lol!!
And, I can practically smell #109.
Do you want to smell my pigs?!? I can get a pic for ya!
Enjoy your country living πŸ™‚

tiffany gardner - YOU CAN DO IT! (or God can do it through you!)
Wish I were there to hear you!!!

Kimberly - Ha! Great post! (And I think you’re jealous of ol’ #132… not many people can do that! Although my husband can… TMI?)

Cindy - You made cows look so happy! Great pics!!!

Kristen - Get some chickens!!! Maybe your neighbor with the chickens can take care of yours while you’re on vacation. We have a farm across the street that grows strawberries and has chickens…best eggs ever and my kids are obsessed with the chickens.
Whenever we pass cows my husband loves to yell “I won’t eat you” that’s all I could think looking at each picture (he’s a vegetarian).

Karen Gerstenberger - Those cows are adorable – so sweet, with their big, dark, trusting eyes. That tongue! Eeek.
As soon as I saw the chickens, I thought, “They look as if they are wearing bloomers” – you know, big Scarlett O’Hara bloomer-type-underwear. Too funny!
Your new neighborhood -and animal kingdom neighbors- are simply lovely.
Have a wonderful time in fellowship with the other bloggers. I feel the same way about big groups, but you are there for a purpose, and He will carry you.

Meg Carter - Meg! What perfect timing?!?!? This post was meant to be. This weekend I was planning on starting 2 paintings. One of cows and one of a chicken! These are awesome reference photos for me. The paintings are for our first little girl on the way, for her nursery. Yay!!! Jumping for joy!! It is a sign that I am supposed to start NOW!!! Thanks Meg, for the inspiration and help you did not even know you were giving!!!! I will be sure to show you the paintings when I am done!

Jessica - you’re so lucky!! My boys would LOVE it there!! I look out my window and see houses… houses and houses. BUT if I drive for about 15min I’m in NYC!!

jacqui anderson - meg, wait till the cows start running with you!! when we were on the farm and i would run down the road beside the cow paddock/field they would run along the fence line with me and wait till i was coming back and then turn and run with me again!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - Cows are pretty cool!

Leah - Beautiful pictures. Can I move in? Love the cows.

Amanda - Oh, beautiful cows! A dear old friend of my mom’s called them Meadow Ladies.

Marilyn - Aww… aren’t cows great!? I rode one when I was about 8. Well, I rode it until the lady across the road called my gramma and tattled. It really was different from a horse!

Sharley McMullen - Love love your blog! thanks for the wiww tutorial inspires me to go shopping which I really “don’t love”.
on a different note, I noticed the flower from Joy’s Hope, I’m SO SAD I can’t get on her blog anymore, my computer says it is blocked because of a virus. Do you have another address for Julie’s ‘new’ blogspot? would be ‘forever grateful’ if you do and would share with me
ps I’m Don Beverlin’s cousin in Calif.

Dani - Chickens and COWS…. man you are in the country! Miss my country life as a child.
Have fun at SNAP. You are an amazing lady and will be wonderful! You know all your readers already love you, so you shouldn’t be worried!
Prayers for your nerves!

Carrie - Such beautiful pictures! Can’t wait until you share the inside of your home, but that probably won’t come until winter, as beautiful as it is outside. πŸ™‚
I’m weird around big groups of women too. Well, big groups of people actually. πŸ™‚

Holly - I love the cows!

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my version of WIWW

Lindsey at the The Pleated Poppy has done What I Wore Wednesday for….ever.
i don't know how long.
and i have NEVER participated.
because i just don't dress that cute on a daily basis.  
maybe twice a week i dress nicer than my workout clothes/sweats.

and of those two days…i never take pictures.

so i thought….since i am all packed and ready for SNAP….nerves are much less anxious….thanks for praying.
i thought i would show my version of WIWW.

suitcase style.

 cardigan – Forever 21
tank –  Matilda Jane

jewelry  - Crystal B

 dress – Old Navy
cardigan – JCPenney

flower – Made4Adoption



striped top – Forever 21
denim jacket – Old Navy
white pants – Old Navy
Jewelry CATO



coral top – Maurices
denim jacket – Old Navy
pants – Dress Barn (moo) 
jewelry – Francescas
flower – Julie at Joys Hope 

here is all of it with shoes.  :)
leopard flats – target, red wedges – Payless, sandals – Maurices, sparkle sequin converse – Target

it's kind of like fashion plates.  
did you love fashion plates like i did?
i used to make outfit after outfit….and color them in with colored pencil.
 i think i still have some.
i have never had my girls play with them???
what have i done to them?!
i hope i can find them.
they need fashion plates in their life.


this is why i don't do WIWW.
it would be 5 photos of this….with different colored tanks.
i have a weeks worth of those capris.
i wear the jacket over and over.
 nice hair.

i will be leaving this "outfit" at home. 

and guess who i am rooming with at SNAP?
maybe she will school me on how to pull off WIWW.
i clearly need a lesson.

also rooming with Jeannett and Maggie.
 i think it's going to be loads of fun.
they can teach me about instagram and business-y things.
talk about a powerhouse room at the Spring Hill Suites!
how did i get in there???
i can't wait.
i am getting very excited today. 

although i am feeling SO guilty about leaving.
i am going to be gone for mr. duerksen's birthday.
the first time in….over 20 years!!!
that is huge.
i am a jerk.
it's really bothered me.
he says it means nothing and he doesn't care.
"it's just like any other saturday"
but to me it is a BIG deal…like i am tearing up just thinking about it!
i want to celebrate him on his big day.
i want to be there.
my kids are going to have to step up. 
they better be good and make it nice!

the guilt.

alright….i am off to run (treadmill…wind is too much today)
and then finish up all the last minute things like…new spanx…and travel size hairspray.
and People Magazine.


Erin - I loved fashion plates. They really need to bring those back!

Kristen Duke Photography - I LOVE all your outfits and I’m sad I didn’t see them in person, even though I was there at SNAP! LOVE that turq. chunky necklace, and love those sparkly converse! Also crushing on your running shoes! I link up to WIWW sometimes, and when I don’t my readers get bugged! I laughed with Lindsey about that–she REALLY has to keep it up!

Gina // C is for Cupcakes Baking Co. - Very cute! i just bought my first little cardigan today, looking forward to layering stuff now that I am down three pant sizes and fit in REGULAR misses sizes, adios plus! – and some jersey dresses from lands end, solid colors. They had a flower pin like yours , but were charging $20 – for mass produced! I KNEW I could find them cuter, for less and from a SBO online!!!
And those leopard/cheetah flats from Target? I had those, wore them out.
Have fun!!! Hope your event is as fun + inspiring (with this line up , how could it not be) as your suitcase prepares for it to be!!!

Shannon - Frequent reader, infrequent commenter. πŸ˜‰ I just had to post and say how cute all your outfits are, I wish I could pull an outfit together the way that you do. I tend to get stuck in the same rut day after day. Solid shirt, some kind of pant, maybe cute jewelry? I’m inspired to go shopping thanks to you! πŸ™‚

Kat - Totally love your outfits, especially those with pops of red or coral, that is very much my taste too!
I think you have done a fab job of putting them together!!
Go have a fantastic time!
I imagine Lindsay would be really lovely. I really like her blog too.

sandi - i found some fashion plates at a consignment sale… middle daughter loves them! so cool!

Bullymama - Great outfits, you really know how to accessorize…your shoes and jewelry are just enough pop to make a statement but not be overdone. I love it!! I used to have Fashion Plates and a few years ago my kids found the boy’s version, I think it is called Monster Maker at a yard sale…brought me back as close as I am going to get to Fashion Plates with 3 boys πŸ™‚ Have a great time at SNAP…and when you are feeling guilty about being away for hubby’s bday remember that you are there for a greater reason than yourself and you will celebrate with him when you get back. My best friend just moved to Utah, I’ve got to get out there soon!

Kristin S - I seriously think I’d just hibernate in your room. What an awesome roomie group!!!

Alice H - Cute outfits and shoes!! Love that dress. I need to buy some more cardigans. I dislike my arms! And that is a great idea to pair them with so much stuff. Hope you have fun.

Laura - You are so funny-i love reading your blog!

cassi - Great outfits you have planned. Have fun. Someday I will make it to a blogging conference

Stacy - Fashion Plates – ah memories! I didn’t have them but my friend did and I was lucky she shared her set with me. Melissa and Doug toy company has a really great version, they are stencils, and the body shapes are real body shapes. Amazon has them here:

jen - converse please!!!!! {i really have to get to a target}

Jodi - Meg, I love the pictures you took of the outfits, gorgeous! You should totally post more like this.
And fashion plates was like my all time favorite toy as a kid. I might have to scour ebay for some now!

amy cornwell - I had and loved fashion plates!! Yay. They were so fun! (and I have seen them at Target and *gasp* my daughter didn’t want them. so sad)

danielle - Mine would be jeans + tank/shirt. I always wear hiking boots, no cute shoes. I did a little better while doing my 365 project. I never understood where all those people are going that they look so nice? I try and then I get cold or get food on it and just say forget it!

Mary - wooo!
those outfits are amazing! i totally wish i would have bought that old navy dress, but i was being grumpy that day! πŸ™‚
have fun! πŸ™‚

Krissy - You should do the WIWW more often! I love seeing what actually looks good on a normal person, since all I wear is jeans and tees. lol! I would have to say the 4th is my fave, only because I’m in love with your converse (and have been for a while :D) Have fun at SNAP!! It sounds like it’s going to be a blast!!! And dont worry too much about hubby…mine is like that too, but I really dont think it’s a big deal to them. Just have something good planned for when you get home, and you will feel much better. :))))))

Jill - Have a freakin BLAST Meg! I love your outfits even your work out one! πŸ™‚

Yby5 - Love you!!As I write this sitting in my work out clothes I can relate. Your outfits look fantastic and so pulled together. You have a knack for accessorizing…you’ll be your own fashion plate at Snap!

Amy @ Little for a Little While - I love all the color! I need to step up my game…why are sweats just soooo comfy?!

Laura b - Love the outfits! Too cute. The one with the striped cardi is my favorite one. Wish I was going to Snap. Just found out about it a week ago and tickets were already sold out. So bummed! I know you will do great and can’t wait to hear all about it on your blog! Safe travels!

Kari - you look great in your workout clothes – reading the above comment i need some capris like those too for jazzercise πŸ™‚

Wendy - FASHION PLATES ROCKED! Remember you would have to use the side of an unwrapped crayon when you lost the pink holder and black harderthanaregularcrayon thingy! I love the 80’s … πŸ™‚

Katy - I love all of your outfits!!! I might have to go to Forever 21….thought I was way too old for that store!
BTW, where did you get your running them. I’ve been wanting some just like that.
Have fun at SNAP!

ko. s - Oh fashion plates!!! I loved those! Wow, what a flash back πŸ™‚ Your outfits are toooooooo cute I’m actually saving that picture in hopes of duplicating them all! Have so much fun!!!

Katie Sellers - Your outfits are adorable, you will look so cute! I wouldn’t even be able to pull together that many cute “looks” with accessories for a trip let alone an average week!
Have fun!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I think I have that same turquoise bobble necklace πŸ˜‰ so cute! Your outfits all look great. You look great too! P.S. I think you are married to a great guy like mine and he totally understands being gone on his birthday. He knows you feel bad. Just make it up to him when you get back πŸ˜‰ Have a great time and please share ALL the details. P.P.S I will keep you in my prayers. You’ll do great!

Kerstie Pederson - Love the outfits…. and I L-O-V-E-D fashion plates!

Kristina - Love your ensembles! Have a great time away.

Tiffany - I love it!! You are hilarious and insightful, funny but reals. Have fun at SNAP!

Lisa - particularly love outfit #1. totally my style. πŸ™‚ i would also feel guilty about being gone for my husbands bday. but it sounds like your man is really ok with it. plan something great when you get home! plus it does allow your kids to step up and make their dad feel celebrated!

Carrie - You are so cute! πŸ˜‰

Amy - First…I’m so inspired I love the outfits! Second…find sweet meaningful souvenir for the birthday guy (for my love it means something chocolate:)) and third…I had fashion plates!! And I haven’t thought of them in about 30 years, thanks for the memory and have a blast at SNAP!!

Jess - I really hope you contine to post wiww outfits; your choices are sooo cute! The accessories and shoes really put them over the top adorable! Thanks for sharing!

Lisa A. A. - Adorable outfits! Laughing because I’m sitting here in my black yoga pants and gray wrap cardigan… my uniform! You’ll do great at SNAP; lucky audience!

Ashley - love all of those outfits, very cute!!
and hey, your workout shoes are pretty freaking awesome.

Kaylee@Life Chasers - you are going to look fabulous!
and don’t you love your nike frees? i live in mine. i would kiss them if they weren’t shoes.

tiffany gardner - Oh how you make me laugh! I would feel the same about not being with my hubby on his day too…you aren’t alone! I will lift you up that day! Wow…awesome roommates! (as if i really know them other than reading the blogs everyday!) Can’t wait to hear how it goes! Safe travels!

Mindy Harris - i really love the flowered dress and of course your joy’s hope brooch. thank you for doing this outfit post. it’s so cute! you SO CAN pull off WIWW…mine have always been awkward but i do them anyway… but only sometimes.
have fun at SNAP! i want to go next year, so so bad. sounds like you girls are going to have a ball. i’d love to be rooming with you and maggie. i love you both.
shawn turned 30 this week and i understand the hubbie’s bday thing. we act like it’s more special for me than for him. but he does SO MUCH for our family that i wanted him to feel special, and know that i was willing to “sacrifice” a girl’s night out to be with him.
safe travels!

Carrie - Thanks for the MOO after Dress Barn. I am convinced a man named the store. No woman would put in the name of womens clothing store.
My WIWW would be jeans and a tshirt. I work from home half the time and the rest is a small office with no dress code. It’s nice, except when I want to dress a little nicer and don’t have much to choose from. πŸ™‚
As for Mr Duerksens birthday. I get the guilt, I can say I am right there with you. To me birthdays are huge and special. To my Mr., they are just another day. Know that you are doing something that will benefit you and your family this weekend. There is a purpose for you somewhere else this weekend. Mr Duerksen understands so try to be easy on yourself and have fun!

Victoria - I love the outfits, especially #4! Maybe I should secretly copy them. He he.
So glad you showed the shoes too. I never know what shoes to wear with different outfits.

Aby Gittings - Smokin cute outfits girl!! I love how different they all are…yet they all flow together beautifully! Is there ANYTHING you aren’t good at??? As for hubby… don’t beat yourself up. You can make it up to him when you get back!! I’m sure his pride in you and your accomplishments.. as evidenced by this trip… are all the gift he needs! Have fun!!

Jennifer - I love this post!!! Love your outfits!! Especially red/turquoise combo!!
I’m also impressed that you are still running!! You go girl! Is it getting easier?

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Have fun. I love the outfits but I’m very sad we don’t have a Francesca’s around here. They have the greatest jewelry! I should check online; I’m probably missing out.
Have fun on your trip! Your hotel room will not be one for sleeping that’s for sure:)

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I was looking for fashion plates for my daughter the other day…even though she is only 9 mos old. I can play with them until she needs them, right? Also, I could only find them on ebay. They have new ones out, but they don’t look nearly as cool!
Your outfits are very nautical, and I love that πŸ™‚ You have such a great way of shopping at reasonable places and making it look like a million bucks πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - first of all…I don’t know what SNAP is, but I am jealous.
second of all…you have a lot of cute clothes. I have seen you on line AND in fabulous person. You always look cute. I happen to adore your work out attire. You HAVE work out attire. I work out in crap. You should see my sad sad closet.
third of all…THANK YOU so much for not posing in EVERY. SINGLE. OUTFIT. It creeps me out when people blog themselves in different outfits…not sure why…but it does.
have fun!
and no worries…I have BIG plans for Craig on his birthday!!!! HA!!!! no I don’t. but speaking of birthdays…mine is Tuesday, and if I didn’t live miles away and was sick with Lyme Disease, I would want to go to your craft weekend home for a craft BIRTHDAY weekend! with you and your margaritas!!!! maybe for my 50th???? πŸ™‚

happygirl - You are stylin’ girl. πŸ™‚

jen@thecottagenest - Well I think you just convinced me to go to Francesca’s because I love that necklace. I’m hoping you got it recently! Also what brand of capri workout pants do you like? I’m searching for some right now myself! Have a great time. You will surely look adorable!

Jenn - Love, love, love the outfits! You are going to look and be great!

Kerry - Awww – they all look great Meg! Have FUN FUN FUN!! xx

tina - Have a fantastic time!!! You’re going to look adrorable!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I totally look like you every day. I do not have any clothes otherwise. Guess I should go shopping. Have a great time.

Mollie - LOVE all your outfits! So cute! Have a great weekend!!

Karen Gerstenberger - Those outfits look great! I am a terrible packer, and that has just given me a good idea for making it easier. You could also sell alot of clothes that way – showing the options and all the pieces that would go with those as the core wardrobe.
You are going to have a wonderful time and you will inspire and encourage so many others. And I bet you will make it up to Mr. Duerksen when you get home!

Jess - You are going to look super cute, Megan. Praying for you. Have so much fun!

annie - You’re adorable! LUCKY you for rooming with all those gals! Y’all are going to have so much fun!!!!!!
Cute outfits!!!!

Sarah @This Farm Family's Life - You have an awesome sense of style!

Lori H - You are the cutest, and your outfits are great! I don’t think we have Maurice’s. Maybe you can arrange for a friend to come by on your husband’s bday to deliver a special gift from you? Then he would be feeling the love from afar πŸ™‚

Sarah Wolfe - I hope you have so much fun! Your outfits are adorable! I never played with fashion plates… Maybe that’s why I have trouble putting outfits together πŸ™‚

BriBedell - You are adorable! I think now that I have had my third & last baby, I’m buying real spanx (not Walmart ones) until I get this tummy back into shape!!!

casey - SO JEALOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanna room with lindsey! The only two blogs I read are yours and hers! It’s like my newspaper everyday. Have an awesome time and I can’t wait to see pictures!
Super fab outfits by the way and LOVE the leopard flats!

Carla Grace - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE everything you put together!! When I grow up I want to be just like you. πŸ™‚ I must check out 4ever XXI…their stuff is just too dang cute! Have fun!!

Lindsey - CAAAAAUUUUUTE outfits!!!!! You will look awesome! If I were to do the WIWW today, it would not be pretty. Inside-out long john shirt with kid boogies all over it, high-water jeans with holes, and my hair in a clippy on top of my head. HOT. NOT.

Megan - Super cute outfits. I’d love to hear what your favorite running clothes are, including sports bras!

air greenwood - first things first…I am SO SO SO in love with your blog & your sparkling personality! & you are going to be right in my state, less than 2 hours away!! I am SERIOUSLY SAD that I couldnt score registration to SNAP! By the time I had heard about it, it was sold out! Major bummer!!!
If you head to the marketplace, look for a vendor named Salty Bison! She is one talented and super lovely lady! Ive photographed their family & let me just say, for 6 kids, I have NEVER seen a couple more in love and refreshing & just all around calm!
Such cute outfits. I have to say, I own about 4 different pairs of the same black yoga pants and tanks as well. I wear them all daily, along with some leggings thrown in here and there. Im sure my neighbors think Im dying to be an 80’s superstar…its rather embarrassing to be seen chasing your neighbors dog back home wearing leggings, jogging shorts and a tank top. ha!
Safe travels!& at least dress comfy on the plane. πŸ™‚
Oh & one more thing. Youre not a jerk for missing the mr’s bday. Although I am sure he would love to have you present, I bet he will also love just having a day to lounge and be a kid with your kids. It just shows how much he loves and supports you, to not make a big ol’ deal out of it! Plus, you can always make it up with a special “date night” when you return..any excuse once we have kidlets right?!

Julie - I gotta know what kind of running ahoes those are! So cute!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Did you pre-plan the nautical theme? WOW! You’re a layer maven. I dig it.
Have big fun!

Wendy - JEALOUS!! your conference and roomates sound amazing. your outfits are too cute! have fun!

Maria - Sorry for the much for auto correct!

Maria - By the way.l.i am constantly in workout gear…even if I don’t get a workout in that day…I do try and dress up for the occasional PTA mtg or lunch out though…

Maria - Cute cute cute! I love all the shoes and especially love the Francescas necklace…I need to go shopping. Have fun!

Tanya H - Such cute outfits! I hear ya on the birthday, sad!
I know…I keep thinking I want to play with WIWW…except…I can’t. LOL! πŸ™‚ Of course it helps that I haven’t figured out the timer on my camera, and I don’t have a full length mirror, haha!
Best of wishes on your trip! You’ll be fabulous!

Gina f. - Your outfits are adorable!!! I love all the colors!!

Cindy - I looove the turquoise bauble necklace. And the MOO was funny about DressBarn.
All the outfits = cute! Even you in your workout gear= cute!!

kristy - I love the picture of you in your comfy workout clothes. That would be the majority of WIWW too. I do love the other clothes you posted too. This post made me smile!!

Angela - Love your style! So fun.

jacqui anderson - forgot to say outfit #1 my fav!! although those glitter converse are pretty sweeeeeet!! I need a target near me!!!

jacqui anderson - those outfits are gorgeous, thanks for inspiring to get out of my sweats for maybe one or two days!!
heading to old navys website right now!!

beki - shut up, you are so cute! i love your outfits. I have a serious deficiency in that department even though i am forced to get dressed in nice clothes every day.
girl, i am feeling the jerky guilt myself. i’m leaving on a trip in 2 weeks (to have fun with friends), leaving my poor husband to care for our 4 kids, including a 6 month old. i’m going to miss ma babies!! i’m already worried my baby won’t remember me when i get back. leaving is hard!!

Trish - you are so cute… you need no schooling on how to do WIWW… you just did it. Meg style πŸ™‚ have so much fun. i am dying over outfit number 1. i love them all though. you will do awesome and it will be so fun to room with all those fun gals! have a blast

4 Fab Franklins - Love Love Love the outfits! Those sparkle tennies are so fun!
Have a great time.

Meredith W. - You look so thin! Congrats on sticking with running. It’s my favorite form of exercise, and I love seeing other women enjoying it too (or at least enjoying the results!).

Melissa - A room full of creative gals!!! I’d love to have a slumber party with all of you!!!!!
Your outfits are so comfy and cute. I need to shop with you!

lorel - have fun Meg – you will look so cute!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - My daily ensemble matches yours – black Target capris, tanks, and hoodies or jackets.
I Moo for Dress Barn too but always find cute dresses for date night/weddings there so I can’t knock it.
Everything is adorable – you’ll be very fashion plate-y.
I stil have my fashion plates and yes the girls love them and whenever they’re out I join in because I can’t help myself. If you can’t find yours just come over and play with mine!
Have fun at SNAP! I’ll be with you in spirit — you’re going to rock it! : )

Jenn Shock - Very cute outfits! I LOL’d at your “Moo” reference to Dress Barn. I hate that name, and refer to it as Heifer House in jest whenever I go shopping there.
And I too played with fashion plates and had completely forgot about them until I read this post!

jamie - i love all your outfits. you’re such a cutie. which outfit do i love the most? your everyday outfit! have fun at SNAP! i think you’re amazing….

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a little lisa….


ahhhh…… Lisa Leonard ….i just LOVE her shop!!

Keepsake-Bowl_01 DevotedBracelet_01

she has a beautiful selection of jewelry & gifts making it easy to pick something perfect for the special person in your life….even if that special person is you!!

you could shop today for Mother's Day!
the mothers in your life would be so in love anything from Lisa!


today Lisa is letting me giveaway TWO gift certificates!
to be entered you need to sign up for her newletter …..that's it!

it's on the bottom right corner of her shops front page.
it will take you about 8 seconds…maybe 9.

then shop around.
find your favorite items…..then shop for your mom….your sister….your friends…..

then make sure you leave a comment here that you signed up to receive lisa's newsletter.

and i will pick TWO winners later this week!

thanks LISA!!

(and surely you read her blog don't you?  well if you don't yet…YOU SHOULD!!  it's lovely.) 



Dotti Terhune - Just signed up to get the newsletter -hoping to get the “deer” necklace for my daughter who used a deer theme for her firstborn’s nursery. Thanks for the chance to win.

Amy P. - I signed up! Love her stuff.

el - I signed up. Lovely items.

crgw - what a FUN give away! LOVE her style & yours! i signed up!

Alice C. - I adore Lisa! Been signed up for her newsletter for a while now.

alphabetmomma - Awesome jewelry!! She has such talent! (So do you!)

pam - i LOVE my necklaces from Lisa Leonard! all the way to africa!
they hold up even in extreme sweat environments and the salty sea breeze. they are awesome.

Keshet - i’m signed up and love her stuff!

Christy - Love her designs! I’m signed up!

Molly B - I love Lisa Leonard. I have been getting her newsletter for awhile now.
thank you!

Sarah - I’m all signed up! I love the family crest necklace.

katie - i would seriously love ANYthing in her shop. love everything!!! necklaces, bracelets, bowls, etc, etc, etc…

kathleen - I signed up for her newsletter! thanks for sharing!! fingers crossed I win! and i love your blog and your home(s)

Michele - I’ve had my eye on the petite family crest necklace and would love to win a gift certificate πŸ™‚

Katie Q - Signed up for the newsletter. Love that Lisa Leonard!

Julie - I signed up! How in the world do you pick just one? I sent a link the the website to my husband and told him to take his pick! Mother’s Day AND my birthday are both in May! I’m crossing my fingers!

Caroline - Signed up! I LOOOOOOOVE her stuff! So cute!!!! I actually already bought my MIL’s Mother’s Day gift from there, but need one for my Ma…or for me! πŸ˜‰

Jamie C - I’m signed up. Love her stuff!!

Mary - oh, you KNOW i signed up for this!!!
thank you!

Krissy - I signed up! I love her stuff and her blog. She did the WIWW too! lol!

Lindsay K - I was just on her website the other day looking to find another charm to add to my necklace for our baby girl coming in August! I love all of her stuff!

Angie B - signed up! such cute stuff!

Routhie - Signed up, but not without some goodies in my shopping cart! I don’t give Mother’s and Father’s day presents every year, but this year will be good. πŸ˜€

danielle - Just signed up!

Jordan Huie - Signed up! love her shop! Know so many ladies who would adore her stuff.

Holly Law - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I would love to have her “this is love” necklace!

Cary - I signed up!!!!

Kelly D - Signed up! Thanks for the giveaway, love LL!!

Mshaniuk - I signed up for her newsletter. My favorite is the itty bitty hearts necklace. Thanks for the chance!

Lisa - Just signed up for her newsletter, love all her stuff!!!!

Suzanne - I signed up for her newsletter a while back. I love her jewelry. I love wearing her jewelry!!

STACSMIT - I am signed up. I love her stuff, it’s so creative and beautiful

Shelly Primm - I already receive her newsletter! I have been shopping with Lisa for 4 years now! In fact, I buy my girl’s teachers a “Lisa Necklace”. Teachers fight to have my girls so they can get a necklace at the end of the year! πŸ™‚ Thanks!!!

Melanie - I already get Lisa’s newsletter AND I do indeed read her blog! I also have a few pieces of her jewelry…love, love, love! And would love MORE pieces! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance. xoxo

Becky J - I am signed up already as well for her newsletter…love her designs!! Blessings

Hannah S. - I’m already signed up for her newsletter. Love her stuff!

Gretchen - Signed up for her newsletter. I love her stuff, but have never had the chance at any before (um, well, except for when you have a giveaway)!
I like your title: “A little lisa”. I’d like to add to that:
A little lisa is a lotta love.
How’s that for a motto?
Although I would love to own a piece for myself (husband and child, are you reading this?), if I won, I definitely would buy a piece for my mom for Mother’s Day. She deserves it more than me. She rocks — in every possible way. - Well, I signed up but Iam afraid Iam not lucky enough to win out of the 473 other people that also did… oh well, it is worth a shot!

melissa@joyineveryseason - i signed up for Lisa’s newsletter … and love every. single. bit. of her stuff. not kidding. i want one of everything :o)

Cindy - already signed up!

Ali - I signed up!

Rachel K - I signed up πŸ™‚ Love her things!

karen brown - love her stuff! already on the newsletter list. πŸ˜‰

Kristin Fleck - i signed up πŸ™‚

Sharon B. - Already signed up!!! Love Lisa’s jewelry and would love to win and get more!!!

Cortney Hardy - Just signed up. I really would have to ponder my decision. It would be very tough. I am expecting our baby #3 and have been wanting a ‘mommy’ necklace. Dropping big time hints to Dad, and having the boys rehearse what to tell Daddy to get Mommy. Shameless, I know. But really, really want one!

Ellen J - I signed up!! I LOVE her products! So pretty!!

emmeline - already signed up! πŸ™‚ thanks for the chance!

rebekah - I signed up for the newsletter.

Mae - Signed up!!

Amber - Signed up! LOVE her stuff!

Melissa Hermon - I am already signed up! I love her stuff- wear one of her necklaces almost everyday but could always use another:)

Lisa - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. Thanks for the introduction.

naomi - I signed up! LOVE me some Lisa Leonard!!

air greenwood - I have been signed up a while now & love her blog as well! She has an amazing talent & upbeat spirit! I would absolutely love to win, I think I would buy something for my sister in law getting married in June.

Erika C. - I can’t decide between these two… my treasure necklace & through my lens necklace… I LOVE them both!!

Jessica - I signed up! Love her stuff!

Heather - I just signed up for her newsletter…hope I win, but if not, the 15% off sounds good, too! I love the cross, and the keepsake bowl for my sister.
I read through LL’s blog, too. It is lovely and I bookmarked it!
Have fun at SNAP!

Melissa Morrill - I signed up!! I looked around to see if I saw something my mom would like, then I decided that I wanted everything! πŸ™‚

Keisha - Wow! beautiful! all signed up for the newsletter!!

Megan B - I LOVE her stuff. I just signed up for the newsletter (I can’t believe I never saw that little box before.) Thanks!

Wendy - I signed up for the newsletter. She has such wonderful things…love, love, love them!

Helen Shields - I drool regularly on this site and love Lisa’s to so was very grateful for the chance to win! Signed up for the newsletter straight away πŸ™‚

Trudy - I signed up for the newsletter. Love everything she does…she has the right touch.

Abby Gossard - Super cute stuff! Can’t wait to see who wins! πŸ™‚

Amber - Signed up, her stuff is fabulous!!

Talysa - Long time subscriber. πŸ™‚

Jamie - I’ve been getting her newsletters for a while now – I just love her stuff!!

Amanda C. - I signed up! LOVE the connected heart necklace!

Julie - i’ve signed up to receive her newsletter in the past. i would love to buy that little dish!

Holly Drown - All of her designs are beautiful! I just signed up for her newsletter.

Shannon - All signed up and now following her blog. Her designs are wonderful.

Jennifer Anderson - I signed up! love her jewelry and her blog!

Susan C. - I’m getting This is Love necklace. Heard about her on JoysHope blog!

Karin - I signed up! Love Lisa’s stuff!

Sarah - I signed up for that lil diddy a while ago – gotta love lisa!

Stephanie C. - Love Lisa! Signed up for the newsletter.

nicoleigh - I signed up. I too love her things. Can I have one of everything please?!

Denise - I’ve been following her for quite some time and LOVE LOVE LOVE her jewelry!!!!! I have several pieces on my wish list!!! IF only my mother wore necklaces and bracelets, but she doesn’t. BUT I DO AND WOULD LOVE LOVE LOVE TO win!!!

Amber L Peters - I hope it’s not too late to enter. I subscribe to your blog via email but i don’t get your posts until the next day. πŸ™ I am signed up to receive Lisa’s newsletter. I love all of her stuff! I would love the family tree necklace though.

Amy - Winning this would rock my world for 2 reasons: 1) I have never won anything in my whole life 2) I really want to get something nice with my kids names or intials on it but since I have 7 kids that is a investment that has not been in the budget lately.

Vicki - I am all signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! I would definitely do a happy dance if I won a $50 gift certificate from Lisa’s shop–I am a huge fan!

Tonya - I am signed up! I love her jewelry and all her home goods! I was lucky enough to win a giveaway from her a few years back!

Meg - I signed up a couple months ago – and ordered myself a beautiful necklace : ) She has so many beautiful things!

Tiffany - i heart LL!
i signed up for her newsletter.
i really love her pennant banner frame πŸ™‚

julie - i signed up! beautiful stuff, beautiful blog!

Carrie - Signed up for her newsletter!! Love her blog :)!

Jill - Oh wow. I love her stuff! I want one for me, my mom, my best friend, even my favorite waitress at our favorite cafe’! πŸ™‚
I signed up for her newsletter! I did not know she had one Meg!
Have a glorious day!

Carrie - Signed up — beautifully, talented lady!

Ruth V. - I signed up! Love her jewelry!

Gina in Louisville - I signed up for the newsletter. I just love that cross with the flowers. I immediately thought of daisies. It is sooooo sweet.

Kara - I signed up! Her jewelry is beautiful…

Kate - I adore Lisa…I get her newsletter, follow her on fb, read her blog…yea, I am obsessed! πŸ™‚

Amy Sytsma - I signed up for the newsletter! Teeny tiny initials or the tiny twig necklace! Love!

Sarah - I just signed up for her news letter. I love all her things but, there are two necklaces I’d really like to have.

Kari - I signed up for her newsletter. I love the Tiny Twig necklace.

Virginia Bibler - all signed up! such lovelies!

Kerry - Whoop Whoop! signed up πŸ™‚
I LOVE that necklace with the camera and heart on it!!!
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous x

Tammy - they are so pretty- love the simplistic designs. I signed up.

Tara - Don’t know how I wasn’t signed up already, I am on that site often…maybe a little too often πŸ™‚

Amanda - I just signed up! I love Lisa’s shop — everything is so beautiful!!!

Deanna Winne - Signed up…love everything!

Shaun - All signed up! Love LL!!

Deb - Signed up! Two great blogs!

Emily Eversole - I love Lisa’s things, & am all over being on her newsletter. I love her Devoted Bracelet, & Autumn’s Song bracelet, & Connected Hearts necklace, & pretty much everything else in her shop.
Thanks for this chance, πŸ™‚

Katrina - That was easy. Love her jewelry. Love her blog.

Jane - Oh I love Lisa Leonard. I have signed up for her newsletter and love reading her blog – gosh she is creative!!

Deb @ Home life simplified - I signed up – I have coveted her stuff for years – one day I will treat myself!

Kat - I signed up last year as I just lurve her jewellery!
I would love to chose something just for moi!!

mandy friend - ~done! yay!~

Amanda m. - I’m signed up! Love her!

Mary Beth - I signed up. I’d love to win.

Kendra - I happily signed up for her newsletter. I can’t believe I hadn’t already done it one of the many times I have dreamed my way through her shop.

Susan - I am signed up for her newsletter, Yay!! I love her stuff & her Mom necklace is so cute!
I hope you have a Happy Mother’s Day.
Susan : )

Kate R - Oh I love her stuff! And love her blog too – so inspiring πŸ™‚ They would indeed make perfect mother’s day gifts – I’ve been looking for an idea and you just made it quite clear for me. Thanks! I have just signed up for the newsletter – am surprised I wasn’t already!

Lela Pohlmann - Beautiful jewelry! I signed up and am keeping my fingers crossed!

Amanda K - Love her work. I signed up!

Alisa - I have signed up. I have been dreaming of a Lisa necklace for age. I love the open circle one and really want one with my kiddos names.. but I have also just spied the tiny twig necklace and LOVE it.

amalisa - I signed up and I’ve always loved her little bowls

Christine - I signed up. Love her stuff!!

Lisa S - I already subscribe to her newsletter! Bought a few of her decor pieces for Christmas and love them πŸ™‚ and I just sent my husband several links to the necklaces I want for mothers day and our anniversary πŸ˜‰

Carol - I signed up! Love her jewelry.

Elliottsurf - I already get Lisa’s newsletter and have ordered many many gifts from her shop. My favorite is the open circle bracelet. I have been giving it to friends who are turning 50 and have Lisa engrave the circle with some loving words as a momento of the big celebration. She is so easy to work with and the gifts come packaged in nice little kraft boxes with polka dot ribbon. It can’t get any easier than that! I would love to get one of the little bowls engraved.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Jeannette from Plant City - i am already signed up for her newsletters, hope that counts πŸ™‚ I have 2 necklaces from her collection and would love to add more!!!

Jenn N - I’m already signed up and receive her newsletter. Love, love, love her designs and have a few but would love to have some more. She is always creating new and beautiful items.

Alise - Consider me a new subscriber! I lot Lisa’s shop. Everything she has is so beautiful!

Kari - oops-newsletter-darn pregnancy brain.

Molly - I signed up! now I am in love with everything.. i need some bridesmaid gifts and she has perfect stuff!

Kari - I didn’t know she offered a website-what a fun surprise! All signed up!

Angie G - I signed up for the newsletter – she is amazing!

Robin - signed up! sweet!

lindsey - i’m all signed up! love her work and would love to give a give to my Mom πŸ™‚

Beth - I’m signed up! Thank you for this giveaway!

Amber Rae - Im all signed up for her newsletter!!

Capricious - I already read her blog and get her newsletter! Love her family tree and jumble of charms necklaces! So fun! I have my fingers crossed!

Laura - I already get the newsletter! I love her!

Vanessa Hayes - Signed up! Love her stuff. Love her blog. Just ordered a gift for my God daughter!

Kirsten Parr - I’ve been hinting for TWO YEARS now for the Sterling Silver Family Tree necklace……*fingers crossed!* GREAT GIVEAWAY!!!!

Kirsten Parr - I signed up for her newsletter! I LOVE her jewelry! *fingers crossed!*

Ani G W - I signed up! All of it is so beautiful!

Kelly - Just signed up;) have always wanted a Lisa Leonard necklace!

Jess - I’m already signed up for her newsletter. I love EVERYTHING in her shop!

Jenny - i signed up for lisa leonard’s newsletter! such beautiful pieces… lovely.

Jenni - I just signed up! LOVE her stuff!

Christie - I just signed up. I love anything Lisa!

Laura - I love the wand! I signed up!

Deb A. - I signed up for her newsletter and I think I’m going to have to treat myself to an early Mother’s Day gift πŸ™‚ Love, love, love her stuff. Thank you for the chance to win!!

Erin - Signed up! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kim Elks - i’m all signed up! i have been reading her blog for a long time and just love checking it everyday…yours too πŸ™‚

mollie b. - Love Lisa’s stuff, have a necklace, but would love to shop for Mother’s Day!!

Molly L - I already receive her newsletter and I would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Jennie P. - Love Lisa Leonard’s stuff! I never win anything, so I usually don’t even try. I couldn’t resist doing this though, so I signed up for her newsletter! πŸ™‚

Ana Hogan - I am signed up! I love her collection. For this past Christmas, I bought my mother the brave love necklace. There was just enough room to write all 6 of her kids’ names. She l~o~v~e~d it. πŸ™‚

Nancy Kirkendoll - SItned up …so love sun droplet necklace and everything!

Tiffany - I’m signed up! The jewelry is all so beautiful!

allison - All signed up! I have loved her stuff for ages – but I have yet to take the plunge.

LibraryGirl62 - Read her, receive her newsletter, LOVE her stuff…but can’t afford it! I would love something to hang on to as my nest empties this fall. Maybe the Brave Love or Family tree or Heartstrings or…I better stop!

Leanna - Already signed up for her newsletter, love, love and more love.

Katy L. - I signed up and i liked to visit her blog. What beautiful things !

julia - I signed up. I’d get the “True Friend” bracelet for my mom.

Amy @ Little for a Little While - I signed up! That camera necklace is so sweet!

Vicki - I’ve begun the signing up process! Waiting on the confirmation email or whatever that business part is. LOVE the Autumn’s Song bracelet and the You’re the Cream in My Coffee necklace. So cute!

Jenn - i receive her newsletter! love her!

Julie King - Hi Meg. Thanks for sharing the link to Lisa’s shop. AMAZING! This momma would love to wear anything she designs! Julie K.

Katelyn - I signed up for her newsletter. Her stuff is so beautiful!

Heidi - All signed up! Love Lisa’s work!

Roberta - I signed on up! I love all of Lisa’s pretty things. Hard to pick a favorite but I’ll go with the Through My Lens necklace.

Trish Brenneman - Signed up for newsletter and bought some earrings! Neat sight!

Connie - I love her stuff, I hope I win!! I signed up

Jennifer Hill - I signed up!!!! Beautiful jewelry!!!!!

Aby - I signed up! I love her stuff!! Thanks!!

Brooke in WI - Just signed up and took a look around her shop again. I needed the reminder to see all of the new things that she has created! Love the camera necklace!

Amanda - I signed up! And thanks for leading me to her blog – how cute!

Diane - Signed up! There isn’t a single Lisa Leonard piece that I don’t positively adore. πŸ™‚

klucas - I signed up! Love her work!

Amanda Eudy - Of course I signed up! I love her stuff!

Susan - I signed up. Pick me! πŸ™‚

Chelsea - Love love love everything she creates! And now I’m on the mailing list…woohoo!!

Shea - Just signed up! Thanks πŸ™‚

Marianna - I signed right up for the newsletter. Have admired her pieces for quite some time!

Tiffany - Such beautiful work. I signed up. πŸ™‚

Arlene - I just signed up– so many beautiful things!!

Rebecca - Signed up! Hope I win πŸ™‚ .

dellie - i love the love cupcake toppers – she has such a vast range now πŸ™‚

Brook Hayes - I just signed up to receive Lisa’s newsletter. I love her stuff!

Rachel B. - Signed up πŸ™‚ She has such lovely things!

Oona Nicholas - I already am signed up for Lisa’s newsletter, I love her blog too. I was actually just there before coming over to visit her!!
You two girls are awesome.

Megan - I signed up to receive her newsletter =) Love love love her.

courtney moerschell - Love her blog and her jewelry and I signed up!

Karla - I just signed up for Lisa’s newsletter.

Heather - I have signed up for her newsletter; sub beautiful jewelry with wonderful sentiments!

eapawsat - I signed up for the newsletter and have filled my cart. I sure hope i win to offset the spending!

Lee Miller - I’m all signed up : ) Just love her stuff!

Jenna B - Oh my goodness how adorable! I signed up for her newsletter and would love to buy every single thing in her shop!

jen - Signed up! Already have a necklace with the jar of hearts and my kids’ and husband’s name but I would love to have something else!

katie h - i signed up! cute stuff πŸ™‚

Stacy - already signed up:) I just had a new baby and would love a family necklace:)

Sarah Andersen - Just signed up on lisa’s site! Love Love her jewelry! Would love to get owl and tiny initial necklace! Never had the chance to buy anything; a little out of our budget:( thanks so much for the giveaway Meg and Lisa!

Marla Rae - I did it. I signed up. I hope I win!

Jenna - love her stuff too.
i signed up!

Jen - signed up…and dreaming which I’d pick…for me, my mom, my daughters, and so on…so many beautiful choices!!

MyLinda - Signed up for the newsletter! I love Lisa’s necklaces and I would love to win one of those gift certificates!!

Amber - Already signed up πŸ™‚

Tracy - I’m signed up!

Chelsea - I signed up!

Stacey - Oh my goodness, I would love to win!! I signed up so please pick me, pick me! πŸ™‚

Malissa - I signed up. I love everything! I want a necklace with my children’s initials.

Mary Ann - I signed up for the newsletter! I love Lisa’s work and have hinted for the past few years that a necklace (or whatever) would make a lovely Mother’s Day gift. My husband never got the hint, so last week, I went ahead and sent him the link to her website. Maybe this year …

Maria - Signed up!

thearthurz - I already get her newsletter. LOVE her stuff!!

Stephanie Carroll - I signed up!

Nicole Q. - I love it all. I signed up for the newsletter! Pick me!! :))

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I’m signed up. And my birthday is Sunday. Crossing fingers…

Kristina - I signed up for her newsletter. I adore the camera necklace as well as the shaped by grace necklace…loooove them! I may have to break down and buy on πŸ™‚

Jodi - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. Love, love, love her pieces. Would be so happy to win!

Laurie - I’m all signed up! I received a beautiful necklace from my family for my birthday….I want the collection! πŸ™‚

Kimber-Leigh - i’m signed up! what a wonderful giveaway! lisa’s stuff is amazing…i gave my mom a bracelet and it’s even more beautiful in person!

Carolyn W - I signed up!
I have admired Lisa’s jewelry for a long time now, but just started reading her blog last week. At which point, I realized she lives in the same small town I do! And even more, her kids go to the same school as mine! Which means I have been walking by her every morning and never even realized who she was. It’s a small world. πŸ™‚

Halley - Love Lisa’s beautiful designs and have been reading her blog for almost 2 years… signed up for her newsletter. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Penni McNamara - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! I have followed Lisa over the years and love her items and her blog (especially her outfit contributions)! I have observed, by visiting your blog now and then, that you are a kind & very giving soul,…so thank you for hosting this contest!

stacy - Signed up and ready to win! Whoo Hoo! Love Love her stuff.

Julianne Brimner - Just signed up for her newsletter…love all her stuff

tara - i am signed up for her newsletters. love her stuff!

kaye - Love it all! Have given several gifts from her shop and the recipients were delighted

Christyn - I’m already receiving her emails. You’re right, both her blog and her work are lovely!

Camm Taylor - Done. Signed up. Love everything!

Robin Riley - I signed up! Can’t wait to put a few things on my Mother’s Day wishlist. πŸ™‚

Georgia - I have been signed up to her newsletter for about a year! I love it, the jewellery she makes is so lovely! I love the ‘Love birds’ necklace she has, its cute. xx

tara schaubert - already signed up! she’s so wonderful. =]

Kim - I’ve been on her newsletter list for ages. Love her jewelry! Thanks!

Jill B. - I am signed up. Love her style. Love her blog. Thanks Meg!

Christy K - I’m all signed up! Love everything in her shop! Thank you for the opportunity! πŸ™‚

Blaire - I signed up for her newsletter and made a purchse for my mom for Mother’s Day. Just incase I do not win. Though I would still love to win! πŸ™‚

amy m. - I signed up! I would love the round necklace with all of my kids names on it!

Lori H - Lisa is wonderful! I am signed up for the newsletter.

Karin - all signed up πŸ™‚

Jennifer - I love Lisa’s jewelry! I think my current favorite is the family tree necklace…or maybe heartstrings…

Monica Kerr - Just signed up! I love the keepsake bowl!

Melissa - I love Lisa Leonard too. I have been coveting the molded heart bracelet forever! And her new pewter line is sweet.

shara - oh, i just LOVE her stuff. i keep hoping someone will buy me something. (hint, hint, hubby for mothers day!!!) but winning would be even BETTER πŸ™‚
signed up for her newsletter!

Shabnam Rodosta - All signed up. Love, love the Family Tree neclace!

Ashley - I signed up!

Jenny L - I signed up for her newsletter! I love her jewelry! So pretty!

tina - I’m all signed up! Her stuff is so simple and beautiful, thanks for sharing!

Marcie - I just signed up! LOVE everything in her shop πŸ™‚

Beth - I am signed up! I love, love, love Lisa Leonard! And love to read your blog:)

amaree davis - Signed up! πŸ™‚

Anna Marie - I am signed up. I really love that new cross/daisy necklace!

Amber Fussell - I signed up for her newsletter! Love her jewelry and would love to get my mom one for Mother’s Day!

alyssa - I signed up. love all of this stuff. hope I win!

Alisha - I signed up and LOVE the twig necklace and the camera necklace!!

Courtney R. - I am signed up for the newsletter. Her jewelry is gorgeous!!!

suzy - I signed up! Love her stuff! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Heather E - signed up for the newsletter! love EVERYTHING in her shop, she is amazing!!!!

Kristin M - I can’t remember if I have signed up before so I signed up again! I have one necklace from Lisa and I wear it all the time. I love the stuff she shows in her WIWW posts on her blog!

Caroline - signed up and here’s hoping! I adore her stuff, would love a necklace with my 3 daughters names…..Thanks!

Donna - I am signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! I absolutely {heart} her shop…..spectacular stuff πŸ™‚

marie tere - I already get her newsletter and have bought some of her products. I love me some Lisa too!

Melissa - I signed up- I love her pretty jewelry!

jen - lovely things – didn’t need to ask me twice to sign up!!!

jenni - Love Lisa’s work! Signed up. Got an open circle bracelet for a friend who completed an Ironman on behalf of Celia a couple years ago. Would love to get keepsake bowls for our parents, who helped with so much of her care for so long. Would also kind of like to have a necklace for myself – treasure or hope or whooo… πŸ™‚

Cristina - I love her stuff! I signed up!

Stephanie campbell - Oh wow. Her items are gorgeous! I was just on Etsy last week looking at family tree necklaces and she’s got one! I love it. I hope she could fit all my seven kids on it! I signed up for her newsletter also.

Katie Sellers - I signed up for the newsletter. I love the the family tree necklace. With baby #3 on the way I would love to have a symbol of our whole family!

cassie o - i’m torn…the new mother in me wants to get a sweet necklace about my darling little girl, but i’d also love to get something sentimental for my mama for mother’s day

kimberly - Signed up. Thanks for the chance to win! I could buy a pretty gift for my mom…maybe myself…maybe both!!

Bree - I signed up. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Melissa Poling - I signed up for sure! I love all of her goodies! Blessings to you!

Jennifer Schmitt - Signed up! My favorite is the sterling sweetheart tree. Adore it. Sigh…

Sherry - Signed up!!

casey - D.O.N.E & Done!

Chantel - I signed up! I didn’t realize she had more products, so I’m very grateful for your post. I adore the Whoo Do You Love wall hanging and the Keepsake Bowl, both for my son’s Autism Self-Contained Special Education teacher. What better way to show gratitude than a Lisa Leonard gift?!

Heidi - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter… and spent a little too much time over my lunch break looking around. Some many wonderfully cute things to choose from!

Caitlin - I signed up for the newsletter. Love her stuff!

Megan - love her style- her work- her words of wisdom….you can tell she is a great mom!
Just signed up for her newsletter.

Christy - Huge fan of Lisa’s !! I am already subscribed to her newsletter and I follow her blog. I have been crushin on the through my lens necklace and the vintage frames necklace.

carole m. - can you ever peek at her site and NOT find something that you just MUST have? nope.
i recently ordered the necklace with the two deers on it (maybe it will arrive today!)because i love watching the deer in the woodsy backyard of my new house. i think the little birdy one should be next because i like watching them too!
thanks for the offer!!

Jill M Pierce - I already receive Lisa’s newsletter and get the insiders info on special discounts. I have a few necklaces from LLD. Her pieces are very good quality and beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.
BTW Meg, your blog is awesome!!

Hillary Marchman - Love her style! Signed up for the newsletter and headed to buy myself a birthday present, perhaps!

Megan - when I saw this blog title in my google reader, i was hope you would say giveaway!! πŸ™‚
i am already signed up for lisa’s newsletter and have been receiving it for a while now! πŸ™‚

Elizabeth C. from Kansas - Yep! signed up. found a great wedding gift idea as well as New Mommy-to-be gift idea. Either way, I will be happy to get the 15% off. Thanks for spotlighting her!

Tricia - I’m signed up. And I adore her work!!

lisa - i just signed up for her newsletter and sent my husband a very OBVIOUS hinted email that i want one of her little tag necklaces with our little boy’s name on it …. with hopes of adding another little name in the relatively near future πŸ˜‰

shannon - All signed up for the newsletter. Her stuff is too cute!

Iris - I also signed up for the newsletter. Love her pieces.

jodi - I have always loved her stuff! I just signed up for her newsletter. πŸ™‚

Amy G. - Signed up! πŸ™‚

Kirsten P - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. Her jewelry is beautiful!

Megan P - I’m already signed up! I love her products and i read her blog too! πŸ™‚

Abbi - I can’t believe I haven’t signed up for her newsletter before now! She’s wonderful and creates beautiful pieces.

Tracy H - I signed up….love her stuff!

Cindy - LOOOOVE her shop too! I’m signed up for her newsletter and my fingers are crossed.

Crystal Swoverland - Love Lisa’s stuff, have been eyeing it for awhile! I just signed up for her newsletter! YAY!!! Her stuff is AMAAAAAZING!

Heidi DeGroot - I love Lisa’s designs! I signed up for her newsletter. I would like the linked hearts necklace and my sister-in-law would really love the twig necklace. Going to check out her blog too!


Christie - I get Lisa’s newsletter! Love ALL her stuff!!!

Christy P - I’ve been a Lisa Leonard fan for a LONG time and do follow her blog! Now I’m going to get her newsletter, too! Hooray!

Aimee - I signed up!
I’ve loved her family tree & jar of hearts necklaces for ages…

gina marie - I signed up πŸ˜‰ Thank you for hosting this give away. She has the most amazing things!

Annette Kuusinen - I’ve been signed up for quite some time. I’m lucky enough to have a few pieces already. Though I’m thinking that the pewter bowl would make a nice gift for hubby’s birthday in a few weeks.

Jenny - Love Lisa Leonard!! Still don’t own anything for myself though, ordered several gifts though! I am already signed up for her newsletter, does that count??

Rhonda Fendt - Thanks Meg! I am going to order something for my Mum and my sister for Mothers Day! They will love it!

Kristi King - i’ve been signed up for her newsletter for quite some time now. love lisa’s things! have the “mama” necklace and LOVE it!

Denise - I’ve been signed up for awhile, too! I’d LOVE to win!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - I signed up for Lisa’s newletter! I love her pieces. I might have to buy a mother’s day present for myself.

Short, Sweet Season - I’m signed up! I am currently waiting on a bracelet from Lisa to arrive in the mail, but I would love to order a necklace too. Such a lovely shop.

Samantha - signed up! Love her stuff! Maybe someday I will be lucky enough to get something!!!

Melissa - I signed up for the NL last week. Oh how I would love to win! Her stuff is Bea*U*ti*ful! I really wat a necklance w my babies names on it!

marita - just signed up for her all her things!! esp that necklace with a camera on it..awwww:)

Lisa - I signed up for her newsletter! Love her jewelry and her blog! πŸ™‚

Trinda - I’m signed up and hope I win!

Rae - I signed up! Stamped metal is so quirky and I love the look of it!

Andrea - I am a long time admirer of Lisa and her work, and am signed up for her newsletter. I’m loving her new designs, especially that beautiful this is love flowered heart necklace. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

giving - Thank you for offering this πŸ™‚

Teresa - Just signed up!
Oh I hope I’m one of the winners! I’d love to get my mom and sister something from her site!

Jen Allred - I’m signed up! It’s been awhile since I got a new Lisa piece, thanks for the opportunity to win one!

Michelle Rotner - I signed up! I love her talent, her website and her blog. I’m longing for the two heart necklace…heavenly!

Michelle - I just signed up! I have some great ideas for Mothers Day now.

Shelly Foster - I receive her great newsletter! My fav piece right now is “you are my sunshine” necklace . Would love this for my bestie who is going thru a very difficult season of her life .

Regina - I signed up for the newsletter and know it will be wonderful! Also, thanks for reintroducing her blog to me. I used to read it and had it bookmarked, but then our computer crashed this past December…so today, I realized that I hadn’t read her since then. Glad to have her back! πŸ™‚

Gretchen - Hello meg. Signed up for the newsletter AND spent time looking at her beautiful family on the blog. L.O.V.E. her stuff!!

Tracy - I signed up for the newsletter!

Julia - I signed up!

Aimee - I signed up for her newsletter! Last year I got the open circle bracelet for Mother’s day. This year I want the connected necklace. Its so pretty, I must have it!

amber - Signed up, love the jewelery!

shaunna - I love lisa, her blog, her shop, her sweet little family. she is amazing! I signed up for her newsletter! fingers crossed!

Molly - I signed up! I love Lisa’s designs.

Maureen - I already get her newsletter. Does that count? I’ve been loving the tiny twig necklace.

Shelly - I signed up for her newsletter, love her stuff!

Tina Jacobsen - I’m all signed up and LOVE it all!!

Kate W. - I signed up!

ang - I’m signed up and love everything.

Michele T. - I signed up for her email!! I love Lisa’s designs. They are so beautiful!

Lelia - Love these! Yay!!! =)

Juli - I just signed up for her newsletter! The jewelry looks fabulous!

Melissa Lynch - I signed up…lovely!

Heather F. - I signed up. I knew about her products, but never knew about her blog.

Amanda - I’m already signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I love drooling over all of her pretties. Right now I’m loving the cute Mom heart necklace… might need to strategically leave the webpage open on my husbands laptop for him to find πŸ™‚

Robyn - all signed up!!

Amber - Amazing stuff! Signed up

Anna - All signed up! I would LOVE any piece of her beautiful jewelry!

Sonya - I’m already signed up, does that count? I LOVE me some Lisa designs! I have several pieces already and have a wish list for more! πŸ™‚

Emilee - I receive her newsletter!!!! I would totally love to win!!! This is my first yr as a mom and I know my husband would love to get me the “mom” necklace to celebrate πŸ˜‰

Heather M. - Signed up! Thanks for the chance to win!

MH Toth - I signed up for her newsletter!

Monica - I love her things! I’m all signed up!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - The sterling faith hope love necklace is beautiful!

jacqui anderson - I signed up πŸ™‚
my favourite is the Whoo Do you Loove necklace!!

Brandie - Done, lover everything she does!

Lauren - I love it, I know what I want to get my mom for mother’s day! I signed-up for her newsletter. πŸ™‚

Jennifer K - I signed up for her newsletter. I absolutely love her stuff!

Kelli - I get her newsletter! I would love to have or to give someone a gift from her shop – it’s allll so beautiful!

Jody - Love Everything. Signed up.

megan - i signed up!!!! i love the “this is love” necklace!!!

Donna O'neil - I already get her newsletter! Thanks for the giveaway!

Michelle Gallimore - All signed up. LOVE HER!

Shar - I already receive her newsletter. Have for a long time. I have several of her pieces and have also given as gifts. Would really love to win a certificate! Thank You!!

Jodi - Just signed up to receive Lisa’s newsletter. Beautiful jewelry! Would love to receive a necklace with my children’s names on it one day.

Kristina - I love her designs and sentiments. And I just signed up for her newsletter.

Kerry - All signed up! Love her stuff!

Sara Torbett - Signed up! Love Lisa’s blog and creativity πŸ™‚

Liz - Signed up for the newsletter!

Whitney - I signed up!

Diane Pierce - Wow, she has amazing designs! I signed up for her newsletter and even if I don’t win I think I’ll give the husband a hint for Mother’s Day!! πŸ™‚
Thanks, Meg!

Deborah - I signed up. My sweet hubby got me a Lisa Leonard necklace for Christmas (after a million hints, of course :)) and I love it (in fact, I am wearing it today). I would love another piece from Lisa Leonard!

the.mrs - LOVE this! Did you send my husband a memo? πŸ˜‰
(I signed up for the newsletter.)

Jennipher B. - I signed up for her newsletter…I love all of her stuff! I always daydream about buying myself something but then the mommy guilt hits and I think the money should be spent elsewhere. I think this Mother’s Day, whether I win or not, it is time to treat myself!

Sarah - I signed up! So many things I am loving…hmmmm…what to ask for?! or treat myself to?!

SoCalLynn - I’m signed up! I love that You are My Sunshine necklace. I used to sing that to my youngest daughter all the time. πŸ™‚

katherine brewer - I’ve signed up ~ LOVE her stuff!

Michelle - I just signed up! Love her beautiful jewellery! Thanks so much!

Michelle - I am a HUGE Lisa fan and LOVE her jewlery and her blog!!!
I have written a post-it note with a “hint-hint” to my husband about the heart bracelet that Lisa always is wearing on her wiww. I would LOVE that bracelet for Mother’s Day. And, yup, I am signed up for her Newsletter!

Joanna Holcomb - I’ve been signed up for a while! I love her new cross necklace!

Ashley - signed up! love that birdie necklace.

Amy Bogan Griffin - Signed up for the newsletter, I have been wanting a necklace for a super long time!!!!!

danett - I signed up and I can’t wait to see who wins. She rocks!

Alice H - It took me 4 seconds πŸ™‚ thanks for this giveaway. I love that necklace in the middle at the top of your post with the two hearts interlocked.

Brittany - I signed up a while ago, just love her things and keep dropping hints to hubby-dear…maybe this is the year! πŸ™‚

lacey poag - so HaPpY to have signed up…love both of your blogs!!!

Annie - I have signed up. Her stuff is truly amazing!

Tracie Mayers - Signed up!!! Love her simple designs, but so pretty.

Sara H - I signed up! Don’t know if I’d buy something for my mom or myself though! Hmmmmm…..tempting πŸ™‚

amanda - signed up! and i totally read her blog!!

Amanda - I signed up! Love her!!

Nicole - I love all of Lisa’s stuff! I’m signed up!

Linda Garcia - I am a subscriber! Really enjoy her pieces. Love your blog!

Cindy Singer - I am already signed up for her newsletter!! I love her jewelry!

Elizabeth - I would love a daisy chain bracelet! And I signed up for the newsletter!

katey - All signed up. I love her “faith hope love” necklace. Awesome. Thanks farm girl.

Jennifer - signed up….love her designs!

annie - I signed up! I want one of everything!!!!!!

Lynn cole - I love Lisa lenard! I want it all lol just sighned up for the newsletter.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i signed up for the newsletter.
i have one of her necklaces and i ALWAYS receive compliments on it…from men and women alike, which i find funny that even men will notice it. πŸ™‚

Emily B. - Love Lisa’s jewelry! Already get her e-mails πŸ™‚

Jody - I receive her newsletter…LOVE her things….how could you not?!

Jolee - I love Lisa Leonard!! I’m signed up to get her newsletter.

Kristin S - Yes, I receive Lisa’s newsletter and love every single piece of hers I own.
I have my eye on that floral cross pendant. So pretty and classy.

Leah - I love Lisa Leonard! I signed up.

Melissa - I signed up for her newsletter! I love Lisa. She’s a sweetie!!

Lisa Q - I’m officially signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I read her blog as often as she posts. Thanks for sharing!

jackie - Signed up for the newsletter, and this Mama would love a little Lisa!

tiffany gardner - Yes!!!! Yes I read her blog…yes…I’m already signed up for her newsletter and Yes I LOVE her jewelry! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for some Lisa Leonard love!!!!!!!!!

Lindsey - I signed up! I love her work, and I also love her blog!

Siobhan - Signed up:)

Jennifer - Signed up! Everything is beautiful!!!

jerusalem - I signed up. And I adore everything. Sigh.

Christy - Just signed up for her newsletter and browsed around – and I want everything! Seriously, tough, the “thank you” bowl would be perfect for my mom – just her style, and a little gesture to let her know how much I appreciate all that she’s done for me throughout my life, and how much I treasure it all the more now that I’m a mom.

Jen - I’m signed up for the newsletter… Hooray! I L.O.V.E. L.L.

Sarah - All of her things are so pretty! All signed up!

Ellis - I signed up for her newsletter. I LOVE her stuff!

JustMommer - Just signed up, so many pretties!

Tami - I’m signed up. I love, love, love her stuff. When I was pregnant with my 5th child and totally crazy because I was so sick, I received a gift bag full of baby goodies in the mail. Later (much later) after I was looking through it, I found a $50 Lisa Leonard gift card…expired. I could have kicked my own butt. So I hope I get another chance.

Toni - Just signed up!!! Love her stuff!!

Ronnie - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I absolutely love her pieces!

jennifer b - I just signed up for her newsletter. I have followed her blog for forever!

Angela - Signed up now!Angela

Brooke - I have been signed up for awhile. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lisa’s product and am really hoping for some mothers days swag from her shop πŸ™‚ pick me pick me

Amy - I’ve been getting her newsletter for a while now, you introduced me to her site. LOVE her stuff!!

Amy - I am signed up! Lisa’s jewelry is so beautiful!! I would love to get a necklace for my sweet sister who is such a wonderful mom.

Wendy - I signed up … LOVE her stuff!

Betsy - I just signed up!!! Why am I just now doing this? I love her stuff!

Marlie - Signed up!

Yolanda - I definitely read her blog and subscribe to her newsletter. Her work is fabulous!

Liesl - Love her stuff, love her blog and her newsletter:) I’ve given away her stuff to several of the special ladies in my family but would love the chance to buy something else!!

Lynda M. - I’m signed up πŸ™‚

Kristi Ferrand - after all this time of you mentioning Lisa Leonard’s shop, I finally popped over! WOW, I am so glad I did, I am going to make a wish list to forward to my hubsy!
I did sign up for the newsletter as well!

Laura - Love Lisa too! Nopt sure why I haven’t signed up for her newsleter until today. Thanks.

keely - just signed up!

Jena Selph - I gladly signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! Thanks so much for a chance to win such a lovely gift!

amy - i am already signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. if i won i would pick out a necklace for my sister for mother’s day. Lisa is so talented–and generous!

Alicia - I love Lisa Leonard Designs…just can’t really afford it. I signed up for her newsletter!

Danielle - Done. πŸ™‚ Love her jewelry!

Gemma - I signed up! I really love the open circle necklace…very simple but pretty!!
Gemma xXx

Ashley - I signed up for the newsletter! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her shop! Everything is so unique and lovely!

Megan - I love her stuff, she is my “go to” when I need a gift for my Moms or friends!
I am most definitely signed up for her newsletter πŸ™‚

Jennifer - I’m already signed up for her newsletter and read her blog. I have some of her jewelry and it’s LOVELY! Jen

Anne - I signed up!

Melinda - Signed up for the newsletter. Thanks for introducing me to her jewelry, it’s absolutely beautiful!

Grace - Signed u :)! I love her stuff too… LoOOOoove it! No I will be reminded about her shop and always have little cute gifts for the others!

Sarah - I’ve been signed up for a while now…love her shop and her blog. In love with the family tree necklace! <3

Wendy - I signed up! Thanks for the giveaway!

Mrs. B. - I signed up.
Mrs. B.

jenw - signed up – love her work! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

tinycandi - I signed up.

Cori - signed up πŸ™‚

Dianne - I receive her newsletter~

Cathy - I’m signed up for her newsletter. I love her stuff!

Cara L - signed up and hoping im one of the lucky ones!

Tracey W - I signed up…. Love that tiny twig necklace!!!

Shawna - Signed up. Love it!

She Loves Life - Signed up and Fingers Crossed πŸ™‚

Julie - Love Lisa Leonard’s jewelry! All signed up!

M. B. - I signed up. Love her blog and her creations!

Jennifer - Love her stuff. I had no idea she had a newsletter. Just signed up. Thanks

Amber - Signed up. I have been wanting one of her pieces for a long time…..probably will get something for myself when the new baby arrives in June!

Lisa - Love Lisa’s creations!!!
Can’t decide which item my family will be ordering me for Mother’s Day…..

stephanie - I’m on her newsletter list. : )

Rachel J - I signed up!

Vonda - I signed up, I signed up!!! Oh picking just one thing will definitely be difficult!!! πŸ™‚

Tiffany - I signed up for the newsletter and am definitely going to order the little dish that says “Thank you for all you do and all you are” LOVE IT!

Meg Pitts - I love her stuff!!! I get her emails!

Tonya S. - I have been signed up for her newsletter for awhile!!

Sharla - Just signed up – love everything of hers! Hadn’t seen the flower cross before. I really like that!

AmandaK - I’m signed up! Lovely stuff, can’t decide which necklace I like best… There are several!

jamie - of course i already get lisa’s newsletter. and visit her blog every single day! hurray for gift certificate giveaways!

Tiffany - all signed up! everything is truly lovely.

abigail - I signed up. I’ve been drooling over her jewelry and hinting to my husband that I would like a necklace for a while now.

Kit - I already get her newsletter! I would love to get the plate/dish that says thank you for my son’s teacher. She has poured herself into him this year and last…I’m completely indebted to her.

Stephanie S. - I signed up! I love all of her jewelry!!!!

Laura - I signed up and her jewelry is beautiful! Thanks!

Lori Austin - I’ve been reading her blog, but never signed up for her newsletter. Just did! πŸ™‚
Love her stuff, but don’t own any…why??!!
Mother’s Day – need to send some links to the hubby. πŸ™‚

Meagan - Yay!!! I love lisa! I’m signed up for Lisa’s newsletter πŸ˜‰

Mary Ann Fisher - Her stuff is all so Beautiful… just signed up πŸ˜‰ Hope I win!

G. - I’m signed up for Lisa’s Newsletter. I’ve always wanted a Lisa Leonard necklace! Thanks for the chance to win! πŸ™‚

Jessi Caddell - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter! πŸ™‚ I’m picking something out for my mother and my daugher!

Megan Kilgore - Yeah. I love her jewelry. I signed up!

nicole - Signed up…and decided I love it all in the process! happy tuesday!!

theresa - LOVE her jewelry! I’m all signed up too! πŸ™‚

Samma Michelle - I just signed up!! LOVE the Sterling Faith Hope Love necklace but honestly it would take me some time to choose because they are all so beautiful

Jen B - Hello! I just signed up for the newsletter. I WOULD LOVE to win and get my mom something for Mother’s day!!!!

Meredith Welborn - I get her newsletter! Love her jewelry…have only given it as gifts. I’d love to have a piece for myself.

megan@contentedsparrow - hey girl, i just signed up. that engraved tree stump necklace is so gorgeous. love to you today, meg.

Jen - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. I love her designs!

Adrienne - I do get her newsletter! Thanks for the great mother’s day gift idea!

Paola - I love everything in lisa’s shop. I sing uΓ± for her newsletter so please count me in.

Trish - i’ve been wanting some lisa leonard jewelry for a long time now!
hope to win πŸ™‚

Amy - I signed up and found a wedding present! I love the cake/cupcake toppers and I feel like it will make a lovely shower gift! Yay me!!

Jen Calcott - I signed up and I think I’m going to have to treat myself to an early Mother’s Day gift πŸ™‚

Michelle Lanning - I already receive her newsletter! I have been dying to get my hands on that cross! It is beautiful! Thanks for the chance.

michele fry - Been gettting her newsletter for a long while. Love all her stuff…..would love to win!!!!

Gretchen - Love her stuff. I won the gift certificate you gave away last year! I love the necklace I got from her. It is perfect! good luck to all who enter!

Marsha - I signed up for her newsletter, I love her jewerly!

Katie - I signed up for Lisa’s newsletter. Her products are great! Thanks for the chance to win.

Dani - I did it! Her work is amazing. The LOVE cupcake pics are too cute!!

stephanie armstrong - signed up πŸ™‚ crossing my fingers !

Katie G - Love her products – this will be perfect for Mothers Day for all the Moms in my life!!!!

Jamie - I signed up for her newsletter long ago and just LOVE looking at all the new pieces she comes up with!

Kristen - I’m signed up!! I love her too! Her work is beautiful and I love her style too. Also, I didn’t realize you lived where the tornados were…I’m so glad you are okay! I can imagine how wonderful you are at keeping everyone calm!

Angie Rathbun - Signed up! I love her style. Her blog looks great. Thanks!

Anne-Marie P - I signed up! Have looked on her website many times!

mary - love lisa’s things
i have one necklace already
and i am all signed up!

Kristi Barrett - I love Lisa Leonard! Thanks for the chance to win!

tricia - i have been signed up for her newsletter for awhile now:)

Kara K - I’ve always loved her designs since I saw here creations. They are thoughtful and simplistic, but elegant! I’ve been following her blog, but now am subscribed to her newsletter!

Heather - All signed up!!! I’d be honoured to wear something of Lisa’s. I’ve been coveting her goods for years. πŸ˜‰

catie - i signed up!

Renae R - I do love her stuff…I am already signed up. Hope i’m still eligible! Glad you guys are okay after Saturday…I had to cancel my husband’s surprise birthday party earlier in the day because I didn’t want anyone to be anxious about being away from their kiddos with the weather so unpredictable! God was looking out for you.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I was a lucky mama last year and got something from her. I love stamped metal. I signed up for her newsletter.

Kristi Rediske - Ok-I did it-I signed up for her e-mail! I love her jewelry-I sure hope I win the gift certificate-I think I am the first comment-surely thats a winner-HA!

Nicole - love lisa! all signed up. πŸ™‚

Megan - I signed up for her newsletter! I love me some Lisa Leanard!

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tornado alley

we are ok.
there were tornados in kansas this weekend….LOTS of tornados….but not at my house.
this was one about 8 or 10 miles away.
craig and scott saw this one on the video driving home from scotts game. (which i was not at because i was in the basement!)

they did not make this video…it was just someone driving in a severe weather watch…that seemed surprised that there was a tornado!  whatevs. 


that's kansas though.
every year.

i was in the basement with my other kids…telling them it was fine….relax….it's going to be fine.
my little girls worry.
i try to just be very calm and hope for the best.
we were watching HOP and i didn't mention the sirens.
then Scott came running in and yelled "I SAW THE TORNADO!"  and they were done for….
they ended up sleeping in my bed.

thanks for ALL the emails asking if we were okay….so sweet.

i am so thankful that EVERYONE is ok.  


now…the winner for LuciusART's wood block City Print.


NYC is my favorite city in the US, so I would want that- but I live in Joplin, MO and I would love that too! Maybe I need two…

Posted by: Carrie | April 12, 2012 at 03:41 PM


email me Carrie and i will hook you up with Kevin!!

thanks for entering everyone!!!




i am trying SO hard not to be nervous about the SNAP conference this week.
lots of prayer here.

i am going to be spending extra amounts of time with God the next few days getting a clear vision of what HE wants me to share in my session.  
i am on a panel with Jeannett and Ethan about "Using Your Blog for Good."

i know, i know, I KNOW that God is able to take away these fears and nervousness.
He can and He will.
because HE brought me to this….God gets all the glory….i have to share that.

so….here's the deal.
if YOU are going to SNAP and YOU see me…PLEASE say  hello.
i think i will know 3 people that i have met in real life.
out of 300+ people that makes me feel extra nervous.
it's hard to leave your kids, husband and home and go some place NEW with lots of people.
at least it is for me.

so i promise to wear a big friendly smile and fill your ear with lots of chit chat if you promise to say Hello.


so many decisions. 


i did get some new shoes….maybe too many shoes.
i WISH Payless Shoes would be sponsoring me…but they are not…..BUT THEY SHOULD!

i just always seem to find great shoes there all the time.
i did a little online BOGO shopping.
just for me.

i think the glitter flats are my favorite.
but it's a hard choice.
the red wedges are REALLY cute and comfy and come in several colors.
even yellow.
and i LOVE the little yellow flower sandals too.
shoes sure do make me happy.
i am a dork. 


ok….have a great monday!

i just got back from a run and i feel like today is going to be a good one.

thank you God for that.



maia - hey meg…you’ll probably never read this…haha…. but i wanted to show you these 2 things because i think you would love them!!
super fun flats by the way!!

Krissy - Im so glad you’re okay!! The tornado that hit Wichita was only about a mile from my mom, so I was freaking out. A little. (And im 24. haha) Anyway, i love ALL of your shoes. The silver sparkly flats are my fave. :o)

Hanah - Ok so I read your blog all the time. And although I am not going to snap. I do live in Utah. If you are lonely (which I doubt you will be!) you can always email me and I’ll come down and say hi! I’ll keep you company!

cindy g - Use your nerves of steel that Springtime in tornado alley must give us at the conference. You’ll do great!

Lisa - Have fun at SNAP! Remember, all those 300 people are your friends already, you just still have to meet them face to face. They’re not coming to hear a lecturer, they’re coming to hear . . . whatever! πŸ™‚

Cheryl - HA! I just bought those same sparkly flats at Payless to wear at my wedding in May πŸ™‚ Those are AWESOME!

Cari - So glad you are all ok! My husband works in the aviation industry and he was telling me about the damage at their site in Wichita. I was being a good wife and listening intently, but as soon as he was finished I said “I wonder if Megan is okay?”. Lol! He had no clue what I was talking about and I had to fill him in! πŸ˜‰

Amanda - I am so glad to hear you and your family are safe. The midwest sure got hit hard. I’m in Missouri, but one of my co-workers parents are in Salina, praying for everyone affected by the storms. By the way, cute, cute, cute shoes! I would have a hard time choosing too! πŸ™‚

Terrie G - My Dad was 1 1/2 miles from that Tornado…and my daughter’s family was close to the one in Salina. It was a late night for me…I had family near almost all those tornados on Saturday! So thankful no deaths…but praying for those hit.
You will be Awesome this week! Who wouldn’t love you?! Just be yourself… πŸ™‚
Love those yellow sandals!

Jacci - Prayed for you here, too πŸ™‚ Thankful you’re safe and all is well! We live in a part of Ohio that gets its fair share of tornado warnings. I gre up here. I probably have gotten too used to them at this point. I stand on the front steps and look at the sky when the sirens go off! Unless it’s really freaky outside… then I head downstairs. Glad you’re okay! Have a great time at snap!

Lisa - Isn’t it strange how we don’t really even “know you” but I checked the weather channel and your blog all weekend to make sure your family was ok?! So glad you are all safe. Have fun at SNAP!

Linda Keaveney - So glad that you and your family are safe…
We had CRAZY strong winds today, here in Southern Ontario..
Apparently the tail end of your storm…
Break a leg at SNAP!!
Linda :o)

kami @ NoBiggie - Hi Meg!
I’m so glad you and your family are all safe and okay. What a scary thing to deal with every year.
I will be at SNAP, and I’m excited to meet you! You will be awesome on your panel…I just know it!

Shann - Hi Meg!
My sister and I both were talking about you this weekend. You know…since we know you and all. πŸ™‚ When we heard about the storms, we both instantly thought of you. Then, I said a prayer for you and your family that God would keep you safe. So glad that He did.
p.s. love the yellow sandals

tinycandi - I’m about 20 miles southwest of Wichita. We actually went in the basement for this one…usually it doesn’t get to that point. Luckily the tornado jumped back up into the air and went over our town before coming back down and heading to Wichita. We were lucky. But my heart goes out to all of those who were in the path. It was a pretty crazy day, that’s for sure.

amy jupin - i am so glad y’all are ok.
last night (for the first time in a long time) i was grateful for facebook.
kimberlee fb’ed that she was ok.
so relieved.
tornados are scary and way too real for me to handle.
now, as for snap…you are going to be just fine.
i have faith in you!
when you feel the nerves creep in, just keep reminding yourself that you are not alone.
He will be with you.
He will not let you down.
it’s going to be so great.
and with sparkly flats, it usually is.

Michelle From Australia - The tornadoes have been making news here in Australia πŸ™ So glad you are all ok.

Dian Olivr - glad you all survived with everyone and everything intact! i live in alabama and we’ve had our share this year and last…the anniversary of our really bad ones is in a couple weeks…the bad stuff was only a mile or two from where we live. it terrorized my grandchildren who spent the day in the hallway of their schools. thank heavens for our safety. and yours too. bless

Sheila P. - People who are in cars that close to a tornado should not be filming it from a moving vehicle. Tornados move incredibly fast, up to 250 miles per hour, and can change direction at any moment. In this situation, they should have put the camera down, pulled the vehicle over and laid flat in the ditch until it was over. Sorry to sound like a public service message, but having lived through a tornado, it is just not safe. If you are at home, go to your basement, preferrably the SW corner. Don’t stand looking out the window at the tornado. That is how people get injured and killed by these storms.

sandee prince - Dont listen to my sis. I am not OBSESSED with you but I do enjoy gettin my MEG on every morning! lol.
Glad you guys are safe from those scary tornados. Come to AZ sometime if you ever want a nice boring life πŸ™‚ Good luck at SNAP! and if you run into my sister (LollyJane) punch her in the arm for saying I am obsessed with you!!

Georgia - I would be scared to death if i had to live with Tornados!
The wizard of Oz scares me enough! haha
Glad your all safe. xx

Sarah - Jealous. I wish we had a basement.
Texas homes need basements.
I have always been a little more fearful of tornados than normal, but have gone to crazytown since one hit half a mile from my home a few weeks ago. home alone with kids trying to be strong and fearless for them is no fun.
I was so glad to hear back from you and know that you and your family were safe.
Don’t be nervous you’ll do great.
Cute shoes.

Sara Torbett - Glad you and your family are ok. I was also thinking of you all! Such cute, happy shoe choices! I may need to re-visit Payless! πŸ™‚ I pray you will have the perfect words to share at the Snap conference. Be yourself! That is the most beautiful thing to God and others! πŸ™‚

Gale - I, too, am in Kansas and hate tornadoes – but am used to them after living here and Oklahoma!
Love all the shoes – and my hubby works for the Payless corporate office so I am sending him the link to your post and asking, “Why don’t they sponsor my invisible friend, Meg?” (that’s what he calls all my “blog friends”.. LOL. I don’t think he gets it!)
We went to Marion KS on Saturday despite the tornado warnings and had a lot of fun – definitely will be going back. The shop looked so big in your pictures and it was so skinny.. LOL.. but lots of good stuff! The lady said, “Why are you all so crazy about globes?” when I asked if she had any πŸ™‚

Kim - I’ll admit that I was praying hard for you and your family! Glad you posted and that everything is all right. I admire you I would be freaked out scared and screaming..

amanda - praying you get a clear word of what to share at the blog conference! love to see how God uses women and blogs for His glory!

Kelly - Glad your family is all OK! You’ll do awesome at SNAP. You have more confindence than you give yourself credit for!
And my vote is for… all of the above. My advice….see how many shoe changes you can make during your stay! πŸ™‚
Have a blast!

Patty Palmer - I’ll see you at Snap! Meg. Can’t wait to meet you!

Tracey Garcia - I vote for the glittery flats and the yellow sandals. LOVE!!! Now I want to go to Payless.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Thanks to God for keeping you guys safe! You are one strong mamma keeping calm for your kids. I don’t know if I would have been as cool as you πŸ™‚

Kelli @ Lolly Jane - Hey Meg! First off, GLAD you’re all okay! We lived in MN for a short 6 months and after 2 tornado warnings, we moved back to AZ cuz it scared the bajeebers out of us!! (:
We’ll be at SNAP. Well, one of us (we’re twins that run our craft blog). I’m SUPER excited to meet you…our older sister is obsessed with you and talks about you all the time, LOL.
I’ll be sure to come say HELLO! And you’ll do a great job speaking. Good luck, girl!
XOXOX, Kelli

Laura Phelps - Nick was born in Kansas. He is SO SCARED of tornadoes.
My girls would be scared too.
glad you are ok.
sad I didn’t win!!!!!!

Laura Lee - I was thinking of you this weekend as I saw the news. Glad you are all ok!

Kim - Glad you are okay! The kids practice tornado drills at school, but they are not a common occurrence here. My kids get scared too.
Just wondering – are you watching Mad Men? Haven’t heard you talk about it.

Trish - glad you are okay! storms are scary! have fun at snap you will do awesome. how do i know? because of your attitude and your willingness to let God have the glory! love you and i will say a prayer for your nerves this week!

happygirl - I am so glad your family is safe and sound. I was praying you would be safe. I’m still praying for the families that were hurt and left without family and homes from this HORRIBLE storm system. I believe God is good. It was hard to remember that while knowing many were hurt so badly during this weekend.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I was listening to the reports this morning on the news and actually thought of you…and a couple other Kansas bloggers I’ve met. Glad your family is safe.
Love your new shoes:) You’ll do fine at Snap. Have a great time!

Kerry - OMG! So glad you’re all ok….. that is just SO hectic! We only see that kinda thing in the movies πŸ™‚
LOVE all those shoes. ALL.OF.THEM…. I so wish I was going to Snap… So I could meet you and possibly steal all your shoes.
Kerry x

Rachel J - Over here in AR-kansas πŸ™‚ we get bad weather too. We missed the REALLY bad weather and just had some bad thunder and lightning. I hate all the spring weather with bad storms. I worry too. And hide under my covers in bed when the hubby is away during the week and think- oh dear, what was that?! Is that the train sounds that tornadoes make? And then I remember that God has got it all under control and I fall asleep, snoring like a baby. Hah! Love the shoes Meg! Sparkly ones are my fav too!

Lori H - When you get nervous, think about how God sent you to AFRICA! Much less familiar and farther away. And how much you loved the trip and how much good you did. And then the conference should seem like a SNAP! (haha, sorry, couldn’t resist the play on words). You will do great! I wish I were going and could meet you. Boo. Have fun! Prayers for you, for sure.

Brooke - Praying for courage! You are going to do GREAT at the conference. Just think…..your blog is popular FOR A REASON. People love reading here….you are honest, sincere, funny, entertaining, inspiring. What you share here comes from what is inside you….and that is exactly what you’re taking to the conference! Be you. It works well for you. πŸ™‚
HEY!! GUESS WHAT?? Ever since I started reading your blog I’ve had a love affair with Waffle. Yesterday my boys, who have wanted a dog for-ev-er, got a female Golden Doodle! They are beyond themselves. πŸ™‚ She is a cutie pie. I’m pretty nervous about surviving puppyhood, but she is growing on me!!!
Thought you might like to know that Waffle is inspiring some Doodle love in the blog world. Ha!
Have a wonderful day, and praises for safe habors from the storms!

Sierra - I’m so relieved to see an update from you. I have been worried about you and your family all weekend. Glad you’re okay!! πŸ™‚

Annika - I cannot even imagine what it would be like to live in an area where natural disaster could strike at any given time. I am glad to hear you are fine!

amy cornwell - I’ll be there – can’t wait to hear you speak! See you in a few days πŸ˜‰

Han - The sparkly ones!
My penpal is in Ellinwood, KS. I emailed him yesterday morning as the news switched on in the b&b our friend was staying in – he emailed back yesterday lunchtime and like “Yeah don’t worry we’re all good! Thanks for caring though”

Lindsey - I am glad you are all safe. Good luck speaking at Snap! I am sure you will be wonderful!

Aby - Thank God ya’ll are okay!! I thought about you all weekend! I kept checking your blog to see if you’d updated!!! So glad you did this morning!!! GOD IS GREAT!!! And as for the conference… you will be maaaaaa-velous!!!! No doubt!!

CathyC - I am glad you posted that you & your family are alright following those tornados. I have been watching the news and was worried.

Jennifer - Thank you for the update. I was thinking about you when we heard the news about the tornados. So glad you all are ok! Ok, those are seriously cute shoes. Love the yellow ones!

Leah - I’m so glad you all are okay. My sister and her family live in Iowa and they had crazy weather too. We just keep praying and thinking good thoughts for all you mid-westerners.

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