Masthead header


i have like….a hundred things to say and none of them have to do with each other.

here goes….


i sent this necklace to my mama for mother's day.
i am so in love with it.
i think i will order one for myself because….i tried it on and it looked fabulous.

it's lisa leonard….of course.
there are about 10 other things in her shop that i want also.  
but don't we all?? 


this was my favorite RG this week that i saw.



i want to make these….


i bought this print this week…and a few others.
i think Katie Daisy is THE coolest.
i want to paint like she does….i ADORE her work.

i really want to paint like this.



31BiTS launched their summer line today.
it is so so so pretty.
all bright lovely colors.
i couldn't even begin to pick a favorite yet.
maybe this…. 



31bits_summer_logo431bits_summer_logo14  31bits_summer_logo3


i love 31BiTS.




my aunt Pam and my cousin Sam came over for dinner this week.
she lives in sydney.
i hadn't seen her since i was 14.
isn't that crazy?
22 years?  it seems completely silly.

it's official….the farm in may is THE perfect place for dinner guests.  
it may be different in the hot summer but this month we have eaten almost every meal outside and it is absolutely perfect out there.
i loved having them here.
maybe next time i see you Pam it will be at YOUR house…in Aussie!


annie BEGGED to take a picture too.

we had CREAM PUFF SQUARES for dessert.
i think it's my family's favorite. 
and i think ALL company likes it.  
true story.

(while you are way back in 2008 archives…don't get sad and start crying that your cute little baby is all grown up….like maybe i did when i was searching for this recipe)


here is a rare look inside the farm house.


because check out my new messenger bag from The Pleated Poppy!!!

IMG_1296-2 IMG_1297-3

it is pretty darn cute isn't it?!     it's better than cute.    it is….marvelous?!  yes….marvelous is a good word.

so here's the deal…..she can't keep these bags in stock because they are all so amazingly happy.
but she will keep making them.
be patient and she will restock.
you don't need to email her & ask…poor girl doens't need 50 emails asking "when can i get a green chevron bag?"
she will restock.
she knows how fabulous they are.

go over to the pleated poppy….look at ALL her cute stuff….she has free posy pins today! 

and look at her bags and make yourself a note to come back in a couple days to get your own messenger bag.
and if i see that they are restocked i will remind you.

but really….everything in lindsey's shop is rad.  
you can't go wrong.
what about teacher gifts??? pick some up today! 


i have been sitting here debating on running all morning.
trying to talk myself out it.
"i have a headache"
"it's too gray"
"it's windy"
"i'm tired"
"i'm sore"
"now it's too sunny"

dang it….i'm going.  
and i am not coming back till my headphones tell me i have been 6.2 miles.
but i am not happy about it.



i am starting with some color on the painted floors today!!

and waffle is going in for a haircut.
cause wow he needs one!

this run is going to kick my grumpy mood OUT the door.
because i said so.

have a wonderful friday.



hollister sale - some cute things and a lovely family .

tara - love the entryway at the farm house. you know we’re dying to see more shots of the fabulousness that you add to the farm house. 🙂
daises are the friendliest flower. for sure.

Melissa - Meg, I bought these shoes over the weekend and thought of you! You need them 🙂,4,shop,shoes,casual

Leonie - oh miss Meg….I have spare beds, big car and loads of food and wine for your stay in Australia!!!!!! definately can help sort some holiday help….oh what you didn’t say you were coming… bugger, must be dreaming!!hahahahha would love it!!!! craft weekend Aussie style my house!!!!!OH MY!!!!!

Steph Sytsema - Just saw this recipe for Rainbow Fudge (on Pinterest) and thought of you:-). Not sure if it’s any good, but it sure is pretty!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - So glad you had a great time with family. Family is the best, right? I totally relate to your “I have a million excuses NOT to exercise”. I do it all the time and usually I win and that’s why I can’t fit into any of my shorts from last summer, HA! So good for you, don’t be like me and get your butt out there 🙂 Have a great weekend Meg!

Lisa - Those Ryan Gossling (sp?) posts make me laugh. So funny! Hope you kicked some butt on your run. I had to stop exercising this week cause I threw out my back. Way lame. But starting to feel better so I’m hoping to get back into it! Have a great weekend!

Lindsay - love this whole post. so YOU are the one that got the green chevron bag!! oh i wanted the grey and red one SO bad. but i am going to be patient because lindsey is awesome and worth all the waiting. 🙂 And I just laughed out loud in my kitchen at that quote about being amazing (unless i change my mind). ha!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Meg, I just love reading your blog. It is so sunny and cheerful, and I’m always in a good mood after I read it! Thanks for that 🙂

MyLinda - Those cream puffs looked so yummy 🙂 that I wanted to make them today but couldn’t find the list of ingredient measurements. Please post them or e-mail them to me at ksfostermomdad at yahoo dot com Thanks!!!

kerry - ooooh I love that bag!! I’m not a ‘green’ kinda girl, but man I do love that bag…
You are so good at talking yourself into going running.. I would’ve given up on excuse number 2.. ha!
I bought Jenny Doh’s book on Amazon yesterday after seeing your post on the Craft blog… and it arrived Today! Going to sit down with a cuppa in a minute and have a flick through.
Happy Weekend Duerksens! xx

Carie - I ordered some Katie Daisy prints. Thanks for posting. Now I’ll have one less beige thing in my house!

Heather F. - That picture from inside your farmhouse is so beautifully perfect. Such a happy looking home. So inspiring!

cj - the cream puffs look wonderful….however I couldn’t find the list of ingredient measurements……

Kim - LOVE the box of flip flops!!

Michelle From Australia - Shall I book the Opera House in Sydney for you to address your Australian fans? I think it holds about 2000 people. Or maybe I should think bigger? YES, we would love to see you in Australia. Please…..

Mindy Harris - i bought my mommy a lisa leonard necklace with all three of us girls’ names (her daughters) as well as the son she miscarried. she said it was in her “top ten” gift likes.
are you going to the influence conference?
i am taking a crew from wichita (okay maybe one other person right now) if you want to ride along. it could save gas money. i am a SAFE driver.

Jocelyn - love your little foyer/mudroom area. So fun and sweet and playful. I HAD to “pin’ it to my “beautiful spaces” board. I’m hoping to recreate a similar look in our next home. :0)

April R - 🙂

marci - i found katie daisy through you a year or so ago and i ADORE her!! i have prints of hers all over and they make me smile LOVE that.

Amy Petz - Love the new bag! Super-mega love “going to be amazing”…”unless I change my mind.” That, along with so many other things about your blog, remind me that I am not alone in my quest to be better and the battle that can happen within, when my wants and my energy level do not match. Thank you for created such a fun and real blog. Hearts.

Laura Phelps - dont tell my dog about waffles going out for a haircut…I cut my dogs hair on my own this week…and well…there is a REASON you TAKE your dog to get their hair cut.
love this post…so much HAPPINESS!
when can I come to your farm house? seriously. when?
can I add to your random? have you read the book LEFT TO TELL by Imacculee Ilibagiza? It is about how she found God in the Rwanda Holocaust. MOST AMAZING woman and book. You would love it. But I know how you read…it might take you three years to finish 🙂
have a lovely weekend! Make it beautiful!
and yeah…I am back to blogging…the calling I heard to do somethingELSE was apparently a call for someone else!

Jennifer - Oh yes, the RG pics are all so dreamy! Hopefully my hubby doesn’t see that I wrote this comment…ha…ha! 🙂 I think it is so wonderful that you guys moved out to a farm….I so enjoy hearing about all your new stories about life out there. I remember when I was little and my parents made the decision to move our family out to the country–it was the best decision they ever made for our family of six. My brothers and I have such wonderful memories of our childhood out in the country–at first we were a little bummed because we moved out of the city away from our friends. But we quickly got over that. In fact, all of our friends begged their parents to come to our house. My girlfriends to this day still talk about all the rockstar slumber parties we had at our house. We ran and played on all the hay bales, chased the cows, fished in the pond, etc. I will always cherish the time with my family (and friends) as a kid while growing up in the country. 🙂

Elizabeth Welch - Meg,
You mentioned this is a “rare” look inside the farm house. Will we not be seeing more?

Christy - OKAY…
#1 Your post today makes me want to spend money! On me! HA!
#2 My kids will LOVE those cookies! Thanks for sharing!

Tracy - For being in a grumpy mood, you seem pretty cheerful 😉 I’m pretty sure that run is the only thing keeping you from a glorious day. Do it!!

ko. s - Yay for a fun random friday post! That bag oh that bag, I’ll be checking and rechecking till I can get my hands on one 🙂

Seriously Sassy Mama - This post makes me want to spend tons of money. Tons, which I cannot spend till we are done moving. I would love to see more of your farm. How fun is it to have a farm, and a perfect craft house? Super jealous over here. Good luck on your run.

Kimberly Dial - Meg, you have introduced me to such great sites … I love Katie Daisy prints! I’ll have to check out the recipe … so glad you got to visit with your Aunt & a visit to Australia would indeed be soooo awesome. I’m with you, I’m going to be awesome from now on (unless I change my mind!) Have a great weekend!

Rachel J - Every time I read one of those RG pics, I start to giggle. He’s kind of dreamy right? HaHa! Don’t worry, I told my husband that too. He just rolled his eyes!

Jenn - Great post! Love the beads, bag and everything else. Have a great weekend!

Makila - Loved all the things you linked. I had never heard of 31Bits. I will be ordering birthday gifts ASAP! What a great organization. I am new to your blog and have enjoyed reading! Love Lindsey’s stuff. So, so cute.

Sharla - Just ordered that necklace for my mom too! Love it.

shannon - I love, love, love how happy and colorful everything you do is! Even the sweatshirts are polka dots and bright. 🙂
I think I need that Katie Daisy print as well, she is great.
Happy Weekend!

Lauryn - Nothing wrong with posts of sheer randomosity! I love the orange necklace. I am all about some orange 🙂

Kirsten J - Lisa is my “go-to” for year end teacher gifts from the class! Happy, fun tidbits – I love a good brain dump 🙂

Nicole - So lovely! I just ordered a Katie Daisy print for my best friend’s birthday! YAY! & great idea about running to get the grumpy out. Yesterday at work I was so crabby I had to buy myself an almond latte (a rare treat for me) just to bribe myself out of my grumpy mood! Oh, how childish I can be sometimes 🙂 I hope to pound the pavement myself this afternoon! 🙂 Hope your run was wonderful!

CathyC - I miss Kansas!!! I love that green bag, and I just bought one of her reversible scarves. Lovely. Have a great run!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Katie Daisy IS amazing! I remember stalking my mailman when I last ordered something from there.
It was fun to see a shot inside the farmhouse. I’m being totally nosy here but is the point of you living there to give your family privacy? We always saw so many shots of the (Craft Weekend) house yet very few of this new one. I totally understand if it is but I was just curious.

Sarah - OOOH i love all the new stuff at 31Bits. I sent my mom a necklace from them for Mother’s day… she loved it. Thank you for introducing them to me. So awesome.

4 Fab Franklins - oops! I meant bag… not bad.

4 Fab Franklins - Everything avout this post is Amazing! Love the bad! Love the amacing sign! Love Love Love your beautiful family! Oh! Yes…and the cookies too! Now. You go run. Run Meg – Run!

lindsey - I think Katie Daisy is fantastic!! I just ordered my first print from her two days ago! Cannot wait to get it!

Tracy Fisher - i just ordered one of Lisa’s cross necklaces. couldn’t resist! love it. and it’s something for me. woo hoo! thanks for sharing. tracy

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sponsor day

today i would love for you to come over to

 the craft weekend blog to see ALL of our

totally RAD and extremely generous sponsors.  



my chores today are to
*paint the floor in the gray room at the craft house…. coat #2
you can follow along with me on instagram @megduerksen

*get a few more groceries (including the ingredients to make Corn Salad)

*pick up the house because my family from australia is coming for dinner!


have a lovely day today.

denise@victory rd. - searching old posts always causes me to choke up! they grew too fast.
i love lindsey’s bags. i love lindsey more (she’s my s.i.l.).
your entry way is terrific. since there are 5 of us, i think i NEED a big #5 in our entry way, too. 🙂

chavala - Please post more pics of farm house! I LOVE the one in this post! Been hoping you’ll do a photo tour of the new place! : )

Ky - What kind of paint do you use to paint your floors?? I would love to paint mine, but do you have to do anything special (paint, finish…etc) to them???

April R - ok i have to got to do some tech catch up and follow u on instagram 🙂

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love painted floors. How fun to have a whole other house to play with!

ko. s - I’m loving following you on Instagram! It’s like getting a sneak peek! Enjoy your family dinner, I’m hopping over to the craft weekend blog to do some drooling 😉

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only 7 more days…



my kids are off of school next thursday!
how did this sneak up so quickly??
i am ready for a change but not quite ready to give up my quiet days….but i guess i will survive.

june is FULL of camps and swim team and softball so i am pretty sure we'll stay busy enough. 


so last night while my little girls played croquet and i drank my coffee, 
i picked up my camera and shot this jar of daisies i had cut at the craft house on sunday.


then i zoomed in…..and got a little carried away with detailed pictures.



         "Don't you think that daisies are the friendliest flower?"  
                                                                 - Kathleen Kelly





and then i went to play croquet.  


i am out the door to run with my iPod, the wheat fields and the sunshine.

who's ridiculous idea was this 10K anyways???

oh yeah….mine.


its only 17 days away…. ugh.


happy tuesday to ya!


p.s.  i used my only lens….24-70 at f/3.5.  


Mandie Starkey - These photos are gorgeous! Daisies are my favorite flower 🙂

Anna - Love me some Daisies!
I used them for my flowers in my wedding 10 years ago. Not gerber, but the actual field daisies!
Enjoy your wheat field run!

Claudia Bennink-krijgsman - I can’t believe youre summerholiday starts in a week! My children (we live in The netherlands) finish school on the 7th of JULY!! They go back on the 27th of august, when are your children go back to school?
I don’t no what it is… everytime a read your blog I just have to smile… you just make me happy 🙂

Danielle - I love the shot of the one that is about to open up. You’ve Got Mail makes me so happy 🙂

Lela Pohlmann - Those pictures make me want to go and watercolor! I have one week of school left and then my fun begins! Ahhh to try and stay focused until then!

Logan - Daisies are the BEST!! I need some in my garden. Might have to take care of that this weekend. Thanks!

Cheryl E. - Thanks for sharing those pictures! Made me realize just how beautiful everyday things are that we all tend to overlook. God is awesome!

Patt Mullican - i love that you used that quote – only of my FAV movies of all time!

kerry - Amazeballs!!!
So glad you shared your lens and F Stop – that was going to be my question!
🙂 Good luck for the 10k darlin xx

toko baju muslim pria - Your photos are just amazing! I am so in love with them!

Michelle Z. - You’ve mentioned before that the 24-70 is your only lens. Do you find it’s weight to be an issue? I love that lens, but I always hesitate to bring it with me on vacations and long day trips because of the weight.

Donna R - Kathleen Kelly would have loved these pics! Made me smile to see that quote…love that movie!

Life with Kaishon - I love daisies! These are so pretty! My son is SO ready for school to be over. I think he has 3 weeks left…he is not too excited about that at all.

Andrea - You always have the best post timing. My mom passed away this year and mothers day was rocky, but her fav flower was the daisy and you just put an amazing smile on my face 😉

Lorie - I am so looking forward to summer. THings slow down quite a bit for us in the summer and I am looking forward to that!! I hope your last week of school is a peaceful one for you.

Lori Austin - I love that movie 🙂
Some of these pics would be pretty in the grey bathroom at the craft house. They are so cheery.

Rhonda Fendt - I love love love your pictures… it was because of some sunflowers pics you posted last year that I started following your blog! I now I love you too! You are an inspiration to many!
Thank you : )

Linda - Love the beautiful pictures! This is why I love your blog! Just a simple daisy… makes me so happy thank you.

Maria - We have 4.5 days left…I am ready to be done with those homework days…quiet time, not so much.
Swim team will take over our summer too…almost done with baseball though…
And, yay….no more alarms…

ivy - I want your lens. :)And you talent…that would be good too. 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - I’m seeing a canvas of one of these shots in the craft house.. 🙂

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Our last day of classes is 10 days from today but we have the kids for an entire school week after that so we’re coming up with theme days( making homemade ice cream, treasure hunt,etc…) I cant believe its almost “summer vacation.” Hard to believe it but I survived my first year back of teaching!
Then its summer camp and off to Central America for hubby and I. Four days after we get back home school starts back up. Ugh. I dont like thinking about that part.:(

Sabrina - I adore, You’ve Got Mail… and daisies!

Maria at - LOVELY PICS:) I really like your blog and I want to you have twitter or FB??
If you want some swedish decor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
Have a great week.
LOVE Maria at

holly - Beware of the last week of school. we get out this week and everyone is on edge….sending the whole crew off to my mama as soon as they are done. If they survive…..

Kimberly Dial - Love it! My favorite quote from my favorite movie about my favorite flower … perfect! I think we have 11 more days of school here in WV … summer is fastly approaching … I sure hope it slows down & stays a while 🙂

ko. s - Happy happy daisies and one of my favorite quotes!

Whitni - Do you have any of these prints available for purchase somewhere? My dining room could really use some sprucing up, and daisies are my favorite flower!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Kathleen Kelly 🙂 I’ve told you before about how my full name is Kathleen. My wedding flower is a daisy. I’d really like to open up a children’s bookstore. I’m pretty sure that movie is about me 🙂

Lisa - Can’t wait to see your summer list!
We have done one the last 2 yrs. Best
idea ever! Your pics are beautiful. Am finally
learning to use my camera in manual.
You make me miss running. Too hard on
my back and knees though. 🙂

Leah - So pretty. And I totally thought of Kathleen Kelly when you said daisies! Are you making your summer list?! Please share! I need ideas. My daughter is off in 3 weeks. Yikes!

Melissa - If I could, I’d send you a bouquet of freshly sharpened pencils… beautiful pictures!!

tiffany gardner - my very favorite flower!

Jen Brandt - As I looked at these daisy pictures, all I could think was, “Wow. God is awesome.” Love you, love your daisy pictures, and love all of my backyard daisies!

Karen Gerstenberger - I think you have your subject for your next day of drawing/painting! Those close-up daisy photos are glorious – and look at the design in the center of them!
To answer your question (below), we had a lovely Mother’s Day weekend, and I’m so grateful for it – and glad that you had a good one, too. We visited both grandmothers and I got to spend time with my guys. Motherhood is a wonderful gift, and God is so good to give us – and allow us to become – mothers!

Southern Gal - Love daisies and You’ve Got Mail.

Shar - Amazing photos!!

sofie - I can’t believe you’re a mother of 5 kids and are still way more motivated than this 22-year old student to go for a run. Lesson learned. 🙂

Seriously Sassy Mama - i use one lens, the one that came with my camera. I figure until I learn to use my camera, I will save my money. I love that movie. Funny thing, I was just moving a candle from my kitchen to my coffee table, and I thought about Kathleen, and how she always moved her vase of flowers to the room she was in. I do that with my candle. Have a great run. i just did squats. I stop and do them throughout the day.

Lauryn - Daisies are such a simplistic joy 🙂
Your kids are out much earlier than mine. We go until June 7th. My kiddo is ready for school to be out!!

Mollie - Wow, only seven days! This school year flew by!!
Love those flower pics!

christiejayne - You’ve Got Mail is my favorite movie!! They are the friendliest flower!! Beautiful pics!!

Suzette - Gorgeous photos! I’m going to run out and buy some daisies right now! Oh wait, I’m in my pajamas (CA girl)…I guess I’ll go in an hour! Thanks for all of your colorful inspiration!

angela - Run Meg, Run!

Courtney - I love these!!! So pretty!!!

Georgia - So pretty! brightens up my rainy UK day… what Lens are you using for these close ups? x

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hello weekend….


hello…. new table with rainbow legs that now lives at the farm.
we will eat all of our meals on you and you make me very happy.


hello beautiful package that was so pretty i did not want to open from 
sparrow mercentile.


hello…. world's cutest lunch bag at Joann's that inspired a craft project at our house.


hello…. scott and sean's choir and band concert.


hello…. little girlie who fell asleep during a movie on my bed.


hello…. very funny eighth grade boys devouring their food at HuHot for scott's birthday.


hello…. dairy cows that live across our road.

annie shouted on saturday morning "MOM COME QUICK I HAVE A BIG SURPRISE!!!"
i came into the dining room and said "what is it?"
"LOOK!! the cows are eating up close right HERE! Go get your camera!"  




hello….new favorite photo.



hello…. craft time.

my little girls were busy playing when i had it ready to go so i just started drawing on my own.
soon i was joined by two crafty girls.
when one of us is drawing usually several others follow.


hello toothy smile that tells funny jokes and makes me laugh.

hello…. beautiful water colors.
and smiley snails. 

inspired by the lunch bag and this print at twoems shop



hello ….most beautiful spring evening to have a campfire in the yard.



hello…smores with two marshmallows please.

IMAG0749-7 hello…. cowgirl boots and rainbow gloves.



hello….mother's day flowers and breakfast in bed made by talby and annie!


hello…. my favorite thing to wear is "saets"  (sweats 🙂


hello….getting her started early on making coffee!

hello…. daisies at the craft house…with a teeny baby bunny hiding underneath.



hello…super long bike ride over to Sonic for a mother's day treat.


hello….riding bikes on country roads making my heart overflow with happiness.

hello…. very sore rear end from long bike ride.


hello….chocolate milk drinking goofball.


i am saying hello with lisa leonard today.

how was your weekend?
do tell.


Erin - I miss your blog Laura!! Ever going to come back? 🙁

Doris - Those notes from your kids are precious!
I’m a mom, and it made me melt. Hope my daughter one day will make me something like that 🙂
as always, you take wonderful pictures.

jen - yours looks about as awesome as ours! love the campfire time. not enough hours in our day for the fire but the kids are still hounding us – i think this weekend might be the time.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I’m completely in LOVE with that table!! Can we please see the whole thing? 🙂 Also, how cute are the snail paintings. Which reminds me, we need to stock up on paint for some summer art projects.. 🙂

Rachel J - I love that they know your favorite book is the Bible. You’re obviously doing something right with those fab kids of yours 🙂

April R - Yes indeed Hello! 🙂
Speckled cow nose! 🙂
Try Nutella spread with those s’mores instead of hershey’s 🙂
Rainbow chippy table legs?! XD
Thanks for the post!

kerry - Hello Meg!!!
Looks like you’ve had an awesome Mothers Day Weekend – love what the girls wrote about you – so so sweet xx

Missi Smith - Your new favorite picture is now my new favorite picture. I am loving that cow nose!! What an amazing weekend! Your photography is wonderful!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - who cares that your daughter thinks your favorite thing to wear is sweats. . she knows your favorite book is the Bible. . .that says volumes. . .you are giving her a picture of a mom who loves Jesus. . go MOM!

Kate S. - Please tell me you’ll put your “new favorite photo” in your shop?! That is perfect for my office.

Linda - Oh I want to see more of that table!!

happygirl - Fun sounding weekend. I hope your mom’s day was GREAT!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - “Her favorite television show is: Everything”
Ha ha ha ha ha! One more reason to love you/her.

Kimberly Dial - Hello … you are so my fave … I love that the rainbow table is at your house (that was fast! 😉

se7en - Hello All of You…. Love your weekend and your friendly snails!!! And your life in the country!!!

wedding photography - Very beautiful crafts and I love the notes about moms.

Heather F. - Great weekend! I love the spotty cow noses. Thanks for sharing.

Amy - LOVE that you took 14 year old boys to all-you-can-eat Mongolian Grill. Genius! I will have to remember that in 9 years ~ ha! So fun. That little cow snout/muzzle/nose sure is cute….a Happy Belated Mother’s Day to you!

Georgia - ahhhh your kids are so sweet! totally made me emotional.
My weekend was filled with glossing doors, taking photos of a soon to drop pregnant cousin whose having TWINS!! Shes in labour right now too, im so excited! 🙂

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Your weekend sounds perfect. Mine was the same. It included an amazing barn sale, lots of family time, sewing and crafting the heck out of my fingers for our school’s production of the Little Red Hen(I’m directing AND in charge of costumes and set). I made the little red hen’s apron using your craft weekend ruffled aprons as the inspiration. I’ll send you a link once we’re past all the stress of production and practices.

Laura Phelps - HELLO to my lovely bloggy friend!!!
my weekend was a let down!!! BOO
but…things are looking brighter today…even though the rain just started pouring down!
GOOD BYE…piece of cake is done! I know. Crazy. But it was time…woke up and felt it needed to end.
I will still be visiting here though….love you
and the cows

Stephanie - I am in LOVE with all of the cow photos! I don’t suppose you’ve thought about selling them…because I would definitely buy! 🙂

Lori H - The baby bunny picture is precious! My Mother’s Day was leisurely…I scored Season One of Downton Abbey and a Barnes and Noble gift card!

CathyC - You bought the table!! Love it.

Kimberlee Jost - Is it weird that I took pictures of cows in Germany 15 minutes ago and now here I am seeing that we are both into cows. Ha. I miss you.

tiffany gardner - hello to still being my very favorite blog girl! just wanted to say thanks for inspiring me everyday.

Lisa M. - When I saw the “Few things I know about her” questionare above it made me smile because my son (who is 6) did one similar to that in Sunday school yesterday. When it came to “My mom’s favorite thing to do is” he wrote “clean the house”!! Thought that was so funny! Ah, from a kid’s perspective…

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Looks like you had the most perfect weekend ever! P.S. your Annie Bananie should meet my Shannie Bananie 🙂

Karen - Even better than your favorite thing to wear being sweats, is your favorite food being “salid” (I’m skeptical!) and your favorite TV show being “everything!”
Karen in NYC

Mandy - Your pictures make me want to live on a farm…and I’m not exactly the farm type of gal! Lovin those cows!
Glad you had a wonderful mother’s day!!

Jessie @ Dream and Differ - I love your cow-neighbors! Reminds me of my grandparent’s dairy farm 🙂 Looks like you had a great weekend and a fun Mother’s Day!

Krissy - I love the cows!!!!!!!!! I also really enjoyed Annie and Talby’s stuff about you! They’re so sweet!! Mine was great, I got engaged on Saturday!! EEEEEEE!!! Lol!! Now I just gotta figure out a good middle spot between KS and Indiana. Boo. lol

Tanya H - Annie sounds exactly like my little girly! 🙂 I just love this post.

Kati - Love all the pics! My favorite is cow #132’s nose. Its cute! 🙂

Terrie G - Those Cows!! I need to sign them up for a photo shoot!
Love those girls’ lists!
Great weekend for you!
Mine was awesome!!
Great day yesterday spent with family & my sweet Grandson!
Happy Belated Mother’s Day to You!!

Meredith - We had a yardsale and made $180 for vacation spending money, then to the Art Star Craft Bazaar with my oldest son (8) and my sister at Penns Landing in Philly on a beautiful day. Sunday we had breakfast at our favorite diner, kids gave me a photograph I love of the skyline in Philadelphia and then off to watch my (8yr old) son, finish his spring soccer undefeated 9-0-1 with cupcakes, juice and trophies. Wonderful Weekend, happy mother’s day to all.

Holly - Sounds like you had a great weekend! My sister had a baby this weekend so mine was awesome!

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scott turned fourteen.
that is crazy.
he is almost done with middle school.
he is two inches taller than me.
he can almost drive?!!

my baby.

sometimes it physically hurts to realize how fast they grow up.
like…my chest is burning right now and i have tears in my eyes.


he chose bbq chicken sandwiches….we used garlic bread like when we eat at Roys BBQ. 
(and this link to Roy's even has a video)
and velveeta mac n'cheese (the fancy kind we only buy for special occasions…not kidding)
and pineapple because he loves it.


after dinner he opened his gifts.
annie wrapped up two things….tokens from a movie theater in michigan and a pile of photos that she went through pulling out all the pictures with scott in it.
my little girls love to give gifts!
scott was very gracious and went through each picture.

and gave big hugs.
genuine real hugs.  :)

talby gave him some of her things she felt he would enjoy.  i love to watch them GIVE. 



he was pretty excited about his cards with money….his sweatshirt from Nana….and new shoes from us.


SIZE 12!!


he willingly played croquet with his siblings.


and let me hug on him and take pictures….

then my little girls jumped in….







they played blokus while i got out the cake.
talby showed me how she whips her hair back and forth…she whips her hair back and forth…
you can tell that everyone was quite happy and silly last night. 


scott chose angel food cake and cool whip….what a sweet boy.
i didn't even have to bake a cake!

thank you target for having all the things i needed.
and thanks talby for cutting up all those strawberries!
and thanks Cool Whip….just taste it!  ha  

he is growing up to be a really cool kid.
i get to take a bunch of his friends out to dinner tonight.
i don't think i have ever had dinner with a table of 14 year old boys?
i may sit by myself….they may want me to.
it should be interesting.

he gives hugs.
he talks to me.
he is kind….he is courteous…he is funny.
he reminds me so much of his dad.
he loves playing basketball and watching basketball and talking about basketball.

i like him.


happy birthday scott.


kim smart - what a handsome young man he is! your family is so beautiful and i think you’re an awesome mom!! the strawberries look sooo yummy too!

Rebecca Musser - Happy Birthday! My oldest turns 21 in a few weeks, HUH? When did he (and I) get so old? He just graduated from Hesston (KS) College and we were there last weekend for the ceremony…all the way from Virginia. I think I saw your family at Applebee’s on Friday night and may have seen Scott at the pizza place in Hesston at Sunday lunch. I refrained from saying anything because that would just be weird.

Ruth Baumgartner - Oh Meg! Thanks for putting me in tears once again! My boy
turns 12 in a few weeks, and like you, I feel an ache in my
heart because of the “growing up.” I also LOVE the young man
he is becoming… of course I have always loved him, but now
I also admire him

Lorie - Happy Birthday Scott! I hate watching my kids get older, but it is made more bearable by the fact that I do like who they are turning out to be!

April R - yep. actual chest pains.
I know exactly what you r talking about.
You have a gorgeous family, thanks for sharing 🙂

Linda Garcia - what a sweet boy and what a lovely and lucky mama you are!

lola - i have two wee boys and this post made me teary to think of them turning 14!!! time is flying and i can’t take it!!! enjoy it mama!

Angela - Cool Whip–Just taste it!!! HAHAHA!!! Love Mad Men.
Happy birthday to your sweet boy. My oldest is six, and while 14 seems a million miles away, it breaks my heart that it will be here quicker than I can stop it.

shauna - agh.
i feel your love from this post.
what a blessed mother you are friend.
God sure does give us what we need (around all the other crap).
my heart feels grateful FOR you today.

Lisa Currie-Gurney - My Heart Is Smiling.

Alicia - Is it just me or is Sean’s hair WAY darker than it used to be? I thought it used to be more of a dark blonde…? Weird to pick up on, I know, but it’s what I was thinking as I looked through all the lovely photos in this post!
LOVE the photos of Annie & Talby giving their gifts… seriously… too lovely. I can almost feel their genuine giving spirits through the screen 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - And may Scott “stay forever young”.
Sing it Bob Dylan.
That’s what went through my mind when I read this post today.

Kari - brings tears to my eyes… my son will be 11 in june – he reminds me of your son except with baseball – sweetest boy ever! i like him too!

Amy @ Little for a Little While - I love this. So sweet. I hope my kids let me take pictures with them when they are 14!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Happy birthday wishes to Scott! That looks like my kind of meal he requested for his birthday dinner. Love Velveeta Mac and Cheese 🙂

Tiffany - HANDSOME! I forgot to take a pic with my kids on their birthday 🙁 luckily, today is perfect too 😉

tara pollard pakosta - He sounds awesome!

Angie - He sounds like one really awesome kid & he’s quite handsome too!!!
Happy 14th to your baby. My daughter is turning 14 this year and I just can’t believe it. They grow up way too fast.

Jen Brandt - I whip my hair back and forth, I whip my hair back and forth! Love it!
Scott is such a handsome kid! I am glad he had such a fun birthday and I hope you survived the dinner with all the boys. Hope you’re having a nice weekend, Meg. Headed to softball pictures for one daughter and then dance recital for both daughters.

Lisa - Love all the
Pictures with you
And the kids
Together! I think
These will be the ones
They love the most!
Memories of having fun
With their mom! And talby’s arm
Muscles are quite impressive!!

Angela - It is so sweet how he acts towards his little sisters!!

kerry - Happy birthday Scott!
What a cool kid – Such a sweet post :)) xx

Rebecca W - Happy Birthday!
Dinner looks yum, so does dessert! I saw a cheater way to cut strawberries…using an egg slicer! 🙂

Sue - Oh Meg, My fourteen year old son is two inches taller (pushing three) with size 12 mens shoes, and loving basketball too. It is so nice that we are enjoying our sweet eighth grade boys. Scott seems like such an awesome kid. Love your family, your stories and your photos. Have a great weekend.
Sue from Vancouver BC

keri - forever folding laundry - Um…hello…he’s a CLONE of Mr. Duerksen! 🙂
Fourteen seems really really old.
I always get sad pangs around birthdays – and the end of the school year.
It’s such a tangible passage of time!
Sad face.
But you, my friend, are looking fab.
Those miles you are logging are looking gooooood on you!

Terrie - I have puddles in my eyes!
What a sweet post!
For such a special young man!
Love your kiddos!!
What great parents you are…
And that first pic of you & Scott…priceless!
Can’t wait to hear what your dinner conversation was like tonight!!

tiffany gardner - what a beautiful celebration! loved all the pics of those sweet kids….

Krista - Gosh I must be reading your blog FOREVER because I am amazed at how big your kids are getting. I know you don’t need reminding of this. Enjoy every minute. They are adorable. 🙂

Holly - Great photos of you and your birthday boy!

Aby Gittings - Made me cry. I love your family. Happy Birthday Scott!!!

Karen Gerstenberger - Oh, Meg. Such a beautiful young man! He reminds me of our David (who is on his way home after finishing his SOPHOMORE year at Gonzaga! Yes, the time flies!). He has those deep, sweet, open eyes that speak integrity.
God bless and Happy Birthday to Scott!

Kate S. - That’ll teach me to correct others! I questioned my spelling just as I hit “post” then looked it up . . .
CROQUET is the lawn game. Croquette is a food. Crochet is a craft. LMAO.

Kate S. - Haha, I loved his menu choices! My boys always pick the funniest things for their birthdays, too.
Psst. . . I think you meant croquette. Crochet is the yarn craft, similar to knitting. Croquette is a lawn game.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - You are SUCH a good mama Meg.
Love this post.
Love the love you have for your kids.
Love your photos and sweet words about your kids.
Enjoy that date night with all the boys. : )
Wishing you a VERY happy mother’s day this weekend!

Mollie D - Rock Chalk!!

Southern Gal - Sweet birthday tribute to your young man. I love that picture of you two with the big smile. Such a treasure.
My babies are 23, 20 and 10 now. And my granddaughter will be 2 next month and her baby sister is due around her birthday! I really don’t know how I got here, but I’ve loved the journey.

Mary Beth - A son.
A son is SO much different than a daughter.

Laura Phelps - can Scott hang with Jack….????
luke is too little to play basketball with him…and really,
I could use a good influence on this child of mine…
happy birthday scott
now stop growing

Seriously Sassy Mama - Awe! Happy Birthday Scott! My oldest is eight, and the thought of her turning 14 makes me want to crawl in bed and cry.

Mindy Harris - i hope i have that same relationship with my Wilder (WilMan). So precious to read this. i loved it.
good luck with the whole “girls liking him” thing…oi!

christy - Happy b-day Scott! You have a great bunch of munchkins there. How sweet are they?! Have fun tonight.
I liked the Mad Men reference. 😉

Beth K. - My oldest (a boy) turned 14 in February, wears size 12 shoe and is two inches taller than me – six feet tall. I agree it goes too fast! His sport happens to be soccer – all of the time! Happy Birthday to Scott! It is great to see older siblings being so kind and gracious to the younger ones. 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy birthday, Scott!
Mine just turned 12 and 9. Crazy. Chest hurts crazy.

Heather F. - My daughter, my baby, is turning 16 next week. Kids grow up too fast!
Happy Birthday to your son.

Siobhan - Makes me cry and he’s yours! They do grow too fast! The first pic of you two made me tear, beautiful!

Lori H - My baby turns 17 next month and we went looking at colleges over Spring Break (his sister is already in college). I get teary-eyed looking at their baby photos but I really enjoy them as they are now too…more interesting.

julie - Not fourteen. No. Not fourteen. I hate the guts out of how fast they grow up. But you are growing a good one. Happy Birthday to your biggest boy.

Holly - Oh Meg! They do grow up so fast! It hurts my heart to think about! My oldest will be 15 this summer and my baby will be 7!
I totally would have never thought to have garlic toast with bbq chicken! We are having that real soon!

Amber Pamper - He looks like such a sweet one! I HATE with a passion how fast they grow up. It just slips away 🙁

Verna Lantz - Don’t they just grow up too fast. My oldest turned 14 this year, too. I cannot believe how fast it goes. These pictures are priceless. Such a sweet boy. Good job, Momma!

Carrie - This is so sweet, he is a handsome boy. You have such a beautiful family, a beautiful life. Really really blessed.
I always wanted a bunch of kids. God had other plans. So I live vicariously through you. It’s nice and there is much less laundry. 🙂

Georgia - Happy Birthday Scott!
He sounds like he is going to be a lovely gentleman!
Well done Meg 🙂

Tina I - Happy Birthday! What a great party! Made me tear up to see Annie give her tokens and photos…and that Scott so graciously received them:-)

Sarah Wolfe - What a sweet tribute. He sounds like a great kid. Size 12 and two inches taller than you… Wow!

Denissa - I’m learning too just how fast they grow up and its not cool!:(
I just realized in these pics that Scott & Talby look a lot a like!
Your family is beautiful!
Have fun at dinner, I can only imagine..hahaha..I have 3 boys! They’re pretty gross, but they make me laugh 🙂

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whatever craft weekend :)


a few days late….but i finally got the craft weekend post up!
come read it over at the

whatever craft weekend blog.


ps….i am ready to make a new apron by now. 




Penny Smith - Is there a way I should check to see if I am still on the wait list? Cuz I watch them go by and wonder how long the list must be to be not called up yet having been put on the list when the first one went down? (Big giant pout!!) :0)

catie - i’m pretty sure i met your husband tonight at an open house we had at my work…i was going to ask him if he was married to you and then gush about your blog but i decided not to bug him. i was pretty sure i would embarrass myself somehow! 🙂

Jenna@CallHerHappy - i was just telling my hubs how jels i was of craft weekend. he thinks i should go. well, maybe i will be so lucky one day!

Stephanie@geezees - love the aprons + great pic 🙂

Lorie - Those aprons are BEYOND cute!!

Elizabeth - I have to tell you that I went to Barely Making It Antiques while visiting my sister in Wichita! I guess I just missed your crafting crew by a day! The ladies there were SOOOOOO sweet! They were kind enough to open the shop just for my sis and I…… and then gave my crying two year old a book for the ride home! Loved it!

Karen Gerstenberger - I love reading your craft weekend posts, Meg. This is a great calling for you!

Jenny B. - Ha! I was just wondering if you made a new apron each time. 🙂

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my usual….


the monday after craft weekend i am always wiped out.
pretty much unable to function at a normal level of any kind.

so i will be back tomorrow with a post about the weekend.
i can tell you right now though….it was amaaaa-zing.


this weekend i joined instagram!
and actually put two whole pictures on it!

i am @megduerksen.  
and we made a group for #whatevercraftweekend too!

come follow me.
i hope to use it lots and lots.
much more than my twitter that i barely ever touch.
so far i am loving instagram.
are you on?
why not?
i am clueless….lets learn together!! 🙂

do have awesome tips for me?
please share!

happy monday.

back to bed for me. 

Get More Instagram Followers - Hi I love to Photo sharing Network Instagram.Now a days all peoples would like to use Instagram for photo shairng purpose and that is the easy way to share photos.
Get Instagram Followers

Jachel - Yay!! Excited to see your pictures on Instagram. I’m @jachel

Penny Smith - (OK, now that you have 560 followers in one DAY, are you gonna follow any of use back? Just sayin’! 🙂 )

Penny Smith - I have over 1000 pictures with it now… teamed up with the “Postal Pix” app, I order the square 4″x4″ and 5″x5″ right from my phone, and they are at my door (and what I scrapbook with 80% of the time lately!) in a couple days! Check out THIS awesome idea too!
Hard not to love Instagram!!

Kelly - Glad to hear my favorite blog is now on instagram! Looking forward to seeing your colorful pictures on my feed 🙂

Brittany - LOOOOOVE Instagram! I was actually just thinking this morning…”I wonder if Meg is on Instagram?” YAY that you are! I will follow 🙂
Mine is @brittany_turco, if you want to follow me back. I am private, but I will approve you 😉

Shannon - Whoop Whoop-Instagram! The icon at the top right that is a teardrop makes it blur with various effects. For either one, you can manipulate the blur. I.E., for the straight line, you can twist it to suit your desired effect. I use two fingers on the screen to turn it. Also, the circle one can be shrunk or expanded. My fav instagram effect. Have fun! I’m fairly new to it too @shannonaphotography.

Emily - I am traveling internationally for work and my iphone doesn’t work. The thing is miss the most is Instagram! It’s super easy and you will love it! If you’re looking for people to follow, I’m @emilytutorialtrials
Have fun!

Marianne - gorgeous flowers! I hear you on being wiped. I don’t know how you do it!

Lauren - Instagram is my fave! I’m @lthomas0913 (Lauren Thomas).
I have it linked to both my FB and Twitter, so it’s a one stop shop!

LO - I Love instagram AND you can link it to your facebook and twitter!

katey - Love instagram! kateydeasy I take pictures of things that are beautiful to me. It rocks! Glad you are there too!

Ashley - Pic stitch is an awesome free app I am learning to use together with instagram. It makes cool collages with your pics 😉 I love that it’s a collection of awesome pics and when you hashtag something you can see other cool pics too! @anorth0925 follow me!

Jamie M. - I am on Instagram, I waited very not patiently for it to come to android. Just jump in and take lots of pictures, you will love it!!

betsy - Check out all the cool things you can do with Instagram on Pinterest. I also agree with the Diptic app … tons of fun!
I think Instagram allows me to add more creativity to my photography. I also suggest interacting with other IG users, because you can gain a lot from their pics and comments.
See you around there … I’m @betsymck!

Suz - p.s. one word Printstagram.

Suz - instagram addict here, it takes cooler pics than my camera, I have it on my ipod touch, so no monthly bills. Get the app Diptic and you can make cool little collages out of your photos..have .fun!

Lori Austin - You sleep and we’ll wait patiently for the craft weekend post 🙂


Lorie - I am glad it was a good one and hope you have recovered by tomorrow!!

kyleigh - Yay! I’m on Instagram too! @kyleighspapercuts – I’ll definitely follow you, would love a follow back 🙂 look forward to seeing your GORGEOUS pics : )

se7en - Welcome to instagram!!! Love it – it is like a mini blog post!!! Totally love it!!! And can’t wait to see some of your posted pics!!!… or pics posted!!! Whatever!!!

Laura Phelps - I always laugh when I get an e mail that someone is following me on twitter..
I must have been drinking when I opened the account…
I have no memory of joining twitter
I have never tweeted…
my space
we live in a very strange world!
so much to keep up with

shea B - Lovely blooms! And I’m like that every Monday without having come off a craft weekend. And I only have two kids. You are Super Woman!
I love IG. @sheabrislin if you wanna see random photos of projects, adorable little girls, and a smashed finger. 🙂 Happy resting!

Angie Knopp - First time commenter here. I feel downright silly that the thing that pulled me out of lurker status was in fact Instagram! I actually come to your little internet spot quite often. I just love everything about your sweet spirit! Yay for Instagram!! Can’t wait to follow you on there 🙂 I’m angiepics….
Angie from Ohio

Maria - I’m on there…@princessmia
I only have a few pics on there…I like to use the diptic app with it to make little collages…
Can’t wait to hear more about craft weekend…
Trying to drop this Monday headache I’ve had all day…2 weeks till summer break here!

Shannon - i love instagram!!! just added you. @shannonjoy06. i’ll share another really fun app i just found!
it’s called picstitch and allows you to do quick collages and post them. woot woot!!!!have a good recovery day!

megan@contentedsparrow - instagram is my favorite fave! i rarely go on FB anymore and have never had twitter. it’s just a visual, friendly place. i just followed you. i’m @contentedsparrow.
as for awesome hints….
besides taking pics right with the instagram cam, you can take your pics with whatever camera app you prefer and upload them to instagram. i use camera+ a lot because i love all the fun filters/actions. and then to get them onto instagram, while you’re in picture taking mode, click on the little photo stack thingy on the left to access your camera roll photos to choose from. my favorite instagram feature is the spot focus thing…’s the teardrop on the top right. use it ALL the time….it ROCKS.
will look forward to seeing more of you, meg.

Mindy Harris - i don’t have a smart phone; gotta cut corners somewhere. pretty peonies!

stephany - I am on instagram and like it so much more than twitter…and I can just post my instagram stuff directly to my twitter account…kills two birds with one stone.
I’m now following you!
Craft Weekend looked amazing as usual…can’t wait until my name is picked from the hat! 😉

Lindsay F. - I already spotted you on instagram this weekend! How fun! I’m @ellejfendy! I use snapseed for additional editing, framestastic for collages and phonto to add text to my pictures. It’s fun having a little editing “suite” on your phone! 🙂

Jenna@CallHerHappy - i started following you on instagram this weekend. i had to get my craft weekend fix! i’m @callherhappy! also, some tips: it is fun to use other photo editing apps combined together to get funky looks and then upload them to instgram!

Dani - I have been pondering instagram. I see it all over facebook. I may have to check it out.

Suzanne - I love instagram! I am @lifemadejoyful. I saw your two pics – and they were wonderful – thanks to kimberlee’s tip off that you were on ig. Welcome – but beware of the ig addiction!

ko. s - Yay for getting you on instagram! Heading off to find you now 🙂
Oh, and using picframe to edit pictures before posting on instagram helps a ton. Lots of ways to do collages instead of just a million single pictures 🙂

Kerry - man oh man, I wish I had Instagram!!!
Looking forward to your weekend post 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love instagram!
I am @songskatesang on instagram!

christi - love instagram! @burlapandbasil. so much more fun and interactive than many other social sites.
i’m sure you’ve seen this on pinterest –
Pic Stitch, picframe, picfx are all awesome. postalpix is great for printing your IG photos.
@joyshope is a rockstar instagrammer! (imho)

Kimberly Dial - I’m on instagram & love it (kimmydial) I look forward to following you & “hearing” much more about CW! Get some rest 🙂

Lindsay - you are going to love it! best app ever! I am @lrl22

BriBedell - Yes on the instagram 🙂 I’m @bribedell

Bobbie - I’m @bjbyrd. I love instagram! Challenges me to look at pictures differently.

Megan - I love instagram as well… so much more than Facebook or Twitter!
I am @megkeith 🙂 Can’t wait to follow you!

Jenny wells - Love instagr! I’m @ vwgrl

Lisa - I’m obsessed with Instagram! 😉

Jennifer - Oh and I’m jgreeley.

Jennifer - Love instagram! Way better than Twitter. It’s like you said about blogging with out photos…what’s the point.

Jacci in Ohio - I’m on 🙂 @mrsmogun – but I’m private, so if you tried to follow me back igram would just wait for my approval before my pics showed up in your feed. Hope you get some good rest!!!

Kristin S - Just followed you. Welcome!

Jeannine - Just signed up with Instagram myself, and uhh, I’m clueless! I totally fail as a 24 year old.
Glad craft weekend looks like it went well! I’d love to go one day… it always looks like you girls have so much fun 🙂 I don’t even know how to use my sewing machine yet, so I guess I’d have to figure that out first!

Hannah - Instagram is awesome! I was so excited when they made an app for Androids:) My name is hannahlynnlesley:)

4 Fab Franklins - Oh Meg, I’m right there with ya! I hardly ever use Twitter and I’ve recently joined instagram as well. I have 4 pictures on there and my only follower so far is my daughter. I don’t quite understand it yet, I’m hoping it will flow with use….ya know? …and to be quite honest, I’m getting to the point where I’m over facebook.
I am so bummed you wont be taking my family pictures this summer, but I so completely understand your reasons. I don’t know what I will miss most…the pictures or getting to actually meet you.
Have a great week!

Rachel J - Yay! I’m so glad you are on there now! I am on there too @faithfulcitymouse. The best part of being on Instagram is being able to see what your friends/family/blog love is doing and their fab pictures. You can also tag your friends/followers so they can see what you are capturing or writing. I hope you will follow me too! 🙂

beth e. - i also just recently joined instagram, but mostly so i could take those cool little square pic’s with the different borders and grainy vintage effects i keep seeing all over blog land, and maybe even print off some photo strips i see everywhere….but what am i actually supposed to ‘do’ with instagram……i have yet to figure that out! i’ll be following the comments closely, maybe someone out there can shed some light!

stephanie - I am on instagram and LOVE it. (@stephanieshep) So fun. : )

Mandy - I love instagram!! I’m at @amandajwagner. Can’t wait to see your pix!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Can’t wait to see photos and sorry I wasn’t able to join you fabulous crafty ladies (this time) I DID remodel my kitchen and paint my whole hall/stairwell/kitchen/dining room this weekend though so I’m with you on the exhaustion front but also completely blissed out about my new, fresh space!

Tara - I love instagram! I will definetely add you! I’m “jadiecakes” on instagram. I’ve been trying out twitter but still don’t get it!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I have Instagram. 🙂 I am @katyapicello
So much more fun than Facebook and Twitter, in my opinion! I only joined about a month ago, so I have no cool tips for you. Sorry! Can’t wait to see all of the Craft Weekend pictures! Also can’t wait to BE at Craft Weekend in August!!

becky@oursweetpeas - Glad the wknd went well. I too am on instagram although relatively new to actually using it. I am roddfam5.

Tiffany - I now have to google, how to grow my own peonies. Sleep in Sweets, we’ll wait, craft weekend pics are always worth it:) Happy Monday.

Sara Torbett - I am also on Instragram..but clueless too!! I need to learn. I imagine the feeling after CW is like that of being a kid and the fun sleepover is…….Over. 🙁 You must be tired too after all your hard work! Can’t wait to see pics :).

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