Masthead header

the yellow striped floors.


the floors in this room were really beat up.
so i could pay a bunch of money to fix them OR i could have some fun with them for practically nothing.
i chose the second…obvs.

first i primed the floor with KILZ.
then i painted white stripes with the white semi-gloss trim paint that we had.
i just used the lines of the wood planks to determine the stripes….i did 8 planks wide per stripe.

THEN i added yellow stripes with paint from Ace Hardware called ButterCream. 


i thought "whoa that's bright" when i opened it.
yellow is a hard color.
so after i painted the stripes and let it dry a day or two i went back and it was definitely brighter than i wanted.
so…i took white paint and added water….maybe equal parts paint and water?

then i used a dry rag and wiped it into the yellow stripes. 


i wiped it on and rubbed it into the floor until it was the color i was looking for.
it was practically dry immediately.



much better.


this week i will put polyurethane over it and seal it all in.
and fill it up with beds again for happy craft weekend girls!


happy floors.





Andrea Hunter - Can you let me know the wall color too? Thanks!

Flooring Tools - Painting a wood floor is an affordable way to give life to an old wood floor, and it’s fairly easy. Plus, painted wood floors complement any style of decor.

Cori - This is absolutely GORGEOUS.

andrea - Love it! You are so creative! Would you mind sharing the wall color with me?

sarah kate branine - As everyone else said, those stripes are so beautiful! Way to go. Your wall color reminds me of the color that we painted our bedroom in our old house. It was called “sweet georgia brown” and I loved it so much. We are currently renting and keeping everything white for now, but I can’t wait to use that color again!

Talysa - Love this. Do you mind sharing the wall color as well?

Jenna@CallHerHappy - When I think about what I want my future house to look like…it looks like your house!

Annika - That looks fantastic. The only thing that I love equally as much as natural wood floors is painted floorboards!

Vicki - So fabulous–totally worth the effort!

jeannett - LOVE LOVE LOVE.
yellow is a hard color! i think that yellow and red are the hardest to get right. sooo many undertones!
i wish i lived in an old home where you can do fun stuff like that…but my 2006 build is hard to add character to. i’m trying slowly but surely, but most of it has to be through furniture and accessories because it just doesn’t work right to get all fun and funky like painted floors.
sigh…someday…we will build our dream house…and it will be kitschy and fun and eclectic and NOT cookie cutter vanilla.
someday. when i win the lotto.
or lucy wins a beauty pageant.

misty - are your floors hardwood or laminate? do you think this would work on laminate?? I LOVE this & it just makes me smile : )


Kim - Yellow is a tricky colour! I painted our living room in our first house yellow. It ended up being too bright as well and so I did the same as you – white washed the walls. It was such a happy room.

Angie Knopp - I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! That is all πŸ™‚
Angie from Ohio

Andrea - So pretty! Good job adding the white–totally made it warm and cozy!

Wendy - I love this idea! What a great color of yellow too! So sunny!

Alicia @ La Famille - brilliant! simply brilliant! love this πŸ™‚

Sarah - I LOVE the yellow stripes!!
I actually painted a very similar striped floor mat in my nursery…
…which, by the way, you completely inspired my color palate in that nursery. Every time I picked a color in there I thought, “What would Meg Duerksen do?” πŸ™‚ Thank you for the permission to use happy colors. πŸ™‚

kathleen - you are awesome! wow! that kind of stuff I feel just totally unable to do…I always blame it on all my kids (6) and it being too hard, but you have 5 and get so much done! It’s inspiring the way you work so hard and make things so cute and lovely. I love the floors and the wall color! and can you explain the polyurethene(i have no clue how to spell) process when you’re done. If time allows of course! If you did it in your own home, would you have to leave while it dries? And how many coats? Etc. I would love to paint hardwoods one day, and it’s the sealing part that scares me the most…I want it to be easy to clean…you know, with all these kids running all over them! Thanks for showing and blogging, i love it so!

sharron - mama likes!!
great idea to tone down a color too! πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - Simply FABULOUS! -tracy

Tiffany - Love the floors.

jaimie Cahill - Absolutely LOVE the floors and the walls!!
Was wondering if you wouldn’t mind sharing the name of the wall color?
I recently painted a room with Timberwolf (Ben Moore)…and it looks more blue…where I was hoping for a more true gray color.
This wall looks like a great color!
Thanks in advance!
LOVE your blog, style, etc…

Jenn - Love, love, love gray and yellow! Love the floors! Hope to see them in person.

Kimberly Dial - So pretty! Love the floors – good job!

Stephanie - Totally happy!! Love, love, love! Great job.

Susan - I love the yellow, but I struggle with it for the same reason. My daughter’s nursery was yellow and I had just the right color in mind but really had trouble finding why was in my mind’s eye! Then my step daughter told me she read that yellow makes baby’s fussy. I finally found a color that I loved and wouldn’t you know is was SW silent yellow!

Suzanne - Oh my goodness! absolutely love it!!!

Chantelle GivenMuch - I bet this was a hard job on the knees, but looks adorable! πŸ™‚

katey - Love it!!! I know that was time consuming and the fumes!! Great job.

Missi Smith - Incredible!! I love how these turned out and what a great idea on toning down the yellow. I would be honored to stay in this room!

hayley penny - How gorgeous are they? Nice to see someone taking a risk and the results are stunning. H x

Staisha Klein - Really fun! I think I liked them bright and faded a bit. So happy. Happy weekend to you!

Christy K - The floor looks great… it turned out so well! Now I REALLY want to tear out all my carpeting and put in hardwood. So inspiring! Hope you are having an awesome weekend! πŸ™‚

Angela Atkins - So pretty! Thank you for posting how you did that. I’m still trying to decide about painting our hallway. We never sanded and refinished it when we did all the others. It doesn’t show dirt like the white would but it looks terrible.

Makila - So great!

Lisa - Seriously awesome. And beautiful!

christine ishmael - One day I’m gonna see it first hand! Love how it turned out!

Lindi - I totally want to live in that room!! Amazing job!! πŸ™‚

Holly - I love painted floors. We painted our upstairs hallway a couple of years ago and they have held up so well! Good job!

E. Hills - Fabuloso!!!!! I love the finished project but i still loved the bright yellow too πŸ™‚

Curious Details - it’s perfect!

TonyaElise - Love the gray, white, and pale yellow. Those are the colors that I’m doing in my baby nursery. Gray and white striped walls with yellow accents in the room. And I’m still trying to pick the fabric for bedding – so many choices with those pretty colors. Beautiful job!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg this is amazing!

Laura Phelps - you kill me.
absolutely kill me.
you actually have ideas…and DO THEM.
my ideas don’t leave my head.
can I borrow your time and motivation?????
and talent.
your talent is key.

elizabeth highsmith - Love them!!!! BravOOOOOOOOOO!

Robin - yum – buttercream heaven.

Kerstie Pederson - Love, love, love them. Can’t wait to see the complete room. πŸ˜‰

Kimberlee Jost - Happiness all around.

CathyC - I LOVE this!!!

Sara Torbett - Love the after but love the bright before too πŸ™‚

lucky penny love - Love, Love, Love the striped floors! I need to see your craft house one day. You have the best ideas!

Laine - Oh. my. word. I LOVE your floors. That was brilliant, and it looks so beautiful! Great job!!

Terrie G - lucky craft weekend girls!!!

stephany - I love it!

amy - …mmm….deliciousness. πŸ™‚

happygirl - What a great idea. So much more reasonable than refinishing the floors. Gorgeous.

Peggy in TN - So pretty! I love the grey, yellow and white color combo. I wish I had your energy!

Brooke - oh wow! The stripes look great!!! Isn’t it fun when you take a risk and it works? Well done! πŸ™‚

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my first INSTA-friday!!!

now that i feel happy and comfy with using the instagram….
i can FINALLY join in with Jeannett for insta-friday.


happy hour break for some….

letting the little girls choose everything we plant this year….



feeling sassy on my way to ball games….

loving God's word on Monday…especially verse 1!



getting ready to start painting the floor….scared of the brightness….





i signed my three youngest up for swimteam.
i am super excited for them.


enjoying my last quiet, long, hot bath of the school year. 
hello summer.
i will miss the quiet but i am ready to chill with my kids.



at the kids' school they have a Clap Up to send off
the 4th graders to Middle school.
i could've cried.
it was totally adorable!


all the girls in annie's class were crying when they 
had to say goodbye to their teacher…
cutest tears ever! 



softball started.
it's pretty cute too.
everything little girls do is cute isn't it?!



while annie was hitting away i read my book and cried in the car.
(yes…i am still reading it….im only on page 30…but at least i haven't quit!)
(AND…it's so good.  i want to move to africa.  STAT!)



sean, annie and talby were looking at magazines at home depot.
annie said "this looks just like you and dad…in love and kissing!"  

then we had a lengthy discussion on modern style verses traditional.
i loved it!
we compared kitchens in magazines and i explained what makes it modern and why.
they were honestly interested.  
also awesome.



i guzzled down a venti ice coffee on the way home from our errands.
in minutes.
so yum.
target was a happy place today.
cute swim bag.
cute table cloths. 
cute fur real friend polar bear for annie.
cute running shorts
(i don't wear shorts?!!!  i am nervous.  my little girls were shocked i bought them!)



so now i am linking up with my girl jeannett….


come on over.


elizabeth beesley - I am so curious about the bible devotional too! I sooo need this!

Katie Jones - I am curious on your bible too! Love the devotion part! Which one is it????

Sharla - Love the floors and all of these pics. I got kisses from Katie for my bday and can’t wait to start it!

Jacci - I don’t wear shorts either. And I don’t really know why. I think I just dont like the way they look on my body. I think skirts/dresses/cropped pants are better on me. I haven’t owned a pair of shorts in, seriously, like 4 years.
I’m enjoying your instagram feed πŸ™‚ Fun to have you on there!

Suzanne - yay!! welcome to ig and instafriday!

Cindy - I’d love to know what Bible you are reading from too! Completely inspired by this page from it!

Carrie - 5th grade is middle school? We have 6 th to 8 th as middle here and many schools are k to 6 th as elementary school. Goodness, 5 th raders are still so little!! I teach grades 4 to 6 Autistic aupport and they seem so young to me.

Lisa - FUN Friday. Oh my, I love the floor. LOVE it. We’re tearing up carpet in our bedroom. If the floors are in bad shape, I think I know what to do πŸ™‚ Your post on Kisses from Katie/Seven a couple weeks ago finally tipped the scale for me and I started reading 7. I’m not a reader either and I can’t put it down. It’s messing me up in a very good way. Read it next!

Kari - how funny! i don’t wear shorts either… i told my neighbor it “must be a sign of the apocalypse” when i had them on the other day πŸ™‚

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Ok I need some Whatever advice. How did you get your husband to agree to let you paint the floors?? They are so cute, but my hubs is terrified of painting anything that used to be a tree πŸ™‚

Maria - I will be heading to target later this week…hoping all the cute summer table stuff is out…
I love those floors!
Our baseball season will be over next week sometime…last game today and playoffs/nail biting time next week.
Have a great weekend!

Kelly - We have just started talking about painting our floors. Yours looks awesome but I really don’t think I can get my husband to go for yellow stripes πŸ™‚ It looks so great though!
I’m not a shorts girls either. It gets blasted hot here in Idaho though so I can’t do capris or pants all through July. Last year I declared summer the summer of skirts and grew quite a collection. I’m excited to dig into them again…as soon as it stops raining!

katie - love the floor!!! also, about the book, when i read it i cried EVERY SINGLE PAGE. my husband kept looking at me saying “what is so sad?” and i’d say “it’s not sad AT ALL. it’s super duper amazing and God is sooo good!”

Maria Bryan - THHHHHAAAATTTTT FLLLLOOORRRRRR!!!!! Amazing Job! How do you do the Insta Friday?

Jennifer - Question? Is that a study Bible? Looks like maybe a “daily reading” one. Mind sharing the cover? Looking for a new copy and I’m loving the layout of that one. Thanks!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - I bought two ADORABLE table cloths at Target this past week too – turquooise blue with a fun little darker turquiose mosaic looking pattern and a sea glass green and blue striped number — curious if we got the same one! : )
Love the new yellow striped floors.
Have been trying and failing at instagram — will persevere and try to figure it out!
Happy end of the school year.

Heather Crawford - I don’t wear shorts either, but I am so tired of capris…and it is hot as heck here in Georgia..and we’ve got baseball tournys today..three games in the middle of the afternoon..thinking of sucking it up and wearing some…ugggh

melissa - love the floor and saw your little “plug” for the antiques shop in the newest country living! i am coming to kansas.

ko. s - Loving that you are Instagram! It lets me get my “whatever” fix whenever πŸ˜‰ Have a great weekend!

happygirl - I want to learn how to use Instagram. This was great. πŸ™‚

Lisa - You gotta explain how 5th grade is middle school! I’ve never heard of that. I always thought that started in 6th grade! I’m freaking out cause my oldest is starting MS. I think even 6th grade is too young! πŸ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Yay! Welcome to Insta-Friday!

Sara @ Happy Brown House - Oh, Kisses From Katie was so good. And that floor…swoon!

Bailey Jean - Kisses From Katie is an incredible book! It was so encouraging, inspiring, and stirred my heart in so many places. I’m sure it will do the same for you πŸ™‚ And I’m loving the floor! Beautiful!

Kerstie Pederson - LOVE the floor! AWESOME!!!

Terrie G - I’m seriously in LOVE with that messenger bag & that Floor!!
Nice Job!!!
Makes me wish for wood floors!
Great kick-off for summer!

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so this is it.
my last morning home alone.
and i am not even home alone…scott is here with me.
but you know what i mean…home without a child who needs me to get their breakfast and stuff.

i love summer.
but that first week or two is always an adjustment for ME.

scott was promoted out of eighth grade last night.
i took a few pictures at the ceremony but they were all blurry.





in my hair's defense….
we'd had 100mph winds all day and it was 100 degrees in that room…and fluorescent lighting.  

TWINS!  :)



i could've started tearing up at any moment.
like when he said "congratulations freshman class of 2013"  or when they gave out awards.
but i held it together.

this school year was excellent for all the kids in the new school but i think especially for scott.
it has been a really great year!
i am grateful for that.
these kids are awesome…such wonderful young men.  they are quite goofy….but wonderful.
i am so happy we get to watch them grow up together.


so….i guess i better do SOMETHING with my last 3.5 hours alone.
dishes?  laundry?  mop?  vacuum?


a long hot bath….at the craft house….YES.




Wendy - Congrats Scott! Love your blog Meg!!!! You are inspiring me to be crafty and sporty! πŸ™‚

April R - gotta chime in with my 2 cents
1st penny: about your hair – I was looking at the first photos and
I promise one of my first thoughts was,
“She looks very pretty. Her hair looks good – wonder how she got that texture and body?”
then I scrolled down and saw your “in my hair’s defense…” then I thought,
“Aww, how many ladies do that? Think something is messed up when other’s are thinking
it’s just fine.”
Then I thought, “She’s still got a sweet smile on and enjoying her family; smart lady.”
I’m going to try to remember that the next time I feel self conscious about myself. πŸ™‚
2nd penny: Good for you on the bubble bath. I spent a morning at the beach all by myself to celebrate the last day of school – Haven’t done that in so long I can’t remember so it was a sweet blessing πŸ™‚

Jen Brandt - I was thinking how great your hair looked! I hate mine these days!

Laura Phelps - EVERY SINGLE SUMMER I have the same reaction to your posts…that I can not believe how early your kids get out of school.
Maybe next year I won’t be surprised.
I guess it is because I am so NOT READY.
Jack is home sick today with an awesome rash…
and Luke has no school…
and the rest have a half day…
and THAT has me twitchy…
can not imagine them all home. together. in my house. with me.
have a great bath….and congrats to your graduate!

Lori Austin - Freshman year – good luck! πŸ™‚
Stop – you look fine.
Summer – I’m trying so hard to have a good attitude. I have
a few more days before mine are out. I have decided to make a SUMMER LIST to help with my bad attitude. πŸ™‚ Thanks.

Karen - He looks so grown up! Before I read your reasons that your hair looks “bad” I was thinking “wow, I wonder if I can pull off that awesome look?”. Seriously. Not joking. 100%. Still thinking about it.

christine ishmael - I’m so jealous you have a private house to take a hot bath in! What’s better is you probably don’t even have to clean the tub before you can get in…Who does that? Lucky girls, that’s who! ha ha…enjoy!

Dani - Way to go, Scott! Freshman… WOW! I remember those days of high school.
Your hair is great! I love short hair.. so easy to fix!

Sara Torbett - Big day at your house! πŸ™‚ Welcome to summer too. I have one baby and am expecting my days of that much alone time are far, far away. But coming sooner than I can imagine I’m sure. I do loove to take a long bath on the weekends though! So relaxing :). Do you guys have a summer list written yet?

Trisha - Awww, I can’t believe Scot will be a freshman next year! I miss that “kid”. Seems like he was just in my 4th grade class. πŸ™‚

happygirl - Welcome to summer. This looked like a lovely event. It’s sweet to have the grandma there. πŸ™‚

Seriously Sassy Mama - I too have a couple hours till summer. I work this weekend, then my girls are going to my parents at the lake for three days so I can get stuff done at the old house before we turn over the keys. Enjoy your bath. I have not taken a bath in peace in over 8 years. There is always a girl who wants to hang out with mommy. Life with three daughters.

ko. s - Congrats to Scott. I had to double take at the last picture. 2016!?!? That seems so crazy!

tammy kay - Congrats to Scott. I think your hair looks great too. πŸ™‚

Leah - So exciting for you! Is Lauren graduating high school now? Is she off to college? I can’t imagine!

Sandy - “In my hair’s defense” … I love it. That made me laugh (but your hair doesn’t look bad!). πŸ™‚

Tanya H - Your hair looked great! I hear ya on the bubble bath…I’m trying to decide how to spend Friday….I could get a lot done, or! I could take the last nap of the school year……hmmmm! πŸ™‚

Cathy - Congrats to Scott! Enjoy your last day and each moment of your kids growing up. It goes by so fast!

Suzanne - that is a funny comment about your hair because just before I read it I was thinking, her hair is cute, I wonder if that would look good on me…

Sarah Wolfe - They look like nice boys… glad he’s had a good year. My oldest will graduate in 2020. And I know it will be here in the blink of an eye. He’s already talking about getting his driver’s license πŸ™‚

Becki - I thought your hair looked great! Congrats Scott! Enjoy your last day to yourself!

Southern Gal - I hate you got blurry pictures, but it makes me feel like there is hope for me knowing someone as talented as you at photography gets a bad shot every now and then. My middle son will graduate from COLLEGE in 2013. I feel really old now.

Robyn Farmer - I was thinking your hair was looking fab!

Whitney - I LOVE it that they wear t-shirts and not those horrible cheap polyester robes for 8th grade. Fiona will be graduating on Thursday and while it is in the air-conditioned high school auditorium, I think caps and gowns are a bit of overkill for 8th grade. That stuff can wait till high school and college! Congratulations to Scott and his parents! I can’t believe how grown up he looks ~ like a different kid from the one we knew just 5 or 6 years ago!

Lauryn - Your hair (and you) looked magnificent, even with 100 mph winds πŸ™‚
Is the craft house a far drive?

Routhie - STOP. Your hair is wonderful. πŸ™‚

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basketball on a sunday.

at least once a month….usually more….scott spends his weekends at basketball tournaments on various teams.
i can't always make it to his games because he is not the only kid in our family.
but sometimes it works out for all of us to go together.

the three youngest play their 3DS video games against each other for most of the time.
or run around the gym.
or draw.
or play angry birds.

i sit right next to craig and relax.
i really do enjoy our time together watching scott.  

and watching mr. duerksen watch scott.

we finally got to eat at a place craig had been talking about for months.
he gets to go there for lunch at work but we never have gotten to come along.

IMG_1387-14 IMG_1386-13


the Benton, Kansas Airport has a restaurant on the strip!
so you can watch the little planes take off and land while you eat.
it's really cool.

and it was a GORGEOUS day for it.


sometimes we let them play while we wait for food….if we are feeling nice (or tired)


i got a salad and sweet potatoe fries.

could be a new favorite photo of scott.

annie was sure she could reach the top….just sure. 

sometimes….big brothers are awesome.

i loved this place.
i hope we go back…i bet at sunset it's amazing.

back to the gym.




just another nice family day.

he "graduates" from eighth grade tonight.
man…. growing up is just fast.
it feels so quick…he is not that old?!  
wasn't he just begging to look for tow trucks?
didn't he just learn to read?
doesn't he want to wrestle with dad?

ok….shutting down.
i don't have time to cry today so i am turning it off.

i showed a peek of my painted floor on instagram….it's pretty fun!!!
but i left my phone at home today on accident and i am at the craft house so i can't show you a picture here.
i guess that means you'll have to get on instagram.
because you should be anyway because it's a very fun little place to be. 
i was worried it would be hard to figure out……yeah…it's not.
super easy.
and addictive…..




Angie - Very glad you got to enjoy a game. My daughter is going into 8th grade this year and I LOVE watching her play sports. It makes me so proud. What an absolutely cute little place to eat. How fun is it that you can watch the planes? I’d love to take my boy somewhere like that!
Hope you all have a great Memorial Day Weekend friend!

Sandy - I still can’t figure out instagram. πŸ™ But I’m with you…I love that picture of Scott. I miss Lauren. Did she go to prom this year?

Brandie Leep - Yep. Living in Benton is great! Love Stearman! glad your family enjoyed it!

Kirsten J - Excellent pictures!!! My big boy wore size 12 shoes in 9th grade, and now is 12 1/2 or 13. And I can’t believe I *ahem* pushed him out…*ahem* as Laura says. Bahhh!!!
Good for you for sleuthing out the clever restaurant, because SubWay gets old. We have a girlie who plays on a traveling tournament softball team. And I’m searching out out of the ordinary spots in Roseville California for the first of August….get ready, Mama, it’s only just beginning!

Lisa - Scott looks like a great player! And I am totally addicted to Instagram….

Annette - Stearman’s is a favorite for our family too! Sometimes we sneak up there when kids are in school for a lunch date! Teehee!

Lauryn - My husband is a freelance pilot and flight instructor. There are lots of smaller airports with restaurants alongside or at the end of the runway πŸ™‚ The part I love the most is the parking lot for airplanes! We’ve done a couple “$100 Hamburger Run” — pilots have to keep “currency” (meaning X number of take offs and landings and night flights in a given period of time). When they need to get some useless flights in nearing the end of their currency period, they’ll fly somewhere for lunch or dinner. While the food might be cheap, they call it the “$100 Hamburger Run” because of the price of the plane and fuel πŸ™‚ Isn’t it cute?!? I wish we were close enough to visit that airport restaurant. It looks so quaint.

Ashley - Aaaw! I’m struggling to figure out how to corral a one year old at my oldest’s swim practice. Even so, the moments are precious. You showed all the sweetness!
Have you seen travel sized Paris online? It made me think of you and the youngers. Google it sometime. I’m making one for the boys.

alyssa - yeah, but I don’t have an iphone. I realize I am about the only person on the planet, but I don’t have one. so now I just feel left out!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I loved when my parents came to my games back in the day. I cannot wait to do it with my girls.

ko. s - What a fun family day! I’m loving your Instagram pics by the way! The floors look amazing πŸ™‚

Liz - What is your instagram username? I’d love to follow you, if that’s ok!

happygirl - Family days are fun. This restaurant looked fun, too. It is so sweet to see your children be together. My son is an only child. I think, he thinks, he got TOO much of mom’s attention.

Megan - I LOVE Stearman’s! The food is great and the atmosphere is even better. It is awesome at sunset. πŸ™‚

April R - I know in my head that I’m not the only mama looking at her little boy thinking,
“When did that happen?!”
but it’s so much better when I hear other mom’s say it too πŸ™‚
And yeah! for big brothers! πŸ™‚

Brady Wilhelm - You made it to my hometown!! I graduated from Circle and now I live right by the Benton airport. We love it. We get to sit on our porch every evening and watch the planes take off. My one year old always starts clapping and laughing when he sees them. And we LOOOOVE Stearman restaurant. So delicious and you can’t beat the atmosphere. You and your husband should take a date night some weekend and go see some of the bands that play there πŸ™‚ It’s a lot of fun. Hope you enjoyed my town!

Laura Phelps - oh THANK GOD for you…and for showing me that I am not the only mom who doesn’t make all of Jack’s games because “he is not my only kid”
and for showing me that when I do drag the others along, they are not the only kids who never watch the game, but run around the gym or have their noses in electronics
and that airport cafe?
my dad would love it!
did you know my dad flies a plane?
and i love sweet potato fries
so we would all be happy!

shannon - Looks like the perfect spot to eat especially for the whole family to enjoy! I just got on instagram(don’t worry I am of course following you) and it is ridiculous how much fun it is taking pics all the time and sharing πŸ™‚
My instagram name is @shancarbajal

Tanya H - lol, love your ending. It might be the time of year because the shot of Sean holding Annie up to reach it made me cry. πŸ˜› darn mommy-hearts. lol!

denise@victory rd. - watching planes take off and land while eating sweet potato fries! now, that sounds delicious.

angela - My boys did those weekend traveling ball teams…baseball, basketball, etc. It was a wonderful, expensive, tiring, family banding time…..and I wouldn’t go back and change it for the world!

Dani - I love that your family can try different restaurants! With all the allergies my daughter has we are pretty much stuck with only a few. That place looks so much fun. I bet my 3 year old would love it!
Yeah… our kids grow up so fast, but I try hard not to get too upset, because I will always have the memories!
Enjoy your day!!

Jennifer - I love instagram! What a cool restaurant. Is there a way to check to see if my name is still on the CW list? I just want to make sure I didn’t miss an email and now I’m not on the list.

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monday….very farmy.

well…my day started with a looong run by myself.
i waited in my car for my friends but realized they were not coming…so i went alone.
and since i was supposed to be going with them i didn't bring my ipod.
so i ran without music….that is crazy talk!!
but i did the 6 miles without stopping and felt great.  
no music or friends and i still did it.  

i came to the craft house to do some prep work.
and look what came in the mail…. 
my new favorite shirt.  :)
i bought that.

the bold banana has a bunch of really funny shirts but this was my favorite.   


i cut fabric for a couple hours getting ready to make a TON of bunting.
for my shop.
that who-knows-WHEN-it-will-actually-open-but-it-will someday-i-promise. 

i had music cranked and all the sunshining in….it was a really nice afternoon alone.


later in the afternoon talby yelled "MOM!!! THAT BIRD JUST HIT THE WINDOW!!" 

it was quite stunned.
it just sat there.
i opened our door and we were just looking at each other.
of course waffle was going NUTS over this bird just sitting there.
barking and barking and barking.

i have never seen a bird that close up…like a tiny bird.
i have seen the chickens.
but not a bird like this.
that beak looks too pointy for me.

i told talby "lets leave it alone now and it will probably get its wits and fly off pretty soon."

then i stood up and said "was that a goat?"
and it was.

the neighbors have two goats!


and how is this for a totally weird creepy picture…..



i don't always look through my camera to take pictures so this was a shot taken down by my hip.
quite a surprise when that popped up on the screen.  
so funny.
i think his bottom teeth are straighter than mine!

then talby wanted to show me the neighbor's new kitties.
pretty cute.
but not tempting to me at all.

then THIS little lady came bouncing outside….


and i was immediately in love.


her name is Sue.

i wanted to kiss her.
and take her home.


and i wasn't the only one….

also not pictured…turtles were found and held and played with.
and wild turkeys in the road.

the bird that hit the window did indeed fly away.  
probably will never be quite the same but it's alive.

it was just a farmy night.

i like those kind.

ok…i have till thursday at noon to finish up that floor in the gray bedroom.
we will see if i can do it.
then we are on full summer break.
we started a rough draft of the summer list last night….. we don't have the big chalkboard at this house.
we will have to get creative.


Crystal - Just a crazy question…do you worry about your speed? I think I could run the 6 miles if I didn’t worry about being too slow. I am so not fast!!!

got2havefaith - I want a goat. My neighbors would FLIP OUT!

Michelle - We started the summer list last year and put it in wordle. It’s not a big centerpiece like your chalkboard was, but I let each kid design their own and they have their own personal one to cross off as we move through the season. Have you tried wordle? You can make it colorful with a fun font, different sizes, etc. so I think you would like it! ( Give it a shot and see what you think.
BTW, I LOVE our summer list and can’t imagine how we ever summered without it!! πŸ™‚

Carrie - goat teeth are freaky!!! so the move to farm seems like a great decision!! although I love the craft house, the style of it..everything :), the memories you will make at the farm house are amazing!! I’m jealous!! we live in the country kinda..but this just seems awesome!!!

Tracey Husted - Oh my gosh, I’ve gotta stop reading your blog while I’m at work. I saw the picture of the goat’s teeth and burst out laughing really loud. The office was dead silent…Oops! That just made my day!

Michelle Whitlow - ok, that pic of the goat teeth totally had me laughing out loud!!! hehehe!!!

Suzette - Birds, and goats, and puppies, oh my! And kitties too…I want to move on with you! Fun, amazing photos! Check out Lisa Leonard’s canvas summer list-cute and fun!

Jamie - that puppy is to die for…black labs are the CUTEST puppies! But kittens…no temptation, I’m right there with you on that one!

elisa - Oh that goat- so funny!! And you need that pup- LOVE. Take her home and I will send you a polka dot collar πŸ™‚

Heather R. - I laughed at the goat pic…too funny. I like naps, too.

Michelle From Australia - I LOVE the reflection of you in Annie’s glasses
and…The bunting!! My daughter is having a 9th birthday party in June. It is a rainbow party. WONDER WHERE ON EARTH HER MUM GOT THAT INSPIRATION…..whatever πŸ™‚ Anyway, it is a shame that gorgeous bunting won’t be in your etsy shop in time for me to try and buy some and have it wing its way to Australia for the party πŸ™
If only we weren’t at the other end of the planet…..

Carla - I really enjoyed this post. I know your blog has taken new exciting direction for you and I’m very happy for you that it has but its lovely to read a chatty/newsy post like that, which is not selling or advertising anything. More of the same please πŸ™‚

Diane - Fun post! I literally laughed outloud at the smiling goat! Priceless.

Saks2Salvation - Such an inspirational post and the pics are amazing! My best picture of a TX longhorn was taken by my hip as well so great shot on that one. Did I miss something…where can I get that “I love naps” shirt??

AliG - Our house likes Sue’s collar!

Erin - Sue is cute! And she looks super in K-State purple!

amy jupin - i agree, that puppers is adorable.
too bad they grow up and get bad breath.
that goat pic makes me giggle!!!

amanda d - Those pictures are great … but the goat, oh my goodness, made me laugh!

betsy - LOVING the very farmy post … all those animals made me “awwwww” while scrolling down!
That pic you took from your hip of Annie with Sue is FAN-TAS-TIC! I love that you can see yourself in her shades πŸ™‚
Also, how lucky do I feel that I already have some of your bunting! I can’t wait to hang it from my classroom ceiling again in August! Thanks, Meg!

Stephanie - Love the photo of your summer list from last year, can’t wait to see this years! Can you tell me how you made the collage photos you used and where you had them printed? Thanks a bunch!!

Maria Proctor - I have wanted a bunting from you since your first craft weekend post! I know plenty of people sell them on etsy, but no one gets the color combos and prints quite to my liking like you do, so I hope I can nab one when they come available!

April R - inspiring! as ever πŸ™‚ thank u πŸ™‚
we did a summer list for the first time last year (after I saw yours) and we loved it!
started 2012 this week!

Debby - I think that is a baby yellow-billed cuckoo. An adult ran into our window and died. So sad!! They usually are not hard to see as they keep hidden in the woods and brush. I’m so glad yours survived. We have these “leaves” on our windows that are supposed to keep birds from flying into them, but they don’t work real well. Birds hit our windows all the time!

Sara Torbett - This was a very farmy post, indeed. πŸ™‚ Loved your pics! I also saw the idea for writing/painting a Summer List on canvas on Lisa Leonard’s blog you might check out! We will have to get started on ours..we have a one year old this summer so things will be new and fun! πŸ™‚

Suzanne - Haha – those goats are cute and creepy all at the same time! I am dying to see your floor!!!

Jenni - How about window markers or a giant piece of butcher paper creatively hung for your summer list?

julia - Last year I was trying to convince my 5 year old to take a nap. She told me that nobody she knows takes naps and she didn’t want to take one. I then told her “but I take naps”. She was quiet for a few seconds and then she said “but you CHOOSE to take a nap.” So I guess the rule is that naps are okay, as long as you don’t HAVE to take one. (I did tell her, too bad she was going to take one anyway).

Robin - Loved the “I like naps” tshirt. Ordered one for my Dad for Father’s Day. I’m starting my 2012 Summer List today!!!!

Jacci in Ohio - Well… We don’t have a massive green chalkboard, either πŸ˜‰ And last year our summer list was useful,
But not necessarily as pretty as it could be. This year I’m making a paper garland.
All scrappy looking. And colorful. I have plain teal rectangles for writing our actual items on. I think
I’ll put a clothes pin on top of each item paper and remove it as we do that item. That was we can easily
see what we still have left to do. We’ll just look for clothes pins. Anyway, it’s cute in my brain. Hopefully, it
Will be cute in my kitchen, too!

Dani - I did a summer list for the first time this year! I saw a summer bucket list on pinterest. I did a search on there for summer list and yours was EVERYWHERE! I loved it! I was such a dork… I was like “HEY! I know her! I’ve seen that list!” HA! Ok so I don’t really KNOW you, but I feel like I do….

Beth K. - Heard about a neat idea for “summer bucket list” – we try to do one every summer, but this is a new idea that I like. Get a plastic sand pail and clothes pins – put the ideas on the clothes pins and then have them on the rim of the pail (sticking up). Then when you do something on a pin you take it off of the rim and throw it in the bucket. By the end of the summer your pail should be full. πŸ™‚ Love your pics!

Rachel J - Baby kitties, not tempting to me either. Baby puppys, I’ll take two. πŸ™‚ Loving your new found farmy posts πŸ™‚ Happy Tuesday Megalicious!

Holly - Love it! I was just thinking about the summer list. I also dont always look through my camera when taking photos. You get some of the best shots that way! πŸ˜‰

Mandy - that first picture of the bird is stunning! Love it!

Heather F. - That grey kitten looks exactly like one of my cats (now 5 years old) when he was a kitten. I actually gasped when I saw that photo. Your post brought back such great memories. Thank you. I’m going to show my kids when they get home.

Seriously Sassy Mama - A bird totally hit our back window the other day when I was packing. It scared the crap out of me. Unfortunately, we found the bird later that evening dead on our girls little pool. Poor bird. My husband wants to get a goat for our backyard since it is so huge. Funny man, we live in the burbs.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I feel like the Green Acres theme song should be playing while I read your blog πŸ™‚ Love your farmy life and that you are turning into a farmy wife…HA. Sorry I couldn’t resist. I didn’t sleep enough last night. Have a great day Meg!

Jill - Oh how I love your days <3 They rejuvenate me.
My youngest and I found a baby bunny yesterday and enjoyed it for a bit. We were keeping it until the older 3 got home and then going to transfer it to the local nature center because our neighbors dog well... he likes them a little too much and being a Jack Russel, he's about as fast as one as well.
Unfortunately she hopped away and unlike the neighbors dog, I am NOT as fast as a baby bunny...
By the way - you are AWESOME at taking pics when not even looking through the lens. Two of those that you posted - they are perfection!

christy - I am sure you read Lisa’s blog yesterday, but I loved her version of the summer to do list, water colors on a canvas! LOVE!
I so enjoy hearing about life on the farm. Brings back memories of my summers in MO. Enjoy!

BriBedell - Love the goat picture…hilarious!! I love all the types of animals you guys get to see now!! GREEN ACRES IS THE PLACE TO BE, FARM LIVING IS THE LIFE FOR MEEEEE! My grandma use to watch that show non stop…lol

Terrie G - I want to take Sue home…especially since she’s a K-State (imagine that bold & in italics!) dog!
She’d fit in just great in our family!!! πŸ™‚

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movie party….in MOMs room!

I am always looking for fun ways to spend time with my kids.
3M sent a projector to help us be creative with family time.
i couldn't wait to use it.

My mind was immediately full of ideas!
We have an outdoor movie party every year at the end of summer. 
We provide every kind of topping you can imagine and our guests bring their favorite
kinds of ice cream.
In the past we've borrowed a projector, but now we have the 3MΓ΄ Mobile Projector!
It's small and portable and hooks up to an iTouch, iPod, iPad or even my laptop -- amazing!

Most of the time I am not up for hosting a big party with lots of prep and planning.
But we always have family night on Fridays. It's usually pizza and board games.
this week I surprised the kids with a formal invitation to my party.


All we need for family night is us!
Just seeing that sign made my three youngest completely thrilled.

We piled onto my bed and used our new 3M projector to make memories together.
jammies were required, slippers were also in attendance.
e needed LOTS of soft pillows and favorite blankets.


I popped popcorn, bought chocolate chip cookies and we used water bottles for drinks.
Actually, we even shared water bottles, because we are family!
I don't think I can watch a movie without Mike & Ike's so i made sure we had those too.


My little girls were very excited. They love to be cuddly with me and with their dad.

The hardest part of the entire evening was choosing a movie!
We watch lots of movies so it was a challenge to pick one that keeps their interest
and that they haven't seen. My favorite family movie is "The Emperor's New Groove," so we almost
chose that. But we hadn't seen HUGO so i went with that one. I rented it from iTunes, downloading
on the iTouch. The kids found their comfy spot and settled in. There was just barely enough room
for us, but the squishier the better when it comes to cuddling!

We loved spending time together in a fun new way. You don't need a big party to have fun.
Sometimes the best times are when you are just together, even if you're smooshed. Ha ha ha!

The 3M projector will be great for slumber parties, camping, team many possibilities!
It's so small we can even take it on vacation.

It turns your tiny little iTouch into a movie theater -- that's awesome!
You can get an additional cable to hook it up to PCs if you don't have the i-products.
It is also able to be hooked up to bigger speakers for more sound.
It's available at Target.
Learn more and find special offers here.

Where would you use it first at your house? Tell me in the comment section to be entered for a
chance to win a $150 Target gift card!


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 a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
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This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, 
and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me,
otherwise a new winner will be selected.

The Official Rules are available here.

This sweepstakes runs from 5/21/12 Γ± 6/29/12.

Be sure to visit the 3M Mobile Projector brand page on where you can read other
bloggersΓ­ reviews and find more chances to win!

Shannon - Love this! My husband would set up the tent in our family room and we would watch it from there!

Emily Larsen - My dream/goal…have a family date night once a month and watch a movie–I love the bedroom idea. For Christmas I would love to spend Christmas Eve at a hotel–free continental breakfast, dinner in the night before and this would be so fun to do on the hotel wall. And of course, presents and swimming in the morning.

IT recruitment - Movie night with my family member is the best way to catch up things
and bonding as well, popcorn’s plus juice or wine will make our night

Katie Jacobson - We would build the screen i found on pintrest using pvc pipe and a white flat sheet. And host movie night as a good behavior reward letting the “child of honor” pick a movie, or have a family night once a week with it. My kids love watching movies and love inviting their friends over to watch movies

Carmen - Since we don’t have a tv in our room, we would use it for movie nights in our room
For a special treat.

denise@victory rd. - i’d use it in the driveway and host a drive-in movie night,
at a friends pool and host a “dive-in movie” night,
in our back yard for camp outs,
and finally and what i’d lvoe most- to use it as you did- the family huddled together in our bed, but watching our family movies on a rainy winter day! *dream*

Debra F - We have a big screen TV (not huge though) in the basement and every Friday night we do family movie night. We order from Netflix, pop pocorn, the kids get to choose either a soda or some candy and we watch as a family.

angie lilly - We actually have a projector in our bedroom but the light bulb in it died and we haven’t replaced it due to cost (over $300 per bulb!). We loved watching movies on it though and do miss it. If we decide to get a new bulb, I know it will stay right over our bed like it is now! LOL

Jill H. - In the living room

Jammie - we love movie night, a little popcorn and some junior mints to make a ton of memories. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

maria cantu - We would use it in my bedroom first.

Ashley Tucker -
ajoy1332 at yahoo dot com

Ashley Tucker - I’d use it in the bedroom!
ajoy1332 at yahoo dot com

Jes - we have wanted one for so long, we have 6 kids and have been dying to purchase one!!

Cori Westphal - I’d set this up in my sons room, because it’s the darkest room in the house!
coriwestphal at msn dot com

Betty C - I have the perfect wall in my bedroom so that’s where I would use it first. I’d also like to use it outside some evening.

Eugenie Wu - we usually order pizza delivery and Eskimo Pie and rent a dvd. half the time it seems to involve vampires movies.

Howell - we like to have popcorn or some snacks like pizza or Mexican bites. always hard to choose a movie.

Shel - In our living room on our wall for family movie night.
shel704 at aol dot com

Kerry - I’d love to use it outside on a beautiful summer night!

Kpagliaro - I would love to have this for my 6 year old daughter! We don’t allow her to have a tv in her room, so she would be thrilled to use this projector to have a family movie night in her own bedroom. We would do popcorn and coke (movie night only treat:)! Thanks for posting this cute idea and for the chance to win!

LAMusing - We’d use it on the patio on warm summer nights!

Tabathia B - tweet
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B - renting a movie from blockbuster or redbox and picking up a pizza from little ceaser’s
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

samantha Jo campen - We have a huge empty wall in our living room I haven’t done anything with. It would be great for a Star Wars marathon with our son!
Samanthajocampen at gmail

Ashley Hatten -

Ashley Hatten - Definitely would use it outside on the shed in our back yard! How fun for summer evenings!! thanks so much!

Crystal Rau - So great for our upcoming movie night bday party in July!!!

Tian Hapsari - Me and my husband favorite way to watch the movie is cuddle up on the couch and prepare tons of snack and drink. thank you for the chance.

jennifer horn - We pile up on the couch with a lot of popcorn and stay up late.

Erika - My favorite is with lots of good food and no lights on. This sounds like so much fun!

Denise L - We have a 2 year old, so not many family movie nights lately. When our little one gets older, I can’t wait to show movies outside on the side of the garage. Totally reminds me of the Drive-Ins of my childhood πŸ™‚

Sunshyn V - I would use it on the deck that we are currently building. It would be awesome to be able to watch movies outdoors.

steph - id use it in our bedroom for an indoor campout!

Jen - My son loves to create home movies and we are always crowding around the ipad or laptop to view them. This would be a perfect way to share his creations and view them together as a family.

cw - I would love to use it in our backyard this summer!

Jennifer S - Movie Night for me: Pizza with my hubby curled up on the couch with our dog.

Kellie Rose Wilson - We would use it in our family room, snuggled in blankets while eating popcorn!

Melissa T - honestly… i’d use it in bed.. on the ceiling, it seems so awesome! πŸ˜€

vanessa delgado - we enjoy watching movies cuddled on our big couch with blankets and eating popcorn and doritos with cheese dip.

Anne - We would love to use it our bedroom, garge with the neighbors, and n trips.

elisabeth (bovagoods) - this is brilliant! i want i want!!!

Gina M Maddox - We love hanging out on the sofa with a big bowl of popcorn. The projector looks awesome!
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Dina - We were just talking about movie nights on the garage door yesterday! This would work great.

ria - probably outside on the balcony

Rebecca Graham - I would use it outside.

sy - We watch movies on hdtv using xbox streaming, the projector would be much more portable, it’d be nice to watch movies in bed. Thanks for the review and giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail

Amy Lanham - Oh this is soooo cool! I would love to have one of these for backyard movie bike drive-in! That would be so fun with lots of naighborhood kiddies!

Christina Tong - I tweeted about this giveaway:

Christina Tong - I would use it first at the backyard with my family and friends after a barbecue. We would have a lot of fun.

Leann Lindeman - We would watch a movie in our living room.. we have a super tall ceiling… perfect for this!

valerie - My daughter just got her first iTouch. She would love the projector to watch movies in her room at sleepovers! Would also be so fun to do an outside family movie night. πŸ™‚

sandra - with lots of popcorn and snacks

anash - we would use it in our backyard and camp out! Thanks for a super giveaway!

anash - Tweeted:
Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

anash - Tweeted:
Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

anash - for family nights this would suit us! Thanks for a super giveaway!

Angie - Oh- definitely outside for family movie night! I would love to have a movie night for our whole neighborhood, just like yours! This is so cute! And convenient! I love how small it is…projectors are awesome, but this one takes the cake…!

Charity - Sounds really cool!

jessica - I would pull it out to celebrate the last day of school, in the backyard, withy every pillow from the house, and something cold to drink.

Emily T - Thanks for sharing…ah, the possibilities! We would do drive in movies on the driveway/garage door with the neighborhood kids.

maria - At the dentist’s office! if my kid’s dentist gets a flat screen with cartoons at the pediatric dentist, why can’t I watch something when I’m just laying there getting my teeth cleaned ;0) We’d watch movies in our room, take on vacation for the hotel room or cabin, use for our school movie night fundraisers, use while taking a bubble bath – not near the tub of course, outdoor movie parties, parties for slideshows, the possibilities are endless! I must have one! Love that it’s so portable.

Paola - Ohhhh…i would love to have many movie nights in my backyard…it would be soooo much fun.

Vaughn Thayer - We would be able to use this in so many different ways! I have a lot of movies saved on my computer, so being able to hang a sheet on the fence and have a summer evening movie would be so much fun, also it would be fun to use it during those rainy afternoons during the summer.
In addition to using it at home, I would be able to use it in my preschool classroom to show movies or videos of the circle time songs that we sing.
Our family would get a lot of use out of the projector!

Tina M - in the back yard

MyLinda - This would be so much fun!! I think we would steal your idea and have a movie night in mom & dad’s bed πŸ™‚

TamiV - I just bought the most fabulous vintage screen at a barn sale last week, now I just need the projector! I would love to watch movies outside this summer, I love that this little projector is so portable! πŸ™‚ Pick me please!

jenni - It would be SO FUN to show a movie in the backyard! Or the basement! Our family would find lots of uses for this!!

Jessie C. - In the living room first.

Nicole F. - Movie night on the backyard fence! I’ve been dying to do this for so long! πŸ™‚

Stephanie C. - I’d love to do an outdoor movie!

Dee - I’d use it on the patio for a movie night outdoors πŸ™‚

Kelly D - I would project a movie onto our Great Room wall.

Jennifer Radtke - We would use it in our bedroom. We have beautiful white walls in there and the hubby’s old cabinet sized speakers. This would be SO much fun.

Julia - Outdoor movie night for the neighborhood for sure! We have so few warm nights here in the SF Bay Area (that’s to the fog) I’ve wanted to take advantage of them with a movie night since we bought our house. Our driveway can easily fit 4 cars, so if we make it a bring-you-own-chair deal the whole street could come!
My choice for the first movie: The Princess Bride

Amanda S - We would use this in the living room….set up with lots of blankets, pillows, and snacks πŸ™‚

Cindy Brooks - We’d hang a big sheet outside and watch on the deck under the stars!
someluckydog at gmail dot com

tara pittman - WE love redbox and pizza

kateh - A great big 5th grade graduation presentation party with rolling picture’s from kinder through the huge 5th grade performance! Yeah!

heather - This is such a fun product!!! We do playroom movie nights and it would be a lot easier to use this little guy than drag the old tv in and set up the dvd player!! πŸ™‚

Brandy - Maybe on the ceiling in our family room!

Linda R. - My husband has been wanting to do an outdoor neighborhood movie night ever since I showed him one of your blog posts about it. Our new neighborhood is crawling with kids, and it would be a blast to get everybody together!

Melissa N. - I’d do like you, I’d put it in our bedroom first, and snuggle down with the hubs, baby, cat and two dogs and enjoy a good cartoon πŸ™‚

Tammy - I’d definitely use it at our cabin in the woods. String a large white sheet between two trees and set up lounge chairs for everyone to enjoy under the stars! A bonfire off to the side and lots of blanket. What more could you ask for on a beautiful summer night.

christine f. - Whoa! That’s the coolest gizmo ever.

Katie - I would use it on the very white wall in our apartment’s living room. We haven’t hung anything there yet and it is just perfect to show a movie every Saturday on it for date night.

jodi - we would do movie night on our screened in porch – too fun!

Denise - This sounds like such fun! I would love to have one!

Heather - I actually think this would be so fun to take camping, but inside my house I would have to make a giant screen on a living room wall. And now I need some Mike N Ikes….

Wendy B., NJ - I would love to use this for family movie night in our room too! We no longer have a vcr/dvd player in there and this would be perfect!

Trudy - hang up a bedsheet outside for movies and invite other families over!

Michelle Holden - My family would love this!! We have a wall perfect in our bedroom for family nights and a wall in the backyard for kids night!!! You rock Meg

beth - Our family room – great spot above the fireplace with plenty of room for all of us (and friends!) on the sectional!

Tracey Garcia - ohhhhh I want it sooooo bad!!! I have been wanting to have a movie night in the back yard forever and didn’t have a way to project the movie. I hope I win!!!1

Denissa - Would love to do it outside on the side of our house! How fun!!

kim Stefanoni - Love this-We’d use it in the back yard to watch a movie with the neighbors or use it in the basement and cuddle up for a “sleep out” down there!

Jodie Reimink - We’d use it to watch movies during swim meets πŸ™‚

Becky - Outdoor movie in the backyard for sure!

Kelly Massman - basement-we have a great big white wall there!! Thanks for a chance to win and have a great day!

Marie Treat - I would love to have a movie night in our backyard!! So fun!

kim - family room! my 2 kids love movie night also…with sleeping bags and pillows ready to cuddle on couch and watch a movie!

Tim - Awesome!

Jodi Lozauskas - I would SO have a movie night in my backyard. We have a great shed that would be perfect for shining a movie on. Some pillows, blankets, chimenea going…what could be better? We have a great neighborhood,so I can see everyone in my backyard!

Virginia Bibler - Awesome! Sounds so fun!

Amy - This 3M projector is totally cool…I would love to have one so I can bring the movie night outdoor, especially in the summer. I love family movie night. My son and daughter takes turn picking a movie to watch (limited to 1 per night though). I’m always the one who prepare the snacks and drinks for our fun night cuddling on the couch.
Amy [at] utry [dot] it

Angela - I would use this in our backyard projected onto the house for a big family movie night!

The Lovely One - I love the extra effort you put in to family movie night!

Briana - We would use it on the living room wall for a fun family night.

Annette D - We enjoy picking out a fun movie that the whole family will enjoy and ordering pizza to eat while we watch!

Kirsten Dehmlow - We would use the projector to show a movie for my daughter’s birthday party!

Patricia - Tweeted too!
Patricia Harrison ‏@frankiecamaro
Awesome contest!

Patricia - This would be outstanding against the back of our garage this summer!

Angela McGowan - This is too cool!! I’d use it in the former garage that I converted into a family room, and I’d have lots of friends and family over!!

Mae - Welcome summer party for the neighborhood!!

Angie Vincent - I would love to use this for our moms/kids camping playdate this summer. How fun to sit around a fire with our kindergartners watching movies outside!

Jenna - I think we could do a big outdoor movie party at the lake!

Rebekah - Outdoor movie, for sure!

Jenny B. - I am not sure where I would use it in my house first (lots of possibilities!) – I can see my 7-year-old wanting to play a giant game of Angry Birds. πŸ™‚ I can also think of great ways to use it teaching school. Every teacher needs an iPad and one of these projectors!

Tamara H. - The first place we would use would definately be the backyard movie theater….a sheet, two ladders and two boards!

Alaina Bennett - My son’s wedding rehearsal that is going to be outdoors! That would be so awesome!!!!!!!!!

Meaghan - I have wanted one of these forever!!! I’d love to have friends over or a schools out party /) so many memories

Whitney - Movie night occurs at least once a week at my house, but I have been dying to host a ‘drive-in’ movie night in our backyard. There is only one problem…we have no way to project the movie. Kind of a key component! this would be perfect and the size would make it so easy to store when the night is over. I need this 3M projector! πŸ™‚

Tiffany - Oh my gosh! We have a vaulted ceiling in our family room with only a mirror hanging there. Would be PERFECT on that wall with our couches and pillows/blankets! I hope I win, I have been thinking about getting one of those ever since Meg started blogging about her neighborhood movie night in the summer. HOW FUN!!

Biz - We have a great room that we can’t afford to put a tv in right now, but it has a giant white wall that would be perfect to project movies off of!

Amy - What an amazing little little projector! I’d love to try a backyard movie party. There’s an empty lot behind our house so we’d have lots of room. The more the merrier!

Kelly - I would use it in our front living room that has no tv so it would be perfect!

Lorilei - Our living room!

Corie - Our big back yard has a downward slope, which makes it pretty hard to use for outdoor dining, soccer, etc. But it’s great for the slip-n-slide, and…. an outdoor movie!! Yes, please!

Jessie Sterling - So stinking cool!! I would use this in the backyard with neighbors for sure!

Mollie - I would use it just as you did, a big party in the bedroom, all snuggles up together!

Lisa K - First I would use it for an end of the school year party – a night time pool party and movie on a big white sheet behind the pool! Second, I would use it when my two college roomies come with their kids for our annual get together – three mamas and 15 kids – I think an outdoor movie night would be great entertainment!

Jen M. - I was JUST thinking about having an outdoor movie night and this is just what I need to make that happen!

Mary B - Wow, awesome! That would be so much fun to do with our small family right now!! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Kris - This is amazing!!! Win or not, I’m asking for this for Christmas. I wish I had known about it before Mother’s Day. I am in LOVE.
First place in the house….not in the house at all. My soon to be 3 year old is requesting her friends come over and watch Sleeping Beauty. I’m thinking outside. With a sheet hanging from our house. Princess chairs, princess crowns, plastic high heels and lots of junk food.
AAHHHHH….ok, I probably cannot wait until Christmas!

s - depends on whether it needs to be plugged in or not…if it works without being plugged in, I’d set up a sheet at the lake and we’d hunker down in beach chairs with snacks.
If we need to plug it in, we’d use blow up mattresses in our larger family room, grab snacks, and settle in!

Yvette E - What a great new gadget I would start in the backyard with movies after swimming in the pool and movie night which is usually Friday in our house

Helen - We moved and have a great neighborhood – would love to have a neighborhood block party with an outdoor movie!!

Teresa M - My favorite movie nites don’t happen all the time,. It is when I get to visit my granddaughter and we snuggle on the couch with popcorn and get to watch a movie we love.

Liam R - Watch movies with the kids

Lacey N - I would use it for movie night in the yard. I was just talking to my daughter about wanting to do this πŸ™‚

lisa elizarraras - would love to try this out in the front yard!!

Melody - It would be great to project on the side of the house for an outdoor movie night!

Jennifer - We just got our little pool up today, and my DD’s 4 year b-day party is in a few months. We would love to be able to let the kids swim late on that summer night while enjoying a movie (probably My Little Pony)!

sonya - lilsoak + friends - Backyard for sure with awesome lounge chairs.

jennibell - I would have one of your outdoor summer ice cream movie parties!

stephanie - probably in one of the kid’s rooms……sleeping bags and pillows….and lots of snacks : )

Kelly - That is just about the coolest thing ever!!!

tinycandi - Awesome idea! I would definitely use it in my room!

Amber - omg! that is so cool! we do family movie nights and it would be AWESOME to be able to do them outside!!
the So Cal summer weather is perfect for a night at the movies and I can just see the kids eating s’mores watching Madagascar now!!

ErinG - I have always wanted to have an outdoor movie party! This would be perfect!

shauna - this is rad! we’d definitely use this on our garage! we have gotta get one this summer.

Ashley Hall - We do family movie night on Sundays! We would use it in our room with the whole family!

Shannon - Family movie night outdoors and playing games n the iPad2 on the ceiling!!!

Misela - We would watch a movie under the stars while at the beach this summer…what could be better than cuddling up with your favorite someone on a warm night and watching a romantic movie outside?

Amanda Larkins - Very neat! We would use it in our living room.

Brandi - Looks like the perfect girls night activity in the backyard!

Cindy B. - Would love to do outside movies with my 3 grandgirls!!!

Lisa B - That looks like so much fun!!

Jennie W - We’d use this on our back deck on a warm summer evening…after the baby is in bed.

Sara M. - We’re lucky enough to have a family ranch house (with cows and pigs and fishin’ and all that good stuff) that we love to go to. It’d be amazing to have movies under the stars!

Jennifer B - I would hang up a big white blanket from our old oak tree and have an outdoor movie night and campfire!

Lisa - Right now, we have an empty room (due to a water leak) so it would make a perfect “big screen” room! Popcorn for mom, Reese’s mini peanut butter cups for son, and here come “TRANSFORMERS”! He would LOVE a wall-size viewing!

Julie W - This looks like the best thing ever. I am so excited.

Caryn O - We have a big wall in our playroom that is completely empty….this would be perfect for it!!!

Erica - My husband and I were just talking about possibly getting one, but the price has always seemed so high. This one is affordable thanks for sharing!

Katalin Meszaros - I would love to have this for my nephews and nieces and have a backyard movie night with them.

Molly - So cool! I would love to have an outside movie night with my kids.

Marie - What a great idea! I would use it first in my room too. My kids love being in our bed. What a great way to change up movie night.

April R - oh wow! how fun!
wish we had a big ol’ barn wall to host an outdoor movie night; that’d be my first choice.
a close second would be to snuggle up on the bed in our jammies πŸ™‚
what a great idea!

Angela - Outside movie is on our summer bucket list. I think this would be an awesome father’s day gift.

Tami C - Are you kidding me?! We would use the crazy out of that projector! Out door movie nights for the kids at home and at church. Fun fun!

Kelly - Would LOVE to use this out back on the side of our shed.
Family movie night is the best, indeed!!

Kristy - What an amazing product! We would use it in the backyard, for sure!

Kerstie Pederson - We have neighborhood movie nights every summer. Everyone has a different piece of the equipment so… it a little bit of a pain. SO, the first thing I would do with this , is to invite the neighbors for a stress free easy movie night!

Janet B. - We would first use it in the den on the big blank wall!

Kate - So fun! I would use it first in my little boys room – he just got a new big man bed, and he is a little scared of it. This would make it a fun, happy place!

KelleyW - We would use it in our playroom. Oh how my boys would love this!

Brandy McCoy - I would use it to project pictures onto my daughter’s wall so that we can repaint/redecorate her room to her specifications. LOL I love DIY wall paintings.

shannan - would be fabulous for this summer!

Dana Howell - It would be great to carry around and show friends and fam school performances and award ceremonies that you have recorded!

Lynda M. - I would host a dive in movie night at our pool watching the movie on pool floats!!

kelly d - In the family room!!!

Sarah Vincent - I think it would be a fun way to break in our new movie room at our new house!

Jen Jeschke - We LOVE movie nights at our house, we’ve set up a tv on our deck for all of the kids to sit and watch and made a fire, etc….this would be amazing to have!

Meredith - I think we would use it out on the built in patio. It’s quiet and quaint little spot, take the air mattress out there and cuddle up!

nancy beach - This is awesome. We love movie night!

Jennifer W. - We just built a treehouse, and I’m envisioning a movie on the wall of the treehouse!!!!

sarah roberts - Such a fun idea for family time! We would love to use it at our house!

Tiffany Smith - Awesomeness!! I hadn’t heard of anything like this! Our family would use it in our monthly sleepover in our living room fort πŸ™‚

Janel Sagert - Would love this for me and my littles!

Jenn D - We would use it in the family room- with all of the blankets and pillows off our beds surrounding us πŸ™‚

cassie o - i’ve been talking my husband’s ear off about wanting to host a movie night in our backyard and the only thing stopping us is locating a projector! problem solved! (and i love how portable it is!)

Ruth - I would love to use it in our backyard!

Stephanie - We don’t have a TV in our bedroom, so I would love to curl up in bed and watch a movie with my hubby!

Ruth Baumgartner - Every Friday is Family Movie Night at our house, always pizza, always fun-even if the movie is lame! This would be perfect for making it all the sweeter!

Emily - We would hang a sheet and bring our sleeping bags outside! Would be perfect to watch “The Sandlot” one of our families favorites!!!! We could roast hotdogs ans smores on our firepit!

Erin - I’m this would be great for a “drive in movie” of sorts in the backyard. I’ve always wanted to do that and this sounds perfect. Loved your idea of movie in the bedroom, though. We’ll have to try that too!

Chrissy - Oh wow!! HOW COOL! Either a family movie night first or have the kids invite a bunch of friends for a movie party! So cool!

Alyssa - This would be perfect for my bedroom! I would love one.

jen smith - i would use it in my room cause we have a king size comfy bed and it’s my favorite place to watch tv and movies!

Meaghan - That looks like so much fun! an outdoor movie night would be awesome in our new backyard!

Lissa Welch - I’m thinking it would be so cool projected on the ceiling so you can lay flat in bed and just look up!

Elizabeth - I have been wanting to do a Backyard movie for a long time now but we could never afford a projector! This is perfect! And I love how I just discovered your blog! Seems like kismet!

Kelly - What a neat product. Would be great to watch movies off of our iPad.

Tracy - In my bedroom, for sure!

Beth - Hi Meg! I just blogged about your giveaway on my blog: Thanks!

Naomi Williams - I would use this for my daughter’s bday party coming up…7 year olds would LOVE this! πŸ™‚

Kristin Hayne - Oh man… I would use this for girl nights… family nights in our backyard (we have a great blank wall to project onto) and even at family events to show the movies I make!! So excited about this!! Had no idea that these were compatible to the iTouch!

shara - love it! we would totally use it in the backyard! set up a fun little family movie night outside πŸ™‚

Pam - An outdoor summer movie is on my list as a special treat for my boys. I would love to win the card to buy this! Thank you for the opportunity!

Linda B - I would love to use it to watch my PBS Masterpiece Mystery episodes in the Master bedroom.

Michelle - How fun! We’d definitely have family movie night with this!!!

Kirsten J - This would totally go in my daughter’s room – perfect for a sleepover!!

Cassandra - Very cool, we could use it outside during those hot summer nights!

Lynn - I would use it at my husband’s 40th birthday party in July. It is a suprise and it’s a mustache theme. I would love to play “Smokey and the Bandit” on the side of the garage. The guys would just love it!

Linette Stephens - Definitely outside!! So much fun to have lots of people over have lots of fun snacks and watch a movie outside!!

Bree - I also posted about this on my blog.

Bree - Thank you for the giveaway. This would be perfect for our new neighborhood movie parties.

giving - We would have a HUGE neighborhood movie night! Right in our backyard! I am SURE ALL THE NEIGHBORS will want one!!! COOL! Thanks for offering this giveaway! πŸ™‚

Karen - We are hosting an “Alien” movie night this weekend. It would be so much better if we could project it and make it big!
P.S. I LOVE your rainbow quilt on the foot of you bed!

northern cottage - how fun that you all stacked in there for a snuggle fest! At our house – we’d kick off the summer right with an outdoor movie (including fun snacks & BUGSPRAY) Just imagine being surrounded by the night sky full of stars, fireflies in the background and snuggling up with loved ones to enjoy the show!

Jen - I’ve been wanting to do an outdoor neighborhood movie night for a while now. This is perfect! I love how small it is, and it would be much easier to set up than complicated ones.

Susan C. - We would watch a movie in our living room.

Holly R. - That looks exciting. I think that we would do a family movie night in our basement. I love the invitation idea, too!

DiAnn Cardona - School is out for us on June 20th. We would have a movie night to celebrate. Thannk you.

Stacy Loggins - Would love to do movies in the backyard, we have a great deck for lots of people, the kids would love to have their friends over for some movies!!

Jessica - I think I would project a movie on the garage door!

Stephanie - I would use it EVERYWHERE! What a cool little projector!

Ashley H. - outside in the front yard for a neighborhood “drive-in” night!

Shawna - Thinking of all the possibilities….

Nicole C - I’ve been dreaming of movies on the lawn- quilts on the ground, popcorn, and strings of lights everywhere…

~Heather - Basically: cocoa, popcorn and a blanket big enough to cover us all.

Courtney - Ohmygoodness! We just bought a house and have NO living room furniture… So I would set up blankets and pillows and “camp out” on the floor! πŸ™‚

Melissa - I would use it in the backyard and have a altitude movie party for the older kids on the circle. Maybe some favorite 80’s movies!

Julie J - I would use it outside for a party for my teenage daughter and her friends. We also have teens from our church over at times and we would definitely use it for that as well.

Becky J - πŸ™‚ I have always wanted to do a movie under the stars night…our family of 5 loves good movies…so…we’d be packing it out on our deck to have a backyard movie premiere!! Thanks Meg for the awesome giveaway!! πŸ™‚ p.s. I think we would roast weenies and have smores to round out the FUN!!

christineb - THis would be fun in the yard! Love this.

Erin - We are re-finishing our basement this summer. What a fun addition to our “new” family space!

Jessica Miller - I would use it in our NEW living room in our NEW house! How exciting! I can think of no better way to make our new home feel like a family home than to hook this up & watch away!

amy - I think we would set up a movie night in the driveway and watch it on the garage door. We would have a great time with the neighbors!

whitney - Love that this is small and portable!!!

Ali - How fun! I must start such a tradition for the summer! If we had a projector I would love to have an outdoor movie night. I guess I would have to put up flyers in the hen house and rabbit hutch….

Christy - We just bought a camper and are very excited to go camping as a family. This would be a great addition to our camping gear!

Elizabeth - This looks like such a fun item to have! My kids would love this!

Jill - Oooooooooooooo LOVE movie night! ALL of it! We have a great back patio at our new house. It would be IDEAL for a movie night! THAT is where I would try it FIRST! The possibilities are….ENDLESS!
What fun!

Analia - Summer movie nights in the backyard!!! Sounds awesome! And the projector is so tiny!

FabLabCO - My kids have had a great time brainstorming different activities we could do this summer with a mobile projector. Make their own movie to show to their grandparents is my favorite.

Lizz - I would use it with my grandparents to show them pictures at their apartment, since they don’t use the internet. πŸ™‚
I would probably use it even more at school, I am an art teacher and would love to use the projection and touch screen technology from my ipad with my lesson!! I really want one of these, so fun!!

Heather - We would pile the blankets and pillows and kids in the living room for a family night!
Projectors are awesome but very pricey, I’m very excited about this one!

Susan Ketcham - outside for sure, so fun!

Ronda - Outside movie nights in the summer! This would be so much fun for the kids and adults. πŸ™‚

Lisa - We have movie night every week as well and I would love to win this!!! Would definitely use it in our new backyard! πŸ™‚

Jen Lemke - I would use it in our backyard for an outdoor movie night! So fun!

kristin - and sheesh….PRESCHOOL!!!!!! imagine what i could do with it there?!?!?!?!

kristin - okay. i would shamelessly beg for one of these. first thought i had: the kids always want to watch movies of when they were babies (which means i spend the whole time teary) and this would let us watch them on something other than the laptop. oh, it’s fantastic.

Lindsey J. - How fun!!! I would love to use this with my 2 little boys and all their friends in the backyard. What a great way to kick off summer.

Annette - Uhmmm, YEAH! I am a complete technology dork, but I think even I could do this…

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I so want this. Just this weekend, we had 21 teenagers over to our house and for part of the evening we all went out on the deck to watch a movie. Hung a big white sheet on the side of the house. . got out the blankets (it was chilly this weekend) and popcorn. Movies outside are so much more fun than inside. Or movies all in Mom and Dad’s bed are so much more fun than just in front of tv. So I would do the deck movie showing again if I won this projector. . . no more borrowing one πŸ™‚ Thanks for a generous giveaway.

Patsy Schmidt - We would use it all piled up in our bed….outside on the side of our barn….everywhere! And I am so happy I found your blog……I LOVE it and you (even though we just ‘met’. ;).

rosemarie - i would use it outside in the backyard we have been wanting one of these for years

Deanna Winne - I’d love to do the outside party like your family.

Laine - I would totally use this for a family movie night in our room. My kids would LOVE that and think it was the best thing in the while wide world! =D

Shelley - Camping is the first place I’d take it!! How fun would that be??

Nancy - Oh that is fun! Probably down in our family room with the big blank wall!!

sharon morrissette - this is me commenting that i like movie projectors.
πŸ™‚ S

GretchenP - the bedroom sounds great to me! πŸ™‚ thanks for the giveaway!

Katy Pflaum - This would be so great for college movie nights. I would use it somewhere under the stars first with a group of friends!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Oh I think this would be so much fun in our backyard with lots of neighbors and lots of yummy snacks.

Sarah - Would love to have a family movie night outside!

Robin Riley - For sure a backyard movie party!!

Donna - I would love this!! I’ve been wanting a projector and this would be the perfect one. I think I would use it for a backyard movie night the first time.

jeri - I would hang up white sheets in our back yard and have the neighbors over for a “drive in” movie night. We’d light up the fire pit and make s’mores. Everyone could bring their own blankets and pillows!

Jessi Caddell-Hunsucker - I would use this in the side yard of our new farm house πŸ™‚ we could snuggle up and have a little fire with smores! yay i can’t wait for summer!

Karen - I would love to use the 3m projector for a fun movie night for my 10year olds birthday – on the trampoline! Thanks!

Stephanie Walker - This is so cool! I have not ever seen it until your blog nwould love it for my family.

christine ishmael - We’d watch a movie in our backyard projected against the garage wall! Lots of pillows & snacks!

Elizabeth Beesley - Hello awesome! We would love this. I can see us with sleeping bags, pillows and blankets out on our screened in porch. Love it.

Jill Trecker - We’d take it out front and have neighborhood movie night projected on the garage door and sit in the driveway! Very fun.

Allison - Definitely in the living room with all the furniture pushed out if the way with mattresses on the floor. πŸ™‚

Lisa - OMG! i would die for one of these! I have been wanting to have an outdoor movie night, lots of them actually, during the summer. I would use mine outside for sure! How fun!!

Lauren - I’d use it to watch movies in bed since there’s no tv in my room!

Heather Salazar - This is great, I love it!
I would host a backyard movie night.

Barbara Nelson - Wow, I would use it on the deck puside and invite my nephews over they would love it.
Thanks for the chance, Barbara

katherine - would love to win!!

Christian Kay - We would definitely have a stay in bed movie WEEKEND if we had a movie projector! Sounds like so much fun!

robyn - we would have summer movie nights all summer long…outside of course and with smores!

Carol - A kid-friendly movie and a sleepover with the Grandkids.

tobi - THE DECK!

Connie - I would definitely use this for movie nights random places like the side of a barn, the old outdoor theater at the park, the wall in the bathroom… the possibilities are endless!!

Jenn - Meg – That thing looks too good to be true! I am excited to check it out! How was the picture quality?

Kelly - definitely the backyard although it would completely solve our “do we get a tv?” question too since we could use it right in our living room without craning our necks to see the computer! πŸ™‚ Kelly

Jenn - SO FUN! I’d play that baby on the wall in our garage!!! Or maybe on the wall in my girls’ bedroom…loved your invitations!

Barbara Youngren - I would use it in our loft when the grandkids are here. Sounds like so much fun!

Beth - I would use it for outdoor summer parties!!

Carrie - How fun would it be to watch a movie in the backyard while we are in the pool?! A dive-in movie!!

Heather - I’d use it on the balcony, projecting on the side of the house. It would be so fun, especially with the wonderful weather we’ve been having.

Debbie B - tweeted here:
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com

Linda Totman - We would use it outside on blankets around the pool projected on the side of the house!

Carla G - I would let my boys use it in their rooms (and have friends sleep over, of course!!). Fun! πŸ™‚

KatieD - In the back yard!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I would love to do a family movie night in the backyard

e - I would use it to show my three year old all the Disney movies that are too scary to be seen in a big theater – he’ll feel safe in our house and I could fast forward as needed! πŸ™‚

Jennifer T. - We have family movie night every Friday. We would show a movie in our back yard with the projector. How fun!

Amy - We also have regular family movie nights with our 4 kiddos but would LOVE to try one outside underneath the stars. How fun would that be???

Cory - I would host a movie night in the backyard.

Jena Selph - Its a toss up…I LOVE your idea with the sign and cuddling with my girls in our room (that still has a VHS!) but an outdoor movie night with neighbors and friends sounds awesome! Good times for sure! Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Debbie B - we enjoy our family movie night in the living room with popcorn and chips and dips
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com

Kate W. - i would love to use it, snuggled up in bed like this πŸ™‚

ginny - on the side of the shed. we hosted a huge party last october and a friend brought their projector and we watched the cardinals win a game in the world series.

Kristen - Too much fun…we have always dreamed about making out backyard into a movie theater!

Lisa - Am dying to have one of these for neighborhood get togethers or fun family nights! I hope I win! So fun!

jennie - What a fun family night, Meg!!

Leslie Blair - We would use it for our annual father-child campout in our friend’s backyard. an outdoor movie on the side of the house is always the last activity of the night.

Beth P - That sounds soooo fun!!!

elizabeth highsmith - Outdoor movie would be so fun!

Cathy A - On the screen porch!

Eliece - I’d use it on the garage door or in the backyard.

beth - Wow, very cool. I’d probably try an outdoor movie party, that’s always seemed like a lot of fun!

mel - i think it would be lots of fun for the kids and their friends for an “end of year movie party” outside in the yard!

Jess Mead - How cool is this!?!? A snuggly movie night in our bed sounds fabulous!!

Missy Mayo - Fun! We could use it in our backyard… I’m thinking of football season!! πŸ™‚

Jennifer - Oh my goodness … what a MAGICAL little gadget! πŸ™‚ We’d definitely host lots of backyard movie nights. This would also be great to use on overnights with my Girl Scout troop! What fun!

LibraryGirl62 - I would use it just like you did-to get my two “leaving me for college” babies in my bed to cuddle and spend some time together πŸ™‚

betsy berre - we live on the creek and love the hum of the frogs and sounds of the fountains outside. we would set up blankets and project it on a sheet out back! so fun

Kasey - Fun! I’d use it in our playroom.

Mariah Steart - This is so rad! I would use it on our back deck and invite all of our neighborhood friends

Kristin Fleck - HOW COOL!! we’d use it in our bedroom

Maria - Love the bedroom movie night…I think that would be the first place…

danelle - We would take it to the lake and have an outdoor movie party with lake friends in our sleeping bags!

Barbara - Outside! Kowabunga – that would be LOTS of fun!
Thanks, Meg, for the chance!!

kathy - I didnt even know I COULD have a movie night that cool! WOW! It would be fun to do in my little little boys’ room. with the whole family.

Makila - We are wanting to do an outdoor movie night! Wahoo for the giveaway.

jen - backyard movie night pronto!!!

Tiffany - In college we would do a “dive in drive in”. We’d go to the college pool and project a movie on a wall. Watching a movie, while swimming is super fun! It would be a blast to host a party like that at my parents’ pool!

amy jupin - so cool!
i would love to surprise john with something like this!
we would use it outback on the screened porch for the first summer sleepover!
i just want to keep typing with exclamation points!!!!!

Carol - Love it! We would use it to watch movies in our side yard on a sheet – yay!

Jennifer - Summer movies outside. For sure.

Jen - We have two boys, 6(next month) and three. Whenever their dad is out of town for work, the three of us have a movie night. It’s their special mom and kid thing. This would make it so fun to do outside this summer, projected on the side of our white house.

Amy @ Little for a Little While - How fun! Our house is small, so it’d have to be in mom and dad’s room too, or outside!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Oh my goodness I would love to win this for my husband. Not only do we dream of outdoor movies in the summer with the girls(both at home and on our camping trips) but also with our youth group.
We’ve been youth leaders for nearly 9 years now and the kids loved it when we’ve borrowed an old fashioned projector in the past. The last one we showed was Faith Like Potatoes so its been awhile.

Sara Manring - Love your family movie night idea – and with the invitation too! It would be fun to host a neighborhood movie night and tie some christian outreach with it.

Katelyn - This would be great to be use in our living room!!

Melissa S - out on the deck

Joy - We would have movie night for my sweet boys 12th birthday.

Tracy Fisher - I would use it in our bedroom. Everyone in one bed. Snacks and all (Milk Duds, Popcorn with real butter and Gummy Bears). I only have 3 1/2 years until our oldest is off to college. I need more of these moments… that is what I know for sure. πŸ™‚

Jill Jones - Holy heck, I could do some damage at Target with $150!

rachel - I’m a teacher and I need this in my classroom. Oh the possibilities!

Amanda - Super fun! With the nights finally staying warm here in PA, we’d do an outdoor movie night with the movie playing on the garage. What a neat machine!

marcie - That is soooo cool!! The first place I use it wouldn’t actually be at home. I am a children’s director at a church and I would plan a cool family night there first I’m sure and then I woulkd definitely use it at home too πŸ™‚

Andi - Outside for sure!

Megan J - I would have used it for today’s Girl Scout meeting. We watched a first aid video on my laptop in the basement of the church. πŸ™‚ We would probably do the same thing you did and have a family movie in our bed.

beth - I asked for one of these for my birthday. I thought it would be fun to take it on our vacation to Wisconsin, hang a sheet from the trees and have an outdoor movie night!

Hope - would use it for youth group gatherings.

Brigid - Having this nifty little gadget would get us motivated to finish our backyard movie theater… I mean patio;-)

Sara M - in our bedroom instead of a big tv hanging on the wall

kimmie - this would be so much fun in the pool area! we could float in the pool and watch! so fun πŸ™‚

Stephanie - How neat! We are brand new to this house–been here a week and a half. Since we don’t even have furniture yet, it would be so un to gather in our living room with blankets and sleeping bags to watch a movie.

Johanna - I would totally do just like you—pile all the kids in the bed and watch Despicable Me!!

Kelley - I would love to have one of those projectors!! But more realistically… I would probably use a Target Gift Card to buy just a bunch of necessary items: shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc.

Tracy - Backyard movie or in the tent when camping! My kiddos LOVE watching movies in our bed too!

Angela - Such a sweet idea! I personally love the formal invitations. Nice touch!

Lari - We would probably use it for an outdoor movie and invite friends over. The 1st on we watch would probably be a Star Wars movie…what can I say??? I live in a house w/ all boys! πŸ˜‰

Kari - My husband and I have completely opposite schedules so we hardly ever get to spend time together other than sleeping. We try to keep a set date every other weekend, to have a “date”. On top of that, he’s the type of guy who doesn’t really like to go out and do things. So we usually end up spending our time together watching movies and vegging out. Having this awesome little projector would make our movie dates so much better. :]

Carrie H - I would take it on vacation with us! WE don’t really have any open walls to project on to πŸ™

Rachel B - I’m moving into my first apartment in just a few weeks, and we will have plenty of blank wall space in the beginning. I’d love to curl up on the couch with my two roommates and watch a movie on our first night in our new home.

AmandaK - Totally want to try it outside!!

Heather - I am thinking Drive in Movies at the lake! Instead of cars we use boats. The movie could be projected off the house!

jen - Woot woot! I’ll play for family movie night…what an awesome way to make it current!

Jamie - We would definitely take it outside somewhere!! Our old church used to hold outdoor movie nights during the summer as an outreach event. Super fun! So, maybe we’d bring it to our church here in the new town.

Meghan - We would have a movie night on our barn for our neighbors and have s’mores by a campfire. Woohoo!

Leah - I would love it for outdoor movie nights during our block party! - Sounds fantastic! I’d use it for our final girl scout event of the school year—movies and ‘que in the backyard, with a cool “strong girl” movie playing on the side of the garage under the stars!

gina - I’ve always wanted to have an outdoor movie party on our lower-level deck. I’d scatter loungers, pillows, and of course, snacks for everyone to snuggle in and enjoy the movie!!

colleen - probably like you, i’d show a movie in my room…biggest bed- bigger wall!

melissa - I would definitely use it on the back deck!

Hannah - We always love to camp out in the backyard, I would love to use it in the Tent. That would bring a new level of fun to camping πŸ™‚

Amanda - My space of choice would be outside in our backyard. We have the perfect spot on the side of our shed to hang a sheet, get cozy on the grass, and watch! πŸ™‚ What a fabulous gadget!!!

Dawn - I would use it in the backyard…might help in the never ending battle of keeping the teens home. Ha! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kimberly - Total LOVe πŸ™‚ This would be a great block party night!

christa - anywhere!!! how convenient! what an awesome idea!

Sarah Casella - Living at Grandma and Grandpa’s while we wait to move into our “new to us” home…this would be so much fun in the attic!!

Wendy - We would definitely use this for our weekly family movie nights! We’d have to use it inside with the blinds closed on a huge blank wall we have in our family room. We wouldn’t be able to use it outside in the summerime, because we live in Alaska and it just isn’t ever dark at night and, of course, in the wintertime it’s way too cold, although it IS dark most of the time hahaha! I have 8 children and the 4 youngest are super cuddly and LOVE snuggling with Mom and Dad…or even older sisters and brothers! I JUST started a blog, so it’s not really up and running all the way yet, but I love your blog and read it very often. You inspire me a lot!

Caitlyn - This would be perfect for our empty wall in the living room (:

Carrie - What a great new tool!! I have been wanting a projector for so long! Thank you for the chance!! πŸ™‚

Jamie Forsyth - We would definitely be hanging a sheet from the deck in the backyard and crossing one thing off the Forsyth Family Summer Bucket List 2012–by watching a movie in the backyard!

TankTop - I would hang a sheet from the loft in the living room and we would watch a family movie.

Kathi - On the side of the barn.

nicole @ deliajude - i think we would steal your idea and watch a movie in my bed. or the backyard!

Leann - We would project it on to the side of our house for the neighborhood to enjoy together!

Lauren Brown - Tweeted!!/LaurenBrown72

Lauren Brown - I would use it at my wedding to show guests our wedding video. It would be super easy for one of our tech savvy attendants to have the video saved on their iphone, plug it in, and ta-da!

Bryn - I’ve always dreamed about hosing a movie party on our roof deck! This would be SO PERFECT!

karen - Movies by the pool!!!! Summer!!!!

Andrea - My daughter is just planning an end of school movie night for her and her BFF’s….they are having ice cream sundaes with all the toppings…it would be so fun for them if we had a 3M Mobile projector and they could do this outside!!!!!

Amy K. - We have one tv in our house – a crappy, awful tv! I would put a nice sheet over the whole dang entertainment center (that’s right, an entertainment center… some day we will enter the 21st century) & have super-duper movie night right here in our living room.

Carrie - I LOVE this product, what a great idea! I would use this in our bedroom for a family slumber party, in the backyard, on vacation, ooohh so many possibilities!!

Aileen O. - I have been waiting for something like this!! I would invite all the neighborhood kids over and have a driveway movie night!! What a cool product!!

Amy - I love how you snuggled in your room…
I’d like to try it with the kiddos and friends outside. Looks like so much fun!

amy pugmire - downstairs in our basement.

Stephany W. - Outdoor movie night on our deck would be a great family night!

Judy S - tweet tweet!/pookiecat123/status/204698848596197376
Judy S
pookiecat123 at yahoo dot com

Judy S - would love to use this in the backyard
Judy S
pookiecat123 at yahoo dot com

Terri Peters - A movie in the drive-way sounds like a fun summer night activity for me and my family!

Michelle - Love that you made a poster for your family movie night. πŸ™‚

Nicole - Summer night movie parties outside in my backyard of course!!

courtney b - with a margarita, candy and lots of popcorn!!

Amanda Sakovitz - I would use this in our family room so we could really spread out!

donna - We just bought a house on the lake – and I am planning many parties in my head. One that I would really love to do down by the water is an evening movie night………the only thing i don’t have is the projector. If I win, I will make it my first “housewarming” party.

Colleen - Seems kind of crazy, but I’m always jotting recipes on scraps of paper then taking them to the kitchen to cook…Could it be that I could project them onto the wall and see it full size when cooking…hmmm….

Tiffany - I think we would set it up in our sports-themed loft and have a weekend of sports films ranging from /Field of Dreams/ to /Bull Durham/ to /The Longest Yard/ and /Brian’s Song./ What an awesome little device!

Christy - How cool!! This would be a great tradition to start with my kiddos. We’d have to try it one of the kids room first

Merissa - Not quite in my house, but with all my traveling this summer and leading summer camps, I am sure I will be the coolest youth ministry leader around! Movies ANYWHERE!

Linda - We love family reading nights in our room. Would love, love to add movie night too.

Connie M. - I would love to use this when the family goes camping. Hang a sheet up between two trees and watch a movie in the great outdoors.

Amy Hartman - I would hand a white sheet from the trees in my side yard and use it for my girl’s 3rd birthday party this summer.

Vanessa J - My cousins (ages 8-24) and I love having movie nights at our different houses when we’re all home for the summer. Planet Earth is our favorite!

Danielle Thompson - we would use it in our backyard. We’ve done the outdoor movie fun but had to borrow a projector it’s be rad to have our own mini!

Cathy - I would use it in my art room at school to show youtube art demos. I’d also do videos of some of our projects in progress to be shown at the end of year art show! Wheee! so great!

Jamie - This is awesome!! love it!!

Alisha - Oh, we’d have to use it outside on the back side of the house. The kids would LOVE it!! How fun!

Stephanie Z. - Im all over this! stephanie z.

shannon - i would make tents in out living room and invite my gal-pals over for a chick flick on the big screen! complete with pedicures.

Jenny L - We just had a movie night with a projector, but we had to borrow the projector too! This would be great for our family!! I think we would use it outside first!

Laura W. - Outdoor movie night!

Anne - I would use it in our family room or outside for an outdoor movie

mrs. dunbar - Oh wow! We would use it on the side wall of our house. Its along the driveway and have all of the neighbors over for a Neighborhood movie night.

jenn stewart - I have been dying to do a backyard film festival and this would be perfect

Christie - Oh….man! Our garage door would be the perfect place for an outdoor movie night with friends during the summer!! Love it!

Ali - I would definitely use this outside. We just moved into a new neighborhood and this would be a great way to get to know everyone. I can almost taste the s’mores that we’d make while watching a movie too. YUM!!! Got to have chocolate with a movie.

NLSnider - Perfect for my daughter’s 13th birthday party! We would watch it outside.

Charlton - I love your idea, so I would probably do exactly what you did with my daughter!

Carrie - awesome!! we would use it outside!! summer times is upon us and this would be awesome!!

Carla TV - Oh I would use it to show a film from old 8mm film we put on DVD. This way the kids can see what thier dad was like growing up with his sisters. Thanks for sharing!

Heidi Gruber - This would be great to use in our backyard this summer. We love being outside with our kids so having a movie party sounds fabulous!!!

paula - with the fabulous weather we are having right now in Kansas I would use it the very first time for movie night on the deck. what a fun thingy to have around the house.

Laura - I would totally use this outside and have all my children invite their friends and family. Maybe make it a swim and watch movie night. Our family would love this

Lauren - I would use it in our backyard, so we could have a flick n’ float!

Kristen -!/_kymitchell_ I tweeted, but I’m not sure how to copy my post.

Christina Self - It’s a toss up for me between taking it outside on the side of the house while laying in the pool or on our bedroom ceiling for the ultimate lazy way to watch a movie!

Kristen - Definitely in our bedroom!! We don’t have a tv in there so this would be awesome to snuggle in bed and watch something!

kendra - oh this would be so fun
our living rm wall or we have a perfect spot in the back yard!

Pam - Love that! Movie on the deck. Definitely.

Sara B. - We would use it on our screened in porch sitting on our new sectional! πŸ™‚

Tracy - I would use it in my living room!

Tabitha - I would definitely get one of these with the card. It sounds like so much fun!

Jen Boyd - On our camping trip with family. How cool – campfire, marshmallows and a super cool movie!

Karey - This is so cool! I would definitely try it out for the first time in my bedroom….no better place to watch a movie πŸ™‚

Lindsay - We would definitely have a movie party in our backyard against a sheet hung up! What a fun friday evening for your family!

Emily - That is a really neat invention! Would love to try it out.

stacy - I’ve been jealous of your outdoor movie parties for some time now. So that would be my first choice. But we also camp alot so I could definately see using ALOT. HOW FUN!!!

liz - in our backyard…with my kiddo in a cardboard “car” for a drive-in. He loves going to those, but they usually have movies that aren’t super kid friendly. Plus, he could invite friends over. SUPER fun idea.

Beth - We would like to try to show the movie on the outside of our second story so it would seems like you were looking up at a screen at a drive in.

Angie Rathbun - I really don’t want a tv in our bedroom, but a projector would be a perfect compromise. Thank you for this opportunity to win!

kribss - Yesterday I was thinking how cool it would be to have a projector to watch movies outside around or in the pool!

ashley - wow ! i had never seen one of this before! so practical!

Natalie - Family Movie Night is a fantastic idea!! I would love to throw one of those outdoor movie parties!

Elizabeth - Outside on the patio! Friday night is movie and homemade pizza night around here so one of these projectors would fit in just fine!

christiejayne - outside for sure!! I’ve been wanting to do an outdoors movie night for awhile!!

michelle - Would love to throw an outdoor movie theme party for my sons birthday!

Meredith - I would have to use this outside for Movie Nights in the backyard! How FUN!!!

Kelli - I would use it in the backyard for a summer movie party! Fun times.

Vickie - I would use it on our garage door for a neighborhood outdoor movie night this summer!

Christy - I would love to try an outdoor movie night! My kids love trying to catch lightening bugs and being outside at night, so this would make a great summer activity!

courtney - Wow! That would be awesome in the back yard and a great way to get to know our neighbors!! Neighborhood Movie Night! Woohoo!

Jen - I would take it to my BFF’s pool to have a Dive In Movie night!

Leslie Slakoff - We’d use it on our garage door and invite all the neighbors over on a warm summer night!!!

Michelle - Our family would LOVE this!!! If we won it, we would have a family night outside in the backyard! We have never done this before, but the thought has always been in my mind!!
Thank you so much! Happy movie watching to you, Meg! πŸ™‚

Jacci - tweeted πŸ™‚ that’s entry #2 πŸ™‚

Routhie - I would love to try this in our driveway or our kid’s playroom. πŸ™‚

Becky Joyce - I love the idea of family movie night, either in the “big bed” (mom & dad’s room) or outside on a warm night with a sheet against our fence. Love it!!!

Jacci - Wait, this is strong enough to use outside? If it is, I’d be all about playing a movie on a canvas tarp outside! Hung on the house! πŸ™‚ Or maybe on our garage door… we could watch from the van like a drive-in πŸ™‚

Kensie Cutter - We would use it for our youth group! We are always hosting teens at our house or having “Movie Premiers” in the youth building! This would be a such a handy tool and making movie watching for largish group less complicated! Woo!
blessings on you ,

melissa erin - pick me. pick me. πŸ™‚ your movie night idea in your bed. simple. πŸ™‚ but would also love to try it down by our pond. we live on a farm and have a pond, beachy area…would be awesome to set up a big screen and go to town. πŸ™‚

Short, Sweet Season - I have wanted something like this forever. I so want to have a backyard movie party.

Annalee - Definitely an outside summer movie!! This would be great for block parties, family nights, even watching home movies!!!

Danielle Lindberg - I would take it camping with us and project it on the side of our trailer!! That would be soooo much fun, smores, campfire and a movie!

Tara - We are always looking for fun things to do at our house so the kids can invite a bunch of friends over (we have a high schooler, middle schooler and kindergartener). Not easy to do with the age span of our kids! Movie night under the stars would be PERFECT!!

Stacy - i would use it in family movie night in my room also!!!

Maggie Vis - friday night is already ‘big bed’ night for my kids…it would be awesome to have movies before!

Tammy - that sounds like a great family time activity! Love your invitation!
fun, fun times!

Linda - Love the endless ideas that are possible with this new technology. As “Marmee and Pops” to our three grandchildren, we would spend some good quality time either inside or outside enjoying this piece of equipment.

Amber - I have a nice big wall in my bedroom we could use this one. I want one!

Rebecca - This is great! I’d absolutely be using this on our back patio.

Jill - Would love to use this in our basement with a bunch of beanbags!

Alice H - what a fun giveaway! we love movies! I threw my daughter a movie party outside for her 13th birthday and some of my friends loaned me their projector, surround sound, etc. The kids had a blast. Thanks so much for the giveaway.

Jess - I would love to have an outdoor family movie night…on the farm. πŸ™‚

stephanie - How fun! What a cool gadget!

laura r. in MS - This would make movie nights at the beach a breeze!

Heidi - Using it in the backyard would be super fun! First we would have to get an ipad…that would be super fun too!

Melanie - It would be movie night in my bedroom! Any chance my kids get to snuggle into mom and dad’s bed they are thrilled. Although outside would be fun too.

Amanda Elmer - My parents do a “Grandparents Camp” for all the grand kids. I would totally get them one so they could have a ‘drive in theater’ in the drive way! So fun.

Stephanie - i love watching a movie with popcorn!

Staci Amy - SO.STINKIN.FUN!!!!!!!! I soooo want one!!! We just finished our backyard…this would be the perfect icing on the cake πŸ™‚ Thanks for this opportunity Meg!!!!!!

Momof2 - We would use it in our driveway for a summer movie night with the neighbors!!!

Dena - We don’t have a huge tv so we’d use this probably on the wall in our finished basement.

Fefe - Outside would be awesome!

elz - First, I’d use it on our fence in our backyard so we could have a swim in movie night. That would be so much fun!

Kiki Craig - We have done back yard family movie nights with the neighbors projector from work, this would work awesome!

Nicole - I love!!!!! We have never been able to get ahold of a projector…….backyard here we come!

Jaimey Tripp - Oh my gosh I love the idea of piling into mom and dads bed, but I think we would probably use our family room and enjoy our new huge comfy couch

Sarah Osborn - Outside movie night would be so fun on summer nights!!

Anne-Marie P. - We would have a movie night in the basement on the big blank wall!

Adrienne s - Outside on the deck!

Emily - Oh I must have one of these. I’ve been dying to have outdoor neighborhood movie nights this summer. This would be AWESOME!!!

Amy Gualtieri - Since school vacation starts in 18 days…I would use it to host a end of the year movie night in our side yard with all our neighbors! The possibilities are endless!

Megan - That little projector looks super handy. I think our annual summer trip to the lake will be the perfect time to debut movie night and with all of the cousins it will be very memorable!

Heidi Henderson - outside would be neat….

Maureen - I would empty out the garage and hang a sheet then invite the neighborhood. Would love to get my little hands on one of those. Thanks for the chance.

Lynn - would love to have movie night under the stars in our backyard!

Megan - The first place I’d try it is in our bedroom, my hubby and I always want to watch a movie in bed but hate having to hold the iPad… this would be perfect! Then, definitely outside. πŸ™‚

Melissa - We know all of our neighbors and their littles, so we would definitely use it for a block movie party this summer. I can just imagine all the kids cuddled up in the grass watching a movie with yummy snacks. SO MUCH FUN!

Ali - We’d have our own family drive in movie night by hanging a sheet from our garage! We’ll be able to watch movies while floating in our pool! So fun!
~ Ali

Denise LaRue - I have been wanting something like this for outdoor summer movies for a long time – the front porch would be awesome !

Julie - i would try it out on the back of our garage for our three kids – they would LOVE it!

Lauryn - I’ve always wanted to do an outdoor movie with family and friends. I’d imagine I’d set up a white sheet across the back fence, projecting it there. It would be awesome!!!!

kassondra - I always wanted to throw an outdoor movie party like yours. we have the perfect back yard and spot to show the movie but no projector πŸ™ crossing my fingers πŸ™‚

kristy - I would love to do a backyard movie night in the summer. Wow. That’d be great to have!!!

Mindi - We are totally stealing your outdoor movie night!! We would love this!! Love your blog:)

amanda - What a fun way to spend time as a family. We would get a ton of use out of a movie projector!
Thank you!

zoraya - I would love to have a backyard movie night! my kids (and us too!) would love it!

Aby Gittings - i would do exactly what you did!! My girls would LOVE it!!!

Jennifer Dixon - I think it’d be fun to use it in my middle daughters’ room. She always says that they only watch movies in my oldest daughters room(cause that’s where the tv is)

Gretchen - We would use it on our screened porch… enjoying nature without the bugs! πŸ˜‰

Kristen W. - I would use it out on our deck!

lauren - I would love to use it in our backyard or in our room ! This looks so fun!!

Stacey B - Outdoor movie party for sure! I would hang a white sheet from our pergola to create a screen.

Anna Marie - Oh goodness how cool is that?!? We would use it at my parent’s house and invite all the cousins over for a fun outdoor movie night on the patio.

Maggie - I would love to use this on our garage door during our annual summer block party.

Nicole B. - FUN! We would definitely use it outside and invite the neighbor kids over to watch with our kiddos – ice cream/movie party to celebrate the end of school!

ira lee - hello outdoor movie!!!! with lots of additional friends big and small. sleeping bags, hammocks, quilts on the ground! ive been wanting one of these for a while!

Robyn Farmer - We do driveway movie nights and invite friends over twice a year. I think I would do it more often if I had that projector. So much fun!

sarah beth thompson - I would love to have one. We’d do family movie night outside on the side of the garage!!!

Wendy - I would LOVE a family outdoor movie night!

Brady Wilhelm - We would watch it outside on our garage door!! We live out in Kansas country too and I can’t imagine anything more awesome than sitting under the stars on a cool summer evening with my family watching a movie and making memories!

Gina - Outdoors would be so fun! Weather permitting of course:)

Holly - Plan A: back porch. Plan B-in-case-of-bugs: piled into the living room.

Tami - An outdoor movie would be so much fun!!! We have family movie night on Friday’s too!!!

Shar - Backyard party for kids; backyard party for the adults!!

Juli - outside in our side yard! We did that with a group of teens from our church a few years ago and had sooo much fun.

Michele Zakeri - Outdoor movies on the garage door would be awesome!!! OR movies on the ceiling!!

Kati - We would use it first on a camping trip!! We tried movie night while camping before but it didn’t really work out! This would be great!

colleen - I have been trying to have an outdoor movie party for my son’s July b-day for a couple of years. Movies and fireflies what could be better!

Karen - This would be awesome! I’ve been wanting to do movies in the backyard against the house, so this would be perfect! Thanks for the opportunity!

Angie - We have really been wanting to have a movie night in the backyard with our kids but would have to rent the projector. This would be so much fun!

jennifer - SO fun! We would probably use it on the big wall in the basement first.

Katie Sellers - Fun fun! I think we would use it at Grandma & Pop-Pop’s with all the cousins! Right out of the pool and onto a movie!

Stephanie Youngwith - We LOVE family night and this would make it even better. We would use it in the living room!

April H - This would be so great to take on camping trips in our camper. We could just all gather outside for a movie and invite other campers over to join!!!!

jaime - This would be a great way to display favorite pictures of a birthday boy/girl at their next party!

Betsy - I think we would try watching a movie out under the stars… But we would probably end up in a bed inside! What fun!!

Emily - So cool! I would take it with us when we go camping at my in-laws camp site. Outdoor movies!! πŸ™‚

Mrs. Ruffled Flats - I would use it for romantic stay-at-home dates with my hubby man!

Beth Ann - We would use it outside – as an outdoor movie and when we go camping this summer.

Ellis - How fun! I could see us using this in the backyard this summer for an impromptu block party/movie night!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love this new product! how fun! i wonder if I could use it to make artwork…you know like you use the old school overhead projectors? so fun! and yes to the movie night…fo. sho.

Karie - What a cool projector…I’ve always wanted to do a backyard movie night…this would be perfect πŸ™‚

Tiffany - How about in the yard for a bring your blanket end of school year treat. I love Mike and Ikes too, they are manufactured just miles from me, yummmmmmmm. Awesome giveaway. Thanks for the chance, I promise to invite you all over for movie nite if I win.

Erin - Whoa, awesome! We love family movie night…this would open up so many possibilities for where to have it! πŸ™‚

Rebecca S. - I tweeted about the giveaway here:!/rebeccastt/status/204633036413870082

jen lacey - just in time for a summer outside movie night!!!

Emily - This would be awesome to have, so useful and fun!

Rebecca S. - I’d love to use it in our backyard for a street party!

Stephanie - I LOVE the idea of movie night outside with friends and yummy snacks but have never known how we could swing it without a projector system (I’m not tech savvy!) but this looks awesome! Would love to surprise my kids!

allison albainy - I would LOVE to do a driveway “drivein” on our white fence! I can just picture the kids on their ride on toys and adults on their beach chairs!…ooh even at the beach this summer..projected on a towel screen when it starts to get dark!
We’d love it!

Heidi hicks - We already copy your outdoor movie night (by renting a projector) but I definitely want to copy this too! Great idea!

Katie Skiff - Awesome!! I think I would use it either in our bedroom like you did, or out on the deck!! How fun would that be!!

Krista - How FUN! I would try it in my bedroom too!

Cindy - How fun!!! I love that you can take it on the go! πŸ™‚ we would use it all the time…scouts, camping, backyard, and on and on! Thanks for this fun contest meg! πŸ™‚

Liz Schmidt - In our son’s fort in the backyard. So fun!

Sophie~Bug's Mom - I would use it first out in the driveway and use the garage door as the screen! What fun!

Melissa - Awesome! I would love to win one of these! I seem so far behind “technology” wise, It seems there is something new every day!

Robin - do I need another reason to shop at Target? thank you, now I have one. (smile)

Wendy - Backyard summer movies! πŸ™‚ - I think this is the coolest thing ever! I would let each of our six kids invite their friends and have our own drive-in movie party in our backyard. Snack bar and all. LOVE!

Cathy - i would love to have a projector to have outdoor movie nights.

Sandy - backyard movies by the campfire

Becky - i would love this! our back yard has become the place to be b/c of the trampoline so extending the hours during the summer with a movie?? awesome!

Amy - We have a great covered patio where we could all watch a movie while we bbq and eat s’mores. Perfect for the summer.

Jessica - Wow! That’s so cool!

melissa - Oh I would definitely use it outside while we sat around the campfire! Oh the summer fun to be had. I really hope our family wins! Thanks for the fun review and giveaway.

Katie g - The backyard!

Audrey - What a great little gadget! We would use it outside during this great weather we’ve been having lately!

Dani - That sounds so fun! I think I’d hang an old sheet outside and do a “drive-in” movie for my kids! We love drive-ins, so one at home would be so much fun!

Kristen Szyslowski - Our backyard, of course!

Julianne Brimner - Outside below our deck would be awesome….just have to hang a sheet.

Jen - I believe we would have to watch a movie from the newly built fort in the yard. Our oldest little tike would definitely need popcorn to accompany his movie too and chocolate covered raisins, which he refers to as dark raisins! πŸ™‚

jenn - We would use it in our backyard and have friends over! It’s hot enough in Charleston to do pur summer parties. Now if you could just get rid of the mosquitoa too! πŸ™‚

Gina - I have never seen this before and I go to Target a lot!!
Sounds fun!

Gretchen - So Cool! Actually, I would use it in the same place… mom and dad’s bedroom because we have a big, empty wall that would be perfect.

Rosemary - That is so cool! This would be awesome for my family gatherings during the summer.

Ingrid - Our favorite way to do family movie night is with a free movie from the library.

Amanda - For my daughters 4th birthday party, we borrowed a projector from a friend of a friend of friend (which was a huge hassle), re-arranged the furniture in the living room and hung a sheet on the wall to create a movie theatre. Everyone loved it and my daughter still begs us to re-create our homemade movie theatre for her again. This would make that possible!

Holly - We’d use it in the backyard for movie night!

Arlene - Two ways…#1 for help in teaching classes…the traditional projector is always a technical ‘boogie man field’ never knowing if it will work or not…did you push F1 or F5 or what-the-heck-ever button.
#2 Parties with the Grands.
I, no, WE would love it.
Thanks the chance.

Janelle Shultz - what an awesome concept! & what’s the best about this little gadget…portability! i think a backyard movie would be fab!!!!

jenk - I would use it outside – we have an outdoor shade that’s part of our pergola and it would make a great screen.

Rachel - This would make a perfect Father’s Day gift for my husband. What a great idea!

Sarah - I would LOVE to use this in our backyard or at my in-laws beach place when all the cousins are together again this summer!!

Kim - On our garage door! What a fun outdoor summer activity!

Karen - So cozy!!! I see a neighborhood movie party in my future! So fun!!

Dwall - Basement wall- perfect spot!

MJ - I would use it in our living room (large wall surface) and have an in-house campout.

Rebecca Coolidge - I would watch a movie with my little girlie in her room, she would get such a kick out of it πŸ™‚

Kim K. - Definitely outside – we can view it on our garage while floating in our pool….that would be awesome!!
Kim K.

Chris Lawlor - I would try it in a bedroom for a family movie night.

Katie Fisher - Great idea! I could use this at home with my family or in my classroom with my students!

Cathy Shealy - In the gameroom.

janet caldwell - We would have a drive-in night in our backyard with our neighbors. Hopefully the raccoon won’t show up. Thanks!

Deanna M - Would use it for our house church for outreach!

Elena - We would use it in our family room

Molly L - I’d love to use it in our king size bed! Our kids are still little (5,3 and 1) so we spend lots of time cuddling, watching tv and just hanging out in bed!

ko. s - We would use it on our back deck and host a little movie night for all the kiddos on our street!

Suzy Adams - I would love to show a movie in our backyard. I would also bring it to my parents Arizona house for a pool/movie night! How fun! Thanks for this opportunity, Meg!

BullyMama - Definitely in my yard! Every summer when you post your outdoor movie party I get excited and think I am going to do that for my kids, but I don’t have a projector and the thought of picking one out kind of overwhelms me… I do have an iphone though so this looks like it might be the perfect solution!

Rebecca - This would be great in my bedroom. Wish I still had a little one to snuggle with…
would still definitely use it with my son!

Amanda Myers - I am a single mom with just one kiddo who has always wanted a big family. We also live in a neighborhood where he is the only kid his age for severl blocks. The 3M projector would be the best thing ever for movie nights to bring all of his friends over to our house!

JamieC - We’d have our own drive in movies in our driveway! On Halloween we love to sit outside and hand out candy, this way we could put Charlie Brown’s Christmas on the garage door, love it!

Michelle Whitlow - That is so cool!!! I’ve always wanted to get a projector to have summer movies outside πŸ™‚ Or we have a big wall with nothing on it yet that would work great for indoor movie night!

Crissie - Oooohhh! We could really use this!! How fun!!!

mami2jcn - We would use this in our bonus room.

Andrea - We have been looking for a used projector to take on our many camping trips, but this option is WAY better for ease of packing/use! That is definitely where we’d use it first!

Patti Hill - Definitely outside! Either in our backyard or at our neighborhood park and invite the neighbors. Thank you for such a fun contest!

Cheryl Hale - We would use it at the neighbor hood pool/poolhouse. That would be so much fun for the entire neighober of several different communties to get to know each other and experience a movie while swimming.

jessica kiehn - outside on on blanket with our girls this summer!

Ruth Elder - I am forever lugging the big T.V. to the front window to show ‘It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown’ on Halloween night, so the trick-or-treaters can see it. This would enable us to just project it on the side of the house. Love this idea!

Shannon - Probably for movie time in the basement.

Jennifer - I would use it outside for sure!!! So fun!

Ashley - How fun! I would use it in our room too – like you! Family movie night! They would be so excited!

Marjorie - I would try to use it outside! So much fun for summer parties!

Erin - For our movie nights, we pop popcorn, sprinkle in a few M-n-Ms, all sit on the sofa and watch together. Fun times!

Lianne - I would try it outside in our backyard! Thanks for the chance!

Annie - This is so awesome! We have Friday Family Movie nights, and this would make it alot more fun! We would use it outside or in the toy room and some where different then the family room.

Sara - Hang a white bedsheet on my kids’ playset and watch a movie under the stars. Fun

Mollie D - Drive in theatre in our back yard! - Definetely in the basement/playroom…we’d put it on the wall and cuddle up!!

Rebecca - I would love to win ! Thanks for the opportunity !

Benay Blume - I can think of a million uses for this projector. Thanks for the opportunity!
I blogged about this giveaway.

kristen - I’ve been borrowing a projector for outdoor movies so this would be PERFECT! i would use ours on our patio for these upcoming summer nights!

Anna - We would all pile into my king size bed for sure! I love family movie night!

Sarah - We would use it in our bedroom, living room, basement and when we were visiting family πŸ™‚

Rebecca L - I would have our nieces and nephews over for a party either in the basement or the backyard.

Erin - I would use it in my backyard for a movie night! I hope I win!!

DLG in Mich - I love the idea of having an outdoor movie party by the pool with a fire for making s’mores. What a blast!

Amber Weigel - I love this!! Backyard movie night?! Yes please!!!

Sheri Flatt - I would use it in our master bedroom too. I think that is a great idea!

Johnnie - We dont have cable or local tv even, just netflix via the laptop or itouch. So we are always cuddled up and sharing/fighting to watch a show…the series “Wonder Years” is our family nite choosen favorite! Outside campout/slumber party would be fun too! But would love to watch on our living room wall too. The laptop screen doesnt go very far among 4 people sharing! πŸ™‚

jen@thecottagenest - Umm, hello? Where wouldn’t I use it? On the backporch, on the side of the garage, in our bedroom, in Paris!!!

Chocalatta - oh oh – i would love this, i borrow a projector for outdoor movies or just fund times with my girlfriends…

Cassie - How fun!! I would make a HUGE pile and blankets and pillows on the trampoline and project a movie on the house or the fence. This little thing looks awesome!!

Kim Black - What a great idea! it’d go perfect for outdoor movies!

Lisa - This is awesome! I would totally do an outdoor showing cause I’ve always wanted to do that. Although doing one in our bedroom sounds pretty fun too! πŸ™‚

Antinette - My daughter wants to have her first slumber party this summer-it would be so fun to do a movie!

Brenna - Outside by the pool. Love it!

Christy - Wow super cool! We would use on our back porch!!

tiffany gardner - we would SOOOO use this in our little backyard. that way my 16 month old could run free while my 2 big kids enjoy movie night with us! thanks for the chance!!

Stefanie S. - In my bedroom instead of the old box tv!

Whitney - I would love to have a movie night outside with friends and family… we just moved into a rental house on a little lake and we have the perfect backyard for it! Memories are worth everything!

Julie Briggs - On our backporch which has the perfect setup!

Kristi Rediske - I would use it on our new carport and I would have the grandkids over and we would probably watch “Enchanted” because we all love that movie. Sure would be fun!

Joleen - So cool!! My husband has been wanting something like this, maybe I just found a fathers day present, thanks!

Heather F. - I’ve always wanted to host an outdoor movie night for my kids and their friends!

Tracie - Definitely outside. I think I would host a big movie night at our family farm with all the cousins. We could hang a sheet between two trees, roast some s’mores and hang out under the stars! This product is awesome!

Wendy C - I just added an Outdoor Movie Party to our summer fun list – how awesome!

Benay Blume - We always have family movie night on Fridays too. My family would love the projector to use outside!

Allison - We would take it camping and project it up on the side of the camper!

Jennifer - Awesome! I would have an outdoor movie party!

TJ - That is AWESOME!!! I would use it all the time to let the kids watch videos of themselves.

Melia - Wow! I would love to win this! So fun!

Carrie - Oh my! I would most certainly have an outdoor movie night with lots of friends and lots of snacks!

Mrs. Edberg - Nice product, cool giveaway! Thanks!

lauren - so fun! i would use it in our master bedroom. it would look so much better w/o a gigundo TV in there!! πŸ™‚ *

Katie - What a fun idea. It’s amazing what we can do with technology.
I would use this in my home for family movie nights, but it would be AWESOME for my middle school classroom!
Also, I tweeted about this…!/MrsMathieson2


Shelly - I would love to use this in our backyard!

Julie, momto7 - I was just researching projectors – this looks great! I would definitely try a backyard movie showing; I have always wanted to do one. Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy M - That is SO COOL!!

Angie Angel - Outside for sure. We have a huge side of our garage and I have always wanted to throw an outdoor movie party!

Olivia - I would use it from my laptop since I don’t have a tv for watching movies!
Great giveaway. Thanks!

Loni M - I love the posted flyer. I would love to use it outside in our backyard!

Laura Phelps - I am thinking my bedroom too…only without the kids, just nick and a bottle of wine πŸ™‚

Caitlin - I would definitely use it in our room! I love watching movies in bed, but we don’t have a tv down there.

Chelsea - I would love to have a backyard movie night with all our friends!

Lisa - I love the idea of using it outside, but right now we’re using our small bedroom t.v. for a computer monitor, so I’d probably use it to watch movies in bed.

Holly - Backyard on the patio!

Lelia - I would love to cuddle up in bed with the husband & kiddos too!!

Jennifer - How cool is that!? I like the idea of view a movie in our backyard. We have several places we could show the movie on and it would be exciting for my family to see it outside. I’ve never been to a drive in. Great idea!

Kristin S - a. You are the coolest mom in the entire world.
b. That projector is awesome. We lug a VPU around and this is far more handy and practical.

Justin - We would use this in the backyard on our new patio!!

Jen D. - I would love to have this to watch family movies!

Suzy W. - This would be great for the backyard!

Rebecca - So Cool!! Camp out in the living room with popcorn, lemonade and sliced apples! Great give-away!

Melissa - I think we would use it in our basement. My little boy LOVES playing downstairs and watching movies with daddy!

emmeline - would love to have a backyard movie night this summer! thanks for the chance!

christina - hang a sheet and borrow our neighbor’s deck and popcorn for everyone! sounds like a winner to me!

Peggy in TN - Outside for sure!

Bethany - This looks like so much fun… I keep on looking at all these summer backyard movie parties and this would be the perfect solution!

carrie k - I’m dying to have an outdoor movie party before my daughter starts kindergarten in the fall! I would love this!!

Leah - I’ve always wanted to watch a movie outside so that’s what I’d do first!

Steve DeRoos - Way Cool!!! Would love to do that with our kids. BTW, a fairly dark room would be required given the brightness (Lumens) of the projector.

Nichole - This would be so fun for our family!!

Michelle Webster - I would use it for crafts (and movies). I alway seem to have to make big projects–a painted mural, a sign. If I had the projector I could download the picture I want, project it onto the piece of wood or wall I am working on, and trace the picture. It would be the size I want and perfect.

Christy - outside! The weather we are having is perfect! Too nice to be inside…Love this idea!

becky - i would definitely use it for our annual/bi/tri annual movie parties that we throw in the backyard (our favorite are family friendly scary movies around halloween with spooky breezes in the trees above us…and with this, i wouldn’t have to always borrow my bro-in-law’s and deal with that big expensive headache!

Laura - My family would love that – we could have the whole neighborhood over for movie night!

Amy - camping! So fun to watch it while sitting in the tent!!

shannon - I’ve always wanted to do a backyard movie night with all the neighborhood families this would be perfect!

MH Toth - I’d love to set up a heavy blackout curtain on our garage door and invite the cul-de-sac for weekly “drive-in” movies this summer!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I think I would have to copy you and use it in our room! Our little gal would love to watch some Elmo on that πŸ™‚

carrie - Meg – would it work for outside? Would it make a big enough clear enough picture? Just curious!? B/c I’d love to have a party like you have at our house now that we have the land for it. so that is what I’d use it for!!

kelly - we are hosting my husband’s aunt’s 75th birthday party this summer….65 people! (plus a bunch of kids!) it’s an outside barbeque, so i think it would be fun to have this playing outside! so fun!!

Jennifer - Outside for sure! Maybe even like a drive-in theater…or camping! Oh the possibilities…

Michelle A - So fun! We are planning on doing an outdoor movie night with family and friends so this would be perfect for that. It would also be great to use for sleepovers!

Rachael - I have wanted a projector for a LONG time!!!

Stephanie - I’ve always wanted to have an outdoor movie party!

Kristi Bailey - That thing is amazing! I would love to try it in our backyard during a warm summer night.

Bekah Moon - I think an outdoor movie party would be a must!

Carolyn - Wow- this is very interesting. Actually we are getting ready to start a family room reno project and wanted to get a projector to replace our TV. I’d like to know more information about this!

Rachel Matilda - I would use it in my bedroom too…what a fantastic idea for family night!

Liesl - Definitely outside! Our old drive in movie theater in the closest town (30 miles) was recently torn down, so maybe we would have a “drive-in” night!!

Meredith - I would do an outside movie night with the kids and some friends. We do movie night as a family already in our room with popcorn and candy. We love it. Would love to be able to do it outside with such a wonderful little surprise. I never even knew there was such a thing.

Agnieszka - I am imagining a movie night in a tent on a camping trip.

Vicki - My kids would be over the moon about this!!! How fun!!! I could totally see using this as a backyard movie night!!
Thanks for the chance!! πŸ™‚

Sarah - We would use this camping and have movie night at the campsite!!!!

Nicole Q. - Outside !! We’ve done an outdoor movie party before too. They are the best. I’m wanting to get one on the calendar now !!

Lee Ann - What fun! We have a big projector, but can only use it in the winter – when it gets dark early because we don’t have blinds in our family room. This would be sooooo fun to use in the bedroom or camping!

Becky - This would be fun to have a outside movie night with the neighbors!

Erin McDaniel - So cool! Getting movies from iTunes is so convenient, but watching on that tiny iPhone screen isn’t always so great. I love the idea of watching outside in the summertime.

sarah - how amazing!!! This would make summer time even more fun

Holly - we would totally have to ave an outdoor party! That is cool!

Melyssa - On the back of my parents house with all the siblings and spouses gathered. Or on my garage with my little cousins and their neighborhood friends.

the whyte house - how fun! definitely for a backyard. however, as much fun as we would have with this, i would probably give it to my friend, dina. she has a massive backyard and i know she would love it for her family!

rachel - Outside our house on the River…the best of both worlds. πŸ™‚ Sounds dreamy.

erica - our house isn’t very big & it’s a townhouse so there’s no yard, so i would take it to my parents backyard for an outside party with the kids! πŸ™‚

Ani G W - I would love to have this! What a great gadget with so many possibilities! Thanks for sharing because I’ve never heard of it!!

Maria - That is way cool! I think we would first use it in our backyard for a friend movie night!

lyn - I think we would use it in our backyard. How fun to have a movie night outside.

Rhonda Fendt - So much fun! We would make use of this for sure… I host a Camp California for my son, niece and nephew… we do camp outs in the back yard. This would make a fun addition to out adventure.

Brandie - That would be amazing! We would definately do a backyard movie night. How fun!!

Jennifer in VA - We would use it on our screen porch, ASAP!

Allison Waken - We’d use it in the backyard by the pool for dive in movies for sure!

Emily - How awesome! I would use the projector to watch movies in bed, since my husband and I only have a TV in our living room.

Laura - Outside!!! We have outdoor movie night on Fridays with the neighborhood kids! This would be perfect!!!

secret mom thoughts - I would use the projector outside.

mary - i would totally love this …and show movies outside in our yard!

kate - I would try this out in our backyard on the deck! It has been a tough year for our family and I think this would be super fun for the kids! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Trae Kendrick - Very cool! I’d use it at church with our Wildly Blessed Women’s group. We currently do not have a projector, and I’d love to have one! I didn’t know there were options as affordable as this. Can’t wait!

Betsy - I would love to host an outdoor movie party.

jaimie Cahill - In the backyard, alongside a campfire with s’mores!

Megan B - How cool! We have a really big bedroom, so we’d definitely use it there first!

Jen N. - I would love to do a backyard movie party. My hubby would have visions of playing video games on a giant “screen.”

Cindy - How cool is this!? I love your sign inviting the kids to join you and their dad. πŸ™‚
If I had one, I’d take it outside with a big sheet and play a movie and let all the neighborhood kids join me,my husband and stepkids. We’d be the coolest on the block, for sure! πŸ˜‰

Kari - I would love to use this in our backyard.

JessicaF - I would love to have an outdoor movie party with all our friends! This has been a dream of mine ever since we moved out to our farm!

Heather - I have wanted to to a backyard movie party for a long time, so definitely outside!

Rachael - We would use it to have all of our nieces and nephews over for an outdoor movie night!!

Lisa B - I would love to use this on the back porch:)

BriBedell - How fun!! This old blow my kids minds πŸ™‚ lol

raquel - We would hang up a big sheet by the pool and have a “dive” in movie night!

Abbie Swartzentruber - I would have to hook it up in our backyard and have a fun summer movie night:) How fun is that?? It would really be a special treat because we rarely watch movies together as a family – thanks for sharing your ideas!!!!

Kim Bernhardt - on our garage, we were just talking about having a movie night becasue we have the perfect location!

Kate in the Shade - Whoa! Tiny projector but so many possibilities!

kristin butler - i would like to try outside too, but my kids love to cuddle in our bed too! so that would be the choice.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - FUN!!
Love this idea and am totally going to invite my girls to a movie night in our room too!! They will love it — of course a cute little projector like this would make it extra fun ; )
Wonder if it would turn into a spontaneous block party if we projected a movie on our garage doors?
Thanks for the opportunity.
: ) MaryLea

Janelle - Wow. That sounds like so much fun. Would love to try it outside…looking for ways to make our neighbors a bit more neighborly :}

sarah - How nifty! Is the picture good (or good enough?)!
I’ve always wanted to watch movies outside

Becca - Awesome! This looks like so much fun!

Linda - That is so cool! We love having movie parties. We’ve always borrowed a projector too. I’ve seen your post about hosting one outside and would love to have a neighborhood party like that! I love that it is so small and just works with your ipod! Amazing!

meredith - So cool! We have wanted something like this for a long time. I think I would try it out on our garage door in order to get to know our neighbors better!

Lisa - Amazing! Summer “drive-in” movies in our yard for sure! We already have that on our summer list but it would be great not to have to borrow a projector!

Seriously Sassy Mama - We would watch it in our new living room in our new house.

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are you kidding me?


i am going to the store right now to buy some reeses to make this.

because i have five nearly black bananas just waiting to be turned into this crazy ridiculous bread.


the recipe is here……  


berkeley windshield replacement - How do you put a price tag on that? We’d all do well to remember the motto we learned.

ralph lauren polo - Je n’avais plus de chance d’obtenir un bon rΓ©sultat quand je les ai fait des muffins.

Tracy Fisher - I am going to have to try this one…. yummmmm.

Alicia D - holy slice of heaven! im all over this recipe…

Jen Rausch - I have made this a couple of times and it is AH-mazing! I recommend covering it with foil for a bit at the end so the middle cooks but the tops doesn’t burn. SO YUMMY!!!

Kelly - So glad to see you only need 3 bananas for the recipe… that’s exactly what I have on the counter. Looks like they will be mashed and stirred into this recipe today! Thanks for sharing!! - I’ve made this-it turned out perfect, and was delicious!!!

Amber - Holy cow…I want that.

marla - Totally made this for treats at church a few weeks ago and it was loved by all

Sara Torbett - Yummy! Let us know how this turned out! πŸ™‚ i wonder if I stare at the screen long enough if I can pretend like I had a taste πŸ™‚

ko. s - My hubby would faint! Thanks for the idea!

Cindy - Are there angels singing? πŸ™‚

Mel @ The Larson Lingo - Must make this! I am obsessed with those mini reeses right now! I made cookies with them, cupcakes with them & put them on ice cream. Now, this! Yay!

Shelly - I would agree…do muffins my bread was a flop! Hope yours turns out better then mine did!

Crystal - I’ve made that recipe twice…I had better luck getting a good result when I made them into muffins…by the time the center of the loaf was done, the outer edges were a little burnt.

Andrea - OMG….I have over ripe bananas too…..guess I am going to the store also!

mary - oh my!

Happygirl - Yay first. πŸ™‚

Happygirl - Yum. I’m buying some bananas just to let them turn black

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