Masthead header


i have been loving using my phone to take pictures.
it's convenient and nice to capture little moments that don't NEED a big camera.
i think i need to apologize to Droid.  i thought your camera stunk….i have changed my mind.
i still wish i had an iphone but i don't need it and i think that this is working out just fine.

i love the square shape and all the frames and filters! 
and it is a happy place full of happy people.
i love all the chit chat that goes on too. 

you can follow me if you'd like…. @ meg duerksen.



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kimberlee and i are setting up for craft weekend all day today.

i have to get a ride to the craft house because last night i left my car keys there!
i think it's safe to say i have a few too many irons in the fire this week. 
but by tomorrow it will all work itself out.
happy thursday. 

AllenCarlos - Seeing little items of your lifestyle every day creates me satisfied. And I 100% didn’t remember you have a Android. You are rockin’ the gary. Eat many cheesecake for me.

Alice Nakles - Love all your photos!! I was just wondering where did you get the “Annie” pillow? I love it and wanted to get one for one of the girls I nanny for, it would make a great birthday present. Thanks so much!!

Kelly - I cut my hubby’s hair too. Kelly

denise@victory rd. - cutting hair outside…been there done that. it’s the only way.

Sarah - I think it’s Annie jumping off the diving board, right? Well anyway, that one stopped me in my tracks and my stomach went into my throat… I don’t know why … I guess cause I never jumped off a diving board that high until I was much older than her. She’s a brave little one.
Love each of the shots.

garage equipment - I love the way you set up your weekend. You looks like having fun and full of activities. I hope I can have a great weekend like that with my family.

Alyson @EisleyRae - I love following you, so much fun. Your kids are the cutest. The succulents are just gorgeous. Hope you’re having another amazing weekend at craft weekend.

Tanda - I know you are reading Kisses from Katie so I thought you would enjoy my post today. πŸ™‚

Heather F. - Love the homemade menu. My kids used to do that, but their restaurant was a little cheaper πŸ™‚

Jamie - Following on the Insta…I am completely in love with IG. I have been on for almost a year, but didnt really find my groove until 6 months ago or so. Its the best!

Christina - I can’t believe you took those with your phone…especially the action shots! They’re so great! I have an android too…it takes terrible pics though!

Chrissie Grace - these pictures make me happy…
I hope one day I’ll be at Craft Weekend with y’all πŸ™‚

Heather in Ohio - Love your blog & love that you are on instagram! Thanks for sharing your life! How do you do the instagrams with multiple pics in 1 frame?! Love that!

Jennifer@beautyinbloom - I love following you on Instagram! I locked myself out of the house this week without car keys, the kids had not eaten lunch yet and the girls got out of the van and locked the diaper bag inside! My husband had to drive home 45 min to let us back in! Not one of my finer moments πŸ™‚
Hope you have a great weekend!

Lorelei Eurto - sometimes i DO think my morning coffee is worth $200. πŸ™‚

roganne - i can’t believe that your kids jump off of the TALL diving board! they are so brave!!

tina - just joined instagram myself… started following. i was lucky enought to upgrade my phone after having my old cell phone for a little over four years. the guy at the phone place told me i had a dinosaur of a phone, lol!!
p.s. i’d love to figure out how to do the collage….if anyone has any insight i’d be very thankful πŸ™‚

marcie - I understand your “too many irons in the fire” comment. I did a post a few weeks back about how I came home to find the mayo on the counter and the Mod Podge in the fridge πŸ™‚
Your craft weekends look like so much fun!!

Kerstie Pederson - Is that Annie jumping from the diving board!?! Oh smokes… I wouldn’t do that and I’m 38, ha ha ha!

beth - I’m so glad you mentioned Droid– when I got my phone just a few months ago, there was no instagram for Droid and I haven’t checked since. yea for instagram! and yea for you mentioning it! πŸ™‚

seriouslysassymama - Happy Thursday! All I have done is run errands today. A fw more to go. A few more to go, and we will be done. I am so ready to get my house put together after the move. Almost there. Your younger daughters remind me of my three girls. Sisters are the best!

tiffany gardner - wish i could be crafting with you all! happy weekend!

sandee prince - already a follower πŸ™‚ because i love your positive attitude on life!

Kelly - Are you reading Kisses From Katie? I just read it the week before last and have been turned inside out by it. (if that’s not what you’re reading, I highly recommend it :))

Liberty - What are you reading?? Looks good…

Jessica Johnson - Seeing little pieces of your life every day makes me happy. And I 100% forgot you have a Droid. You are rockin’ the gram. Eat lots of cheesecake for me.

Jenn - I can’t wait to come to craft weekend and meet you ladies someday! Have fun setting up today :). And send some of that Kansas sunshine my way would ya? Woke up to 32 degrees and frozen tomato plants this morning! What the heck? Happy (almost) weekend to you!

Sharla - Is that your vertical garden?! So pretty!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Have a great weekend! I’ll be lifting you and Kimberlee up in prayer with the new group of lovely ladies!

Melissa - The prices of your daughters’ food menu were cracking me up!

Lauryn - Good grief… Talby is such a beauty. Every time I see her, my heart melts and feels at ease. She has such a peace to her… I love her, as I do all your children πŸ™‚

april - I follow you on the gram and love all your happy pictures, especially the margarita pics…..ahem. πŸ™‚

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use your camera to capture summer fun!

One of my many hobbies is photography. I almost always have a camera nearby. I feel funny when I don't, and I feel a little crazy when I see a shot and CAN'T take a picture.

Today I am going to share some of the ways I like to capture great summer photos of my family.

A huge part of what makes a photo great instead of just good is the angle with which it is taken. Taking pictures standing up in front of your subject the same way all the time can get old really fast. Here are some examples of changing your angles.




When you get down on the ground, sitting or lying down, your picture is completely different. Sometimes I just hold my camera down low and point it at my subject. Shooting low can get a lot more of the background, giving color and visual interest to your photo.





I love finding ways to shoot from above my subjects. Sometimes there is a chair, table or stairs to stand on, but sometimes you just need to hold your camera up above and shoot down and see what you get.









Close shots are my favorite kind to shoot. I love catching detail that the wider photos miss, like nail polish, whiskers, bug legs, toad warts or colors of rocks.




Finding reflections is easy when you start looking. Sunglasses, windows, rain puddles and even hubcaps can provide a fun way for the photographer to be in the picture, too.

Another way to get a good shot in the summer is to BE in the action. Being close to the action gives a different feel to the photos; people can tell you are there, not just observing. You have to willing to take some risks with your camera. You can't play it safe all the time if you want some really unique photos.



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In order get pictures of your kids getting messy, you have to let them get messy! And when they do, be ready with your camera for all the smiles and fun.






Water play caught in photos makes for an awesome picture almost every time. Catching the drops of water midair gives an interactive feel to the picture, letting the person looking at it feel as if they are there.

And lastly, when looking for excellent summer photos, you have to consider the light. Morning and dusk are the ideal times for pictures outdoors. The golden light at both times gives a soft glow on skin and all around that most photographers love.





My favorite time of year for photography is summer. The colors are vivid, the sun is bright, and the kids are happy most of the time.

I hope you feel encouraged today to get out there and try some new angles, take some risks, get a close-up action shot, and look for the golden light.

Happy Shooting!



Whitney - Simple post that illustrates what we should be remembering when we photograph! Thanks so much… I needed this!

Haven - I really enjoyed this post, and got inspired to “find my golden light.” Thank you for always being so creative!

kim smart - thanks so much for these very useful tips!! definitely making myself more aware of these things next time! and as others have said, i think the wonderful, everday photos you take of your family have always drawn me in, plus the fact that i love how your warm, caring spirit always comes through in your posts! you truly are blessed to have such a beautiful family!

TAB - Beautiful photos, wonderful tips! I will be trying them out today.
I always enjoy your pics, they inspire me.

Ranae - I just started following ur blog TODAY!! LOVE IT πŸ™‚
U r so creative and real. Thanks for great tips and advice.

Katrina - Oh, and I don’t know if you noticed, but in that picture of Annie with the big bubble, the bubble looks like a foot that and two of the toes have floated away. Lol. I just thought I’d share that. Bubbles are like clouds to me. I love looking for what the shapes form.

Katrina - This post is just what I needed. I know all those tricks but somehow I find myself in a creative rut sometimes. I feel inspired to get some creative shots in today. Thank you.

Iris Brown - OMG! These pics are so funny, goofy, and poignant. I have to try the shaving cream fight with my kids and daycare kids. They would have a blast. Thanks for the inspiration!

sewa mobil jakarta - Very nice, thanks for sharing.

Jenn - Thanks for the tips! I only really ever use my iPhone… But I do need to improve those photos too :). I have to admit though, I don’t take many pics because it drives me nuts to watch things instead of be in on the action! I swear some of our family adventures go completely undocumented because of this :). The iPhone helps though.

Kristina Croatia - this is the most positive blog i have ever seen :)))

Katie - Your pictures are bee-autiful! Thanks for sharing them. πŸ™‚
I am a Mom of Four who LOVES photography – I am no where near professional, but I do adore taking their pictures. I have a question I’d love to get your opinion on. I have a Nikon D40 with a Nikon DX 18-135 Lens that I’ve used for the past few years. Well, unfort my camera fell out of the bag and the lens broke :-(((. So, I now need a new lens. Looking for a “Jack of all Trades” if that is even possible. The 18-135 has gone up in price and is really more than I want to spend at this time now ($600). We found a NIkon Bundle for $850 that inclues a Nikon D5100 with an 18-55 and 55-200 VR Zoom Nikkor lens included. Not crazy about the idea of carrying around 2 diff lenses…would rather have one that worked for almost everything. However, I am wanting to ask for my b’day for either a 35 or 55mm for portrait style pics – do you have a preference b/w those? Anyway…if you get a free moment, I would SO love your thoughts and advice on all of this. Sincerely, Kate

lindsey - i love all your tips (and photos)….thanks for sharing. i, also, always have a camera with me and try often to get different shots!
enjoy your summer!

Sara Torbett - Thanks for the great tips Meg! πŸ™‚ You capture your world in a beautiful way and THAT is inspiring! I love the picture of either Talby or Annie in the tire swing (can’t tell which girl it is!) It is dreamy. πŸ™‚

Londen - Love your photographs Meg! I finally got a “big girl camera” that I love, only problem is I’m kind of scared to carry it with me most of the time…maybe I better get the insurance so I don’t have to worry about it.

Heather F. - Thanks for the tips. Your blog has the most beautiful pictures, full of color and light.

Tiffany - You make it look easy!

Melissa Bailey - Hey Meg! I just wanted to let you know that there is this blogger award going around and I gave it to you! So if you want to get the image to post on your blog, come over to my blog! Love reading you!

happygirl - Great tips. I wonder who will help me up after I take the down low pics. πŸ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - You are such a blessing.

April R - I know that feeling! – that mini-heart-spaz when you can’t take a picture! ugh!
I <3 taking pictures and capturing the bits my brain forgets and remembering all over again when we look back πŸ™‚
thanks for the tips and the encouragement πŸ™‚

Esther-D. Abad - Simplemente magnΓ­fico y altamente didΓ‘ctico.
Un Saludo.

Michelle Z - How do you “get wet” without getting the camera wet? Do you have a waterproof camera for those times?

kerry - oh mannnnnnn… this is like mothers milk to me… I think I’m a little in love with my camera! Great tips Meg, I’ve pinned this on my pinterest too! X

KTG - So beautiful. Totally inspired!

Sarah - Thank you for all your reminders…I feel like I’ve been so camera-lame lately and I needed to read this. (Although the getting down low part is sort of impossible for me right now-but what a difference it makes!)

Lora - These photos are all so much fun! Love the shot of Annie getting thrown into waves!
How do you keep your camera from getting wet and damaged? I took mine to Hawaii and the salt water got all over the lens and camera. So hard to clean, and made for some blurry photos!

Chantelle - I love to dabble in photography. Close ups are my fav as well. (ps. I wish I had your eyes) πŸ™‚

secret mom thoughts - Great tips. I need to let the kids have a shaving cream fight this summer. How fun!

roganne - those pictures are so great! i love the one of the buckets of paint…is that homemade sidewalk chalk?

becky@oursweetpeas - This is a teeny bit off topic BUT what do you do with your photos? I LOVE to take pics, LOTS OF THEM, but sometimes get stressed when they just exist on my computer and then when I develop them for an album I have to leave a ton out because I have taken so many Make sense? Thoughts? πŸ™‚

Gemma - Thank you for such a fab post! I have admired your photography for such a long time so this is great to read.
Gemma x

Anna - How do you keep your camera safe around the messes and water?

Jenn Shock - I love looking at your pics! What lens do you find you keep on your camera the most of the time?

Caroline - This is great – thanks!! My biggest challenge is knowing how to change the settings on my camera fast enough to still capture the shot….

Tami - Your pics are always awesome!! It was because of you that I invested in a good camera for my blog! I’m getting better everyday with my Nikon 5000!

Cathy - Love your pictures. I think that is what first drew me to your blog. I have my camera in my purse almost always.

Linda - I can’t even tell you how much I LOVE THIS POST!!!!! Your blog inspired me to try photography, so for about a year now I’ve been learning. I love it so much! Thank you!

Stephany - I always have my camera with me, too. If not my dslr, my iPhone.
Thanks for the tips!

Nicole - These are great tips. Thank you for sharing! GREAT pictures!

Alisa - I LOVE this post. If I had to sum up what I love about your pictures it is exactly those things. Do we get to take a peak at the new house (inside) or are you keeping it private on purpose? I would love pics up close, down low, up high, with good light, using waterand even getting messy!

kristy - thanks so much for this. I need to get my dslr out more and figure out how to use all the features!! Any tips are always welcome!

shannon - I needed some inspiration!!! I’ve been using instagram so much I rarely bust out my camera anymore but your bright, fun photos always get me excited to capture fun times of my girls πŸ™‚

Laura Phelps - my pics sucked until i found your blog
i always carry a camera
never a pen or lipstick
but i have my camera πŸ™‚

Lindi - Wow!! Thanks Meg!! These are great tips!! Your photos are always inspiring!!

Jennifer - Love the picture of Talby(?) in the tire swing. Pure Americana (so says this Canadian!). Love the last picture of you, too.
And I miss your house. HA!

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happy home!!


loving all this new fabric that arrived….for pillows or aprons or bunting or craft weekend….

it's all from

doesn't just looking at those colors and patterns make you smile???

it does for me!

all of these boxes are from Poppy Seed Projects for craft weekend!!!

i get to play around with it this week and show you what i make!
so excited to rip open these HEAVY boxes.

more swag is rolling in everyday….

from ablemabel….

from graphic anthology….

from say hello….

from rags to stitches...

and from Ike & Co….

check out this FABULOUS lamp that was sent from colton + cadence to decorate the craft house?!!!


it is so perfect.
thank you stephany!! i know EXACTLY where to put it!
ps….your blog is adorable. 


my children have all different plans today so i can squeeze in four hours here at the craft house to work.
there is lots to do to prep for craft weekend THIS WEEKEND again.

if you are worried about not getting an email yet about coming to craft weekend
or worried that you might not be on the list anymore….
do not worry.

here's the deal….if you got on the list…YOU ARE STILL ON THE LIST.  :)

but the list is very verrrrrry long.
and we can only take 12 women at a time.
so just cross your fingers and hope you get picked.  
and we hope to have MANY MANY MANY more so you will get to come.


i have talked about my love for Jennifer Paganelli and her fabric for SIS BOOM and her books before.
today i get to give away one of her newest books….

Happy Home.


isn't it a gorgeous cover?!!
and the entire book….with patterns….is just as beautiful!



leave me a comment today to be entered to win this book!

(i am sorry i had to add the Capcha Code to the comments….i woke up to over 200 long spam comments recently so it has to be there for awhile.  i am Sorry…i hate them too!  it's too bad there has to be lame-o spammers who ruin it for the good guys.  they stink…yeah…i am talking to you John Rambo!!) - wowee! what a wonderful and inspiring looking book!!

Marilyn Gregory - looks like a great book

melissa n - I need to find a craft partner! Thanks for the giveaway

Annette - Love your blog and would love to win that book! It looks awesome!

Corry - OOOOOHHHHH…..I really, really would love this book. Due to work, I’ve been on a sewing hiatus. I tore my meniscus in my knee 2 weeks ago, had surgery last week and am officially “off” work for the summer! I’ve been searching for inspiration- this book is it!

gina parker - Im glad you wrote that abojt the list lol, i was starting to get worried – and antsy when i saw all the prep for this one…it looks sooo fun!!!!

Amy Wathen - Would love the chance to get my hands on that book. Summer goal is to brighten up this house! Thanks for the chance.

Alyson @EisleyRae - Love JP!! Such a fun book, I’d love to have. All of the craft weekend swag is SO fabulous!

Janelle - Fun Happy Book!

Melissa @jonahbonah - *fingers crossed* this book would be perfect inspiration for my new house! {we’re moving!}

Janell Anderson - Looks like an awesome book! Hope I win!!!

Jayme - Such a beautiful book with wonderful ideas!!

Heather - I love free swag!!

Karen - Oh, I would love that happy book for my happy home.

Winnie - Love your blog. Always brightens up my day with all the colours and photographs & Phil 4:8. I love summer time too although where I come from, it’s summer all year round and it gets too hot. Yup, I live halfway across the globe in Singapore. I would love to win the book (though I’m not sure if it’s open to overseas readers) and get some great crafting ideas! Oh and I love your dog Waffle! The 2 loves in my life. How apt. πŸ™‚

Heather Overton - Love your blog Meg! Would love that Happy book for my Happy Home!

Hope - I love her fabric! And I would love her new book!

Katrina - That is an amazing cover. Awesome. I would LOVE to get my hands on a copy.

Amy Hartman - Great colors. The book looks like fun!

jen smith - that book looks fabulous!!!

Pam - Beautiful book! I have Craft Weekend on my Bucket List and I can picture myself there right now!

Lisa - That book looks amazing! Would so love to win it πŸ™‚

Melissa - Oh man! I think I’m too late! But just in case… The book looks so cool!

Amy - Meg, I love you’re blog and the book looks awesome! It would start my summer holiday off superbly if it would arrive in my mailbox…thanks for the chance!!

Jess Mead - Awesome swag!

Jennifer M. - That book looks like so much fun!

Sarah - I love her fabrics, I used some last year in accents in my daughter’s “vintage inspired” room! SO PRETTY!

Christa - What a beautiful book!

Jenn - LOVE the colors in that book. Reminds me of my favorite blogger! Have many walls that need paint… now that the wallpaper is gone. Maybe some inspiration in the book!

Cindy Mcallister - Beautiful book cover…makes me want to open it up and start making all the fun things in it. I would LOVE to be able to afford Craft Weekend and hopes maybe someday.

Kimberly - Love your creativity! If I wasn’t so busy with my 3 littles, I’d get myself on your list to come to your adorable craft house for a weekend!!

Erin Civey - would love to win!!!

Kerri - I am the only girl in my household – I need some happy!! πŸ˜‰

Melissa - Would love a new book for inspiration! Two kids under 3, just moved into the most unique, awesome, and difficult-to-get-a-vision-for house ever…I need help!

Stephanie C. - The book looks great!

Angie G. - Oh, I love this post!!! I love the pictures! I love the Craft house!!! I love this book!!!! I love youuuu!!!! hahahahaha

Janet in WI - What a fun looking book!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Leah - The book looks lovely! leahclaireh (at) gmail (dot) com

Cori - Looks like a great book! Thanks for the giveaway πŸ™‚

Bernice - Love the swag! I hope by the time I make it back to the same continent as you I can still add my name to the CW waitlist! I would love to come πŸ™‚

connie - Count me in, Thanks for the giveaway! ~C

giving - the colors in the book are wonderful!!! πŸ™‚

She Loves Life - Happy Home just looks so colorful and happy!

kristen b - would love to win the book! And I adore that globe lamp with fringe! have to make one for my desk area in Kindergarten maybe :^)

Prairie Jenn - Love the happy colors of your fabric and this book!!!

Pom Poms and Polkadots - Your craft weekends look like such a blast!! I have been following Jennifer P. for years too and love her use of bright happy colors and patterns!! Keep the inspiration coming!!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Great looking book! Giving me a case of the crafty’s!

Jenna - I’m inspired by all the colors! Makes me want to brighten up my home! Maybe the book with inspire me even more!!

Lisa - Looks like the perfect book to read in the hammock while ignoring the laundry!

Anne - What a cute looking book! It’s so bright and cheery looking. Happy Summer, Meg!

Laura - LOVE happy books! πŸ™‚ I bet I’d get some great ideas to brighten up my kitchen and family room!

Sam Andrews - What a fun book!

Lizz - I would love to have some new patterns to challenge my non-sewing hands! πŸ™‚ Have fun at craft weekend!

Melissa - Pick me, pick me!!

Tiffany Smith - This book is Beautiful! I would love to get inspiration to decorate my home beautifully “happy”!

Megan - Would love the book!
I think you have the best “job” in the world… running the craft weekends!

Melissa Lawwell - I love it!! I’m already inspired just from the cover!

Ashley K - The book looks lovely!!

Amy - Looks like such a fun book! LOVE the color!

Vonda - That looks like a beautiful book! I definitely need it! I love your blog!

Karen Gerstenberger - Oh, I love the look of that book! I want so much to become a better seamstress. Please enter my name in the giveaway – thanks, Meg!

Carrie - This book looks so fun. I love, love, love all the colors.

Becky - Looks like an amazing book, and I cannot wait to come to craft weekend!

Terri - I hope it is not too late to enter. Thanks for all the fun things you write about.

Wendy - I would love ‘Happy Home’ … all those awesome colors πŸ™‚

julie - Book looks awesome!!!! Would love for it to inspire me πŸ˜‰

Kelly D - Great looking book! Thanks for the giveaway.

Lisa - That’s a great light fixture! So perfect for your craft house! And those new fabrics look so fun! πŸ™‚

Gina - This book would make me smile:) A definate “happy place”!!

Lisa - looks like a great book!

Amanda - Oh that swag! Oh those colors! And oh that book!

melissa erin - pick me. pick me. this book looks so fun. as do your craft weekends. πŸ™‚ love your blog.~mk.

Annie - Love the fabric… LOVE the book. would LOVE to win my own copy!

Jamie - I am SO looking forward to the day I can come to one of your craft weekends. They look amazing. And so does that book! It’s beautiful. πŸ™‚

Amber L Peters - Gorgeous swag! And that book looks so inspiring!

the domestic fringe - That book looks SO fun! I want one. πŸ™‚

nancy beach - What an awesome book! Would love love to win this one.

Sarah Russell - That book looks amazing! πŸ™‚

cindy - Looks like an awesome book! thanks for the giveway! have a happy Craft weekend.

Kimber-Leigh - sorry about the spam πŸ™ never fun. but that book looks AMAZING! and seems like one that you SHOULD judge by it’s cover! πŸ˜‰

Jen - We are looking at buying homes right now…so this book would be perfect timing!!!

Cindy Braziel - This book looks AMAZING and I would LOVE to win it. Can’t wait till it’s my turn to come to craft weekend. Hope I’m still on the list. Thank you so much for sharing.

Angie Vincent - That book looks like beautiful eye candy! Would love to look through that often!

Les Basinger - I was just trying to win the giveaway from your clorox post! ha My computer let me write the comment, but wouldn’t let me post it! help

Jenny - I could use some beautiful craft inspiration right now!!! Cooped up with a sicko little girl and a stir crazy toddler πŸ™ Lots of snuggles though

Stephanie - I’m really wanting to learn how to sew better… this book could be my inspiration:) Can’t wait to see more Craft Weekend pictures!

melissa lorenz - This book looks so happy and upbeat. Love it.

Deanna - I LOVE that fabric! It makes me smile! πŸ™‚

Janel - Would love to add the Happy Home book to my happy home πŸ™‚

Lori - Love the fabrics. Isn’t is amazing what 4 hours without kids will let you do…it’s like purposeful play…you are cleanig yet playing with beautiful fun things…it’s a GIANT BARBIE DOLL HOUSE. :0) love the blog. love the book. love everything.

Talia - What a beautiful book. I’d be thrilled to win!

DWall - Lovin all the bright on this site.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Looks like a fabulous book – I would lovvvveeee to win!!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh yes i’d love to win! and i’d LOVE to come to a craft weekend. who wouldn’t? and oh john rambo….what a name.

Annette - looks fab!!! love all that happy color…

Kate - pick me! pick me!!! I need a new book.

jen - yes please!!! that book looks like it’s bursting with inspiration!!

Jamie Forsyth - Looks like the perfect book to flip through while sitting in the sun sipping something cool!

Juliann Brenner - HI Megan – that book looks great!!

Angela - Love the colorfulness of that book!!!

AmandaChandler8 - I hope I win. This book looks awesome.

Wendy C - I heart happiness – thanks for the giveaway!

Jeana - Beautiful book!

Jill - I would LOVE to get this book. My girls and I could sit and drool over all the possibilities together! LOL

Jen Lemke - Would love to see all the eye candy in the book!

Denise Spillman - Happy, Happy, Happy πŸ™‚ I love your blog, and I love this book.

Hannah O - ohh.. ohh.. that book looks amazing! pick me : )

Su@TheIntentionalHome - oh, what a happy post. Love this kind with all kinds of links to fabulous shops. I want to find a place to put that globe pendant lamp. $35 is a great deal for that!! I would love to win a copy of Happy Home. Thanks for a generous giveaway. And a blog that makes me smile. . happy. . .inspires. . makes me want to create.

Regina - The book looks happy, happy, HAPPY! πŸ™‚ And the globe lamp…I’ve been saving two “halves” of a globe for a very long time to do just that, and now you’ve given me the kick in the pants that I need to get that project completed! Errr…but I’m not so sure where I’ll hang mine…

Margaret - Haven’t even gotten to the coffee yet this morning, but this post, these colors and patterns, and the hope of winning this book have started off my day with a happy kapow-zing!

Tina MΓΌnch - I love to book! Hopefully it will find the way to germany πŸ˜‰ !!

Sarah Burgis - Happy bookshelf awaits in happy home, down a happy road with a happy family, who happily accepts books into their happy hands and hearts.

Liz Butler - Oh my goodness, that books looks absolutely delicious! The colors! The patterns! The pictures! Love it all!!!

Amy Reed - So cute! I would love to be inspired.

Stephanie - I’m in love with the globe lamp. Wow. I would love Jennifer’s new book! Thanks for the chance!!

Eliece - This book looks like it would make me happy! Beautiful colors and patterns…oh my!

Melinda - Perfect sewing projects for me and my daughter to sew for her house in college. Love the fabrics!

katherine - would love to win πŸ™‚

Barbara Nelson - Love the book it looks so happy, and that globe lamp it’s perfect for you cute. Love the giveaway
PS it looks like the EAT in the kitchen shot is FAT somthing is blocking the E LOL.
Dumb spammers!

Lindsay Soetaert - I just want to touch the book and feel all of the beautiful fabric! What a great giveaway!

Shairee - We are moving and I would love love love this book!!!

Kelly - Seen this book online last week & was thinking about ordering it… looks like a fun one!!

Brianna rowell - this book looks awesome! i would love to win it!! Thanks Meg

Jennifer - Oh! What a great offer…such lovely colors! Fingers crossed!

Annalee - I am seriously drooling over so much stuff in this post!!!

Melyssa - What a beautiful book!!
I’ve told my fiance quite a few times that the ultimate gift for me would be attending craft weekend. It looks so perfectly me every time I see a post.I told him he could save up my gift budget for every occasion until we can afford it. Hopefully someday!!

Sarah B - Looks like a fantastic book!

Kathy@mishmashmom - What a lucky girl you are! I wish I got fun mail like that. I would love to win that beautiful book!

Rachel - Love the hello sign and the typography prints!
I want a happy home! Pick me!

Claire - I love looking through all of the colors! This book looks amazing!

steph - ahhh john rambo!!!
forgot about him!
that book looks awesome.
so colorful and happy!
and jeez… i cross my fingers to get a craft weekend email at some point!!!
i can only be so lucky!!!

Amanda Fuentes - Today seems as good as any to WIN!

Tiffany - i love your blog and can’t wait for the day that i get picked for gcw. πŸ™‚

emily - love that book! where is it for sale??

Makila - Wow. Love all the fabric and the book looks GREAT.

Heather M. - The book is gorgeous! I’d love to win. Thanks for the opportunity!

Aby Gittings - I am SOOOOOOOOO HAPPPPPY!!!! I got drawn for a Craft Weekend in October!!! (my favorite month by the way!). I Just got the email tonight!!! I CANNOT wait!!!! Yay!!!!!

Kathleen - I got a box from today too ! Nicey Jane laminated cotton. I am going to have a banquette installed in my dining area and am using laminated cotton to cover the cushion!

Erin - Would love to win a copy of the book! Thanks for the chance!

sam - I am patiently waiting for my name to be drawn!

Rachel M. - Looks like a really awesome book! Thanks for the giveaway:)

Nicole W. - Thanks to your blog we’ve added more COLOR to our home … this book looks color-sprational too!

jackie - Can’t wait to hear about another craft weekend. One of these days I am going to have to get on the list. What a wonderful book! Would love to win.

tiffany gardner - just the colors alone make me want to open that book!

Elizabeth Beesley - What a happy happy book! Yes please!

Elisabeth - Ooooh! Fun book, and I love the lamp!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Amanda - That book looks amazing! Craft weekends look amazing! You inspire me, Meg!!

colleen from alabama - That fabric in the pictures of her book is A MA ZING! Must get some soon πŸ™‚

Jamie - I would love this book : )

Vera - Fun! I love your happy {formerly} home and look at it when I need some color inspiration. Hoping for more pictures from the farm house πŸ˜‰

Jenny - i would love a “happy home” full of colors and patterns! i adore my rags to stitches macbook cover! πŸ™‚

Stephanie Berry - I have never known exactly what my style is or how to create it. But, by reading your blog and a couple of others, I find myself always saying “I love that. I want to do that in my house.” My favorite color has always been blue but now I realize that happy turquoise is my FAVORITE. I love all of the colors that I see put together in this book. I know that it would help me decorate my house. I hope that I win it!

renee - book looks pretty πŸ™‚ i like pretty πŸ™‚

Kristin S - There are no words. happy happy

Erin - Looks like an awesome book!! Everyone should have a happy home.

Annie - me!! i’d love this book – what a gorgeous post this is! full of goodness!

Kim - The book looks awesome! What a colorful resource!

Christy - Added your craft weekend to my bucket list!! One day I hope to make it to one πŸ™‚
I love Jennifer’s fabrics., Looks like an awesome book

Audrey - Beautiful book!

Debby - Wow…that book looks awesome!

Rebecca - Oh, I want a Happy Home!

Cori - You always have the “in” for the cutest stuff! I love your blog so much!

Katie - This book looks GREAT. I could really use a Happy Home pick me up right now. I’m trying to get my nursery redecorated in preparation for our little Ethiopian Princess to come home to her forever family. This book would be a great help for this project. Hope I win. Thanks for the opportunity.

Lindsay - Looks like a lovely book!

Michelle Z - That looks like such a fun book. If I don’t win, I’ll have to check it out from the library.

Steph Sytsema - What a gorgeous book! Wouldn’t it be perfect for a second grade teacher who starts summer vacation tomorrow and hopes to sew the summer away;-)?!

Mona D - The book looks fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win

diane - Looks like such a fun, interesting book!

debi brown - Fun looking book! Thank you for the give away!

Stephany W. - would love to use this book to decorate my new house!

Suzanne - Oh my goodness, that fabric is sooo swoon-worthy! Such happy colors and patterns. Thanks for sharing such a fun looking book!

Lisa - Oh…would love to win this book. I have her book on little girl dresses and the pictures are sooo lovely.

Linda G - Fabric and fun! If I win the book, will you sign it for me? πŸ™‚

Margo - I would love to win this book!

Vicki - This book looks so cheery! My house needs a good dose of color. Send this girl some inspiration!!! (Not that you don’t every day already.) :o)

meredith - please enter me! And have fun with all that wonderful swag!

Melissa - Would love the book!

ginger - would love this book and craft weekend!!

Elizabeth - I would love to win!! That book is awesome!!

Kristy - I bought her first book and loved it! When love to have this one too!!

Kathi - What a happy book! It makes me smile just peaking at these few pix. =)

Colleen - WOW, I am wiping the drool off my chin here. That bubbly fabric…oh, love.

Tammy - Wow, awesome giveaway! Love all the colors!

Melanie Christensen - What a sweet book!! I have five boys and need to get some color and fun into this house–this book would definetly give me some much needed inspiration:) Thanks for a great site!!

Juli - Would love the book; thank you!

jenny - I’d love that book to add another dash of happy in my home! πŸ™‚

happygirl - Gorgeous fabric and a great hanging lamp. πŸ™‚

Lynne - Beautiful book! I want the yellow polka dot pillow with pink trim I saw. Gorgeous. Thanks for the giveaway!

Karie - Fun book!

Ronda - Jennifer Paganelli is one of my favorite designers. I love her happy colors. This book looks amazing!

Jody - How FUN is this book??!!
crossing fingers…

Caitlin - Ooooh, I’d love to win the book!

Ali - That globe lamp for the craft house is AMAZING!! Fingers crossed that I win the book. It looks fabulous!

JJulie Wearmouth - This book looks amazing….love her fabrics and I am sure her book is beautiful too. Thanks Meg!

Janna - This book is currently on my Amazon “wish list”–it looks like so much fun!

Lisa - pick me! pick me!
Love your blog, Meg!
It inspires me to create my own craft weekend with my sisters.

Tiffany - Yes please!

Halley - YES PLEASE!! Hot cup of coffee plus this book=heaven. Keeping my fingers crossed…..

Leah - That book looks beautiful! I’ll take it.

michele fry - looks like a great book!!! Love your craft weekends!!!

katie s - So many bright and fun things!! The book looks wonderful, I would love to win it!

Donna - This post made me smile!! All sorts of happiness in the craft house πŸ™‚

Molly - that book looks so…..happy!!!

Andrea - Oh my word… Just the few photos you showed from the book rocked my socks! Fingers crossed, but if I don’t win I MUST buy!

Trish - I love Jennifer Paganelli!! Her fabric is actually what inspired me to learn to sew!!

julia - Because I’m enough of a loser to mention this…I liked Jennifer P. before she was cool….

Lucy F - I love your blog!! And the book looks awesome!

Shawna - Needing some new happy ideas πŸ™‚

Lisa - That “globe” lamp is awesome. And the book looks amazing. And boo for spammers… πŸ™‚

Joy - I can not wait until my littles get big enough for me to leave them behind and sign up for craft weekend. So much fun!

jenni - All kinds of gorgeousness going on there.

Jenniferjkeating - The book looks amazing! =)

roganne - oh my gosh! my heart just flutters for that fabric you picked! you have such a great eye for color and design πŸ™‚ oh yeah…and i want that book. bad.

Heather S. - All that crafty stuff makes me smile!!!! I would love that book.

Jane - Such lovely fabric and swag – oh how I wish I could come to a craft weekend but alas I live in Melbourne, Australia! then again maybe you should come here and have one down under!!

Shelby A. - This book looks so incredibly GOOD!!! I also love all of your sponsor stuff…how fun!

nicki - WOW! What a gorgeous book…and awesome swag…I can’t wait to get to the point where I can put my name on the CW waiting list! πŸ™‚

Ashley - How happy!!! And that fabric– ooh, la la!

Cheryl E. - I couldn’t wait for the giveaway… I just purchased one! LOVE IT!!!

Allison - what a beautiful book!

Angel/TaDa!Creations - I would love to have that book! Your craft week-end will once again be amazing I’m sure.

Angie Rathbun - My house needs more color and this book looks wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win!

Melissa - I would love to win this book! I actually saw it in a bookstore and carried it around looking at it for ages before I had to put it back…don’t have any disposable income right now. So I would love to have it!

Jess - I love all the new fabric…and the book looks awesome!

Jen H. - Looks like a really great book!!!!

Shannon - I would love this book. Thank you for the chance.

Rachel Beachy - swooning over that book! so pretty!

Maria - Love your blog…can’t wait to come to craft weekend someday!

Lorie - It is a beautiful looking book! I would love to have it. You are constantly an inspiration to me. However, I am STILL trying to figure out…is your old house JUST for craft weekends? I am so jealous

Jenn D - I can’t wait to start building my own “Happy Home” πŸ™‚

lacey poag - o me o my!!! i would LOVE to sit down with this BOOK and a cup of coffee! yes, please!

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - I love all the colours in the book. So much inspiration πŸ™‚

Dani - This book looks so FUN! I love all the fabric and the swag!!

Routhie - I’m learning to sew and this book would be an awesome source of motivation to keep at it. πŸ™‚ Thanks!!

ann - This book looks amazing – I’d love a copy soooooooo much

Molly B - I would love to win this book. . .it looks gorgeous! thank you

Becky Joyce - This new book looks amazing! And I sure hope I get picked for craft weekend soon!!! πŸ™‚

Hanah - I love the happiness on your blog. And love following you on instagram too. Would love that book. But mostly just like reading your blog! thanks for sharing!

Julie A - The book looks lovely and so do all your craft weekends… Fun!

J Cole - Would love to win the book. I love those kind of books!! love the globe – Junk Gypsies did one kindof like that last week on their show.
Am patiently waiting for my name to come up for Craft Weekend! (well, not sooo patiently!)

Christina - I’d love to win this lovely book!

tara - that book looks so … FUN! :] thanks for the awesome giveaway.

robyn - i am SO excited to come to craft weekend in September! and the book looks so lovely πŸ™‚

Janyce - Such a fun book! I see some summer projects in my future! πŸ™‚

AmyM - So fun! Looks like a great book! Always love reading your blog and seeing your photos! Happy Summer!

Kari - Just dropping a line to say I love your blog, Meg! Thanks for always sharing such wonderful details of your life!

Tawny - Your blog always make me smile. Thank you for that.

Jen - I’d love to have that book!

colleen - this post made me happy…love the colors
winning this book would make me very happy

Cathy - I’ve been around for awhile reading and looking at your pictures, but not posting much. But today I must come out of lurkdom. I would love to win a copy of that book. Thanks for the opportunity.

April R - Love the title font!
And the happy colors on the cover!
you know . . . there are 70 days of summer break left here,
it would be really fun to fill some of those days with 21 happy crafts πŸ™‚

Lisa - You are just so fun to read. You inspire me to get up and do something.

Sarah - That book looks amazing! πŸ™‚

Tanya - I have her other book sitting on my nightstand, on loan from the library, I don’t know how many times I have looked through it, so gorgeous!

casey - That looks like an awesome book! Dangerous though, I would probably end up lusting after all those beautiful pictures! (c;

Becki - I love your globes there! Craft weekends look so awesome, and the craft house is amazing. I’m jealous of all the great fabric!

Robin - Desperately needing some inspiration! I want this… Bad πŸ™‚

Maya Catching Butterflies - Beautiful book! Speaking of beautiful, when will you post more images of the cute rooms of your home? I love it all!

Sara Torbett - I have this book on my amazon wishlist! πŸ™‚ I would love to win a copy :). Your fabric is very happy and thanks for sharing where it’s from. I hope you got everything done you needed to today and that Craft Weekend goes beautifully!

Michelle - oh my, that book is looking like a happy place for sure!

Christy - This book looks so cute!

Agnieszka - Just looking at that book makes me happy πŸ™‚ Love all the colors!

Jennifer - That book makes me smile:)
I would LOVE to attend one weekend. Maybe one day…

Lennie Jackson - That book looks AMAZING!!!! Would love to call it mine πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance!

Linda B - Oh dear, I had forgotten about John Rambo. So sorry the spammers are making life a pain! I so wish that I had the money and time to come to a craft weekend, but with a new house and 2 little ones, I will just have to live vicariously through your Craft Weekend posts.

Kim - What a fun book! Thanks for the giveaway.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Love the fabrics. I am hoping to put together a little corner for me in my new bedroom to create. I think I will check out some of those sites!

marcie millholland - Love the fabrics and the book looks awesome. I’d spend hours looking through it, I’m sure. Marcie

Mary Jo - In love with all the color on your blog and this book I’m trying to win πŸ˜€

Katie - Cute book! Love the bright fabrics.

Julie - i get so happy when i see your posts. thanks for the neat giveaway!

Sandy - Would love the “Happy Home” book! Looks to be full of fun!!!

Randi-Dukes and Duchesses - That book looks so beautiful … I’d love to have a copy! LOVE all the goodies for craft weekend!

Rebecca Sutton - I LOVE THIS BOOK!!

secret mom thoughts - I hate spammers too. That book looks so pretty.

Tina B - i love all the colors!

kristen - oh how i would love to win the Happy Home book!! and that globe lamp is such a great idea!!

Laine - That book just looks lovely! And I think it looks like you and your home! =) I love reading your blog, btw…it’s such a happy and fun place.

emily (justem) - This book looks incredible! I’d love to win. Thank you for the chance!

jenn - I would LOOOOOOVE to win this book! Super fun!!!

birdie blue - looks like a fun book, meg. thank you so much for the chance.

Tere - Oh I have a happy home, but would love a Happy Home. And I’m crossing my fingers that you pick me for your craft weekend soon! xoxo

Melissa Hermon - Books looks fun- plus now I want to go order me some fabric!!!

adrienne - looks like happy things to do to make my summer full of… happiness!

Michelle - The book looks delish and happy!

jennibell - That looks like the *greatest* book. Thanks for the chance to win!!

Karen H. - It’s all SO lovely! I’d love to win the book…thanks for the chance. Hope you have a fabulous crafty weekend!

chantelle - pretty colors = happy home… i want that book! πŸ™‚

Alisha - Oh!! That book is AWESOME!! It would be the exact inspiration I need to boost the color in my house!

Kristina - Now I have to go fabric shopping! That book looks wonderful. I am so envious of your cheery, bright craft house. I would love to see it in person some day.

Susy Manduley - The book looks great. What great color!

nicole i - do you need a craft weekend helper?!!!

Jenn - Oooh! Awesome, awesome stuff! Makes me smile, lucky ladies! The book looks just lovely πŸ™‚

emmeline - would love to win – looks like a fun book!

Kate - I love reading your blog, all the colors put a smile on my face! Thanks!

Sheila P. - That book looks divine! Would love to win.

megan - Can I have the book AND more crafty time? Please?

Heather - I think I might actually NEED that book. πŸ˜‰
The craft house is looking soooo spiffy. Sigh.

Sara - Sigh….craft weekend would be therapeutic. Enjoy!

Jenn Baker - OOO love it— i have been eyeballing that book for a bit… and her fabric! My husband just started my craft room/garage makeover this week— so let the decorating fun begin! πŸ™‚ (It’s my 10 yr anniversary gift! best.husband.ever!!!)

Yvonne - I love the vibrant colors…all popping out! I have a plain beige color wall and when I saw how colorful it is, I think I’m gonna splash some colors on it!

Meg - Hi Meg!
I would love to make it to a Craft Weekend one of these days!
LOVE Jennifer P. she is my favorite fabric designer! Looks like a great book!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Dawn - Love those fabrics and LOVE that book!

Ellie G - I keep crossing my fingers for a Craft Weekend email πŸ™‚ I love the sunshine your blog brings to my days. xoxox!

Peggy - Oh how i would love to attend a craft week end! Seems like so much fun.
I also love this beautiful book! Great giveaway

Kristin - I just got some fabric from, too! LOVE.

amy j - beautiful book!! have fun this weekend πŸ™‚

keely - The book looks awesome! And I’m still holding out hope that my sister and I will be chosen for a craft weekend soon!

Kristi K - i’m loving the globe lamp. my 11 year old has started collecting globes from antique stores πŸ™‚
i’d love to win the book, love the colorful pictures.

Heather F. - That book is so beautiful! Your craft weekends look like so much fun.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - LOL ~ Too funny. I am thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful Craft Weekend! Those women are soooo blessed to spend time with you and Kim.Burly. I’d love to win this book. Thank you for the opportunity!

Amy K. - oooh! such a pretty book!!

Shar - would so love to win this book; if i don’t win, will have to buy it, looks so great! thanks! for everything!

shawnette Hansen - The book is gorgeous! I am building a house now and welcome fun ideas!

Kathi - Pretty:)

amy cornwell - I just ordered the book! Yay! I still hope I win it to give it to my best bud though πŸ™‚ Thanks for introducing it to us!

Lisa - How pretty! Looks like a great book. We are in the midst of building our house and will be moving in next week. Figuring out new ways to decorate our house is how I fall to sleep every night!

Lorelei - Those prints! Those fabrics! Gosh. So bright and beautiful.

Ashley - That book looks BEA-uuuutiful! I am so hoping to get my hands on it!:)

Kim - The book looks wonderful and I would love to win it but I simply LOVE flipping through the amazing colors and fabrics that you have in your life too.

northern cottage - would ADORE winning this lovely book. A HAPPY HOME indeed – isnt’ that all of our goals? Just visiting your blog makes me smile with all the fun, funky, fresh colors and wonderful vibe! Bring it on baby!

Rebecca @ Enjoy Life - Oh, how lovely!

Meghan - i’d grab some coffee, sit in a sunny spot and just pour over that book for hours!

amanda - LOVE all the fabric!! i need some more chevron stripe in my life!

Mindi - What a beautiful book!!! Thanks for the chance!!!

jen@thecottagenest - Meg, that book really, really wants to live with me!!!

Laura Phelps - if you visit me, we can drive to Jennifer’s house πŸ™‚
I love you

Danielle - LOVE the cover! Would love to add this to my collection of crafty reading!

Jessica - I would love a copy of this book, Meg! Everything you showed of it looks so pretty!

megan berry - What a gorgeous book!!

brandi - i love pretty things. and pretty books are rare. what a gem.

Alicia - Just the cover alone has awesome ideas! The fabrics that arrived on your doorstep are just lovely…might have to purchase a few myself!

Nicole - lovely book!

Michele U - Would lov this book, it looks awesome!

Karen - What a PRETTY book! I’m in need of a little color around here! Our new home is beige-o-rama! Also, I love the fabrics you choose! Can you share their names?

Cara L - this book looks like great inspiration for a wanna-be crafty decorator!

elizabeth - oh i would love a happy home <3

Andrea - This book looks exactly like the title says Happy!

Christie - Beautiful book!! It’s on my list for sure…if I don’t win it! : )

Michelle Whitlow - What a gorgeous book!!! Love it πŸ™‚
Just curious about the waitlist for craft weekend…are you still adding people? Cause if the list keeps getting longer and longer I just don’t see how any of us who’ve been on since the beginning are ever going to get picked πŸ™ Just wondering! I know there’s lots of us who are dying to go!! hehe

Kari C. - What a fun looking book! I would love to win a copy!

Holly - what a cute book! and I love all of that fun fabric!

Emilee - Wow!!! I would totally love this book!!! We’re about to buy a house and I need some decorating inspiration!!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Anna - I would love to read that book! The new globe light is ridiculously cute as well!!

Stephanie - I’d love the book. It looks fantastic.

April - What a lovely book! You have so many fun boxes to open. Hope your craft weekend is great!

rachel - How could all the color in this post not make a person happy?! πŸ™‚

Anna Marie - Wow, all that fabric in the book (and your home) is so fun and happy!

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage - Your blog has so inspired me to add color to our home, and NOW it is just so much more FUN!
The book looks amazingly happy!

kim - your craft weekends sound like so much fun! i’m curious as to how much they cost to go to them once you are picked?

amanda - happy home… had me at the title.
i’m all for making this home of ours as happy as possible.
LOVE all the colorful fabric!

Kate B - Looks like an awesome book! And yes, those fabrics make me smile. They make me wish I was home right now crafting.

Tracy - The book looks wonderful…inspiring.

Jen - i love that pic from the book with the gold and pink pom pom pillow. i wish that came hidden inside that book.

Meredith - In some dire need of inspiration to add some color to my neutral world. My ideal home is your craft house. Love it, hope some day to see it.

Stephany - Hi Meg-
Thank you so much for sharing my lamp! (and thanks for saying my blog is adorable…it’s just a little bitty guy)
I can’t wait to make it to a Craft Weekend one of these days!
And, if I don’t win the Happy Home book, I am going to buy it.
There is nothing better than a bright, cheery, happy home!
Happy, happy…

Sharla - Happy blog posting! Love that book too (and lamp!)

Jen N. - Your craft house is beyond beautiful! I love all the color!

Etsetara - such a fun lamp – i added c+c to my favorites on etsy. =]
hope you have a fun and productive time at the craft house!

Jennifer - I just went and ordered my very own “hello” sign and even a “goodbye”, too. Thanks for the advert..

Emily B. - What a super-fun looking book! Would love it for inspiration!

Amy G - Your craft house is simply HAPPY!
I would love some new summer reading!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Tracy Fisher - i want to roll myself up in a quilt and rest my head on a pom pom pillow! that bood looks amazing…. expecially to a gal that loves loves loves color. πŸ™‚ tracy

Rebecca S. - Happy Home looks like a Happy Book! I would love to win a copy.

Heidi C - Oh man! That fabric makes me soooo happy!

Lisa - I would love to win this book – my basement needs some inspiration!!

Anne-Marie P. - Love the book, would love to add color to my house!

Nikol - What a beautiful, fun, colorful book!

Beth K. - Love the book! If I win I will share it with my friends. πŸ™‚ Love all the colors – in your material and in the book.

Nicole - I love all of the fabric! Do you have a favorite website for buying fabric?
The book looks fantastic as well!

Sabrina - The book looks amazing and inspiring!

Katie - would love to win the book.
would love to come to craft weekend.
would love to meet ya!
thanks for all of the inspiration!

nicoleigh - Color! I love it! And that book, looks fabulous. πŸ™‚

Julianna - Me, Me, Me – Pick Me! πŸ™‚

Christy K - Wow… I can’t believe there is another CW right around the corner! It seems like just yesterday that we were there for the last one! I have been wanting to get this book for a while now, everything in it looks so bright and colorful! It would be great to win… thank you for the opportunity!

Mary Beth - I haven’t seen that book. I need a happy home…….

Shannon - Awesome book! Would love to sit and devour it!

Jennifer - I love all the bright, fun colors and patterns you’re incorporating into the Craft House and it looks like that’s what’s in the book, too!! Thanks!

Molly - So cute!! I would love to get my hands on this pretty little book!!

Trish - that book looks beyond rad! i would love to win. i had to do a double take on the word “EAT” sitting on your counter. there is a can or something in front of the E and it looked like an F πŸ™‚ i was wondering why you would have the word FAT sitting on your counter. i figured it out πŸ˜‰

Kimberly B. - I would love to look at that book in more detail! I love all the happy colors!!

Sara Manring - The book looks lovely! Thanks for the giveaway. And I agree with Katie – you do look skinny! (Just a friendly stalker from MI.)

Suz - here’s my comment πŸ˜‰
how exactly does one get on the list for craft weekend? I am very patient and love crafting!

Katie N. - Such a beautiful book – I would love to win. Also wanted to say how skinny you looked on race day – do you feel fabulous or what?!

Laura O - the book looks so fun! I am drooling over all that fabric!

kristi - such fun fabric- such a fun book!

Meggan D. - What a gorgeous book! I can’t wait to flip through it. If I don’t win, I’ll have to pick up my own copy πŸ™‚

Wendy - So excited for your weekend! You inspire me, Meg. I am sad you can’t take my family pics this year but I know you have to make tough decisions just like me about balance or lack thereof. You seem to do it all! Would love to come to craft weekend sometime if I can save up the moola! Everyone always looks so happy, must feel great to be able to do that! Thanks for the giveaway, looks like a must have book! Love your blog, love your vibe. Sometimes I want to live in your world if just for a day!

Jennifer - this book looks awesome…love all of the happy colors!

Kim T - That looks like such a HAPPY book, and I’m in serious need of a little happy right now! Thanks for the giveaway! Love your blog.

Alice H - Thank you for the giveaway. I want to come to Craft Weekend so bad. I just hope that if/when my name gets drawn, I will find a way to afford it.

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a few months ago my running buddies and i decided we'd sign up for a 10K to keep us motivated.

it was hard to keep running some mornings but most of the time we made the effort.

this weekend….we did it!



i am sure you know how hard it is to have time with girlfriends.
so instead of just never seeing them….we meet up to run.

and to distract us from the running we talk about what is going on in our lives.


we each ran the whole 6.2 miles….no walking.



these are positive, encouraging, Godly women that i love.  
we support each other.
we lift each other up.
we are happy for each other when good things come.
we pray for each other.
we want to see the best for each other!
they are so special to me. 

i am so proud of all us for sticking with it and working hard.



when we were done…we weren't even exhausted.
we all agreed we could've kept going.


our post race tradition is starbucks and the spa.


this time we could only do starbucks because we had to get back home for our kids' swim meet.
but next time…

we are going to the spa.

and there IS a next time.

10 miles.

in the fall….it's ON!

and there is talk about a half marathon but that scares the heck outta me right now.


some of you have asked me about specifics on my personal running gear….

let me tell you that this sports bra has been A W E S O M E!!!



i used to have to wear two sports bras to run…until i found this.  
it's my fave.  
it's available on amazon even….i got mine at Dicks Sporting Goods.

it's not cheap…but it's about the same as having to wear two before….and it's totally worth it.

i love the C9 running stuff at target.
love these capris…. 


and i actually just got this running skirt!!!     first shorts and now a skirt?!  who am i ??



i love my bright happy shoes.  i have had NO problems with the Nike+ Free Runners.
love them. 

of course you don't NEED any of these things to be a runner….except maybe the bra.  
but happy shoes or a cute skirt makes it a teensy more enjoyable.


so….my main advice for running….what has been the best for me?


running with other women keeps me accountable and movitivated and keeps running fun.

find some friends and start walking or jogging. 


i liked this.

and kinda hate it too.

but mostly it made me smile.

all this talking about running is making me want to get out there and GO!

i guess i will.




josy - Anyone who can run and talk at the same time is a superstar in my book!

Julie - I’ve been doing the double-sports-bra thing for years, and hated it. Based on your recommendation, I swallowed the money guilt and went right out to get that bra. I don’t usually do that, but I figured you wouldn’t steer me wrong. After my “long” run this morning, I can safely say that it is everything you said it would be. I really really appreciate it. Thanks for being a running inspiration to me.

Jennifer - Hey Meg…love this post. Congrats–that is so awesome! I turned 40 this May and have been feeling this sense of urgency that I need to get back into some sort of work out routine. I have for the past few years since my son was born just put it on the back burner. Your enthusiasm has motivated me to get more serious about getting my booty in gear. πŸ™‚

JoLynn - So inspirational! I am overdue right now for baby #4, but running looks fabulous! πŸ™‚ I would love to get into it once I recover. Do you have an iPhone that you listen to music? I am really behind the times when it comes to technology, but would love to buy something good to listen to tunes on for motivation. Thanks and keep up the hard work! πŸ™‚

Christina - That is sooo great! You have been very inspiring to me with all of your running. Congratulations on doing this race!

nicole i - bravo!

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, I’m sure someone’s already sent this to you, but just in case they haven’t … I’m in love with some of these floors! I thought they’d look terrific at the Craft House. πŸ™‚

Tracy Fisher - you inspire me! and i love your stories about your friends. good friends are such a great thing! tracy

karen - I didn’t even know running skirts existed!! yay! I have pink adidas trainers and I’m certain they give me wings!
On a side note, I just saw the orange You is…throw pillow you make on Pinterest!!! I am inlove!! I am in the middle of making my homeschool room and just painted it SR robins egg blue and that pillow would be the happy in the room!! WOuld you consider making one for our room?? You are so gifted!! And where did you even find cursive writing fabric??? I think I have a crush!

Tiffany - So awesome!!! Congrats on 6.2 miles, I always say running is not for me. Maybe I need the cute skirt? Nah, bur some inspirational friends would certainly do it.

Amy @ Little for a Little While - Was it a coincidence that you ran 6.2 miles on 6/2? What a great feat, good for you girl!

Nicole Wight - This is SO, SO inspirational & informative! Woohoo! Keep it up, Meg!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Yay Meg…You go girl!

Tanya - Congrats Meg!
I just ran my first 5k race weekend 2 weeks ago. I loved the energy. Pretty great…and addictive. My sister treated me to a LuLu Lemon outfit for race day! WOW πŸ™‚
Yay for running!!!!

shiela - that was quite ssstrange that my previous comment got erased for some reason…? don’t feel like re-typing everything again & if this message gets “erased” as well…then, oh well!

Emily B - That is awesome! You look amazing! Races freak me out. But you’ve been (your 100 mile month), and are continuing to inspire me to keep running! Thanks for that.

Megan - Absolutely amazing! I am just starting on 5k’s and am so thankful for the inspiration you are!

elz - Congratulations. Be careful, I started with 5 and 10ks and now I’m a half marathon runner! You know, you can easily run twice as far as you’ve run before. Meaning, you gals are ready for a 1/2 marathon! Don’t be afraid to walk when you run (walk 1 minute every 10 minutes or so), it’s actually better for your muscles in the long run (ha ha, pun!). It keeps you fresher longer.

Ashley - Congrats! I think you’ll be surprised at how easy it is to add mileage, once you get past that 10K distance. It is daunting, of course, but seriously once I did seven miles it seemed like oh heck, what’s another mile? Good luck with the 10 miler, and I say go for it. Find half to sign up for! You can do it!

Kimberly Dial - So awesome! Congrats to you & your friends!

steph - way to go meg!!!!
so proud of you girls.
i always find a race gives me a kick in the pants and running is easier when i schedule it in.
so if i’m training, i’m more inclined to get out there.
sometimes i just ‘train’ pretend so that i get lots of mileage in.
i’m so sneaky! ha ha!
i love it though too… and i love running with my BFF.
we call it “coffee time” without the calories. πŸ˜‰
right now i’m training for my third half marathon.
it’s on father’s day.
i’m sorta freaking out but excited too… in a barfy kinda way.
make sense?
ha ha ha!
i’m encouraging YOU to do a half too!
you will love it!
lots of hard work but such a great feeling afterward.
if you want some training tips ever, feel free to email me.
i have always followed a very easy training plan.
only involves running 4 times a week.
3 shorter runs during the week and 1 long run on the weekend.
doable, for sure!
there’s nothing like the feeling of finishing the half too…
like having a baby without drugs.
super crazy hard… think you can’t do it… then it’s over… and you feel like a million BUCKS!

roganne - you are so inspirational! i totally hate running. if i have to run, it is usually only because i am being chased! great job!

Kristin S - So proud of all of you! I’ve never run with a group because I love the alone time but I like this concept for encouragement.
I got achilles tendonitis in both feet (waaaa) four weeks and two days ago and haven’t run a step since. It is HARD. I miss it. I feel like a crazy, psycho woman missing running. I mean, I miss ice cream, but running?!?!
Thanks for the tips. I’m always on the hunt for a good sports bra. The cross back ones always seem so complicated but yours has a zipper! Brilliant. I get mine from Title Nine.
Run for me!

amy jupin - soooo proud of both you and jana!
this takes time and dedication–to running and to each other!
way to go girls!
p.s. va-va-voom! hotness.

Katie Jones - How did you get started like did you do a program or something?
Also still wondering about your devotional you were reading last week??? Which one is it????

Heidi Jo the Artist - So proud of you! πŸ™‚ I have a ways to go, but I keep chugging along each week. Really hoping to try out that sports bra. I wear two when I run right now, and sometimes I think I need three, so I definitely know what you mean!! What headphones do you like? I remember you said you listen to music most of the times you run by yourself. I’ve got cheapies right now, but want to invest in a nicer pair that will stay in my ears well. I wish I had a lot or even ONE girlfriend that liked to run in my area. My brother runs a lot and between him, you, and another person online I know, you guys really inspire me. πŸ™‚ I’d run with my brother, but man I got the short end of the stick and have super short legs compared to him and even if I was in pristine shape he would leave me in his dust… Trying to get my hubby and my oldest son to run more. My oldest son really wants to get a medal; my brother has gotten several and that is great encouragement for him. I really need to push it up a notch though, did lots of walking over the weekend so that made me feel better than doing nothing. I started doing stretching and some yoga over the past month. Every morning I had bad back pain the day after I would run or walk lots. I can’t believe how much of a difference it makes. Last night I was in a lot of pain from walking so much over the weekend and I just did the stretching even though it was painful, and wow felt pretty good this morning. So that is my advice if anyone ever asks you about backpain. πŸ˜‰ Have a great week!

Suzanne - Great job, Meg! I am starting the Couch 2 5K program – I really LOATHE running. But I really need to get in shape, and I set a goal of running a 5K, so….

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I am so happy for you! That is fantastic!

april - You look sooooo great!!! Congrats on the race! xoxo

April R - Yeah you guys! πŸ™‚ That’s so awesome!
and I can see how those shoes would make running happier πŸ™‚ super cool!

happygirl - You are a ROCK STAR! You look great. Good for you. πŸ™‚

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I need to get back into running. I was in a running accident a couple of years ago, and I’ve had a hard time starting up again. Prayers for me? I’ll say some prayers for you that keep getting more awesome!

Christy K - This is awesome Meg… way to go!

Londen - congratulations! I will do any kind of workout but hate running, always have. you are looking quite fit btw!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I so love to run. I just started, and hope to run a 5k in a year. I actually like running by myself. It gives me time to listen to music, think, and talk to God.

Jennifer - Congratulations! That is quite the accomplishment. I’m not a fan of running, but I go to a bootcamp 3 days a week and we do lots of running. What keeps me going…..friends. You are so on the money with that. They motivate and empathize about the pain and being tired. Thanks for the tips on the running gear. I agree the Under Armour bra is the best and have wanted to know which shoes you had…so cute!

Laura Wilder - Wow Meg – Awesome AWESOME job! Just yesterday I was checking back in your posts about running music. I just started back up again after a long hiatus. πŸ™‚ It makes me feel free.

Sandy - Way to go! That is awesome! I want to be a runner but I am no good at it. I’ll keep CrossFitting and working on my running. …

the whyte house - congrats!!
my friend shelly was at the gorun booth there. she also posted’s photos from the race. her hubby is the one blowing the bubble w his gum! haha.

Terrie G - Oh.My.Gosh. I’m almost embarrassed to show my age…I was one of your dear sweet running friends’ youth group leader! LOVE that girl!! She has such a sweet spirit about her! I’m so happy that she has sweet, wonderful, faithful, Godly women like you in her life! Puts a smile on my face!
Congrats on your accomplishment!!

Holly - congrats Meg! That is awesome! We are doing a color run here in Nashville in October. You need to see if there is one close to you because you would LOVE it!

Ashley - I am so proud of you…and in awe of you. That is a LONG run, a REALLY REALLY REALLY LONG run in my book. Great job friend!

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awesome day.


the farmers all around us were cutting wheat on wednesday.  
everywhere we drove there were fields full of combines and trucks….so awesomely kansasy beautiful.
i was driving sean to a friends house wednesday evening and a storm blew in. 


it was a BIG storm.
so big that i turned around and knocked on a friends door and said "can i come in till the storm blows past?!"
it was freaky.
trees were falling down!  

we made it home safely and a few hours later my sister and nieces came for a visit.
poor thing had to drive in the rain the whole time.

the storm knocked out the power so the morning was lovely and quiet.  
no tv just LOTS of art.  :) 


my sister saw a turtle just outside our door!
it entertained us for awhile…. a sweet little box turtle. 


he went in the glitter from the art work…. ha!


talby wiped the glitter off.  


turtles are cool.  
we put him back in the yard and went to the neighbor's pond to look for frogs.

talby caught this one right away…. it was HUGE!  
Yay for the new target butterfly net!

no one would pick it up…..



so i had to lead by example.  
"Come on girls….nothing to be afraid of!"
it wasn't nearly as slimey as i thought.   



the nicest dog (when he isn't stealing our potato chips)



we found this GIANT striped feather.  
it's so pretty.  
we don't know what bird it's from….but we will google it. 


they caught five teeny frogs and almost caught several more big frogs.
lauren was exploring with us…she was REALLY good at catching frogs when she was little…it was her favorite.
she almost caught this SNAKE!!!!!!!!!

after the snake left we saw all these frog eggs?!!  awesome!
there are like….1000 eggs?  so cool.  
also there were tadpoles all over the pond.  
we were all so happy and having a great time…. 



until we weren't.

annie lost her balance and SPLASH!
it wasn't deep and no snakes were nearby…. i pulled her out real quick.
it was more surprising than anything. 



after annie got a bath…. we went over to the arboretum.
and out for ice cream.

talby had a softball game at 6:00 and she did great!  she was first base several innings.  i loved seeing that!

we came home and set up the tent and made a fire!
we are so outdoorsy.


sean was the only "MAN" to help us because scott and craig were gone.
he was essential in the fire building.
how awesome is the fire pit at the farm?

we roasted weenies for dinner….in our jammies.




hot dogs, carrots, cucumbers with ranch, chips and s'mores…..YUM.

we set up the movie and the girls watched RIO from the tent up on the barn.
and they fell asleep!!!
and slept out there all night…we were shocked.

fabulous awesome day.

and now we are being treated to "restaurant" from the little girls.



Cori - I am coming to join your family. What an amazing day!

Tina I - Note to self, rent a house in the country in a small Midwestern town. You will have the most amazing adventures!

Jenn - Just down right awesome! Good memories being made.

jeannett - just a few things:
1) my kids think frogs come from the pet store.
2) it’s not slime. it’s mucus. (that’s a line from the movie princess and the frog.)
3) but the real question is: did you put the turtle back?

Mary Ward - Have a collection of the same feathers…..we have nesting barred owls. Yup, thats what they are!!!

Kelly - Sounds like a GREAT day! looks like it was a little cool with all the hoodies everyone had on. Nice!
Fun to see Lauren. I love teeny tiny frogs so that picture was great to me. Kelly

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I love roasting weinnies. So fun and summery. Your summer is already really fun. Love that Lauren was exploring with you guys. I know those times are fewer and farther between. Why do our kids have to grow up?! Happy summertime Meg!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - looks like a turkey feather! good thing it isn’t november πŸ™‚ also, i love that turtle. he is so fancy with his glitter. fancy fancy turtle!

TAB - Awesome day for sure!!! I love kansas! I’ve been following your amazing blog for a while but have never commented, I’m commenting shy. I really enjoy your enthusiasm and how much you enjoy your kids. πŸ™‚

Tiffany - YaY!! to Sean getting to be the man of the house and working it out for you damsels in distress.

Lorel - I love this! and I love you all very very much! Thanks for treating us to a wonderful restorative visit. I am just so happy right now. πŸ™‚

Christy K - Looks like it was, most definitely, an AWESOME day! (Other than Annie falling in the pond, poor girl!) You are a much braver Mama than I, getting friendly with that frog… yikes! Hope you and the fam have a great weekend! πŸ™‚

Kathryn Goertzen - cracks me up that you snapped a picture of Annie after she fell in! It’s like when a little kid unrolls ALL of the toilet paper and you just have to get a pic of it before you scold . . .

stephany - You are a brave mom.
I have a feeling I am going to have to suck it up one of these days and pick up frogs and snakes for my kids.
That’s a wild turkey feather.
How do I know? My dad and husband hunt…and have hunted turkey in Kansas…and Colorado…and New Mexico…and New York…and Oregon.
I’ve seen my share of turkey feathers.
You must have wild turkey around the farm!

Laura Phelps - seeing Lauren makes me happy πŸ™‚
seeing the snake makes me not happy πŸ™
and when I see you again, I will be SUPER happy :-)!!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love kansas harvest! we were going to try to make it up in time so that my boys could ride in the combines but i think we’re gonna miss it. boo. p.s. i love your farm house.

Ashley - Well, now I want to live off in the country farther than I already do. Looks like you girls (and guy) had a ball. Those storms were rough here, too. But the weather has been mild ever since. Totally worth it.
And the frog– I bet the girls will pick him up next time. You’re pretty cool to grab that critter up.

happygirl - You make Kansas look so cool. I love gigging for frogs and finding turtles. We used to catch turtles, draw a giant circle on the driveway and have turtle races. πŸ™‚

Jess Mead - We do cucumbers and ranch when we do weenie roasts too! Looks like a fabulous day!

April R - oh. my. sweet. life.
this post is a cup over-flowin’ w pure goodness.
absolutely inspiring! I might just go flip the switch on the electric box and tell the kids,
“I don’t know why the power’s out but let’s do some fun stuff while we wait for it to come back…”
thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - It’s been stormy all week here in Florida.. I am sick of it! It is supposed to go through the weekend. All I want to do is go to beach, but that won’t be happening.. Boo! πŸ™
Your campfire looks so fun!

Jenna - Could the feather be from a barred rock chicken nearby (our feathers look like that)?
A little bit of turtle info…always put them back in the same direction they are pointing when you find them, they have a mission.
Thanks for sharing. The farm seems very fun for the kids (and you)!

amy jupin - yay for family time!
we just got the new watercolor set at target too–although i’m trying to hide it from anna so it stays pretty.
i’m sad, i know.

Jacci - Yup. You *had* to pick up the frog! I’ve had to do the same thing! Your girls will brave up next time, now. Bonus is that YOU are even cooler than before πŸ™‚

Aimee - I love those new Kid Made Modern art supplies at Target! I just bought some for my 5 year old artist for his preschool graduation gift yesterday. He was so excited he started using them right away. I was crazy tempted to buy the water colors for him but he has a ton of watercolors right now and I think it would break my heart to see the colors get all mixed together on the pallet (because you know that’s how 5 year olds do it). I might have to go buy them for me even though I prefer watercolors in tubes. They are just too pretty to not buy.

Iris Brown - I always thought I was a city slicker, but now you have me intrigued by the quiet farm life. I love visiting your blog and its part of my daily/weekly routine. I thought I’d lost interest since the posts doesn’t have your gorgeous “craft” home in the background but I realized its you and how you capture the quiet & “ordinary” moments with your family. You help me realize the little things of every day really are not little. Thanks for sharing. πŸ™‚

Heather F. - What a great day. I wish I lived by all those turtle and frogs and wildlife. Your kids are going to have great stories to tell their kids.

Terrie G - What a fun day!!
I want a fire pit…
Weren’t those storms crazy??!!!
Can’t wait to help with harvest & get pics this weekend!!
Have a great weekend!

Alice H - My daughter has those chevron pants (from Target). And I would have cried too if I fell in that yucky water with snakes and frog eggs!! Poor Annie! Looks like you guys had a great time!
Is Annie her real name or nickname? I love names. Seriously, I am a name freak. My favorite name is what I gave my daughter…Emilee Tayte! I like saying it even when she isn’t in trouble. LOL!

Linda - You really have the most awesome fabulous life!

Melissa Irvin - Thank you for sharing this day of adventure! Looks like such a peaceful, wonderful time together!

michaela - it’s a turkey feather. πŸ™‚
what an awesome day you had with you sister and her family. making some great childhood memories.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I just kept thinking… But what about all the mosquitoes? Don’t you have mosquitoes in Kansas? Everyone looked so happy…. you must not have mosquitoes : )

Erica Hang - Well, it’s official. I want to live there too! πŸ™‚ I love when the kids can explore!!

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mess it up…it’s easy to clean it up.

when CloroxÆ asked me to write about making messes with my kids and cleaning them up
i said, "YES! we are GREAT at making messes and coincidentally . . . Clorox Clean-UpÆ is my favorite cleaning product!"
they directed me to the Clorox Clean-Up Recipes for Fun–Where Mess Doesn't Matter!
have you been there?
it is FULL of ideas for crafts or cooking or even science experiments to get messy with kids!

i make crafts with my kids quite often and i LOVE to see them get really into their project no matter how messy it gets!
at the Recipe for Fun site i found an idea for using collage and color together to make a color wheel!
we got busy on the mess making.

mess making

i got out our stack of old magazines and began ripping out anything that was mostly one color.
we made a big pile of magazine pictures.
i cut a large circle from a piece of poster board and drew lines diving the circle into six equal sections.
i wrote the names of the colors in rainbow order on the wheel to know where to put each scrap.
then we started gluing down our pictures.

WHAT is this?!

i came across rubber cement at the grocery store and wondered if my girls had ever used it.
i knew i had never purchased it, so i got some.
my daughter was very curious!
"WHAT is this?!" she asked in a doubtful tone.
then i showed her how it had a brush INSIDE, and she was excited to use it.

using rubber cement

we also used a paint brush dipped in the glue bottle so we could all work at the same time.

it's just like painting but you paint with glue.

layering pictures to create collage

layering and layering . . . picture after picture . . . overlapping until there are no white spaces at all.


 snip! snip! snip!

we almost always make our crafts at this table.
i painted it white almost 10 years ago.
my kids use everything on it!
and it always comes back to white with Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner.

i heart messy crafts!

i was out of town recently, and when i came home i noticed my 10 year old had organized this coca-cola crate
with our art supplies by color!
how cute is that?! i love it! we like to do lots of things around here in rainbow order.

craft supplies

my hands are all sticky!

pasting images

almost finished...

it was coming along quite nicely at this point.
there was glue all over our hands and the table!


they finished their color wheel collage but the mess still remained.

well…every Recipe For Fun needs a Recipe For Clean.

Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner combines a cleaner and the disinfecting power of Clorox Bleach letting you spray away messy play. It removes tough stains as well as the germs you can't see, leaving your home sparkling clean and ready for the next recipe.

scattered mess

usually after craft time my kids quickly scatter leaving the mess for me to clean up.
but today my youngest surprised me by helping out!
she loves to use spray bottles and paper towels.

clean up! clean up! everybody... every where...

when she saw the marker and glue wipe right off she said, "this is going great!"

Bottle of Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner

with my daughter's help, a trash bag & Clorox Clean-Up Cleaner, the room was cleaner than when we started!


find the perfect activity for you and your kids to live it up, mess it up and then clean it up at Clorox Clean-Up Recipes for Fun Γ± Where Mess DoesnΓ­t Matter!

do you like getting messy and creative with your kids?

tell me about it in the comments and be entered to win one of ten $100 Visa gift card s!
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Entries from all participating blogs will be pooled for winner selection; only two entries per household. This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
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Trae Kendrick - A mess has never deterred my boys and me. The messier the better! They’ve grown up quite a bit, and now our messes come from gutting a deer or breasting out dove. Still tons of fun!

mollie - love the color wheel

katie - Hey Meg! Great post. It makes me want to go clean something. ( I don’t have that feeling too often…)
What r u using for photo editing now that picasa shut down?
I love your blog!!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - My daughter is 10 months old, and we love to make messes. I give her avocados, prunes and sweet potatoes in her high chair and let her paint with them! It mostly goes in her hair πŸ™‚

Carolyn W - I like to move my kids’ table outside when we do art, so we can get as messy as we want without me worrying that they will drop something on the carpet! And I actually do use Clorox wipes when we’re done to clean off the table. πŸ™‚

Heather D - I don’t have kids, but I like to play and get messy with my nieces and nephews. And I learned from my mama that Clorox Clean-up is the best!

Lindsay - we painted with shaving cream and that was pretty messy…i actually used another type of clorox product to clean it all up (the one that you can spray even on a baby’s highchair and not have to wipe it off with water…). thanks for the chance!

tiffany gardner - Yes! I’m a big fan too! My mom always said…mess was my middle name. I have now passed that on to my children!!!!

Amber - We love this stuff! Thanks for the opportunity Clorox and Meg!

Diane Hutchings - I am a pretty messy crafter myself!

Bethany - It hasn’t been a day if we haven’t made at least one huge mess!

Kimmie - My kiddos love to get messy. We recently painted flower pots and little bird houses at teacher gifts. They loved it! - I do love messy crafts with my kids! But my kids, all boys, can’t stand to get their hands messy! Makes no sense, but it’s true.

Annie - My 6 year old daughter is always begging to do a messy craft! The messier the better!

Courtne Huffman - We also love to craft and create at our house. And, of course, clean-up usually ends up with just me. πŸ™‚

Holly - We love to create at our house also and I use a ton of the clorox clean up!

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First off let me tell you that i am the guest curator this week over at My thoughts & feelings about ART are written on the Daily BLog and then everyday this week i share three different links of happy places i love on the internet.  It was a really fun project to work on.  
Go read it…..  and then come right back.  :)



we had a BUSY weekend here.   

* barn party

we had some families of our boys' friends over for a party in the barn this weekend….and a few others too.
i think it was a VERY nice time.



we had Dan & Kerry Wiebe cater the food….great decision!  we just had to prepare the house and barn and not spend all day worrying about food.  and it was DELICIOUS!  
she made oreo cupcakes just for craig.
i ate way too many.


*  pool party

we spent time with our neighbors chillin' by the pool.


the kids thought is was awesome that the dog would run and jump off the diving board to get the ball!

i just liked cuddling with the puppy.

* sleepovers

over the weekend my kids had a total of EIGHT different sleepover arrangements.  it was a little crazy.

* puppy

the puppy showed up on our porch all by herself.  we all went crazy loving on her and then brought her back home.


oh boy….i think she couldn't be any cuter if she tried.

* wheat

everywhere in kansas the wheat is YELLOW.  it's gorgeous.  i pulled over one morning and took pictures because i just needed to…i knew it was now or never.


* twin bed

anybody local have a twin bed they'd like to sell to me?
not the mattress…. a pretty frame.  i am going to paint it white so just know that ahead of time.

let me know if you do or if you have an idea for me.  thanks!


off to lunch with a friend!

have a happy day!! 




Katherine Bach - I will be selling an antique wood bed that I started to paint turquoise on my garage sale this coming weekend. Let me know if you want to look at it before the sale! It’s really cute, I just don’t have any place to put it right now. πŸ™‚

Lorie - The barn party looks so fun…although I think the barn needs a fun yellow striped floor too! ;D

lindsey - What a fun weekend!!!!!!!!!

Jamie - That puppy is so precious. I keep coming back to your blog just to look at her πŸ™‚

Wendy - Now I want a barn! So laid back πŸ™‚ and relaxing.

jenn cooper - If you want to drive to Nebraska I have two adorable WHITE twin headboards in my store room I’ll sell ya! You wouldn’t even have to paint them…they are SO cute!

Diane - Loved your art post too…especially, “my idea of lovely is to “sit and make”! So glad I’m not the only one who feels that way! Thanks for sharing your gifts!

Sara Torbett - Loved your post about ART. I can relate. πŸ™‚ Some people say “I don’t know how you have time to craft, sew, and decorate.” I too make time because it is so relaxing to me! It’s therapy :). Love your barn party! I have dreams of a barn like this….for hosting parties/events. I’ve already put in a request for one on our farm. And from one country gal to another-beautiful, beautiful wheat!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I love that you have a barn to have a party in! Living in suburban SoCal that idea isn’t even in my radar. You are a lucky family!

April R - barn party looks so good – and good for you for hiring food!
Think I might try that next time we have a family get together cuz I always stress about cooking.
I’m w everyone else – love that doggie jumping off the board!

Kimberly Dial - You’ve certainly moved to a lively neighborhood. I have no doubt you & your kiddos will enjoy summer to the fullest!

Mindy Harris - there’s a cute vintage rod iron twin bed at the cottage collective (where i work) at the green elephant village (central and hillside area, on lorraine street).
my “boss” abbe already painted it turquoise and sanded it…i can send you a link to a picture, on twitter.
love all these wonderful pics!

Leah - Awesome photos. I love the one of the dog jumping off the diving board. I wish my dogs liked water. They stay far away from it. And I so want that puppy!

Meg's mom - The puppy sure reminds me of Seton! SIGH…

Heather F. - Eight different sleepover arrangements! I don’t think I could keep that straight in my head. Looks like you had a great weekend.

Kelly - Sounds like a lovely weekend!
The pictures of the wheat made me think of “amber waves of grain” which made me think of our “purple mountains majesty”. When we first moved here to Idaho (24 years ago now!) from Detroit, there was a bit of culture shock to say the least. One of the first nights we were here we were speechlessly enjoying the beautiful sunset when my mom said “Look! Purple mountains majesty! Just like the song!” The mountains do in fact turn purple at sunset πŸ™‚ Don’t really know why I’m sharing that with you other than I love that memory πŸ™‚

Chantelle - Love the pup… LOVE the barn… Love your daughter’s freckles… and Love that you pulled over to take pictures. πŸ™‚ Well worth it I would say.

Lisa - The pictures of wheat get me every time! So beautiful! Looks like a very fun and busy wknd. We did too and I feel like I’m recovering today! Btw does the farm have a pool too cause that is awesome if so!

Sharla - Love the pic of the dog jumping off the board!

stephany - I am jealous of the barn…I would love to have a barn party!
Also, the puppy is SOOOO cute!
We have two black labs and they are just the best dogs!

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