Masthead header

silly puppy.



we are still loving having a puppy next door to us.
she isn't around too often but when she comes by the girls and i drop everything and go play with her.
annie loves to play fetch with her.

she is pretty adorable.
i want to keep her.
and then i don't….puppies are a lot of work.

waffle would love to keep her.
he loves to play with Sioux and with her "sister" Ki.

goofy dogs all over this place.


so….today is crazy.
i left town very last minute.
arranging schedules and rides and play times for kids when you have to leave is so hectic.
expecially when it's last minute.
but i am very thankful for so many friends who step up when you need them!

happy monday to you….it's going to need LOTS of caffine.






se7en - Oh adorable… Adorable!!!

Sheila@Chinaberry - Oh there’s nothing better than one black lab . . . except perhaps two! And you get to enjoy the pup next door without all the extra stuff that comes with it. I say just revel in it and don’t worry about whether or not you need or want to have another dog, because this pup will be full grown before you know it.
-From a black lab lover ๐Ÿ™‚

elisa - Keep the pup- I have three!!! But of course I only have four kids- and you have five ๐Ÿ™‚

Cathy - What a wonderful puppy! I love the pictures

Grace - I loooove your picture with the flower. Crossed eyes onTHE flower! Good shot!
I have to confess that I made a blog a while ago, and I have to say, that I am so happy to follow yours that you motivated me to try to keep-up on mine!!!! I love posting there my pictures of my experience in the US because yes, I am french!!!! I have no big family but I have big times too here and I love thinking that maybe I succeed to share this joy through the blog!!!!!

happygirl - Pretty puppy. They fool you into loving them when they are cute and young like this. My dog is old and deaf and almost blind. I have no idea how he can smell up a room the way he does. ๐Ÿ™‚

the domestic fringe - Awww…that’s such a cute puppy. We have a similar pup next door to us. My kids love him to death. Great photos!

jennibell - Look at those big paws!! Love puppies. . .and even more if they live next door ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a blessed week.

Maura - I love the banner hanging on the porch in the background. Did you make it yourself? And is it regular fabric or a more durable outdoor material? I would love a tutorial…. Hint! Hint!

Lori Austin - Adorable dog pics. Hope all is okay. Aren’t friends such a blessing?!

amanda d - so cute! I love the one with his ear up ๐Ÿ™‚

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my thoughts on getting older….

The people at Pfizer created a platform called "Get Old" that is designed to encourage women to embrace the advantages of aging. They asked me how I felt about getting old and about what I saw as challenges and joys of aging at any age.
These were some wonderful thought provoking questions!

How do you feel about "Getting Old" as a woman?
I feel like there is nothing I can do to stop it so I might as well embrace it! That I should try to make it the best that I can every day.

Who or what inspires you to "Get Old" well?
My grandmother is a wonderful example of gracefully aging. Until just recently she was still volunteering her time at a Children's Home and taking exercise classes several days a week. She got a computer and she learned how to use it! She is an inspiration. She showed me no matter what your age you should still give yourself and your time to others.

What do you do to get "Get Old" well? For your body? For your mind?
When I was younger I ate whatever I wanted, rarely exercised and took my healthy body for granted. As I aged, I gained weight and felt much worse than I had on a daily basis. Now I can look back and see the pattern of bad habits and carelessness. NOW I am running regularly and working on endurance. I am much more aware of what I eat and put into my body. I feel better than I have in years!

What are some key lessons or pieces of wisdom you've learned as you've gotten older?

Some of the best lessons I have learned in the past five years revolve around truly being ME. Being confident in the way God made me. Being proud of the things that make me unique. Surrounding myself with others who allow that freely. Focus my efforts on positive things in my life that bring me joy. Give my all and my best at everything I try. And to KEEP TRYING new things and new adventures.  

How have your ideas about what it means to get old changed since you were a child?
I think as a child and teenager I thought "getting old" would be terrible because it seems, to a child, that older people never have any fun. That is funny when I think about it now. "Old" people have ALL the fun. We get to do all the things we want…when we want… and how we want! I love the privilege of aging and all the blessings I get to enjoy as I get older. I am grateful for every day I get.
How about you? Do you dread getting older or are you embracing it?
Tell me in comments to enter to win one of three $500 SpaFinder gift cards, courtesy of BlogHer and Pfizer! Entries will be pooled between thirteen participating blogs.
And don't forget to go over to Get Old and share your story, read the stories of others, and find some great tips and tools for making the most of whatever age you happen to be.
For your convenience, here are highlights from the Official Rules for the Sweepstakes. Please note by submitting an entry you are agreeing to the full Official Rules, available here.

No duplicate comments.

Please do not mention or imply any pharmaceutical products in your posts. Posts that mention or imply a pharmaceutical product will be subject to removal.

You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt at the bottom of this post.*
b) Read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.
*Note: if you want to comment but either (i) are not eligible or (ii) do not want to enter the giveaway, please include something similar to the following statement in your comment: รฌI do not wish to enter the sweepstakes.รฎ

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Medical professionals who are licensed (or are otherwise authorized) to prescribe medications are not eligible to enter. While BlogHer encourages you to share your thoughts and experiences about getting older, comments discussing medical conditions and/or medical products are not permitted, may be deleted, and are invalid entries. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to respond; otherwise a new winner will be selected.

This sweepstakes runs from 6/18 to 8/31.

Be sure to check out the Get Old page to find out more about the Get Old platform and read how other bloggers feel about aging!

Kerry - I sort of dread it! But, what can ya do about it?

Kelly D - I feel uneasy about growing older. However, I hope for the best and realize that I cannot sit around dwelling on growing old… although today is my birthday!

Mel - I look forward to retirement and traveling in my โ€œold ageโ€

Linda - I want to see my kids grow up and get married some day, getting old isnโ€™t all bad

leann lindeman - Well, As a opposed to not being on this earth anymore I guess it isn’t so bad.

Amy @ A Little Nosh - I’m not at peace with it quite yet, but I’m getting there.
alittlenosh AT

sandra - i dislike getting older due to the pains and aches

Karina Lee - I’m excited to get older and experience more of life
karinaroselee at gmail dot com

Carolyn G - I used to think 50 was so old. Now that I am only a year away, it is not that old. LOL I think getting old is a natural progression. I don;t like but I am ready for it

Elena - Getting older is something I think about more often lately. I don’t like the aging of my body, but I feel like I make more right decisions now than ten years ago.

Myne Whitman - I look forward to turning 35 this fall, but it is scary too. Seems it was just yesterday I was 20 ๐Ÿ™‚

Kimberly Dial - I’ll be 51 in August & I’m okay with it … this year. Last year, when I turned 50, I had a terrible time with it mentally. It seemed so old to me but I didn’t feel old in my head (although my body reminded me of my age very often!) … I’ve had nearly a year to adjust & I’ve come to terms with it … I want to be an example of growing old gracefully for my grandgirlies & be active with them … we went on a two mile walk this morning! ๐Ÿ™‚

Stephanie C. - I’m turning 30 this summer and so far I’ve been embracing getting older. I’m much more confident in who I am and I love the things I’ve gained in recent years, like my 2 crazy kids!

seleyrn - I agree, I would never want to return to adolescence and high school days. But dealing with the aging body, and an aging parent are things I could easily give up. I have more time now that I am retired to do and enjoy things I couldn’t spare the time for when I was younger, but I have to force my self to get up and work on keeping my body fit and more healthy. When one is young, there is that desire to remain sexually attractive, but at some point you realize that is never going to be your reality ever again.

Kasey - I don’t look forward to getting older, but like you said, there’s nothing you can do about it. My dad is 65 and is dying. He planned all of his life to retire and travel, but he was forced to retire due to his bad health, and cannot travel now. I’ve learned to not wait to do something you want to accomplish, because you just might not get the chance later.

Agnieszka - I’m embracing it. I’m in my mid thirties but secretly feel like a kid anyways. I ignore my gray hairs that keep creeping in.

D - I am not embracing my age very well… I have a hard time actually remembering how old I am…. was it 33 or 34… sometimes I feel like I lose an entire year! I feel young and am active with my kids and enjoying life… easy to forget a number when you are feeling good and enjoing every moment ๐Ÿ™‚

El - I am 61 and do not feel it…until I look in the mirror and then I smile. Life is what you make it.

Lisa P. - I am so much happier now then when I was younger….hope I live to be very old!

Kate - I am embracing it, because what else can you do? I am 41 and have a 4 year old and a 1 year old. Playing with them helps me feel younger!

Melissa Mae - The older I get, the more comfortable I feel with who I am. Often I think I should act older than I do, but I will always be a kid at heart. I just turned 30 in march and I’m still in denial, but not in a bad way. I just feel like I’m 20. My problem with getting older, is that my kids are getting older. I want them to stay little and innocent and think their parents are the coolest people in the world. I hate that my babies will one day leave me. That is my biggest struggle. But when I feel that way I just remember that they are only 5 and 11 months, and we still have a long way to go before they take off. I try to enjoy every minute with them.

Kristin Hayne - I agree that age is just a number. I still feel like I am 17 but recently played competitive softball again and felt every one of my 37 years. So on that note, I keep building strength and good eating habits… I look forward to aging…gracefully.

Tabathia B - I dread it because of some health problems I feel as though I look older than what I am and my mother and her mother have always looked great and appear younger than what they actually look
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Jenn B - For the longest time I wanted to get older. I thought I would like it. There are parts of getting older I like but health declining is my least favorite. A spa treatment sounds rejuvinating! Just what I need! - I try to keep in shape, so as long as I continue, I’m okay with getting older!

Melissa - Getting older? Bring it!
I feel better about myself now than I did ten years ago!!!

Amanda - I am trying to embrace getting older, but as I start having more gray hair it is hard. ๐Ÿ™‚

Prairie Mama - I’ve decided that I’m proud of my age! (: It means Jesus has blessed me with another day to spend with my family. Live life intentionally and fully and appreciate every minute that you have. Growing older is nothing but a gift. (:

Julie - i’m finding lots of new signs of aging daily. i don’t like it. i can’t stop it. let’s start a new trend of embracing our aging bodies so that people can stop wondering “where are all the older women??”

Grace - There are so many things left that I want to do… and each day is a wonderful opportunity to cross something on my bucket list! I am so grateful that I get the chance to explore so many things with wonderful people…
I can’t imagine how fulfilled you must feel when wise and old!

nicole i - I am embracing my age all the way. I turned 40 this year, started washing my face with oil, eliminated sugars, dropped 20 lbs and let the greys stay grey! bring it on…every decade is better than the one before. i also hope to be wiser with age…so i need a few more decades under my belt!

Emilee - I’m embracing it!!! I love all the new opportunities and challenges getting older brings!!! I’m still in my early twenties, and I can’t wait to see what the coming years will bring!!! I saw a quote once that said something like cherish getting older, there are so many who never had the chance to!

Karey - Age is just a number ๐Ÿ™‚ I admit I get nervous about aging but also look forward to it!

Kate - I’m good with getting older. I am much more comfortable in my own skin.

Heather D - I’m still pretty young (26), but I don’t dread getting older. I look forward to all the opportunities aging brings, like kids, a house, stability, wisdom.

secret mom thoughts - I’m ok with getting older. Beats the alternative.

Beth Ann - Although I use supermarket products to help defy looking older, I am appreciating the wisdom that has come with age. I am also appreciating every day I can be with my family!

Laura J - I am looking forward to every wrinkle, scar, and memory. Never will I hide my age– I’ll wear it proudly! Growing up, I was taught that grey hair is a sign of wisdom. I hope to embrace that concept as the time approaches.

happygirl - Getting old is much better than the alternative. Getting old with grace and energy is harder to do. I need to lose weight and get in better shape if I want to age with energy. ๐Ÿ™‚

Cori - A while back, I saw two old women (in their 70s or 80s) who were climbing this incredible hill. They were HOOFING it. They looked more fit than 3/4 of the people I know at any age. I remember thinking, “I want to be one of those old ladies!” So I’m embracing fitness (triathlon in a month!) and eating right. Although I’m not all that old (31), I’m realizing that I have to start now if want to be climbing hills at 80!

Lorilei - It depends on the day…some days I hate it (like when I injure my knee doing something simple like WALKING DOWN THE STAIRS). Other days I totally embrace it (like when my little brother calls me for advice because he’s so confident in me that I’ll have an answer for him because I’ve likely had some sort of experience with whatever problem he’s facing). All in all, I totally recognize that it’s a BLESSING to get to grow older. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisa B - I am embracing it. I lost 50 pounds and am in the best shape I have been in , in over 20 years. I am looking forward to it just being my husband and I in the house:)

juli - I’d like to think that I’m aging with grace. I never want to be accused of trying to hide my age with makeup or plastic surgery.

northern cottage - Absolutely embracing it….there are so many people who don’t get to get older and I try to concentrate on savoring the moments!! We are so much wiser than when we were young! I don’t feel ‘OLD’…I just have more time and experience behind me!

Meghan - When I think back on high school – how awkward and difficult it was, it always makes me appreciate whatever age I am today. Every day is a blessing and a chance to learn from my experiences! There are lots of things that run in my family- like arthritis and more, so I know that to “Get Old” well I’ll need to make healthy choices today!

mollie d - It’s a double edge thing, I don’t feel older, but my body doesn’t always cooperate, other than that, I am enjoying getting older

kribss - I go back and forth on getting older. The aches and pains and kids getting older are the downfalls yet I feel a little wiser and less worried about the small stuff.

Lennie Jackson - My husband just turned 30 and we have been thinking about aging allot. I constantly think about how this is the “meat” of our life our children are young right now, growing and learning everyday. I am really trying to take it all in and enjoy every last drop of it. Great post.

Stephany - Hi Meg-
Wow, the timing of this post is amazing!
I just turned 37 yesterday and was wondering if I am where my “younger self” thought I would be at 37.
Then I thought, either way, life is good!

Ashley - You know, I’m still fairly young, but I feel like every new age and season is an amazing gift. I learn something new every day. I think that embracing it is the only way to go. You’re only as old as you want to be.

Linda - Let’s say I’m trying to embrace it! I try to find joy in each and every day! And Meg, I thought your words were inspiring, as always!

Holly - Nowadays we have so many beautiful older women that have shown that we can still be beautiful as we age. I can’t stand to see comments where people are “29 again” instead of embracing their real age. I don’t have any hesitation at being 43 almost 44. Every year God allows me to grow and I hope I am growing in wisdom and at the same time not letting my spirit get old, but learning new things and having fun. I really don’t feel old, in so many ways I feel 20… until I get on the floor and try to get back up.

Staci A - I’m embracing it, as it means watching my little ones grow and spending each day with them exploring new things.

Alice H - I’m glad to be aging. It beats the alternative. Thanks for the giveaway.

Sarah - I believe I’m an embrace getting older sort of lady. To be frank, each day that I age on this earth means one day closer to being with Jesus. How can that be scary?

Jen N. - I’m okay with getting older. So many people never get the chance to for so many reasons, so it really is a gift.

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worth the wait.



come on over to the

Whatever Craft Weekends blog

to read about our super fantastic time we had last week!

(there's a-lotta leg this time…. :) 


Love To Crochet - This looks like an absolute blast. Your faces express how everyone enjoyed it. Loving the colors and the aprons…or are they some sort or “club” uniform:) Would love to do something like this. Thanks for sharing your day!

rachel / - okay, this is wild. i looked over all the faces & honestly thought “that’d be weird if i knew someone …” and i KNOW SOMEONE. since i haven’t seen this person in 17 or 18 years [since she graduated a year before me], i hopped over to your craft blog to look at more photos to be sure. CRAZY. bethany went to my grade school & high school in st.louis! definitely a small world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! looked like a total BLAST!!!!!!

misty - hey meg- i know you get a billion comments every day, but I realllly hope you see this one! I have been following your blog since early 2009 & it is still my favorite! I ran across this today & it just made me think of you : ) & I wanted to share. Happy Thursday!

Cara - Meg, you look great! I hope to make it to the next one (cross my fingers).

ranee - okay a few things…
love those striped floors,
the hello sunshine canvas is amazing,
and i am totally jealous of kimberlee’s shoes!

Carolyn - What happy yellow pictures! I also love your chicken pictures from your other post! How fun.

Lisa Currie-Gurney - Hey Meg… I just got caught up on Kate.
She needs love and prayers.
Boy that “girl” is amazing.
Even in the midst of being a young mother, she is still an inspiration to this old mom. ๐Ÿ™‚
Christ in her is so evident.
Hugs From My Heart

MaryJo Griego - I so wish my daughter and I could do a craft weekend!

carina@punk, pumpkin, peanut - oh my, what cuteness! just wanted to let you know i just sent you a message via etsy because i couldn’t link to your email. happy friday!

Cathy - Sweet pictures!

katey - My mom and I are on the list! We can’t wait till we get our turn. Love the “happiness stage” you set for others.

happygirl - Oh my goodness that looks like fun. ๐Ÿ™‚

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busy busy days.

ok….this summer has been completely busy.
and every morning.
i have yet to sleep in….NOT ONCE!!!

i have been working on the Craft Weekend Post but i am so tired and when i sit down to work i fall asleep….seriously!

this week Sean & Talby are gone at church camp together and Scott is at basketball camp.
Annie has been at a day camp to keep her busy since she doesn't know what to do with herself with out her family at home.  she has been loving it!
the camp…not the quiet.

today i have to drive and pick up scott and his friend…they are at KU!
so my day is full of Lawrence shopping (my favorite fabric store!!) lunch with my mom and picking up two teenage boys.  :)

last night craig, annie and i fed the chickens and looked for frogs until it got dark.
sooooo quiet and weird to only have one kid with us.  
but always fun.




ok….gotta run!
my KU basketball camper is is waiting.  :)

pleae enjoy this giveaway from my friend danielle!  her blogs designs are SUPER cute!!


hi guys! my name is danielle and i blog at take heart.
 i design lovely spaces for blogs along with shop designs, business cards, photo cards, and more!
today i am happy to offer up a custom blog design for one of you! below you can see some of my work
and you can check out more here on my portfolio

giveaway item is a custom blog design including: header, navigation bar, 2 sidebar buttons, social media set, background, blog button with scroll box & installation. ($138 value)

custom blog design is for blogger blogs only. 

and here's a coupon code for meg's readers – email me with code WHATEVER to get 10% off any design order. it could be a birth announcement, an invitation, a blog design, a business card design, an etsy banner, i meanโ€ฆ. the possibilities are endless.  

so email me today to get started!

LEAVE A COMMENT to enter the giveaway!  :)


Briana Dee - Would totally love to win this!

Kimberly K. - Thanks so much for the chance to win. I’d LOVE to win a custom blog design!

Carla TV - Wow what an awesome giveawy! Winning would be like a trip to the candy story with not limitations!

Grace W. - I love Danielle’s blog & her creativity! Count me in!!

Julie - i need you. i am starting from scratch. nothing!!! you can help me, right?

Amber Campbell Hibbs - I need you! My current banner is jpg made in PowerPoint ๐Ÿ™

Stephanie - this would pretty much be a dream come true to win this! thank you!!

Christie - Love your work and blog, Danielle!! Would love a little blog spruce up…maybe it will inspire me to post more! HA!!

Trudy - Would be great to win this!

Gretchen - Wow! What an amazing giveaway!!!
Count me in!

Ashley E - WOULD LOVE TO WIN!!! My blog could use a boost!

April - Oh man, does my blog need a makeover! I had stopped blogging because I got so frustrated with the design trouble I was having and couldn’t decide how to proceed. This would help solve that problem! ๐Ÿ™‚

Emily Eversole - So glad you guys are loving the country life. I love seeing all the pictures of your fam & your new adventure.

nicole - Gorgeous work! I just found some new blogs to stalk!

Sarah H. - Oh how I would love to win this! My blog is pretty pitiful in the design department! Thanks for sharing with us!

Megan - I LOVE LOVE LOVE Danielle. I can’t get enough of her blog because a) that girl is freakin’ hilarious and b) she offers so much wisdom.
Great giveaway =)

ranee - what an awesome giveaway!! thanks! and these chicken photos are great!

BeckyB - I would Love this prize – how nice! Thanks!

Susan G - very cool – thanks!

Emily Kinsaul - Oh, my gosh! I would be elated to win this blog makeover. I have my fingers crossed! ๐Ÿ™‚

TXHoneybee - Big Texas “HOWDY” to you both…
Danielle, I am getting up the nerve to start a blog, and your design assistance is just the thing I need! I am a mother of 5 children all under 7 years of age (including 5 year old TRIPLETS!). I could really use your help!!! Your work is truly LOVELY!
Meg, thank you for sharing these WONDERFUL photos. Annie’s smile is contagious – sooo cute! Last spring we acquired our first chickens and have really enjoyed them. We have found they can be a very welcome distraction at times. The kids watch them from the breakfast room window regulary. We even have a brooding hen (who happens to be our favorite). Turns out the neighbor’s rooster sought her out…too funny! We have never had farm animals before, but I have to tell you…we LOVE the chickens like our pets.
Y’all take care…

Christy - How awesome! My blog so needs a makeover

Jenny - love your designs… cute. I definitely have no clue how to design in the computer world!!!

Laine - My blog really needs a makeover…this would be so awesome! Pick me, pick me! =D

Janelle - My blog could use some love!

Loni - My family blog needs some lovin!

Becky Joyce - I could SO use this! Love her designs!

Samantha - Wow. That’s an amazing giveaway. I have been admiring her work for so long (and I’m not just saying that). So awesome!
XO Samantha

Sam Andrews - Sounds like a great opportunity to finally start blogging…

jen - how awesome!! thanks for the chance!

heather - I need a blog makeover in a BAD WAY! Love Danielle’s designs! super cute!

Lynn - I love your country family photos. I just started a blog and would love some of your creative help.

Stephanie C. - I could def use this prize!

Liesl - Wow, I am just setting up a blog and this would be spectacular!

Heather F. - I would love to win this. I just started a new blog and can’t figure out how to get that polished look. Thanks.

Emily - Those teeth of Annie’s kill me! Such a sweet smile. My blog is in rad need…

Lizz - This would solve a lot of my creative issues! I would love a custom blog! - I LOVE reading about your family! You are SO lucky to be a stay-at-home-busy-as-ever MOM! I am blessed in that when I am here at work I can read lots of cute/fun blogs like yours! Life could be worse and I could work for one of those places who won’t let you surf the internet!
Just starting my own blog and could use the help with a blog header/design!

Melissa @jonahbonah - I don’t think Annie could get much cuter!!
I’d love to win a new blog header. I could sure use it.

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage - Simply adorable. My oldest two are at camp this week. The younger two and I have been enjoying the quiet and at the same time trying not to let it drive us nuts!

kribss - So awesome! I just started over with a new blog and need to fancy it up!

Kayla - Okay, so maybe I noticed too….I only scrolled back up to it once though….because it sort of surprised me! I love Annie’s big girl teeth shoving everyone else out of the way for their big entrance! Also could use help shining up my blog…. ๐Ÿ˜‰

renee - i would LOVE help redoing my blog ๐Ÿ™‚

Kerry - Oh Meg, I’m loving Annie’s big teeth coming through! We’ve just lost our two front TEEF, such a sweet age ๐Ÿ™‚ Great giveaway too – could totally do with an overhaul ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy Weekend, hope you get to sleep in! xx

Jamie - I am so ready for a fancy blog makeover!!

Holly - Cute blog designs. Great giveaway!

Claire - What a fantastic prize! I would love this for my blog ๐Ÿ™‚

nicoleigh - I’m ready for a blog makeover! I just haven’t had the time to do it myself. Plus, I’d love some fresh ideas. ๐Ÿ™‚

Shannon - sounds wonderful!!!!!love it!

Angie - My days have been unreal busy this summer. I keep thinking we will get some downtime but I see none in our near future.
Great giveaway- My poor blog really needs it!!!

April R - Annie’s smiles made me smile ๐Ÿ™‚ thanks!

Jenny Lynn - I am in DESPERATE need of a blog makeover ๐Ÿ™‚

nicole i - great giveaway. what idyllic life…feeding chickens and frogs until dusk. so fun.

Christina - I’d love to win! cool~

Meg Duerksen - I am so glad SOMEBODY noticed!!! ๐Ÿ™‚
Ha ha ha. I loaded that up and thought "dang baby!!! Smokin' hot!"
You just got one up on the other ladies for the blog makeover! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Denette - My blog could use a makeover!__

sarah beth thompson - woo hoo! I’d love a chance at this!

Angela - Meg, your husband doesn’t look hot at all holding that chicken. Nope. Not one little bit.
I’d love to win a blog facelift! Maybe I’d actually blog more then. ๐Ÿ™‚

Sarah - Wow I need this! Thanks for the giveaway.

elma - what cute chickens!! Looks like sooo much fun. Does the chicken coop run have wire on the top to??

Carrie - I was curious where lauren is too? Is she anti blog popularity? Haha….sleeping in….hahaha. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kimberly - I love Danielle’s designs! This is a fabulous give away! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jill - So fun! Our family blog could seriously use an update (now that we’ve added a new family member 7 months ago and he’s still not represented!)

Ashley - awesome! My lil ole blog could use a face lift!:)

karen peachey - so pretty!! I’d love this!

gina - Super fun!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Niki - I think that picture with (Annie and her missing tooth)and the chicken deserves a canvas. I love it! I would also love a fresh take on my blog! ๐Ÿ™‚

Julia - I’ve been thinking of getting back into blogging so this would be perfect.

Brooke - Sweet! Cute stuff…it would be so fun to spruce my blog up.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Would love to have a change, so entering!

Tanya - I love Danielle and I would LOVE some help with my blog ๐Ÿ˜€
So nice!

Michelle White - That would make my day! Have been going back and forth trying to figure out what to do with my blog. Thanks!

jessica kiehn - oh man alive…i would LOVE to win this! I am so computer illiterate and have no idea how to make my blog pretty!

jenny - I’d love a makeover! Thanks gals!

Nicole Q. - Ohhh I’d love that!

Jen Allred - Perhaps this is the kickstart I could use to actually start blogging ๐Ÿ˜‰ Love the chicken photos! The boys are always so jealous when they see them.

Kelly Pate - I would love to win this! Just getting ready to start a new blog!

Elizabeth - The designs are awesome!! This would be amazing!

Denise - Would love a makeover!!!

Bernice - My older son went away to camp this week so we only had my littlest at home and I agree, it’s weird having only one but we’re enjoying the change for now ๐Ÿ™‚

jenni@talkinghairdryer - Thanks, y’all! I would love it if you would bling my blog!

Megan - I’d love a new blog design! Mine is just the same old blogger template. :S My summer is a little lazier, but I don’t have any kids!

Tiffany - Oh, how sweet! Pick me. Your hubby and daughter look sweet together, little one on one, just in time for Father’s Day. Thanks for squeeeeeezing in the sweet giveaway.

Dawn - This would be wonderful. I have been wanting to start a blog but I want it to be cute and do not know where to start. Thanks for the chance to win.

Lindsay - Love your designs!

Katie - oh! I would absolutely love this. I am an aspiring photography and am longing for a “pretty” blog.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this!

Kat - Oh boy I would love to win a blog makeover! My blog is definitely in need of an upgrade but I have no idea how to do it myself.

Lindsey - Wow! I have wanted to blog for so long, but wanted to have it look cute before I rolled it out!!!!!!!! This would be my motivation to do such!!!!!!!!!!

Terri Lynne Barrington - YES! Puh-puh-puh-pllllleeeeeeaaasssseee!

Mollie D - Man, does my blog need this!

Renae R - Wow this is awesome! Would love to win. Maybe it would get me excited about blogging! Thanks girls.

Meg B. - My blog needs this, really, really needs this.

Julie A - Have fun in Lawrence — one of my favorite places! And I would love some blog design goodness from Danielle! Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

Jill - Wow…cool website! I am due for a makeover! Love her designs!

Leah - What amazing work she does! Heading over to her website right now to check it out.

Lindsay - Your work is beautiful! Would absolutely be thrilled to have a blog makeover by you, Danielle! ๐Ÿ™‚

Melissa - I’d love to win this for my sisters sweet blog. Thanks for having a give-away!

Caroline - Love the designs and would love a new look!

Courtney - I would absolutely LOVE a new, custom blog design!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

roganne - I would LOVE to win a custom blog design!!! Thank you for the opportunity ๐Ÿ™‚

Monica - Hi Meg- Not to question your math but you said you were down to one kid but what about Lauren? Where is she? I hope you get to sleep in one of these days!

stephanie - Oh. My. Head. I totally need this blog design giveaway! My blog is in desperate need of a makeover!!!

Michelle Rotner - I would love some designer help…I love work. How perfect it we were to be paired together:)

sarah - Oh sweet. I’d love someone to design away

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh man! yes!! I want to win this!

Ashley B - Amazing give away! Would love to revamp my poor little blog! - Sweet! So fun and cute…

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I, too, would love the chance to win this! Our site needs some sprucing up! With bringing home 2 kiddos from China soon we definitely could use an update!

Anna Marie - Very cute designs! She is talented!

Megan - Would love to win! Thanks for the giveaway!
PS, if you’re comfortable sharing, I’d love to know where that fabric store is in Lawrence! I’m in KC and go there often and I’d love to stop by there.

secret mom thoughts - Love her designs. Pick me!

Emmeline - Would love to win this – thanks for the chance!

Aby Gittings - I would LOVE to win this!!!!

Ami Godfrey - I would absolutely love a new blog design!! Thanks so much for the chance to win such an awesome prize!

Alison Vaclav - I chose the template that best fit my purpose but a custom design would be amazing! Cool giveaway. Thanks to the both of you!

Summer Crosbie - How fun! And I would love to win this giveaway!

Helen Wall - I could REALLY use help with my blog design, etc. It seems so BLAH right now.
Aside to Meg – Annie may be your baby, but she sure has grown! Time, unfortunately, marches relentlessy onward…

Helen Wall - I could REALLY use help with my blog design, etc. It seems so BLAH right now.
Aside to Meg – Annie may be your baby, but she sure has grown! Time, unfortunately, marches relentlessy onward…

Patti - Wow! So sweet and wonderful of you! Could totally use a new blog design! ๐Ÿ™‚

Rachael - would LOVE to win the blog redesign! thank you for your great giveaways!

Heather - Sa-weet! Danielle has some great designs. Would love a blog makeover.

Courtney - Wow, I would LOVE a blog redesign, I’ve been frustrated with mine for a while! Thanks for an awesome giveaway chance!

Tiffany - what a wonderful giveaway. it has my name all over it. i recently started a blog and i am clueless on where to start and what to do next. i/it could seriously use a make-over! ๐Ÿ™‚

Michelle Webster - I would love to have a custom blog!! Woohoo!!

Lori H - Umm..have I missed something? I feel like we don’t hear anything about Lauren…hope all is well and that she is being a teenage girl = prefers to be with friends. ๐Ÿ™‚

Angel/TaDa! Creations - I would lurve a new blog design. Thanks for the opportunity!

Nichole Martinez - I think a new blog design is just what I need and maybe could jumpstart a new business for me! I hope I win this giveaway!! In the mean time I will go check out Danielle’s blog to see if she can help me with announcements for my new baby!!

Maggie G - Awesome giveaway!! I am contemplating starting a blog, so this would be so great to win – thanks for the opportunity!!

Sabrina - I love reading Danielle’s blog! She also is a great designer and I would love a blog maker-over!

heyruthie - this is a wonderful giveaway. i’m a new blogger, but i’d love a design. everyone one of your designs is adorable.

Kristy - Oh, your designs are super cute, Danielle! And my summer has been crazy busy so far too! I’m already exhausted and it’s only June.

Sarah Crosby - so fun to soak up time with just one. especially when life is so busy!
would love to win the giveaway! Danielle is the

Bekah M. - A custom blog design? Yes please!

Jacky {The Sweetest Petunia} - Danielle is awesome! I’d love to get a re-design. ๐Ÿ™‚

Ashley - I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance.

jen - I need a fresh blog start!!! Amazing, Meg. Thank you so much for this chance!

Kate S - Oh, I’d love to win this! Thanks for hosting!

jess - I love Danielle’s designs, they’re all so cute!

amanda - oh goodness, I have wanted a new design for awhile now! I would LOVE to win, your work look fabulous!

Gretchen - Beautiful blog designs! Would be proud to have my blog designed by Danielle!

sam - Would love to win this, maybe it would inspire me to get back to blogging. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - Oh my goodness, I would love to win this! I paid for a blog design once and it was a horrible experience – she took months and months to complete it, and in the end she still left some things unfinished. She apologized at the end and offered to give me a discount on anything in the future….but unfortunately I never want to work with her again! Your work looks amazing and I would love to have a second chance at working with a designer! ๐Ÿ™‚

jacqui anderson - i would love a new blog design but i blog with blogspot and not blogger ๐Ÿ™

Etsetara - o my! this would be perfect – i’ve been wanting to blog for a long time. thanks for the opportunity!
hope you’re able to get some good rest in today…thanks for the pics! =]

Amber - Wow!!!! Oh how I NEED this giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the chance!

Alisa - I am such an amateur blogger! Would LOVE this blog giveaway!

Heather - I would love a makeover for my blog! I’m really curious…has Lauren asked to not be on your blog? Having raised a teen girl, this is my assumption, but still curious. We loved seeing & hearing about her, too.

mandy friend - oh fun! i would love a new bloggy look:)

Kerstie Pederson - What a fun giveaway, I could use a new blog design. Congratulations to whoever wins!

keely - Love Danielle! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jen Brandt - Love Annie’s joyful face in these pics. So stinkin’ cute! I’m assuming you don’t talk about Lauren more because she’s older and doesn’t want to be a part of the blog???

Jen - one of my besties designs blogs too & gave me a makeover not that long ago but if i were to win i’d love to share your talents with a friend!! THANKS for the chance!

Julie Weaver - This is a wonderful giveaway, and her work is really cool. I’d love to win.

Laura Wilder - Awesome! What a surprise – Love Danielle, great giveaway.

northern cottage - that is one chicken carrying HAPPY face – so cool! what a fun giveaway – who couldn’t use a little blog fluffing?! and take heart sure seems to have a gorgeous eye!

shannon - What a FANTASTIC giveaway! Thank you so much for the chance! I would LOVE a blog makeover!!!! ๐Ÿ˜€

Lisa A - This is the perfect giveaway!! OH My, the designs are so beautiful….that is exactly what I am missing from my blog. Thanks for the opportunity.

kaylee@life chasers - I am kind of obsessed with your farm life pictures. Swoooooning.
And holy man I would LOVE a blog makeover! Especially from her!!! Crossing my fingers!

Sally - This is an awesome give away! Thanks for the opportunity to enter.

christiejayne - Would love a new design!! Your work is great!

laura b - Very cute stuff. I could use help with the cute on my new blog!

Lennie Jackson - What an AMAZING giveaway!!!! I would LOVE to win!

Emma Kate - Wow! Love Danielle’s designs! Would love something custom for my blog!

Kathryn - Thank you for this opportunity! Love those cute headers, and I would love one for myself ๐Ÿ™‚

BriBedell - I would love this, maybe give me a jump start to really blog regularly!

Ansley - I would love to win this for my mom – she loves blogging and would LOVE THIS.

Benay - I would love to win this! Looks like so much fun, and my blog could use a new, custom design!!!!

Elisabeth F - Fun!!! and Great designs!!!

Jamie M - I just started my blog so a cute design would be awesome!!! Thanks for the chance to win one!!

Samantha Bayer - OH this would be perfect for me! I’m wanting to relaunch my blog but don’t have a large budget ๐Ÿ™‚

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I so need to win this!! My blog is pretty, but it is a pre-designed layout and I am looking for something more original and FUN!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the chance to win, Meg!
PS- Annie’s smile is so beautiful. ๐Ÿ™‚

Meg Pitts - I’d love a pretty new blog!

jackie - What an awesome giveaway! My blog could definitely use a facelift! Thanks for your generosity!

Karie - Would love to spruce up my blog…fun giveaway!

Wendy - I’m starting a business with a friend and this giveaway would be awesome! Thanks for the chance.

melissa erin - love your giveaways! thanks.

Holly - Oh goodness I would love this! What a fun giveaway!

Bethany - Wow! what a great giveaway… I’d love a new blog design!

sarah - Please oh Please. I would love something a little more custom!

Rebecca @ Enjoy Life - Oh – I’d love a blog refresh!

Denissa - I would love a blog makeover! ๐Ÿ™‚

Sharla - Very cute blog designs! Thanks for the chance to win ๐Ÿ™‚
Meg, love those first 2 pics!

the domestic fringe - Looks like cute ideas for a blog design! I’m always itching to change things up on my blog.

Staci A - It sounds like a fun, busy summer!
I would love a new blog design. It’s been so long since I’ve had an update!

tiffany kraght - danielle’s work is sooo good! i’d love to win this for my dearest friend who can’t afford danielle’s services!!

Rachelle - I would love to win this!!!

Heather - Oooooooooh, I would LOVE this. I’ve never fully gotten off the ground with my blog because I get so muddled up in the formatting that I give up and don’t post.

HandbagPigtail - Any idea why I cant comment unless I sign in to either Twitter, Typepad, or Facebook(I dont have) here? Its been this way for the last week or two. Grrr
Anyways, Id love a bloggy makeover from sweet Danielle. We’ve met IRL and she is a doll.

Jennifer Cole - I need help with a new design! This would be great – thanks for being Meg’s friend!!!

Mallory O - Would love to win a new blog design! Thanks for the discount as well! Now have to decide if I want to start a new family/personal blog or use it with photography..Oy to many choices!

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i heart jimmy.

using preschool instruments…


especially the accordian/piano thing that the guy in the background is blowing into.

and the kazoos. 

they look like they had the best time being silly.



hey….katy mentioned she would like me to Vlog again.

what would you like me to Vlog about?

do you have questions?

is there something you want me to talk about?

i am not going to show the farm house because it is a total disaster with us LIVING in it together this summer so far…..and the only thing that is decorated is the one entry way wall that i already showed.  :)

but what else would like to here me blab on and on about?




Su@TheIntentionalHome - I want to know what you do with all your kids’ artwork. .throw it away? keep it. . where?? All those Craft Thurs projects?? Can you show us that on a vlog?

paula - I agree. A craft house tour. We see pictures but it seems like they are just little peeks into the windows. I think there is so much more we aren’t seeing. I would love to come in the front door and look around and hear some of the stories the house has to share.

Katrina - Love Jimmy! And the rainbow xylophone!

The Lovely One - I wish my husband had a Facebook page so I could post that video on his wall! So cute!

Cathy - Love the video!!

Jill B. - I love your style, your postive outlook, and your creativity. Vlog us a simple craft that we can make at home!

Jacci - OK… fun! I realy think the vlogs are fun, too. I have a thought about the farmhouse. I totally get what you’re saying and I get why you wouldn’t want to vlog, say, the kids’ rooms or something like that. But, really… I think it’s really GOOD for me and for other readers who were completely infatuated with your previous home to see that you *are* blessed, and happy, and content with an undecorated house… without those granite countertops. That you are all still YOU in a funky, messy house. So, I really think a vlog of the farmhouse could be a blessing. Shaking up blogland, which is too often filled with perfect rooms and smiling kids. You keep it real, here, Meg. You’re so great at that. So, bring it.

jessica kiehn - I have a question:
How has it been living in a new house that is totally not your style? You moved from big, open, white spaces to smaller, darker, wooden spaces (minus the whole huge country around you thing) Is it hard to feel at home there? Or is a house just a house to you and the feel/decor/colors don’t really matter, it’s the people in the house that matters to you?

Andrea - I would love to see a vlog about YOUR craft projects for your etsy shop.
I would also love a vlog where Waffle is featured – I just love that dog and want to hug him every time you show a photo!

Jennifer Cole - I miss you adding to your Happy Things list! AND – I check everyday for my invite to craft week!!!!! What kind of advance notice time do we get? (please,oh please, before school starts up again!)

shauna - that video really cheered me up tonight!

Jennifer - would love to hear about your beauty routine.

Lisa - Thanks for such a cute video. After a really long day that includes a wonky headache, this brought a smile to my face! Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kathy P - as for teh vlog, i am interested in how you decorate Craft House, so more of that woudl be good

Jess - Anything Craft weekend related!!

cheryl - oh, i LOVE him too!

Leah - Your summer list. Vlog it!

Shauna Howington - I agree, anything photography related. Also, some ideas about how you decide on poses would be great

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Oh I know what I would love. I would love if you did a tutorial on a certain photography technique. Like maybe show us how to take a picture with bokeh or sun flare. You could do it “live” on camera and show us step by step what you do in that type of photography situation. Fun!

Catherine - Thank you for sharing this video! My two little boys will love it.

Anne - L-o-v-e this video!! Thanks for sharing. Put a smile on my face big time. I’d love for you to tell us more about your photography skills- what your sessions are like, and if you do any post-processing.

Alice H - I agree with everyone else…craft house tour!! And I also like Mindy Harris’ questions.
How is your relationship with Lauren? What about all your other kids? How do your relationships with all your kids change? grow? etc? I have a 13 year old daughter and she does not want to spend time with me and/or the family. I have to force her to. And I know this is a phase and it is normal. But seriously…any tips on that would be nice.

Brooke - I love the video, it made me laugh this morning.

Linda - I’d love to see the craft house too! But someday will you show up the farmhouse? I’d love to see how you put together another house!!!!

roganne - craft house, craft house, CRAFT HOUSE!

Maria Bryan - YES!!!!! THE CRAFT HOUSE TOUR PLLLEEEAAASSSE! I am totally obsessed and inspired by the way you have put that perfect house together!

KirstenP - You recently did a photography lesson. Now it’s time for a vlog lesson on editing photos.

Chantelle - How about a vlog on how you keep a positive outlook in a negative world? ๐Ÿ™‚

Jenn - I would love to hear more about Craft Weekend, how you prep for it and yes, definitely a tour!

Niki - I think you should do a day in the life vlog. Snippets of video taken throughout your day and put together!! That would be awesome. Maybe you could do it on a Friday before Craft Weekend so we could see what all you and Kimberlee do to get things ready and see her live! ๐Ÿ™‚
P.S. Are you going to post a craft weekend update? Love to see all the crafty, happy goodness!

Kathy P - You should see the australian version (parody) of that song, which has gone viral

Jen Brandt - I echo the craft house tour comments. That would be awesome!

Beth K. - As a mom whose oldest is entering high school – maybe your feelings on how that is – also how it feels to have one so close to entering the “real world”. Craft house tour would be great too! Though I could use some “help” in terms on how you transitioned to having a child in high school.

happygirl - Please tour the craft house and explain how this all came to be. ๐Ÿ™‚

Andrea Jeanne - Love the video – great way to start my day!!

angela - Tour of craft house….how Lauren’s school year went with all the family transitioning…..your faith.

brooke - Something from your craft weekends and the ladies who are lucky enough to attend would be interesting!

Lisa - ps. I heart that video.

Lisa - If you could give a new parent advice what 3 things would you say? (I always love hearing the different things people say!) ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - OK. For reals. cutest video ever! Um, I’d like you to talk about… hmmmm…. your boys! Being a mom of boys is so fun… bring it.

Kerstie Pederson - A peek at your favorite things to collect or your favorite thrifty finds would be fun. AND yes a tour of the craft house would be fun too.

Mindy Harris - Fitness and healthy eating. Your faith. Some kind of simple sewing tutorial. Books u r loving. Your beauty regime. Wwhat it’s like to be a celeb. How to keep marriage sizzling. A list of faves vs pet peeves. Ideas for summer travel and entertainment on a budgie.

Kelly - A tour of the craft house now that it’s the craft house and not your day to day living house. That would be fun. Kelly

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too cute.

the info on this video said they start the song in the driveway and they pull into school as it ends.

my favorite part is the little guy in the car seat!!


D Graff - This is the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time!

maria - So love it! How fun. We should all start our day like this!

denise@victory rd. - that was ss..wweet!!

shauna - amazing.
i love that dad

Suzanne - Oh my gosh, too cute! Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

LibraryGirl62 - This man is raising his kids right. My kids and I STILL do this and they are 18 and 19!

Kate - my favorite is the girl in the front seat who looks at the camera like ‘really, they are making me do this. and they are crazy” around 1:21.

Jess - LOL! Queen jam sesh first thing in the morning! I love it! Reminds me of my trips to school in the morning with my dad and brother. My brother and I could not go to school with out hearing George Harrison’s “I got my mind set on you”. It was our daily ritual on the way to school.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I love how the little guy in the car seat keeps checking his sister for what to do next! Adorable ๐Ÿ™‚

Routhie - That is awesome. My girls and I do the same. Inspiration for our afternoon in the car today. Hope it makes them as happy as this made me.

Rosemary - Ha! I love it. Thank you for posting this video. Totally made my day.

christy - Adorable! Love the lil’ one in the car seat, the way big sis gets him queued up. The little girl in front how she watches herself in the camera. Too cute! Thanks for sharing this.

ira lee - hahaha, so cute. days are always better when they start with smiles! not always possible…..

Andrea L. - Thank you for the awesome distraction at work!!

Lisa S - So cute! When I hit play, my littles heard music, so they immediately came over to watch. My 18 month old was mesmerized and started waving her hands up and down just like the kids, lol. We’ve been listening to the wicked soundtrack in our car recently and also the disney soundtrack for the fantasmic firework show and we have our own little choreography for that, I should figure out a way to film it. One of those moments you want to always be able to remember because it is so precious. Maybe we will try this song next ๐Ÿ˜‰

Samma Michelle - I think I want to ride to school with this family!!! Sweet family!!!

Peggy in TN - Fantastic way to start the day! They all go into school with a smile on their face and a light heart. Kudos to the dad making it fun!

happygirl - Adorable kids. Dad? hahaha

flowerpowermomma - Really enjoyed this. Brought make memories of car trips with our kids. Sure shows how this family loves life and each other.

Michelle From Australia - We walk to school. Wonder if we did something like that what the neighbours would think as we sang our way down the footpath?? Loved it. Thank you for sharing.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Any time I see a video I think you’re doing another vlog and I smile. They were so fun! I think you should do another. ๐Ÿ™‚
Saw this video the other day.. So cute!!

Christina - Hilarious, and what tickled me is how fair they are and how dark their dad is! Very cute!!
(Tickled? I am now my mother.)

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that was a long break. :)

well….another craft weekend is past and i am feeling fabulous.
and sleepy.
12 wonderful women have blessed my life again.
it was a great one.

i was thanking God all weekend for bringing Craft Weekend to be.
thankful for each woman he has brought here.
thankful for Him knowing just who to bring for each weekend.
i am so grateful.

and i kept thinking over and over how God brought kimberlee into my life so sweetly.
when i took her girls photos 4 years ago we could never have imagined what the future would hold for us!


her talents for craft weekend are amazing.  
her cooking is a true gift.
everything she makes tastes so SOOOO good.
and then she brings it with a cup of coffee to go with it!
she has a servants heart and loves to give the gift of relaxation to the women who come to CW.
everytime she serves a meal i feel so incredibly blessed.


she is also very organized.
when you get the special invite to CW….she is the one who wrote it.
she keeps track of all the details of who and when and where the women are coming.

she tells me when i need to focus and what to be focused on.  :)
i am so thankful for that.

she is thoughtful too!

i am so grateful that God knew that i would need kimberlee.


she is awesome.

thanks kimberlee for making craft weekend so totally great.
thank you for being the most fun person i could work with….ever.


the winner for the HAPPY HOME book by Jennifer Paganelli is…..

This book looks incredible! I'd love to win. Thank you for the chance!


Posted by: emily (justem) | June 05, 2012 at 01:56 PM

email me with your address and i will ship it out right away.  :)



and have you seen this video?
it is so stinkin' cute.
that is one lucky lady.

seriouslysassymama - That was the best video ever! Reminds me how much I love my lovin man!

Corey - Thanks so much for sharing the proposal video….it made my day!

Lisa - Over the years I’ve realized not everyone has awesome REAL friends. Always thanking God for mine too!
That video… I LOVE. I listen to that song every day. No joke. LOVE it! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jana Banana - I’m finally getting around to leaving you a comment….I’m not sure how I arrived at your blog, but since I have, I’ve loved following along and find your photography fantastic! I’m so inspired by your crafting and the craft weekends you’ve established; incredible! I’m so glad you have such a neat friend in your life, too. Thanks for sharing your positive energy and creativity.

jacqui anderson - omgosh!!! that was so stinkin cute, bought tears to my ears!!

Angela - My 16 year old son showed me that video, needless to say I thought it was even sweeter that he appreciated it too.

amy jupin - kimberlee is awesome.
i am so happy you introduced us too!
i bet this post really touched her heart.
awwww, group hug!

Cathy - Great video!!

Aby Gittings - OMG!! BEST proposal EVER!!!! I am crying!!! Soooo very cool!!

Melissa - Oh my! First of all, what a sweet post of appreciation for Kimberlee! I’m sure she knows you appreciate her, but it is nice to be reminded every once in a while. And second, I was crying into my coffee with that proposal! How sweet that he would go to all the trouble with all those people and how much they must love the two of them to practice and get it down pat! Amazing! That is something none of them will ever forget. Thanks for sharing that, I loved it!

Kimberly Dial - Isn’t that just like God? ๐Ÿ™‚ I can tell that you & Kimberlee make a great time … I hope to meet you both some day!

HandbagPigtail - Kimberlee sounds like an amazing blessing for sure and thank you for telling her so. I’ve always been baffled that people, in general, don’t tell others how they truly feel until its too late and the other person is lying at the front of a church in a casket. I’ve made it a point in my life to love on and appreciate those around me NOW.
Just yesterday we lost someone very dear to us but there’s peace in knowing we told him how much we loved and appreciated him…and often. And now he’s in glory with Jesus:)
Praise God for sweet friendship and time to recharge, right?

Karen Giddings - Kimberlee is an incredible lady (and so are you!). I speak for myself and Tracey that we are so in your fan clubs. ๐Ÿ™‚ You touched our hearts and we are forever grateful for our experience at last month’s Craft Weekend. God is so good.

annie - AMAZING!!!! That’s awesome!!!!
What a great way to start my Tuesday morning off with a smile!!!!!

Beth Ann - What a super fun way to be proposed to!!!!

summer - Oi, that video began a two hour happy/ugly cry festival between YouTube proposal/military homecoming videos and myself. But it was cathartic, even if it made me talk my hubby’s ear off that night all about proposals and homecomings ๐Ÿ™‚ I am such.a.girl.

Jen Brandt - What a sweet post about Kimberlee. I’m sure you made her heart smile.

Kim - Don’t you just love it when you find a friend that brings out the best in you? That makes you even better than you already are?
My daughter (she’s 11) has recently made a new friend. They bring out the best in each other. It is so cool to see. It is such a neat experience for the girls to have early on, to learn that some people bring out the best in you while others, well, not so much. I am so thankful for that other little girl! She has brightened my daughter’s life, just like Kimberlee has brightened yours.

TAB - What a blessing to have such a special friend.

Sara Torbett - Glad you have Kimberlee and that another weekend was God-sent! I’m curious-what’s on the sign in the pic with Kimberlee and the big vase of flowers?
Can’t wait to see more Craft Weekend pics!

Tracie - I was just sobbing while I watched that. Awesome!

Amy Lynne - Oh my word! That was the best proposal! What a great way to start out together!

jen - thank you for putting joy in my morning. that was the best proposal ever! tears, smiles and coffee. xoxo. thanks!

happygirl - You certainly are blessed to have Kimberlee in your life. God is good, all the time. ๐Ÿ™‚

Gemma - All teary eyed from that proposal video. So cute!!!
Gemma xx

Carolyne - Meg, I think you need to do an international craft weekend!! Us aussies are missing out big time and you are a big tease in waving this wonderful weekend in our faces. Not fair!!!! (stamping my feet on the ground)…I love hearing about these weekends and look forward to all the mischief you gals get into. Seriously we need to look at getting us over there to craft house. hugs.

Pat - What a grand proposal!!! Oh, and the craft weekend is good, too. LOL

Stephanie - You and Kimberlee are so cute.
And I am totally teary eyed after that proposal!!

alimoll - I pray EVERY DAY that I get an invite to Craft Weekend! What a blessing that would be! But, I am patient. I can wait. I love that you do this Meg, and that you have a friend like Kimberlee to help you make this all happen! God Bless you both!

Terrie - Ok…my turn to make you cry! Sweet proposal!!!
Of course…it doesn’t hurt that I spent the day with my dear friend and her daughter
making their wedding invitations!
Can’t wait to hear all about another fabulous craft weekend!!
Rest up!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Best Video Ever. Crying!
And yeah. Kim. Burly. rocks. ๐Ÿ™‚ hugs to you!

Katie - Meg – May I ask where you purchased the rainbow bead necklace? Thank you

emily (justem) - Hey! That’s me! What an awesome surprise! I will contact you! ๐Ÿ™‚
And I LOVE that proposal video…I was making everyone I know watch it… ๐Ÿ˜‰

Heather S. - You have to be totally confident that the answer is YES, dontcha think? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Cute video!

Ann Williams - Hi! I have been reading your blog for a long time now…I don’t know…about a year the way time flies? Just wanted to say thank you for the fun and inspiration! Craft Weekend looks like the most amazing experience! I would sooooo like to do that and spend a weekend with faithful, fun, funky ladies! How do you get on the list for future weekends? ๐Ÿ™‚

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