Masthead header

still life.

first things first.

drop off and pick up and drop up and pick up at swimteam.


our first tomatoes.

the art table.

The Daily Message (by Eugene Peterson)


watering our garden….coming along decently.


soon to be cucumbers.

turquoise bird dish from my great aunt.


annie's softball game in 100 degrees.
she poured water on herself….and also she hit the ball hard!

weeds in the sunset.

so….this summer has been redonk.
i have yet to have one day where i felt like i was truly "enjoying summer" 
i have felt like i just go from one thing to the next.
pick up from a practice.
drop off.
pick up.
go here.
run there.
we never even made a summer list because there has not been TIME!!!
that is the opposite of the meaning of the summer list. 

i am ready for july.
i want to be past all these camps, sports and activities and just RELAX with my kids.
make crafts.  try new recipes.  turn off the the darn TV!!! 

july is going to be for relaxing.
slowing down.
enjoying my time with my kids.
and i am going to try to become a morning person and run earrrrrly.

YAY july.
maybe we'll make a july list.


Honeybee Mama - i have been feeling the same thing! we never made a summer wish list and i was thinking this morning that it’s never too late to do so. we might just do that this afternoon. we have to catch the moments in the midst of craziness!

Sarah @This Farm Family's Life - It’s the opposite here. June was the slow month for us and july is busy!

sandy toe - I love your family picture!! So cute!
sandy toe

Jenni - Oh, I feel for you! Our summer so far has been crazy too, and like you I am looking forward to July! I hope you have a very restful, beautiful summer, with plenty of time for crafts! 🙂
Have a wonderful {hopefully more relaxed} Monday! 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - I don’t know how you guys do it. Run here, run there… Do the kids really enjoy all those activities, or would they rather spend the day with you? To each their own–I understand. Hope you get the downtime you are craving!
Beautiful turquoise bird dish! What a amazing piece to remember your great aunt’s life.
Love your garden btw. I don’t have as much as I would like in ours, but it is better than last year, so that is a start. 😉
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Amy Lynne - We’re in the same boat…now all the planned/scheduled things are behind us, it’s time to chill and enjoy our summer! Here’s to a great July!

Erin - I feel the same way!

Johanna - Exactly!!! I am craving that down time to just BE… and I am going to try and become a morning person and run early with you too!!! In spirit anyway:) Love the little bird thing from your great aunt and I love seeing the finished product of your family pics that I read about a ways back… Love-love-love it:) What a gorgeous bunch! Thank you for writing your blog, I so look forward to reading it<3

denise@victory rd. - the daily message by peterson here, too. psalm 91 really messed with me this week. it’s good to be messed with.
my summer fun list hasn’t made it anywhere official. it’s in my pleated poppy covered notebook, where the kids can’t see it and where i can’t feel guilty for not checking many things off already.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Oh dear. I just said a collective prayer for the both of us when I saw that pic of the dishes drying on the counter. If you need pointers on how to build the very best dish tower, hit me up. I’m the reigning Queen.
ps – It’s possible to just “become” a morning person? That doesn’t sound right…

Tracy Fisher - I hear ya sister! Last night I sat in the rain and watched my son’s baseball practice. I didn’t have to be there. My husband showed up to help out. But I stayed. Not normally me. Ususally rushing off to the next thing. But I turned to the only other mom there and smiled. We laughed at ourselves in flip flops in the rain with dust everywhere. It felt good! Enjoy your July!!!!

AmyM - Thanks for writing this. I have been feeling this too. Our summer is busy and full of fun stuff, but not much sitting around relaxing time yet. I so love the huge canvas of your family on your mantle. How large is it? Love your blog as always! We made the corn salad from Craft Weekend and everyone loved it! Thanks for sharing! Maybe we’ll make a “Before School Hits in the Fall” list. 🙂 Happy 4th!

Renee - Our June has been the EXACT same way. I’m a teacher and I start in a new district August 1… Guess that leaves me in the same place… July is for relaxing 🙂 Happy relaxing to you!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I thought you did make your summer list, but I guess that was last year’s…see where my mind is? Life is going so fast I thought you already made one…HA! Enjoy your July and P.S. it starts tomorrow 😉

plumbing - Its a very good practice for your kids to have some time to enjoy the beauty of nature as well as letting them know how to take care of nature. Such a very great article.

Vanessa - Love your real life! Keep the good work!

Kat - Just to give you some perspective, it is winter here in Tasmania, Australia and cold.
I was just thinking how I feel in a bit of a winter rut, so soak up that sun and enjoy it, even the busy days.
Before you know it winter will have come round again 😉
I absolutely love your family pic with all the heads together and the realness of your kitchen sink pic.
Sometimes every day is so much easier than showy show homes. Well that is my excuse and I am sticking to it!! 🙂

Kelly - I am so, so glad that we are not the only ones who feel like we haven’t settled into summer yet. June has been hectic! Kelly

Alicia @ La Famille - i am soooo ready for summer to slow down, like right now! it’s been going way too fast and i don’t see it slowing down anytime soon. i guess i’ll make the most of the days that we don’t have anything going on 🙂

Stephanie - Love your blog and photos! Wondering if you know what happened to your blog friend “pieceofcake” Laura? Can’t access her blog anymore….

julia - My summer starts Monday. No more stupid college class for the high schooler. No more volunteering. No more theater camp. DONE!!!

Cori - Such beautiful photos. You make me want to come and join your family. If there’s one extra at your table, just pass me the blueberries and I’ll be happy!

Kristin S - Meg, always my fave posts. Every day normal.
And, while I’m sure she hates to be on the blog since she’s a teenager, it is fun to see your oldest daughter in a pic.

lisa - Beautiful pics! What a sweet little dish from your aunt, too. How special.
So how are the watercolors from Target? Are they as good as crayola? I was going to pick some up but didn’t know if they were cheapies.

mae - Beautiful pictures!! Once July hits and life slows down a bit, you might like this craft my friend did… It’s “Ice Painting” I think you’d like it. Perfect for summer! Here’s the link to her craft:
Love the photos of the garden!!! Your tomatoes look a LOT better than mine 🙂

Maria - I’m ready for July! Swim team will be winding down…scout camps over…just vbs in early July, then we’ll have about 2 weeks of absolutely nothing. Cannot wait.
Then school.

Linda - Love the glimpses of you real life. It makes mine seem more normal! I hope it slows down for you!

SoCalLynn - I agree, my family hasn’t done anything FUN yet this summer. My daughter is in summer theater. I have to drive 30 minutes each way 3x a week/ twice a day because I am not staying around there for 5 hours. Money is tight this summer so we haven’t done much at all. Theater ends at the end of July with 4 performances, so I guess we’ll squeeze in some beach and fun days then?

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I loooove that pic of your family on the mantle. It is so happy 🙂 Also, I am in love with the determination in Annie’s face on the diamond. Way to go, Annie!

Kerstie Pederson - B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L bird dish from your aunt.

Heather - Love that sweet turquoise bird from your great aunt. 🙂
How do you like the daily Message devotional? I’ve been on the lookout for a new daily spiritual read, and I like the idea of using a devotional with that translation, because it makes the words seem fresh and new (keeps my brain from going on autopilot, you know?). Have you been enjoying it?

Becki - I can appreciate this post. For the first time in a year and a half, I finally have some time to spend with my two girls without having to run older kids everywhere. (The last of our foster children left two weeks ago.) I’m savoring summer, but I also know that these little ones will be the very ones later that will have many obligations and running to do in a few short years. So for now, I’m just enjoying every moment.

Tiffany - My favorite picture was everyday. Keeping it reals. But I now want an art table, hello flea market on Sunday!

Meredith - We did our summer list last weekend and hung it up. My boys love it. We sit as a family and make up what is going to be on it. We have done more things as a family so far this summer than we have done in a long while and it will only get better. Making and effort and finding the time, it is hard but we do it. I am not a morning person, but I am a morning runner. 8:30am on the weekend, I am meeting someone tomorrow to run. It is great, you will love it, once you wake up.

lindsey - I love the turquoise bird dish! I hope the summer slows down for you.

christine ishmael - Just got back from my morning walk and this was the topic of conversation…summer is going by fast and we’ve yet to have any days of just hanging out doing summer stuff! Too much going on…I am working hard to simplify so life is not so crazy but no luck so far! Hang in there, I’m right there with ya! 🙂

Heather F - No summer list! The only reason I made a summer list is because yours were so inspiring. Don’t worry. There is time. Summer’s not gone yet.

Lori Austin - I like real life pics.
Just finished our summer list last night. 🙂
Here’s to July!!
p.s. love the bird dish

Samantha Bayer - July is a good month to relax, hope it happens 🙂

Kim - Hooray for relaxing in July! It sounds like you need it. A July list sounds like a good idea! Yesterday was the last day of school around here. Yep. Today is the first day of summer vacation. We’re taking it easy this summer. Swimming lessons start next week, a trip to a cottage and NYC, but other than that we’ve nothing planned. Perhaps we need to make a summer list today.
So a couple of questions… is it always so hot during the summer in Kansas? 100! Eeek! How do you manage? Or is it just me with my Canadian blood that wants to hide from that heat? Is it humid? Weather is one thing that Canadians love to talk about. Can you tell? Perhaps because our weather can change drastically (like 20 degrees) from one day to the next.

Allison - I’m insanely jealous of your large garden, mine is only about 1/8 of that size. I can’t believe it is the end of June already. This summer is going WAY to fast!

Heather S. - Sister – your June sounds like most of mine in the past. I refused to do it this year. My girls got to pick one camp and one sewing class each. Done. This summer we are swimming, baking, walking, biking, crafting, and a LOT of reading! Loving it! Hoping your July brings you the rest you need!

jennibell - I have felt like that too. Glad that the kids are enjoying themselves. . .and sleeping well. . .and NO TV. . .but yesterday seemed like a rat race all because I wanted to go to the pool for a couple of hours. I couldn’t believe how much I *didn’t* get done when I tried to relax. Sigh. Such is life with four children who are involved — I wouldn’t change that part. We (I) go back to school July 19th and the kids the 25th so we’re looking at our last weeks now. I’ve got some things checked off the summer list, so that is good. Hope you have a chance to slow down soon!

Kim - Relaxing in July sounds great! And it sounds like you need it! I think a July list is a good idea. My kids just finished school yesterday. Yup. Today is the first day of summer vacation around here. Hooray! Swimming lessons start next week.

Janelle - I like your sink picture…and I always love your laundry pictures. It makes me feel better after looking at some picture perfect blogs 😉

Jen Brandt - Our lives are parallel. I had a meltdown Monday night because I felt like I didn’t have a hold on summer. How sad is that to feel like I have to have a “hold” on a season?! I keep telling myself we’re going to slow down, relax, and enjoy summmer more after the 4th, too. Weird. I’ve heard so many moms say this this summer. What’s up with that?
Love the blue bird dish from your great aunt. Love the pic of Annie, too. My daughter, Katy, just finished first grade and in her league they wear pants and looonnnnngggg socks. At least her team is royal blue with grey pants. One of the opposing teams is wearing black pants. Must be men making these decisions! Anyway…have a wonderful RELAXING weekend.

Susan - Oh my, I am so sick of swim team. I stay and swim while she practices but the meets are brutal! It was 106 degrees Monday!

Lisa Q - I am feeling the same way…but I guess after reading happy girl’s comment, I’m thankful for the full and the overflowing busy-ness…we’re off to run more errands today! I’ll make sure to smile!

happygirl - I miss busy summers. Now that it’s just me and my husband and I just go to work every day and come home… summer isn’t the same. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it isn’t the same as, whew, thank goodness it’s summer. 🙂

Rosalina Johnson - Couldn’t agree more!!
I feel the exact same way!
Luv luv luv your blog!

Curious Details - Hope you get to catch your breath and make your summer list 🙂

Leah - I agree with you on summer being hectic so far. I can’t believe it’s already July! We did make a summer list: . But my daughter’s been so busy with camp, we haven’t done much. Oh well. There’s always July and August! BTW, I LOVE these photo posts you do!

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this is where i live.

all the boys i went to high school with….looked like this.
all the boys around me now…look like this.
i LOVE it.

i am sure i know someone who knows these boys…but i don't personally know them.
they are awesome.

if you wondered what it looks like near me….this is it.

kansas rocks.
and all those farmers….thank you.





amber reece - Thanks for sharing!!! I think I love those boys!: ) Shared on facebook to my farmer friends!

Heidi Jo the Artist - I bet that took some time to make; pretty awesome! Can relate too, but lots of corn and soybeans here in Iowa.

Olga - I’m a city girl but have always had a yearning for country life! This was awesome thanks for sharing!!
My kids love it too!!

Jan - They were invited by Good Morning America last Friday to appear with LMFAO but they declined because they don’t care for the band’s name or most of their lyrics. What awesome boys!

Beth - I’m from Kansas City (Missouri Side), but I would love to live on a kansas farm. 🙂 Envious of you! Maybe one day…

Jenny Joy - These boys are from around Salina (hence the predominance of K-State gear since it’s often considered Wildcat country.) I have family in the area who are acquainted with their families. Isn’t that always the way in Kansas?! Can’t you just hear it now? “You know, Earl’s boy. No, not the oldest one. The second to youngest who dates that cute little Harper girl.” Gotta love country living!

Brooke - This video has exploded the last few days and it makes me proud to call KS home. Those boys are awesome!!

karen gerstenberger - Meg, I loved this video! Please, please send it to the Pioneer Woman – she would love it, living on a cattle ranch!

anna - Love me a farmer! Cutest boys ever! And I love their dirty britches. Hope they got an “A” whatever this was for.

Victoria - Loved the video! My lil’ sis is finishing up her masters degree from University of Ga in Agriculture Education so I had to pass it along to her as well.
Also enjoyed the other videos you linked to recently and the rehearsal dinner you helped with.
I enjoy your blog immensely! Makes me happy to look at all your colorful pictures. 🙂

Lesley - Thought you might be interested to know that this clip made it to a morning show on a major network here in Australia! How funny!!

Stephanie - How awesome! I am a wannabe farmer and would love for my girls to marry someone like one of these boys. And look at the muscles on those boys! So healthy and completely different from this generation’s status quo.

Jennifer - Yep! I went to school with boys like that too 🙂 (in Ohio)

Aimee @ My Pink Life - The first thing I thought of when I watched this video ~ I want my daughters to marry guys like this! LOVE IT! By the way, I don’t think I’ve commented before but I SO enjoy reading your blog. It is so fun to find other women who have similar interests and love artsy-fartsy stuff like I do! 🙂

Amy @ Little for a Little While - This is so hilarious and awesome! Love it!

Suzanne - OMG…Love it!
Caught myself singing “I gotta feed everybody” as I was preparing dinner. Thanks for sharing, as always!

Chelsea - lol Love it! This is basically West Virginia (where I live). It’s either farmers or golfers. Strange combo, but true!
I love your blog! You have a beautiful family!

Jenna - Completely agree! Made me so proud of my home state and the work done there. The beauty of the Kansas land AND the Kansas State apparel only made it better! 🙂

Tracy Fisher - My dad is a good ol farm boy. I love it. He made me appreciate Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson music. He taught us that you can go fishing for a whole day with a box of Wheat Thins, 2 pops and a 6pack of beer (for him). Good times. I can’t wait to see the farm when one day I finally sign myself up for Craft Weekend and get chosen.

dmg314 - super cool video. thanks for sharing.
I still picture Jimmy Fallon when I hear Call Me Maybe!

Meredith - Love it!!!!

Kacy - So funny!!! I love that song!!

ira lee - oh girl! this is great! im in arkansas, and all the boys look like this here too! i love parady songs and this is great! heres to all the farmers and small business owners!!!!!!

kimmie - that was great! fun to show our 12 y/o daughter since our life here in on the west coast beaches of sunny Florida is so different.

caren wise - that was great!

Dena - So awesome!

tina - That’s what it looks like where I live too, only we’re not in Kansas, we’re in PA 🙂

lindsey - This is so awesome! Thanks for sharing! - Ha! They remind me of the boys I rode school bus with when I was a kid in western North Dakota. Thanks for sharing!

happygirl - LOVE this. I’m gonna have to share it with my IL farmer friends. 🙂

Betsey - Awesome! Being a mid-west girl (Ohio) and living in Nor Cal…don’t see anything that resembles these boys around here! Makes me miss home and the simple life…Ah, still praying we head back east soon!!!
Thanks for sharing!

Lori Bowring Michaud - That is priceless, thanks for sharing!

April Brown - I am 36 years old, probably have a daughter their age and all I can think to say is DAAAAAAAAANG!

Kerry Wiebe - Dan said you are welcome!!!!!!!!!!

Jacci in Ohio - awww… the heartland 🙂 this is not too different from where my husband’s grandmother lives a few miles north here in Ohio. i think there are quite a few states that have boys like these guys. i have to say, though, the *never ending* fields… they seem a lot bigger (and flatter) in Kansas.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Hahahaha! Thanks for that. So awesome. 🙂 In fact, I like that version much better than the original!

Krissy - That TOTALLY made my day! And made me miss home a little too. So thankful I’m marrying a farmer, even though he’s from Indiana not Kansas. Oh well, beggers cant be choosers! 😉 Thanks for the laugh!!! 😀

Amanda - My friend’s cousin made/is in the video. Now you know someone who knows someone who knows someone in the video! 3 degrees of separation, counts, right? 🙂

Melissa - That was great! I wish I went to high school with boys like that! However if I did, my life would sure be a lot different than it is now. I’ve always had a soft spot for farmers!

jen - amazing!!!!

Suzanne - I love it! I’m a Kansas girl, and that was awesome! I could even get past seeing those crazy KState t-shirts 😉

Kristin S - Meg!!!!!!! That is awesome. I’m so thankful for boys like that too. Dying breed – hard workers.

Tiffany - Oh man that was good. I’m still here smiling.

seriously sassy mama - I love this. Nothing like a good farm boy!

Heather - I had to laugh at WATER!WATER!WATER!WATER!WATER! because that’s what I deal with daily…securing water rights and irrigation equipment.
Go Cats!!

Lori - Love, LOVE, love…that video makes me happy. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

paula - Funny – I just shared this with my friends and family earlier today. It looks like all the boys that I dated and all the young boys in my family too. Love Kansas and love the kansas farm boy.

Genevieveharvey109 - After watching that, I had to share this one with you:
It’s like the eastern Canada version of the one you posted, and when I saw it I was reminded of the boys that I went to high-school with. Rural boys don’t differ all that much from place to place, or so it would appear!

Kimberly - So cute! Loved it … had to share on my FB wall 🙂

Christina - That was great! Thanks for sharing it…looks like they know how to have fun AND work hard. 🙂 Love the robot at the end!!

Suzy Adams - HA…that was awesome, Meg! Thank you Kansas Boys! We love you!

Patti - So funny!! My eight year old son and I were laughing like crazy! 🙂 A few weeks ago we saw another one on youtube (dairy farming related) and loved it because we could just imagine my brothers pulling off something like that. I think if you google “From Sussex and I know it” you should be able to see it…It’s the Canadian version! 🙂

Jenn - That was awesome!!
Loved watching it.
Fun to see something different from where I grew up 🙂

Amber Campbell Hibbs - LOVE it!!!! That is awesome beyond reason. You make me smile every day Meg. 🙂

Katherine Wilkinson - LOL if I didn’t know this was from Kansas I swear I would have thought it was from where I’m from Edmonton, Alberta Canada! hahah Cute

Courtney - Love it! I went to school with a lot of guys that looked just like that too – but not in Kansas. This is awesome!

Kari C. - Love, love, LOVE it!!!! Thanks for sharing!

april - ummm those boys were super funny….and not too bad on the eyes….lol

KLucas - So very cute!

sara @ it's good to be queen - love. this.
i married a kansas farm boy….they’re good stock. 🙂

Joanie - Really enjoyed that, we live in a farming community in NY. Thanks for sharing

April R - That was awesome XD
Thank you!
My ten year old says, “Can I get that on my iPod?”

Lindi - Those Kansas Farm Boys rocked that…I grinned the whole time!! Awesome job!! Thanks for sharing!! 😉

Lisa M. - This is an AWESOME video! I think I had a smile on my face the entire time! Kudos to those boys! Thanks for sharing that!

stephany - My dad was a kansas farm boy!

Regina - CUTE! 🙂

Robyn Farmer - This is cute!

Terrie - Love me some Kansas Farm Boys!!
I know that our whole family misses farming.
It’s always great to go and help our uncle.
‘Cause once farming gets in your blood…
it really never leaves!

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fourth of july!

cruising around pinterest i was noticing my eye kept finding ideas for the  4th of july.
it's always such happy stuff!
love the colors.
U-S-A all the way!
(one time we sat a parade and a lady next to us chanted that the whole time…it was…odd 

here are some cuties i found today.



















Uncommon 4th of july burlap banner 2 2011

i actually do nothing to decorate or get cute for the fourth….
but when i see it all together
it sure does get my creativity going!

what are YOU doing for the fourth?
going to a party?
hosting a party?

i miss our fourths in illinois….chicago jen knows how to party.  :)

 i am going to pick ONE thing from this post and do it.
but i am not sure which one yet.
i have a week to decide.


Krystina / lollipops - are you on pinterest? i can’t find you – i would LOVE to be following your lovely pins!!!

Heidi Jo the Artist - If all goes well…we will be traveling to Illinois! To the last Bittersweet.

Sue linse - I miss seeing you across the street during the parade!

misty - we are going to the parade in Edmond, Ok. I have lived in Ok most of my life and never been. It’s a BIG deal.
libertyfest (dot) org
I can’t wait to go. I bought my girls matching outfits & we are going to wear red white & blue- wave flags, take pictures, & have FUN. 🙂 We always go to the private fireworks show at my best friends neighborhood on candlestick beach, but we are in a burn ban & not sure if they are going to do it or not this year. Happy 4th!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Ok, maybe its pregnancy hormones or something equally fickle but the toe pic squished between two food pics actually had me a bit nauseous! HA!
We’re spending a bit of the 4th at our local Creamery, they are blessing our family with a portion of their sales on the 4th of July for our Chinese adoption, we’re hoping to travel in July to bring home our two blessings!

Meredith - Star fruit and blueberries is what I am going to make and maybe even paint the toes. Love these thanks for sharing!!!

Kim - i am the same way.
i always GO to 4th parties, never host or have a need to decorate.
but there are some GOOD pinterest finds, which i’m pretty sure i’m going to have to replicate this weekend. 🙂
God bless them all. 😉

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Those strawberries dipped in white bark and blue sugar were made by my friend Stephanie! Her blog is Plain Chicken, and she lives in Birmingham, Ala. (I live here, as well.) I made those strawberries last year for July 4th after I saw them on her blog. I couldn’t find the blue sugar, but I used colored sprinkles, and they came out really cute anyway! Hope you have a wonderful 4th. 🙂

Peta - Your kids could do the wind chime cans for craft Thursday. Hanging off the balcony of your farmhouse? Cute!!!! Then you can pick another. My hubby will be in the US (San Fran) for the fourth. It will great for him to see how it’s celebrated!

Jessica - We’re headed to my in-laws’ lake place. My mother-in-law and I will decorate the boat and have fourth attire for everyone including fake tattoos! We swim, eat and shoot off fireworks. As a treat this year the kids and I are going to make your rainbow “windsocks”. Maybe I can get my act together and make the chocolate covered strawberries too!

Amy Griffin - I wanna follow you on pinterest too. S I can Meg stalk…

Amy @ Little for a Little While - This makes me so happy! I was just thinking today that my three year old would be all over some 4th of July decorations, we’re totally making something from here!

Alice H - I’m going to make that cake! And paint my toenails…or go have them painted. LOL!
It stinks when the 4th falls on a weekday. But we are going over to some friends to swim, eat, and do firewors. Hope you have a good one!

Kelly - You know that cake in a jar? The silver fork in the photo is the same pattern I have, passed down by my grandma and it was my great-grandma’s. She gave it to me shortly before our wedding and my sweet husband found a cake server in the same pattern on ebay and bought it for me to use at our wedding to serve the wedding cake because he knew I was wanting a vintage one. Soo sweet! I had it engraved with our monogram too.
Anyway, speaking of vintage and weddings, I LOVED the rehearsal dinner y’all pulled off! Wow! It was so much fun to look at all the photos! Great, great ideas all around! I loved the metal basket things used to serve. I collect things like that.
You and all of your friends look so young! Really!!
What a sweet bride to let her husband have all his favorite foods for the rehearsal dinner. Some brides are so self-focused on wedding stuff. What a refreshing thing to see.

katey - Those are awesome. I pinned one last week that was strawberries, blueberries and marshmallows on wooden skewers laid out on a platter in the colors of our flag. So cool and easy. And yummy of course! Enjoy! - We will be having a big family get-together on the banks of the Ohio River. My mother-in-law has a wonderful home there and we are actually going to set up for an outdoor movie for the kids on Tuesday night – (your party looked like so much fun and I have been wanting to do this for months now)! There is a big empty lot next to her place so it will be perfect for setting up tents for those brave enough to handle the outdoors all night. Everyone pitches in, bringing lots and lots of food and we will grill out and have fireworks and games and swimming in the mighty Ohio! Have a Happy 4th! LOOVVEE reading your blog Meg!

Dani - We are having a parade in my small town that morning. Then movie & fireworks in the park that night. Can’t wait!
I love the tin can windsocks. I think my kids would love to make these!

Han - I’ll be working – I live in the UK so we don’t celebrate but my colleague will be she’s based in our US office.

Lindsey - I’ll be in a wedding! One of my best friends is getting married that day – she loves July 4th and has always wanted to get married on the day, so she decided just to go for it, even if it *is* a Wednesday. 🙂
I LOVE that decked-out bike! So cute!

karen - america really does have the best looking flag. so cool and so fun to decorate with.
you can’t do as many cool things with the canadian flag.

jeana - we’re having a party at our new (old) house. i’m so excited. this is one of my favorite holidays!

Heather - I like that you said you were going to pick one thing. Sometimes I feel like I should either go all the way or not at all. Then I don’t do anything, because I feel overwhelmed. I think I’ll do one thing, too. 🙂

Leah - I love the Fourth of July! The music. The red, white and blue. So fun! We already decorated the house. For the actual day, we go to our community parade. Then usually to my parents for pool and BBQ. Then fireworks, of course! Can’t wait to see what craft you pick. I vote for the can windsocks.

Jenn B - I love these ideas! They look so fun. I may do one of the food ideas. We are going to a new friends house for a fourth of July party. Should be fun!

Tkkpsing - How do I follow you on Pinterest, Meg? 🙂 Am I missing a button someplace?

karen gerstenberger - Thanks for all of the wonderful ideas…I won’t likely do any of them this year, but loved the inspiration! I’m working on beach-themed table centerpieces for my parents’ 60th wedding anniversary celebration (which will be held later this summer).
For the 4th, we’re having a house guest to stay – all the way from Vienna, Austria! She is a dear family friend who was born in California, but is now a “diva” and travels the world singing. We will share our small-town traditions with her, and end the evening watching the big-city (Seattle) fireworks across Puget Sound from my parents’ home. Thanks for asking!

Jennifer Andersen - You should poll your readers to see which one we think you will do. My money is on the star banner or wreath. If I were to choose for myself I’d do the bike tires. Super cool!

Lisa M. - I saw the blue sprinkled white chocolate strawberries in a magazine and was going to do that for my small group next Tuesday! I might do the star shaped watermelon too! And I LOVE the wreath!! Thanks for sharing!

kerry - Meg, Pleeeease link it up to our Pinterest Challenge – linky opens Monday for a week on my blog.. we’d love to have you join us! Here’s a link to one of our previous challenges, we had over 50 people link up with something they had made from Pinterest 🙂

Anna Marie - Every year we go to a friends house out in the country. They have a big white farmhouse, a swimming pool and lots of room to shoot off tons of fireworks. Everyone brings food and it is always a meal that I look forward to.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I have a whole slew of 4th of July pins on my board..
Will I get to any of them? Maybe. Maybe not..
I will probably make 1 treat, 1 (simple) item for each of my girls to wear, and 1 decoration. That seems doable!

Laura - do the cake
or the jars
we host the 4th
come to think of it…since moving back east, we host everything…
maybe I will come to you 🙂

Mindy Harris - i was mystified by all of pinterest’s 4th july stuff last night, too! swoon.
maybe cake in a jar?

laura b - Love all the images, but like you, I will not be doing any crafting for the 4th. Not enough hours in the day! Even sadder, I think all my kids are ditching me this year. How is it possible to have 4 kids and they all want to visit friends. I hate them growing up!

happygirl - Isn’t Pintrest GREAT. I love all the ideas I find there.

Suzanne - I love the 4th, but I never do anything to decorate. I love the big wooden flag – that is going to go on my list to make. We are hopefully heading into DC for the big 4th of July concert and fireworks, since it will be our last here. Can’t wait to see what you make!

Kelly - We LOVE the 4th of July! It’s my oldest boy’s birthday so we go big! This year he’s turning 10 & we’re celebrating with an Avengers party. That’ll be easy to incorporate with the 4th. Last year he had a Harry Potter party and that was a little difficult to pull off…although it was one of my favorite parties yet!

jessica kiehn - i LOVE the fourth of july!!
when are you going to announce the Take Heart Blog Design giveaway winner? Did I miss it?

Sharla - I have the windsock pinned – if we weren’t moving, I would totally have the kids make those. So cute! Next year . . . .

Jen Brandt - If we’re allowed to vote, I vote for the wooden American flag. My girls and I are in the local parade and then it’s off to a pool party at our friend’s house!

Southern Gal - It’s my daughter’s favorite summer activity…planning an Independence Day celebration complete with a soundtrack to go along with it. Only this year she’s due with her second daughter any minute so most of the planning will be on my end. I have been pinning to my Patriotic Soul board for months. In fact, I just pinned the skirt tutorial a few minutes ago from my Sew Can She newsletter! Let’s see how much I can get done.

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a favorite of mine….

this past weekend i got do something i love for someone i love.
that is a favorite of mine.
don't you enjoy doing something you love soooo much more when you get to bless someone else?!

my friend's son got married and my friends and i were honored to prepare and serve the rehearsal dinner.
we were the mother of the groom's friends….
you know…like at YOUR wedding when your mom's friends took a picture?  
and you thought they looked old then?
yeah….that is ME now?!!!

surely we don't look as old our parents did????  ha ha ha

i love flowers.
i cut from the craft house, bought sunflowers at the grocery store & pulled over and cut wildflowers in the fields.
they came together so beautifully.

the meal was simple and perfect.
a group effort of friends and family.
and all family recipes of the groom's favorite foods.

engagement photos were blown up at kinkos in poster size.
we used spray adhesive to mount them onto plywood.
and then they were hung from the rafters in the barn.

the happy couple….adorable.  :)

the craft house tables and chairs took a little field trip this weekend for the party.
hay bales served as seating and even made a loveseat for the bride and groom.
this old door made a perfect frame.  


the parents of the groom…..
time to eat!  
pulled pork sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, baked beans & pasta salad….SO YUMMY.






the parents of the bride….
wildflowers + mason jars + candles = happiness. 

my beautiful friends.
this picture gets me all emotional….love them so much.
we had such a nice day together preparing to help our friend become a mother-in-law. 

YAY is the perfect word!


after dinner we got the dessert ready….homemade ice cream and four kinds of cake!
ice cream served in jars with your choice of strawberry, peanut butter, chocolate or banana sheet cake.
this was absolutely DELICIOUS! 
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the sun went down and the candles and twinkle lights were so pretty.
we enjoyed some time when everyone went home just soaking up the day.
what a blessing it was to be a part of it….to prepare something special for our friend.

AND get to do some of my favorite things at the same time….decorate AND eat good food! 

my heart is full today.
bursting practically.
i am a happy happy girl.


Laurel - So fun! Where did you get the little paper trays for the cake?

Lisa - That is seriously gorgeous! I love the rustic simplicity and those giant pictures were amazing. Great job!

the whyte house - i JUST saw their wedding photos on facebook via their photographer’s page YESTERDAY!! such gorgeous kids! 🙂 congrats to the families!!/media/set/?set=a.10151233514944148.550899.212372784147&type=1

Heather @ Glitter and Gloss - Wow, what a gorgeous party!! Congrats to the adorable couple!

amy jupin - what a special party for a special little family!
i loved this…each and every detail.
great job ladies!
and congrats jana! xoxo!

Heather Mattos - megan. it is all so so SO amazing.

julia - This party should be featured in a magazine.

Jill - OH MY! Spectacular!!! Love this party!!!
Oh, and Meg…you are rockin those cowboy boots! DIG EM!

Charisse - Meg – Have you seen the farm video that’s going viral on youtube? It’s called ‘I’m Farming and I Grow It’. I’m spreading the word for my neighbor boys that made it. We live north of Newton in Saline County. It’s awesome! Hope you check it out. Stay cool.

Mary - SWOON!!!
i love everything about this so much!
you did a really great job. 🙂

Tiffany - Beautiful! That whole event must have been pure sweetness! You are one creative, thoughtful, and inspiring person! What a blessed couple!

julie - That’s it. I’m moving. Possibly getting remarried. Or having a rehearsal anniversary dinner. Or something.

Jenn N - I just adore all you and your friends did to make this day. Everything; the barn, photos, decor, food, all fantastic!

Alicia @ La Famille - i love the heck out of this!! great job!!

Carrie - I likely will never remarry (or date again) but if I do I want you to come do my wedding! Beautiful! 🙂

Tracy Fisher - Wow. Love that setting. Makes me long for the country. 🙂 -Tracy

Linda - I want to have a party!! Just like the one who threw! Maybe in the fall with a fire…mmm….thanks for the inspiration. Love what you did! Could you share a bit about the chair paint colors sometime?

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - It was all so beautiful. My kind of party. So glad you are a blessing to others as well as you are blessed to be a good friend. ..lucky you!

kasey - seriously makes me miss the parties i used to throw by looking at these photos….

Carla - I have been following your blog for a couple of years now and hands down, this is my favourite post. Wow, wow, wow. What an amazing looking party, everything looked just perfect. Love the blown-up photos, the love seat, the light, the barn the adorable couple, the impossibly young-looking mother-in-law and friends. Everything jsut looks perfect. I know its a bit of an ask but could you plan more parties so that your blog readers can devour all the eye-candy on a regular basis lol 🙂 And you guys ARE so young. I’m the same age as you and my eldest is just 4. MOst of my friends’ kids are around the same age so when they start getting married, we are going to be officially OLD. especially if they wait as long as their parents did…I don’t even want to think about it…but hey, i have alot of cute ideas for the party 🙂

Alice H - Everything looks PERFECT!! This is such a great idea.
Just a few questions: how many people were you serving? And how many pork shoulders/butts did you buy? And can you share the recipes for those cakes?
Thanks in advance if you make the time to answer these questions.

jeannett - you should throw a party for me.
because that is ridiculous cute.
dumb california being so far from dumb kansas.
who can we talk to about this???

Dani - Beautiful! I love the pictures from the rafters. Simple, yet beautiful!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I always look at events like these in magazines. You and your friends are so creative, it truly looked like a perfect night. The thought given to small detail and the meal… oh my goodness, just amazing. Your friend is one lucky lady to have you ladies in her life.

Lela Pohlmann - I wanna throw a party and have you come and decorate. What an absolutely perfect setting for a party! You girls are awesome!

Stephanie - So, so beautiful! You have a gift! I love everything about this especially the tribute to friendship- how special:)

Jen Brandt - I want to be there, Meg! I can see why your heart is so full. You did such a nice job. Beautiful!

april - What a wonderful weeding! For reals if I could redo my wedding it would be just like this! xoxo

amber - Wow! You all pulled together such a beautiful dinner! And so much sweeter doing it with dearly loved friends. So so lovely! I am so inspired! Among everything (which i loved it all!) I absolutely love that old door as a picture frame! What a fabulous idea! - You need to go into business! Rent out that barn for occasions! GREAT job! It was beautiful, and makes my heart happy for you to know that the sweet couple will look back on those pictures years from now and remember how special the party was! Awesome!!!

Jen - I must say that there is NOTHING I don’t adore here. Great idea for the photos, the flowers, the dessert, the candles……wonderful!

Elizabeth - OMG! That was so Beautiful! What wonderful memories this couple will have.

Katie N. - I loved my parents’ friends – always so special how they helped us out like decorating for weddings and such – a true sisterhood!

Heather - Everything about this is show stopping. It’s all so beautiful. These pics, like mostly all of your others, make me long to live in Kansas. The lifestyle seems so…I don’t know…country I guess? Warm and inviting.

Michelle From Australia - Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Mindy Harris - swoon over all of this! this is how i would want my rehearsal dinner if i was getting married to shawnie again.
the couple looks so young…sigh…so were we.
good job on all the decor–burlap does wonders.

karen gerstenberger - You are such a good friend, Meg. God bless the happy couple and their family and friends!

Makila - Amazing. I loved everything but I loved the picture of your friends the most. It is a blessing to walk through life with friends. A complete blessing. Thank you for sharing.

Lisa - Perfection! I’m all the time imagining what I would do if I had to plan a wedding/rehearsal/reception NOW instead of when I was 22. THIS is it. So, so perfect! Nice job, ladies 🙂

Chris - Good Lord…when do you sleep?! BEAUTIFUL!!! You are so creative!! I’m so jealous….

Barbara Nelson - So amazing loved it all the cake & ice cream idea was so smart!

Julia S. - I can’t even begin to explain to you how much a LOVE this party! it’s beautiful and makes me so happy. i just keep looking at these pics over and over again. And serving the homemade ice cream in mason jars…brilliant…i keep thinking “why haven’t I thought of that????” I have GOT to do that for fourth of July!!! Thank you for sharing. You and your friends did an outstanding job!!!

Becki - Beautiful! AND you DON’T look old. None of you!

Christy - How Beautiful! Meg you really can do it all girl

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Meg, this could have been the wedding! How gorgeous. How warm. How welcoming. Just beautiful!

Amy @ Little for a Little While - What an awesome idea for a party! I want to find a reason to have a barn party! And you’ll help decorate and cater it, right? 😉

betsy - Looks like a great party! You & your friends look like you aren’t old enough to be married … which means the bride & groom look like they could be in high school!
I bet many fun memories were made 🙂

Ashley - This all looks amazing.
How did you make the YAY sign? I have a birthday party coming up and want to make a little hanging flag sign myself!

Sarah Wolfe - That seems like the perfect celebration. Everything came together beautifully. Great job!

Stephanie@Geezees - wow – as always your pics are amazing here! That was beautiful!

TAB - Absolutely beautiful. Charming displays and somewhat magical. Your friend was blessed to have you girls to set up the rehearsal dinner. Gorgeous!

roganne - have you done this before?!? this party looks like a professional organized it! great job, you should feel very proud 🙂

keri - forever folding laundry - This is just perfect.
Not only the evening – which was obviously amazing! Loved it all.
But I love the sentiment behind it all: the friendship and community and bond you all share.
Just lovely – all of it!
And she is not old enough to be a MIL. Period.

Cheryl E. - WOW, WOW, WOW!!!
Just beautiful…. all of it… the huge photos of the bride and groom, the wildflowers, the hay, the mason jars, home-cooked food…. all of it made with L.O.V.E.

good for you for making the time to do what you love
the prettiest light of all at that party were the FRIENDS
beautiful job
the happy couple looks YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG
(or am I just old?)

Christy K - It looks like you all had an amazing time… and who wouldn’t in an amazing setting like that?? Love all the little details, and as always your photos are just fantastic! This post definitely brought a huge smile to my face. Everything looked just perfect. : )

Jenn - Glorious! What a great way to do a rehersal dinner. So laid back, yet it has a sweet country elegance to it. I’m sure everyone was thinking, “this is the best rehersal dinner I’ve been to.” Well done!

Jenn - Glorious! What a wonderful way to do a rehersal dinner. So laid back, yet still with sweet country elegance. I’m sure everyone was thinking, “this is the best rehersal dinner I’ve ever been to.” Well done!

Tanya H - Wow! So much happy in this post! Its all so fabulous! The door “frame” made me gasp! 🙂 So many awesome ideas too!

Kati - Amazing!! I love all the details. Those huge pictures are amazing too! It looks like a fun laid back event. Makes me wish I had a big barn to host parties at!

Suzanne - how sweet! love the ice cream and cake bar!

Kimberly Dial - It’s all so lovely!

happygirl - Ice cream in jars. GENIUS!! This was a stunning, but simple affair. Perfect. 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - Happiness for Jana!
I love her so!!!!

Casey - This is one of the most lovely parties I have ever seen in my life 🙂 It’s always a tough balance with weddings to make things “perfect” and “special” enough and still make people feel comfortable and laid back being there. You hit the nail on the head. Fabulous.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Nothing beats a barn bash! You did real good. Perfection!
ps – Pass the PB sheet cake.

Tammy - Absolutely beautiful! I’m so inspired!! Love your blog and uplifting posts.

mollie's mom - What a sweet and simply tasteful party – it couldn’t have been more perfect. Marcie

shannon - What a beautiful dinner rehearsal. Love, love, love all the rustic touches and that it was laid back and simple making it much more enjoyable for everyone there.
You guys did a great job!

Pamela Gordon - This is such a fun looking party! I love every photo and detail. Great job!

Katy B - What an absolutely beautiful party!!!

tiffany gardner - stunning. i loved everything about this post! thanks for sharing. 🙂

Lori Danelle - Absolutely PERFECT. And I remember when he was born! Good grief – I keep feeling old!! 😉

Maria Bryan - you are amazing! Everything is beautiful…you inspire me so much!

jennibell - What a beautiful party!!!

sofie - Gorgeous. You are all very talented!

Andrea - Meg….so beautiful…what a true friendship. What a sweet couple (they look so young…maybe I am getting so old…)……best wishes to them!

Kate - Oh, this is so beautiful! I’m so happy for you! What a beautiful group of friends.

Tiffany - Definitely made me want to call all my High School friends over to cook, decorate and take pictures. Love really is what it is all about. You mommas showed up and that makes me smiiiiiiiiile a mile wide. I have a son and I know how much it would mean to have my friends help me get my baby boy ready for a wife and a new life. AAAAAAAAGH!! But alas he is just 16. Thanks for sharing Ms Meg.

Linda - perfection!

laura b - Everything looks so lovely and relaxed. My brother just had his wedding reception (they married in a private ceremony a month earlier) and they did a lot of the decorating and cooking themselves, but they seemed so busy and stresssed. I’m afraid they didn’t get to enjoy their special day as much as they should have! I’m sure it helps that they have so many friends to help out!

Terrie G - Oh.My.Gosh!! I LOVE it all!! You gals did a great job!
You don’t look old at all!! Your friend doesn’t look old
enough to have a son getting married! I just feel old every time I see A!
You had quite the gamut of emotions this week. Loved seeing all the
treasures from your family this week. And that quilt was to die for!
Thanks for sharing all of it with us. So sorry for your family’s loss.
My thoughts and prayers were with you!

Jana Banana - Really beautiful–so obvious that love is in the details! Well done and all best to the new couple!

christiejayne - Wow!! What a stunning party! And cute couple!!

Rachel J - WOW!
This is AH-mazing! Love the decor and simplicity. No doubt there was lots of hard work, but taking simple things and making it beautiful. You rock Meg. For real.:)

Chrissie grace - Every detail makes me giddy:).

Toni :O) - A-MAZING!!!! And so lovely to boot!!! What a blessing to have such special friends in your life. May God bless the sweet couple to a lifetime of happiness, patience and love everlasting. :O)

Anna - The little jars of ice cream make me swoon! What a beautiful rehearsal dinner (and beautiful couple)!

Stephany - WOW!
That party looks fabulous!
I’m going to be pinning some of your beautiful photos!
Hope you don’t mind…
They are beautiful.

Kari C. - I get SO excited every time I see you have a new blog post! Your posts always make me feel so happy! You and your friends did a BEAUTIFUL job on the rehearsal dinner! Looks absolutely adorable! What a good looking couple! Best of wishes to the happy couple!

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                                                      wall of hay bales.                                  my crazy front seat….all the time.

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                                   lunch with my mom at chipotle.                                                my favorite fabric store.

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                                     the fabrics i came home with.                                                                      hello dog.

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                             my kansas road on a cloudy morning.                                      bunting for a friend's wedding.

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          annie's "Hocket" at Camp – a house and a rocket!                                                     late afternoon snack.

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                        talby made it home from camp…YAY!!                       my family loves to play Farkle…i do not.

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                                                     more basktball.            swimming pools, the smell of cholorine & sunscreen!

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                                        a pink and turquoise house!                                    father's day with a few of ours.

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                                  homemade ice cream is YUMMY!                                                                          sunrise.

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                          10 minutes later in the same sunrise.                                                   starbies to wake me up. 

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           picked up my parents and drove them to illinois.                                                crossed the mighty Miss.

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God sent me a special guy to fix my truck in missouri.                                                    chicago traffic….. gag.

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                 arrived at my great aunt's home of 34 years.                                                                  her address.

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                        my aunt and her son….60+ years ago.              her quilt that i wanted to sneak into my suitcase.

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                  wore my red flower and beads for my aunt.                              appreciated The Land of Nod's decor.

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                              i had to learn how to haul a trailer.                                            it was a BEAUTIFUL day.

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           amazing scenery the entire drive back to kansas!                              crazy trailer full of special treasures.

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did you see that sky today?  talk about blue!?  #kronk                                                  got my mom home safely. 

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one last giant ice coffee to get me the rest of the drive home on which i saw almost NO cars…..sweet.  


so that was a not even a week of my instagrams!
i am totally addicted.

i love getting to see what my friends are up to all day all over the place.
i love instagram.
what's not to love?!!

are you on?
do you do the daily challenge?
i can't commit to that.

do you have a favorite app to use along side instagram?
share it please.




Kara D - just getting caught up on my favorite blogs and was so tickled at your kronk hashtag! was one of my favorite movies in high school, my best friend and i could recite practically the whole thing and yeah… we were REALLY cool 😉

Theamicks77 - I’m MommyAngela3 on Instagram (and Twitter). Have only had my iPhone for two months & am SO addicted! I love the photoaday challenge!
I just got diptic ($0.99) app today to be able to put two or more photos side-by-side, and also phonto (free) to add text.

Theamicks77 - Ooh, thanks! Cool tip on holding down someone’s name. I wish more people realized you have to type people’s name.
I have a question you may know the answer to, since you’re savvy with IG and the 4S.
I have my 4S set up to alert me with a sound when I get IG notifications, but the sound never plays. It works with texts and other things, but not IG. Any clue?

natalie@thesweetslife - i second the comment re: diptic–it’s great for photo collages!
i’m thesweetslife if you want to follow 🙂

Mandy - Loving all the app suggestions & new instagram friends!! I do the photo-a-day challenges, even though I may not get to every day’s challenge. I look at the challenge in the morning and think of it like a scavenger hunt for the day 🙂 I’m mandyblackburn. See you on there!

Patti H. - Instaframe is a fun app.

sara @ it's good to be queen - i’m addicted as well. it’s my fave. i love phonto and pic frame apps to go with it. 🙂

Jenny - what is the name of your favorite fabric store and where is it?

Ashley - I love, love instagram!! I’ve followed you, too. I’m @lrmama. The thing is a serious addiction, I tell you. I love the filters. Snapseed is pretty good, and I even found a version on the pc. I’ll have to look that one up for you sometime.

Jessica - I have been dreading the smart phone upgrade (which is happening soon as my “antique” flip phone is dying) and can honestly say that instagram is the only thing I am looking forward to using!

katey - Okay now I have a post it note full of all these apps to check out to embellish my instagram addition!! Love it! My user name is SO original! kateydeasy

Priscilla - I love following your pictures on instagram…I use diptic, its a collage, editing app and it will download right into instagram, it might cost .99 cents but totally worth it!

Kimber-Leigh - i love instagram too 🙂 my only “trick” is that if i don’t want a photo to go to my instagram feed (for whatever reason), you can set your phone to airplane mode and use instagram…it will say that it has “failed” but a copy is put in your photo album but not published to your feed once you delete it in the app! loved when i discovered this!
and i loved the peek at the land of nod…i’ve always wanted to see one of their retail stores!

sandy toe - I love it just as much!
sandy toe

Sandy - I have a single digit following on instagram. Come follow me @oSRMo Meg, id love to have you. I too love instagram because it’s so simple to use. I’ve found that following along with others sharing their “happy” inspires me to be “happy”.

Kate - I just found Phonto. It looks super fun and I’m looking forward to learning it!

Erin - I’m new to Instagram and love it! Love following you. KSgirl72 my new Instagram name. 🙂

Ashlyn@Pinecone - My car looks the same and I always need a caffeine fix :)!!

Mary - I LOVE instagram. I use “Collage” A LOT because I take a lot of photos and I like to collage them and post as one. 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - So sad to be so behind in the times…no Instagraming here. I don’t own a cool phone 😉 Probably better for me though because I know I would be addicted to that too and then my family really wouldn’t get my attention…HA! Love seeing your pics though. So glad you were able to spend time with family and remembering your special aunt. Hugs, Valerie

ko. s - I love seeing you on Instagram! My husband will ask who a picture is from and I casually respond, “oh, Meg.” He rolls his eyes and kindly reminds me that we really aren’t friends. Hurumpf! 🙂 Nevertheless is fun to see all the beauty and joy in your life of course in the most non stalkerish way possible!
As for other apps. I love using PicFrame with it. Multiple photos in one post can tell a great story.

jessica kiehn - I can’t do Instagram because it’s just ANOTHER social media life sucker:) Haha, but really. I don’t commit or sign up for anything that I would check several times a day because I don’t want to raise my little ones seeing me check my stupid smart phone all day to see what everyone else is up to. My life is cool enough without it:)

betsy - I’ve been doing my daily photo blog for 4 years, and this year, almost all of my pictures that I’ve posted have been Instagram pics. I’m on & love it … @betsymck. I have 28 camera apps (I went a little crazy when I got my 4S), but consistently use Instagram, Diptic (to make a collage), and Percolator (which uses your pictures and turns them into pieces of art). I also have LEGO Photo, which I think kids would enjoy. It takes your pictures & turns them into a new photo made out of virtual Lego blocks – cool!
I don’t do the daily photo challenges on IG, but I do think an important part of being on is following other people and commenting on their stuff. I always like when I have comments, so I make an effort to return the favor. You can also use common hashtags like #fromwhereistand, #clouds, #Kansas, and #(yourhometown) to find others near you.
Don’t forget to those of you on IG … when you want to reply to someone’s comment, you need to type their name so they get a notification that you replied to them. You can hold down someone’s name & I will automatically “mention” their name in your comment. I didn’t learn this trick until I’d been on IG for a few months!

Brooke - I just became an instagrammer 😉 I lovvveee it!

allison - I’m on instagram … @amazingmommy

Dana - I am on and I follow you. 🙂 I love the fabric! I haven’t gotten into too many apps that got with Instagram – I use PicFrame sometimes!

Sarah - I love Phonto for adding text and Camera+ for editing! 🙂

Colleen - I’m a huge fan of instagram!!!! so much fun. I like Picframe as you can easily insert photos into a collage and then post a few in one picture frame. I also like label maker.

Hanah - Ok so I read your blog and love color just as much as you. It’s a crazy addiction! And I’m making rainbow quilts for my girls. And everytime I see them I think … Man I really want to show these to meg. Ha ha! You’d love them. I love reading the happy on your blog. Thanks for sharing!

Grace - Nice!!!
I just found this web page with plenty of DIY projects.
I thought of you and I am sure that you will re-use some ideas with your girls! Thank you for your blog… love reading you!

Amber - I love postagram (postcards with your instagram pics-so fun) & postal pix (they print them & mail them to you).
Hope your weekend is going great & thanks for sharing your beautiful aunt’s story with us this week…she seemed like a fun lady!

Jill - I would LOVE to Instagram but I do not have internet on my cell phone and I “only” have a Kindle Fire so no pics come from there. *sigh*
Oh well, at least I get to enjoy all my friends pics on it! =)

Heidi - Fun!
I counted yesterday and I think I have 18 camera apps. It’s embarrassing! My favorites are Camera+ for their camera and quick edit; the camera lets you choose the focus spot and choose the exposure spot separately so it makes tricky lighting situations easier.
For editing I love love love the rainbow filters in Snapster. They’re super fun! I also like PicFX and Pixlromatic for editing. Lenslight is fun for fancy lighting, but you can add basic bokehs in Picfx.

doveboat - my phone crashes almost every time i try to use Instagram, 🙁 but I am still trying to figure out how to use it…I use my iphone to take pics almost every day now, so would love to know about the daily challenge and the couple of apps listed by the others here sounds great – Snapspeed, Phonto, Diptic, Picgrame, Labelmaker, lemeleme, Pixlromatic, PicFix, Pic Jointer, Camera +, Line Camera – you all are soooo creative!

Heather - Love the handwritten “eleven” address label.

Lisa B - What is the daily challenge? Is it on the iPhone app?
Thanks for sharing your life with us!!

Sarah - That fabric store looks like heaven.
I love that quilt too. So happy.
I love instagram, but i too can not commit to the daily challenge thing.

Cindy - Well, aren’t you and your mama beautiful!and twins! 🙂

Kimberly - Line Camera is a good one for adding text & fun frames.

Stephany - I am addicted to Instagram, too.
You can find me @homeisablog.
I don’t use any other apps with it…just straight up Instagram.

Angie - Oh wow, you have been one busy lady! I LOVE looking at all the Instagram pics but I can’t figure out how to use the darn thing LOL

LibraryGirl62 - My front seat is the same way…God Forbid someone wants to sit there 🙂

Ann Williams - no instagram here, but love your coffee addiction! me too!!

lucky penny love - Love instagram!! Although I only do photo editing on it. I’m afraid of how much time I would spend on it if I started to follow others! How does one juggle blogging, Pinterest, and instagram? I love Pic Jointer for collages and just starting using Camera + for added variety in photo editing. And I do a Friday Wrap post on my blog weekly and link up with InstaFriday @ It’s fun to see what everyone else has been up to and to have a place to document the week’s activities (little things that might not get shared otherwise)!

Lane - I LOVE instagram as well! I just started using it and I can’t stop!

Starla Witzki - I’m @starlawitzki…love Instagram!

Sheryl - I love Annie’s Hocket…Camp Invention I take it? 🙂 I work CI every year at our school…ours was 2 weeks ago. My 2 daughters (8 and 10 ) LOVE it!!!

Lindi - I’m @auntdidi and I’m totally addicted!! So much better than Facebook! Here’s the apps I love!! PicFx and Snapseed are great editors; Phonto is perfect for adding text; maskingtape and labelbox are like virtual washi tape!! Love!! Diptic is fantastic for making collages as is pocframe! The daily challenges are fantastic…takes a little remembering that first week, but after that it’s a total habit!! So glad you’ve joined!! Love seeing more of your awesome pics!! :). Happy Sunday!!

Deborah Lee - I love Instagram!! These days I try to limit my time on there but sometimes there’s photo that just has to be taken … You know how it is 😉
My favourite app is Snapseed, and Pixlromatic is rapidly becoming a contender too 🙂

Mandie Starkey - picfx <3

Dana - Wood camera app for editing- it’s great!

Jachel - I’m @jachel, and addicted as well. Trying a daily challenge, but I’m a few days behind. Love peeking into people’s daily life.

Denise - I love that you called Starbucks “Starbies”! We call it Bucky’s. 🙂

Keri - Heyyy! My nickname is Kronk! It was like you did a special shout out just for me even though that isn’t me! 🙂

lauren - lol… where to start…. Snapseed is great. Love the “drama” effect. Phonto is great for adding text.You can even download fonts from your computer to your phone. Diptic and picframe are great for collages. Labelmaker is fun. lots of cute tape looking labels. lemeleme is another one i like too 🙂

Talysa - Frametastic. 🙂

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we spent a few days at my great aunts looking through photo albums and reading old letters….VERY old letters…some from her parents when they were courting.  it was so much fun to go through all of it!



IMG_2554-2 IMG_2555-1

she had boxes and boxes of old magazines….she also had LIFE and LOOK and the Saturday Evening Post.



this is my aunt when she was seven…the same age as annie.
what an adorable ballerina!

the original text message.



this was the family busines…and an open letter of complaint to the owners. 
and she kept it!

she had chairs and footstools like this in her home.

we found this quilt and her daughter in law got very happy and remembered her mother helping her mother in law work on it.
and we were in awe of the detail.
hundreds of circles…HUNDREDS…and each little fold of white on all four sides of each piece is sewn by hand.
truly a masterpiece.
and it was in plastic and had never been used.

she made felt ornaments with teeny detail forever.
each one was so sweet.

we found an article written about her church mice she made that was in the paper.  
i have a set of christmas church mice…mary and joseph and baby jesus mice.

in her jewelry box…  :)
this is my aunt liza in a fur lined coat…looking very swanky.  

her bathroom had gold wallpaper.

and this was her typewriter that she used for everything.

i came across this photo and knew right away that it was my grandmother and we are guessing it was her daughter….the first of five babies.

i loved this picture but no one knew who it was.

this was an aunts home in beverly hills.

and then there were bunches of pictures of this baby.
no lables of who it was and nobody recognized anyone in the pictures.
but a baby in a wicker high chair in the hollyhocks is always precious…1912 or 2012.
this baby was adorable!

i just wanted to reach in and squish those chubby cheeks!


no one knew who this was but he has character and personality…you can see it.

and this one cracked me up!
no labels again so i have no idea who it is ….but it reminded me of something.….


ha ha haaaaaaaa!!!

i am home now safe and sound.
miss that i won't go back there again but happy for her to not have to be a 101 year old body anymore.  
she was a special lady.
the words "strong woman" came up with almost everyone who spoke about her.
everyone who knew her knew what that meant.
i will miss her. 

thanks for all your sweet words this week…you are the nicest blog readers!

what's on your plate this weekend?

i hoping for a campfire with s'mores sometime.
but we'll see…

there about a billion things going on for us….relaxing doesn't sound like it is on the list.


Annika - What a lovely time and great post! Thank you for sharing all these memories. I love going through my grandparents’ photoalbums to get a glimpse of what they were like when they were young. DO people still write love letters today? What wonderful keepsakes. <3

April R - thank you. I’ve said that before here but really, truly, thank you for sharing.

jenw - I was reading your blog and Little Wonders by Rob Thomas came on Pandora as I was scrolling through your Aunt’s treasures – it really touched my heart to see these snippets of life unfold – I cried good tears for a life lived – and then I laughed at your photo at the end – You always find a way to crack me up!! Thanks for sharing!

Whitney - What wonderful memories- old photos are wonderful!!! My grandmother has a ton of old fabric in her attic so there were actually about 6 prints in that quilt I had seen before… brought back a lot of fun old memories of going up there and picking out fabric to make baby quilts with. Sorry for your aunt’s passing, but she sure did live a great life!

Leeann - Amazing pictures, what a find! I’m sure it took days to go through all the photos, etc. So sorry for your Aunt’s passing. She lived a lot of life! Thanks for sharing your family photos. Lovely!

christine ishmael - I love seeing the old memorabilia…what an amazing life! Thanks for sharing!

di - you are a hoot…that pic shows such GUMPTION…we’ll just see where we’re all at in a couple decades! 🙂

Lora - I have just one word for this post…

Suzanne - What an amazing life story. Thanks for sharing!
I love the picture of the four friends…it did look familiar! You crack me up!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, thank you for sharing all the pics & memories of your Aunt. It took me back to the day my aunts, cousins & I were clearing out my grandmother’s things. We laughed & cried but, we mostly laughed going thru all the pictures & the memories they evoked from our childhood & the great woman who had gone on … so precious to us. Thanks again for sharing my friend … she sounds like an awesome woman who left quite the legacy 🙂

Heather - Wow! What fantastic treasures. I felt my eyes pop open wide like a cartoon character’s when I got to the quilt picture. GORGEOUS! The amount of time that must have gone into making that…well, I can’t even fathom it.

Mary - what a blessing to be able to see and touch and read all of that history!
family treasures are my fave…sometimes i just want to be transported back to those times, a different era, and slow my life down!
but i’m sure i would miss my washing machine and IG. 🙂
i hope you get some rest this weekend, meg!

Lynette - What precious memories! That quilt is amazing!!! So colorful! Thanks for sharing with us!

Kate @ ramblings from utopia - What a treasure trove of memories! I met a lady who made a similar quilt she was telling me how she used chicken feed sacks for the off white material on the quilt and that it took 8 years to complete, I wonder about your Aunt’s? The quilt is absolutely amazing!

Christina - What an amazing post…what treasures from a life, and from history! When I got to the part about the quilt, I cried. I cannot believe it! It is, well, I don’t even have a good enough adverb for how gorgeous it is! Splendidly? That will have to do. I’m glad for your time there, and for all of the memories you have. And now they are documented!! Truly wonderful, Meg. Thank you for sharing. 🙂

Katie - I love your aunt! too sweet and if her name is Liza I am slightly happier as my 2 yr old is name Aliza! love old fashioned names!

Angie - Oh wow, you all found some real treasures. LOVE that quilt. Just imagine how much time and patience went into that. Glad you got to be part of finding these gems. Your so right, no one wants to live in a 101 year old body forever. May your Aunt rest in peace.
Hope you get your smores this weekend and just make time for relaxation, everything else will wait!

Kimberlee Jost - What an amazing tribute to Liza.
I’m sad that I never got to meet her, but I’m guessing maybe I know her in part just knowing you.

Andrea T - what a beautiful recollection. i am glad you had the chance to be there & celebrate her!

Laura - so awesome
all of it

angie - Awesome photos. Treasures! And that quilt… Oh my!

Lisa M. - Wonderful pictures and my sympathies on the passing of your beloved aunt. My mom and her sister just did something similar with my grandmother’s (their mother) pictures and articles recently. She had to be put into a care home and they are cleaning out her house. They were definitely walking down memory lane!
Don’t you hate when “relaxing” isn’t on the list to do on the weekend? Seems to be the norm around my house lately! Except when we get to spend the weekend at the pool cuz it’s too stinkin’ hot to do anything else (besides sit in an air conditioned house…not my idea of fun!)!
Enjoy your weekend regardless!

Jenny Joy - I love everything about this post. And that quilt. Swoony McSwoonerson. My heart skipped a beat when I laid eyes on it. So beautiful and bright and happy!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Those notes! That quilt! And your perfect usage of the word “swanky”! Indeed.

Kim - I so love looking through things from days gone by. I have several boxes of family documents and momentos, they are fun to look through. The quilt is beautiful. All the work and love that went into it.
I hope you have time to relax this weekend!

JoLynn - I recognized that quilt because my husband’s grandmother (who is 96) made one. Ours has been used and loved for many years.
I was also a Pi Phi! What a neat lady to learn about who was a sorority sister so long ago!

Lisa Q - what treasures! that quilt….wow! my grandma is 93 and yesterday she told me she was just so tired…I really like what you said about how you’re glad your aunt doesn’t have a 101 year old body anymore…that blessed me.

Krissy - These pictures remind me so much of my grandparents house. Especially the footstool. She had all kinds of things like that. Thank you so much for sharing! <3

sofie - I just love old pictures. So much character!

steph - what a great post!
i just adore looking through my grandmother’s old photos too.
so amazing!
just makes me want to go back to that time.
seems so much simpler, not easier, but just something about it seems special to me.
your great aunt was GORGEOUS too!!
man, those pics of her when she was young!
amazing eyes!
i love seeing those pics of her.
so cool!
glad you got to experience all that.
so hard to say goodbye… but so happy that she’s up in heaven rejoicing!!! 🙂
soooo… who got that amazing quilt?!?

Lenette - What precious memories!!!

katey - Those pictures were fabulous. Thank you for sharing. Love the little church mice.

sue - I love that she kept things. It makes me sad that the future generation will only have there video games or iphones to leave in a suitcase not quilts or photo’s or typwriters or old letters.I bet you wanted the quilt when you saw it. Did you get a chance to keep anything ?

Leah - These are such amazing photos! It’s so neat that she saved all those mementos. And the felt Christmas ornaments – how cute are they?! Thanks for sharing these amazing memories with all of us.

megan@contentedsparrow - what amazing photos….all those memories….the handwriting….the telegram. what a gift to have those to go through. a piece of history, really.
here’s to hoping you WILL get a moment of relaxation this weekend, meg!

happygirl - What a treasure chest of memories. Thanks for sharing. I’ll bet those magazines and newspapers have some value. 🙂

Debby - My mom has a quilt just like that on their bed! What fun treasures she kept for you to look through!!

carla - I don’t think I have ever commented on your blog, but I have to tell you how much this post got to me. Thank you for sharing such a personal perspective of your Aunt’s life. I will be thinking about it all day.

Megan - This brought so much joy to my heart! I’m so glad you got to see all of her treasures. I am 26 and used to play with those little mice – I had all different kinds of them : )

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I love that you shared such special moments with us. We all have such a back story don’t we? Have a wonderful weekend Meg. Hope you get a S’More.

Michelle Z - I wish little ballerinas still wore those socks.

Casey - My great-great aunt was like a grandmother as well to me – I miss her terribly, and desperately wished I had paid attention to how she made her homemade biscuits when I was a child (no recipe, of course). These trinkets and photos are so lovely – and they always are the things that mean the most. I have a string of red beads from my aunt that date back to the 1920’s – they are my favorite piece of jewelry other than my wedding bands. I’m so sorry for your family’s loss – but isn’t it wonderful to have such good memories of someone? 🙂 What an amazing woman.

mary - that is an amazing cathedral window quilt…what fabulous memories!

Stephany - I was a Pi Beta Phi, too!
(and have lots of cousins who went to KU…including on who was a Pi Phi)
I guess I’m lucky to call her a “sister”.
Love the old photos!

tiffany gardner - Thanks for sharing those photos. I loved them! Life is such a precious thing and sometimes we get so caught up in “stuff”…we forget to live life. All those photos reminded me to stop, breathe and live. xo.

mae - Wow. This is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing! What a tribute…

Southern Gal - Sorry for your loss. She was an amazingly talented woman. Love the old photos. And that quilt!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Three years ago we met our two boys at a picnic in Detroit…a few months later they became ours! We go back each year as a family tradition and tomorrow is that day and we’ll enjoy the day and the memories!

Kimber-Leigh - what treasures…both the items & the memories remembered 🙂
that quilt IS amazing.

Cathy - That quilt is gorgeous!

rae - amazing! i’m glad you gave us a peak at all those things she kept. i hope someone from the family keeps her scrapbooks! i bought a lady’s travel scrapbooks from the 30’s at an estate sale, and it made me so sad that no one in the family wanted it! and that quilt! GORGEOUS! my favorite is all the crafts she made!

Dani - I love to look at my mother’s old pictures. Times seemed so much simpler then…I’m sure they didn’t think so.
That quilt is AMAZING! I love the colors!
Glad you are home safe!

Angela Atkins - So glad you had time to be with your family as they sorted through her photos and other bits of her life. It looks like she was an amazing woman.

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a century + one.

last week, my great aunt who was 101 years old…passed away.
101 is quite an accomplishment.


she didn't have grandchildren so for the 10 years we lived close to her in illinois, she got to play that role for us.


i always brought the kids over in their halloween costumes.
we spent several Easters with her.
she'd set up a little egg hunt in her living room.
we would  stop by her house for a surprise when we were visiting craig at his office.
she saved things for my kids that she'd find on her walks…like feathers or neat rocks.


we'd walk around the pond behind her house and she'd get so nervous my little ones were going to fall in.
she was ALWAYS amazed that Craig would change diapers or feed the babies.  :)
she was a huge jayhawk fan.
always a kansas girl even though she lived in illinois over 50 years!
she was spunky and stubborn but always treated me so kindly and i knew she loved me.

until recently we had written letters back and forth every month since we moved to kansas.  
i love writing and receiving her letters.

i traveled up to chicago for her 100th party.


at her birthday party last year she said "thank you all for coming….i wouldn't wish this on anyone"
that was her personality.
we should've known she'd say something like that.


this week i am traveling again but this time to her funeral….celebration of life cermony is a better term.

my dad and mom and i are drove the 10+hours up to her home in Illinois.
we will be helping her son pack up her estate,
attending her service,
and saying goodbye to that part of my life.

it's always an emotional thing to close something down forever.
never seeing her.  
never hearing her.
never giving one last hug.
never going to that house again.
it's part of life too….feeling those feelings….honoring a loved one's wishes….paying your respect.


i will miss her.
she was funny even when she didn't try to be.
she made me feel good about myself.
she always said i was a good mother.
that meant something.


you can bet i will be instagramming my way through the midwest and while in hinsdale, Illinois.

i hope to get at least one meal with chicago jen.

i hope to blog too….but who knows…i am pretty sure she didn't have wifi hooked up to her typewriter.  :)

do you have a special person like this in your life?
do you need to write them a letter?
right now?
its now or never people….get on it…let someone know today the things you appreciate about them.
before you can't any more.



Mike - 101 is a amazing accomplishment. What was her secret to living so long?

erin - so sorry to hear about your great Aunt.
I see Waffle in a couch pillow in the last picture! so you know you’re family was always with her!!

Melanie - What a wonderful tribute to your great-aunt. I remember your posting & pictures from her 100th birthday last year. How blessed you were to have her in your life! Hinsdale, IL…not too far from me – less than an hour drive.

Talysa - So sorry for your loss friend. I’ve so enjoyed reading about her life and how it influenced yours. Thank you for sharing her with us. Your family will be in my prayers.

Agnieszka - Loved this post. Such a beautiful tribute! She sounds like a great person. Sorry for your loss 🙁

Teresa - I grew up in Hinsdale, I wonder if knew your aunt. My mom owned a gift store in town so I would’t be surprised if our paths crossed. How lucky you are to have had such a great influence. May you and your family feel peace at this time.

C.M.A. - I have been reading your blog for just a few months but this is my first time commenting. Your aunt sounds fabulous. I lost my grandma when I was 14. Too young to really grasp what I was losing… My mom, now 67, told me it was a couple of years before she stopped reaching for the phone to tell my grandma something.

marla - This post is so beautiful in every single way 🙂

Sara - I lost my grandmother, who was 95, and my fiancee’s father, who was 60, on the same day last November. I know how you feel when you talk about never being able to talk to them, visit them, or just sit with them and enjoy their company. I hold on to the memories I have of both of them and know that they are in a better place. We had a celebration of life for my fiancee’s dad and it was wonderful. There were many tears but there were just as many laughs.
My thoughts go out to you and your family during this sad time.

Julie Silcock - What a wonderful lady. My grandmother passed away last week and we just had her funeral (celebration of life ) yesterday. You learn so much about them that you didn’t know at these. My thoughts are with you.

julia - I love that last picture of your great aunt.
I think it’s interesting what she said at her 100th.

Lorel - beautifully said Meg! Wish I was there with you all.

emily hope - So very sorry for the loss of your sweet Auntie – what a treasure to have had her in your lives! blessings to you as you celebrate her life & what she meant to all of you 🙂

Tracey - The link I just left doesn’t seem to be working. Sorry – I can’t seem to figure out how to fix it. 🙁

Tracey - I am so sorry for your loss! I also had someone special in my life – my Papaw. He passed away a few years ago. My sweet husband, who is so good with words – wrote a beautiful article and I wanted to share: You are in my thoughts and prayers as you walk through this grieving time.

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - So special. Thank you so much for sharing and reminding us to actively love the ones we love. Praying for your family during this time!

tara pollard pakosta - so sorry for your loss, sounds like she was an AMAZING woman!

Aby Gittings - So sorry for your loss Meg. She sounds like a character! I love that! What wonderful memories you must have and I can’t imagine the joy you and your family brought to her! Thanks for the advice… I’m going to write my Mom now.

TAB - I am so happy you have those sweet memories. I am sorry for your loss.

Amber L Peters - I’m so sorry for your loss.

Ryanne - HI Meg,
I never comment. But I came to your site to find some inspiration today, and I found it. Bless you Aunt.

Angela - I just wish I had your private email to share how well i know these feelings, well enough not to make it public because my Mama would spank me at, even at 42. I wish you well, she too (your aunt) would want you to be well and I love that you know and respect our elders.

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - So sorry, Meg.
“I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.” Hilarious.
And Hinsdale!!! That’s my hometown! Best place on earth!!

denise@victory rd - c.s. lewis said, “i am a soul, i have a body,” praise God our souls will live with him forever in glory and in his love “better than life.” i pray this is a blessed celebration time for you and your family.

Jacqui - Yes! I feel your pain. I recently celebrated the lives of my nan and pa.. both very close to 100 years old and both gone within 4 months of each other. They were married 71 years. I have really started to miss nan again and after reading your blog I have decided to hold a craft night with my mum, sis, best friend and aunt. I know nan would like this. No one could knit like her. My kids still wear her knits. I’m planning on making some thank you gifts for my guests with some special tribute dedicated to nanna’s! The grief is hard but in some ways I feel they gave me enough love to last my lifetime. I also think of all the loss they would experienced living to such an age and they still managed to keep such a great sense of humour. That keeps me going xox
Jacqui (Australia)

Maureen - Love this post. Love how much you love your family, all of the extended as well. Funny to think of you in Hinsdale where I live. Hope you get to see your friend Jen. Also you should check out the store Vintage Charm in LaGrange if you have the time. My favorite, tell them Maureen sent you.

Bloom in the Details - What a wonderful tribute. She looks amazing at 100!! How special to have someone like that in your life. Her memories with your kids will last forever:)
Jessie Lynn @Bloominthedetails

Lori Austin - What sweet, special memories you have.
Sounds like she was one fantastic lady.
Thoughts and prayers during this time for you all.

Carrie - I was in an Olive Garden the first time I knew that my husband’s granny was something really special. She was like 86 or 87 at the time and I was alone with her for a few minutes. She leaned over and said ” thank goodness they left, have you checked out that waiter’s back side, it’s something alright”. I laughed so hard. She is now 95 and she has suffered in her memory and health recently. She just moved into a nursing home and true to her spirit is having the time of her life, honestly! I love granny even if she is not my own. My 4 year old adores her. When she was 2 Granny was in the hospital for Christmas and even though she was just 2, she became teary eyed at the dinner table and wanted Granny to be there. She tried to nurse off of her when she was about 6 months old. Granny told her ” sweety, these wells have been dry for decades”, that cracked me up. When so many people looked at me funny for cloth diapering ( even though my girls get hives and burns from disposables), Granny made me feel awesome one day when I pulled out some and she said ” oh you have real diapers, so much better then those stupid paper ones”. She had no clue that in a time in which I was questioning everything I did as new parent, that a simple remark like that really boosted me! We are going to have to say goodbye to her I know at some point, hopefully not too soon as she is honestly having a ball at her new home.
Thank you for letting me share.

Amy @ Little for a Little While - so sorry for your loss. She sounds like one heck of an amazing woman. I’m loving all the instagram pics, hope you are able to take home some of her treasures to remember her by. Hugs!

Patty - There is a lot of living to be done in 101 years. We should all be so fortunate. A wonderful tribute, Meg.

Cindy - I nearly cried. What a blessing!

Kimberlee Jost - I am so glad that you are there.
Be fully present, then come home safely to us.
I love you, friend.

happygirl - 101 is such a long life. Even when expected, death is a blow. It’s so final. You were a sweet great niece and I know she is blessed to be with her father in heaven. 🙂

Rachel B. - What a beautiful post. So sorry for your loss. My husband’s Grami lived to be 96. Your aunt reminds me a lot of her.

Chris - So sorry for your loss. May she rest in peace….

Rach - Love that last picture. Seems to capture her perfectly. 101 is a good life for sure. A celebration indeed.

kerry - Oh Meg, I’m so sorry for your loss 🙁 101 years is a phenomenal lifetime, I hope I get to live that long and have a lovely family around me, as she did.
Big hugs to you all.
Kerry xxxxxx

Rosemary - What a beautiful life your grandmother lived. My condolences to your family.
Safe travels Meg! I look forward to your instagramming in Hinsdale. You’re in for some interesting weather out here…

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - What a beautiful post Meg. Thankfully you have a heart full of beautiful memories of her, but still we always miss our loved ones even if they get to live to be 101. You truly know what life is all about, the people we love and then loving on them. God bless your heart this week Meg. I will keep you in my prayers xoxo

Tiffany - A celebration of life is right, 101 is an impressive feat. I went to a celebration of life a few weeks ago and I got a little choked up, but they were happy tears, celebrating life, i left a better person. And there is something so sentimental about our elders and how they lose their filters and say any and everything, what a blessing they are. Thanks for sharing (and now can i add the turquoise necklace you wore at the 100 party is very pretty, i didn’t “read” your blog then but thought you should know)

Georgia - Ohhh Meg so sorry to hear that, what a fantastic ceremony it will be though, 101 years is incredible! I wish you all the best, and support for sorting her house out, i can imagine how hard it will be (Plus she is probably in heaven looking down thinking.. i wonder where that had gone!) lol
lovely post made me tear up.. xx

Tanya H - So sorry for your loss. My mom is spending the entire month of June clearing out her parents house after the death of my grandmother. No easy task. Safe travels to you, and enjoy the celebration of her life!

Kate - Oh Meg. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. My grandmother (mom’s mom) has been very sick and I am heading to Texas this weekend to just spend some time with her. It will be so good just to sit and hold her hand.

chris - Oh may she rest in peace . 101 is so amazing , my Grandfather just celebrated 100 and moved into a new apt , its amazing.

Kristin - So sorry for your loss. She looks like an amazing women!

roganne - i’m so sorry for your loss. i hope that you find comfort in reliving your memories with her. safe travels 🙂

Molly - My mother passed away last month and my girls and I just got back from 18 days away burying her, celebrating her life, packing up her house, taking things to consignment,having an estate sale, etc. It’s hard work. And it’s hard going through all the memories of things you remember growing up, finding homes for the items, reliving the personal memories attached to them and for me, to my mother’s home, where I stayed a lot. Sending lots of prayers your way as you remember this special woman in your life. Molly

amy jupin - this post…these photos…especially the one with you looking at her holding your pillow you made for her…
it just slayed me.
i am glad you are taking the trip with your parents.
good memories to be had.
be careful.
and give chicago jen a HUGE hug from me.

Michelle B. - I am blessed to have had 2 very special people like her, my Grandma’s Gert and Berneice. Miss them like crazy and miss all those “little” things that I have learned are really the “big” things….the smell of grandma’s cooking, her perfume, her smile and her eyes and the softness of her skin, the way she set the table for EVERY meal, her left-over’s tasted GOURMET, their love for me that was so evident, I didn’t have to do anything but walk in the door and it was like they won the lottery (everyone should be made to feel like that : )…..the little words of wisdom that they spoke…out of their life’s experiences….I miss them so much. UGH…tears. Blessings to you and your family : )

Leah - So sorry for your loss, Meg! It’s so hard to lose such a special person. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Andrea - Meg, I am so sorry for your losss. Enjoy your time in Illinois with family and Chicago Jen… travels.

Dani - Precious memories! Prayers for you and your family. I remembered the post about her b-day party. She seemed like an incredible woman. Have a safe trip!

Alice H - Made me cry. She looked like a wonderful woman. My grandma is this special person to me.

mae - Love this. What a beautiful, beautiful tribute.

Handbags*n*Pigtails - We just buried our beloved Pastor on Sunday, Father’s Day. He was 87 and an old Englishman. It hit me really hard that day although we’d all been in a flurry of activity for over a week preparing for around 350 guests who were arriving to stay at the church(which is also a Bible School and publishing house). He was like the Godly grandfather I’ve never had from either side of my family and when they lowered him into the ground a piece of me went with him.
I know he is whole now and rejoicing in Heaven with his sweet wife but wow…when someone leaves this earth its felt in a deep way down here.
My deepest sympathies for the loss of this sweet lady.

jen - your post has brought me to tears…i have many letters like that to write but they are already long gone to read them…maybe i will do them just the same. and i should call my dad for fathers day. thank you for the glimpse into what seemed like a real firecracker and i am so sorry to hear of her passing. xo

chrissi - what a wonderful post. what a celebration of life. i love the photo of you and your aunt at her birthday party. she looks like a treasure. how lucky you are to have had her in your life. when i lose someone special i always imagine the wonderful celebration that they are having in heaven. just imagine the celebration she must be enjoying.

Leadia Jarvis - My grandma, who passed at 94 lived the same way and brought such joy to our lives. My sympathies on your loss.
And…Hinsdale, IL? That is right next door to Western Springs where I grew up! Small world. If you pass Crystal Lake on your way back, honk!

april - So sorry for your loss friend. I remember the sweet post you wrote when you celebrated her birthday last year. She is at peace now with the Lord……xoxo

Kirsten J - Ok. This is what my friend calls a “God breeze”. I need to call my favorite Auntie Linda and see if she can join us at the Oregon Coast tthis summer. My kids shoul know her, and she’s only 15 years older than me, so chances are THEIR kids will know her. I have tears in my eyes – enjoy the celebration!

Jana Banana - I’m so sorry for your loss, she sounds like an amazing lady. Hoping you have safe travels. Thanks for the reminder to let people know how much they mean to us now vs. later.

Jana Banana - I’m so sorry for your loss. She sounds like an amazing lady. Hoping you have safe travels. Thanks for the reminder to tell people how important they are to us now vs. later.

Patti Mullican - I’m sorry for your loss and hope you will continue to treasure these sweet memories. Praying for safe travel for you and your family and comfort for her son. Time goes by much too quickly when we procrastinate telling those we love how much so. Thanks for the reminder.

rae - so sorry to hear this. but wow, 101! that really is something to celebrate!

tiffany gardner - I remember your post about her 100th birthday and it was touching. You’re right… it is a celebration of life! 101 years…such a celebration!! Your blog brings such joy to me and even today on a sad entry… you remind us to live in the moment and love our life! Thank you… my fav blog girl!!

Kimberly Dial - So sorry to hear about your Aunt … thanks for the reminder … safe journey my friend 🙂

karen gerstenberger - Dear Meg, I am sorry for your loss, but also thankful for your auntie’s presence in your life (and your family’s life) for so many years! She sounds like she was a real character. God bless you with comfort, love and peace as you travel to her home – you’ll be on a sentimental, as well as a physical, journey.

sheryl - So sorry for your loss. The way you wrote about her was perfect she sounded like such a fire cracker! What a great life she had!! 🙂 I will be visiting Naperville IL this week too from GA. Have a safe time!

Katie - ok. I’m bawling.
Sorry for your loss, Meg.

Penny - Meg,
I am so sorry about the passing of your beautiful Aunt. You certainly have a way with words, that was a great tribute. I am sure you were a source of joy and pride to your Aunt. She sounds like such a caring person, much like you. Take care on your trip to her celebration of life. And what a wonderful 101 years!

Penny - Jennifer,
I am so sorry that you are going through this rough time. Cherish these last weeks with your Mom. I will say a prayer for peace for your family.

Jennifer Parks - This post brought tears to my eyes. My grandmother was very special to me she passed a few years back unexpectedly. Now, its my mother’s turn. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in January officially, she only has a few more weeks left with us. I don’t look forward to her passing as we are very close, I agree with the forever thing, its very hard to think about. I’m sorry for your loss, she seemed to be an amazing woman who lived a wonderful life.

Chantelle GivenMuch - Your sweet aunt sounds a lot like my grammy – 94 and still kickin’. 🙂 Thank your for this reminder to enjoy her while I can. ((hug)) I’m very sorry about your loss.

what inspires you - Absolutely Lovely! Thanks for sharing! Glad I found this space.

the domestic fringe - This is a such a beautiful post and tribute to your aunt. It made me get all teary-eyed. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s wonderful that you have so many fond memories and that your children got to spend time with her. Travel safe.

Jessie Hurst - I’m basically sobbing right now. Although I’m pregnant and extremely hormonal this brought me to a different level of tears. My sweet Mama has always been my biggest cheerleader and fan and is now suffering from dementia. It’s so hard because I miss those conversations and hearing her sweet words of wisdom. I know she knows I love her but it is so hard to watch the ones you love and your hero grow old!

Rachel J - Im’ so sorry for your loss Megalicious! I know how hard it is. We are going thru the same thing, packing up my grandparents house. They live in Hoffman Estates IL. I was there for 2 weeks and just got back last week! Imagine only being 30 minutes from you! I will be praying for you guys and all the emotions surrounding this time. God bless you guys!

Kelly - This is a beautiful way to honor your aunt. That last picture is stunning & your words were so heartfelt! I hope you feel the Lord’s peace as you celebrate her life with your family this week.

Sarah - Love this post. What a wonderful woman she sounds like and such a long life! I’m sure your trip will be emotional and tiring but worth it. I need to do more for my grandparents that live in the same town as I do…thanks for the reminder! Hope you have a safe trip!

Stephany - I am sorry for your loss.
She sounds like she was an amazing woman.

Regina - Beautifully written! Thanks for the reminder to keep in touch as our moments to do so truly are fleeting, huh? What a wonderful tribute to her! And yes, you ARE indeed a good mother. 🙂

Mary - You just brought a girl that is tough as nails to tears, my friend! Oh my gosh, I loved this post. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, but soooo happy to hear of your appreciation for her. Women like her are just so rare and special. Such a wonderful tribute!

Gretchen - You are right about celebrating her life. She sounds like she was a wonderful woman! The closing up part is so true, and it is difficult. It was hard when my husband passed, and my son and I had to go through his things. What do you keep and what gets donated? So hard. It sounds like she had a wonderful time hear, but God has called her home. She will always be in your heart, and will forever be watching over you. Prayers for safe travels, and smiles when you think of her.

Kim Barlow - Same..crying..may the wonderful memories you have of times spent with her warm your heart and bring you joy.
God Bless,
Kim Barlow

Whitney - Megan, so sorry for your loss… This brings back a lot of memories for me as I had a wonderful and dear great aunt who lived to 109… It is amazing to hear the stories of a life spanning so many generations and experiences. What a wonderful tribute your post is.

jen s - I am so sorry to hear of your aunt’s passing. Sounds like she was a wonderful, spunky lady! No doubt there will be trips down memory lane while here in Chicago! As a personal side, you’re in my hometown! My mom is still there and we were just there last night! Enjoy that beautiful town!

northern cottage - this post made me cry…a happy good cry mixed with some sad! She looked fabulous (not her amazing age – talk about aging gracefully) I lost my mom not too long ago and she REMINDS me of her…so thank you for the little glimmer, the memories flooding back…the love! so very sorry for your loss! xo

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