we spent a few days at my great aunts looking through photo albums and reading old letters….VERY old letters…some from her parents when they were courting. it was so much fun to go through all of it!

she had boxes and boxes of old magazines….she also had LIFE and LOOK and the Saturday Evening Post.

this is my aunt when she was seven…the same age as annie.
what an adorable ballerina!

the original text message.

this was the family busines…and an open letter of complaint to the owners.
and she kept it!

she had chairs and footstools like this in her home.

we found this quilt and her daughter in law got very happy and remembered her mother helping her mother in law work on it.
and we were in awe of the detail.
hundreds of circles…HUNDREDS…and each little fold of white on all four sides of each piece is sewn by hand.
truly a masterpiece.
and it was in plastic and had never been used.

she made felt ornaments with teeny detail forever.
each one was so sweet.

we found an article written about her church mice she made that was in the paper.
i have a set of christmas church mice…mary and joseph and baby jesus mice.

in her jewelry box… :)

this is my aunt liza in a fur lined coat…looking very swanky.

her bathroom had gold wallpaper.

and this was her typewriter that she used for everything.

i came across this photo and knew right away that it was my grandmother and we are guessing it was her daughter….the first of five babies.

i loved this picture but no one knew who it was.

this was an aunts home in beverly hills.

and then there were bunches of pictures of this baby.
no lables of who it was and nobody recognized anyone in the pictures.
but a baby in a wicker high chair in the hollyhocks is always precious…1912 or 2012.

this baby was adorable!

i just wanted to reach in and squish those chubby cheeks!

no one knew who this was but he has character and personality…you can see it.

and this one cracked me up!
no labels again so i have no idea who it is ….but it reminded me of something.….

ha ha haaaaaaaa!!!
i am home now safe and sound.
miss that i won't go back there again but happy for her to not have to be a 101 year old body anymore.
she was a special lady.
the words "strong woman" came up with almost everyone who spoke about her.
everyone who knew her knew what that meant.
i will miss her.
thanks for all your sweet words this week…you are the nicest blog readers!
what's on your plate this weekend?
i hoping for a campfire with s'mores sometime.
but we'll see…
there about a billion things going on for us….relaxing doesn't sound like it is on the list.
Honeybee Mama - i have been feeling the same thing! we never made a summer wish list and i was thinking this morning that it’s never too late to do so. we might just do that this afternoon. we have to catch the moments in the midst of craziness!
Sarah @This Farm Family's Life - It’s the opposite here. June was the slow month for us and july is busy!
sandy toe - I love your family picture!! So cute!
sandy toe
Jenni - Oh, I feel for you! Our summer so far has been crazy too, and like you I am looking forward to July! I hope you have a very restful, beautiful summer, with plenty of time for crafts! 🙂
Have a wonderful {hopefully more relaxed} Monday! 🙂
Heidi Jo the Artist - I don’t know how you guys do it. Run here, run there… Do the kids really enjoy all those activities, or would they rather spend the day with you? To each their own–I understand. Hope you get the downtime you are craving!
Beautiful turquoise bird dish! What a amazing piece to remember your great aunt’s life.
Love your garden btw. I don’t have as much as I would like in ours, but it is better than last year, so that is a start. 😉
Hope you are having a wonderful weekend!
Amy Lynne - We’re in the same boat…now all the planned/scheduled things are behind us, it’s time to chill and enjoy our summer! Here’s to a great July!
Erin - I feel the same way!
Johanna - Exactly!!! I am craving that down time to just BE… and I am going to try and become a morning person and run early with you too!!! In spirit anyway:) Love the little bird thing from your great aunt and I love seeing the finished product of your family pics that I read about a ways back… Love-love-love it:) What a gorgeous bunch! Thank you for writing your blog, I so look forward to reading it<3
denise@victory rd. - the daily message by peterson here, too. psalm 91 really messed with me this week. it’s good to be messed with.
my summer fun list hasn’t made it anywhere official. it’s in my pleated poppy covered notebook, where the kids can’t see it and where i can’t feel guilty for not checking many things off already.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - Oh dear. I just said a collective prayer for the both of us when I saw that pic of the dishes drying on the counter. If you need pointers on how to build the very best dish tower, hit me up. I’m the reigning Queen.
ps – It’s possible to just “become” a morning person? That doesn’t sound right…
Tracy Fisher - I hear ya sister! Last night I sat in the rain and watched my son’s baseball practice. I didn’t have to be there. My husband showed up to help out. But I stayed. Not normally me. Ususally rushing off to the next thing. But I turned to the only other mom there and smiled. We laughed at ourselves in flip flops in the rain with dust everywhere. It felt good! Enjoy your July!!!!
AmyM - Thanks for writing this. I have been feeling this too. Our summer is busy and full of fun stuff, but not much sitting around relaxing time yet. I so love the huge canvas of your family on your mantle. How large is it? Love your blog as always! We made the corn salad from Craft Weekend and everyone loved it! Thanks for sharing! Maybe we’ll make a “Before School Hits in the Fall” list. 🙂 Happy 4th!
Renee - Our June has been the EXACT same way. I’m a teacher and I start in a new district August 1… Guess that leaves me in the same place… July is for relaxing 🙂 Happy relaxing to you!
Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I thought you did make your summer list, but I guess that was last year’s…see where my mind is? Life is going so fast I thought you already made one…HA! Enjoy your July and P.S. it starts tomorrow 😉
plumbing - Its a very good practice for your kids to have some time to enjoy the beauty of nature as well as letting them know how to take care of nature. Such a very great article.
Vanessa - Love your real life! Keep the good work!
Kat - Just to give you some perspective, it is winter here in Tasmania, Australia and cold.
I was just thinking how I feel in a bit of a winter rut, so soak up that sun and enjoy it, even the busy days.
Before you know it winter will have come round again 😉
I absolutely love your family pic with all the heads together and the realness of your kitchen sink pic.
Sometimes every day is so much easier than showy show homes. Well that is my excuse and I am sticking to it!! 🙂
Kelly - I am so, so glad that we are not the only ones who feel like we haven’t settled into summer yet. June has been hectic! Kelly
Alicia @ La Famille - i am soooo ready for summer to slow down, like right now! it’s been going way too fast and i don’t see it slowing down anytime soon. i guess i’ll make the most of the days that we don’t have anything going on 🙂
Stephanie - Love your blog and photos! Wondering if you know what happened to your blog friend “pieceofcake” Laura? Can’t access her blog anymore….
julia - My summer starts Monday. No more stupid college class for the high schooler. No more volunteering. No more theater camp. DONE!!!
Cori - Such beautiful photos. You make me want to come and join your family. If there’s one extra at your table, just pass me the blueberries and I’ll be happy!
Kristin S - Meg, always my fave posts. Every day normal.
And, while I’m sure she hates to be on the blog since she’s a teenager, it is fun to see your oldest daughter in a pic.
lisa - Beautiful pics! What a sweet little dish from your aunt, too. How special.
So how are the watercolors from Target? Are they as good as crayola? I was going to pick some up but didn’t know if they were cheapies.
mae - Beautiful pictures!! Once July hits and life slows down a bit, you might like this craft my friend did… It’s “Ice Painting” I think you’d like it. Perfect for summer! Here’s the link to her craft: http://buttonsbirdsandbs.blogspot.com/2012/06/hot-days-cool-art.html
Love the photos of the garden!!! Your tomatoes look a LOT better than mine 🙂
Maria - I’m ready for July! Swim team will be winding down…scout camps over…just vbs in early July, then we’ll have about 2 weeks of absolutely nothing. Cannot wait.
Then school.
Linda - Love the glimpses of you real life. It makes mine seem more normal! I hope it slows down for you!
SoCalLynn - I agree, my family hasn’t done anything FUN yet this summer. My daughter is in summer theater. I have to drive 30 minutes each way 3x a week/ twice a day because I am not staying around there for 5 hours. Money is tight this summer so we haven’t done much at all. Theater ends at the end of July with 4 performances, so I guess we’ll squeeze in some beach and fun days then?
Jenna@CallHerHappy - I loooove that pic of your family on the mantle. It is so happy 🙂 Also, I am in love with the determination in Annie’s face on the diamond. Way to go, Annie!
Kerstie Pederson - B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L bird dish from your aunt.
Heather - Love that sweet turquoise bird from your great aunt. 🙂
How do you like the daily Message devotional? I’ve been on the lookout for a new daily spiritual read, and I like the idea of using a devotional with that translation, because it makes the words seem fresh and new (keeps my brain from going on autopilot, you know?). Have you been enjoying it?
Becki - I can appreciate this post. For the first time in a year and a half, I finally have some time to spend with my two girls without having to run older kids everywhere. (The last of our foster children left two weeks ago.) I’m savoring summer, but I also know that these little ones will be the very ones later that will have many obligations and running to do in a few short years. So for now, I’m just enjoying every moment.
Tiffany - My favorite picture was everyday. Keeping it reals. But I now want an art table, hello flea market on Sunday!
Meredith - We did our summer list last weekend and hung it up. My boys love it. We sit as a family and make up what is going to be on it. We have done more things as a family so far this summer than we have done in a long while and it will only get better. Making and effort and finding the time, it is hard but we do it. I am not a morning person, but I am a morning runner. 8:30am on the weekend, I am meeting someone tomorrow to run. It is great, you will love it, once you wake up.
lindsey - I love the turquoise bird dish! I hope the summer slows down for you.
christine ishmael - Just got back from my morning walk and this was the topic of conversation…summer is going by fast and we’ve yet to have any days of just hanging out doing summer stuff! Too much going on…I am working hard to simplify so life is not so crazy but no luck so far! Hang in there, I’m right there with ya! 🙂
Heather F - No summer list! The only reason I made a summer list is because yours were so inspiring. Don’t worry. There is time. Summer’s not gone yet.
Lori Austin - I like real life pics.
Just finished our summer list last night. 🙂
Here’s to July!!
p.s. love the bird dish
Samantha Bayer - July is a good month to relax, hope it happens 🙂
Kim - Hooray for relaxing in July! It sounds like you need it. A July list sounds like a good idea! Yesterday was the last day of school around here. Yep. Today is the first day of summer vacation. We’re taking it easy this summer. Swimming lessons start next week, a trip to a cottage and NYC, but other than that we’ve nothing planned. Perhaps we need to make a summer list today.
So a couple of questions… is it always so hot during the summer in Kansas? 100! Eeek! How do you manage? Or is it just me with my Canadian blood that wants to hide from that heat? Is it humid? Weather is one thing that Canadians love to talk about. Can you tell? Perhaps because our weather can change drastically (like 20 degrees) from one day to the next.
Allison - I’m insanely jealous of your large garden, mine is only about 1/8 of that size. I can’t believe it is the end of June already. This summer is going WAY to fast!
Heather S. - Sister – your June sounds like most of mine in the past. I refused to do it this year. My girls got to pick one camp and one sewing class each. Done. This summer we are swimming, baking, walking, biking, crafting, and a LOT of reading! Loving it! Hoping your July brings you the rest you need!
jennibell - I have felt like that too. Glad that the kids are enjoying themselves. . .and sleeping well. . .and NO TV. . .but yesterday seemed like a rat race all because I wanted to go to the pool for a couple of hours. I couldn’t believe how much I *didn’t* get done when I tried to relax. Sigh. Such is life with four children who are involved — I wouldn’t change that part. We (I) go back to school July 19th and the kids the 25th so we’re looking at our last weeks now. I’ve got some things checked off the summer list, so that is good. Hope you have a chance to slow down soon!
Kim - Relaxing in July sounds great! And it sounds like you need it! I think a July list is a good idea. My kids just finished school yesterday. Yup. Today is the first day of summer vacation around here. Hooray! Swimming lessons start next week.
Janelle - I like your sink picture…and I always love your laundry pictures. It makes me feel better after looking at some picture perfect blogs 😉
Jen Brandt - Our lives are parallel. I had a meltdown Monday night because I felt like I didn’t have a hold on summer. How sad is that to feel like I have to have a “hold” on a season?! I keep telling myself we’re going to slow down, relax, and enjoy summmer more after the 4th, too. Weird. I’ve heard so many moms say this this summer. What’s up with that?
Love the blue bird dish from your great aunt. Love the pic of Annie, too. My daughter, Katy, just finished first grade and in her league they wear pants and looonnnnngggg socks. At least her team is royal blue with grey pants. One of the opposing teams is wearing black pants. Must be men making these decisions! Anyway…have a wonderful RELAXING weekend.
Susan - Oh my, I am so sick of swim team. I stay and swim while she practices but the meets are brutal! It was 106 degrees Monday!
Lisa Q - I am feeling the same way…but I guess after reading happy girl’s comment, I’m thankful for the full and the overflowing busy-ness…we’re off to run more errands today! I’ll make sure to smile!
happygirl - I miss busy summers. Now that it’s just me and my husband and I just go to work every day and come home… summer isn’t the same. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it isn’t the same as, whew, thank goodness it’s summer. 🙂
Rosalina Johnson - Couldn’t agree more!!
I feel the exact same way!
Luv luv luv your blog!
Curious Details - Hope you get to catch your breath and make your summer list 🙂
Leah - I agree with you on summer being hectic so far. I can’t believe it’s already July! We did make a summer list: http://leahsthoughts.com/2012/06/14/the-summer-list/ . But my daughter’s been so busy with camp, we haven’t done much. Oh well. There’s always July and August! BTW, I LOVE these photo posts you do!