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craft thursday!!!!


craft thursday?!



here’s the scoop on WHERE craft thursday has been…
1. we moved Β (insert delayed exhaustion here)
2. craft weekend has taken LOTS of time this year
3. our house is much smaller than the other one so in order to make a craft we first have to clean the entire area first…just so we can mess it up again…and i haven’t had the energy to do it.
4. my kids are getting older and think my ideas are not as cool as they used to. Β (can that BE possible??)

BUT…if everything aligns perfectly…craft thursday happens.

it did and they liked it!

i found this Painted Peacock craft through pinterest (of course) and it linked through to smART Class.
watch the cute peacock video…my kids were amazed.

we started by painting paper first.

i had annie help me with this since her siblings had friends over and she was LOOOOONELY.
it was so relaxing.
after we painted several big sheets of paper we used the end of a paint brush and “drew” in designs on the paint.
we discussed how much Eric Carle must LOVE his job.

then we left all the painted paper to dry.


we did this craft outside and you can see why.


i painted their hand and they stamped it onto a sheet of heavy white paper.
then they painted the arm part on with a brush.
then i made them wash it all off.
i only found a tiny bit of blue paint on the bathroom sink afterwards…. not bad for three hands.


while the hand print was drying we cut “feathers” out of the now dry painted paper that annie and i made.
i made them a pattern to trace onto the painted paper in a feather shape….kind of.



we used school glue and gluesticks…just depended on their preference.
they cut out five “feathers” and then cut out the eyes/circle shapes for the feathers next.


aren’t the colors so rad?!


busy bees.

they glued the eye/circles to the feathers.
they made an eyeball with white paper, the orange painted paper & black. (annie begged me to make hers for her)
they glued it to the center of the handprint.
then cut the handprint out and glued it over the feathers.


and a close-up… Β glitter paint!! Β i would have them use a bunch more had i known how pretty it would be!

his patience had worn thin by the time we were done.
no fancy details on his peacock face.
but i was grateful he stayed as long as he did.


and her close up….

this was a FUN craft.
i like messy.

you can check out our other Craft Thursday projects right here….
we have made some really cute stuff!!
i love looking back at their projects.

if i had to pick a favorite i would choose….this one.Β 

or maybe this one….Β 

i can’t decide.

there isΒ THIS great one too!Β 

happy crafting to you and your littles.

here’s to hoping for many more craft thursdays!
{clink Β clink Β clink}
(toasting our Sonic Cranberry Limeades together in awesomeness!)



Bernice - Love Eric Carle books! The peacocks turned out awesome! Now I’m wondering… how did you paint those painted papers? I know this must be such a dumb question but I love how there’s a bunch of colours all mixed in but not completely mixed in, and the brushed look in the pinkish one. Clearly I havent spent enough time playing with paints.

Heidi Jo the Artist - And I meant, how fun!! A little one distracted me! πŸ˜‰

Heidi Jo the Artist - How fun!? Love that craft Thursday came/is back. πŸ™‚

Rebecca Forcht - That is stinkin’ ADORABLE!!! Love your blog!!

Amy K. - Oh my goodness!! I had entirely forgotten that Craft Thursday was the reason I started following Whatever… thanks for the trip down memory lane!

Mary - these are so wonderful!
my kiddos would LOVE this! πŸ™‚

joyce - these would look fab on a canvas in a kids room! Thanks for the idea

Mindy Harris - that is so “essence of eric carle” love!

mollie's mom - Love it. What a great project!! We did a peacock project ( last year at art camp and the kids loved all the colors, glitter glue, etc. but I love this project because I love having their little handprints incorporated in their artwork!! Those are definitely keepers:) Marcie

kerry - Wow, they look amazeballs! I love that Sean joined in too – not too big too craft with mom πŸ™‚
Happy Summer guys xx

Jennifer - I have been missing your craft thursday’s. this is a great one! we did your “giant squid” craft today, very fun. my girls loved it! thanks for all the ideas.

Kristin - I love craft thursdays, great project! Just a heads up you might want to check the comments (or trackback) from the rainbow paper plate…one caught my eye that isn’t family friendly. πŸ™

Karina - OK, never mind…I searched and found your explanation in March. I guess I haven’t been following your blog faithfully enough! Congratulations on having TWO houses, at least for the time being! As long as you still own that awesome first house, I guess I can get back to my day. lol

KirstenP - I checked the links for your favorite Craft Thursday projects. Of the three I loved the butterfly craft the best. I’m puzzled why Annie couldn’t also have a turquoise background for her butterflies like Talby did. πŸ™‚

Karina - You MOVED?!?! What did I miss??? I hope you’ll fill us in…

Heather - We did it! They LOVED it. 7year old, 5 year old, and even the 2 year old!

Julieschomacker - When I taught elementary school, the district art teacher came about once a month and one time she did this art project with the kids. I think it would be perfect for your kids. I have even done this with 8th graders and they loved it!
Take fabric squares-I bought a white flat sheet and cut it into 12″x12″ squares. Then you take a mixture of equal parts toothpaste (the paste kind, not gel) and hand lotion. I think I used Aim and the cheapest Great Value hand lotion. Mix it together and then have them paint a scene on their fabric. We did underwater scenes and space scenes, or whatever they wanted scenes. It depended on what we were studying. You let that dry for a day.
The next day paint it with two different colors of Tempera paint-in big stripes. Let the paint dry about 30 minutes, then rinse the paint off. You can feel the slick paint coming off along with the toothpaste/hand lotion, but it will be have stained the fabric. The hand lotion/toothpaste acts as a resist-like batik. When the fabric dries then you can make pillows with the fabric. It really is a cool project. I should show you a picture of the finished project.

Kelly - We checked out a book at the library this week that made me think of something you might do for Craft Thursday. It’s called Roly-Poly Egg by Kali Stileman. We’re definitely going to be recreating it soon!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Oh Meg — these are SO Beautiful!!
I LOVE making Paste Paper — so very Eric Carle — the peacocks look fabulous and I’ve Pinned it to do with my own girlies.
Haven’t been crafting as much this week here either – we were without power all of last week (ugh!) then the girls have had VBS this week. Getting ready for our dog adoption so I’ve been sewing doggy beds and getting the house puppy proofed. Hoping to do some more crafting in August!

Heather - I might just do this with my kiddos TODAY! Thank you. Those are great!

Eugenia - Can’t wait to try. Looks so amazing.

amy jupin - clever clever.
anna just looked over my shoulder and said “ooooohhh!”
and now she is digging through our paints as i type!

Anna Marie - What is that heavy white paper called? Where do you get it?
I love this craft. Thank you for sharing, lady!

roganne - this is seriously the most adorable craft ever! i can’t wait until my little ones are big enough to do awesome crafts…with MULTIPLE steps! (that last part is key i think πŸ™‚

Nicole Q. - This is a fun one ….
Miss you too !
Did you guys decide to go to the Jost wedding… let me know if you do.
We are making the trip.

Gemma - Wow they look so cool, especially the glittery one! So much fun : )
Still love your blog Meg after so many years!
Gemma xxx

Jenna@CallHerHappy - What beautiful art! I was just wondering the other day how Eric Carle does his books. Now I know πŸ™‚

Jenny Joy - LOVE. IT.

Jennifer Dawn - Great craft! I love it! I am glad Craft Thursday happened!

Alicia @ La Famille - these are SOOOO cool! i love them!! what a great project and they DO look just like eric carle’s illustrations πŸ™‚

Jen Brandt - You rock. I don’t know how I’ve found the energy for anything these days. Happy Thursday!

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hot hot summer

when we moved out to the country….we did not bring our pool.
and I MISS IT!
a certain someone who sits in an air conditioned office with other grown ups all day and NOT five children and all of their friends decided that we didn't need to put it up this summer.
it was not a unanimous decision.
i am not bitter….but man…. we are hot and bored…. and hot.


so we took it old school ….the sprinkler.


at first my daughter didn't even know what to do in a sprinkler that is not at a splash park.
"do i just stand there?"
"why is this fun mom?"


i brought even more OLD SCHOOL toys….practically vintage even…. bowls and cups.



they got a little excited.
"YAY!!! we can pour it on each other!!!"
"we can fill them up and throw it on Waffle!"


but then it came to be….. "LETS MAKE SOUP!!!"


"I need more leaves!"
"my soup has lots of rocks!"
"i like adding more mud to mine!"



"these leaves make the soup extra spicey!"


it was a successful play time with antique toys and no dogs were harmed.

but we still wish we had that pool…..


we are headed out to the zoo because it's only 90 today!
and i am surprising the kids with a movie afterwards.
and sam's club pizza for dinner. 
AT sam's.
cause we're fancy like that.

i do make them share a drink though.
when your only option is 32 oz….one per kid is quite ridiculous.

have a super day wherever you go!



Leonieke - If i had a garden like yours (and a summer like yours :-(. ) ik would get a sliding mat with water!! Loved it wheni was small, still ove it now, but unfortuntely no grass here. It has everything: fun, water, action,. Enjoy your summer!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love sprinklers! Looks like they had a blast. Sometimes it is the simple pleasures in life, isn’t it!? And now you know why I put a question mark on that last comment. I use it way too often… Awesome photos by the way. Loved the vivid colors of the peacock project too.

Darcie L. - I love the Sam’s date. What? $2-3 for dinner, and kids could share those slices of pizza too… they’re huge! Our pool got a hole in it, then the baby pool got dirty yucky from sitting outside with rain water in it. Next, the slip ‘n’ slide, then I think we’ll have to resort to the sprinkler too!

Dana - I love sam’s club pizza! It’s cheap and the drinks are super cheap too…unfortunately they are all large.

Angie - You and I are in the same boat! We took our pool down last winter with the intentions of cutting some trees during the Spring and having it set back up by Summer time. Apparently Hubby didn’t get the memo so we have had NO POOL all summer and it’s been quite hot, disappointing and boring!!!! We too have been playing in sprinklers and we even made us a Homemade Slip n Slide. Still, it’s not the same πŸ™
Enjoy the zoo, movie and pizza!

sarah b. - meg… i love your blog. love love all the fun and your style seriously. awesome. i want to make some flags for my patio like the ones on yours that hang by your lights. how did you do those? hot glue or sew… double sided or single. i tried to email you and it flopped. me 0 computer 1. boo. maybe you could post about it or email me back at thanks!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You make me laugh πŸ™‚

Bev - That is so funny…we didn’t put up our pool…because of Hubby too!!!…and wouldn’t you know it…we have had a week of Hot Hot weather…the hottest since 1964…. The perfect year to have the pool up:))

Heather - haha…duerksen…goertzen…they’re all related anyway, right?!! πŸ™‚

Heather - Oh, Meg. You and I live such similar lives…lots of kids, Mennonite heritage/town, farming, the WT pool, Sam’s pizza AT Sam’s. I seriously feel like I know you. I grew up in NW OK and remember your hubby at the Southern District Youth Conferences we went to in Hillsboro. My maiden name is a great German name like Goertzen. I’m sure ya’ll know the Sheweys (Andy, Stan)…my neighbors growing up. How about Hal Penner or Brenda Sechrist? And here I am playing the Mennonite name game on your blog…always a favorite past-time in OK/KS! πŸ™‚
Anyhoo…I love reading your blog and seeing your JOY in life. Mine has gotten lost through the years due to hard times along the way. Yet…you inspire me to keep fighting for JOY!

Debby - Since you are in the country, you should get a stock tank! Al and his siblings used to swim in that. Sometimes they would get under the water and when the cows came to drink, they would pop up and scare them.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - “why is this fun mom?” So funny!!!!
No pool over here either, but we are off to a beach house in a few days thank goodness – that should keep all of these teenagers over here happy for awhile : )

mollie's mom - It’s 100 in Hot ‘Lanta – I guess you can’t complain when they put it out there in the name! I miss my pool, too. It’s been 2 long, hot summers since I had a backyard pool πŸ™ They are the absolute best but I had the best time reading about the old school fun you had with the sprinkler!! I remember those sprinkler days very fondly! It’s gtreat to see good, old fashioned kiddo imagination at work, too!!
Have you seen the giant slip and slide type things on Pinterest that are made from tarps and duxt tape and are filled with water – looks right up your alley!!
Even without the pool I am loving your posts about your new house and neighbors, the cows!!

Tiffany - You are so fun. I look forward to reading your blog each day because you are just so real. Your posts always put a smile on my face.

Tanya - We went to the donkey sanctuary today! The under 5 crew liked it a lot.
Our blow up pool kicked it the first time I blew it up…boooo!
I think it’s hot everywhere πŸ˜€

Tracy Fisher - So ironic… we were just at out beach house (the place i want you to visit some day) and my kids kept saying they were bored. REALLY??? They had to make forts, collect shells, swim to the dock and jump off without any water toys, etc etc. I just laughed. I should have brought out the plastic bowls… what was i thinking … haha. looks like fun. although i agree, you need the pool back next summer. ususally when i want my husband to set something up for the kids, i leave for a few days on a girls outing. for some reason they beg him enough until he does it. don’t know how it works. just does. -tracy

Tiffany - You are too funny, I just sit and cheese when I read these posts, you capturing her spirit and remembering (impressive), “these leaves make it spicy”. Crack me up! Have fun at the zoo, what a good suggestion actually. Holla!

Cory - We had a pool just like that, but a few weeks ago it broke, and since then we have all been a hot mess! :/ In about a week or so we are getting another one.

Jamie M. - The Wichita Zoo? It is my favorite!! That and exploration place, my kids say that is what they miss most about Kansas.
Love the “Vintage Sprinkler”!! The greatest was when we put the sprinkler under the trampoline, the kids were shocked we could do that.

tina - we made a great slip and slide out of tarps for the kids this summer. when they realized they could be one four times as big as a slip and slide you buy at the store they were all for it! we haven’t had a day under 90 degrees in over three weeks now! our farmers need rain so badly!!

Erin - We had story time at the library this morning. Each week they hand out a card on one of the planets. My 5 year old son has them all memorized already. He is loving the space theme. When we got home, he was quizzing his 3 year old sister on planet facts. Tonight, the library and the Cosmosphere are putting on a program at our local ball park. Rhett is sooooo excited! They get to eat space ice cream, build a rocket, and look though telescopes. One of the church youth groups has a concession stand so I don’t have to fix supper. Yeah!

Heather - Love it! “why is this fun, mom?” Kids are so funny!

KirstenP - I just clicked on the link to your pool. Your kids were having so much fun! Go get that pool! There’s a good 2-3 months left of summer left. You’ll be so glad you did!

jenni@talkinghairdryer - We eat Sam’s pizza at Sam’s too. What’s the point of bringing home pizza to cook in the oven? There’s still a mess to clean up πŸ˜‰
We all get our own drinks, but the littles only get to fill it half way. I HATE the sinking feeling you get when one kid gets sick and you realize that you let them share a drink or dessert with all of the other kids just last night.

Cathy - I love a child’s imagination and the things they can come up with so little to do it with. Good job mom!

steph - my girlies always make soup in our backyard too.
sometimes it drives me nuts… but that’d be my type a personality!
but other times i just sit there and smile and say how cute! πŸ™‚
go and get a bigger kiddie pool from target!!!
we have one, it’s rectangular and probably 9×3 feet.
it’s awesome!
enough to get wet and then go and play!
just enough to cool off!

Sandy - Looks like fun. Who is Annie’s new friend?

happygirl - Boo hoo, no pool. Yeah, my kid didn’t know how to play in a sprinkler either. And that was 15 years ago. LOVE the soup. I was so hot last week I jumped into the lake. And I hardly EVER go in the lake. πŸ™‚ stay cool.

sue - I have a question. I never see Lauren anymore. Did she move with you to the country ?

sue - Meg……Go get the pool this weekend. It will be a life saver for you and Waffle. lol

Jacci in Ohio - Totally do ALL of this at least 3 mornings a week. Sprinkler, bowls, etc. Actually, this year I went tractor supply (I *know* you have those around) and got 4 galavanized buckets of various sizes. They’ve been so great for making the mud/weed soups and jus toting water around the backyard. I got one REALLY huge one… it was, like, $35 and it has been *awesome*.
Then, once we hit around 11am we pile in the van for swim lessons. And stay at the pool for hours. It’s 20 minutes away, but so worth it. About 4 days a week.

Jessica Johnson - Your Annie and my Kayla are two peas in a pod. We make soup lots around here. “Why is this fun, mom?” She’s a good one.

seriously sassy mama - We have never had a pool, so this is how my girls play all the time in the back yard. It is a bonus when you have a sprinkler system. SOunds like a fun I like to havem girls except we go to Target for pizza and soda.

lauren - we never had a backyard pool…only really good city pools.
but man do i miss the days of the sprinklers and the $10 slip ‘n slides.
enjoy your littles…they outgrow those sprinklers so dadgum fast.

Stephanie - Soup! It’s a favorite outside activity here, too πŸ™‚ Mud, water, rocks and leaves? Mmmmm, yes please. And I just found a fun sprinkler at Aldi for $6; hoping that will help us survive the pool-less summer!

Leah - What is it about husbands and pools? Mine has banned me from purchasing any more backyard pools for our daughter. Whatever, it’s not like he’s home to see her use it during the day. Your pictures are great! And that Sam’s Club pizza sounds awesome (seriously, I want one).

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summer fun.


we packed it in this weekend.
nothing major but lots of little and big things to keep us busy.




big beautiful post rain sky as the sun was setting.
the cows were near our house chompin' on grass….wondering what i was doing.



               we have a cucumber! it's very exciting for this non vegetable growing family.  big news!

                   i drove my three to their last swimmeet….clueless that it would be 9 hours before we left.
                                                       i wanted to run screaming down the street.  
                                                             8 hours is TOO LONG for kids!!!
                                         and their moms who are melting in the 110 degree HEAT!


all these art supplies make me happy.  
happy to see them working on art just because.  
and it's so nice when the tv is off!

talby and annie treated craig and i to a restaurant night.
(i made the meal but we won't get technical)

waffle even wore a bow tie.

IMG_3505-2 IMG_3506-3

annie served the drinks.
talby served the meal.
it was so fancy.  they loved being waitresses.  it was so cute!

i finished kisses from katie.  
and i am sad it's over.  
i could read hundreds more pages of her life in uganda.
her big beautiful heart is completely inspirational.  

i watched four of scott's six games this weekend.

they won the tournament which makes for a happy kid afterwards.  thankful for that.
and Craig even let annie sit on the bench for the last game….adorable.



i started reading Seven.  
i am LOVING it!!! you have got to get this book and read it!  it is SO FUNNY and REAL.
i was scared of it because i was fearful of feeling guilty.
BUT it's not like that.
it's just so good.
it's a lovely challenging book that everyone can learn from and think about.  


            softball is almost over.


waffle ran away and came home filthy!





what did you do this weekend?

we didn't clean anything….and it's obvious.


i want cleaning fairies to come by today.  



Wendy C - I love that you take the time to get in front of the camera with your kids!
We just returned from a week vacation in Florida and I was not in one photo.
You are my inspriation for a new goal of getting in front of the camera too!
Thanks, Meg!

Rachel @ Polka Dots and Lemonade - Love the pictures! I especially loved the cows – it made me think of home. My family just moved from Texas (where I’ve lived my whole life) to California. Most of the time we love it out here in SoCal, but sometimes I definintely miss “The Big D”.

Ashley - 1) I love that photo of the lone cow. The colors are amazing!! 2) I also love your last photo. You always have awesome snapshots. I would love to learn how to use my camera to get photos like yours. Your family seems really great!

She Loves Life - I LOVED the book Kisses from Katie too and didn’t want it to end!! Made me really think about the fact that God does really use every type, age, and race of people to live out his love ! I have Seven on my list of books to read too!
I’d love it if the cleaning fairies visited my house too but they say a “dirty” house is a sign of a life well lived and I like that as one of my motto’s…it kind of takes the guilt away a tiddly bit : )

Lisa - Cleaning is so completely over-rated. πŸ™‚ I would much rather spend my weekends doing fun things with my kiddos and my hubby than cleaning and feeling crabby – life’s too short…have a dusty house!

Krista Priest - Were you in Abilene for the swim meet? Our whole family was there too. Where do you live now? In the country?

nora - I love your photos! And cleaning is overrated, in my humble opinion πŸ™‚

happygirl - Great weekend! Reading 7 scares me. One of the bloggers I follow took the 7 challenge and it looked so hard. I’m looking forward to seeing how you are inspired by it. πŸ™‚

Doris - Hey, I gave you award in my new post πŸ™‚ It’s for Beautiful blogger:


Anne - Glad you posted about Jen Hatmaker’s newest book. I’m totally going to check it out. She spoke at a MOPS group meeting I attended a few years ago, and was very funny, inspirational, and genuine. She’s great!

Lisa - I have become the 7 pusher…I think everyone around me is probably sick of hearing about it! I just found out that Jen Hatmaker is speaking at Life Church in Olathe Monday 7/16 – thought I’d share! πŸ™‚

Jen Brandt - Meg, I love looking at your pictures. They make me happy. Thank you for your blog. I’ve decided to live life and not worry about my house so much this summer. HOWEVER, I made a big, anally typed “everybody needs to pitch in and help out” cleaning list and all four of us got to work on Saturday. I couldn’t take it anymore. Besides that, we hung out at the pool all Friday evening, attended a very moving baptism for my best friend’s and her hubby’s adopted daughter Sunday (I cried my eyes out with joy!), more pool after church, and then hubby and I went to dinner and outside concert – Last Summer on Earth Tour: Cracker, Big Head Todd and the Monsters, Blues Traveler, and Bare Naked Ladies. Beautiful evening to be outside! I hope you have a rockin’ week!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Oh how I would love cleaning fairies. What is it about summer that makes my house such a mess? I don’t have an excuse for the rest of the year either. Hmmmm, guess it must just be me! Love your family summer days, love that you have cows and chickens all over the place like it’s normal…heehee. Keep enjoying the summer.

Jennifer - Such fun pictures! It always brings a smile to my face when I see Waffle in your posts. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the book suggestion…I’m heading over to Amazon right now to buy me a copy. Sounds very interesting.

Rachel B. - I got to spend time with a school friend and her husband. We hadn’t seen each other since 1991. It was an awesome time.
p.s.-love Waffle’s bowtie!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - We are now finished with our reno room! We turned an extra room into a bedroom (5 month long project!) and they finally finished the trim! I got to move stuff back in today…while it is technically a bedroom we use it for a playroom and mama’s craft area! We adore the brightness! (Need to get this up on the blog!) Umm…that was mostly it! Spent Sat. running around doing errands, getting groceries, trying not to die in the heat from this past week.
This week…finish up moving back into the playroom…pack a bit for our 3 week China trip, get paperwork done that needs to be brought with us (slightly important!), and organize/purge the house of STUFF before we go!

Jennifer - Wonderful happy colorful pictures as always. I can’t believe that swim meets go that long! How horrible! Outside in the heat??? My girls do irish dance and we have usually 8 hr days at competitions too. 8 hrs+ of accordian music. :/ And loud hard shoe clomping. I almost always leave with a headache.

Christa - I am reading 7 at the moment too and love it! The other night, I had a good 10 minute laughing fit in bed at midnight trying to read one part of it to my husband. Sooo funny! But also so relatable. And inspiring. And challenging. I thought too that I’d feel like I was reading one big guilt trip but you’re right, it’s not like that at all. I want everyone I know to read it!
This weekend had one day of being at home and one day of being gone all day. But both days were fun and awesome in their own way. πŸ™‚

laura b - I want the grocery shopping fairy to come to my home! Haven’t shopped in 2 weeks and the kids are getting desperate (I do have food in the house, just not snacks and now out of bread). And my copy of “7” just arrived in the mail. Haven’t started it yet, but I have heard good things. But I agree, I’m a little worried about feeling guilty!

Meredith - I had a fun weekend. It started Friday with my 3 1/2 yr old and my Mom and I going to Philadelphia to Franklin Park to ride the Carousel and have milkshakes in the park. We picked up my 5k pack and just hung out. Cleaning, went to my inlaws pool with the boys and hung with the little one again at night while my oldest son and husband when to the dirt races. Sunday I did the Color Run in Philly. It was amazing. I would never have heard about it if it was not for your posts. Thanks, it was a great time and I can not wait to do it next year. You would have loved it. I ran almost the entire 5k around walkers and then stopping to take pictures. Yours was crazy busy too and I have now put your book suggestions into my phone so I remember.

kerry - aaah – I love the reserved Coca-Cola message as well!
So funny – I just updated my Facebook status before I read this post:
“Where is that flipping cleaning fairy???!!” Haha – moms think alike! πŸ™‚

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - My favorite part of this post?
“Coka-Cola Zero – 1 reserved (2 left)” πŸ™‚
Too funny!

CathyC - Hi Meg, I love that book 7! I read it a few weeks ago in a flash because I could barely put it down. Now my friend is reading it too. Very inspirational.
Have a great day!

Becki - I had to pin that awesome quote, and I do want to read both of those books! Your photography is amazing, and when I saw how great those art supplies looked all spread out in the crate (I pinned the photo), I was upset because I saw one just like that at the flea market on Saturday. Maybe it will be there again next week.
AND I love that your dog’s name is Waffle!

amy - please send the cleaning fairies to illinois next. thanks. i actually had quite a bit of free time myself this weekend working on shop stuff but that means i really got nothing done around the house–no cleaning, no laundry and no house projects. ughhh. i love the dinner idea, i am gonna let the kids do that one night this week for us, they would love it. i love that pic of waffle getting sprayed.

Sarah - Thanks for saying that you started 7! I have been so intrigued by it and scared to buy it to read, too. πŸ™‚ I was actually just reading Jen’s blog for a long time last night and feeling that pull to read it get stronger. Quite certain this blog post of yours just pushed me over the edge to head to Amazon to buy it. Thanks!
Also, I read Kisses for Katie 7-8 months ago…sooooooo good! I had the exact same feelings in that I was very sad when I finished it. Was one of the most inspirational books I have ever read. Completely amazing girl and I firmly believe there will be much more than any of us can imagine to the legacy she is leaving. Amazing.

tiffany gardner - had a tough weekend. thanks for making my monday a bit more shiny.

seriously sassy mama - You were a busy bee. I love the pictures of the cows.

Jane Frederick - Oh ‘my, even ater 30 years, my husband and I haven’t forgotten the swim meet torture. Those long meets out in the heat and sun are NOT fun! Of course our boys have fond memories of playing Magic while waiting their turn.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - We celebrated our 11th anniversary, finished planning our vacation(heading south from NY), and got a new rug. Oh and the cleaning fairies? When one contacts you to do a review send it over here…Id be glad to employ too:)

jennie - just got 7 on my kindle this weekend, going to read it at the beach. can’t wait!

Debbie Smallie - My MIL and her mother just dropped by because “they were in the neighborhood” and I was instantly VERY aware of how little cleaning happened here this weekend. A 30 minute heads-up should be manditory!!! And I feel your pain about the swim meet…we have one tonight. Hours of sitting to watch seconds of swimming..FUN!

maggie - i wished for cleaning fairies too but so far they only come when i leave a $60 check on the counter πŸ™‚ we celebrated our 12 year anniversary..nothing fancy but just us two…i enjoy all your country pictures and that waffle is super cute! wishing you a great week {wishing the cleaning fairy pay you a visit}.

Lee Ann - I want to read “7” next. I read “Kisses from Katie” a few weeks ago. I checked it out from the library and then promptly ordered it. I try not to buy a lot of books, but that’s a keeper for sure! I can’t wait for my girls to read it. I want them to know her story. To know that following God’s plan isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Michelle - I want cleaning fairies every day!
We had a slightly insane weekend of cottage time, dinners with friends, a concert, a party for my husband’s old Air National Guard unit that is being retired, and a baby shower for our nephew that has already made his appearance.
I’m using this week to take a much needed NAP.

tina - Our weekend was packed full of small fun stuff too! I wish we had a cleaning fairy at our house also!!!!! Happy Monday πŸ™‚

Terrie - It was a crazy, busy, FUN weekend!
Photo field trip to the winery to shoot their vineyard…
1st group photo shoot…23 peeps! So nervous!! Think it went ok…
Impromptu photo field trip with the girls around town…
Dinner with the boys at Brookville…shooting pics as we were driving there and to see the
Grandson, daughter & son-in-law… fun!
If you find those cleaning fairies…please send them my way when you are done with them!! πŸ™‚

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all good.



these are shots of all of our june Craft Weekend sponsors!
aren't they all SO pretty?


you will love all these shops!!!

thank you, thank you, thank you to all our FABULOUS generous super fun sponsors!!!


Debby - Do you know that MaryEllen T. likes creampuffs for breakfast?!

Tracy Fisher - ok, that’s it…. i am signing up for CRAFT WEEK as soon as i get back from vacation. πŸ™‚ -tracy

Renee - i followed the link to chicken enchiladas recipe and noticed they’re from family in des plaines IL… i grew up in Mt Prospect, right next door!! we used to call the two towns DP and MP. yay for the NW chicago suburbs πŸ™‚ now i live in Nebraska which is of course neighbors with Kansas… yay for the real midwest πŸ˜‰ Thanks for sharing the recipes! can’t wait to try it

Maria at - GREAT POST:)
Your blog is so you have twitter or fb to follow with??
If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration…check out my new post:)
Have a great weekend
LOVE Maria at

Barbara Nelson - love all of these I’m not very crafty but would love to go to one of your CW’s they look and sound so awesome.

Ellen J - I want so badly to come to one of your CW!! Maybe I can make one next summer after I finish up grad school. They look like they’d be a bit of crafty heaven wrapped up with pretty fabrics and served with yummy food!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I’m going to have to search the craft weekend blog a bit more, but do you have a list of all of your pretty sponsors somewhere?

Jessica at Me Sew Crazy - I am always so in awe of these weekends you host. I love everything about it!

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4th of july


we went to my friend Dianna's again for their 4th of July party.
they have the perfect set up. 


this year it just happened to be that our two girls were the only girls….and tons of boys!



my friend GB made adorable cookies. (i forgot to get one….darn)


party food is always so fun!
i love to see what people bring.
and try almost all of it.

i made the blueberry buckle i make every year.
with blueberries on sale right now you need to make this!
i mean it!
make blueberry buckle and even blueberry buckle muffins.



talby was close so we snagged her for a picture.  :)


dianna brought out their baby box turtles that their pet turtles hatched on st. patricks day!!


i don't know if i have ever seen anything cuter!



this is the top 5 feet of her 12 foot sunflower plant!


the fireworks began after dinner…






the hostess with the mostess.




time out/cuddle time.

this is when all the kids were lighting fireworks.  
when it gets dark, everyone gets in their chairs and watches the neighbors professional level fireworks show!



it went on and on!!


seriously… awesome fourth.


how was yours?
what did you do?
are you sleepy today like me?


Vicki - Ok. I know this is a completely inappropriate question, but I must ask: What kind of bra do you wear under a dress like that?? I love thin straps and summery dresses, but at a 36D, I can’t find a strapless bra that works. I can’t figure out how to wear that stuff without ugly bra straps hanging out!

Holly - what an awesome fourth! We spent ours on the beach which was great as well!

Library Momma - Cute hair!

Jenny B - I love the pretty food and the cute turtles!! I’m a little jealous of the fireworks. We have burn bans pretty much EVERYWHERE in Arkansas, so did not get to shoot off any this year. It was strangely quiet. Fourth of July is my favorite holiday, so it was a little depressing! Plus, our kids are alternating time with their grandparents this week, and the fourth ended up being the day we drove to drop off one child and pick up the other. Oh, well… I’m still thankful for our freedom! πŸ™‚

di - Thanks for all the great pics, Meg! So glad your fam could be a part of our annual tradition. You were adorable in your cute dress (she is for REALS, folks!) NOW about that last piece of blueberry buckle you were hiding…that would have been a tasty treat for a certain running buddy, hmmm?

Angela - You are beautiful – do you know that? I’ve been reading your blog for a while now, but I don’t think I’ve ever commented. Anyway, love the blog. πŸ™‚ I did nothing on the actual 4th, but my church small group went to a town nearby and watched the fireworks show around their town square! It was a great time and we got to celebrate with a friend who just found out she and her husband are expecting their first!

new jersey landscape lighting - this is such a cute blog, thank you!

Han - I live in the UK so the closest we get to that many fireworks would be NYE. I wish our community was more like that – we all seem to keep to our thing and don’t speak to each other.

Crystal Swoverland - The box turtles are amazing! I can’t get them around here…we grew up with them and I am trying to get one for my family but no luck! Can you ask your friend where she got them? I really, really am desperate to find one for my kids! Thanks Meg!

Ashley - You look gorgeous! The shot of the three of you is so pretty…one to use at her wedding one day. Can you send me some blueberry buckle? I will make it this year. Gonna do it.

katey - Those turtles are so cute! My brother had (and at 46 still does) a turtle pen and so we had baby turtles like occasionally and it’s amazing to watch them grown. Thanks for sharing. Brought back lots of great memories.

karen - it’s amazing how much sean and annie have changed!!

A Facebook User - my 4th of july started with a bang….I got a phone call that my 16 year old son passed out/had a seizure and fell while at his job. so, we spent the morning in the ER getting X-rays of his nose-broken-and getting a heart monitor to wear for the next 24 hours. 24 hours later, he has the biggest bruised/scraped nose and the worst headache ever, but we now are fairly certain we can blame it on his new medication for ankylosing spondylitis. I don’t want to repeat this again next year…..

April R - Happy 4th! πŸ™‚
Thanks for sharing – again!
That celebration looks like fun for everyone.
And I totally agree with Mindy about the bathing suits – Annie and Talby look so beautiful πŸ™‚

Jen Brandt - Love the picture of you, hubby, and Talby. You look beautiful! Looks like a great day.
We were in a HOT, HOT, HOT parade, Wendy’s frosties on the way home, changed and headed to our friends house for pool time, delicious food, and fun!

seriously sassy mama - We enjoyed our towns parade, then spent some time and the lake. We finished the night out with some awesome fireworks. We just moved back to out hometown, so for my husband and I it was fun to reminisce.

Brandi - So jealous that you can have your own fireworks. What a great day!!

Carol S. - So is that what running almost every day does to a gal? Like the others have said, you look FAB and are radiant. I want that look (but not looking forward to running, wah, wah). We went to a local festival and were late getting to the fireworks, so watched them from the road in different directions and enjoyed baskin robbin ice cream to end the day. Happy July!

Jessica Johnson - Annie with the turtle?! And the patriotic nails?!! DYING! Frame that. Also, I want buckle. And your haircut. Goodbye.

joyce - looks like an amazing day! I so want one of those turtles, they are so cute!

Mindy Harris - can i just say i love that your girls wear modest bathing suits?
so refreshing.
annie is so tan. what a doll.
i love your 4th outfit! cute cute.
we went back home to chanute and swam alot. wilder didn’t like the loud booms so we honestly didn’t really see fireworks this year…

Tiffany - Summer looks good on you, you are looking so young, what is your secret!!!

Samantha Bayer - looks like so much fun and yes, i’m sleep today too!

Juliane - What a good 4th! I love how fireworks are really celebrating with light and with color. I like to bring that celebration indoors as well with the bright hues I’ve been able to find in wall art.

Lorie - I’m so jealous! Your grass looks so green. We have such a drought out here, our lawns are the color of wheat fields, and there was a ban on fireworks. Seriously. Some very stupid men went ahead and did it, and started a 2 acre fire between houses, and are now in jail. Not a very fun 4th. πŸ™

jessicakiehn - That blueberry buckle cake is my FAVORITE type of dessert…thanks to that fabulous streusel top!!!

shannon - So fun! Love the 4th of July and all the festive red, white and blue foods and decorations. I am always tired after a great day celebrating πŸ™‚

Kristin S - Meg, you have a stunning family and I’m not sure you can take a poor picture. You are so pretty!!!

Jessica @ MyArdentLife - Cutie-cute-cute-cute hair, Meg! If I thought I could do short hair, I would so be taking this pic to my stylist. Maybe after I lose all these post-baby pounds and my face looks thinner. Since my baby just turned ONE, I should step it up, huh?

Logan - Looks like such a fun time. Makes me wish we had a 4th like that! We used the day to work on projects at the house and stopped mid-afternoon to grill burgers and hot dogs with our daughter and her boyfriend and another close friend. I am wondering if you have ever tried your Blueberry Buckle recipe with a different fruit? Would it work with peaches? What do you think?

Leslie - What fun!! Love your fireworks!!! In our part of Calif we can only do the ones on the ground.

lindsey - Looks like you had fun! You looked so cute! My 4th was so uneventful due to the fire danger (no fireworks) and a sick kid. - LOVE that picture with you, Talby and Craig!! Looking so pretty and the dress is FAB!

Debby - Al and I drove through the night on the 3rd back from Arkansas, so we were too pooped to go to Joel and Jess’. Ended up watching just a little from the back deck. These south neighborhoods really light up! Went to bed early and didn’t hear a thing after our heads hit the pillow. Meg, do you know you just get prettier with age? Thanks for showing the photos from your neighborhood!

sara @ it's good to be queen - your dress is amazing. love it. also, rad firework show!!

Jennifer - great 4th! cute dress!

Leah - Love your pictures! And your dress is so cute! Dress Barn? I love July 4th. Here’s a quick glimpse of some of our patriotism:

Rachel J - We haven’t had rain in soooooo long that they cancelled all fireworks due to the danger. So that was a major boo! But, we had a BBQ at my parents, ate ice cream while driving around town and had a slumber party. Who says adults can’t have fun? πŸ™‚

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i love old advertising!

these were ads from a Life magazine that i found at my great aunt's.
i wish i could remember the year. 


now i know what to get lauren next year….







oh my.




Honeybee Mama - hilarious! especially the risque lady in her undies as a result of the he-man aroma of aftershave!

Sue linse - Love the shoes on the girl in the skin bracer ad…they would be fashionable now!

Kelly - My mom gave me a typewriter for Christmas when I was about ten and I didn’t like it at all. We can laugh about it now how she thought I would love it and instead I thought it meant hours chained to a desk and typing lessons. πŸ™‚ So funny. She has a little typewriter in the grandchildren’s room at her house now that the little boys love to peck away at!
Hotpoint seems like a funny name to try to sell something to keep food cold. πŸ™‚
These are great and funny too. Kelly

Kate - Oh, I love old advertisements! They make me so happy! There is this great antique store in Prescott that has piles of old magazines. So fun.

stephany - So, I’m not the first to suggest this…and am sure you already thought of something amazing to do with them…but, frame them…decoupage them onto canvas…display them! In your NEW house!

katey - Love these!! I found an article the other day while cutting out some for an old journal and it was titled “Be a Whistled at Mom”. It was from 1952! Cracked me up!!!

Sarah - Is Lauren starting college this next school year? I may just be turning 30, but I do have memories of writing school reports on a typewriter. I sooo hated when the erase tape was finished and I had to resort to using white out!

angela - Perfect for framing and displaying in the craft house! LOVE the typewriter ad!

Heather S. - I subscribe to Reminisce Magazine because I love all the vintage! And I am only 34! Love the ads!

amanda d - Love it! Makes me want to watch Mad Men!

Alicia @ La Famille - so cool! i wonder if don draper designed any of those πŸ™‚

Becki - Wow! Those are priceless! It’s amazing how much things have changed.

Ivy - Your hotpoint fridge ad says its the one to buy for ’46. Awesome find. These should be framed.

Christina Cruz - I love these ads. I have seen others that were put in men’s magazines that, although funny, are totally wrong. Like the one that says, “Is it always illegal to kill a woman?” or “It is good to have a woman around the house.” and the man is stepping on a woman’s head. These remind me of some of the sexists ads now-a-days.
However, I would frame these ads. These kinds of ads are the reason I got into the Adverting world.

Wendy - You would love Amy Barickman’s Book called Vintage Notions. She is a Kansan also and has Indygo Junction Pattern company. Really cool lady. Anyway, her book has all kinds of old gems from books and maybe magazines. Her blog does also.
Such fun things to have!
I was thrifting yesterday and thought why do all the cool old signs have to be cigarette, cigar, or liquor?? I guess they didnt realize how bad some of those things were. being educated about your health takes away all of the fun! I love the tin signs but I can’t have a cigarette or beer sign in my house full of kids!!

jennifer - I found a lot of old ads and appliance manuals at my grandma’s house. We framed the kitchen/food related ones and have them hanging in our kitchen. Love it!

Tanya H - My dad wore green Mennen Skin Bracer when he and my mom would go out! The smell takes me back to being a very little girl ….of course that was way after that ad would have been circulating tho, giggle! These were fun!

Kristin S - These are begging for frames… except the one of the guy in his underwear.
Oh, and they typewriter one? Didn’t Dads used to look so much older?

R - The “Reis Scandals” is OUR last name!! That cracks me up. Wish I knew where to find this issue…i’d frame that puppy!! Ha ha! We have old British cars (50’s and 60’s) and my husband loves when I find the old ads and frame them for his office. It’s fantastic!

Vera - I courted an angel and married a cook ha ha I LOVE IT!

Leah - I love these ads! Old ads are awesome.

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plays…weddings…family stuff.


talby spent the week at drama camp with her cousin Macy.
then on friday we get to come and watch their play.
it was cute as always!


i wore my faaaaaavorite dress (from Cato last year) to talby's play.
then we left from the play to meet up with craig's family for a rehearsal dinner and wedding.

the little girls wanted to get fancy for the wedding.

talby was the program girl.
she did an excellent job of course.  :)


we danced the night away.

IMG_3290-1 IMG_3294-2

photo booths at weddings are so much fun!



my girls tried to catch the bouquet but they weren't even close.

 we ALL met up at the craft house and the 16 of us are hangin' out.


we watched Craft Wars….on TLC….with Tori Spelling….have you seen it?
i was really loving it.
except for the judges and the dumb reality tv drama.
but it's fun to see the crafts!

since it's july…i decided this is the month i am going to become a morning person.
cause i need to be.
it's too hot to run any other time than EARLY.
day one is done.
i liked it.
we'll see how tomorrow goes.


Photo Booth Manchester - When I was young, I use to think my own mom was insane to get up so beginning. Now, I know her key.

WEIBO WEIBO - I have read your article.Article is very interesting,thanks for your sharing. I will necessarily add it in the selected works and I will visit this site.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I love weddings…anybody’s wedding, but especially when it’s special friends and family. Those are the best. A photo booth would be super fun. I’m filing that idea away for my girlies πŸ˜‰ Happy Fourth!

Vonda - You all are beautiful! Love your favorite dress! I am soooo not a morning person! I wish we had a little summer around here-rumor has it maybe by the weekend?! I would like to just go for a walk without the rain!!! I think the state of Washington is the only state not reaching record breaking temps! Would love to pass a little of our rain to all the other states that need it so bad right now! I need to remember to check out Craft Wars!:)

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, when I saw these window treatments, I thought, “These are MEGAN DUERKSEN all OVER.” I had to send you the link. They would be so perfect for some of your fabric scraps … I could see them on all the windows at the Craft House!

Jamie - That photo of you in your favorite dress is just truly beautiful. πŸ™‚

beth - I’m with you on running in the am, it’s so hot by mid morning, got to get it in early!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I always love when I get up early…after the getting up part, of course! Also, Craft Wars is so fun. I agree about the drama though. Just show me some crafts πŸ™‚

Laura - I know this is completely off topic, but do you know what happened to Laura’s blog “piece of cake.” i was away on vacation and when I came back it was gone. I truly love your blog and hers as well. I was wondering if I missed her goodbye post. Just checking to see if you knew πŸ™‚

steph - i am SO not a morning person…
but honestly, i started running early mornings (between 6 and 6:30) since late spring and i LOVE it!
it’s SO hard to get up when the alarm goes, but once i’m out the door, there’s no looking back.
and i feel i’m a better mom when i do go out in the mornings.
you’d think i’d be more tired?
but i actually have way more energy… it’s a great way to start the day!!!!
too bad i can’t do it in winter too…
too dark here! ha ha ha!

Carrie - Ahh.. I have my neverending summer early morning trainers to wake me. My youngest gets up at 5:00 and the oldest a little bit after her. They both love to ride in my BOB duallie so it works out! Of. course I typically have to swing by the park as a reward, but that is ok.

Christy - Not a morning runner either, not by a long shot, but my running partner and I decided 100+ degree days made it necessary. We just switched to mornings last week. I, dare I say it, actually like it because it makes me get up and get going earlier. I feel like I accomplish much more in the day! Thanks for creating such a bright spot on the internet. Your devotion to God and your family are evident in every post. Keep it up!

Kirsten J - Love the wedding photos! And alrighty, girlie, if you say so….looks like summer is finally going to hit here in the PNW (after the 4th of July, as usual). SO if I’m going to walk, I have to get up and get out the door early. Ughh.

lisa currie-gurney - Mornings are the very best time of day.
The peace and quiet are like no other.
When I was younger, I use to think my own mother was crazy to get up so early.
Now, I know her secret.
Hope you discover it too Meg.
Hugs From My Heart

Lori H - Loved the black and white dresses on you three!

ko. s - So cute and fun and sweet and inspiring! I love reading your blog and seeing all the pictures πŸ™‚

sandy toe - Love the polka dot dresses!
sandy toe

Tracy Fisher - The photo of you and the girls and the one of the father daughter (yours) dance… priceless! I love moments like these. Happy mornings to you Meg. -Tracy

angela - Love the photo booth pics!! What was in the punch to make yall so happy???? lol

Sharla - i love your hair too. And the photo booth pics are AWESOME! What a great keepsake.


Miss Rachel - I have to become a morning person too since everyone else in my family already is. Grumble.
I wanted to let you know that I offically thanked you on my blog for your Summer Wish Lists I found on Pinterest. They inspired me to get my family to create our own:
Now let’s just see if we can use our list to inspire us to actually DO the things we put on it!

Heather F. - Your 2 little girls have grown so much in the last couple of months. Your favorite dress is rad πŸ™‚

Talysa - Your hair is gorgeous. Makes me miss having shorter hair. Till I remember that it is so hard to find people that know how to cut it properly. :-)Love that dress too.

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