Masthead header


these are all from my instagram over the past week or so.
 love having something to docement little moments that don't need a photo session….
or edit in my computer.
just point – shoot – upload.
its fun.


wathched Money Pit with craig.
laughed so much. 
it's one of my most favorite movies.

we bought our school supplies….last week.

sean learned how to drive the mower….


we grabbed donuts for breakfast.

and went for a morning swim with friends.


have been enjoying the shade in the morning to sit and read Seven.


 we went to the zoo and it was HOT but these misting fans help!


i took  my three youngest to Brave.
it was… good.  whatever.
17 years of disney and i am… bored of the mother/daughter story line. 
but her hair was pretty amazing.

i love pineapple.
that is all.

 i made three blueberry buckles in a week.


sean was buried in the sand.
funny picture.

smiley smiles all day long.

my niece caugt a dragon fly.
we think maybe it had just molted because it was very still and slow…like it was just waking up.
which is how i could capture this picture with a phone camera.

 holy cucumbers!!

we have a bunch….woo -hoo!

we hit happy hour at sonic again.
we do this a lot.

its good cheap entertainment and it's yummy.

the first birthday celebration.


i was trying to get sean to try some new looks…he didn't approve.

the second birthday celebration….

another shot from my favorite morning spot.


i am linking up with InstaFriday over at LifeRearranged with Jeannett today!

happy friday to you!

what are you doing for fun today?


melissa rice - 1. i own the money pit!
2. i agree the the usual story line but they also try to push the whole “you can control your fate”thing which they tried to do and that gets them into trouble!
3. i did love her hair
4. cucumbers will be coming out your ears fairly quickly 🙂

jeri - Yeah, basically Disney has 3 story lines they tell over and over.
1. kids wants to be treated like an adult and gets in hot water
2. princess is trapped by evil witch or beast or dragon or whatever
3. prince charming comes to the rescue and they live happily-ever after

Dorothy Gale - Oh, I love Daylight Donuts. Yummmm!

Dorothy Gale - Oh, I love Daylight Donuts. Yummo!

GretchenP - ok i can not for the life of me get a clear action shot! (ie: the kids jumping in the pool) i use camera+ but what do you use??? thank so much!!

rachel - Love the Money Pit! The stairs are out!

Lisa - Thought the same thing about Brave. But my kids loved it so that’s good. Plus my oldest, who is 11 yrs, has curly, big, crazy hair and she kept saying how cool Merida’s hair was. Glad she saw “her” hair in a positive light since she complains at times about her own hair. Random thing to be thankful for but I was! 😉

Becki - It’s raining here today. The husband and I are going to the movies later though, so woo. Have a great weekend.

Michelle @ One Crafty Mama - You certainly have had a fun week. Nothing better than multiple birthday celebrations. 🙂

Alicia @ La Famille - fun stuff, girl. you are rocking the instagram…what did we do before it!? i’m @aliciaahutchinson if you need a peek 😉

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Ugh school shopping. We’ve started too because the girls and I go back 4 days after Eric & I get home from our Central America teaching trip. Im excited about the trip but not about going back to school so soon afterward.
Have a lovely day!

happygirl - I’ve got to get on Instagram. Great shots and Happy Birthday to your young man. Agreed on the Brave review. 🙂

Vanessa - After a not-so-looked-forward-to dentist appt in McPherson we get to hit Sonic happy hour, pick up school supplies then head to the water park for cheap family swim night after 5 p.m.! Woohoo!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy Friday!

Heather F. - I agree with you about Brave. It was a typical Disney movie with the typical story line. I think I expected more, so I was disappointed.

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god is awesome.


i hunt for sunflowers.
every summer.
i am a sunflower addict.


i mean really….just try to tell me what is happier than that?!!
it is the best site to see.

every detail amazes me.
LOOK at that!
it's about 8 inches across and hasn't even opened yet….it is  B E A U T I F U L !!!

sean held annie up to see a bug inside that one.
they had a blast running around this old farm.



this brings me joy.


{{{{ sigh }}}}

three of my favorite people in one of my favorite places….it's enough to make me cry.




i didn't see that in my lens….or when it uploaded….i noticed it when put it on the blog.
i absolutely LOVE that picture! 


only about half of the flowers were open when we came by.
which made me giddy just thinking about coming back.


my kids asked if we could build a house right here so we could see the flowers and climb that tree.


talby took this picture of the lady bug!




i am not prejudiced….i love dead sunflowers too!

one of the things i love about sunflowers is that they are solid and study.
they have big leaves….they have layers and layers of seeds and petals.
God creates each one so intricitly.
His creation is so detailed.

she found her twinsie in size.

thank you Lord for reminding me of how detailed You are in the world.
every seed.
every petal.
Thank you God for caring about every hair on my head….every tear…every hurt….every joy in my life.

and for showing me that in a field of sunflowers.

God is awesome.


Mary - LOVE all of these pictures(the grasshopper one totally blows me away), and i love even more the fact that God IS so awesome! how humbling to know that He’s all about the details, in each of our lives.
super awesome, great, wonderful post. 🙂

katey - Your grasshopper picture is totally my favorite. I think you could have that published!!!! Love it!!!

elizabeth highsmith - He sure is! Thank you for passing on a beautiful reminder!

Chrissy - Gorgeous pictures (and children!)!
Thankfully, someone pinned something from your blog and I have found you. 🙂

Natalie - the grasshopper… AWESOME!!! Since you love sunflowers, I knew I had to share… The tornado that drove thru the state of Alabama, “April’s Fury 2011” missed my home by about a mile. It was devastating. At least TEN families in my church lost everything. It was life changing, physically and spiritually for our state. Months after as families still tried to make sense of the disaster and families searched, rebuilt… The coolest thing EVER happened~ all over, in the most random spots, popped up the most beautiful SUNFLOWERS! Apparently seed from different bird feeders were scattered EVERYWHERE! To me, it was this great sign of HOPE, growth! IT was BEAUTIFUL! You would have loved it!! GOD IS AWESOME! 😉
Enjoy your stories!!! Blessing to you and your family!

Sarah H. - God is awesome! You don’t know me from Adam, but we planted sunflowers in our garden this year and every time I look at them I think of you and your love for sunflowers! My sweet 5 year old daughter and I love our’s too. I love, love that grasshopper. That is print worthy for sure!

Lisa - I’m blessed to drive by a sunflower field every morning as I take my son to day care. A big field of big happy sunflowers, basking in the rising sun, every one of them facing the east like lines of sunflower soldiers. So beautiful. Must remember to take my camera one day soon.

ira lee - i love sunflowers too. i meant to plant some with my kids this spring but i forgot. ive heard they are easy to grow!!!

elisa - These are great! Love 🙂

Melissa - Sean seems like such a great big brother!

Robin - Thank you for this post! Your photography is unbelievable – truly magical – especially the grasshopper – the best photo I have seen! I am always so inspired when I read your blog – it is one of three that I MUST visit EVERY day! That grasshopper picture belongs in National Geographic, or the National Gallery of Art!!!! It is truly spectacular!
What kind of lens do you use? Your pictures are always so clear and vibrant.
Thank you for the joy you bring us every day. Yes, God is amazing.

cath w - Good grief.

Jenn B - I Love this post! Sunflowers bring me joy too. We have one growing in our yard that is taller (by almost a foot) that my husband and he is 6’2″! They are huge and truly God’s amazing work. My favorite picture is the grasshopper one. I love that you didn’t even know you got it. Awesome!

the.mrs - indeeeeed! i feel the same giddy feeling looking at bananas. I know, weird, right?! But next time you open a banana look closely, they’re glittery. 🙂 I mean seriously, God loves glitter as much as I do. And they break into 3 right down the middle. Unless you’re lucky and get one that breaks into 2. God’s creation rocks.

Jessica at Me Sew Crazy - wow. Just wow. Amazing photos, amazing praise, and amazing grasshopper. I am pretty sure you found Jimini Cricket.

Becki - Beautiful!

jeannett - sigh…
love it.
all of it.
missing you.
owen said he needs you to cuddle him.

Lisa - Love everything you said

Heather - “Thank you God for caring about every hair on my head….every tear…every hurt….every joy in my life.
and for showing me that in a field of sunflowers.
God is awesome.”
Thank you for a beautiful post and an important reminder. I needed that today. So Much!

Rachel Spin - Love your pictures. Do you have a flickr account? My fave is the grasshopper photo as well as many above. I also love that the sunlight is composed right at the face of the flower. Awesome light and cute little bug.
God’s creation always inspires me and to grab my camera. His glory surrounds us every day.

rachel - lovely captures! 🙂

karen gerstenberger - God is awesome; I agree. Your grasshopper photo reminds me of the books by Eric Carle, especially “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” Did your kids have that one? It’s adorable, like you and your family.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That grasshopper pic is the What-What! I fell in love and didn’t notice the grasshopper until I scrolled down. Tricky dude.

Mindy Harris - such a sweet post, megan

nat - what an awesome post. i actually just bought a huge bunch of sunflowers at costco today. they are so happy to me.

roganne - great pictures! God is great and you can see his love shining through your camera 🙂 thank you for today’s post!

kerry - Oh how AWESOME! xx

Lori H - Thanks for sharing these photos. I love sunflowers too, but usually have to find mine in Trader Joe’s 🙂 I love love the photo of the grasshopper…he looks like he is at home in his apartment, looking out!

Angie - Absolutely beautiful photos!
A gentleman down the road used to have a field of sunflowers and I always smiled as I drove by. They are a very cheerful flower!

Suz - great photos! God is a creative GENIUS! And weird to think that we live in a fallen world that is not even perfected yet…really something to look forward to…I can’t even imagine!! xoxo

shannon - Pretty sunflower pics. They are perfect Summer and Fall flowers. Great pic with the three of your cuties standing infront of them.

Kirsten W - I feel the same way as you do about sunflowers! They are really awesome!! And your photos are just fantastic – love, love the one of the grasshopper!

colleen from alabama - I needed that today. I have sunflowers on my table and i need to be reminded that God is in the details… especially the painful ones right now. Thanks for helping me to see things a little differently!

Amanda - I love sunflowers! Your pictures are so beautiful, and you are correct, God is awesome! 🙂

sandee prince - great post meg!

Kristin - just joy!

Carla TV - Amen! Thank you for sharing the beauty. 🙂

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love how you notice and appreciate God’s creation as His expression of love for us. what a gift.

Beth K. - Just the reminder I needed today – God is awesome!! I just lost my job today of 15 years with no forewarning – devastating! Trying to stay positive and find something new to help support our family of six. Thanks for providing this wonderful post for me today! Just what I needed! God Bless You Meg!

Jen Brandt - Beautiful flowers. Beautiful children. Beautiful God.

Jodi - The Grashopper picture is SERIOUSLY AWESOME! Love it!

Cathy - So beautiful! God really is so awesome…always!

Laura - Love the hiding Grasshopper!!! Fabulous pic!

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Nature makes me feel sorry for all of those who think everything just ‘evolved’ without God. Honestly! This beauty around us just could not ‘appear’ out of no where without our amazing God! Thanks for the reminder!

melodee - I love them, too! your pix are amazing and just ooze summer:) and so true…God IS so awesome!

Robin Canter - Makes me want to bust out singing “I’m walking on sunshine, whoa… and it makes me feel GOOD!”

Dani - Love this post!
This past weekend we were driving home from a conference and I saw a field of sunflowers. Immediately I thought of you! Your pictures are amazing. I felt like I could reach out and touch the flower!

Alisa - With the gift of the little grasshopper peeping out… was kind of like God was saying, “Thank you for enjoying what I have made.” Love.

stephany - Sunflowers are my favorite!
When we got married the florist asked me what I wanted for flowers and I said, “There HAVE to be sunflowers. I don’t care about the rest.”
My husband calls me “Sunny”.

Sarah Syhakhoun - Gorgeous post! Every summer I look forward to your miraculous sunflower photos. They pull at my heart – each and every one of them!
I have to admit that I’m a little creeped out when up close to a sunflower, but they sure are beautiful!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Amen!
We need to name the grasshopper.
He is adorable!

seriously sassy mama - So what I needed to read today. I love sunflowers. I almost changed my whole wedding after seeing sunflowers in a Martha Stewart Wedding mag. I love how earthy and yellow they are.

Ruth Elder - I would love to be able to get a copy of your 7th. picture blown up through that picture-to-canvas service you post about. Is there a way to do that?

Kelly Henderson - Thank you for such wonderful morning inspiration… I’m heading out on a walk with a happy heart (I’ll look for sunflowers;)

Casey - Wow, simply gorgeous. God is, indeed, awesome 🙂 I love that grasshopper shot – how amazing!

Kristin S - Love, love, love!
Also love Annie’s sweet pose in the threesome pic.
Love a sweet big brother giving sister a boost.
Love taking time to enjoy the little (big) things.
Thank you Meg!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, your pics are always awesome, your kiddos adorable & your words inspirational … thank you for sharing! (Sunflowers are pretty wonderful!)

Terrie G - Sunflowers make me weak in the knees!
I hunt for fields of them!
They are one of my favorite things to photograph…
besides the grandson! LOL!!
Well Done!

Niki - Amen and amen!! I am so taken with how deeply God knows His creations…be it flowers or people! I love that He KNOWS me inside and out! I have nothing unknown and He loves me anyway! 🙂

Heather F. - Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I love the surprise grasshopper! That would be a great tree to build a house by. Your kids have a great eye.

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - God is awesome and so is that tree! I want to climb it. 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!
these are just gorgeous!
love them all!

Jen - Amen!! Well said.

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happy birthday big guy!


for Sean's birthday i asked "what would you like to do?"
he said "could we go to the old house and get our tramploine and bring it to the new house?"

i love his simple request.
he didn't ask for anything elaborate or expensive.
just the trampoline.

the neighbor's puppy LOVES the trampoline.


then we got out the sprinkler….so much better!


this picture IS annie in every way.




he wanted to light his own candles….but i only had 6!! (mom fail)
and he still wanted us to sing.

we got him a giant cookie (thanks grandma) and we had homemade ice cream (thanks dad) on top.
twelve year olds are very goofy.

he asked for Lynette's noodles and ham for dinner.
we talked about how we barely made it to the hospital for his birth and how Craig nearly passed out.
he always says "i chose to lay down on the floor in the delivery room…i did not fall down there"
everyone loves to hear their birth story in our family….but especially that one.


the next night Sean had his birthday party with a few friends.


they went to Ice Age 4, ate pizza, they goofed off all around the house and then our neighbors let us swim. 



he had another friend come later but the camera was put away by then….sorry jonah.
you missed all the pictures!

they watched more movies and sprawled all over the living room staying up reeeeeally late.
it was a great party for sean.
he was happy.
this year has been SO good for him.

makes a mama's heart happy to see.

happy birthday big guy.
i can't believe you are TWELVE!!






J L Harvey - Where is Lauren?

holly - It looks like a fantastic time. Kids being kids! perfection….The second picture of the 4 boys is perfect!

elisa - I’m so happy that he is doing good 🙂 I know that makes you smile!

karen - that wet slippery trampoline gives me heart palpitations.

se7en - Happy Brilliant Birthday… Oh the summer fun just looks magical!!! I would like to take this moment to post a comment on every single blog post of your forever: That Annie is the cutest thing on earth!!! Just assume this comment is on every post with love from me… because really that photo of Annie!!!

danielle burkleo - happy birthday to your big guy! love the pool pictures, and him with his buddies. i can’t believe my boys will one day be this age. hold me.

Tracy Fisher - what a great day! congrats on raising your kids… love watching them grow up… yet stay young at heart. -tracy

Andie - I just wanted to comment on how much Sean reminds me of my son at that age. He is 15 now. I miss 12. He looks like such a great kid. You can just see the kindness in his eyes. I’m glad he had a good b-day.They grow up way too fast.

Joanie Woods - My son was 12 once, and it seems like it was yesterday. I was home with him everyday, and the time still flew bye! Keep doing what you are doing,enjoying these simple times you have with your kids. My boy is 23 now, and I miss my goofy kid so much!! Reading your Blog is a great way to end my day, Thanks ;o)

happygirl - Hahaha. my son used to put the sprinkler under the trampoline, too. and there is nothing funnier than a dog on a trampoline. GREAT pics.

Chris - Your Sean looks so tall for 12! Happy Birthday!!

Carrie - Happy Birthday! My oldest is turning 5 in a little over a month and I can not beleive that, 12 seems so untouchable at this point but of course I am soo okay with that! I am not rushing anything. I wanted to share what we talk about on her birthday every year. We talk about how we did not make it into the birth center. She was born in the parking lot and not in the car. I was trying to make my way around the car while my husband went to get a midwife. The midwife came out and by that time I was able to say while standinf up ” I think the head is out”. She took it in stride and said, but your shorts are still on. I now do not think she really believed me until she pulled the rest of that just 6 lb little girl out. My midwife took her shirt off in the parking lot at 3 pm in the afternoon along a relatively busy street while the whole second floor of the birth center stared out the window. 6 hours later we were home in our own bed. She will forever be known as the parking lot baby. In reality, Cecelia was meant to be born in a parking lot, it suits her. She is amazing, spunky, and you always know where you stand with her. So every year we taking her picture in the parking lot, a few times getting our spot.

Kelly - Those are the BEST photos…I can feel all the joy just pouring through my computer screen… especially the one with all the boys and the sunlight behind them! Summer bdays are the best.

Heather - Love all the pictures. We used to have a trampoline, but it wore out with age over the years. The kids miss it.

Lisa - Those pictures of Annie on the trampoline are HILARIOUS!!! They look like they were having a blast. And Happy Birthday to your son!

Heather S. - I know it’s a post all about Sean, but can I say I LOVE the picture of the dog diving into the pool? And all the swimming photos with the sun setting? Awesome! Happy Birthday, Sean!

tonya - my girl turned 12 in april and so far, i’m loving it! her and her girlfriends are so silly and giggly…they crack me up!!!
happy birthday, sean!!!

karen gerstenberger - I love this post, especially the “birth story” part. Good for Craig, choosing to lie down instead of tipping over. It’s a good thing that men don’t have the babies in this world!

betsy - Great pics at the pool … boys are so fearless! I’m pretty sure I never even attempted one of those jumps or flips into the pool when I was little. Makes sense, because now I just want to quietly sit on the edge of my pool & read a good book. I get annoyed when loud people come near me and get all splashy 😉

Alicia @ La Famille - oh my…12!! deeep breaths!! i’m only 2 years from that.
so the trampoline/sprinkler combo is brilliant.
also? your porch with the banners and lights is adorable.
sweet bday post 🙂

Kate - Julia just turned 12 and it was so hard for me to pick out presents with her! She is in that precious stage of inbetween…

Alice H - I didn’t realize how close in age our boys are. My son will be 12 in October. Happy Birthday to Sean!
Is that bunting on your porch up all the time? Where did you get it? Is it weather resistant?

Danielle F. - LOVE the pic of Sean looking at his candles! Love. it. Happy bday, Sean!

Danielle F. - LOVE the pic of Sean looking at his candles! Love. it. Happy bday, Sean!

Tina I - What a great birthday! Ahhhh….if only 12 year old girls were that easy…….

Hannah - Hey Meg!
I feel like you told the stories of all of you children’s births (maybe a year or so ago now?) but I can’t remember! Could you maybe do a retell, if it’s not too much trouble? Or just point me in the direction of that post?

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Beautiful pics, as usual 🙂 The party looks so happy, and I love that he wants to jump on the trampoline and still sing. I love boys who stay boys 🙂

Sandy - Love all the picturs, as always, but especially love the dog jumping off the diving board! How cool is that?!
Happy birthday, Sean!!

laura b - Your kids are getting so big! Too fast! Love the photo of the dog jumping into the pool!

Lorel - happy birthday Sean! I love seeing the changes in you this year. You are a great kid.

heather - sweet post! looks like you made it a perfect birthday!

W. - Happy birthday, Sean! Love the pictures.

ira lee - im sorry- but boys (at ANY age) are just too stinkin cute with no shirts on!!!! i love it! happy birthday to him- sounds like my kinda party!

kristina - I love the bunting and lights on your porch…way cute!

Jessica - Craig’s comment about laying down cracked me up!

Jen Brandt - How. fun. 🙂

Kimberly Dial - Happy birthday to your sweet Sean! 12-year-old boys are the best (I’m not sure everyone will agree with me) but having raised two sons, it’s awesome to see them turn into a man while still having the little boy pop out (often!) … such fun to watch … laughter filled my house during that time … oh how I miss those precious boys! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Tiffany - He is so handsome. And your right, 12 years olds are so goofy 🙂 they are in an in between stage trying to figure it all out. Good friends (and parents) help.

Jamie - 12 year olds are funny. And they come in many different sizes!

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Caring for ME.

Dove Visible Care sent this Toning body wash for my family to use.
that was an easy request.
i shower everyday and i will always try a new soap!
Dove says i will have “visibly more beautiful skin in just one week”.
that sounds awesome.

– i am trying hard to keep my skin beautiful and my whole body.
Dove says using it for at least 3 weeks will give me even better results.
it smells wonderful.
it has a creamy mouisturizer & it’s thick enough that it doesn’t fall off the bath pouf before i get it onto my body.

– i have been wearing sunscreen and so far have avoided a major sunburn that i aways get by now.
i enjoy my freckles but know i need to protect my skin from the sun.
the smell of sunscreen IS the smell of summer…add in the smell of the cholorine from the pool & i am a happy girl.
do you have a favorite brand you wear?  i would love to know.   

– i wish i didn’t have to but i have been using bug spray almost everytime i am outside.
because my legs covered in bug bites is not the way to have beautiful skin. 

– i have been up early to run not as often as i hoped but still doing it when i can.
it’s hard to leave that bed but as soon as i am out the door it’s so great to be awake!

– i LOVE the running skirt i bought awhile back.
i was not sure i would.
i thought the shorts underneath would ride up and be uncomfortable.
honesty is what you like to hear right?
well….they do ride up….but only a little….not to wear any parts are exposed….just up to wear a modest swimsuit would  stop.

but an even a bigger sell on the runing skirt….my husband liked it.
he noticed.
and i like that.  🙂  
so i bought a few more.

– i have a hard time eating right like most everyone does.
somedays i try hard….some days i fail BIG time.
i wish margaritas were diet friendly.
i would have that everyday!

So that is what i am doing for ME this month… waking up and running early, suncreen, fruits and veggies, sweets in little moderation, and enjoying the Toning Creme Body Wash from Dove VisibleCare.

and i got a massage last week and it felt really good too.

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Betsy B - What kind of running skirt is it??? 🙂

Julianne Brimner - Hey Meg, Crystal Light has a Margarita Mix that you might want to try. Not exactly the real thing, but with a little salt on the rim of your glass and lots of ice, it may be a great replacement. They have mojitos and appletinis, too.

Molly - I really like Aveeno’s line, the body washes are great. I need to try this Dove wash. I have the exfoliating one, but I need to try this one. I tried Oil of Olay’s shea butter wash and lotion, but the wash seems really heavy to me. So I have just been using the lotion instead, but I think the wash made my skin feel more moisturized.
I have been reading your blog since I came across it from Crystal B’s. I love how honest you are about raising your kids and the good and bad days.

Amanda - You need to get some Sting Stop! I was pulling weeds one night and looked like I broke out in hives b/c of all the mosquito bites. I put Sting Stop on each one and they were gone by the morning. 🙂

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pretending we know how to do this…

we don't fish unless we are at our friends house with the pond.
with grown ups who can take the fish off the hook when we catch them.
i just can't do it.

they had to wait all afternoon for Mike to get home from work to fish.
and when he was still in his truck they said "can we fish now?!!"
they love that part of the day.
my friend adam was there for a bit and helped with the slimey stuff.

any fish is a good fish.

remeber these two from Country Living oh so long ago???
still fishin' buddies after all these years.



annie caught a large mouth bass….
you could see the gills and the worm on the hook!

we tried to get jackson to throw it in for us but he was sure he did not want to.
i am with you jackson!


craig and Joel came after work too.
annie was telling him how big her catfish was.  

we had a big dinner all together….kids every where…. yummy food….perfect weather….
excellent day in my life.

and waffle's too.
(except when he kept getting in the water where we were fishing and then got wrapped up in our lines and then took off and ran around me and craig and was all twwisted up in the dumb fishing line and broke the line and a hook in his fur…. ugh.  we are so bad at this fishing thing… even our dog doesn't know what to do!)


i searched back for other fishing with our family….

first time…       waffle's first time….    this one has a video 🙂    

i am in love with these pictures and memories.
what special friends we have that will take the time to make these memories with us!


so tell me, do you fish?
do you take the hook out yourself?
am i just a big wimp and need to get over it already?
or do you agree that it's nasty and you don't do it either?


she - you’re really pretty…and this is coming from a 15 year old girl so you know you have to be really pretty for someone like me to say that

shea B - I caught my first fish, a rainbow trout, when I was almost three. I’ve loved it ever since. I eventually started baiting my own hook and then moved on to taking the fish off the hook. I’m 33 now and I still love to go to the river. My two little girls, who are 1 and 3, had their first fishing experience on Father’s Day. They squealed with delight while reeling it in and then freaked and burst into tears when they saw the fish flopping around on the ground. Memories! I’m glad you let your kiddos experience things even if you’re not a big fan.

s - can’t put hook in worm or take fish off hook. funny story…when i was a kid, wanted to cast overhead like my brothers, caught my head instead, and what freaked me out the most? the HUGE nightcrawler in my hair. had to sit in dr’s waiting room with a hook and worm in my head (one of my brothers must have been smart enough to cut the line – I don’t recall having to hold onto the pole!) problem is, to get a hook out, you have to push it past barbs, so they had to push it in further, cut barbs, and take it out. I don’t recall any pain, just complete mortification and the whole ick factor with the worm! no idea how my mom handled it – I would probably would scream all the way to the dr’s if it happened to one of mine!

elizabeth - those fish are beautiful!

Dani - Nasty! And that comes from a true country girl! I just can’t do it. Baiting the hook doesn’t bother me. I don’t like to touch the slimy fish that is flopping all around! We have a pond… but unfortunately it’s full of humongous snakes! So, no swimming in it for us!

Melissa - We fish. And I remove the hook. It makes me a cool mom….and I have three boys so it kind of a requirement. LOL
Mike looks younger now than he did in ’09.

Melanie - I lived in the country when I was a kid and did all that gross stuff — putting worms and insects on the hook, taking fish off the hook. When I fished again as an adult, I realized I am just too grossed out by the whole thing, and especially don’t like murdering worms to do so. And UGH! taking the fish off the hook? Just can’t do it anymore. So no, I don’t think you need to just “get over it”.

sandy toe - I love those pictures of the fish and kids- so bright and pretty!
sandy toe

joyce - Great photos. Yes I dont do the slimy stuff either!

Anna - Ummmm that’s what dads are for! I have wonderful memories fishing with my dad. Even at 31 he still takes the fish off the hook for me!

Amy @ Little for a Little While - Completely nasty and I have never baited my own hook or unhooked my own fish. Yuck!

mollie's mom - I cannot stand to bait the hook or take the poor fish off the hook so, of course, every.single.time I fish I have amazing luck catching fish. Go figure!!!
I am in love with that pond 🙂

lisa currie-gurney - Annie still has a polka dot bathing suit!!!
Hugs From My Heart

Michelle From Australia - Living in a City of over one million people, my idea of fishing is going to the Fish Markets and buying something ready to cook. As long as it is product of Australia or New Zealand or South Africa where we know that health and hygiene standards are enforced.

Lynne - Love, love the picture of Annie showing her dad how big her fish was! So sweet!

Elizabeth Grandon - Love it! I fish, but mostly just the casting, reeling, and taking pictures…I let me husband take the hook off. We fish for larger types like Musky, Northern Pike, etc. so it can get complicated with taking the fish off…He LOVES IT, and I love relaxing on the water/taking pictures/and occasionally fishing 🙂 I should blog about it soon!

Lori - My boyfriend has gotten me into fishing and I like it 🙂 I went Deep Sea Fishing out of Port Aransas, TX this summer. However, I’m totally with you on the nasty. I definitely don’t take the hook out myself. That’s what boys are for 🙂

Janet - I have learned to love fishing. My kiddos even convinced me to take them – by myself – without my husband, the hook and worm guy. 🙂 I always make sure I have my trusty yellow kitchen gloves and a big towel. That way I don’t have to “handle” those slimy fish. I even have my own little “tackle box” with a small plyers to reach in for those swallowed hooks. The kids have a ball and I don’t have to get all gross – everyone wins!
Janet – WI

Rach - I loved fishing as a kid. So fun and such good memories. I can relate most in this post to the picture of the little boy next to Annie though. That’s my youngest right now. Always trying to get into things. Can’t imagine what he would do with a pond and some fish.

Routhie - I love fishing and have gone my entire life, mostly with my father and brothers, but really, my entire family loves it. Being from TX we mostly fished in lakes and the Gulf of Mexico. Having said that, it takes me a while to brave baiting my hook (they use live shrimp) and I absolutely do not unhook my fish. Ew. Having said that, a friend has offered to teach me how to fly fish with the stipulation I get over these things. We shall see.

roganne - you are totally right…fish are slimey and gross. there is something really creepy about their eyes too…{shudder} they obviously shouldn’t be trusted 🙂

Jenny B - I haven’t fished in a LONG time, but used to go often with my dad and friends when I was a kid. We camped on the Buffalo River several times, and fishing was a daily event during those trips. My grandparents lived on a farm and had a pond. “Pops” would take me fishing there whenever I wanted to go. In all those times, I have NEVER – NOT EVEN ONCE – baited my own hook. No, thank you. 🙂

Heather - I love fishing! I grew up in central FL where there are lakes everywhere, not to mention the Gulf of Mexico, so there were lots of places to go. It was a special thing I did with my Dad. We never kept anything we caught- it was just the experience of being up early while it was still cool, enjoying the quiet and stillness of the water. The worms and hooks don’t bother me at all, but I still get a little skittish sometimes using crickets as bait. 🙂

sue - I hate fishing. That hook looks nasty for the fish and it must hurt it.

Krista - Their home is absolutely beautiful, the pond, the flowers, everything!! I must be reading your blog FOREVER, because I totally remember you posting about being in Country Living, and then seeing it in the magazine when it came in the mail… doesn’t time fly!?!

Heather S. - Don’t fish. Not my thing. If I’m going to sit around and do nothing, I’d rather be on a raft, reading a book. 🙂
My daughter has the same suit as the cutie in the pic with Annie. Such a cutie!

Judy - I don’t fish. I don’t want to learn. Yuck. And I’m not a patient person:). My 18 year old son has started fishing with his friends. I got a text from him one night at midnight asking if they could clean the fish in our kitchen! I said yes, as long as you clean up.
I slept right through it. And in the morning the kitchen was spotless! Such good guys:).
The garbage…not so much after a couple days of 100+ temps. I feel sorry for the garbage man!
Thanks for sharing your awesome photos!

happygirl - Haha, fishing. I love fishing, but I don’t care if I catch any fish. I just like to be out there with a pole in the water and being quiet. And, the best way to photograph fish is to have the holder, hold the fish out arms length in front of them. Makes the fish look HUGE. It’s all about size, doncha know.

shiela - so cool to enjoy the nature & everything in it…instead of being bombarded/hypnotized by all the high-tech gadgets these days, especially living in southern california! wonderful fishing time…wish i was able to do that when i was little….

Lisa - I grew up fishing with my dad and we had to do everything if we wanted to fish.
That was his rule. 🙂 He would help if we needed it but we had to try.
It is still a little gross to me but I do it. I have some of the
best memories fishing with my dad and now my kids are the ones looking
forward to it every year!!

Mickie Lara - That looks like such an awesome place. Just another time that I find myself wanting to crawl into your summer pictures (even just to sit out under the tree and have coffee in the morning…)and enjoy some of those places. I was a Kansas girl too but never saw a pond like that one! And, yes I like to watch my husband and both grandpas fish with my son but…I can not participate at all. Not with the worms, not taking them off the hook or even throwing them back in. I’m too wimpy but oh well… that’s what dads and grandpas are for!

Jessica - We fish with my father-in-law at his lake house. I’ll hold the pole, but like you I don’t handle any fish. I love that my children will have these memories of fishing with their grandpa!

christiejayne - Wow! I have that Country Living edition, and I totally remember reading your little blurb! Crazy!!

Alice H - and Annie is still in a polka-dot suit!
I remember fishing with my grandpa when I was younger. I loved it.
And now that I am a mom to an 11 year old boy and a 2 year old boy, I like to take them fishing. Luckily, I don’t have to touch the worm or fish because my older son doesn’t mind doing that. Even my 13 year old girl enjoys it!

jen - we fish. originally from vancouver – fishing is big there. i worked, on and off, in a local fish market for 10 years {through high school and between careers.} i actually caught one myself last summer in vermont after having my line in for about 30 seconds – i wasn’t very popular back at camp as the boys had been trolling the lake for about 3 days and nothing – sorry guys!
call me next time to help with the lines and the gutting – i’m pretty good at that! 😉

Sharla - What a beautiful place!

laura b - We don’t fish either. I went once as a child and was really bored. However, I would like my kids to try it out to see what they think. But I’m a bit overwhelmed, like you. The whole worm on a hook. And what to do with the fish when you catch it. Yuck!

Han - I don’t fish. I’m not sure I have the patience for it but I’d love to try it once just to say that I have tried it.

Kim - My kids love fishing. I don’t. I don’t do worms or fish. Thank goodness for my husband. He takes them fishing every year, mostly when we are up at the cottage. I’m much better at cheering from the sideline.

Gretchen - I fish. Started as a child, and my late husband got my son hooked. I bait the line, take the fish off, throw them back. Fishing is a great way to learn patience. Love sitting by the water and soaking up nature!

stephany - Yep. We fish.
I started young with my dad…fishing streams and beaver ponds in the Colorado Rockies.
I have fished all my life.
I put the worm on, take the hook out…it’s not enjoyable, but it’s part of fishing.
We started our kids fishing last year (our boy was 3 and our girl was 1 at the time).
We fish at least once a month from April-October.
The Tualatin River is walking distance from our house, so we just throw some worms in…we catch sunfish, catfish, carp, large and small mouth bass, and crawfish.
I’ve blogged about it a few times…you can search for fishing on my blog.

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lovely day

last week we had an impromptu party with friends.
it started with a simple request to swim at the pond and turned into a full blown dinner party.
it was awesome.

the weather was perfection.

we played with new adorable friends who thought my kids were FUN!




they swam a full 3 hours at least.



the world's smiley-est baby was there.


Sean and Jackson were buddies.
they jumped off the dock, swam & jackson even pushed sean in! (after he asked permission in his cute toddler voice) 
i was so proud of watching sean interact with him.  
and then Sean very politely asked "can you play with him now mom?"  ha ha ha
and i said "YES!"
and we buried our feet for about 30 minutes.  
i missed my babies. 



my mom, my niece and sister came too.

suddenly annie was tired.  
so tired.
she needed some shade time.  :)



such a beautiful day.
good friends….old friends….family… favorite place to be.

i even got in the water!
and only felt one fish on my sparkley toes.

how are you keeping COOL this summer?
or are you melting away most of the time like we are.


shea B - I caught my first fish, a rainbow trout, when I was almost three. I’ve loved it ever since. I eventually started baiting my own hook and then moved on to taking the fish off the hook. I’m 33 now and I still love to go to the river. My two little girls, who are 1 and 3, had their first fishing experience on Father’s Day. They squealed with delight while reeling it in and then freaked and burst into tears when they saw the fish flopping around on the ground. Memories! I’m glad you let your kiddos experience things even if you’re not a big fan.

Audrey - Sorry this got posted twice!

Audrey - What an amazing family day! I haven’t been fishing in a long time and sadly my 2 year old son never has. Probably because I don’t trust him not to get hooked!
A blog for stylish moms despite all the spilled milk!

Audrey - What an amazing family day! I haven’t been fishing in a LONG time and actually my two year old son never has. Probably because I don’t trust him to not get hooked!
A blog for stylish moms despite all the spilled milk!

Alicia @ La Famille - fun! that’s what summer’s all about 🙂

Dani - I hated lakes and ponds as a kid. I NEED to see what is around my feet!!! We played in small creeks when I was younger. That I could handle. Looks like y’all had an amazing time! Love the pics!

Prairie Jenn - It is hot enough to melt this year:( We are keeping cool in the sprinkler and the creek. Love your photos! Looks like a wonderful day and the very best way to keep cool…swimming with friends:)

Mindy Harris - ponds and lakes gross me out cuz you can’t see what’s in them, but, man this looks super fun!

Michelle From Australia - It’s winter here in Australia. But thankfully we live in the sub-tropics so it is 70 degrees here today 🙂 Loving your pics of Summer fun though and counting down the days until our family will be able to enjoy our month in the USA in November this year 🙂 🙂

Carolyne - we are actually shivering from cold weather here in Australia….cranking the heat up and snuggling under blankets for us. Meg I love your blog and specially your craft weekends which is only a dream for this girl.

christine ishmael - Fish touching my feet creeps me out too! Looks like so much fun, that house is awesome!

karen gerstenberger - It’s crazy, but it has been a cool summer here, so far. Not much above 80, and some days in the 50s and 60s (like yesterday), so we’ve actually kept cool naturally. David and I took an 8-mile beach hike yesterday (his gift to me) and we were wearing layers – t-shirts, Dri-Fit, windbreaker, etc. I wish I could send you some of this salty, cool marine air!
I just love your blog, Meg. Thank you for writing.

Sandy - Looks like fun!!
The picture of Annie jumping in behind the pedal boat (do I remember right?…is that what they are called???) should have the caption “wait for MMEEE!” ha ha 🙂
Also, Annie looks like a model in the picture where you said she got tired. Your kids are gorgeous!

Tracy Fisher - love love love the SIMPLE stuff! thanks for sharing. -tracy

Katie N. - We moved to SW MI this spring and are at the beach all the time. Totally amazing especially with friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meg's Mom - What a great idea, you had! I had such a good time catching up with everyone. And the weather was great. Thanks Carolyn for sharing your home!

roganne - Wow! That lake is fantastic! Growing up our pond at home was mostly moss and mud (and the occasional snapping turtle). I love your pics of the kids jumping…they look like they belong in a summer Crew Cuts catalog for swimwear!

happygirl - Great pics and I so love your boy asking for time off for good behavior. I know what you mean about the fish nibbles. I’m not a fan. I blogged about it here.

Lorel - That really was a lovely day. I always feel so “home” with you guys. -happy sigh!- Thanks for everything!

Allison - Super hot in Indiana too and NO rain in sight 🙁 Nothing better than spending the day by the water with good people.

Kerstie Pederson - We are unseasonable cool in my part of CA. My boys have only gotten into the kiddy pool twice. Bummer for them as they LOVE water. Joined Instagram over the weekend and started following you. You were right it is totally fun!!!

Natalie - Looks like you had a lot of fun in the water. Brilliant photos than you for sharing with us 🙂

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - Unbelievably hot in Georgia, right now. The little beach/sand area next to the pond is a great idea! How fun!

ko. s - Such fun you have my dear!!! We are melting away over here 🙂

Kimberly Dial - We’ve been melting here in WV too. I’ve been in the water more this summer than in the last 10 years combined (that may be a slight exaggeration but hey, it’s been hot, hot, hot & I’m not thinking clearly 😉 Looks like you all had fun. Nothing like family & good friends. Thanks for sharing!

elma - I mean looks:)

elma - What wonderful pictures!!! Lookes like the best of times!!!!

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adventure project….staying classy!

The Adventure Project has been nominated as a finalist for the Stay Classy Awards!

Please take one minute and vote (we promise, ONE minute!)

So could you vote?? It’s easy.

1. Click here.

2. Click East. (our headquarters are NY)

3. Then scroll down and click:


And then here (at the bottom):


4. Submit and Share!


I love ALL the work the Adventure Project has done and will do.
it would be SO cool for them to WIN!!!

this award can help them get lots of exposure which can help big projects in the future.


it's super easy.


Roganne - Thank you so much for introducing me to the Classy’s!! Such an awesome way to honor worthy charities and help them be recognized! Kudos to the Adventure Project! Keep rockin’ it!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Done. 😉 Have an awesome weekend!

Southern Gal - In other words, they are nominated in two categories. 😉

Southern Gal - I voted for them in New Charity and in Disaster Relief and International Charity.

Ela - Done!
I usually don´t comment here but I just wanted to say I love ur blog.
And the I wanted to share a link of a rainbow pencil quilt I saw when I scanned through the intenet. And I thought you, that u will surely like it. Here it goes:

Kati - Done!

Cathy - voted.

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