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some thoughts on back to school shopping

This is sponsored content from BlogHer and Microsoft Office 2010

BlogHer asked some bloggers to share their tips and advice on savvy back-to-school shopping.
i would love to share some of mine with you.
i have been doing this task for 12 years now.
my oldest will be going to college next year? i can hardly believe that is possible.

…………………………..  SCHOOL SUPPLY SHOPPING TIPS  ………………………………….

take them ALONE to have a special time with you.
my kids LOVE when we do this.
we get a snack before or after and they feel like you wanted to be with them.
picking out supplies for just one child at a time is so much more enjoyable too.

but sometimes you can't do that and you have to squeeze school supply shopping in between a big brother's basketball tournament games when you are all in one place and able to get it done.

so in that case….

start your shopping experience with a huge coffee.
i would never consider school shopping without this.

look over your list and if several children need the same supplies then buy in bulk.
during back to school time they sell glue sticks for .22 sense each in bulk packs.
they are $1.50 and up during the rest of the year.
buying in bulk saves a lot of money.

check the prices of what your kids pick.
it seems like a very obvious tip but sometimes stores put an expensive item right next to the sale item and if you aren't paying close attention your kid will accidently grab the pricey one.

think about what they REALLY need.
decide BEFORE you get to the store if you are getting backpacks, lunchboxes, shoes, trapper, etc.
i like to warn my kids ahead of time "we are only getting new backpacks this year…not lunch boxes" or whatever the item i am holding back on. 
they can know what to expect and your budget can stay on track.

stick with the list.
she is saying in this photo "BUT THESE ARE SO PLAIN?!!"
and they are .70 so deal with it kid.
buy the basics from the school supply list only and you will keep costs way down…no need for a puppy dog notebook for $3 when the .70 cent one will do just fine. 

stock up for your own craft supply closet, birthday party gifts and goodie bags, stocking stuffers or charity offering (operation christmas child) now while supplies are so affordable.
when markers are .99 a pack…it's crazy of you NOT to stock up.
i love being able to pull out a notebook, markers and a box of crayons for a party gift!
or even on a sunday morning on our way to church.
less than $2 several months before for a happy quiet kid at church is so worth it.

have fun.
the school supply section is the most chaotic part of the store for a month straight.
it overwhelms me and makes me cranky.
but if i go in armed with my giant coffee and adjust my attitude…. it can be fun.
i like to say encouraging things like 
"Good Choice!" 
"Ohhh GREAT find!"
"Thank you for finding that less expensive option" 
"WOW! where did you find that great deal!"
"High five for your eagle eyes kid"
letting my kids know i appreciate when they look for good prices and not throw fits at the store.

Microsoft Office is offering 15% off to help us all continue our savvy shopping.
this program is awesome for helping kids express themselves through Word, for photo editing, PowerPoint, video editing, and much more.

Buy Microsoft Office today and save 15%! This promotion ends on 9/14. 

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Emma Cay - Man that looks like an awesome way to shop. I’m a young mother and I’ve got the twins starting kindergarten this next year. How do I get ready? What kind of bulk school supplies should I be looking to buy?

Penny Smith - The best thing they (our kids school) offer is pre sale school supply packs via the school in the spring for fall, no hassle pick up. My kids use to go to private school… I will happily pay $35 for the box sitting on their desk waiting for them at “unpack your backpack” night! This was the first year I did it. <3!!!!
My tip. Buy LLBean backpacks and lunch packs. We are on their third year, and even on the bottom at "points" there is NO wear!! The commonly have free shipping, and sales on the backpacks themselves. They are $10, MAYBE $20 if ya got the super deluxe packs, as the ones from the big box stores that last one year!! We had no back to school shopping AT ALL! Praise! :0) I did not miss it! Went out for ice cream instead! :0)

Penny Smith - But besides their preference, if her kids school is like ours, the teachers want specific colors for specific purposes…

Tiffany - Thanks for the motivation to get the school supply shopping done!
I first got my BIG coffee and made sure I had a positive attitude!
My son was excited and I complimented him on his choices. He didn’t
even get aggrivates when I made him switch something out for the less
expensive one.
Just reminds me that how a positive attitude on my part rubs off on my
kiddo too!
Awesome tips Meg….THX!

melissa @jonahbonah - *I* need one of those pretty binders!!! NEED!

Beth - Glue sticks were TEN CENTS at Walmart. I got 150. I wanted to get more but my kids wouldn’t let me. That won’t even last me the whole year, but it’s a good start. TEN CENTS.

Tracie - Thank You for #8, I so needed some positive encouragement for positive encouragement. I get so wrapped up in getting the job done, I forget to have fun and smile. You Rock. God put you here in my computer for a reason. I have no idea how I found this blog, but wanted you to know you touch my life in just the right ways. My daughter had a brain tumor removed this summer and somedays when I was freaking out, your cute things, quotes, your freak outs, pictures,”whatever” was exactly what I needed. Good news is we’ve been 100 percent blessed and she is back to her perfect self 3 months later. I figured you needed some encouragement too, so thank you for blogging you really helped me this year.

sandi - our school generates their own list so each student has the same thing… we also have to stock the clinic (tissues, cough drops) and teacher supplies (dry erase markers, clorox wipes for cleaning desks). another tip is to look in several different places in the store… school supplies are in one section but some higher priced markers/crayons and single glue sticks are in the arts and craft section. of course they would rather you buy the higher priced item not knowing it was in another location in bulk cheaper.

bonnie - I was pretty disappointed to see how you responded to your child’s request for ‘cute’ notebooks. Your blog is filled with all the things you buy for yourself for daily use – and each time you choose it because it is cute – coffee mugs, aprons, artwork, shoes, and so on. You spend time, money and effort making things in your regular life cute and fun. You even spend a lot of energy helping others do that for themselves. I would bet that if you were choosing a notebook or daily planner for yourself, you would find a cute one. Probably at decent price as well, but you would opt for the cute because it makes you happy. School is not always a happy and fun place, but notebooks are used daily – wouldn’t it be better if those small things (like a kitty notebook) could bring your kids a smile on a tough day at school? I am really not trying to be unkind, but I was really struck by this in your post because it seemed so opposite from who you seemed to be, and it just stayed with me. Now, for some, the extra money is a big issue – then having the cheapest option is a necessity. Maybe then the post could have included how to make cheap school supplies cuter?

Amy Vaughan - I love school supplies πŸ™‚
We always get plain folders/notebooks. Then we can create our own art with colored sharpies.

Stephanie - I always got my girls the cute notebooks. It was important to them and I thought a few dollars was worth the splurge. Look how much us moms spend on at Starbucks??

Linda - My tip! Don’t buy much until your child goes to school for a day or 2. My 2nd set of kids are in middle school now. The others are long graduated. We have learned to only buy the minimum until they go to school for a few days! Amazing how much on those school and store generated lists they don’t need. Due to budget constraints our school now ask for parents ot buy their own supplies and extra for those who struggle. We toss in a few extras when we go supply shopping just for that purpose.

Jen Brandt - My Katy girl started 2nd grade today. Stood in our Target aisle that looks just like the one Annie was standing in. She wanted the yellow notebooks and red folders. Not my choice (I’m more blue, purple, green), but she’s happy – and that’s what matters!
Loved seeing pics of Lauren in your family vacation pictures. She’s beautiful.
Meg, you recommended/were reading a book not too long ago and I think it was called “7”. Is that right? Did you like it? I need a good book to read.

Kelly W. - My favorite part of school shopping is hitting Target’s clearance aisle AFTER school starts! Then you can find really cheap good stuff to pack back for next year. Or you can get that puppy dog notebook and put it in a Christmas stocking or craft box for a gift later!

colleen - This post got me motivated to go out and get it done… unlike others here I dread the back to school “shop”! Thx for writing such an uplifting post… i needed that!

Katie B - If I’m being really honest…most of us teachers prefer the plain notebooks. It makes things easier and more uniform. The puppy notebooks are the thorn in my side every year! So, good job steering them toward the ‘plain one’. haha

Terrie G - Gotta say, I don’t really miss this!!
Although, I’m feeling the need to go and get myself some new colored pencils and a notebook!!

Tracey - We have to get the plain notebooks for my little one. They don’t want the kids to be distracted by the pic and holograms on each others things. I heartily agree with your tips. We load up when supplies are ridiculously cheap at this time of year. In fact, I had to buy almost nothing this year because I still had quite a few extras from last year. And, we don’t buy backpacks every year either. In fact, most often not because I scooped up Land’s End packs on clearance a while back and they have held up great!

Tanya H - haha, had to show my son the picture of Annie and the plain notebooks. He and I just had a discussion about a $3+ notebook, vs the 15 I still have at home from last year! LOL!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - We were just talking about this today. We need to do it soon – before it is all picked over!!
I second the mention of caffeine for any of these tasks!! : )

Alicia @ La Famille - i JUST did this today…it was fun. i usually love it. and i’m totally with you on the plain jane notebooks. 70 cents will to the trick just fine!!

Jen - Taking each of mu kids shopping alone is truly one of the highlights of my year. They get to choose the lunch spot and I just listen and enjoy to them babble. Great tips.

sullyj - I got a similar face from my daughter when we purchased the same plain notebook πŸ™‚ Our resolution? Scrapbook paper and modge podge! Two things I always have on hand (so no additional money spent)I just cut the paper to size and let her glue it on, looks super cute and better than if she just went after the thing with Pet Shop stickers (although she did add her name with some scrapbooking stickers) Hope your back to school goes well!

Jenny B. - Great tips! I like the one about going with each of them alone. I would also suggest going EARLY. Early in the morning AND early in the summer. I know sometimes that’s not possible if you have to wait to find out who your teacher is (for elementary) before you know the specific supplies you’ll need, but if at all possible, do it in July (or as soon as they put the stuff out). πŸ™‚ I’m definitely going to try the alone shopping date thing when both of my guys are in school. LOVE that idea.

Lacey - You just inspired me to go back to school shopping even though we do not have any kids yet. I can’t believe I had not thought of using the back to school sales to stock up for fun gifts for kids through the year. My friends kids would love a gift full of markers, paints, and notebooks! Thank you for the great idea!!

Juli - My favorite thing about Back to School is finding the fun stuff. I still get excited about helping my 4 yr old find the glitzy unicorn notebook to do her “school”. The price differential is negligible when I consider how much that notebook is used & looked at every day. I may feel differently when I have to buy supplies for all 4 of my kids but I doubt it! My son picks the plainest notebooks he can find so he won’t be “weird” in front of his friends at homeschool co-op but they are so PLAIN and boring. School shopping is f.u.n. (at least for the girls & I) For the son who prefers plain, it is drudgery.
We stock up for Christmas gifts, too. My oldest used her $ to buy her first Christmas for her little sister: The super cheap Crayolas at Target + a coloring book off of the $1 aisle. perfect.

Katie - Actually, my favorite thing about back to school shopping was buying plain notebooks and then decorating them with stickers and patterned paper and pictures I’d torn out of magazines. The crazier the collage, the better I liked it, and it was nice to have really personalized notebooks!

Sylvia - There are great tips. My own child is now an adult, but because I am a teacher I take advantage of the great prices for back to school.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - My kids had to buy ZERO school supplies this year at their new school. I was astounded. I sort of missed it…but then I didn’t. Because it saved me lots of cash. This is what happens when a school is 97% poverty. Free lunch for everyone and no school supplies. Who knew???

Leah - A tip for the way too plane notepad: Have Annie decorate it with stickers.

beth - great tip about getting a coffee pre-shop, i will try that! this was a well timed post, I had just pulled my walmart flyer aside, the school supply special issue. no targets up here in british columbia, boo, – yet… they did buy out our ‘zellers’ chain, and within the next few years, are said to be converting all stores over to ‘target’ I CAN’T WAIT!!! my one or two trips to the states each year, where i spend hours wandering the isles of target, aren’t nearly enough! lol

April R - We home-schooled “year round” until 6th grade and generally avoided the back-to-school clammer. Didn’t even really know much about it. The kids are in school now so this was the first year of official “back-2-school” shopping for us.
The novelty of it lasted all of 5 minutes once we reached the store :/
I was sooooo naive and didn’t expect the craziness and the people and the options of puppy covers vs plain –
sure wish I had read this first!
We actually ended up walking away from the section to regroup! We took a breath, laughed at ourselves, then headed back into the fray. Next time coffee first, not after πŸ˜‰ And we’ll take the opportunity to stock up on fun supplies too! I especially like your ideas about taking one child at a time (if you can) and giving encouraging words to the kids πŸ™‚

Jen - These are fun but I have to say that I don’t like all these ads/sponsored posts. Sigh ….
Happy back to school!!

Jennifer - Thanks for these tips, Meg. My little fella is going to kindergarten this year, so we’re feeling a little anxious about school starting. We went this weekend to buy his school supplies and new school clothes. My hubby doesn’t normally like to go shopping, but I was shocked when he said he wanted to go with us to buy all the school gear. It was sweet to watch him help our son find all of his supplies. πŸ™‚ Looking forward to the fall and all the fun memories that will be made this school year!

Lori Austin - Great tips. You are SO right about markers and crayons being a great
deal to stock up on this time of year. Always buy extra.
We were married in September (2003). I decided to use brown craft paper on the tables. We sat out terracotta pots filled with crayons for kids (and adults! πŸ™‚ to draw pics for fun. I totally scored back to school crayons after all the kids were already back to school for clearance….think I paid 24 cents a box. Woohoo!

happygirl - Oh, I miss back to school shopping. My son is 25, that ship has sailed. Luckily, I’m a secretary, so every time I place an order, it’s like Back to School shopping. <3 office supplies.

Han - I have to do the school supplies shopping for the first time since I left uni in 2007 – that’s what happens when you become a foster mum all of a sudden lol.
I’m going to write a list and then go over to the retail park or supermarket one evening and get as much done as possible lol. Because Our Sidekick starts a new school they get given a starter pack but I can’t remember what’s in it lol. I think I might clear out his old stuff because his pencil case is really grubby and over used lol.

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well…..we’re back.


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we loaded up and left for colorado on monday.
i am not a mountain girl but i can definitely appreciate the glory of it.



it was so awesome to get a break from the HEAT that kansas has had.
i LOVED colorado's weather.

the home where we stayed had deer everyday that came by to eat.
never in my life have i been this close to a deer.
it was pretty amazing.
and he reminded us all of waffle.  :)
they shared facial expressions.



we hiked around…this trail was not steep but a definite steady incline.
i was WAY behind my kids.
i couldn't begin to keep up with them.
except annie was with me…she and i were the same pace.




we had a sandwich break in a clearing.


a horse stopped by on his own hike.
oh my girls were thrilled to get to pet a horse!


isn't it crazy how beautiful it is?!  
God really rocked it when making Colorado.
no holding back here.
it's gorgeous.





and this is the point in the hike where i told annie i would pay her a dollar to not cry or whine.
i really did.
and it really worked.
she had just thrown herself on the ground crying "I'M TIIIIIIIRRRED!!!! I WANT TO GO HOOOOOOME!"
and we didn't know what else to do.
so we bribed.
and then she and i held hands and played the alphabet game through the forest naming things we saw in alphabetical order to distract the both of us the rest of the hike.


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when i made it to the car a good 10 minutes after my family…seriously…we went on down the road exploring.

we pulled off the road at an open spot to let the kids climb around on rocks.


                                                                 who is that man child?



i was trying to get a shot of craig and i but someone moved in on his dad.




the current was pretty strong and moving quickly…but not deep.
i was keeping a close eye on everyone of them.
of course…several of them slipped and fell down.
oh well.
good thing they are washable. 


i have always ALWAYS loved watching my kids play in water.
it is the best.
they lose themselves…they get silly…they fall in…they try stuff that is a little scary.
i was so happy for this 15 minute stop.

have you been to colorado?


Becky Fouts - I think you were close to something , to my way of thinking, a little more exotic than deer, that’s an elk! your family is just beautiful, thanks for sharing so many awesome experiences with us.

Lori S. - I live here in Colorado, coming from Iowa. The weather here is outstanding! I’m glad you had a fun vacation here in our beautiful state!

April R - <3 Colorado
we spent last summer there unexpectedly and we fell in love with it
you are right on - God sure did a spectacular thing there :)
thanks for all the pictures, so cool that you're family made memories there
btw, my son's 12 and we call him "man-child" too - feels like I blinked and he turned into one!

Gram - I love your pictures of my beautiful state. I was born here and have never lived or wanted to live anywhere else.

Dani - I love Colorado! We went every summer when I was a kid. I will never forget the first time I saw the mountains! We rounded a curve and there they were…. BEAUTIFUL! I agree God showed out when he made Colorado! Being from flat ole Mississippi, makes me want to see mountains every year!!

Pam - I LOVE Colorado. We just moved our youngest daughter out there….to live life as she says. I would move there in a heartbeat if hubby’s job allowed. I grew up going on 5 week trips every summer and we almost always started each trip by going to Colorado. I love to go into the back country down around Crested Butte and Telluride. I felt for Annie. I remember many a hike when I was young that I just knew I was going to die…all day long we hiked…to get to a lake and then back to the car. But glory how gorgeous!

Joelle - thanks for bragging on my homestate! I’ve had the opportunity to travel the US and Canada, and have also lived on both coasts…California and Florida and I have to say Colorado tops it all! Beautiful scenery, great weather not to mention culturally diverse. My last stint was 8 years in Florida before I convinced my husband it was time to rally the wagons and head West! I am so glad to be back…

Lori Austin - Fantastic vacation pics. Just beautiful! - After California, Colorado is my favorite state. Never get tired of the beauty. We just had three days in Breckenridge. That’s a place you should visit! We were to be there five days but had to make an emergency trip to CA for the funeral of a very dear friend. Such a big loss here, but heaven’s gain. And yes, I agree, God really rocked it out when he made CO. No pun intended!!!

warhammer space marine - This family is an inspiration. Not all family is given a chance to explore together a beautiful place like this. This will be a memorable vacation for a whole family. If we are so tired from the noise and pollution from the city, this is the best place to be.

Georgia - Awww i love your family, your such an awesome mum πŸ™‚ x

Heidi of Operation Organization - we lived in denver for 3 yrs. loved every ounce of it. would go back in an instant if there was opportunity – hubby completed his masters degree there, then it was on to AR for the Phd, and now we find ourselves in MN. whew, maybe a vacation rather than a move would be just has good – ha! πŸ™‚

Katie - Tell me, tell me how do you carry your camera with you so much, especially on that hike???!!! We went to the beach and taking my camera everyday there was a pain in the patooie! You were carrying extra weight with it compared to everyone else!! It takes a toll on me at least to carry my camera!
You have such a cute fam – just love your pics!
How do your kiddos do in the car on the drive? with #5 on the way for us the whole car/vacation/hotel thing has been on my mind – not to mention how in the heck are we going to get them to all their “activities” as they grow! Thanks for your blog – you give me hope large families can work!

Tracey - LOVE the pic of you and Scott!! You’ve got to print that one out for yourself!! We went to northern AZ and the Grand Canyon this summer and it was glorious, and the weather was WONDERFUL!!!

Lisa - We went from Vermont last year to look at colleges for my son. He decided at the last minutes to go to Universit of Vermont. Yahooooo! But Colorado is spectacular. He just loved Boulder!

Lisa M. - Thank you for sharing! I’ve never been to Colorado, but have heard wonderful things about its beauty. So nice to see all of your kids too. Looks like they were having fun!

Heidi Bohrer - Jen, we moved to Castle Rock from KS right at last Christmas! We live in the Meadows! Love it here!

Lindy Tade - Meg – long time reader her (taddietales from way back) and you are one of the few blogs that I still read, only because I went back to work and have ZERO free time. You always make me smile and remind me of the things that are important.
I am a blessed soul that is lucky to live in Colorado and enjoy her majesty everyday – my drive to work every morning is straight towards the Flat Irons and Boulder, so I see some pretty amazing views. But you posting photos and showing our beautiful state through another set of eyes makes me SO proud to live here and reminds me how wonderful it is. I am thankful that you have an opportunity to come and experience God’s Country in its finest glory.
Thank you for your presence and beautiful soul.

Susan - We are there right now! Escaping the Texas heat! We stay at a place called Fun Valley (near South Fork) about 30 miles from Pagosa Springs! I am overwhelmed with the beauty. We rent a cabin on the Rio Grande for a week each year! There are tons of activities for the kids too!

Amy - Our family just got back from a trip to Colorado. So many of your pictures and comments reminded me of my own family. I also had to bribe my youngest daughter to finish up a hike. She and I lagged behind and played 20 questions to keep her mind off the hike. And my kids loved playing in the mountain streams too! - We live in CO too! Love it! Favorite time to go to the mountains in the summer.

Terrie G - Miss Colorado! We have done vacation there many times.
This momma got a little freaked out the last time we went.
My MIL had been to the cabin – yes rustic, only 20 gal hot water tank,
old time wood stove…etc. – before us and said that there was a
mama bear standing in front of the plate glass window smacking at the
hummingbird feeder. Well, when you have 2 younger kids, no cell phone reception,
no phones, and hardly any neighbors…makes a momma nervous!
One of our best vacations though…I had crafts every day, hiking to the saw mill,
Baldy, Raspberry, the Cregs, Kids liked the crafts the best…no tv, so I kept them busy!
OH MY! Feels & looks like Colorado here this am!! Windows open & I just had Momma Deer
& her babies in my backyard!! Pictures downloading now!! πŸ™‚

Cari - Lurker here…we just spent a week in Colorado. It is so beautiful there. Our plan is to get our kids through school where we live now and then move there. 6 more years to go!!!

Natalie - My family visited GrandJunction twice to watch my baby brother play in the Junior College World Series! It was 2 trips I will never forget, breathtaking! You are right, He didn’t hold back!! Now, you’ve got me itching to go…

colleen from alabama - Beautiful! Have only been to Colorado in the winter. Have been several times to ski and it is just breath taking. It is a Loooong way from Alabama and a little too expensive to fly all four of us. Wish we lived closer. It was fun to see Lauren. I always wonder what she is up to. I have a 12 year old first born daughter and i can imagine she would not be too eager for me to post her face or activities on a blog. πŸ™‚ maybe just her but i always wonder if she and lauren are a lot alike.
ps… i hate to hike. Annie and i would get along just fine. I like to be outdoors but only if i am doing something besides camping or hiking. Don’t mind long walks in cool weather but much prefer level ground… or a mall πŸ™‚

Ann Marie - I grew up going between my grandparents farm in Cottonwood Falls KS and Manhattan KS but live in CO now. Miss KS everyday! My entire family is still back there and hopefully one day I convince my husband to let us move back to KS. You actually took my Aunt’s family pictures on my grandparents farm in Cottonwood. Beautiful place.

jaxc - I was lucky to live in CO in the late 60’s early 70’s before the smog and building boom and when the movies “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” and “Paint Your Wagon” were released. I wanted to live in the cabin in the Molly Brown movie The foothills were wild and not filled with subdivisions. Every summer weekend we camped at Eagle when it was just a few houses. In winter we skied at Arapahoe basin when it was just a tow rope and cost a dollar a day, and Breckenridge was not quite finished then so was cheap for a day ticket. Saw John Denver many times when he was just starting out and we paid just around a $5 cover charge. I have travelled extensively and nothing has equalled the beauty and enormity of those mountains. They make the Blue Ridge look like hills. Hmmm, think I’ll plan a trip . . . .

Michelle From Australia - I landed at Denver airport in 1993 when flying between NY and LA. That is my only time in Colorado. I can only dream about how beautiful it is…..

Shannon C - OK – so I don’t know if I have yet to ever comment on your blog but read it all the time….and oddly enough, we were JUST on this SAME EXACT TRAIL last Saturday!! Kenosha Pass, right?! My kids played in the same teepee thing made out of sticks! πŸ™‚ We moved to Colorado from Pittsburgh last January and I am still adjusting but just love the days we go exploring in the mountains (we live in Littleton). Our four kids (ages 6, 5, 3 and 12 months) can’t get enough of it out here!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Looks like a fun time and it was very beautiful. I’m with Annie. In my vocab HIKE is a four letter word πŸ˜‰

mae - Going in a week and a half!! Woohooo!!!!

betsy - I was just in Denver, Avon & Vail (for a hike) at the end of July with my girlfriends. I’m definitely NOT an outdoorsy type of girl … but it is just so beautiful there … it’s hard not to fall in love with all of it! Glad you had a nice family vaca before the hectic school year starts again. πŸ™‚

Jen - We just moved from Kansas to Castle Rock!Just for the beauty of it all!

elma - Beautiful pictures and it was good to see all of your kids!!!

Amy - Oh how I miss those mountains! We lived in the Sangre de Christo mountains for 18 months and then Colorado Springs for nearly 3 years. So much to do and see always! Glad you got some concentrated time away with the family πŸ™‚ Just think of all those awesome memories you made!

Southern Gal - I hope to visit Colorado one day. We have the Blue Ridge Mountains that we love to visit on our side of the continent. πŸ˜‰ When Rebekah and Jacob were little (6 and 4) we hiked up a long mountain trail. Jacob sped up that thing while Rebekah complained every step of the way. On the way down it was just the opposite. We couldn’t win for losing. We still love to reminisce about those sweet days.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Ive never been to Colorado but we’re slowly making our way around the US with our girls each summer. Last year we did New England(gorgeous!) and this summer we did Virginia(wild ponies on Chincoteague Island, then lots of historical sites). We’ve also been to Washington,DC, Gettysburg and Disney World.
All that to say, your pictures could make an amazing commercial for Colorado’s travel business. Great shots!(Annie cracks me right up…cuz Id be doing the same thing myself…and if someone offered me money Id jump up and run:))

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Haha! Dr.Quinn used to be my favorite show when I was younger!

jenni@talkinghairdryer - A is for aspen tree…love them!

Heather S. - Another KS girl and I’ve been to Colorado at least a half a dozen times in my life. I so love the grand beauty of it all, but when you get right down to it, I’m an ocean gal!

Stephanie - Went to Colorado a couple of times for ski trips as a teenager. It was absolutely beautiful! But like you, I am not a mountain girl. I prefer wide open spaces like in the plains and hope someday to live there again (we’re in Florida right now).

Carolyne - Thank you for sharing Meg – you captured Colorado beautifully.

Nikki - Ah, I’m tearing up here! I’ve been lucky enough to live here in beautiful Colorado almost my whole life, but next year the military will be moving our little family on. You’re so right, God rocked it!!!

Lisa - You’re not a mountain girl….wait, what??? lol πŸ˜‰ You captured some GORGEOUS shots, wow! Simply beautiful.

Niki - Glad you made it back safely and had a wonderful time, Meg!! I know it was a well deserved break! One week until our vacation to South Dakota!! πŸ™‚

Kristin S - Here’s my other observation. I say this EVERY time I drive across eastern Colorado and catch my first view of the Rockies.
Pretend you were one of the people on a wagon train across the country. You’ve braved the Mississippi. Survived what is now Missouri and Kansas and eastern Colorado. You see the Rockies.
What the heck made anyone go OVER those mountains? Can you imagine?
I would have settled in Colorado Springs. Right there with Sully and Dr Quinn.

Kristin S - You and Craig still look like teenagers. Crazy amazing.
I spend every other summer in Colorado in training with the ministry I work for. So thankful they chose that beautiful state!
Also, my mom lives in Colorado Springs and works at Compassion so I’m there at least once a year.
Not sure I’d want to live there long term but I sure do love to visit!

Shannon - It looks beautiful Meg! Poor Annie with all the hiking, good thing we parents always have bribery right πŸ˜‰ Love the pic of the rocks in the water looks so peaceful and simple.
Have a great weekend

Leah - Gorgeous photos! Never been to Colorado, but now I want to. By the way, I’m so trying the bribe strategy for my daughter. I hate the whining!

Heather R. - Just moved this summer from Kansas to Colorado Springs. It is beautiful here. We’ve already been able to hot air balloon ride, hike, white water raft. Stunning. You are right God rocked it when he made Colorado. πŸ™‚

beth - We live in CO, right smack dab in the Rockies! We’re transplants, like so many, but it is beautiful. Glad you enjoyed your visit!

Alisa - We went to Peaceful Valley Dude Ranch in Estes Park for our honeymoon. So fun! It is my only trip ever out west. (I’m a Georgia girl!) Loved your pics!

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ok…i have five minutes


so we are on vacation.
i had craft weekend and took a nap and then super early the next morning we left for family vacay.
we are in colorado.
it's just beautiful here as always.
the house we are staying in (friend of my husband's home) has amazing views.
and rainbow dishes.
i love it here.


this deer greeted us in the morning.
we were so close to it.


we have hiked alot.
that is a lot different than running.
i am out of shape!


BUT…i won in a clean sweep at our family game of around the world.
oh yes i did!
i made every shot around the world!!
talby was super bummed.
and i felt bad.
but i cant help being a baller.


i had to run out for coffee because someone broke the coffee pot last night.
i am sitting in a police station parking lot getting some internet because there is NONE anywhere here.
so this is it till we move on to another place with wifi.
and then i had to move to the parking lot of a tattoo parlor.
to publish this.  
so funny.


craft weekend was SO SO Sooooooo wonderful.
i can't wait to tell you all about it.

but today…i have to go river rafting with my family.

oh my.

i am trying not to be nervous.

hope your week is GREAT! - I have been away from your blog for a short stint while relocating to Colorful Colorado. I was so happy to read your positive experience while in what I’ve decided is the best state in our nation.

Barbara - Welcome home! Glad you had some family time in the beauty of God’s creation! My folks live in Colorado so we get out there often. It was great to find some cooler weather in the mountains this July because St. Louis has been hot, hot, hot!!
Meg, on the blog “2nd Cup of Coffee” that I follow, Linda mentioned Dresses for Africa. I had never heard of that organization before so I went on their website and it looked very cool. Basically they make dresses for little girls in Africa out of pillowcases and this helps give the girls worth. I thought I’d mention it to you because you like to sew. Here’s their website:
Enjoy following your blog. Take care,

Mary Jo - Wow that looks fun!

Melanie - welcome! i hope you and the fam are having a great time in my forever home state of Colorado. we are near Boulder ~ another great Colorado town for families! hiking is tough, period, thanks to the altitude change, thinner air, all that jazz. be sure to rest a lot, hydrate, wear sunscreen and HAVE FUN! πŸ™‚

Danielle H. - Lisa Leonard!!!! Shut the front door. So bummed I missed that Craft Weekend!

Jen - Have fun!

danielle - I want to go! Hiking in Colorado sounds like just what I need! Have fun!

Gemma - Looking forward to reading all about it when you are home : )
Gemma xxx

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Okay Meg let me just say that if I can river raft and have lots and lots of fun, I know you can too. I’m the biggest scary cat of all time…I may or may not have peed my pants but that is something that the group we went with had to pinky swear to never tell…HA! Have fun and share with us how it goes.

Jennifer - Have a wonderful time! I am also a CO resident, and it looks like your are up in Estes! I need to get up in the mountains, you guys look like you are enjoying cooler temps. It was in the high 90s and miserable down here in the Front Range today. I am too chicken $#@% to go rafting, but my fave cousin and his wife did it in June and had fun. Hope you love it too!

Ann - We just came back from co saturday! What part are you in? Near rocky mountain nt, forest? Have a great time!

Cassy - Hey there! Enjoy your vacation. I thought of you when I saw this:

Caroline - Welcome to our beautiful state!!! You should plan on staying and having a West side Craft Weekend! Enjoy! Drink lots of water and have lots of chapstick at the ready!

Kimberly - With all that running you do, you are not out of shape–It’s just the altitude that your body isn’t used to. Hope you have fun river rafting. I was so nervous the first time I went, but it ended up being soooo fun!

roganne - eeeek! i love colorado and all of it’s outdoorsy-ness. i think in a previous life i must have been some sort of mountain woman because everytime i’m outdoors i feel alive! ahhhh nature! good luck with the river rafting. don’t rock the boat, rock the boat baby.

Meg's Mom - If your mom can go rafting, it should be no problem for you. It was a blast! I want to go again.
Looks like you are having a great time!

happygirl - CO is so beautiful. It was so tragic when they had the fires earlier this summer. River rafting. Scary stuff girly. and hiking. You ARE the bomb.

Melissa - welcome to my home state! i hope you have an amazing time with your family!

Becki - Sounds amazing! I’m so excited for vacation!

sue - No river rafting for me. !!!

Kristin S - So glad your whole fam is on vacation!!! You deserve a break.
And you are NOT out of shape. You look great, Meg.

Terrie G - River rafting is on my bucket list…
can’t wait to hear what you thought!
Can’t wait to hear about another craft weekend!
Have a fun Vacation!!

Kate - police stations and tatoos… you live on the wild side! πŸ™‚

Shannon - i love love love the hiking picture! but i have to be honest. although i love hiking and the idea of it, there is another dark side. when i see that picture, i feel this intense anxiety about BEARS!!! seriously, Meg, are you not afraid of bears? am i the only one with this ridic fear. my husband loves loves hiking and the thought of taking our family into the woods…where the wild things are….petrifies me! do you have like a bear horn or a gun or something? i’m sorry. i’m a loser. just pretend i didn’t post this. ha ha!

Shannon - River rafting??? oh you are brave! It looks beautiful there though so I’m sure it will be worth it once you get down the river safely πŸ˜‰
Happy Vacation!

northern cottage - so you’re stealing wi-fi from the police station – hilarious!! happy happy vaca!

Heidi - You rock, sista. Craft weekend and then off for family vaca? Whew. Makes me tired just thinking about it. But a girls’ gotta do what a girls’ gotta do, right? Yeah, I’m pretty sure those apostrophe things are in the wrong place. Oh well. Anyway, just wanted to ask {hypothetically} if it’s totally normal for a person to check her {or his, this is hypothetical} email 10 times a day hoping that she/he has a message that says “You’ve been chosen to attend craft weekend!” ??? Would that be normal??? πŸ˜‰

Lindsey - Have a fun vacation! You cracked me up with the “Blerg!” I love it!

Lacey - You are amazing! Craft weekend and a family trip back to back! I can’t wait to see the new friends made and crafts done from last weekend too! Enjoy your trip and the river rafting.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - The last time I went river rafting was in high school and it was a blast. What a beautiful location you’re in(LOVE the deer:)). Hubby is at youth camp this week in a place very similar to that first pic. He gets home Saturday and Sunday we leave for 10 days in El Salvador and Honduras! That’ll be the longest I’ve gone without my internet in awhile:)
Have a wonderful vacation. Go get your hike on!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - So fun!! Hooray for vacations in Colorado!
Our family is all from and lives in Colorado (Denver, Frisco, Pueblo) so you’re in my second home turf!
The hiking is harder and the altitude in the mountains makes it even rougher.
Have fun on the river – one of my uncles is a guide but I’m too chicken so I’ve never been – you are a brave mama! : )
MaryLea - This is the first time for me to view your blog, your a great story teller, I’m looking forward to reading more. I’m looking to buy another car, have a Honda Element now, but so limited to accessories. I find the air conditioned seat amazing, and all the other things are a bonus, that is exciting! Tks, for the giveaway, super excitied= )

Christy K - Borrowing wi-fi from a police station and tattoo parlour? You are amazing! I hope you and the fam are enjoying your time away, it looks so beautiful and peaceful! Have fun river rafting, can’t wait to hear all about it!

Sharla - Love it – can’t wait to hear about the rafting. This is definitely a future vacay for us!

Lisa M. - Have a wonderful vacation! It looks beautiful there.

kristen - What fun! Have a lovely day! I’ve never been river rafting…can’t wait to hear about it!

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my week with Kia.

i got to drive this 2013 Kia Sorento for a week!
i have never ever driven a new car.
not once.
it was such a smooth ride and was very fun to drive.

this Assembled-in-the-USA crossover vehicle has a push button start with a Smart Key.
this meant that as long as the Smart Key was in my pocket or in my purse it would unlock and start.
that was genius.
it could be my favorite feature…but i had a lot of them.

it came equipped with Satellite Radio.
if you have ever had this in your vehicle you know how amazing it is
and it would be very hard to go back to regular radio.
My top 6 stations: Coffee House, Pulse, Spectrum, Message, Sinatra and Highway.

it has dual temperature controls and the kids could control their own AC in the back if they needed to.

but this feature….oh wow!
the driver’s seat was air conditioned!!
i used this feature every single time i was in the car.
i think every car in the world should have that button.
it is also heated for the winter.

the side mirrors can fold in at the push of a button….a dreamy feature for this Sonic Drive-In loving mama!
no more worries about knocking my mirrors off!

the kids really liked the cup holders in the arm rest.
it was nice to have an actual seperator too because occasionally…kids fight.
it’s true.

there is room for SEVEN in this Crossover vehicle.
but if you don’t need every spot filled the seats easily fold down flat for extra storage.
i didn’t think my whole family would fit comfortably in the Kia Sorento but we did!

with my older kids starting to drive on their own most of the time…this car is the perfect size for me!

i absolutely LOVED driving this car.
it was a treat for me!
thanks so much KIA for helping me make every ride a joy ride last week.

To celebrate the 2013 Kia Sorento, BlogHer is giving away an Asus Eee Pad Transformer Prime Android Tablet!

To enter, answer this question: What is the most unexpected feature of the Sorento for you?

No duplicate comments.
You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
b) Tweet about this promotion (include #KiaSweepstakesEntry in your tweet) and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c) Blog about this promotion on your own blog and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.
Entries from all participating blogs will be pooled for winner selection; only two entries per household. This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
The Official Rules are available here.
This sweepstakes runs from 8/7/2012-8/19/2012.
Be sure to visit the Kia Sorento page on where you can read other bloggersΓ­ posts!

I received compensation from Kia Motors America, Inc., but the opinions and statements are my own.

Kia - Looks like a very affordable and practical family car. The Smart Key feature sounds real handy; personally I also hate having to dig in my purse for keys all the time.

Joni Laget3 - very nice side loveing color your site i like this blog,

buy my car - Thanks for the giveaway the next year or so and I am less than thrilled about a mini-van. Never would have considered a Kia before but will definitely do some more research about them now.

The Darrell's Blog - it is stunning how you have contrived to completely open up the subject which you have chosen for this peculiar blog entry of yours. BTW did you use any other blog articles as a source of data to fully show the entire situation that you have published in this entry?

anash - the air conditioned seat is the most unexpected! Thanks for a super giveaway!

Amanda @RunToTheFinish - living in Miami no doubt the air conditioned drivers seat would blow me down!

maria cantu - I like the heated/air-cooled seats.

sy - It was the heated/air conditioned seats, and low price. Thanks for the review and giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail

Iluvpirates922 - My hubby and I test drove the Sorento & fell in love!! Someday when we have kids, we’ll definitely be getting it!! We love the panoramic sunroof. It’d be great for watching storms and camping under the stars without worrying about bugs.

Kerry - The push button start!

Sarah L - Most unexpected? starting price of just over $23,000 and air conditioned seat
Thanks for the contest.

Chelsea - The air-conditioned seats were the most unexpected feature! I have the 2012 Kia Sorento and only have heated seats! Bummer!

Betty C - I think the infotainment center is the most unexpected. Actually there are so many extras in this car that really appeal to me.

Angelia Herrin - Wow I loved the auto start button and the air conditioned seats I was really surprised to find those on a kia. great job guys

anonymous - The most unexpected feature for me was that the side mirrors fold down at the touch of a button. I had never heard of that feature on a car before, although the air conditioned driver’s seat was my favorite feature.

Erica Best - i love the this look like it has alot of room and i love that. i love leg room and i am only 5 2.

ashleigh burroughs - Cup holders for kids… where were they 29 years ago when the drinks spilled everywhere b/c little hands couldn’t hold them?????

anash - Tweeted:
Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

Tabathia B - tweet
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Tabathia B - the smart key push button
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

Mallory O. - Air conditioned seats — I need this!!!!!!!!

Tracy - Being a minivan mom I was surprised that such a cute (non minivan looking) vehicle could comfortably seat seven. I need to go test drive one of these!

Tian A. - I love this vehicle has a push button start with a Smart Key, so smart!

Katrina - That air-conditioned/heated seat sounds awesome. I would have the happiest tush in the land.

Angela Akinniyi - The third row seating.

Lind - the push start is a fun feature

Bobbie Hawkes - That the side mirrors would fold in at the push of a button. Surprising that someone thought of that.

Harmony B - Im suprised at the 3rd row seating. I never would have thought it had that much seating

Courtney McIlwain - I love that it seats 7, I had no idea. Also the air condition seat is pretty cool

chantelle - All of the features you posted sound amazing (my favorite is the smart key… I hate digging for keys!), but I looked on the Sorento website and I saw that even the base model has a slew of cargo organizers…. YES YES YES!!! I hate my disorganized trunk and when I upgrade to a larger vehicle this will definitely have to be a priority! Thanks Megan πŸ™‚

Nicole Francis - Air-conditioned seats! Neat! πŸ™‚

Shara - The smart key is fantastic. What on earth will they think of next?????

Gina M - tweet–
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M - The dual temperature control is a unexpected and wonderful feature, especially for those with kids.
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

sy - Air conditioned seat and folding mirrors. Thanks for the review and giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail

jennibell - Most surprising. . .that it holds 7. . .that would be great! Best feature. . .the key fob thing πŸ™‚

Melanie - Definitely the AC seat – have never heard of that!

Bailey C - Surprised it seats 7 – doesn’t appear to be that large!

Lizzy - I love the smart key feature! How convenient!

Ruth V. - Smart Keys – amazing things!

Julie M - The air condidtioned driver’s seat. I heard of heated but not air conditioned.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Love the fold in mirrors!! How cool is that? I always smack mine in the drive thru : )
Check you out big time blogger mama — not selling out, you’re rocking your connections!

Heather - The air conditioned driver’s seat!

Jo - Smart Keys…..oh how I long for the day I get a new care with one! I can never find my keys in my purse! And air conditioned seats…seriously these exists? Amazing.

christine gottschalk - Smart Key by far πŸ™‚

Liene - That it was roomy… I always thought Kias were tiny, and I’m 6’3″ so tiny doesn’t work!

Jennifer - Smart keys are really life changing, especially when trying to get little ones in and out of the car. Also, LOVE the air conditioned seats. Perfect for a little tush cooling after a workout.

Stephanie - I am amazed that the driver’s seat has it’s own A/C. That would be amazing!

Cristina - I love the fold-in mirrors! This car is really cute!

D - I would love the push button start with a Smart Key!

Caitlynne - I have never heard of air conditioned seats but it sounds amazing! My car has heated seats but that sometimes gets a little…sweaty…

Tami - Now well that is sweet! I wonder if Kia will give me a car to drive for a week! I guess i would settle for a tablet! :0) fingers are crossed!

Kristina - Love Kia… Hopefully will have one someday because that warranty is fab but those air conditioned seats?! I’d sell all my wordly thrifty possessions for that. Well maybe not. But maybe!

ikarentee - I can honestly say I have never heard of air conditioned seats!! The fold in mirror is cool too!

jenn marie - I love the air conditioned seats. Heated seats are a great plus but air conditioned that would be nice!

denise@victory rd. - air conditioned seats! we’re expecting 110 temps here in my neck of the woods, and that would be AWESOME.

Kris - Love the side mirrors!

Rachael S - the air-conditioned driver seat would be awesome!!!!

s - Two actually – the cool flip side mirrors and the arm rest cup holders

kim - fits 7? That’s great….wanted a crossover for awhile…but could only fit 5…
and the air conditioned seats aren’t too shabby! Thanks for sharing.

Lisa - Yes, well, that woukd definitely be the air-conditioned seats!! Thanks for the opportunity to win! πŸ™‚

Mona D - Air conditioned seats! What a dream!!

Whitney - Our friends have bought 2… air conditioned seats… crazy!

Jena Selph - Definitely the smart key! Thanks for the chance to win! ~Jena

cassie o - luck you! driving a new car for a week AND getting to give away a tablet. i bet everybody wants to be your best friend now πŸ˜‰

jenny - Air conditioning for your bum? No more thigh stuck to the seat and rip it off like a band-aid in summer? Neat!

Kristin M - I had no idea it could seat 7! It just got added to my crossover wish list!

Noreen - The heated and air conditioned seats are genius!

Kathi - The fold in mirrors!

Betsy - Air conditioned seats for the win!

jennifer - Air conditioning in the seat?! Are you kidding me? That is genius!

Ashley B. - The fold-in side mirrors…amazing!

KatieD - Heated seats are a requirement! But air conditioned! Awesome!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Air conditioned seats? Are you kidding me? I would love that. Even my luxury car doesn’t have that cool a feature.

Jessica - You had me at air.conditioned.seats!!!! LOVE!!

Cat S - Hands down: air conditioned drivers seat! I didn’t even know those existed! I want! πŸ˜‰

Julie - air conditioned seats!? seriously! that is neat.

Kati - That air conditioned driver’s seat sounds very intriguing!! πŸ™‚

Colleen - Very cute car! Throw in air conditioned seats and it’s a dream come true!

Lael - Actually by looking at the first pic, I was surprised to see it holds 7. Neat!

Alisha W - Air conditioned seats????? Get outta town πŸ™‚ thats freakin awesome!

Christy - Air conditioned seats? Stop it. Right now! I need this in FL!!!

Lisa - AC seats, hands down! Crazy Kansas summer.

Bianca - Down here in Texas it is HOT, air conditioned seats would be a dream!!!

Alice H - I want a Smart Key and a/c driver seat! It is so hot in Oklahoma! Thanks for the giveaway.

Karen - The air conditioned seat! I have never heard of this. Heated yes but never air conditioned.

Tasha - Air conditioned seats for sure. I’m in and out of my car all day and that would be dreamy πŸ™‚

Courtney M - Air-conditioned seats is by far the most surprising feature! I’ve heard of heated, never air-conditioned.

Katy - air conditioned seats?? Awesome!! No more sweaty back and bottom! πŸ™‚

Jessica @ MyArdentLife - Like most people, apparently, I am surprised and delighted to learn that the Sorento seats 7! We will be in the market for a larger vehicle in the next year or so and I am less than thrilled about a mini-van. Never would have considered a Kia before but will definitely do some more research about them now. Nice review and excellent giveaway. And PS, I don’t think you are a sellout. I’ll still be reading. xoxo

Wendy - i had no idea you could fit that many in it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Sara Grimshaw - As with most others…the A/C in the seats. This summer in St. Louis, I could’ve definately used this feature. Have fun on vacay…thanks for the chance

Sheila P. - The smart key is the best feature ever. We recently purchased a vehicle with it, and I love, love, love it!!!!

Stacy M. - The driver’s seat being air conditioned.

Ingrid - What is the most unexpected feature of the Sorento for me? That it seats so many! We are cramming our 3 boys into our backseat and they are growing too fast!

April - Oh man, AC for your backside? SOLD! πŸ™‚

Tracy - I love the smart key!

amy - THe most unexpected feature is the “fold in mirrors at the touch of a button.” The feature I would enjoy the most is the dual thermostat.

Corinne - Air Conditioned Seats?!?!??!?! Sign me up!!!

Alisha - Air conditioned seats!!!! Heck yeah! But the folding mirrors is top notch!

Amanda Villarreal - I have a 2012 kia sorento that we just bought recently but came with no features. We purchased it from an auction with only 7000 miles on it! So seeing these upgrades kind of make me jealous :). I have the 7 seater as well. If I could upgrade mine, I’d totally get the a/c seats. I like things differently than my hubby does so it’ be absolutely perfect! The satellite radio is a close second :).

robyn - Air conditioned seats! Love my seat warmer would love the cooler ;0)

Allison H. - It’s a toss up between the air conditioned seats and the rear view mirrors that fold away with a button.

Lynda M. - Wow – I’ve never heard of air conditioned seats before! I would love that feature too!

Jill - Push button start? This is OUTTA my ability to even conceptualize!!!!! SUPER COOL! I had NO IDEA they could seat SEVEN either…we are a large family too and with teens they gotta have some room…WHO am I kidding we ALL NEED a little room!!!!

vicki w. - The air conditioned seats sound awesome…I’ve heard of heated seats, but not air conditioned. WOW!

Rachelle - Air conditioned seats – who knew! Fantastic!

Heidi - Wow, that was very rude!! If you have read her blog you would know that Meg does reviews every so often and does get compensated for them. It is your loss Teresa!

melissa erin - hands down. the air conditioned seat…

Library Momma - The Smart Key sounds amazing!!

meaghan - Wow! That car is awesome! So many cool features. But when you said it fits 7 I had to scroll back up. From the exterior photo you would never guess!

Tawny - I am very surprised 7 fit comfortably. I love that it is roomy and the seats fold flat, you never know when you need the space!

Jill - That smart key feature was very surprising. I’m looking for a vehicle right now so this was timely for me. Looks great!

Denise - I think the air-conditioned seats sound great (especially since I live in Texas), but I’m most surprised by the fact that it holds 7 people! We’re looking to downsize from our Expedition and now I will definitely be considering the Kia Sorrento.

Amy - Big, big fan of the AC seats! And I am constantly digging through my ginormous purse for my keys, so the smart key feature is FAB!!

Mary - Air conditioned seat! Wahoo! Would love that in this 110degree Oklahoma heat

jen smith - the air conditioned seats! who knew there was such a thing to keep my back side cooled off during this ungodly heat!

Kelly W. - Air Conditioned Seats!!!! That would be a God send down here in the HOT South!

Ruth - Would LOVE air conditioned seats!!!!

Amanda C. - love the air conditioned seats!!!!

Mollie D - tweeted~

Mollie D - I’m with everyone else, the ac seat!

Kimberlee - Cute car…I’d say having AC/heated seats being in WI both would come in handy!

secret mom thoughts - I love the AC in the driver’s seat. Very cool. πŸ˜‰

Julie, momto7 - Oh my – air conditioned seats? That would be heaven! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jody - For some strange reason, the side mirrors having a button to push to close them makes me very happy!! I’m constantly pushing in my side mirror to miss the corner at McD’s drive through or our tight garage!!! ha!!

michelle - THe air conditioned seat would be great after a day at the pool!

Laura Mann - Wow!!! A/C driver seat is BEAST! lol! πŸ™‚

Janel - Air conditioned seat? Cool πŸ™‚

Jessica Anne - the airconditioned seat!

Maria - I bought a 2011 KIA Sorento in January, 2012. It was a leftover with some miles on it and it was the LX model – I think you drove the SX which is the top of the line model and is what I really wanted, but it was out of the budget πŸ™ (leather, heated seats, etc)
I would have loved those air conditioned/heated seats (my old car had them) and they are mighty fine!!! I really like the car now that I’ve been driving it for seven months!

julie - The seating for 7!!!!!

Shanda - I love the fact that 7 would fit comfortably!

Andrea - I’d flip for air-conditioned seats! WHEW, it would make Dallas a little more bearable in the summer. Looks like a great vehicle–glad you got to enjoy it for a week.

Christine - The A/C seat. How cool is that?!?! And how cool that they let you have a new ride for a week. Kia has really stepped it up the last few years. Looks like a great vehicle!

Terri Fretwell - The air conditioned drivers seat! My husband has a high end vehicle that has that. I am really surprised Kia does. That is awesome!

jody Hall - Smart keys are awesome!!! No more digging for the keys in the bottom of the purse!

Maggie - First of all. YOU ARE NOT A SELLOUT. If someone paid me to drive a brand new car and write about it, I’d be all over it. With that said, I’m actually looking to buy a car that seats 7, now I’ll have to check this one out. The “Assembled in America” part is what I like best πŸ˜‰ annndddd the air conditioned seating. That’s pretty boss too!

Krista - Didn’t know there WAS such a thing as a/c seats! Love that! I’m always freezing out the kids in the back with the AC on because I’m warm! Love that we share many of the same favorites on satellite radio πŸ™‚

Teresa - I used to love your blog… but WOW what a sell out! I’m deleting it from my bookmarks and will never return again. Enjoy making a buck from these big companies paying you to brag about their products so we buy them.
Peace out Meg you major SELL OUT!!!!!!!!!!

michelle@decorandthedog - Air conditioned seats? What? Amazing.

Ann Marie - The A/C seats! Never pictured KIA as a top of the line car like that. Love that option!

sallie kay - Air conditioned driver’s seat is the BOMB! I’m a ‘sweat-er’ so this would be like a dream come true, especially after a hard walk! Plus assembled in America is the greatest! Love keeping American workers employed!

Holly Law - I LOVE that it would fit my whole family and isn’t a mini van! I have driven my van for 8 1/2 years and am ready for something a little more “stylish!”

Kathy - The Smart Key! Not having to dig for my keys would be awesome! An added benefit is that it seats 7 … I currently drive a mini van so I can haul the grands … I would LOVE something a little more hip than a mini van … and I think I may have found it!

sarah - Who knew Kia was so on top of their game! Cute car

elma - For sure the air conditioned seats!! Never heard that one and I love to that you do not need a key!! Awesome!!!

Amber B - Love the air conditioned seats! But I have to say….7? WOW!!

Melissa Irvin - I’ve driven a Sorento as a rental and agree that it is a well-appointed vehicle and it rides beautifully. Looks like they have implemented many upgrades since I rented, too. Those A/C seats would be sooooo wonderful in the GA heat! If we were in the market for a new vehicle, we’d definitely give the Sorento a look.

Jody - Surprised it fits 7!

Kari - I would have to say the air conditioned driver’s seat! I’ve never heard of a feature like that and this hot-flash-prone mama would love it!

Hannah Guskie - The smart key sounds awesome! I’m always standing there in the parking lot next to my car digging for my keys!

pam - you had me at “air conditioned” driver’s seat! I need one of those in Africa! πŸ™‚

Karey - Ahhhhh! The side mirrors fold in??? I go to sonic at happy hour all the time so that would be a dream to have!

marilyn - I think the driver’s seat being heated and air conditioned is the biggest surprise for me. It is a beautiful vehicle.

Amy Bounds - I was surprised the Sorento fits 7. It’s a great looking vehicle.

kathy eller - I am excited to seat 7 in a crossover vehichle. I NEED to seat 7 and cant afford to drive the cars taht do.

Angela - Air conditioned seat for sure! So awesome.

connie - I heart Sorrentos (looked at it in 2004, looks even better now!) I cannot believe the no keys…I am digging for keys!!!
Thanks for the giveaway! ~C

Mary Beth Hunt - Those air conditioned seats sound COOOOOOOOOLLLL! πŸ™‚

GretchenP - smart key for sure.. i’ve never even heard of that and it sounds amazing! πŸ™‚

Carrie - Love the idea of air-conditioned seats!! I use my air-conditioner all year long πŸ™‚

whitney - It’s been over 100 degrees here-I think I’m most amazed by the air condiditoned driver seat! That is something I could really use in the summer!

Analia - Wow! Air conditioned seats, satellite radio…what else could you want!

Kim - The air conditioned seats – could definitely use those w/ the high KS temps lately!

Analia - Wow! Looks amazing! Air conditioned seats, satellite radio, what else could you want?

Linda G - The cooled seat and the smart key are both surprising to me. The price is better than I would have expected for this vehicle, especially since their 4-door cars are higher than I thought they would be. There have been a ton of Kias on the roade in NJ lately.
The steering wheel looks very large with buttons in the bottom like that. Did it feel like you were driving a big rig? πŸ™‚

Peggy - I’m thinking the air conditioned driver’s seat is every “hot flash Mama”s dream!

Shairee - An air conditioned seat?? no way!

Rebecca W - Wow, sweet ride! πŸ™‚

Katelyn B. - I can’t believe that 7 people fit in there?!? That’s awesome.

Kristen - Truly. This car sounds AWESOME!

Bethany - Um, air conditioned seats! Think I could manage talking Kia into letting me drive around the Sorento for the last two weeks of my pregnancy?

Melinda George - It seats seven! Fantastic, and I so want to try the air conditioned drivers seat. I would love to have one.

giving - AIR CONDITIONED SEATS!!!!! WOW!!! πŸ™‚

Melanie - Air conditioned driver’s seat???? What!?!?!! I NEED that in our desert weather! Best feature ever!

Stephanie Z. - i dont even know what air conditioned seats are, but that is the best idea yet!

shelley - The air-conditioned seat for sure! That could be because I have been driving in these 100 degree days without a/c in my car for the last 3 weeks…horrible!

Shelley C. - Air conditioned seat??!!

Christa H. - Folding side mirrors

Anacani Garcia - It is a nice looking vehicle….but after the last few unrelenting heat of 100+ temps in my drought stricken part of Texas nothing could beat an air conditioned seat. There would be fights over who drives!

Kelly - That there are so many luxury items on it…..I would have never guessed!

Jenny - Air conditioned driver’s seat…no way…are you kidding me? These South Carolina summers would be way better with an air conditioned seat. Wow! I want one!

Maria - Air conditioned seat…are you kidding me?!
I would love that!

Kate - Tweeted

Kim - Air conditioned seats! aah!

AmandaK - I have a Toyota with a SmartKey, LOVE It.
That would have been the winner – except I live in Oklahoma – AND ITS HOT.
Air conditioned seating? Oh dream car.

Kate - The air conditioned seat – awesome! Thank you for this opportunity.

tina - Assembled in the USA πŸ™‚

Janel - The air conditioned seat by far is the best feature! I have had heated leather seats for years now and it is awesome during the winter or for a sore back. But air conditioned?.. Sign me up! It is hot hot in Denver these days…. Alas I just got a new subaru..gonna remember this feature though! FYI I just remembered that the Porshe Cayenne has air conditioned seats… Kia is much more affordable. πŸ™‚

Erin - Air conditioned seats. Who knew there was an automobile out there with a hiney cooler.

Emily - Air conditioned seat! Leather gets so hot in this summer weather.

Susan - Air conditioned seats would be fabulous! What a clever idea! Glad you got to experience new car smell for a week, LOL!

Starr Anderson - Gah, I’m out; didn’t realize my first commend went through….been fighting with cruddy DSL all evening! Ah well, good luck to the winner! πŸ™‚

Chris Lawlor - Air conditioned seats… Now that is cool! Pun intended!

rae - i would love to have a smart key! i’m always digging in my too full purse!

Starr Anderson - I love the idea of an air conditioned seat; especially since we’ve wilted all summer in the 90s. (I know, I know, outrage from the midwest – but for reals, I live in the mountains for a reason, I like cool summers!) πŸ™‚

Missy Mayo - THe air conditioned seats would be AWESOME! It is steamy hot here in Dallas, and I would L-O-V-E those seats!

Allison - Air conditioned seats, totally! That would be fantastic!

Kate W. - I am loving the separated back seat…can not stand bickering kids in the car!

beth - A/C in the driver’s seat is a surprise. I didn’t even know that was possible.

Lindsay - The air conditioned driver’s seat would be amazing! I love new cars. : )

Brenna - Air conditioned seats? Get OUTTA here. That’s awesome.

Stacey - I would love air conditioned seats!

Michelle From Australia - I wish I was a US resident and I could enter the competition πŸ™ In the meantime I’ll just say WOW what a cute and practical car!!

Jen N. - I’ve never ever heard of air conditioned seats. Sign me up!

Starr Anderson - Air conditioned seat baby! πŸ™‚

Krista - Alrighty, you had me at air conditioned seats!! I’ve heard of heated but cool?!?! What busy momma couldn’t appreciate “keeping her cool” while all heck is breaking loose in the car? I know it would help me πŸ™‚

Molly B - wow, loved those push button fold in mirrors. that is cool!

LeAnne - Air conditioned seating. I can’t even imagine what that would feel like. I bet it’s nice!

gina - Fold in mirrors! Who knew?

jodi - Love the whole key thing! We added a keypad to our house a few years back and I LOVE not having a house key! Not having to hold a car key would be amazing!

Carey - Well, since my van has NO air conditioning at the moment, I’d have to say the air conditioned seat would be my choice!

Nicole Olsen - I love that it has air conditioned seats! WOW! That would be great in the summer heat!

Anita - If you saw my side mirrors you would know why I love the idea of push button mirrors. My husband would thank you too!

Lacey - householdhabits - I had never even heard of air conditioned seats!!!!

nicole i - push button start. for sure.

Cindy - Ummm, did you say AIR CONDITIONED seats!? wowsa!

Danielle Rub - I was surprised by the air conditioned drivers seat. That would be heaven!

Gina - I am surprised your family fit comfortably.

shannon Stout - I think the most surprising feature for me is that you were able to fit your entire family in there! It looks sooo small! That makes me soooo happy! Holy moly! I thought I needed a HUGE car for just 4 of us but apparently I missed the mark!

Gina - I am surprised your family fit comfortably.

Janet @ Ordinary Mom - Aw. I had free satellite radio for 6 months in my car when it was new. Coffehouse was my favorite too. Miss it. πŸ™‚

Kate LS - Definitely the air-conditioned seats. That’s pretty darn fabulous.

Sky - The fact that it seats 7! It doesn’t look like it could do that. And the fold in side mirrors sound cool!

Michelle - Air conditioned drivers seat would win hands down!

Grace - I The most unexpected feature of the Sorento would be its dual temperature controls. I love the idea because it is usually so difficult to content everybody in the car! This car looks nice!!!

MegM - Love the Kia! I am on my second one because I loved the first one so much. My favorite feature is the back-up camera. I don’t know how I backed up without it before!

evelyse - the air conditioned seats! oh yes! this seems like a very fun car to drive! would LOVE to have it!~

Michelle - Air conditioned drivers seat?? That’s certainly unexpected! I’m a bit suprised that you said your family fit comfortably in it though. I looked at the Sorento a year a go (I drive the Sedona mini-van) and when my son sat in the 3rd row his head nearly touched the back window! I wish we could’ve fit our family in it cause I loooved it.

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Kaboo Bags sent this bag for me to give away to one LUCKY reader!
it is so much fun!


their bags are colorful and bright!



and they have a Tech Pouch for your iPad (or whatever techy product you have)
there are lots of pockets for all our girly things we carry around.
and i adore the inside liner too!


Kaboo has lots of really cute Tech Pouch bags!
i love the turquoise and the Pearl…and the red too.
and they are each big enough to hold my dslr camera as well!


go to their website
then come back and tell me the name of YOUR favorite bag at Kaboo in the comment section to be entered to win!

i will pick a winner next week!


melissa @jonahbonah - i love the olivia in turquoise!

Jenelle - The Tina in black is great for going to work and going out on the town after.

Amanda S. - The Riley, especially in Pearl! So pretty, and perfect for college!

amy - the red roxie!

Dauri Kreidel-Reimer - LOVE the Tina….in sunshine yellow, of course!! Would definitely keep me in a good mood….and/or be a reminder to stay there! πŸ™‚

Andrea T. - Love the Riley in black. The chevron inside makes it even more adorable!

Robin Canter - did you pick a winner of the Kaboo bag yet?? Since I haven’t been picked for Craft Weekend yet, I think you can pick me for the Kaboo bag (Roxie in black) and I’ll be happy.

Page - Oh my goodness- the Tina bag is so beautiful and fun! Love it!

Bobbie Hawkes - I like the Olivia!

Amber H. - I’m a fan of the Olivia in turquoise. Way cute!

Kelly Strei - My favorite is the Riley.

Mariam - I can see myself rocking the Olivia bag in turquoise! Thanks for the chance.

Wade - Thanks so much for giveaway! Sign me up please for the Roxie.
God bless

Eric - I think the Olivia is just so classy!

Linda - Man,so many choices! But I absolutely adore the Tina bag.

Doris - yellow Tina all the way! Thanks!

Lia - I love the Tina in mustard. Hands down.

Carrie - I love the olivia…any color, just beautiful.

Jessi Hunsucker - I fell in love with the turquoise olivia bag, the color is soo pretty!! πŸ™‚

Christy - Awesome! I am a bag nut. My favorite is the Teal Olivia bag so cute

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Olivia in Turquoise!! A-dorable.

Monica - I love the Riley – pearl. But really, they are all beautiful!

Kim G - I went to the site trying to find a different bag to love, but the Mustard Tina is calling my name!
Thanks for the chance to win one of these beauties!

Alison - The Tina is very cute!

sonya - lilsoak + friends - Awesome giveaway. Love the inside of the fabric.. I love classic bags like the Riley.Does it come in teal??????

Amanda - The Roxie in red is super cute.

Carla - I LOVE the Riley in Pearl. So cute. So chic. And it would make me smile every time with that sassy pink interior!

Cristina - My favorite is definitely the Roxie in red! I love it!


Melissa - Love the Riley pearl

Stephanie C. - I love the Olivia

Robyn - i love them all really! but the Olivia & The Riley in turquoise or pearl are adorable!!!! perfect for my new ipad!

Erin B - Love the Tina bag! In yellow πŸ™‚

Jessica - The Tina bag in Yellow or Black!

Tanya - i love the Olivia – Turquoise

Jeanne Kelly - OOOOOOOoo – the tina is my fave – inside AND out!!

amber van duyn - I would love The Olivia tablet bag in black!!! Sooo hot!!!

Linda Vaughan - I love the Roxie in Red or the Tina in Yellow!!

Kelsey - The Tina in that mustard yellow is STUNNING – it has structure, pockets with great usability, and is so sleek it just might prevent me from stuffing it too full of stuff!

Erin - I totally dig the Roxie in red, but the Tina in yellow is awesome, too! (Love the linings!)

Kell - I love the Roxie in Red I could use a little sassy in my life.

Diane B - My favorite is that bright yellow one on your website. It’s so fun looking.

Tracy - I would love the Tina in yellow!

Melissa Kuhlman - I love the red roxie bag!

Miriam - I love love the Roxie or Olivia in black.

Harriet - They are all SO fun! If I had to pick one I would pick The Riley, pearl. I love all the bold colours but the pearl one is my fave! πŸ™‚

Jennifer - Wow they are all so awesome. I loved the Tina and the Olivia!

Juli - Oh… hard to choose but I think I’d have to go with the Roxie Red! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Photo Cynthia - I can’t decide. I can’t decide. I can’t decide. It’s between The Tina and The Olivia. Such fabulous colors.

Sondra - The Tina, definitely!!

Sandra Moreta - Definetly the Tina in yellow!

Amy - I adore yellow so the Tina in mustard grabbed my attention right away!!!

denise@victory rd. - the olivia turquoise is my favorite.

Jeannine Glenn - I am in in love with the Roxie Red Bag! I want to Rock it out for fall! Beautiful shape & perfect for travel!

Tiffany - I love the Olivia in turquoise; not too big.

Abby - The Tina in mustard yellow would be perfect!

kim - the olivia…..turquoise….love the “ruffled” accents..

Laura J - The Tina bag in Mustard Yellow. So classic-looking, yet sunny and happy!

Michelle - I love the Olivia in tourquoise. All of them are gorgeous!

Kelly W. - Roxie in Red! I want a cute red purse but just haven’t found “the one”.

Denise Sabia - I love the Olivia and the turquoise is so fun!

Jessica B - I have been looking for a yellow bag that I love…the Tina in mustard yellow is perfect!

Kelly - Love the sunny yellow bag you posted. It’s gorgeous! I’d take that along with me any day!

Lori - I wanted to love the Riley in Pearl, but the Roxie in Red and the Tina in Yellow won me over instead!

Megan Kemmey - Love love love the Tina and the Roxie… hard choice!

Kate - I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Roxie Red one…SHARP!

kelseytish - i love the Tina, its so classic but modern all at the same time, Love it!

Marianna - Olivia in turquoise!

Jessica Willms - I love the Olivia in Turquoise. Those bags are so cute!

Tiffany - Love the Tina! πŸ™‚

Sara Booker - The Tina is Queena!! Love it! Love Yellow!! And I’m a new lover of this blog!! Nice work!

Jenny - I love the color of The Tina! Great giveaway!!!

Nicole - I absolutely love the one you have featured here. The mustard yellow is fantastic!

Christy - I can’t decide between the Olivia in Turquoise and the Roxie in Black!! these are beautiful!

Jeanelle - I love the Olivia in either color but the Roxie in red is calling my name.

Whit! - I love love love the Tina!

Kim Arnold - I Love the Roxie in Red!

Kim Arnold - I L-O-V-E the Roxie in Red! What a great color for the Fall and Winter!

Maribeth - I love the Tina in the yellow — it just makes me smile!!!

Brittany - I do love the Riley bag but loving the color of the Tine…so, the Tina it is, yep…my favorite πŸ™‚ such a great idea!

alamama - The Tina. Thanks for the chance.

Christy B - The Olivia in turquoise is lovely!

kristiina - The Riley in Pearl! πŸ™‚

Suzanne Francke - The Olivia, hands down. It is a happy color and I would use it year round! Pick me!

Andrea R. - I love the Tina in mustard. So pretty.

Crystal L - The Tina– in yellow! YUMMY!

julie sopha - the olivia….in turqoiuse:) Makes me smile.

Shanda - I love the Tina and that bright yellow!

Michelle - I LOVE the Tina in mustard or the Olivia in turquoise! Such gorgeous bags =)Thanks for doing the giveaway =)

Jessica H. - So fun and colorful! I like the red one best I think πŸ™‚

ronda beeman - Oh man! What a cool giveaway!
I love The Tina in both colors, but, secretly I’m crushing on the yellow one!

amy - love the pearl bag. super, super cute.

Lorilee - Love the extra side pockets in the Riley–black.

Jessie - I love the Riley. The colors are so fun!!!

Melissa - Too hard to choose but I’m loving the Riley and the Olivia!

Melissa - I’m loving the Riley.

Zoryana - I love the Tina- the yellow color is just awesome!

Melissa - I’m loving the style of the the pearl Riley, buuuuuut the turquoise Olivia is beautiful too.

Stephanie - Definitely the OLIVIA! Too cute!

Lindi - Love the yellow Tina! Such a fun, happy colour and perfect styling. πŸ™‚

Suzanne G. - After my daughter’s name, “OLIVIA”. Love it in Turquoise.

Janyce - I love the Riley in black!

Joell - Olivia. Turquoise. Earbuds. Perfection.

roberta - I love the Roxie in red! And all the others too! Great bags!

Lael J - Olivia in turquoise – absolutely!

Barbara - The Yellow Tina is absolutely adorable! Its perfect for spring and summer but also perfect for fall and winter to add a splash of color to your outfit!

Brand Vitucci - I love the Roxie in Red!

Jacki - Tina in yellow is lovely!

Kimmartin22 - I love the black Riley!

Heather K - Ohhhh. They are all so cute. But, favorites would be The Roxie in Red and The Tina in Yellow.

ivy - I LOVE the Riley in white. And that YELLOW one is adorable!

Meg - I love the Roxie in red – they’re all amazing though!

Carolyn C - LOVE the Olivia – so cute! (And might stop more “black spots” from happening on my kindle.) Just wish it came in those happy yellow, red, or teal colors!

Beth - oh my word.. the yellow tina bag is absolutely gorgeous!

Clare - Ohhh fun… Red is standing out to me – The Roxie bag πŸ™‚

Kimiko - I like the Roxie in Black!

s - so, I LOVE the turquoise but since I’m a wimp, I’d probably pick the Riley in black, cuz my practical side usually wins out. But if they had one in green, I’d leave my practical side BEHIND!

AJ - The yellow Tina bag would always brighten my day!

Rosemary - I love the turquoise Olivia! So stinking adorable!

Erin - Riley! All so cute…

Nicole - The Tina! Gorgeous.

MaryBeth - I love The Roxie – that red is so awesome. Come to mamma!

michelle - THe olivia bag. Love the color!

Sylwia - I love Tina one!

Paige Schloss - The Tina!!

Loretta - I love the Tina in yellow. Wish it came in the blue but it doesn’t.

Julie J - So pretty! The Olivia in Turquoise is my favorite.

Mary - Love the Riley, but the Olivia is a close second.

Natalie - Oh how I adore the Olivia bag!

Jen - I like the Tina. Black and yellow. πŸ™‚

Amy L. Weber - Love the turquoise Olivia, the Riley AND the Tina! Hope I’m not too late!

Lisa Hamilton - love BOTH the tina & the olivia!

Bridgeb - LOVE the Olivia Bag

Dawn - I love the yellow Tina and Olivia bag.

Lisa - the Tina in black!

steph anne - Yellow Tina! I looove it!

Carrie Power - I have my eye on the adorable mustard yellow Tina, I even think have pair of shoes to match.

Lisa B - The Tina or Roxie for sure! Love the bold color!

Kathy Burchfield - Ordinarily, I’d play it safe and pick the Tina in black. This time, I’m selecting the Tina in the brilliant yellow! That choice will surprise a few people!

aduffygirl - Tough decision – the Riley in black, maybe? (Versatile, so I can use it a LOT!)

shelli - ohh the choices! ok the roxie in black thank you!

amyellen - i love the tina bag, the yellow is great, but i also really like the turquoise olivia

Emily - I like the Riley… black or Pearl, such a decision! ??? I would totally use mine for my ipad and my camera with a touch of diaper bag… i hope it would all fit! I’m due to have my first baby any day now, so It would be perfect for a new working mommy tote!

casey - Ilove the Tina – Yellow!

Jen - The Tina, definitely. The sunshiney yellow is hard to beat, but I almost wish it came in turqoise.

Jennifer - LOVE THESE! I love love love The Tina in mustard yellow! Beautiful!

Cindy Gordon - I LOVE them ALL – but if I had to pick I’d choose the Roxie in black. Now, if that came in turquoise I might think I’d died and gone to heaven. But for now, yes, Roxie in Black! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jennifer - My favorite is the yellow Tina. I’d love it if the Tina also came in turquoise

Laura Cox - The Olivia in Turquoise is such a HAPPY BAG !!!

Nikki - Love the mustard Tina! Too cute

Anna - I love the Tina in Yellow or the Roxie in Red!

Heidi - I love them! I especially like the Tina in black with earbuds!

Logan - I am drawn to The Roxie in red! I know that the black version of the Roxie or The Tina are probably more practical, but I sure do love that red bag or the Tina in mustard yellow. I like the smooth lines of those two better than the others. They are all cute!

Jackie - I’m loving the Roxie! So cute!

Meg S - So cute! I love the Tina – wish it came in a brighter color!

Carrie - Love the Olivia in turquoise.

Jill - I ADORE red so love The Roxie BUT…showing the INSIDE of that yellow bag makes me want it!!!
I am jumping up and down! So cute! Truly vibrant and FUN and oh, so cheerful!

Prairie Jenn - The Tina in yellow is amazing!! - the tina for me, in yellow!

carly zeiter - the roxie in red…thanks for a great give-a-way! maybe i could use it as a diaper bag???

jodi - It would be a tough pick between the roxie and the Tina…so cute!

ranee - I love the Riley in black…awesome! - All the Olivia’s in turquoise πŸ™‚

pam - oh my word! I can check blogs! and see all the pictures!!! πŸ™‚
i love the olivia. and the tina. and my favorite is the roxie!!

Heather in Ohio - The Tina! Fun giveaway – thanks!

Lisa A - ooohhhh pretty!!!!! I’m loving on the Tina in black πŸ™‚

Clara Field - Honestly I love the Roxie AND the Tina- can I have two favorites?
by the way- I adore your blog!

Roisin - My favourite is the The Riley – Black. The perfect bag for the woman on the move!

Beth - The Riley is too cute!

sheilap - I like the Roxy. She’s so foxy!

Kelly Hollis - The Olivia is my fav. πŸ™‚

Lindy - Roxie in Black—classic on the outside, fun on the inside!

Marcela - My favs…the Tina and the Roxie. I can’t pick one. LOVE THEM!!! So fun. I never knew these types of bags existed.

Jenn - Um….The Roxie, of course! Who doesn’t love that sassy red! But, The Tina is also really classic! - I <3 Riley and Tina the most, in black and mustard! Must be a subliminal "Steelers" thing!;-) I would be jazzed to win!

Shairee Bass - The pearl Riley is fantastic! BUT who wouldn’t LOVE that YELLOW???

nicole - i must admit…the tina is my favorite!

Andrea F. - That’s tough to pick a favorite! “The Olivia” really stands out to me though. So fun! Thanks for a chance to win!

meg pelley - Love the Tina in yellow or the Roxie in red!

Valerie P. - I love the Olivia turquoise. I so need one of these so my 3 year old doesn’t carry my iPad around in her hands anymore. This is perfect so my iPad doesn’t end up on ground shattered;)

Beth P - I love the yellow Tina and the turguoise olivia!!

Dana E - The Roxie for sure. Makes me smile.

marla rae - Miss Turquoise Tina! wow the names the colors the styles…ALL lovely!

Christian@Modobject at Home - I love them all, but I think the Olivia is my favorite. None of them are shabby!

Cassy - The Tina in that bright yellow is absolutely fun! You are going to have one lucky and happy reader!

Shennon Murray - I love, love, love the Olivia in turquoise. Great shape and the linings are so cool! I’d be thrilled to win!

Dawn - Love the yellow Tina & the turquoise Olivia!! So fun! πŸ™‚

Christie Smith - Tina.Tina.Tina!!!!

Stacey - I love the Roxie in black πŸ™‚ Although they are all pretty cute!

jen - i love the olivia in turquoise! great pop of color for any simple outfit!

Ashley - That’s be perfect for my new teaching job!
The pearl Riley I my favorite.

Stacy - Tina is my bag of choice.

Sam Andrews - I love the Roxie

Judy - I am in love with the Tina bag. So lovely!

Laura - I love the OLIVIA bag. I love the turqousie!! - Olivia is beautifulllllllll ;)!!!

Sarah Jellings - I <3 the Olivia in Turquoise!! Beautiful bags!

sandee prince - love love love the Riley… in Pearl of course πŸ™‚ and the chevron inside?? AWESOMENESS!

sandee prince - love love love the Riley in Pearl of course πŸ™‚ and that chevron inside??? AWESOMENESS!

Marilyn Kaucher - Oh I LOVE the Roxie,,,,,

Lynn E - I love The Riley in pearl!

Becky - I love the Riley in Pearl because of the pink and white on the inside! Soooo cute!

sarah - The olivia if i do say so myself!;)

Tracy - The Roxie is my FAVE! What beautiful bags!!

Sonya - The Roxie! These are great bags!

Elizabeth C. - HAVE you SEEN the Red Roxie Bundle pack???!!! This would absolutely look adorable with my navy blue blazer or plaid winter coat. The clips could go on a scarf or the coat! :o)

Mel - LOVE the yellow Tina bag. It is now on my wish list!

Jennifer Cooper - I like the Olivia in turquoise. I like the idea of protecting my iPhone and just having the ear buds peak out.

Wendy - I super love the turquoise Olivia!

Michelle - I love the Olivia in turquoise!!!

Maria - This is exactly what I’ve been looking for to carry my iPad in! I love the Olivia in either color.

Tawny - I love it. I think it is the Tina!!!

Tracy - The Red Roxie; but yellow Tina comes in a close second. Thanks for the chance to win πŸ™‚

Carrie - Holy Cannoli! So many comments!
I love The Tina in mustard! Which is my new accent color for my living room!

Angie - It is hard to decide! I like the olivia in black, but the red and yellow are just so bright and lovely!

Jan - Love the turquoise olivia!

Jenna - I love the Pearl!!!

Sarah - The Roxie in Red!

Melissa - the Tina, in mustard – definitely!

Mindy W - My friend told me the Tina in Mustard. πŸ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - Favorite=The Roxie!

Cheri Yegge - The Tina!!! with tech pouch!!! like a little kangaroo for an iPad..way too cool and the color will be so happy on gray wintry days

jen smith - i’ve never had a white purse so i am going to have to say the riley in pearl. and how can you go wrong with that pink liner?!

Kristi Barrett - LOVE The Tina in mustard yellow!

Laine - Oh goodness, how do you pick?! I’m so torn…loving the turquoise Olivia bag and the mustard Tina. But I would happily take ANY of them, they are all so fabulous!

Carolyn mackie - Riley in black!

Kari - Wow! Super cute and I was just looking for something like this a few months ago and couldn’t find anything!! I like the turquoise one… THanks!

Ali - The Riley in Pearl! Love all of them though! Who can’t resist Chevron!

janel - i’m diggin the riley in black or pearl πŸ™‚

Erin Whitney - Yikes! It’s between the Roxie or the Tina….I love the purses have names. Like, hey, has anyone seen Tina? πŸ™‚ Ps This is much cuter than the diaper bag I’ve been carrying around lately! πŸ™‚

Gillian - Hmmm – tough choices. I’m going to say the Tina!

Amy King - The Tina in Mustard Yellow! The color of Sunflowers πŸ™‚

Marcia W. - The Tina Bag is my favorite. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

jaime - This one~ the Tina! Love the structured shape and the bright happy color.

Jill - I LOVE the Tina in Mustard yellow…it would be perfect to take to the Shocker basketball games!

Jessica Peppel - I would choose Tina in black….very cool - I love the Tina in the mustard yellow!!!!
Stefanie Robinson

Nicole - love them all! love roxie!

Jen - Love the Tina… so bright!

Chantel - The Olivia in Black is super cute! πŸ™‚ I love the surprise Chevron fabric inside. πŸ™‚

Penelope - I mean the Olivia in Turquoise…love them all actually…geez!

Penelope - Love the Tina in Turquoise! Need a peppy pocketbook!

Tammie Longiotti - So hard to decide! I think I too love the Tina. Tammie

Lisa M. - I love the Olivia in turquoise! I have so many “techy” items…I need this bag!! πŸ™‚ Thank you for the chance to win one!

Christina Self - I big PUFFY heart LOVE the Olivia in turquoise!!!

Shealy - The Tina looks like the perfect bag!!

Tracie Mayers - Love them all!! The Olivia in Turquoise is my absolute favorite. Thanks for the link, cute stuff!!

Denise - I love the Tina!

Gill - The Roxie in red is my favourite!

Courtney R. - The Roxie or the Tina. GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! I want!!!!!!!!!!

Rachel - The tina

Betsey - Love the Olivia Turquoise! Awesome bag, ould love to win…Great bag for ipad, camera and baby stuff! All in one, perfect!

Jeni - Oh these are awesome! I love the Olivia in turqouise! Beautiful! Thanks so much!

Sara Grimshaw - Oooh, I love that Roxie in RED! Yeah for you and Kaboo Bags…look at all of these comments. Thanks for the chance.

Katie Herwig - The turquoise Olivia! Love!

Katie Herwig - The Olivia! I’ve been wanting a turquoise bag bad!!!

Daphne - The Tina – no matter what I did it kept calling my name – plus its my favorite color – YELLOW!

Christine - I like the Tina it is so bright and pretty πŸ™‚

Kerry - I would love The Olivia .. or really any of them are fabulous!!

gina - How cute!! I’m a plain Jane so I would carry the Roxie in black. πŸ˜‰

Kelly - The Tina in mustard. WOW!

Terri - The Roxie in Black is my kind of purse!

Maggie Vis - Tina in Mustard, pretty please!

Amy Mc. - Olivia in turquoise!

Linda G - I think I’d order a Tina in black, but I want to get the Roxie in red. Not sure if I could pull it off, though!

Dawn - The Roxie…my sister’s name

Dawn - Black Roxie, Yes Please

Jennifer - The Tina in black. I wish I could pull off a yellow accent though.

Rachelle - The tina – hands down a classic

Stacy - gotta say I love the Tina bag. The yellow is a perfect punch of color and I have shoes that match perfectly!


Kirsten - Holy perfect bag batman!!! I’d choose the Roxy in black – everything about it screams my name!

shelley lamar - Tina in mustard, be still my heart! LOVE!!!!

kristin - um, that yellow bag is my FAVORITE COLOR…and if i had it i would feel like a supportive NHS mom. oh sheesh. : )

Stacy - The Riley in Pearl. They are awesome bags!

Kelley W - I love the yello or turquoise!

marley - I LOVE the Tina!

Erin - The tina mustard yellow for sure! If you get a sec, I’d love to hear your thoughts on my latest posts and enter to win my giveaway!

kristi k - i love the olivia turquoise.

Lori - Roxie Red is H-O-T!!

tara - sigh. i love them all. but that mustard yellow tina is uhhh-mazing! thanks for the awesome giveaway! :]

christine gottschalk - i love the olivia

christine gottschalk - I love the olivia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks for the great giveaway!

Jodi Peck - I love the one you show–the Tina in the yellow! It is so fun! The Roxie in red is awesome too! Jodi - I loved the Olivia. Pretty cool bag. Would love to win it.

Jenny McDaniel - I love the Tina! The yellow is so fun!

Michelle - I love the Tina in mustard…super cute and unique!

Renae R - LOVE the Tina in mustard…it doesn’t get any better than that!!

Patricia j. - The Tina yellow. Loooooooove. Loooooove it!!

Denise - The Riley, it’s my favorite!!

Denise - I love the Riley!!! It’s my favorite!

Lindsey - I like the Riley.

Shelly Foster - The Riley ! I’m pretty sure I heard her call my name !

Shelby - I LOVE the Tina. Holy Moly! I need that yellow bag!

Shelly Foster - The Riley ….I’m pretty sure I heard her calling my name !

Jill Trecker - Love the Roxie in Red, of course!

Amy Schulz - I love the RIley!

sarah - Im thinking the Tina or the Roxie are calling my name…

MaryAnn - Oh I love Tina!!! Yellow is my all time favorite color, wish I could afford to buy one they are all so Beautiful

Amy - Totally love the Olivia bag!

Stephanie Carroll - Love the one you posted!

Dani - The Red Roxie Bundle Pack is awesome! If I spent that much money on a purse, I better add something for my daughter… she would LOVE the hair clips that come with the bundle!!

Pam - The Olivia bag is my fav! Great giveaway thanks for the chance to win - The Olivia is my favorite, but I really love them all!

karen peachey - Love the Olivia bag!!!! - The Tina in yellow is my favorite!! Next would be the Olivia in turquoise! So cute!

Christine - The Tina for sure. Next up would be the Roxie.

Lisa - I love the Roxie bag in red. Absolutely GORGEOUS!

ashley - the tina in yellow is totally my fav. to hold an iPad with all our adoption info!!

Angie - I LOVE the Tina bag…in either color!

Ashley Thurman - I LOVE the Tina!!!

Pippa - The Tina – love the bright happy yellow

Katie Boone - The Tina in black!! LOVE IT!

Samantha - I am so in love with the Tina! The color, the shape, everything!

Deb A. - The Olivia–turquoise. Awesome bag, awesome color.

Rae - Tina in Mustard yellow! Love!

Cathy - The Tina is definitely my favorite – I love the pop of yellow!

Julie Brown - I love the Riley in black. So hard to choose 1.

brianna - i love the RILEY PEARL. it would be PERFECT for me, and my two daughters who love to throw doll shoes and baby bottles in my purse. they can each get their own pocket on the outside! ha!! see it’s perfect!

Makila - The Roxie in Red. πŸ™‚

Jo - I have never seen these before I read your blog this morning. Thanks for introducing these to me. I have a problem – purses and totes are one of my weaknesses.
The Red Roxy has is calling me; it is my favorite. The color is fabulous and the size is perfect for my Ipad.
Good luck to all – and thanks for sharing their website with me. I would really love winning this bag.

Beth R - If you make me choose I would have to go with Riley in either color. Love the metal details and the outer pockets. But I am drawn to the vibrant colors of the Olivia and Tina. I would be very happy with any of them !

Tori - Tina, in black. I love the yellow, but the black is more practical. Sigh.

Tori - Tina, in black….. I love the yellow, but the black is more practical. Sigh.

Emily B. - Looks like I am among friends–loving that mustard yellow Tina!

Barbara in AR - I actually love the one feature on your website the best! The Tina…would be excited to win it!

Kim Roepke - I love the Tina in mustard yellow!

Corinne - LOVE the Tina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So very pretty and functional!

Lisa W. - The Tina in mustard…absolutely no contest!!

deborah - The Olivia is my choice. I would take any of them, though! πŸ™‚

Angela - The Olivia–turquoise. Awesome bag, awesome color.

Katrine - Oh how I would love to win this!! I’m in love with the yellow bag that’s the prize actually. It’s my fave. Yellow has become my favourite colour and this bag would be the perfect match to my wardrobe and my new iPad πŸ˜€
Fingers crossed!!
Katrine πŸ™‚
Ps. I hope this is open worldwide?

Melanie - Hard choice! Love the Olivia and Tina. I would have to say….Tina!

Deanna Winne - They’re all cute, but maybe the Roxie wins…

Meghan - Yellow Tina is my fave for sure! I love yellow!

Annette - Tina in Black for me, but all are very cute!

Aubrey K - I love the Olivia in black!!

Kate - I love the turquoise Olivia. Darling!!!

Shanna Murrell - The Tina in either black or mustard yellow!

Michelle Webster - I am in love with the turquoise!!

Kathy - Loving the Riley in pearl!

jude - the riley… love it in both black and pearl!

Katy - I like The Olivia in black!!

Kasey - Love The Tina in mustard yellow!

Amy S - The olivia would be amazing! Thanks so much.

Judy P - I love them all, but if I have to pick just one, I would say the “Red Roxie!”

Jessica - the Olivia in turquoise is AMAZAZING!

Jennie P - Eek! The mustard yellow Tina for sure…especially if that interior chevron is in black and yellow…very Iowa Hawkeye which is my team! πŸ™‚ Plus, I NEED a new purse. πŸ™‚

Melissa Er - The kaboo bags are beautiful, I love them all! The Olivia and the Tina are my favorites, and I am liking the pearl colored bag too!

Shannon - i love little Olivia! would go PERFECT with this cute little classy, thrift store modern dress in an off reddish/orangish but really more reddish that i snagged this weekend! bam!

Allison Ford - I can’t decide between the Tina or the Riley! So cute!!

Sandra K - I love that Tina in yellow – thanks so much!

Ani G W - I love the Riley in Pearl

Whitney - Tina! (Roxie can come home too!)

ella @ lifeologia - Loving the Red Roxie! ;D

Jamie - hello {yellow} i think i love you! my favorite from the site!

Mae - Defintely the Tina in yellow!!

The Orchard - I LOVE the Tina in Black! But they are all gorgeous! πŸ™‚

Trisha - Loving the Tina!

Lizz - Who doesn’t love a nice big bag for all stuff…as my husband calls it my bag of wonders! ‘Cause he wonders what’s in there! πŸ™‚
Love the Riley in Pearl, but the Tina is beautiful and sleek!

Morgan Butzer - The Tina in mustard yellow. So perfectly gorgeous!!

Kathryn McDaniel - The Roxie in red that is a wow of a bag.

Melanie - These bags are all so beautiful. The Riley is my favorite!

Brittney miracle - Love love your blog and love “the Tina” bag! I have been reading your blog since my sister had her blog “ufaa luffa lee” not sure if your familiar with that but it’s been a couple years! Love keeping up with you!!

sharron - Oh la la such pretty bags! Love ‘e mall but am partial to the Olivia!!!
Good luck everyone!

Rebecca S. - That mustard yellow Tina is beeea-u-tiful!

Christa H. - The tina – yellow

April - Love the Olivia in turquoise!

Jennifer - Oh, the Olivia in turquoise, definitely πŸ™‚

Sarah tRout - Love the Tim in mustard!

Talia - Love the Tina.

Lisa W - I’m partial to the name Riley, but love the yellow Tina.
Riley’s mom, Lisa

Rebecca - Olivia in turquoise or Tina in Yellow! Great Bags, love them!

elizabeth - Olivia in turquoise. gorgeous

Lindsay - Love, Love, Love the Olivia bag!!!

April R - Fun giveaway πŸ™‚
Olivia turquoise or Tina in either color
(the yellow chevron inside made me think of Charlie Brown and would give me a grin whenever I looked in!)

ashley k - I love the riley in pearl!

Tiffanie - The Riley looks totally awesome!!

Laura R - The yellow Tina is perfection! πŸ™‚

Kara - the olvivia is adorable !!

jenn stonier - Riley πŸ™‚

Katie - I love the Tina in mustard yellow! It’s so bright and cheery!

Heather Hall - I think the Tina in Mustard Yellow is perfectly marvelous!!!

Cheri - I love the Tina in mustard color!

Dana - Turquoise Olivia- so cute!

Gayle - The Olivia – torquoise…I love it!

Riley Hammond - I love the olivia in yellow!

Cindy Singer - Oh my goodness! I love the Olivia bag! I have been looking for a bag that would haul my camera along with all of the other things!

Christina P - My favorite bag is the Olivia in turquoise. pockets pockets pockets!

Robin - The Tina in mustard!! love the tech pouch…brilliant!


Karla - I like th Olivia and The Roxie

Amanda O. - I love the black Olivia. Fun purses!!

erin - The Olivia and the Tina!

Abbey - i love the riley!

Trysha - The turquoise Olivia, the pearl Riley or the yellow Tina…and you want me to pick just one?! All soooo pretty!

Jenna - The Tina is my favourite!! Very cute bags, thanks for sharing!

rachel beverlin - I really like the roxie in red. I’m pretty sure I really want one!! Perfect for a baby bag/camera bag!

Amy May - oh my i love the Roxie, it just sounds sassy. But then again the Olivia with the ruffles is just too cute. Oh and the Tina she is just beautiful. Do i really only get to name just one favorite, they are all so cute. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Kim - My favorite is the Olivia πŸ™‚

deb - I really do love the Tina in yellow! Also like The Riley in black. Very sharp website!

Tracey Nichols - I love the Olivia bag! The turquoise is calling to me!! :0)

Maria - The Tina is fantastic!

Sarah - I’m having a hard time deciding between the Roxie in red or the Tina in mustard. Both are too cute!

Katie P - The Roxie Red and the yellow one that you are giving away! What a great idea so we don’t have to carry another protective bag! Thanks for the giveaway chance!

Lori McDonough - I β™₯ the Tina and yellow is my signature color!{said with a southern accent like Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias! :)} Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

Chantel - I am in love with the Riley! Perfectly sized for all of the things I have to carry around and it’s beautifully stylish, too.

Stacey - Love the Tina in black! But I would be more than happy with it in yellow πŸ˜‰

Robin Anderson - I am in love with the Olivia, but they are all so darn cute.

Kimberly C. - The red Roxy is AWESOME πŸ™‚

Michele - So many choices…but I’m a fan of the Tina! So cute!

Shelly Primm - I like the black Riley bag! You cannot go wrong with black! Thanks

Shelly Primm - The black Riley bag is my favorite! You cannot go wrong with black! Thanks!

Nicole Francis - Love The Tina! So bright & cheerful! πŸ™‚

Stephanie - The Tina in Yellow!! love it.

tina - The Tina… and I’m a little biased since that is my name! I love them all though πŸ™‚

Karen Warner - I want them all! But I will settle for the Tina in mustard. It rocks!

Wendy D - I would love the Olivia in turquiose to inspire me to have a colorful new school year with my students! Thank you!

margo black - I love the Tina in yellow! So cute and fun!

Amy - Olivia in turquoise!!

debi brown - The red Roxie is my favorite! I would be happy with any of the collection!

jen - i think i would have to agree with you on the pearl and turquoise! gorgeous!! {love the peak of pink in the pearl!!} amazing birthday present for me – thanks for the chance!!!

karolyn - Probably the Tina in yellow! 2nd favorite is the Riley in pearl.

Lari - The Olivia in turquoise! That yellow one is pretty too.

Elizabeth - The tina! In both colors!

Jen - I love the red Roxie!

Valerie K - Gah! Hard to choose, but The Roxie in red is gorgeous!

Stefanie - The Olivia in turquoise rocks! I would be so fly πŸ™‚

Jessica @ One Shiny Star - I love the roxie and the tina! Red and yellow are kins of my thing right jow, but what i love more is the zig zag print on the insde! Pure perfection! - loving them all…especially the riley in turquoise πŸ™‚ THANKS MEG!

Kathi - Red rocks – especially in the Roxie! Also love that yellow Tina. All are great bags.

Anna - I love that yellow Tina bag!

Kelly - Oh my goodness! What a fabulous giveaway! I am in love with the yellow Tina bag that you have shown on the post!!! It’s so bold and beautiful!!! The inside lining is absolutely gorgeous!!! So exciting! πŸ˜€

Tammy - tina in mustard and olivia in turquoise

julie - All are awesome! Roxie or olivia might be the faves!

Caroline Simas - Yellow Tina Bundle Pack…it’s FABULOUS and sunshiny yellow and I sooo need this to keep me organized! Would be thrilled to win! -fingers crossed! Great giveaway, Meg! Blessings, Caroline

Becky mueller - Love the Olivia!

Peggy - This one is my favorite..the Tina in Mustard. Awesome!

Laura Conway - All about the Roxie in black!

erica - i LOVE the olivia- turquoise. my fave color! πŸ™‚ what a fun opportunity- thanks!

Joanie - Totally the OLIVIA in Turquoise! I love Turquoise so buch, I painted my kitchen cabinets that bright and happy color!!!

holdingontothelittlethings - I am REALLY loving this blue bag.. Turquoise Olivia Bundle Pack <3xojo

Lisa - The Tina in Classic Black is my favorite – Thanks for the opportunity to win!! πŸ™‚

Heidi - I LOVE the Tina in mustard! Such a great fall bag- or anytime bag!

Julie - Lovin the Tina in mustard πŸ™‚

Claire - I love The Olivia – Black πŸ™‚

Carrie - LOVE the Tina bag in either color!! What a fabulous giveaway!!

Samantha - Loving the Tina in mustard and the Roxy in black, such fun bags!!!

Suzanne - Loving the Tina in Mustard. So fun!

Carmen - Roxy red is the one I like

ileana - Oh, that Olivia dressed in turquoise … wow! LOVE.

Tatyana - I like The Olivia – Black

Ann - I love The Roxie in red!

Melissa - How fun! The Olivia in Turquoise! I was just shopping for a new bag and this is perfect

Debra - The Roxie in red, please! πŸ™‚

Denise - the Olivia in turquoise… what a happy color! πŸ™‚

Beth - <3 <3 <3 the Tina in yellow. Gorgeous!!!

Debbie Allen - Roxie in red!

Debbie Allen - The Roxie in red!

Annie - I love the Olivia in Turquoise

Diane J. - The Roxie in black. Love the tech pouch!!!

Mandy - The Tina bag-black is beautiful! It would be great to carry to and from school with papers and my computer. I love reading your blog and looking at the beautiful pictures!

beccy - I love both the Tina in Yellow and the Riley in Pearl. I love the beautiful and pragmatic combination of the designs, and who would thiink to market the tech bags with buds and straigteners! :o). Love it! Thanks for sharing.

Jen E. - I love The Olivia-turquoise bag. LOVE LOVE LOVE turquoise!!!

Stephanie - Love the riley in black. So cute!

Jennifer - Loving the RILEY in pearl. The pink chevron lining is perfect. Plus my daughter’s name is Riley so I’m meant to be!

Jill - The Riley!

Jill - The Riley! Love!!

Rhonda - I really really like the Olivia in Turquoise! So Fun!

katherine - love the Tina in yellow!

Salma - The Tina in Mustard Yellow, couldn’t ask for a more fun bag for the summer! I need a bright funtastic bag!

LibraryGirl62 - Olivia in Turquoise. What a great bag!

Jennifer - The Olivia

ERIKA - love the Roxie red or black the bundle was also cute. Need more colors. but I love their choices.

Bailey C - Pretty sure I love your yellow Tina best! Lucky lady!

Stacy - I love the Roxie in black! Love it, love it!

Natalie - The Tina is calling my name! (Hope you will, too!)

Library Momma - The Tina in black, beautiful and classy!

Elizabeth Walters - I love the Olivia bag!

Elizabeth - Olivia please!!! Really like the Tina too!

Brenda - Love, love, love the Olivia!! Getting an ipad in the fall, so need this!

Emily - I like the Roxie black bag. I love the colorful liners!

Jacqui - The Riley – Pearl. Very classic, beautiful bag x

TonyaElise - I LOVE that yellow! I’d have to go with the Tina mustard.

Melissa S - the Tina- mustard yellow!

Ariella - I like the black tina bag

kim fairchild - them all!
but especially the TINA!
i added it to my wish list….and sent the link to my husband as well:)

Katie Sellers - Love the Olivia in either black or turquoise!!

Londen@sixtyfifthavenue - Oh how I would love the Tina bag to hold my new big girl camera! Yellow is awesome but I wonder if I’m brave enough…hmmm maybe black.

Tania K - I love the Roxy-red! But I will take Waffle too πŸ™‚ LOVE that doggie.

jenrobburton - Oops … my old email address was attached … I love the Olivia in turquoise. Been looking for a long time for a purse that color. And I love that it has exterior pockets … a must for my keys and phone! Very cute.

jenrobburton - I love the Olivia in turquoise. Been looking for a long time for a purse that color. And I love that it has exterior pockets … a must for my keys and phone! Very cute.

Sandra - Tina in yellow or black. I’ll take whatever!

Ashley - I love the turquoise Olivia!!

Amanda Bailey - The Tina in mustard – love the inside!

Carrie - Black Tina, I am a simple girl, with plain tastes! Although the yellow might add some personality.

Katie - The Tina in mustard yellow is amazing. I love it.

Jen G... - Great bags! Love the Tina in black! Thanks!

Jen N. - I love the Riley!

Kenna - They are all so cute! But I think I would have to go with the Olivia in turquoise! Adorable!

Amanda Eudy - The roxie! So fabulous! Love these bags!

Courtney McIlwain - Love all the bags!!! The Tina is awesome

Hanna - The Tina in yellow is gorgeous!

shannon - Love the Tina in black! cool bags, id love to win!

tracey - I MUST have the Tina in yellow. MIT makes me happy just to look at it. Like a sunflower purse!

Erika - Love the Tina in Yellow but they are all super cute! Would love to win! Thanks for the chance!

Lauren Peterson - I like the Riley in Pearl.

Heidi - The Olivia is my fav love the color !

Amy @ Little for a Little While - So many great ones to choose from ! The Tina bag in yellow pretty much rocks, especially with chevron inside…swoon! What a generous giveaway!

Jena Selph - I am loving the Olivia in turquoise but all are super cute! Thanks for a chance to win! ~Jena

Eleanor - The yellow one that you are giving away is definitely my favorite. I love how it is casual but could also be dressed up for a more dressy casual look or for a work look!

Lachalle - Super cute yellow and black. But I also swoon over the riley in black or the Olivia in turquoise. I have never been really able to make a decision. Love them all!
Oh and please pick me.

Heather Richter - The Tina in yellow! I gasped when I saw the lining pattern. I could carry all my kid’s Itouches, and my Iphone. πŸ™‚

Sarah - The Olivia for sure in turquoise

BeckyB - The Tina – thank you!

lorena - The Tina in yellow is super fun!

Barbara - This one. The Tina in mustard.

Chandra - All nice but the Roxie is so cute!

Kristi - Love the Red Roxie!

Patti Mullican - Love the Tina in yellow, but REALLY like the black – it’s more practical for me. Either would be perfect for back-to-school. I just purchased an iPad this summer to use with my students!

julie - OOH. The ROXIE in Black! Thanks Meg!1

Jessica Hayes - Black Tina…oh how I love the gray and teal chevron inside!!!

julianna - The RILEY in pearl I love pockets.

Allison - Oh my! The Tina!!!!!

Amy - LOVE the Tina in black. The inside is so fun!!

Jennifer Spellman - Oh my lov love the Tina!!

Alisa - Adore the Tina in mustard yellow πŸ™‚

Angie J - I love The Olivia in turquoise!

Erica - The Tina is so cute. Wish they had it in turquoise, but since they don’t I think I prefer the Roxy in red.

Virginia Bibler - Lovin the Riley!

Heidi Henderson - The Olivia in Turquoise is great….

Janet - I have to agree with lots of other commenters, the Tina is awesome! The yellow just screams sunshine! Thanks for the chance to win!

DLG in Mich - Love the one you featured – the Tina in mustard. So cool!

Marie - I think the mustard yellow Tina is my fav!

Vicki - I love this one, but also the Olivia in turquoise looks absolutely yummy.

Aandy - Oh my. How does one choose?!?
Id pick the yellow tech or turquoise bundle. Or… πŸ˜‰

Jen - I do like The Riley in Pearl, but that Mustard Yellow is absolutely stunning! - I can’t decide which one I love more!… the Tina or the Roxie!!!

Kristin - Ohhhh so pretty!
I would pick out the Olivia in black for my BFF. She had her kindle in a case & someone stole it! Her hubby bought her a new one & this would be perfect for her πŸ™‚

Angie Rathbun - I love the Tina in mustard yellow. So happy. Thanks for the chance to win!

Angie Rathbun - Love the Tina in mustard yellow. So happy. Thanks for the chance to win!

Ashley E - Love the Olivia–Turquoise!!! What an awesome bag. - Cute bags! The Tina is my favorite – lucky you

KateAsOfLate - I LOVE the Tina in yellow, but the Riley in pearl is adorable as well!!!

grace garland - i like “the tina” in the bright yellow. they’re all really cute though

Lin - The Tina. I loved and then you opened it…sigh. It is beautiful.

Routhie - Red Roxie!! It’s classic and pretty. πŸ™‚

Bryony - mustard tina all the way!

Amy - Oooh!!! I love the Riley bag. And the turquoise Olivia. Awesome bags!!!!

tricia - I do love the Tina in mustard yellow. Just gorgeous!

Anna - Picking a favorite is HARD! I Lo e the yellow Tin, but also live the red Roxie. There is endless need for cute bags in my life! What a fun giveaway.

Jacqui Anderson - I love the Tina and I love love the mustard. It reminds me of you!!!

Rebecca - the rilery one is so cute. and so is the tina. and the…. you know what? theyre all super adorable wow

Allie Nick - Tina in mustard yellow- gorgeous!

Stephanie - The Tina in yellow! I never like any purses and this is the first one in a loooong time I like and would actually use:) Plus the tech pouch is amazing as I have a tendency to destroy my tech toys. I teach 5th grade and bring my iPad back and forth daily for my class. Right now I carry it in a Target plastic bag!

liesl - I’m feeling the Red Roxie bag on my should right now πŸ™‚

meleea - The Tina bag in Yellow is my favorite. So adorable. I had never heard of this brand – thanks for sharing. - Definetly…..Tina, in black.
Actually, I’m putting this on my Christmas wish list.

Melissa - Cute… I love the Olivia!

karen G - I love the tina bag in black!

Jeannine - Wildly in love with The Olivia in turquoise, but they’re all gorgeous.

Christi - The bright red Roxy is perfect! Thanks!

Preethi Narayan - I love the Tina bag in yellow!

Jennifer - I love the Tina bag. I know, it’s black and plain but it’s practical and that’s me. πŸ™‚ Jennifer

Amanda - I love the Olivia bag!

Erin - I think the Tina in mustard is pretty nifty!

Angela - The Olivia in turquoise…please! I need a bag that will NOT hold diapers. πŸ™‚

evelyse - the OLIVIA..oh, so pretty! love them all πŸ™‚ - I love the Olivia in Turquoise! - While they are all cute, I must go with “the Tina” in mustard yellow. Makes me want a hot dog!

Katie Bouvier - Love love the Tina! Plus my initials are KB so it’s like these bags are made just for me!! - The “TINA” no question – mustard yellow, makes me want a hot dog!

Jessie - I like the Riley in pearl – awesome!

Sheryl Marquard - the Olivia was my favorite, also liked the Tina and Roxie. What a great idea!

DiAnn Cardona - I like the Roxie in Red. I love the color and the shape.

DiAnn Cardona - I really like the Roxie Red bag. Such vibrant color and really fun shape.

Sarah - I love, love, love the Olivia in turquoise! I get twitterpated for these bags with their chevron lining!!

Andrea - I love the Tina bag in mustard yellow…so pretty. It was tough to choose…..the Oliva in turquoise was a very, very close second….

Brittany - I can’t decide between The Riley and The Olivia. SO fun!!

Jenny - I love the Olivia bag! Thanks for the giveaway!

G. - Love the Tina Yellow Bag! So cute and chic!

Trudy - I love the simple lines of “The Tina.” Great features and the inside fabric is so cute.

Laura - I love the one you’ve shown off the best – THE TINA – MUSTARD YELLOW!

Shelly Clark - I love the Yellow Tina the best, I can pretty much count on singing “……Please don’t take my sunshine away” constantly while carrying that bag. My second favorite is the black Tina, I would totally feel sophisticated with that bag.

Jamie - Olivia in turquoise, that’s my fav. Love the black as well. And the Riley, wish that one came in turquoise too!

Mia - I love, love, LOVE the Riley bag in Pearl…fabulous color!

N H Forrest - The Tina – in Yellow πŸ˜€

Valerie - OLIVIA!! in black- I love it!

kribss - red roxy or yellow tina

Corrie - I love the turquoise Olivia! I would use it everyday!!

Amy - I love, love, love the Riley in black.

Jen Swain - The Olivia in turquoise is awesome! Thanks!

Connie S. - Love the Roxy in Red or the Tina in Yellow. Too hard to choose!

Bopha - I love the Tina and the Riley, the inside liners are the best part!

Pom Poms and Polkadots - The yellow Tina tablet bag. Love the sleek lines!

Barbara Swanson - I REALLY love the Tina in yellow— so cute!!! πŸ™‚

Pam - I love the Riley in black!

Julianne Brimner - The Tina is my favorite in the yellow…it would be like carrying around a bag of sunshine all day.

Julie - the tina in black or mustard. so awesome.

Amanda Brown - I feel the black Tina would be the sensible choice, but who could pass up that fabulous yellow! πŸ™‚ That’s my vote! - I’d love to win the Roxy in black.

beth - I love the Roxie in Red – love these bags – thanks for sharing!

Stephanie - Love the Tina! The yellow is so fun but I would probably get the black:)

beth - I love the Red Roxie – I just said the other day… I NEED a huge red bag πŸ™‚

Andrea Mathews - Awww, Sharilyn–thanks for trying to win this for your sis. πŸ™‚ jk, if I won, I wouldn’t share with you either. Ha, ha

Andrea Mathews - In love with the Tina! The yellow just makes me smile. BTW, also in love with this blog. πŸ™‚

Carrie K - the olivia!! all of them are gorgeous though!! thanks for giving me a new purse that i NEED!!

Linda - My favorite is the Riley. πŸ™‚

Alison - Love the Roxie in sassy Red or Tina in that pretty yellow. What a GREAT gift. Hoping I win. Thanks!!!

Tina - The Tina or the Riley. But Really, I love all of them!

Jenni - The Riley or Olivia! Could be a great diaper bag too.

Jamie - I love the Tina bag! In black because I am sure it would become my favorite bag and I would carry it everyday so the black would work with everything! Love your blog!

Lynette - Can’t decide between the Roxie and the Tina — either are super cute! Both woud be perfect for me in my new job!!! Thanks for the opportunity!

Jenny - The Tina in black! Super cute!

Gardennurse - Love the Tina or the Roxy!

Anne - Definitely the Tina!

Pam Moul - Love the Tina!

Karen - What lovely bags! Miss Olivia is my fave. She would accompany me on an upcoming trip, with her smart pockets and happy color.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - wow. . love these bags. I love the Tina one. . .the reptile pattern, the mustard yellow color. Love their website too. .with the splashes of color. So me. Thanks for such a generous giveaway!!

Alissa - Olivia in turquoise!!

Katie Beth - The yellow Tina is AMAZING, but I do love the soft comfy look of the Riley. So many cute options…and that chevron lining is perfect!

Stacey - I love the Roxy or the Riley! They are just adorable and I would love to win!
Thank you!
Stacey of Embracing Change

Jamie Forsyth - I would be proud sporting any of these gorgeous bags–but if I had to choose I guess I would choose the Riley! Great giveaway!

Linda B - I love the turquoise Olivia and the yellow Tina. These bags are beautiful!

Jaime - I love the Tina! And I really need a new bag! Thanks so much. {fingers crossed}

Holly - Love the Olivia! What a fun giveaway!

rachel - The Tina! (I would always say it like Napoleon Dynamite).

Paula - I like the Riley and the Tina. But I would have to say I just love the yellow Tina a little more.

Jess Mead - Oh this is fab! I love the Riley with the cute little buckles!

Karen - love the fabulous Olivia!!

Lindsay F. - My favorite is definitely that mustard yellow Tina! Looooove it!

Lorie - The Tina…I love the yellow!

Lorie - The TINA is my favorite. LOVE the yellow!

Annette - The yellow Tina…what a splash!

Kari - The black Tina would be perfect for work, but then so would the yellow one. πŸ™‚

Natalie RObinson - I love the yellow Tina Bag! What a great accent piece.

Lina - As a busy mother of 3 little boys the Olivia is the perfect combination of being able to put your iPad camera and some diapers. Love your blog meg. Makes me a better person ever day. Xoxo.

Stacey - My favorite is the mustard yellow Tina that you have featured. I love the tailored design, and the color is just perfect. Thank you for the opportunity to win this gorgeous bag.

Lesley - Wow! What incredible bags! Very hard to pick a favourite. I love the colour of the turquoise, the pockets on the pearl and the streamline shape of the Roxy Red. If I was forced to choose, probably the red! But then, the Tina is so cheerful…

Rebecca Torzewski - I love the Olivia bag. I love big bags, and the yellow bag you are giving away seems so roomy and a perfect, bright fall color. Would LOVE to carry that :).

Aneta - Oh geez so many entries, I know there’s no chance of winning but if I don’t try then for sure I won’t win. I actually really just love the yellow The Tina bag. Simple sunshine beauty.

cyndi - i’m loving the turquoise Olivia bag!

Meredith - I love the Tina in Mustard Yellow!!! Love the liner!

Shaun - It’s a toss up between the Roxie and Tina! Love them!!

Jodi Kozloff - the Tina in yellow would make my iPad very happy!

Karina - I LOVE YELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the turquoise.
Well, all of them, actually.
As, apparently, do 751 other readers. πŸ˜‰

Julie Wearmouth - Kaboo bags are awesome; love the Roxie in black! Thanks for the opportunity Meg!

Catherine - I love the Tina in Mustard Yellow! So bright and cheery. Would be great to have a cute bag that had a space for my iPad too.

Tracy king - The Olivia is my favorite. Thanks Meg.

Becky J - This is perfect firstborn turned 20 yesterday and is buying {with her hard-earned money} an ipad for college {and pinterest πŸ™‚ } this fall…she loves BRIGHT colors..the Tina yellow is sooo her…ohhh I hope I can win for her!! Thanks a bundle! πŸ™‚

Benay - I love all the bags, but the yellow Olivia is my favorite πŸ™‚ These would be great for travel!

kerry - oh man… how to choose?! I would go with the Black Olivia and the Tina… and the turquoise Olivia!! oh man…
And what a great idea to have a Tech Pouch!
Great Giveaway meg – xx

Ruthiebeee - I LOVE the Tellow Tina, the inside liner does it for me!!! it’s AWESOME!!! perfect for all my travel needs!!!

Alison M. - The Tina in Mustard. LOVE the chevron fabric inside. *Fancy* πŸ™‚

Christina - I definitely need THE TINA – BLACK!!!

Stefanie Arnold - I don’t care what bag – I’ll take any in that teal color!! πŸ™‚

Sandy Johnson - The Tina in yellow! So cute!

Cassie - The Roxie in Black is my favorite! It looks like the perfect size and the lining is to die for!!

Caitlin - I think I’d go with the Red Roxie!!

Betsy McCreary - If I have to choose . . . It would have to be the Roxie!

Alana - Love, love, love them all! Love everything about the website too! Love how the colors pop! It’s hard to single one bag out, but if I must…the Tina is my fave. The yellow is so sunshiney and happy!!! LOVE!

Timi - The yellow Tina FOR SURE! I am in love with yellow and chevron print. Perfect!

Linda R. - Wow! Love them all. I think I like the Riley best, but I’m having a hard time picking between the black and the pearl. Thanks!

Jaclyn - I love the Tina bag and the Roxie bag…oh heck, I love them all!

Renee - The Riley (pearl) for sure!!!!!
Would be perfect to take to work and hold all my stuff!!!!!

heather - The Riley~pearl for sure! Love!

Suzy Adams - I love the Tina in mustard yellow! What a great purse! Thanks for the giveaway, Meg!

Kyla - I love the Tina in yellow!

Megan T - I love the Tina in black!!

Kristin P - I love the Tina in Black. Black always goes with everything πŸ™‚

Jennifer - Torquoise Olivia. Word!

mary - I love the Tina in yellow! I want it so bad but I know the perfect person who deserves this way more than I do if I win!

Analia - They are all so pretty that I would love any of them! The Olivia is a fave though!

Analia - These are so pretty that I’d love any of them! The Olivia is a fave!

destiny - LOVE the Tina in yellow and the Olivia! They are all nice though!

Kate - The Olivia OR the Tina. I’m an equal opportunity bag enthusiast!

Jen - Yeller all the way! Tina=the color of sunshine! Purrfect!

colleen - The Olivia – all the way!

Cathy - Olivia and I would be really great friends!

kellie - eeek! how FUN!~ i LOVE the riley bag in black! oh my i actually love it in pearl too!

Sarah - Cute! I love the Roxie-Red!

KatieD - I like the Roxi and the Tina. Love the yellow Tina you have to give away. Would be so cool to win! Thanks!

Cindy Douglass - I love the Riley and black Always goes with everything.

schmidty - That Tina in yellow definitely floats my boat! πŸ™‚
I like them all!

tonya - I love the Olivia in turquiose and the Roxie in red!!! Great bags!!!

Meagan - Yellow is my favorite. The Tina looks perfect and soooo happy! Definitely “sunshine on a rainy day”.

Wendy - Yellow Tina … makes me happy πŸ™‚
Thanks for the chance.

Nicole Q. - The Tina is my fav!! i love them all though.

Maureen S - I like the Riley in pearl.

Ashley S - I really like The Olivia! Thanks for the giveaway!

Elizabeth Beesley - Woohoo. You had me at yellow and chevron. Hello. My fave is Tina in mustard yellow. ;-). Although I can’t say Tina without thinking of Napoleon dynamite!!!

Jen Erickson - It is the mustard Tina for me!! I’ve been looking for a new yellow purse and this is so lovely with all the pockets!! The lining is amazing , too!!

Jaime Melcher - I love the Olivia! Torqouise is my favorite color… pick me, pick me!

Melanie - I love the Olivia in turquoise! So beautiful! Thanks!

melissa erin - love the roxy in red. even love how it sounds. πŸ™‚

Melissa - Love the Tina in mustard!

Jenn D - The Tina in Yellow is definitely my favorite… I think looking at it while carrying it around would make my every day brighter!

Kelly - I’ve been carrying all my stuff in my diaper bag ow for 2 yrs! I so need a new purse, I love the yellow Tina bag, isn’t it everyone’s favorite:)

Heather Tuttle - Wow, the Olivia in turquoise looks great. However, I wouldn’t mind carrying any of them πŸ™‚

The Lovely One - I love the Tina in yellow! What fun!

kaitie g - I like the Tina in yellow OR black! πŸ™‚

michelle myers - Roxie has my vote!!!!!!!

Ashley - The Olivia bag in turquoise, pretty please!

Dawn Eshnaur - Oh my goodness! I need a new purse in the worst way and yellow is my favorite color! I LOVE The Tina!!

Trae Kendrick - Oh my! The Roxie Red is calling my name! But the Tina in Mustard Yellow is so tempting, too. I almost never buy a new purse, so I would be tickled with any of them!

kaye melgren - Love the cheerful colors! Would be hard to pick a favorite but think I’d go with the Riley in Pearl!

Pattie Donahue - The Tina – Yellow + Earbuds stole my heart right away!

Heather - The Olivia in any color would make me lose my mind. Up in here. *crosses fingers*

Kimberly - Love the Riley! Both colors…the linings are perfect!!

Kim St. Jean - I love the Tina! I’m a sucker for yellow!

Tiffany - Oh, I adore all the bold, fun colors! I like the sleek look of The Tina, but they all look so nice!

Karen Wistrom - Ooh, so hard to choose just one. I’m loving the Riley in Pearl!

Chris - I want to start off by saying, I am not much of a purse girl. BUT if I could have The Roxie, in red, I think I could definitely become a purse girl! L.O.V.E. I.T.

Katelyn B. - I love the Tina in black!!

jeanine - Love love love the Tina! Woo woo!

Grace - 200% THE TINA – MUSTARD YELLOW !!! I love it and I love also the tech pouch!!!!

Tami Foster - Eek! Definitely the Tina in Mustar Yellow!

Christie - The Olivia bag in turquoise for sure!!! Love it!

cassie o - they were right to send the tina in mustard, it’s definitely the cutest! though olivia in turquoise is pretty cute too!

Lauren - The Olivia is my favorite but I’d love the Roxie for an real dress occasion!!! They are so adorable@!

Beth - The Olivia is my favorite bag!

Heather - OOOOOHHH! I love that Tina….I want to rub my face against that mustard yellow leather…then again, I won’t, it would probably leave some weird oily makeup stain.

Kelly - The Tina… Black. Thanks!

Kim T - The Olivia – Turquoise is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway! They look like great bags!

Joleen - I like the turquoise Olivia bag, but they are all so cute.

Gina - I like the Riley or the Olivia. They are all so cute!

Stephanie - Love the Olivia in mustard yellow and the Tina in turquoise. What fun colors! - The Olivia for the win!!

Jennifer - Love the Olivia in turquoise!!

Lynette - Definitely the Mustard Yellow Tina. I LOVE it!!!

Leah S. - The Olivia, in blue! So fun!

mollie's mom - The Tina, the Roxie…. I keep going back and forth but honestly – they are all great. Any one of them would make me πŸ™‚

Carly Winborne - love them all, and am tempted to say turquoise or yellow. but realistically, i’m a black bag girl. and i love the roxie bag. it just looks organizable. is that a word? today is is.

Lisa - I love the Tina in yellow. I do like the black but I have another black purse so I would love to be brave and have a yellow purse! πŸ™‚

Nicole - Riley or Olivia. Or Tina. πŸ™‚ love these!

erin - the tina in yellow is PERFECTION!

Amy - The tina in mustard yellow for sure!!

megan c. - i love, love, love “the tina” in mustard yellow! So cute! Thanks for the giveaway and your amazing blog!

Connie M. - I love anything turquoise so it has to be the Olivia bag in turquoise for me. But!the yellow bag would also work really well with all of my turquoise jewelry so I wouldn’t complain if I won the yellow bag. But really, every bag is beautiful. Good luck every one. - I love ‘The Tina’

Jena - Duh… the turquoise Olivia needs to be with me!

Eliece - I love the Olivia in Torquoise with earbuds. - Love the buttery yellow you are showing. Sure to swoon most!

--Deb - Wow–gorgeous bags! I love the Roxie in red. It’s stunning!

Patty - Would love to Rock the Roxie in RED! That little lady is sassy!

Edee - I can’t get over the Tina in yellow! Perfect for every season. Thanks for sharing!

Leadia Jarvis - The Red Roxie Rocks!

Jen - I gotta say, I love the yellow one you’re showing. I love the shape of it. It looks so proud compared to the comfy slouchy bags. And I just recently got a Kindle Fire, which I’m still in the process of transitioning to for calendar and all sorts of things. This would be great.

Amy - I think I like the Riley in black! I loved the inside print! My purse has two holes in the side pocket and I keep losing change….this would be perfect!! Thanks for the sweet give away!! I love it!!

Cheryl E. - Whoa, these bags rock! I’d have to say the Tina in Mustard Yellow. Makes me smile just looking at it!

lindsaywillman - I’m in LOVE with the tina bag in mustard yellow. It’s such a happy bag! I just took a job as a high school marching band director so I’ve been looking for a bag to carry my belonging to games. I’m starting off the year with paper, but will be getting an ipad soon to convert all my files to digital. This would be the perfect bag to help me do so!! Thanks for the chance to win.

Molly B - wow. . .how do I choose? if I must, I pick the Riley in black. love, love, LOVE!

Emily - I don’t typically comment on posts, however I’ve read your blog for a long time and finally felt the need to post. As I love them all the Teal Oliva is my favorite. It would be super fabo to have any of these marvelous purses in a bright fun color!!!! Ohh and I love the Tina. Who am I kidding I love them all!!!!

Agnieszka - The Olivia in turquoise! But yellow Tina is lovely, too!

Jadie - my favorite is also the Tina! love that yellow!! so happy!

jerusalem - I love the Olivia in the turquoise and the Tina in the yellow. So much fun! Would LOVE a great new techy bag!

Jane Bee - I love the Olivia bag

Lauren Beck - The olivia is my absolute favorite, Love them all though πŸ™‚ super cute

sue linse - I love the yellow one!

Mary H. - The Roxie is my favorite although I would like one of each!

Joleen - Love The Roxy in Red

Michelle Whitlow - oh my word, that bag is beautiful! and that liner…drool!!! I love the yellow & the turquoise!!

karen - Tina in roxy red

Allie - The riley-black! could double as a diaper bag and yet stylish! LOVE!

Tanya - The Roxy in Red!!! That is the one for me!!

Erin - Tina…..for. Sure

Rosemary - Love the style of the Tina!

sarah mc. - Love the Tina in yellow! (easiest decision ever.)

BreeT - I love the Riley in Pearl- perfect for a busy mom like me!

Karissa - I love the Olivia in turquoise! Slouchy and pouchy. And it would fit my iPad and a diaper for the little one? That would be awesome.

Shelley - I really like this one, the Tina, in yellow.

Elizabeth - I like the Riley in black!

Amy Gualtieri - Definitely the Riley is my fav!!! They are all very cute.

Kirsten Parr - I LOVE the Roxie in red… would be the perfect “school” bag for me (teacher, mom, student….) The bright colors of these bags make me smile! *fingers crossed!*

Amanda - I L-O-V-E the Riley in Pearl – perfect for this stay-at-home mom who is venturing out into the working world again starting September.

Kim Bernhardt - I love them all, so fun! And they have my initials on the bag… What they didn’t do that just for me?

Jane - I like the Tina in either yellow or black!!

sydney - love the roxi red one

Angi - I love the Riley in Pearl – Wow these bags are amazing!

betsy - I love me a structured bag! The Tina in yellow is so pretty! πŸ™‚

Angie G. - The Olivia in my favorite color: Turquoise!!!

Mona D - The Tina in yellow or the Roxie in red

Jennifer - I love all of the pockets on the Riley!

Karen - I love them all! The Pearl might be my favorite though…cute!

Amy P. - The Tina in mustard! I’ve been wanting a purse in that color for years!!!

Melissa - The Olivia in Turquoise…my favorite color!!!

Andria Koehler - I love the Tina in yellow! It is so fun πŸ™‚

Megan - This Tina bag in Mustard Yellow is to die for. Not literally mind you, but pretty close =)

Jesse - I love the Olivia! And absolutely adore all of the bright colors too!

Allie - I am now dreaming of toting my dslr around in the Olivia! Price is great…

Tiffanie - Oh I would SO love to win one of these! I love the Riley in white. Cute and functional count me in!

diana - The Roxie! I love red! Of course, I’d love the Tina bc I won!

kristen b - ooooohh I love the Tina in that mustard yellow! I have been looking for just the right yellow bag and I love this one. Kaboo Bags also shares the same initials as me. :}

Joy - The Olivia!!! So fun! (I almost chose the Riley because that’s my son’s name.) I may waiver.

Emilee - I love the Olivia bag in teal!!!!!!

Sharilyn - I adore them all but if I had to pick one, it would be the Olivia. Sending LOVE to the craft weekend crew!
Sharilyn Sheerin

Kathy P - They are all spectacular but i would choose The Roxie- Red I love Red for everything
and i was just looking at my beloved hand bag yesterday and how ragged it is!

Diane - Oh my, definitely The Tina! I may actually have dreams about this bag.

Diane - Definitely The Tina. It’s the bag dreams are made of. : )

Leslie J. - It seems as though I make bags for everyone but myself…how wonderful to be spoiled with a little Tina. Yes indeed. Loving the mustard. Thanks for the giveaway.

wendy - ooooh, these are fabulous! i can’t decide between the yellow tina, the riley, and the roxie!

Sarah Burgis - The Olivia in turquoise. perfect for my iPhone and all my treasures. A treasure for my treasures.

Leah - I love both the Roxie and the Tina. And the lining is just amazing!

Sarah Burgis - The Olivia in turquoise is the one for me and my iPhone, and all of my treasures. A treasure for my treasures.

Alexandra S. - I am obsessed with the Tina—that mustardy yellow is my favorite color! And the strap on my most used bag just broke so a new purse would be great!!!

Amanda - I really like the Roxy in Black. They are all great bags though, anyone would be lucky to get one! πŸ™‚

Gretchen - Ohhhh fun! I adore the Yellow purse. The turquoise “Olivia” is cool too.

KatieV - The Tina (yellow) is by far my favorite. And that’s the one you received, isn’t it? So cool. - That is like trying to pick your favorite child! Each one would be a gift!

malindab - I love the Tina in Yellow!!I would love to hav a bag that is sooo cute for my camera! Very adorable.

Melissa l - Love the pearl Riley- these bags are great!

Leann - I LOVE the yellow Tina! But red is very nice also.

Nyla-Jean - Tina! Amazing bag! Thanks for the chance to win one.

Katie - totally. totally. totally LOVE “The Tina” — I have been looking for a YELLOW bag/purse for awhile now. It looks perfect for me. I was surprised at the very reasonable price. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the opportunity to win one!

Karen - All of them are BEAUTIFUL but I think that my favorite is the Turquoise Olivia Bundle Pack.

ginger - The Tina and i’d give it to my daughter in law–tina

Sheri Flatt - Love the Olivia in Turquoise.

Sheri Flatt - The Olivia in Turqouise looks super cute.

Debbie - Love the Tina- mustard or Roxie….actually…love them all.

Karen F. - It’s hard to choose . . . but I think The Tina is the one for me!

Melanie - I can’t decide between the Riley and the Olivia in turquoise! They are all so cute!

Katie - The Olivia bag in turquoise is beautiful!

Ronda - The Tina is my favorite. Love all the colors!

Roni - Tina in Mustard-yes please!

Brittany McKenna - Love the Tina in Yellow- especially the chevron inside!!

Carrie H - I am leaning toward the Tina, although I would really love one of each!!

Tami - I would love the Tina, Roxie or the Olivia….so decisive!

Jenny - The Tina is my favorite! Who wouldn’t be happy with a beautiful yellow bag! Thanks Meg for your wonderful blog!

megan - The Olivia in turquoise-OOHH La La! Even the lining is cute:)

Kelli - I love the turquoise Olivia bag! So cute and really inexpensive compared to other tech holding
Purses. Put it on my list to Santa!

Tina - I love the yellow Tina! (I’m also partial to the name πŸ™‚ )

niki - Love the Roxie in red.

tiffany gardner - um… yes… i do LOVE the pearl!!!! keeping my fingers crossed!

Mommasoybean - The Riley/black would be good for me

Rika - Hope international readers can enter. I like the classic black – Tina bag.

Heidi Bohrer - I love the Tina in hello!

Lindy Vint - I LOVE the Tina in that Bright Yellow! So beautiful!

elizabeth - i love the The Tina – Yellow too!

melissa - Nothing beats the Chevron inside The Tina – love it! πŸ™‚

stacie jameson - I really love the Pearl one! But All are cute.

Katrina - I really like the Olivia bag in either color. I could use a new bag too.

Missy Mayo - I LOVE the Riley! So cute and practical!!

Mary Beth Hunt - I’m not such a color person. I like the BLACK TINA purse

the.mrs - The TINA is the cutest. πŸ™‚ Love the chevron inside. I’d definitely have the cutest bag on campus. πŸ˜‰

Terrie G - Love that Tina in Yellow!!

Morgan - I LOVE the Olivia!! I’m in love with turquoise and teal right now!

kate - Definitely the Tina as that a) it’s gorgeous and b) that’s the name of my mother in law whom I’d be giving it too!!!

Carrie - The Riley in pearl. So pretty and just what I need for my dslr

Lori - I like the olivia the best!

Bekah M. - Hands down love The Tina. I’ve got a thing for yellow.

jenn marie - The Olivia… pockets in all my favorite places… everywhere!!!!!

Colleen - Love THE OLIVIA – TURQUOISE its hard to find such a beautiful color in a purse!

Sarah Syhakhoun Photography - I love the exact one you are giving away! I have a huge obsession with yellow bags for some reason: yellow photograpy bag, yellow purse, yellow teaching bag!

Keli - Ooooh, LOVE this giveaway! It is a huge toss-up between the black Olivia bag with the turquoise interior and the black Riley bag. Both are large enough to carry quite a bit. I have a new baby and a five year old and this time around a nice chic bag is preferred over a diaper bag. Plus my daughter’s name is Olivia;)

Christine - Love love love the Tina in Yellow. I can honestly say I have never had a purse in that color, so nows the best time to start!

Hilarie - I love the Tina in Yellow!! So bright and fun πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Oh yes please! I love the yellow!

Tina Jacobsen - LOVE The Tina!! They had me at “Bold Mustard Yellow Getup”!! And it’s my name!!!! Yellow really does make me smile!!
Tina J

Sarah - Def. the Olivia!! Love the color!!

Kari - The Tina in yellow – Beautiful bag and such a fun color!

Chelie Nelson - Great idea. I loved the Riley in black.

Kari - The Tina – Beautiful bag and such a fun color!

Ashley - Roxie in black

Katie H - The Riley in Pearl! So beautiful!

Prairie Mama - Hands down the Tina! I’ve been looking for a mustard colored bag….! Love it!

Carol - hard decision because I like all of them!! But I really love the Riley!! I wish you could just pick me, cause I need a new handbag so BAD!!!! Wish I may, Wish I might, be the winner of this BAG!!

Tasha - I love the Tina in yellow.

Hope - The Tina in Mustard!! So cute!

Ann C - Olivia in turquoise

Melissa - The Olivia in black and the red Roxie!!

Emily - The Tina in yellow… and not just because it was the first one I saw. I really like the structure and color!

Hilary - The Olivia in turquoise! Thanks for the chance to win!

secret mom thoughts - My favorite is the THE OLIVIA in TURQUOISE.

Michelle Z - I don’t know…I just don’t think it gets any better than that yellow Tina. The lining is killing me.

Michele - The Tina in Mustard Yellow….love it!

julia - I definitely like the yellow Tina bag the best.

emily hope - hard to choose, but I’ll narrow it down to two – either the Riley or the Tina πŸ™‚ happy Friday!

Nicole - I love, love, love the Olivia in black. The perfect black purse!!

Ali - That Tina bag is to die for! And the lining…are you kidding me? Love!

Elizabeth Ann - Cute! I have to say I’m partial to the yellow one you have featured here, but those bundle packs are pretty cool too! Who doesn’t need cute hair clips and extra earbuds?!

Emily Hansen - That “tina” in mustard is amazing!

Elizabeth Ann - Cute! I have to say I’m partial to the yellow one you have featured here, but those bundle packs are pretty cool too. Who doesn’t need more fun hair clips and ear buds?!?

Amy Moran - Kaboo, Kaboo, what I love about YOU! The Tina in mustard yellow is a great bag for the fall. Also the Roxie in Red.

Emily Wingfield - Either the Tina or the Roxie-can’t decide-but I love the yellow-it’s my most favorite color!

Hettie - I love the Riley – Pearl!!!!!


kim z. - the Tina in black. Thanks for introducing us to the Kaboo bags. Such a fun name to say!

Becca - So very hard to choose, but I would pick the Olivia in Turquoise! Thanks for the chance to win!

Courtney - Oh my word, the Roxy in Red is awesome, but the Olivia turquoise is a VERY close second!

Heidi - I’d pick the Olivia in black….because it’s not a diaper bag, and that’s the only thing I carry anymore. But I could make it my new diaper bag….

Rebecca W - the Riley!
but that bright yellow is pretty rad too! πŸ™‚ - I adore the Tina in black. It reminds me of the bag that Kyra Sedgwick carries in The Closer. But it would be cool to have it in yellow, too! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Megan - The Riley is so cute!

Julie - Love the riley in pearl!

Brooke - i LOOOVEEE the tina in black! I could use it all year round! - The Riley – PEARL is my favorite!!! All of the bags are fantastic. I have never heard of this company, so thanks! - The Olivia would be perfect for all outfits!

Kate LS - I love the Riley bag. Perfect for work.

Kelley - definitely the TINA! love the shape, love the color

Meg Wick - I love the Olivia! How fab would it be for the plane πŸ™‚

Jenna@CallHerHappy - The Tina in yellow makes me very happy πŸ™‚ Thanks, Meg!

Kathi - Olivia in turquoise!

allison albainy - Love the Pearl Riley!
Happy Friday!

Laura O - My favorite is the olivia in black! so cute!


Carmen - The Tina in black please!

Jennifer - Definitely the Tina in mustard yellow.

Brian B. - I would love to give my wife the yellow one!

Joanne B. - I love the red! It’s hot!

Julie Cox - LOVE the mustard yellow TINA. I so hope I win! I’ve been looking for a bag for my DSLR camera!!!

Michelle B. - Love the Tina in yellow! Awesome giveaway!!

Pam - I adore the Roxie in red. You can’t go wrong with a red purse.

Cindy - OOO LAA LAA the “Roxie” LOVE IT.

Sandy W - Definitely the Olivia in turquoise *swoon*

FMA - Tina in mustard yellow is the new love of my life! I mustard have this bag.

Amanda Angert - LOVE the TINA bag!!! So cute!

Kristen - Ohhh!!! Tina in black please!!! I love it in yellow too though!

Courney - The Tina in mustard yellow is for sure my favorite. It’s so sunny and happy! Plus I love that square, clean look!

Jenni - The Riley is awesome! I just got through potty training my youngest, and I am in need of a mommy purse. No more diaper bags!!!

Rachel - The Riley in Pearl would have to be my favorite… So many pockets! Awesome giveaway πŸ™‚

Brenda - I love the Riley – Pearl!

Krista - I am love love loving the Riley in pearl! What cute bags!!

Marjorie - I also like the Olivia in turquoise. It would be great to win this. I’ve never won anything in my life…

Krys - I love the Olivia in turquoise – turquoise makes me melt!! and chevron – Gah! Love it!

Anna M - definitely the Tina in yellow. Fantastic and fashionable.

Jenn - The Kaboo bags rock!!! What a nice giveaway. Totally loving the Tina in mustard yellow. It’s the perfect mix of Audrey Hepburn classic modernized with fresh color!

roberta - I can’t resist that yellow on the Tina bag. Perfect for beating the blahs during a New England winter!

Sarah - I never like yellow but i love the yellow tina.

Katie - Honestly, I like the one you’ve shown. The Tina. Love it and your blog! Thanks for inspiring!

Jessica R. - Oh man. I LOVE the Tina. Love the color and love the iPad holder–how fun is that??

Laura - I love the mustard Tina.

Esther-D. Abad - Me gustan todos porque son perfectos para el dΓ­a a dΓ­a y para los viajes. Mi preferido es el Roxie-Red.
Gracias de por la convocatoria.

Alyssa - The Tina in Black!

Brooke & Freeland - The Riley in pearl is adorable! Im thinking diaper bag.. ipad.. camera.. CHELLO! Although now I definitely want them all!

Brooke & Freeland - The Riley in pearl is adorable! Im thinking diaper bag.. ipad.. camera.. CHELLO! Although now I definitely want them all!

Robin - I love The Tina! All are super cute.

Christy - LOVE LOVE LOVE The Tina in Mustard Yellow!!

Corey - I thnk I totally need The Riley though I love them all!

Kathie M. - The Tina in Yellow is my cup of tea! I love it!! πŸ˜€

Shawna - The Olivia

Shawna - The Olivia!

Em - My BFF Jen NEEDS the Tina in mustard yellow. She has been on the “perfect” purse hunt and this is it! If I win, I would give it to her. Beautiful bags!

Caitlynne - I like the Riley! The orange one you posted is adorable too.

Courtney M - Tina all the way! Love that bag.

Katy Link - Oh wow, they are all so cute. If I had to choose I would probably choose the Black Riley bag, but I also really love the yellow one that you are giving away!! What a fun giveaway!!!

May - The Riley in Black!!!

Carole - those are great!! I love the Olivia in turquoise!! I’m sure I would always be organized if I had that bag… πŸ™‚

kristi - ooh- the olivia in turquoise, or the riley in pearl. tough choice!

Angela Knight - The Tina bag is my favorite! It has a classic look I love!

ingrid lapp - Oh my stars! I love The Tina!!

Becky Joyce - The Tina: classy lines, great colors. Great all-purpose tote.

keely - I loved The Tina! Awesome giveaway!!

Denise - I’m going to go with The Olivia, turquoise, just because I don’t think yellow is my color. But then again, maybe a pop of yellow is just what I need.

Jeanie - I am in love with the Roxie-Black!!

Sarah - The Roxie in RED!

Katie - The Roxie in black is my absolute favorite.

Andrea Siebert - anything yellow!

Debbie - The Tina for sure!

Ashley K - The Olivia and the Tina are making my heart pitter patter.

Crystal O - Love the Riley!

mary - i love the yellow “tina” bag!

Lennie Jackson - Lovin’ the mustard Tina!!! Thanks for the chance to win one!!!

Bree - I love the Tina in mustard YELLOW!!! THank you for the giveaway.

Andrea - The Tina and the Roxie are hard to choose between. Love the black!! πŸ™‚

Jenni P :-) - I would love the Tina in Mustard yellow, what a way to beat the long midweat winter. Always would have some sunshine no mater where you go!!

Amy B. - I love the Olivia in turquoise!

Ann - I like the Roxie. Would be great for fall as it would match my team’s colors!

Steph Sytsema - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the TINA in mustard yellow. That is one HAPPY bag!!

Kim - I love the Roxie bag. The red or black would suit my style.

Karina F. - I think The Riley in Black is pretty and classic. I think it would be great to travel with!

Melinda - Definitely the Tina in mustard yellow. It would be so fun to carry in the middle of a dreary midwest winter!

Anessa - Whoops! I wrote Olma instead of Olivia earlier. I love the Olivia and the Tina.

Megan L - I LOVE the Tina in Mustard!! πŸ™‚ Love your blog too !!

Missi Smith - I love the Olivia in turquoise!! I have a daughter named Olivia so it would be the perfect fit!! Gorgeous purses!

Sheryl M. - The Riley in Black! <3 <3 <3 it!
My sister has the Olivia in Turquoise and it is really cool too!!

Anessa - hmm…Olma or the Tina, I love them both.

Raye Marie - Love the Olivia bag. Thanks for the fun!

Rebecca - Love the Roxie – super cool. Thanks for the chance to win.

Brandy W - I love the Red Roxie! Such great looking bags.

Raye Marie - Love the Olivia bag. Thanks for the fun!

Susannah - I love the Olivia in Turquoise! Please let me win!!! πŸ˜€

Stephanie - Oh my goodness!!!! I am in LOVE with the Riley!!!! Thank you so much for sharing this company with us! I know what’s going to the top of my wish list! πŸ™‚

robyn - I LOVE the tINA IN mUSTARD!!! Soooooo cute!!!!

Jayne Barbour - Fun! I haven’t bought a purse in ages but I always buy black. I’m sick of being sensible!;) So I would pick the Olivia-Turquoise as my favorite! What fun bags!!
Thanks for the chance to win!:)

Wanice M. - Oh! It’s the “Tina” Don’t know why I love it so. I’m not usually a yellow kind of girl. But that one speaks to me!

kim york - THE OLIVIA – TURQUOISE “Love”

Stephanie Z - the tina in mustard…love!

Lori Austin - The Tina. Color. Shape. Perfect.

Shelly Reil - Oh My Goodness!! I love them all!

MJ - The Tina is a winner, I was debating between it and the Roxie,but in the end Tina, Tina, Tina!

Alisha W. - I LOVE LOVE the Olivia turquoise bag!!!! Oh my! I hope I win πŸ™‚ - Hi!
I would choose the Tina in mustard yellow if i win and you send it also to germany. When not, I would give it to my friend, who`s now for two years in S.F.
Greetings to you, I love your blog.

mpoggie - I love the Tina in Mustard! So bright! Also, I’m not allowed to have nice things so, if I win, this is going to my best friend…She spends a LOT of time scouring the internet and drooling over beautiful purses, but never treating herself. The Mustard is her taste, also.

elma - Love the OLIVIA!!! Thanks for such a wonderful giveway!!

Becky - The Olivia in turquoise.

Stacy Hyatt Costner - THE OLIVIA in TURQUOISE because I love the color! - The yellow tina please πŸ™‚

Michele - Tina in mustard yellow!

Christina Ch. - great colours, and i mean GREAT! i would choose the Olivia-turquoise! i love that colour!

Lisa Watson - I love the Tina in Mustard! Love you too!

Amber - I would ahve to say it is a toss up between the Riley and the Olivia! So fun!!!

katherine brewer - The Olivia in turquoise! Love them all!

Joy - I love the Tina in yellow! So cheerful!

Kelly Maher - tina in YELLOW!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!. Thanks!

Emily - OOOH! These are fabulous! I like the Riley in pearl and the Tina in yellow. Actually I don’t just like I love love both of them.

somy - Love Love Love the Roxie in Red..

Nicole - Oh wow – these are a must have! I love the Tina in black.

Jen - I like the Tina in Mustard yellow best, followed closely by the Roxie in Red. Thanks for the chance to win! - Riley in black. Fingers crossed. :o)

Maria - The Riley! I love the pockets on the front!

Lyzz - I heart the Tina in mustard!

Tiffany - the ROXIE in RED….is A-MAZ-ING!!!!


Anna - The Tina in yellow is magnificent!

amelia - I love The Riley in Pearl! So pretty.

Erica Miller - The Riley in pearl is perfect! All the bags are gorgeous!!

Cass M - Oh yes, that Yellow Tina is beautiful!!

Cindy - So cute! Olivia in turquoise is my favorite! Love it! Thanks meg! πŸ™‚

Alice H - Olivia in turqoise. Thanks for the giveaway.

Tami - I love the Olivia in turquoise with the earbuds of course. Would love to have it. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Charly - Tina in mustard yellow! I never like yellow until recently and I’m kinda obsessed…and I love the chevron print inside the bag!

Trish - i would say the pearl

GB Jost - Geesh, what a hard thing to pick just one…but I do love the Roxie! I love red! So cool to carry a red purse during the holiday’s! Thanks for the giveaway Meg! By the way, I miss you…GB

suzy - i am going to have to say olivia in turquoise!:) thanks for the chance to win something so darn cute!

Jen - The Tina in mustard yellow is so happy!

kelly - Olivia in Black is my fave.

michelle@decorandthedog - Mustard Tina!!!!

Dawn Zapata - I love the Riley-Pearl!

Donna - I LOVE the Olivia turquoise!!!! The linings are a nice surprise in these bags!!

Julie D - Tina! Yellow? Reptile? Chevron? It’s a trifecta. Love that cute bag!

Angela B. - The Tina in yellow is so fun!

andrea - I have to say, I love the yellow!

Nancy - The Tina in yellow and the Roxie in red. I can’t pick just one!

Alix - Defiantly the Tina in yellow. Nothing better than a mustard yellow purse! (:

MegM - Awesome bags! I fell immediately in love with the Tina because I love yellow! Thanks for the give away!

Christy - They are all great, but I love the Olivia bag the best!

Christy K - I am loving these bags! I could cram so much awesomeness inside! My favorite is the Olivia in turquoise for sure. Hope you have a chance to relax a little before all the girlies arrive for Craft Weekend! Have fun and I so cannot wait to hear ALL about it!

Tammy - The yellow Tina. Be still my heart πŸ™‚

Sarah J. - I looooove the Tina in Mustard Yellow!

Heather M. - Love, love, love the Tina bag!!

Sherri P - These are beautiful…. I must say it’s the Mustard Yellow that catches my eye! So the Tina is the one for me!!!

Jennifer - Ahh SO cute!! I love the Riley, and the one you posted so much!!

Sabrina L - I love the style of the Riley but the yellow of the Tina! They’re both pretty perfect!

allison - I LOVE the OLIVIA in turquoise! So pretty!

Lee C - The Roxie.

Naomi - I’m crossing my fingers that this giveaway is open to non-US residents!
My favourite has got to be the Tina in mustard, it’s so happy and summery πŸ™‚

Amy - The turquoise Olivia, of course! But, honestly, any would be fabulous!

shanalea - The olivia in the bluish color.

Megan - I love the Tina in Yellow. So happy!!

Sheryl - The turquoise Olivia bag….if I have to choose one….it’s very tricky! - The Roxie !!!

Angela - I love the tina bag. How can you resist yellow with chevron on the inside?

Shar - The Olivia-turquoise, but they are all so cute!

Stacy - Love love love the Tina and the Riley bags! Love all the colors – so fun!!!!

Amanda - I like the Riley in black and pearl.

Cat S - The Olivia! (turqoise) Super cute. πŸ™‚

Dana - Mustard has become one of my favorite colors, so I would I have to say I love the Tina Mustard!

Liene - Love the Roxie in black – my style exactly. Thanks!

Cindy - My favorite is the black Riley, love the turquoise chevron on the inside!

Barbara - I love the Tina in yellow but since we’re going into the fall season (well, I hope that we get fall here in St. Louis!!) I think I’d go with the black one.
Thanks, Meg!!

Emily - I think my favorite is the one you chose! The Tina in mustard yellow. Oh how I love mustard yellow. Makes me so happy! πŸ™‚

Larissa - I’ll have to say the Tina in the mustard yellow is my fav!

Rachel Spin - The Olivia in turquoise is my favorite : )

alisha - Loving the Riley!

steph - all beautiful… but my favorite has to be the black riley! πŸ™‚

Sarah Skloss - The Tina in mustard yellow. LOVE IT!!!!

Kayla - Love all the bags but I’m thinking my top pick is the Tina!!

Anne - I adore the Roxy in red.

Karen - I love the Tina in *happy* yellow, or the Olivia in turqoise.

Debby - I think I like the black kaboo1 tiff best. At first I thought the torquoise, but it wouldn’t match as well with everything. I gave my Haiku bag to my daughter-in-law who fell in love with it and it would be nice to have another bag to replace it. πŸ™‚

jen - I LOVE the Tina!

abby - Love them all but the Olivia is beautiful!

vicki w. - I like them all, but my fave would b the Tina!

Michelle M. - The Tina in Mustard Yellow is also my fave :o)

Allison Troyer - The Tina, most definitely! I LOVE yellow and I ALWAYS carry a yellow purse! Makes me so happy!! πŸ˜€

Christine in PDX - The tina
In mustard yellow. But tell them it should come in turquoise and red too:) pretty!

Katie g - The Tina in yellow is my favorite.

Erin - It’s a toss up between the Roxie Red and the Tina Mustard Yellow. So gorgeous!

shannon - Oh my! I LOVE the turquoise! Olivia!


Rena - Hello, pretty Pearl Riley! I want you to be mine! πŸ™‚

jaimie - Riley – Pearl πŸ™‚

keri - forever folding laundry - The Tina is yellow is gorgeous.
Or the Riley in pearl. I need something that color.
And, clearly, I need one of these bags.
They’re already monogrammed for me! πŸ™‚

lindsey b - they are all so lovely! i dig the yellow and the turquoise, but i think the pearl riley is my favorite! πŸ™‚

Carol M - I like the Tina in black and also Roxy in red. Really cute!!

Gina f. - I like the Tina in mustard yellow!

Megan B - That one is my fave ~ the Tina in mustard!

melissa @jonahbonah - i love the olivia in torquoise!

Jacque - the Tina in yellow!

Audrey - The tina in mustard yellow is pretty fabulous, but I also like the roxie in black. It’s so classy!

Tina - I would LOVE the Tina bag – – – because my name is Tina!! Great bag – Love the mustard yellow!!

Janine - Stop it! Those bags are awesome. I love the one you showed – the Tina in Mustard or the Roxie in Red. Gorgeous!

jen - The olivia…in turquoise duh! Amazing. Thanks so much for showing us their awesome stuff!!!!!!!

Molly - I like the Roxie in black, or the Olivia in the turquoise. Nice bags, I have not heard of the brand name before. I am in desperate need of a comfortable bag that can carry what I need. I am a short person and carrying a Dooney and Bourke tote that is a bit too heavy for me. These bags look like they are very soft and comfortable.

Amy - I love, love, love the Tina. But I also love the Roxie.

Carey - Love the Roxy Red!!!! I LOVE red purses/bags!!!

ang - The Tina in yellow!!

Kelli - I like the Olivia but they are all pretty!!!

Emily - The Roxie in Red or Tina in yellow. Love them!

Megan - I love the Roxie- Red! So much fun! πŸ™‚

shaunna - I must have the yellow one. must. have.

Beth - The Tina! I love the bright yellow! πŸ™‚

jenw - The Riley -pearl!

Beth K. - My faves are Yellow Tina and the Roxie Red. I have never been much of a “purse person”, more bags to haul things in for the kids, but these purses could covert me to a “purse person”. My sisters would be shocked if they saw me with one of these!

Tracy H - I LOVE the Tina in yellow…..very bright and cheerful!

Lisa - olivia in turquoise – smashing!!! xx

Alisha - I love THIS one you have!!! The Tina in yellow! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE yellow. It’s just so happy!

sarah - The Roxie in Red…I. Am. In. Love.

Sherry - The Tina — mustard yellow! It is definite to add sunshine to each day.

Ashley - The Tina in Mustard Yellow because I don’t have a bag that bold! πŸ™‚ Love it!

Linda Totman - The Olivia in turquoise is my favorite! I could plan a wardrobe around it … black, brown, oh yeah!

Maryaz - They are ALL so cute..but, Roxie in red might be my choice!

Southern Gal - The Olivia in turquoise!

BriBedell - Love the Tina!!! My iPad needs this purse πŸ™‚

Gayla Busch - I love the ROXIE in RED!!! (Although the Riley in Black & the Tina in yellow are absolutely awesome!) I would be pleased as punch to carry any of them!!!

Karla - I could see The Tina over my shoulder! Yes please!!

Justidy - The Tina in mustard yellow!! What could be better!!?

kim - The Riley – Pearl … or The Olivia – Turquoise … or The Tina – Mustard … I love them all!!!

Tracy - Love the Olivia in Turquoise, but they’re all beautiful!

Sara - they are all fabulous-but i love the olivia in turquoise!

Janel - My fav is the Tina in mustard Yellow! Love love love it!!

Rebecca - LOVE the turquoise Olivia!

Rlkleiner - The Olivia….or the Roxie!!

Kelly - Love the mustard yellow!!!! So darn cute!

anna - They are all lovely – I like the Riley in pearl. How nice they are doing a givaway!

Janelle - Love Riley in Pearl…thanks for the give away Meg!

Melissa - Not sure if I’d be able to decide between the turquoise or yellow. Very cute bags.

juli e - i am totally loving the Riley… the pink POP inside makes me happy!!! Love that they hold the ipad!!!!

Amy - Definitely the Olivia!!!

Jessica Anne - I love the Riley. I’d get it in pearl!

AmandaK - The Tina! Or the Riley! All Cute!

Margo - I really love the Tina and I love the yellow color!

Rachel K - I love the Tina in yellow! What a happy, sunny bag!

Debi - Love the Tina!

Dara - the olivia in turquoise!

juli - I like the Olivia in black or turquoise. So cute! What a great giveaway.

Keisha E. - !!! Lovely! and so smart! I love the mustard yellow Tina and the turquoise Olivia!

Penny - I love all of their bags. But I would say the Tina would be my favorite. Love the lining and the Tech pouch! I would love to win this!!

Dori - Love the structure of the Tina!

Anne - I adore the Roxy in red.

Fay Werner - Tech pouch? Genius! The practical me would get the Tina in black. The ever-emerging “live a little” me would choose Tina in mustard yellow.

Kate - Loving the Tina-Mustard or the Riley-pearl! So adorable. I always need a “bag of tricks” to hold everything! - The yellow Tina is AH-Mazing!

happygirl - Without a doubt. The roxie. πŸ™‚

Siew - The Tina in yellow would be the exact one I would pick – nice clean lines and punchy yellow. What’s not to like?

Jen Calcott - I’m not normally into yellow but I’m loving the Tina in mustard

Jenn S - The turquoise Olivia is just dreamy!

Ann Marie - My favorite is the Roxie!! Love the red!

Jessica - The Tina in black… but I like the chevron in the yellow best!

Kate Anderson - THe Roxie is awesome! What a fun way to carry all the tech stuff! Thanks for the giveaway!! - This one! Yellow is the color of happy! - I love the Olivia in that gorgeous teal color… But the yellow is cheery! Love them both!

Gina - The turquoise Olivia is fun:)

Shelby P - I LOVE the Olivia in Turquoise! So pretty and I’m kinda digging the tech pouch!

Lisa L - Love the Tina in yellow!

Short, Sweet Season - I love the Riley in pearl!

Stacey - The Tina…either yellow or red! The yellow makes me smile but red is my fav color. Decisions, decisions! πŸ™‚

Lindsay - So difficult to choose! The yellow. Darling.

Mickielara - I love, love, LOVE the Tina in Yellow. Who wouldn’t want some bright yellow added to their life and that black chevrony (is that a word…?!) inside. Awesome!

Shannon - The Tina and Olivia are my favorites. FUN colors and great lining!

Shannon - The Tina and Olivia are my favs. They are all so FUN and I am in love with chevron print right now.

Tere - I’ll take the Tina in mustard yellow please. Please and thank you!

emily - I love the olivia in turquoise and the tina in mustard yellow!!

Laura - I LOVE the Tina ….in black. I know. Boring.

mollie d - I love the Tina

Kristina - I love these tech bags! Perfect to carry IPad & camera…my favorites are the Tina in yellow and the Olivia in turquoise.

Kim - i have a thing for white purses and bags.
definitely riley in pearl.
or tina.
but yeah. any of them. πŸ™‚

Marcy - Gorgeous! I really like the Turquoise Olivia!:) Thanks for the chance!

Tiffany B - My favorite for sure! The Roxie – Red + Earbuds

Martha - Cute bag! Especially the lining! On the website, I also like the Olivia in Turquoise.

Kati Meszaros - THE Olivia – Turquoise, but I also like what The Tina.

Sheryl - The turquoise Olivia bag is my fave…if I have to choose ONE,….it is pretty tricky though!

Andrea Ahronson - I like the The Riley in black, but I wish it came in mustard yellow.

SoCalLynn - The Olivia in turquoise is beautiful!

Kate S. - I like the Tina in Yellow A LOT, but I also really like the Roxie in black. I would have a hard time choosing!

Sheryl - The turquoise Olivia is my favourite…if I have to choose one….. It is pretty tricky though!

Karen armstrong - Hi Meg
Love these bags – I was just looking for a bag that would work with my iPad – one of these would be perfect – since they don’t have a green one yet I’d settle for the Olivia in black! Love the liner!

Ellen J - I love the Riley!!! But this one is precious too!

Sarah - What great bags! I’m going to say the Roxie in red is my favorite.

TJ - I love the Turquoise Olivia! πŸ™‚ Wow, Gorgeous!

Xina - I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bright yellow mustard Xina….er Tina! πŸ™‚

TJ - I’m so in love with the Olivia in turquoise!!!!

Debbie - They all are beautiful but if I had to choose I guess it would be the Tina in yellow or the Riley in black. Thanks for sharing their website with your readers.

Anna - The roxie in red is so beautiful! It’d be such a fun pop with so many outfits – but I love the Tina in mustard too – it’ll go so well with my green trench coat!

Etsetara - love the tina in yellow – so cheery!

Carolyn C - OOOOh – That Olivia bag is so pretty! Love it! (And it looks like the strap goes over the shoulder, too! A bonus!) I wish it also came in the vibrant yellow/turquoise/red – love to have a punch of color with my purse.

Kathy P. - The Olivia in Turquoise — I love anything in any color of blue!

Carrie D. - I love the Riley and the Tina, but mostly I love the yellow color!!!

christy - Love! The Olivia in turquoise or the Tina in yellow.

Jenni - I love the Olivia – Turquoise with the buds or the Riley Pearl.
Thanks for sharing such lovely bags! I love the inside almost as much as I love the outside!

Erin - So many to choose from. I love the Olivia in turquoise. Hope lady luck is on my side!

Lynette - Oh, I love the Tina in yellow. So happy! Thanks for the chance to win!

Libby - I like the Tina in black or mustard. I’m usually a play-it-safe with color girl, but the yellow is pretty fun, too. And I need a new bag bad!

jsull - Definately the Tina. I’ve never had a yellow purse.

Kasey Laughlin - love these!!!! Hard to choose, but I think I like the Tina in mustard the best! Thanks for the chance to win!! Happy Friday!

Brooke Plemons - I love the mustard yellow! what a fun way to add a pop of color!

Kristi - Love the Tina in Mustard Yellow! Super cute!

Nikki Wixo - LOVE LOVE LOVE “The Tina” in mustard yellow πŸ™‚

Sheralyn M - The Mustard Tina is my favourite. It is just so bright and cheerful

Michelle Rotner - Tough call….Roxie in Red or Tina in Yellow. Thanks for sending me to their site, I love it.

Beth - I love The Riley- Black πŸ™‚

Brooke Plemons - I absolutely love the Tina in mustard yellow. It is so fun and playful!! LOVE pops of colors like that!

Andrea - The Tina! Although the Riley is pretty sweet, too!

Leslie - Oh, goodness . . . where has this been all my life!? (Okay, since I bought my ipad . . .) I adore the Tina in Mustard! So cute, funky and practical! NEED!! πŸ˜‰

Jennifer - Love the Tina in yellow!

Cathy S - The Olivia or the Tina, tough decision

DMILLER7@PROGRESSIVE.COM - The tina in black or the roxie in red!!! OH so BEAUTIFUL!!

Meredith G - Definitely the Tina in black!

Vixie - No idea if I can enter being in the UK but hey. I just love The Tina in Mustard Yellow – its so bright and funky, reminds me of a sunflower vs jazz. Fab

JustMommer - I’m in lurve with the Tina! Yellow makes me happy:)

Jenna - I LOVE the turquoise Olivia tablet bag!

giving - OOOOOHHHHH….The TINA or The RILEY!!! STUNNING πŸ™‚ Thank you for offering this giveaway.

Hannah Guskie - I love The Tina in that super bright yellow. I would smile every time looked at it!

Sarah - Olivia. In turquoise for sure! Except the Riley is nice in pearl, too. Hmmmmmm….

Vicki - I love the Roxie–so cute!

seriously sassy mama - I like the Tina and The Riley.

Allison H. - Love the Riley Bag in Pearl! So cute!!

Kimmie - The turquoise olivia is super cute!

Amber - Olivia turquoise is gorgeous!

Lorie - The Roxie in red is my favorite!

Donna - The Tina in mustard yellow!

Allison - I like the Olivia in black, but that yellow one is great!

stacy - Love the Tina in black!

Jamie Skaates - I love love love the Riley! And it even comes with earbuds!

Heather D - I like all of them, but my favorite is probably the Olivia bag. Great color.

Janelle - Olivia! turquoise!

Lisa - I love the turquoise Olivia or the yellow Tina! All beautiful bags!

W. - The Tine, mustard yellow. What a great giveaway!

Vickie M. - Hi there, the bags are great! I love the Tina in Yellow. I have always wanted a yellow purse.

megan - my favorite bag is the Tina in black! What a fabulous giveaway!

Elizabeth - The Tina-Mustard Yellow=Perfect!

Terri - I am so in love with the Oliva in Turquoise!!

Vickie M. - Hi there, wow these bags are great! My favorite has to be the Tina in yellow. I have always wanted a yellow purse!

Lela Pohlmann - I love the Tina in mustard and the Roxie in red but my favorite is the Olivia in turquoise because that is my daughter’s name! πŸ™‚

Stephanie Allen - the riley in pearl…love it!

Maureen Troop - I would have to say the Olivia with its supersoft looking leather and great colors!

Leslie G - My favorite is The Tina – Mustard Yellow. I think this would be an adorable diaper bag!!

Samantha Bayer - Love the Tina bag in mustard!

Ashley - I LOVE the Tina in Black; that lining is great!

Kate B - I love the Tina in yellow!

Lynn - Loving the Tina in mustard yellow. I carry the same purse all year long, along with a diaper bag. Would definitely love a new look and a secure place to carry my ipad (or as my 2 year old calls it her “mypad”). Have a blessed day.

Lorelei Eurto - Definitely love the Tina, in mustard yellow.
I have a thing for yellow.

Tina C - Loved the black Tina, which is funny cuz I am a Tina!

Miranda - The Riley in Pearl is darling!! They all are!!

Lori Winger - You had me at mustard yellow πŸ˜‰ 1 Tina in yellow paleeeaasse!

Dena - I think the Tina is my fav. Thanks!

Amadna - Small Home Big Start - It’s hard to pick a favourite, but I’d have to go with the mustard yellow Tina bag. So cute!

Lori - I love the Tina bag in yellow

josie - Olivia Turquoise Bag – Love the color – makes me smile!

Kate - Oh, how bright and cute! Thank you for this opportunity: Yellow Tina Bundle Pack

Jennifer - the tina…in mustard yellow would be perfect

Stephanie - Oh my gosh, I love the Olivia bag in turquoise! Thanks for the giveaway!

Gram - I am torn. I love the turquoise color, but the style of the Tina, but I love the yellow also.

michelle shoemaker - Love, Loooove the Tina bag in Yellow. It looks like a little bit of sunshine!

Mrs. B. - Love the Roxie and the Tina….yellow, red, or turquoise!

Teri B - The Roxie in red!

Tracie - The Olivia in turquoise is my favorite. I am actually packing right now for the beach and was wishing I had a better way to take my DSLR. This would be perfect!

Amber - Love The Riley!

Rachel Matilda - Olivia is my FAVE!

Sharla - I love the Tina in yellow and the Riley in pearl. These are so cool!

Erin - LOVe, LOVE, LOVEEEE The Roxie!!

Kelly - Love the Tina bag! Thanks for the fun giveaway!

Sharla - I love the Tina in yellow and the Riley in pearl. These are so cool!

Cortney Hardy - I love the Roxie, but Tina is a close 2nd! Love Style and Function! Finally!!

MilS - I have to say I love the Mustard one. I have lost a lot of weight and I am finally getting used to wearing colors. So this one would be a really nice addition!

sharon - hello…the Roxie and the Tina…..tied for first place πŸ™‚ they are so pretty! thank you for the chance to win!

Kimberly R. - I love the Riley in black.

Meredith - I love the Tina. The tablet pouch is awesome.

Chris - oops looks like a spelling error. Thats what happens when I get excited. Roxie!!!!!!

Chelsea - I love the Roxie Bag in red!

Stephanie - I love them all, but my favorite is the Tina in black–but the Riley is a close second πŸ™‚

Allison - Definately the turquoise Olivia bag!

Chris - I totally love the Roxy bag in black

Shawnie - Love the Tina!!

Heather - I love the shape of the Roxie (it’s super cute in red), but I am a sucker for anything turquoise so the Olivia is awesome too!

Karen - I need a good black purse so I really like the THE ROXIE – BLACK

katchen - The Olivia! Love it!

Sarah K - The Olivia bag in turq is pretty dreamy.

rachel - i absolutely love all of them! Roxie in red! πŸ™‚

Mandy - I LOVE the Olivia bag!!!!!

Maria M - Love the bright yellow! My favorite is the Riley in pearl.

Kris - LOVE the Tina in mustard yellow! Love it!

Gillian flack - I Love the Tina in yellow. So fun!

Laura - Tina in black, please! Thank you!

Janet - I’m love the Tina in mustard yellow! I can’t wear that color so it would be like carrying a little bit of sunshine!

Sara - Love the Tina in Yellow and the Roxie in Red!! Such adorable bags… I’m IN LOVE with the liner!

Carrie - The Tina is my favorite!

DawnBeery - What great bags! LOVE the Tina in mustard yellow!

Lindsay - The Tina in yellow. I love anything yellow, but this bag is especially cute.

Carrie Kinney - Cute cute cute!! The Tina in black is adorable!

Jenn N - These are all beautiful bags. I especially like the Tina bag…in either colour πŸ™‚

Michelle - i like the Olivia in both colors. . .very cute

Mary - I love the Tina in Mustard! Who doesn’t need a fun pop of color in their lives? So Cute!

Heather S. - The Olivia turquoise bag is my favorite! SO cute, stylish & delightful looking!!

Megan - The Riley is my favorite!

Hillary Marchman - The Tina in Mustard and the Olivia in Turquoise are running a very close race…. Tina in Mustard wins the GOLD!!!!!

brandi - these are A.MEH.ZING! Loving the Riley bag. Something about those little pouches make me happy. πŸ™‚

Lisa - Ohh! Just what I am looking for. I love the Tina in black ;))

Toni :O) - These are AWESOME! I really love the Tina Black. The inside design made me go HOORAY! :O)

Nicole - Definitely “The Olivia” in turquoise!!

Maggie G - Love the Tina in mustard! Gorgeous, thanks for the chance to win!

Meredith - The Tina in Mustard Yellow. Love it!!!!
I love the Roxie in Red as well – I love them both!!!

Meredith - I love the Riley in Pearl! Thanks for a great giveaway!!!

Jill - Oooh, those bags are awesome! My fave is The Roxie Red tablet bag.

Tammy - The Olivia is my favorite…. and then the Tina. Love th bright colors!

amanda - THE OLIVIA – TURQUOISE, love it!!

Marlie - Tina, Mustard, yes please!

Sarah - Gotta be the Tina

Dawn - The Olivia in turquoise is amazing….would be a bright spot in the dead of winter in Wisconsin!

Carrie Mattson - I love the Olivia in tourquiose! So fun and my favorite color!

Teri McGowan - Oooh the Tina in black!!! I never wear yellow but that yellow Tina is awesome!

Jen - The TINA, The Tina, oh I must “wina” The Tina… I H.E.A.R.T. mustard yellow!

Susan - Love the Tina in Black!!

Amy Herbertz - Love the Roxie in Red!

Liz C. - It’s hard not to love that bright red! I’m picking Roxie!!

Lindsey - Wow! These are really cool bags! I like the Roxie in red or the Tina in yellow. They look so sharp!

Juli - Love The Tina. In yellow. A color I don’t normally respond to, but Tina is So. Dang. Cute! Thank you for this contest. You are a dear.

Tami - Love the Riley in Pearl! The perfect neutral!

Heather F. - The yellow Tina is great looking. I’d love to have it.

lacey poag - yellow tina :))

Teri McGowan - I love the Tina in Black, it would be awesome to carry my Kindle Fire. Which is basically my third child.

Jessica - The Roxie – Red!! So many cute bags that are classy and fun! Thanks for the chance to win!!

Lori Bowring Michaud - Ooohhh, the Tina in Yellow!! Those bags are lovely, and the price is not bad either!

lacey poag - yellow tina is my fav..
yes, please

Mindy - Love the Olivia in turquoise or the Tina in yellow or …

Valerie Rodriguez - The yellow Tina is beautiful!! And if I’m being honest I could NEVER spend that much on a purse so if I won it would be SWEET! Kaboo bags are very VERY nice the and the i-pad protector built right in WOW, genius!! Have a great weekend!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - The Turquoise Olivia bag! Really like it!

Amy Coose - I love them all, but especially the Roxie and Olivia bags! Thanks for the chance to win!

Colleen - Love the tina in yellow. Such a happy color!!

Becky O. - I love the mustard yellow Tina bag–it would be a great new purse for the new job I will start soon!

Rebekah - My favorite is the Riley. I love the chevron print inside all the bags.

Kari C. - My favorite bag would be the Roxie in black. Cute bags!

Kate - Love the yellow Tina. Or the red Roxie. They are so amazing!!

Stacy M. - THE OLIVIA – TURQUOISE, is so cute!

Angie - I love the Tina in Yellow! What awesome bags!

Tonia - I LOVE all their bags but The Olivia and The Tina are my favorite!!!

Emily - LOve the Riley!

Julie, momto7 - HOW could I pick?!? I guess the Turquoise Olivia. Gorgeous!!

Jamie - Love the Tina in yellow, but I also love the pearl.

Jennifer Ruppert - I love The Riley!!

Jessica - I love the Riley in both colors hard to decide! πŸ™‚
Great Giveaway!

Kari - Ooh, love the black Tina, so pretty!

Michelle - Hands down it is the Roxie! LOVE.

Michelle - Oh, my word! I can totally see myself with the TINA black! I am a kindergarten teacher and our school district just gave each teacher in our district an iPad! I was just thinking the other day, my “old teacher bag” may not be the best to transport my iPad to school. Thanks for this awesome chance to win!! Yea!!! πŸ™‚

Iris - Ooooh. I think my fav is the Roxy in red or the Tina in mustard yellow. It’s been two years of carrying a diaper bag around and two more years to go. So to own a fun purse would be a treat. I have never owned a fun red or yellow purse. Always black, black, black. Fun colours are a must for my next purse.

Rachael - I love the Tina in mustard!

Charlene - I love the Olivia turquoise bag…so bright and colorful!

sarah - How cute! I thought I’d go for the turquoise, but I love that yellow bag!

Michele - Love the TINA bag in Yellow!

Betsy - Love the Tina in black and the Roxie in red…tough choice!

Amy G. - Ooh! Pretty!!! I LOVE the Olivia in Turquoise. πŸ™‚

megB - I LOVE the Tina bag in black. So classy!!

Maria - I Loove the turquoise TINA bag!

megB - I LOVE the TIna Bag in Black. So classy.

Kim - I love the “Tina” in black πŸ™‚

Amanda Jo - I love the Riley in white! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!!!

Lauren Guilbeau - I like the olivia the best!

kaylee@life chasers - Sooooo cute! Love the Tina!

Kelli - LOVE THE OLIVIA – TURQUOISE… or maybe THE OLIVIA – BLACK…. OH THE CHOICES!!!! Thanks for the chance!

Amy - I love these bags. The Tina is definitely a favorite. The yellow is so festive!!

Julie Baldwin - The Olivia…in turquiose. I have been on the hunt for a great blue bag!!

Shelly - LOVE LOVE LOVE the turquoise Olivia. I love a pop of color and it is a great color year round! thanks for the.chance to win!

Arlene - These bags are so fun! My fave is the Roxie =] - The Roxie Red is my favorite, but they’re all beautiful!

kate - the olivia…in black…but so many to love!

Angela - Definitely the Mustard Tina, who doesn’t need a bright yellow bag?!?! Love it. Those Kaboo folks are so clever!

Mindy - The Tina in Mustard! I love it!

Jenny Joy - I’ll admit it. The Olivia in turquoise made my heart skip a beat. Or maybe even two. *swoon*

Anacani Garcia - Very nice bags…I’m torn between the Tina in Mustard and the Olivia in Turquoise…if the Tina was in Turquiose I’d buy that! But the Mustard Tina would be more pratical for me!

sarah roberts - The yellow Tina is screaming my name! I’m obsessed!

Doreen - The Tina in Black or in Mustard, I can’t decide… Black… no Mustard… no Black! I’d feel blessed to have any of these bags! They pack a lot of function into a sleek bag!

Stacey - Tough choice but I’d have to say the Riley in black.

Jennifer Cole - Love the Roxie! Need the Roxie! Christmas list Roxie!

sallie kay - I have to say, I love the Tina in Mustard Yellow! What a great way to bring sunshine to cloudy or winter days! Thanks for sharing this company!

sarajane - I love the turquoise olivia bag. Wow with this bag, I might be on the edge of trendy πŸ™‚

sommer - Your blog continues to bring a smile to my face everyday!!! Thank you!! Kaboo designs the best organizational purse I have ever seen πŸ™‚ Torn between the Tina and the Roxie….Love the bright blue and yellow colors.

Betsy B - I like the tina in yellow. πŸ™‚

Liz - I like the Riley bag in black. It’s darling!

Jennifer Cole - I love the Roxie. Beautiful. Might have to put it on Christmas list. No – it isn’t too early to start making my list for Santa!!!

Elizabeth - Tina in Yellow for me!

Nikki - Um it’s a hard decision but the Riley Pearl is such a cute style….but I am forever a turquoise kind of girl so the Olivia is amazing too!

Erin Nesser - Love, love, looooove the Olivia in turquoise!

Sophie - I have to say that the yellow is my favourite – the colour is so incredibly bright and cheerful! πŸ˜€

Jennifer - I love the THE OLIVIA – TURQUOISE!

Lane Fanning - I like the turquoise Olivia bag, but I LOVE the yellow Tina bag. Thanks for introducing me to them!

Kate - I love love love the Tina in yellow.

Jenni - I think the turquoise Olivia is my favorite….

Emily - I love them all- but the yellow Tina is fun and sleek looking. I also love the turquoise Olivia! πŸ™‚

Sandy - Love the yellow one!! So fun with the pattern on the inside.

Laura L - I love the Tina in mustard yellow! I have been eyeballing this bag for quite some time now!

Kimber-Leigh - love the roxie black!

Denise V. - Wowza–these are lovely. I’d say I like the Tina best in black.

Susan - I quite like The Riley in black. Rocker chick!

beth - Oooo, love the Roxie in red–so cute!!

Jill - Love them all! But… the Mustard Yellow Tina bag is most DELICIOUS!!!

Regina - oooooh…ahhhhhh…nice! πŸ™‚ I like the yellow Tina best, but I’m in serious need of a new black bag, so the black Tina would be my choice this go around! Thanks for the wonderful offer! Happy weekend to you!

Sue - I love them ALL but really LOVE the yellow Tina bag! Beautiful!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Robin Canter - Oh my goodness, what glorious bags!! I love the red ROXIE and the yellow TINA. How can I decide?

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a little link love today.


i love this super cute globe remake from A Night Owl.


ticket paper chain in yummy colors from Pam Garrison.



dying over this wall art from Sweet Pickins.


and this sunshine art makes me happy!!


i want to make pillows like this that are from the long thread.


how much fun is this wall??  oh it gets my creativity going!!  (source)


and oh how i would LOVE to make a wall like this.  :)
i would probably get tired of it… but i would love the process of making it.


i LOVE ashley's blurb book she just did.
i want to make 100.  but i can't even get ONE done.


i want this in my mouth immediately… coconut cream pie bars.

Photo 3

everything julie makes is RAD.


these cookies should be on my kitchen counter right now..i want them.  i NEED them.


i loved this print.  its the perfect mom thing to say.



very funny.


i want to paint a door pink.


if i came across a green cabinet like this….i think i would pass out.
it is THE best in every way. 


loving this necklace from LISA LEONARD.


this is adorable.  and i LOVE that name.  LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
i need to have one more baby and name her Harper. 
mr. duerksen? what are your thoughts?

i want to eat this.
and i want her to make it and we eat dinner together and talk and talk and talk.
because i think she is amazing and i want to know her better…and eat her food. 
with a glass of wine. (or three)
when can we make this happen fpfgirl???

katie daisy is fabulous.
she is just so darn talented. 


and that's it.

i am headed to the craft house to work work work.
kimberlee and i are finishing everything up today for our August CRAFT Weekend.
the swag is so good.
the crafts are going to be completely awesome…ALL NEW (except the amazingly cute apron)
and someone super fun is coming to help…


i'm a happy girl today.



AllenCarlos - I would hurry into our kitchen and beat up those cookies! Really like your blog! You are awesome and inspiring! Thanks for discussing so much of yourself with your visitors every day!

Kimberly Sneed - Hi Meg! I just wanted to stop by and say WOW! Thank you for featuring our globe upcycle in your round-up! Such an amazing and beautiful group of projects, we’re honored! xo, Kimberly

plumbing - Follow the money trail and you will find the smell. This is what our country is based on these days, from the very local to the very top.

Lisa M. - Just made these cookies and, yes Meg, you SHOULD have them on your counter right now. Pure awesomeness!!

Audrey - Inspiring ideas! But those cookies just made me hungry!
A blog for stylish moms despite all the spilled milk!

childrens snow boots - Designing a house is one of my hobby. I always want to look our house beautiful. I make used of our old stuffs and make it like new.

Playmobil - Cool and colorful stuffs. Seems like perfect as a wall and decoration for a typical house structure.

Becky-Clean Mama - So I pinned the sweets and bought the Katie Daisy print – thanks for the inspiration!
xo, Becky

Lisa Perry - So much prettiness!! I want to paint a door pink too, I’ve been wanting to for years! I have seriously debated painting my FRONT door pink, it would look so pretty with my pink roses, green shutters and white house πŸ™‚

Christy K - Such a happy post! Can’t wait to see all of the new crafts and swag after all the fun is done! Enjoy Craft Weekend! : )

Trish @TheOldPostRoad - I pinned that ticket paperchain last week and have been trying to get my college-age daughter to hang those in her room at school! So cool!

Laura - thank you! was in need of a MAJOR creative boost

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i love harper, too. my mom almost named me harper, so it’s been on my radar for ever. we considered it for my last child, who is a boy. but decided against it since most girls are named harper. it’s a great name!

sara @ it's good to be queen - wow! i love every last bit of this!

Kat - Go on have another bub and name it Harper, you know you want to!! πŸ™‚

Allison - Oh, I have to pin that branch with the baby’s name on it for my baby boy, Ezra, who’s coming in November. His nursery is dragons/woodland themed. Well, it will be once I start it… fabric for his quilt just came today.

valerie - You need to come out to KC the first weekend of the month – you would find that green cabinet! πŸ˜‰
Wait till Sept or later. This summer hasn’t had as great of finds.

Mindy Harris - am i the SUPER FUN PERSON COMING TO HELP? ha! i love all these links. i really want the katy daisy print. it’s so beautiful.

Ashley E - So fun!!! Have a great craft weekend–will be dreaming I’m there again!! I know it’ll be fantastic.

Erin - I was looking for a comment from Mr. Duerksen, but I didn’t se one…

julie - The cookies. Cussssssssssssssssss you myfitnesspal.

Michelle From Australia - Anothing added to my ‘when we are in America in November/December’ list. Try coconut cream pie. Why don’t Australians make pie like Americans? If only…..

emily hope - love everything. I think i had to pin most of it. thank you for such rainbow-y inspiration today!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Uh, no. I’M the happy girl.
1) That green cabinet pic is the front page of my inspiration binder. I’ve got it in hard copy, people! And the barn painting to the left of the cabinet? Be mine.
2) Calvin and I were hard-core drooling over the coconut cream pie bars. We’re on it!
3) And that corn salad thing? Well, it was the best kind of surprise on a day when I desperately needed a surprise. The question is, your place or mine?

Southern Gal - I saw on Lisa’s blog that she and Chrissie are coming your way! Awesomeness.
Have fun.

Kristin - Um…I LOVE everything in this post. πŸ™‚ That hello sign and sofa are so awesome. Thanks for introducing me to her blog.

Amy Schulz - This entire post made me ENTIRE day! I am a lurker, not a commenter. Forced me to switch sides!!

colleen from alabama - And i’m a jealous girl! Would love to be in Kansas for craft weekend… but i WILL be a happy girl cause on Saturday i am headed to Chicago with my husband for a few days to celebrate our 15th anniversary! Any suggestions of what we should do? I know Chicago Jen could probably give me a whole list! Wish i had thought of that sooner! Let me know if there are some places i will be sad if i miss!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I do believe I know who the “super fun” person is because she blogged a little sumpin’ earlier in the week about coming to Craft Weekend. Now I really wish I was coming! πŸ™‚ Have fun!

Molly - Thanks for posting some new recipes and blogs for me to read. My husband will love the coconut cream pie/bars and the browned butter frosting cookies look great. I was in need of some blogs to read. By the way, I love the green cabinet, too.

lin - Love this happy post!

seriously sassy mama - I am loving all the links. Thanks! Cannot wait to see the crafts from the next craft weekend!

Kristin S - Great linky post!!!

Shannon - oh Meg, you know when you post these link posts I spend hours visiting all of them and then reading all these new blogs. Looks like I’ll be getting nothing done today πŸ˜‰
Another new Katie Daisy print, I’m running out of room to put these!
Have a great day.

Tina I - If you get to have dinner and wine with Flower Patch Farm Girl, can I come?

northern cottage - what a list of FABULICIOUSNESS! all of these just scream HAPPY to me – thank you for making my day just a wee bit brighter!

happygirl - Noooooooooooo I’M a HappyGirl. Great links. Fun stuff and I’ll bet you are smiling all the way through this post. πŸ™‚

Cynthiaj - We have had a good time over the name Harper.. my stepdaughter and her husband just had a baby girl, but their last name is Harper! So they named her Vera. Which I love in every way.

Terrie - More craft house fun!! Lucky girls!!
I want to paint a door pink too!!
Shoot…I want to paint everything pink & maybe lime green!
It’s a phase I’m in…
Have fun getting ready for all those crafters!
It will be a ‘bit’ cooler for you this weekend.
Sad when 94 seems cool!

Jen Brandt - Love the name Harper, too. I daydream about having more kids just so I can name them. πŸ™‚ Thank you for your cheery posts, Meg. It makes me happy to see your new posts. Hope this weekends ROCKS! Enjoy.

Courtney - I love all of this! I have a baby girl named Harper Basil and she is AWESOME! If I wasn’t smack in the middle of a detox cleanse, I would rush into my kitchen and whip up those cookies! Love your blog! You are amazing and inspiring! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with your readers every day!

Niki - I might be hyperventilating every time I think about it because I’m so excited!! TOMORROW!!! πŸ™‚

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from the week…

                                                              orange dress.                                              souvenir from NYC for me.

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                                       scott is starting to drive. :O                               annie can flip from the diving board!
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                                                  zinnias in the garden.                   watching You've Got Mail for the 100th time.
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                          i found this funky owl lamp at the antique store….then found it's twin! did not buy = $60 each.
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                            i finally cleaned the craft room up.                                added a new plate to my collection.
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               bought 25 cans of spray paint at Home Depot.                                         Craig's 20 year HS reunion :) 
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time flies by at the laundromat with the Avett Brothers.                                         Julie & Julia also 100th time.
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                                               time to make a garland.                                      i have a spray paint addiction.
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                                      this is enabling my addiction.                      um…yeah…i had to get glasses….hmmm.
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                                    new quilt for $7.50…sweeeeet                                                                        hot dog.
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                                     1. turquoise cords from target
                                  2. canvas i loved at hobby lobby
                                                           3. book i want 
                               4. new pillows for the craft house                          annie has NEW freckles on her cheeks!
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                           started this book & i feel something…
                                                  not sure what it is yet.
                                                  i will keep you posted.                                                      summer's superstar.
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what did you do this past week?
did you make anything?
did you go anywhere?
did you spray paint for 3 hours?
did you go to a class reunion?

tell me.


Lasso the Moon - Big fan of Jen Hatmaker, and her blog. Met her at a conference this year, and she’s the real deal. Read “7” but haven’t read that one yet. It’s next. I’m glad you read it! I’ll have to pick it up soon.
Anna - talby not tally…stupid auto correct! - i pulled up my carpet up and faux painted the concrete slab in my craft room this week :)) I want to make that sunshine pic or maybe hang letters on a branch like harper…TOO STINKIN CUTE! LOVE! btw…you look like tally with those glasses. very cute πŸ™‚

Amy - What did I do last week? I attended the birth of my adopted baby boy!! (Our first child!!) I’m just now home and getting caught up on what I missed in your blog! πŸ™‚

Carol S. - Morning Meg, loving your blog right now. Loving all these links of inspiration. This week I did a couple MAJOR things, moved from Chicago into a new home in Knoxville, TN and (drumroll please) started a blog to keep my family and friends informed of our changes. So now I can imagine what you go through to manage this fab blog! Keep going, loving the sunshine pics, it’s the only way to go through life. Thank you God!

katey - I went to the world’s longest yard sale. Amazing. Not all yardsales are created equal. I found awesome vintage items. I ran out of money twice!! So I got lots of stuff to get creative with.

Jen - :O :O :O …scary how fast they grow!!!

Anita - Hi Meg, I sort of made something this week that I wanted to share with you….Imstragram pics on magnets!! Love love love them πŸ™‚ I have a picture of them done on my instagram I’m anison on Instagram if you want to check them out.., but you check out the stickygram website it has all the details. I’m definitely ordering more this week! Fast turn around to, I got mine in 7 days UK all the way to Australia. Have a great great weekend!

tasha - you are freakin adorable with glasses!! seriously! cuter than lisa loeb with glasses!

Jeannette from Plant City - That mug from NYC would be the thing my husband would bring back for himself. He loves Starbucks!! I have cans of spray paint in the garage waiting to be used, haven’t had the time yet. This week has been all about Band Camp and so will next week. We are going away for the weekend to a nice hotel(my husband has to work and we get to tag along) that has a 1/2 acre pool with 12 waterfalls and slides as well as a 21 acre lake that they have water activities you can enjoy. My weekend is going to be spent soaking up some rays and enjoying my kids πŸ™‚ The one and only bad thing is…..the hotel is right near Disney so I hope that it is not too crazy with the tourist, maybe they will be visiting Mickey or Harry Potter!!! By the way seeing Scott driving giving me anxiety because my 15 year old is right around the corner for his license and it scares the crap out of me!!!!
Have a great weekend!!!

Routhie - WHERE DID YOU GET THAT ORANGE DRESS?! Sorry for the capslock, but that dress is divine and I must know. Kind of afraid you’re going to say it’s old…. Your glasses look cool. I had to get some myself and find them to be invaluable now. They can hide sleepy eyes (to an extent) and can be a fun fashion accessory after a few years of collecting frames. πŸ™‚

Carrie - I have paint in my basement, I was going to drag the paint brush out and paint some shelves, then wash the brushes, etc. You have inspired me, I am going to buy me some spray paint!! My girls can play in the back yard while I have some spray paint fun!

julie - Interrupted. In the amazon cart. Oh oh. Next week I am going to be all messy.

Heather - Gasp! You did NOT spray paint those black floral tole trays, did you? Did you??? Please, please tell me you didn’t! Or tell me they were in horrible condition. And if you did spray paint them, don’t go to Etsy and see how much they sell for now. If you spray painted them already, you don’t want to know.

mollie's mom - I spray paint every day… well,maybe only 6 days a week πŸ™‚ and that caviar is a garnish.

lauren - my son was in new york the same weekend you were and he bought me the SAME mug!
and that caviar is a garnish.

jeri - I wish I had made something this week. I mostly drove my girls back and forth to ice skating practice (3 days), went to Target (and will go again today), registered the girls for school…18 days and counting, washed all clothes to pack for vacation, made a packing list for vacation, started packing, ate yogurt at Smart Cow, and slept til 9 a.m.

Lisa - I’ve helped at VBS this week – made dinner each day for the VBS workers (we hold our VBS in the evenings). Cut off 10″ of hair to send to Locks of Love (still have more than 10″ left, haha). Started putting together a scrapbook/photo album of our daughter’s wedding. Watching a lot of Olympics. Last night, I started reading a book about the origin of hymns. This morning I turned 47. Hmmm. Really?

Lindsey - I like your glasses! The only thing I have made so far was a cute embellished skirt for my daughter. It was rainbow! I am hoping that I can make some more fun stuff today since we are home sick. I would LOVE to spray paint for 3 hours. Hmmm. What could I paint?

amber - I did make a garland:)! For my baby boy’s room. And, I love it. Love that boy too. Squishy, drooly, & oh my sweet. Anyway…I need that spray paint handle. Awe-some. Thanks for sharing your week. Your family is so cute & so are your new glasses:).

Lori Austin - Orange dress – love!!
Welcome to the glasses club – blech!
You’ve Got Mail – the best!

Jill - Love your movie choices!!! My favs as well. Hmmm…. I didn’t spray paint for hours, but I DID paint for hours…. painted my 1980s china buffet… updated the hardware… LOVE it!!! Used Annie Sloan paints and wax… AMAZING!!! Have you tried it?

Sara - I can’t focus on anything except-
You do your laundry at a laundromat now? For a family of 7…seriously?!?!?!
I am so sorry.

tess - I have totally seen “You’ve Got Mail” at least 100 times – I just love it!

Han - “What are you doing?? That caviar is a garnish!!” Yes I love You’ve Got Mail.
I have three favourite bits, first when they kinda cross paths on their way to work but just miss each other each time, then when they are in the market talking about NY152 and then at the end “Don’t cry Shopgirl, Don’t cry” awwwwww!!!

amy - I just finished “Interrupted”. Great book….NEW insight into truly living the life of a witness. Very challenging for my heart to not just talk the talk, but walk the walk — in a traditionally unconvential way. Loved it. πŸ™‚

Amanda - That rustoleum primer is like THE BEST THING EVER.

April R - you’re so sweet to “ask” us all what we did/made/saw this week πŸ™‚ and look at the variety of responses…
my favorite things I did this week: sat on the porch and listened to a thunderstorm (all by myself), played wits and wagers and bananagrams with family (that was FUN!), got to see my sis-in-law for a bit (surprise!), and did epic amounts of laundry (yeah for a good washer and dryer!)
what a blessing this blog is πŸ™‚ thanks very much!

Risa - We had our 10 year reunion the week before! Where was the 20 year hosted? Ours was a super low-key backyard barbecue and everyone loved it. Hillsboro people are good people! πŸ™‚

Juliann Brenner - Hi Megan – the quilt looks a little like a pennant quilt (I am a terrible speller these days….). Anywho, I wonder if the H.Depot guys thought you might be a graffiti mama-haha (again with the spelling). It was nice to see pics and read of your adventures with jenny. Al and I got away for my 40th to a cute little town in Southern Indiana without kiddos – that’s my big news for last week….

jenrobburton - I cleaned out my son’s closet, which has heaps and heaps of bagged baby clothes … waiting on the next baby … which is waiting on my husband to decide it’s OK to have the next baby.
Pulled out toys from the back that I got at his baby shower! Now he can actually play with them! And his room is much neater now.

tiffany gardner - My two big kids went back to school today. Always makes me a little sad. It made baby brother very sad. Thanks for cheering me up with your blog… my fav!

renee - i prepped for my first day of school (teacher) and started today! no kiddos yet… just training πŸ™‚ oh and i schedule our 20-week ultrasound appointment!! yay.

Megan H. - Where did you get that attachment for your can of spray paint!? I have never seen one of those!
And I planned/attended my grandmother’s funeral. Maybe next week will be better? I’m hoping my instagram pics are least happier next week πŸ™

Joy - I went through our entire book collection to weed them out. I gave away one.
That’s progress, right?

Krista - You’re looking tiny in that dress, whatever you’re doing, keep going!!
Love your glasses, sorry they somehow show up with age….
“What are you doing, what are you doing? that caviar is a GARNISH!!”

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Those cords are calling my name AND so is Interrupted. Now, if that’s not a conundrum. I can’t wait to see what you think of the book.
What did I do? Besides clean barf off bedding and carpet? Uh, I painted a table bright green! And ordered a new shower curtain. And packed a few boxes. But only a few.

Tanya - I finished the book The Happiness Project this week and just finished reading Seven in a day and a half and I’m about to move onto Interrupted…
Love the orangey dress…nice with a tan yes?

Jenny B - So fun! I just got that exact Target pillow! So cute. I think the new glasses make you look younger and skinnier! Seriously! πŸ™‚

tara pollard pakosta - hmm where did we go? the pool and the beach and shopping in greenbay WI.
celebrated ava’s 11th birthday!
love the freckles pic of annie!

Sonja - That caviar is a GARNISH! I <3 that movie.

Janelle - scott is starting to drive :0

Tiffany - My dining room table was too clean, BORING, so I started projects this weekend too. Yay for getting it *ish done and having a little crafty fun. Love those freckles, oh they make me smile. And THAT CAVIAR IS A GARNISH…you should maybe add ‘As Good As it Gets’ to your 100 Watch List, it’s a new fav for me. Happy August.

Logan - I have that same dress, I think. Love it!

Mindy Harris - the picture of you in glasses is gorgeous! so so so so pretty. you rock those glasses big time.
i love the trays you are spraying, both with and without spray. i think it would be hard for me to spray them. i am curious to see what you are making with them.
shawn and i went to manhattan (kstate-our alma mater) to dink around for our anniversary.
but then we had a funeral to go to in ellinwood. his gpa chet, who was 95, went to heaven.

Heather - I’d love to go to Home Depot and buy 25 cans of spray paint-each one a different color, but…my husband would think I was off my rocker. Love the pictures!

Ann - I spraypainted this week too…15 cans used to make my girls’ bunkbeds white. Pretty sure I might have some neurological damage from all those fumes, but they look pretty awesome! Who cares if I can’t walk a straight line anymore?

elisa - Whoa I bought that canvas from the artist at the Country Living art show last year. Probably a lot cheaper at Hobby Lobby!!

happygirl - This was a good week in pictures. Love the glasses and the spray paint shooter holder thingy. And nothing is cuter than a sprinkling of freckles on a cute little nose. πŸ™‚

Kristin - FYI, I love your blog! πŸ™‚ I have one of those spray paint squeeze things. It’s wonderful! I also Can not believe that quilt for that price, awesome! πŸ™‚

Sara Torbett - I loved this post. πŸ™‚ Cute glasses too! I helped host a Craft Day at my house, and we made yarn pom-poms and yarn crafts galore. Fun :). Today-getting the neighbor’s help to chase our bull out of the yard. LOL.

Kristin S - So much goodness in one post.
Still loving that orange dress on you skinny mini!

angela - well yes, i did paint…thank you for asking. πŸ™‚ A monogram for my front door. I also washed a couch cushion that one of my perfect grands poured milk on. Have you ever smelled a sour couch cushion? Don’t.

seriously sassy mama - Swimming, painting a dresser mint green, and two lamps yellow!

sarah - I want turquoise corduroys! I like saying those words together too.
I painted 2 bathrooms, ran around getting ready for school, and putzed around enjoying the last days of summer.

jen - what did i do this week? {today!}…i turned 35. yeah and yuck at the same time. hope you have a great rest of the week!!

melodee - oh a new driver how fun! we are on our 3rd teen driving and it’s scary but so cool for them! hope to see your finished garland!

Lori H - That orange dress is so cute! And I like your glasses too. No big happenings this week at our house. I think summer used to be alot more fun.

erin j - I LOVE freckles on little girls!! I love them on big girls too.

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