Masthead header


i was working on some projects over at the craft house yesterday.
i love being in my sunny craft room. 


i have been hoarding embroidery hoops.

that is my favorite photo of craig. 
when i make him laugh that is the face i see.  
i love that face.


a rainbow gift from craft weekenders.

you've got mail…again.
because why not?
sometimes its better than music.
thift store birds spray painted yellow.
i need to find a place to hang them up.

i love my glass star from Piggie&Dirt.  i want to buy them all and hang them all over the ceiling!

hello new fabric i ordered from Hawthorne Threads.
please tell me you smiled really big with that combo like i did!

my grandma's flower frogs.



more hoarding.

mr. duerksen….i love your shirt.

this is… by far… the best fabric ever to exist in all of time…past….present….future.
the farm will get curtains with BIG rainbow chevron.  
and if i could i would just wrap up everything around me in the other.
my furniture, my kids, my dog..all wrapped up in rainbow chevron.

it's by riley blake and i ordered it from hawthorne threads also.

a lot of it.  :)





happy maps from elizabeth st.

wire rack from the barn….i love rust.

i need to start decorating my gloves!

and whatever i can't drape with rainbow chevron….i will cover in vintage quilts.

vintage sparkles.
here is the other fabric i ordered…. 


i am determined to create more now that the kids are in school all day.
i NEED to be using my hands.
i need to work my mind that way much more often than i am.
it's calming and helps me think clearly.
so i am making a schedule and at least one day i AM creating.
no matter what.

do you make time for something like that in your life?
what is that important part of you that you don't want to miss out on?







Karen - I know that lamp well and am glad you enjoy it 🙂 love, love, love the chevron fabric….just made the Hello Sunshine from the kit that was a weekend craft and the painted peacocks….love all your ideas…thanks for sharing your gift of crafting…

Natalie - While ths post made me happy it also made me so so jealous 🙂 gorgeous fabric. Where do you find all those fantastic quilts
I swear I have the worst luck in that department, yours are fab.

teresa - I love all your colorful piles….
Happy day! Love the name of your blog ;}

Julie Tiu - Oh my gosh. Just found your blog through Pinterest… so lovely “meeting” crafty, artful people… so much happiness here. Thank you for sharing!

Doris - I don’t know if you read comments you get here, but I wonder if you ever see my blog? Since year and few months ago I’m checking your blog and loving it 🙂
“You’ve got mail” is one of my all time favorites. 🙂
and I can’t live without being creative, it’s always something about pictures, or editing music videos, making stuff for family, making photo albums/scrapbooks… and-making music (I’m a singer-songwriter, engineer.)

Lisa Perry - Love when you post your creative stuff! I am aching to find the time to create, I have been so busy the past couple months, I’ve barely had time and my hands are itching for it too…hoping next weekend I will find the time! My soul needs it!

Lauren - I feel exactly the same. Posted something similar just the other day! The artist in me is sad to see summer go…but I gotta keep creating. LOVE the hankies by the way…and that children’s book. *gulp* What a lovely studio…enjoy it!

lola - hi eg! love your blog so much, your positivity is sometimes just what i need! also, I just wanted to let you know, if you didn’t know already, that I linked to your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award, check it out at,

Sarah Russell - This post is the epitome of eye candy. I love your blog so much and look forward to seeing the lastest scoop in my inbox each morning. God bless ya sistah!

Tracy - Where did you find the glass star? Is Piggie&Dirt on Etsy?

Lindsey - I saw the squirrel fabric on Hawthorne also! LOVE IT! Everything in this post is wonderful! Can’t wait to see what you made!!!!

Sharilyn - Your photos make me smile so BIG! I love the happiness that oozes from them. 🙂

Randi-Dukes and Duchesses - Love all those photos! This summer I set aside some creative time – an hour a week to sew, an hour a week to scrapbook, and an hour a week to knit. Sometimes I did more but it’s amazing what you can do in one hour. I even scheduled it in my planner. I’m definitely keeping it up during the school year.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - oh what fun inspiration. I pinned the embroidery hoop art from the Craft Weekend post and now love to see more in this post. . that will be a fun craft for me to do with my girls. I love the Chevron rainbow fabric. . love that they skipped out on purple (my least favorite color). . .all the others make me happy but not purple for some reason. I have all the colors in my house. . but purple. Happy Post. . love it. . .such inspirataion. And yes, one day a week. . I make time to read, blog, create, shop fun stores. . rest and inspire my soul. . but I tell you 9am-2pm goes very quickly.

Allison - Love your blog!
What is the title of the children’s book with the beautiful illustrations?

Bernice - Thank you for this post! I am so jealous of all your fabric purchases!! Man I’d love to be able to sit and make stuff all day. But for now an active toddler occupies my days. Enjoy your time!!

Amy @littleforalittlewhile - Fabric makes me happy. How will I ever choose at craft weekend?!

Mandy Draper - your post made me smile today 🙂 will you be making more pillows for your etsy shop again this year? i missed it last yr, and was super bummed.

Donna R - Love all the happy fabric, but especially the rainbow chevron. B U tiful! Now to come up with a project so I can order some.
Totally relate to needing to make time for creative projects. I have a million projects pinned and don’t nearly take the time I need to have fun with them!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I love this post. It is really what I have been feeling lately. I have been in such a rut and I need to create! It is easier for me to create when I am with people I love. That is what makes living far away from home so hard 🙁 One day, I will have lots of time, but my baby will be grown by then. So I am enjoying her now!

Carolyn - That is FABULOUS fabric! And yes- I’ve been thinking that I MUST set aside time to be creative. I love to make things but I’m also a musician and did some acting in high school and I MISS performing. That creative outlet has been pretty dead for me since college. I signed up for an adult tap class for this year and I’m pretty excited about it! Now to find time to play my instruments…:)

Tracey - I need help!! I have been hoarding vintage napkins and hankies with embroidery that I want to make something with but I am struggling with what to make. I was thinking about a valance/curtain for the window above my kitchen sink but I am skeered to do anything to them until I have a plan. What have you made out of your vintage hankies in the past?

Brittany McKenna - Meg- I was at a thrift store in Colorado just yesterday and I saw the EXACT SAME thrift store birds (just one though) and thought about what they would look like spray painted! I had never seen anything like it until yesterday! I didn’t end up getting it, but I love how yours looks! I also love flower frogs! This whole post also made me happy!!

shannon - Your posts are always so bright and happy!
School started for us as well and I was really looking forward to crafting up a storm but instead I’ve been fighting ants daily 🙁
Hoping next week I have more time to craft and create!!!

Ashley E - Firstly, let me tell you what I would GIVE for that pile of doilies….I am so envious! 🙂 I’m on a mission to find all of Tulsa’s doilies for a project. I always try to make time for reading or crafting, which is probably once every two weeks due to being a working mama of two! Whew! LOOOOOVE your craft room and want to have Scotty “Beam me up!” to it!

Angela Atkins - I love your craft room and those stacks of fabric. I’ve been making my own Fall List, now that my big part time job is almost over and I’ll have two whole days to work on stuff while the kids are in school. I make time to do quilts now and will also add in some updating around the house–some furniture painting, new lampshades, that kind of stuff. And just some inspiration trips that I couldn’t do this summer with my kids.

Katie - how cute is tha b/w pic of your kiddos!!!

rachel - i think we could be twinsies….my craft closet very closely resembles your craft room, i adore your yellow owl, i, too, seem to hoard embroidery hoops and i drool over vintage fabrics and quilts. 🙂 if i don’t have a project to work on i get anxious. happy crafting! 🙂

Jodi - Antique shopping, You’ve Got Mail, painted yellow birds, lovely fabric, antique quilts, thread spools, and the hankie collection…..we love so many of the same things! I’ve read your blog for the past 3 years, but never really commented. But today I felt like you were reading my mind. I can just imagine how you feel when you walk into your craft/sewing room…pure happiness.

Jenny B. - I saw those too! I have boys, so they wouldn’t go for it. I briefly considered getting one for myself. 🙂

Jenny B. - Oh, such a happy post! That rainbow chevron makes me giddy! Giddy, I tell you! 🙂 I see ball fringe… are you planning to make more pillows? The one I bought last year is the star of my sofa, and I’m thinking he needs a friend. Hint, hint. 🙂 Also – LOVE the rainbow button lamp shade. I think I might need to do that. So many ideas… so little time… 🙂 Thanks for brightening my day!

Chrissie Grace - Yummy. Makes me want to create

Lisa B - I LOVE that rainbow chevron! I think my son needs that for curtains in his new room when we move.

Jennifer wood - My boys are ages 11, 7, and 4, so I kind of feel like I have recently stepped out of a fog of diapers, potty training, etc. Because of that (and because I’ve been intentional about creating time for it), I’ve been creating more for our home…making something out of nothing, making fun things out of ordinary things. My oldest son recently said, “I love how you decorate our house with things most people give away to the Food and Clothing Bank (our town’s “goodwill”)” This was such a compliment to me! haha!! 😉 LOVE your blog…it inspires me.

melissa lorenz - Completely inspiring post today Meg! BTW – Lands End has rainbow chevron backpacks for kids this year!

Gina - Love all your beautiful photos! Especially the quilts…hope I can score some one day. I love to make things, too, whether it is a paper craft or sewing. Have a great week!

Jacci in Ohio - I just LOVED all these pictures from your craft room. Craft Weekend pics are fun, but I love these even more. More personal, maybe? Happy fun.
Time in the Word. And in prayer. My five kids are home all day, everyday… that time has to be protected like mad. Or it slips away. And it’s not something I can just give up on.

beth - You are absolutely right about creating and I have decided to follow in your footsteps and create while the kids are in school–yea for school! ha!
How do you clean your vintage quilts? I have a beautiful old quilt I just got from my mom that my grandma made and I’m not sure how to go about getting it clean. It’s not stained, but just that old musty smell from being in my parents basement. Any ideas?
Happy school days to you, Meg!

Darcie L. - Kindred spirits. We were doing premarital counseling with some younger friends of ours. Hubby asked the guy, “What are your fiancee’s needs? Like, for my wife, she NEEDS to be creative. She NEEDS to make things.” He was totally right. 🙂

Ami - This happy post is exactly why you are the first blog I check everyday! Love, love, love all that color!

Jen Brandt - I so love your pictures. What an awesome rainbow button lamp shade. So happy! I need time to exercise and thank God I have a husband who understands that. 🙂

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - I miss quilting, to be honest. My sewing machine (dumb Brother) finally gave up the ghost and it will be months before I can replace it and months before my life settles down enough to even consider crafting/sewing. We’re going from 4 to 7 children and that’s going to be a bit chaotic around here.

Christy K - This is, by far, THE happiest blog post I have read in, well… EVER. All of the bright, beautiful colours make my heart SO very happy! Thank you for inspiring me today and happy creating!! : )

stephany - Happy photos.
Creating makes me happy, too!
I have tons of cleaning to do before my in-laws get to town and I have been creating, moving furniture, and changing things around in our house instead.
You’ve Got Mail is one of my favorites, too. Really, anything with Meg Ryan.
And, I have a table full of thrifted embroidery hoops and fabric right at this moment.
I think we would get along well. 🙂

becky - i thought you’d appreciate this – we were doing a cross country road trip with the kids (well, to ohio and back) and i had this big binder with all the things we were going to do at every stop. and on the way home we had an over-nighter in salina and my one and only goal was to go out to the barn and shop and i had it all marked and the address in the gps and everything…AND…the one day we were there – was the day they were closed. sigh. and to think i passed up one amazing antique shop after another with the mantra going through my head, “just make it to kansas…just make it to kansas…” hah! that’ll teach me. hopefully next time i’m in your neck of the woods – i will make it to the barn.
thanks for all the wonderful pics today. it’s funny – i see rainbow things all the time and think of you – which is weird, i know…but funny at the same time. oh, this funny blogging world.

Lennie Jackson - My kids are small 1 yr and almost 3 so it is very hard for me to get any craft-mommy-I need it to keep my sanity time, but I try really hard to do that. It is all a juggle and you seem to do so well. Thanks for the pretty post!!! Someday I’ll get to that craft house!!

Juli - So funny! I just ordered the rainbow chevron from Hawthorne after they sent their e-mail! I told my husband I’m just going to wrap the outside of the house with it :)! I haven’t received mine yet. Do you think its heavy enough for a shower curtain? (there would be a plastic liner too). Love your blog so much. Hoping to meet you in sometime at a craft weekend!

Kate - What inspiration this morning! My oldest is just starting preschool this fall, and I am hoping to spend more time in my craft room. I also just signed up on the CW waiting list, so I’m hoping to see your craft room sometime soon, too. 😉 Happy Wednesday!

kelly - I stayed home from work today and was feeling kinda blah… your post lifted my spirits and made me want to create. I have a not so craft room that has been in the making since we built the house 2 years ago–bot as big as yours but I would love for it ot have the same feel of yours… Thanks for the inspiration–I can tell yours has all the things you love…. THanks Meg!!!

Dara - I love the rainbow chevron!

annie - Can I just come and LIVE at the craft house?!?!?!?!!? HOLY COW! I LOVE EVERYTHING!!!!!

Han - You’ve Got Mail is one of my favourites! I adore Nora Ephron films – I watched YGM most recently the day that she passed away – I watched in like memory of her.
I even quoted YGM on my blog today (here)
“Don’t you just love New York in the fall. It makes me want to buy school supplies. I would send you a bunch of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address. On the other hand this not knowing has it’s charms”

Sharla - Rainbow chevron! I am in love

Jen - What a fun place Craft House is!! I love the color, the mix of patterns. It’s all so happy and creative. Mission accomplished.

Verna Lantz - This entire post made me happy. What happy colors and patterns. Now, I believe I need my own craft room to fill it with color and happy. Thanks!!

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I was delighted to be asked by BlogHer to share this episode of Weelicious Lunch Crunch sponsored by Odwalla Fruit Smoothies For Kids with my readers. Enjoy!

Jennifer wood - oops…that comment was supposed to be on your “pretty” post…I’ll put it there.

Jennifer wood - My boys are ages 11, 7, and 4, so I kind of feel like I have recently stepped out of a fog of diapers, potty training, etc. Because of that (and because I’ve been intentional about creating time for it), I’ve been creating more for our home…making something out of nothing, making fun things out of ordinary things. My oldest son recently said, “I love how you decorate our house with things most people give away to the Food and Clothing Bank (our town’s “goodwill”)” This was such a compliment to me! haha!! 😉 LOVE your blog…it inspires me.

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annie – 2nd grade                                                            talby – 5th grade
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sean – 6th grade                                                             scott – freshman
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i didn’t see that the boys were not smiling….
oh well.

school is in full day swing already and i am enjoying the quiet days.
i can say that because then i love when they come home so much more than when there is no break for months.

lauren’s first day was on a day with two-a-day volleyball practices so she left on her first day before 6 AM.
that is why she is not pictured.  🙂


now i want you to click over to read about the CRAFT WEEKEND that we had two weeks ago.
it was another amazing time.
God is so good.


Amber - You know what’s so crazy about blog land? I was looking at these pics and thought to myself ” huh, i remember when Annie was starting preschool” its just so neat to have memories about someone elses children. Even though the majority of us will never meet, its like we Know each other:-) thanks for sharing your fantastic kids!

Sandy - *Sean not Shawn. Ooops! Sorry

Sandy - Beautiful cildren. I CAN’T believe Annie is in 2nd grade already! Seriously?! Also, shocked at how much taller Shawn is than Talby and only being one year apart. Scott and Shawn don’t look too happy about school starting. Here’s to your whole family having a great year!

elisa - The last picture cracked me up. So familiar!!

kerry - we’ve got 2 weeks left – lord give me strength! 🙂
Have a great year Duerksen kids – my kids are so jealous you don’t have to wear uniform! xx

Mary - what a beeeeauuutiful family you have!
blessed, indeed!

happygirl - You have the best looking family, EVER!!!

Angie - Shew, how lucky you are to have them all in school. I’ve got another 4 years or so before that happens!
You have beautiful kids 🙂

jackie grandy - I am so laughing at the photo of all the kids especially the boys. They look so thrilled to be having their photo taken, not!
My kids start Wednesday. Where did the summer go?

tinycandi - My daughters start second and fifth grade tomorrow! 🙂

the whyte house - my friend’s second grader asked my kindergarten son, “how was your last day of freedom?” LOL. i am woo & hoo’ing everyday at drop off. haha. love school.

Alicia @ La Famille - they’re all getting so BIG!! happy first day to YOU!

Leah - Great pictures. Is Lauren a senior or in college?

Lori Austin - We have a few more days of summer before our first day. Sigh….
We also have a dress code at our school so no super cute bicycle dresses.

Chrissie Grace - I’m laughing at the boys. They look thrilled! haha As thrilled as my 7th grader did on his first day 😉

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last day of summer F U N!!!

i was really ready for school to start but feeling like this summer was missing some FUN.
you know…REAL fun.
i felt tired and busy all summer.
and a bit checked out.
at the store i got the last minute school supplies i had forgotten before and as i grabbed the shaving cream that was on my grocery list…i had the idea.


shaving cream fight.
it's been two years.
we needed to bring it back.

after dinner that night i called them out for a surprise.
i was nervous they were going to think they were too old for it.


clearly they were not too old for this awesomeness.
well, scott was…but you could tell he really wanted to come out.  
isn't it a bummer to get older and put all these "rules" on yourself?
because are you really ever too old to be in a shaving cream fight?
the answer is no.


i keep a few wet rags nearby for when someone gets it on their eye or mouth.
there were no tears this year or fighting.





the yard smelled amazing.





waffle really wanted to come out and play.








she did throw it at me.
it wiped off my camera.
and i had it all over my shirt….but that is no biggie.

best picture ever!!!


i sent them to the trampoline which was like i told them to get a third scoop of ice cream!
they were so happy.




THEN i turned on the sprinkler under the trampoline and they cleaned most of the shaving cream off of them.
they eventually went in one at a time and showered while i sprayed down the deck.


it was the pefect last night of summer activity.
they said so many times how fun it was and how awesome all that shaving cream felt.


at least we ended on a good note.

goodbye summer.
you were too hot and kind of sucky…..autumn i expect more from you!

my advice today:



craft weekend post is coming on monday!
did you think i forgot?
no way…. those posts just always have so much goodness they take a long time to write.  :)


Lisa - Oh cool! We JUST did the SAME thing. I want to show you our shaving cream fun I just posted. 🙂 It’s here: Ummm…yes, I’m being “that girl” who puts links to my site in your comments lol… 😉
I’ve been loving your “in the moment” photos and am happy I found your blog! Have a super weekend.

Kristen - LOVE this idea. We did it our last day of senior year in high school and I forgot how fun it was. My kids would love this!

playmobil - I can see that you kids really enjoy that activity and the bonding. I think they will love to do it always.

Jennifer - I always love your shaving cream posts with the kids. Really cute!

kristen - you are such a cool mom!

joyce - That looks like sooooo much fun!! WIll have to try it with the kids

Rebecca W - so fun!

Donna R - My daughter LOVED these pics! What a great way to end the summer.
Anxiously awaiting the craft weekend post! 🙂

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Looks like a perfect end! Our summer has been hot and sucky too….just waiting for it to end so we can all start over. Still two weeks here till the kids go back to school. May have to give the shaving cream a whirl too : )

happygirl - LOVE THIS. Why did I never think of this when my son was small. This looks like a blast. Thanks for sharing. My grandchildren (God willing) will have a shaving cream party.

Carolyn - How awesome! I was looking for some fun last-day-of-summer activity, and I think this is it! My kids will NOT expect it at all. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration! Oh- and I loved seeing and hearing all about your trip to Colorado. My husband and I lived in Colorado Springs from 2001-2005 and although I’m glad to be back in Pennsylvania, seeing those pics made me miss Colorado! It is a beautiful state!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I remember organizing a shaving cream fight for our church retreat one year. We were a small church. . it was received well by some but others had thosse “rules” for themselves.
Here’s our tip. . before the fight. . stick a straight pin in the nozzle of the shaving cream can and then put a lighter to the nozzle so that the nozzle melts and the opening is only a little pin hole now. . that way the shaving cream will shoot really really far.
You are a fun mom. I want to add more fun to my motherness. I am going to steal your idea. . and surprise the kids with this next week. We do not start school til the 27th. . I am so ready.

Joy Foster - Hey Meg! ( said with cool calmness..even though you are like a celebrity/BFF to me all wrapped up into one beautiful gal) WE love shaving cream in our house! My children have autism and this is a favorite sensory activity!! Loved seeing that a favorite activity of ours is one that you chose as the coolest last day of summer activity for your sweet kids!! Thanks for loving on the rest of us by being the Mom God created you to be! husband will often say..Who are you reading/talking about..and i will say.. “Oh, my friend MEG in Kansas” ( said without the stalky~mc~stalkster effect ) :/
ps..i loved seeing your pups in the background of the pictures..Waffle was so funny..and the neighbor’s doggie looked suspicious…wink wink.
With a Joyful heart!

Jenn B - That’s awesome! How fun!

Michelle Whitlow - I am TOTALLY going to do this!!! How fun!!!

Shannon - You’re such a fun mom!

peta - love this! might add to our summer (Christmas) holidays activity list.
Love Talby’s suit. Can I ask where it is from?

Jennifer W - I could smell the shaving cream while I read this! Where is the outdoor movie blog? I thought for sure that would be your end of summer activity!

Debby - You should make it a Dream Whip or Cool Whip fight. Now, THAT would be awesome – and tasty too!!

elizabeth - Yes I am doing this too. I feel like I didn’t do enough fun things with my kids,but this is going on the to do list for sure!

Ani G W - Ever since I saw this on your blog, we do it every summer. I think this was our third year. My 9 year old and my 4 year old beg me to do it now… My 2 year old LOVED it this year too and cried when all of the shaving cream was gone. Thank you for this idea. It is a tradition now, thanks to you, and one we LOVE!

Angie - My kids would love this although I might use Cool Whip as an alternative to shaving cream. I have a 2 year old and I can see that being an “in your eyes” kind of disaster. Love the pictures. Your right, your never too old for a shaving cream fight 🙂

seriously sassy mama - I think I know what I am doing with the girls the day before shcool. it is perfect that I took the day off!

W - Can remember your post about the shaving cream party two years ago. What a great thing to do before summer ends!

Heather - I have to do this with my kids! Thanks!

Tracey - We do the shaving cream fight too! We haven’t had it yet this year. Last year I got the idea to have them wear their pool goggles during the event so that there was no tears over cream in the eyes. I think their fave part might be the hose down at the end! 🙂

DLG in Mich - That’s an awesome idea! Totally stealing this. Thanks!

Nicole - Sean is seriously the cutest kid ever!! He looks like such a kind person.

Jill - One word! LOVE!

ira lee - we did a shaving cream fight at my daughters 14th birthday party. it was amazing!!!!! so much fun!

Alicia @ La Famille - you are the funnest mom. ever. the end.

Jessica - I need to do this. Looks like a good time!
btw… I found a KU tshirt at a thrift store (in New Jersey) and bought it for my son. He loves it!

Lee Ann - I think we just may have to do this! And after all of these years reading your blog, (our girls are nearly the same age) I still laugh that the girls have so many of the same clothes. Anna has the same swim suit. Always brings a smile to my face.

Kristin - Hmmmmmmm to somehow talk my husband into allowing this to happen. It would be so good for HIM!
What a blast 🙂

angela - Love this. They will remember this for a long time! (We made the mistake and got menthol one time…burned their eyes like crazy!!) Love all the pics! What a fun night!!!!!

Carey - Love it! We had a shaving cream day in toddler time at the library this summer during the reading program. Not quite like this though! At first, my 2 year old wouldn’t even touch it but once my 4 yr old son taught her to put it on herself, well, they were both covered!! So much fun. Thanks for reminding me of this fun idea!!

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window shopping

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i had some time to myself last Saturday while Craig took the kids to Worlds of Fun.
i think i am the one who had the fun.
i only spent money at the Gap outlet…everything else i enjoyed with my eyes.

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francesca's and pottery barn.

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sur la table and anthropologie.
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pottery barn had the world's biggest lamp !
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my mom and sister joined me later and we celebrated my mom's birthday with an amazingly yummy dinner outside on a second story patio…it was so nice.
we talked till it was dark.
had birthday desserts and laughed a lot.  
i needed that night….thank you to everyone who made it happen. 🙂

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the next morning we visited my
they are both living in the same assisted living facility.
Sean wore his new hat he won at Worlds of Fun.
it was my favorite.

where is your favorite store to window shop?



winner of the Kaboo Purse….

Lindi said…

Love the yellow Tina! Such a fun, happy colour and perfect styling. 🙂

send me your mailing address Lindi!!!!



Wendy - I agree, love those shoes! where? where? 🙂

Barbara - I am always window shopping love the same stores you went to, Sur La Table is my all time favotite your Grandmas are so adorable.

Lindi - What a perfect day. 🙂 I, too, love those sandals. I hope you bought 2 pairs for when the first ones wear out!
So excited to hear I won the bag. Jumping up and down. lol
I’ve already sent you my snail mail addy.

cindy - I’m patiently waiting for a Craft weekend post 🙂
looks like a PERFECT day!

Lennie Jackson - Looks like fun!!! I live in St. Joseph, we are 50 miles north of Kansas City so we are frequent flyers at Worlds of Fun. Are you going to post on Craft Weekend? I can’t wait to see your new projects and what you and Lisa crafter up!!!

Charlene - Always love browsing your pictures…but more then that I LOVE your hair!! Have a hair appt today and if I was brave enough I would chop my past the shoulders locks and try a style similar to yours. Sorry for the random comment, but I am always admiring your hairstyles 😉

rachel - looks like you had a lovely time! 🙂 isn’t it so awesome when you can go somewhere! 🙂 btw…used to go to worlds of fun when i was younger…good times. 🙂

Kristin S - Ack, those turquoise sandals!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very fun day-summary.

Nickie - You might appreciate this episode of This American Life:
Ira Glass goes to Worlds of Fun 🙂

Erin - Looks like a perfect day to me 🙂
Love those turquoise shoes! Where are they from!

ko. s - I love to window shop! Pottery Barn and a local store called Styers are my two favs! Love the picture of all the coffee mugs! Yes please!

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last day of colorado.




more playtime in the streams.









brave explorers.




and after that….WET.  
we got dry clothes on and headed on towards home.





a m a z i n g.

and the very last thing as we headed home…. RAM crossing!

pretty cool.
up higher on the ledge was the rest of its family.  
yay colorado….thanks so much for the memories!!!


OK…. here is where i speak from the heart……………………………………………………………………….

colorado was beautiful and i loved being there together.
even when it's not perfect in my famly…or there is fighting or yelling or things not going as planned.

i can be honest and say that vacations are sometimes overrated.
we put pressure on everything to go just right….fun fun fun…..smiles all around.
and you know what…

it doesn't always go that way.

and that's o-k.

no family is perfect.
and neither are we……not even remotely close.
my kids fight.  
with each other and with me.  
it can get really tiresome.  
it exhausts me greatly.

but i love them deeply.

i say this because it would make me sad if looking through these pictures of our trip someone would say "i wish my family was happy like that" or "they always look like they are having so much fun"
and did not think about the reality.
the reality is that we are normal…sometimes happy, sometimes grumpy, sometimes hyper, sometimes loud, sometimes kind and sometimes mean.
you never know with five kids what will happen in the next minute let alone a 9 hour drive.

i am guessing you can relate to that.

i hope.


Jan Eitzen - Oh, my gosh! Thank you for posting those beautiful pictures of Colorado. We used to go almost every year, but now it’s been way too long. I’m missing it so badly my heart aches. — I always told my kids, “You just wait!” And that phrase has stuck and been a joke for a long time, altho’ I haven’t heard it lately because the waiting is over. Dean and Amy have four beautiful children and I’d forgotten what it was like. When you’re kids start having your grandkids you’ll remember all over again what it was like, but it will be much more funny, cute, and enjoyable the second time ’round. But now, as you can tell from comments here you’re not alone altho’ it feels like it sometimes. Most of the stories in the Old Testament deal with difficult children–even King David was disobedient to God. Another one of my favorite sayings: “This too shall pass.” (I try not to overuse it, but Amy usually knows when it’s coming) 🙂

julia - I meant “bit”

julia - Thanks for that last big Meg – lately I’ve been thinking, why am I looking at this, when I’m on instagram. Everything looks so perfect. I know things aren’t but it’s so easy to pretend when a picture just shows a tiny little bit of life. anyway, I was thinking also when I saw that lake…I bet there aren’t any alligators in there to worry about. Deep thoughts.

Michelle From Australia - Being Australian, we have a 14 hour flight to get to LA. And another 5+ hours AND a layover or two if we want to go to the East Coast of the USA. Which means by the time we get anywhere, good behaviour has just about disappeared 🙁 But fingers crossed come November magic will happen and we will bounce off our flight at LA looking happy. It won’t happen but a girl can dream can’t she??

christine ishmael - My parents took us to Hawaii for a MONTH, a whole month when I was 13 and I was such a jerk the WHOLE time! My older sister likes to remind me of what a jerk I was…I still feel bad for my selfish behavior…we do our best to make things so picture perfect and I’m sorry, kids are moody lil suckers!

karen gerstenberger - We just came home from vacation, and yes, I can relate to that. Bless you for keeping it real.
I have started a new blog, in case you want to visit:
Hugs from Karen (Gberger)

ira lee - you are exactly right about that! and i deeply appreciate your honesty. it is hard to have patience and grace when your kids are fighting about something- again. or. they. just. won’t. listen.!!! i am learning to be more patient, kind, and understanding yet persistant and fair with punishments and -ahem- yelling! lol wish i could keep my cool, but after the hundreth fight and its over sharing the stupid ketchup i can totally loose it!! thanks for reminding us that this is life, and we must always strive to be better mommas!!! and i love the pics, wish i was there right now!!

Prairie Jenn - Colorado is so beautiful! I could live there if I just didn’t love the wide open space here so much:)
Love your honesty! Families aren’t perfect…vacations aren’t perfect, but sometimes the photos make it look that way.
Yay for keeping it real:)

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Oh yes. . totally can relate. I wrote a blog post called “Are Family Vacations Worth It?” and I read it before every trip we take to remind me, give me perspective. . .if interested, here is the link:
We share similiar heartbeats. . I can relate.
Your pics make me want to take our family to Colorado next. We were there for our honeymoon 20 years ago (backpacked 6 weeks out west) and I so want to take the kids. And that first pic. . are those colors for real? WOW!! Just amazing!!

happygirl - Gorgeous pics and a RAM. I had to climb a mountain to see one of those. You were so blessed. Thanks for the disclaimer on the fam and your normalcy. 🙂 I kinda thought you may be a normal family, but I appreciate the confirmation.

Christy - The pictures are beautiful and it looks like you had a lot of fun. I love the one of Annie that looks like she is in the Karate Kid pose! And the ones of Talby helping Annie. So sweet!

Kat - *Nods* oh yes I can relate!
with four kids there is bound to be someone in a bad/grumpy/sad/difficult mood on any given day.
You just have to roll with it huh?
Thanks for sharing the reality of every day life, even on holidays!
I also find it exhausts me greatly, but like you I love my kids deeply.

jenrobburton - Beautiful pics, and thanks for your honesty! It can be hard to remember that blogs, Facebook, Instagram, etc. are often only showing the good moments and that everyone has bad days, troubled times and things that don’t live up to their expectations.
Great quote I’ve seen floating around … “The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel.”
Glad you had a great, if not perfect, trip!

meaghan - HI! so fun to see you in MY state lol 🙂 glad ya’ll had a good time! it’s so gorgeous huh? sigh. i’ve oddly spent summer with my fam in texas. hmmm… hooottttt

Shannon - Beautiful pictures once again! So nice to hear now and then about the reality of family. I already know quite well how family vacations go and I only have 2 young ones so I could only imagine the chaos with 5 growing kids who all have their own personalities.

Elizabeth - I can totally relate! Thanks for such a honest and authentic post.

Jody - Man, I must admit I am tiring of blogs that show us the constant trips they go on, the cute cute homes they have or their outfits for the day – so it is refreshing to read you reminding your readers it’s not all perfect or smiley as the photos lead us to believe. And that there is more to life than showcasing our happiest selves ALL THE TIME – that does not bring any of us any closer…
Thank you!
(I sound like such a cranky pants in this note, Im sorry meg!!)

Michelle B - I love your vacation pictures. Colorado is awesome! We just got back from the Wisconsin Dells – drove there from Northwest Iowa, so a fairly long haul. With three young kids along (almost 8, 6 and 2). And your last comment on this post reminded me of what I wrote on my blog just the other day about our vacation pictures…”And I might have been tired and cranky myself and lost patience with both boys…yup, we are like a real life family and do things like that.” I guess I was feeling like I was showing to much “perfect”. I too get comments from people thinking we are “perfect”. Actually I worry that if people hung out with us in real life – well they might be let down. I try to keep it real on the blog – but I also don’t like to vent or complain about my husband or my kids on the internet. I always figure I have friends and family to vent too if I really need to. My blog is for happy stuff – however people got to know – we are human and a family it isn’t always pretty. So I appreciate you saying what you did in this post. Because I feel you – all so well 🙂

Shar - Expectations, the curse! We all have them and likely as not there will be a glitch. But, that’s okay, we just keep coming back for more. Love your photos and the fact you do keep it real, as mentioned! So, thanks!!

Clementsclan - Ha ha ha, don’t know if you read these comments Meg, but well done you! I could have cried. We haven’t had a stress free family vacation since the kids were little! It seems so much work, for so little reward. But yet we keep on doing it. So it can’t be that bad. Luckily we have short and selective memories! Love the pics, keep ’em coming. Thanks for keeping it real!

jeri - Glad you enjoyed our fine state! I get that you’re a Kansas-girl and not a mountains-girl, but there’s no place I’d rather be than in some sort of mountains.
I agree that vacations are over-rated. I love to travel but not with kids. There is nothing worse than being on a beautiful God-inspiring mountain and have your kids being mean and hateful towards each other. Almost makes me want to throw them off the mountain…aw, not really. Our recent trip to the Great Smoky Mountains was probably the least “painful” trip we have had in a long time.

shiela - just lLllllloooOoovVveEeee the nature n all…gorgeous!

arlene - Loved your post and all of the wonderful pictures. Colorado is beautiful. We have taken many family vacations there through the last 40 plus years…all 1200 mile roadtrips…one way, that is. Would not trade those memories for anything.

jackie grandy - Gorgeous pics Meg. I love the mountains of Colorado. I feel the same way about vacations, especially when you visit family. We’re on vacation now visiting my husband’s family in MN and its great, but trying to coordinate activities that everyone likes is challenging. We have 9 cousins and 4 families to coordinate. It’s almost too much family togetherness. I sometimes feel like my kids are happier at home hanging with their friends and chilling out rather than running around trying to fit everything into a week. To me a vacation is hanging on a beach, sleeping in, being lazy and eating amazing food with family and friends. I want to come home from vacation relaxed and ready for life not get home fatigued and stressed because our trip wore me out. Today I said no to the crazy and packed water park and yes to catching up on my blog posts with an iced tea on the back deck.

Donna R - It’s so easy to look at pictures on a blog and get lost in how perfect someone else’s life is. Thanks for keeping it real! Love that about your posts.

Paula S. - Yes! What is that saying again about don’t compare your blooper reel with other people’s highlight reel? Anywhere there are people there will be problems, but many blessings too!

Lennie - Beautiful pics! So glad u are real and relatable!

Toni :O) - I totally can relate and that’s the reason I love your blog like so many others…your honesty and realness…we all get it. I go through life daily wondering if I’m a good enough mom, a good enough wife and a good enough employee. I look at SO many of my shortcomings but then have to realize I’m doing the best job I can do and I know how to do. When it comes to vacations, man it can totally be exhausting vs. relaxing when taking kids along. I always try to keep in mind I’m creating memories and just go with the flow. Someday though, I look forward to those vacations with just my hubby sitting on the beach somewhere enjoying a good book and listening to the water…that’s it, NO OTHER EXPECTATIONS! Cheers!

Sunny Haynes - Oh vacations! Can you really call them that with kids?! The memories are wonderful and you do things that you don’t do in your normal, everyday life but work, stress and breakdowns seem to increase! We are headed on vacation next month but we are going with 2 kids and 4 adults…maybe the extra set of adults will help with the chaos!

Angela - Girl….if I could record the bickering on vacation, no one would read my blog. The end.

Heather - God, I love you Meg. I am having a bit of a down time right now in my life. Nothing big, just on the down swing rather than the up swing, you know. Bit of strife in the marriage, bit of doubt of whether or not I should have ever become a mom, in a rut with where I’m going. And it can be daunting to read blogs and see how much better others are doing things.
We do need to constantly remind ourselves that what we read on blogs, and Facebook, is a polished version. Nothing wrong with that. Just needs to be remembered or your own life starts to feel like a turd amongst diamonds. 😉

Maureen S. - Love out west so much. Great pics as well. We had our vacation this summer at a cottage in WI and had friends and family up as well. Mid week I was feeling very babyish and put out that no one was helping very much. All i was doing was cooking, cleaning and hanging up wet towels. Thought of our house 3 hours away that was all quiet and clean and thought I would like to drive right home and be by myself, now that would be a vacation. I went out on the screen porch where my husband was reading with a glass of wine, completely oblivious to my martyrish state of mind and vented. Felt much better after he promised that he and the teenagers would help more, and laughed about how I would never have lived it down, if I had left them on vacation in a huff. Most of the time, moms just have to rise above it and adjust our attitudes to have a good time!!

Red - This is so, so true! And this is why I keep coming back to your blog. Thanks for sharing that.
And. Just this thought. Recording the happy moments is part of the reason why I blog! I tend to remember the yelling and the grumpy moments and the negative. When I blog I do package it all a bit more positively (because I don’t like to barf the downer stuff all over the interwebs). And I have noticed that it subtly changes the way I remember our lives for the better! I have more positive, happier memories because of the way I write about my life on my little blog for my friends and family to read. And I think that’s a nice side effect of blogging!

stephany - My parents live near Mt. Evans!
We just returned from a road trip to Idaho with our family.
So true what you say…it’s not always as perfect as the pictures.
It’s all part of being a family.
You’re a good mom…and inspiration.

J.B. - When people marvel about how well my kids get along because they see so many photos of the twins in harmony together – I tell them, “If you have noticed, I do not shoot videos.” tee hee
Thank you for reminding us that the ideal we have in our heads is not real life nor is it developmentally appropriate! I shall embrace the chaos and let my selective memory keep our past vacations serene!

Molly - I really like reading your blog Meg. I discovered it through Crystal’s blog, and her blog through her Etsy shop! I like reading your blog because you do keep it very real. I like that. I am an adoptive mom to one special needs girl with ADHD and her older sister who is ADD. Sometimes you want to see the pictures and see what fun the blog writer is up to, but you also like to know that they have issues, fights,etc. within their family and that sometimes it’s hard, but that you love your children deeply. And you keep it real, but fun. I love your craft ideas (my girls love to craft, I really need to make more time for it, and your Sonic happy hours. 🙂 Glad you had a good vacation. I have been to Durango and Silverton CO once. I loved CO.

jacqui anderson - meg, this is why i love reading your blog because you keep it so real. i would totally have seen those photos and thought wow wish our family vacation was cruisy like that!! thanks again for being honest with us xx

ginger - Thank you for your honesty!!!!! Everytime my family goes on vacay with my husband’s family (cousins, etc.) I always set myself up for disappointment!! We are all flawed people and I only wish our vacations could be as great in real life as in my mind. =P

Lindsey - That is why I love you, Meg! You keep it real for the rest for us!

colleen - love this post…and appreciate the honesty… what a neat vacation as I complain about packing for mine which begins Friday… Thx for this post!

allison - Its true, because I can hardly look at the pictures, because they do make me feel that way. I try not to, but I do. Why are we not that happy, content, etc..It is hard.

sarah - Ugh, I’m missing Colorado so much now. Your pictures are great. I grew up there, but am now firmly planted (yet trying not blow away in all the dust storms) in Arizona.
I miss the green, and the trees and the streams, and the sky. I’m so glad you got to spend time with your family, no matter what moods they are in.

jen smith - it’s so easy to compare our lives to other bloggers. when we go on vacation i always wonder why my kids aren’t perfect like every one else’s and then reality hits and i realize that all families struggle with the same things. every other blogger’s struggles mirror my own. as i look at my own blog and our last extended family vacation no one would know that i wanted to shake my BIL and SIL and tell them to discipline their kids, no one would know that we were frustrated that all of our plans didn’t go as planned, or that that many people trying to make a decision on where to eat could be so complicated. they only see the good and that’s why blogs are so great. they help us to remember the good things and not all the other unimportant details. and as my kids grow up and read this blog sometime down the road that’s what i want them to remember too.

Heather - Yes, vacations can be stressful. The best part about taking pictures is that later on, you can look at them and remember the experience of the place and all the fighting and grumpiness that was going on at the time seems to fade away from memory.

Kirsten J - Can sooo relate to that – it wouldn’t be a trip if I didn’t end up crying in a corner somewhere – I’ve even been known to cry in Downtown Disney and threaten to hop a plane home. Yeah, a little dramatic. But the good outweighs the grumpiness. And we never take pictures of those grumpy times so we mostly remember the happy times 🙂

Taryn - Hey Girl! Just couldn’t help but comment…we loved being with you guys during your time here! We loved seeing your family and love each personality you have “under your wings.” I’m so proud of all your processing and the way you love your family deeply! Can’t wait for the time when we can process together face to face again. Love you!

Dawn Gross - amen

Nicole Q. - Well said.

Amy K. - Some vacation I will take a picture every hour on the hour, no matter who is crabby or fighting, so we will remember it how it *really* was! As a bonus, taking pictures of screaming kids might shock them into NOT screaming. =)

Tiffany - You said, ‘it doesn’t always go that way’ …I’d like to add, it almost never goes that way (for us). But it makes for great pictures and good stories. My cousin once shared that with me, that she explained to her older son, don’t let all your memories with your sister be angry ones (due to fighting). And I thought those were good words to share. Happy Wednesday Mama Duerksen.

EmilyK - Have you read “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin? I’m at work right now and don’t have the text in front of me, but just started to read it last night and one of her points was to make every day count, not just the “special” days. And I think that is something that you actually do! I feel the same way about holidays. I love holidays and think they are important, but so is every other day! (My brother in law gets all upset when things don’t go perfectly on say Thanksgiving…) At any rate, I highly recommend “The Happiness Project.” I’m only into the 2nd chapter and it’s very good!
Thank you for your honesty!

Laine - This is why I love you and your blog. =) Thanks for writing this!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I can relate for sure! My kids are great on long drives – but lets face it – we all get grumpy and tired. My girls (3 teens) and I took a all girls road trip to Northern MN this summer. It took about 22 hours to get to MN from NY – and we all had our moments. The photos however – make it look like we are happy all the time ; )
Your pics of Colorado are truly gorg! A ram? Crazy!! xo

brooke - unbeleivably beautiful pics. oh my. a trip to colorado is one place i hope to visit. your post was so real. thank you!

Lori Austin - More beautiful pics. Thanks for keeping it real.
Our family can barely make a 4 hour drive…ugh!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Meg — Yes, yes, yes!!! Family vacations are what I call business trips because I’m still “working” and “on call” the whole time as their mom – never get a day off from that one and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. It is exhausting, we do get tired and cranky and we do bicker but we also have fun and laugh together too. The fun part of a trip somewhere new is the experience and memories we make — good and bad. It has helped me a lot to change my attitude about trips and road trips lately to view them as adventures and to EXPECT things to go wrong and to expect things to get ugly sometimes, it’s much easier that way when they do and will…much better than when I used to set off on a trip with my family and expect everything to be sunshine and rainbows the whole time. We also throw in plenty of sugar and junk food — it seems to help if I let the rules bend more on vacation and cut myself some slack. xoxo MaryLea

ingrid lapp - I loved the last part of your post. The thing is, when I look back at our vacation pictures, I forget that our 9 year old was a hot mess at supper e.v.e.r.y. night because he spent the entire day in the ocean. I look at those pics and remember how perfect it was to just be a family and be together. Glad you are honest and open, it’s the reason I love your sweet blog so much.

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on the same day that we took the long hike at the Colorado Trail we also took this hike.
very steep and high and making me think i may have a heart attack.
from being out of breath and from the heights at the top.
i think i was so tired from the hike that i couldn't worry too much about the cliff my family was climbing on!

behind her? drop straight down to death.
but smile and don't think about it.
deep deep breaths.
i sure do love that kid.
he said over and over on this trip "I LOVE COLORADO!!"
and he meant it.

they were having so much fun jumping and climbing all around.


here we ALL are in one shot.
rare happenings for the Duerksen family.

we spent awhile shooting around on the basketball court at the bottom of the trail.
(remember?…where i won the game of around the world….i don't want you to forget that)


this boy eats and breaths basketball.



"no smiling. don't do it!  don't you dare!"
it works every time.

IMG_5616-9 IMG_5617-10

melts my heart right there!

even in hiking boots!

we enjoyed dinner on the deck watching the sun set into the mountain.
then played Whoonu.
it has to be the prettiest game we have ever played.  :)

two deer came up on the driveway again during our game!
so cool.
colorado is awesome.

the next day we went white water rafting but i have NO pictures of it.
i was trying not to be nervous.
i wasn't nervous to do it…nervous to put my kids into it.

and like it has been before…it was nearly dull.
nothing scary.
no reason to be nervous about it.
and the kids thought it was pretty cool (and not dull) so that is the point right?

have you gone river rafting?
were you scared?
or was it like the lazy river at a water park like mine was?


kim - I’ve never been to Colorado, but it looks beautiful! I just moved to Idaho a year ago, and I love it here! I’ve been white water rafting 5 times! 🙂 I love it. The run we take has class 3 and 4 rapids, an adventure for sure! I have never fallen out of the boat before, but my brother and his friend did (it wasn’t in a rapid, but on what they call “splat rock” where they bring the boat on top of a rock and slide back down) this last trip we took. He got stuck under the boat for what felt like forever but it was probably only 15 seconds. I was totally scared for him and he didnt even want to go on the trip. ha. But he laughed about it, and actually had a great time. Thanks for sharing your vacation pictures!

Sarah - Love the pics! Definitely great to see the whole fam! And Talby has a great jump shot! I hope she likes basketball because she might just be good at it! Rock Chalk!! ;D

Makila - The family shot took my breathe away. I love seeing an entire family in one shot. Love! Great pictures!

Mindy Harris - megan you are really hilarious! just hit my funny bone tonight. the pic of craig like the brawny paper towel guy, on the cliff, is precious. we have good Godly men, we do!
love all these pics. we honeymooned in colorado. have only been back ONCE (in 9 yrs) since. i miss it so!

Jeannette from Plant City - Colorado looks very similar to Jackson Hole, Wy…..we spent a week there this summer and it was beautiful!! Love the family pics, you are truly blessed. My husband and I went white water rafting down the Ocoee River in GA, same place they used for the summer Olympics in 2006 i think. It looked very scary and I was terrified at first but once we got going it was a lot of fun!!

Brenda - I can say also that i love Colorado. It is so beautiful!! My bro and sis-in-law live in Pagosa Springs. Every time we visit I always marvel at God’s creativity and power. How could anyone deny it? Looks like you had a great family time. You may have been out of breath from the elevation. I have suffered from that many times. Thanks for sharing your photos-it makes me want to get there soon.

Shannon R - Colorado is gorgeous. My MIL is originally from there are I’ve been once to visit. I hope to get back. I’ve been rafting only one time. My husband and I went when we visited my SIL when she was living in Uganda. So my first experience was rafting down the Nile River. Don’t worry it’s so rough crocodiles or hippos don’t live in that section. Crazy scary but very fun. Yes, I would do it again. I do have pictures of the last set of rapids. We had to take our boats out of the water and walk around them. Translated it’s called “The Bad Place.”

Lori H - The photos are beautiful, but the one of the straight drop down to death made me nauseous with worry! haha. You are braver than me.

emily - I went white water rafting with my husband and some friends in Costa Rica, the boat flipped four times in choppy brown water, it was the most terrifying experience of my life. It doesn’t help that I don’t really like the water either.

Jamie - whenever i see pictures of your family together i often remember when you shared your wedding photo at the altar and that you remember exactly what you were thinking at that moment. your prayer to god. he has been so good to your sweet family and he blessed your prayer that day. and you in turn have blessed so many people with your sweet spirit, your craftiness, and so much more. jesus shines through you!

Kristi - Love, love, love. I grew up going to my great aunt’s cabin in Colorado in the summers. That state will always have a special place in my heart.

Jennifer - I’ve never been white water rafting, but I bet it’s scary–especially the first time. Beautiful pics and it looks like you all enjoyed some wonderful family time.

amy jupin - i love the fam pic.
i love seeing more of lauren.
she’s gorgeous.
and craig’s dunk?

Alicia @ La Famille - looks like a fantastic trip! great way to end the summer.

julia - how about an airboat ride in the Everglades? Can be fun!

Janel - We have some amazing white water here in Colorado! Some of the most advanced rafting, class 5 which is expert only, are only 45 min outside of Denver. I have done class 4 and one 4.5 run. The last time i rafted the boat flipped once, but I was tossed out twice that particular day. The first time I fell out because we hit a rock just as our guide was explaining that the run up ahead is called the “terminator” and would be our first class 4 of the full day trip. He was explaining how we would maneuver thru etc when I fell out. We also had kayak riders to assist our boat because the river was treacherous, near end of season. I had to swim that run backwards head first. The water was running about 40 miles an hour and I could not turn myself around. The kayak dude stayed with me to the end of the run. I nearly died that morning. Scariest thing ever to happen. The end of the day the boat flipped, we all swam for our lives and I have never been again. Twice in one day and I wasn’t gonna push my luck.
But I am so glad I did love it once and I was good at it too. It is a rush for sure!
If I ever make it to craft weekend, I’ll tell you some more fun stories! Hint hint!

alyssa - My kids talk about our trip to colorado last year all the time. One of their favorites for sure. Ava said everyday we were there that when she gets older she will get married and move to CO…we’ll see. Such a good family bonding spot for sure.

Lisa M. - Beautiful pictures! So nice to see the one with all of you. It seems we don’t get to see the two oldest very often…so nice to see you all together in one picture! So glad you had a nice time…and yes, those cliffs looked VERY scary!!

happygirl - CO is so beautiful. When they were having the fires I just cried. Great pics. Your family is just… gorgeous. I’m a lazy river kinda girl, myself.

shauna - so great Meg!
what a fun trip!

Kristin S - So glad ya’ll loved Colorado!
Very fun to see your whole fam together too.
I love white water rafting but I also love tubing down a river. Chill. Fun. Relaxing.
You have one beautiful family, Meg.

Amy Griffin - You have a BEAUTIFUL Famliy

Stephanie - Gorgeous photos! So glad you had a wonderful family vacation!
We went white water rafting this summer, it was awesome! Level 2 & 3 rapids, lots of fun! You have to work hard through the rapids, great teamwork!

Jamie - Where is CO were you? I just moved to Denver and need some great places to explore! This one would top my list!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - Looks like it was a great trip, and EVERYONE had fun! 🙂
Those are the BEST!
I know this is off the subject, but I have your BBQ Meatballs baking in the oven right now and that has me thinking… if you’re looking for some blogging inspiration, how about another Duerksen Family Recipe post!
My family always cleans their plates when I make your recipes! 🙂

Lisa - Ps- Colorado is very similar to here I live in the high desert of Oregon. Beautiful mountains, hikes, rivers etc. these pics made me remember how much I love where I live. Glad you had a great trip!

Lisa - 1. Love the family photo you got
2. Impressed with your husbands dunking skills
3. Loved river rafting (love anything to do with being on or in water) but was a little nervous the one part that had huge rapids

angela - Yes, I’ve been. And yes, I was scared. Lovin’ all your pics! So glad you got a family picture…rare for all of us!! Good times! Love it!

Sarah - I love Colorado too.
I went white water rafting there my senior year of highschool (the only and last time I’ve been) and I fell in. It was freezing, but not as bad as I thought it might be. 😉

the domestic fringe - Gorgeous photos! That one of you and your family is great. Glad you enjoyed Colorado. I’ve never been white water rafting. I’d really like to kayak. That’s my water goal.

Megan - We went while we were on our honeymoon (also in Colorado) and LOVED it! Super fun and not scary.

Melanie - Thanks for sharing!! Isn’t hiking the best thing to do as a family? Something about exercise, fresh air, and a common goal seems to get everybody in a good mood. . . at least for a while. Love seeing your pictures. Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Heather R. - Great pics! We did go white water rafting on the Arkansas…so fun, and cold, and scary. I hope you guys enjoyed your break. 🙂

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