Masthead header


IMG_20120814_130916my friend Pam came home for a visit from Liberia, Africa.
i just love her so much.
we talked and talked and talked.
one night…we talked ALL night…from 10 pm – 5 AM!!!
we had a lot to catch up on since she moved there in november.  

my favorite flavor is cappuccino chip.

the kansas sky is so beautiful…pretty much ALL the time.


for the record….annie was sorry for throwing a huge tantrum about her sticker not being sticky enough.
i said she had to stop and figure out a way to fix her problem.
she went bizerk!!
later this note was slipped under my door.  :) 

they all love to wear my new glasses.


i made Pam's Cheesecake for Pam when she was here!
no pressure or anything….just making the world's best cheesecake for it's Creator!
thankfully it was good.
i didn't burn or undercook it.
have you made it yet?!! 


i came home to this one afternoon.
waffle was hiding in a corner in another room….a self-appointed time out. 
he is so naughty sometimes. 

have you seen these funny cars?
this was my first time.


i love water color paints.
that big set is from target.
it's ok….i like the other big crayola set better to be honest.

IMG_20120823_075454i was reading Romans in The Message Bible.
it rocked.
i definitely want to be a cheerfully expectant servant.

after the GoPro reunion i met up with my friend Jeanne.
we went to lunch and FOUR hours later…we hugged goodbye.
it was like i had seen her yesterday but we have only met once in real life 3 or 4 years ago!
God has given me such awesome women in my life!


then i stayed in a hotel.
 A L O N E.
it was quiet and peaceful and comfy and FABulous.
i never even turned on the tv.

my flight home…i had to run to my plane.
i was the last one on.
i was a sweaty mess when i got on the plane.

i finished Interrupted on the plane.
that book… was like she could look into my brain and put words to my thoughts.
she was able to help me understand what i have been feeling.
i LOVE Jen Hatmaker.

my girls squished me when i got home.

IMG_20120828_102911i found this turtle in my driveway.
i took it's picture and let him move on with his day.


sometimes i have to remind myself that waiting is ok.
even if it's over 10 minutes for the correct price of cantaloupe.
i can wait.
but did appreciate my son saying very loudly "Gosh Mom!!! HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WAITING HERE?"



i found a sunflower field this week.
they were all big heads but every single sunflower was about 2 feet tall.
it was kinda weird!


so….i found these shirts this week at walmart and they cracked me up!
if you want one….they are dri-fit btw….you can find them ALL of clearance for only $5 each.
i am so surprised they didn't sell very well.



well…we had our own paint fight.
as a family.
and blue lily photographed it.  :)


it was fun but challenging.
kids are can be sensitive and not used to throwing things at each other for fun.
there was some crying.
there was some anger ("he threw it at me!"  umm….yeah that is the point!)
so…maybe it's better with grown ups?
as soon as we were done and drove away my kids were saying how fun it was.
 so at least they may not remember being upset or feeling itchy…maybe.

i will show the blue lily pics when i get them.
thank you wendy & tyler.

ok…it's friday.
i get a whole weekend alone with mr. duerksen!
it's our anniversary.
i like him.
a whole bunch.

i am a lucky girl.

have an A W E S O M E weekend!!!



misty - ha!! I took a pic of those shirts too!! hysterical. I can’t imagine why they didn’t sell well either πŸ˜‰

Jennie - So I totally saw a guy wearing the hamburger dri-fit, and I DESPERATELY wanted to take his picture. My husband was mortified. Sadly, he was walking too slow and our light turned green before I had the chance. I would have been sneaky. And I would have put it on instagram and tagged you!

Tracy Fisher - happy anniversary. ive been away for a few days… okay, mostly all summer. good and not good. anyway, coming back and read your blog. the words from that book made me rethink my last few weeks. soooo good. sooo needed. thanks for sharing. now go eat that best ever cheesecake! tracy

jeri - Whoa! I thought only my kids go bizerk over a not-sticky-enough-sticker. Thanks for the reality check. And laughs.

teresa - Your blog is full of color and happiness…love it.
and the note…sweet.

Teacher - meg…You know I love you…but you used its possessive TWICE with an appostrophe…yuck and double yuck!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Mkay so the photo of the garbage everywhere? Yup, been there. And on a really bad day I might add:
Bad dogs we have Meg:)

mum of all trades - Happy Anniversary! I love the photo of the sunflower field, really stunning scenery.

driving lessons redditch - I am really inspired for those family that having their memorable moments like this. Not all family are lucky to experience this kind of experience specially if both parents are busy with their work or business. It is important for the kids to live happy and positive in life.

Lisa - I have some very dear friends who live far away
(not in Africa though!) and the visits are so sweet!
A whole weekend alone with the husband sounds wonderful!
I’m trying to figure that out for my husbands bday in
I think your kids will look back on the paint fight and love it!
Even though it wasn’t perfect I’m sure they told their friends
ALL about it! πŸ™‚

Michelle Z - Every time my boys see the Google car driving around, they start picking their noses. Boys.

Danielle - After reading about the paint fight you guys did at the conference I decided to do one as a family also. So to hear it did not go well! My husband thinks it will not go well also. Any tips? I have a 4 and 6 year old both boys, they love to destroy things and make a mess. Can’t wait to see the pics!

Tiffany - Happy Anniversary! Best wishes for many many more.

John William - Thanks for sharing the blog.Keep on update the blog.
kredyt konsolidacyjny

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Loved Annie’s note, slipped under he door HA!

Sharla - Loved this post. You are right, short sunflower field is strange πŸ˜‰ happy anniversary!

Heather - Yeah, cuz everyone wants a dri-fit workout shirt with cheeseburgers all over it! πŸ™‚

Kirsten - ha! that’s funny – i just finished reading “7” (because you mentioned it a while back) and i thought, “i should comment on meg’s blog and ask her what she thought of it…and of ‘interrupted.’ (because i bought that one too, but haven’t read it yet). i am so curious!” mostly because my head and heart are full after reading it and i don’t quite know what to make of it and wonder if someone else who has read it is able to even think clear, concise thoughts about it. it is overwhelming and inspiring and challenging and perplexing and beautiful and scary. please tell me i’m not the only one who feels this way. πŸ™‚
happy anniversary! have a wonderful weekend with your hubs!!

Megan J - And my questions about the walmart shirts….why did they think they needed to be dri-fit…more people would ONLY buy shirts like that if they were dri-fit–not cotton-HA!

nicole i - i love jen hatmaker too.

Cindy - Happy ANNIEversary! πŸ™‚ Hope you have a great weekend! Our 20 yr anniversary is in October.

Michelle From Australia - Jimmy Buffett is coming to Brisbane. On September 21. I love Mr Buffett’s music. And the cheeseburger print shirt at Walmart would be perfect when dancing to ‘Cheeseburger in Paradise!’

Peggy in TN - You are one busy lady! Happy Anniversary and enjoy your quiet time with your hubby.

Shannon - Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby, hope you have a great weekend together! Annie’s note is too cute and that ice cream cone looks delicious πŸ™‚

angela - Your blog is still one of my all time favorites. It just keeps getting better! One day this non crafting Nonny is going to sign up for a Craft Weekend!

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makeover for ten bucks.

i am a dork in that i forgot to take a before picture of my thrift store lamp.
but i wasn’t planning on a tutorial.
this was a shiny brass lamp from the thrift store.

i spray painted it pink.
when you spray paint things primer is always good but i don’t ALWAYS use it.
or you can buy spray paint now with primer IN it.
genius invention….if you have the option you should use it.

i have never used Β this kind of lampshade to recover.
USUALLY i use one that is just wire covered in some thin fabric that i ripped off.
this one is covered in a plastic-y hard paper.
i figured it would work…i will try it.
if not…it was $5 so it’s no big deal if i fail.

first i lay out the fabric and see how much i will need.

i wrap it all the way around to make sure i have enough fabric going the correct way of the fabric’s pattern.
sometimes if the shade is really big you have to go the wrong direction of the fabric pattern.
this lampshade was just the right size.

then i use my cutting mat and rotary cutter for a super straight cut.
you can also just use scissors.
i line it up straight on my mat and line up my ruler at the top and the bottom.

then i use my gypsy gripper on my ruler to push down and hold my ruler tight.
i LOVE this thing.
it makes cutting so easy.

i warm up my high temp glue gun.
and i iron my fabric.

then i start on the white selvage end of my fabric and i just start hot gluing the edge with about an inch onto the inside of the lampshade.
and you just keep gluing and pulling it flat and gluing again.

then you turn it over and start on the bottom end.
i start in the same place….the white selvage side on my fabric
(that is the place with the words printed on the edge of almost all fabric)
then when i am finished gluing, i snip off all the extra fabric from the glued edges.
i clean it up as best i can.
for the end when it’s wrapped all the way around i fold the fabric over and glue it down from top to bottom.

and that’s it.
it’s not perfect….but it’s cute and customized to the exact look i want!

the lamp was $5 and the fabric is $10 a yard…and i used a half yard.


so for $10 each….i have two kind of matching lamps.
i made the other one a few months ago.
and now i have a set….not exactly the same but close.


yay for thrifting!!



visit this link - Can’t imagine how ten bucks create this awesome decoration.

Michelle - Meg, you have such an eye for this stuff! LOVE the fabric and that pink, what color spray paint did you use?

christine ishmael - Love the end result…who cares if they match…LOVE that fabric!

Cindy - WOW WOW WOW!!!

Lindi - Lamp and shade look fabulous!

Stephanie O. - You turned it into such a sweet lamp…Thanks for sharing…

Melanie - Gorgeous!!! Love that fabric.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Love the fabric soooo much. I heart all crafts involving glue guns – taking out that sewing machine is just too much work ; )
I need some cheap lamps to redo for our bedroom – you may have motivated me!

Jodi - Absolutely fantastic!! I love everything! I am so excited about a Craft weekend!

rachel - love love! i have a lamp waiting for a make-over. πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Yay for your blog and super cute ideas!

Martha - I love it! I see brass lamps at thrift stores all the time. You make it seem pretty easy to transform those old ugly things into something amazing!

stephany - I absolutely LOVE the lamps!!
I might have to give this a try for our bedroom.

Penny - Ha! I do the same thing. I know I will end with something great! πŸ™‚

Jessica - What do you with the cut edge of the fabric once you work all the way around? How do you give it nice seam?

lindsey - Wow! Love it! I just bought a lamp shade a garage sale to do the same thing. I was so inspired by the others that you have in the craft house! I can’t wait to get it done!

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - so pretty! I’ve made over several goodwill lamps, it’s hard for me now to actually purchase a new lamp! those older lamps have such a pretty shape they just need a little “lipstick” to make them fresh again.
great job!

Terrie G - so cute..I need a gypsy gripper!

Toni :O) - Totally COOL!!! You rock cause it’s hard to find an awesome and colorful lamp of exactly what you want for $10! Go YOU!

karen gerstenberger - THANK YOU for this! I have a lamp with an old shade, and bought the fabric to change it, but could not decide what to do with it. You just showed me! Meg, thank you.

Barbara - Just so darling what a great color you have such a great eye for it.


Kati - Love it! It is super cute!

Michele - Love! And I NEED those curtains- with the pink dots. Where did you get them or the fabric?

Shelly Reil - Very cute! I customize my own lampshades as well. But I basically sew a tube and hem the top and bottom. Then I can slip it on and off when I want to change it out, because I am constantly changing things up, that’s how I roll. And if I rip the seams out carefully, I can reuse the fabric on something else… Love being thrifty and reusing what I have!

April R - yay indeed πŸ™‚

Jocelyn Pascall - I LOVE it! Looks so beautiful. And yes, YAY for thrifting – always fun!

Angela Atkins - They look awesome. You are a way better spray painter than I am. I had been thinking about emailing you about how you recovered lampshades–I noticed some at the Craft House. Thanks for the tutorial!

Carly Winborne - Adorable…love the pink! I just did the exact same project with a tacky lamp that came with my marriage 9 years ago. It’s turquoise with yellow and a white chevron fabric-covered shade. And now I love it in my sewing room/school room. So glad to see a “real crafter” do this project!!!

kerry - oh man these look amazing! and i love the thriftiness!!!!!!!!
Do you hot glue over the shade, or just the edges? does it not crease?
kerry xx

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I’ve done this too. Its amazing what spray paint can do to some yucky old brass. Fun project!

Alisha - You just inspired me to go do the same thing!!! What a great way to spruce up a room that needs some HAPPY added to it!

Mary - ADORABLE lamps!
love em!

Trudy - I love the colors and fabric you chose. It’s like you’re a color genius.

happygirl - You know how to do the shabby chic thing so well. Thanks for the lesson. πŸ™‚

Miranda - You made me run to the thrift store and hardware store in town and pick up 2 ugly brass lamps for $2 each and spray paint and now they are waiting for the 2nd coat. Ahhhh love them!

jen - love! even i can do this & i am craft challenged!

Susannah - That’s such a great idea! I’ve been looking for new lamps for my husband and my nightstands but now I think I’m going to make them. πŸ™‚

deirdre - Ten bucks and a steady hand! Looks great!
If you’d like, please join us for Photo Friday Blog Link-Up tomorrow. Simply add a favorite photo from your blog (it’s okay if it is part of a post) and share the linky-love.

Jaimie - Adorable!! Thanks for the inspiration, as always!!

Lauren - Oh my, I love this sooooo much! It’s perfect!

Katy Apicello - Can you make a video of how to use the gypsy gripper? I don’t get it. :X

janet C - I have one of these lamps too, waiting for a makeover. It was my grandma’s and no one wanted it.
THANK YOU for posting the name of the Gypsy Gripper. I’ve seen it in your pictures and wondered what it was called.

Kristin S - Darling. About 8 years ago a friend snagged a given-to-me brass lamp in my home and spray painted it black. People always comment on it in my home. How much more fun would pink be!??!?!
I love your shade too.
Meg, this is so random but…. I realized today that I always wait to read your posts until the end. When your posts pop up in my reader, I save them. I save my favorite food till the end too. I always want to finish “blog reading time” with one of your colorful (literally) posts. Thank you for being you!
CAn’t wait to fam see paint fight pics.

emily hope - love it! makes me want to go hit up all the local thrift stores today, even though I have a million other things to do πŸ˜‰

Tiffany - Beautiful…love the colors!

Lisa M. - Yourlamp turned out beautiful! I have to admit, I am not much of crafter. At all. I NEVER would have thought you could spray paint shiny brass lamps!! I probably have two stuffed up in my attic somewhere! I have two rocking chairs I bought at Cracker Barrel years ago that are peeling and two shelves from Pottery Barn that just aren’t the right shade of wood anymore and I was going to re-paint/re-stain both as projects this summer. Never did it. And admittedly, it’s too intimidating for me. I keep wanting to take them to the local paint store and ask for some advice (i.e. stain them, paint them, what kind/type of paint). UGH! Very overwhelming to me. I guess I just need to take the plunge and do it. I’m sure I can fix anything that goes wrong…maybe? Anyhow, thanks for the inspiration!

Kerry Wiebe - Hot glue gun sewing my favorite kind of sewing!!! Love it! You always do an awesome job! I miss seeing you!

Lennie Jackson - Love it! I have one at home that will getting a makeover this weekend!!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - could not love this more. LOVE that fabric…love the pink. love the cheap. looks so great in that room!

Beth - LOVE this Joel Dewberry fabric! I used this same fabric as inspiration to paint a flower on the front of a dresser that will be used as a changing table in baby’s nursery! Mama’s using this same fabric for the crib bedding (only with the sky blue background instead of the yellow).
Here’s the link if you wanna check it out!
~Beth @ Sawdust and Embryos

Jen Brandt - Very cute!

Kate - Super cute!

Kimberly - Yay indeed! Turned out beautiful!

northern cottage - gorgeous – thanks for sharing the covering tip…I have several shades similar to this one waiting in the wings & I admit I was a bit intimidated….now thanks to you I might just get my behind in gear to get them covered! thank you!

Amber Filkins - .L.O.V.E. this! β™₯

Krista - BEEEEYOOOUUUTIFUL! I love it!

Lanny Lou - love the lamp miss megan … I love redoing lamp, it brightens up my day (hee hee)

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blue lily is my fave.


our last day of GoPro we had a session of discussing business plans & ideas, a flash seminar, camera cleaning, personalized critiques (that's a good thing) and two more shoots.

some of our group went up on the gondola and hiked around.
but i could barely walk around the house and up the stairs so i wasn't up for a hike.
i stayed at the house and we practiced on each other and did headshots.  :)



IMG_6258-1 IMG_6324-9

i am thinking my editing looks funny on all of these….hmmm.
it's hard to learn something new!

there was a fox that was all around the house during our stay.
he was wild but seemed to really not care that we were there.
we were all very close and he ignored us.
and cool. 

i promised the girls that if he attacked i would be sure to take lots of pictures of that.
and then of course i would try to help save them. 




we had our group photo very impromptu… with some taxidermy.


Blue Lily Go Pro Reunion-382-1

coolest group photo ever taken….NO OFFENSE.


we went out in the evening to practice some harsh lighting shots.
wendy and tyler had us turn our backs and then when we turned around this is what we saw!

how crazy cute are those masks?!!
so so funny.
these are their kids…not wendy and tyler in the masks.  :)

(ps…their kids are so lovely…i want to squeeze them.)


they said the masks were ordered from amazon.

not as cute on a grown up….

my new friends.  :)

we went on to our last photo shoot of the weekend.
i was so excited.
i was going to be one of the models!!

everyone was helping wendy set up.
it's looking cool already….

well….i don't have many pictures yet since i was IN the shoot….but it ended like this.


that's my kind of modeling job.
we had a big paint war!!!

6 of us threw paint on each other while the other 16 people photographed it.
it was washable craft paint mixed with water to make it fly faster. 


it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

and you can see our photo shoot last year with colored powder here.

i can't say which one i liked better….they were both AWESOME. 

you can read about it here on the Blue Lily blog and see when the next GoPro workshop is.

if you are considering going to a workshop….DO IT.
you will learn so much.
you will be encouraged.
you will meet people who love what you love and have great ideas.
you will be SO glad you took the leap and tried something BIG.

and check their travel schedule….they take pictures ALL OVER THE WORLD.
get signed up for a photo session with them near you! 

you will be so happy you did it.

thank you AGAIN wendy & tyler.  
i loved my time with you.


Jodi - I LOVE this recap! Your photos are awesome and thanks for including photos of me! Oh, and the striped shirt is from Anthropologie! It was my pre-reunion splurge.
I loved meeting you in person, Meg. You have been a long time inspiration of mine and it was nice as you said….to come full circle. The real Meg only strengthened my adoration for your blog, your photography, your words, and all of the inspiration that I feel when I am here at your blog!

Tracy - Loved this post! The foxy fox pics are amazing. Also love the paint pics. O a personal note I am so excited as we’re doing a family shoot with the awesome Wendy & Tyler in October…one of my bucket list things will be done! Now if I could just borrow your amazingly gorgeous hair…

Carol Short - oh, wonderful pictures!
i love the fox stretching out
(sudoku puzzles)

Peggy Lee - Fantastic!Really its very owsome!I like very much this post and i would like to forward this to my friends to visit this page.Thank you lot.
gotowe prace dyplomowe

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - So much awesomeness in this post I don’t even know where to begin! You are gorgeous and your hair is rockin in these pics!

Donna R - Fantastic! Great pics of an awesome weekend. You were a great sport to get pummeled with paint!

Kelley Wenzel - Such an awesome weekend all around. Loved the shot you got of the fox yawning and the cougar over Wendy’s head as it was being carried around. Enjoyed Sunday morning getting to know you better, as well as the drive back to Denver. Thanks for sharing so many of your pics!

Ashley F. - Seriously awesome weekend, I don’t think I fully appreciated it until seeing it all laid out like this! I am SO happy to have met you and discovered your awesome blog. I have pictures to send you. πŸ™‚

Lisa - The paint picture of you is seriously amazing. What an awesome thing to be a part of.

Tiffany - The paint war looks like a blast! And you look adorable all paint splattered! I recently got word that I’m going to Craft Weekend, and I can hardly contain my excitement! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog and following you on instagram, and love it even more knowing that I will actually get to meet you soon! Is that so strange, having a total stranger so excited to meet you? I told my husband it’s like I’m getting to meet a celebrity! πŸ™‚

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I am so stinking fascinated by that striped shirt with the orange lace up top. Yum.
2. You have good hair and look beautiful with paint splatters.

Tiffany - That photo of u after the paint war is full of color! Its a great shot. This post was full of encouragement, go big or go home!

jackie grandy - What an amazing weekend and those photos totally rock! I especially love the ones of the fox (so cool) and the one of you covered in paint is a keeper. Maybe you should get it framed and hang it up. It has tons of color and it’s so modern looking! I’m being serious here!
I need to work on taking more photos of people. I’m taking way too many shots of food and not enough of my family and friends. I have been trying to change that and my kids are like “get that camera away.”
I think I may have to look into a weekend photography course!
Jackie πŸ™‚

Karly Shelton - Reading your blog ALWAYS makes me smile and think of all the good things there are in life! Beautiful pictures and I want to do a paint war soooo bad!

Agnieszka - Just a word of caution about wild animals that are not afraid of humans. Sometimes it means they are infected by rabies. Apparently that’s one of the symptoms. And they may look fine otherwise. Keep it in mind for the future.
Looks like you had sooooo much fun! I’m jealous, especially of that last shoot πŸ™‚

Lisa M. - Oh Meg, it looks like you had such an awesome time! I love the paint war!! Wish I could get some of my friends to participate with me in somehting like that!! πŸ™‚ Blue Lily is coming to a town near me, but it is unfortunately about 2 hours away and we are already so full of obligations that day, but I’m trying to work it out!! I love their work and it would be such a privelage to have them photograph me and my family.
Great post! Thanks for sharing!

Kati - Love the masks and the color paint throwing!! So much fun!

Brooke - I have ALWAYS loved Blue Lily…back before you could “pin”, I had one of their photos bookmarked and I have always thought back on it when I am taking photos of people. I’m saving up for one of their workshops…but honestly…saved up for craft weekend first… πŸ™‚ So glad I’m coming that in just a couple weeks!
I am dreaming of a paint session with friends of mine this fall…I”ll have to get all the deets about how that went down. It looks super fun. I was thinking of having a canvas that the whole family could paint on during the session (as they are throwing paint), so that they have something to hang on their wall afterwards.
in other news…those masks are AWESOME.
Your friend in the blue/white stripe shirt with the orange lace…I WANT TO OWN THAT SHIRT….can you hook me up with her? Her info?

Lori Austin - Had to show my hunter husband the animal pics. He said “that mountain lion
probably cost about $4,000 – sure hope they didn’t drop it!” Ha! πŸ™‚
My little guy LOVED the fox pics.
Fun weekend.

happygirl - Love the pics after a paint war and those masks are adorable. What a wonderful experience this looks to be. Good for you for pursuing your passion.

Jennifer - LAUGHING OUT LOUD! WHAT fun?!! Those masks! HILARIOUS!

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i have some awesome amazing shots to share from my last day at GoPro 
but with 20 photographers i want to be sure to get some shots from others too.

so for today….

come over to the craft blog

and see who our sponsors were this august!


they are all SO GREAT!

thank you to all our sponsors.  

we appreciate you!!





Addison Acton - Nice craft works! thanks for sharing the blog.Keep on update the blog.I found the amazing site for the football predication .One of the best ways to learn about football betting would be carefully study the working of bookies.
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day two.

i am still here at the goPro reunion in colorado.


there are over 20 laptops and cords and phones and cameras laying ALL over the place in this house.
it's completely awesome. 
it's a happy mess that this group "gets" and enjoys and appreciates. 


we enjoyed an awesome skype session about marketing with amy fraughton of photo business tools.
she was encouraging and inspiring.


wendy & tyler are wonderful instructors…patient…understanding and kind.
the enviornment at GoPro is so relaxed and noncompetive.
it's so refreshing to not feel like you have a dumb question or out of your league.
they are so good at making everyone feel empowered!
what a gift they have and i am SO grateful that they share it so openly.



there was lots of time for questions and answers.


yummy lunch for 20+.

and later in the evening we headed out for a family shoot to practice.
i get such a kick out of watching a workshop shoot….all those cameras.

the two familes were ridiculously gorgeous.










steamy….right??  crazy amounts of beautiful at this shoot.
and the kids all behaved like angels.
it was basically a dream shoot for any photographer. 

and it made me miss shooting families.
i kinda wish i had 10 more hours in a day so i could still do it…and run craft weekend…and raise my family….and create….and sew…and clean the house….well, maybe not clean the house. πŸ™‚
i do miss interacting through photography.  
maybe someday i can come back to it.
i hope so. 


after our shoot was lots and lots more talking about photography and everything else.
and then the traditional wild and rowdy game of spoons.
wendy won.
i think it was possibly rigged….

loving it all so much here at goPro.
i hope your day is going great too.
i hear it's raining in kansas – YAY!!!
i am sad to miss it.


Driveway Cleaning Birmingham - I really enjoyed reading this blog. Many thanks for putting it down in writing. I have been looking for information about for some time.

Amy Fraughton - Thanks for the shout out! It looks like an amazing, amazing weekend!! So smart for you to be there!

Debbie Hargadon - The Dad kissing the little girl on the cheek is an all time keeper! No one else’s photos could possibly be any better than yours Meg. So much emotion and feeling captured. That is the best. What fun learning experiences you get to enjoy as technology changes at lightning speed. Thanks for sharing.

Jodi - I agree…SPOONS was definitely rigged! Ha!….Oh and I might of lost a finger from (cough, cough) someone. πŸ™‚

Tracy - We had a nice steady rain here in Kansas City this morning. It was glorious!! Have a good Sunday, Meg!

Wendy - “…the kids all behaved like angels” – did someone slip them some Benadryl? Once in a while the stars and moon alighn and a shoot goes easy-peasy … but usally I’m running around like a nut!

Happy girl - This is a seriously good looking family. Hey just for fun, are there more Macs or PCs in the house. πŸ™‚

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Looks like a great time. And I was totally thinking the same thing(as the commenter above). I LOVE that momma’s necklace!

A Facebook User - I really need that gorgeous lady’s is awesome!!!

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goPro reunion 2




so i am back in beautiful colorado at a Blue Lily GoPro Reunion.
it’s fabulous.
i love listening to people talk about photography and what they learned and what they want to learn.
having this many photographers in one room is so cool.
i already teared up this morning.
even if i am not taking family photos for other people at this time….i still take photos everyday.
and i still want to to learn new stuff about my camera.

AND….this house has quite a collection of really HUGE taxidermy. 








how random right?! 
you can’t even grasp from the pictures how GINORMOUS they are!

and here’s me…..all sleepy-eyed and tired (really sleepy) from meeting new people and talking till late in the night.
but smiling with a full and happy heart.
what an awesome community God provided for me to enjoy.

what are you doing on this friday afternoon?



Heather - I love the glasses!!! What brand are they?
I also love that you follow your heart and still do things for YOU. I need to take a page from that book.

mum of all trades - What a quaint spot for a weekend, although I think all those animals looking at me might freak me out a little!

Jenny B. - and you look so cute in your glasses! πŸ™‚

cara - The stuffed mountain lion on the mantel πŸ™ He would be better alive, on a mountain top. That house would creep me out. But glad you are liking being back.

Terrie G - I was at school meeting new 1st graders for the first time.
I love volunteering there. You get to learn so much about families.
I asked one boy if he had any brothers or sisters…’My sisters are dogs.’
Well, figured out he wasn’t kidding…he’s an only child with 2 dogs.
So funny!!!
I’m with you! I LOVE learning about photography. I’m part of a
great club and several of us meet a lot and learn from each other.
Did some night photography last weekend! So exciting to learn new things!
I’ve been watching courses for free on CreativeLIVE.
Learned more about light painting last night…you should check it out!
You could light paint a cow! LOL!!
Have fun! A little jealous!! πŸ™‚

Donna R - Your weekend sounds fabulous, but those taxidermied animals would put a major cramp in my mojo. I would be thinking about how they should still be alive prancing through the forest.

Michelle From Australia - Our daughter Georgia, is one of two known cases in the world with a rare chromosome deletion. She has physical and intellectual disabilities. We held a movie night fundraiser last night to assist with the $30 000 her aide support/medications/medical expenses cost us every year. It was very humbling to see 80 people turn out to support our family and give generously. I think we raised nearly $3000 which will be enough to finish off our fundraising for this year. Hooray! God is GOOD. Now to start on next years fundraising πŸ™

Jen Brandt - Have fun! On this Friday afternoon – we have decided to chillax…hubby’s in the recliner, Three Stooges on TV, 7-year-old daughter next to me working on school assignment, 5-year-old daughter swinging outside, dog asleep on the floor. I think we’re ordering Chinese for dinner. Oh! That sounds so good! I maybe, might empty the dishwasher tonight, but that’s about it.

sarah j - oh meg, and your sweet sleepy face! glad you’re having a good weekend full of inspiration.
my weekend holds some reading, fro yo, and relaxing with the fiance. xo

holly - resting on the couch, kid free! You are in my worst nightmare. My only major fear in life is taxidermy. Real animals don’t bother me, but I would be freaking out in that house. yikes.

Corny - How can you sleep with all them stuffed animals! Gross!

Lennie Jackson - Getting ready to go pick by babies up from daycare and start the weekend!!! Enjoy your time with your friends!!

KirstenP - I’m rereading Shades of Blue by Karen Kingsbury. I would love to be walking on an ocean beach in North Carolina listening to the music of the waves.
I love the white bark of the aspens in the yard outside your Colorado reunion place.( Minnesota, Michigan and other northern states have very similar white-barked trees but they’re called birch trees.)

happygirl - Somebody likes stuffed animals. πŸ™‚

April R - wow, after reading about foster parents and zoo workers and heart helpers….people can be awesome πŸ™‚
I am going to pick up my kids from school πŸ™‚
I may stop at Sonic.
Conveniently located 2 blocks from the school :/
I will stop to buy coffee too because we are out (who let that happen!?)
and I will be happy for you in Colorado because that’s inspiring and good
Happy Friday everybody!

Tanya - Well I am peeling potatoes and baking bread and it makes me feel that all is well with my soul.
Go find what you love ~ it’s what makes life beautiful πŸ™‚

Jessica - I see the conference is in Breckenridge, CO. Just can’t stay away can you? πŸ˜€

Jennifer - Well, even after a long night and being tired, you still look great!
Let’s see….My husband and I were just licensed last week as foster parents and we got a call yesterday telling us that they are placing a 9 month old baby boy with us early next week. His mother was trying to sell him to some stranger for $1500….really, really sad. I am running around today like a mad woman trying to buy diapers, clothes and other baby stuff in preparation for his arrival to our home. πŸ™‚
Have fun at the reunion….

seriously sassy mama - First,I love the glasses. I spent the morning in Cardiac Rehab helping patients recovering from heart surgery exercise. It makes me so happy. This afternoon will be cleaning and going to the dollar tree for an impromptu craft with my beautiful girls.

Angela - I am eating a cupcake. And staring out my window at a yard of cheetahs because I work at a zoo and it’s AWESOME!

jackie @ marin mama cooks - Hi Meg! I love that you’re going after what inspires you and truly following your bliss. I have been reading your blog for years and have only commented a handful of times, but I have watched you grow and your business grow and it’s amazing. You always have such a positive outlook on life and such a positive and joyful spirit! I just wanted to say, thanks for your blog! It inspires me to go after my dreams!
Have a great weekend! I hope you learn tons!

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