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spring break.

we decided pretty last minute to take a little mini vacation over some of spring break.
we didn't go far… Lawrence & Kansas City.
we stayed at my parents house…even though we told Annie we would go to a hotel… we never made it.


we started out with swimming at the Lawrence Indoor Aquatic Center.
my kids were all so content to play on the diving boards that i bought myself some goggles from the front desk and swam laps for 30 minutes… and it was awesome.
i have never put on goggles before?!  what is up with that?
it made a HUGE difference.
i kind of like swimming now.  :) 

then dinner at Chili's where annie ordered a half slab of RIBS… and ate them all!


the next day they chose to go shopping.
they really never get to do that with us so we agreed to go. 




my girls were commenting on all the clothes and so happy to be there.
they tried on a bunch of clothes and shoes…each buying those shirts with their own money.
my boys left after no more than one minute.
i heard they spent most of their time at Nike and watching the games at Dave & Busters.
even though they said they wanted to shop.  
i guess they forgot how awful shopping… with girls… really is.
because my girls took over an hour in just Old Navy!



we got a treat at the chocolate shop.


we picked up the boys.

we didn't eat at T-Rex.
but we looked around again.  
it's a super long wait to get in so we went across the street instead.

to Sam's Club.
because when we have to feed this many people… it's what we do.
and they LOVED it.
the boys chose to get their own table away from us.

next stop was the College Basketball Experience in Kansas City.
this place is way cool.

i think we lucked out because it was sunday afternoon and it was empty.








seriously?  shaquille o'neal wears size 23 shoes?!!

craig brought the car around since it was raining and freezing!
annie and talby were running up and down those steps to warm up.

the NEXT stop was SKY ZONE… an indoor trampoline park!!
this was my kids most favorite place they have ever gone!




they were all dripping with sweat when we were done.
and by we….. i mean them.  
i have had five babies.
i do not jump any where at any time.
i can't even sneeze.
you know what i mean….

the next day…
i went out for a run by myself that i thought would be short.
i took a turn and it took me an extra 20 minutes to get back.
but oh well… i did it.
craig took the boys to shoot baskets at the gym and the ladies went to downtown lawrence.

i did some damage at Sarah's Fabrics.
it is the best fabric store in kansas, i am pretty sure about that.
if you disagree… plese tell me where else i need to go.
i love it because of the creaky wood floors and big windows too.
my mom shopped with the girls while i shopped for fabric.
then we met up to get lunch.


talby was sitting here with me and i said "Bill Self just walked into this restaurant behind you"
they girls were pretty excited about it and nervous to talk to him.
but together talby and annie got brave and walked over to introduce themselves.  
(he is the KU basketball coach)
he was very kind and sweet to them both.
annie said (while touching his knee)
"do you know my brother?! His name is Scott Duerksen. He came to your camp last year" 
he winked at me and said "there were a few kids that came to that camp."
i said "just a couple"  (about 3500…)
but he said to Annie "i am sure i would remember him if i saw him"
she was so proud.
they couldn't wait to tell the boys who they saw! 

there is always wrestling going on at some point in our day. 
this is scott, talby and annie wrestling while craig doesn't even notice.

we tried to go to the Nelson Art Museum but it was closed.


more window shopping at the plaza since our musuem plan was shot.



dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.
then a decided to go see Oz the Great and Powerful at 8:25 for an 8:30 show.
afterwards they tried to run up the down escalators
and since we had the place to ourselves at 11 PM on a monday night we let them.

we went bowling on our last day.
the boys were relentless in trying to beat each other.
what is that about?
everything is a competition!

annie was most excited about the vending machine.
and we got to play the jukebox with all the popular songs they like!
taylor swift while we bowl was perfect.
all five in one shot!
that is a big deal…. they are a good group.  
so proud they are mine. 


it was snowing on spring break… all day long!


we left the bowling alley and went back to the trampline park again!
it's all they wanted to do.

we drove home late and everyone slept so hard.  
such a good trip.
Maybe.  JUST maybe… they are all old enough that we can do this vacation thing differently.
there is much less crying than there used to be.
and even less fighting.

but probably the key is finding a trampoline park WHERE EVER we go on vacation ever again.

trampolines = happiness to the Duerksen kids.


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enchiladas…of a different kind

i am not talking about THESE spicy green sauce enchiladas today.
but… have you made that recipe?
it is probably my favorite meal ever…so so SO good!
we have it at craft weekend often and so many of you have made that recipe.
it’s DELISH!

(goes perfect with a margarita)

today i had another recipe i have been making forever that i want to share.

we call them Sour Cream Enchiladas.


pretty creative name, i know.

these are the ingredients you will need….

i hope by now you are used to my generic food brand choices.

as long as my kids eat it then i am not going to worry about brand names.
EVEN when the generic name is Nice ‘n Cheesy…..

i call it Velveeta in the recipe below.
i don’t want to confuse you if were looking for the Nice ‘n Cheesy.   HA!

NOTE: this recipe can be made with chicken OR ground beef.

today i am showing the chicken dish but we make it exactly the same way when we use the ground beef.

first you cook the chicken (or brown the ground beef)
i usually just cook chicken in the crockpot in the day and shred it up when im ready to cook dinner.

add the cheese, soup, the evaporated milk and the sour cream to a seperate bowl.

then microwave for 5 minutes.
it melts all together and is a cheesy cream sauce.

*** you SHOULD add the can of Rotel here but my family is picky and half of them don’t like the Rotel. ***

add one cup of the sauce to the chicken (or beef) and mix it around to coat the meat.

pour a small amount of the sauce in the bottom of a 9×13 pan… just enough to cover the bottom
and this way the tortillas don’t stick to the pan.

(question: is this the most monotone set of photos you have ever seen? the lovely golden kitchen at the farm house is the same color as cheese sauce….)

fill tortillas with chicken/cheese mixture, roll up and place side by side in the pan.
(my pan is actually 10×13 so it’s a little bigger than usual)

now here is where my family makes meals confusing….
i pour the cheese sauce over HALF the enchiladas and THEN i add a can of Rotel (spicy tomatoes & green chiles) to the sauce because my kids don’t like spicy food.

then i pour the rest of the sauce with the spice over the other half of the pan.

i HIGHLY suggest you put the Rotel in from the very beginning but if your kids are picky like mine and you still want to eat spicy food then it’s worth it.

Bake it for 30 minutes at 350 and the top is bubbly golden brown… but not crispy on top.


This meal is super yummy.

and cheesey.

and very delish when you serve it with black beans and rice…and salsa on top.

but my kids don’t eat that either so i just made myself some broccoli instead.



and i realize now that i spelled “spicy” wrong in the recipe.


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back to normal.

the school bus was a very welcome site yesterday morning.
everyone was ready!

it was time for a regular routine. 

tuesday they played around in the deep deep snow we had on monday night.
the ditch was gone…it was just snow!
we stomped over to explore the neighbor's pond.  
annie kept saying how tired she was because walking through deep snow like that was hard.
they shook the snow off a tree which was pretty cool to see.

look at how massive that tree is?!!

it was up to the top of my boots!

they spent quite awhile throwing snow chunks into the semi-frozen pond.
the pond was like a slushi…not frozen but kind of frozen.

then we slowly stomped back home and got ready to go to Scott's ball game.

even though they didn't have school, they had a ball game.
the weather had cleared and it was the first round of the sub-state tournaments.
i was thrilled to have a place to go for the evening.

Scott has been playing on the varsity team the past month or so and playing a lot in each game.
i have absolutely LOVED watching him.
i am super proud of him out on that court.



his ankle made it just fine through out the game.
i was nervous for him.
he had 14 points in that game.  
it is so fun to watch him and it's so weird to see how much he looks like his dad.

i am going to be bummed when the season ends.  

but we have another game tonight so no reason to be bummed just yet. 


some things i meant to tell you about.

these girls wrote about Craft Weekend on their blogs and i forgot to share their links!

Shannan's post

Steph's post


Annnnnnd….did you do any shopping from all those coupons on the sponsor post a few back? 
so many great discounts!
they are such wonderful companies.



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snowed in.

we had a wonderful day yesterday.
so laid back and fun.
i am sure if we had a snow WEEK that it wouldn't go so well but this surprise two days has been fabulous.
we found plenty of things to keep us busy. 


memory and oatmeal.

more drawing.  
she is almost through this whole How-To drawing book she found on our book shelf.
i got it at a thrift store years ago. 
on wednesday night she drew for over two hours straight!
i told her we would soon have an art show in in the stairway.  :)


i did some online fabric ordering from Hawthorne Threads.

someone was playing Barbies.


i made chocolate chip cookies… a double batch.
i have made this recipe since i got married.
we use it so much that it is taped inside of the cabinet door so we don't have to search for it.
you can click here for the recipe.

icing his ankle.
scott sprained his ankle on tuesday in the beginning of his basketball game.
he is almost back to normal now already, thank goodness.
i was so sad for him right away worrying if it was going to be worse than a sprain.
this snow day stuff was a good rest for him too.


some of them bundled up and headed outside.

talby help bury sean in the snow.
it was creepy to hear him singing from under the snow….
he was singing "Home on the Range"  
what a weird choice?


while they played outside i made pigs in a blanket…because they asked for a "cool lunch".
see how cool i am!
pretty amazing isn't it?


there was plenty of wrestling.


lots of cookies were eaten.

then i took the youngest three to the sled in town.

having big kids is pretty great.
it used to be such an ordeal to go sledding… there was crying and it didn't last long.
but that is no longer the case.


they sled on their own for an hour and a half!
they only quit becuase it was time to go for me!
big kids rock!





i ran out for a coffee and watched them from the car after i took those pictures.
i forgot my book which was a bummer but still loved watching them sled.
i cracked the window a half inch just so i could hear all the squeeling screams of joy as all those kids went down.
it's a pretty fun sound.


talby made a snowlady.


the creek we drive over everyday is very frozen and beautiful.
everything around us right now is very frozen and beautiful.  






the WINNER of the 31Bits $50 gift card is:

Andrea said…

hands down…..the Everly necklace….. I( love it!

send me an email Andrea and i will HOOK YOU UP!

i hope the rest of you did some shopping with 31Bits this week.
what a fabulous company they are.
i would LOVE to visit their center in Uganda someday!

my kids all had sleep overs with friends last night (four of the five) so they are CRANKY today.
one is already asleep on the couch.
it's going to be a long day around here possibly.
but i have BIG goals….

i think today is the day that we take down the christmas decorations.
it just feels like maybe it's time?



and no… i am not joking.
the tree and lights and all are still up.
but not by tonight.

i hope.

happy weekend to you!



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lucky number 13.


how can we be at thirteen craft weekends already?!
each one has been so much fun!



we get the house all set up for our guests to arrive.
we clean… organize… arrange… set out swag from our sponsors… and we get excited!



craft supplies are so pretty!


color is everywhere in the Craft House.


my shop is open during Craft Weekend too… and SOON to be back online.
i have been saying it for a year but for real… it's coming soon!

our guests arrive and kimberlee prepares our meal.
we pass out margaritas while everyeone gets to know each other….have you made these margaritas yet??

steph and daina drove all the way from canada!!
they asked if they could make their special pico de gallo and we let them go crazy.
it was delicious!

after dinner we get right into crafting because really…. why wait?!
it is what we are all together for right?
they begin on their aprons around 7:30…and finished by 2:30 AM.
night owls in this group.  

choosing the fabric is the hardest part of making the apron!


debbie finished hers VERY quickly…a very experienced seamstress! 
and she whipped up her pretty flower too.
she was FAST!  
i LOVE her fabric choices!

kimberlee always makes BIG breakfasts that are beyond delicious.
i am all for chocolate in the morning!  
and frosting on cinnamon rolls…. oh my.

after all 16 of us get ready for the day… that is a lot of women…
we head out for our field trip to our favorite store and the barn.
it's fun to ride ALL together like a school trip.



talby happened to be playing her final basketball game that day in Marion at the same time we were shoppping so i snuck out and cheered her on!  I was so happy to get a peek at my family in the middle of CW.
then i was picked up on the way to the barn.
i can't ever get over how much they have every single month.
i am a junking addict.

Oggie and Dennis run the store and barn and are fun to catch up with every month.
that is Oggie with steph and daina…. what a bunch of characters!

i love sharing my favorite place with all these women!

everyone did a little show and tell when we got back to the craft house.





everyone finds treasures.

i found this.

it was a no-brainer.
when you find something that is this perfectly your style… you almost HAVE to say yes.
yellow? chippy paint? working doors, shelves and drawers? turquoise ON THE INSIDE?
there was no way i was saying no to this.
i can't wait to fill her with craft supplies.
i think i will name her Sunny.

we got on some comfy clothes and got back into crafting.

shannan led a canvas project… we made infinty scarves, wire words, t-shirt flowers and wood bunting.


when they are all working and chatting and creating….this room is A M A Z I N G.
it is such a happy place.




we had A LOT of instagrammers at this craft weekend working the #whatevercraftweekend hashtag.  


this is my canvas project in the middle…. and i actually started this canvas 6 months or so ago with ashley ann.
finally finished it at THIS craft weekend.

all of our girls lined up by their room order…




and all of their beautiful, special and well earned aprons!



their canvases….


thier flowers… so bright and colorful!


some of the girlies in their infinity scarves with their flowers.




another fabulously creative, kind, happy group that we are honored to be able to serve and pamper.

thanks girls for coming all the way to kansas to get crafty.

thanks shannan and taryn for being rock star helpers!

craft weekend has been a complete blessing in every way.
what started as a "let's try it ONE time to see if we like it" has turned into this wonderful, JOYful job
that both kimberlee and i are loving every minute of.
what started as a weekend of making crafts has turned into helping women find their creativity again.
giving them an opportunity to BE CREATIVE… to rest…. to refresh their spirits.

i love craft weekend.


more information on HOW to get to Craft Weekend is all found HERE.





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pumpkin french toast….YUM


i have an easy yummy recipe for you to make for this weekend.
it’s so nice to make it quickly the night before and then have a hot breakfast in the morning when you are sleepy.
that is a HUGE reason why breakfast isn’t my thing… i am not a morning person.
i am too tired and out of it to consciously make a dish without messing it up.

so… the make ahead stuff is great for my night owl personality.


you need a loaf of bread, eggs, pumpkin, vanilla, milk, pumpkin pie spice and brown sugar.

cut the loaf of bread into cubes.
i just buy a loaf of italian or french bread for this and cut the whole thing up.
if you arent’ cooking for a crowd like i am at every meal… you don’t need to use the whole loaf.


put the cubes in a 9×13 dish and mix up all the ingredients except brown sugar.


pour that over all the bread cubes covering the cubes completely.



if there is a place where the batter did not get on the cubes use a rubber spatula and gently smoosh it down until all the bread cubes are soaked in the batter.

THEN cover it and place it in the refrigerator overnight.


in the morning…. preheat your oven to 350.
uncover your dish.
sprinkle the brown sugar over the top of the dish.
BAKE at 350 uncovered for 40 – 45 minutes.


It smells amazing as it cooks.
like you are making pumpkin pie for breakfast.

we top it off with syrup… each person putting on their own amount.


seriously…. such a treat for a weekend morning.


you can make a smaller amount by using a little less eggs and milk.
i don’t think you would need to change the pumpkin, vanilla and spices though.

i am super hungry right now…. i wish thees pictures weren’t from last week.




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i know i haven't blogged about Haiti.
i know i haven't talked about the freezer meals.

i have had a lot on my mind.

and five kids can keep a mama busy…. especially if they like basketball and it's february.

it's craft weekend this week already.
i am super happy about that.
new crafts this weekend again!!


my lady friends and i ran SEVEN miles this morning.
no walking.
seven miles straight…. legit…. please pass the advil.


since i can't seem to make a blog post about something….
please enjoy this blog post about nothing.



i found this blog recently…

Art as Life   

she owns an Etsy shop i love called Inspire Lovely.  :) her blog is beeeautiful…look at her studio!!






letters…. this blog post and this beautiful blog got me all teary.




totally making these donuts!




i want to have this party…. FOR ME.
a big 38 painted on the wall.
a cake with bunting.
watercolored handmade bunting hanging in front of turquoise striped walls.

this party looks like perfection.



i can see myself getting carried away with this project.
i can imagine painting more and more.
like….i would start this with my kids and the next day i am still going making funny outfits and hairdos.



this is an awesome rooster painting.
i adore it.
it's from this blog…. paint a bird a day.   she makes me wish i was a painter.

then i found that you can buy a print of it.… wouldn't it be lovely at the craft house?
even though it is more farmy.

i think i may need it.
and a real chicken too. 




1ae213da380f00be54b32fd6d63616c1 (photo off sold product on ebay)

surely since i am training for a half marathon… 
i will soon be able to wear white spandex and look GOOD.





and this was the best super bowl ad.
i left the party at half time…i know beyonce is gorgeous but i don't like to watch THAT with the men in my life.  
you know what THAT is.
it bugged me.

so since i left….i didn't even see this commercial live.
but it's amaaaashing.

makes me proud to know so many people like that… unbelievable men and women who work so hard.






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