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passing this onto you….

this email came today from 1Billion Thirsty….the group i went to africa with (partnered with water4christmas)
i looked at the picture in my home of the children i met in Freetown, Sierra Leone.
i thought about the young men and women i met and spoke with.

and prayed for them.

i had to pass this on to you….. 



                                                          DONATE HERE

Lisa - Posting on FB too.

Lisa - Oh I’m so sorry! That must be so hard not being able to know how everyone you met is doing! Praying. Thanks for sharing and giving us the chance to give.

amanda - I felt led. Prayers for Africa and Sierra Leone.

Tracy Fisher - I am praying for those sweet little lives. -Tracy

Lisa - Read this as I sat drinking my Sonic sweet tea. Decided to donate and challenge my FB friends to donate what they spent on coffee/happy hour today. Thanks for continually bringing things like this to our attention!

Sheila P. - Thanks for linking this. Africa has been on my mind. I want to do more.

Kim - Done!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You’re pretty much one of my favorite people. I adore your heart.

Carrie - So Sad. $20 in. xoxo

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it’s monday.

how was your weekend?

craft weekend was wonderful.
i am so happy about it.
can i just say….how awesome is the internet?  
i know that it can have really awful stuff but for me it has been AMAZING!
God has blessed me with SO many friends, so many ideas, so much inspiration, so much FUN through the internet the past few years.  I get to connect with and meet women that are so completely awesome that i never would have met otherwise because of the internet!  
i love LOVE LOVE that God is in the details of everything…even the internet.

(these are instagram pics from the past few days.)
michelle allen from close2myart was my blogger/teacher/helper this craft weekend.
i don't even know who found who as far as blogs and how we connected.
we have been emails friends for a few years now and we finally got to meet.
she is a life long friend now i can guarantee.
i loved her.
(and her hair was soooo rad)
she was even better than i imagined and i had made her pretty great in my mind already! πŸ™‚

so yeah….i love the internet and i am not afraid to say it. 

this is my loot from the barn on saturday.
an old RC crate that is really rough (which is why i like it), a old metal box that seems like maybe it was a breadbox, a Super Nutro Hog feed bag, an embroidered runner with horses, a little quilt to make into pillows, a small candy jar and some doilies. 
i love the internet AND i love old junk.


these three books arrived for me this week.
i am starting with A Million Miles in a Thousand Years tonight.
i have basically been told by God in about 10 different ways that i am supposed to read this book.
He couldn't have been more clear.  
so i will let you know how it goes…. 

i read Interuppted and my world has been ROCKED.
so i am equal parts nervous and excited to read this one.
because i knew i was supposed to read Interrupted too. 


was i just too open right there?
i feel a little vulnerable about those two paragraphs. 


here is my front seat on my way to craft weekend.
my backseat looked the same.
happy car!


right now i am sitting at the craft house (because i came to town for paint & the internet is so slow at the farm)
i stopped by the thrift store this morning and picked up a few dishes, some fabric and a globe.
i can't NOT buy a globe when it's at a thrift shop because they are so much cheaper than at an antique shop.
i made mini bunting here last night while my husband attempted to fix the dryer we got on craigslist.
it's a bummer when people are dishonest on craigslist don't ya think?
i guess ANYTIME people are dishonest it is sad but when they take your money….ugh.
(so that would be a down side to the internet…)
i picked up a gallon of Kilz to start a big paint project this week.
and i have now finished off the candy corn we had left from CW….for lunch


i need to get working.
i have stuff to paint.

are you on instagram? i am @megduerksen if you aren't following me yet.
it's so fun.
i am….addicted.

happy monday to you.




Georgia - I love the internet too, as without it i wouldnt have found your blog!!! xx

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Hey Meg I saw these rainbow donuts and thought of you. πŸ™‚

Kate - Meg! I have really enjoyed reading your blog after finding it a few months ago. I’ve bought several books because of your recommendations! Don’t ever feel afraid to share where God is leading you!! Can’t wait to hear what you get out of the most recent ones.

Sarah - i just had the same problem. just type her name without the @ symbol and with a space between first and last. that finds her!

Tracie - I just got “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years” to read. Did you read “Blue Like Jazz?” That is a beautiful book too. “Radical” was a tough read, but a wonderfully convicting book. And Happy Monday!

Stephanie - Love her kiwi earrings!!!

Shannon Phillips - A million miles in a thousand years is absolutely one of the most life changing books I have ever read!!! It is going to rock your face off!

Marla - Donald Miller is totally awesome I loved Blue Like Jazz…didn’t know he had another book out…I’ll check it out on my nook….The Irresistible Revolution is very interesting…I was upset at times reading it…it’s been a few years but I remember not being sure about the whole thing…be interested to see what you think

Amy - Don Miller is an amazing writer and you’ll love the book. I reread it immediately after finishing it just so I could soak in his words. It’s a great book to hand to a nonbeliever in hopes that they might consider the gospel as they choose a new story. He speaks about a man named Bob Goff and I’m currently reading his book, Love Does. Try it next.

Angela - Vulnerable, sure. But we were made to live in community (…and the internet community totally counts), and vulnerability is just a part of living in community. Too open, never. YOU just might be one of the thousand ways God is leading OTHERS to read a book that will drive them closer to Him. So sure, feel vulnerable, but never ever feel sorry for opening your life and your faith to the world.

Lisa - I started Irresistible Revolution last week. Oh. my. Haven’t read A Million Miles…guess I need to check into that one! Looks like a happy couple of days at your house. πŸ™‚

Heather Crawford - For some reason, I can’t find you in Instagram? Weird…

beth - Hey Meg….
Just wanted to say not to feel vulnerable about the books. I wish to hear more about your faith walk on this blog. ….and picking up tips on good books at the same time is just bonus!

Terrie G - Not too vulnerable…I love how authentic you are!
I <3 instagram too! so much fun!
looking for a washer/dryer for our son...think I'll stay away from craigslist...
sorry you got swindled...makes me frustrated when people are dishonest.
gorgeous flowers and so happy you had a great craft weekend!!

Julie Kittredge - I just finished “A Million Miles in a Thousand Years.” It was good! An easy read. πŸ™‚ Plenty of earmarks … in the book that belongs to the library. Maybe I’ll pick up “Inturrupted.” πŸ™‚ Sounds like a winner!

Christy - Irresistible revolution is pretty intense as well! I have radical on my list, but my husband read it first. Irresistible is a tough read, but I feel God used it to change my perspective on a lot of things! Good for you for listening to the still, small voice even when it makes you uncomfortable!

Kara - Curious where you heard about Jen Hatmaker? I was able to meet her and hear her in person this spring at a women’s retreat. (The one Nicole Quiring headed up!) Jen was AMAZING! She has challenged me more than anyone else in how I’m living my life. I have loved reading Seven and Interrupted and am leading the Interrupted book study at church. I am hopeful the church as a whole is turning around and more people are getting on board with her message!

Lisa - Not too vulnerable. I think God is using your blog to tell ME to read Interrupted. I keep hearing about it and you keep mentioning it. I’m addicted to instagram too. Like seriously addicted. πŸ™‚

ko. s - I love that you can put it all out there in your posts! The way you give glory to God, be you, be honest, be vulnerable, it’s why I keep coming back to read! You ROCK my dear! Thanks for being a huge light πŸ™‚

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Can flip phones do Instagram? Haha.
Your stack of books pretty much seals the deal: We must debrief. M to the U to the S to the T.

Martha - Finding a globe at the thrift store is a major score! I’m interested in how the book turns out. πŸ™‚

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - Not too open at all!
It was HONEST!
That’s why we love you!
And, I love it when God shows me things clearly, sometimes my ADHD-self truly needs Him to be crystal clear!

Katie - Isn’t it crazy when you know that it’s God leading you to do something? The results can be mind-blowing. Happy Monday!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Michelle’s chalkboard art looked so great – wish I had the skills on the chalkboard!
Too bad about the Craigslist dryer – I don’t know why people want to do stuff like that?! Weird πŸ™
Happy Monday ; ) xo

April R - <3 instagram
and I'm glad to see you there now too

Siobhan - Your awesome everything about you. Your transperancy makes me love you more. Thankyou for trusting us with your vulnerbility.

Brooke - I love that you said you were a little too open in those two paragraphs. BAH! Let’s get real. Tell them about your cw devotionals. That might be too open. I love when God is CLEAR about what to do. So often, I’m left waiting and asking, so I’ll take clear (slap me in the face) answers any day. I am in a craft fog today, so tired. I didn’t get to nap yesterday! LOVE the internet, love that we got to hang out. You were super fun. If I lived in Newton, KS, I believe I would force myself into your friendship circle. Or just show up at the farm. with chickens. You would be so happy.
My new globe just found a new place in globe city at my house. Snuck the wire baskets in so my hubby wouldn’t complain about the massive amount of things he hauled to storage while I was gone this weekend (while I proceed to haul new stuff in!). Good times. Happy Monday!

Cheryl E. - Just finished reading A Million Miles in a Thousand Years thank to your friend, Kimberlee! I read her blog, too and once she posted about that book, I knew I had to read it.
LOVE the new finds, by the way. Such fun!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Totally weird, random comment but your mums? Love em. I got the biggest one Ive ever seen over the weekend at Sams Club. Its burgundy and I cant wait to put it out on the front porch to welcome fall.
Have a great day! (Boo to dishonest Craigslisters)

Cori - A Million Miles in a Thousand Years may just be my favorite non-fiction book of all time. Radical was amazing, too! Enjoy πŸ™‚

Alicia @ La Famille - full fun day indeed! happy monday to you, ms. meg πŸ™‚

Trysha - I’ll have to look up those books! I’m looking forward to Joel Osteen’s “I Declare”.
I was reminded of God’s love this weekend as I photographed a wedding. We didn’t have pens to sign the Marriage Certificate, there was a mad scramble and I sought out a guest who had a purse. She managed to find two pens at the bottom of her purse, matching from a random local church. The Bride looked at her and said “See, The Lord will always provide. Always.” πŸ™‚

Amy - InterRupted….AMAZING!! Radical will be a good follow up….
I may have to go pick up the one you just mentioned! Don’t you just love it when the Spirit leads you….you just HAVE to do it….Enjoy the quiet time on Monday!!

Suzanne - Happy Monday! I hope you enjoy your books, and I hope God rocks your world. I love it when He does that ~ and hate it… but mostly love it! Have a great week!

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friday of CW

we were so far ahead in our prep for craft weekend that friday was pracitcally relaxed!
slow paced and really enjoyable.



michelle from close2myart is here this month and leading a project today.
she made our chalkboard look amazing!!

i made myself a NEW apron this month!  
rainbows and polka dots….YAY!!


we hung some new artwork in a few bedrooms.
this big print is from urban outfitters…mounted onto fabric….frame from michaels…that i spray painted yellow.

katie daisy.  :)

we brought in the yellow cabinet i scored at the barn last month at CW.
it is so sweet.
it even has a little lock on the inside…it was made well!
and clearly well loved.

a new fall favorite on the snack table….mmmm.

pam garrison's print are lovely in the swag.

everything set up and ready for 12 new friends to come.



they were working hard!
such confident crafters….i love that.


these two girls work together in a flower shop in canada.
they were the first ones done with their ruffle aprons.
LOVE their fabric choices!

ok….everyone is downstairs for breakfast.
i hear that a group of girls was going running this morning.
my body hurts just thinking about that.
but good for them!!
i need some coffee….and i am ready to hit the barn!

happy saturday!


Katie - You are killing me with all of these Craft Weekend photos! I think it may be time for me to price flights from Nova Scotia πŸ™‚

Amber - It’s a good thing I didn’t know you were having Craft Weekend this weekend. I drove by Marion on my way to Wichita and it would have taken more self control than I have to keep myself from stalking Bearly Makin’ It in hopes of running into you. πŸ™‚

Shara - Hey Rachel!!!!!

april - Oh man that looks like so much fun! What a wonderful craft space you have created Meg! xoxo

Martha - What fun! All the pictures are beyond beautiful! All those fabric choices – WOW! A crafter’s dream. πŸ™‚

Robyn Farmer - Another Robyn with a “y”!

elma - OH I love CW pictures!! Take loads of pictures!! I still want a polka dot ruffle apron:) Are they hard to make???

Becki - I love to lok at these posts and soak in all of the colors and beautiful gorgeousness! Thank you for sharing!

Lisa - For the first time in 11.5 yrs of parenting I did a planned craft with my 4 kids. I am so not creative or crafty but my oldest really wanted too. It actually went really well and they had lots of fun. You’ve inspired me! (Although it may be another 11.5 yrs before I do another one! haha!)

Michelle From Australia - Canadians? Are they your first international crafters? I had always secretly hoped the first international crafter (who can’t sew!) would be mine πŸ™‚

kathy - EVERYTHING is so gorgeous! Wonder, could I ask you about your quilts? Where do you find them & how do you clean/wash & dry them when needed. I have a couple that are older and not so sturdy and I’m kind of afraid to toss them in the washer/dryer. In my dreams my house would look like the Craft house! Such a happy place!

Wendy - I love the candy corn and peanuts!! It tastes just like Butterfingers! πŸ™‚

Tiffany - Eekkk! Each CW post makes me even more excited for my turn in November!

elma - OH I just love the CW weekend and all the pictures!! Can’t wait to see more pictures!!!!

Rachel Spin - My friend Shara is there with you all! Hi Shara! I hope you are having a fabulous time!

April R - inspired! πŸ™‚
I think I have a can of yellow spray paint in the garage… πŸ˜‰
(prayin’ y’all have an beautiful time!)

Kristin S - I love your Craft Weekend posts!
That house continues to be amazing.
Praying for you ALL.

Christy K - Looks like you girls are having a fantastic time already (how could you not? I mean, really)! Keep the craft house pictures coming… love all of the new details! That yellow cabinet? Swoon city. Enjoy the rest of the weekend! πŸ™‚

Lisa - Your house always looks sooo dreamy for Craft Weekend, it’s my happy place to look at the pictures πŸ™‚ Love your apron, such great fabrics, in two of my favorite patterns, polka dots and rainbows…LOVE! Have fun!

Tiffany - Luck favors the prepared. Have fun, I’m off to check out what Urban Outfitters has to offer, HOLLA!

KirstenP - I always love to see the riot of colors from Craft Weekend. The child’s xylophone is a sweet addition to the ‘You Are Beautiful’ print and colorful daisy bouquet. Did anyone play a good morning tune on it?
BTW, cashews go really well with candy corn!

roganne - love the yellow side table!! it is totally adorable and the perfect shade of cheery yellow πŸ™‚

Lorraine R. - So I’ve been following you for a short time and love LOVE the craft weekends! I’m trying to figure out how it all works……the craft house is seperate from your house right? It’s so cute!!! I love the bedrooms and especially the sweet cabinet/dressers in between the beds <3 So perfect!!!!

melodee@polkadotnotebook - oh how fun! I love your craft weekend pix! I love love love the pennants and bubble lights strewn across the room:)

Eugenia - This must be what heaven looks like…

Linda - Looks so happy and beautiful. I want to surround myself with that! Love it All. Happy craft weekend!

Lanny Lou - So jealous but so happy for y’all have fun ladies !

Kimberly - “thou shall not covet”.
please tell me that doesn’t apply to thy southern neighbor’s amazing craft weekends.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I never get sick of seeing the Craft House…and all the swag!:) Hoping this weekend is even better than all the previous ones. Sounds like it will be since you were well prepared to begin with. Have fun girls!

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we heart ART.

we have a new favorite….kiwi crate.
have you heard of it?

it's a box of craft projects that comes in the mail once a month….it's awesome!

i surprised my girls with it and they were crazy thrilled.


the boxes have everything…a paint brush…a pencil…small scissors!! 
they are full service. 

(mcdonalds not included…ha ha ha)


all the instructions are easy to read…kid friendly with pictures.
on this day i was busy with craft weekend projects so i was able to let them go crazy with the box and not need me to walk them through every step.
that was cool!
i love to do crafts with them too but sometimes independence is good too. 


and these are Cuuuuute crafts!




seriously adorable right??  a firefly that hangs from the ceiling with a glowstick inside it!

so much fun.

the other project in this box was using stamps to make a bug painting.
it was messy but super fun.






we have had several boxes from kiwi crate now and i LOVE them.
it won't replace our regular everyday art but it's a fun extra!
and they seem to always arrive on the perfect day when we need something to do.

what a great gift it would make!
if someone had sent this to my kids i would have hugged them forever.

they have a referal program too.
so if you decide to sign up YOU GET $10 off and i get $10 OFF.

i like that.

so….click HERE if you want some KIWI CRATE for yourself!

your kids will LOVE it.


(not a paid advertisement..i just really love it) 

Wanda Phillips - Bring those art materials in and we are ready to have the fun that nobody can forget! I love the idea of the project box. Maybe I can avail also of it.

Mining Recruitment - Nice photos! This is really a very cool post. I love it so much! Really amazing.

Becki Smythe - So disappointing! I had every intention of using this for Christmas gifts and they don’t ship to Canada. I thought all my problems were solved. Bummer!

elizabeth beesley - Signed up under your name! xo

Julia - I heard about kiwi crate earlier this year and have Been wondering if it’s as awesome as it sounded on their site.thanks for the first-hand review.

Sunny Haynes - Thanks Meg! Signed up yesterday and added the sibiling add on! This will be great for myself and the little ones to do this winter when we are forced to stay inside! Waiting on my box coming later this month!

Rebecca Torzewski - Cute kit! My child would love this. However, I have the same questions as all the others. What age range did you get for your girls? Or is there just one age range. Thanks!

Carrie - Thanks for your blog, Megan. I love to see another Christian mom just living life and raising her family. Keep up the good work. πŸ™‚

Kelly Henderson - You make art messes look absolutely beautiful… fun stuff!

Kimberlee Jost - “I do. I do like …”
Julia never said that, but I can heard you being Meryl being Julia in this post.

Susannah - Wow, that looks so neat! Such a great find!! πŸ™‚

Rebecca Coolidge - I signed up, my daughter will love it πŸ™‚

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Meg! How fun! Just signed up πŸ™‚ Man, you’re gonna get some good credit by sharing this, lucky gal!

jen - Meg, thanks so much for positing this!!!! Another $10 headed your way-such a fun way to spice things up in the creative department! Can’t wait!!

Lindy - Such a great link Meg, thanks! Doubly good: mail + art = kid heaven!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You make me want to get my craft on.

Shannon - OMG!! How exciting, I love this. I’m gonna have to cancel my birchbox subscription because this is way better πŸ˜‰

Tiffany - The price is actually not terrible! That was honestly the biggest surprise for me. I seriously was anticipating it to be more..

Holly Lesenko - Too bad they don’t ship to Canada πŸ™ Does anyone know of a company that will??

Michelle Whitlow - That was my question, too! I noticed the age range on the website but it seemed like both of your younger daughters enjoyed it. My oldest is 10 but I think she would still like it.

Carrie - $10 coming your way!! My Charley will LOVE THIS! Thanks for sharing Meg! Hope all is well!

Laine - Quick question…is one crate enough for several kids to do a project or do you do the sibling add on kit? Also, is it just one craft for them to do or several with the same theme?

Christina - This looks wonderful!! And using the cupcakes cups for paint? Such a great idea!!

Ashley Jones - I just ordered one as a gift! Love this!!!

Jocelyn Pascall - WOW!!! I would have LOOOOOVED this as a child. Just such a perfect idea, and your kids look like they had a lot of fun.

Karlye - On their website it says ages 3-7…is that the kit that you received or is there one for older kids? Your kit looks like it’s crafty enough for my older kids to enjoy. How fun!!

Amanda Angert - This was just the push I needed to sign up πŸ™‚ Thanks Meg!

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i don’t claim to be a cookΒ at all… in any way….but i do have to feed my kids every single day.
and that part of motherhood is not in my top ten.
i don’t mind them eating…i just mind MAKING something every day…or the pressure to try to make something everyday.
because i can promise you i don’t cook every day.
give me night feedings and diapers over cooking dinner every night.
not kidding.

this chicken is easy and yummy and my family likes it which makes the cooking a bit more enjoyable.
you could add lots more fancy stuff but this is all we use….no spices, no nothing.
and that is why all my kids eat it.
this is the way a friend waaaaay back in my second year of marriage made it for her family.
so i just copied her.



pour some oil in one container….maybe 1/2 cup.
if you run out just add more.
and pour in 1 cup bread crumbs and 1/2 cup parmasan cheese (yes…i know it’s fake cheese)
stir it together.

i cut all the gross fatty stuff off the chicken because it makes me gag.

then i usually poke holes in the chicken breast with a fork or smash it a bit with a meat tenderizer.
but i forgot to photo that step.


dip the chicken in the oil….both sides.

then dip the oiled chicken into the bread crumbs and parmasean cheese mixture.


coat both sides really well.

ok….let’s not even talk about my pans.
why do i still own this pan?
i am going to get new cookie sheets.
i am.
it’s time. Β πŸ™‚

Soooo…..put your chicken on the pan and bake it in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes
(or until it’s done in the middle of the big pieces of chicken.)

we almost always eat this as a side with this chicken.
not advertising for them, my kids just LOVE this stuff.
we buy two family size boxes and it’s gone every time.

and that’s it.
it is very weird to see that rooster peeking out in the middle of my plate.
i didn’t notice till i posted the picture.


hope that helps you with an idea for dinner at your house.

hey….how about YOU tell me what your easy GO-TO meal is that your family loves?!!!

and we could BOTH have ideas for dinner.
come on…it will be fun to read all the answers!


you rock.
i am looking forward to dinner already!


Χ”Χ Χ”ΧœΧͺ Χ—Χ©Χ‘Χ•Χ Χ•Χͺ - thanks for the explanation. i tried your recipe and the chicken was simply delicious.

Samantha - Hi Meg! I have a couple of tweaks for your chicken and it will be totally rock star chicken. Your family will love it. Switch those breadcrumbs out for Panko breadcrumbs. My family prefers the Italian seasoned ones just because they have more flavor. And try egg instead of oil for your dipping. I also pound out my chicken a bit to get it to be a uniform thickness and cook a little faster, but you may or may not want that. It should cook exactly like this that you did, but the crust will be crunchier. Love love love! πŸ™‚

karen - oh that pasta has so much sodium…use butter some milk and parm…that’s it!

Happygirl02 - I’ve made this. It is SOOOOOO good!!!! And it’s so easy. I was having my parents over for dinner one night and was looking for something easy. It was a huge hit. If I could just find beef roast on sale more often, I’d make it a regular in our meal line up.

Happygirl02 - I don’t enjoy cooking and my family is PICKY! I really am relieved when I find easy crock pot meals that my family will eat.
I found a website called and it has been a lifesaver!! She has lots of crock pot meals or quick and easy meals. She has TONS of recipes to choose from. is my go-to website for meals. (No, I don’t know the Real Mom Kitchen lady. I just love her website) πŸ™‚
Happy cooking!

Daisy D - Our family loves Quesadilla Pizza Night. You need:
Flour tortillas (I use the 8″ ones)
Shredded Mozzarella
Pepperoni (or whatever pizza toppings you like…I usually put out a variety)
Pizza Sauce
Heat a skillet and fry the pepperoni until crisp. Let drain & cool on a paper towel.
Brush tortillas with a very thin layer of pizza sauce.
Layer cheese and toppings.
Layer more cheese on top.
Cook quesadilla 3-5 minutes on each side in a cast iron skillet. (I have a panini maker and I use it, it makes the tortillas nice and crisp)
Slice up and serve with dipping sauce.
Everyone loves this and I also do it for sleepovers. If you really want to make it easy, I found pre-made pizza toppings in the grocer deli area…..pepperoni, bacon, sausage, hamburger (etc) and it makes it really simple! Just line up little bowls and let everyone make their own. Then cook them up.

Rach - Ditto on the not being a fan of coming up with dinner every night. And I only have to feed 2 kids and 2 adults. πŸ™‚

lelu - My favorite quick meal for summertime is to put a pork loin in the crock pot with a can of Herdez green salsa and a can of diced green chilis. I cook it for 5 or 6 hours then shred it right it the crock pot. Then I plug in the electric griddle, put out tortillas, cheese, salsa, open a can of black beans and let the kids make their own quesidillas. And there is always lots leftover that I can freeze for another day. I also make enchiladas and taco salad with the leftover pork.
Another super easy meal at our house we call Chicken Louise. I just put chicken breast in a casserole dish and pour a jar of spaghetti sauce over the top. It’s really good if you do that in the morning and put it in the fridge to marinate all day, but it’s not necessary. I top it with several slices of provolone cover it with foil and bake it 30 minutes or so. Then serve it over angel hair with a salad. (I’ve also done this in the crock pot on days I teach piano and it’s great that way too.)
I’m loving all these ideas. I have five kids too and most days if dinner takes me longer than 30 minutes from start to finish it’s just not happening.

Chris - Love looking at all these recipes. We make a variation of this chicken using Cheese-Its and butter instead of oil.
4 chicken breasts cut into smaller chicken fingers
1/2 bag of chees-its
1/4 cup parmesan cheese
1/3 cup butter
Crush cheese-its and mix with paremsan cheese. Melt butter. Dip chicken in melted butter and roll in cheese-it mixture. Bake at 400 15-20 minutes depending on size of chicken fingers. This is really yummy cold the next day. Like fried chicken.
My other go to recipe is:
1 lb italian sausage
1 can petite diced tomatoes with garlic
1 can tomato sauce with garlic, organo and basil
Angel Hair Pasta
Brown italian sausage and drain. Add tomoatoes and sauce an simmer until warmed through. Serve over boiled angel-hair.

Sheila P. - Kate S., “The cheap chicken sold in grocery stores here in the US is no more nutritious than the average donut.” Just where do you get your awesome nutrition facts?

jennibell - Take a pork tenderloin (sometimes mine is still frozen) and put it in the crockpot with 1 can cream of mushroom, 1 can golden mushroom, 1 can french onion soups. Cook on low 8 hours. That’s it. PROMISE everyone will love it. I double the soup b/c my kids like the “gravy”. . .we serve it with Bob Evans mashed potatoes if I’m feeling lazy (instead of making them) or even better, rice. Try it and let me know πŸ™‚
Oh, will work with a whole pork loin or if you are serving people who don’t eat (or like) pork just substitute chicken. . .maybe cook a little less.

Tanya - This sounds yummy and I love spinach!

Tanya - I’m going to make looks yum and plain and that is also what my kids like.
It kinda makes me want to cry that the humongous package of chicken was under $10…what?!?!?!?
Easily, EASILY over $20 here, maybe closer to $30. #ripoff
I do a lot of breakfast for dinner with them.
Also meatballs and rice or muffin tin meatloafs with mashed and corn on the cob.

Jenn - I like your idea of serving it over salad! All these years of making Loose Meat Sandwiches for my family and not once have I thought of serving them on something other than a bun. I think I will be mixing it up a bit and trying it over salad one of these nights! πŸ™‚
I don’t know about anyone else, but I love how we can read all these yummy recipes then adapt them to work within each of our families.

jen - wow! this list is amazing!! y’all have inspired me to dust off my crock pot and get it back in the game! for us a quick go-to meal is either pasta pomodoro which is a large can of whole tomatoes sauteed with italian seasoning, garlic, onions {i guess in the other order} then you toss your cooked pasta right in it with quick garlic bread or the sausage pasta i made last night: .
stir fry’s are always a last minute hit with my husband and me plus it cleans out the fridge and you put it on these noodles: .
and of course brinner – breakfast dinner! which i am doing tonight…fried egg and sausage sandwiches, potato patties and fresh fruit. these usually happen when my husband works late.

Erica - Your recipe reminded me of something that my family called Western Chicken Chunks (Chicken chunks is such a strange thing to say.) You crush some corn flakes and put them in a bowl. Squeeze some ranch dressing into another bowl. Cut chicken breasts into 1 inch cubes. Coat the chicken a few pieces at a time in the dressing then the corn flake crumbs. Place on a foil lined greased baking sheet (makes clean up so much easier.) Sprinkle with salt if desired. Bake at 400 until cooked through (10-20 minutes depending on the size of your chunks.) I usually cut up some sweet potatoes into “fries” and roast them at the same time as the chicken. Kids love it.

Kate S. - Don’t be too disappointed about the cost of chicken in Australia–you get what you pay for. The cheap chicken sold in grocery stores here in the US is no more nutritious than the average donut. The chickens have been raised in appalling, grossly over-crowded conditions and fed an unnatural diet mostly comrpised of corn by-products. Cheap though it may be, you and the chickens are far better off when you pay for a better product.

Peggy - The easiest meal that I make is Enchilada Soup. Put 2 or 3 chicken breasts in a crockpot whole. Add 1 diced onion, I can black beans, 1 can diced tomatoes. In a large bowl whisk together1 can cream of chicken soup, 1 can of enchilada sauce and 1 cup milk. (You can add a little extra cumin and chopped garlic. But we like spicy food.) Let it cook 5-7 hours on low, or 3-4 hours on high. Take out the chicken breasts and chop them up then add them back to the soup with 2 cups of frozen corn(You can add this at the beginning, but I can’t stand mushy corn). Let that cook another 30 minutes to 1 hour. Serve with shredded cheese and some tortilla chips. My kids say this is the best soup I make. Not bad for a total of about 15 minutes of actual work.

Peggy - We make these, too. But we buy our dough from our favorite pizza place. It is so easy and tastes better than my homemade dough! sometimes we cook them on the grill. Delicious!

Stacy - Hi! Nope, uncovered. It never seems to dry out.

rebecca - I love to marinate chicken in italian dressing….after I bake it I do a mixture of mayo, dale’s seasoning (liquid) and A1 (dry spices) mixed together to dip it in. YUMMY!

Brittney M - our go to simple simple meal that is delicous we could eat it 3 times a week is what we call salsa chicken burritos
so simple
– 4-6 boneless skinless chicken tenderloins or breasts
– packet of taco seasoning
– can of cream of chicken soup
– 1 cup of salsa
– 1/2 cup of sour cream
-place chicken on the bottom of your crockpot and pour packet of taco seasoning over the chicken
-in a seperate bowl mix cream of chicken soup and your cup of salsa then pour over the chicken and taco seasoning.
-cook on high for 4 hours or on low for 6 hours
about 10 minutes before you eat shred the chicken in the crock pot and stir in 1/2 cup of sour cream put the mixture in a tortilla add cheese, lettuce whatever you like!! it is seriously super easy and amazingly delicious!!

jimena - In Argentina is a very popular meal. Instead of dipping the chicken in oil, we dip it in eggs with parsley, salt and pepper. Try it!!
We call it “Milanesas”, and you can choose between “milanesas” made of beef or chicken. For veggie people the is a soya Milanesa. Before eating many people like adding some lemon juice over the “milanesa”.

Barbara - BBQ Chicken Thighs
Slice an onion and put the rounds in a greased baking dish.
Put bone-in chicken thighs on top.
Spoon some BBQ sauce over the top of the chicken.
Top each piece of chicken with 1/2 slice of bacon.
Grind some pepper on top.
Bake at 350 for 50 minutes or until chicken juices run clear.

Ginny - I do something similar but instead of oil we coat it with just whatever italian or caesar salad dressing we have in the house. it adds a little extra flavor and is just as easy! also if you spray a little cooking spray over the top of them before you put them in the oven they brown more (just a little tip someone taught me)

Tiffany - What a great suggestion! It’s funny how a post pops up right as you are have similar feelings. My son is 16 and cooking dinner is really becoming my nemesis this year. I’m thankful for pinterest because I plan on trying a lot of crockpot recipes this Fall/Winter. Including that 3 envelope roast someone mentioned above. Not sure how your fam feels about Asian inspired food, but we love Chinese & Thai, yumm. This recipe is our newest fav:
Also, if the fam likes buffalo wings/chicken tenders, here is a sweet and spicy sauce that gives them a new twist.

Linnea - Go-to dinner? What my husband affectionately calls “pasta goop,” but I prefer to call “Creamy Pasta.” He gets so excited when there’s just one serving dish on the table, because 9 times out of 10, this is what’s in it:
either 2 chicken breasts, cubed and pan fried in canola oil with Montreal Steak Seasoning (McCormick) or 1/2 lb ground beef, browned with the same seasoning.
1 crown of broccoli, cut into small florets
2 cups of tri-color rotini pasta
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1/2 c. shredded mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese on top.
Cook the chicken or beef. Meanwhile, boil enough water for 2 cups of pasta. Add the pasta, broccoli (and salt to taste), and cook until al dente. Drain.
Combine the meat with the pasta and broccoli. Add the cream of mushroom soup – no extra liquid, just the soup – and the cheese. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top.
And that’s all, folks. Veggie, starch, dairy, and meat all in one dish. :o)
We could be extra fancy and make our own cream soup, starting with a roux and all that, but…well, you know.

Wendy - Cheap and easy dinner for my family is Black Beans and Rice (from a Brazilian friend). Saute a chopped onion in olive oil, add 2 heaping tbs. of chopped garlic (I buy it chopped already) To this add 2 smoked sausages, sliced into rounds (this is for my family of 6). Saute for a while then dump in 2 large cans of black beans and a good shake or two of Adobo seasoning. Add a small handful of chopped fresh cilantro. Simmer until cilantro is wilted. Serve over rice. You could make it before afternoon errands and just reheat it before dinner time. I like mine served in a bowl and top it with sour cream, salsa and lettuce… yum. I’m reading through all of the posts to get inspired!!

Talia - First — your baking sheet looks just like mine. I won’t replace as it bakes things perfectly. Love it!
A quick and easy meal at my house is taco salad. We love it and it goes together rather quickly.

Kim Barlow - I just double checked the recipe. Bake @ 400 for 20.

Kim Barlow - This is one of my kids favorite recipes. Mini meatloafs and they take less than 10 minutes to make.
1lbs ground beef
1 package of stove top stuffing you favorite flavor
1 tlbs of garlic powder
1 cup of water
1 cup cheddar shredded cheese (but any shredded cheese you have on hand will do)
1 cup of BBQ sauce (whatever is left in your fridge will do)
Preheat oven 350
Mix first four ingredients together. Put in a greased cupcake tin. Use a spoon to make an indentation on the top of each one. fill with a teaspoon of BBQ sauce (I just squirt in on…eyeball it).
Bake for 25 min. top with shredded cheese and bake until melted about another five min.
I have three boys and these are gone quickly. Also, you can mix this up using leftover spaghetti sauce and top with mozzarella. One of my friends uses sweet BBQ sauce, tops with cheese and those crunchy onions (my crew picked off the onions but the adults thought it was Fab).
Super easy. I got this recipe from a Kraft Food Magazine. I have even made these in a mini muffin tin for appetizers for a party. Quick, Easy and everyone asked for the recipe.

Jen - Meg, I make chicken breasts very similar to this, but with a little bit of a healthier twist. 1/4 cup olive oil, 4 cloves of garlic warmed in microwave instead of your veg oil. Then I use 1/4 cup of bread crumbs and 1/4 cup parm cheese. It’s one of our favs!

Molly B - Everyone in my house loves the beef roast cooked with pepperocini’s in the crockpot. . .we serve it with egg noodles or on buns. (I trim the stems from the peppers).
Everyone also loves my recipe for California chicken spaghetti with feta:

Kim Barlow - Love this recipe. It’s also great for those on the Paleo diet. Serve over salad instead of on bun. It’s on my list girl! Thanks!

Amy - I’m guessing you meant something more than just cereal, which is the kids’ fav. πŸ™‚
In the summer when we have basil growing outside, this is the easiest dinner for us. Two of our kiddos won’t eat the pine nuts and basil, so extra yumminess for mommy and daddy.
Thanks for this fun and helpful thread!!!

Χ”Χ Χ”ΧœΧͺ Χ—Χ©Χ‘Χ•Χ Χ•Χͺ Χ‘Χͺל אביב - i didn’t think about it. certainly seems a great idea, i’m going to try it.
thanks for the tip.

Rachel - Loving the comments! Great post. I haven’t seen anyone post one of our favorites.
4-6 chicken breasts, cut up
1 packet of taco seasoning (i use about half for 4 breadts/all for six)
Peach or apricot preserves (use no sugar added for low cal dinner)
In a large pan fry (boiled is good too) chicken till almost done. Add taco seasoning, salsa and preserves to chicken. Cook till hot and bubbly. Serve over hot rice. If you like lots of sauce use all of the salsa and preserves, if not use less.

jennea - : ) wow – i feel like it’s famous, now! have to give credit where credit is due….karen farrell (lives in newton) who was our elementary school librarian @ h-town when i first started there. and yes. it is yum-o!

Andrea @ Pug Life - Taco nights are a go-to meal for me.
I also really like Jambalaya from a box mix. Add a pound of sausage (and/or chicken) and you’re done in 20 minutes. It makes a huge pot of food for a few dollars.

Kori - 1 med. to large onion diced and 1 Tbsp. of minced garlic sauteed in enough olive oil coat the middle of your pan. While that is happening, slice up 6 (or more depending on your family’s like of sausage) Andouille sausage (I buy mine at Costco) and add to the pan. Add 1/4 tsp. each salt and cajun seasoning. Add 2 cans of drained and rinsed kidney beans, 3 cups of instant rice and 4 cups of chicken broth and let it come to a boil. Then cover and set to simmer for about 20 minutes or until rice is done.
I love this dinner because:
1. Everyone eats it with no questions
2. It takes one pan, one cutting board and one knife
3. Clean up is a cinch because of #2.
Throw in a roll or two and a veggie and voila! Dinner! πŸ™‚

Carolyne - WOW!!!! $9.85 for 6 chicken in Australia you would only get 2 for that price. Aussie’s are sooooo ripped off. My jaw is on the floor…

Lori Myers - Forgot to add- dip in warmef Beef consommΓ© (found in soup aisle). Makes a great French Dip sandwich!

Lori Myers - Love breakfast for dinner!! Eggs, Cinnamon raisin French toast ( just use cinnamon raisin bread), and Green smoothies! Another quick and easy meal- Deli roast beef ( 1lb) a loaf of French bread, horseradish sauce, provolone cheese. Spread sauce on sliced loaf of bread, layer roast beef and cheese. Broil for a few minutes until cheese is melted. Slice and serve. I ususlly serve with salad and fresh fruit. A quick easy dinner my family enjoys!

Penny Smith - (why did that post 3 times??)

Penny Smith - Ok-just an information thing-not a judgement thing! I swear! But the second ingredient in ranch dressing mix is MSG!! I like the dressing idea though! Cuz wishbone makes an organic! Sounds yummy!!

Penny Smith - Ok-that is the best easy idea EVER!! Duh! Why didn’t I think of that!!

Penny Smith - Ok-I suggested this too! πŸ™‚ it’s the “bar pan”. And doing bacon the first time on it in the oven is the perfect “seasoner” πŸ™‚

Penny Smith - Our go-to meal is pretty similar… Because I am a food weirdo, I do “bare” chicken (not injected, no hormones, etc…) then make “famouse butter chicken”. Eggs instead of oil to dip (yep. I do organic or at least to hormone, free rangers) then a tube or 2 of butter crackers (ritz-or I use “full circle” organic) and some garlic salt or just a Mrs. dash type garlic seasoning… So dip in egg, coat with crackers, and lay out on (forget metal cookie sheets!! The one Pampered Chef thing I DO swear by us the “bar pan”!!! First time ya cook on it, do bacon. It seasons it perfectly, and ya never have to deal with unevenly cook or stuck foods again! ) bar pan/cookie sheet… THIS is the “butter” part. Place little pats of butter around all the pieces. (oh yeah-do tenders-never tried full breasts!!) preheated oven 375, for ~45 minutes!! My kids LOVE it!

BullyMama - a great solution for your pan problem is the stone cookie sheet from Pampered Chef…it is supposed to get brown/black over time (this is the seasoning process) and hardly anything sticks to it and if it does you just scrape it off to clean it. I also love the stone loaf pan.
A good go-to recipe that I have isn’t as quick as some of the others that were posted but it is simple kid friendly and left-overs are great.
Chicken Casserole
2 bone-in/skin on chix breast and boil with 1 tsp of poultry seasoning and a bay leaf for about 20-25 min. Remove chix and cool until you are able to handle it and take the chix off the bone. In the mean-time make rice and instead of water use the broth from the boiled chix. (1 cup rice/2 cups of broth). Layer 1/2 rice on bottom of medium casserole, top with half chopped chix and 1 can Campbell’s chicken gravy. Repeat with remaining rice, chicken and another can of gravy. I then top with crushed ceasar croutons and bake at 350 for about 25 min or until bubbly. Serve with broccoli or salad and warm rolls.

Kelli - 2 major go-to recipes…. 1- chicken quesadilla- chicken breast/ jar of salsa + crockpot… = happy family
2- italian chicken- chicken breast / jar of italian dressing…. 400 for an hour. Side of rice. Yum

LibraryGirl62 - We call it Ashley-Solow Casserole
1 box Velveeta Shells and Cheese
1 jar fav pasta sauce
1 pound hamburger
Cook the hamburger. Cook the shells. Add the Velveeta sauce, the jar of pasta sauce and the hamburger to the shells. If you want to be fancy, put in a casserole dish and sprinkle with shredded cheddar cheese and bread crumbs and bake at 350 until the cheese is melty and the bread crumbs are toasty πŸ™‚
SO much Yummy!!!

Jenn - Our favorite go-to meal is Loose Meat Sandwiches. Toss a pound of ground beef, a packet of onion soup mix and 3/4 to 1 cup of water into the crockpot, cook on low 7-9 hours then serve on buns. Easy peasy and oh so yummy!

donna - i have 6 kids and trying to please everyone is not easy. here is the one easy meal that they all love and it is so easy to make -{thank you to the person that invented the crock pot}…..In a crock pot – throw in as many chicken breasts as you need! Add a can of cream of chicken soup and that’s it!!!! Once the chicken is done I throw it on top of some boiled wide noodles and make a salad, throw some frozen peas in the microwave, add some bread and dinner is served!!!!

michelle - I make this too!! The only difference is that instead of dipping the chicken in oil, I dip it in ranch dressing!! Or I put and envelope of dry ranch dressing mix in with the bread crumbs. SO GOOD! Right now my go-to “quickie” recipes are just pasta with marina…but my twist is that I add a jar of alfredo to the marinara. Really good and the kids gobble it up. The other one is Poppyseed chicken…which I never put the poppyseeds into because they’re expensive and add no real flavor…plus they can make one test positive for a drug test. Not that I do any drug tests..I’m just sayin. πŸ™‚

Duryn - I know everyone has a different version of “goulash” but we take ground beef, browned with a little cumin, garlic and diced onions. Then add chunky vegetable soup and a little plain tomato sauce. Served over white rice and a bit of cheddar cheese on top.. If my 9 year old could have this evey day, he would πŸ™‚

Carol S. - What are the odds…I got real domestic yesterday and made this from a WW recipe, but instead of oil used some light mayo and there was some oregano and basil in the crumb mix. Just had it again tonight on buns for sandwiches! Love the visual, and especially the pan. I have a few of those too.

Laurie B - This is exactly the kind of meal my 2 very picky daughters love. I use 2 cloves of garlic and let it simmer with 5 tbsp of butter. Then we dip the chicken in that and coat it in a mixture of 3/4 C Panko bread crumbs, 1/4 C of parmesan cheese and salt and pepper to taste. Then bake. It is SO delicious. It’s also one of my fave meals. We eat it with pasta too πŸ™‚ We also love chicken tacos. Just cube chicken and cook it then add the taco seasoning and then serve up in your tacos/nachos. Surprisingly my kids love these tacos better than beef. πŸ™‚

Nicole Q. - Funny you posted this because I just went on a rampage last week not knowing what to cook anymore; I posted it on facebook and asked what eveyrone’s simple go to meals are …. I got some good ones. Last night and tonight i made new recipes and they were both simple and a hit. I thoguth i’d post a bunch of them on my blog soon ….. here’s the one yesterday … crock pot burritos; ( put a pork loin in the crock pot, a can of refried beans or more if you have a big pork loin and half a jar of salsa, cook all day …. shred it up with a fork and put it on tortillas with shredded cheese and sour cream …. easy and we all loved it.)

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I love to make easy peasy chicken tacos…you need one whole roasted chicken already cooked from the the market, jar of fave salsa and warm flour tortillas. If I’m feeling really fancy I’ll add a can of refried beans with shredded cheese on top. This was a fun post. Loved seeing everyone’s ideas.

flowerpowermomma - another version of your easy chicken. we dip chicken in italian dressing, then coat it in parmesan cheese and cook.
also super easy, one pork roast in slow cooker over nite, add a few seasonings, makes great pulled pork.

renee - this pork tenderloin (my mom’s recipe) is SO easy. I always have all the ingredients around and it takes about 3 minutes to make the marinade in the food processor. So whenever the pork tenderloin is on sale, I buy a couple pounds and make this πŸ™‚
we eat this fish ALL THE TIME! again, i always have all the ingredients. it’s quick and healthy. i have it down so that i can do it in 10 minutes start to finish

Bec - These are two of my favorite go to don’t have to think about it recipes. The chicken nuggets, you can make a huge batch of the coating and just keep it in the fridge in between uses. The soup takes all of 15 minutes to throw together and everyone loves it!
Chicken nuggets:
Pepperoni Pizza Soup:

Heidi Jo the Artist - Tacos!!! I cook big batches of meat and freeze in meal size portions, so on nights we are busy/I don’t feel like cooking, I can just take it out of the freezer and thaw, and boom, tacos! I recommend after you cook a big batch of meat to split it in half or thirds, etc. (depending on how much you bought/how much your family eats) and put in the fridge/freezer right after you are done cooking. Then when the meat is gone for the meal that night, your kids/hubby aren’t taking from another meal. We do either beef or chicken tacos. Then soft tortilla shells/hard shells/tortilla chips. A lot just depends on what we have on hand, if I’m doing it as a quick meal. We almost always have salsa on hand, one of my favorite healthy foods. Everyone loves it in my family, including the kids, so I usually buy the really big jugs, a couple at a time! That way we rarely run out. Then depending on what you have on hand… cheese, lettuce/spinach, tomatoes, beans-refried/other (good, cheap filler, to help make your meat go farther, for those that will eat them), olives, avocado, sour cream, cilantro, jalapeΓ±os/other peppers, guacamole, sometimes I will have a couple of salsas too. Somewhat healthy, depending upon what you add to them. And then everyone is happy because they can choose what they have on their taco. I have found that kids really like choices, and this is one of our kids’ favorite meals at our house. Another version that your kids would love (I bet) are β€œwalking tacos”, what kid doesn’t love Doritos. Easier clean up for you too. πŸ˜‰ We started doing them for our camping trips this summer, huge success!

Brittany - Here are a few of our family faves…
Easy Sweet & Sour Chicken:
One Skillet Tater Tot Casserole:
Crockpot Beef Sandwiches. I use a recipe similar to this:
Brinner is another easy dinner I do often. Sometimes breakfast burritos, egg muffin sandwiches, bacon and eggs, egg casserole, etc.

holly - Shredded chicken soft tacos… Could not be easier or more delicious! 6 thawed chicken breasts in the crock pot, pour one jar salsa over the top and pour one packet of taco seasoning over that- stir. Cook on low for 5-6 hours or high for 3-4 hours, and shred the chicken once done. It soaks up all the liquid and basically falls apart if you cook it on low! Serve with cheese, lettuce, sour cream, jalapenos. SO good!

MaryAnn - That Chicken sounds great I will have to try that… One of my favorites is “Hamburger Cups” just brown a pound of hamburger (drain) and add about half a bottle of bbq sauce or enough to cover it. Then take pop biscuts and put them into muffin tins, mashing them up the sides like a cup. Fill with the hamburger and add chunk of cheddar cheese to the top and bake them as the biscut label reads, so easy and everyone loves them πŸ˜‰

Chris - I rarely admit this to anyone… I love Hamburger Helper. My husband… hates it. It stems from his mother making it seven nights a week. (Hey, but they DO have all those flavors!)
So anyway, my go to meal is Hamburger Helper. HOMEMADE Hamburger Helper. It is the best and not one person complains when I make it, including my husband. It is so simple and I always have the ingredients on hand. Here is the link to the recipe.

amber - can i just say that i love you for this? thank you. my kids (5, 2, & too little to eat people food) are waaaay picky these days. makes me nuts. i am so tired of my usuals…thank you. also, i hit your recipes up a lot, because they are quick & family friendly.
a recipe my friend passed on to me that’s super easy:
package of frozen tortellini, cooked & drained
pasta sauce, mix with tortellini
add one package frozen meatballs
pour into 9×13 pan
sprinkle mozzarella & parmesan on top (or just mozzarella)
bake at 350 about 20- 30 minutes, till cheese is melted.
But. my kids won’t eat it…sigh.

elma - This is so easy as my kids are picky:
9-10 Lasagna noodles cooked
1 large jar of prego or ragu sauce
1 pkg mozzarella cheece
1 pkg colby or other cheese
1.5 -2 lbs. hamburger
Brown the hamburger and drain add sauce.
Put a little meat mixture on the bottom of a 9 x 13 dish then layer noodles then hamburger mixture then cheese and repeat 2 to 3 times.
Bake in oven @350 for 30 min. My kids love this and it is good and easy.

Northern Cottage - I’m with you – do the kids really have to eat EVERYDAY. – um yeah!!! So many great quick easy recipes shared to make all of our busy nights just a little easier! Thanks to all of y’all!

Tracy Fisher - My kids favorite…. Sweet pot roast… 1 chuck roast, 1 pkt Lipton onion soup mix (dry), and one can of Coke (no diet, no store brank… real Coca Cola). Pour dry souop mix and coke over roast. Cook on low in crock pot for 9 hours… remember SLOW AND LOW! it is the best! and the left overs are always used for french dips the next night. yum! i think we’ll have that for dinner soon. my mouth is watering. tracy

Emily Zimmerman - Baked “Fried” Chicken I marinate boneless skinless chicken breasts in italian dressing. I crunch up one sleeve of salted saltine crackers. I pour them in a bowl and add a little flour 1/4-1/2c. and some pepper. I pour olive oil on the bottom of a baking sheet and spread it over the entire sheet. Then coat the chicken in the bread crumb mixture and lay them on the baking sheet. Then I spray the top of each piece of chicken with olive oil. Bake at 400 for about 20min. and they turn out yummy! Everyone thinks it’s fried chicken but it’s not. And it takes a lot less work than the fried chicken but tastes just as good.

Lee Ann - Oh! And this mac n cheese! So fast and creamy!
Thanks for posting this. I’m loving reading through all of the comments!

Lee Ann - “Our Best Bites” guiltless alfredo.
Taco soup.
And our new favorite is this yummy Pad Thai. So fast, and love the flavors!

Michelle - Homemade chicken pot pie! Here is my recipe for it, but now instead of screwing with the crust, I just put it in a glass baking dish and top with instant biscuit dough!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I am all about yummy recipes that don’t require a ton of ingredients, let alone stuff I don’t already have in my pantry. I actually have a binder of 5 ingredient recipes that are TO DIE FOR. Crock pot mac-n-cheese, chicken salad cups(made in baked pie crusts in muffin tin wells), lasagna(using no-cook noodles), there are so many…
I will refer to this comments section in the months to come for some fresh dinner ideas:)

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I make a similar version of this recipe using crushed up Cheez-It crackers. Its delicious!

amy cornwell - We love chicken “enchiladas”
put 2-3 (frozen) chicken breasts in the crock pot with a can of Rotel, black beans, corn. Cook on low all day. Then shred the chicken and add 1/2 can enchilada sauce & 1c shredded cheese. Mix it up and put it in soft tortillas. Spread a bit of enchilada sauce on the bottom of a pan, fill the pan with the rolled tortillas, cover with the remaining enchilada sauce & cheese. Bake at 350 for about 25 minutes. YUMMY!

Nicole Russell Willis - My easiest is chicken breasts in crock pot with salsa! Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Awesome for a few nights of chicken tacos, chicken taco salad, chicken nachos, etc!
I love your idea, going to use that soon!

Kelly - I make chicken nuggets pretty much the same way, just smaller pieces obviously. If your kids are feeling adventurous, add some Panko to the parmesan and bread crumbs for a little extra crunch.
Here’s a recipe for easy lettuce wraps I recently discovered that everyone in my house LOVES! Even my picky eater who would live off pb& j if I let him.

elma - Do you cover the pan in the oven??

Jen - Hot roast beef sandwiches are always a hit here and they couldn’t be EASIER!
Toss a 3-5 pound CHUCK roast in the crockpot. (I always spray my crockpot with Pam!)
Cover the roast with two (small size) jars of Heinz savory beef grave (or similar)
Cook on low for 6-8 hours. Shred with fork and serve on buns.
Easy and delicious! (and the leftovers are yummy too!)

Amy - Breakfast tacos – scrambled egg with some grated cheese and a slice of bacon in a tortilla with a side of hashbrowns (pre-shredded) just cooked in a pan until crunchy with salt and pepper with a side of fruit.

Robyn Farmer - These are some of my favorite recipes and best of all they are for the crock pot.

Allison - Don’t feel bad my cookie sheets look about the same. I keep asking for some for Christmas but nobody will get me any. Maybe that can be my belated birthday gift to myself πŸ™‚ Oh and this chicken recipe is going on my must-try list!

Candice - Thanks for the recipe! I’m all about easy peasy meals. A couple meals we do in the crock pot are:
1) Chicken marinara: cover your chicken with marinara sauce in the crock pot, cook on low for 5-6 hours (or longer depending on how much chicken you fix) and serve over pasta;
2) Crock pot chicken-pot-pie: cook chicken in cream of chicken or cream of celery soup (use a couple cans if you’re cooking a lot of chicken) in the crock pot on low for 5-6 hours. Add a bag of frozen veggies (we use peas and carrots) 30 min to an hour before you’re ready to serve (just long enough to heat them through). Pull the chicken apart and mix back into the soup. Serve over warm biscuits.
Hope those help. =)

Jeana - My tgo to meal is tacos. Ground beef, chilli powder, garlic powder, and cumin. Add a can of tomatoes and green chillies. Serve with any toppings. So easy.

Carolyn - This is not actually going to help you at all, but I thought you might enjoy hearing it. A long time ago you posted about a meal that you make as you go and kind of briefly described it. Well, it sounded good to me so I stole it from you! I don’t know if you actually gave it a name or not, but we call it Polynesian Chicken (maybe you do too…). It’s shredded chicken with rice and cream of chicken soup (as sauce) and coconut, cheddar cheese, pineapple and chow mein noodles. We love it! My daughter even requested it for her birthday dinner! πŸ™‚ It’s a good one! Everyone gets what they like, too. πŸ™‚ We often have this when we have guests who might be picky eaters! Thanks!

rebekah - Tacos, plain and simple.

Jen - I love Breakfast for Dinner! Scrambled eggs, waffles, and cut up apples for the “vegetable.” We had it last night!
But I have to say, MEG. BUY SOME NEW COOKIE SHEETS. I was a pastry chef for 16 years and swear by these babies, which can be found at any restaurant supply store and usually cost less than $5. They last forever and you never have black-bottomed cookies.

Molly - My kids would love that, thanks for posting. I was just thinking I need some new chicken recipes.
My kids like meatloaf in the mini muffin tins. You can even add shredded cheese into the meatloaf mixture or on top. I just mix it all up spray the tins with cooking spray, fill them most of the way to the top, then coat with brown sugar, mustard and ketchup and bake.

Sara G. - My family likes boneless skinless chicken breast dipped in butter, coated with crushed Rice Krispies and sprinkled with salt and pepper. Put in a greased 9×13 pan and bake at 350 for 1 hour (or until done). It would be great with the Parmesan noodles – we LOVE them too!

Stacy - Boneless, skinless chicken breasts
Bottle or two of your fav. BBQ sauce.
Pour about 1/4 cup in the bottom af a baking dish
Place chicken in baking dish
Pour remaining BBQ sauce over chicken, enough to cover them
Bake for 1 hour on 350 degrees
Serve with mashed potatoes and corn.

jackie grandy - Hi Meg! I have tons of easy go-to recipes that my kids love. I hate linking because I feel its lame, but I don’t think there is enough room to jot down the recipes, and it just easier to link to my blog as I show step-by-step instructions. Here are 4 of my kid’s favorite easy dinners.
Broccoli lemon pasta. This is rated a 10 by my kids and all their friends. It makes eating broccoli easy.
These turkey burgers are so good and the name says it all.
These cilantro lime chicken tacos are the bomb! You don’t have to use the chicken for tacos either, you can serve it over rice or a salad.
We love these refried bean tacos and they are so easy to whip up.
I have so many more favorite recipes that are easy to whip up last minute or make the day ahead. I believe in two-nighter meals as well as make ahead meals. Maybe I can come to one of your craft weekends and cook with Kimberlee πŸ™‚ I need to make her cheesecake! It looks so darn good!
Your chicken dish looks awesome and is something I am definitely going to make up for the kiddos!

Rebecca Torzewski - That is a great, quick idea. Another way to make a quick chicken meal and one of our faves is, instead of using oil, we use beaten eggs. Cut the chicken into strips, dip into flour, egg, and then breadcrumb/parmesan mixture. When you use the flour and egg for some reason the bread crumbs stick to it, and when you fry it up you have crispy chicken strips — so good, and quick!

Alicia @ La Famille - looks yummy! i’m fresh out of fun dinner ideas…but i did roast a whole chicken last night and that was good. with acorn squash and a salad. tonight that same chicken’s gonna be chicken noodle soup. see me doubling up there? ya, smart…i know πŸ˜‰

Prairie Jenn - Make your own mini pizza night:)
Sometimes we make our own crust…sometimes we just use flatbread.
Sometimes I make marinara sauce…sometimes we just buy a jar of it.
We set up a toppings bar…cheese, pepperoni, veggies, more cheese;)
Everybody makes their own mini pizza and we put them all in the oven till brown and bubbly.
Easiest dinner ever!

Heather - EZ peel shrimp marinated in Berenstein’s Italian Salad Dressing for the day and then quickly grilled on the BBQ. Serve with white rice and a green salad. Easy peasy.

Stephanie - My fastest, no-brainer meal……boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a crockpot (fresh or frozen), bottle of your favorite BBQ sauce. Cook on low, 6 hrs. or so. At the end of the day you have pulled bbq chicken sandwichs! Spoon it on a roll, steam some broccoli, add some french fries….the end!

sara @ it's good to be queen - this looks perfect! it’s similar to something i make….i just cut mine into pieces so they’re like chicken nuggets. and i don’t dip it in oil, but i pan fry them in a little oil. and i add some paprika…i have no idea why? my mom did so i do. πŸ˜‰
i also love to do easy chicken tacos. put chicken breasts in the crock pot around lunch time. pour in a jar o’ salsa. about an hour before dinner, shred up the chicken with two forks. it will absorb all of the salsa and then you have nice flavorful, moist chicken at dinner time. serve with hard or soft shells and whatever toppings you want. easy and a crowd pleaser. πŸ™‚

Kate B - Here’s what I’m planning for dinner tonight. We love this recipe.

Tiffany B - I’m with you Meg! Cooking dinner e v e r y night is not my thing, however I do have one quick and easy meal that my family likes (my kids are 14, 15 and 16). Night before: cut up chicken breasts and put in big zip lock bag with fajita seasonings, about 1/2 cup water and 1/4 cup oil. Mix it around and put in fridge. Next cut up some green/red/orange peppers and onions, put in bag and throw in fridge. Next morning put chicken in bottom of crock pot, then put veggies on top. Make some mexican rice OR just throw the chicken/veggies in a tortilla with some sour cream and salsa and be done. easy. good. Hope you try it! I’m trying the baked chicken this week for sure, thanks!

Lorelei - I love cooking! Our main meals are pasta/chicken or rice/chicken. We steam veggies while we cook our rice (rice cooker + steamer) and while that’s going we cook chicken. Usually just in a pan with some oil, maybe garlic and lemon. When it’s all said and done we like to top it off with a sauce, usually a bottle of sweet chili sauce, but sometimes a peanut sauce. I also love to bake homemade mac n cheese in the winter. Lots of cheese, milk, butter, tons of mac (the smaller elbows) with something like crumbled chips on top. I try not to make it too often because it’s so bad for you, but it’s definitely a favorite comfort food.

Kym - Our easy, kid approved, quick dinner.
Frozen italian meatballs from Costco and whatever spaghetti sauce I have in the cupboard. Heat together till meatballs are done.
You can turn these into meatball subs with a little melted parm on top. Or serve with noodles. Have a bagged salad and some garlic bread ready to go and you are done! (Especially nice when the 16yr old son heats these up for us while I’m at the younger sons football practice!)

sullyj - I am with you..I would MUCH rather be up all night with a hungry baby, than cook. I’m terrible at it, but my kids are so sweet to always say it’s good (despite what their face might be saying) I do make a chicken/spinach dish that all my kids (ages 3-8) always ask me to make. Just cook cubed chicken in chicken stock (1 can) add 1 block of cream cheese until it cooks into the chicken stock and becomes creamy. Seperately, cook and drain 1 pkg spinach and Cook 1 box penne pasta. Add pasta and spinach to creamy chicken mixture and you’re done. It is super good and easy! I will be trying your chicken tomorrow night!

sara @ it's good to be queen - this looks so yum! i’m writing this down! also i make that beer bread, it’s awesome!

seriously sassy mama - My family likes the meatball sliders I make. I got the recipe from Giada De Laurentis. They are so yummy and very easy to make.

Trysha - Shrimp fried rice. I always thought it was super hard/laborious but when I have the rice already made from the rice cooker (you have one, right? the two most used appliances in our house is the rice cooker and the crock-pot) it’s just basically a lot of chopping, which I don’t mind.

Lennie Jackson - I make ham and potato casserole that is super yum.
2 cups ham chunks
1 bag hashbrown potatoes
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 bag shredded cheese
Mix and put in 9×13. Bake 30 min at 350. I usually broil the top for a few minutes so it is a little crispy around the edges.
Serve with the easiest beer bread ever!!! 1/2 cup sugar, 3 cups self rising flour and 1 can of beer. Bake 45 min at 375. SO YUMMY!!!!
Good luck!!!

Liz - My kids eat this up every single time. They call it “the meat and potatoes”
1 turkey kielbasa
1 jar of Bubbies sauerkraut
Put the kraut in a casserole dish, put the keilbasa on top
Bake at 350 for 30-40 mins till hot
I usually serve it with baked potatoes and cottage cheese.

Whitney - Hi Megan,
This is very similar to my “quick chicken” recipe. Instead of oil, I use an egg and some milk. And I don’t use parmesan cheese, just bread crumbs, salt, and pepper. I bake it in the oven but on a rack, and then broil for the last few minutes so it gets nice and crispy (turning it so both sides get crispy). The end.

Brantlee - All of your recipes that I have tried are family favorites. This one sounds yummy as well. My go to recipe is actually your meatball recipe. So good!

Beth - This:
I make this Manicotti multiple times a month since she first posted it. I’d never ever made manicotti before that, but it’s SO GOOD and really easy and doesn’t cost very much at all. We have it with garlic bread and a salad. πŸ™‚

Amanda - This is my go to meal when we are going to have company over and I don’t have time or don’t want to cook.
Crock Pot French Dip
Beef roast
1/4 cup soy sauce
1 cup water
1 1/2 tsp Kitchen Bouquet
1 package Lipton Onion Soup mix
Put all of it in the crock pot in the morning and enjoy on buns for supper. Mmmmmm!

Cori - Taco chili. 1.5 lbs lean ground beef (or turkey since my family can’t taste the difference), one can of black beans, one can of kidney beans, both rinsed (or use dry beans, much better for you), one can of corn, one large can of tomato product (Rotel, stewed tomatoes, salsa or just tomato sauce since my kids don’t like “chunks”) and an envelope of taco seasoning. Brown the meat, dump everything else in the pot and let simmer. Works great in a crockpot for sports nights and we serve it with cornbread or corn chips with cheese, sour cream and olives on top. Makes a great walking taco too.

Cristen - My kids would love that chicken! Two favorite, easy to make meals are taco rice and chicken with rice. For the taco rice we us ground beef with taco seasoning over rice and then add whatever else you want or have on hand. We like cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, and tons of salsa! I try to keep frozen taco meat in the freezer for stuff like this and then just make a huge pot of rice in the rice cooker. The chicken with rice is SOOOO simple! 3 chicken breast cut up, 1 can of diced tomatoes with chilies, 1 can of chicken broth, and 1 cup of rice. Cook chicken first and then add everything else. Simmer 20 minutes with lid on. Add 1 cup of cheese. Easy!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
4 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 1-1/4 lbs.)
1 egg, beaten
3/4 cup Italian seasoned dry bread crumbs
1 jar (1 lb. 10 oz.) Ragu Old World Style Pasta Sauce
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (about 4 oz.)
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Dip chicken in egg, then bread crumbs.
2. In 13 x 9 x 2 pan, arrange chicken. Bake uncovered 20 minutes.
3. Pour pasta sauce over chicken; top with cheese. Bake an additional 10 minutes or until chicken is thoroughly cooked. Serve with hot cooked pasta. Makes aboout 4 servings.

Alice H - 3 Envelope Roast
3 pound beef roast (such as chuck roast)
1 envelope of dry Italian salad dressing mix
1 envelope of dry ranch salad dressing mix
1 envelope of dry brown gravy mix
2 cups water
Put the water in a measuring cup that is larger then the amount of water you are using. Now add and mix all three envelopes of dry salad dressings to the water. Mix until blended completely. Brown the roast (if desired). Add the meat to your cooker. Pour the water, salad dressing mixture over the roast. In the slow cooker cook it on high for about 4 hours on low about 8 hours.

Trish - we heart taco salad or nachos yum!

kate - beef stroganoff (sp?) super easy, cut up steak into cubes brown it then add 2 cans of cream of mushroom and cream of chicken. cook for an hour. then add sour cream at the end. serve with egg noodles!

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i know these look like the same pictures of that sunflower patch i posted about in july….but they are different.
i promise.
i went back a week later with no kids, my cowboy boots and my camera. 




i was so happy out there clickin' away on an overcast morning with no one asking me "how much longer mom?"
"can we go now?"
"are you almost finished?"
i just clicked and clicked and clicked until i decided i was done.
that is an awesome feeling.






this time they were ALL open and smiling at the sun.

spider playing hide-and-seek at the bottom…


i love the water droplets and pollen all over the leaves.  :)






this one just needed another hour probably and all its petals would be open.



that was the whole patch.
not a field but just enough and all about 5 feet tall.  

and this one is my most favorite.
i love it.

i think i should just become a flower farmer.
i could just grow fields of flowers and take pictures all day long.
zinnias, black eyed susans, coneflowers, daisies and of course sunflowers.
wouldn't that be a completely dreamy job?

what do you dream about becoming?

just share…it's safe here.  :) 


Jen H. - Hi Meg,
You have probably answered this question a bazillion and one times, but can you please tell me the type of camera you use? What is your favorite, everyday-type lens?
Because I dream of being a photographer! πŸ™‚
Thanks so much!
Jen Honeycutt
Littleton, CO

Tiffany - Ice cream taste-tester. πŸ™‚

Heather R. - Bee one=my favorite! πŸ™‚

April R - we lived in Europe for a short time and they had flower fields with a little stand or post with a box and you could pick them and then put some money in the box. honor system. It is a little sad that I’m still like, really? they just trust people? wow…
Kat’s reply made me think of Peter Pan. It’s longish but I love it.
[Mrs. Darling speaking quietly with Wendy, John, and Michael just before putting them to bed and going out with Mr. Darling to an important business party…]
Mrs. Darling: Your Father is a brave man, but he will need a special kiss before he can face his colleagues tonight.
John: Father? Brave?
Mrs. Darling: There are different kinds of bravery, John. There is the bravery of a thinking of others before oneself. Your father has never brandished a sword or fired a pistol – thank heavens – but he has made many sacrifices for his family and put away many dreams.
Michael: Where did he put them?
Mrs. Darling: (with a smile) He put them in a drawer. And sometimes late at night we take them out and admire them.
Michael: Are they pretty?
Mrs. Darling: Oh, yes. A put-away dream grows prettier every day. So pretty, it is harder and harder to close the drawer. But he does. And that is why he is brave.

karen gerstenberger - I would love to help those in the medical field by sharing what I’ve learned as the mother of a patient, so that they can empathize (without getting hurt) as they care for families. I would love to do more writing on all kinds of topics, and help others who have been through catastrophes to have hope; would love to grow in faith and service. I guess my dream job is writer/artist, and I am doing it part-time now…but it would help A LOT to get paid for it!
Also want to let you know that you inspired me to get some spray paint and get started! Thank you, Meg. Check out the table – it’s nearly done:

lisa - That last picture is amazing! Wow.
I dream of owning a stationery/paper store. Stationery, notecards, notepads…I love it and can’t have enough!

Dani - Beautiful! I saw a sunflower field this weekend and begged my husband to stop so I could take pictures. But, we were right in the last parts of the hurricane.
What do I want to be? I want to be a psychologist for the hearing impaired. Sounds strange? Yes, but I’m sure they need to have their thoughts heard too!
Maybe someday, I will do this!!

Rachel - All lovely photos but that last one is just excellent!

Angela A - You need to print some of those pics to sell when you open your Etsy shop. Please.
I am still working on my dreams–just now getting to where I can mentally do that. My right now dream is to keep working part time to have time to make quilts and other stuff and just to have space in my days so I’m a better mom and wife.

Natasha - I dream about running a bar in Key West that opens onto the sand and faces the sea. Some haunt that the locals hang out in, where I can live in flipflops and serve beer.

jenni@talkinghairdryer - I love the barn in this patch. It really adds to the character. Great pics!

Clare Heuer -…absolutely LOVE the sunflowers!! They are my favorite flower and you just have to be happy around them!!
The real reason for my message is that I saw a quick preview for PARENTHOOD last night and it’s back on Sept. 11. I love, love, love that show and I know you do too. Tuesday nights just haven’t been the same lately without the Braverman family. πŸ™‚
Blessings – Clare

jen - dreams are so amazing aren’t they? i have tucked my dreams away in a drawer and peek at them sometimes but know they are not possible for me right now. they include running a farm, being a photographer, learning graphic design, honing my sewing skills and opening my party/wedding planning business. those are mine. i hold them close.

Jen - Gorgeous, happy pictures! Thank you, Meg.
When I grow up, I’m either going to be one of Janet Jackson’s back-up dancers or Pink.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - love reading your readers’ dreams. . .makes me smile. Mine. . to speak at women’s conferences, retreats, etc on following God with reckless abandon. I feel alive. . I feel God’s pleasure when I speak. I’d also like to run parenting workshops, speak on parenting. . encourage young mothers. Your blog makes me smile. . .

Courtney - This flower farm is about an hour down the road from me, and it’s AMAZING
Funny you should ask about a dream job, my husband and I have been talking about it lately too – big crazy audacious goals if you had no restrictions what would you do type things.
I want to start a ministry and write a book for women and families dealing with pregnancy loss
I want to run a children’s ranch for anyone who needs a place to live and be loved
I want to be a farmer and run a CSA
I want to own and run a bed and breakfast
In the mean time I just want to work hard at whatever God tells me to.

Kat - I wish I knew what my dream was.
ten years at home with four gorgeous kids and the baby starts part time school next year, which I am partly dreading. sigh.
Maybe then I will rediscover what my dream is.
It was to be a Mum to four and that happened, so now I need a new dream…

Audrey - the sunflowers are gorgeous πŸ™‚ I dream of owning my own bakery

Kate - I dream of opening a home photography studio…. specializing in kiddos. I dream of recording a CD one day. I dream of teaching other women how to start a photography business. I dream of adoption and wonder if God has that in store for me.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Have you ever heard of those farms of U-Pick flowers??? I have read about them… It’s my dream to show up at a place like that with shears and some Mason jars. Give me zinnias or give me death.
I know I didn’t answer your question, but this seemed more pressing.

Amber - Have you ever read Harvey potter’s balloon farm to your kids? It just all of a sudden made me think of you when you mentioned being a flower farmer (which does sound dreamy:)…).
It’s a fun book & a little odd…but my daughter loves the pictures:). And I think you might too…

Nicole - …a wife, mama, and published writer. πŸ™‚

Katie Beth - These are gorgeous. Hard to pick a favorite, but the last one is fun! I hope you print I sent arrived safely…if not, please let me know!

happygirl - I would love to learn how to take pictures and add them to my blog. Or, I’d like to learn how to be a wonderful cook and make wonderful food. A girl can dream. Oh yeah, and move to Daytona Beach, FL or SD, CA. πŸ™‚

Amanda Kay - Meg! I found your dream school (would have emailed but it wasn’t working with my computer).
You’re so great and I LOVE the sunflower photo with the little honeybee! Makes my heart sing!

Amy Lynne - Ha! Love it!! πŸ™‚

Amy Lynne - I would love to have my own fabric shop and be able to create all day long! I guess that is what I do on my summers off, minus owning the fabric shop πŸ˜‰

Stephanie - A lottery winner.

Tracy Fisher - ps… i dream of living on the water one day and having a little art studio next to my home. tracy

Tracy Fisher - I think you should make a copy of one of those photos and put a bible verse in the center of the flowers. Just thinking. And would love one. πŸ™‚ tracy

Amanda - I’ve always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. Or host my own craft weekends.:-)

Tanya - a writer…and own a bakery.
I believe both will happen πŸ™‚
lovely pics ~ I’d be running from the bees πŸ˜‰

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I wish I could design wedding dresses. Wouldn’t that be a romantic job? I would love that. Loving your sunny sunflowers!

the domestic fringe - Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! I love sunflowers.

Tina I - I always dreamt of being a stay-at-home mom….some dreams do come true:-) My next dream is to find an old house, fix it up without killing its charm and sell it, then find another and another and another…..

Liesl - I dream of fields and fields of sunflowers like you have! They are hard to come by in Northern New Jersey! I just satisfy my desire to take pictures of sunflowers by heading to my sister’s patch of 6 πŸ™‚

Jessica - I dream of seeing those sunflowers in person!!

Jenny Joy - I love those photos. Sunflowers are my favorite… by a mile.
I want to become a professional cake decorator. The kind that has worker bees to actually BAKE the cake (it takes forever, and isn’t really my forte.) But I would spend most of my waking moments decorating. Fondant and gum paste and buttercream, OH MY! Cakes that fool the eye. Cakes that make people squeal. Cakes that people don’t want to cut into because they are just too darn pretty. It’s a nice thought. πŸ™‚

sandee prince - a hip hop dancer. no joke.
gorgeous pics Meg.

Lisa - I particularly love the fifth picture from the top.
I dream about being a photographer. πŸ™‚

amy cornwell - I love the sunflowers…I’d love to have a whole backyard full of flowers like you said: sunflowers, purple cone flowers, lavender, zinnias…all of the pretty ones to photograph. They’d call me the crazy flower lady, but I wouldn’t care. Love your shots, they brighten the day!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I love that last one too…b/c hubby is a beekeeper on the side. Most people hate “bees”(they classify all kinds under one title)but our honeybees are pretty darned amazing and the honey is a really good natural combatant for allergies and such.

Alicia @ La Famille - i think a new fall header is in order with one of these babies!

Erica Haude - Where is this?!?! I really want to take Christmas pictures in sunflowers, as we just moved back to Kansas. I live close to you…so, if you could kindly point me in the direction of some sunflowers, I’d be much obliged to ya πŸ™‚
oh, and I dream of being an Equine Therapist for abused children.

Molly - Owning my own jewelry business. You should sell these on Etsy. Love sunflowers. I’d love to grow them but don’t really have a place for them. Trying to see if I could grow them in my backyard somewhere.

Tiffany - Dreams…I’ve always dreamed of owning my own business. And I’m all over dat. Hellooo etsy. P.S. I saw a sunflower calendar at bn a week or so ago and thought of your blog, whatever!

Tracy - Gorgeous photos as always, Meg. The last one is awesome!! Thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

stephany - I would grow the exact same flowers…

Lisa M. - Beautiful pictures, thank you! Sadly, no dreams. Isn’t that horrible? I’m a wife, mom, and I stay at home running a business. Life is busy and it just seems hard to dream sometimes, ya know? Being a wife and mother are two of the most gratifying things I have ever done in my life, but the business end of life isn’t something I’d choose to do again (the actual business I’m in, not actually being in business for myself. That part of it is great and has allowed me to be home with my son. Something I thank God for.). But it’s where I’m at now and just pray that God will help me through it and that I will eventually discover His will. I know He puts each one of us on this earth with special gifts and a plan for our lives and I’m hoping to discover what that is. I know He has something great planned and I know He will reveal it to me when the time is right. Anyhow, enough of that. I have an awesome life and a wonderful family. God has already blessed me in countless ways!

Maria - Simply beautiful photos! Would love to take a road trip to Kansas for the blooming sunflowers!
when I grow up I would love to be a photographer and fiber artist….

Terrie G - I wasn’t able to get super pics of sunflowers this summer. The field just didn’t cooperate. Not enough rain… πŸ™
I’m with you! I would come and take pics of flowers in your fields all day long.
I’ve been blessed to live the best dream of my life…momma and now grandma.
But, a year ago…I knew I needed something else.
My dream is to learn photography…
And I’ve had so much fun learning all facets the past year.
I have a lot to learn…but it’s why I took it up.
There will always be something new to learn and
never a shortage of pictures to take!
Thanks for all your pics…you always inspire me!!

Beth McClintock - Love this post and I actually borrowed a picture and made it my screen saver on my phone πŸ™‚

Southern Gal - Lovely shots. The last is my favorite, too.
My dream is to grow in my photography. I’d like to take some courses to help me get there. I want to take beautiful portraits of my children and granddaughters just for me and my family.

Lori H - Secretly I would love to be a photographer, but as I don’t even own a working camera at the moment (point and shoot died) that isn’t really possible. Also want to be a reading tutor for elementary kids. Reading is soooo important!!

Paula S. - Good for you for going back without the kids! I would love to be a stay at home mom most of all. A bonus would be to have time for a flower garden, money to redo my house and the chance to do small photography jobs from time to time.

Stacy - Current dream is to work, and be paid, to do curriculum development. Specifically, arts for children’s education & camp. Performing arts, visual arts – including wicked projects. I feel like I’ve been working towards this place for a few years. I’m good at it. Now, to find employment in this area that will still allow me to pick my kiddo up when school is over and to stay home with her during school breaks. So, big dream with those requirements….Thanks for the safe place to dream.

elma - Love these pictures!!!

Janelle - I dream of becoming a professional newborn baby rocker πŸ˜‰

amy jupin - i am so glad i clicked over just as you were posting these.
(in my mind anyways, no scheduling posts!)
i just wrote about owning a shop, a little piece of beauty, with a striped awning and big flower boxes and vintage goodies stacked tall, chippy hutches and pretty candles and, and, and…
it’s all there.
my dream.
and you can come take pictures of it for me!
and kimberlee will bring cinnamon rolls and we’ll have lovely lattes and oh my, it will be wonderful!
so happy to have this dream.

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Mercy Project

today i would love to tell you about Mercy Project.

Mercy project

Heather Hendrick of the Mercy Project wrote these words about the group and their mission:

There’s an estimated 7,000 children who work in the Ghana fishing industry. Some of
these children are as young as 5 and 6 years old.  All of these children are slaves.

Today many in our country will take a day off from our jobs to celebrate the social and economic achievements of American workers.  
No matter if we’re celebrating at home or at the beach, we’re entering into a tradition that has largely been shaped by Labor Unions – organizations that are dedicated to protecting workers’ interests and improving their wages, hours, and working conditions.  
Today as we lounge around or hang out with friends and family, we’re not only celebrating hard work, we’re honoring fair, ethical working practices and the laws that prevent discrimination, abuse, and child labor in our country.  
Without these laws in place (and enforced), the most vulnerable members of society suffer.  

Who are the most vulnerable? Children. 


Today as we’re celebrating the systems in our own country that strive to prevent injustices like child trafficking and child labor, we’re mindful of the many child slaves around the world who are unprotected and the organizations, like Mercy Project, who are working to free them.
As a mother, it’s difficult for me to imagine my children working 14 hours a day, 7 days a week.  
I’m unable to wrap my brain around the thought of my children engaged in long, hard days of physical labor, eating one meal a day, and then falling asleep at night on a dirt floor filled with other slave children.  
Yet this is the daily reality for kids who have been trafficked into the fishing industry in Ghana, Africa.  
As with much of Africa, there is a great deal of poverty in Ghana.
Unfortunately, this leaves many mothers in an unimaginable position: sell their children to someone who can take better care of them or watch them starve to death.
Most of the mothers are told their children will be given food, housing, and an education.
Instead, the kids are often taken to Lake Volta where they become child slaves and their mothers never see them again.  
Thankfully, Mercy Project is working to break the cycles of trafficking around Lake Volta by providing alternate, more efficient, sustainable, fishing methods for villagers – ultimately eliminating the need for child slaves.  
Because of the work Mercy Project is doing in Ghana, the first group of children will be freed this month from Lake Volta.

*******please watch this documentary about the issues in Ghana and the HOPE Mercy Project is bringing! *******


Mercy Project is the only NGO working on Lake Volta addressing the injustice of child labor and child trafficking at its root – by strengthening the Ghanaian economy and eliminating the structures that cause the demand for trafficked children.

Whether these ideas of child labor, child trafficking, and modern-day slavery are new to you or you’re aware of these injustices, but need to hear some good news every once in awhile, we invite you to become a part of what Mercy Project is doing in Ghana.  
When Mercy Project frees their first group of children this month, we can all celebrate together.

Mercy project1


thank you Heather….

i don't know about you, but when i hear about another kind of injustice i get to where i think about those children constantly.  
i worry for them.  
i hurt for them.
but i am so excited when i hear about REAL programs that are trying to fix things one step at a time.
one step at a time is better than no steps!

what would you do if this was happening HERE to our children?
these are children just like ours.
no different.
everyone deserves a chance! 

let's support Mercy Project today.
can you donate today?
i would LOVE, love, looooove if ALL of my readers donated something today.
any amount is worth it.
i would love to say "WE support you Mercy Project" 

$5.00 can buy you a fancy coffee or make a difference to a child in Ghana.
that is pretty amazing when you think about the impact your money can have!
you really do count in making a change!

i can't wait to see what can be done through these awesome willing servants!

Mercy Project Facebook and Twitter can you keep you up to date on what's going on daily.


β€œWhen the lives and the rights of children are at stake,
there must be no silent witnesses.” – Carol Bellamy


thanks for joining me.




Mike Cornelia - The Mercy Project sounds like a great organization. I have been reviewing human trafficking statistics and it is truly sickening to see how prevalent it has gotten around the world. I am even more discouraged with the fact that it has reached it’s way into the United States. It is so infuriating that people engage in this practice to make a living. My hope is that, if enough people find out about child trafficking it will slowly be brought to an end.

sara @ it's good to be queen - this is good stuff. thank you so much for sharing. i so needed to get out of my own head and own space today. thank you.

Carla - It’s a noble cause no doubt and it’s heartbreaking to think of these families broken up in such a horrendous way but it would be wrong to think that child slavery only happens in poor countries like Ghana. Check out Human RIghts Watch new campaign against the abuse of child labor (especially migrant child labor) in the US (hope this link works but if not just google migrant child labor US)
So perhaps while you and your readers support the children in Ghana, you would also take time to read about the plight of migrant children in the US, also victims of poor circumstances, whose parents have also had to make unimaginable decisions. It doesnt even merd to cost you a dime, just try to ensure the food you buy is properly and ethically sourced from
Farms that use properly paid workers whose human and legal rights are respected, ttell your politicians this issue matters to you, small actions add up!!

Katy - i found out about mercy project last december when i ran a local half marathon that benefitted them. i’ve been following them closely on Facebook ever since and was so excited to post about the work they are doing today! this is great- thanks for sharing! πŸ™‚

Lisa - I love the day to day stuff you share and what you shared today. God is using you. Through the computer I can see your hearts desire to glorify Him. Some people may not hear about human trafficking and child slavery except from your blog. And others like me who are striving to make a difference needs to be reminded on days like today. Thank you!

Tanya - no silent witnesses…

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