Masthead header

monday….you are alright.

well….we packed it in this weekend again.

our saturday was ridiculous becasue of sports but it keeps us together and busy.
and that's alright with me most of the time.

annie had a soccer game first.
she was a wild woman out there!


then after annie's game we went across the street to Talby's soccer game.
it was pretty chilly….we were all wrapped up in blankets.


talby is on the far right….with all the legs.
her field was WAY bigger than annie's so it was hard to get a good picture.
so that's all i have.

then we got in the car, changed from shinguards to knee pads, drove 8 miles to talby's volleyball game.



she did great!
she's been working on her serving and it showed.

then we went home and i vegged out for awhile on pinterest.
because…that's what you do when you are tired and feel like there is a lot going on…. right???
it's what i do.

we headed out to Lauren's volleyball tournament but we were early so we went to the thrift shop real quick.

total price for both cute little quilts that will be perfect for soccer games…$2.50.

thanks mom for spotting them.

i drove through sonic because it was happy hour and….it was HAPPY HOUR. 

we went to Lauren's volleyball tournament.
had already played three games by this time but i was at the other kids' games.
so now we settled in for three more games.

it gets long waiting at games…



she played so well.
they are really fun to watch…so competitive.  

we ate a late dinner outside and it was COLD.
fall has definitely arrived in kansas.
and i love it….jeans and cardis are my favorite to wear so this week is perfect weather.

since it was cold we made a campfire by the barn. 

my mom was visiting.
and waffle is so good when he wants your food.
sits like a gentlemen…waits so nicely.

we called out "bed time!" and headed to the house.
the girls had to do a few tricks on the trampoline quickly (stalling bedtime) 
trampoline jumping at night is awesome with flash photography.  :)

and that was our saturday.

filled to the brim.


i got a great run in this morning…we even had a tagalong CUTE baby in a stroller.
she never made a peep.
it's so fun when all the girls are there.
it's been a month since we have all been together!

so…what about you?
how did your weekend go?

please tell me you at least got to do ONE thing fun that was just for you.



Sarah - I love how that baby is looking at you in that last pic! So cute. You have the same kind of weekends we have here…I am ready for a breather!

Jeannine - I spent as long as I could cuddling my 6 week old daughter.
When my husband wasn’t stealing her for cuddles of his own, that is 🙂

Jen - Love your weekend photos, Meg. Looks like fun! Here in OH we…watched our 5-year-old daughter score her first soccer goal!, flew kites, took our dog for a long walk, sidewalk chalked it up, went to church, and RELAXED. I was exhausted two Sunday nights in a row and I MADE myself slow down this weekend and it worked. I have more energy so far this week. I actually laid down and rested for an hour on Sat. afternoon. Ahhh…
Pinterest – yes. I made a new recipe last night from Pinterest. A yummy pork recipe.

Alice H - We were busy with football games and friends being over at the house. BUT I did sneak out Sunday morning when my baby, ok 2.5 year old, was napping and I went and saw Trouble with the Curve all by myself!! I cried. Great movie. Then Sunday I took all 3 of my kids to Ray Harrell Nature Park so we could be outside in the amazing weather. Then we went to dinner and then to another park to play. It is so funny when my older 2, Emilee 13 and Zackary 11, enjoy playing at the park with Colton, my 2.5 year old.

Jenny wells - Well I learned a VERY hard lesson on my way to work about stray kittens and warm engines….always check your car!! My day turned around despite having to work because I am a NICU RN and got to be in the delivery room and “catch ” a baby during a quad delivery. Pretty exciting and little baby “a” is doing just fine so it sure made
My kitten nightmare on te way there a lot better!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I want to jump inside that farmhouse and stay a while.
Our weekend? We kept a tiny baby overnight on Saturday, then returned her home Sunday and picked up two tiny baby TWINS. Baby Mania.

Lisa - Your oldest has hops! 🙂
That first picture of Annie’s face is
We had our 5 yr olds soccer game
on Saturday… Nothing cuter then
a bunch of 5 yr olds playing soccer!
And our 9 yr old’s first flag football
We have 4 kids and I am just
starting to see how busy we will be
once they all have practices and games.

Michelle From Australia - I finished researching the last of our USA trip accommodation and booked it in. Lake Tahoe, Monterey, Cambria and Santa Monica. All done and dusted. Maybe I can work in Kansas on our next trip?

Valerie @ Chateau Ala Mode - Your busy weekends bring back memories to me. Mine aren’t as filled up as they used to be anymore as my kids are getting to be young adults. There’s good and bad to that. I did get to spend my whole Sunday afternoon and evening watching the red carpet arrivals for the Emmy Awards…that’s my thing. Watching all the glamour and prettiness. Wishing I had a beautiful dress to where somewhere 😉 Have a great week.

Tiffany - I love those quilts! My Grandmas made block quilts like that often, and we still have several of them. Made from fabric from clothing my grandparents had. (In the time of not wanting to waste a thing.) It’s fun to think of the stories those blankets hold. As for one thing for me this weekend… I watched the latest episode of Project Runway after the kids were in bed Friday night. 🙂

Tracy Fisher - i had something removed from the back of my leg… alone…. in a dr’s office… laying on my tummy… waiting patiently for the dr. to come in… i almost fell asleep. haha…i will take alone time wherever i can get it… pathetic?… sure…. but that’s a mom for you :). tracy

sue - My Hubby and i brewed beer all week end. It was fun .

Kristin S - I just re-read my comment and it sounds really snarky and sassy. That isn’t how I intended at all!
I love all your family fun/sports/hang out/real life stuff. Makes me thankful for all my friends growing up and a bit sad I didn’t get a brother until I was 16.

Kristin S - Whew, I’m exhausted from reading that. 🙂 My mom needs to call and thank me for not being involved in sports past 6th grade.
Random: I seriously think you would have to pay me $1million to put on those volleyball shorts.

Tanya - We went to a small town Fall fair and had so much fun 🙂
Then we happened upon a crazy country bargain store where I scored a ton of giant Fall mums and pumpkins for really cheap! So happy!
Sunday night family dinner was at my mom’s and we ordered Chinese food.
Great weekend.

Loni - Busy busy! Glad I’m not alone. I did escape to enjoy a pedi with a fried.

Donna - The night time stuff looks like fun! You made me miss volleyball! I used to play in high school, one sport I was pretty good at! 🙂 It looks like they kicked butt!

Jenny B. - Oh, my goodness! So many games!! I can’t imagine. Talby is playing soccer AND volleyball?? No wonder she has Wonder Woman legs. You go, girl! 🙂
My weekend was quite the opposite of yours. My husband and I went to a B&B in Branson while our boys spent the weekend with grandparents. I hit all the flea markets in the old downtown area while he sat on a bench and read his library book. The weather was perfect, and we agreed it was an ideal afternoon for both of us. I found two globes and a vintage Fisher-Price Little People school house! Yay! FUN.
LOVE your thrift store quilts. I have an old quilt top that I need to figure out how to turn into a quilt. HA. 🙂

Chris - Hi Meg! I’m wondering what kind of lense you use on your camera. Thanks!!

J - We love bonfires at this time of year! Waffle looks like such a fun dog. I’d like to have a goldendoodle. My daughter, little granddaughter and I went to a nearby state park on Saturday. The leaves were gorgeous, we had fun being together and shared lots of laughter.

Julie - Let’s see we had varsity football Friday night where the senior and the freshman played side by side! So proud! And we they played so well and almost beat the #1 team in the state.
Saturday was a lot of waiting around for my husband to get home so I could run to Wichita by myself. Went to Penny’s and got some amazing deals for all the boys, including the husband. Didn’t even look at clothes for myself. Went to Dillon’s to pick up food for 18 yr old’s birthday dinner tomorrow night. I did stop at Sonic on my way home for a cherry lime Coke just for me! Rushed home to make supper.
Sunday was church, lunch out and then a nap while husband and oldest worked ground and drilled wheat.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - holy moly! that is a weekend 🙂 i got a nice looooong nap this weekend while hubs watched the babe. we’ve got another one cooking now, so i need sleep when i can get it!

Rach - Could you please (in your spare time) box up some of your lovely cold weather and the store that prices such beautiful quilts for such reasonable prices. We could use more of both of those out here in LA LA Land.
Thanks. 🙂

Cheryl E. - Ok, I’m so jealous (in a good way) of the $2.50 quilts! That’s just craziness!
Wish my weekend was a little more exciting. Husband was out of town (AGAIN) and all I did was run errands, clean and stop kids from bickering!

Debbie S. - Early? What does that even mean?! I don’t think we’ve ever been early to anything since we’ve had kids…definitely not early enough to have to kill time shopping 🙂 I’m impressed!!!

elisa - My family loves Waffle. It’s such a thrill to watch kids improve their game isn’t it?

Kate - So glad you had a great weekend! Those quilts are a HUGE score!

Momma of 4 - Your weekend sounds miserable! I am sorry if that sounds rude. I am admittedly not a Sports Momma. My son did soccer one year and it felt like we were at practices & games non-stop. He got the trophy & I swore- never again. I joked that I should’ve gotten the trophy for all of the running I did to get him there! HA! 😉 Guess my kids won’t be getting any sports scholarships! I used to be really busy at certain times of the year with my oldest really involved in musicals, the theatre and dance. I miss it sometimes but I’m really glad my husband pointed out what a hamster wheel we were on. This weekend, it was nice here, in the mid 70’s. We went to a drive-in theatre and saw “The Odd Life of Timothy Green”-awesome movie. Saturday morning, I went consignment shopping with my girlies and then we went to visit Grandpa and made him homemade chili. Sunday, we went to church and a Fall Festival. Nothing specifically for myself but lots of family stuff. Ours seemed non-stop, too.

jackie grandy - BTW, the Waffle updates crack me up and always bring a smile to my face.

jackie grandy - Hi Meg! I always love reading the weekend recaps. Weekends are crazy in our house as well with back to back soccer games, dance classes, birthday parties, it gets so exhausting. I was so exhausted from the chaos of last week that I actually fell asleep on the couch Friday evening at 7:45. How lame am I? I did do something for myself this weekend. I felt like I needed to get out and connect with nature, so I went on an amazing run in the redwoods, and it was blissful! Happy Monday!

Lisa M. - You are busy…not that you don’t know that, right? 🙂 Unlike summer, our fall weekends seem to not be as busy. It’s our weeknights that are CRAZY!! But truthfully, I’d rather have that and be able to hang out on the weekends. I’ll savor that now, cuz I’m sure it’s just a phase 🙂 Love that you’re still running! I need to get my butt out there. Tonight. I’ve already decided tonight. I just wish I had a running partner like I do a lifting partner. It’s so much better when I’m held accountable.
Great post! I always look forward to reading them. Thanks for sharing!

Lee Ann - That makes me tired just reading it! 🙂 I ran a 10k with friends. Running with friends is so much better than running alone. I have a half marathon coming up – with friends. I keep waiting for you to do a half! You can do it!!!! Seriously! I’ve never come close to running 100 miles in a month! If you can do that you can run a half. Go Meg Go!!!! 🙂

roganne - gracious you are busy!! how do you schedule all of those events and keep everything organized? i can hardly remember what i went to the grocery store for! you are super mom!

Maria - craziness here too…3 soccer games and party planning madness for sunday’s pool party extravaganza…whew…i was ready for monday…but the weekend went by way too fast…boo.
as for time for myself…nada this weekend, but I did get in a nap or two, so I guess that counts right? maybe a manicure later this week will make up for it?

Jennifer - You really scored on those baby quilts from the thrift store…love them! We had a really nice and relaxing weekend. My in-laws traveled down to stay with us–it was so nice to have them in town for a visit. They were excited to meet our new little foster baby boy for the first time.
And, let’s see… I did treat myself to a salted caramel hot chocolate from Starbucks last week…yippee!
I love Fall weekends…already looking forward to next weekend. 😉

Sarah - love that lauren has her volleyball jersey tucked in- you don’t see a whole lot of modesty in volleyball these days. we spent our saturday relaxing (i didn’t even get dressed til noon!!)

Susan - We had a quiet weekend. A friend slept over Friday night and we hung out most of the day on Saturday. I am so jealous of your cold weather! Right now it’s 94 degrees here in Fort Worth, TX. My daughter would love to do volley ball but she’s 12 years old and 4’6″ and I’m afraid she’s a little short! All the girls who played volley ball when I was young were tall…maybe that’s a myth!

Whitney - This weekend was amazing for me! We got some great family time and that’s the best times! The weather has been absolutly perfect here!

seriously sassy mama - I work every weekend so I can be home with my girls. My time to myself is when I am driving to and from work.

happygirl - You are a busy mama. I can’t even imagine how you do all you do. Welcome to Monday. 🙂

janet @ ordinary mom - Wow! And I feel like two kids is enough when we do back to back jiu jitsu and dance on Mondays. You have a busy bunch.
I have been going through my pinterest pins and making a list of doable ideas for the next while. I want to do 1 thing a week if I can.
Here’s hoping. 🙂
Happy Monday.

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each month for Craft Weekend we have sponsors who send their product
for our craft weekend guests as an extra special treat.
it's so fun to be able to give the product to my new friends
and i LOVE being able to feature some of my favorite shops with you!

these are our september Craft Weekend Sponsors.

………….. the pleated poppy …………….


the pleated poppy sent petal pushers for each craft weekender!
her shop has handmade pretties for everyone…i love it all.

shop | blog

get 15% off your entire purchase with code WHATEVER15



…………….. crystal b jewelry…………….

crystal b sent beautiful necklaces and earrings for craft weekend.
her shop is filled with lovely jewelry.

shop | blog 

get 10% off your purchase when you use the code cw912 (good through 9/30)


…………. American Crafts …………..


American Crafts sent all kinds of fun goodies from their line of Amy Tangerine & Dear Lizzy.
each crafter got all this awesome stuff!!

shop | blog



……….. stitch | craft | create magazine………..

every crafter got their own copy of the fall Stitch Craft Create Magazine!

shop | blog



…………… jamberry nails …………..


nikki brandt, a consultant for Jamberry Nails sent each crafter a sheet of patterned nail shields.
these are the coolest!!
they change everything about manicures!
i can't wait to cover my nails in polka dots….red and white polka dots! 🙂


………….. broward patch ………….

Broward Patch sent camera straps for everyone in all differnt patterns.
i fell in love with the rainbow chevron immediately.
they are all so fun.
use the code: craft  at checkout to get 20% off their entire purchase

shop | facebook



………….. bake it pretty …………..

Photo 1

Bake It Pretty sent these fun party treats for everyone.
their shop makes me want to have a party…a really amazing colorful party!!

Use the code: CRAFTWEEKEND for 20% off your purchase

shop | blog 



………….. pam garrison ……………

pam garrison sent her beautiful print "YOU ARE LOVED" to all of our girls.
i love her work…unique and colorful.

shop | blog



………….. 31Bits Jewelry …………..

31Bits sent these awesome yellow bracelets for every crafter.
i love 31Bits for their product and their purpose.

shop | blog 


 ………. barn owl primitives …………

Barn Owl primitives sent this sign for one lucky crafter 
(and it happened to be Jenny!) 
and she sent one for the craft house too!


……………. SayHello Shop ……………


SayHello Shop sent their FABULOUS wood bunting for us to get creative with during our weekend.
it comes unfinished and we paint it with chalkboard paint and decoupage it with fabric.
it's totally adorable.

use code: fall10 at checkout and get 10% off your order.



thank you so much to all of our awesome sponsors for september!!

now go click on all their shops.



Emma - Yay! doing my happy dance! literally. Thanks Jen 🙂

jen - Emma!
I will ship to Malaysia no problem at all…its just not listed in my shop! Contact me and we’ll get it worked out!
Jen (BrowardPatch)

ira lee - ihave friends who are raising money to adopt a child from haiti. they are selling bracelets that look just like these. i dont think they are from 31bit, but i was excited to see them!!!

Emma - I quickly went to BrowardPatch and place my order only to found out that the item does not ship to Malaysia. 🙁

Lindi - lots of lovely eye candy!

Lisa - I LOVE jamberry nails!! I tried them for the first time this summer! While they took a bit to get the hang of, they lasted for weeks and are sooo fun!! Enjoy your polka dots!!

laura b - Hi there. I would love to be a sponsor for an upcoming craft weekend. Do you accept new sponsors? Here is the link to my Etsy shop to see the canvases I would like to share:

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paint fight awesomeness!

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a few weeks ago wendy & tyler of Blue Lily Photography came through kansas.

i had a paint fight with wendy and some friends at our GoPro reunion and wanted to try it with my family.
it was quite an experience.

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it was the opposite of everything we have told them before.
which made it hard to accept your brother throwing paint right in your face.
or your mom!
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but they caught on quickly.
and it got fun.
and super messy.

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why do boys always have to tackle?

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annie was overwhelmed.
she was probably about two years too young for this.
she had a really hard time with paint on her face, on her mouth and near her eyes.
it was a lot for a seven year old…she did great for what we put her through.

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fyi….it was non-toxic washable tempra paint from hobby lobby.

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tyler threw the last jar of paint on us all at the same time.

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she hit her limit.

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oh my goodness i sure do like that guy.

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i told wendy i have always wanted pictures in the sunflowers.

i got my wish.
even better covered in paint.
we went to pick up pizza afterwards and annie was suddenly happy again.
she ran into the restaurant and pointed to herself and said "oh yeah!!!! OH YEAH!"  
she is such a goofy little girl.
cracks me up ALL. DAY. LONG.
i chose to wait in the car for our pizza.

thank you Blue Lily for a super FUN way to do family pictures.
my kids will always remember it.

and i doubt we will ever do normal pictures again.
this was too fun.

have you gotten on the Blue Lily photo schedule?
they go all over the world.
asia, coasta rica, new zealand, australia, holland, canada, london, NYC and all over the united states.
they even came through KANSAS!!!

yeah…it was only for an hour but still…they were here.

family pictures are a way to freeze time.
a special treasure of your kids staying that size in your mind forever.
because you never know what a gift those pictures will be….your family right now….just as we are.

what if it's the only ones you have?
that sounds a little dramatic but it's the truth.
capturing your family together is important.
even if it's in a field of weeds throwing paint on each other.
these are a gift.
thank you wendy & tyler so very much.

Danielle - After seeing your post about the paint fight at the retreat I had my friend take pics of my family doing it! It was so much fun! They are actually younger 4&6 but it went really well, maybe because they are boys? I also did clear ketchup bottles intead so we could squirt each other! It worked great! Thanks for sharing a great idea!

betsy - Best. Family. Pictures. Ever!
Why did I tear up seeing all of your happy faces? That’s weird, right? Right.
Love the sunflowers & sun flare & all the bright colors.
Oh, and just for the record … I’d totally be crying with Annie. I won’t even carve pumpkins because I don’t like to get messy 🙂

Barbara (WA) - The coolest family portrait I’ve ever seen!!!

stacie bowers - you are an amazing and beautiful woman, meg!
i’m so glad i know you.
i hope our paths cross again someday.
these family pics are incredible!!
all seven of you will treasure them forever.
i totally agree with you in doing family pictures because life changes quickly.
much love, stacie

Courtney - I think this would be a DARLING Christmas card. We all need bright colors in the Winter 🙂 This would brighten anyones day! How fun!

Katey Deasy - Yes why do boys always have to tackle. Even my husband still gets in on the action. I don’t think they EVER grow out of it. Great photos. Thanks for sharing. Glad to see your older daughter. Been missing seeing her. She is so pretty.

Michelle - Your blog makes me smile 🙂

Lori - Oh my goodness, your eyes have always been so stunning. I remember Shane D. and I talking about them in the cafeteria in 2nd grade. (Weird that I have that memory but true!) And here they are still so stunning in a sunflower field. Beautiful photos! 🙂

April R - thanks for sharing these 🙂 how fun!
<3 the sunflowers and beautiful smiles and Annie's "oh Yeah!"

sarah j - I. LOVE. THIS.
your kids all look so tall and leggy!

Stacey - Love these pictures! Your family is so awesome! I especially love the pic of you & your husband…..looks like he’s looking at you saying, “I love you know matter what you look like!” this reminds me of my families experience at the color me rad run in Columbus, Ohio….so fun & great memories!

Jen Boyd - Entirely too cool!!!!

Valerie @ Chateau Ala Mode - I would so be just like Annie even though I’m just a little older than seven 😉 What great memories and they are captured forever. Such a blessing.

Angela A - Wonderful pictures of everyone together. Maybe next time everyone of the kids are going crazy you need to drag them all outside with the paint again and let them work it out. I guess that could get ugly (keep Annie inside) but maybe it would work?

Kristin S - As challenging as this was (I’m sure) to meet all ages and personalities, you’ll be so glad to have this memory and these photos!
I love it when all 7 of you are together. I’m sure you do too as they all get older.

Sabrina L - Awesome!! I love these…one day maybe I’ll be able to convince my family to do something similar! We had our first ever family photos taken about a week ago by Blue Lily in Detroit…I CANNOT wait to see them!

tiffany gardner - YOU. GUYS. ROCK.

Amber D. McNabb - That was awesome! Too bad the paint was washable. Your hubby’s shirt turned out great. I would have wanted to keep it and wear it for the memories.

Verna Lantz - That is fantastic! What a special memory for all of your guys, not just the kids. It’s the moments like these that make our lives wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

rebekah - Your photos are wonderful! We had the pleasure of shooting with Wendy just a week and a half ago. Waiting on the pictures is so hard!

Martha - This just makes me smile

Laura - Nov 5 with Blue Lily-Can’t wait! Thanks Meg and your paint pictures are amazing!

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Beautiful and colorful — a perfect way to capture you and your family!! Love!

donna - I LOVE it. those pictures are priceless. You have such a beautiful family. I was lucky enough to get Tyler and Wendy to photograph my daughter for her senior pictures while they were in Michigan. I was hoping for a family photo session, but 3 of my kids are away at college 🙁 Anyhow, Wendy and Tyler are not only wonderful at what they do, they are wonderful people – we Loved them.

Jocelyn Pascall - Uhm…I love this SO. MUCH. You have a beautiful family and I love all of the colors. What a fun way to capture a moment in time.

christy - LOVE,love the photos! I was just thinking the other day that I have next to NO pictures of me & my son together, let alone one with my husband, son & I. I need to get over my body image issues & Thank you!

Shelley - The most beautiful family pictures ever, seriously looove them! Your smile is as lovely in person as it is in photos! I Sooo enjoyed craft weekend with you, Kimberly and all the others. Can’t wait to do it again!! xo Shelley C

Kate - i’m seeing them in nov and I can’t wait! You are so beautiful Meg. love your face.

Ashley F. - SO much fun!

Karen Gerstenberger - I love this idea…and I believe that Annie will love these photos in a few years.
What a great batch of photos you have there.
I finished my thrift-shop table – the first thing I have spray-painted, due to your inspiration. I put beach glass on the top, and would love it if you would hop on over and take a look. It’s on my new blog:
Thanks for inspiring me, Meg!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - It reminds me of that Modern Family episode with the muddy family picture. It’s the messy moments we remember most 🙂

Trysha - Fun!! I love your family. 🙂 It’s so awesome to look at your kids and see which one looks like you or Craig.
We’re having family photos done this November. We’re definitely not a “sit Dad on the ground and everyone crowd around him” in our matchy-matchy outfits family. We’ve picked out our super hero shirts and have us a Big Bang Themed shoot ready to go. I really think picking the right photographer is a HUGE deal. It’s more than “that person takes pretty pictures”. Those are the photos that you look at everyday in your own home.

Helen Wall - Love this. And love your family. When did sean get so darned big?!

Helen Wall - Love this. And love your family. When did sean get so darned big?!

happygirl - It is so good to see your WHOLE family together. Sweet Annie and your compassion and understanding for her inspire me to be kinder to people. Great pics and it looked like a lot of fun. Cool that you can convince your family to do these things.

Tiffany - What a cool mom you are! - What a unique and memorable experience!
And if your Lauren gets any more beautiful, you’re going to have to lock her away! 🙂

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alright….it’s a new day.

so i got lots of texts yesterday and emails asking "what's going on??!"
i guess i was making people nervous or being dramatic?

or keep it to myself too often that when i explode people get nervous?
i think people were worried.
it's all ok…it's just HARD….and i wish it wasn't so hard most of the time.  

but i got it all out in writing here yesterday and felt so much better almost immediately.
God gave me another day to try again.
thankful for that.

we made chocolate chip cookies.  (best recipe ever)
a double batch.
and it was like yummy therapy.  :)

then i took the four youngest who were off of school to a movie.
and freddys for dinner.

it was good to get out of the house.


still liking this book a lot.
i am about halfway through….it is very interesting writing…i am so curious to see where it leads.

i had a happy box on my porch.
it's about time i got on board with this company.
what has taken me so long….seriously?
i am a convert.
love them and want to get some more already.

good thing we gave waffle that bath…..


watching talby play volleyball this past weekend made me realize how very tall and grown up she is getting!
right before my eyes.
and she was the only one with out knee pads… #parentfail


speaking of growing up… holy cows.
i don't get the hair but i understand the need to make your choices and have a "style" you like.
i am not sure what that is…but he does and so i am not making a big deal.

he looks good in black and red though.

i am a sucker for good marketing that is visually awesome.
and this is.  
old navy you have great designers.
i want every color.          
(except purple…no thank you)


this morning i printed out my pdf files from CLEAN MAMA and i am ready to get organized.
i love that she has the jobs written out already.
that was a huge for me.
i get so overwhelmed with chores and cleaning and keeping up at my house.
so becky has all kinds of ways to help me get organized and doing it such a cute and colorful way!!!
thank you Clean Mama for getting my life together! 

okie dokie….
i am off to get my hair did.
and go to the bank
and the walmart.
and high school volleyball games tonight.

thank you for the hundreds of encouraging "you are not alone" comments and emails and texts.

i felt lifted up in prayer and in friendship.
i felt heard.
i can be open and honest here and not be attacked.
i am so grateful for that.

and my husband teased me about the mama grizzly.  :)

but it's TRUE!!!



Erin - Just finished Donald Miller’s book. Thanks for the recommendation!!

Kelly Henderson - Thanks for the heads up, girlfriend! 🙂 - Meg,
Love you for being you.
You are real
and that’s why
other blogs come and go with me-but you…
you feel like my friend from Kansas.
Aren’t we grateful our children
will remember our faith, when
the time comes they need their Savior?
Because we all do.
Loves, Ruth

Jessica R - If you’re quick and get to the ball you don’t need knee pads! That was my motto in volleyball ;). I want to see what Toms you picked. I’ll definitely be heading to Old Navy soon – super cute!

julie - Rock Star jeans go on sale tomorrow for $19. For reals. Treat yo’self. To a lot of them.
Happy jeans are cheaper than therapy.

mich - I love this blog so hard. I only have two, and their 5 and 3, so I can’t imagine all the craziness that comes with FIVE, the oldest being in high school. Nuts. Cut yourself some slack, girl.
And I notice that you mention wanting babies a lot on here. 🙂 I get it. I think we might be done at two kiddos, but something I’ve been considering down the road is fostering. Who knows? Maybe that would be a good fit for you guys? You seem to have so much love and fun to share, and those tiny ones in foster care could really use it. Just a thought…

christi - so glad you are having a better day!
if you haven’t already … go now and get the rockstar skinnies! they are AWESOME. no, more than awesome. like infinity awesome! some of the best fitting, most flattering and incredibly comfortable pants i’ve bought in a while. at a whopping 35 bucks! score on sale for $30 right now! the dark purple are fantastic … the green delicious … mustard so totally fall … red/orange energizing. size up. size up. size up. i always have to size down in ON but def. size up in these bad boys. they are ROCKSTARS! can you tell i love them?!

Andrea - Some days – and I read your blog every single day – I leave it feeling envious of you – your skill, your home (the way you make it a home), your craft weekends. Then I remind myself “comparison is the thief of happiness.”
I tell you that to tell you this: Even more inspiring than your home and your craft weekends is the way you honestly parent, the way you honestly share, the way you honestly keep working at your relationship with God.
Thank you so much Meg, I just love you.

Leah - I’m in awe at this Clean Mama stuff! I just want to buy all of her stuff. So before I do, which packets of hers did you get? Thinking about the 2013 starter kit. I’m one of those odd organizing freaks, so the more tools I have, the better!

Anne - You are SO not alone in the “parenting struggles” department! While I felt sad for you, and could totally relate to what a crummy day you had had, it was quite refreshing that you just put it all out there. I love your blog! I love your honesty and the fact that you just typed it out! You are the {real} deal, Meg! Totally legit. No faking from you that everything is all hearts and flowers and rainbows all of the time. Parenting is HARD work! What a blessing to be able to communicate, and make new friendships, and touch so many lives via the Internet. You keep typing, and posting your fabulous photos, and I’ll keep reading! Oh yeah, pull my name for Craft Weekend, and I’ll come to that, too! I’d totally die!!!

Tracy Fisher - I just have one thing to say…. I get it, sister!!! Happy Tuesday. -Tracy

Jennifer - Ok, so maybe no knee pads, but definitely Talby has the most awesome shoes!
I didn’t write yesterday b/c I didn’t know what to say….except I have moments like those…monthly. Times where I want to scream at my girls, “YOU BETTER START APPRECIATING EACH OTHER!” We wanted siblings because of all the love and joy they bring to each others’ lives. So start enriching already dammit! And the days when nobody listens? Or storms out of the room? Or stomps up the steps? Hello 10 and 12 year olds with attitude.
Anyway. The bad times pass, but they are not fun when you are in the throes. Most definitely you are not alone, and I’d be willing to be you handle it a lot better than I do.

Kristin S - Oh, and, now I want those cords in kelly green. I worked at The Gap in college and we had colored cords and denim! That was 1991. It all comes back….

Kristin S - Meg, I’ll say it again, your post was so refreshing! I don’t go to your blog because it is all cherries and rainbows (well, rainbows, yes…) but because you are real and normal and honest and love Jesus.
I linked to your post yesterday at the bottom of a difficult post I had just written before seeing yours. Many readers clicked on that link and I know were blessed by your gut-level honesty.
His mercies are new every morning. Praise the Lord!!!

Valerie @ Chateau Ala Mode - Hi sweet Meg, just caught up on your last two posts…please don’t get too overwhelmed with being a mom, although I totally get it. I hope you realize that being a good mom means we get overwhelmed and we get frustrated and we feel like we’re not enough, yada, yada. A good mom does feel like that…alot because you care and you want so desperately to raise kids that love the Lord, and love you and love their family. You want them to succeed in the world and in their life. Check all of that out…that’s alot that we have to do and think about. I’ve said many times that I really don’t know how I would get through raising kids if I didn’t have God to lean on. If I didn’t have prayer and His word I would have to be heavily medicated to do this job. It’s a heavy load to do by yourself. Glad you’re feeling better today. Chocolate chip cookies help 😉 but so does a big God.
P.S. My son went through the wild hair stage at about that age. We let him do his thing and it lasted about a year and after that he’s kept it short ever since. Sometimes I think letting them do their thing (within reason) is the answer.
Sending you a big hug!

Lisa M. - Glad to hear it’s a better day. I sent a little prayer up for ya yesterday 🙂
I thought I made the best ever chocolate chip cookies!! Now I’m going to have to try your recipe. I didn’t see butter listed in the ingredients. Hmm…

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. Talby is RIPPED!
2. I always experience the same sort of thing when I let the ugly out. It freaks people the heck out. And I’m always like, why? I’m having a bad day. It happens!
3. But I think you’re right, some of us keep it in and then it takes people off guard.
4. Why do those tight cropped cords look so cute on other people but I feel like a dork in ’em?
5. This is quickly turning the corner to Part II of my rambly comment from yesterday…

Becky-Clean Mama - It’s a new day! Thanks for the feature – you are too sweet 🙂

Kimberly Dial - So glad you are feeling better. Chocolate chip cookies & a trip to the beauty shop … two awesome ideas!

Sarah - I completely understand where you’re coming from with the hair. I let our 6 year old get a real mohawk this summer and even painted it for him every morning after I spiked it up. It made him happy, it was what he needed after our big move so I went with it. And I’m so glad you’re feeling better! We really do all have those days.

northern cottage - what a gift that we get to start all over again each day…each sunshiney – fresh – wonderful day. add coffee to make it even better! xo

Corny - Kids, I raised 4 and they can embarrass you sometimes, BUT as long as they don’t steal, and are drug free they are going to be just like there parents. Just fine!

Beth - It’s good to see that you’re feeling better 🙂
I am cringing at that volleyball picture though… #7 has her fingers interlocked. No, no, noooo…. my old volleyball coaches’ voices are playing in my head. haha.
Btw, those cookies look DELICIOUS! We’re going to make some on Thursday to take to our local police and fire stations… we’ve been talking about it for months. Might have to use your recipe!

Brooke - Those jeans…don’t even go there…at least I couldn’t. They are not like the target version. They are made for talby size girls with no hips. Not that I’m bitter… At least they have great marketing! I think you are doing a great job walking through this honestly….and knowing that all parents walk through the journey of not knowing if you are doing things right. You’re doing a great job. Clinging to your husband and the Lord and just hoping (praying) that you are not screwing anyone up and that everyone will choose wise things SOMEDAY….
And thanks a lot…saw your insta chocolate chip cookies and had to make my own. Thanks for making me LESS likely to fit into any colored jeans anytime soon.

happygirl - You are bouncing back. I’m glad. 🙂

Jocelyn Pascall - Glad you are having a better day. Hang in there…

angela - So glad His mercies are new every morning.
I’m with you on the color purple.
Love me a cookie.
What a great mom to let him rock his own hairstyle. I failed in that dept.
You is kind. You is smart. You is important.
And I love your heart.

Linda@Restyled Home - Hah! I love that you hate purple, too!
I love that you are real and don’t hide the not so nice bits of life.
We all have them!

seriously sassy mama - I need a pair of Toms. I never wear socks and am always wearing either converse or loafers. The would be a nice addition. Love all the colors to organize with. Reminds me I need to update my planner.

Heather S. - You had a “poo” day and then the next day you made cookies, took the kids to a movie, and then hit Freddy’s? You really know how to bounce back! LOL 🙂

sara @ it's good to be queen - i like you. you’re good people. 🙂
p.s. the new rockstar jeans from old navy are awesome. have you bought a pair? not too low rise…not too high. perfect.

Alisha - So glad you’re having a better day! I’m always amazed at how the promise and arrival of a new days gives a whole new perspective to what seems dark and impossible at times. Bless you for sharing.

Kate - You are LOVED. Not judged. Just loved.

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - I always feel better after I dump out my brain in my journal and cookies sure do help make it better too!! So glad today’s a better day — hugs!

stephany - isn’t it great that a new day always gives a “do over”!
being a momma is hard work…we do the best we can.
have a great day!

Regina - YAY! Glad you were able to “turn that frown upside down”, lol! 🙂 Here’s to many more great days ahead!

elma - Life is hard and you are awesome!!!

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yesterday was rough.

i am just going to sit here and write.
pour out my thoughts.
i couldn't write a fluffy happy post after the day i had yesterday. 

sometimes i can feel so in love…so content and confident…so happy with everything in my life.
and then in less than 24 hours feel the opposite.

i feel that great feeling mostly when i am with my husband.
we are best friends and i feel most like myself when i am with him.
he loves me well. 

but man….raising kids can be SO DANG HARD.
it can wear you down like nothing else can.
and your marriage too….you have to protect it like a mama grizzly.

parenting is so much harder than i ever thought it would be (good thing i jumped right in and had five kids)
(and sorry mom.  sorry dad.) 

sometimes i feel like i am getting worse at parenting everyday.
shouldn't i be getting better?
shouldn't i be getting experienced?

we had a moment yesterday where my husband and i both just sat together staring at the wall holding hands in a total dazed state of completely not knowing what to do.
we had no plan.
we had no thoughts.
just kind of stunned by how our kids were behaving.

and in those moments….i want to go hide away in my mind to the good stuff.
the stuff where we are happy and carefree.
the times where we aren't worried about how they are going to turn out.
the stuff that makes us smile and feel proud of them.

but we are the parents.
there is no one else to do this job but us!
it's me and him.
how crazy is that when you reeeeeally think about it?
we have to do the hard parts too.
even though i don't like those parts….i like making crafts and playing soccer and eating ice cream or laughing over a movie.
i don't like discipline and rules and tension and arguing.
i really don't.

i keep going back to advice from a friend saying "their story isn't over yet"
and "everyone needs to mess up so they can come back and learn from it"
or "it gets better…they grow out of it"

i hang on those words for sure.
especially "their story isn't over yet"

because i want my kids so badly to know Jesus deeply.
to come around and have a desire in their heart to be with HIM.
if they were good all the time…they wouldn't know why they needed Him in their life. 

it is exhausting to watch them choose wrong over and over.

just like it is for God to watch me choose wrong…say wrong…do wrong…think wrong….OVER AND OVER.
for over 25 years.


i have been reading this book again.
it helps calm my heart when i put my children's name into the verses from my bible to pray over them.
it's a good book.

i am praying my heart out for my kids.
i don't feel like i am good at it.
it's not natural for me.
i struggle at prayer…i get distracted VERY easily…but prayer can be anywhere anytime…go to GOd and you're there.  that's it.  And He wants us there all day long.

"LOVE NEVER FAILS" is the verse i keep coming back to.
when i feel disappointed and have the thought "this is not what i wanted…i didn't sign up for this"
i hear "love never fails."
God never promised me that having a big family would be easy and fun all the time and that all my kids would just fall in line, obeying my every word and love on me every chance they get.
that was my disillusion i brought to the table.

i love all my kids like crazy.
sometimes i feel very frustrated, worn down, diappointed or sad.
but they still need me.
especially when they do those things….they NEED guidance, reaauarnce that i will still be there, protection and LOVE.
love never fails.

so…..that's my takeaway from this discussion i just wrote out with myself in my head….


whatever i do or say to my kids it has to be in love.
if i don't have love….it's useless. 

Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
Love doesn’t strut,
Doesn’t have a swelled head,
Doesn’t force itself on others,
Isn’t always “me first,”
Doesn’t fly off the handle,
Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end.

– 1 Cor. 13 (the Message)


these are usually wedding verses but they work awesome for parenting wisdom also.


my kids are off of school today.
ok…. i must get out of bed and turn this day awesome.
cause yesterday really wasn't.

although craig did bring us (me and the 3 youngest kids) out on the roof last night and we watched the stars together.
it was really beautiful and calming.
(thanks babe for that….let's do that more often.)

bottom line….i love my kids.
i am so glad i had them ALL and i want to be able to love them through anything they throw at me.
it is hard.
i have confidence that God will give me the strength to do it.
but that doesn't mean it will be easy.

annnnnd i miss having babies in the house….big time.

the end.




Amy - Just what I needed. Thank you for posting. Parenting IS hard and from the looks of it doesn’t get easier. I look forward to each new day and what it brings, rain or shine (or doomsday, as is sometimes the case). Then I hope against hope my kids don’t remember the bad days.
Pinning this so I can be encouraged when the need arises….

Jeanene Snell - I think you are awesome. I cleaned out my favorite blog reading list and I kept you, and I am glad I did. I wish I had a friend like you. Better yet, it is my goal to be a friend like you to someone else.

Rach - It’s funny that I read this today after the week I have had and mine are only 1 & 3. I have a very long road ahead of me, but I agree wholeheartedly with the comment that one day you can feel so confident and in love with your life and then 24 hours later feel the opposite. It was fine to feel that way when it was just me or just me and my husband, but with kids as young as mine, they depend on a mom who can at least fake that she has it all together even on those days where you just want to run away. I wish so much for my kids and I hope that the bad days don’t stick on them as much as the good ones because I would hate to think that I took some of their childhood away simply because I had a rough day. It is always nice to hear other moms who are honest about how tough it can be to raise kids. Thanks for keeping it real.

Lisa @hoopla palooza - Sometimes we forget that our children are given to us to teach US. Not the other way around that we all think about. So when my kids are not behaving well, and I discipline them, or when they make a mistake, and I help them to realize it and try to make them learn from it, and when they don’t listen and do whatever they want to anyway, well, then I thank God for them cuz they have taught me lessons. Lessons about myself and another perspective on how to better myself, which will in turn, better them. If I had perfect kids, then I’d be a perfect parent? No! It is much much better to have a bad day and learn and GROW from it all, as you just did yourself. And in turn when you share it, it gives others light. See how it all turned out well in the end? God is ah-mazing isn’t HE? 🙂 - Oh Sweet Mama,
Your words were beautiful and your heart is beautiful as well. Mothering is hard – ALL the time!! It just is. I grew up thinking I didn’t want to have children and that I’d just let my big sister do that – I wanted to be the best Aunt ever and not have to have my own children. Today, I am a mother of FOUR. HA!!! God showed me. And He continues to show me everyday. “His mercies are new each morning”!!! Thank heavens. I love your blog and your sweet spirit. Keep on keeping on…..I’m thinking I need to make that verse for my kitchen. Maybe I could hang it beside our “Kiss More, Yell Less” sign. It was made especially for me.
Growing in Grace, right? Ryan

Mary - good stuff, here.
not the you hurting part, but the you growing closer to Him part.
when things are going my way, i’m so lazy to look to Him, but when He has me in the valley(even if only for a day), boy, is that a time of dependence and growth like no other.
and it hurts sometimes.
but snuggling in with my Daddy is precious time that i wouldn’t trade for the world.
how wonderful that HE loves us no matter what.
now if i could only do the same for everyone around me.

Jill - Meg,
I am near tears right now after reading your post. In fact, if I wasn’t so frustrated myself at the moment I think I would be.
You see, I have 4 children. We are so blessed, they are beautiful, healthy, smart, crafty, funny, sweet, and so much more. They are truly a gift from the first to the last.
That said, I am losing my Dog-gone mind! We have moved nearly every two years for the past 11 years and have added a baby with each new state we’ve lived in. (3 states total and one twice!)
My children are 11, 8, 6, & 4. Oldest is a boy and the other 3 are girls. Our lives have been anything but consistent and I am struggling. My husband is in the best job he’s had. It’s perfect for him and he is finally in an ideal 9-5 job but wow, I’ve been a mom / wife to 2nd shift, 3rd shift, and midnight shift. Not to mention I’ve been a married but like single mom during the travel every single week and home on the weekends only stage and now we’re at the Oh My Gosh the husband is around ALL THE TIME 9-5 job stage.
I could go on and on but it is so tough. Parenting in general is tough, marriage is tough, life is tough and I truly am struggling. My marriage is struggling, my parenting skills are struggling and most importantly – my relationship with God is struggling as well, I am just plain struggling…
You, Meg, are SUCH AN INSPIRATION to me! I absolutely LOVE how you can make me feel so amazing just by reading your postings about YOUR life. Your love for your kids, your relationship with your husband, your faith in the Lord, It’s all so dreamy and to be completely honest, I love your honesty with your own personal struggles. To know that you are human and have the same (general) struggles I do gives me hope and encouragement. I know that if you can have a down moment, or two or three, and still come out of it, so can I. While I still do not see the light at the end of my tunnel, you remind me that it is there and I just need to keep trekking on…
Anyway, I’ve written a book which you don’t know me so I shouldn’t bother you with such things but I suppose I’ve written it all just to tell you that I think you are amazing – struggles and all and God is using you and your beautiful struggles to encourage his other children. Be strong Mamma and Thank You for your beautiful imperfections and challenges. <3

Pamela Fitzgerald - Meg,
I LOVE your blog…..It is SO REAL……You help me with life…..through your beautiful decorating and “realness…” I have 3 kids, its tough…..I have days like these…all the time…..hope things are better…..Pamela

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Meg, I love hearing you pour your heart out. It is calming for me because your words are so honest. I am so sorry you had a rough day, but I hope you know that your struggle helped me through this post xo

Lisa - I needed that quote, “their story isn’t over yet”! I’m holding on to that one and gonna pass it on to others. And love the part about protecting your marriage. Too easy to put that aside. I love how you talk about your husband and marriage. It is obvious you put
the time, energy and work into your marriage. Thank you for this post. And being willing to share about the hard side of parenting. Too often we are afraid to share that it’s hard. Like it makes us not as good as moms. If we didn’t care about our kids it wouldn’t be as hard, but because we DO love our kids, we get hurt, and frustrated with their choices. Ahhhh! So glad we get to go to bed and have do overs the next day.

happygirl - I feel ya sistah. Raising kids is hard work and there are no guarantees. Pray. The bible says to train up a child in the way he should go and he will not depart from it. God is good. Have faith. And know you are not alone. 🙂

Brooke - oh man. thanks for being honest and vulnerable…brave and inspiring.
I just finished reading Give Them Grace by Elise Fitzpatrick with some friends from church and this quote gives me much comfort during those dark parenting moments.
“We are not nor can we be the saviors of our children. He is the Savior. When we forget this, our parenting will be pockmarked by fear, severity and exhaustion. When we’re quietly resting in His grace, we’ll have grace to give our children too. When we’re freed from the ultimate responsibility of being their savior, we’ll find our parenting burden becoming easy and light.”—Give Them Grace
My girls are toddlers and their issues are different than your kids I am sure, but we are all on the same journey of trusting God with our children and your post reminded me that the journey never really ends until we are resting for eternity with our Heavenly Father.
Again, thank you for your vulnerability…you encouraged me today to pray for my girls during nap time instead of flipping through the new Pottery Barn that just arrived today…I can do that later. 🙂

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Having 3 teens at the moment – I know just what you are talking about…they certainly become more complicated as they get older don’t they?!

Janelle - Thanks Meg. As much as I love your happy posts it is nice to know we all have the same feelings every so often! I don’t know if you want to share but I’d love to read how you deal with some of the parenting issues in some of your posts…my kids are 12, 10, 8, 6 and I am constantly saying to myself…wasn’t it so simple when they were a baby, 2, 4, and 6???! I am trying to enjoy them how they are now but it is hard not to look back on “easier” times 😉 I am starting to realize why it becomes ok to send your kid off to college…it would be devastating to send a 5 year old but at times perhaps not so bad to send an 18 year old 😉

heather - I hear ya!! Those little people are wonderful but in the blink of the eye things can turn, and turn FAST!!
I love that you are so honest it helps me feel I’m not alone.
Thanks for sharing!

Kimber-Leigh - you’re soooo not alone 🙂 this was exactly what i needed to read this morning. thank you.
and thanks for the book rec too…that’s a new one to me.
hope today is a better day…but even if it’s not, how wonderful it is to know that God is still sovereign over it. there is peace and comfort and grace and hope in that.

Carrie - My husband and I just had a ‘stare-at-the-wall-speechless’ conversation yesterday. We pulled our daughter back into the mix, and my wonderful husband said these words to her: “We are not playing on opposite teams here, trying to see who is best. We are all on the same team. Me and your mom are the coaches and we’re trying to coach you, and prepare you, and train you, and mentor you. We are trying to help you reach your championship status”.
Did my Mama heart as much good as I hope it did her teenage heart.
You’re so right about parenting being HARD.
I love your comment about the expectations you had and that it was you ‘who brought that to the table’.
Thanks for the encouraging and understanding post.
There’s lots of us in the same boat.
Blessings on you and yours.

Gram - The best parenting advice I ever received was “They need to be loved the most when they are the most unlovable”. I find it to be as true now that my kids are in their 30’s as it was when they were little.

Megan - Really?! You miss having babies in your house?! Because, here I was looking forward to the day my kids are your kids’ ages…
If you want to trade for a day, let me know. 🙂

colleen from alabama - thank you so much. I’ve been in a pit lately with the whole parenting deal. I am so with you on loving my husband and what JOY that brings to my heart. Loving my kids, much harder. Trusting God that HE is working when i see nothing but what seems to be a slippery slope backwards in my kid’s lives… seemingly impossible, but God says -“ALL things are possible through Christ”. My kids are 10 and 12 so there is soo much more to their story. I have a friend who reminds me that i am not the one writing their story, God is. He already knows how it ends and HE is relentlessly pursuing. Just like he did with me. I have to let go… and trust. Praying for you right now as we are on this difficult journey together.

Ruth - Thanks for your honesty! I have so much respect for bearing out the hard things. I hold dearly onto Jeremiah 29:11 during my difficult times with my kiddos.

Cari - Thank you for your honesty. It’s so easy to just show the good times — I know I’m guilty of that! Parenting is hard. So. Hard.

angela - wow. i only have 2 kids, but i can completely relate to your words here. i’m a newly single mom and i struggle every single day. there is no one else to pick up when i want to crumble – thank you so so much for sharing this. you’re an inspiration!

T - Teenagers. Nuff said.

Adrienne s - Wow! You hit it right on the head. My bad parenting day was Sunday! I woke up yesterday and said..”yes, today will be great!”
Oh and I also am totally missing having babies in the house. Really bad. My youngest is 8 and oldest is 14. The 14year old keeps pushing for more babies, she is not helping at all.

elizabeths - Wow what a beautiful post about your honesty and how so many of us feel day in and day out. Thanks for sharing this. Raising kids is the hardest thing ever and sometimes I even question myself am I doing a good enough job are they proud of me? But reading this made me realize we are all human and we do the best we can. I know my kids love them I tell them daily. Thanks for sharing Meg!

Becky J - HI Meg…I. can. totally. relate! I am sure God can too – x 2,000,000,000 🙂 but He still loves us ALL! I am 44 and I still come back to the safety net that got me thru my’s something my parents told me constantly ” I will always love you NO MATTER WHAT!” Those words were a safety net to me during some precarious times! The Lord bless us all with wisdom, knowledge and understanding- especially in this realm of raising up the next generation for Him!! p.s. I am reading the book 7 – I purchased after your write up… changing!! :)and p.p.s. I have a dream to bring my Momma {aka crafting buddy} who has been battling non-Hodgkins lymphoma this past year someday to one of your lovely CRAFT will want her to adopt you 🙂 and she will!! heehee 🙂

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Lately I too have been reading the Love Chapter as seen thru the eyes of a parent. I read it aloud and instead of Love I insert my name or the words “mom”. It has zinged me numerous times. Peace to your heart, mind, and home this week. . .may God surprise you.

Nancy P - Wow, Meg. We must be living parallel lives because I wanted to write something like that yesterday myself. Being a parent is the hardest job you will ever do. I mess up every day (sometimes it feels like every moment). There is no way that I can ever be everything they need me to be and I am so grateful that they have a heavenly Father who can be, if they would just let Him. Thank you so much for the bottom of my heart for reminding me that I am not alone in my parenting struggles. Now off to pray for them some more!

Stephanie - Oh boy. Hubby and I are right here in this spot with you. Your words could be mine. I cry out to my husband and God all the time over the behavior of our kids. It isn’t bad compared to the world’s standards, I guess, but still so disappointing at times. We too have stated at the wall–staring right through each others’ eyes, concerns filling our heads about who our kids are in their hearts and who they will become. Will they love and serve God or themselves? We have seven kids and still have what could be considered babies, but a few of ours are old enough where we’re running out of time with them at home and it becomes extra scary to think about the future. We have some good, good kids, and some that are a little more challenging. I cling to the verse that says to train a child up in the way he should go, and when he is OLD he will not depart from it. It doesn’t mean they won’t mess up on the way. Blessings on you and your husband, Meg! Parenting is sometimes heartbreaking work.

Megan - I usually NEVER comment on posts. This one though touched my heart for two reasons.
First, On an actual “post-it” sticky (not the electronic one on the mac) I have written proverbs 22:6
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.”
It’s a PROMISE the bible gives to us and a reminder I need to hear everyday.
Second, all day today I have had the lyrics to a song in my head that says:
“Your love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me”.
(Jesus Culture “One thing remains”)
Just felt like I was supposed to read this and comment.
I pray today is a better day (or if it’s not it goes by fast) 🙂
Reading this post just brought it all together.

Food Science Recruitment - This post is really amazing. Keep it up. Very wonderful,nice reading this one. Love it!

keri - forever folding laundry - Ah, friend.
I get you.
I’m having a bit of a hard season myself.
We’ll keep on keepin’ on and praying and trusting, right?
It’s all in His hands.
And I had to laugh…for the record…I can be so bad in the prayer department too.
How is it that one minute I’m praying for xyz and then the next I’m thinking about emails I need to return?
I’m glad God loves me in spite of my lameness.
Praying for you…hang in there.

Lindsey - Sending hugs your way. Your open heart is why we all love you and your blog.

Janine - The best thing you can do is listen to your children in these situations. And by listen I don’t mean hear what you want to hear, or wait for your turn to yell back. I mean really listen. Hear what they are saying, hear what they are feeling even if they aren’t directly saying it. Know that anger and retaliation are a direct result of not being heard. Acknowledge their feelings, fears, opinions and respect them. That doesn’t mean you stop setting boundaries, roll over and agree with them. But you do have to realize that Teenagers are a blink away from being adults and their feelings, ideas and beliefs are valid even if they aren’t shared by you. Good Luck. It isn’t always easy but you’ll get through it.

Margo - Thanks for sharing. Sometimes I feel so alone with those same feelings, its nice to know that I’m not really alone.

Jenny B. - Sigh… I’ve been feeling the same way – about thinking I’m getting worse, not better, at parenting. I’m not saying this is true for you, but for me… I haven’t been in God’s word like I should. I haven’t been taking care of myself (not getting enough sleep, not drinking enough water, not exercising), and my kids are feeling the consequences. I was just thinking today that I need to be around a Godly role model mom. I’m trying to do it all by myself, and that just won’t work. I have a similar book about praying for your children, and I think I will get it out tonight. Thank you for being that Godly role model mom for me today. 🙂

Barbara - Sweet, sweet Meg. You’re a great mom and don’t you ever doubt it. Being mom is hard stuff but listen to what Ecclesiastes 4:12 says — “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” So between you, your honey and the Almighty, well, that’s a powerful and not quickly broken!
And this next verse, I really claimed it A LOT especially for one of mine – James 1:5-6 “If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought.” (The Message)
You’ll make it – your love and faith is too deep. I’ll be praying for you guys.
PS Try praying out loud. I really love praying that way….I don’t get distracted, my thoughts come together better and lots of times when I hear my words I learn a lot.

Cheri - oh sweet meg….as momma of 3 “launched” grownup kids and one 6th grader (!)……they are writing their testimonies. And it will be awesome. Just you wait and see 🙂

Penny Smith - With a background of 80’s rock (though a software engineer, he is a bass player STILL for rock bands!) it seems weird to ME too that all I listen to now is KLove. Why? because if I stray, I go too far. So when you said “Love Never Fails”, I go right to the song playing so much right “Your love never fails, never gives up, never walks out on me…”
I have a child with RAD (Adopted from Ukraine at 2 years old (she is now 9, 10 in a couple of weeks), we knew attachment issues were possible. We never fathomed just how hard it would be…) and now they are getting older, and it is a WHOLE new game, as you know.
If it wasn’t for humor, and my faith, I would never have made it this far with out addiction issues. It is HARD. Period. I love the people my kids are becoming too. But to remind me I wear Phil 4:4-9 around my neck… the “be anxious about nothing, but with prayer and thanksgiving make your requests know to God. And the peace of God, that transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus.” OK, so this is right before “your” scripture… but I need it. I need to remember the “do not be anxious” part… often. (I am so proud of me! I wrote it all out without getting stuck and having to go to Biblegateway! Yay! 🙂 )
Looking forward to meeting you next month!

hannah - i love this. i needed this, and i needed to know i’m not alone. i fall down so much, my kids do too, and will continue to, and i want their hearts and mine to be tied to HIM, for them to see beauty come out of ashes and dirt– and i need to trust it will. thank you for sharing your heart. prayed for you tonight.

lauren - It will be okay.
I find when I pray most fervently for my kids (and I struggle with this too) I always cry. I cry because I’m so aware of how big God is and how I know that, as much as I love them (22, 19, and 15) he loves them so much more….more than I can even imagine. He has them in his grip. Keep praying, don’t dwell, pray, give them to him and move on with your day loving them and providing for them and staying connected as best you can. On a more human level, don’t let them see they have you down! You are their mom and you know best and when you are confident and set boundaries and stick to them they will fight it but they need it. It’s hard but you can do it!
It will be okay. I will pray for you too.

Shelly - PreschoolDaze had a great post today….”my day should not be determined by how the children behave but by how I respond to them.” I really like that and I really like to hear that there are others who go through the same things I do. Thanks for the reality.

colleen sullivan - Your children, as they grow from babyhood to adulthood, must learn to hate you as much as they love you. They need to take it out on you, and you need to respond with firm, appropriate limits that allow for the freedom of this stage of independence. (as I’m sure you do) Adolescence cannot occur without anger at those who gave life(in reality parents are the only human beings kids really trust)… it is our job as parents to expect it, set appropriate, understanding limits, and love them despite it… just like when they were… dare I say it babies (toddlers specifically)
Enjoy the fiery independence of it, as it is from this that their personality is being formed…. it is a stage of childhood that in reality is fleeting. It only feels like forever.. or was that toddlerhood?

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Don’t you love how “these” kinds of posts inspire a trillion comments? Well, I guess we all relate. I’m sorry about yesterday. I hate that heart-broken feeling. I am also a bad prayer. The worst. I have prayer ADD. God must totally crack up at my prayers that start so earnestly and often end with ponderings related to reality tv or tomorrow’s dinner. (I just can’t believe He gets mad at us for that…)
Calvin told me on the way to school that he didn’t like school because it was “frustrating and sometimes hard”. Like the fount of wisdom that I am, I returned with, “Well, being a Mommy is frustrating and sometimes hard, but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done so I don’t want to hear one more word about it. Go to school.”
Not the most positive words to send your 2nd grader off with…
I feel like I could really ramble here for a while, so I’m going to go ahead and shut’er down.
Praying. Bye.

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Thank you for sharing this Meg. I feel this way all the time. My babies are 4, 1, and one in the oven, and I stay home with them full time. I whole heartedly love it, but man, is it tough. Staying home full time is not as glamorous as I thought it would be, and somehow I feel like I had more time to myself and kept up with the house chores better when I was working full time. This is by far harder than teaching a class of 20 kindergarteners, hands down. But at the end of the day, I wouldn’t trade it for the world, so I lift up my bootstraps and plow ahead towards another day. I appreciate your vulnerability and willingness to let us see that others are not perfect all the time either. Hugs to you, and I pray that you will have the strength to continue being an awesome mom!

lisa - Thinking of you! My girls are 5, 3, and 1 so I am not much help in the advice department, but I had a rough week last week and felt some love from Internet Mommas so I wanted to give you some love – you are inspiring and doing a great job and motherhood is TOUGH. It is normal to question ourselves, normal to feel lost and flounder a bit. Hang in there and just keep moving. Big hugs!

Nicole Gjeldum - First I wanted to tell you that I really enjoy your blog. I was an art teacher in a past life so I really appreciate all of the creating and art on your blog! I stay home with my beans now and for my birthday my mom (who had 6 kids) gave me a story call the “Invisable Mother” It is a powerful story about how we as moms are creating the most amazing masterpieces similar to the artist who created the the great cathedrals in Europe. “A legendary story in the book told of a rich man who came to visit the cathedral while it was being built, and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird on the inside of a beam. He was puzzled and asked the man, Why are you spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that will be covered by the roof, No one will ever see it. And the workman replied…Because God sees. No act of kindness you’ve done, no sequin you’ve sewn on, no cupcake you’ve baked, is to small for me to notice and smile over. You are building a great cathedral, but you can’t see right now what it will become.” Just thought I would share. Thank you for being honest and sharing what it is to be a mom!

Pattie - Haven’t commented in a LONG time but thought I would now. There is absolutely nothing in this world that can hurt your heart the way your child can. Sometimes, as much as you LOVE your child, you don’t like them very much. They also don’t like themselves much either. My mantra has always been that our job as a parent is to get kids through the teenage years because how they are at that age is not how they will be as an adult. Good luck!

tara - meg…love your awesome transparency.
my husband and I were in youth ministry for a decade and in college ministry for nearly 4….we’re sitting here with our twelve year old totally shocked at how little we know that we thought we did. 🙂
God is teaching me so much about being continually connected to him while we parent….i so easily take my eyes off of him on the hard days and get super, hyper focused on the kids’ behaviors or attitudes.
i was such a smart mouthed punk when i was 15, and now i call my parents daily. i ask them for their wisdom non-stop. i keep trying to remember this on the extra long, hard days. 🙂

Michelle - Thank you. Your honesty is God working through you to the rest of us mamas out here struggling each day. Between what you said–their story isn’t over yet–and Elizabeth–make it till midnight–it is helpful. I will keep these in mind as I struggle in the day to day parenting and guiding of my two girls.

Amber D. McNabb - Amen AMEN to this post. It is usually when I am feelin pretty braggy, high fiving myself and such for my kids’ awesomeness that I get knocked off my high horse and the parenting game switches up again. We try so hard though and we never give up. That’s the important part. And love covers everything. “The greatest of these is LOVE”.

christine ishmael - I’ve walked in your shoes, I’m walking in them now…my 14 year old son has changed so much, not making good choices, a different boy then the one I played with and talked with and hung out with just a short few years ago…it’s hard to watch him and even harder to know what to do for him, to help him out of his dark place…and it’s very frightening as a parent and I pray for him lots…I too stink at kneeling in prayer but talk to God all day long in my head…does that count? Hang in there Meg and I’ll hang in there too…God bless.

Michelle - Love your mom’s words of wisdom. They will be my new mantra…make it till midnight, then it’s a new day. Thanks for sharing.

elizabeth highsmith - i am not a mama but i love your honesty. i struggle with praying too but i found my groove in prayer journals i write out my prayers it is the most encouraging thing i own to look back years later and see answers to prayers. just the tiny day to day answers. i also write down promises from his Word. maybe it would be encouraging for you to journal those prayers. it helps my mind not wander and my little noggin focus. thanks for sharing His love here over and over! psalms 27:13 & 14 “i would have lost heart unless i had believed that i would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart wait I say on the Lord” praying you feel His hope & strength.

Jocelyn Pascall - I do not have kids, but I imagine that in a few years I will understand more of what you are going through. However, I have no doubt that your words today will give comfort to many other parents out there feeling exactly the same. Your honesty and open heart is very brave and, as my amazing Grandma always said, “This too, shall pass.”

Melanie - Parenting is SOOOO hard! So many times I feel completely inadequate and wonder what God was thinking when He entrusted me with my four (ages 17, 15, 13, & 8). Surely He must have overestimated my parenting abilities! I am having to learn on a daily basis how to turn my kids over to God, pray for them, and trust that God will be right by their side. I, too, have a friend who reminds me that this all is “part of their story.” God will use these mistakes-and successes!-to speak to them. Funny you mentioned I Cor. 13:4…I have been praying that verse for myself in regards to parenting lately! I hope you feel encouraged by reading these awesome comments. You have such great readers! Hang in there. You’re so not alone. You’re a really good mom!! Thanks for sharing the tough things, too.

Jenn - Wow! Funny you used that scripture today. I was just listening to Love Never Fails by Brandon Heath last night!! I am sure you have heard it, but I thought I would include the link just in case you felt like listening to it and dont have it handy on your ipod. 🙂 I did not get to take the motherhood journey, so I have no words of wisdon for you…just hugs prayers and a song.
Take care and have a wonderful evening!!

Tiffany - Thank you for your words today. I’m in a different place from you in terms of family right now, with my kids being 4 years and 16 months. My daily struggles probably look a lot different from yours, but yet they are the same in that we want to mold our children into the caring and compassionate people that come from knowing and loving Christ. I teach 5th grade at a Catholic school, and I teach what you mentioned to my kids… “Prayer can be anywhere anytime.” Sometimes I need to remember that too because like you, I struggle at prayer and also get distracted VERY easily.
Continue praying for your kids, and being the wonderful mama you must be. I hope today was a better day.

Tami - This was very encouraging to me today!!! Parenting has been the most challenging thing for Kelsey and I! I feel like a failure every single day. It’s nice to know that everyone struggles and we are not alone.

Courtney - I could have written this. Thank you, Meg, for your truthfulness and honesty. This is how we know we are not alone.

Cheryl - Dearest Meg… I have so enjoyed your blog over the past few years – to be honest I can’t even remember how I first found it. I am from Ireland but my sister lives in the US so it might have been through one of her blog links. Anyway – from the start I was won by your honesty and “down-to-earth” manner and felt I was looking at a mirror-image of my own family etc at times (though I don’t have your creativity and fantastic style!!) I have 7 kids ranging from 6 to 20 – believe me I KNOW exactly where you are coming from. Sometimes it seems you get a couple days, maybe a week, when everything is going so well and there is so much promise and then WHAM and you are right back on your knees again praying for strength and asking the Lord a lot of questions! But we go on with God because He helps us to do it. This year was especially tough because we buried my dad at the start of the year and 7 weeks later we buried a little baby boy. When my heart was aching with the weight of it all I was given a beautiful scripture by my oldest girl. She has given us our share of worry over the years but this year has got herself settled and is enjoying the Lord and fellowship with other christians. The verse she gave me was Psalm 61 v 2 “when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the Rock that is higher than I”. Overwhelmed is exactly how I felt and often still feel. But praise God He is our Rock. Unshakeable and unmovable. Take courage and keep going. Love in Him, Cheryl

Gale - I hear ya, sister – do not give up, do not let Satan cause you to waver – stand firm and be the loving, giving parent He made you to be. It is NEVER easy – mine are now 19, 21, 24 and 27 and it is easiER but not eaSY. Still a lot of struggles (and trust me, I know what I’m saying that by the 4th one, you are almost battle-weary and want to give up!!!) – but God is faithful and kids grow up and change and it’s always worth it. I pray daily for you and your kids, especially your oldest, because that position is, in my opinion, the hardest spot. I was the oldest and only girl, did the same thing to my daughter – she had to survive 3 younger brothers and I only had two!! 🙂 Life now is hard – being a teenager is hard – so many choices and changes and things we did not have to deal with – but love always wins. Thanks for being transparent – cuz some days I look at your sunflowers and cute hair and still young kids and wish I was you.. LOL.. I miss all that 🙂 But I will honestly say that I’m so thankful to be where I am now, too – RESTING after the worst of the storm!! 🙂 You will get there, too. Prayers for you!!

steph - wow… thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing!
i know you’ll get a ton of these responses but i couldn’t help but comment.
these are words that i need right now too.
thankfully the particularly crappy times make the particularly good times even better.
thinking about you… and all mamas trying their hardest even though we keep failing!
thank goodness for grace!!!

Kensie Conner - Hi there. I don’t know if you’ll even see this comment, you have so many. But if you do, I hope this comes to you as encouragement and love, even from a stranger. My husband is the youth pastor at our church and I have a heart for teen girls. That stretch of life is always a struggle. Whether you’ve grown up being “churched” or not, it is always hard to learn to own your faith, to fall in love with Him for His sake. I always look for your oldest daughter’s face in your posts because my heart goes out to her. I pray for her. Anyways, blessings and peace and guidance and reassurance on your family.

jennifer - yes.

Tammia - Thank you. I so so so needed this today. My kids are younger than yours, but I love reading your honest mama words because you’ve been there and you’re still going…

Gina in Louisville - Thank you for not being totally perfect and awesome all the time. I love that. I have 2 teenage boys and there are days when I feel like a complete failure as a mother. I think it must mean that I’m not a failure. Kind of like how crazy people don’t know they are crazy. If I were a failure as a parent, I wouldn’t know it or care; therefore I must not be a failure.
You are more awesome in your weakness. Thanks for sharing.

tara pollard pakosta - Just try to put yourself into your kids position,
remember what it was like to be their age, confusing, hard, crazy.
and these days, it’s 100x more difficult than when we were kids.
They have so much more thrown at them with technology and expectations.
being a parent is HARD, plain and simple!
hardest job in the world!
Remember all the trials that you have had, remember all the things you put
your parents through and then, be sympathetic with your kids, that might help!
we were there once, we know what it feels like to be confused, angry, upset,
having all these changes going on, being selfish, not having the capacity to reason, thinking we are invincible etc.
you are doing a GREAT job, I know that much, just from your blog!
the last thing you can do is don’t be so hard on yourself!
allow yourself some Grace!
much LOVE~

Dee - You are human and us humans all make mistakes…but the fact that you agonise over those mistakes, count your blessings and think of the good times – proves what a sweet, loving mama you are. Hang in there – i’ll be sending a few little extra prayers you way today

Becky - wow. i hope your day today is so blessed, meg. you are so amazing to be so candid right here on the world wide web. you need to know how ENCOURAGING your words, thoughts & prayers on being a mom have deeply affected me today. i have two itty bitties and it’s flat hard. physically demanding. emotionally demanding. spiritually exhausting. not knowing what they need, when they need it… what battles to fight, how to teach about the Lord, when to discipline… and so on. i can only imagine how much bigger all of that gets with each added child and with each added year. thank you for being a champion for your marriage. what a powerful statement you can make to your kids! have you by chance read any of the sally clarkson books? i’m currently reading the “mission of motherhood” book and it’s wonderful. changes my perspective of being a mom – and a stay at home mom. that there’s an eternal purpose in the every day duties of motherhood. thought her books might be of encouragement to you, but again – i just have two itty bitties! not teenagers! whew! wish i could buy you a pumpkin spice latte!

Lori H - Thanks for the honesty Meg. I hope that reading all these comments will let you know that you aren’t alone, and that each day is a new one. You and Craig seem like awesome parents and if you didn’t question that once in a while, you wouldn’t be human or humble. Hang in there, and know that your kids are absorbing everything you try to impart to them, they just don’t want to show it 🙂

Candice - You hit the nail on the head with this one. Parenting really is so much harder than I expected and I’ve only got one two-year old. You’re like super mom in my book: 5 increasingly independent people to raise, good gracious that’s scary to me right now. Coincidentally, I just listened to this sermon today and thought maybe it could provide some help and comfort for you too.

Tiffany - I found this on pinterest a while ago, and pinned it immediately. It’s a fav, a simple verse about love, 1 Peter 4:8 – – – – –
Hope today is brighter for you.

Amber - I have babies at home & completely appreciate this post. My hard seems hard today, but will be gone tomorrow. Thank you for reminding us all to love good & love hard.

SoCalLynn - We had a rough weekend with our 13 year old daughter. I spent all of Friday evening praying about what to do, which was good because I needed the time to process and calm down before my husband and I could talk about it together, since he was at work. I was reminded during my prayers that my daughter belongs to God, so I gave her back to him in my prayers and asked for his guidance in raising her to be his daughter. Parenting is so hard, and I am so thankful God is standing beside, and sometimes carrying me through this adventure. Thank you for sharing; sometimes a reminder from other parents that we all struggle sometimes is so reassuring!

Leslie @topofthepage - Their stories, our stories as moms and daughters of Jesus…oh, aren’t we just in the thick of His great plot? life is so hard, and I love it, because He is GOOD. He’s got it all under control. Hanging on with ya, one day (or hour) at a time.

Wendy - I miss babies too … I would take walking the halls all night with a crying bundle ANY DAY over big kid stuff. May the sun shine a bit brighter today 🙂
I am envious of your faith … my belief is not as strong as it once was and I miss it.

Michelle - Stay strong momma! Being a parent is the hardest job in the world and there are many, many days I could write your exact post. Your thoughts remind me of this story I have heard many times and have to remind myself of everyday.
“A legendary story told of a rich man who came to visit the cathedral while it was being built, and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird on the inside of a beam. He was puzzled and asked the man, ‘Why are you spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that will be covered by the roof, No one will ever see it. And
the workman replied, ‘Because God sees.”
Your building cathedrals here, momma. FIVE of them! Keep doing God’s work in raising your child – and find peace in that knowledge! HUGS!!

Jana Banana - I’m feeling your pain and hearing your heart–I feel like last week (for me) was just one big test. Not sure what the report card says except maybe, “survival.” Parenting is such a weird mix of hard and easy, smiles and tears, and while it’s all good, it’s not all a downhill coast. Maybe it’s the valley days that help us appreciate the mountain top days all the more? Hang in there and look for more nights with rooftop star-gazing. Thanks for sharing, you’re not alone. 🙂

Ginny - Love your heart. Again, thank you for your honesty. I know it will encourage others!! I am an empty nester now. I only had two children so obviously, easier than you but you know what? I really don’t remember much of the struggle! I know there was struggles, fighting, bad attitudes, no privacy, etc. but honestly I really just don’t remember much of it so there is hope that one day this will all be a very distant memory!! And be thankful for your awesome husband because many women don’t have that close relationship with their husband or much help either. Sad, I know. Just wait…empty nesting rocks!! ;)Prayers for you today dear one!!! 🙂

Sarah - Thanks for your honesty.
Its rough sometimes thinking that everyone else has it together and your struggling alone, so it’s nice to read something like this from someone you admire.
I struggle constantly with my very independent and spirited 4 year old…. parenting is hard sometimes.

Ruth @ Living Well Spending Less - Sending big hugs your way. So sorry things are rough but so inspired by your honesty. Without the bitter things wouldn’t be nearly as sweet, but sometimes it sure does suck. 🙁

Alicia @ La Famille - love your heart here, ms. meg. good to show this side of you too. thank you for your realness.

JennD - Thank you so much for sharing this. I read a number of blogs and while I enjoy them because they are uplifting and positive, sometimes it does make you feel like they are “perfect” and you are not. Parenting sure gets harder as they get older, doesn’t it? I hope you have a better day today. 🙂

Kate - Lifting you up in prayer dear friend. Romans 8:28 – And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

Michelle Whitlow - oh man, I’ve been feeling like that a LOT lately. I have 3 kids and some days I think just like you ‘I didn’t sign up for this’. Praying for better days for all of us 🙂

K - so thankful for your honesty. I needed to be reminded of all of that this morning despite the fact that my kids are only 3 and 5. Parenting is so much more difficult (and so much more amazing) than I ever thought it would be and I know even tougher stuff is yet to come. We are facing some tough decisions already with my 3 yr old having some special needs and requiring more and more interventions/therapy and being told by different specialists that she needs psych meds now in order for her brain to slow down enough to function and so she can learn better coping skills. The idea of my just turned 3 yr old being put on such meds instills a feeling of failure like none other- it scares the living daylights out of me and Satan is ever ready to put deep doubts in my heart about me being an inadequate parent to her so I keep clinging to Christ and His life, death and resurrection and what that means to me and my little one and how He is doing a good work in her even when my husband and I are struggling so much to see the good in all she is struggling so deeply with. I have to remind myself every day that God told me to ask Him for wisdom so I plead everyday that He would pour His wisdom into me and help me to draw near to Him so I can emulate Jesus to these little people when all I really want to do is lock myself in the bathroom with earplugs in on those tough days. I pray everyday for her birth mom so I can keep letting go of all the bitterness I have towards her for what she did when my little one was being formed in her womb that is now causing her years of struggle and requiring meds to help her little brain just be able to function on a somewhat normal level. Anyway, I just wanted to share with you that you are not alone and even though we are dealing with vastly different issues in parenting right now, your post and reminder of the Corinthians verse and love never giving up and bearing all was so encouraging to my heart this morning. thank you.

Tanya H - I had a similar morning, but not child-related, other major stresses. Once the house was quiet I prayed and prayed and now have the hymn “Be Still My Soul” running thru my head. Prayer is powerful, and the knowledge that our Heavenly Father wants what is best for us makes such a difference in my life. And I think we all need that reminder. Because we’re all on the same learning-journey. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

flowerpowermomma - you are on the right track with Jesus’s promises. being a mom IS tough, but you’re doing a great job. Raising people to be responsible adults who will be productive in society….whew.. what a responsibility. I’m so glad you know God. hugs little momma… it’s a new day.

Southern Gal - I learned from my oldest (23 now) that parenting is hardest when they are older. They little baby/toddler/adolescence years are like a piece of cake compared to the older stuff. But, listen, it does get better. They will remember your training. Keep it up. Don’t grow weary in doing good.
I love this song and it goes right along with your verses:
For King and Country – The Proof of Your Love

Nicole LoBue - thank you for your honesty Meg. the love verse comes to me all the time when i am in the middle of stuff with my girls. i read once to put my name in in place of love,(“Nicole is patient, Nicole is kind…” this wakes me up so much, usually i need to start with my heart before i can help them with theirs.
lots of love and prayers to you.

Lynette - Wow. Great post today. You put into words exactly how I feel. Thank you for your honesty. I love what Elizabeth said about making it until midnight. Maybe I will cross-stitch that on a pillow. . . . .

Karen Gerstenberger - Meg, thank you for always keeping it real here. Even with all of the beauty and love and desire in our hearts to make everything good, we are all flawed, as is this world in which we live. God loves you unconditionally, as He loves your children, and as you love them. We are held in His love, always, wherever and – as you would say – WHATEVER. No matter what. Even death cannot separate us from the Love of God, in Christ Jesus our Lord.
You can start fresh today with your hand in Him. May His love bless and refresh your heart, and the heart of each precious one in your family!

elma - Oh it is so hard:( We had so many trials and are allways wondering what is God trying to show us. Our kids are 26,23,20,18,15,12,10,and 8. Why did we have so many??? Praying for you!!

Kim - I am with you. I miss the babies. I thought that stage was hard, but older kids in school is hardER. Thanks for the boost! This could have been my post today!

Kelly Webb - Best advice someone gave me once was “Don’t let Satan take a snapshot of your kids and convince you this is how it will always be.” Parenting (and step-parenting) is the hardest thing I’ve ever done and the very thing that has changed me more and more into Christ-likeness. Cling to Craig. God is in the hard as much as He is in the good.

Heather S. - Some days you just have to walk through. You know? It’s just survival to get through the day. I love what Elizabeth wrote about her mom telling her that you just have to get to midnight, then you can start a new day. In all honesty, I felt more I was just *getting through* the days when my girls were babies. Parenting is TOUGH and the reason you feel you aren’t getting *better* at it is because really, the job description keeps changing. Just when we feel we have arrived, our kids enter a new phase and we’re back in training! His mercy flows in the morning, you know, and with each new day comes a chance to start over. And I am so grateful for that!

Leadia Jarvis - It’s always a relief to know that we’re not suffering through motherhood alone. There are times I’m positive that everyone else on the planet is doing everything better than me. I have many (MANY) days like you describe with my own 5 kids. I wish I could go backwards and have a “do over” because I’m convinced I could do this mom thing a lot better if I had a second chance. Days like those are hard, but they make the good days that much sweeter when they happen…at least that’s what I tell myself 😉

Kristin S - Me again.
Just this morning I wrote a “weary” post. I am not going to post it until tonight but I added a link at the bottom to this post. I think so much of the battle in life is feeling alone. I KNOW so many women are encouraged by your honesty and the knowledge that they aren’t the only ones exhausted in parenting. It IS hard and it IS a calling. The Lord has entrusted these precious ones to you and Craig. They are His and He trusts you with them and has given you the strength to parent them well. You know. You are the parents. You know what is best. You are not alone.

seriously sassy mama - I bet the stars are beautiful in the country. CHildren are here to test us, and to challenge us. It is their job. God wants to see how we will respond. He more than anyone knows their will be good and bad days. Focus on the good, like sitting down and holding your husbands hand, and focus less on the bad day. I can guarantee you have more good than bad days.

Amanda - As the mother of a seventeen (almost eighteen year old) girl I totally understand what you are saying. Parenthood is hard. Wonderful, but hard. Thanks for posting this. It is really easy to get caught up in seeing all these “perfect” families in blog world (even in the real world!)but I think it is good to be reminded that we all have struggles and battles. It is nice to be able to relate. Thank you 🙂

Tracy - I really understand what you’re saying! My kids are 16, 15, 13 and 13. We’re definitely experiencing the teen years over here!! Thank you so much for sharing this as it makes me realize that all of us parents have struggles.
BTW it’s really difficult for me to imagine your kids misbehaving! You are such amazing parents with amazing kids! Hang in there!

Kristin S - Beautiful.

BullyMama - Thank you for your honesty Meg…as usual it coincides with my difficult parenting days and makes me feel better about my feelings. We’ve only been back to school for a little over a week and the insanity has begun. Last week after a 4 day hiatus for a girls weekend I still had one of those days where I had a big argument with my oldest (15) that set me back on an emotional level for a good day or two. I hate myself for getting angry and wonder if I am the right one to raise this boy but I know deep down that God brought him to me for a reason, he challenges me in ways that I never imagined and forces me to look inward and grow as a person…I read somewhere that the purpose of relationships is transformation, I try to hold that close when days are hard. You are a great source of inspiration not only for the good days but especially for the bad ones when I need my spirit lifted. Thank you. - Whenever you get down on yourself or question your parenting, I have two pieces of wisdom or advice for you. Ready?
1) Every mistake, problem, disappointment, etc. your children make is all part of HIS plan to make them into the people they are supposed to be. They need to fall down and make mistakes. They need to behave poorly so they see there are consequences. They need to disappoint you so they will see that you are still there after everything they have done.
2) When I was 16, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease (cancer of my lymph nodes.) I was shaken to my core and to this day (even after having a 10 pound baby) I have never felt pain like that before. In my darkest hours of the night, I would rock back and forth in my mother’s arms begging her to kill me to get relief from the pain. I would cry out to Jesus that if He really loved me why would he put me through this. I was a good girl and never did much wrong. I followed the rules, got good grades, went to church every Sunday, etc. One night was particularly terrible. You see, I had contracted the chicken pox towards the end of my chemo treatments. I was so sick and didn’t have an immune system to fight it off. Fast forward and I was on life support for two weeks and wasn’t expected to survive. When I did, they doctors knew I was a fighter. I was released from the hospital and went home to my mom’s bed. It gave me great comfort just to be in her bed. My dear dad would always get kicked out of the bed and would have to sleep in mine but never once complained. Anyways, I can remember the pain being so bad I was crying and screaming for hours. (As it turned out, the chemo was eating my nerves and I had nerve toxicity.) My mom was holding me and then said “Honey, all we have to do is make it until midnight. Once midnight comes, it is a new day to feel better and you will be one step closer to being cancer free.” That single piece of advice I have carried through my entire life. (I am now 36 and will celebrate 20 years in remission on January 28, 2013.) It was a tangible goal that I could reach and it gave me something to focus on.
I guess I am telling you this for the simple fact that no matter how bad your day might get, once midnight comes, it’s a new day and a chance for your children to make better choices. It’s a new day for you to show them you still love them just as much as you did before they made the mistake and that one thing they can count on is you and your husband’s unconditional love.
I have two boys ages 10 and 7 and the doctors told me I would never be able to have children because the nitrogen mustard chemo would kill all of my eggs. Little did they know I got pregnant 3 months after I got married. When I took my son to meet my oncologist he said, “Shows you how much I know.” I told him I understood why he thought I wouldn’t be able to conceive but that my God was bigger than anyone. My God was the Great Physician and healed my body from the inside out.
I will pray for you as a mother from a mother. And please don’t be so hard on yourself. Having 5 kids must be surreal as I can’t even imagine it. I only have two and am constantly going nuts.
Nurture yourself because you can’t nurture others if you are empty inside. Go get a pedicure, spend the night in a hotel with your hubby, buy yourself something you really want. Be good to you.

Mollie - I had a rough week with my daughter too! I love her independence but sometimes….it wears on and and is hard to deal with and keep her in line.And she’s only 5! I fear her teenage years some days.

Christy K - Meg, your heartfelt words brought tears to my eyes this morning. I love coming to your blog daily, and seeing all of the happy posts and pictures. I’m sure a lot of other people do too. But the reality of life is, not every day is perfect and not every moment is happy. It is so easy to just post about all of the nice stuff. The pretty things. Happy, smiling kids. The things we want people to see, to believe. The positives. But often times, we choose not to share the negative. The not-so pretty days. The real life moments. Everyone has THOSE days from time to time. We just choose not to share it. We want people to see only what we want them to see. But you, YOU had the guts to share what was on your mind today, what was in your heart. Your innermost feelings. Being a parent is hard. I know I struggle constantly with the decisions I make. Every single, little choice I make affects not only my life but someone else’s as well. Pretty heavy stuff. No one ever knows how hard it is to be a parent until they become one. Even then, we are still learning. No matter how many children you have, or how long you have been a parent, you are still learning. Every day. You will never be a perfect parent, nor will I, or anyone else for that matter. We do what works best for us, for our children, for our families. The best parenting advice I ever received (and the only advice I ever took) was “Don’t listen to anyone else’s advice.” Keep learning. Every day. Learn from your kids, from Craig, from HIM. There is no RIGHT way to parent. Only what is right for you and your kids. You are NOT alone in the way you are feeling. As a parent, I know that I have felt that way more often than I’d like to admit. You are doing a great job. Even if you don’t feel as though you are, and even if you don’t hear it enough, I am telling you now. You are a great Mama and your kids and Craig are so very blessed to have you in their lives. Never forget that. Let’s make today a better day. Thank you for keeping it real. It’s nice to know I am not alone.

Sarah - Thank you for posting this! With so many sources of information painting a bright shiny picture of parenting and families, it’s so nice to read things like this and not feel alone. This whole parenting business is rough, it really is…and I only have two! And my biggest fear is doing something wrong that will affect things down the road. Living, leading, and teaching with love is a great philosophy. Thank you for the reminder and bit of peace you brought me today.

Jenny Joy - I hear you. I feel you. I have four, ages 5, 12, 12 and 14. Some days, I feel like we’re getting it right. Other days… ohmygoodnessNO. But, I think there is great power in admitting that it’s not all rainbows and unicorns and cupcakes. Some days, it’s smelly, terrible MANURE. But, that manure sure can help grow some amazing flowers. Because woman, I am definitely praying for flowers. For both of us.

Allison Muhlbauer - I love this, thanks for posting!!! I have felt the same way recently!

Amber - I love that you posted this today (yesterday actually). Yesterday morning I was thinking about how being a mom is all about love. I even was thinking about some wall art with Mom as Love in first Corinthians. Mom is patient. Mom is kind…. i thought it would be a really good reminder on those days when I’m not really feeling kind of patient or anything like Love. I think I have a craft project for the weekend.

Leah - Hang in there, Meg. My daughter is only 4 1/2, but man, sometimes I feel like I can’t do this anymore. I’m sure what you go through is 10x that. I try to focus on the good times. But it so hard. Sometimes I do want to crawl back to that blissful period when there was just me, my husband and my dogs. Yet I wouldn’t change anything for the world and I love my daughter more than anything. I guess that’s the crazy thing about parenting. It makes us all bipolar!

Sherri P - WOW! Others do go thru the same as we do! Thank you for sharing. My Hubby & I were just saying the same things this weekend. Where did we go wrong??? It’s not that we did, some days it just feels like it. I’m so glad that I have God to turn to in these times, He definitely brings comfort. I love your blog and all that you share with us. Keep Smiling!

Mickie Lara - Well, it just so happens that I as feeling thankful that we had a really good parenting weekend but… can completely feel your pain when that doesn’t happen. I think often about what someone recently told my husband and I about our situation “good enough parenting is not good enough in this case.” Exhausting is more like it many days. My husband likes to refer to it as Olympic parenting. I loved the idea that “their story isn’t over yet.” And, frankly neither is ours so we give big thanks for the tough days and fight through the bad ones and know that in the end, there is a plan for them much bigger than us.

Laura Mann - The best post ever…and I’ve read them all. So true, so real, and so much love in that post. Thank you for it!!!!!
“and your marriage too….you have to protect it like a mama grizzly.”
powerful stuff. 🙂

the domestic fringe - Totally felt like this the other day. Is it a full moon or something. Really, Saturday was kind of a meltdown day in our house and maybe I am to blame. That is the truth. Sadly.
I love the statement that “Their story isn’t over yet.” I am going to remember that. I hope today is better for you. Thankfully there are usually more good days than bad.
Sending *hugs* your way.

Bobbie - I love that you’re real and that sometime’s all the happy colors can just be gray. Something I realized months ago during a similar time is that we expect our kids to behave act perfectly yet we are 20+ years old and behave the same way, just in different forms. We get mad when our kids are rude to someone yet we roll our eyes behind the lady’s back at the grocery store when she is arguing with the cashier over the 10 cent difference sale price. Sometimes we need to stop expecting perfection from those that are in the midst of learning how to behave and act. Thanks for sharing.

Jen Gutz - I needed this today because parenting is hard – Period. The hubs and I just sat down and had the, “something has to change” talk about parenting this weekend. That book, “Praying the scriptures for your children” – had been brought to my attention in the past month and I have put off buying it and now I know that I must go ahead and get it – Thanks for sharing!

Jeannine - Hi Meg! I’m just getting into the whole motherhood thing (my daughter is only 5 weeks old) so I’m really grateful for any words on parenting that you post. I think it sounds like you’re a fantastic Mom 🙂

Jen Allred - Posts like this one are the number one reason I LOVE reading your blog. Of course, the beautiful crafts and bright photography help too, but you are authentic and that is what drew me to your blog in the first place. It makes me know that when I plan to do the crayon art and by the end I am covered in hot crayon wax and 3 boys fighting over the hair dryer and deciding that ripping each other apart is more fun than making the project, that I am not alone in this parenting gig. We have struggled over the last few months with parenting too. Moving is hard, making new friends is hard, even church is hard some days. But I hold tight to those promises in scripture too. Thanks for being so transparent here. I am thankful for it and for you too.

Heather - Sometimes I think I want another baby and then remember that they will grow up and be teenagers and then I just want my nieces to have babies that I can hold, smell, and love and give back at the end of the day. Sometimes I think I have no business being a mother. Sometimes I feel like a failure as a mother and that I am probably ruining my kids’ lives. But, as you have stated, Love Never Fails. This Too Shall Pass is another phrase I keep in my mind. All the conflicts and hard times do end up passing. If the basis of the relationship is love, it is solid. You just have to bend with the wind.

karen - hey meg…it’s prob not what most will tell you…try and get rid of their sugar… refined foods…crappy fizzy drinks…

donna - I feel the same way with my 6 kids…….it’s overwhelming for sure. And I totally miss when they were babies – but life goes on and we can only be sure to be the best parents we can possibly be – I am sure that you and your husband are probably some of the best out there. It is important for you two to stand together, and it seems like you do – that is the hardest for me,usually my husband and I end up at odds over something that started with the kids………….parenting is hard, I get it – but I also LOVE it. Best of Luck – and one more thing – Thank the Good Lord for school! I don’t know how those people home school!

Karen - I love you Meg! It is so comforting, and kinda funny, to read this post! Some days my husband and I stare at each other and say ‘wow, we are smart people but we REALLY don’t know what we are doing’! Teenagers are a true test of SOMETHING, don’t know what yet!

Regina - Praying for you today and in the days ahead, as I fully understand that these things sometimes aren’t easy fixes. (Our children are 13 and 17)
Here’s to an AMAZING day ahead! (((hugs)))

Ann Marie - Meg, I think so many mom’s feel the same way you do! I just think a lot of us are afraid to admit it sometimes in fear of what others will think. Being a mom is no easy job and it’s a job that doesn’t end. Some say you only raise a child for 18 years but that is far from true. The worrying never ends, the love never stops. I love the verses you posted today. I think you’d love the song Love Never Fails by Brandon Heath. Great wedding song but goes along great with the verses you put up today

Terrie G - I so wish that you could be sitting with me in my basement room today…
and we could talk…and you could vent & I could listen…
while we watch my grandson run around and play with his momma & uncles’s old toys!
Good baby fix!!
And then I could tell you that it will be all right.
that I used to pray for my kids to mess up while they were at home
so I could teach and train them. I know I was crazy right?!
Cause they did mess up and did not always make the right choices.
And I know that you and Craig have to ‘do’ it…
but you aren’t alone.
You are surrounded by family, friends & you are lucky enough to tons of bloggy friends…to listen
and give you our nickel advice. 🙂
Don’t try to do it alone…ask for advice…reach out.
I hated those crazy chaos days…thought they would never end, wanted to crawl in bed and not come out…
yeah…those days. Not like it will make you feel much better, but I think we’ve all had them.
Hugs to you!!
And kudos that Craig is right there beside you!
What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger! Ha!
Come on down the road if you need a get-a-way and play with my grandone!
We’d love the company!! 🙂

sara @ it's good to be queen - i’m praying for you today. parenting is not for wimps, that’s for sure. thanks for sharing your heart and being real.

Jen - Meg, I think it’s totally normal to get distracted in prayer, but I will promise you this, I will pray for you – no distraction. I hope you do turn this day awesome because you are awesome.

Michelle Webster - Thank you for sharing this. When you are in the trenches it is so easy to forget what our goal should be as parents: to guide our kids towards Christ. It is not an easy job but it is my job. I love it and at times dread it all at the same time. Yet the job description of raising my kids, can only be filled by me. You are the only one who can fill your job description for your kids. Isn’t it awesome how God does that? I am daily reminded of how perfect my children fit into our family. That God has an amazing purpose and plan for them and that part of that plan was that I would be their Mom. Me! With all of my imperfections, failures and distractions. God entrusted these four sweet kids to me. It is not easy but so full of blessings too. Praying today is a much better day for you and your kids. (PS–I miss having babies too!!)

amykate76 - I feel the same way sometimes, and mine are still just 8 and 5. I am forever in awe of my mother who raised 4 of us alone after my dad died and each and every one of us put her through more than I think I could handle…and now that I have kids, I bet that nearly every day she felt like it was so much more than she could possibly handle. But she’s mom. Mom. So she handled it, good bad or otherwise, she handled it.
Moms and Dads can’t walk away, and it is SO important to remember that their story isn’t over yet, and let them stretch their wings and fall on their faces and make bad decisions with long term effects and just know that the sun will come up tomorrow, and things will be OKAY, and just be there when they need you, and hope they learn from every decision they make.
Imagine your life, 15 or 20 years down the line when your kids are all out on their own, and they come home to you and Craig for Sunday dinner and you all just hang out and laugh and play and look at the stars with your grandkids and share memories and funny stories, because you’ll get there. If you told me at 16 that I would love hanging with my mom more than almost anyone else in the world when I was 36 I’d say you were insane, but here I am, loving when I can stop by for coffee before work, even for just 20 minutes, to catch up on our weeks.

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it got cold here yesterday….now it's fall.
so there are no outside baths and swimsuits going on this weekend.
poor waffle is in desperate need of a haircut.
he has to wait till wednesday though. 

i made THIS SOUP last night….yummmm.
perfect for the first cold night of september! 

and i made THIS DESSERT for mr. duerksen this week.
i love when i can surprise my family.
it's like they say "really??? oh yeah…i forgot you know how cook!"


we are going to a home high school football game tonight to see the little girls do a cheer routine…very cute.
then saturday morning we head out to 2 soccer games, one 5th grade volleyball game, one 6th grade football game and one high school volleyball tournament. 
i don't think there wil be any relaxing whatsoever.

this weather just makes me want to curl up and take a nap.

what are YOU doing this weekend?

Kari - Going to the Hillsboro Arts and Crafts Fair!!

Tracy - Which High school football game did you go to? Was it Hutchinson vs Rockhurst?? We are in Kansas City and my son played on the Rockhurst team. Great game (for Rockhurst)!!

Mum of all trades - Your Saturday sounds similar to ours. We had a football tournament this morning, then onto a charity fun run. My husband has taken the 4 boys for a round of golf now and I am just getting warmed up on the couch with my youngest. It is very cold here in Ireland too, but I love this time of year. It brings out the best in us mums I think, feeding the brood up and keeping them protected against the elements. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Terri - Oops! I don’t know what happened to my spelling! I meant do you remember where you bought the adorable polka dot COLLAR that Waffle wears? I love it!

Terri - Do you remember where you bought the adorable polka dot solar that Waffle wears? I love it and would love to get one for my golden retriever!

Gittygitt1196 - Hi! This is my first comment post…..yay!
Fall has arrived in Northern Ohio too our days are getting colder and our nights are just about ready to make a cozy fire. I am heading to a huge craft show today, The Village Peddlar! Hoping to score some cool finds to bring Fall into our home. Have a great “sporty” day!

Leah - I envy your start of fall. San Diego decided to hit 108-degrees today. There was no fall in sight. Hopefully it cools down so I can get out the fall decor and make soup and chili. I can’t stand this weather, especially when it’s nearly fall.

Cheryl E. - Spent the day at a flea market & antique show with my hubby! It’s a good thing though because the rest of the weekend involves driving kids to and from sports and other activities!

Debbie S. - 7 soccer games and 2 baseball games! Puttin’ the miles on my mini-van this weekend 🙂

April R - We’re doin’ the same thing – desperately need to get the garage under control 🙂
Putting some good music on and getting started tonight!

Rach - Could you send some cold this way please? It’s 103 today!! I want to make some Fall soup and sit on the front porch in a blanket and drink warm cider in the morning. Please post some cool weather pictures so I can live vicariously until it cools down here.

Kristin S - These pics make me wonder…. was I ever free enough to just run around the yard in a swimsuit and not care? Maybe? Probably? I don’t remember that, though.
Now I have to deal with cover ups, tanks, shorts, self-tanner, hair-remover….
They have no idea how great they have it?!?!?
Weekend? Last free weekend until December so I’m doing housework and burning fall smelling candles.

Alicia @ La Famille - it’s starting to get cool in the mountains of NC too. i love this time of year. we picked apples today…very fallish 😉 happy (busy) weekend to yOU!

Shannon - Jealous you have cold weather! It’s still in the high 90’s here in CA, not good weather for Fall 🙁 I want soup, pumpkin candles lit all day and blankets right away!

Barbara - Tonight I think I’ll be making Mr. D’s Peanut Butter pie. Thought I might try putting it on an Oreo cookie crust. We’re going to some friend’s house tomorrow night so this will be the perfect thing to bring – if it makes it til then! Thanks!

Amber - Helping a friend learn to use power tools and build a custom baby gate and maybe, just maybe meeting my new niece or nephew if (s)he decides to come out into the world.

Michelle - It got cold here too! We’re relaxing this weekend, after travelling last weekend and a crazy weekend upcoming, we’ve decided to do a whole lot of nothing.

Jocelyn Pascall - I WISH it would get cold here. I live in Portland, OR and we are still in the 90s over here, which is very unusual. Anyway, my husband and I are going to tackle cleaning out the garage this weekend. Not a fun project, but something that desperately needs doing. Have a great weekend!

Tiffany - ick!ick!ick to fall. more summer for me please. its our annual block party, turned ice cream social with the neighborhood. come over, guests are always welcome.

Maria - 2 soccer games, watching some friends in Grease, one scout campout for the older boys and youth group for the older boys, hopefully a movie for the younger ones..the calm before the storm, “easy” weekend for once…and maybe a stop by olive garden for some soup!

happygirl - You remind me that our dog really needs a bath. And I need to make soup. Now I’m tired just thinking about doing those two things. 🙂

elisa - Love seeing Waffle in his collar 🙂 just posted your post link on my fb page. I didn’t forget about your armband- someone bought the one I had laid out to send. I will get you one soon. Waffles need a new collar? It’s halloween time ya know!
Have a great weekend!

Christy K - This weekend the plan is to clean the craft room (insert horror movie music here)and drive up to the cottage for the day to see the progress on some construction we’re having done. It’s been cool here too, it was zero degrees when I woke up this morning! Made for a rather brisk wait at the school bus stop, haha. Sounds like you’ve got quite the weekend ahead, here’s hoping you have a few moments to relax and breathe! Happy Friday!

Sophie - Waffle always looks like such fun! 🙂
This weekend I’m packing to go visit my best friend from high school who’s moved away to another city for college – I get to spend a whole six days with her but it’ll probably be the last time I get to see her before Christmas and New Year.

Terrie - Oh how I miss all those games!! I don’t miss all the running that came with them.. Ha!
No more kids in school…but there still seems to be crazy schedules…somehow I thought that would end.
Silly thinking on my part.
We walked into the Lion King on Wednesday night and it as all hot…walked out and it’s like we were in a different season…
just like that!.
My weekend involves a funeral for a Bible study leader…so sudden and unexpected.
Then to the KSU football game, visiting with the in-laws.
Sunday…so excited…going to pick up my daughter and my grandson so they can spend a week with us while her hubby is at an out-of-town audit. Trying to baby-proof my house today…since he’s walking already! Wish me luck!!
Have a great weekend!!

Alice H - almost the same as you…high school football game tonight. Go BA Tigers!! Then I am meeting up with some friends to watch a band at a bar. Tomorrow I have a 6th grade football game. Then laundry and more laundry, and cleaning, and cooking/preparing meals for the week. Exhausting! But I wouldn’t want it any other way.

Denise V. - How funny–we had the very same exact soup for dinner last night. I fixed ours in the crockpot and it was ready when I got home. I must have gotten this recipe from you originally in another post. So good!

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i really like my job


all the little details of Craft Weekend are part of the fun for me.
the flowers….the food….the fabric…the quilts….the colors….the music….i love the details.


                                         our sponsors send fabulous swag for each of our guests. 
                                                     i love working with all of our sponsors!
                                             we had several new ones this month too….so fun!


                                                            craft supplies make me happy.
                                                                           it's a fact.





                                       jenny and mari went above and beyond with their aprons.
       they were the last to get a sewing machine so they had plenty of time to just keep adding and adding.  
                                          patience pays off…their aprons were quite amazing.
                                                           but i always love every apron!



we took our field trip out to bearly makin' it and the Mill.       (i call it the barn but they call it the Mill)
they were preparing for the arts & crafts fair that is every 3rd weekend in september in hillsboro & marion, ks.
THOUSANDS of women come to these small towns to shop for treasures and crafts
and most of them end up at the Mill too.
can you blame them? 

that is THIS WEEKEND…september 15 … should go if you haven't ever been!
it's REALLY fun.



i always end up shopping IN THE PHOTOS! 
thinking "i didn't see that white canvas basket….i wonder how much that costs….."

there is something for everyone…even the girls who have to fly home can find smaller items.




we couldn't resist a photo shoot on the red and green doors.
they were so colorful…begging to photographed!




                                      it's hard to get four faces in a self portrait on your phone!

we filled up kimberlee's van with very little room to spare.

each time we take our CW girls out i think "they got the best stuff" and i thought it again this time too!

really great finds…some worked really hard too….going through shelves and shelves and boxes of goodies.


when we got back from our antiques adventure these girls were so ready to craft!
they were starting before me!  :)

we got everything set up and michelle got everyone started on her canvas project.

we even got to paint with our hands!
i loved getting messy and working on something new.
michelle was encouraging and inspring.  
painting is very therapeutic.


i kept these girls busy all evening with several other crafts too.
they worked hard!

lots of detail.
lots of color.
they were committed!

                                     this Craft Weekend was our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!
                                       we celebrated an awesome year working together.
                                              we both really and truly LOVE our jobs.

                                       this was what time i went to bed on saturday night.
                                                                          2:47 AM
             but knowing that everyone felt satisfied with their projects and could sleep well is a good feeling.

mari and cathy with their finished canvases.
i wanted to take a picture of everyone holding theirs…and i forgot.
too much going on at the end to remember i guess.

                                             i hope we have kimberlee's cinnamon rolls at CW forever.
                                  or at least that i can get kimberlee to make them for me forever.  
                                     they are unreal….soft and fluffy with thick yummy frosting. 
                   they are HER OWN recipe and they are worth getting up for after going to bed at 2:47.

                         and seriously…ALL the food Kimberlee prepares for us all weekend is wonderful!
            i am blessed by her thought and time and love that goes into every meal….and especially dessert.

jenny with her loot from the barn and her crafts…she made her bag and her word.

they made plenty of headbands.  

we covered wire with strips of fabric and bent it into words or letters.
this was addicting.



we decorated the wood bunting sent to us by our sponsor SayHello Shop.  (you need these at your house!!!)
they each painted the back with chalkboard paint and then decoupaged fabric to the opposite side.
i was LOVING these!!!


and the aprons….
they are all just so GREAT!!!



brooke….i am sorry again that i missed your apron.  
it was beautiful!

let's meet our crafters…… 
                                                     becky from canada                                                          robyn from canada
IMG_6703-40 IMG_6714-43

                                                   heather from canada                                                      aime from oklahoma
IMG_6707-41 IMG_6765-60

                                                   brooke from georgia                                                         shara from virginia

                                                  rebecca from georgia                                                       cassie from missouri
IMG_6743-53 IMG_6762-59

                                                shelley from california                                                      jenny from oklahoma

                                                   cathy from oklahoma                                                      mari from oklahoma

                                                  michelle from oregon                                                         alyssa from kansas
IMG_6723-46 IMG_6759-58

                                                                    love these girls.


this poor little man that walked by just as we set our timer….he was very confused by us!!!

michelle and alyssa were like super hero helpers!
everything done before asking….meals came together easily…dishes…cleaning…they were such a blessing!

roomie pictures!





whatever craft weekend has become something kimberlee and i couldn't have imagined.
it's a time of refreshment. it's a time of inspiration for people who thrive on creativity.
it's an encouragement for those who have missed that side of themselves for awhile.
it's a way to meet new friends.  it's a safe place to be yourself.
it is so much more than i thought it would be.
i just wanted to make crafts with women.
and here we are a year later….80+ women served….feeling like God has given us an awesome opportunity to serve HIm by serving these women with a time of refreshement and creativity.
they can go home feeling inspired, pampered and ready to be their best.
it's pretty cool!!

to get on the Whatever Craft Weekend wait list…..first READ THIS and then email to get put on the list.
the list is very long BUT we chose by random number so you never know when you could get picked!  

getting your name on the list is the ONLY WAY to get to Craft Weekend.
you can see all of our other weekends on the Whatever Craft Weekend blog.

i miss all you crafty girls!!
hope you have caught up on your sleep and have had a great week!!


Felicity - You’ve inspired me and I start my craft night in 2 weeks! eek!
What wire did you use for the words?
Big hugs xx

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I wanted to pop back in and let you know I was inspired by your fabric wrapped wire art and did something on a smaller scale with our youth group girls. I just started a youth craft night with them and this was our first project. They LOVED it!
I blogged about it here.
Thanks for the inspiration Meg:)

Penny Smith - OHHH! I think I am really hoping we get to do the wood banner next month! So darn cute!!
Making me even more excited for next month! 🙂

melinda quinn - i am soooooooo wanting to come to one of your workshops….when and where is the next one? peace, melinda
ps…i agree people building is hard! my last one just flew away to college this fall and i am haunted by all the mistakes…broken promises and wasted time! my only saving grace is that love covers a multitude of sins. keep up the good fight!

Jill - Does Kimberlee SHARE her cinnamon roll recipe? I looked for it on her blog but either missed it OR….it is a VERY BIG SECRET????????

Kristina - It’s just always gets better and better! I’m glad the list is very, very long so hopefully one day I can sign up. It is on my bucket list!

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - I know these are two polar opposite thoughts, but…
-I loooove Kimberlee’s shoes!
-Even though I’m on the list, I’d love even more to come to CW as a helper! That’s more my love language. So, if you ever need another set of willing hands, you have a volunteer right here! 🙂

Christel - Wow, I love your aprons!! You have an amazing job!

Eva Scott - Would you consider doing a tutorial for the headbands and the aprons? Pretty please!?!?!

northern cottage - i love your job too! I feel so blessed that we get to glimpse into the creativity and the color and the fun and the love obviously present! thank you girlie!

beki - Yep, you have my dream job 😉

Amy @littlefora - I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am to be coming to CW in November! I have been plagued with morning sickness for the better part of 10 weeks now, and i’m treating CW as my reward for getting through it (for the 3rd time now!) Can’t wait to meet you and KImberlee! xo

emily anderson - i want to come!!
mainly because i want to see your craft weekend house. i’m sure the pictures don’t do it justice!

Jamie Van Nuys - there is so much happy going on in this post! I love all of the colors and patterns 🙂

Emily - I want to go to this someday… When my youngest is a little older I plan to put my number in! I would also LOVE to do something like this where I live!!!! How did you start?

elz - I’ll admit that every time there is a Craft Weekend post I get really jealous! I can’t wait for my number to be called; and I plan on bringing an extra huge suitcase for all the fun. Love those letters, what a great new addition.

Melinda - I know Shelley! We went to high school together. Such a sweet girl. I hope I can make it some day!! Happy Anniversary!

Jessica - Loving the wire words! I think it would be a great craft for my daughter’s upcoming birthday party! What gauge wire did you use?

Flower Patch Farmgirl - It’s so fun to watch your life become even more of your dream. And I can’t stop loving your hair. And I want a roll. And you’re probably still awake right now…just like me. haha.

melodee@polkadotnotebook - you girls are just adorable. I wish I could just step through my computer screen and be in the craft weekend…I love the pics from it all! so inspiring, so cute, looks sooo fun!

Tiffany - I still feel like I’m in dreamland thinking about my turn coming up soon. Every CW post just gets me more and more excited! You have found your calling! Thank you for blessing other’s lives with it!

Kristin S - So fun to see the faces of the women for whom I prayed!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I love how the wire letters turned out – that was a really cute idea instead of making the necklaces! xo

Mary Jo - Wow! Looks like so much fun! Were Becky and Robyn from Canada twins?

Anne - Wow! Every time I see one of these posts, I cross my fingers and hope that my name will get drawn next! What an amazingly fun weekend it looks like y’all had. I love, love, love the fabric wrapped wire words! Are they wire hangers, or thinner gauge? The link to Jenny’s page isn’t working for me. What’s her blog, please? I love her green pants! So fun!!

Shara - You SHOULD love your job!!!Fulfilling your calling, what an amazing way to serve, thrive, and give! Thanks again to all you wonderful ladies who made the weekend such a time of encouragement and inspiration! Even on a limited amount of sleep, it rocked!!!

tania - I would love a tutorial on the fabric headbands! They are adorable!!!!

tania - pleeeeeease do a tutorial on how to make those fabric headbands! So cute!

Georgia - I will come to craft weekend some day… I just need to save up the money for a flight from the UK! i am wishing on fate that when i have the money i can come… *fingers crossed* x

Brooke - Meg, it was so fun. Just an amazing time to hang out with other amazing women, with amazing food and fun crafts. The house is DREAMY! I wish you could come to Georgia and arrange all my stuff to be as AMAZING as you have done in the craft house. Maybe your next job should be to style homes…for people that have your amazing style!! I’m glad we were able to be there for your one year anniversary. Such a great weekend.
I hope you aren’t trampled by the 50,000 craft hoarders coming into Kansas this weekend…. And, you should love your job! You are great at it!

Brooke - Mari’s pants were Matilda Jane. You can find ones like them here.
I was at craft weekend this weekend, so I checked them out 🙂

Sarah - i would love to have your job too! infact i’ve toyed with the idea of hosting a craft day (i’m a youth director at a church so i can’t committ a whole weekend at this point) up here in northern mn. do you have any pointers/tips?

Linda - I love you job too.
What an amazing thing you have done.
It makes me happy even thousands of miles away!

Kati - I’m loving those wire fabric wrapped words!

Tiffany - I love your job too! What fun 🙂 And Mari’s pants are too cute. Happy Anniversary Megs and Kimmie!!

Robin Canter - wired words with fabric? to die for. Love the craft weekend posts and cannot wait for my number to come off that waiting list.

Michelle Z - I just came to ask the same thing about Mari’s pants. They look like soooooo much fun!

Lisa M. - I love these posts! It’s so neat to see all that was made and I LOVE those aprons!!
Just wondering, Meg…do you ever miss living in the craft house?

Angela A - Happy anniversary! You and Kimberlee do an awesome job. I love the wire words. What size wire is that–does it matter?

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Oh my goodness… where did Mari from Oklahoma get her amazing gypsy pants. Would love to know!
Everything looked to happy and colourful. So fun to stop and look at all of it. I really do find it all very inspiring. I think its time I try sewing again. Haven’t pulled out my sewing machine in years. Loved it all!

stephany - Someday my number will be picked. 😉
Looks like a fabulous time, as always.
Happy one year anniversary!!

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