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my weekend.

this weekend we hosted a retreat at the craft house!
a group of women from a church in colorado came all together in a motor home!
they meet together as a small group to study God's word and to get creative.
these women loved each other, enjoyed being together and were such an encouragement to me.
we had an absolutely AWESOME time. 

we got the house all ready…smelling good…sparkling clean…candles lit…music on…just beautiful!

since this weekend was different from a regular Craft Weekend there were no sponsors or swag.

they were A M A Z I N G and they brought their own swag!!!

they each brought a gift for everyone and they put it all together in one bag.
it was SO much fun to watch them open each item and hear the special reason they made or gave it.
it was like christmas!
and they even brought swag for kimberlee and i!!
we were surprised and grateful.

there was a birthday and they toasted their friend!



they wanted to go out to our favorite antiques store and the barn.
which meant kimberlee and i got to ride in the motor home!
oh my goodness it was the coolest thing ever.
i want one now!!




this was such a fun group of ladies!

this is what i came home with this week from the shop.
there is ALWAYS something to find.  ;)


these were confident, happy crafters that truly enjoyed being together and creating.



thank you colorado girls for making my weekend so wonderful.
i thought it would be great and it was so much more than that!
i feel so blessed to have met all of you.
can't wait till next year! 



recruitment business - This looks really happy.

Kelly - how much do you charge to rent out the craft house for a weekend retreat like this? Just wondering. It’s so wonderful! I should have hitched a ride with those Colorado girls! Kelly

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Girl, every time you show photos of quilts at the barn my heart swoons. One of them will come home with me next weekend, whether I like it or not. But i’m pretty sure i’ll love it 😉 See you soon!

Tiffany - Isn’t that so cool how you bless them, and they bless you right back?! Incredible thing you have going there at the Craft House. 🙂

Kristin S - Oh, Meg, what a gift! The Lord has used your home in mighty ways. What a great way to steward this gift!
I know those women were blessed.

Tracy Fisher - does it get any better than that??? how fun. love the pillows. isn’t it fun to meet people along the way in life? what a gift. -tracy

Lisa M. - Wow, what a great idea! Looks like they had a lot of fun!

Jocelyn Pascall - Looks like a great weekend! As always, I love the colorful photos 🙂

Jacci in Ohio - Oh, wow. Like a million times wow. Craft Weekend is *wonderful*… WONDERFUL! But, as much as I would love to come to a CW, how much more would I love to travel with a group of friends, spend time in the Word and praying together, and hanging out, celebrating friendship and giving thanks together?! In the Craft House??!! That sounds just about perfect.
What a blessing to be able to use your gifts that way this weekend 🙂

Sheila P. - Do I spy Miss Sally in one of the pictures? Love her!

bonnie - all the pictures are gorgeous! so much fun and what a sweet group of ladies.
what i wanna know is where did the birthday girl get that awesome tan sweater?? looks soooo cozy and cute!!

denise@victory rd. - now that is my kind of woman’s retreat! imagine how much fun the motor home trip would have been!? and then add crafting together with you and kimberlee. seriously. they made some great memories. so glad for them and you!

Linda - Every time I catch a glimpse of the craft house it just makes me want to move it. It is so beautiful and happy! Wish I could capture that same essence in my own home. Thanks again for your constant inspiration!

ira lee - i love this! how fun that they rolled up in a rv! what?!!?!?! lol

Lilly - I found it! It was indeed Katie Daisy, somehow I missed it. Thanks 🙂

Lilly - Hi Meg – the first picture has a lovely print in it (above the bed “tell me…”) . Is that from Katie Daisy? I looked on her site but didn’t see it. Would love to get one for my little home, too! Thanks 🙂

Katie Jones - Oh my gosh! That is amazing!! I host a womens bible study at my home every Tuesday night! We have been meeting for a year on November 1st. This would be amazing!!!!!! How much do you charge for a group to come? Or are you even up for that kind of thing???? My ladies would go crazy for a weekend like this. We live in MO about 4 hours away!!!!

Jen - I’m feeling like you are living in quiltville where all the pretty quilts abide and in living in the land of no quilts. I NEED some!! Whenever I see them in our antique shops they are always so expensive. Or maybe I’m just cheap ha! Either way so jealous!

Sara Torbett - So much fun! The motor home experience really looks like a unique time! 🙂 Someday I must visit your antique shop/barn. 🙂 And maybe someday when I don’t have nursing babies-come to a Craft Weekend!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Amazing photos at always. Looks like such fun crafts!

Kate - What a fun weekend! You guys are amazing. Hugs!

roganne - what adorable ladies! it looks like you had so much fun! what are those squares you made? pillow shams?

Mary Beth - Megan…I do not have a group of friends like this, so I love seeing positive images of women encouraging one another. Keep it up. You are a beacon to women who might need just a little handholding….. 🙂

Lisa - What a cool thing! Love that you opened your home for them. What a blessing for all of you!

Angela Atkins - How wonderful! Now I want to do one of those too, and I know a whole group who would come with me.

april @ The Gingerbread Blog - Dang you guys pimped your ride this time with the motor home! Looks like another awesome weekend! I never get tired of seeing craft weekend pics! Keep em comin! xoxo

Karen Gerstenberger - What a great group for the craft house! God is surely blessing you as you are blessing others.

elma - You are having a tad to much fun!!! How fun!!!!

sharla - Looks like loads of fun!

Linda - WOW that looks like an amazing weekend!

joyce - Looks like a great weekend. Is that at your place? Its beautiful

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getting away for a bit…

we took the day to hit our favorite nature spot.
it was so needed. 











God creates so much beauty all around us.
and the fact that it doesn't stay the same…that we get to watch leaves change and plants go dormant…
it a gift to us everyday.






oh i love that baby girl.


dorky waffle was having a blast getting filthy.
his usual.







i came home with two more heart rocks for my giant collection.










annie decided "clams" would be the PERFECT show-and-tell item to bring to school.
so she filled a water bottle full of closed up "clams".
and she was hot which is why she isn't wearing her shirt.  :)

i like getting away with mr. duerksen…even if it is with a tribe of kids too.



absolutely beautiful day.
completed with pizza for dinner!  
yay for no cooking.

Casey - Lovely photos! I think what I love most about fall is how God can make all things beautiful…even when they’re in the process of dying.

Tiffany - So much to say… 1) Looks like a beautiful place to expolore. That’s one of our favorite things to do as a family, and I’m so thankful MN has wonderful state parks for that. 2) Oh what I’d give for the warmer weather it sounds like you have. Snow hasn’t even stuck here yet, and I already miss the warmer weather. 3) We were just up in Duluth at Lake Superior and were looking for heart shaped rocks along the lake. We didn’t have any luck… Fun to hear you have a collection. 4) YES to pizza for dinner. Not much better than no cooking! Glad you had such a nice get-away! You deserve it!

Allison Pfefferkorn - I am about 99% sure the first picture of the red leaves is poison ivy. I only say 99% because where I live we have posion oak not ivy. But it looks exactly like that. Hopefully none of you are allergic or none of you touched it.
It is a beautiful leaf, but oh so bad if you are allergic.
Beautiful pictures. They all really captured a reconnecting and peaceful time.

Juliane - Gorgeous day. Love that you can get away as a family and take some beautiful photos in the meantime. Pulling memories into art-making is always the best. Our personal lives always flow in and out of our creativity.

Wendy - Love the heart shaped leaves (7 pics up from bottom) … they go with your rocks. <3

Aby - Absolutely beautiful. Places and days like that refresh the soul. And its a great reminder of how its the simple things in life that really do matter. Thanks for sharing!! As always!!

Sarah - What a beautiful peaceful place! I love that it really looks like fall, but it’s warm enough to be out in shorts and t-shirts(or not :-)). Here it looks like fall and feels like winter!

jacki - Felt like I took a walk right with you! That animal bone/spine things must have been an interesting find too.

denise@victory rd. - lovely photos.
i need a day like this. to stop and rest and breath in deep.

Branded Photo Booth - Now you will realize how great is our God. The beauty of nature, trees, flowers etc. we need to thank him for all.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Aren’t those just the best days…just hanging out enjoying nature…for free…heehee! Love all your pics. P.S. I have a big dorky dog too and she is just a big dorky love! Looks like Waffle is that way too. Happy Sunday.

Sarah - I just love your photos…brings back memories of my childhood growing up in the woods…especially the wooly bear!

melodee - your pictures are always just so amazing!

Lisa - Love days like that! Also love that Annie went shirtless! Haha! 😉 Love all the pictures.

Christina - Love this post! And the picture of you and Annie?! Wow…so beautiful!

karlene - that looks like a great day!!!

tiffany gardner - Love all the photos! Yes… God is everywhere! Like me having the opportunity to meet you TODAY!!!!! I had no idea you were having a craft weekend or that we were coming to bearly makin it… until today! I’m sure it seemed weird to you but honestly it was So super cool for me to see you. You are the first blog that I ever found… not long after my daddy died from Alzheimer’s disease. You constantly challenge me to live in the moment, let the little things go (with my kids), and CREATE!!! I am STILL so pumped. It will stay with me every time I check in with whatever! - Did you go visit Manhattan wearing a KU shirt?

Krista - Hasn’t the weather been crazy? Leaves changing & falling but warm enough to play in the water and be hot enough to take off your shirt (LOL love little Annie)

lauren - You reminded me a line from a favorite old song….”there’s so much beauty around us for just two eyes to see…but everywhere i go, i’m looking.’
don’t know how familiar you are with rich mullins. he might have actually been looking at something lovely in kansas when he wrote that!

Jennifer@CupcakesandMudPuddles - Gorgeous photos…glad you guys were able to get away for a day and enjoy it.

steph - awesome pics!
looks refreshing…
and some pretty nice family time!!
ha… and i love that annie isn’t wearing a shirt!
that girl is a hoot!
(she’d get along great with my 6 year old girl.) 🙂

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Any day that concludes with pizza is a winner in my book! Looks like a fabulous day!

Tracy - Beautiful Kansas!!
And you said it: Yay for no cooking! Amen!

Linda - Such a beautiful day. Only a little jealous that your kids are still in shorts! Amazing photos as always! Love these posts.

Verna Lantz - Absolutely gorgeous! What a wonderful way to spend the day. I cannot wait until I live near water again. Special times always seem to happen around the water. 🙂

Sandy W - It looks like so much fun! Did you know you took a picture of poison ivy? I hope no one got into it.

shannon - beautiful pics as always. love the colors of the leaves this time of year and ending the day with pizza could it get any better 😉
Happy Weekend!

mary beth - Glad you were able to enjoy a warm fall day…they are numbered for sure! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us all, I feel like I got to come along on a fine day in Kansas – love it!

Sara @ it's good to be queen - Amazing photos. Getting out in nature is good for the soul. Happy weekend, Meg!

Peggy in TN - Beautiful fall days are so special. I was thinking, “I sure wish I could take my shirt off when I got hot like Annie did!” It would be so nice to be that free. We have had a gorgeous fall here in Tennessee too!

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october sponsors

we have many wonderful sponsors that send their product to our crafters to enjoy!
all the swag is like getting to play Santa Claus!
we love our sponsors at Craft Weekend.

i don't think it's too early to start your christmas shopping.
there are LOTS of shops for you to get creative with or just shop for fun treats!


—————————– DaySpring —————————————–

Dayspring sent their pretty mugs for our craft weekend guests!
they are really fabulous…every single one.
Thanks Dayspring for making great products that i love. 


—————————— Kari Machel Designs —————————

Kari Machal Design Shop sent several prints to each Craft Weekend guest.
i even got this personalized bird print that i looooove.  thanks Kari!
use the code CRAFT15 for 15% off your purchase in her shop.


—————————- Thirty One ——————————————

Kerry Perkinson is an Independent Senior Director with Thirty One.  
She sent CUTE bags for each crafter!
Receive 15% of your first order by emailing Kerry with your order & use WHATEVER31 in the subject line.  
Go check out her shop and order by email!


————————— Broward Patch ————————————–

Broward Patch sent her adorable camera straps for our girls!
She sent all different patterns and colors. 
i have the rainbow chevron on mine, naturally.
Use the code Craft for 20% off your order in her etsy store.

—————————— Stampin' Up ————————————–

Jeannett Vinson is a Stampin' Up consultant and she sent us hand made cards and fabric!
what a sweet goody bag she put together for us.
You can find her on facebook HERE and to shop & place an order you can click HERE!

————————— Knitty Bitties —————————————-

Knitty Bitties sent her super cute quilted "mug rugs" for our craft girls.
her whole shop is filled with a modern take on patch work handmade items.
i love her use of color!
use the code HAPPYDAY for 10% your purchase in her shop!


—————————— Matthew Mead ———————————-

Matthew Mead sent every crafter a copy of his latest magazine Halloween.
it is such a neat magazine to flip through…full of fall ideas!
You can order your copy of Halloween right HERE. 


——————————– Bake It Pretty ———————————

Bake It Pretty sent a box filled with really COOL baking goodies for every crafter!
you can find anything you need at Bake It Pretty to put on a rockin' party!
Use the code CRAFTWEEKEND for 20% off your order in their shop….
(get a cupcake icing set…they are awesome!!!)


—————————- Limemade Designs ——————————-
LimeMade Designs sent reversible headbands for our crafty ladies.
she makes all kinds of sweet handmade lovelies.
she is offering a 10% discount with the code WHATEVER10 in her shop!


————————- Stitch Craft Create Magazine ———————–
the wonderful people at Stitch Craft Create Magazine sent their latest issue for all of our ladies!
i love looking through these for wonderful ideas…especially christmas ideas!
you can never start too early.
and i want to make that yarn ball wreath!!! 

you can order your copy HERE.


—————————- The Paris Print Shop —————————–

The Paris Print Shop is absolutely beautiful.
she sent her set of postcards for the craft ladies….such a treat!
use the code CRAFTWEEKEND2 for 30% your order!!
you should definitely do some christmas shopping in this store….


——————————– Yummi Shop ———————————–


Yummi Shop sponsored our felt ball garland craft by providing all the felt balls!
i loved making this project.  
you can order the felt balls to make a garland yourself (we used 30 balls in one garland)
i can't wait to make more.
Thanks Yummi Shop!   
Use the code yummifan11 for a surprise discount on your order!


————————- Whisker Graphics ——————————–

Whisker Graphics sent Divine Twine for us to use in our projects.
their shop has fun party planning supplies and packaging.
CUTE packaging!!
thanks whisker graphics for the divine twine!

———————————- Benzie ————————————-

Benzie sent us yards and yards of her AWESOME felt for our projects in october.
she has two shops…benzie bazaar is her shop with supplies and Benzie Handmade is her shop with
handmade cuties made with her colorful felt.

Use the code CRAFTWEEKEND10 for 10% in both her shops!



you are so generous and awesome!


Amy C. - It’s so much fun to see how generous your sponsors are Meg! Such beautiful products…now, I just have to make sure than one day I make it to a craft weekend. I can’t say I’m much of a crafter but you make it look fun. Oh, and I have been enjoying your blog and your honesty is refreshing. Keep up the great work (and play!)

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I so want one of those benzie garland of felt fanfare in the bright colors for my Christmas tree. . .how fun!!

jacqui anderson - oh my goodness, i want every single piece in that swag bag!! what an amazing bunch of sponsors, those crafty ladies will be very lucky.

nichole - Hi Meg, all,
Just wanted to let you know that the coupon code for The Paris Print Shop is: CRAFTWEEKEND2
We used CRAFTWEEKEND last year, and etsy requires a new, unique code.

tiffany gardner - thank for sharing!! my hubby, kids and I get to take a trip to the antique store and i’m SO happy!!!! one day… your craft weekend will be on my hopeful list but for now… this is as close as I get!! xoxoxo.

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going to state!


on saturday morning we hosted Lauren's volleyball team for brunch.
the seniors take turns hosting team meals and it was our turn.
lauren helped make the eggs, kimberlee cooked cinnamon rolls for me and we made it all work.

they were very polite and sweet.
it was a very enjoyable morning!

they all said goodbye and met up at their sub-state tournament.



they won easily!
they were pumped up and full of confidence.
i love to watch a team play like that.

this was when they hit the last point to win the tournament.
so excited!


**********************  W I N N E R S  *********************** 


just the seniors.
this was lauren's last game in this gym.
growing up is always bittersweet.
we will REALLY miss watching lauren play volleyball.
we are so proud of her out on that court.

their student fans wanted in on a picture too.

annie and talby have been to more volleyball games than we could count.
they were proud of lauren too!

and now it's onto STATE!
they play friday and saturday for the state 5A title.
last year they got 2nd place…. so it should be exciting!!


Flower Patch Farmgirl - She’s so gorge.

Kallie Brelsford - I remember those days! Going to state was such a great experience! Good luck to your daughter! Either way, it sounds like she had a great season!

Wendy - Awesome 🙂

Barbara (WA) - Of all the great things close to your heart in this post, what I noticed was your fabulous huge table!! Love it!

Jenn - Aw, I love those pics of Lauren and her team mates! Especially love the one with her sisters. Good Luck at State!!!

Rachel Reeves - Meg,
I reading this and all I can do is wonder what it is like to watch your little baby girl stand in front of you, pretty much a woman. I don’t know what that is like as a mother and look forward to it/dread it. How cool and also bittersweet it must be to look at Lauren and remember her as a small little girl and now she is just several footsteps away from being independent and on her own.
I would love to hear how that feels for you-as a mother-and how you deal with the wonderful joy and also the mothers heartache of watching your child grow up….
Oh-and congrats to her team! That is awesome!

Carol S. - Chills. So great. My son played varsity vball in Chicago area last four years, and is now playing club volleyball in college. So miss those games and hope to hit a college game soon. It’s all good, enjoy it and it’s okay when they keep going on. Lucky girl to have such talent and great memories. Good luck this weekend!!

amy jupin - i love seeing lauren on your blog.
she looks beautiful, and dare i say, even smiley in these pictures!
fun happy stuff.

Stephanie S. - Lauren is so beautiful! I’m happy for her team!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Awww congrats to Lauren. She looks so beautiful and happy! Can’t wait to see where her path leads her as she graduates next year. Keep us posted.

Lori Austin - Fantastic! Good luck at State!!

Lisa - That is such a big deal!!! Congratulations!!! Cant wait to
hear how they do. Ps. It MUST have been the breakfast you served! 😉

Trysha - Lauren has HOPS!! Dang! Congratulations. Good luck at State

Wendi - Wooo Hooo! I can’t believe she’s a senior 🙂

Heather - Go Lauren!!! I know you’re respecting her wishes by not blogging very much about her, but it’s great to see her here when she does pop up. I love her sparkly gold headband! 🙂

Wendi - Wooo Hooo! I can’t believe she’s a senior 🙂

Heather - Go Lauren!!! I know you’re respecting her wishes by not blogging very much about her, but it’s great to see her here when she does pop up. I love her sparkly gold headband! 🙂

Tami C - That’s awesome! Congratulations on a job well done Lauren. (Love the name BTW, it’s my daughter’s middle and my niece’s first.)

Karen Gerstenberger - Congratulations! What a way to go in your senior year! I somehow didn’t connect that she is Katie’s age. Wow.

Molly - wooohooo! coming from a small town in iowa i totally get how big of a deal this is!!!

Kimberlee Jost - yay, Lauren! So proud of you!

Tiffany - Oh wow! Good for her and her team! They look like a powerhouse! Have fun watching and cheering… excited to hear how they do!

Michelle from Vegas - Awesome! Good luck Lauren and teammates. By the way the gold hairbands rock!

Lisa Q - Congratulations!!! Such exciting news! Keep us posted! Let them know there’s a blogland cheering squad pulling for them!

Tracy Fisher - congrats! how fun is that?!!! -tracy

alicia @ la famille - yeah!! i get excited just reading. i LOVED playing bball. LOVED that feeling of a big win. so exciting! good luck, lauren!!

Carrie Lea - So awesome! Brought back memories for me! Good luck at state!
I guess it just registered to me where you lived. My granny (great grandma) lived in Lyons, my papaw grew up in Chase, and we made that drive at least twice a year, often more, I remember going through your town! She passed 15 years ago and I haven’t made that drive since then.

sarah j - goooooooooo lauren! xo

tonya - that’s awesome!!! your girl’s got some serious ups! good luck at state!

Dawn G - Exciting stuff! So many “lasts” senior year, but so many “firsts” to look forward to!

Chris - How exciting!! Good luck!!!

mollie d - My step daughter just won state softball in Missouri. I was amazed how into it we all were, it was so fun…and bittersweet, she’s a senior also. But all the students made the trek to cheer them on and they made it really special for the seniors.

roganne - that’s so awesome! congratulations and good luck at state! here’s to a win!

Sheila P. - Way to go Railers!! Congrats! Those Duerkson girls are gorgeous!

Jennifer Andersen - Wow! That’s a lot of tall girls! I thought your daughter was tall but the girls on her team are even taller!

Dani - Good luck! I want my daughter to play volleyball, but she only wants to sew…. which is ok too!

Emily - Growing IS bittersweet. Geez-that brought tears to my eyes for some reason. Good memories!!

Amanda - So fun! I went to a tour of the high school that day and watched the games for a bit. I didn’t stick around to see Lauren’s game but I saw you walking in as I was leaving.

Sharla - Brings back such wonderful memories – I love volleyball. Good luck at state!

Kate - I’m pretty sure it’s cause of the cinnamon rolls.

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craft weekend is pretty rad.

we were working to the last minute getting things ready (ourselves included) for the women
who come to craft weekend.
they all arrive about the same time and we start getting to know each other.

i love all the chatter on the friday night.
everyone is nervous.
everyone is feeling crazy for traveling all that way to stay at a house they have seen "on the internet"
with a lady they met "through the internet" and haven't actually even met yet!
we put their fears to rest and assure them we are going to have a GREAT time!


and then kimberlee feeds us!
we get right to it with all her delicious meals.



and then it's onto crafting.
it's a wonderful way to get to know someone.


michele finished her apron first…speedy girl.

while we were cutting, ironing and ruffling away in the work room….
kimberlee was making apple pie in the kitchen from scratch so it was warm out of the oven!
she topped it with ice cream of course.

everyone finished their aprons and i was in bed before 2:30 AM.
not too bad girls!







they are always just so beautiful.
each one a labor of love.
they are not easy to make …. every crafter can attest to that!
but they are so proud when they are done.
as they should be!

we had a "light" breakfast that including some Drubers donuts… a local donut shop.

then we hit the road for our field trip.

my friend kerry had her first Barn Sale with vendors and a meal made by her husband.
so we went!
the meal was great….loved the cupcakes kerry!
we got to go in dairy barn.
all the cows were friendly and calm.
there was even a calf born that morning!


we left the sale and went onto to our favorite antique store.

i drove the big van.


yep….she came home to live at the farm with me.
there was no way around it.

these ladies cleaned up at the shop and barn!
they found treasures of all kinds.


kimberlee fed us chicken enchiladas, corn salad and margaritas on saturday evening.

i am always so happy because it is my favorite meal!


and it's back to crafting!

we made felt pom pom garland!
Yummi Shop sent pom poms from her etsy shop.
they were amazing!
i have never seen pom poms like this….EVER.
the colors were gorgeous.
they were heavy and perfect for crafting.

we strung them on baker's twine sent from Divine Twine.

everyone went home with a pom pom garland! 


my friend JESS led a project inspired from this tutorial.
we changed it a bit and made it more Craft Weekend-ish….more pattern and color please.




rachel and jess were our weekend helpers.
i appreciate them so much.

we made the wire wrapped letters again.





everyone's banners were unique.
i love all the color!


we made tea towel with vintage hankies, doilies and embroidery.
this project was inspired by A Cottage Life's towels in her shop.
she is offering a discount on her towels in her shop for my readers!

use the code: whatever10 for 10% off her embroidered towels. 





we made flowers from recycled t-shirts.
i loved this project.
it's addicting.

                                         kimberlee's cousin rachel is from georgia.

                                                        jamie from texas                                                             jill from texas

                                                     leadia from illinois                                                            penny from ohio

                                                            kim from ohio                                                   michele from missouri

                                                       sarah from texas                                                        shannon from texas

                                                   ginger from alabama                                                            angie from ohio

                                                       missy from canada                                                     lachelle from canada

………………….. roomate photos …………………….





aren't all the fall leaves so amazing all around us?!
i love those yellow trees.

thank you to rachel and Jess for being such a great helpers!

thank you Kimberlee for making the kitchen so yummy at CW.
and for being amazing in general.

ahhh… craft weekend.
i love it.
it's such a joy to be able to help women have a break…from whatever.
some are busy and tired moms.
some are women who need a break from work.
some need friends…time with them or to make new ones.
some need time away from caring for sick loved ones.
some need time with their sisters.
i love helping them get what they need.

especially if it involves hot glue, fabric or cinnamon rolls.


if you want to come to craft weekend…you must be on the wait list.
first read this.
then send an email to get on the list.
we are already filling spots for 2013!


Penny Smith - Thank you so much!!
Oh-Angie, Kim and I are from Iowa. (I don’t think I could handle the drive from Ohio!! 🙂 Hee!!)
Love all the pictures!! Hope to come again someday!!

Ging4ua - What a great recap of the weekend, Meg! I had the BEST time and just want to thank you ladies again. Sending you lots of love from Alabama. 🙂

Kate - So…I always love these posts…and as I’m scrolling through I’m thinking…wow, that looks like my friend’s sister, Rachel. And, it is! So, I call up my good pal, Naomi, and she tells me that Kimberlee is her COUSIN! Naomi (Kimberlee’s cousin) and I actually started a monthly craft group together a couple of years ago and it’s still going strong. So, I’ve been a long-time reader and I just wanted to say ‘hi’! Maybe someday I’ll get to meet you at one of your fabulous weekends. Happy Wednesday!

Jess Mead - oooh the felt balls and the rusty turquoise bench are my favorites!

Michelle Richmond - Hi Meg…I have been reading your blog faithfully and love checking in daily. I found this blog today and thought you might enjoy checking it out. Or just read the last few posts…..too funny. This mother and father of 3 girls went on strike for 6 days and it is hilarious. Michelle from Canada.

Schneidershannon - amazing photos, the crafts look super amazing as always! such fun colors and ideas!Love it!So sad I couldn’t make it the weekend my name was drawn for…next time I’m coming no matter what!

Lisa Perry - Awwwww…my favorite post every month! It’s a visual feast for the eyes!! Great crafts this time too, love those pom poms!!

tinaehb3 - Looks like a blast as always !!! Hoping I get to fill one of those spots in 2012 🙂

Jenn B - How fun! I am hungry now after looking at all that yummy food and want to craft but have to go to bed.

Jacci in Ohio - Love these posts 🙂
Okay… funny observation… I think. A few of those kitchen pics – the first horizontal one and the one with the red & white bowls, especially – did someone else take those by any chance? I immediately thought “Woah… Meg is switching things up!” and then realized they most likely weren’t yours. Lovely, still, but different somehow.

Becki - I love your craft weekend pics. It loks like such a great time!

misty - oh be still my heart!!!!!!!I love everything about your craft weekend posts~ fingers crossed you have a spot for me in 2013~ 🙂

Katie - You should have a craft weekend guest book! (maybe you already do?) It would be so fun to look back at all the people and how they intersect.

jacqui anderson - incredible again!! please let me draw that golden ticket again and this time be able to go!! i love all your photos, they’re always so bright and cheery!

Amy - Oh, Meg. This reminds me of when I came to Craft Weekend last year!!! My mother-in-law was so worried that it was a hoax. She said, “What if you get there & there’s not a house? Just an empty lot?” Having never left my kids before and desperately ready for some crafting time without a nursing baby attached to me, I replied, “Then I’ll be sitting in that empty lot crafting with twigs & acorns!!”
And I would’ve made some darn fine crafts outta those twigs & acorns, if I do say so myself. 😉 Hahahaha!!

Tracy Fisher - Yay! I did it. I signed up to be on the waiting list. Dream come true!

Jocelyn Pascall - This honestly looks sooo fun. And I love the color that you always incorporate into each picture. Uhm also…that antique shopping trip looks amazing and I so wish I could have been there.

Tiffany - these posts never get old. happy women. not competing or whining. no pressure. enjoying each others company. taking a break from it all. my idea of fun.

mum of all trades - These craft weekend photos always make me smile, so much colour and happiness in every one of them.

Carrie - Looks lovely!!! I’ve been hoping the waitlist fairies choose me sometime soon ~ guess the timing hasn’t been right as of yet! Something wonderful to look forward to, that’s for sure! 🙂

Su@TheIntentionalHome - wow. . my favorite craft weekend post. . the pompom garden, the letter banners (love that create one that is backed on yellow) and the t-shirt flowers. . so fun!! I also like your sponsor posts 🙂

Karen - Love it – I love reading all about your craft weekends and I can’t wait until it is my turn and I’m not going to Mexico.
Keep up the good work ladies = it’s an amazing job you are doing

Sarah - You are pretty rad yourself, Miss Meg! Craft Weekend was so wonderful, the atmosphere was so relaxing and inviting….most likely from all the love and thought that goes into the weekend. A big thank you to YOU and Kim and Jess and Rachel! All y’alls hard work and dedication is really appreciated!

Lindsey - wow, wow, wow! The crafts looked incredible! The loot from the barn looked fabulous and the food pictures made me physically hungry. So much fun!!!!!!!!!!

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it was a great weekend


my craft girls were anxious for at least the group photo so i am putting it up on it's on for now.
my weekend was PACKED.
literally filled up every minute and i fell asleep at my computer last night after midnight.
i will write a post later today if i find a minute (or 30) to stop.

i have dr appts. today and grocery shopping and craft check lists to do.
be back soon. 

Kimber-Leigh - i think the ruffle apron group picture is my favorite to see from each CW. so bright and cheerful and happy.

Jess Mead - I never get tired of seeing those adorable aprons! Lovely!! 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - Adorable! Each one looks so cute in her apron! That was an inspired idea – everyone can use an apron.

andrea - Love seeing all of the smiling faces. Needed to see some of those today. Also, loved all of your leaf pics on the previous post.

Kate - Oh, look at all that color! Love, love, love those aprons! And do I see Jess? Hi Jess!!!

Charla - My sweet friend Rachel was there! LUCKY girl! Now she’s in the hospital…please keep her in your prayers. I’m sure Kimberlee has already filled you in.

Jaime - I love this picture…and I loved meeting each one of these special girls even more!

happygirl - Wow, this looks like so much fun. Who da thought vertical stripes on a ruffled apron could be so slimming. 🙂

Abby - Don’t forget to rest!!! 🙂

Jocelyn Pascall - Uhm…how cute is that picture??!?! I LOVE all of the color. Have a good day!

kim - my fav thing about these CW posts is seeing the change in seasons at the barn and what the ladies wear. 🙂
I remember it being so crisp out there – and in the summer it alway struck me funny to see short sleeves and shorts. 😉
looks like fall has arrived in kansas now 🙂

Shara - Can’t wait to hear more about each of the ladies!!! Hope your to-do list gets done!!!

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lovely fall.

this is in front of my house.  :)




















and all of these trees are in my yard.
today is a beautiful fall day.
i am really irritated that i didn't go for a run this morning.
it was windy then.
but perfect now…too bad there are a bunch of kids here…six total.
and so noisy.
i could use a run right now.
or an escape of any kind….anyone need me to go to the dentist for them….the obgyn… clean your bathrooms.
i will be there.
it's been a long week.
i am thankful it's friday.
big time.
what are you doing tonight?
give me some ideas….so i don't go crazy (since i didn't run and my nerves are shot.)

Sarah - Thank you so much for posting this. This is indeed a lovely pictures. I do love Fall it is actually my favorite time to have my teeth clean at the dentists ottawa in time for the holiday season. Thanks again for posting this!

Jessica - I love seeing all of your lovely fall photos. It’s my favorite season and you capture Kansas fall perfectly. I was born and raised in Ottawa, KS, but moved away a few years ago when I married a Marine. Thank you for posting the beauty of Kansas that I miss so much!

mary beth - I am with you …I can’t get enough of the fall color! each one I see is more beautiful than the last! hope you got a chance to recharge over the weekend, windy Monday is here!

Sarah - The view down the road in front of your house is so peaceful. Love it. I should have read your blog yesterday when I was feeling the same way you were, then I would have known I wasn’t alone.

April R - Jack Johnson 🙂

Ana - Seriously. You always inspire me to go take pictures of so much natural beauty outside. So, I went in my backyard with my Nikon. Sadly, I couldn’t find a single change in leaf color. =) Great pictures!

jennyonthespot - I love Fall. My favorite time of year… Wouldn’t it be fun to go for a run together? I soooo know what you mean about needing to go for a run… I hear that… <3

Jennifer - Well, I straightened up the kitchen kissed my kids and husband goodbye, Scooped up Dear Daughter off of the bus and headed out to teach my 5:45 healing yoga class:) Came home and my husband had dogs on the grill and a beautiful cucumber tomato avo salad on the side:) I gave him a big kiss and relaxed vegging out in front of fb and tv. Next time leave the kids with one of the older kiddo’s in charge and go for a run or take in a relaxing yoga class 😉

tinaehb3 - lol…love the the appt. offer 🙂

Grace - Ohhh! Thank you … 🙂
I left definitively Boston 2 months ago for France (my country), and I was so sad to miss the autumn foliage… Very sad. I usually love going out just to take pictures around.
So, once again, thank you very much. You made my day very happy.

Leah - Just watched “About a Boy” and was reading blogs and getting crafty ideas.

Kate - Watching Sabrina and flipping back and forth between that and Sleepless in Seattle

Mary - awww man!
today was nuts.
our leaves are LOOOOONG gone, but they sure were great when they lasted.
hope you get some ALONE time this weekend.
i had a fit today because my plans for the weekend were foiled do to impromptu babysitting for my dear friends. i got over it, because life isn’t all about me, but i sure hope to get a FEW quiet moments to myself…and i sure hope they involve coffee! 🙂

beth - home made pizza and movies here too. that’s how you’ll find us spending our friday nights, unless something else comes up. usually works out well, since hockey, soccer and dance are on the other weeknights and the rest of the weekend. i find it’s the perfect way to unwind with the peep’s after a long week. while the crust was rising we took a family walk on the train tracks that run along side the lake where we live. it was a nice crisp fall day here on vancouver island, no rain, lot’s of fall colour on the trees, and a pretty sunset on the lake. your ahead in time than me, so hopefully your house has quieted down by now : )

Maria - A nice, quiet night at home for us tonight…homecooked dinner, followed by cider and donuts and a new tradition (ala Nienie) of watching the legend of sleepy hollow with the boys…a perfect October night!

Routhie - Not going to lie: A little tipsy from some beers and full from decent bbq (I’m a Texan living up north, so it’s slim pickins), kids are playing with neighbors, I just talked to my mom for 30 mins about one of my brothers, making lists about what needs to be done instead of just getting things done, brainstorming about a bday present for party on Sunday, and burning incense because there is a funky smell in my bathroom because, according to the plumber, a vent on top of our house is clogged. Oh, and I am sad about Big Tex.

KirstenP - Here’s something completely different: go to and sign up for
a free 2 week trial and then start doing a genealogy search of grandparents. You’ll probably find some info in census records. Have a happy fall weekend with lots of color!

happygirl - All these pics are about light. Ever since you said photography was all about light I can see it in the images. Now if I could find the light in my lens.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - You are so funny! Scrambled eggs for dinner and we are going to watch Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer!? Hmmm not quite sure I’m going to like that. Just a wild and crazy night here in my house.

tiffany kraght - assuming you watch the x factor, you could just re-watch the two episodes that were on last week over again because they were soooo good. especially the two 13 year old girls at the end. amazing. i’ve watched both episodes twice!!! are you watching??? you totally should. my kids think i’m going crazy with how much i love those girls. i’m just super jealous i wasn’t blessed with a good singing voice!!

Molly - we are eating homemade pizza and watching movies. these plans were made entirely by my hubby. reason #509 why i love him:)

shauna - stop with the leaves you brat

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love fall and all the photos of the oak leaves. My favorite tree lately. We are going to watch a movie shortly, just the kids and I until hubby gets home from work. We try to do that a couple of times a month, and will probably do that each week this winter. Where mom (me!), actually watches the whole thing without doing anything else during the movie, a tough feet for this busy hands.
I’d say pop in a movie, or do something crafty with the kiddos and then when your hubby gets home, go for that run or even a walk? I almost didn’t run last night and so glad I did even though it wasn’t my best run.

Amanda - Driving 4 girls and meeting 11 more to dinner, Cotillion, then back again. Can Totally relate to wanting to do something else, ha! I woke up this morning and my hubby asked me why I kept turning off the alarm. “I have to do boring things today. I do not want to get up.” Us mamas are tired on Fridays and frequently, it’s a busy night!
Your photos are really great, thanks for posting those!

jackie grandy - Hi Meg! I feel your pain today. Friday’s are supposed to by my days off to play. I usually hike or have lunch with a girlfriend, but I had so much catch up work to do today (house chores) that I ended up doing chores like vacuuming the beds, washing and changing sheets and endless piles of laundry. BORING! I use to be able to take a day off from laundry, but as my kids get older there’s just more laundry to do.
I also cooked up a bunch of stuff to get ready for our crazy weekend, so I’m taking the night off from cooking and we’re headed out to our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. I’m going to have me a tall glass of wine! Now, I just have to go and pick up my kids from school!

Tiffany - Wine, get some, it’s relaxing. Sewing too.

Amy Huff - Grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s then snuggling in bed with hubby after baby goes to bed and watching Revolution and Grimm on the dvr.

Donna - Dave Matthews Band!

shannon - We are having a movie night, Winnie the Pooh 😉 I’m sure that movie might not work for your kids though. It’s always an easy way to transition into the weekend around here.

Donna - hi meg. i feel your pain – i have 6 girls in my house right now – i think if i closed my eyes i would think i was at a justin bieber concert right now. i too would take a pelvic exam in exchange……….well maybe NOT. My husband and I were going to get a bite to eat tonight, but now I think I am stuck home with Little Caesars pizza, screaming girls and justin bieber!!!! I think I will lock myself away in my bedroom and organize my jewelry – my inspiration comes from Paige:

Jen - P.S. Also just downloaded my first EVER iTunes. Yep, helllllo 2012! Blues Traveler Run Around was my first song. Looking for tunes to play in the background when my girlfriends come over for dinner. Suggestions?

Jen - Beautiful pictures, Meg! Thank you!
Here in Ohio, it’s chilly and raining. My girls and I just crafted some Halloween cards a la Pinterest. Now I need to get off my rear and make chili and cornbread. After dinner, girls, hubby, and me are going to snuggle up and watch Madagaskar 3. TGIF!

Alicia @ La Famille - beautiful pictures! wouldn’t it be sad to live where there was only one season? hope you have a good weekend and get some quiet for a few 🙂

Lachalle - hired a baby sitter for my kidlets and heading out to supper with hubby and before we head home maybe just a walk together . Then home and hopefully she gets everyone in bed before we get home . Wishful thinking there I am sure.

Lori Tacchino - Lovely photos, Meg! Great job capturing the light. We are still waiting for fall to arrive in Cali. Can’t wait-its supposed to be here next week

keri - forever folding laundry - I’m hosting a sleepover for 10 boys (+ Avery) tomorrow.
Still wanna trade?

Leadia Jarvis - the colors are so gorgeous that it makes me laugh on those (many) days when I feel so “gray” on the inside! Trying to motivate myself to get to the 6:00 Crossfit class or I will be Mt. Vesuvius by 8:00. Last night we had a floor picnic/family movie night. We turned off all the lights, I gave them treats…90 minutes of relative peace. I download Kindle books onto my iPhone so I can snuck in some reading during the movie. That, and Words with Friends. (Do you play that or Draw Something? Both are mindless distractions!)

JennD - Waiting to head home from work and hibernate! The kids have a day off of school and we are having a huge snow storm.
(I am very jealous of youe beautiful fall pictures, looks like winter is here aleady for us…)

Sara Torbett - Watching Project Runway, bath or long shower, crafting. Plus lighting a fall candle and leisurely drinking some decaf coffee. 🙂 I’m a mama to a busy 16-month old and 8 months pregnant. Friday nights are the one night for me! 🙂

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