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Craft Weekend 2012 was an absolute knock-it-out-of-the-park SUCCESS!!!!!!


this group of girls was A W E S O M E.
we had so much fun…they were excellent crafters….they were funny….they were kind…

they were such a treat.

more pictures to come but for now i have a big day.
first thing…. SLEEP.
second thing….my husband is off work today so we get to have a date…IN THE DAYTIME! sweeeeet.
third thing….it’s talby’s birthday today so i need to wrap her gifts & make her special dinner. 

she took donuts to school today for her class.
it’s going to be a great day.

i hope yours is too.

if not…take matters into your own hands.
go to starbucks.  
or barnes & noble.
or watch modern family on hulu.   
paint your toenails.
read your bible.
take a nap.
draw a picture.
get in a super hot bubble bath.
read a good book.
think about your blessings….corny i know..but it’s true!!!


mondays don’t have to be bad.


okay… im back to bed.

ZzzzzZzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZzz zzzz   zzZZZZZ z zzzz z zz zZZZz zzzzz zzzZZZZZZ z z z z z z 



Melissa - your craft weekend looks amazeballs. love it. I definitely want to do this. With my mom. I am going to have to tell her about it!!! Seriously…amazing.

Missy Connell - Everytime I see the pictures from Craft Weekend.. I keep hoping that someday my name will be drawn.. meanwhile I will keep reading the posts.. and hoping….

Wendy - hApPy BiRtHdAy TaLbY! Hope your day rocked!!!
PS … my girls love Krispy Kreme too & they are not zombies. 🙂

Becky - there we are! love that picture SO much!!! what a blast. hope you rested up:)

jennyonthespot - Gosh I think you are one of my very favorite people.

karen - oh my gosh…krispy kreme are sooooooo bad for you!! i know it tastes delicious…but so offending to our bodies. and then we wonder why our kids are walking zombies….i’ve been guilty…but no more.

Bethany - Thank you for such a wonderful weekend! Even though I was functioning on little sleep today, it was all good because of the refreshing time that I had with our fun group this weekend. Lots of great memories!

Angela - When thinking about my blessings today, you and Kimberlee and your Craft Weekend awesomeness was at the top of my list. You made the weekend an absolute blast! It’s funny – everytime something would go wrong or be a nuisance today, I’d just let it roll off because I was so de-stressed from a great weekend with an incredible bunch of ladies! God really used you to bless me in an big way and I’m very thankful for that.

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Love this picture! SQUEEZE! I took two naps today, and now know why you often times sleep til noon the day after Craft Weekend. You wore me out girl! 😉 Hugs!

Tanya H - Counting blessings isn’t corny, its mandatory! 🙂
Day dates are the BEST!!

Tiffany Clark - This made me smile so big for so many different reasons. I got home from CW last night at 10, was up this morning at 5:30, had a full day of teaching, and a full night of conferences. Busy, but so happy all day long with the thoughts and memories of CW dancing around in my head. It made it a good day. YOU made it a good day. Thank you. 🙂

April R - I’ll second that 🙂

Heather - Found you via Farm Girl Paints post today. I blogged today about something very similar. Cool how God works to help us see our worth and to be thankful. 🙂

Jessie - Aww, Sunny!!! She is one of my dearest friends and I am so happy she was able to have such a wonderful experience (despite her travel difficulties). Meg- you really do make a girl’s dream come true!!

Kerstie Pederson - NOT corny at ALL! 😉

Sara Torbett - Love the happiness of this Monday post!! So much color and cheer in the CW pic……I second whoever said to watch The Middle (Sue is my fave. on the show. Hilarious) What are you doing for your date?

Juliane - Looks so fun! Glad you are having some good times. It’s always so important to be refreshed and inspired to make your art. Great tips to keep your heart afloat.

Dani - Well… I didn’t know I share a special day with Talby! Happy Birthday to you sweet girl! Hope you have had a great day!!

tiffany gardner - had a super tough morning this morning… thanks for reminding me of all i can be thankful for….

jacki - Wow those craft weekends look dreamy. I’d want to jump into that blue bed. But really, enjoy this rest now afterward and I am sure realize the countless joy and blessings given to all those women who come to your home for such a time of retreat and creativity. What you do is so very unique really.

Lisa - As always, can’t wait to see your Craft Weekend post!

mommyjulia - looks like a fun group of crafting ladies! i thought ashley & little one were going to be there so please excuse my last dorky comment. i musta gotten mixed up somewhere 🙂 happy monday! and happy birthday to talby!!!

Kambria Hunter - I see the bee-u-tiful sunny haynes! you girls look so happppppy!!

Tracy Fisher - I love your craft weekend photo (can’t wait to be there… maybe next year… fingers crossed), the sweet birthday photo (mmmmm… donuts), and the advice for the day. I think I will take it! -Tracy

April - Today, I am choosing to be happier than a bird with a French fry! Thank you for a fabulous weekend!

jackie grandy - You’re right Megan. Let’s be thankful for the little things. I’m thankful that my kids are off from school today and that it’s beautiful out, so we can bike to lunch! Oh, I am also thankful that I slept in till 7:30 this morning. AWESOME! What a treat to wake up to sunshine instead of darkness.
Speaking of great shows, we LOVE Modern Family, but have you watched The Middle or Raising Hope? Those are both hilarious as well. We just finished season 1 and 2 of Raising Hope on Netflix.
Have a great Monday.
Jackie 🙂

Kimberly B - You got me started singing “When you’re worried, and you can’t sleep, count your blessings instead of sheep…” from White Christmas. 🙂 Happy Monday!

lovely little whimsy - i followed along on IG and it looked like a fantastic time! rest up 🙂

Mary - SO fun!!!

Kelly - Megan! You are great…. I absoutely can not wait to meet you in February!

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friday friday!!!

i did not ever find my keys.

but my husband had one so i had five more made.

it will be at least a month before i end up in that position again.

we have our last Craft Weekend of 2012 today.
we have had 11 groups here this year!!
how awesome is that?!!
thank You Lord for such a cool way to spend a year. 








i think we are ready….girls will be here in a few minutes!

what are you doing this weekend?
please tell me about it.
are you making something…getting creative….baking…. watching a movie? (i want to see "Flight" soooooo bad!)

i can't wait to show you the crafts we are making tomorrow!!!

happy friday night!!!

Tiffany - We had the storm last weekend, so this weekend we had to put the house back together. I so wanted to make a Thankful tree or pennant for the fireplace, I didn’t get to that though. But u have to see Flight, Denzel is ah-mazing! Oh and the movie is good too. It is (and it isn’t) what you think. INTENSE. Very intense.

Ana - I spent all the weekend listening to U2 !! How good is that ?? Love U2 !!!

Michelle from australia - We are getting over jet lag. It is a long way from Australia to La and then to Vegas. But we are here after nearly two years of dreaming about it. Love it!!

Shairee - Ran the RAGNAR race – fantastic weekend!!!!!!

Jill @ 4 Fab Franklins - I had a Great time! Thank you again, and again, and again. *mwah!*
Oh, and the food! My Gosh! The food was Out Of This World Delish! Thank you all so very much.

colleen sullivan - I bought a rotary sander and am going to paint my laundry room cabinets (formerly in the kitchen) wyethe blue this week. This is very gutsy for me… you are very cool in that you are a mom, you nap, and you encourage others to create! Wish me luck!

April - I had a blast! Thank you soo much!

Jennibell - We actually had a wonderfulnweekendnplanned! We traveled out of state so I could stand up with a little girl who was a flower girl in my wedding……she was saying HER vows this weekend……funny how the circle of life works :). Sunday the kids were receiving their Christmas gift….to watch the Cincinnati Bengals play….it will be a full one….can’t wait for my chance to go to Craft Weekend….I put my name on the list in the very beginning…..

Jennifer Kasper - Loving the Photos!!! The beds look comfy, especially with kiddios and husband sometimes a mama needs a break!!! Thanks for the endless hours of inspiration and the “go to” recipies for this family of five. I am thankful I found your blog 4 years ago…. This weekend we had soccer and two birthday parties Saturday, and cleaning and laundry with some skateboarding, art and maybe a movie Sunday. We live in Maui so I love the farms and chipped paint you have. We rust and have bugs…

Lisa - What happy pictures! I had visions of spending all of Saturday in my craft room working away on Christmas gifts. Instead, after cleaning/supervising a play date/a parade/making dinner, I FINALLY made it to the craft room. Within minutes, I was trapped in there (with both children) when my youngest pulled the door knob off. Now I’m hoarse from yelling to my husband who was in the room farthest from me. And wearing headphones. There’s always tomorrow for crafting, right? 😉

Anna - We’re going to a holiday market and I hope to finish some Christmas outfits for my girls. Church and children’s choir on Sunday. Since its a 3 day weekend I hope to get some Christmas shopping alone on Monday!

Jen - I so love your pictures. I get so happy when a see a new post here! Hope you’re having an awesome, rockin’ craft weekend! No big plans here. Spending quality time with my two girls – dinner at Cracker Barrel last night, lots of outside play time (having beautiful Nov. weather in Ohio), library. Hubby’s been gone with the Army for the last eight days. They return him to us tomorrow. Yea!!!! I can’t wait to see him!

ChristineW -
Pray to the angels about finding your keys!! Believe me, it works!
Hope to be able to come for a craft weekend sometime. It looks like SO MUCH FUN!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Have fun at the craft weekend! I so wish I could afford to attend one of them! They look amazing! Do you know anyone in San Diego who does something similar?

Lisa - After telling one of the parents (& fellow crafter) at the school I work at about your Craft Weekends, she invited me over tomorrow for a crafting afternoon 🙂
I love seeing all the pictures of your craft weekend!

steph - oh man… i can’t WAIT ’til february!!!! 🙂
this makes me so very, very excited!
we are hunkering down at home for the weekend.
snow storm “expected”.
not sure if it’ll materialize or not but a cozy weekend in our house is what the doctor ordered.
already have baked some banana chocolate chip muffins.
you better believe it!!!
just… what will i choose to craft?
that’s the question!

tinaehb3 - Please don’t stop until I get picked, lol!!! Hope everyone has a fabulous time!!! And I love following along on instagram with all the cool updates that everyone posts 🙂 happy weekend!! p.s. off to watch our our midget football A team in a playoff game tonight… let’s go mules!!! You know you live in farm country when your school mascot is a mule, right?!? lol!!!

Gina - Your house is the HAPPIEST house evah!!! 🙂

Katie - Oooh, those dining chairs are killing me! Fabulous!
Our church is having our annual Bible conference this weekend, so I’m busy making desserts to bring. The sun is shining today, too, so I’m going to try and sneak a little outdoor time in :):

Angela Atkins - Finishing up a quilt. Watching my son’s soccer tournament (the last one of the season, finally), and watching an OU game. Making my plans for my advent giving days. Checking my computer constantly for any post from this craft weekend, jealous of the amazing group of women who are leading this group.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - You don’t even know, Girl. You don’t even KNOW what I would give to be there right now, with so many of my favorite people!
Have fun. Count how many times Becky does her crazy laugh.

stephanie - the craft house looks so beautiful! i how i can partake in the festivities in the future!

Leadia Jarvis - wish I were there again. Do you need a helper???
Only see “flight” if you never, ever want to get on a plane again! LOL! But seriously, such a good and intense movie.
Just got home from dinner/wine with friends. I’m sure I’ll be knee-deep in kid activities the rest of the weekend. Have fun. I’m envious 🙁 - Drove by the house tonight on our way to the Bread Basket (the elders and wives got together for the German Buffet). The house was all lit up!! I told Al that you were having a craft weekend and had to explain what that was to him. Just showed him these pictures. Sounds like so much fun, Meg!

Sara Torbett - Glad you got another key-I kept wondering if you ever made it out of the farmhouse, lol. 🙂 your craft house is so happy! Hope you girls have a blast.this weekend I am hoping to go into labor, I’m 37 weeks pregnant with girl #2,lol :). And probably crafting while waiting! Do you ever read Artful Blogging or Sommerset Life? I love their mags.

Siobhan - Hanging with my peeps aka my children, be warned flight has nakedness lots of drug and alcohol abuse and is just so different than I was expecting, it ends well but it’s often difficult to watch.

Beth - I am unpacking from moving and getting ready for a Vault Denim party tomorrow!
Everything is so, so pretty! I want to live in the craft house…

Kelly - We are going to go check out a fun little local German restaurant tomorrow. Kelly

amanda - The craft house looks like it would feel like a big hug when you walk in. Is that weird?
I’ll be doing lots of Christmas knitting this weekend! Knitting and watching Parenthood on netflix – Bliss!

rebecca - Have fun at CW! Just went to see the movie Argo, it’s a must see. Why is it, I know how it will end and I’m still on the stinkin edge of my seat??? Tomorrow, work around the house and a facial and Sunday church!

Tanya - This weekend started with a no-school day with kiddos so we had a bday party for a cousin 🙂
Tomorrow I’m not creating anything myself but I *am* going to visit my mom and aunt at their first craft show of the season 🙂
Have a great last Craft Weekend of 2012!!

amy cornwell - I want you to come decorate my house. Let me know when you’re ready to come to Indiana 😉

Mary - how fantastic is your house, i ask?!?
my goodness! it just makes me happy!
have so much fun!!!

Molly B - Has any one ever cried upon arriving at Craft Weekend? ’cause I think I would–tears of joy!

Robin Canter - spending wkend at our ‘farm’ in north carolina – our retirement place in 2 years. not a working farm with animals – just lots of acreage. been cleaning out linen closet today and finding some vintage fabrics from years ago! super fun organizing it all. however, i’d rather be crafting in Kansas. 🙂

happygirl - Have a great craft weekend. Give Farmgirl Paints an extra hug from Happygirl. My favorite bloggers in one room. Bliss.

Caryn - I’m staying home and doing some sewing tomorrow… not sure if it will be for myself or my shop yet though 🙂 Also planning a crafty morning with some friends in a few weeks, thanks to the inspiration of Craft Weekend! Trying to figure out details so I can get my (vintage & thrifted) party invites in the snail mail on Monday morning, yay! Hope this Craft Weekend is awesome for you lovely ladies, can’t wait to read about it and see pics soon.

Mommyjulia - What a beautiful beautiful fun place you’ve created! I live all the white & all the colour 😉 this weekend I hope to craft! Yay! I’m making tree skirts for Christmas gifts. I’m also planning to attend a Christmas Bazaare, a Remembrance Day service, & also have a family work day outside. Brrr! Have a blessed craft weekend (with Ashley & Little One! How exciting!) Take lots of instagrams 🙂 I’ll be following.

April R - cookies
lots and lots of cookies being made 🙂

Naomi - It’s super duper cold here so I’m hoping to stay indoors and keep warm.
I just moved to Canada from the UK and I am seriously missing my sewing machine. I really really want to make some bunting to make my room pretty, and I’d love to tackle making my own quilt to keep me warm!
Hope your weekend is awesome 🙂

Lindsay - Inspired by a post I thought I saw here- or you linked to at some point- my husband and I are assembling bags of stuff for the homeless people we see on the corners who are standing with a sign, begging, etc. Just got back from Fred Meyer (like Wal Mart) with tons of travel size goodies, clean socks, protein bars, etc. A humbling start to our weekend, but as the temps here in Seattle drop below freezing tonight, I’m reminded how blessed we are and thankful we can share our blessings with others on a personal level. And I thank you Meg for being an inspiration.

Jen - i can’t believe this is your ‘job’!! not that it isn’t a lot of work (i’m sure it is) but what an amazing, fun way to ‘work’ right? have such a fun weekend!

KirstenP - Maybe I’ll finish raking leaves/blowing leaves in the yard this
weekend. Temps are supposed to be in the mid 60’s.
This afternoon I attended a Veterans Day program with other
veterans. Yep, I’m a vet – Air Force. Over 500 elem students
sang patriotic sons for us – some tear-jerking moments.

Kristin S - Thank you Meg for taking us along on your journey of following God’s calling in this unique way. Craft Weekends are a ministry!
Have a blast this weekend.
Praying for all of you.

kelly - Absolutely love seeing pics of the craft house. Can’t wait to see it in person! Making a chalkboard and some bunting w/ wood pendants!

Katey Deasy - I follow farmgirlpaints and of course you on instagram and I know she is there this weekend and I’m seeing both of your amazing pictures!!! my mom came over today for us to make these cute little vintage villages out of chipboard and glitter and old music paper. I hash-tagged a picture of OUR own #whatevercraftweekend. If we can’t be there at least we can craft!! Can’t wait for our turn to roll around!! Thanks for always being enthusiastic about the weekend. What a blessing for everyone.

Lynne - Flight is soooo good. The “flight” scene is so real, I almost cried out of nervousness-just like if I were on a plane! Go see it. Denzel should get an Oscar nomination!

janet c - putting down new vinyl plank flooring in my son’s room. then he can finally move in. your polka dot curtain look just like my polka dot sheets on my bed 🙂

Karen Gerstenberger - Your Craft House is sooo beautiful – thank you for showing us the pics each time. Have a wonderful weekend with the ladies!
I am going to make beach wreaths to sell in my friend’s online store, help a neighbor write his resume, make a book for my mom’s 80th birthday (a surprise), and try to catch up on Katie’s Comforters Guild’s blog postings and my own blog.
Blessings to you and your family, Meg!

Posey - Making my daughter some lined curtains, for her apartment. She lives in a really old apartment building, with altos of craftsman bungalow trim! Really cute

shiela - oooooooohhh those colors…so beautiful, pretty & just super lovely!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Groceries…purging clothing that we’ve saved up from child to child…wow, I’ve filled 4 garbage bags full to donate plus have plenty still in the totes!

alicia @ la famille - your house!! i mean…seriously! have so much fun this weekend!

Kirsten J - I am helping to man the booth at our local quilt show…showing sewing machines, but wishing I could sit and sew my own stuff. Or better yet, be at Craft Weekend with you!!!

tiffany gardner - would love to be there crafting. but you really encouraged me to do at least one crafty thing this weekend. just for me! thanks for ALWAYS doing that! you are great at encouraging. i know you are blessing those girls this weekend.

Jenn - Looks like you are set for an awesome weekend! Man I wish my husband was on board with polka dots and assorted rainbow colors all over the house…. Love seeing yours though! Have fun ladies :). This weekend I am taking my kiddos to a birthday party and Sunday we are hosting a “Friendsgiving” dinner at our house with a bunch of our favorite people! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday so I figured why not have it twice? Plus that turkey in my freezer from last year’s post-holiday $0.15/lb sale needs to be eaten… 🙂

Gretchen P - I get to see Madonna in concert this weekend! so excited.

Terrie - I just love the craft house pics!!
So much color!! LOVE, Love, LOVE!!
Just got back from a photo walk with a friend.
Spent 4 hours this afternoon driving & walking around
stopping to take pics of whatever beauty our eyes saw.
Always so much fun…downloading pics now.
Making same friend a ‘Wall of Truth’…
(her son just went to overseas in the military)
…it’s a board full of encouraging scripture to lift her up when she is down.
Date night with the hubby tonight.
Have a great weekend!!! I’m sure it will be lots of fun!!

jen - I can’t believe you have had 11 groups this year!! wow! this weekend i am sticking home and getting things done…sewing some pillows and curtains…getting my december daily in order…chilling with my family…i hope it all goes according to plan! have a great time…i can’t wait to see what you ladies cook up!
take care.
{god i wish i could go to one of these!!!}
{ps i shared you and your craft weekend brilliance on my blog today….what a coincidence!}

elma - Oh how I wish I was with you!! I want a ruffle apron soooo bad. Have a wonder weekend:)

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yeah…. i can't find my car keys.
so i am stuck at home.
i had plumbers waiting on me at the Craft House and had to call and say "um… i can't come…i am stuck at home"


i hate when i do things like that.

H A T E.

craig and i switched cars saturday – monday so can't even begin to know where they are.
i haven't had them since friday!!!

this morning at 6:45 i hear annie crying in the bathroom (which is right next to the wall by my bed..3 feet apart)
i get up out of bed and say "annie what is wrong?"  ( i am assuming it's about a hairdo)


i say all kinds of really helpful things like "why did you lock it?" or "just turn it"
nothing helps. 
several minutes go by…
she is stuck and i am sitting in the hallway, criss cross legs… cup of coffee….so tired.
i said "annie…i cannot do this for you.  there is no way to get this door open honey. you have to stop crying and try harder.  otherwise you are stuck in there and will miss the bus"
i am beginning to think HOW will i fix this? HOW LONG till i call the police? what will we do?
she is bawling…sobbing…super drama.
i am on edge.
it's very very early. 
i said "annie…keep wiggling it and maybe it will just unlock"

and then i said "have you turned it both ways? turn it left and then turn it right"


door opens.
and her face covered with tears
and then she starts laughing really hard out of embarassment.


early morning crying makes me want to poke my eyes out.


since i am stuck here in a MESSY house…i thought i would get a few things done.
i painted some chalkboards for the dining room here at the farm.

i will go put away my laundry.

i will clean up the hallway.

i could plan dinner.

maybe i will sew up my rainbow curtains i have been waiting months to do.

or maybe i will fall asleep right here on the couch.

that sounds like a really good plan…
a power nap.

don't judge. 


Hens - We have the same doorknobs– Ours always get kind of loosey, and both my husband and I have been stuck inside a room with a doorknob in the hand! Beautiful doorknobs, but not so keen on the functionality!! 🙂 Just in case, we keep tools to remove the door in each room!

colleen sullivan - When i even “think” about taking a nap, and hear the “i can’t do that’ voice that automatically follows in my head, I now think of you which allows me to at least “consider” it! Sounds like you’ve helped other moms do the same which is a significant contribution to the mental health of stay at home moms.I hope that makes you feel better about the keys.

recruitment cash flow tips - I love it. I wanna see the curtains.

Mary@FindingHealthyHope - oh, dear!
poor annie! 🙂
i would NEVER judge your nap. EVER. 😉

Tanya - BIG oy on the early morning crying… :S
I find it’s more common than not around here with a 3y.o. drama-mama.
Sometimes I go to be at 9 just so I can deal with it in the morning!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - No judgement here Miss Meg! Your story is so funny. I think that thought alot…”when do I call for help”? Reminds me of when my son was 5 and he got his head stuck in between the bannister on our staircase. Know wonder we are so tired 😉

Sue Linse - Hey Meg! Love this post. I had early morning meltdown today due to knots in the hair. And Josh locked himself in the bathroom when he was two and I was 9 months pregnant with Megan. I had to have the neighbor come and saw through the lock! At least Annie will now know how to get out of the bathroom. Hope you enjoyed your nap. Miss you…

ira lee - i need a power nap too!!!!! those are always a good idea, espically after a morning of chaos!

jackie grandy - Oh Meg! As moms, we can all totally relate. I’m ok in the morning when it comes to meltdowns because that is when I have the energy to deal, but come nighttime, forget it, I’m tired and cranky. It just reminds you that when we get nervous or stressed we tend to not see the way out of things, (like Annie in the bathroom) but when we get calm the solution shows itself. As far as the key thing goes, I was on my way to the acupuncturist yesterday and on my way I was frantically thinking of all the things I needed to get done and then all of the sudden, I forgot where I was going. Seriously, I was in the car driving on the same route I always do that leads me to everyplace I go, when I couldn’t remember for like 10 seconds what appt I was going to. It was scary!! When I got there my acupuncturist told me my pulse was stressed, no duhhh! I guess I need to slow down a bit myself and know that it will all get done and what doesn’t get done, is OK! I hope you ended up enjoying your day in recluse yesterday. Somedays God gives us those quiet days when we won’t take them for ourselves.

elissa - no judgement at all. early morning crying (or yelling or arguing or whining for that matter) makes me want to poke my eyes out too 🙂

Rach - LOL. I’ve actually fallen asleep in the middle of the playroom amongst the Legos trying really hard to listen to what the kids are saying to me. No judgement here.

Kate - I hope you had the Best. Nap. Ever.
This one time, Julia closed the bathroom door (she was 3) and then opened the drawer next to the door. There was no way to open the door, because the drawer was blocking it.
I was supposed to have my first my first outing after Nate was born – going all the way to the Chick-a-fil. It didn’t happen 🙂 Can you believe I still remember that?!

lauren - annie is adorable. always take the nap. always.
i have had a kid locked in the bathroom. had to leave kindergarten orientation early to go home and climb through bathroom window to rescue two year old.
i have lost my keys (like, really lost my keys) more times than i can count.
but all i want to know right now is this….can you paint that chalkboard paint on what looks like plywood without priming??

Sharyn Seim - My 5 year old daughter locked herself in our bathroom(in our 75 yr old house). All I could hear was her crying and saying over and over “I want to LIVE! I want to LIVE!” Ahh, motherhood…

tiffany gardner - You always make me feel so normal. I’m not sure what that says about either of us but I’m so grateful to check your blog daily. Thanks. xo.

ann - Hi Meg – we have an old bathroom door like that…and I’ve had to coach my 6 year old out of it! On a sidenote, I recently got stuck in an AIRPORT stall… with literally a foot under the bottom of the door that I had to sleuthly slide under to get out…you should’ve seen the people looking at me!! (I know, gross..a bathroom floor in an airport!) but you do what you gotta do! Hugs from Chicagoland!

Mindy - Oh the doorknob! Glad the tears turned to laughter and that bad mornings can turn in to better evenings. As for the keys I hope they turn up soon. I left mine hanging on the hook of the bathroom a week or so ago – in Target no less! I was in a panic but checked at the counter to see if someone had turned them in. The clerk asked me to describe them and then brought them back to me. Relief. I told her I was so embarassed but she said, oh it happens all the time. In fact that had three other sets. I guess we all have one of “those” days from time to time!

Kim - Can I say that I love reading your blog because you are the most real person on the internet? That is what I would have done – taken a nap.

jacki - oh my gosh, this is just do darn relative to a mother’s day! ya never know what your gonna get, and what pickles come our way. you held your patience with that locked door, i think I might have lost it just a tad! hope you got lots done with being stuck-hope it turned out to be happy housebound!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Judging? Never! I totally hear you. My kids had off from school today, but I (and 1 kid) still had to get up early because Brynn had some type of 4 hour leadership training for swim. I dropped her off and went to vote and realized that I was really tired and still not dealing with the early darkness very well. A nap sounds perfect!

Elisa - I can totally picture you in the hall trying to get her to open the door. I would be doing the same, although I may have layed down.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I had a rough day at school today. Seemed like the kids were all calling for my attention at the same time until I wanted to yank my hair out. Ive never had a day like this before.
I soooo wish I could take a power nap about now. But alas we have a Rotary pancake dinner/voting to still fit in.

Jenn - All I can do is smile and say….I hear ya, I’ve been there and I’m so glad to know you! Its truely amazing how many of us that live in all corners of this country experience the exact same things. Morning tears are the absolute worse….EVER!

Leadia Jarvis - Early morning crying/whining and key loss – two of my real “spirit killers”. They both happen far too frequently over here.

Dianne - I’m so glad that I’m not the only one who HATES early morning crying…and love that you’re not embarrased to say that it makes you want to poke your eyes out. Gotta keep it real 🙂

kate - i love the knobs on your doors!!! - Those old doors can be tricky, huh? We have similar hardware, thankfully the skeleton keys have long been lost so no one can lock them, ha. Although it’s be really to cool to have the original skeleton keys. Hope you find your keys by Friday so I can meet you at Craft Weekend! Yay!

Sara Torbett - Hope you find your keys! I hate losing things like this. Normally dear husband wants me to keep up with his and mine too, which makes it worse! I hope you got to sew your rainbow curtains, can’t wait to see them in all their happiness. 🙂 Do you have a favorite chalkboard paint?

Linda - Oh OH please tell me how you are making the chalkboards! I need to do that!
And there is no judging here! SOunds like a wonderful well deserved day. ENjoy the nap!

S. - I’ve been a total blog stalker for a while now, yours among others. Somehow, we feel like we know you, (us stalkers), through reading your blogs. I also know that you most likely want to keep certain parts of your life private, and I totally get that. Maybe you have answered this in previous posts and I just missed it somehow, but I’m not sure. I also know that you don’t always answer questions people ask, but…I’m very curious as to your living arrangements. I just adore your now “craft house” and wonder why you decided to move? Is this a permanent move for your family? Is your old home only for guests and craft weekends? Haven’t seen many photos of the country house, are you making it your own? I really don’t mean to sound rude, invasive or nosey, but like I mentioned, you do seem like a friend almost. I was very curious and a tad bit jealous, (for lack of a better word), that you could have 2 homes. 🙂
I absolutely adore you and your amazing blog, oh and Waffle!

Iris Brown - You are so refreshing. :)You had me a chuckle. Motherhood is so full of its challenges & rewards.

Maria - No judging here…I’ve been on a super laundry marathon for the last four days…settling in now and about to start my own little power nap…

roganne - oh my gosh. i have totally been in annie’s shoes and locking yourself in the bathroom when you are 7 (me) is a horrific experience. i will NEVER forget that day. on a side note, i can’t wait to see your rainbow curtains 🙂

Katy - I hope that you won’t let your lack of car keys keep you from voting today! Have your husband take you this evening if you still can’t find them- it’s a really important responsibility!

Cari - “Early morning crying makes me want to poke my eyes out.” AMEN!! Happy power napping! 🙂

Kelly - Can’t wait to see the curtains….

Terrie - ANnddddddd…there is no Parenthood tonight. That is a bad day!
Enjoy your nap…
I have no vehicle this afternoon, otherwise I’d bring you some cinnamon rolls & peanut butter twists.
Since, I’m stuck at home…
think I’ll sew or knit another Christmas stocking.
Hope the end of your day is better than the beginning!

Sonja - Judge you? I ENVY you. My kids are at an age that is pretty much incompatible with Mama napping. Tell you what – you go ahead and sleep 20 minutes for me on top of your own nap. 🙂

the domestic fringe - I thought I was the only one who had days like this. My son called to me from his room about two weeks ago. He couldn’t get out. The door knob came off on the inside. Thankfully the outside knob was still on. Sometimes I hate old houses, but then I remember I love them and it’s generally all ok.
But mornings are the worst. I am terrible in the morning. Cannot deal with crying before 10 am. True story.

Lori Austin - Poor Annie. Btw, LOVE that doorknob.
Poor keys.
Enjoy your quiet. 🙂

Angela Atkins - Definitely sounds like a day for a power nap. Go vote if you find your keys though. I just saw Contented Sparrow Megan’s list for Craft Weekend and can’t wait to see what you guys make!

Jenn - You have inspired me to curl up on the couch and watch the DVR’s of Hallmark Christmas shows. Yay!

Wendy - couch + ‘who’s got mail’ = 🙂

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chrissie grace is selling these handmade trees to help raise money for the Jupin family adoption.

chrissie says:

"This piece is 24" high and 14 " across and reads from Isaiah 9:6.
Each one is hand-painted and will be uniquely made due to the variety of wood panel pieces.

This CHRISTmas tree is a very special product to me.
25% of all the proceeds will go directly to the Jupin family to help offset the financial burdens of a lovely adoption.

It is my prayer and intention that this piece will remain in your family as a special Christmas decoration for many years to come.

I really feel like God gave it to me to help Amy and her family bring Davis home.
Amy, I cannot wait to see the gifts it brings.  I pray Davis feels all the love and positive energy out there, just for him :)"

you can order this piece from Chrissie's shop for the next TEN DAYS ONLY.
the world of adoption processing is nuts.
it can be wonderful and amazing or it can be LONG and painful and completely frustrating.
i think it's safe to say that the Jupin's have experienced the latter for now
but they are HOPEFUL deep down that the wonderful and amazing is still yet to come.
we have been praying for Davis to come home to his forever family for a long time now.
it's heart breaking.

He needs a mama to hold him.
He needs a daddy to tuck him in at night.
God knows this.
He knows what He is doing.
His timing is perfect… He is good.  He loves Davis.  He KNOWS.

You can donate directly to their adoption fund HERE.

You can purchase one of Chrissie's beautiful trees and 25% goes to Davis.

and YOU can pray for Davis to come home soon.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Love this. Every bit.

roganne - beautiful 🙂
sending up prayers.

Tiffany - I don’t know much of the background to this story, but it’s so sad it’s such a difficult process. It breaks my heart to think there are littles out there without a mommy or daddy to hold them. I’ll add him to my prayers.

amy jupin - humbled.
and thankful.

Amy Mak - I really love this. My brother and their wife just got their baby last weekend and our world is forever changed. I’m also praying Davis can have a family soon.

Kate - Meg, thank you so much for sharing this. Your heart is gold and sparkly!

lisa - Wish it was easier for every family that chooses adoption. Praying today that Davis will be home soon.

April R - praying Davis will be home soon…

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we had bubble loaf for breakfast.
we went bowling.
she wanted to try dumplings now that she is 8.
we went into Noodles and told htem that and they gave them to her for free!
she loved them.
she picked out a cake at Sam's Club. 
we ate at Pizza Hut.
then came home and opened gifts and ate the cake.
it was a GREAT day for Annie.
mission accomplished.

happy birthday sweet annie girl.



Meg's Mom - I can’t believe these girls don’t know what bubble loaf is! Better post the recipe, Meg!

Tiffany - She’s got my kind of taste! I’d take a birthday like that any day! 🙂

Chris - Happy Birthday!!! I’m curious what you camera was set on. Thanks!!

Tiffany - Oh goodness, sweet sweet smile.

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday to Annie! Cutest little smile 🙂

Andrea - So sweet! My youngest turns 8 in 11 days and counting. 🙂
A question about the last post – did you ask permission from all her friends parents to put them on your blog? Did you just ask when they were dropped off or do they already know that this is what you do? I was wanting to post pics of my kids’ friends but was unsure about the best way to ask. Thanks!

jodi - days like that are the best – happy, happy for you all!

colleen from alabama - So FUN! What on earth is Bubble loaf? I’m sure it is some delicious concoction but i have no idea what it is… please share 🙂

Jen - Very sweet picture. Glad Annie had a good birthday!

Angie - Beautiful! Happy Birthday Annie!

ko. s - Awwww Happy Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Christina - Love it. 🙂

April R - Beautiful girl and a beautiful capture of her birthday!

Susan - I have never heard of bubble loaf. Annie is so pretty! My Annie will be 28 on Wednesday.

shauna - i love how you do stuff FOR THEM!
it’s not about it being a fancy blog post or a show off session.
it’s about ANNIE.
can she REALLY be eight!?
you inspire, my friend!

Pamela Gordon - Annie is such a cute girl! I loved her birthday party pictures and this one above is adorable. Happy Birthday to Annie! A big girl now. Blessings, Pamela

Southern Gal - Happy birthday to her! Eight is big. Ten almost eleven is breaking my heart he’s so big. I know you know this, but it doesn’t get any easier even if you have older kids. Knowing this is the baby just makes me cling so hard to the little. Hold her tight. Love her big. I know you do.

jackie grandy - I love that first photo! I love the all the color and Annie’s smile! Happy Birthday Annie!
I love it when our kids just want a simple birthday. It shows that they’re content and happy with life!
Oh, I wanted to tell you that I saw a heart this week when I was making my daughter some fried eggs. I put the butter in and looked away and when I turned back to the pan, it was in the shape of a heart. LOVE THAT! I posted a photo of it today! I hope it inspires more people to start noticing hearts!
Happy Sunday!

angela - Love those eight year old choices! Precious girl you have there!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - What a cutie she is. Happy Birthday Annie! 🙂

Jessie - What a cutie! My oldest just turned 8 too! Happy Birthday. What is bubble loaf, sounds interesting.

Alisa - Love the picture. Beautiful.

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we have sweet little 8 year old in the house! 

we brought treats to school.  
"8" shaped donuts.  :) 

i found her shirt at the children's place….she wore it proudly. 


when i got to her classroom they were making posters for an election.
her group's poster said "Do It Our Way…VOTE for P.J. Day!"
so cute.


some of annie's work up at school…


we went to Sonic after school for an ice cream treat while we waited on big brothers.


in the evening she had her birthday party!
10 little 7 & 8 year olds came out to play.


oh my.


she is all set with Lego Friends.  
her friends brought her such sweet gifts.  

they roasted hot dogs and ate chips and go-gurt.

(can i just say again I LOVE LIVING HERE!? cause…. i do.)

no surprise… the boys were ALL about roasting the hot dogs themselves.


we have speakers set up in the barn so talby had her iPod hooked up and DJed for us all evening
all of annie's favorites….a repeat of taylor swift, selena gomez and the Biebs.  
with Dynamite every three songs repeated again.
she gave a little lip sync concert.

there was a dance party/freeze tag/basketball game going on too.
we made s'mores instead of birthday cake.


it was such a nice night.
she loved having her friends…loved being outside…running around crazy.

later after craig and i cleaned up i found her upstairs in her room alone playing with her new legos.
i said "did you have fun at your party?"
she said "YES…but i am so WORN OUT!!!"

ha ha ha

today is her actual birthday.
she has changed her mind 10 times about what she wants to do.
could make for an interesting day.


Andrea - What a great party! How fun and I love the flad bunting on the barn? Did you make it? Is it easy?

Michelle - Happy birthday Annie! She is a cutie, and it looks like she had an awesome party!
Everytime I see pictures of the barn, it makes me envious. 🙂 I love old barns. That is one of my requirements if my family ever moves again–more land and a big, old barn.

Leadia Jarvis - Okay, I’m sold. I’ll come be your neighbor. Your “little” girl has gotten so big. It looks like she’s had a pretty perfect time turning 8.

sharron - she is getting so big. i kept thinking talby is eight then i realized NO it is little annie!!! oh my goodness. where is the time going??? her birthday looked so fabulous and just traditionally FUN!!! if i were a hipster i would use that word organic…lol ’cause that is what it was good ‘ole meg ideas and old fashioned fun!!! love the pennants on the barn and the fun times annie and her firends had! tfs!
happy eighth year annie!!

danielle burkleo - what a perfect birthday party for your sweet girl! happy birthday annie!

Amandrine - Joyeux anniversaire jolie Annie…Happy birthday Annie !

Jenn - Meg – I LOVE your blog. Just the rainbow colors make me happy.
Where are the curved benches from? THey are perfect!!!!

Kristin S - Seriously, Meg, posts like this make me want to move to the country. Sigh.
Best fire pit ever.
Best s’more basket ever too.
You are great parents!

Whitney - She has grown up so fast! What a great party… love the bunting! But my favorite decoration- that tablecloth on the presents table (with the fruit.) Where did you get it?! I love it…

Lori Austin - Well I guess Annie and I are birthday buddies! 🙂
Only I have 30 years on her. Ha!
Looks like she had a super fun party.
My daughter will be turning 8 in April – love the donut idea for school.

tami - Awh happy birthday to your angel!

Alisa - I just want to come over to your house and roast a hot dog and have a visit. The pennant bunting just made the whole party…love.

Sandy - lip sync Annie = Talby twin!! Happy Birthday sweet Annie! I’ve been following your blog since she was 3! Where has the time gone??

domesticali - Happy Birthday Annie! Nice to see my 8yo boy is like every other all the world over – fire=awesome. Must be the caveman in them!

Lora - hApPY b*DAy ANniE… Looks like the perfect party! Love the pic of her in front of the barn.

Terrie G - 🙂 Happy Bday Celebrating this weekend!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That pretty barn’s about to give me a little tear…
Happy Birthday, Annie!

Dara - happy! I love this post. I think because she is the same age as my daughter! (well mine is still 7, but also a 2nd grader!)

Margo - Looks like lots of fun and I am in love with your white barn and that awesome bunting!!

Jaimie - Looks like the perfect party!
Happy Birthday to your Annie!
She’s adorable…Hope she enjoyed her day!

Darcie L. - That white paint-peeling barn with bright bunting… be still my heart. It looks so cute. And s’mores, what a great cake! Was the lip synch inside the barn? Cause whoa. I would make that into a playroom so fast… and craft room/warehouse. So glad you love living there! We live in the country too and we love it!

Tasha - awesome birthday and THANKS for the birthday tee link…had to scoop one up for an upcoming 6th birthday 🙂

Jen - Happy Birthday, Annie!!! It looks like she had a great time. Good job, mom! My friend’s son, Henry, turned 8 today, too. 🙂 My sweet Katy was 8 in September. 2004 was a good year!

mary beth - What a fun party! It was so fun to see Jake in the pictures..we miss him! Glad he has found such sweet friends!

Verna Lantz - Hey, only special people have a birthday on November 3rd. I should know, I am one of them. (If only I were 8) Hope she had the most wonderful of days. I know her party looks like tons and tons of fun.

Stephanie - Happy birthday to a girl with such a cute little face. I loved your birthday outside scenery pics. Oh to live in Kansas again!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Happy birthday sweet Annie!

Alicia W. - Happy birthday Annie! My girl Adri just turned 8 yesterday if you need a pen pal 🙂

Melissa Brent - Happy birthday to Annie. It looks like she has had a fabulous one. My two sons and I all have November birthdays (mine is tomorrow-the 40th one!)

Tiffany - Oh my, that entire day just looks so sweet and fun! That’s the kind of party I’d want to have and I’m 31! And I’m all over those birthday treats! 🙂 Happy Birthday Annie!

Wendy - hApPy BiRtHdAy AnNiE!!!

April R - Happy Birthday Annie 🙂

Kathleen - Hot dog roasts and s’mores are the best birthday party….we did that for our son’s 7th birthday this summer. Looks like a good time was had by all !

lorel - what a great party! happy birthday Annie!

Kate - Happy Birthday sweet Annie!

amy cornwell - Happy birthday Annie! I’m glad she had a wonderful party…sounds fantastically fun!

lindsay - happy birthday annie!! she is so cute and FUN! 🙂

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Happy Birthday to you both!! Such a sweet big girl, sounds like a perfect party to me. : )

Ana - What a great party. So relaxed and fun! I want to live out in the country! The doughnuts were cute too!

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Oh I can’t even tell you how much I love this post! And I can’t believe how grown up Annie is looking too. When did that happen? I think this is truly the perfect party for big “little” kids. I will hopefully do this for my girls in the next year or two. Happy Birthday Annie!

Leah - Happy Birthday to Annie! Time goes by so fast. My little one turns 5 in six days. It’s hard to believe! These blogs are so great for looking back at the memories.

Christina - She’s adorable! I remember when she was five! And the Dynamite comment cracked me up. 🙂
haha I see another commenter mentioning her when she was five…for some reason that sticks out in our minds. 🙂

Amy @littleforalittlewhile - Happy Birthday sweet girl!

alicia @ la famille - sooooooo fun!!!! i love it! happy day, annie 🙂
you totally need to hold some legendary parties in that barn. i’m thinking christmas with a hired horse and sleigh, mountains of sugar cookies, charlie brown christmas lights all over, christmas tunes blaring.
a show! like a craft show…can you see all the awesome booths?? i can. oh, and i am one of them 😉 if i can ever get my act together and make some stuff to fill up my shop. being pregnant with your 4th kinda puts a damper on that stuff.
these are just some suggestions…think about it 😉

KirstenP - Looks like an awesome party – and much warmer than my neck of the woods.
I love the photo of Annie cradling her Sonic drink! So pretty, so grown up.

Tracy - Happy Birthday Annie!!! Hope you decide on something special to do today 🙂

Sophie - EIGHT? Wasn’t she five like… yesterday? Gosh, she’s looking so much more like her big sisters as the grows up!

Tanya H - Dynomite is my kids favorite. I oould handle it being played less…… LOL. Your set up is awesome! Perfect for a party! Looks like an excellent evening!

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i feel like i just make lists and make more lists and i am still forgetting stuff and never catching up.

do you ever feel like that?


i AM excited about trick or treating tonight.
i mean…as excited as i could be…i guess i am happy to get to walk around with craig.
since the kids run ahead and leave us way behind usually.
it makes me happy to not have to worry about answering the door….no one trick or treats in the country. 🙂

i have a bumble bee, a pirate and a banana this year.  
thank you wal-mart.
you helped a mama out!
and btw…my kids were so excited to open the box of costumes that came in the mail.
i was actually even smarter and i ordered 3 for each of them and let them pick from the 3.
they each chose differently than i thought so it was a great way to do it.
and i returned the others because walmart is awesome about returns.


i did go out for a run/walk today.
it is so nice to do this with a friend because you get your exercise and you can talk about everything.
at least that is what my running friends and i do.
we are dealing with big time real life stuff while we are sweatin' it out on the dirt path.
killing two birds with one stone.
three actually….exercise, social face-to-face girl time AND vitamin D sunshine baby!
i love running.
it's true.
i may not always want to go…i usually don't want to but i am ALWAYS happy i went.
never changes.


girls get the best clothes.
i LOVE these shirts at old navy that i got my girls but wished they came in my size.
someone on instagram suggested cutting them up and making it an applique on MY shirt.
i am totally going to do that!!!  (with a new shirt not with their shirts 😉

because grown up moms like rainbows too!


measuring heights on our doorway ruler.  
scott is 5' 9.5" 
so weird to have my children taller than me now.
i am pretty sure i will be the shortest in my family in about 5 years.


i made a fun wreath last week for the Craft House door.
scraps and hot glue.
she is a very low maintenance wreath…i like her. 

not very "fall"ish but it's very MEG-ish and that is what matters.  


after craft weekend i usually sleep on mondays for a LONG time.
i get up and see my kids off on the bus and then crawl IMMEDIATELY back into bed.
it is such a nice way to recover.
i actually spent the whole day at home which i haven't done for a long time!
i rearranged a little…picked up a bit.

it was a nice sleepy cozy day on monday.


last year we rocked out our pumpkins with AWESOME designs and colors.
this year?
we did nothing.

ha ha ha 

i had a canvas made of an older picture of scott.
he sure is a cutie.
i like that it's black and white…and his basketball is all ratty.

(and i like that he looks just like his daddy)


did you know Parenthood wasn't going to be on last night?

i wish you would have warned me.
i got all cozy and ready to watch…waiting long enough in so i could watch it on the dvr without commercials and not catch up to live tv…and then it wasn't on!!! 
i know, i know….get a life meg!
but i was ready to just chill with the bravermans!

we watched the office instead on dvr.   (i thought you were Adam Lambert….)

i really want Mad Men to hurry up and come back on already!!!



i have go get groceries today.
don't you feel like that is all we do as moms?
buy the food.  fix the food.  clean up the food.  repeat.

can't we all just eat cereal??
why is that frowned upon?
what is the big deal?!

we are having this for dinner tonight… take two.
i started making it on monday and was missing chicken broth.
so i will try again tonight. 

alrighty…..i desperately want to go back to bed.
just for a bit.
but i am going to shower (i stink from runnning), get groceries and make one of the crafts for
the November craft weekend…and get one ready for my girls after school.
i am.

i can do it.

i am really sure.



one more cup of coffee first…..



melissa stover - i’m watching reruns to tide me over but oh how i miss don draper.

julie - That soup is my favorite. It is so cozy and comforting. I need that in my life.
How in the CUSS do you run and talk at the same time. Because I run and want to die or murder people and for sure do not want to talk, even to the friendly elderly people walking their dogs that say hi. The thought of using oxygen to blurt out a simple hi back is more than I can take. I need every breath to not fall over dead. So I smile. Zero talking. Just me, near death, sweaty, murdery, and my music.
You would not like to go running with me. I am mean. And super unfriendly.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Well it’s. official, I am the shortest in my family, unless you count the dog standing on her hind legs and then I”m pretty sure she is a smidge shorter. Welcome to the club of short moms!

Julia @the BackLoop - I love how he looks like he is trying to stand up as straight as possible.

Tiffany - I’m so glad you have a Monday recovery day after CW. My Monday after CW in November looks like this: Wake up at 5:30AM, get myself and two kids out the door to daycare and school, teach all day, and have parent-teacher conferences all night. 🙁 I’ll survive. The weekend will be so relaxing I’ll build up all kinds of energy, right?!

Kori - I also waited to watch Parenthood and was soooo sad that it wasn’t on!
“I thought you were Adam Lambert.” was one of the funniest things I’ve heard in a very long time. I laughed my butt off even though I am a kinda sorta fan of Adam’s…at least of one CD, anyway. 😉

Emily - I had been stuck inside for TWO days because of Sandy (no major damage, thank goodness) but had major cabin fever and was waiting all day to watch Parenthood and almost cried when I realized it wasn’t on.

Lisa - I agree! Cereal and toast for dinner every night! (Just kidding….kind of)

Dawn - Be thankful that you don’t have a full-time job outside the home, as well! Focus on the positives….crawling back into bed, shopping during the day, enjoying a leisurely cup of copy, starting dinner before 6:00 pm….lots to be thankful for here 🙂

jacki - You sure have running determination. It really would be strange too, to hit that point where your kids are taller than you! Love all the ‘color of life’ you bring to your blog here.

Terrie - If I had seen that it wasn’t going to be on …I would have let you know.
Didn’t realize until it was time to watch…same as you.
I think we need to make a pact…we should all call each other if we see it isn’t going to be on.
Seriously bummed me out!
I made that soup last week…so yummy!
This week it was cheeseburger soup…hubby’s fav!
I was going to do pumpkins like yours last week…I didn’t even buy any this year.
I’ll vote for cereal!!
I hate the grocery store!
Happy Candy Day!

Lachalle - I have felt the exact same way as you do about the lists. Even if we ever actually finish a list another one or two has already began ….
have a HAPPY Halloween !

sam - I am so glad to hear I am not the only one who was taken aback by the lack of Parenthood. I purposely waited to go to the gym so I would watch it while on the treadmill and was so bummed when I realized it was preempted by coverage of the storm. You are so lucky to have friends to run with, I miss my running partner so much. Hopefully I will find another one when we move again.

Rebekah Mathis - My motto ever since having my third child has been, “All I do is feed my family.”

Louise - I love this, Meg! 🙂 I love the line, “Can’t we all just eat cereal? Why do people frown upon that?” That actually made me laugh out loud. 😉 I found myself thinking the other day, “Do they have to eat EVERY day?” Ha… And…to answer your question…I do feel like sometimes all I do is buy the food, make the food, and clean up the food…and I only have 2 kiddos. I can’t imagine with 5. A Tuesday without Parenthood is always a little sad. I LOVE the Bravermans. Thanks for the smile today…as usual. I have just started running and am motivated by you lots.

Jenn - Love it! I need to watch Mad Men.

Suzette - Shop. Cook. Clean. Repeat. I’m gonna’ put it on my kitchen wall! Would that be so horrible? I guess I should go with {Eat, Drink, Laugh, Love} but inside I’m thinking shop, cook, clean, repeat, shop, cook, clean, repeat…

Maggie - My favorite quote from the Office this week was when Erin said “Buts are for pooping.” I laughed out loud.

Lisa - I like your random posts. 🙂

Charla - I loved the Adam Lambert comment on The Office, too. And yes, no Parenthood = unhappy parent (that would be me!) Not til after the election?!?!? What the what? And yes…my life is spent at the grocery store. Blech! Have fun tonight. I know we will!

Shara - Crawling back into bed. What is that like!?!? I”m gonna have to remember the walmart costume tip for next year. Three out of four have costumes, we’re still working on the last one. Trying to use what we have! Happy grocery shopping! and as my youngest say’s, “happy ween!”

Lisa M. - Love your randomness, Meg! Going for my run later this afternoon. It’s 34 degrees outside!! But, I am entering a 5 mile race (I know, easy peasy for you, but not for me:) and we had “Sandy” on Monday, so I need to get some road time in. Brrrrr……

Vanessa - I totally am with you – all snuggled up and ready for Parenthood . . .after my “WHAT?” was yelled out to absolutely nobody, I decided to make the best of it and prayed for the hurricane victims that were being reported on. I am also completely with you on food and cereal. COMPLETELY!

Tracy - I loved this post! Thanks, Meg!

Jill Franklin - The only thing I did for Halloween this year was buy candy. I know, mom demerit, right!? We’ll make our traditional Goulash tonight though.

Lori H - Usually Parenthood will say if there is going to be a break in programming, but not this time. I didn’t realize it until I tried to DVR it and it wasn’t on the schedule. So nothing until 11/13!

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