when you were a kid did you get the sears or jcpenney christmas wish book and look at them OVER and OVER?
i did.
i circled things on almost every page.
just like my girls do now with the American Girl catalog or Justice.
i thought i would be silly and share my grown up wish list that is some parts completely impractical/pure dreaming and some parts regular stuff.
you never get too old for that.

tissue garland….that i didn't have to make myself.
isn't it lovely??
these Nike Free shoes that i can't find anywhere in an 8.5 online anywhere!!!
but if i find them IN store again i WILL snatch them up.
i would love to learn to make doughnuts.
i would need…
a Doughnut Pan
or two

and a Doughnut Cookbook
to guide me into being a wonderful baker.

i never read it and i want to.

this is my favorite scent at Bath & Body Works…. STRESS RELIEF.
i am not a smelly kind of girl but if i ever DO want to smell something this is it.
i don't wear perfume and lotions but when i take a bath… this makes me happy!

Treadmill …. a good sturdy one that doesn't rattle or shake and is not deafingly loud
for all the running i will have to do all winter to train for this half marathon i agreed to do.
because i am crazy.

Mad Men Season One
and Five
so i can watch Don Draper for hours on end.

i want this dress.
i would put it on and twirl all around…. my husband would take my hand and tell me how beautiful i looked… we would go to a fancy party and dance like they do in romantic movies…
ohhhh… wait…. maybe this one instead.

it sparkles. it's glittery. i can just close my eyes and imagine what it would feel like to wear this dress.
{{{ S I G H }}}
it's a very nice thought.

this hot pink velvet chair from World Market….. is this the most perfect chair ever created?!!
yes it is.
can't you just imagine wearing the glitter dress and sitting in this pink chair?!

and this beautiful gray painted dresser also from world market that would look so perfect in a room that only exists in my head at this time… but trust me… it's a gorgeous room. :)

i love yellow and i LOVE a big bold stripe…this is from west elm.
i have wanted a hot tub since… forever.
i still do.
i think it would be so relaxing.
the farm house could ROCK a hot tub so easily. :)

i always love new colorful fun running gear.
athleta is beautiful but pricey so that is why it's on my dreamy wish list.
i feel like i am supposed to want a garmin… since i run.
but i run my miles and then i don't think about it again until the next time i go again.
so i don't know if i would even use it.
what is the exciting part of garmins?

this book Decorate Workshop
looks like a fun book!
so i made this whole list of things i love and "want"
but all day while i was working on it i just felt…. funny.
it's just a fun list.
i don't NEED any of it and do i even really "want" these things??
"it's just fun inspiring stuff….why am i feeling like this?" i said to myself all day.
what do i REALLY WANT?
i want Yana to have a mom & dad to take care of her forever.
to love her forever.

i saw her on Jeannett's blog yesterday and i can't get her out of my mind!!!
she is precious.
she is an orphan.
she needs a family.
it could be you!
don't you want to kiss her face?! and hug her tight and never let her go….
i was not planning on writing about this…. i was just making a silly wish list.
but God would not let me leave it at that.
he took a hold of my heart and my blog today and made sure i refocused on the REAL want…
the desire of my heart.
because all i really WANT today is for Yana to get a family this christmas.
i want to help her get that!!
that is the good stuff.
THAT is the sparkly glittery dress of real life.
jeannett has helped two other sweet babies through Reese's Rainbow find families the past two years and it is so joyous to know i was a part of that.
so let's ALL help YANA this year!!
go over to Life Rearranged, read all about Yana and you can even enter jeannett's giveaway.
it will be the best christmas gift you will give.
Jenny - So sorry! She is in my prayers.
maureen - Praying for sweet Beth and her family!
Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Praying for Pam’s sweet Beth.
Vanessa - Praying in the name of sweet Jesus!
colleen from alabama - just saw this. I am praying.
Diane - Praying for sweet Beth and her family. May the Lord cover her with His grace and mercy, bringing healing to her body. Thank you for allowing us to join in prayer with you and your family.
Anna - praying
Amy - Lifting up Pam, Beth, the rest of their precious family, and those caring for Beth. God took their family to Liberia and He has His arms around them now (((hugs)))
Lori Austin - Praying for your sweet friend and her precious girl.
tonya - praying right now!
pve - Meg,
It has been some time that I was here, but for some reason, I was nudged by the spirit to pop in and wow, I see a very bright angel watching over your friend Pam and her daughter. I shall radiate light and love and good energy to you and all those around you. Especially to those who make great cheesecake. That always makes me feel better.
Oh, dear, humor helps me too.
prayers, love, humor, comfort to you.
valerie - praying!!
Kristine - Prayers for healing and comfort…f
Terrie - Thank you Meg for sharing this with us. It’s what it means to be in community with fellow believers. Praying for those we don’t even know is a privilege. Praying for healing and Peace that only God can give! Please keep us posted! Hugs to her friends too…
colleen - ok… so I am a nurse practitioner…. I can pray… but I also want her back in the states….. Boston Children’s is where I would go if it were my child…. thinking so much for her….
Tiffany - Oh no. How scary. I’ll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.
Juli - I will be praying in agreement with you that Beth will be healed. She will pull through and that she will recover completely. I pray for peace that passes understanding for Pam, her husband and all of the other kiddos. I pray for quality healthcare for her. In Jesus’ name. AMEN
Kerri (@KerriMann) - Prayed with hands on the screen!
mandy friend - prayers<3 please keep us updated as you can!
Tracy Fisher - prayers for all. -tracy
Jeana - Praying now
Rachel Spin - Prayers for Beth and her family
Andrea - Done…..
Karen Gerstenberger - Praying.
Jen - Praying for healing for Beth and for peace and strength for her family (and for you!). Do they have a blog? Please keep us posted!
jackie @ marin mama cooks - Oh Meg! I’m sending her some white light, prayers and love!
tiffani - Praying now!
Rachel Reeves - PRAYING!
Meredith - PRAYING! 🙂
Martha - Praying!
CathyC - Praying!!
Barbara - Praying through tears. Please keep us updated.
April R - I’m so sorry. Will pray and hope.
taryn - Praying!
Kelly - Prayed and will be praying!
tiffany gardner - My kids and I will pray right now… and continue!
Alisa - My 13 year old daughter and I just prayed and will continue to pray for her. Keep us posted.
becky - Yep…on it. Prayer changes things.
Lori H - Praying!
Tina Jacobsen - Lifting Beth and her family up in prayer!!
Kate - Praying on my knees. We will lift her up at our prayer service tonight.
Stephanie - Praying here. 🙁
Gerri - All the time. God is good. Praying
Nichole {The Unconventional Doctor's Wife} - Absolutely, Meg! Lifting her up to the Great Physician!
Jennifer - Praying for Beth and Pam and their whole family and ministry.
Sara Torbett - Praying!
Siobhan - Praying for Pam and her beautiful daughter.
Waffle-Wednesday - scary, sad, and YES, praying.
Karen F - Praying for complete healing for Beth and for peace and comfort from the Holy Spirit while they wait . . . keep us posted!