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let’s do this.

it's been three years since the earthquake in Haiti.
and then this year 70% of the crops in the South of Haiti were ruined by Hurricane Sandy.
it has been extremely hard for Haiti.

through The Adventure Project we continue to be able to help.
we have been able to provide funds to make the charcoal efficient stoves afforable to the poor.

for just $20 you can help in Haiti!  

you can help families cook food in a more afforable way (less charcoal) and improve the toxic smoke in the air and protect the environment all by buying a stove. 

i love when there are EASY ways to help.

The Adventure Project is doing something pretty cool right now… sponsor 3 stoves and you can win a trip to Haiti.

so…. ready to enter the coolest contest you have ever seen?!

how amazing it will be to get to see the stoves first hand, meet the women, see the children… it's awesome?!


purchase three stoves and you will be entered to win.

it's so cool!  

what an eye opening, life changing, A M A Z I N G experience it will be!!

but also….you don't have to want to go to Haiti to help…. just providing a stove is super cool on it's own.

it's OKAY to be an awesome do-er of good with no intentions of world travel.

i just love that we get to give in a way that i know makes a difference!


and guess what….

i am going to be there in Haiti on January 26th to help draw the name of the winner.

i am traveling with The Adventure Project to Haiti!

i can't wait to share with you ALL that i can.  
i am so thrilled to learn all that i can about the stoves, the people, the needs and ways to help.

i really REALLY hope we pick YOUR name.


let's do this! 





mollie's mom - I am so excited for you…. I left my heart in Haiti after an amazing mission trip to Port-au-Prince ( actually I was there in April before the “big” earthquake – we experienced a “small” earthquake during our trip that we now know was a “warning quake”!!) It will be a life changing trip – the people of Haiti are incredible. I cannot wait to see your pictures and hear about your trip. I wish I were going with πŸ™‚ You will be amazed by the faithfullness of the people and the beauty they create from nothing in the midst of poverty. I have friends living and working there, we have a school we help support there and their art hangs in my home and I think about them every day when I look at it. I am sooooo excited for you – there isn’t anywhere quite like Haiti!! I blogged about it here- check out those precious faces and prepare to fall in love with the children of Haiti – it’s impossible not to!!! Marcie

Jamie - I am heading to Haiti Feb 26th! I’ve never been and I am so excited to go! Would love to hear more about what you are going to be doing there! πŸ™‚

gretchen - Exciting! Great project. My husband just got back a week ago from Haiti thru our churches mission trip. It was awesome for him. Over 20 in the group went and helped at an orphanage. The biggest help they need is clothes for all the kids. And, adopting or supporting a child at an orphanage with monthly costs. There were 80 kids at the orphanage he visited and 20 plus babies were dropped off when he was there. It’s definitely an eye opener. Hope your trip is wonderful!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - We just got our assignment for our next missions trip this summer(Dominican Republic) and Im so excited! Theres nothing like getting right into the midst of the people, seeing how they live, what they go through,etc… Its very humbling and makes you realize how blessed we are. Have a wonderful(& fruitful!) trip. πŸ™‚

Lisa - I have gone to Haiti twice! So excited for you to go! Can’t wait to hear all about it. πŸ™‚

Lorel - amazing! you put so much good in the world Megan!

Tiffany - WOW Meg! You are going to be there?! I’m so excited for you! This is just the kind of experience I’ve been wanting to have lately. Pat and I talk about taking a tropical trip somewhere, but when there are people in this world who need our help, all I can think about is traveling somewhere where we can help. I can’t wait to hear about your experience and see your pictures. What a wonderful opportunity for you!
PS- I love how you use your site to reach out to more people to help… God sure is using you in many wonderful ways! πŸ™‚

Kate - Are you serious?! That is amazing! Happy dance for you!

Jacci in Ohio - Oh, Megan. Haiti? Haiti?! πŸ™‚
Haiti has my heart in so many ways. Haiti is going to get under your skin in such a beautiful way… I know it. You know it’s the poorest country in the WORLD, right? That it has the most malnourished children in the Western Hemisphere? This is, beyond doubt, one of the neediest places on earth. And, yet, everyone who goes says there is such strength… such joy.
I am so thrilled for you to go. To hear your stories. To watch the Lord use you.
Amen & Amen!!!
(talking to hubby – then sponsoring some stoves!)

Tere - Such great news, I am so excited for you. You are such a brave and amazing woman, such an inspiration! Can’t wait to hear all about it. xoxo tere

chantelle - wow! only one comment so far?!?! I’m so inspired that you are going to haiti! i don’t know your family situation; but from what i can tell, you are an entrepreneurial momma who is really passionate about helping others and you use your creativity to fund your passions… thanks for inspiring me nearly each day for the past three years. kite a fe sa! (let’s do this!)

Melissa @jonahbonah - So very cool, Meg! I would LOVE to go to Haiti!!!!

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it’s a good monday.


i slept until noon today.
i did get up from 6:45 to 7:30 to see my kids off to school but then straight back to bed.
sleep is a good thing.

craft weekend was pretty excellent this past weekend.

lindsey and joy came as helpers and were nothing less than amazing at that job.

we did not plan our wardrobe… we just happened to all match perfectly!


wendy came too!!  (blurry picture is better than no picture? maybe πŸ˜‰

she took a bajillion photos for us doing all the things we do at Craft Weekend and i got to spend time with her which was super happy for me.  

i hope you loved being here as much as i loved having you here wendy!
maybe you should ditch your world tour and just come to craft weekend every month???
there will be cinnamon rolls…. 

i know you are tempted.


kimberlee pampered us all with food that tastes so much better than anything i could ever make.


and our crafty guests were awesome.
so kind.
so happy.
so lovely.
such a treat to have them and get to create alongside them.

tulips are so cheerful in the freezing cold of january.
we made a really cool painting!!


and these were the treasures i brought home from the antique store on saturday.
a quilt…some vintage trims… salt shakers for holding tiny craft supplies…sugar shakers for twine…and a pencil sharpener for the craft house because we are always looking for pencils!

i can't wait to share about the actual weekend.
and tell you about our awesome sponsors we had this month.
it was just a really great time.

now… i guess i have to go run off the cheesecake & cinnamon rolls i stuffed myself with this weekend.
or at least i should go.
but… i would have to get out of my jammies.
and it is 25 degrees out.

we'll see what happens….


happy monday to you! 


Heidi Jo the Artist - Love the craft weekend posts! πŸ™‚

Kate - AAGH! You saw Wendy?! Guess what, guess what?! I am finally going to Go Pro this weekend – I am beyond nervous and my stomach is insane! I soooooo wish you were gonna be there.

Corinne - Meg – YOUR BOOTS!!!! Where did you get your boots!!! They are super amazingly cute and a must have, please share!!

Ashley - Those paintings are so fun…looks like you guys had a really great weekend!!

Gale - CW was the best weekend ever – would go again in a minute! It was the happiest place on earth – sorry Mickey! πŸ™‚

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Eeeeeeeeek!
(Loving those paintings!)
PS – is it a requirement to do one’s hair for craft weekend attendance?

Crystal - One of these days I AM gonna go to craft weekend. Looks like SO much fun! Hey, I just started selling Scentsy and am trying to get my business up and running. I’m giving away a warmer on my blog. No entries yet so there are very good odds you could win! πŸ™‚

Tiffany - I’m so glad you had such a nice weekend! No doubt every one of those ladies had the time of their life! Do you know the song by Mandisa called “Good Morning”? Your blog post title made me think of that. I love that song. πŸ™‚

Sara - I love your outfit with the gray boots. WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE FABULOUS BOOTS? I live in Michigan, so you don’t need to worry about me wearing them the same time as you do. πŸ™‚

Jenny B. - Oh, how I love those paintings!! I just bought some canvasses (sp?) on a whim at Hobby Lobby. I had no idea what I wanted to paint on them… now I do! Would love a tutorial when you get a chance! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Linda - I love your post. They always make me so happy! Thanks the craft week end sounds AMAZING!!! Maybe someday I’ll get there!

elma - OH I just LOVE seeing pictures of craft weekend. The more pictures the better!!! I wish I could go but I am sooo not crafty~~:(

Stephanie Talty - Thanks for sharing the sneek peek into Craft Weekend-the pictures look amazing and the canvas paintings look like eye candy!! Can’t wait to see more!!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Cant wait to hear all about it:)

Jill - I love EVERY photo! WONDERFUL and what FUN.
NOW. let’s get SERIOUS about you fabulous gray boots! I! LOVE! THEM!

Heather Simnitt - Glad you had such a great weekend! They look so fun!

Georgia - Awwww it looks like so much fun. I want to put myself on the list, but i cant afford to fly from the UK. πŸ™ maybe one day. x

Tonya - Looks like such a great weekend!

Courtney Walsh - Sleeping till noon just became my #1 goal for 2013!!
Looks like an amazing time. πŸ™‚
(Sorry for the previous deleted post…I was logged in on my work email!) πŸ™‚

Melissa - So fun! Love your craft weekends. I so need to talk my mom aunt and cousins into trying to sign up. We would have a blast and don’t live far from you.

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hey there…

i started writing this last night…..


i am eating a bowl of cocoa pebbles in bed at 12:30.

i just packed for Craft Weekend…ironed my shirts…filled my bags.

i am ready to get this party started again! 
we took a long-ish break over the holidays.
i miss kimberlee!

annie had appointments today about her arm so we did that all morning.
then i ran to hobby lobby for CW supplies and other errands.

i took a sweatshirt back to american eagle for sean that was too small.
i spent 15 minutes deciding which one… picked… paid and left… only to discover when i got home that i bought THE SAME SIZE I WAS RETURNING!!! 

so lame.

sometimes i am such a ding dong.

the cashier's look makes so much sense now when i said "it's too small." and then bought the same size.
i wish she'd spoken up.

i made lettuce wraps for only myself for dinner.
and ate them standing over the pan on the stove.

i did yoga from a dvd i got at the grocery store.
as soon as it started i thought "what was i thinking? i didn't even read the box?!"
it was fine.
a lot of breathing… i liked it actually.
i feel all stretched.
misson accomplished.

i registered for the half marathon in april.
paid real money.
i figured it would help motivate me.


and then i fell asleep.


now i am here with kimberlee.
we are getting everything ready…catching up on life and setting up.

how is that for a random laundry basket?
the ninja….awesome.  
rainbow knives…. gift from my mom for christmas.
and my favie boots ever.



swag is ready to be sorted out… love our sponsors!

i have about 24 hours to make this space pretty.
with all of this….

so i have to quit writing and get busy.
it is time to crank up the music and WORK!


Alana - It’s a 31 bag – I was able to send this one to Meg and a few other treats for one of her previous Craft Weekends. Let me know if you’d like more information.

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love the prep photos too. And the rainbow knife set, loooove!

kathy - Love that you have a Thirty One bag!! I sell Thirty one! Great great Christian company.

Brittany - LOVE LOVE LOVE those cute little bird coat hooks!! Where did you find it? (“put a bird on it!” – Portlandia) πŸ˜‰

Stephanie - I adore the “Live Simply” sign from the swag photo. Can you please tell me where it is from? I searched for a similar one on etsy but couldn’t find it. Thank so much and I hope you had a fantastic craft weekend! -Stephanie J.

doveboat - I just love all of your photography and can’t wait to see the new haul that you all grab at the antique hop this time!

Victoria - Love all your happy colors! Those knives are awesome.
I am so sorry about your Grandmother’s passing. So happy that you have such sweet memories.

Lisa Perry - Can’t wait to see what it looks like when you’re done!

Katey Deasy - Have a great time!!!! I love that you are on Instagram so I almost feel like I’m there at craft weekend.

Kris Saia - When I read your posts, I’m always curious about your craft house! Did you live there for a while? Aren’t I nosy? πŸ™‚

karen peachey - I am in need of a set of colorful mugs!! Can you tell me where yours are from? Target has some on sale this week, that look close..

Gina - Great pictures!! Would love to be at CW someday!!

Sallie - my name is on the list! someday… watching the pictures both before and after and following your blog! love how women continue to connect with each other and how you use the talents and things God has blessed you with, Meg and Kimberlee! Have a blessed weekend!

Mary Jo - I love how colorful everything is! And I want that large colorful bag…

Lennie Jackson - I LOVE that polka dot shirt hanging with the black sweater! You have to share where you go it!!!!

Jill - Have a great weekend. I miss you girls!!

Ileana - Who sells it?

Lorraine R. - You make everything so colorfully happy <3 I love it!!!! I would LOVE to come to a CW - it really looks like a crafters heaven and/or haven, whichever!! haha Can't wait to see pics of the weekend!!!!
Oh and I love that Live Simply sign!!! It's my word/phrase for the year!!!!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Fiesta Ware. . . I am wondering how sharp the knives are. . do you like them, Meg? Good qualiry? - I am sorry to hear aut your Granmother but your post was so lovely about her. It made me think about life and relationships and time, what is important, what’s not. and little things that are big things….special things. Thank you for inspiring us with your blog!

Susannah - Awww… I hope someday to be able to go to craft weekend. Another blogger I read just said she was going this weekend. I’m sure you will all have an amazing time!

Tiffany - *sigh* I miss CW, the food, the fun, and all of the amazing women there. It seems strange to say I miss you and the other women since we only spent a few short days together, but it’s true. πŸ™ Those ladies are in for such a treat!

Jennifer - Target has a block set of rainbow-colored knives and I think of you every time I walk past it! I’m glad to see you have one (yours looks even nicer).

Jen T. - Isn’t that large utility tote one of the best things ever? I have one (black and white polka dots aka “Happy Dots”) and use it All. The. Time.

Tonya - i can’t wait until my name is drawn for Craft Weekend.
I want to go in such a big bad way.

Talia - I love following your blog and all your craftiness. πŸ™‚
I’m looking to get into sewing, how do you know what is a good machine to purchase or start out with? I want something that will last me for a while.
thanks for the help.

Ashley E - Aghh craft weekend!!! Sooooo wishing I was there with y’all again. Had such a great time! πŸ™‚

Siobhan - Target!

Emily - I LOVE the polka dot shirt; where did you get it from??

Alicia @ La Famille - how exciting!! have so much fun!!!!!
ps: i ran that omaha marathon that you signed up for. not my best time or anything…but such a good feeling to do it. gooood luck!!

tinaehb3 - craft weekends always look like sooooo much fun !!! πŸ™‚

Stephanie Talty - I can only imagine the experience Craft Weekend must be because each time the pictures leading up to it and then the recap pictures are amazing!!!

CathyC - I so miss this!! Have a great weekend!!!!!

happygirl - I don’t know where you get all your energy. You are AMAZING!

amy jupin - oh my goodness, how i miss you.
and i’m so so sorry to hear about your grandma.
she looked like such a lovely lady.
why aren’t there ladies anymore?
real LADIES, you know what i mean?
my grandmom was very much a lady too.
anyways, give kimberlee a hug from me.
i just know y’all are going to have a blast this weekend.

Juliane at Modern Mural - Loving that outfit! It looks like you’re having a blast. All the colors, all the possibilities for crafts and artworks for the wall and for that amazing space: so great!

lauren - seeing your pics makes me smile a different smile now that i’ve been there in person….it’s a smile of knowing that the pictures truly don’t do the EXPERIENCE and the fellowship with such great PEOPLE justice – and that 12+ more ladies are about to have their minds (and hearts) blown wide open!
ENJOY THIS WEEKEND sweet meg & kimberlee!
and….THANK YOU….once again, for sharing your gifts with all of us πŸ™‚
take care!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - in my mind craft weekend stopped with our group;) it should have anyway. how can it go on without us there….waaaaaaa!

Jen - Love your blog Meg! I want the wall color you have in the craft house entry way (olive green). Do you happen to know what it’s called?
Have a great craft weekend!

Melissa - My mom aunt cousins and I so need to come to a craft weekend!

Leadia Jarvis - I want to come back. Need a helper?
Looks like you are geared up for a good time.
I gave up dairy and grains a long time ago, but Cocoa Pebbles and Capt’n Crunch were my late night vices πŸ™‚

tiffany gardner - one day…
and hey… you will be running through my neighborhood for that marathon! my kids run in the kids marathon every year. I will be cheering you and my brother on for the race. Yay for you!!!!!!!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I think I drooled the first time I saw that mint dotted shirt in the store. But then when the only size left they has was XS I wanted to cry.
And as for the Ninja? Yet more tears. It was on my Christmas list this year. But I’m still using a blender that’s cracked to make our daily smoothies in.
Oh well. Life is good-even without polka dots and Ninjas:)
Have an awesome time this weekend! (I saw that Lindsey’s coming…’bout time!:))

Kathie M. - so much fun!! πŸ˜€ Love it! I always love seeing your craft weekends and wish I could do something like that here in Washington!! πŸ˜€ It would be amazing! Can’t wait to see the pictures after this weekend!

Shannon - All these pictures are so happy! Have fun this weekend and looking forward to hearing all about it πŸ™‚

Ko. S - Soooooo awesome! Have a wonderful time with those luck ladies!!!

catie - what a great post! which half marathon are you running in? i’m doing the prarie fire half in may (i did the fall one, first one ever!), but i didn’t know there was one in april!! i’m also going to do the see jane run half in september and possibly the fall prarie fire? not sure yet. and if i can run a half marathon, you sure can girlie!

beki - Ah, so fun!! I wish I was there πŸ™‚

Gale - I looked and this and realized I’ll be there in about 24 hours!! I’m so excited to have been chosen – and terrified at the same time.. LOL And since I still have no idea what I’ll wear, I’m glad I got to see your clothes – and now I still don’t know what to pack! Good thing I have tomorrow off to get ready and go shopping!! πŸ™‚ I wish everyone could come – but I guess doing it every weekend might get kinda old for ya’ll! So excited!!!!

Aby Gittings - Oh my. I sooooo wanna come to Craft Weekend. Sigh.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Still completely in love with your home. Love the yellow boots.

Dina - I want to live there…surrounded by colors…I could be your housekeeper…I live in Wichita…it could work ;-)…visit my kids on the weekends…hmmmm…. πŸ˜‰

Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - I love that teal and polka dot shirt! Pretty!

Kristin S - I am itching to get that polka dot shirt from Target. I wish it would go on sale.

Regina - Saving every darn penny in hopes that my name is drawn again this year. Hate that I couldn’t make it in November. Happiest 2013 to you and your family, Meg. Wishing you health, happiness,and all that you hope for this year! Thanks again for sharing your life with us! Cheers!

jenny - everything looks so fun! Wish I was there.
Have a great time! πŸ™‚

Shari - I have to know who makes that knife set? I WANT IT!!! πŸ™‚

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my sweet grandma.

yesterday i spent the day with my family remembering my grandmother.

she passed away on january 1st.


her service was lovely…the scripture, the songs, the memories that were shared… i loved it.

my parents and sister made a slide show of photos of her life that was so fun to see.

she had 17 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren.


she was always kind & cheerful.   she was quiet and reserved.  

she always looked put together… make-up on, hair done, jewelry and pretty clothes… always.

even her jammies were fancy.

her skin was so soft.
she always sent me birthday cards that had were girly and had glitter on them.
she never forgot.
we will forever joke about her saying "it's a new recipe…i don't know if it's any good"
she baked a lot.

her laugh was a snort so we loved to get her laughing as much as possible.


almost all of the family was there to celebrate her life.
i loved seeing my cousins again.
it's kind of a strange thing to be the grown ups now.
we spent all those christmases together as kids and now we are the ages our parents were then!
i love them all so much.
funerals and weddings remind of us those who made us who we are…the beginnings.
family ties run deep.
i didn't want the day to end and have to say goodbye to them again. 
annie made a little shrine of her own when we came home.
she placed her flowers from the service in a jar & scotch taped grandma's picture to it for her bedside table.
we tried to talk very openly about the service, the casket, the family, the tears.
who knows what they will remember from that day but i think it will be posititve. 
i loved my grandma.
i will miss her always being with our family.
she was there…sitting on the couch while the kids ran all around her.
sitting at the dining room table while meals were prepared around her.
i will miss her there with coffee in the mornings at my moms.
she didn't say much ("well meg…what's new with you?")
we were often afraid that waffle would knock her down.
i knew that she loved me.
and that i was important to her.
that means the world to me.
she made sure we were okay, taken care of, thought of and worried about.  
she was kind and loving and proud of all of my cousins and me.
i am so grateful to have had her in my life this long.


Sharri - Hi Meg: Just catching up with your blog. It’s been a long time since I’ve been here on your site. I am so sorry to read of your grandmother’s passing. What a lovely post you wrote about her. I love reading about your craft weekends. I am a so-so crafter but a good helper, should you need someone to assist, please let me know.

Christina - She sounds like such a wonderful person…what a treasure to have that family time too. Praying for your family. May you all know peace.

Heidi Jo the Artist - Sorry for your loss Meg. Lots of love to you and your family!

Becca - I’m very sorry for your loss. Becca

Karen Gerstenberger - Meg, I’m so sorry for your loss. What a sweet face your grandma had – so gentle and gracious-looking. Those family ties are a blessing, especially when you can share special memories at such a time. It’s so comforting.
God bless you and each member of your family with peace, comfort and loving memories of your grandma.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I have always loved your grandma and the way that you love her. This is a beautiful tribute. All of those little memories add up to so much heartfelt lifetime love. Thanks for sharing her with us and I’m so sorry for your loss.

Nanette - Your grandma was beautiful! I’m sorry for your family’s loss. We lost my grandfather this December at the great age of 94. He would often text and email me and he put himself out there on Facebook! He and my 8 year old were “penpals” via email. I miss having our weekly calls – he was sometimes my only adult conversation for the day! But his burial was more of a remembrance of happy things and I think it will be a great lesson for my younger boys as they get older. It sounds like that is the way your grandma was celebrated…glad you have so many happy thoughts to keep close.

Carrie - Your lovely words and emotion made me cry. I am so sorry for your loss. Your granmother sounds just lovely!
My nanaw passed in August and she was my last living grandparent. It’s hard to believe I am no longer a grandkid, my parents are no longer the kids. Her passing bumped us all up in the line. I miss her, she always had practical, logical advice that when she gave it you always thought “Now WHY didn’t I think of that?!” she was google to all of us.
Glad to hear you talk openly with the kids. My fam was never good about openly dealing with emotions, it’s always good to hear when parents are.

Dana - Sorry for your loss Meg. So much of what you are saying sounds just like my Meme. She is still with us, but has end stage Alzheimer’s. She was always put together and always sent cards.

Leah - So very sorry for your loss, Meg.

Tracy Fisher - Im so sorry to hear. what an amazing lady. i miss that generation… when a lady was a lady. pearls and all. i said a little prayer for your grandma… and your family. – tracy

Mindy - So very sorry for your loss. I was blessed to have grown up with both grandma’s and three great grandma’s nearby. They all had such influence on my life. I still am fortunate enough to have one living grandma and treasure her. I feel your loss as I had a very close relationship to one I lost and miss to this day. I can only hope if I have the change to be a grandma one day that I can do half of what she did for me for my own grandchildren..

Amy - That was beautifuly written! I cried. Makes me miss my Grandmother even more. Oh how she loved me, my sister and my cousins. Prayed for us daily. There’s something about a Grandmother’s love.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Im sorry that she’s no longer around Meg. It does sound like she lived a wonderful, loving life though. And you are blessed to have known & loved her.
I never knew any of my grandmothers. My mom’s mom found out she had cancer and her only wish was to live long enough to get to see me. She told everyone that my mom was pregnant with a baby girl(which no one believed bc my mom had been the last girl, 38 years prior). Well, her wish was never granted. She was buried the day before I was born.
Some day I will get to meet her. What a sweet reunion that will be.:)
Prayers for all of you today.

Leadia Jarvis - Losing a grandma leaves the biggest hole πŸ™ I’m so sorry you lost her, but I’m pretty sure she left a lot of herself behind in you.

jennyonthespot - Oh friend. Sending much love. What sweet words and lovely rememberings of your sweet grandma. You have honored her delightfully. xoxox

Georgia - Sorry to hear this sad news. Just be happy and remember all the good times you had…. they make up for the sadness xx

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, I’m so sorry for your loss … my relationship with my only living grandparent (my paternal grandmother) sounds so similar to yours. My grandmother is 95 and still lives alone, although she does have part-time care because her arthritis is acting up. But I admire her and love her so much! You guys are in my thoughts.

Lisa - I’m so sorry about your precious Grandma! What a blessing to have such a wonderful grandma! I am glad you had such a great day celebrating her life and have all those sweet memories!

Patti - My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Those sweet memories you have of her will be treasured always I’m sure.

Jen - What a true gift she left her family with. A gift of love. I am truly sorry for your loss.

Amy - What a beautiful tribute, Meg. She sounds amazing. I’m so sorry for your loss.

ann - Meg, thank you for sharing with us your Grandma. She seems like a very sweet lady. I love that you wrote, “a celebration of her life” because the older I am the more I believe that, as opposed to a “funeral”. I agree on the “now that we are the age our parents were”. I am forty something and lost my grandma over 2 years ago….hard to believe its been 2 years. We too were very close. I remember the last time I sat with her, with my hubby and kids, it was outside, she was in her wheelchair, it was Labor Day and there was a slight breeze blowing, and a touch of sun upon us(Illinois) and she would talk a moment, close her eyes, take deep breaths, all the while I held her hand and talked about our time together, making bread, family picnics on Sundays, her home, family. I knew in my heart she was close to the end and even though her faith was strong, I squeezed her hand because she was telling me she didnt want to leave us. I would have sat there for hours if you let me, and my hubby let me stay as long as I wanted. It is a day I will never forget. I gave the euology and though it was hard, I was totally honored. I have a bowl of her broaches, her bread pan, bread recipie (made for the holidays) a few pieces of her china (everyday dishes – in fact I found the same bowl at an estate sale in Michigan and bought it – though I keep the price on the bottom so I know which is which) and relive pictures of memories of her with the kids. That was so sweet of Annie to make a little shrine, its here way of remembering her. My Hannah has a frame of her and grandma on her dresser. You probably feel the same, happy to have been a part of her life, and keep her memory alive with your kids, especially the younger ones. It is nice to have such a wonderful memory of her with you and to continue her legacy with your family. She will never be forgotten. One day at Craft Weekend we can share share stories and blessings of our Grandma’s. Until then, thinking of you as you move on keeping her memories alive.

Jessica - sorry for your loss, Meg. ((hugs))

Andrea T - So sorry for you and your family’s loss.

Michelle Bostinelos - I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you and your family.

Kirsten J - I’m so sorry for your loss – what a beautiful woman she was! And that is a fantastic legacy. You’re very lucky to have had her so long. I lost one grandma when I was 4, but my other grandma lived into her 90’s – they are such a treasure!

Audrey - She sounds like a wonderful woman. Grandmas are the best kind of people, so sorry for your loss

Holly - Grandmas are so precious. They will be with us always in our hearts.

kay morrison - sweet meg, BIG hugs to you. i am joyful over a life so beautiful and now living it with Jesus and so sorry for your heart missing her here. love you.

Jolie - I am so sorry for your loss Meg. Grandmothers are special people – I’m so heartened you got the opportunity to ceebrate her life with so much of your extended family.

Lori Austin - Losing a grandma is so hard. I miss mine dearly. Sounds like you had a wonderful service to honor her life. Prayers.

Whitney - SO sorry for your family’s loss. Hope you find comfort in all the happy memories, she sounded wonderful! My great grandmother died on 1/1 (in ’97)… despite how sad it was, it always made me happy that she got to ring in one more year. Glad your grandma got to see another one as well.

Tiffany - She sounds like a wonderful woman. I’m so sorry for your loss.

Tina I - So sorry, Meg. What a blessing to have had her in your life….my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Andrea - Meg…I am so sorry. How lovely to know that you have such a special angel looking out for you.

Jenn B - You’re Grandma looks sweet! What a wonderful post about the celebration of life and who she was. I am sorry for your family’s loss. Grandmothers are a precious gift from God. One day you will see her again.

Cindy - I’m sorry for your loss, Megan. I’m positive she is so proud of everything you’ve accomplished and is looking down with lots of smiles and love. My condolences to you and your family.

Carrie - I am so sorry for your loss. The Friday before Christmas we lost my husband’s grandfather. The day after Christmas we had his service. It was simple and very reserved. He was simple and very reserved, it was perfect. He was more then ready to go home and everyone knew it but it has still been hard. My 5 year old loved him so much and it is so hard to explain to a 5 year old that a person has lived a long life and it is time to go. For them, that brings no comfort. So she has her moments, but as most little kids, it is a second here of a spoken sadness and millions of seconds of off the wall happiness.
He was a good man, never spoke a bad word, never drank and raised a daughter ( my husband’s mom) who does the same.

stacie - hugs to you and prayers for your whole family at this time.
may her soul be in that peaceful, awesome, eternal place we strive for.
much love, stacie

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - So sorry, Meg. xoxo

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - So sorry for your loss Meg. I can tell she was very special to you and you will always be able to have a special place in your heart for the special grandmother you had. What a blessing!

Lori Bowring Michaud - What a lovely tribute to your grandmother, Meg. Just lovely. I will tell you that the kids will remember enough about the day to get them through what they need to get through. My children were young when their great-grandfather died; he was a very large part of their lives (they were 3.5, 6.5, 7.5 and 9). We wanted them to come to the wake for a bit to understand, then the funeral. No one wanted us to, they were afraid it would “scar” them. It was sad, but lovely, and therapeutic for them. They didn’t “fear” anything. I think it helped to prepare them, in a way, for a huge loss 10 years later, the loss of our oldest child T.J.

Inna - I’m so sorry for your loss.

susan - A beautiful tribute to your grandma. I treasured the many years with mine.
May you and yours always remember those wonderful times.

Heather R. - Bless her. I’m glad you have to love she put in your heart.

Jennifer - So sorry for your loss Megan. I lost my grandmother in 2011-she was beautiful and very much a lady like yours. It sounds like you have wonderful memories of her for you and your children. Treasure them. <3

Amy - So sorry for your loss…but how blessed you were to have her, love and prayers your way:)

Kristin S - What a gift that you had a living grandmother and you have teenagers! My last blood grandparent passed away 19 years ago and I’m 41.
This is a beautiful tribute to her.

Jacci in Ohio - Oh, I’m sorry, Megan. It was beautiful post. Very honoring and loving to her, I think. (hug)

kelly johnson - She sounded wonderful.
I love that her funeral program said “Service of Remembrance and Resurrection”. AMEN! Praise to Jesus for His promise to resurrect the earthly bodies of His people.

karen - my condolences to you and your family

Wendy - I am vey sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was an awesome Grandma … may her memory always bring a smile to your face.

Kris Saia - Lovely. What you said rings so true to me. When I get to Heaven, my Grandma Elsie is going to be in my top ten list of people to look for! πŸ™‚

Heather - I’m sorry for your loss, your words have moved me to tears. What a beautiful rememberance!

Kim Barlow - What a sweet post. I hope my grandkids write that exact same thing about me when I pass. Hold your sweet memories close they will make your heart smile and your soul warm on days when grief comes to call. So sorry sweet lady. May God Bless you and your family! XO

Tracy - I’m so sorry, Meg. Grandmas are very special people! She was a beautiful woman.

Lindsey - Oh Meg, so sorry that she passed. Maybe she will meet my grandma in Heaven. She passed in August. Your description of your grandma is almost identical to how I would describe my sweet grandmother – special ladies indeed! Thanks for sharing such a great tribute.

Cheryl E. - Meg – So sorry for your loss. Grandma’s are one of a kind and you sure had a special one.
Sending prayers and thoughts your way…….

Christy - So sorry for your loss, sounds like she was a great lady

Gale - So very sorry that she’s not physically with you any longer, but I remember both my grandma’s almost every day – all those memories never leave and the older you are, the more you appreciate it. I know she was super proud of you πŸ™‚ Hugs!

Tammy - So sorry for your loss, what a blessing to have her with you for so many years. Such a beautiful tribute, sending prayers of comfort for you and your family.

tiffany gardner - She sounds like an amazing woman!

Molly - SO very sorry for your family’s loss. Your grandmother sounds like the perfect grandmother. Sending you some peace in the days ahead.

jenny - so sorry, but it IS good to remember.
“God gave us memories so that we may have roses in December.”
This has been one of my favorite quotes for years now.
blessings to you. πŸ™‚

Tracey - Oh, I share your pain. My Granny just passed on December 18th. It is a sad time. Prayers for you and yours.

Kate - Oh Meg. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs.

Julie - I am so sorry for you and your family. You are so lucky to have had her in your life for so many years. There is nothing in the world like family – just as you said – and it is just the way it should be. I LOVED my grandma too and even though she has been gone for 20 years, I still have the BEST feelings about her and miss her! Keeping you and your family in my prayers.

christy - My condolences. What a beautiful tribute and what great memories you will have. I lost my own grandmother just a few months ago.

Mary - sorry for your loss, meg.
reminds me of how short our lives truly are.

chrissi - your grandmother was just lovely. how nice that your children grew with her in their lives. what a joy for you to know that as you celebrate her life.

happygirl - I am sorry for your loss. She is so beautiful. I know you will treasure your memories of her.

Gina - I’m sorry Meg. I love your memories of your grandma. It made me wonder what will be said of me one day. πŸ™‚ I’ve already cried this morning over another’s loss of her grandfather. I guess it’s just part of the life cycle…a reminder that we are not promised tomorrow and to live fully now. πŸ™‚

Laura - What a blessing to have her in your life for so many years! My sympathies to your family.

Alice H - this makes me cry. I don’t like thinking about my grandparents being gone one day. My mamaw and papaw mean so much to me. What a beautiful tribute you wrote for her.

Tiffany - Meg, I love seeing family at funerals too and we all say we wish that we got together more often, especially to celebrate the good times! Your tribute was sweet and leaves with hope, hope to make and leave fond memories for my family and friends as well. To make sure they FEEL the love with something as simple as a glittery birthday card πŸ™‚ Thinking of you and your family.

Kelly Henderson - I am so very sorry for your loss, but what a beautiful tribute you just gave your grandmother…so beautiful xo.

jenny - When I saw your pic on instagram, I had a feeling you’d been at a funeral-all the dark colors I guess. Praying for you as you grieve. I lost my sweet grandfather last March and feel so blessed to have had him for 33 years yet that’s what also makes it so hard because you have all those wonderful memories. Big hugs.

Kerry Wiebe - Megs we spent New Year’s Eve together and I never knew that your Grandma was sick. You are amazing! I’m so sorry for your loss and I know how important a Grandma is in one’s life. I’m so thankful that you have those memories.

Carrie - BIG Hugs Meg.

Kelly - I am so sorry for your loss but thankful you have the hope of knowing you’ll see her again. I’m extremely close to my Gram (even named my youngest, Graham, after her) and know the day is coming when this will be my story.

Miranda - Sorry for your loss. My grandma passed away on Jan. 1st also. Not the best start to the year but shes in the best place she could be πŸ™‚

angela - What sweet words.
I pray that my grandchildren will one day say *I KNOW she loved me.*
When I saw you with your cousins I was reminded that *cousins are some of our very first friends.* We share a lifetime of family memories with them. So glad that even though the circumstances weren’t the best, you got to spend time with them.

Tania K - She sounds like one amazing lady! Sending you and your family a whole bunch of hugs.

Whitney - I’m sorry for your loss, Megan. I was so incredibly blessed to have both sets of grandparents fairly near me when I was growing up, and I cherished both of my grandmothers. I’m glad you were able to have such wonderful times with her and enjoy those memories.

elma - So sorry for your loss. What wonderful memories of such a wonderful grandma. I pray the Lord gives you and your family all you need in the days and weeks to come.

Jen - What a sweet tribute to your beautiful grandma. I am sorry for your loss, Meg.

Caroline - SO sorry for your loss. I’m glad you have so many wonderful and sweet memories of her. Sending you lots of love and hugs!

Caroline - SO sorry for your loss. I’m glad you have so many wonderful and sweet memories of her. Sending you lots of love and hugs!

Jodi Sunderland - SO sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to her. I’m sure she loves it.

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instagrams from the past week or so….

annie got her cast off.

we celebrated with a milkshake…of course.

i made pumpkin donuts with my new donut pan.  
i will share a recipe blog post soon.

my friend gave me this big jar of bath salts for christmas… SCORE!

one of my favorites of everyday.

working with her right hand again… not easy.

we went swimming on new year's day.
i stayed in the hot tub.

i started this book that santa got for lauren.
and i laughed so hard on every page.
it was an awesome book… i was a huge fan before and now i think she is absolutely A W E S O M E!!
i read the entire thing in 24 hours.
i have NEVER ever ever done that with any book in my life.

frosty frost at sunrise means it's time to go running.

i made it out three times this week…but i had to go alone each time.
i am training for a half marathon in april so i have to go even when it's 20 degrees.
i can only smile when i am done.

annie started physical therapy.
it was not too bad.

kansas is so darn pretty.

i hate when i do this.
i really hate when i am between towns when this happens.
i made it…barely i am sure.

this was our dinner on friday.
oh how i love this meal!!  

spent our saturday evening at sean's basketball tournament.
he's the red blur in the middle.  :)
i like this life we have of cheering on our kids most weekends.
i never thought i would.
but i do.


you can follow me on instagram…  i am meg duerksen over there too.



ok….winners for the mpix day planners:

Laurie said…

I would love this! I can't wait to see the day when my son can be completely off ALL of his medications and the dreaded ketogenic diet. It may be this year! I'd love to be able to count down and keep having hope for all that 2013 will bring and a calendar like this would help me keep it all straight!

Eleanor said…

I dont have any particular MAJOR event planned this year. BUT I do need to get organized! My MAJOR goal for the year is to meal plan better and to organize my "to do" list better. I fail miserably when I try to do it on my phone and I end up with scrap paper lists of things to do all over the place. This planner would be so awesome for me!

Annie said…

Oh my gosh, these planners are adorable! I can't wait to write in PEN the day we finally plan our family vacation…it's been a long time coming!!

EMAIL ME WITH YOUR DETAILS GIRLS!! i am excited for you.


Heidi Jo the Artist - Love Instagram! I do better at it, than blogging. You can follow me, the crazy blue-haired chica @ HeidiJotheArtist πŸ˜‰

student - Hello,
Are you interested in a link exchange with ?
the site is fitting in 3 words description student loans help
Looking forward for your response . Thanks.

Jolie - Meg I kept thinking about you overnight and what an inspiration you’ve been documenting your journey to becoming a runner…I just wanted to let you know!

Eleanor - ah! THIS IS THE FIRST THING I HAVE EVER WON IN MY ENTIRE LIFE!!! DUDE! I enter into things like this online like, EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!! I love your blog! you are amazing!

ginny - So are you staying with Instagram with their new rules? I’m thinking I’m going to be deleting my account. I will miss it!

Susannah - Congrats on the running! I can’t even get out when it’s 70 degrees out. πŸ™‚

jenny - So impressed that you are running outside in the cold, and at the coldest part of the day!
I have been a big baby and have moved my walking/running inside to the treadmill!

Adrienne s - Does the chicken shred or stay intact? I tried doing a salsa crokpot chicken thing and it shredded and my kids wouldnt eat it.
This looks so good though! Love my crockpot.

Angie - YEA!! Laurie’s my BFF!! Congratulations!

becky - ack – i read tina’s book out loud to my husband when we were on our cross country trip this weekend. i was choking on laughter – all the way through…especially the part where her mom handed her the menstruation kit – both the mother and daughter part…classic. sigh. so good, now i have to go read it again.
speaking of pee-your-pants laughing…i know, i was the only that mention pee…but pitch perfect – BRILLIANCE, in the same vein of crazy tina-ism humor. and watch it with a group. sooo funny. especially from a grown woman watching it with her teen sisters (we have two generations of kids in our family)…silliness.
happy new year.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - i’ll have to read that book. i kinda adore her already, so hmmmm…may put me over the top;) you are a rock star in my book for running outside and in that cold weather. that’s tough stuff. i couldn’t do it i know that for sure.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Hooray for Annie! Any reports on how her arm healed over this time?

Jen - Glad that Annie got her cast off. Yes, Kansas is beautiful. And a big YOU GO GIRL for getting your run on!!!

Kate - I’m glad you made it to the gas station! Proud of you for getting your run on even when it is crazy cold – you go girl!

Mac - Happy New Year to you and your family ! Your happy,colourful, creative and down to earth blog has cheered me up over the last two years as I read it while drinking my morning coffee and and taking a big breath after getting my four busy children to school down here in Australia. We are enjoying a very warm,carefree summer now. Hope you make it down here one day. Take care.

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glitter and glue.

this is the last craft we did over the school christmas break.
it's kind of christmassy but can just be fun for winter too. 


for supplies:
we used photographs, school glue, paint brushes, martha stewart fine glitter, mini pom poms and pre cut wood snowflakes from hobby lobby…they were like $1.50? or something like that.


they came already painted white.

take a photo you like and draw a circle over it with whatever circle shape that fits your sowflake…we used a drinking glass from our kitchen.


cut out your picture.
then cover your entire snowflake (only one side) in glue.
we poured glue into a small bowl and painted it on the snowflake.


after the picture is on you cover everything with glitter.
(the fun part. πŸ™‚

you wouldn't have to use the martha stewart glitter but it IS amazing.
everything looks so good with it.
it's pricey and regular glitter would still work….but the MS stuff is my FAVE.

when the glitter & glue was dry we hot glued the mini pom poms around the photo.

they were very fun to make.  
glitter is messy i know but all you need is a hose attachment to your vaccum to clean it up.
and honestly…i like having glitter fall off me everywhere i go around my house.  :)

we made some for our friends…


annie made this one for talby.
i think you could just hang these up around your house all winter…it is not strictly christmas that gets the glitter.




creating with glitter makes me happy.

the end.

happy friday to you.



House Cleaning Chester NY - So love the idea! It seems so easy to make. I’ll be making these for my kids.

Kate - Super Cute!

Amy Hartman - This is so pretty! Pinning this

Heather - We’re doing it! So fun.

Liz Botts - Love this. My kids would love doing it. Awesome project idea. Thanks!

Kimberlee Jost - Wow, those two kids hugging it out are so cute.
Very fun craft. Talia would love it.
Too bad her mom hyperventilates at the thought of her with glitter in hand.

Jenn - Love this! Perhaps someday when my boys are bigger… Or perhaps I will have a glitter afternoon all by myself πŸ™‚

Jess - So fun to see my boys on here today. πŸ™‚ I told Levi to come look at what Miss Megan made and he said, “Awwww…that’s cute!”. Ha. Silly Bob.

Kori - What you wrote about having glitter fall off you wherever you go totally made me laugh out loud! πŸ˜€

Eva Scott - These are so cute! I’m gonna try and find something for the Spring and do this!

misty - meg- this is random, but isn’t this pic in your house?
maybe I’m wrong, but it looks familiar…
love this craft project πŸ™‚

Tanya - My daughter’s teacher did this for each child to bring home for Christmas.
I still have it hanging on a cupboard handle cause it’s so cute. Definitely worthy of a full season! πŸ˜‰

Tiffany - Super fun and cute!

donna - those are just about the cutest things i have seen………love them and will for sure put this in my to do file!!!! love it.

Malinda - These would be great to make with Christmas cards that people send out. I never know what to do with them but, never want to throw them away.

Shara - Seriously Meg, you have the best ideas! I’ve bookmarked so many of your crafts. I just don’t have that crafty eye!!!Thanks for sharing your creativity!

Crystalyn - These are fantastic. I love the pom pom detail, and I’m pretty sure everything looks better with glitter all over it. (Yes, even dining room floors.)

Southern Gal - Cute idea.

Cindy - So pretty!

Sarah Wolfe - I want to try these next year, or if I get around to it this year. I love having glitter show up in random parts of my house too:) It’s such a happy thing to have around πŸ™‚

Ashley O. - I would leave them up all winter!
They are not just chritmas-y

Jenny B. - Those are SO adorable! I love them all. πŸ™‚

amanda - I love having glitter falling off of me wherever I go. It’s probably the only craft mess that doesn’t get on my nerves.

Susannah - So cute! I love your fun, easy crafts!

Angela - Awesome!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Super cute! I’ll bookmark this to use in my classroom. Thanks for sharing:)

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big awesome plans.


                                             this came in the mail and i was so happy!!
       why choose a regular old family photo when you have a black & white selfie that makes you this happy?
         i loved that day on our vacation this year and it's a great reminder for starting a wonderful new year!

                                                          this Day Planner is from
                                  they have lots of styles to choose from… with and without photos.


                                            each month has calendar-at-a-glance pages
               and then each week is broken up with big spaces each day for morning, afternoon and evening.
so there is room for multiple dr. appts, hair appt, snack schedule, carpool and aunt lulu's birthday all on one day!


               there is a spot for birthdays for the year and a look ahead at the whole year is at the end.
                      which clearly i NEED since i forgot a very good friend's birthday this week already.
                                                                i hate when i do that!


                                                            it has colors on every page.
                                               the squares are big enough for me to write in.
                   the planner is not TOO big to fit in my purse but it's not too small to write a lot inside.

        i know that my computer has a calendar & my phone has a calendar but there is something that helps me
                                         remember dates and times of events so much better when
                                             i physically WRITE them down with a pen on paper.


                                                        i seriously can't wait to fill it up.
                                        because i have A LOT of big awesome plans for this year!!


               mpix would like to give away a planner to THREE of you!

                  go check out their site and see which one is perfect for your fabulous year you are planning.

                          leave a comment on this post telling me your BIGGEST event you have this year.
                            the one you cannot wait to write down…IN PEN so that it can't be erased.  


                                                           i will draw a winner on saturday. - The biggest event this year will be the day that I get contacted by a publishing company, informing me they will be publishing my book. If I write it down I can believe it will happen! Love your blog!

Kasey - I love the mod matrix planner. Not sure what my big event is though. I guess it would be my first child starting kindergarten this year. Woohoo!

Connie - a snow weekend this month πŸ™‚ celebrating hubby’s bday
thanks for the giveaway

Janele - My hubby and I order calendars every year and can’t wait to try out Our biggest event for 2013 is looking forward to spending an entire month visiting family back home this summer!

Ariean K - My Book Club is taking a weekend trip in July to celebrate 11 years…Can’t wait to write it down in the Time Warp or Just Peachy!

Paige Woody - I love the Radial Vision version. My biggest event this year is going back to school for another degree. Graduated from college 12 years ago. Now after being married for 12 years and have 3 kids, I plan to go back for a different degree. Exciting!!

Shelly - Time Warp! Its so pretty! I love it, but shipping to Canada is $30….so I hope I win πŸ™‚

Katie Mccarthy - I love the time warp! I have been searching for a planner that actually has enough space to write in! So many big things to write in this year… 1st big family vacation and the birth of my 4th nephew!

Whitney R. - I am not sure about big plans< i kind of fly by the seat of my pants!

Betsy Arnold - We are expecting our first grandbaby, a girl, on February 24th…Paige Elizabeth!
I would love to record all about her and the emotions she brings to me/us!

Bettsie - My first grandbaby, a girl, is due February 24th…Paige Elizabeth!
I want to write all about her and the emotions she brings me/us!

Crystal Swoverland - A family vacation on the beach with my parents, siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles! I wanna write that in ASAP! πŸ™‚

Beth - My mom and I and my sister are going to Ireland!!!!

Candi - Oooooh! I love planners!! That Radial Vision one is my favorite!
And in September, we’ll be going to Great Wolf Lodge again in KS City for my youngest daughter’s 9th birthday! Just like we did for my oldest daughter’s 9th birthday 2 years earlier! πŸ™‚

Randi - Happy New Year, Duerksens!! You always have the coolest stuff πŸ™‚ - I would love one!! I have 2 kiddos under 6 and am busy!! I also work full time.

Jolie - oooh thanks you for just a wonderful opportunity!
I am doing a 5km this March (and hopefully a couple more in April and June before winter hits here in Australia!) and I feel like I am finally heading in the right direction for changing my body and my confidence and all that good stuff…I have a (very) long way to go physically, but I feel like emotionally and mentally i’m getting there…being able to write in rainbow coloured ink in a fab planner would just be the icing on the cake!

Sharon B. - Nothing like a new planner to start the year off!!! I love filling it up! First thing I would put on the calendar is our family vacation to the beach!!!

Amy - My first, out-side-of-the-home (paid) job in 9 years. This Thursday, will be my first day as a Substitute Teacher at my kids elementary school. I’m of course beyond excited though, nervous. I think it will bring a bunch of good new feelings about myself that I haven’t felt in a long time. So I have some big awesome job assignments coming up that I need to keep track of.:-)

natalie atwood - We’re going to disney world!!!

Erin - I hope I’m not too late! Our biggest event that we have planned is going to FL for THREE weeks. Family vacation to get out of the cold for a bit and i am beside myself excited!!

Tracey Clay - I’m graduating from college this summer- finally! I’m a non traditional student with a two year old but I stuck with it and will be graduating with two bachelors degrees πŸ™‚

Naomi Williams - I love these planners!
We are planning a missions trip to Brazil this summer…just my husband and me! We are leaving our three kids behind with grandma so there is a lot of planning to be done!
We are also hoping to be debt free except for our house payment (which might not be wise while we’re also taking a trip to Brazil, but maybe if we PLAN it out really well we can have both! πŸ™‚ - Beautiful planners and neat 4×4 prints! My biggest day for 2013 (so far) would be the last day of school (a little sad I know) but the oldest 2 are at different schools and I’m realizing just how FAST they grow up and how precious time is at home. I still have 2 little ones at home but our 3rd might be in K4 next year and then I’ll just have one home. And it all seems to be flying by so QUICKLY. So, the last day of school sounds very EXCITING to me right now!!! We followed your lead with our SUMMER LIST for the first time last summer and it was so much fun!! I’m ready for that sweet time again with my “babies” that are suddenly becoming elementary and preschoolers.
LoVe seeing glimpses of your colorful world and appreciate your JoY for beauty!

Ashley - I am excited to write in our family vacay this summer! You know the one…just the four of us, chillin’ on a beach with nobody else! Bliss!

Amy M. - My husband and I have our 15 year wedding anniversary this summer on July 25! Yay! Happy New Year, Meg! Thanks for the inspiration.

Abby - Love the Just Peachy planner. I can’t wait to have my best friend visit me in my new city in march! Haven’t seen her since the summer and we CAN’T WAIT to be reunited!!!!

Janessa - I can’t wait to write in a wedding date this year! Thanks for the intro to this planner!

Janna - Love it!! Our biggest plans are the elder’s of our church coming this year and we want to go to the east coast when they are there;) love them all – I think I’d go with fortune teller too!

dee - I have a really special year this one.I am going to be a nana.How exciting.My first grandchild-love deex

Susan - We’re buying MINIVAN next month!!! Woo hoo I know, but we seriously need more space. Last time we went anywhere overnight, I sat Indian style in the passenger seat with bedding stuffed all around me. Hope to have more kids to fill it up!!!

Kristin - My second baby is due at the end of February. It doesn’t get much bigger than that!

Kate Smith - Our 20th Wedding Anniversary is this June, and we are going on a trip, just the two of us, to the beach! It’s the same week our oldest goes to his favorite church camp and our two daughters go to Girl Scout camp, so the kids are all happy at the same time we are happy.

Rosemary - In January my firstborn turns two. In November my second turns 1. I can’t decide which I’m most excited about but I know those days are BIG to me.

Liz - Sunbeam is very me. And I want to steal your Big Awesome Plans title because everything should be awesome in 2013! My Big Awesome Plan is to go to my best friends wedding.

Jen - We are planning a trip to Estes Park in July. I can’t wait! We rented a cabin and we have no plans but to take in the beauty of Colorado πŸ™‚

Elise - Love this!!! I struggle with keeping organized…oy! My big, awesome event planned for this year is my fifth and final child’s birth-a c-section, scheduled for March 1st!!!! Soooo excited!!!
Thanks for the opportunity!

MomBE - I LURVE the Just Peachy! My “BIG, AWESOME. Plans” are to just keep on keeping on…..I am a pen to paper girl too, would love to try this planner out!!!

Rachel - How much fun! I’ve been waiting for a sale on planners – and have been totally disorganized already in just five days into 2013! ha! And what better sale than to WIN something? BOOYAH!
My big inked in plan for 2013? (shhh… it’s to start an adoption homestudy πŸ™‚ )

Ellen - Tribal Dance is awesome! My big event this year is graduating college. I’m also hoping for a big raise at work πŸ™‚

Jennie - I like the Just Peachy! My biggest event of 2013 will be the birth of our third baby in June! Yikes – typing that makes me both super excited and petrified all at the same time.

amber - I love the Private Screening & Time Warp. Our biggest thing on our calendar for this year would be my husband’s 2 week trip to Africa this summer. But as excited as I am for him to go, I’m also a little apprehensive to be alone with 3 kids for that long!! Besides that, I’m ready to get the beach on there:)!

Sarah - I would choose the one picture Time Warp, so pretty! Our big event this year would be our Florida vacation, cannot wait! It has been 4 years since our last vacation and it is much needed!

Erin - Oh please, I want one! We will be buying a home this year!! I can’t wait!

Danielle - I hope I didn’t miss out. You never know — the very last person could be picked. πŸ˜‰ We don’t have just one super awesome event, but a million! Camping is my New Year’s resolution, so we plan to go everywhere — the California coast, Redwoods, Yosemite. I can’t wait. (And I’d definitely choose the Sunbeam to write all our trips inside)

Wendy - Ooooo they are all fun! Perhaps “Sunbeam” because it makes me smile during the LONG sunless winter πŸ™‚ Hoping to fill with fun mini vacations.

sylvia - My son’s 1st birthday!!

Jill T - I like Just Peachy for its beautiful chevron pattern.
2013 is the year I find a new job after 17 years at the old one! Yikes!

Gayle - Nothing planned yet, but if I win a planner I will definitely need to plan a fun vacation for our family!

Stina - 2013 is when our family gets moving and more healthy. I’m training for a 10k, our daughters enjoy P90x Yoga, our son(age 2) runs around and gets into everything, and the hubster is in the Guard and working out all the time anyway…but has agreed to run the 10k with me! These calendars sound perfect! I love all the space…and colors!

Karen - May 25! My daughter’s 12th birthday AND I am surprising her with Taylor Swift concert tickets. Her tour stops in our city that night!

Tonya - i signed my family and i up to take part in a marathon, i say take part because they will be running in it and i will somehow try and make it to the finish line. but having this wrote down on the calendar is getting me all excited and oh so happy to spend 4 hours together as a family. i would love to win one of those amazing planners.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Julie - my sisterinlaw is having her first baby in april, after lots of problems conceiving.

sara - my best friend is having a baby!!

amanda - We are going to MEXICO in March and after what is to be a long cold winter here in Southern Oregon, I already can’t wait!

Beth - I like the Private Screening planner…
My big event this year? My son’s 18th birthday this month!

Emily - My baby brother just moved to Puerto Rico and we are so excited to plan a trip to visit him as soon as Southwest begins their service there! Family + tropical island= LOVE

Linda R. - That planner is beautiful! Love all the colors. I guess our biggest plan would be finally taking a family vacation. Hoping to go to Colorado and show my 3 girls the mountains for the first time!

Erin - Nothing like a fun planner! We are building a house and will finish it and move in this year! CAN NOT WAIT! I need a good planner to get me through the rest of the building process. πŸ™‚
Thanks Meg! Love your blog!

Doris - So fun. May. First trip to Disneyland with our three kids. SO excited!!

Tonya S. - Celebrating my daughters first year of life! and my son’s 3rd year of life! I couldn’t pick just one πŸ™‚

Jessica H. - I turn 30 in June…and I want to have a great party with my closest friends and family!

Sarah - My biggest event of this year will be our family vacation to Colorado in September!!

the.mrs - I was JUST searching for a new planner.. biggest event? First job after graduating from college as a 30 year old mama!!!! Can’t WAIT to write that one down!

Jenn Shock - My biggest event is happening in less than a week! We moved from DC to Austin and we move into our new home next Wednesday! It will just be me and my two boys (3 and 7 months) until my hubby arrives back next Saturday. I LOVE physical calendars to write in even though I am a gadget hoarder πŸ™‚

Laurie - I would love this! I can’t wait to see the day when my son can be completely off ALL of his medications and the dreaded ketogenic diet. It may be this year! I’d love to be able to count down and keep having hope for all that 2013 will bring and a calendar like this would help me keep it all straight!

Jenny Wenzel - I am excited…and sad too…to write down my twins 10 year old birthday! They are getting so old!!!

michelle - Hoping and praying I get to write down a date to travel to Ethiopia and meet a little girl we would love to adopt! My WHOLE year would be made to write that date down!! Oh and I love the Just Peachy cuz you can’t go wrong with a Chevron pattern!

Anne - Just Peachy is the one for me. My husband’s 40th will be a big event, for sure!

Amy Swanon - We are finally taking the big trip to Disneyland. While two of my kids have been with nana and papa, we have never all been as a family and my five year old has never been. We are all looking really forward to this spring!

Elaine - I would LOVE a chance to fill ‘Radial Vision’ with all of our awesome adventures in 2013. On the top of the list will be celebrating my oldest turning 16 and watching my girls in their first dance competitions!
Thanks for the chance to dream and I wish everyone good luck with their wonderful plans for 2013!

Carrie - All of the planners are beautiful, but my favorite is just peachy! I have made an effort this year to obtain addresses and birthdays for my very large extended family so I would write each and every birthday first and foremost. I have big plans to send cards to everyone since we no longer live near each other. Thanks for the chance!

Jolie - Baby #3! I can’t wait to write that down;-)

Becky Z - My husband and I are hosts at the wedding of a dear young couple this June. So excited!

Lizz - I can’t wait to write my vacation to Yosemite National Park this summer!! I am going to wake up early and go out at dusk to take photographs each day!! Excited to step with Ansel Adams might have stepped…oh and to plan out my house projects! πŸ™‚
I love the 4 Tribal Dance, great texture and simple enough for my photos to standout and inspire me each day as I plan!

Rhonda - My Big Awesome plan for the year is to apply for a Nursing program! It has been a long time coming and I am so excited to start! Your planner is beautiful!

Malinda - My BIG AWESOME plan for this year is getting married! My favorite is the JUST PEACHY with one photo. I have been all about orange lately and have chosen it as a wedding color!

Trista - I love them all. Looking forward to building a house this year we have been eternal renters it will be nice to finally have something that is ours.

Kristyn Gish - My hubby and I are celebrating our 10 year anniversary in May πŸ™‚

Megan Kemmey - The biggest event I have planned this year is to leave for an LDS Mission in June!!! SO EXCITED and cannot wait!

marissa - We will be closing on our first home in March!!

Stephanie - I cannot wait to do a weekend with my best girlfriends in New York City!!

Heather E - I am loving the Private Screening planner. And I would write down our 2 family vacations we are taking since we had to cancel ours last year at the last minute!

Molly W. (@mommylovespark) - I love the 1-Mod Matrix style. Super cute – I would put a pic of my little boy with his Daddy on the front!
I can’t wait to write down my Son’s first birthday! He is our miracle baby (after 4 years of infertility) and we still haven’t fully grasped that we are parents. It seems surreal that he’s going to be one. Tear.

Heidi DeGroot - I love this planner:). My big 2013 plan is to create a garden with my kids and not dread having to weed and care for it!

Whitney - I love Private Screening and Just Peachy… and we are hoping to have a baby and buy a house πŸ™‚

Tanya H - My daughter’s baptism! That will mean family coming in from everywhere, a new dress, portraits….! πŸ™‚ But I love it all!

Jenny - Oh, I really love Just Peachy, Tribal Dance, and Private Screening. So FUN!
I don’t really have one BIG event that is actually planned….but I DO have lots of events that are special to me throughout this year. There is something fabulous in each and every day!
There is something that I cannot wait to be able to write down, that is not actually planned yet, but when that day comes, I will be writing “moving to CHINA” down in my planner and telling everyone I know! Lord willing. πŸ™‚

dixie - every sunday i will write in PEN.. “church” & make it happen!!

Stacy - My twin sons will be starting high school in the fall. Yikes!

Carrie - Our 2 weeks at the beach!! Oh and my oldest’s first day of kindergarten, perhaps not one that I can not wait to write down but perhaps our most important momdnt of thr year!!

tinaehb3 - I love MPIX… they have great stuff. Currently the biggest thing on my calendar is turning 40 in October unless I would receive a email that I get to go to craft weekend and that would then trump the turning 40 thing lol!!!!!

Anne K - They are all so pretty! The biggest event happening in our family this year will be our sweet baby boy turning ONE in October! πŸ™‚

nicoleigh - I will finally get to visit my little sister in this country! It has been almost 5 years! {Army wife…was stationed in Germany.}

Jill - ooooo…I would love one of these! πŸ™‚

shonda - Love the giveaway! Hopefully, our family of six can make a visit to KS to visit our extended family. That will definitely be in ink.

Angela - I turn 30 in just a few short weeks! That plan certainly cannot be erased! And I plan to have a BIG year to celebrate, full of fun things to do as a 30 year old woman. πŸ™‚

Lisa - I’m throwing a BIG party for my husbands 40th bday in February! It’s a surprise which makes it even more fun! πŸ™‚

Heather B - I like the Fortune Teller. Would like to write down the ING NY Marathon.

Cody Spencer - Absolutely love this planner! I am beyond excited to add not only the biggest event of the year, but the biggest event of my life. The birth of my first daughter in March!

Sunny Haynes - Family Vacation on the Oregon Coast!

Erin - Meg, I love your blog! I have a big family, too (3 sons ages 11, 9, 6 and one daughter age 2)! My biggest plan for 2013 is to be more present in each moment with my family and to have fun. Time is going by too quickly. πŸ™‚ Thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

Juliann - Hi Megan – I have no expectations to win, but thought it would be a fun way to let you know my biggest plans of the year….I’m having a baby in July!!!! Surprise πŸ˜‰

Andrea S. - I love the Radial Vision plan . . . I want to be able to write down that my husband and I are expecting this year!

Katie Beth - I have had to stop myself from purchasing one of these already. I am revamping my business and trying so hard to save money, so this planner didn’t make the cut. πŸ™ I would definitely choose the Private Screening one for me! One thing I can’t wait to write down is my little brother’s wedding in July. I am more than stoked to plan and prep for it…as well as all of my upcoming photo sessions for the year!

Grace Keith - eeeek! I am in love with this planner!
The biggest event of the year that I can’t wait to write in INK is…
drum roll please…
when my husby and I get the call that we are leaving to go get our son from Thailand!!!! We have been in the process for over 2 years now and the agency believed we would have our son home before Christmas. Christmas has come and gone and our son is growing every day, in an orphanage, and we can’t wait for him to grow in our home, in his forever family. THAT is worth writing in INK, highlighting it, circling it, dogearing the page! Can’t wait!!!

Dianne Rabon - I’m momma to five kids and the schedules are grueling! I would love something like this to keep me better organized. My oldest graduates high school in May and my youngest starts kindergarten in the fall. It’s gonna be a busy year! Love your blog.

Emily Hansen - My brother’s wedding in Chicago!

Laura O - This would be so awesome to win! I love planners! My sister is getting married this year and it will be so fun!

Nancy - I am launching a new blog in February and am excited! I also will have a KINDERGARTNER in the fall. OMG!
And the mPix planners: happiest things I have seen in awhile!

Hillary - Biggest event this year…one I can’t wait to write in PERMANENT PEN…our first kid-free vacation! Can’t. Wait.

Shepea - I am expecting my first grandchild in May, exact date yet to be determined!

Rena - My oldest child is turning 4 next month?!! I can’t believe that he is THAT old. Wasn’t he just born yesterday?!

Amy F - My firstborn will be graduating from high school in June! It is bittersweet, but I would love to write it down in one of these planners!

Sonya - I am graduating with my Masters degree in April! At 37, with a husband and three busy kids, it has been a BIG deal. It is definitely going on the calendar in INK! πŸ™‚

katherine - big event is my toddler’s bday party!

Angie - I know it’s not something I can write on a calendar, but I’m hoping I’ll get my first job as a children’s librarian this year! I got my Masters in Library Science last May and can’t wait until I get to work with some kiddos!

Angie - My favorite style is he Fortune Teller. Love anything pink. The thing I am most looking forward to in 2013 is our first family vacation in December. We are going to ride the Polar Express in Arizona. I think it will be so magical for the kids. I can’t wait!

Amanda Eudy - Our biggest event this year will definitely be the birth of our second child sometime in August! Can’t wait to write that date in pen!

Christina Self - They are all very cute, but I would pick the Dark and Dreamy and make it especially for my husband. He uses a planner daily for his business and I would take markers and mark out the week of our vacation so he doesn’t plan anything πŸ™‚

Alicia P - Oh my gosh I LOVE your planner! I love the pink damask cover & the colorful insides! Pink & damask are 2 of my absolute faves! I’m a teacher so a write-it-down-in-pen planner is essential!!!

Cheryl Flothe - 2013 will be a big year for our family—our grandson will be the first of the three oldest to officially graduate from high school in May (and that includes the first and only person in his family, including brother and sister, mom & dad). This event will be so special and worth highlighting as a red letter day in my new MPIX Fortune Teller Day Timer. Another very big event coming up in August is my sister’s 60th Birthday Trip to Charleston, SC. We are SO happy my sister is still with us, as she went through a kidney transplant rejection episode in 2012 and who knows what the future will bring? Her daughter has reserved a whole house for the family to congregate in for a Family Reunion—it will be our first time to gather as a family in over 20 years! We are all really looking forward to it and need to do a lot of planning!!!
These MPIX Day Planners are the coolest I’ve ever seen! I love that you can choose a beautiful cover style and customize it with words and pictures. These features make the MPIX planners truly personal to the lucky owner! I would choose the 4 – Fortune Teller —love the four picture feature!

karen peachey - I need a planner so I can plan something big!!! lol!

Rachel - Love these planners – especially the “Private Screening” style! I have a few BIG events this year. First of all, I start a new job on February 1. I have a good job now, but I’m hoping this will be better for me. Then…in March, I am taking 27 students to England, Belgium, and France. We are going to tour the WWI and WWII battlefields, among other things. So, good things ahead!

Shelley - My BIGGEST event is a new grandbaby who is arriving sometime in June!

sara - Buy a house!!! Does that count?

Lilia - I like Tribal Dance. We have a few trips this year, a wedding and we need to find a house, very exciting year!!

Amber - Biggest Plan… it’s to find the place God wants us to be in ministry, not really something you can mark on a calendar, but I know it’s going to bee good!

Kimberly - Love the starburst cover! We are adding baby #4 to our family this July!!

Tracy - My big awesome plan is that I am the matron of honor in my little sista’s wedding….that means I have many big awesome plans to remember to help make her one day really special!! πŸ™‚

Audrey Nielsen - My big event for 2013 is that my daughter gets to go to Disney World for the first time at the end of January. And hopefully I can lose some weight!!

Brady - LOVE the Just Peachy planner!! And my event is to LOST SOME WEIGHT!! I want to get healthier and get this weight OFF FOREVER!! πŸ™‚ That’s my big plan for 2013!!

Tricia - Excited about these planners! My 1st born son is graduating from high school in May and my baby girl will start Kindergarten in the fall. Talk about BIG events in 2013.

Becky Flores - My husband’s turning 30, always daughter’s birthday party, our 9th anniversary, my dad’s 60th birthday…and hopefully be a lot more organized in 2013.

Laura - would you believe I don’t have a biggest event that i am looking forward to this new year?
each ordinary, regular, day for me now is a big event.
but if i had a new planner, i would probably right down…4:03. Mon-Fri. Thats when all the kids are off of the bus and HOME with me πŸ™‚
or maybe if I plan to come and visit YOU…I could write THAT down. That would be fun, and big πŸ™‚

Robin C - Planning a CRUISE in the Fall 2013. This planner would be fabulous for this organizing girl!

Megan - Wow, these planners are great! No big events yet that I can think of for 2013 but I will be excited to start filling them in as they come up!

Tammy - Thanks for offering such a great give away!
It’s hard to pick, they’re all so pretty! But I think I’d pick the ‘Light and Fancy’!
The first thing I’d write down is my daughter’s 16th birthday! Then my great nieces 1st!

Gina - sorry. i didn’t think my comment posted and now I see it posted three times. gulp.

Gina - Baby #4 due May 20, 2013. And I love fortune teller 1!! Good luck me!

Gina - Baby #4 due May 20, 2013. And I love fortune teller 1!! Good luck me!

Sharon - Lots of things in 2013…surgery for my 12 year old, a wedding for my nephew, trip to Disney…lots to look forward to and still lots of blanks for God to fill!

Caitlynne - Our big even this year is the birth of our second son in May!! Can’t wait to be a family of four!!

Erin S. - I would choose the Mod Matrix and my son turns 2 in February so that’s the first exciting thing I would put on there!

Claudette Maxwell - My daughter is graduating and four day later off to basic training. Wisconson National Guards

Amy - Oh I forgot the type–I love the Sunbeam, bright and cheerful!

Sky - i love the dark and dreamy one. and the first thing i would write in it is my friend’s due date in May!

Alicia - I really like the sunbeam day planner…so pretty and yellow! My biggest even this year will definitely be GRADUATION, May 2013, with my bachelor’s degree–it’s only been 23 years in the making!!

Amy - Nothing HUGE planned yet but my almost 13 year old will be portraying Beth in a community theatre rendition of Little Women at the end of February, so that’s pretty exciting! I would love to have one of those. I am like you, I MUST write it down. Just can’t get behind the phone calendar πŸ˜‰

Julie, momto7 - You mean I could get rid of my 29 cent Walmart spiral notebook for this? WIN! I would first schedule in my weekend away planned with my sister in law in late February. Can.Not.Wait.

Meredith - P.S. We are really looking forward to a long weekend in New Orleans for a great friends wedding – Kid Free πŸ˜‰

Meredith - I LOVE these planners – how fun! I think Just Peachy with 1 photo is my favorite! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Dawn - I LOVE Mpix! And I love the pic on your organizer. The day I am most looking forward to is celebrating our son’s 3rd birthday. He was 12 inches long and weighed 1lb/10oz at birth (24.5 weeks gestation). During his 4-month stay in the NICU I would sit quietly and DREAM about his birthdays, praying we would get to celebrate. I witness one of God’s miracles each day, and I am excited to celebrate my little man!

DeLynn - 29 years after starting, I will finally earn my bachelor’s degree in December 2013!

Windy - We r going to Disney World on spring break!! Plus it’s a surprise for my 9 yr old daughter! I would pick the fortune teller planner because who can resist a pink planner πŸ™‚

ashley - i love the time warp one! the biggest event for this year is the birth of baby #2 =)

elliottsurf - PLEASE pick me! I like the time warp or the fortune teller styles. I would love to use this planner to get organized and schedule my time. Thanks for the inspiration Meg and Happy New Year to you!

Tracey Young - Being a mom of 3 girls, and a joiner/volunteer/have to run everything…lol….this year I am president of our school’s PTO. We are raising funds for a new playground, which I am sure will require many meetings and deadlines for grants, funds, etc….Those things can NOT be missed!!!!
I like either the fortune teller or the sunbeam planner!! Thanks!!!!

Laurel - I love the honeycomb cover. My big plans for 2013 include having my first baby in July!

Karen - Sunbeam, fortune teller, starburst….hard to choose! LOVE new planners!!!

Shannon - I recently became engaged so I would love to write down all the fun dates relating to the wedding. Wedding showers, dress shopping, wedding expos, and of course…the BIG day! πŸ™‚

Stacey - My husband and I are going to go on a fun vacation! We haven’t decided where yet, but we are super excited to leave the baby and toddler with their grandparents.

tara - i love the time warp and the sunbeam ones. they’re all super cute though. i want to write down INDIA in july. prayingggg that it works out!

Joanne - to be finally debt free (apart from mortgage) by end of 2013 – its been a long time coming!

Kellie Christensen - I would love to write in my wedding date, but I guess I’ll have to find that special guy first. πŸ™‚

Gretchen - Great planners! I’m still old school paper calendar myself! There’s just something about writing it DOWN. πŸ˜‰
I love the Time Warp style from Mpix.
After a year of really big events, I’m actually thrilled that this year holds very little that has to be written in pen. My husband turns 40 in the spring, so that will be a super FUN thing to look forward to this year!

Carrie - I like the light and fancy and the tribal dance!
My office plans a marathon and it’s always the biggest event of the year! As for my personal life I hope to not have anything too big this year. πŸ™‚ Or at least if it is a big event it can be a positive one!

Crystal E - Welcoming our 3rd bundle of joy in August!! And our daughters first birthday the end of this month!!

Amy - I can’t wait to write down a due date for a baby that we’re hoping and praying for! 2013 is going to be a wonderful year!

Taylor A. - I am the same way as you, Meg! I am a producer, host & guest coordinator for a radio station in Atlanta, so I keep a LOT of information on the calendar. I use the computer calendar for the show I produce, the desk calendar for my own show notes and important dates, and I HAVE to write in a planner for my photography business on the side.
My biggest event for 2013 is MY WEDDING!!! I am so excited & cannot wait until November 9, 2013! SO much to do!

Karen - Any of these are beautiful! I would take any one. Biggest plan for the year is to finally move into my new home office. My girls just moved down stairs and I have been operating our home office out of our bedroom for years. I finally get their “old bedroom” as my “new office”. A place to call my own and this planner would be lovely to start me off right πŸ™‚

Jillian - My husband and I are newlyweds, so 2013 is all about making our own plans as a FAMILY and scheduling all the trips and fun we can before we have children!

Annie - I’m not sure yet! hope it’s fabulous πŸ™‚

RacheL H. - My biggest event for 2013 is yet to be planned! I don’t know what it is yet. πŸ˜‰

Allison Troyer - Oh my goodness I HAVE to have something in Sunbeam!!! LOVE it!! SOOO happy! πŸ™‚
Our biggest event this year is a HUUUUUGE family Christmas in Disney! The kids have no idea and we are all going to have such a blast!! Cannot wait!

Kristi - I’m planning a big first birthday party in April for my daughter! I could easily fill this up, and it would help so much!

Shannon Metzger - I have a couple. My son turns 5 in March, so he’ll be having a special party. Then in June one of my best friends is getting married and I’ll be taking photos for him!

Susan L. :) - Selling our old house and closing and MOVE IN day for our new house.
writing these things down would be really AWESOME!!!
Susan πŸ™‚

Susan L. :) - Selling our old house and closing and MOVE IN day for our new house.
writing these things down would be really AWESOME!!!
Susan πŸ™‚

Jenn - Disney World!!!!

Elizabeth Van Kort - my husband and i can’t wait to welcome our first baby into this big world – with that i’m sure there will be lots of appointments to keep track of since we will finally be a family of three!

Tracy - Celebrating my parents’ 50th anniversary and mom’s 70th birthday in Colorado in July with them and my 5 siblings & families. A very very big event!!

Nicole Francis - I’m looking forward to my son’s second birthday this summer! Every day, however, is an adventure with him! Love these planners! πŸ™‚

Bethany - I actually have TWO big plans! ONE have a baby this year…that’s our biggest goal! and number TWO pick some charities and do real charity work. We want to try several to see what we are gifted at and where we can be well used.

Jeannine - Loving the one photo versions of Fortune Teller & Just Peachy. I can’t wait to write down our first anniversary (coming up quickly!) and the day of our beautiful daughter’s first birthday! The latter isn’t until much later this year, but I’m already in full party-planning mode! πŸ™‚ I just LOVE being her Mama.

roseykrh - Oh my gosh! My biggest, most exciting plans for this summer is a meetup in New Orleans with about 8 of my long-time blogging, gaming, internet friends. None of us have ever met before and none of us have ever been to New Orleans. It is going to be the most fun ever.

Kimberly M - I think Tribal Dance is my favorite. My biggest event happening this year is that I’m moving across the country to Vegas! Will be a huge change!

Anna Marie - We are planning a weekend getaway for both our girls’ birthday’s over Memorial Day weekend. Heading to Omaha for the zoo, children’s museum and whatever else. We are all excited!

Emilie - I love 4-Starburst so cheerful. My biggest event will be that I will be applying for my first full time teaching position! So excited.

Sandi - LOVE the look of ‘Tribal Dance’ and ‘Just Peachy’. My BIG event in 2013 will be my first day at work. I was laid off in November and am job-hunting. I’m hopeful that my first day of work will be early in the year, so having a planner would be a great way to stay organized!

Mindi - Totally want the fortune teller!!! I am going to run my first half this year, and build my real estate career. I have a ton of around the house projects along with all the other mom jobs that we all have! Thanks for the chance!!!!

Glenda K - Love “just peachy”. My BIGGEST event planned this year is my husband’s homecoming from Afghanistan so he can spend time with his little boy that is almost 18 months old:) Can’t wait for our little family to be back together again & start planning lots of trips!!

Krista Wiehle - FAMILY VACATioN to Disney WORLD!!!! Kids will be thrilled!!!! Can’t wait! LOve these planners!!! πŸ™‚

Debby - The big event we have is our school’s yearly auction. Much to do to raise money since it is a small Christian school.

Shannon Avard - I’m planning my husband’s 50th birthday party this year. (Shhh…it’s a surprise!) This planner would be fabulous for keeping my schedule straight and knowing what needs to be done and when. Thanks!

Wendy O. - My son is meeting his cousins for the first time this summer! (They live across the country from us and are flying in to visit.)

Johnna Bowker - I have several mini sessions planned and a few other things in the works! This item looks so awesome and would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have one!!!

Korrin Norman - My big plan for the year is my wedding!! My husband is in the military, and we eloped, but we are now finally able to share our vows with all of our family and friends in our renewal ceremony this August!!

Elizabeth - My big plans this year are celebrating my 8th wedding anniversary and running my first half marathon with two of my best friends from college, all in February!

erin j - My husband graduates from seminary this spring. His graduation means the end of this stage and hopefully the beginning of our “grown up” life (meaning we may actually get a real job and have a real house). Woot, woot!

Kelly - love Time Warp…5 boys= lots of schedules, milestones, great quotes and dreams!!! would love to keep that info all in one place and then have a record of an amazing 2013…I think the biggest thing to put on it is a night away with the husband-haven’t done that in 12 years (since we had our oldest).

Amanda D - My biggest event of 2013 is the birth of my second son!!

Liesl - Definitely getting my home renovation/remodel done after storm damage! I am so looking forward to the day it is completed – long time coming!

Dawn Oberholtz - I love the 4 sunbeam. All the females on my mom’s side of the family got together this year for a girls weekend at the ozark’s we are planning on doing it again this year. Once we figure out when I will totally be writing it down in INK. πŸ™‚

Katie - My biggest event this year is that I will FINALLY graduate from college with my education degree!!!

Brianna - I love planners! Ha! So excited to pen in my baby brother’s wedding in November!

rachel - I love all the colors in that!! I’m hoping to be by the water a TON this summer!! I absolutely can’t wait.

Eleanor - I dont have any particular MAJOR event planned this year. BUT I do need to get organized! My MAJOR goal for the year is to meal plan better and to organize my “to do” list better. I fail miserably when I try to do it on my phone and I end up with scrap paper lists of things to do all over the place. This planner would be so awesome for me!

Bethany - We just had newborn twin girls so they will experience so many milestones in their first year throughout 2013..and turn one in December! Happy New Year! Love these planners…they are perfect.

Amber P. - I hope to set a wedding date this year. No big deal.

Colleen - We are going to Disney World with the kids in April! The last two years have been rough dealing with a breast cancer diagnosis, surgery, chemo, rads, reconstruction, and recovery. Now that all is well, we are so excited to be making some sweet memories. Starting with a drive there from Maine. I really like the look of the Fortune Teller day book. - Big plans are taking place in our household! Our oldest daughter (22) just informed us at Christmas that she is moving out of our home. We were starting to prepare for this because she is almost 23 (in April) and knew it was coming. HOWEVER, she also informed us that she will be moving to TEXAS! (we live in MO) WOW – big step for her, but we are so excited for her! THIS is big plans! We are already beginning to plan what will happen this next year once she is on her own. Re-doing our bedroom for one, we have lived in this house for over 18 years and it’s one room that has not been touched (our home is over 100 years old) – so we are moving into our daughters old room while we renovate our bedroom! I am super excited to do this. Finally, to have a room that I will enjoy being in and can escape to! (not sure who I will be escaping from once my oldest moves out and my youngest is in Colorado in college) BUT it will be wonderful! so you see, there are big plans for 2013! I’m excited to get this year started! Let’s roll!!

Erin - My parents are celebrating their 40th anniversary this June by taking my sisters and our families to Disney World! There will be 8 adults and 8 kids (the oldest will not be 8 yet!). It will be CRAZY fun. I can’t wait to see my 4 year old daughters face when she meets Cinderella and Tinkerbell!

Sarah - I am running my first half marathon in late March! 13 miles in ’13! Training starts today, so there is no better time to pencil in, I mean PEN in, the training runs.

Dawn G - Fun planners! I have several big events this year, but my top 2 are whatever craft weekend in February (squeal!!) and my parents’ 50th wedding anniversary in October.
Thanks for the chance to win!

michelle - In February, I will be moving into the house that I just bought!! Very excited about that. But, the B I G news of 2013 is that my baby girl is turning 16!!

Katie Jones - I would LOVE one of these! My husband is turning 40 and I am turning 30 Ahhhhh! Two BIG milestones!! and we are getting older I need to write EVERYTHING down! hehehe 4 kids I’m losing my marbles rapidly! Gotta write it down!! πŸ™‚ I like paper too. I never use my phone calender!!! :_/

Christy B - Planning a big family trip somewhere!

Andrea B - Our little sweet heart will turn 1 and we will celebrate 10 years of marriage! What a year this will be!!! : )

Andrea B - Our lil sweetie will turn 1! And we will celebrate 10 wonderful years of marriage – What a YEAR this will be : )

Sara - My Biggest Plan to date for 2013 is graduating in May with my Masters Degree! I can’t wait to write that one down.

Tori - No major life events on the calendar for us this year (knock on wood). But, I LOVE keeping up with daily life for myself, the hubby and two kids. Family vacation, last day of Kindergarten, first day of preschool, birthdays, play dates, etc…. all of it brings me great joy!

Sara M. - I love the 1 picture honeycomb planner. And the big plan I can’t wait to write down is our warm weather vacation in March!

Alaina Bennett - Oh, these are so cool! I love the light and fancy! We have so much planned this year (crazy busy), but the highlights are my son and my new daughter-in-law both graduate from college in May! I am a mom of 3, work full time, going to school to be a nurse, and married to a worship pastor, so this calendar is awesome to try to keep track of all of us!(divine intervention would help, too!)Thanks Meg for the awesome giveaway!

ikarentee - 5K Color Run in September!!

Robyn - So fun! My biggest plans can’t be put into words because that is for God to do πŸ˜‰

allison - I’m still waiting to find out if we have any BIG plans this year….hopefully, we will! Happy New Year to you – love your cover!

christine - Our biggest plan–getting out of debt. This is the year we pay off everything but the house! I CANNOT wait! With hopefully a lot of fun thrown in. πŸ™‚ I’m ready! 2013, Bring it on!

Nicole Q. - Jason’s MDiv GRADUATION !!!! May 3rd !!!!

Lisa - I love Just Peachy. My big awesome plans for 2013? Adding a sweet one to our family and (please, Lord) bringing him home from China before 2013 comes to a close!

Amy - My wonderful son and awesome daughter-in-law to be are getting married November 10, 2013. I not only love this planner I desperately need it with all the planning coming up.

Lennie Jackson - I am going to quit my full time job and take the leap and open my very own preschool. I have been dreaming about this and it is finally going to happen! Lots of praying and lots of planning but we are hoping for a opening date of March 1st!!!

Amy Huff - I think the most exciting thing I want to write down is my daughter’s 1st birthday! It was such a struggle to conceive I can’t believe how lucky we are to have her and to celebrate her 1st b-day.

Ashlee - My biggest plans this year are having a baby at the end of this month!! Number 3! I have my due date outlines in hearts (Even though due dates mean nothing to baby!)

Wendy - My baby is going to start preschool and I will go half time at work to spend more time at home with my kids! -Wendy

Kelly - 25th wedding anniversary on July 23, 2013! Whooohooo!!!

julie - just peachy is for me…….I can’t wait to write down the fun run I am going to run with my two kids because I am exercising each day…5 for 5.. Last year my sister ran with them because I couldn’t…I will cross that finish line

Heather - What an awesome giveaway! I can’t wait to write down my first half-marathon in May! πŸ™‚

Michelle - I like the Fortune Teller! Our big awesome plans this year include listening to God and seeing if He will open the door for me to teach full time kindergarten. I currently teach part time, but feeling a desire to go full time! We shall see…….

Chelsea - I like Time Warp.
There are so many exciting events this year to write down! College friends’ weddings, vacations with both sides of the family, our baby girl’s 2nd birthday!

Melinda - Can’t wait to write down my sister’s wedding in the Light & Fancy planner!

melissa erin - oh. man. i think your’s looks great!! i looked on their site and was a teeny bit overwhelmed with all the choices. πŸ™‚ thank you.

Bethany Joy - mpix is so great – i ordered our Christmas cards from them this year and LOVED them! i was impressed with their quick turn around – and they gave me about 15 extra cards! one of our biggest plans this year is celebrating our one year anniversary – we got married May 26, 2012! my husband already has a weekend trip to the TX Hillcountry planned, and I’m so excited!! 2013 will truly be filled with many blessings!

Holly - Can’t wait to write down: our much-anticipated, many-years-in-the-planning, family trip to Disney!

Sherry - Our biggest event this year: possible adoption of our foster baby!! He was a huge surprise in November, and its moving in that direction. We are thankful for the opportunity to love on this little man!

Amy - We hare having a baby girl on February 25th! (scheduled C-section…)

whitney - No “big” event, yet :). Just need to be more organized and in control of my life this year!

Cindy Goga - Third post but I’m BELLY LAUGHING! I just realized that I asked you to “keep posting your post-photo runs”. What I meant to say was post-RUN photos. The first sounds like you were ill afer taking too many photos – if you get what I mean. OK…promise to be done posting now. πŸ™‚

Breeana - I love the Just Peachy! I just used MPix for printing out family prints. THey were amazing! I would love to be able to put the date that my husband gets to finally start a new job this year. It isn’t set yet, but here’s to faith that it will!

Cindy Goga - Oooh….forgot the planner choice…Mod Matrix or Radial Vision have my attention. πŸ™‚

gina - My baby will start kindergarten in the fall:( I think I like the peachy one!

Jessica R - My family is going on a Disney Cruise in May!! We can’t wait!!! That’s what I’d be most excited to write down. The 4-Time Warp planner is my favorite πŸ™‚

Cindy Goga - I will be Fit by 50! This is my mantra for the year. I turn 50 on August 2nd. I’ve lost 23 to date and have 57 more to go! I run, Zumba, lift; am gluten, dairy and refined sugar free (with an occasional indulgence once in awhile).
I would LOVE to put every stinkin’ thing in this little planner that helps to hold myself accountable, ask God for help and celebrate the wins!
Thanks for considering my entry…and keep posting those post-photo runs. They are INSPIRING!

ranee - I love these planners…so fun! I am having a baby #3, so I guess that will be the big event of the year! Thanks!

Rachel D - I love this giveaway! I NEED more planning in my life. Our big family event is a road trip out west to see the Grand Canyon and friends in Texas, Utah and Colorado. We’ve been talking about it for years and are finally able to do it this year. I can’t wait to write down the plans!

Larissa - Fortune teller, guess I’m a copy cat!
Hmm….biggest plans may involve my daughter’s sweet 16!

Tiffany Rogers - Love these planners (and your blog Meg!!) My big event(s) for 2013 are my 10th wedding anniversary on April 12th, followed by our anniversary vacation to Mexico in May! Can’t wait for an awesome 2013!!

Heather - Just looking at the title of your planner gets me excited for the new year! Last year we planned a lot of things to make more family memories and I hope to do the same this year. Right now the only thing we have planned for sure is a day trip to see the Space Shuttle Endevour in Los Angeles.

sarah - Oh man – how can you choose?? Planners – er school/office supplies in general make my heart go pitter patter

Karen Chaplin - Love the giveaway these planners look fab and I’m all for a planner – I love the starburst one – funky and fun loveit
2013 the year to be organised

beki - Oh my gosh, so many lovely planners to choose from. I don’t have any big plans for this year, but I would love to write in INK every week, HAVE FUN!!

Dawn Eshnaur - I have two nieces getting married this year……and I am just like you! I find great satisfaction in writing things down! I would love to win this planner!

Missy - My daughter is getting married on May 4. Now that the holidays and Fiesta Bowl are over it is time to get organized!

Cari - Oh I can’t wait to write down “Charleston!!!!” July 3-8! We lived in beautiful Charleston for 10 short months and moved back to Arkansas recently. I am SO READY to get back to SC. Can’t. Wait.

Amy K. - I love the just peachy planner πŸ™‚ And…this year we are planning a trip to San Francisco β™₯ I can’t wait to write it down….IN PEN!

amanda - I’m so glad you posted this – I was JUST looking at these on Mpix and was nervous after not liking my other planner last year, but I was scared to buy one, not really knowing what it was like. So thanks for this! We have a big year of vacations – Disney in June and a cruise in July!

Deb M - I have a BIG birthday this year and plan to celebrate! I also have a son who will be starting driver’s training (yikes) and will get his license in December.

Michelle - Love these planners! I really like the Honeycomb one. I need to write everything down to remember it too. Our big event would be a trip to Hawaii this winter!! Can’t wait! Thanks for the giveaway!

Linda Roessler - oh I love them all, but if I had to choose, I would say Fortune Teller! The biggest event(s) this year for me is that my daughter is graduating high school and going to college! I would love to get her a planner like this πŸ˜€ She is one that needs to see things written down.

Gina - Call me old fashioned but I agree with you about writing it down. πŸ˜‰ I like the dark and dreamy and the biggest thing coming up this year so far is a family trip in May to watch my Cincinnati Reds!! πŸ™‚

kelly - running in in a ragnar race in cape cod and our 20 wedding anniversary…let just say 2013 is going to be a great year!!!

Julie B - Oh please pick me!!
My biggest event this year will be the birth of my third child. Somewhere around June 14th!!!

Lynne - My biggest event this year is going to be a little beach getaway by myself- love vegging on the beach all day!

Ali - Love the Time Warp planner. This spring I’m organizing a sister weekend with just me and my two sisters. No kids, no hubbies….just sisters. Eating, laughing and doing whatever heck we want to do! - Cactus to Cloud hike in Palm Springs Memorial Day Weekend – Time to get

Annie - Oh my gosh, these planners are adorable! I can’t wait to write in PEN the day we finally plan our family vacation…it’s been a long time coming!!

Jennifer - I like the private screening planner and the just peachy.

Jennifer - Ugh. I didn’t see this one so I typed in a new entry. Sorry. My computer was taking it’s time showing that it was, in fact, posted already. Now I have no idea how to delete this one. I’m sorry!

Mollie - I like the 1-Sunbeam. We are going to Florida in a week and taking my little girl to Disney. I’m just as excited as she is.

Erin Adkins - I love these planners! My favorite is Just Peachy or Time Warp. The BIGGEST date on my calendar this year, my husbands homecoming from a deployment to Afghanistan! We are counting down! Thanks for sharing. I love your blog!

Jennifer - I really love the Private Screening planners, either the 1 or the 4 photos – very chic! My 2013 planner would be filled with school stuff for my three children, church events for me, work stuff for the hubs, and summer canning/freezing!

Kallie B - Oooo, tribal dance is catching my eye. Biggest event planned so far is going to Washington D.C later this month!

Heidi - We’ll be celebrating our 5th annual Hutoberfest (Oktoberfest) here in Newton!

Anne-Marie - My sister’s wedding in May!

shawnette Hansen - Celebrating my beautiful daughter and her 13th Birthday! I love being a MOM!

Jennifer - I really love the Private Screening ones, either the 4 or the single photo. Very chic! Thanks for the giveaway, your planner is awesome!

Amy G. - Tough choice, but I’d go with Sunbeam! And I would write IN PEN my son’s high school graduation date. Yay!!!!

Jordan - I absolutely adore them all! One date that I can’t wait to write down is my best friends wedding!!!

Heidi Henderson - My 16th wedding anniversary. I love writing stuff down.

Ann Marie - I love the 1-Fortune Teller! The biggest event this year will be starting the nursing program

Jamie - my big event this year is MY WEDDING!! There are also a TON of other exciting things in store…graduation, 2 new babies, and hopefully more happy things! πŸ™‚ - I love the fortune teller design!! This January 28th I will celebrate 20 years being CANCER FREE!!! I had cancer as a child at 16 so this is a BIG DAY in our house!! Thanks for the chance to win something in this awesome new year!

Tracey from Virginia - I love 4-Radial Vision! My biggest events will be my 40th birthday on March 6th and hopfully a Craft Weekend in 2013! I’m on the waiting list. I would love to win a planner. It is FABULOUS!

Ruth - Love the Time Warp. Big Event? Mission trip to Nicaragua…WHOLE FAMILY IS GOING..yippee!!! Can’t wait to see how God uses us!

Lisa L - These are amazing! I love them all, but I think I would have to go with Dark & Dreamy. My biggest awesome plan is my daughter’s high school graduation in May. It will be a rough day for me, but I’m so excited to see what life has in store for her!

Amy Herbertz - Love Starburst! Counting the days to my April cruise with my mom and sisters. A first for us all!

Kirsten Dehmlow - The day my husband gets a job! I will write it in my calendar with bright colors and plan a great party!

Terri - Oh my goodness!!!! I love this planner and I have lots of wonderful things going on this year! My son is getting married to the sweetest girl. My daughter is graduating from High School and will start college. We have been so blessed and I praise God for all these exciting, awesome and amazing plans for 2013. Thanks for the giveaway. Happy New Year and God Bless.

kim - love the color in the day planners…would be hard to choose which one. starburst, beaded tracks, peachy, they all look cheery and fun. big plans for 2013? We have lots of wishes but nothing really planned yet. going home to visit our families would be something I’d mark down for sure, the last day of school, friends and family coming to visit us, kids’ birthday parties, and perhaps (if I’m lucky and if I’ve saved enough money) getting to fly out for Craft Weekend! πŸ™‚

Janel - My 13 year old son and I will be going to Costa Rica on a mission trip in July!!

Alexis - I can’t wait to write down my three daughter’s birthdays and my 11th wedding anniversary in December!

Alexis - Can’t wait to write down my three girl’s birthdays and my 11th wedding anniversary in December!

Dena - The honeycomb one is adorable………actually most of them are πŸ™‚ Our anniversary weekend family vacation is always a given and loads of fun. We never go very far away, but have been exploring places in our state and the surrounding ones.

Juli E - I LOVE the 1 Private Screening… but really all are great!! The one thing that i CANNOT SERIOUSLY CANNOT wait to put on my calendar…(there are two!!)..the first being… my step daughter and her husband have been married for 14 years… and she is TRULY an inspiration to me… on New Years Eve at our house her husband asked her to REMARRY him…renew their vows… with a ring in the bottom of the champayne glass and all… i cannot wait to put the date of their vow renewal ceremony on the calendar… and also… i feel like 2013 is my CRAFT WEEKEND year… so… i am beyond excitement to put that baby on the calendar…. thanks for all you do and your daily inspiration… you make being a mom easier to me!

robbie - i love the dark and dreamy… instead of thinking of all the things I want to accomplish in 2013…i might be able to meet my goals.

Stephanie - These are awesome!! My biggest plans for this year involve taking my family to Disneyland!!!! I think I’m more excited than they are πŸ™‚

j cole - love just peachy. my event is finally opening my etsy store and starting on a new path.

Ginny - Hmmmm I would like to run a couple of 5k’s this year and this planner would be awesome to track my progess in and “schedule” workouts like the pros always recommend!

Ariel W. - I can’t wait for the last day of school…bring on pool days, BBQ, and Popsicles with the kids! I am sure I also will count down to the First day of school after a long summer with the kids!!!

Alice H - My mom bought my sister and I and all of our kids tickets to see Maroon 5 on March 22nd!!! Thank you for the giveaway…I really like the Just Peachy planner!

juli - We are wanting to have a baby this year! I don’t know if I can write that in pen, might have to use pencil on that one – but I’m super excited!

Katie Harmount - I want one! I almost put one in my cart at Christmas, but focused on gifts for others instead. I can’t wait to write in our vacation in March. And I’d use it to jot down the cute/funny/shocking things my kiddos say πŸ™‚

Clare - BIG plans in 2013 need a great organizer- we are having a BABY and buying our first HOUSE!!! I’d pen all my prenatal visits and schedule the movers in the pink Fortune Teller with 1 picture on the front… rainbow colors inside, of course! Thanks for the giveaway- how fun!

sharla - Our foreign exchange student from brazil arrives January 21st!

Steph - I love the TIme Warp planner! My biggest plan this year is to graduate from graduate school and find a job! I cannot wait to write the words “GRADUATION” down in pen πŸ™‚

Renae - This would be great because I had planned on getting one from Mpix AND my old planner ran out on January 2. πŸ™‚ I love the Time Warp one!! Thanks Meg and Happy New Year!

Lexie Gallagher - I am in love with Mod Matrix. It reminds me of Polka Dots which are my new found favorite.
I cannot wait to schedule in my trip to the Dominican Republic. This trip has been a labor of love. I wrote a proposal for my work suggesting that we send some employees on a mission trip in 2013. I was shocked when the proposal was approved and found out that we would be sending four employees to the Dominican Republic to help build a school for elementary students. In addition to the selected four employees they have asked ME to be the trip ambassador and lead the group. I have never been further than Mexico and it has been more than a decade since I have done a mission trip. I am beyond excited. God is SOOOO good!
We leave in July and prayers would be appreciated. May God use us in ways that we cannot yet comprehend!

Lisa - A big celebration when I complete my Ph.d. qualifying exams this spring!

Leslie C. - November 30th, 2012 I finished student teaching 1st grade! What an awesome experience. I never new my heart would grow to love 25 sweet faces so much! πŸ™‚ Love these planners!

Erin - Our 9 year anniversary is June 12th!! We were high school sweethearts and have been together for 12 years. So our anniversary is alway a big deal for us.

Dani - My biggest plans are to start my youngest (and last) child in Kindergarten! I want to start him out on his journey with ease. This planner would be amazing! I’d never forget when he has something special at school!!

Carla G - A trip to the beach . . . for a week . . . in a cute little house . . . ON THE BEACH. Can’t. Wait. !!!

Michelle Molander - A trip for Christmas next year! πŸ™‚ - I love the four beaded track! Looking forward to a family trip to the beach over Easter! Keeping four kids on task is hard, and this would be perfect!

Tina Jacobsen - I like Starbust!! In April we are going to the American Girl store in Chicago for my daughters birthday! We are excited!!

Myra - I love Time Warp. My big plan for 2013 is photography school!

Vicki - Love your cover!!! My biggest plans this year all revolve around college visits with my oldest. Yahoo!

tiffany gardner - OUR FIRST FAMILY VACATION. I’m counting down the days. πŸ™‚ - I just want to become organized and not have that terrible “forgetful” feeling…

brianna - oh lets see. i need to celebrate my “babies” 6th and 5th birthdays, my 30th birthday, our trip to disney will “hopefully” be happening this year, my oldest starting 1st grade, my dad turns 60, there are a LOT of things to be excited about this year. i would love to also visit my grandma/family in kansas, the closest i get is reading your blog! i love the starburst pattern! pick me pick me!!

Kris - Germany!!!! My husband and I are going to Germany to meet some of my family that I have NEVER met! We actually bought the plane tickets New Year’s Day and I cannot wait! We have saved for over 2 years and just the thought of meeting family that are bound to me by blood makes my eyes tear up.

colleen from alabama - Not many BIG events. Family Vacation is always my favorite. We have two of those each summer and it means we all get to be together and slow down. πŸ™‚ This is my son’s (last child) last year in elementary school so I am sad his graduation will be on my calendar. Middle School is such a challenge (My daughter is already there). Looking forward to only having to drive to one school though! There is always a positive!

Jennifer - Baby #2 is coming in May! And the husband’s 40th birthday is in July!

Amy - I like Just Peachy πŸ™‚ I don’t have an official plans yet, but I would really like to host a few craft days this year- totally inspired by your craft weekend, but on a mini scale for this homeschooling mama of 6 who could not pull off a whole weekend πŸ™‚

Kristi - My husband and I are going skiing for the first time!

Crystal - I’m the biggest planner geek! I was just looking at them while at Walmart yesterday. Off the top of my head the three biggest things I can think of are my oldest getting her drivers license, my middle daughter officially becoming a teenager and my youngest starting next school year as a middle schooler.

Julia - Ummmm…turning 40!!!!!!

Charla - Oh, they’re all beautiful! My big event this year is meeting my sister’s brand new baby! Can’t wait!

Kari C. - My dad’s 60th birthday is in July and my sisters, mom, and I are gathering 60 memories from friends and relatives to present to him in a book and hopefully some of his friends can show up and surprise him on his birthday.

Christine Ishmael - Starburst for sure…plus I love Starbursts! Ha ha…it’s always about food…since 2012 brought 2 of my kids weddings and our family trip, 2013 will hopefully be chill…planning a family reunion at the beach and our cousin retreat are big plans in the works!

kara - my biggest event is going to africa. 4 weeks of african life in an orphanage with a 1 week safari at the end! such an amazing opportunity!

Kristi Rediske - My big event this year will be my 4th grandchild to be born around March 15th! There are several more and could use some prayers for one of them, I love Mpix and would love to win this planner.

Camm Taylor - Love all of them – Especially the Private Screening – As for big event…I am just looking forward to having my girls home for Summer Break! It was hard sending them back to school this week!

Charly - I can’t wait to write down that my husband starts Nursing school…one step closer to our “dream” goals. And yes, I am also one that will not give up my planner…love these from mpix.

Lynda M. - Love the Starburst planner. Our big event for this year is a family trip to Disney. My husband had a lot of health issues last year and we had to cancel our vacation – we are so looking forward to this trip!

Maegan C - This event hasnt happened yet but i hope the BIG event i get to write in my planner this year is GETTING ENGAGED to the love of my life!!!

Sallie - Love the planners! Thanks for sharing with us! Would adorn the Fortune Teller cover with my word for the year “embrace”! would so fill it with the rainbow style and write in my big event! My big event for 2013 is going to be raising funds for our team that provides a monthly meal at our local homeless shelter for 100-125 folks! I’m having a down-sizing sale from my house and 50% of the proceeeds go to our team fund for meal prep! These planners are awesome!

Andrea - I love the Radial Vision–great way to get organized! The first date I would ink in is my family vacation. We have not had a real vacation since our kids came along and it is time to write it in ink!

jody - how fun! big plans? oh dear – i don’t have any at this point!! a date w hubby would be wonderful!!!!

Tina - I love the Honeycomb and I would be so much awesome stuff in there…oh my goodness!!

Christin S. - My biggest event is having a baby!

Stephanie C. - A good friends wedding, complete with a night away!

Lynn - I like the Honeycomb planner and would write in pen that my son is graduating from high school in June !!! Thanks for the giveaway.

Monica - I’ve been eyeing this site up for one of these planners…so pretty! My biggest plan to ‘ink in’ would be the family vacation.

Kate C - My biggest event of the year will come in December when my husband and I will celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary. And, 2013 is the last year before we turn 40 so I’m hoping that we have lots of great days creating adventures before “middle age” sets in! πŸ™‚ Thanks for the opportunity, Meg!

Ashley Thurman - My biggest plan for 2013 is a party for my favorite 3 year old!

Meaghan - My biggest event this year will be the birth of our third baby! It will be so exciting when my doctor gives us a date (scheduled c-section). I love the yellow “sunbeam” design. Thanks for the chance!

Sarah - Wow!! I love this planner! My big event would be buying a house this year!!!!! Can’t wait!

Analia - I LOVE These! The “time warp” is perfect. Lots to do this year!

Christy - How perfect, I could use one of those., My/our big event this year was moving to a new state and becoming a stay at home mom for the first time., trying to organize and get a routine going.

Julie - How cool! WOuld love it!

Jenn N - They are all beautiful. I especially like Sunbeam. The big event I hope to pen in the calendar soon is a trip to South Africa. I want to take my son back to see his foster family who took care of our baby before we adopted him. They are moving to China and we need to see them in his homeland before they go πŸ™‚

Anna - Oh – and I love the 4-Time Warp – love that beautiful teal!

Vicki I - We actually have TWO BIG EVENTS this year!!! Our oldest son is getting married to a wonderful girl and we are expecting our FIRST GRANDBABY!!!! WOOHOO!!!

Deb A. - National Signing Day for my high school senior who will be playing football in college!

Anna - Our first wedding anniversary! Can’t wait to decide how to celebrate it (maybe a trip!)

Vicky - I can’t wait for summer vacation at the beach! - i love these. my biggest plan this year is a caribbean cruise vacation in march

Rebekah - Our Blue Lily shoot for the year is in September! Already counting down! - I love these. My big event would be caribbean cruise vacation in march.

Laura - Our 25th wedding anniversary will be celebrated with a trip to Cape Hatteras, NC. I think this is the first vacation we’ve taken since 2003. No work, no research for my husband’s book, no family to visit. I’m not even sure I remember how to relax. Just 7 days to sleep and eat and read and walk the beach. Doesn’t that sound wonderful?!

GB Jost - Well…I love the Honeycomb. Probably because it begins with the word honey. And my middle child (son) will graduate from college in May and he thinks that honey should be a food group! Some folks may think that college graduation is not that big of a deal…but it is! First, this will be my second child to graduate from college. Second, for this child, school was a miserable experience. He had to work so very hard (his brother and sister hardly cracked a book). But he knew he wanted to go to college-and be an athlete-so studying all the time…he knew that would be his life. And you will never guess what he is going to be after gradutaion…a teacher! Gotta love that kid! So his COLLEGE graduation will be in my calendar….May 10! GB

Rachel - my fav is 4- fortune teller… I love that I can use more than 1 photo.
My biggest plan… for changes for me and our family this year, to be more positive, less sitting, more healthy, less down. Also, to buy a (new) house. I suppose I would put it on day 1 to pray for that house!!!

Adrienne s - My friends laugh at me because I have a paper calendar. I NEED to write things down. Anyway…I like the private screenings one.
My BIG event is MusselMan 70.3 Triathlon!!! So excited.

April - My BIG event will be getting my degree. I don’t have a set date because it’s go at your own pace but I should be done close to february. So excited! After ten years of being a stay at home mom I finally get to venture out. It’s gonna be awesome!

cj - 1 Dark and Dreamy….after my husband’s fight with cancer last year and total remission in December, any event is big this year. Two special plans we have this year: 1) in March having our pictures taken celebrating our 40th wedding anniversary…..not a formal portrait like on our 25th anniversary; fun, outdoor pictures. and 2) celebrating his 60th birthday at a beautiful lodge w/a private lake in May. And one more thing just for me…I’m taking my mother to see the Canadian Tenors (now called the Tenors). Celebrating each day!

Lisa Vogel - Starburst is the best…..My baby boy and last child at home will graduate in May and go to college in the fall, I don’t know how I’m going to live without my sugar-boogars. I guess I’ll just have to kidnap my little Grandson Choo-Choo (nickname) more.

Heather in Ohio - I like the just peachy planner. They are all so fun! Big plans? Besides a few fun travels travels that I have planned, my 1/2 marathon on May 4 is written in PEN! Happy New Year!

Tiffanie - I would love this. First thing I write n ink…… Vacation!

Holly - This year we celebrate our 25th anniversary!

Jodie - I’d love a calendar like that! I’ve got some awesome plans for the year too. Thanks!

Emily - I definitely like Just Peachy. My biggest IN PEN goal for this year is completing my Montessori Certification Program which is every Saturday until June. At the same time, teaching preschool 5 days a week and raising my own children. In the end, my husband and I are hoping we can buy our forever home!

Kristi - i love the just peachy chevron! that is too cute.
my big awesome plan for this year is to visit Disney in April for the first time ever with my 16 year old and her chorus class….they get to sing on the steps of epcot! we are so excited!!

Kelli R - Love Sunbeam.
-Baby #4 due in Aug!

Tiffany - My 20th Anniversary~our first night away, alone, since having children. πŸ™‚

Donna G. - Biggest event planned for 2013, thus far, is to attend GoPro Workshop with Wendy & Tyler…thanks to your previous posts about what a great experience it has been for you! I can’t wait to go!!

Stacey B - I really have to choose just one design? I love so many, but I think since it a cold and snowy day here today I will go with Sunbeam.
I plan to have some family trips with some of our friends & their families. I’m hoping we can get our acts together and my dear friends from college & I can get our families to a beach this summer.

Ann Rubin - Beaded tracks… I think, they are all too cute. I keep wanting to order a planner like this and now realize I might with my b day money, otherwise it gets spent at target on household stuff- then my hubby gets mad….. Thanks for the op. My big plan is simplify, simplify simplfy. Every year it’s my plan, but I want to live it and actually do it this year in ALL aspects of my life! Thanks meg! Oh, and hopefully get to craft wkd!

Penny - I forgot to say what I was excited about writing down in the calendar! My grandson’s first brithday! We are planning a wonderful party to celebrate his first year!

Amy G - I like Mod Matrix and Radial versions. Hmmmm… would be hard to choose. The date that I need to write down is not necessarily one I am looking forward to… my firstborn going off to school! But she is excited and I know it will be good. I LOVE calendars and organization and writing stuff down! πŸ™‚

kristin - okay…three IN PEN plans:
1. turn forty
2. become a us citizen
3. run 3 miles without stopping

Kate S. - I like the just peachy and my big plan is to continue on my weight loss journey and get to my goal. 35 lbs down and I have 50 to go. I can and will do this!

Amy - Big event to be written in my planner: My sister’s due date in March 2013!!!!!

mary - i like light and fancy the best!

alicia - sunbeam is my favorite design/color. the only big awesome plan i have for this year is to continue to make big awesome memories with my friends and family. i adore this planner!

Lorraine R. - I love the starburst!!! So cheery!!! Right now my big event is my son, number 3’s 13th birthday coming up on Valentine’s Day!!!! I can’t believe how quickly they all grow. He is quiet, pensive, a thinker, but has a sweet generous heart!

Megan B - I like sunbeam. Plans? Well, I want to take a vacation, but we don’t have it planned yet. So I guess my twins’ first birthday party! πŸ™‚

Megan - I like the Fortune Teller

Rebecca - The Starburst is dreamy! It would have to be our family vacation, a log cabin in the woods with NO cell phone reception or internet…a little quite time!!

Krista Hutton - I’ve been looking for a planner that I love for a while now! These are all so cute:) I’m a list maker, so having stuff written out is alway nice. Big plan of the year is to welcome baby number four into the family! Hopefully no more than 4 weeks now, but can’t wait!!

jen - love planners! my big plans…i am closing my business and writing a book {that someone wants to publish!} and am imagining a new life! omg…did i just say it out loud for the first time???

s - I always look forward to our annual beach vacation

Hope - My favorite would be the “Fortune Teller” Big plans….hmmmmm. Would love to plan a big family vacation.

Shannon - Our big event is an actual Summer vacation. The first in many, many years!! Thanks for the chance to win such a nice prize!!

MC - I love the just peachy cover. My husband and I are going on a trip in Feb to celebrate our 20th anniversary. I can’t wait.

Angela - The Just Peachy pattern is my favorite! We will be celebrating the births of our SECOND set of twin grands in 2013! What is better than that??? - I would LOVE a fortune teller planner to plan our family vaca to the beach this summer!!!

shannon stout - I LOVE mpix and I LOVE the 1-Radial vision!!!! Oh my! My plans that I cannot wait to write down is our budget outline for paying off a few debts! I CANNOT WAIT! I’m the money/numbers nerd of our family and I write EVERYTHING down!!!! I have lists for lists!!! LOL….but yes I am super uber EXCITED to get a few of our debts paid off….we have a goal and end in mind and we are working every day and every decision towards it!!!

teresa - Awesome giveaway- The forture telling is one of my favorites….Dreaming about starting a small little shop…Flourish =)

Denise - I would get the ‘Private Screening’ calendar for my husband and write MY 40th BIRTHDAY down so he won’t forget.

Jennifer Jones - A trip to Anchorage over the 4th of July!

Kellie - sweet giveaway! Biggest plan so far? Hosting MY first craft weekend, inspired by you miss meg!

Terrie G - So many BiG events this year! Two 50th B-Days & our 30th AV!! Can’t wait to write that trip in Pen!
HaPpY NeW YeaR MeG!

melissa shepard - My big goal is to lose 15 lbs b4 I turn 40 in oct!!!! Would so love a planner! Thx for the chance!

Jennifer - I am finally spending an anniversary with my hubby this year after missing the last three my husband has been traveling. Can’t wait to dine at Nobu and spend the night at a great spa hotel in Malibu. I can’t decide between Tribal Dance and Radial Vision.

Allison Y. - Our 16 th anniversary is on the 16 th of August this year – we are going to go away somewhere – they are all cute, I hope I get to pick one!

Lia - I’m running my first half marathon at Disney in February so that is a pretty big event!! I’m
Also in two of my best friends weddings this year which will be tons of fun! I love all of the planners. Haven’t picked out my fav yet.

Shelly Clark - I too love calendars and writing things down with colorful pens, and having a place to doodle. I would love the Fortune Teller design or the bright yellow Sunbeam. I would say the biggest event for our family this year will be our son’s graduation from elementary school. We have loved his school for the past 5 years, and have made life-long friends, so it will be a special day and a sad day as well, as we will be leaving a school we love so much.

Sarah Crosby - My husbands and my 3rd anniversary trip. Were going camping and hiking and after a long hard year, we are very much looking forward to a getaway!
and the just peachy, tribal dance, and private screening… all make me swoon.

Audrey - Just Peachy! I love the happy colors- my big event I’d love to write in it is going to Florida to Harry Potter World! I’m a sucker for Harry potter πŸ™‚ and it will be my first time to Florida… quite the trip from Alaska

Melissa - I love this planner. I would like to write down a trip to CA to visit family! I have the perfect photo to use on the front!

Michelle Whitlow - Oh, and the sunbeam planner is my fave πŸ™‚

Michelle Whitlow - Wow, what a great planner!! I always need to write thing down so I can look at my schedule right in front of me. We don’t have any major plans for this year yet but I am looking forward to my little one’ s 2nd birthday. We waited a long time for her so it’s just a sweet reminder of how much she has rounded out our family πŸ™‚

Abby Hinz - This coming year my husband and I are having our 2nd annual kickball tournament with our friends at our place out in the country!

lovely little whimsy - not much can top bringing my new baby girl home to meet her Daddy and brothers tomorrow. I am guessing that will be the highlight for everyone! BUT, I am also counting the months until my girls weekend with some of my blogging besties in November! That’s going down in sharpie.

Holly - Looking forward to a long weekend getaway to a snowy place with the family in February. I love new planners and filling in dates!

Amanda C. - I love the honeycomb! I’m having baby #3 in a few weeks and this would help me remember all of my kids appointments.

Tricia Hull - Turning 40 in February. Written in pen or not, it’s gonna happen! Planning a fun girlfriends trip to celebrate.
I love the Radial Vision planner!

Sonja - My baby is turning one in May… an excellent excuse for me to go overboard planning a party. πŸ™‚

k - Fortune teller is fabulous! Biggest event of 2013: The birth of our baby that we have SO wanted and WISHED for πŸ™‚

Katrina - Love these! Big trip to China coming up this summer, but my absolute favorite thing to write in my planner is one thing I’m thankful for every day. So nice to look back at on those crummy days!

Sandy - My husband turns *50* this year!! Need to start planning a party for the big one!!

Aimee - My big awesome event this year in 2013 is graduating from college!! SO awesome!

stephanie - Loving the Fortune Teller. Can’t wait to write “Created for Care Retreat” in my planner for the end of this month because this mom of three wee girls could use the time of refreshment!

jody - what an amazing giveaway! a surprise trip (for my hubby) to wine country is a biggie for me in 2013!!!

Erin - My best friend is having her first baby in August, so I am ready to get that birthday marked down!

wendy - the fortune teller is adorable! my biggest event this year is one of my best friends’ weddings, and i get to be a bridesmaid! πŸ™‚ super excited.

Michelle from Australia - I love the Starburst design. I am a BIG fan of anything star related. I would like to write 2013 White Christmas in a planner. We don’t know yet whether our budget will enable us to get back to the USA this year but we are working on it and hoping like crazy we can pull it off.

Meg G. - Love the Just Peachy! I would write down the two half marathons I’m running this year along with my parents big 50th anniversary!

Sara M - I hope to write in a beach vacay in September!

amber van duyn - Sunbeam is Perfect for me!!!
I cant wait to write down my daughter’s first birthday party!!! Wooo Hoo!!! We made it a year!!!

The Lovely One - I like Radial Vision! My biggest event this year…. Ugh! My husband and I both turn 40! Hold me!

Kate - Can’t wait to read all your 2013 big awesomeness πŸ™‚

Amanda - My big event is weighing in on Oct 31 to see my ultimate goal weight and that i lost 50 lbs

Sage - MY MARRIAGE is the biggest event of 2013 that I can’t wait to write down on a calendar. I also can’t wait to write my new name on paper and knowing that I am marring my best friend before God and friends! I agree there is nothing like writing things down and with learning how to blend two lives together an actual calendar you can feel is great!

Lynn Ann Boettcher - What a fun planner! Our big event for twenty thirteen is a new baby girl!!! She’s due to make her grand entrance April 12 πŸ™‚ That would most definitely be the first thing written down in BIG, bright, letters! Happy New Year to you & your family!

Amber Rae - I have a lot of big events this year but my favorite is that my little sister will be having a baby!! I’m super excited about becoming an aunt!!

Rachel K - Wow! What a nice planner!! I love the Time Warp print! Biggest event this year…hmm…I’m hoping it’ll be when I get a teaching job!

Danae K - 1-Just Peachy is so cute! This year, my big plan is to fully enjoy my daughter, not worry about the small stuff and ENJOY LIFE!

Erin - my 10 year anniversary with my super duper hot husband. i mean really. he’s hunky.

Sunrunner - I love the Fortune Teller planner because of the pink and if I had one I would write in my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary in July that I am planning, and all the fun around that. Oh and I would also write in, (but maybe not in pen because I am nervous about it), the week long canoeing adventure we are planning to take the kids on this summer.

Southern Gal - The biggest event in my life this year will be my 50th birthday in July. Yes, I’m embracing the big 5-0. Until then I’m enjoying the rest of 49! Love the planners. Thanks for the chance to win.

Christy - My niece will be arriving at the end of January and I CAN’T WAIT to write her birthday in my 2013 planner!

Robin Anderson - I would pen in some family time at home, all snuggled together. And of course appointments, meetings, and such!

Kim - 1-Private Screening is my favorite. My biggest (not happiest) event this year will be my youngest child starting Kindergarten.

Cindy - Celebrating my baby’s 1st birthday- he’s only 9 weeks old, but this yr he will turn ONE! Oh my gosh- crazy 2 think about!

Amy - I love the Sunbeam…it’s so bright and cheerful! I would write “in ink” the day we get to take our kids on a trip to California (maybe even Disneyland!).

Suzanne - My biggest event for 2013…half marathon! Hopefully planning to do two of them this year!

Chris - That is AWESOME!

Andrea - Oh goodness!! I have no big events this year. None. No weddings or births or graduations. No milestones, or vacations or big dates. I guess that means we have lots of unexpected dates to look foward to in 2013!
So funny you said to write in pen! I’m a teacher and never write in pen!! Maybe I’ll write that I am turning 29 (again, for the 4th year in a row)!

emily in mo - a big move out of state could happen this summer. but i will be seeing my nephew from England this summer too!!

Sarah Skloss - I can’t wait to put down a couples trip to Vegas this summer!!!! WOOHOO! Kid free and NO plans but having fun with great friends. PICK ME PICK ME!!

Alicia Cooper - I LOVE Mpix and have been hoping they would run a special on the planners… I would LOVE to win. The planner I would chose is Beaded Tracks! Biggest event I have is my sister’s wedding in Michigan. Week long family vacation in Michigan and her wedding, can’t wait!

Bethany - In just a few weeks, we’re going to Disney world with our girls and my in laws.I can’t wait to see the excitement on my 4 year old’s face and enjoy some WARM weather and a break from our regular routine!

Nanette - It’s a tie between Private Screening, Honeycomb and Starburst. No huge plans but I’m sure lots of little things to celebrate with my 3 little boys…I love to keep my planners and go back to look at all “the little things” we have done – some planned far ahead and some spur of the moment!

Elizabeth - I love the Just Peachy day planner-so pretty! The biggest event we have planned in my mom’s surprise 60th birthday party. It’s in April and we’re already planning!

Pam C - I love love Just Peachy!! 1 big event is Destin Vaca in June and daughter turning 13 we will be celebrating in Florida. Oh I hope I win this one.

Sarah - Starburst!–It is our 10th Wedding Anniversary in October! We are planning a family trip to Hawaii!!!

Tessa - My baby girl Hope turning a year old!

Kelley Williams - I love these…..just perused the site of an mpix competitor last night (didn’t know about them until this post) but didn’t place an order. Maybe it was not meant to be. : ) I think I would do the Honeycomb one with pics. And the most exciting thing that is planned for this year is that we will be bringing home our first daughter….from Ethiopia in 2013. We have two teenage sons so she’s going to bring a lot of sugar and spice into our lives….and a little bit of pink. We’ve been waiting for ONE YEAR today for a referral….I just KNOW it’s going to be any day now.

Linda Totman - Time with kids and their spouses and kids! Can’t wait … Table Rock Lake and Phoenix, AZ as well as coordinating women’s fall retreat … an organizer with those events written in would help make 2013 an awesome year for me!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I’m thinking the Radial Vision one if for me. Love that it reminds me of the old swirly gig a ma thing set we used to play with as kids. The first think I would write in? Our twentieth anniversary. The second? Our Eldests high school graduation!

Bailey - Graduating from college in May! Been in my planner for years! πŸ˜€

Cristina - I love the 1-Fortune Teller, and the big event that I don’t have enough room for in my current planner is my daughter’s First Communion in April! I’m hoping to have plenty of family there, and I love planning the details on paper!

Carrie - I want this very same planner! The event I am most excited about at this point is my oldest child turning…10!!

Amy M in Indiana - Love the fortune teller one, too! I do best by writing down the week on Sunday night. Just something about writing it down brings a sense of calm. Biggest event this year? I think we are going to make a trip to Yellowstone this year, so that will keep me busy with planning!

Jacqui Warren - VEGAS with college girlfriends January 31! Yeah!

KirstenP - My first grandchild will be born this year!! Looking forward to a 4-generation
photo. And so much more!!
Love the Tribal Dance planner.

lauren - PRIVATE SCREENING 1 totally!!! i know JUST the pic to put on the cover too!!!! oooooh i want this πŸ™‚
my event “in ink” is the IRONMAN 70.3 STEELHEAD in august! yeah baby!

gina - oohhh. I love the “just peachy.” Big events this year: my brother’s wedding. It would have been my wedding but I decided to push it back a year since it was originally planned close to his. I could use a planner for the wedding planning πŸ™‚

KirstenP - Biggest event of 2013? My first grandchild will be born – I can’t wait!!!
Looking forward to a 4-generation photo! And so much more!
Love the Tribal Dance planner.

beth - here’s the craziest thing: this is the first year in a very long time that there isn’t a BIG event. we have been having weddings and babies non stop for the last 7 years and we have come to a halt. that either means we are gonna relax and put up our feet for the year or someone has an announcement to make πŸ™‚

Jenn D - One big event for 2013…..well, I want to plan something special to do with my mom since I missed her 65th anniversary last year. We live on opposite sides of the country….maybe a little trip together somewhere? Just not sure exactly when.

Kelsey - I am right there with you – I have calendars all over the place in my phone, on my iPad and computer but physically writing it down (and color coding it by family member) is the only way to make it stick!
We have two big events this year, the final (hopefully!) open-heart surgery for our 21 month old son in a few weeks and the birth of our third baby, a girl, this April! We are a busy, busy family and 2013 will be an eventful year, that’s for sure!

Kathie M. - Private Screening-1 or 4 love them both. πŸ˜€ My big event this year is my TWIN BOYS 1ST BIRTHDAY!! This last year was a roller coaster of ups and downs with them…we almost lost both of them since they were 14 weeks early and both had sever complications!! So I am glad that they are both doing beautifully now and we are going to throw the BIGGEST party! πŸ˜€

Shawna - Baby girl turning 5, 8th grade graduation for amazing son, and summer vacation with kids to Mexico! I hope God had other plans for us also. - I love the 1 private screening!!! I haven’t bought a calendar yet either, so this would be perfect!

Nichole L. - Love MPIX…got my 2nd baby’s pics printed through them πŸ™‚
Maybe going back to work full time.

Cindy - 4 Private Screening is my favorite. My big plan is in February my husband and I are going to Colorado with our college friends for a ski trip. I’m looking forward to relaxing at the lodge with all the wives. πŸ™‚

Melissa - BlissDom!! March 2013! Can’t wait!
And, more recent, a doctor visit to see how far pregnant I am!!!!

Heather McDonald - 1-fortune teller is so bright and cheery!
Climbing a mountain in Glacier Park in the month of July and 3 new hikes. Because I physically can!!! Nothing like taking in God’s country from the top of a mountain.

Susan in KS - Trip to San Diego in February! Thanks!

allison - baby #2 is due on july 25. i’d write that on my planner in pen. πŸ™‚

Allison L - I am loving the Time Warp design. Writing in a new planner is such a great feeling!
My big event this year is College Graduation! I am super excited, but also a bit terrified. I hope to fill the planner with much time in the art studio preparing for my senior exhibition and spending time with some great friends.

Sarah@Life in the Parsonage - Just Peachy all the way! How fun.

Charlton - We have a family vacation planned for an indoor waterpark which is awesome for this fair skinned gal and her children! πŸ˜‰

Dara - my big event is my baby’s 3rd birthday bash! the design I like the most is timewarp!

Heike - the biggest event i have this year is a roadtrip to florida for spring break with a college roommate! woohoo!

Gretchen D. - I love the Just Peachy style best. As far as big plans for 2013… just some special birthdays and a trip to see my brother and family in VA this summer. Nothing too exciting. πŸ™‚

Becky - Love the Starburst design.
Big plan that gets me excited… I just booked a cabin at Mt Assinboine – far, far into the mountains of the Canadian Rockies – for myself, my sister and my mom. We will helicopter in and out and spend 3 glorious days wandering through alpine meadows of wildflowers, and amongst some of the most beautiful mountains God made πŸ™‚

Kristin York - So cool! I am leaving the Corporate World after 15 years to focus on my four boys and helping my husband grow his business.

Sara G. - I love the Starburst pattern and would love writing in it with pretty, bright pens! On March 8th I would put a big red heart for my 15th wedding anniversary!!

Andrea - A family vacation that hasn’t been planned yet. We want to have a destination this year not be the destination!

Lisa - I love the planner that you chose πŸ™‚ & our big event is my little ones first birthday party! Time flies when we are having fun!

Megan J. - My twin girls will turn “ten” on July 23rd. Big day in our house!!

Kristi - This looks like just what I need!! I love the Just Peachy style. And as for big events? Celebrating the loves of my life and their birthdays (and just plain everyday with them.)

Juanita - The biggest plan I have written down is my daughter’s first birthday party! πŸ™‚

jaimie - private screening.
my amazing brother cashed in his airline miles to fly our entire out to Hawaii for a week in Feb.
thanks for the chance πŸ™‚

Tania K - Nice planner! I love the picture you chose.
I am looking forward to deciding what to do with my career.

Kelly - We are having a very unexpected but wonderful surprise baby #3 on July 7th!!! And then four weeks later taking our family of five on a disney vacation with my husbands entire extended family? It is going to be a busy 2013 for our family!

AJ - Time Warp is my fav. My 25th college reunion is this summer and I’m going regardless of my weight loss goals and the number of friends who can attend. Life is too short!

Dori - My husband is graduating from college, and we are gonna party! Better late than never. πŸ™‚

shannon - Mpix is sweeeet. Getting their packages is always a happy day! Our big plans are a Spring Break ski trip with our boys.

Rae - Our first trip to Disney in April!

Bree - Our big date- hubby is graduating with his Bachelor’s in May! After 3 years of being a fulltime student, homeschooling 4 kiddos (and us having a fifth too!) and me going back to work fulltime-woo-we’re excited for this next season the Lord has for us! We’re so grateful for the Lord’s blessings during this time! To God be the glory!
Love the sunburst planner-after living in Maine for winters-bright and cheery is a must πŸ™‚

Kristi - Ugh! It’s a tie between Fortune Teller & Radial Vision! Well, the most important date is my anniversary, 14 years in October to my homeschooled sweetheart!

Darlene - Our biggest event this year will be going back to Washington state (we just moved to Arizona 3 months ago), for a visit with family and friends, then to Idaho for hubby’s 60th (yes, I said 60th) class reunion and be with more of his family and also friends in that area.

Corrie - Oh! I love this! I would choose the honeycomb with rainbow pages inside. The one event I am looking most forward to this year would HAVE to be my little sister’s wedding!

megan - it is our 25th anniversary in april…had hoped we might get to Paris. not going to happen but a new fancy day planner might just help me to map out some smaller more achievable highlights!!
4 kids, college tuition and a new car……no paris….a new day planner….yes, please!

Jen a.k.a. Debbie Downer - Well, our biggest event of the year will also be the saddest, my hubby’s deployment to Afghanistan. πŸ™

Jen a.k.a. Debbie Downer - Well, our biggest event of the year will also be the saddest, my hubby’s deployment to Afghanistan. πŸ™

Seriously Sassy Mama - No big events. Just work, kids, life etc. I hope to be able to add a trip to Seattle to see my sister!

Amber - I so need one of these πŸ™‚ I don’t really have any big plans, but wish I could write down a beach vacation or craft weekend πŸ™‚

Jennifer - I love having a planner to write in! My friends think I’m crazy to lug a book around but it helps me feel organized.

Cindy Mcallister - Whoop…I cannot wait for my. Spring break trip that I look forward to every year because I get to spend an entire week with my little sister on vacation at the beach. Thai year we are going to st. Augustine, florida. Our first time to go there. This will be our fourth year to spend together. She lives in tennessee and I live in Texas. Whoo hoo and then I will journal and scrapbook this big event.

Jess - I’m getting married in April! πŸ™‚

Karen Lehmann - please??? i SO need to plan something…

Ashley - OOoooo! That’s pretty!!
My big plans are birthdays! My twin babies will be ONE! Ah! And my big sweet girl will be 6! Crazy!

Stephany W. - i would write in lots of snuggle time with my 4 day old baby girl!

k.o. - I’m excited by your excited-ness! Congratulations on all the new things to write this year! πŸ™‚

Kelly O. - It’s our 10th wedding anniversary in february!!

northern cottage - don’t ya just LOVE a brand spankin new calendar to fill up & cross off to do lists (ahhh satisfaction!) my sister & I are saving our pennies & planning an adventure to europe in memory of our folks who both recently passed away….those dates are totally going in INK!! can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait!!! xo

Deana - Having baby #3…can’t write a specific date, but somewhere around Feb. 10!!!

Kari - The big plans I have fro 2013? CHANGE EVERYTHING ABOUT MY LIFE. My husband is going to be moving to Alaska in Feb and I have to stay in Oregon for a while. I am excited to write VISIT ZANE IN ALASKA, many time in my planner. While he is gone I am going to get a job, so I am excited to write JOB INTERVIEW in my planner. I am going to get my license, I’m 26, so I figure it’s about time, so I am excited to write Driving Practice and Drive Test and DRIVE ALONE in my planner. I am excited to write MY FIRST NEPHEW’S BIRTHDAY in May. I am excited to write BEST FRIEND KIMME MOVING BACK FROM FLORIDA in June! And I am excited to write either MOVE TO ALASKA, or ZANE MOVES BACK HOME, depending on how this job turns out. I am so very excited for 2013.

Courtney - so hard to pick!!
my biggest plan is to have EMPTY squares in mine! i am trying to create more SPACE in our lives…some blank space to just be and listen and play.

michelle@decorandthedog - A vacation to florida with the husband!!

Jennifer - I like the Just Peachy one. I am most looking forward to a trip to California with my hubby. It’s combining business and pleasure, so most of the costs are covered … and it falls over Valentine’s Day! And there’s plenty of free time scheduled into his conference so we actually get to SEE each other! We work opposite schedules so we rarely have time to spend together. And I’m hoping we’ll have warm sunny days while it’s still cold and dreary at home.

Melissa - Love the fortune teller & just peachy – would help organize me!

Lindsey - I love everything about planners and writing down to-do’s. I don’t have any big plans in 2013; I will just try to squeeze the most out of each day.

Christi P. - I love the time warp design with the rainbow pages!. My biggest “to do” this year is to give birth to our son in May! Supposedly May 13th is his day — but I’ll probably just keep the whole month of May circled as a possible birthday! πŸ˜‰

Rhonda - Just Peach is perfect perfect!!!!
I so need a new planner! i have plans to start shopping for a home, big plans for my blog, and hoping for a couple vacations!

Jen N. - My SIL is getting married in San Antonio this March, so that means vacation for us and a respite from the MN cold.

Kathy - My big event for 2013 is to run my very first MARATHON! There, I said it….now I HAVE to do it!!

Sarah - We’re trying to start a family, hoping to move, & the mr’s sister is getting married in Oct!!

Mimi - I love the stardust design! The planner looks wonderful. I would write in our upcoming move back home ( date figured out soon). Hopefully, I would then write in all the appts. and dates connected with that.

Tracy Sheehy - I love The Tribal Dance and Fortune Teller!!! We had a big 2012. We adopted and our son came home in Oct. We are just loving being a family of five! I guess our first vacation together will be our big event!

Leah - They’re all so nice. But I like the simplicity of the Private Screening one. And biggest event planned for this year. I have lots of plans. But I CANNOT WAIT to go to Mom 2.0 Summit in May in Dana Point, CA. Woot!

Tracy Sheehy - I love The Tribal Dance and Fortune Teller!!! We had a big 2012. We adopted and our son came home in Oct. We are just loving being a family of five! I guess our first vacation together will be our big event!!

Krista - I love the planner, what a great giveaway! I would write down March 30… Our due date for our first baby!

Sabrina - Well, January 29th was supposed to be a big day for us. But my little guy who was supposed to be born that day came 6 weeks early! (He is doing great BTW!)
So I’m just going to say everyday this year watching him get bigger and stronger will be a huge day! πŸ™‚

Karen W - I love the light and fancy! I would love to be able to write down our wedding day. After the mess of last year and a hurricane postponing our wedding I can finally say after 8 years together we will be tying the knot this February! Plus the future hubby’s job is now with a race team and a planner would definitely help me keep track of his schedule.

Linda T - Love Time Warp. Grandbaby #2 is due on July 17, but I’d better not write it in ink!!

Katy Link - The sunbeam is perfect for me!! I can’t wait to write my son’s 2nd birthday in my planner for June!!

Nellie Jane - There is so much I hope will happen this year, but I think my favorite to write will be a trip in may to visit my family. See, I married a handsome, godly man nearly two years ago and moved up to Staten Island where we now live. …but my family is in Florida. So any plans to see them are anticipated for weeks and weeks and highlighted in every color possible. Two years, and I still get homesick.
But God is good.
And I need some organization in my life.
That planner would be a fantastic way to start. πŸ™‚

Jenna - Just peachy is my fav! As for our biggest plans…we are going to have a spontaneous year so we look forward to last minute travels, spending time with friends and family, and just seeing where 2013 takes us!

happygirl - This is just what I need to organize myself. I hope you pick me.

Lisa - I would certainly pen in our trip to Scotland to show our boys where we were married. We haven’t been back in 15 years, so it will be a very special date!

Tami C - Loving the Light and Fancy! I have two big things happening this year, my sister’s wedding and my hubby’s retirement from the Navy. 23 years baby!

Keri - I hope to write ‘Moving Day’ sometime this year. Nothing set in stone but would like to move to Florida to live close to my family.

Eliece - It’s the Time Warp for me. My daughter goes to high school this August and there’s quite a lot of dates to keep track of before she even finds out if she’s accepted and we celebrate 20 years of marriage this year!

Tiffany - Ooooo… This giveaway has my name written all over it! I love color and organization, and your cutie planner has both of those qualities! I adore the one you picked out. That would fit my organizational needs perfectly! Like you, I have to write things down!
My big event… Well, can I have two? Two weddings! My brother’s in August (Where my husband and I are standing up, Henry is ringbearer and Olivia is flowergirl!) and my BFF’s in December (Where I’m her MOH!). I can’t wait for both!

Angie - My biggest event this year is my oldest starting his senior year!! The Lord may have more planned that I don’t know about, but that is the biggest so far.

Kate - My husband just returned from a deployment, I am looking forward to a year of fun times with him home with us! I usually like to write in my planner what I’ve done each day, it’s fun to look back through the years and see what we did. Thanks for the chance–these planners look great!

Jeana - Our biggest plan is to schedule a reversal…we want more babies!! πŸ™‚

Meredith G - My biggest event so far in 2013 is going to CRAFT WEEKEND in a few days! Cannot WAIT to add it to the calendar πŸ™‚

Jessica K - I can’t wait to write down my son’s first birthday! And a cool vacation once we figure that out πŸ™‚

Jenn D - My big plan for this year, that i’m going to be writing in PEN so it can’t be erased- my wedding to the man of my dreams <3

Janna - I like them all–with rainbow pages like yours! The biggest event on the calendar at the moment is my 2nd half-marathon in May. I’d LIKE the biggest event to be a move for our family if the hubby can get a new teaching job this year . . . we shall see!

miss lynn - what a great giveaway! so
much fun!
definitely radial vision. super
vintage happy.
april 3 will mark the
one year mark of my joining
weight watchers.
65 pounds lost!

ashley - I love the Dark and Dreamy and the Private Screening!

Michelle - Oh and my biggest event is my Meme’s 89th Birthday in March!

Sims Nicole - Our big plans are taking our four children to Disney World for the first time ever, this summer!

Amanda - My biggest plan? Having baby #4 in 18 days!!!!

Michelle - I love Just Peachy and Sunbeam! I’m so digitally connected, but I can not give up my old fashioned, write it down in pen, planner. Love the addition of the photos.

melissa ann - I heart planners, calendars, all those wonderful organizational helpers! The biggest plan we have (so far) for this year is our son’s first birthday party – May 29th!

Page Russell - I’m having my second baby girl!!! Nothing I’m more excited to write down than that! πŸ™‚ Cute planner – enjoy filling yours in! πŸ™‚

Kate - One of the biggest events I have this year is moving into a new school building. Right now I teach in what used to be a carport, so I’m looking forward to having more space. I’m sure there will be other events, but this is the first thing that popped into my head.
Happy New Year!

MaryLea - They’re all adorable but I really like the cherry yellow on the Sunbeam cover! Planning a secret trip for our kids this Spring and a 15th wedding anniversary trip for me and the hubby this August! It’s going to be a great year. πŸ™‚ MaryLea

Melanie - love them all! how could you choose? big plans for the year include family vacation this summer with my kids and hubby! can’t wait!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Starburst! No, Sunbeam! No, Time Warp!
I’m a total writer-downer.
And my biggest event is happening in May.

Kimberly Kalil - There are lots of fun things planned for 2013 … but the most exciting thing we have this month is a surprise trip to Disneyland. Our kids have no idea we’re going and they have no idea their grandparents, aunt and uncle and cousins will be meeting us there. SO excited.

Meredith W. - The Type A in me is giddy about organizers. This looks amazing. I’m especially excited this year – some big events. My boys turn 2 and 5 – the oldest starting school this fall! My parents each turn 60. My husband has his magic birthday (31 on the 31st). Two trips to the beach. Should be a magical year!

Jennifer - I love the Private Screening calendars. So we had a baby boy due January 5th but he came early on December 29th, so now I am not sure what to look forward to besides every sweet moment with my husband and brand new son!

Dana - My friends and I are training to run in a memorial marathon (as a 4 person relay team). Lots of group runs to schedule and trainings.

Lisa - Turning 40 this year! Oh my! How can that be?

Bridget M - I can’t wait for girls weekend in June. I look forward to it every year, my friends are my saving grace!! I love the Time Warp planner but really they are all amazing!

Trish - i love the red chevron! hmmmm… my big plan is to work out again. having a baby is the best… losing the post baby belly is the pits!

theresa - Fortune Teller is right up my alley!
No big plans this year, just going to try to cherish each & every moment with my family! πŸ™‚

Mary Vaca - Skiing in Breckenridge in two weeks!!!

Amanda Larkins - I so want to take my family on a nice vacation. I hope I can pull it off!!

Bleep - May 1st! First time for family to take a dip in our new pool that was installed last October!

MeganM - Time Warp is my favorite. My cousin Kate’s wedding in August. I’m quite a bit older then her so it has been an honor to watch her grow up in to a beautiful young lady and find a wonderful man to share the rest of her life with.

Inna - I like “Time Warp” design.
No big, awesome plans yet. πŸ™‚

Stephanie Y - I’m having baby number three- a boy!!!! Can’t wait

meredith - i can’t wait to schedule a vacation for my first anniversary with my husband!

Kathryn - I really like the fortune teller day planner. I am really excited about the opportunities the Lord has for our family to play bluegrass gospel. We played 60 events this year…our 10, 8 and 6 year old girls and my husband and me. Especially the North Carolina Singing Convention in June! Awesome 3 days of gospel quartets and trios as well as juniors and family groups. And Jeff and Sherri Easter will be there Saturday Night!!!!!! I really really like them and their music!

Noelle - I love these planners! Our big plans are building a new house and moving. Next January is going to be so different!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I like the TimeWarp Design the best. One of our big things is that we just rec’d our missions trip designation for this summer(last year we went to El Salvador and Honduras). This year will be a completely different country and I’m really excited because it’ll fall right near our 12th anniversary(so we don’t have to feel guilty about leaving our girls behind in the States while we’re gone).
Its hard to get away from our girls because we always want them with us. But at the same time that couple time is crucial to grow a marriage too.

Maggie Ortiz - I love Dark and Dreamy and even know exactly what picture I would use! The biggest event I am so psyched to write down in a fresh new planner is… my husband and I are finally able to take our kids on a long awaited trip to Florida to meet their great grandmother for the first time! She has been such an amazing grandmother to me and I can’t wait for her to meet my babies!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Our vacation in February to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula! We didn’t get to go last year and I’m so excited to go this year!

Betsy - I love radial vision–it reminds me of my childhood spirograph. until today i would have said that my big event was to be a trip to japan in march to visit our daughter, who is studying there until june. unfortunately, today we learned that my husband’s job was eliminated, and we don’t really know what the future holds. i wonder what else 2013 has in store for us…

Shelly Primm - I really like the Starburst and Sunbeam!!
Taking our girls skiing on Spring Break!! First time for them to be on an airplane!

Joy - My baby’s first birthday and our family vacation in the Fall to New England!

Aimee Johnson - Private screening day planner has my heart. And can’t wait to close on our new house soon!!

catrece - I have 2 my 1 st IVF mirical baby turning 3 she was born at 3.5 pounds
And the birth of my baby coming in june by c section ( due to having an emergency c section at 31 weeks)

Patsy - LOVE this planner! Our big date…officially moving into our addition we have been working on for two years πŸ™‚

Jen G... - A memorable vacation for the family! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Kim - I don’t have a date yet…but I am going to pick one soon to write HALF-MARATHON on! I love the calendar…the picture and the colors. I am old-fashioned and must have my paper calendar. I don’t use any of the calendar features on my iphone at all.

Andrea - I love love love this give a way….I am an old schooler myself and must have a calendar despite the outlook and cell phone calendars……you never know when those darn things arent’ going to work…… I haven’t yet purchased a new calendar this year… I am flying by the seat of my pants….
I love the just peachy with 4 pictures…..
Our biggest event so far is a family reunion (which I am planning ….) for 35 of our family at Tybee Island, Georgia…..June 2013….CANT WAIT!!!!! I am going to stalk Jane Coslick and Mary Kay Andrews (beach house….cause she probably won’t be there….and we are staying across the street from Paula Deen’s beach house…..lots of family beach time, oak tree’s dripping with spanish moss and fun, fun, fun!! This planner sure could help in planning each detail (there are so many….for 35 people!)

goodwolve - I love private screening! Plans… Planning monthly craft parties, speaking at a national conference, and finally figuring out my dslr.

Kassondra - my daughter’s 1st birthday and birthday party!

Katie N. - our big plan this year is to welcome baby #5 in April! I love writing in the weeks as we count down. I love the one exactly like yours “fortune teller” with one big pic on the cover! I hope I win!

Lori - Two BIG dates for me in 2013 are my youngest child’s graduation for high school and departure for college, my first gran child’s 1st birthday, and my husband’s and my 30th anniversary! Oops— I guess that’s 4! Love you, love your blog, love the planners!

Sally - Can’t wait to have a booth in my first two-day craft fair this spring! πŸ™‚

Anne - I love the “just peachy”! I have a couple of things that I can’t wait to write in PEN that are NOT work related!
1. I want to take a creative writing class.
2. I want to go back to school and get my masters.
3. I want to take a “just mr and mrs” weekend get away!

Julie A - My biggest event this year is an Alaskan cruise with my extended family this August. I can’t wait!!

Susan - So fun! The biggest event I have this year is my sister’s 40th birthday! We are planning to go to NYC together to celebrate. I love all of the planners, but I think Just Peachy is my favorite.

Angie M - Taylor Swift concert with my daughter and my best friend and her daughter. First big event for the 4 of us together. It makes me happy when I think about it:)

Becca - I don’t have any BIG plans yet, but in February my husband and I celebrate 10 years of knowing each other!:) I really need a new planner and had no idea mpix had some! Awesome!

Lisa - My daughter’s 16th birthday!!!

Lorie - Can I pick three? I like Just Peachy (LOVE Chevron), Starburst, and Time Warp.
I get the thing about writing my agenda down. I don’t use anything but the calendar inside my purse, and the one hanging on my wall in the kitchen. They record our LIFE! My big event for the year happens in about a week. My husband and I are taking the train to Chicago for the weekend…alone….to celebrate our 15 year anniversary which happened in Sept. We have never been away alone since our kids were born 13 years ago. Sad, but true. Can’t wait. Thanks for the opportunity!

Heidi - The BIGGEST and most exciting event I have planned this year is attending the Haven Conference in August. I bought my ticket as soon as they went on sale January 1, so it is definitely written in PEN and highlighted and starred with many hearts around and I can’t forget the smiley faces too!

Nicole - Yea, due date for baby # 6 as long as it sticks… 6 weeks down, 34 to go.

Shelly Reil - I don’t have big plans for myself, but God does and I CAN’T WAIT!!! πŸ™‚

Lynn madden - I would love to mark our 2nd baby’s due date in BIG letters.

Kristen - A trip across the country for my cousin’s wedding!

Christy r - I love Just Peachy. My biggest event of the year is a trip to NYC with my hot hubby to celebrate my 40th birthday!

Beth Ann - Events in Ink – 2013/2014 school year! 2 out of my 3 kids will be in school full time! Just 1 baby at home (boo).

amyellen - My oldest will graduate from high school in june and go off to college in august. Not sure i am excited to write down the dates but it is exciting to see her blossom into an independent young woman. I have a 3 way tie between just peachy, private screening, and time warp. Guess I would just be happy to have to decide πŸ™‚

Sarah - My biggest plan so far is to graduate with my 2nd Masters degree in May!

Sarah - My biggest plan is to graduate with my 2nd Masters degree in May!

Amy - Having Baby #3….woo hoo…with a planned C-sec, I can write the date in!!!

Victoria - My plan is to enjoy our family!! Kids are growing up too fast and would like to enjoy their everyday triumphs! Also planning trips to Space Camp in Alabama, the beach in Savanah,GA, Orlando, FL & Naples, FL…all to visit sweet family & friends!!

Jamie - Wow! So many beautiful choices! I like Just Peachy and Radial but really, I would be happy with any of them! Biggest event planned for the year? Making memories everyday with my family!

Nicole - I’ll certainly be adding the date of our anniversary, but most importantly we’ll celebrate our daughter’s FIRST birthday!

Jen H. - The biggest plan we have is our first family vacation with just the 4 of us—to San Diego in June! Can’t wait! πŸ™‚
The “Just Peachy” chevron print immediately stood out to me on MPIX.

Meredith - Our big plans this year is to join the local pool. With working full time out of the house, my kids do not get a lot of friend time. We thought this would be good for them to hang out with their friends. I am so looking forward to hanging at the pool.

karen - I love fresh, new, blank planners… so full of possibilities! I can’t wait to write IN PEN our dates for our TENTH anniversary. I’m so excited to celebrate that I’m actually planning the big day now (it’s in MAY πŸ™‚

melissahoop88 - Planning on going to Malta in August! That definitely goes in pen. Plus, I’m at the age where EVERYONE is getting married. So those go in ink as well. πŸ™‚

Maegan - My sister’s wedding in Mexico NEXT week!!!!!

Denise W - It is both my husband and my 50th bdays this year and we will be celebrating with both our daughters and their husbands as well as our 4 plus one on the way grandchildren!!!! (Possibly involving something Disney!!)

michelle - i LOVE those. my favorite is the radial vision, definitely with the rainbow pages on the inside. i don’t have a big event but am excited to start a fresh year that might be a little easier on my weathered extended family. we’ve been beaten down and i hope this year will bring some healing and light. thanks for the contest, meg. πŸ™‚

Vanessa - There are so many colorful planners, but i think I really like the “private screening” the best. February 24 – Disney Princess Half Marathon!!!!

kelly johnson - Our court date to finalize the adoption of our daughter, Harper!! It will be sometime in February, and just the THOUGHT of it has me in happy tears!!

Heather - Love these planners! Looking forward to traveling to Amsterdam in June with my mom and sister.

Stephanie - I’m in love with the first “just peachy”.
What I hope to write down is mine and Hubby’s honeymoon, however short. It’s taken us 16 years, but we are hoping to get away out of town, sans the seven kids. Even just overnight would be awesome!
Thanks for the giveaway.

Fefe - For Christmas I planned 12 special dates for my hubby and I to take one each month. I can’t just pick one – I’d write them all in ink!

Susannah - I don’t have any huge plans this year, my hubby and I were going to go to Europe but it’s been postponed until a year from Febuary. I’m sure we’ll plan something great for this year, though. πŸ™‚

Molly - oh I would love this. i am a pen and paper planner type of gal. something about it…i just love!

Missy - I hope to get pregnant again this year! Yikes! πŸ™‚

Sarah - We’re expecting our 3rd baby in March and I’d love to write that down in my planner…although I’m sure her birthday will not match the due date! πŸ™‚ We’re also planning to take the kids to Disney this year, my oldest starts Kindergarten, my little man starts pre-school and my sister-in-law is getting married! We have lots of exciting things to “plan” this year!!

Lauren - Love this! My biggest event is my little sister’s high school graduation!!!!

Lori - I am going to Jamaica in April with my kids and my parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary in July.

Maureen - Oooooooh! I need a planner with room for family stuff and teacher stuff (but not on the same page because that stresses me out). This looks perfect! What goes in ink this year is the quality family stuff (sledding, ice skating, basketball and baseball games, etc.) and hopefully some nights out with hubs!

Summer Crosbie - I LOVE the Radial Vision planner! Our biggest plan this year is a family trip to Hawaii! We are all looking forward to it.

Tonya - Love this! Our big family trip over Christmas this year. We are finally going somewhere as a family! πŸ™‚

Deb Graber - We are going to Israel!!!

ann - I will be taking my children on vacation for the first time ever.

Julie - I want to get in shape and do a run – would especially love to do a Color Run – so that is what I would like to put in my planner. That and everyones birthdays so I can remember to make each persons day special.

Benay - Oooh – easy one… My daughter is getting married in May. Love those planners!

ingrid lapp - My daughter will graduate from college in May. I barely graduated from High School. I can’t wait to pen her grad. in. WOOO HOOO!

Gretchen N. - I like the honeycomb deesign! In May my husband and I are going away for a weekend to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary! Every year we try to go away and we have such a great time! Can’t wait πŸ™‚

Jessica - I am going back to school… vet school! Excited, nervous and anxious for sure!

Amy M. - My most awesome plan for 2013 is my week off around the best day of the year: the 4th of JULY!

sara @ the land of ozmabomb - hhmmmmm…….my biggest plan as of yet is decorating my friends wedding!! which is in nine days. haha, why am i here? i need to be assembling the centerpieces now! : D

Nancy - Love the Time Warp design! Our biggest events this year is our 14th anniversary and our girls birthdays, 12th and 11th.

Angie G. - Whatever Craft Weekend in less than 1 1/2 week…. woooohoooo! Perfect way to start the new year and celebrate my birthday! πŸ˜›

Trinda - I am starting back to work after 10 years home with my kids…tomorrow!! Yikes! Love to have the peachy one to help me plan my days.

Cory Dugan - May 22nd! My best friend will have baby #1 and I am going to help out afterward!!

Rachel Newswanger - Celebrate the BIG 3-0!
Awesome planners…love!

jacqui anderson - I love “just peachy” even the title makes me happy!!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - Would LOVE to win one of these! My biggest event is my daughter’s birth – scheduled for exactly 3 weeks from today. I need one of these to keep me sane as a new mom of 2! lol

Donna - I like the Starburst design. Hmmm…. a big event. Maybe my oldest turning sweet 16? Or our family vacation? Or the day when my 3 girls may cut their hair for Locks of Love at a local basketball game? I hope to be able to cherish each and every milestone, event, activity, etc., this year…..big or small πŸ™‚

katie - I like to write stuff down on paper as well. This planner is amazing! Our biggest plans for the year is a trip to Disneyworld. A first for my princess-loving 5 year old. So excited to watch her meet her favorite princesses!

Christine Miller - The planners are amazing. I would love one. The first weekend in June when my 4 boys will go on a father son trip and my one daughter and I will be going to the city to go shopping!

lucy - biggest plan…to grow in grace πŸ™‚

janet c - Fortune teller! This year I’m taking my kids to California to visit my sister.

Elisabeth F - Closing on a new house! Yay!!! These planners are SO CUTE!!! Happy New Year!

Tara - My Nana’s 90th birthday!

Meg Wick - I LOVE THESE!!
biggest event: finishing my first year teaching! what a victory πŸ™‚

Mary - My daughter’s first birthday!!

colleen - my last 40’s birthday!!

Erin - Graduating with my Masters Degree!

Diane P - This is the year we take the trip to Disney that we’ve been promising the girls for awhile!

Halley - Love the fortune teller and just peachy. And the big event is my 40th birthday!

Gerri - I love this planner! I think I would pick 4-Sunbeam….love, love, love me some yellow πŸ™‚ The biggest event we have this year….my daughter is getting married in October!! So excited and man, lots of planning to do πŸ˜‰

Debbie - Love a lot of them – Fortune Teller, Just Peachy, etc.
And our big event is taking our princess obsessed three-year-old to Disney over spring break.

Katie - I’m taking a two week trip to London and Paris in March, and I remain consistently terrified that something will happen to keep me from going. Writing it down in a gorgeous planner like this would make it that much more real for me!

Jenny McDaniel - We are moving across the state!!

Madison H. - I love the Time Warp planner! I’m excited to go with my family to our annual week at a lake house in the summer! It’s my favorite time of the year and I always look forward to it:)

Anne - Honeycomb for Me ! Big Plans ? Following my husband and son around to sporting events !

Mj - I love the Fortune Teller version and I have a 4 week sabbatical coming up in July 2013! Woohoo πŸ™‚

ginny - I don’t have any big awesome plans yet this year. We are just going to keep on keeping on!

Lorie - I just love the radial dial! My biggest plans are to go on a family vacation – destination to be determined.

Rachel - I like the Time Warp one. And the event that I can’t wait to write down is going to see The Lion King in the West End of London at the end of January πŸ™‚

Katie - I’d pick the Sunbeam one… so bright and cheery!! And my favorite event for the coming year – the birth of baby #2. Yay!!!!

jeannett - My big awesome plans?
To not have any.
For reals.
I want simple.
Spur of the moment.
No schedules.
Is that cheating?

Donna - I love the fortune teller. I’m looking forward to my trip to Atlanta this year!

Shawna - Loving MPIX. My biggest plans this year – stand away from my phone. This year I won’t be a slave to my phone and will be more present to my family.

Lisa - Biggest event is a family vacation this summer! Exact dates and location TBD!

Susan - I am going to be running my very first 5K!!!

JulianneB - I guess now I know why I haven’t bought my calendar for this year….I am going to win one or else buy one of those awesome planners. One big event is July 21 when my sweet friend Katlyn is getting married. I have known her since her family moved in across the street from mine. She was in 2nd grade. I have been blessed to watch her grow into a beautiful young woman and I can’t wait for her big event. She thinks I am cool friend even though I am old enough to be her mom. - Just Peachy is lovely! Our biggest plans revolve around welcoming our third baby boy in April!

Jenny B. - Love the planner! So colorful! We don’t have any big trips or vacations planned, but I’m excited that we have planned to have a monthly game night with some sweet friends of ours. We only got together twice last year, so when we hung out on New Year’s Eve, we decided we needed to make it a monthly event! Yay! I use my iPhone calendar ALL the time, but I do enjoy writing it all down too. I would love to win the planner! πŸ™‚

Cindy - Very lovely planner! A big event I’m looking forward to would be my first day of my first year of University!!! πŸ™‚
Cindy x

Amanda Brown - We are having our second and third babies…TWINS!! Can’t wait!

Caroline - family vacation..just the 4 of us!!!! Just peachy is just lovely!

Caroline - family vacation..just the 4 of us!!!! Just peachy is just lovely!

Nikki - My biggest event would have to be a cross-country move! Being an army wife, I think this will be my biggest event for several years πŸ˜‰

Marlena - I love the beaded tracks one. The biggest date for 2013…when we welcome our second daughter into the world! Nothing better could be planned this year!

Katey Deasy - Our biggest most awesome plan is to take a vacation to Europe to celebrate our 25th Wedding Anniversary. It was last August but we were too busy getting a son off to college for the first time and spending money celebrating both our parents celebrating their 50th anniversaries!! And a new driver in the house last year. We had to save up. We had a big year last year so ready for OUR turn. Thanks for the great give away. Awesome!!!

Allison - Vacation – in the mountains this year! Can’t wait!

Regan - Mpix rocks my socks! The biggest event I have to write down in 2013 is our move to NYC coming up this summer! I am super freaked out AND super excited about it! Woot! Writing that one down in pen for sure!

Tina C - Love “Sunbeam” – so bright and cheery!
I am excitedly planning a large wedding reception for my son and his lovely Chilean bride. They met when she came to the US for her high school graduation trip. He went down to visit her and proposed, then went back to Chile a few months later and married her! It’s been almost a year that they have been apart, while she was getting her immigrant visa, and it’s finally come through! She’ll be here in a week!

Kelly S - So far my biggest awesome plan is when my BFF (my sister) comes to visit at the end of Jan. We have spa appointments and we plan to workout every single day. (We love it.) Lots of sister time!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sam - I love the dark and dreamy one…

Carrie h - April 18. Baby number 3 is due!!!!!

amy - biggest event this year is moving the family back stateside – from germany. lots to plan. lots to do!

Katherine - A wedding in GA

Karie - I love the fortune teller. My biggest event for 2013 will be welcoming our 3rd child to our family πŸ™‚

Teri B - My daughter’s wedding!

Melinda George - My son just told me this morning he is asking his girlfriend to marry him. I am so excited to put a wedding on my calendar! The planners are so adorable, I like the honeycomb one.

Kristina - I love your planner. I like that style and the peachy one. My “DO NOT ERASE” dates are my beach trip with friends — food for my soul!

Sara - Every year I love blocking a week off in July to take my youth kids on a mission trip!

Kerri (@KerriMann) - I am in need of some BIG awesome plans! Life is blah for us lately. Ilike the radial vision πŸ™‚

Amy - OH, I so need a day planner! And something so pretty too!
I love the Time Warp design.

Stephanie - My WEDDING!!! πŸ™‚

Julie Earnest - Vacation in September….Chicago bound.

Penny - I think I love the one you picked best! I love a calendar to have the month and then each day like yours!

Laura - My second child is coming in May and we aren’t going to find out the gender in advance! So excited!

April - LOVE just peachy. I have lots of big events (thus the need for a new planner):
1. Baby #1 turns 4!
2. Baby #2 turns 1!
3. Huge gala at work
4. Half marathon
5. 250 mile relay race
6. Possible marathon
The list goes on and on…need some organization in my life! πŸ™‚

vicki w. - Going to the beach!!!

Bailey C - Oh, I’m kind of sad I don’t really have a thing that I can write down right away at least nothing I know of yet…no weddings to attend, no babies being born, no planned vacations. I’m in school so would write less thrilling things like exams and assignment due dates. Thanks for the chance!

Jules - I love the time warp planner, teal + chevrons are my fave! I would love this so I can write down all the plans for the year, but especially the Bruce Springsteen gig I got tickets for at christmas! Amazing!

Iris - An unknown date in May when we go to see Mikail’s Pediatric Neurologist and once again blow his mind with the progress he is making. Proving mans prognosis does not limit God’s divine plan for an amazing little boy!

Kim - Biggest event planned? Just life with 3 boys if enough! I love Private Screening!

Angela B. - I like the Light and Fancy, but all are cute! My biggest plans for the year so far are that my husband and I are getting away for a whole weekend at the North Shore in a cozy cabin. No kids! Sleeping in! No cooking! Finishing a conversation with each other! Can you tell I’m excited?
What do you have planned this year?

Anna - They’re all so cute…so hard to choose! I love to plan parties, so I can’t wait to write down my family’s birthdays!

Leigh - I want to write in the Just Peachy an extended family Christmas at a ski resort this year!!

Melissa - My husband and I are saving and planning a trip to Mexico for our 5th wedding anniversary and leaving the 2 kiddos behind with grandparents!! πŸ™‚

Beth - And I like bead tracks and radial vision planners πŸ™‚

Kelly - I get to come to your house in February and meet you and Kimberly and stay the whole weekend for Whatever Craft Weekend!

Maria - My biggest, most spectacular event for this coming year is…I’M GOING TO BE A GRANDMA! for the first time! Yay! So excited! Mark your calendar April 16th is the big day?
I love the 4-just peachy style…thanks for the chance to win!
Happy New Year!

lisa currie-gurney - I too prefer to write out my day(s) in an old fashioned planner.
I love to have one beside me at my desk, and one in my purse.
Works for me.
Hugs From My Heart

Lynette - I love the “just peachy” style of planner! My big event for 2013 is the possibility of spending a month in Italy in the late spring/early summer while my husband teaches a class in Florence!!!

Beth - I’m going to start running.

Olivia Stewart - I love the “just peachy” planner. I am the same way in that writing things down is necessary for me! I am excited to grow the sewing business I started last year and to celebrate my baby’s 1st birthday!

Kari - that looks great – i was just looking at calendars at the mall yesterday and couldn’t find one i liked πŸ™‚
biggest plans so far – seeing my brother and sister-in-law in portland and meeting my new niece…. and hopefully, praying about this, my husband will start a new job soon! 2nd interview tomorrow! wish him luck…

Amanda - We’re taking my kiddos on a trip to Disney World this summer that we can’t wait for. The best part is that we haven’t told them, so it’ll be a wonderful surprise!
Loving the Sunbeam Planner!

Arlene - I am loving the Sunbeam and Private Screening Planners! My biggest event this year is starting grad school (which is actually next week eeks!)

amy jupin - you know what i want to write down…the day we bring davis home.
it WILL happen.
i am staying positive and hopeful.
if i write it down it ink, it most definitely will, right?!??!

Rachel B. - I’m turning 40 this year…YIKES! - Our BIGGEST celebration every year is our son’s birthday…if the doctor’s were right he would have flown home to heaven at 5 but he is blessedly still here and the light of our lives (along with his bro) at 8! Praise God! (-: Also we have a family wedding in KS and our hope and prayer is to get our whole family there via some vehicle that will allow our oldest to be reclined! These are our big dates next year…but truly – Every day is a blessing! (-:
Really enjoy your blog…craft weekend looks so fun.
Aimee murray

Stephanie R. - Oops meant to put that we are moving!

ali moll - I love, love, love the star burst planner! But, they are all pretty fabulous! I had no idea you could order a planner like this!

Lori Tacchino - My 20th High School reunion! Time really does fly… =)

Amy S. - My awesome parents are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this summer! Our entire family is planning a get away weekend out of state. So much to plan, I NEED a 2013 planner in a BAAAADDDD way!
These are super cute and have all the features I need as a work-at-home, homeschooling Mom of 4. Whew!

jamie - the whole entire summer! i gain so much inspiration from you and a few other amazing blogs. i look forward to filling my summer! wonderful giveaway!

Stephanie R. - I also like the radial vision.

Anna W. - Moving in to our NEW house!!! I’d love to write that event down in the 1-Private Screening style πŸ™‚

Sandy - I love them all and my daughter is graduating from college in May. I’m even more proud of her because she’s a first generation college graduate!!!

Jennifer - Finish a 70.3 tri!

Dawn - I have 2 HUGE events this year. My oldest daughter is graduating from college in May and getting married in June. It should be a fun and eight kinds of crazy year for us! All of the planners are cute.

jennifer - i love the radial vision…

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