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how do you take your coffee?


i have a lot going on.

i bet you do too.

i have a bunch of things to blog about… but don't have time right now.

i just made my second cup of coffee SO i am going to pretend that you and i are having coffee togerther and just say a bunch of stuff… as if we met for coffee.  :)

my phone is still gone.  i am hoping it arrives tomorrow.  
i have REALLY missed it…. but also not missed it at all.  that's weird right?  i love being in touch but i have had so much to do this week that it's probably best it's gone.

i really miss instagram and keeping up with my friends on there!  i feel WAY out of the loop!  
i mean what are people doing right now?? what are they eating?  what are they wearing?  where are they going?!
i need to know!

just kidding.

but i do love that when i have it.  not because i want to KNOW but because my far away friends don't seem so faraway with instagram…. ya know?

see… i told you i was having coffee.
i also went running this morning with my girlfriends.  
i am still in my gear… 2 hours later.  

i did put on some lipstick because i brought no make up to Haiti and at the customs line to get back in the US the man looked at me and my passport and said "so… you are a missionary?"  
i said "HEY…. come on!"  it was the no makeup i am positive.

no disrespect to missionaries of course.
if anything HE was disrespecting missionaries.   just assuming they look like that.
and i had thrown up earlier in the day.

then 5 minutes later a customs officer got my attention and said "Maam…maam?  Are you alright?" 
i stopped and looked around and said "Me? Yeah i am alright.  What? WHY?!"
he said "Ohhh….well you just looked like you were sad."

what i wished i had said :

"ummmmm… NO!!  
THIS IS MY FACE WITHOUT MAKEUP THANKYOUVERYMUCH.  now excuse me i have missionary things to do."

what i really said:
"I am fine.  thanks" 

so i figured i should at least put on some lipstick for you since i am still in running gear.

i stopped at the antique store & thrift shop on my way to the Craft House because sometimes it just calls to me.

look what i got!

a coca-cola crate with big spaces…. my favorite.
and a little chalkboard.
the chalkboard will look so nice in a grouping of other wall hangings i think.

and i got this quilt!

these pics are from photo booth on the computer.  and my screen is smashed (bummer!) and so they are all grainy.

but you can see that i found a neat-o quilt.
for $15.

yes…. kansas thrifting is ammmaaaashing.

oh… have you seen the SNL skit of the californians.  it's from last may.
it is so dumb.
but so funny when you watch more than once and start talking like that.

craig and i quote it all the time! 

see….. i told you it was dumb.


but sometime today you will catch yourself saying aammaashing.

ha ha ha


i am cleaning the craft house again today.
because it's rented this weekend!

did you know you can rent the craft house?


all the details are coming soon.

if you can't wait and you need them before i get around to blogging it…. email me.


so i have to get to it…. time to crank up the Pandora and rock the vacuum.

one last sip….


i forgot to ask about YOU!

How are you?  what have you been up to?  what are you doing this weekend?

(see… that is truly what happens when people run into me out and about… they ask a question and i blab on and on and then have to run and then realize all i did was talk and didn't ask how they were.  i want to know those things but i am poor question asker. but on the flip side…. i am a great question ANSWERer! 🙂


so…really…. what IS going on with you?



Karie W - Shut the front door… you got that quilt for $15! I think I need to come to Kansas to shop!

Kari - so what airport 🙂 my brother is a customs officer – ha!

jenny - love your blog! I appreciate that you are real with everyone….no makeup and all! 😉 lol

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Hi Miss Meg, it’s Valerie from California, surburban LA to be almost exact. Do we really sound like that? We always laugh so hard when they talk about driving on the freeways because that does sound like us. Cleaning, hiking and Superbowl fun ths weekend! Thanks for making me smile especially with the no makeup story. I’ve had people not recognize me without makeup. What’s up with that?!

shauna reed - i miss you on instagram.
i always blab about myself too
and i quote the californians with my sister all the time….even though i guess its making fun of…me?
get you phone back so i can see what your eating for breakfast and annie’s sassy faces again!

Kristin S - I’ve said it 450 thousand times (well, not quite that many) but your random posts are my fave!
Careful keeping that running gear on too long. My gyn got on me for that. Yep, TMI.

Sue Linse - Hi Megan. Loved the post…you haven’t changed a bit. Still wished you lived down the block from me. Renting the Craft House? Josh is always bugging me that we should come visit you. Maybe we can rent the Craft house? Although I’d really want to meet the two black labs you have next door. We have 2 labs again too. Can we bring them ? 🙂

tinaehb3 - This post literally made me laugh! And thanks for asking about all of us. Truthfully, I’ve had a really crappy week. But I refuse to let other peoples issues bring me down. Today I had a piece of chocolate and the wrapper said “Happiness looks good and you” and you know I really felt like it was speaking to me. So news flash people… you can’t bring me down!!! Thanks for listening….. and GO RAVENS!!!!!!!!

Jenny B. - Black with a side of cake, please. Or a doughnut, or a cookie, or anything sweet, really. 🙂 I feel like a horrible person. I completely forgot about your trip to Haiti! Where have I been?! I am a poor question asker too. So, if we were friends in real life and ran into each other, I would have been like, “Hey! How are you?” and you would have said something like, “I’m good, how are you?” and then I would have blabbed on about painting my kitchen cabinets (which I’ve been doing this week… probably why I have been neglecting the blog world), and then it would have been time to say goodbye, and I wouldn’t have even asked you about your trip to Haiti. And then I would have read your blog later and felt like a huge dork and a bad friend. So goes life.
P.S. I think you look perfectly lovely without makeup. Now, I can’t speak for your post-puking face… 🙂

gale - I feel like we just sat around talking about posters we had in our rooms as kids – giggle – so fun to “talk” to you again! The missionary thing made me laugh out loud – when I was little a missionary from India used to come to our church and I always asked my mom why she didn’t wear makeup – that was the one thing I was most interested in about her – crazy!
Have a fun weekend! - HONESTLY MEG! You crack me up- we honestly would be besties
if we weren’t states and timezones away!
Number 1: I was a missionary for 1.5 years in Panama (with all that
humidity hair was SCARY!)
Number 2: My friend from Wamego KS. has told me for like 12+ years
that antiques and thrifting there ROCK!
Number 3: I think you are the ONLY blog I comment on… you just
draw people out!
Have yourself a Merry Little Weekend…

Tracey - I’m good. Thanks for asking. I’m having my coffee too. I’m cold. You know that cold when you are all dressed but your legs are still cold inside your jeans? I hate that cold.
I need to finish cleaning too. I swept and mopped floors yesterday. Laundry is going. But, I’ve gotta do bathrooms.
The plan is to make a raggy, scrappy rug for my laundry room today.
And some spray painting. That’s the plan…or I could watch Downton Abbey. 🙂

Lennie Jackson - Is that a new ring Miss Meg?????

megan@contentedsparrow - ah-ha! so, that’s why i haven’t seen you on IG! i was missing you over there. for reals.
thanks for the no-makeup-missionary-story giggle this morning.
it feels good to laugh at your foibles. hahaha.
may your energy overflow today so you can get a lot accomplished!
and get to those CW house rental details. (can’t wait)
xoxo - Hi, Meg! I feel like I should introduce myself! I have been following you for quite some time!
I can’t even remember how I found your blog, but I’m so glad that I did! I remember reading your blog for the first time and being so excited, i love the use of color and craftiness!
I was reading your blog this morning and drinking a cup of coffee myself! i really felt like we were having coffee, so I wanted to introduce myself! i am a proud coaches wife, my husband coaches baseball in San Antonio I am a mom of 3 and I teach preschool three days a week! I use some of your art and crafts with my 10 three year olds! I love teaching preschool! Before starting our family, I taught middle school English! God has a sense of humor and there are days I can’t believe I teach little ones…in some ways preschoolers are not that different from 6th graders! They both need love, direction, fun, and movement!
So, hello from Texas! Have a blessed day! Ashleigh

Heather - I keep coming back to look at your awesome rings. I’m trying to figure out, is the square one on your right or left hand? I love it! And I still don’t believe you don’t have mascara on. Sigh. Oh to be a brunette. - Meg, I would love to know how to sign up for a craft weekend. Thanks!

Melissa Wilds - Hi Megz
Thank you so much for your blog! i love it!
i read it daily from Cape Town – South Africa and wish there was something like craft weekend here 🙁
keep on keeping on!

Roganne - Ohhh muh gawsh I totally love that you love Saturday night live. My husband thinks I am a total dork but I laugh out loud at EVERYthing! And at least you are still adorable without make up! I have red-blonde hair and without mascara my eyelashes are practically clear!


sara @ the land of ozmabomb - ohmyGOSH, meg, i can totally relate to the whole make-up thing. every time i’m around a friend and i’m not wearing make-up i get one of these: “sara! i wouldn’t have even recognized you if i didn’t know it was you!”, and “you look tired. are you tired??” everysingletime. ah well. and YES – the californians!! my beau and i talk like that, too. especially when we’re trying to figure out how to get somewhere…….and instead of thinking we’re dumb, we think we’re cool. haha! : D

Terrie - I take my ‘coffee’ with lots of hot chocolate.
And seriously….I dun’t knoe whut yu thaink is so dumb
’bout the ‘Californnniannss’. I’m frum Californinniya and I dun’t
know y you thaink we sounddd likkkke thaaat. Like, (I’nsert imaginary hair flip here),
I’m suurrre I donoooot talk like thaat. I’d better goooo, ’cause I’ve got ta put up the Christmas
decarations. Then I’m headed on the 61 to the I-135 to take care of the graanndbabae.
This chat was aammaashing!! Luvved it!!

TonyaElise - My friend gave me that mug today because she said I bring sunshine to her day. It made me smile when I saw that you had one, too. My friend is awesome! So is coffee.
And don’t feel bad, anytime I don’t wear make-up, people ask me if I am feeling okay. Especially my father; he tries to convince me I am deathly ill when he sees me without make-up, and I’m like, “Dad, I’m fine, THIS IS MY FACE WITHOUT MAKE UP THANKYOUVERYMUCH.”

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Great finds! Sounds like the Craft House is becoming bigger and better all the time. I miss it as your house but its wonderful that its not going to waste and people are able to enjoy it. Big old homes are the best(yes, I’m biased there)

sara boller - i am a babbler…well, a sarcastic babbler. i tend to use a LOT of movie/tv show references. AMASHING? i actually use ‘aammaaazzing’ (sounds like lamaze) from the tv show ‘happy endings’.
i was working today during your coffee talk. bummer, but, right now i am watching ellen and responding to you.
your house is BE-A-U-tiful! I sooo want to go to craft weekend…or throw a craft weekend. To see that Lindsey (pleated poppy) and Lisa (lisa leonard) were at craft weekend was CRAY-z since a- i read their blogs daily, and b–they live here in slo town (san luis obispo) like moi. and can i just say…i get star struck when i see them. ALL silent and nervous. cant say a peep–silly. Probably what i would do if i saw Oprah.
ANYHOO…thats my ramble.

Susan - That was fun! You are too funny. Okay, two things: 1.) I love the (new to you?) ring – so pretty; and, 2.) I NEED a few of your photographs, will you be stocking your etsy store again soon?

Su@TheIntentionalHome - thought of you today. . like you were my bff or something. . .lol. I was at Michaels today and they had bins and bins of items 90%off. Oh, I wanted to stock the craft house for you. I got 140 items forjust $40. Spools of ribbon, journals, picture frames, jewelry findings, Henna body markers(to my 15 yr old’s delight), bath paints for my little boys, brads, oh. . I could go on and on. But if you have a Michael’s near you, you may want to call. I am marking this date on my calendar so I can check this time next year.

Susannah - I want to move to Kansas!!! I want to be able to rent the Craft House and go antique shopping at amazing prices!!!

Heather - Oh my gosh, Meg, you crack me up! I do the exact thing, blathering on and on. Then I walk away and think “what a tool! I didn’t ask a dang thing about them.” Verbal diarrhea. 😛
But seriously….all you have on is lipstick? No mascara? I rarely wear lipstick but I only leave the house without mascara if I want to horrify people.
What am I up to you ask? Well, for starters I actually blogged today, for the first time in nearly a YEAR!! Yay, me. And I’ve got a ton of projects on the horizon for this year.

Jennifer - I’ve never actually commented here, but I’ve followed you for a long time. Funny thing is, I was actually drinking coffee when I checked my reader – but that’s because its 6:30am where I live, Perth, Western Australia! So here’s what we’re up to on the other side of the world: school starts again on Monday! So excited (me, not so much the kids). Both my littles will be in school full time for the first time – on in Year 2, the other in Pre-Primary (equivalent to US Kindergarten). Uniforms have been purchased, supplies have been labeled and new lunchboxes ready for the packing. This momma is looking forward to getting our house organized, not volunteering for much (way over-committed last year) and focusing on the family.
Love your blog – so much fun!

Kirsten J - Yay for missionaries without makeup – you made me smile. Me? I tend to do the same thing – ramble on about myself, sometimes because I’m nervous and socially awkward, and sometimes because I’ve been home with a sick kid or stuck in the office alone too long, and sometimes….maybe I’m a little narcissistic. Right now, I’m procrastinating a walk in the Seattle drizzle, and making a few PTA phone calls. And some paperwork. If I just did those three things, I could go play in my craftroom and not feel guilty. Instead I fart around on the internet and wish I could go play with fabric and papercrafts, and put off the things I need to do…..

Kimberlee Jost - I love Missionaries.
The end.

May - LOL You are too cute, Meg!!!

Tanya H - hahaha, I love everything about this post! I was enjoying a Dr Pepper, but it works great. My weekend plans include Saturday housekeeping ‘jobs’, my son’s science project and me continuing to organize/clean out my house. Spring cleaning in January? Sure, why not. At least I’m enjoying the cleaning-out!

jen - love this! i actually did feel like we had coffee together! is too pathetic? too much info? anyhoo – this weekend is the start of our no spend month. we have oodles to do around here but we seem to just dream up new projects and go and buy the supplies for that and never get them done. i have bags of supplies and cans of paint everywhere. NO MORE! this month we are going to use up what we have here and get things done! also i am going to cut our food budget way down and see if we can live like that. we have three full freezers {two fridge ones and a half chest} plus lots of reserves in the dry good department so i think we can do it. it’s an experiment and i am up for the challenge. this just means though that i have to stop looking at your craft weekend photo’s! they are so inspiring!!! happy weekend.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Sitting here at 3:56pm watching my kids paint on some canvases I am going to hang in their hallway. I really wish I was cleaning the craft house because I love your house. I always wanted an old home, but would not give my big backyard up for anything. Finishing up laundry then it will be time for dinner. I totally have that coffee mug, and was at the gym at 0900 this morning.

tiffany gardner - awesome. i would totally rent that house all for myself. not to be selfish to my 3 kids and husband…. but man… that would be an awesome place to be by yourself. i can only imagine all the inspiration it would give me. and sleep…. i could definitely use some sleep.

Tiffany clark - Oh, how I adore you. YOU MAKE ME SMILE! I’m good. It’s Catholic School’s Week at our school this week. A week dedicated to the joys of teaching where I do. Fun themes each day, service stuff, fun stuff (Like volleyball today, teachers against 8th graders.) I didn’t rock the court or anything, but I survived. Not much else… just surviving working full time teaching and being a mama. Oh, Henry is talking a ton now. He can string together 4 words! Like “Where are you nukie?” which sounds like “Weh ah ooh nu-nee?” Adorbs. Hugs to you!

Lindsey - I ALWAYS get asked if I am tired when I don’t wear makeup or don’t wear ENOUGH makeup. Ha!
Jealous of your thrifting scores. Nice!

CathyC - Oh my goodness Meg, you crack me up! My own mother has accused me of being angry, when in fact I just had no makeup on either. MY OWN MOTHER!!!!!
And you rent the craft house????? All over it–let me go tell my husband………

Lori Austin - I liked your coffee chat. 🙂
My husband and I quote lines from Elf all the time. I also quote Friends.
Oh how I miss Friends.
So…I’m waiting for gallbladder surgery. Consult with surgeon on Tuesday.
Mom’s are not supposed to be sick or have surgery. Boo!
Love the crate, btw!

Jen - I had to laugh about the comments to you when you weren’t wearing makeup–happens to me all the time!!! The few times I’m out without eye makeup, EVERYONE asks me if I’m tired/sick/sad. I JUST DON”T HAVE FEATURES I want to yell!!

I like them all but with the randoms, the honesty, the open-ness, quick story – all good stuff. I like these, just totally felt like we just had a chit chat together.

kerry - Awesome!!!!!!!!!! Have SO much fun! xx

kerry - Oh Meg, having coffee with you has been the highlight of my day! Such a cool post… We’ve been down with flu – blech… coming right now and trying to get my blogging mojo back so I’m sat with Tiramisu, Tea and a big notebook! xx

JennD - Baha, that missonary comment made me snort my coffee! Too funny, thanks for taking time to chat, I always look foward to your blog posts. 🙂

Rebekah Mathis - Eeeee! I can’t believe you were cleaning the Craft House for Me and My Group of Friends for this weekend! None of us can believe we’re coming there for the weekend. We are all so excited that we can’t sleep! Thank you!

Lisa - “Excuse me I have missionary stuff to do.” Hahaha! Very funny! Loved this post. And the SNL sketch, dumb but funny. I grew up in CA, do we really talk like that in a less exaggerated way!? 😉

Stevie - aw…meg, enjoyed the cup of coffee. i however had hot apple cider. i have a cold and it is kicking my bootay. serioulsy a $15 quilt, i either haven’t hit the jackpot in the KC area or the ‘big’ city has hijacked the prices. my inlaws live in Independence, KS and i need to work in a thrifting trip when we go down to visit.

Meg - Would you consider adopting me? Sure, I’m not that much younger than you but I could really use a mom/friend like you. 🙂

Cyndi Hamilton - Meg, I am so interested in renting the house. Since the first group didn’t get to stay in the house, I have always wanted to come back. Please Email me or PM me on FB the details. I dont blog anymore, but I always love to read what is going on with you and your family. Thanks

megan - I am coming to Craft Weekend! In May! That’s what’s going on with me. So excited. Can we go running together? Does that fit into craft weekend? My guess is no–we’ll be too busy crafting and eating and having fun and I don’t care one bit. Did I mention how excited I am? I am considering it my re-introduction to the world, ten months post-baby. Finally getting a little bit of myself back.

Annie - I just moved from Wichita to California and that sketch cracks me up. Especially since we spent Saturday in Ojai. Wish I had a condo there!

mjwood - Oops, I meant chuckled , um I’m thinking I might need a third or fourth cup to finish the day out…..LOL

mjwood - I absolutely enjoyed my cup of late afternoon (for me) coffee with you and I have to say you made my day!! Thought your post was amazing and I smiled and chucked too!!! thanks! much<3!

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - Hello Missionary Meg! You crack me up! How exciting to be renting out the craft house! I would still love to return to Newton someday and take my husband out to the barn, he would love it there! Hmm, well since you asked and all, I am going to sew some burp cloths and bibs for my baby who is due to arrive in just a few short weeks! Can you believe i’m nearing the end? When I was at craft weekend I felt that it was sooo far away. And also? I felt huge then. Now I really feel huge! Ready to meet baby! Happy cleaning day and hugs to you! xo (sorry about all the !!!!s. Guess you bring out the happy in people!)

Laura - That should be “A” shy.. not I. Oops.

Laura - I shy girl like me is happy to sit and listen while you talk about what’s been going on!

Cheryl - Okay, so I’ve never commented before…but I had just sat down with a big cup of tea and I totally felt like we just chatted (okay, I listened and you chatted!). So…so not cool of the security guy and the no makeup and missionary thingy. Love those quilts…$15?! No. Way. Aaannd, I just moved to Kansas (ok actually it was 2 months ago, but still) and I can’t wait to snag some serious thrifting. Oh, and I’m from California so I should prob watch the SNL skit, yes? Or no? Super intrigued about the Craft House rental dealy.
Oooo, snow flurries…gotta go!

Sabrina - My husband and I quote the SNL Sketch all the time!
DEVON! What are you doing here?

Lisa M. - I don’t wear makeup on most days becuase I work from home and if I have to run out to say, the grocery store or my business, I think “why put on makeup just for that?” Then I run into a neighbor at Starbucks (cuz while I’m out I might as well get my fix, ya know?) who is always stylishly dressed and made up (always)and I feel like a lump. And just the other day I stopped by my place of business (w/ no makeup, and sweatpants) and my employee asked me if I’m sick. Nope, I replied, just no makeup. My mom just asked me if I was sick too! Maybe I need to put on some eyeliner and a little mascara from now on. By the way, you always look pretty…makeup or no makeup 🙂

Kristi Rediske - It was fun having coffee with you, but I had vanilla dr pepper from sonic, that is my morning and afternoon drink. It does sound like you are busy, I am so excited to hear that you rent out the house. I am hoping I will be able to afford taking you up on it sometime, I am from that town(won’t mention it in case you don’t want it all over the internet), anyway, I use to say at my parents house but my dad passed away and my mom moved to Arkansas where I live and now when we want to come back we have no where to stay. We have stayed at the Holiday Inn but its not like being in a home. Can’t wait to hear details. Have a great day!

Melissa - I was JUST telling a coworker about the Californians sketch.

Leadia Jarvis - I always think you look aaaamashing…for what it’s worth 😉 The Californians has to be one of my favorite skits of all time. SO funny. Do you ever get a chance to watch Portlandia? Kind of offbeat, but Fred Armisen does so many funny characters.

AnnMarie - Oh and I like my coffee double double thank-you!

AnnMarie - This past week has been my first week back to blogging! I too have lots to say but seriously feel so silly having no followers. I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall or in this case a computer screen. But, I look up to ladies like you so I am just going to keep it up! If you have any tips I’m all ears! I totally relate to the no make-up thing. My mom says I should be a spokesperson for make-up because it totally transforms my face when I wear it. I was not sure how to take that when she told me that. lol! I know she ment it as a nice comment but to me I was like, “so… without make-up I look like a total wreak????”.

Colleen - I have recently had people ask me if I were sick…wait, what? No…why? “Oh, you just look like you feel bad” …….yep….no makeup days. Do men ever get asked these questions? Hahahaha..oh well some days are just like that. I recently found your blog and would some day love to go to one of your Craft Weekends. Dream come true! Just had to comment today because you are too funny! You made me laugh out loud! Love your coffee mug! Have a happy day!

shar y - You have been running for awhile now and that is super great. Just wondering if you have noticed any specific body shape changes? I know people sometimes get leaner over time and you look great, but just wondering if something has changed significantly? Like my friend did have larger thighs even tho she was skinny all over but then after running, her legs have gotten so slim!!

tara - a few years ago, i had two different older men on two different occasions ask me why I was mad. when i asked them why they asked me if i was mad, they both replied that i just looked mad.
come to find out…after looking at myself in the rearview mirror….i realized i look mad sometimes because of the ridiculous #11 wrinkle between my eyes.
to botox or not to botox. that is the question.
it’s been a few years and now that #11 is permanently fixed on my forehead. it’s sad….this whole aging thing. the only thing that makes it okay is that wisdom comes with age.

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craft weekend is my fave.

alrighty… i have made it home from Haiti.
it was a super quick trip to meet some of the stove vendors and see how it all is working IN the field.
my trip was lovely.
i will share my pictures and stories at the end of the week.

i stupidly left my phone in the car of one of the girls living in haiti so i am without a phone for awhile.
feels like i am missing a limb.
somehow though i think will survive…. ha! 

and now…. Craft Weekend January 2013!


a new year begins for Craft Weekend.
it is pretty exciting to me.
we have some pretty big plans for the Craft House and Craft Weekend this year.

we brought in a new piece for supplies….it's from the barn.
it is so COOL!  
it was from a post office but i am sure it is much happier living at the craft house now.
it was a pain to clean but i am loving it!
i  want to paint it…. although i never have time.  

(Katie Daisy art is from Pottery Barn Teen)


lindsey helped me set up my shop on the stairway…. so adorable!
she is so good with displays!
and a new/old map is up in the foyer making me happy every time i walk by.



we were ready a little bit early this time (YAY!!) 

our guests arrived and the party was officialy under way!

after dinner we got busy on our aprons.
i am always so interested in watching how they choose.
some are done right away and some are still deciding an hour later.


ironing, hemming, pinning, sewing…almost done.
i love the sounds of 6 sewing machines going at once!


they were all done earlier than any group has been! 
that doesn't mean it was early, but it was earlier than the previous groups.
and i am fine with getting a little more sleep.  

on saturday we took a COLD field trip out to Marion to our favorite shop, Bearly Makin' It.
it was crazy cold.

tere had a jeanne oliver bag!  
so cute.

i always like to see what people gravitate to at the store… the quilts? the books? glassware?
after a sonic break we made it home to get crafty again.
these girls were fast workers!
most of our projects get quite messy.
if you are going to make a mess it may as well be a pretty one right?

i found another 7up crate at the barn (and then quickly got back in the van before i froze to death)

Lindsey led a project that she has posted about on her blog before.
it was so fun to make!! i LOVED it!!

i want to make a huge one now.  :)
joy led a project that let us use hammer and nails for the first time at Craft Weekend!
its fun to get a little noisy!
(actually it was A LOT noisy…kind of unreal how loud it was!)







my canvas before i started with bright colors. 
we used canvases and paint sponosered by DecoART! 
we love thier products!

my friend wendy of blue lily photography came for friday & saturday to take a ton of photos for us.
i was so happy to have extra time with her!
she squeezed us in before she took off her World Tour with Tyler and her kids.  
i am so grateful!
you NEED to get on their schedule …. they go every where in the world!  
check out their dates by you!


roomie pics…..





seriously adorable aprons!
they added flowers and pom poms and really cute trims.


i don't think i have ever been able to pick a favorite.


we made fabric covered button bracelets….. LOVE these!


these are the signs we built with joy.
everyone came up with neat quotes and colors!

our paintings with lindsey!


everyone's was slightly different in the shades they chose.
but i thought they were all awesome!  


what an awesome group we had!
i felt completely relaxed when it was over….love that…how wonderful to finish your WORK and feel great?!
    krista from kansas                                                       erin from kansas
                                                       mary from kansas                                     angie from dominican republic
   katherine from texas                                                    meredith from texas
                                                           dani from utah                                                   tere from washington
   charly from kansas                                                       sara from kansas
                                                                                                                                           gale from kansas
   joy from california                                                       lindsey from california
here's the whole gang!  
such a lovely group of women…. i miss you girls!



kimberlee and i pretty much have the best jobs ever!  
we love serving all these women and guiding them as they create alongside their new friends.
somehow i have no photos this past month of all the YUM-O food she prepared.
i was too busy shoveling it in my mouth apparently.
her meals are just the best…prepared so thoughtfully…taste so GOOD!
i am so grateful for everything she does at Craft Weekend.

but it's really too fun to be called work for us both!

what is your favorite part of craft weekend when you read about it?
i would LOVE to hear that!
happy monday!

Carolyn - What a special time both crafy and in friendship! I just love all the colorful pictures. What a sweet ministry you have there. I follow you on Instagram but didn’t put it together until now! I feel so inspired to get crafty with some girlfriends. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

Sara - LOVE those ruffled aprons! Is there a tutorial somewhere for them??

Christine Ishmael - You know what Meagan? I love seeing the craft weekend pictures and always wish I’d been there but you know what stuck out most this time I viewed…EVERY woman you’ve ever had at the craft house have all been so beautiful…all different and unique but each and every one gorgeous…thanks for sharing – Christine

jennibell - I had an extra canvas laying around. . .one I did a background paint on *years* ago and never got around to finishing the project I had “planned”. . .so. . .we’re spending our Friday night making some art 🙂 Thanks for the great idea!!

Amy M. - Every time there is a new Craft Weekend post, I feel like my heart just smiles. I love hearing how this is a ministry for you with people you love. It seriously just gives me joy to know that there are tons of people that seem to “get” what I love. Sometimes you can feel like you are alone on your on craft island. Thanks for the hope and joy and just fun it is to read your posts and see your photos. Oh…and dream about finding a vintage quilt for less than $20! Sweet! Thanks for all you!

Denise W - I am wondering how the picking for the craft weekend spaces goes? My daughter and I were on one of the very first lists and we would still love to come!!! Do the earlier waiting lists get entered for each draw with all the new ones each time? Thank you!

Stacey - Where did you gt your super cute gray boots? Would love to find a pair before winter ends!
I would love to come to a craft weekend, but honestly don’t think I am her crafty enough. Where do I find details on it, though?
You are such a neat person, love reading your blog!

tara - oh my goodness….my little girl looked at this post with me, and she asked why her room couldn’t be as colorful as your house.
think my next project might be getting some more color in her room.

Melissa Davis - I LOVE all the pictures of the craft house…gorgeous colors!

Anessa - Looks like another lovely craft weekend. Just wondering if you were ever planning to put some prints or pillows back in your shop? I would love a print of those paints or the gum ball machine or maybe that typewriter. Anyways, I love them all and hope you open up the shop again soon. 🙂

Jacci in Ohio - My favorite thing about CW posts is your photos 🙂 It’s fun sometimes to see it all through someone else’s lens… but, really, I always like *your* photos best. And although Instagrams are fun and quick to load… I like your big girl camera photos BEST best.
So, thanks for taking the time to shoot them, edit them, upload them, share them. They make me smile and they inspire me 🙂

Laura - I always wonder how the ladies get their crafts and loot from the barn home? Most of them fly, so I was wondering if they ship the stuff home or pay for the extra suitcase to fly it home?

Monica - Love all of it. Love to hear about the food too! I hope I am still on the waiting list. Monica

Karen Gerstenberger - Meg, since you love globes and maps, do you think it might be fun to put push pins in one of them, with flags showing the name & home of each person who has come to Craft Weekend? xoxo

Janna - IT”S ALL my fav!!! But I mostly love to see all the decor in the craft house;) You have my DREAM job! I want to come someday!

Stephanie Talty - Thank you for sharing the Craft Weekend photos with all of us!
I look forward to seeing them each and every time and they amaze me!
The Craft Weekend house has to be like Disney Land for adults!!
It simply looks like the most magical place on Earth.

Jenn - I love seeing the faces of the lucky ladies that get to attend and where they are from. I’ve got to tell you, last month I had a dream that I was selected to attend and I was so excited that I final was going to get to see the third floor of the craft house. Crazy, huh?!

Amy @ Fig Milkshakes - *Squeal*. I feel it takes quite a bit to make me feel jealous – but… JEAAAAaaaAAlouS! What fun ladies! Thanks for the inspiration, I feel like working on my craft room today…

Angela - I love the aprons every time! I can’t ever choose a favorite either. 🙂 And I love seeing pictures of all the Craft House nooks and crannies… what a special place!

shar y - I love them all, but I do love looking at the house photos and all of the crafts ready to go! I also love looking at Kim’s food so missed those this time. The whole thing looks great and so much fun!

Lisa - My favorite thing about this craft weekend’s post is that AWESOME piece of post office furniture! Don’t paint it! It couldn’t be more beautiful than it is right now. All those little nooks filled with colorful ribbons and things. that picture just melted me. Of course, then I saw the picture of those cute button bracelets. Your life must be so satisfying, sharing all that creativity with others and creating such beautiful art of all kinds. sigh…….

Gretchen - Just when I thought I had an original idea … haha! Can you believe that I posted about my geometric art YESTERDAY?! So funny! Great minds think alike! 😉

Melissa - Your craft weekends always look like so much fun! how often do you host them?

Amber - I don’t know if it’s my favorite or my least favorite part when I see things I NEED to own in the background of pictures from Bearly Makin’ It and have to debate the 90 minute drive to pick up something my husband will give me the side eye over.

Southern Gal - I have some empty canvases, I now know what I’m going to do with them! Beautiful.
I love that supply holding piece of furniture. Wow. My daddy worked with the railroad and had a ticket cabinet that I so with I had kept. I think he ended up selling the thing years ago. Bummer.
And I just told my husband and son yesterday that I want a roll up map to put over the chalkboard in our kitchen where we do school most days. Where did you find it?

Heather Crawford - Wondering what letter stamps those are that you used for the lettered signs…all the crafts you made this time are AWESOME!

Georgia - I tried lindseys tutorial and I just cant get the circles to overlap equally lol ahhh if at first you dont succeed….
Georgia x

Su@TheIntentionalHome - My favorite photos is order are
1. pics of the craft house all decorated and ready for guests
2. crafts ya’ll made
3. what everyone bought at the barn
so are those bunting with pom pom fringe next to the pillows in your shop?

Angie - I love your Craft Weekend posts! It always looks like so much fun. I want to be there and create all those amazing projects. I love all of them this time, not sure which is my favorite. Maybe the aprons, they are darling!!!

beckyk - My husband and I live in Scotland but go to Kansas City a couple of times a year and in December we made a trip out to visit friends in Salina. I couldn’t believe he said yes when I asked if we could drive via Marion on the way and visit Bearly Makin’ It and the Barn! It was so fun! The lady there was super sweet and said you had another trip planned for January. Would have been funny to run into you there!

Lisa - Definitely the photos of the charming, magical playhouse for adults! I savor each one! This is such a fairy tale accomplishment for you and Kimberly. See everyone, dreams do come true 😉

cheryl @ a pretty cool life. - I really love the pics of your house. So bright and happy!

Jennifer - seeing the barn and your home so beautifully decorated are my faves. that house looks like the coziest get-away. yes, you guys really have a great job! 🙂

Suzy - I love to hear about it ALL! And I love! I look forward to this post every month! I can’t wait until my name is picked! Every time I see your pics of CRAFT WEEKEND it reminds me of the saying “Do What You Love!”.

Valerie - Oh geesh I just saw that I mispelled rolls…not roles, silly me!!!

Valerie - Wishing that one day I will be able to make one of those gorgeous aprons and eat Kimberlee’s cinammon roles 😉

Lisa M. - i always love seeing all the finished aprons. All that beautiful fabric! And I love looking at the Craft House too 🙂
And I loved seeing the fabric bracelets. So cool! Thanks for sharing.

Momof2 - Love all the pictures!! But my favorites are the crafts that were chosen and what people got at the barn. And then dreaming about what I will get at the Barn when I am chosen to come, ha!! : )

emily - 110% Amazing! So much happiness!

Tiffany - So fun seeing that house again! And all those women you get to bless… lucky them! Glad you and Kimberlee got a nice pic together this time. (Opposed to the SUPER windy one from November.)
I used to love seeing all of the different creative crafts. I still enjoy that, but now I love seeing your smiling faces even more!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I’m all atwitter.
(LOVE those canvases!!!)

tinaehb3 - looks like another successful weekend 🙂

Jen - Glad you’re home safe.
LOVE your pictures!
FYI…I’ve decided I’m moving into the craft house.

Cindy - It would be a cool idea to have each of your guests mark where they live on your world map! 🙂

Heather Simnitt - Reading about craft weekend makes me wish I was a crafty girl. For real. I love the idea of crafting, but whenever I begin something with my girls I find myself wishing I was just *done.* What’s up with that? So…looking at craft weekend photos makes me feel like I experienced a little crafting and I get to see the end product right away!
Oh – and drooling over all of the bright colors! *LOVE*

dee - I have been following your blog for awhile and you never cease to amaze me.You inspire me to be a better person with all that you do and love- dee x

steph - i love seeing what everyone gets from their antique hunting!
and the aprons are always so awesome to see!
the best part for me though?
definitely that i get to BE THERE in less than 2 weeks doing the same thing!!!!

jenrobburton - I definitely think the color and the happiness shows through in the CW photos. And I’m always jealous of the finds at the antique shops.
I would NEVER paint that post office desk. It has such a lovely patina from years of use. And all your craft supplies just pop against the wood.
Glad you made it home safely.

Charly - This is like my third, maybe fourth time to look at them. I love them all! It was an amazing weekend! Now to send a link of the blog to my family and friends…to show off my five minutes of crafting fame!

happygirl - Welcome home. Talk about getting back into the swing of things without taking a beat. You ROCK!

gale - It was the most fun I’ve had in a LONG time – so glad I got to go – and I would go again in a minute!! 🙂 I loved it all – and thanks for the pictures and post! It’s fun to relive the weekend 🙂

elma - Sigh…… I just LOVE LOVE LOVE those aprons!!!! I so love seeing all the pictures!!!
I would LOVE to come some day!!

Melyssa - I love to see the craft house and The Barn! Also love hearing about how the groups differ. I have my fingers crossed that some day my name will come up and I’ll have enough $$ squirreled away to have the best weekend ever!

Lacy - My favorite part is seeing all the color. Seriously, that much color just can’t help but make a person happy! I also really like the different finds people snag at the barn and the other antique shops. I’m on the list and hope to come someday!
I know you’ve answered many questions before but, I’m curious, how far in advance do you let people know they have been chosen?
Thanks for sharing your “work!”

Kate - You guys are so beautiful! What a very, very happy place – YAY!
Did you know that I didn’t get to go to GoPro 🙁 I broke my elbow – super awesome, huh?
So glad Wendy got to come to the Craft House! I bet she had an awesome time!

Tiffany - My favorite part is the colors & fabrics, and mostly happy (non quarreling) women. Yay! Joy’s project was especially nice to see, the different interpretations from the women. In this “episode”, I really liked the postal desk, every craft piece looks so happy and and the Katie Daisy print – beautiful. You guys do have pretty fun jobs!

Katey Deasy - Welcome home. Glad you made it safely. Can’t wait to read about THAT. I love seeing what everyone bought at the barn! I love seeing the house all set up ready for your guest. One day it will be and my mom you will be waiting on. One day. Thanks for sharing with such enthusiasm.

Tanya - It just feels like a vacay when I get to look at the pics. They’re like my sunny Vitamin D in the dreary winter 😀

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i am still here in Port-au-Prince.
we have had a really great time so far.
we met with 7 stove vendors yesterday in their homes or shops.
i loved that!

i will post more about it in a few days but for now here are a few pictures from today…. 









OH….and how amazing my readers are!!

we raised $6230!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is so CRAZY awesome.

i love it.

NOW…. go over to The Adventure Project Blog and read WHO won the trip to Haiti.

it was exciting to make the video….GO WATCH.


i am having a Haitian beer and chillin' with the team before we head home tomorrow.

more photos soon….






Ari - A friend just showed my your blog! It looks like we were in Haiti at the same time a few weeks ago. Small world. I’m trying to help some friends buy a house in Haiti, so please share this if you are able to. Thank you!

misty - all I can say is, “WOW!!”
my friend Traci Ward is adopting twins from Haiti & she blogs about it over at
she is such an amazing person & because of her I have felt such an attachment to Haiti & the NEED to help.
Love this post meg!

Jess - Ahhh!..Your pics take me back to my trip almost two years ago. Would love to go back some day and see the people again. The people of Haiti just grab your heart and never let go. I’m glad you got to go! Your pics are beautiful!

Susan - Great photos. Made my 4th trip to Haiti in November. God bless you as you travel, and as you meet new friends in Haiti. They will capture your heart. Enjoy your Prestige! Bondye beni ou.

Jacci - hugs, sweetie 🙂

ira lee - digicel tents, tap taps, small closets called ‘banks’, the most amazing mountians, trees, and oceans, and BEAUTIFUL children everywhere! makes me miss it so much. as soon as i saw these pictures i was immediately taken back- bad smells and all! lol

Sarah@ This Farm Family's Life - I cannot wait to hear all about this trip and see all your photos!

Kayla - Okay, those 2 precious kids on the right are just cracking me up. Especially the sassy little girl with her hand on her hip!!!

mollie's mom - Oh. my. goodness. Haiti. Your pictures take me back. They look so much like the hundreds I took that it is crazy. Cannot wait to hear all about your trip. I can’t wait to go back!!
It’s so hard to leave there. I’ve only met one person in all the people I know who have traveled to Haiti with NPO’s or church groups that doesn’t want to go back – Haiti and it’s people grab your heart!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That picture of the school kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kristin S - Meg, these are beautiful!

Tiffany - Awesome. I wish I could carry a basket on my head AND look that good!

Kimberlee Jost - Beautiful photos.
The one that struck me straight to my heart was the Unicare building.
Can’t wait to hear more from you.

Janelle - Wow! Whenever you have a chance would you mind posting about how this opportunity for you came about? I would love the opportunity to help somewhere someday…and would also love to have my children involved too…but I don’t know how to go about planning/making arrangements/fundraising, etc. Thanks 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - Amazing photos, thanks for sharing! Praying for your and the others safe return. 🙂

happygirl - You are an amazing woman. God bless you, friend. And thanks for the pics.

Amy - I love Haiti…got to go in 1996…looks the same…beautiful!!

Tiffany Clark - So glad you’re having a great experience! I’ve been thinking of you often!

Christy - Glad you are having an amazi time! You should try to check out The Apparent Project . (16 Rue Cassagnol Prolongee,
Delmas 75 Port au Prince) they train women to make jewelry and other products to sell so that they can support themselves and their families. It’s a great organization and their products are beautiful!

Alicia @ La Famille - that is just so cool!! have a great trip and be safe. my friend’s daughter and her new hubby are living there right now as missionaries.

Marie Tere - You are such an inspiration and are doing amazing work. Those you touch are blessed. Safe travels home. Xoxo Tere

tonya - what a cool experience! a group from topeka is there now with the haiti lifeline ministries…one of my good friends is meeting her son and daughter for the first time and is hoping they’ll be home by christmas!

Dawn G - So awesome!

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winter sunset


it has been reeeeally cold here but then suddenly there will be a 65 degree afternoon here and there.
this was one of those.
sometimes you have to rush out and soak up as much of it as you can.
(squeezing that inbetween laundry and dinner prep and everything else)

talby went out just as the sun was setting and shouted for me to come see her flip she has perfected.
she has worked for years on it!
as soon as the trampoline springs start squeaking the neighbor dogs show up in our yard.
they love my little girls.


talby pretends she has a ball and they wait and wait for her to throw it.
she and annie play with them a LOT!



so silly.

as we were taking these pictures craig pulled up from work.
that is my favorite part of the day.
all my people under one roof for the night…. yes.


the stoves are still being sponsored!!

we only need 15 more stoves to reach $5000!! 

that is totally doable in three days!

it's INCREDIBLE that it's up so high already!

you guys are the best best best! 

i am dying to see one of these stoves in real life and be able to share my stories from Haiti!!

the more i read about Haiti… the more i am falling in love.


three days.

be a SUPER STAR today! let's make a difference!

we can change things in the world!
we can change children dying from toxic smoke…. we can.



ok….i have crazy long list to check off today.
all the last minute things that i need to pack and have copies of, etc.
i made two more freezer meals last night and two more this morning.
i am feeling prepared i think.

we will see how i feel tonight…. yikes.



Flower Patch Farmgirl - Better late than never. 😉
Praying for you!!!!

nomart5 - Has anyone bought stoves in Olathe, CO? I really want to buy one, but I don’t know where to go. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Laura Mastropaolo - Hello Meg! My name is Laura, and I have enjoyed your blog for several years.
I want to thank you for your support of Haiti! You see, my husband and I are the adoptive parents of an awesome Haitian boy. He was a restavek (child slave) until age 3 or 4 (no one knows exactly how old our son is…) – when a missionary saw him being auctioned at the slave market. She did the only thing she could think of to save him – SHE BOUGHT HIM FOR $60! Then, our son lived in an orphanage in P-a-P for 4 years until he was able to join our family on December 29, 2005.
May I ask where in Haiti you are traveling? In particular – will you be in Port-au-Prince for any extended period?
Like many others, our community of Haitian adoptive families was heart-broken by the catastrophic earthquake of 2 years ago. You see, most Haitian children in orphanages are not “orphans” in the sense we understand. In many cases, their families released them to the orphanage because they cannot care for them. Thus, many of our children have family in Haiti that we have been unable to find proof of life since the catastrophe.
If you will be in P-a-P, could circulate several names for our family in the off chance that someone you are networking with would have any word?
Our son’s Haitian name is Castera Charles. His Haitian father in Gerard Charles, Haitian mother is Michlene, older brother (approx. 22 years old) Emmanuel Charles, younger sisters – Alexandra, Geralda, and Juanna. The girls would now be between the ages of 8-12.
I know this seems such a strange request – but word-of-mouth is the only way we will ever be able to find if they survived. Through just such a connection, we have been able to find his baby sister, Nika. (If you ever want to hear that story of God at work – I would love to share at some time!) If you or any of your readers have any questions, please feel free to email me at:
Thank you and Bless you…

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Tomorrow is pay day. That’s what I’m saying. 🙂
When are you leaving for your trip? Are you already gone? Yes, these are rhetorical questions.
I will be praying!

Lisa - So very excited for you to go on this trip! Will be praying for safety. And these pics are beautiful. 🙂

Nikki Gamon - I am feeling down tonight after hearing some sad news. I read your post and donated a stove as an act of hope tonight. Thank you for all you share on your blog Meg and thank you for giving me this opportunity.

Tracy Fisher - I am very proud of you and your adventure. Blessings as you travel. -tracy

Lisa M. - Girl, why are you running in 17 degree weather when you are having 65 degree afternoons?? 🙂
Awesome pics of the dogs.

Tiffany - Amazing pictures. Talented Talby. Cute dogs. Awesome you. Such a good mom… providing for your family even while you’ll be gone. I love hearing the garage door open too, telling me my hubby is home. Famiy together is the best. Thoughts and prayers are with you as you prepare for this adventure!

Terrie - Love how you make me feel like a Super Star…
said in my best SNL Mary Katherine Gallagher voice…
of course, complete with actions!!
I’m loving those warmer days!
Just filled my freezer with meals last Saturday…
love coming home to a home-cooked meal during tax season…
especially when I hadn’t planned on working full time! LOL!!
Hugs to you on the loss of your grandma…and have a great time in Haiti!!!
Take LOTS of pictures!! 🙂

Lennie Jackson - I will pray for safe travels for you. I am sure you are emotional right now. It’s a big deal!!! Enjoy it and soak it up then come home and tell us all about it!

Danielle F. - Prayers for a SAFE trip! 🙂

Sarah - The story about the dogs is adorable. Fun that they come to visit. They’re super cute. Great cause with the stoves too! Excited to make a difference.

Kari - And I posted it on my business Facebook page so hopefully you will get some more purchases 🙂

Kari - I just bought a stove – what a great cause!

kate - my girls love doing flips on the trampoline too! my oldest does backflips now… if only she could do them on the ground for cheerleading though!

Alicia @ La Famille - cute puppies 🙂 i think you need a couple of your own!

Trysha - Nice neighbor dogs are the best. The joy of playing with a dog with none of the clean up. Our dogs would never allow another dog to play with their boys…Waffle must be tolerant. 🙂

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well…. how awesome are you?

i was not sure i could meet my goal of 50 stoves…$1000.

and as of NOW we have raised $4230 and sponsored 211 stoves.



let's keep this momentum going! 


we have five more days…. let's hit $5000!!!!!  i bet we can!!

thank you to everyone who gave so far!
the adventure project thinks you are so cool. 



this fake commercial was on Saturday Night Live last week.
i thought it was very funny….


also The Lumineers were on!!!!
they were so so SO goooooooood!
did you see it?
you should go over here and watch  and then watch this one too!
they are pretty dreamy to listen to. 


i meant to have my craft weekend post up and ready today.
but it's not gonna happen.
i have been so busy….very happily busy… all good stuff.

how about some instagrams from the past week-ish?  

annie loves to go to the thrift store with me.
i told her she could pick one thing only….. i wish she would have chosen that couch!
instead we came home with that valentines bear from 2006.
i know it's 2006 because that is what is on the bear's foot.

my favorite mug.

kimberlee's coffee cake….it was totally delicious.

many monrings look like this over here.

i went back to the mall last week and the gold shoes
that were completely covered in gold glitter were 70% off!  

annie shouted "MOM pleeeeeease can i get one of these?! They are only $39.99!!"



ran five miles by myself…. well, me and the avett brothers and mumford & sons.

they are so nice on the eyes.

talby found these in the bathroom and wanted to know WHY? 
Why do we have them? Whose are they? What are they for? Where did they come from?

(they are a mold of craig's teeth…fascinating right?)

a vase of dr.seussy flowers were sunny and nice during this FREEZING week we have had.
so cold.
going running in this cold weather is quite something.
frozen thighs no matter how far we go.
but the reward will be endurance when the weather improves…. right?
i hope so.

i love this breakfast.
cutie…greek yogurt… granola… coffee with LOTS of half & half.

cleaning at the craft house is always pretty decent because it's all so pretty to see.

i steal my husband's socks for cold running…. they are just better.

on friday we did our run and then gathered at my friend's house and helped her prepare 25 meals for her freezer as a birthday gift to her.  :)
the gift was helping it get accomplished.
she is super organized so we did what we were told and it all worked out great!
that is my favorite way to cook… "just tell me what to do"

i chopped and chopped and chopped.

then i put together calzones.
it was a lot of work but so worth it!  it's a GENIUS way to cook meals.

saturday morning i snuck in some time under a blanket with coffee and my book.
the sun came up and became too much for me sit there anymore.
but i will take that sunshine anytime!
i took sean to his basketball tournament for the day… just the two of us.
he had three games and i really enjoyed it all.
it has been SO MUCH fun to watch my kids improve in their sports this year.

after sean's three games we went to scott's game at our old high school gym!
it was very surreal to be there as a grown up… as a parent… of a HIGH SCHOOLER?!
so weird.
and lots of the same people sitting or standing in the same place they did when i was in high school?!!


i am reading The Ragamuffin Gospel: Good News for the Bedraggled, Beat-Up, and Burnt Out.  

it's wordy but so far it's reeeeeally good.

"for grace proclaims the awesome truth that all is gift"

sunday night swimming…. yes please.
craig and sean spent almost the whole time wrestling.
why do boys do that so much?

talby organized all annie's babies for her so annie had to feed them all before going to bed herself.

and this morning…. we ran 6.17 miles in 17 degrees.
it was HARD.
but it's done. THANK GOODNESS!

then we met AGAIN but this time at the craft house and we made freezer to crock pot meals!
we made 6 recipes all together and bagged them in freezer ziploc bags!

touching all that raw meat all day was kinda gross but i think we will all happily eat it.

i will definitely blog the recipes we tried and show more pics of that soon!
i honestly can't wait to do it again!

and now i am stinkin' tired.

i am going to bed.


thanks again for the stove sponsors!!!


you are RAD!

if you haven't given yet and you want to… CLICK HERE  and it will tell you how.
it couldn't be easier.


Jaime Melcher - Will you share the 25 meals for the freezer with us? I would love to do something like this… just tell me what to do! 🙂 Smiles!

tinaehb3 - the commercial is hysterical!!!!!!

jennibell - Your Annie and my Margaret would get along so well!!! She always picks out stuffed animals or some other gross thing like that at thrift stores but I say “no”. . .it has to be something that can be washed without falling apart — ha! And she would completely want to help Annie feed all those babies too 🙂 Yea on the stoves and double-yea on the running in 17 degrees. . .I.could.never.
And we’ll have our first high-schooler next year. . .wow.

Angie - How in the world do you manage to accomplish so much? There are so many awesome things in this post I don’t even know what to comment on. What I do know is that Freezer Cooking is awesome. I wish I could find the time & dedication to do it!!!

Lennie Jackson - Love the couch also! I bought a stove :). Hope you surpass your goal!!! Way to carry out God’s work a little at a time.

denise@victory rd. - snl clip is hilarious.
want your polka dotted.
it’s too cold to run (and i live in cali. wimp).
ragmauffin words, so so good. i don’t deserve Him and His love either.

Tracy - Congrats on the stove donations!!
Can’t wait to hear about the crockpot meals!!!

amanda - Woot! It’s amazing what people with a purpose can accomplish!

Lisa - Freezer to crockpot meals sound awesome – totally what this working-outside-the-home mama needs. Can’t wait to hear more about it! 🙂

Erika - I LOVE your blog and look forward to reading it every day!!!! This is my first time posting. I am amazed and so proud of you for running in the cold…brrr!!! I also would love to know the freezer to crockpot meals and what the other meals your friend organized for you guys to make for her birthday. What a fantastic idea!!!!

susan - Love all the pictures, Meg! I have to tell you that I went to Ikea this weekend and saw that tray and thought of you! I almost bought it, but got the long rectangle with rainbow dots instead.

Lisa M. - That’s awesome about the stoves! Great job!
And you ran in 17 degree weather?? I’ve stopped running outside at the moment cuz it’s reeeeaaallly cold (1 degree today) and I don’t know if I’d make it. My problem is clothing. I always start out really cold then half way through I’m taking off gloves, my hat and wishing I could shed some clothes! I think I might have just been inspired to go out (no, not in 1 degree). Maybe when it gets above 20 🙂

Lisa - Wowza is right!!! So awesome how many stoves were bought!

Jenny B. - So fun! One random question… Do you like your new rainbow knives? 🙂

Janna - CONGRATS!! AWESOME!!! On the stoves AND the running;) Had to comment and say hey! that’s my fav mug too;) Is it a RE mug from Target? I just got one at Goodwill a few weeks ago, same color, and it’s my new fav! Your flowers look so yum. Makes me wanna go buy some. And I just printed off 19 recipes to double and a groc list from pinterest to do freezer to crockpot meals. Can’t wait. I LOVE your idea of doing it with friends for their bday.Genius! Also I am so in love with the Craft House and CW I can hardly stand it. I am 34 now and told my best friend that is what we are gonna be doin in ten years. Sounds like the BEYOND DREAM JOB!! I hope her and I can come to a CW before ten years tho. YOU ROCK!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I am blown straight away that you ran 6.something miles in 17 degrees. I mean…Superwoman. I ran 1.1 mile in the warmth of my basement and thought I might die. And I walked half of it.
Also: The stoves!!!!!!!!!!!!! woop woop!

Tiffany - I’m so happy for you with the success of the stoves! See the difference you make?! Amazing! YOU rock!

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twenty nine.


i kind of threw everyone for a loop when i just casually mentioned i would be traveling to Haiti next week.
as in… everyone.
my own mother texted me within minutes "WHAT!? WHY don't you tell me these things?"

all day my friends were texting me asking "how did i miss this?"
they didn't.

i think i had mentioned it to three people. 


it was a coping mechanism.
i knew it was coming but i also knew i had a very busy month and needed to get through it one thing at a time.  
so craft weekend january is done and now it is time to think about going to Haiti.

i am nervous deep down.  for my heart to break.  for my world to be rocked again.
but i am not scared.
i am aching in my heart already because once you SEE and KNOW… you see and know.
it doesn't go away.
you can't UNSEE it…. and that is major. 

so here we go.

i am going with Becky Straw and Jody Landers. (they are the two women in the video)

i have not met Becky yet but i am stoked about finally getting to meet face to face.  

Jody was the team leader from the trip to Sierra Leone, Africa a few years back (so sad that it's been years)

there are a few others going along that i will meet there too.

we will be documenting stories and photos of the stove vendors that are part of The Adventure Project.
i am SO excited!!
i don't have any idea even where to begin with the emotions in my heart about it all.
i feel like i cried my way through africa…. it was a lot of crying.
and i hope i can be a little more composed on this trip.


pray for me ok?  
that i will have a servant's heart and mind.  
that i will see what God wants me to see… not necessarily with my eyes.  
that i would listen when i need to listen and keep quiet when i should.

and that there will be no speed boats.  (just kidding)


i would LOVE to reach my goal of 50 stoves sponsored in the next 7 days.

i would actually truly love to exceed my goal and i would really like your help.

i need 29 more stoves sponsored to reach my goal.

each stove is a $20 donation.

twenty dollars.
that is…. a disney dvd.  a new cardi from target.  ONE earring at anthro.  

twenty dollars can provide so much good!



Give a Stove this Holiday – The Adventure Project Campaign on Vimeo from The Adventure Project on Vimeo.


twenty nine more stoves.


i am fully aware that a stove won't change the world.

(but... will your cardi?)

i am not trying to "save the world."
i am trying to help where i can and when i can.

the leading cause of death is from breathing smoke while their mothers cook their meal?! 

lets help to change this.


thank you for helping reach my goal of 50 stoves.

if you sponsor THREE stoves your name is put in with all the others who sponsored 3 stoves and we will draw one name to win a trip to Haiti!  
you would get to see it all with your own eyes.
i get to help pick the winner!
wouldn't it be so rad to see that YOU won?!
life changing. 

but one stove is awesome.
it's super amazing.

and so much better than a cardi.

(that says a lot coming from a cardi collector….)






lola - sounds like an incredible trip. wow.
when you said “unseeing” is not an option, that’s powerful.
be safe.

Shara - Will for sure be praying for you and the team going. Thank you so much for your obedience to the Lord and your call to action for His followers!

ira lee - i just went to haiti in august of 2012 and it was the best experience EVA! i went with a group of friends from church. we flew into port au prince and stayed the whole week in leogone at life waters compound. we worked at an orphanage there and completely fell in love with it all! we had sketchy power, no working bathrooms after day 2, no showers (we did bucket baths just like the locals), drank warm water all day and we so hot sweaty and smelly! but i went with some of my dearest friends, the chemistry between us was so unique and that is exactly why i think the trip was so magical. we were there spreading the word of god, loving on orphans, playing with them, letting them know that they are loved. i wanted to scoop them up and take them home with me. in fact my fiance at the time told me to not sneak a baby into the luggage on the way home! i met a darling couple from here in arkansas, he was a kidney doctor and she a stay at home/home school mom. they were lead to move their family to haiti and open an orphanage there to help with the burden. hope rising childrens home was born and you can check them out at its amazing!!! i was moved by so much! i am certain that i gained more from the experience than what i gave. my friends are going back, some even twice this year and i cannot join them and that makes me want to cry!!! i will never ever forget it and even to this day, i am moved by how little they have yet how happy they were. that trip has taught me to be thankful, appreciate what i have, love deeply, and want little.

Monique U. (A Half-Baked Notion) - Congrats on your project, Meg, and prayers for you and everyone whose lives you will be privileged to touch!

Laura - Our Compassion child that we’ve sponsored for the last 5 years lives in Haiti and I hope some day to meet him!!!! His name is Frantz, if you see him tell him I said hello 😉

Tonya - So excited for your trip and project. Looks like you’ll meet that goal!

Tesi - So excited to meet you, Meg! (I’ll be heading there too in 2 days.) I feel much the same way you do. Amazing work rallying your blog readers! Love to you.

the.mrs - 171 Stoves so far!!! A-ma-zing!!

Sarah - Prayers for you.
I can’t imagine…. as you said, seeing it can’t be undone, and that is scary.
Glad you are going, and I know so much good will be done because of that.

Kim - My 21 year old daughter & he boyfriend traveled to Haiti last summer to build block houses. They stayed for a week in missionary home in Carrefour. She said that it was the most life changing experience & helped her with her journey to become closer to God. They will be traveling there this summer again to build. She cries every time she talks about her trip there & the sweet children she met. Once you go there you will want to return. I made my donation at Christmas for a stove. Many prayers Meg <3

Angie G. - Hi, Meg! Miss you guys already. How awesome that you´re going to Haiti. You know it´s our neighbor country and we know how tough life is overthere. Here in the Dominican Republic things are hard, but in Haiti is sooo much worst. It so sad. My church goes to Haiti a few times each year to help too. I´ve never gone…. maybe someday I will. I´ll be praying for you… hope you a have a great time getting in touch with God´s heart through this expirience. A big hug from the Dominican Republic!

Kerstie Pederson - Was going to go to Target this am and spent some extra Christmas money……. I just bought a stove instead. Much better use of some “fun money”. Can’t wait to see what you show us.

Routhie - Have fun and good luck with your overflowing emotions. Thanks for posting about this opportunity to help. Much love and safe travels to you and the others.

Ashley - Can I hide in your bag? So excited for you. Seriously, SO STINKIN’ excited for you.

Jamie - Glad I could help… You rock!

Angela A - Oh my! My eyes completely missed you posting you were going to Haiti. I need to read better, quit skimming so much. How wonderful! Praying for you now and for the weeks ahead, even after you get back. My son and I hope to go in a few years.

Kait - I went to Haiti for the first time as a teenager. It changed my entire life. How could I complain about my parents being unfair with my curfew when at least my parents were there, and they had fed me, and given me a roof, and we were a family and things were safe? I went back twice more as a teen, giving up my summer vacations to live and work in orphanages.
That’s why when I met my husband, on our very first date, I told him I wanted to adopt. We have four kids now, none from Haiti because of their rules, but my time spent there has shaped me and my life in ways I can’t even begin to explain.
It will rock your world. It has been eight years since the last time I was there and it still rocks mine. I am so excited to see how God shapes your heart through your visit.

denise@victory rd. - 3 stoves.
the line, “that i will see what God wants me to see… not necessarily with my eyes” … yes!
i thank God that His Spirit WILL cause you to see all he has in mind for you. i pray for His continued glory in you and through you- here on the blog, there in Haiti, and in “whatever” you do in the name of the LORD (Col 3:17).

Denise Kessler - Oh, Meg…you are so right about preparing your heart. Our family has sort of adopted some young Haitian men that I met on a mission trip 2 years ago. I fell in love with the Haitian people, but on my first trip, I could barely eat and I cried for all 9 days. I just could not understand how God would allow me to be born to “this” and them be born to what they have.
I am thankful to say, it changed my life…and I am sure it will change yours as well. I love your heart and especially how you share it with the world!

Sonja - THANK YOU for telling us about the Adventure Project! I just gave my husband a stove for Haiti for his birthday. 🙂
He’s the kind of guy who’ll get excited about this… and I’m still making him a cake.
I’ll remember you in my prayers. Go bring hope and happiness to Haiti!

Monique - My neighbor is an amazing girl. She co-founded the organization Little Footprints Big Steps and has been living in Haiti for the last 2 years since she graduated high school. She runs a safe house for children and she is only 20 years old! I am so overwhelmed when I think of her and I thought you might be interested in checking out the organization.

Regina - Just donated a stove and am glad you gave us this opportunity to do so. Praying for safe travels, great health, and many blessings for the trip ahead!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Praying for you, Becky, Jody, and the others that travel there as well. God’s many blessings to you guys and all those that are doing the work of the Lord. 🙂

Kirsten J - I don’t know if I told you this before….my brother worked at the US Embassy in Abidjan, Ivory Coast for 4 years. And the stories he told absolutely broke my heart. Every time he came home, I loaded him up with stuff for his housekeeper and the street urchins he had taken under his wing, and his armed guards. I’m an empath and I would get so depressed just thinking of it all. And the thing he kept telling me was, there wasn’t enough I could do to change their reality. I needed to take care of my house first, then give to my local charity of choice, and still it was ok to give him stuff for his African friends. But I could only do so much. I still give to various charities but try to distance myself just a little. You are golden. To actually walk the walk is amazing to me. Hugs and prayers for a trip where you may feel uplifted. You will make a difference.

nicole i - just sponsored 3 stoves…wow isn’t God good…your goal has been met and you have 7 more days!

Angela Storm - Check out the song “Albertine” by Brooke Fraser! I immediately thought of it when you wrote, “…you see and know.” A line in the song says, “Now that I have seen, I am responsible. Faith without deeds is dead.” I will definitely be praying for you and your team members and your family, in your absence. God bless, Meg.
And one earring at Anthro…. YES. Very yes.

gina mitchell - I love your writing and your heart.

Jessica H. - I just bought the 90th stove! So excited to see how far beyond the original goal you will reach. Trips like this are life-changing, eye opening, and pull on your heart strings like no other. So do newborn babies…I have one of those :)….but I’m glad I can donate in lieu of getting to experience a trip like yours firsthand. I pray for safe travels and for you to embrace the moments that are molding you as well as those you are helping!

Taryn - So proud of you, friend, for allowing yourself to continue to live in the tension of this broken world! I have no doubt you will not only be a blessing but be blessed as you walk among some of those closest to Jesus’ heart. Will be praying and look forward to hearing about it when you’re back. Love ya!

Jen - What part of Haiti will you be going to? My husband is with a group in Pignon right now. They are helping out at a school and working on buses and vans while they are there. The ladies that went will be putting on a ladies seminar. I can’t wait to hear how his trip went. I wish I could have gone with him. He will be back home on the 27th.

Gina - “you can’t UNSEE it.” Wow! So so true. Prayers for you. 🙂

Judy@Considering the Options - Meg thank you for the prompting! I just donated your 80th stove!!! Way to go! Our family was just dreaming in the car last night about what we would do if we won the $70 million jackpot (we’d have to play to win I guess). I love that everyone wanted to do something for someone else. Then I got to thinking, we can do that on a small scale right now. I don’t have a million dollars to give to a charity the way I would like. But, I do have $20 I can give to buy a stove. I bet it’s like a million dollars to the family that will receive it:)! That makes my heart happy.
Good luck on your adventure – can’t wait to be moved by your account of it all!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I had to laugh when you said $20 would buy ONE earring at Anthro. So true! 🙂 Praying for you as you prepare(emotionally and in the physical) to go down there. I can hardly wait to get down there in just a few months.

Lisa - So excited for your trip!! It’s been way to long since I’ve been on a mission trip. Love everything you wrote. Once you see and know, you see and know. So true!! Life changing! Praying you get all the stoves and more!

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new sign.

so…. before this post you should listen to this song… Home by Edward Sharp.

maybe open it in another window and litsen to it while you read.



songs is on… ready to go?


we moved to this little farm house rental in march.
it's cozy and we love it here.
in case you don't know our back story or forgot…. we moved to be in smaller community, closer to our kids' school and to use the other house for craft weekends.  it was such a big decision but has been nothing less than awesome.

our bedroom at the (now) Craft House was a ridiculously LARGE room.
it made no sense to have a bedroom that big…it was GIANT.
but of course we also got very used to that size of room after 7.5 years.
and now our bedroom is more of normal to smallish size and has also taken some readjusting too.


and it's just fine.

we got our bed when we first moved to the craft house.
and craig has said several times "i can't believe you haven't painted it yet"

but who has time for that? not me right now.
and it's fine how it is. 


we have my grandmother's night stands that she had in her bedroom my whole life.
she always had her rotary dial phone where i have my computer.  :)
the bottom part pulls out to give more space or tucks in if you don't want it.
mine is always out and filled with junk… over flowing onto the floor and all around. 
while's craig's is tucked in with nothing on or around it.

that is such a true picture of US.  




we have room for one dresser in the corner and we each have a closet.
i decided to hang my jewelry on the wall because there is no other place and because it's pretty.

my jar of heart rocks…such a fun collection over the all the years of motherhood.
my "be intentional" art work was several years ago by Jeanne Oliver.



what got me determined to take care of our room and make it a priority after 9 months of not…
even though it's a rental…
was because of this sign from Between You & Me…. with the lyrics from a song that remind me of our decision to move and take crazy steps to do what we needed for our family.
as we tried to make those big decisions last spring that song was on the radio at all the right times.
and i would smile and know that we were doing the right thing.

all we needed was each other.
no matter where we lived… we were HOME.

so i hung the sign first and then worked around it with pictures of us over the last 21 years.

we have been married for 18 years but dated for three years before we got married.



this print from Studio Mela was the perfect touch.

the butterfly pillows are at target right now.
they needed to live at the farm too. 

pictures from our first prom, our wedding, our favorite vacations, our 10 year anniversary trip and family pictures all hang here.
this is a special wall.

it's sacred ya know?

marriage is a really big deal.
you vow to stay together FOREVER.  
until you die.
so… it really should be honored and cherished and nutured.
surrounding us with reminders of where we came from, who we are and are becoming is one way to do that.


between You & Me has a pretty shop filled with signs you will love!

if you go to her shop and use the code WHATEVER you will get 10% off your purchase in january.

that is awesome!!

tara YOU are awesome.

so… go look it over and find the sign that would spark some creativity in your home.

yay for discounts!

yay for rockin' hot marriages!

yay for teeny farm house bedrooms!




lindsie - Can you please te me what the name is of the green paint in your room…I love it…

Su@TheIntentionalHome - can’t wait to check out the song. . .my hubby and my song. . the song we danced to at our wedding is You’re My Home by Billy Joel. . .same thought that wherever he is and we are together is home. . .I wrote a post titled 10 Quotes to Inspire You to Create a Home You Love. . reminds me of this post cause #10 is the Billy Joel song. # 9 is a Be Intentional piece of art I made. . .thought you might like to check out the other quotes:

misty - Loved every word of this blog post. It made me teary eyed, in a good way. I love to hear about peoples love stories & love to hear about GOOD marriages and hear others talk about marriage being sacred. AMEN.
Your room is so pretty. I just loved every single picture. Thanks you for posting this.

Brooke - Love your cozy little room…and your fun wall!! Love that you cherish your marriage. Life is hard sometimes…you have to turn to your husband. Love your art. Super cute.

April R - /\ Ditto katy

Heidi Jo the Artist - Perfect song for this post and for every family! And congrats for staying strong in your marriage through 18+ years! I love to know couples that are still married and have stuck to their vows. Sadly, my husband and I have known so many that haven’t… Love all the pillows and pretty quilt on your bed too, and of course the jewelry displayed on the wall is the bomb. 🙂

Rach - I’m with Craig… I’m surprised you haven’t painted it either. Gorgeous wall. I have one like that too that I treasure and yes, marriage is sacred. I always try to put it first.

Tonya - Love the post….and the quilt on the bed 🙂

Jen - We just decided to take a leap of faith and move to be closer to my husband’s family. We have had a terribly difficult year due to some things that happened between the neighbor boys and our daughters. I have been back & forth on if this is the right decision…my husband built this house we live in and this is HOME. I so needed to read this post today. I will be purchasing that same sign you have in your bedroom. I think it’s a must have for our next HOME. Thank you for the inspiration, Meg!

Corey Bugni - I love this post and the ideas! thanks Meg! I am also crying because I love the butterfly pillows and Target doesn’t seem to carry the same ones anymore. If you have a link to where they are, I would love it!! Have a great weekend.

Alisha - I LOVE IT!!! You’ve just inspired me. We live in an OLD farmhouse rental as well and our room is just like yours. VERY small and quaint, but just enough. I haven’t done ANYTHING with it because, well, I just didn’t know WHAT to do with it, but I love your ideas of the pictures of the two of you. …and your jewelry knobs. It’s great!

Jenn - THAT SONG… One of my favorites. It played during our dear friend’s funeral slide show last year and every time I hear it I get this crazy mix of joy and sadness at the same time. But definitely more joy for a life well lived with the ones we love!! Very cool print. I love all the photos around it!

Michelle - LOVE. the song, the artwork, the story…everything.
I met my future husband when I was 11 (he was and still is my brother’s best friend), we started dating when I was 15, and we got married when I was 18. Here we are now 18+ years later, and I am still thankful that I get to spend everyday of my life with this man. Thanks for the reminder. It’s inspiring to read of others who have “rockin’ hot marriages.” And you’ve inspired me to finally print out and display some of our favorite pics together, create my own “love” wall.

Dani - I needed this today. My husband and I are making a huge decision about our marriage right now. I don’t want to give up 15 years of marriage and your post just showed me that!
Thank you, MEG!!!

Shelly - Love.Love.Love this post!!! It’s beautiful, inspirational, heart-warming, and sooooo full of love. Thank you! And, I couldn’t help but notice your “Not A Fan” book. Kyle is my preacher. That sermon series was AWESOME!!!! The book is AWESOME!! Kyle is a very special, God-filled human being!!

Tracy Fisher - you said exactly how i feel today. loved your words. and by the way, you and craig have the same side table characteristics and greg and i have… his has a clock and a remote… mine has my life on a bedside table. made me giggle. have a great day. -tracy

katie - what a great idea…i’m inspired to do the same!

Mickie Lara - LOVE everything about this post. The emphasis on family, marriage (and you are always good to remind me about that… we are 21 years too) and home. I tend to get a little too hung up on the house part of the home but you are so right. It is really just wherever we are. Love it!

Jen - Yea for rockin’ hot marriages is right!

Penny - Whenever I refer to something on this blog, I will say to my family, “You know Meg, who has Waffle…” Ha!

Lori Austin - Your bedroom is perfectly perfect.
Love your grandmother’s side table.
This space just seems so happy. 🙂

Amanda Brown - This post is inspirational because I just started working on an art collage for our bedroom! Being married is the BEST, even in difficult times…

Kim Barlow - I know this blog is not about curse words but..girl…you kick a**. XO

Penny - We have been married 29 years and we have lived in small apartments, a mobile home, a very tiny house with three children and then a bigger house. Every single place we lived I made it our home. No matter if we were renting, buying or what. It was our home. And I will tell you I have been happy at every single place we have lived. Now of course I dreamed of our own home when we were renting. I dreamed of a house when we were in that moblie home. But I was happy every place we lived. Now that we have a larger home with lots of space our girls are growing up and moving on. Isn’t that the way life is! Some of the happiest memories I have are the days with our three little girls in our tiny little rental!

Angela A - Oh Meg, the room is beautiful. The decor is so you, the colors are awesome together,and it is such an awesome tribute to your marriage. Thank you for inspiring us to celebrate our own marriages! This year is our 15th anniversary, and we dated for 7 years before that. Our room is sort of us–but you’ve given me some ideas on something to do to honor this special anniversary.

Tiffany - “yay for rockin’ hot marriages!”… You’re too cute! I’m so glad you are both blessed with eachother. Thanks for the reminder about putting marriage first. With two little ones and full time jobs I need reminders often since there are so many other things to do. My hubby and I need to go on more dates.
It was fun seeing a snapshot of your home now. Darling. 🙂

happygirl - I always wondered how the Craft House came to be. I love your wall of memories. I’ve been married 30 years. I agree with the forever of marriage. 🙂

Angie - I totally now want my jewelry displayed on the wall!

lauren - i already knew you were a woman after my own heart…then i saw the ragamuffin gospel on your book pile…amen. i was about to tell my daughter something i read or saw on your blog the other day and i started to say, “my friend….i mean…on this blog i read…” you have a gift for drawing people in and then you give good, real stuff for them see. i may never meet you but i’m sure you’re a great friend.

stephany @ home is what you make it - I listen to this song over and over on repeat. Did it today while running errands with my little girl.
My cousin and his new wife had this song playing as the song after their wedding ceremony on the shores of a lake in Northern Idaho. My favorite uncle, who owns the house and officiated the ceremony, danced up the stairs with my aunt and had tears in his eyes.
Anyway, great song, great memories, great post.
Thanks for sharing!

melodee - wow! your room is great! love all of the details and your always so nice and crisp photos….and your necklace collection…to die for!

Carol S. - Super sweet post. We hit 25 in April. And made a major move this year (from Chicago of all places!) This hits home. Thanks Meg.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Hmmmm…I sort of love this post… ALOT:) I’m a big fan of investing in marriage. So often the kids come along and we focus solely on them, kind of neglecting our spouse. But when the kids grow and leave its back to just the two of you. I want to cherish my hubby more then than I did on our wedding day. Marriage is so hard and yet one of the best gifts God ever created. Your room is a tribute to that. Thanks for reminding us all:)

katy - favorite. post. ever.
love the music as a background.
love. love. love.

Jacci in Ohio - YYYAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am SO thrilled you posted photos of the farmhouse! It is PERFECT. So perfectly you! Different… in such a different home… but so you. And that is why I *love* it. And I love your sign. And your voice for marriage.
God has made you rad, rad, rad.

Charly - I smiled throughout the entire song! I now want my hubby to come home so we can dance to it in the living room with a three year old and two dogs running Around us! AND, your bedroom looks great!

Mary - i love how you went with what you had and just made it so, so, so special.
sometimes i just feel like i have to wait until the walls are painted…or the bedding is just right, but NOW is the time to cherish.
now is the time to celebrate.
you’re so good at celebrating the NOW, meg.
i adore that about you.
and i LOVE taras work.
on my list. for sure.
now i want to spruce up our room!

Kerstie Pederson - Yay for you too! 😉 I love your blog!!!!

Aimee - I love, love, love this post. And it’s all so do-able and accessible. Very inspiring.

Mary Jo - I love the butterfly pillows!

Shara - Thanks so much for sharing Meg!! You’ve totally inspired me(along with countless others~) to do something like this. The walls in my bedroom are begging me!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - i love that you have reminders of how precious marriage is. the butterflies had me at hello and that artwork is awesome! love tara. very sweet. wondering about the rest of the room. a past christmas present comes to mind;)

tonya - love this post…and the song! i keep our bedroom free of pictures of the kids…just pictures of me and my man!

tara - marriage is a REALLY big deal.
It is sacred. It if FOREVER.
I love the wall of you and your man, and I love that the sign is a reminder of something God has done in the life of your family with the move to the farm house.
you’re awesome. thanks for hanging one of our signs in your home!

Marsha Kern - I love your room and your style, it is perfect! We live in the country too and we love it!

Kristin S - I absolutely love your room! The wall is perfect. I love that you have that prom photo on there. Good reminders of God’s faithfulness.
And now I’m considering simple row of hooks for my necklaces! I forget what I have and end up wearing the same things over and over.
Beautiful, Meg.

Kristina Abel - So funny that you have that sign. My girlfriend and I made wood signs and that’s what I’m putting on mine and hanging in my living room. Thanks for sharing you colorful and cozy room. 🙂

shelby - I need a chenille bedspread like that! My grandma always had them on the twin beds I slept in at her house!

Bopha - Please tell me you have watched this! This is where I first heard the song and fell in love. This rendition melts my heart. Love your “love” inspired room-that’s the way a bedroom should look!

Lisa - Hi Meg
I usually don’t comment on your blog because you get SOO many, and I’m not always sure you even see them all, but today I want to.
This post has inspired me. Why is it that once you have kids all the photos are just about kids and family (please understand I adore my kids!!!). My husband and I have bee married for almost 28 years and I still feel sometimes like we are the 17 year olds when we first started dating. I WANT A SPECIAL LOVE WALL like you, and so I shall now have one ;). Thank you!!

Kerry - oh meg…… i’ve read the post 3 times with the song playing in the background. feeling really emotional right now – what a beautiful post. this is JUST what I needed right now. Thank you so much xxx

ann - Meg your room is so adorable, cozy, and full of your personality! Love it all. You are right, marriage is a sacred thing to be honored and treasured. Great post! Hugs from Chicagoland, Ann

Abbie Swartzentruber - Ok Meg, you got me hooked on the butterfly pillows – but I can’t find them anywhere at I am gonna have to go searching for them – your room turned out cozy and sweet:)!!

mary - your room is beautiful…you have that decorating gene, that can pull together any place and make it visually pleasing.

ali moll - I love this post Meg! And I love the room! The pics and sign are the perfect finishing touch. You have such a knack for decorating – I LOVE YOUR STYLE! Have a fabulous day! Hugs!

beki - you’re awesome 🙂

jennt - i LOVE you room! It is so vibrant and happy but also so cozy
I am always stumped with what to do with our bedroom…..

lisa - So sweet! Love it. And I love your rocks. I have a jar from my girls, too. I wrote about it here if you’re interested. 🙂 Funny how something as basic as a rock can be so special!

Lennie Jackson - You make me want to redo our bedroom! Great post….I LOVE the prom pic!!!!

danielle - This made me want to stop what I am doing and go make an art wall in my bedroom of my husband and I! Totally doing this! I keep a big landscape above our bed taken on our first getaway from the boys but I would love this also! Beautiful room!

ranee - loved this post and that wall is beautiful! you have inspired me to start a “love wall” of my own!

Juli - Awesome. Yes, that bed begs to be deep teal. 😉

Angela - Thank you for choosing to declare the truth – marriage is precious and WORTH IT. I have only been married for 2.5 years, but I am thankful for the examples that God has surrounded me with – people I know (My parents and my in-laws have been married for 30 years, my grandparents for 54 this April.) and people I don’t (YOU!). 🙂 Have a beautiful Thursday, Meg!

Amber - Yay for rockin’ hot marriages indeed. I’m all inspired to put up pictures of me and my hubby all over the place.

sam - Love this post. We celebrated our 25th anniversary last year and have had seven different homes in that time. I recently repainted our bedroom and, for the first time in 25 years, am working on making it more of OUR room. I plan to make a similar sign with our marriage vows on it and have been scouring our photo boxes for pictures of us over the past 27 years to do something very similar. So fun!

tiffany gardner - once again… you never fail to encourage. i am so glad that i found your blog a couple of years ago. you truly are a part of my days. my friend who doesn’t know me.
i thank God for you.

Meredith - Seeing your collection of photos of you and your husband makes my heart happy. I should do this in my bedroom too. Also, those butterfly pillows are amazing. I NEED those in my life.

Regina - I love, love, LOVE this post! It speaks my life in every word. We have lived in a rental and in a city that I’m not too crazy about for the past two years. We still have our house in another state (where I would MUCH rather live), but because my husband had a wonderful career opportunity HERE, that is where we are…ALL of us. There was much discussion about only him moving here and commuting back and forth (so that the kiddos could stay in their schools and near friends), but that just felt like we would be “divorced”…NOT an option! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this timely post….a wonderful reminder of WHY we live here, it just wouldn’t be the same without the whole family under one roof…outdated rental or not. Hugs and success to you, Meg!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Such wonderful sentiments here Megan. A wonderful post.

Susan - Thank you for sharing! I have a heart rock collection too! Most of mine came from around the cabin where we stay each year in Colorado.

Shannon - Love those butterfly pillows! You made the perfect space for you and your hubby including family photos and fun signs. As always love all the fun colors you use in your decorating 🙂

Janet C - Love this post, made even better listening to your special song.

Gina - LOVE!! Such a special collection hanging on the wall but the sentiment even better. 🙂

wendi - I love how God uses unexpected things to nail the point he is making. Today He used you.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I LOVE this! We have never really put much into our bedroom — even here in this new house. It’s always the last priority and I have grown sick of it!
I love that you have your history right there on the wall.
I wish we could double date. You remind me of us. If that makes sense. Marriage is ebb and flow, but HE is my home.
(Also? You’re reading Ragamuffin?????????????? Put it on the list. Or actually, start reading so we can put it on the list.)

elma - Love this post to!!!
I love her shop to and have the family rules sign and one Christmas one!!

Lisa M. - Loved this post. Thanks for sharing such a personal part of yourself.

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