Masthead header


my kids are off school today.
and monday.
today we are cleaning the house (not that it shows…) because it's a wreck.

these are some of my instagrams from the past week or so.
you can follow me on IG if you'd like…. i am Meg Duerksen.

have you ever made this Oreo pie?
my family LOVES it and it's soooo easy!
it's oreo brand pie crust, oreo pudding and cool whip.
and it looks fancy and your kids will gobble it up.
the recipe is ON the pie crust….yeah that simple.

(not working for oreo….i just LOVE oreos)

sewing is great for stress relief.
i am not sure WHY.
but it is.

this black feather was in my sheets as i was crawling into bed last week.
i screamed SO LOUD FULL ON TERROR because i thought it was a big spider.
i woke up the dog.
i was all shakey…. i have a fear of spiders.  did you guess that?

annie whispered this to me during communion last week.
i wrote it down immediately and passed it over to craig.

but how awesome would that be???

i love getting my hair done.
i feel so sassy when i leave the salon.

our high school has a fundraiser during half time of the basketball games called Pop-A-Shot
kids pay $1 to shoot a free throw and if they make it they get a 2 liter of POP.
(i am guessing the pop is donated)
TONS of kids run out there to try and it's no big deal if they miss.
they can shoot as many times as you have dollars.
it is awesome.
if your school doesn't do this…. they should.
talby made her shot.   🙂

brad paisley helped me make it through my miles last week.
this week i am so tired.
but i can't stop.
i do get quite tempted to quit very often.

five hours after craft weekend was over
my entire family on my dad's side showed up to stay for a few days.
my grandmother passed away last week and everyone came together to celebrate her beautiful life.
(more on that later)

she would have LOVED to see us all together in one place.

with her cousins at the craft house, annie started to make a flag with my scraps.
she reeeeeeally wanted to hot glue it all together.
i really didn't want her to but knew i should be encouraging her creativity.
she said to me "MOM….when i grow up i am going to be the president
and i am going ot make our flag look just like this!"
my heart melted.

these are the women in my family on my dad's side.
we each chose pieces of grandma's jewelry until it was all divided.
my dad made the rule we had to wear what we chose all evening.
it was fun.
my grandma had a lot of unique and special jewelry.
she would have gotten a big kick of the girls wearing it all at once.

kansas sunsets are peaceful.

we don't do valentine's day at our house.
we just don't.
and i am ok with that.
but then it does begin to feel like i am the ONLY ONE in the whole world who doesn't do it.
i got bugged about it so i took myself for a massage.
it was pretty rad. 

i love the relaxation room after the massage.
but yesterday it was filled with couples…. and me… and an older lady eating a smelly salad.
one couple was kissing and had a bottle of wine.
the other two couples had clearly never been there & didn't know it was the RELAXation room and they should be quiet.
i kept my book up high to block them all from vision but i could hear them.
i finally just went to the steam room to be alone.

i sound like an old lady.
i know.
i am happy they were going to go get their romance on… i just didn't want to see it.

but the masage and steam were fabulous…. yay.

happy valentine's (that i don't celebrate) to me!

i had five minutes at barnes & noble and i spent 4.5 of them in the line.
i wished i had bought the Travel Africa magazine because it looked cool!
i don't want to cycle in africa… but i do want to Travel Africa.

i bought the book on the Tattoos on the Heartand i am loving it already!
shannan told me it was good and she is right.  

(strong langauge… fyi)

have you seen hot pink Kitchen Aid in person?
it is super awesome.
i would never get tired of that color….would i?
it's perfect.
i saw it at target.


and this is what waffle and i just did.

he smelled beyond gross.

and now he doesn't.

alrighty…. my kids want me to play Sorry.
gotta run.
happy weekend to you!


Ash - just found your blog and wanted to drop a couple of notes:
a) i love the idea of craft weekends and totally wish i thought of it or had a house big enough to host…anyone.
b) we don’t do valentine’s either and i’m glad to see SOMEONE else out there that doesn’t do it either.
c) oh goodness, i want that kitchen aid mixer. i drool every time i see it at our target!
glad i found your blog and can’t wait to read more!

Tracy Fisher - i loved your “old lady” comment. so true. i get it. haha. -tracy
p.s. i want that pink mixer!!!!

Krissy - Annie would make a GREAT president!!! She has awesome ideas (like ribs at communion!)
I have that pink mixer, and I LOVE it!!! There is a blender that matches it that I want too. It sitting on my counter always brightens my day! 🙂

katie - You have a sweet girl, but I do have to do a ‘lil witness here as it just saddens me that you all are thinking of communion as “just food”.
In the Catholic church we actually receive Jesus’ body, blood, soul, and divinity….super crazy I know!
“Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him” (John 6:53–56).
NOTE in King James bible the word “verily, veriely” is used which means truth…
If you want you can read this Catholic page to explain more as we know Jesus was not speaking metophorically
There are many miracles too that go along with our Holy communion – Saints that lived off it ONLY for years! anyway it is in your court if you want to look into it just felt I needed to say something…

andrea - Oooohhhh, I am so jealous! A massage. Sigh. I haven’t had one in FOREVER. We really don’t do V-day here either. Just school stuff – which is MORE than enough. But since I now have two at home for homeschooling, they didn’t do anything but share their little brother’s stuff from school. Good boy! He shared without me asking.
My yellow lab stinks too. We normally bath her outside but it is way too cold. Can’t do it in the house; she shakes and shakes and shakes… Hair and water everywhere. Have to take her into the dog wash at the car wash. Heated room, heated water, dog shampoo – worth it.

Kristin S - The photo bombers in your jewelry pic are hilarious.

Naomi - I have a pink kitchen aid, but not a hot pink one. I want it! So awesome!!

amy - The stoic-ness of Waffle’s face made me gaffaw. What a cute mutt.

colleen from Alabama - Ok, I officially LOVE waffle. That dog is such a poser! He looks like a little old man when he is wet like that. I laughed so hard and then I showed it to my husband so he could laugh too! PRICELESS! His face just cracks me up. Thank you for making my saturday morning with that. Love your random posts. Thanks for taking the time to share the fun.

Lisa M. - Loved this post, Meg. So nice to see all those IG pics! I love dunking oreos in black coffee. I then throw the coffee out because I don’t drink blk coffee 🙂 And did you know that an ONE oreo has over 50 calories!! I actually stopped eating oreos after I read that 🙂
I love to see that you’re still running! That’s awesome. I stopped over the winter and didn’t want to 🙁 busy season in my business and it’s so darn cold! Back at it soon tho! Thanks for sharing!

Juli - We don’t do Valentine’s Day either. He did bring home Soup for a Group from Panera for dinner so I wouldn’t have to cook since I was sick but I don’t think that counts. He would’ve done that anyway! 😉

Heather - Annie for president! I swear I went to grade school with the gal on the left side of the picture (the women on your dad’s side of the family). If it’s not her, she has a twin! Did she grow up in MN and her dad was a band instructor?

Sarah - I love love love your non-Valentine-Day day…and had to laugh at your relaxation room-oh yuck-experience. You are so funny. And I make that Oreo pie thingy too and it always disappears so quickly wherever it goes-and it’s so easy! Have a great weekend! (I would vote for Annie too!)

jessica - Waffle! That just made me so happy! I love your dog 😀

katie - We don’t really celebrate valentine’s day either. my husband and I had a nice getaway over christmas break and that was our money for valentines and our birthdays this year. plus with how much they celebrate in school i don’t think my kids need more! just saying you are not alone!!!

Kibaya - Hi.
Here in Finland we have two sides of valentines day. Other is like yours – be my valentine and the other one is friendship. We also call the day FrienshipDay instead of valentines day. I don’t do valentines but I do friendship! Cynics here are thinking that it’s only commershial and business and so on. But I did text to my friends to have a special day because they are special. And I sent two cards to my nearest friends. Nothing more 🙂
But because christmas, easter and Day of May is mainly our only decorational days in here it doesn’t bother us not to celebrate.

lindsey - we don’t really do valentine’s day either. its easier on both of us, to be honest. we’re lazy gift givers. this way, no one’s disappointed!

Kori - We don’t do Valentine’s Day either. I mean, seriously, we’re married to each other…who else would be our valentines? Right? I did, however, as I laid my tired self on the couch after work, get a full leg and foot rub that lasted for over an hour. Better than any flowers and cards I tell ya! 😉

beth - i’m going to go out on a limb here and say that at our house we do celebrate valentine’s day. the way i see it, we’re only on this earth for _? number of years, and there’s only a handful of special days to celebrate each year, so why not go all out and take every possible opportunity to turn an ordinary day in to something even more special? i like to really do it up for birthday’s and the other holidays through the year also. and by go all out, i don’t mean by spending lot’s money. it’s not about that for me. it’s about the little things i can do to show my family how much i love and treasure them. i got up extra early and made them strawberry waffles and bacon (something i would normally only make on weekends), gave the kids small gift bags filled with inexpensive things that they love and don’t normally get, drove the kids to school rather than the bus (a treat) then had a nice candlelit family dinner together that night. also, my husband brought home roses (for me) and tulips (for our daughter) when he came home from work. when the kids went to bed we shared a bottle of wine and a slice of cheesecake while we watched a movie. it was such a wonderful valentines day. i hope i’m not the only one?…

Lisa - We don’t do valentines in my marriage either. Mostly cause of me. For whatever reason I just can’t get behind that holiday. I so wish I had gotten a massage though!!!! That sounds amazing! 🙂

Colleen - Looks like a good week. Lots of family time. We don’t do it up big for V day either. We remember that we love each other without having a “special” day to display it. Speaking of display….that would have made me want to leave the quiet room too! Hope you won at Sorry…I try to beat my kids at games every so often. Keep it real, we don’t always win in life, right? Have a great weekend!

Michelle - We don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day either. Nice to hear of someone else who doesn’t go crazy for the day. Anyway, I love the picture of all the women wearing your grandma’s jewelry. Such a great tribute to her.

Jenny B. - That feather would have freaked me out too! I check my bed for spiders every night. Seriously. A friend of mine was bitten by a BLACK WIDOW that was in her covers. No joke. Anywho…
Ribs for communion. Hilarious (and somewhat appropriate). 😉
We don’t really do Valentine’s Day either. My birthday is 3 days before (and lots of other family members’ birthdays are in February too). We do cards. That’s it. And, of course, the cheap-o store-bought Valentines for the kids to give their friends. No big gifts or romantic nights out, though.
People kissing at a massage place? Eww… PDA! 🙂

Tracey - Waffle is so silly!!!
And I love the pink Kitchen Aid, but i already have a blue one.
We don’t really do Valentine’s either. I made heart shaped pizza and squirted cheesecake goo into strawberries. That was it—but my boys were all happy. 🙂

Rachel B. - I would vote for Annie!

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pumpkin french toast….YUM


i have an easy yummy recipe for you to make for this weekend.
it’s so nice to make it quickly the night before and then have a hot breakfast in the morning when you are sleepy.
that is a HUGE reason why breakfast isn’t my thing… i am not a morning person.
i am too tired and out of it to consciously make a dish without messing it up.

so… the make ahead stuff is great for my night owl personality.


you need a loaf of bread, eggs, pumpkin, vanilla, milk, pumpkin pie spice and brown sugar.

cut the loaf of bread into cubes.
i just buy a loaf of italian or french bread for this and cut the whole thing up.
if you arent’ cooking for a crowd like i am at every meal… you don’t need to use the whole loaf.


put the cubes in a 9×13 dish and mix up all the ingredients except brown sugar.


pour that over all the bread cubes covering the cubes completely.



if there is a place where the batter did not get on the cubes use a rubber spatula and gently smoosh it down until all the bread cubes are soaked in the batter.

THEN cover it and place it in the refrigerator overnight.


in the morning…. preheat your oven to 350.
uncover your dish.
sprinkle the brown sugar over the top of the dish.
BAKE at 350 uncovered for 40 – 45 minutes.


It smells amazing as it cooks.
like you are making pumpkin pie for breakfast.

we top it off with syrup… each person putting on their own amount.


seriously…. such a treat for a weekend morning.


you can make a smaller amount by using a little less eggs and milk.
i don’t think you would need to change the pumpkin, vanilla and spices though.

i am super hungry right now…. i wish thees pictures weren’t from last week.




Block Party - Making the World Cuter - […] 6. Pumpkin French Toast from Whatever […]

14 Recipes for Fall - Making the World Cuter - […] 6. Pumpkin French Toast from Whatever […]

Garage Door Repairs Phoenix - I appreciate this idea very much. I made it for myself and my 1 year old this weekend, and we both loved it!

Michelle Whitlow - I made this for breakfast this morning and it was SO yummy!! I halved the recipe because I was only making it for my 3 kids (and one’s a toddler). So here’s my version for anyone who wants it: I used a 1/2 loaf french bread, 1 cup canned pumpkin, 4 eggs, 1 cup half and half (I just prefer this over milk for french toast), 1 tsp vanilla (cause I love it!) and 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice.
I still baked it for 40 min and it was not mushy, not sure why others had that problem. Maybe not enough bread or your layers are too thick & the middle can’t cook is all I can think. I think the key is to make sure that you have enough bread in the pan to soak up most of the liquids. My toddler GOBBLED this up!! And she didn’t even use syrup 🙂
Thanks so much for the recipe! I’ll definitely be making it again!!

Michelle Whitlow - Melissa – I did the same thing! I emptied the shelves of pumpkin cause there’s no way I’m living without it!!

Holly - Yum! I’ll definitely be making this!!

Meg Duerksen - my guess would be that if it’s mushy… you need to cook it longer or use more bread.
and there are 2 teaspoons of pumpkin pie spice.
the flavor is pumpkin with the brown sugar and the syrup over it.
french toast is usually bread and eggs and cinnamon and the sweetness comes from the syrup too.
you are free to make it whatever way you’d like. 🙂
my family loves it this way.

Amy Moran - Hi Jennifer.
See my response above. I made the recipe, as well, and had results simliar to yours:(

Amy Moran - I don’t cook often..actually ever. My husband is the cook in our family. I saw your recipe and thought it sounded delicious and definitely something I could make. I followed the directions to a ‘t’. The end result was definitely not what I expected. It had no flavor, and was still a bit mushy on the bottom. I was so disappointed. I don’t know what went wrong. In the recipe it asks for a ‘t’ of vanilla and I think pumpkin spice. I assumed it was a ‘teaspoon’ maybe I was wrong.

melissa@joyineveryseason - A couple years ago there was a shortage of pumpkin during the holidays, and I literally got down on my knees to pull the last can of pumpkin in the county from underneath the grocery store shelves. It was a “As God is my witness, we shall never not have enough canned pumpkin during the holidays again” moment, thus I always have at least one extra can of pumpkin in the pantry come February. I was wondering what to do with it this year, and this recipe was definitely the answer. Let me tell you, my whole family was rejoicing that the lonely can leftover from 2012 was a large one and made two casserole dishes of this yummy goodness. Five stars on this one, it is SO GOOD! thank you, Meg!

Jennifer - Just made this for breakfast this morning, but it turned out mushy. Maybe next time, more bread (I used a whole French bread loaf this time) or bake in two pans so it’s thinner and dries out more. Also, maybe would add a bit of the brown sugar into the batter so all of the french toast is sweetened. Love the idea of adding pecans next time!
If anyone else has made it, please let me know how it turned out for you – maybe I did something wrong. : )

Erin - 1. I feel the same way when I get my hair done!☺
2. So sorry about your grandmother.
3. I will make that pumpkin French toast (someday!)!

Jen - Making this this weekend. Thanks, Meg!

Julie - Wanted to link this in case you haven’t seen it. Go down to the bottom of the article where they talk about the Hesston team.

Amy - Wow, that looks awesome! I am saving this recipe for my annual ‘weekend before Thanksgiving girls’ retreat’ in New Hampshire. Although I have to say….I am so surprised that you are using IMITATION vanilla extract, girl! Get the real stuff; it’s 1000 times better! 🙂

Gina - Yum! That looks delicious! I will look for pumpkin purée at the grocery store today and see if I can make it this weekend. We recently (6 months ago) moved to London (UK) and I have been enjoying searching for different things in the grocery stores. Not sure if I will find pumpkin purée….should be able to. Wish me luck! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

justme - Your kids probably wouldn’t like it but I think I’d chop up some pecans and throw them in with the brown sugar!

Linda - sounds amazing I must try it!

Amy - Thank you so much for the recipe! We have a crazy, busy weekend coming up with basketball tournament, running here, running there and this would be a fantastic way to start the day!

Lindsey - Perfect timing! Thanks for sharing – I have company this weekend!

Stephanie - Yum! What an inventive way to do an easy weekend breakfast!

Lee Ann - I can almost smell it!
I had a dream about you last night. There was a parade in your small town – in honor of YOU! My family and I drove from Washington to see you. And then there was a “meet and greet” in the library and we sat and chatted. It was awesome! 🙂

Jenn - Um…hello, YUM! This is my kind of weekend breakfast.

Adrienne - I can smell it now! Yummmmmmm 🙂

Lennie Jackson - Can’t wait to try it! Thanks!

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my babies.

talby and scott were laughing SO HARD watching this old video they found of themselves and sean.
i couldn't breathe when i was watching it…i laughed so hard i cried.
it is crazy and loud and nothing happens but my kids are LITTLE and their laughing is so funny.
i mean both those boys are taller than me and much bigger now. 

apparently they think getting their face IN the camera means they won.

and this is totally what spending some time with my kids can be like…. CHAOS. 


no one was injured during the making of this video.

i think it's 4 years old. 

oh boy.
they are so silly! 


and now…. i am going to sit back and wait for Disney to call.  
this has disney sitcom written all over it.


are you sure?

ha ha ha 



Jacci in Ohio - Hi! Hi! Hiiiiii!!!! Ahhhhhhgh!!!
ha ha.
that was very funny and strangely sweet. and familiar.

Tami - My kids thought this was hilarious. And they had to watch it more than one time. I have 5 too and they act exactly the same way. That is why they thought this was sooooooo funny.

Angela - Scott’s giggling is cracking me up!

Routhie - Had this been around when we were kids, this is exactly what my brothers and I would have done. We managed to be that loud without it, though. Love happy kids!

Stephanie - It’s not just us!! I laughed at your silly kids. These are the kinds of things that are SO annoying while they’re doing them, but hilarious a few years later. We have seven and I feel like this is my life every minute. Except its in my face instead of the video camera. Lol.

steph - i love that they don’t really do anything but laugh… hit one another… and say ‘HHHHHIIIIIII’!!!!
that is one hilario vid.
i’ll have to show my girls.
i might have to bookmark it.

Suzanne G. - OMG…How funny! My speakers are not working so I watched it with no sound and oh my word, this is hilarious! I like that even Waffle got in the action!

tinaehb3 - Talby has no problem holding her own with the boys even when in a choke hold, lol!!

Melinda George - It’s like playing the game King of the Hill only video style. 🙂

Lennie Jackson - Good times….good times. I was a little worried for Talby there for a minute during the whole choak hold thing but she recovered quite nicely 🙂

Lisa - Kids are so funny! Love how they can enjoy the simplest of things. 🙂

Meg P - My two year old little dude climbed up in my lap to watch this video with me. He definitely thought they were saying “Hi” to him! He kept saying “Hey!!” and waving so hard! And then when it was over he asked for “another!” Ha! Kids can be fun sometimes 😉

Corinne - Yes please call disney! It is so much better then Dog with a Blog!

Angela A - Oh my. I have two that get crazy. I can’t imagine 5 of them. I love that Waffle had to join in too.

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hello… a week later.

remember when i used to blog everyday?

yeah… me too.

everyday i meant to write but just couldn't get to it.

there has just been a lot going on.

last weekend i brought my camera along for another day of basketball.
it started at the last day of the basketball clinic for kindergarten – 3rd grade.


craig runs the clinic with another former college basketball player.
it is pretty cute to watch all those kids bouncing basketballs all over the gym.

jump stop.

bounce pass.

dribble knock out.


annie LOVED the clinic.  
talby and scott were helpers.   
i really enjoy watching craig with the kids…. that guy sure does love basktball.

we left annie's clinic and went straight to scott's afternoon tournament.
what is there not to love about high school basketball?  
especially in a small town.
its one of my favoirte things to do.

then we left that gym and drove to sean's tournament.
we watched two of his three games.
they won and sean played G R E A T!  
it was fun with the crowd too… all the parents were cheering.
it was a long day of basketball but i honestly did enjoy it all.



talby plays too but this was a weekend she did not have games.

i really don't want the season to end.
it's always here too soon.

do your kids play sports?
what do they play?
do you love it or do you wish they like something else?



Kasey - Sounds like you guys were super busy! My 8 year old is playing basketball right now, but in a few weeks he will start baseball and soccer. and our 4 year old will start soccer in a few weeks too. My husband is a basketball coach so it has been crazy town around here! But we love it!

Sherry Stone - Hi Meg! Love your blog and can’t wait for my name to be called for Craft Weekend.
My oldest son plays freshman basketball and so does my 8 yr. old daughter. I’m always impressed with your GYM photos- not the easiest to capture. My son has always loved basketball. I agree, high school basketball is the best! Just last week he said
“mom, I don’t know what I’m gonna do now that the basketball season is over”….I replied, baseball starts next week so you will have that.
“baseball is just not the same. I would rather be on the court playing basketball getting yelled at by coach, than being on the baseball field being praised”………..
Sherry Stone
Crestwood, KY

Cris Marsh - We have 4 children and all played sports (every sport imaginable). I coached soccer, basketball,and softball so I could be there for every single minute of fun. Now we have grandkids and we are loving watching them play sports too!

Erin - My 7 year old is a swimmer year round. Basketballer in the winter. Baseballer in the Spring.
My 5 year old is a tae Kwandoer.
My 16 month old is a tag-a-longer. 🙂
Love kid sports!!!

Tracy Fisher - that’s how i feel watching my kids play baseball and lacrosse. i know they are only young for a short amount of time. i wish someone had told me that years ago… oh, they probably did…haha. but now it is so important to see all of these moments. you are a good mom meg duerksen! 🙂 -tracy

Lisa - I was going to say that seeing Craig doing the clinic reminded me of JAM basketball!!

Robyn B - I have one son who plays year-round basketball (11yrs) and another who plays year-round select soccer (14 yrs). The older is in middle school, so he also plays whatever school sport in in season – currently basketball. It makes for very hectic weekends, but I LOVE watching them play and wouldn’t want it any other way. I think my favorite sport to watch is basketball, followed closely by soccer (I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that it’s indoors, so no freezing, sweating, or being rained on 🙂 )
On another note, I’m “training” for my first 5K ever – I know it’s not that big of deal to most folks, but I’ve never been a runner. My older son is running with me – of course, he’s looking to win the “men’s” division, I’m just looking to finish and not die.

Ali - My kids are 5, 2, and 11 months and I pray everyday that each of them play sports.

Jessica K - I was on Craig’s JAM basketball team back in the day! 🙂 I loved growing up playing and being around basketball but my kids have yet to fall in love! Maybe one day!

Alice H - My daughter does cheer for football and basketball. My son plays football. And my baby (turning 3 this weekend) will be playing t-ball this spring. I love sports! Yes, life gets really busy with practices, games, etc, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world. This is just a season.

Kara - We’re a huge basketball family – all the kids play (or have played) and my husband coaches. I love watching the games – good thing, right? I’m sad that my oldest is in college now and the days of watching him play are over…Enjoy it while you can!

Jen - Love the pictures, Meg. Thank you! My 8-year-old daughter plays softball and I help coach. I love that she loves to play. Both of our girls have tried soccer, but neither really enjoyed it. Our 5-year-old daughter really wants to try karate or gymnastics, and I think she’d be AWESOME at these, but I’m a fish out of water with these two. Need to do some research…Have a great day!

nora - The first few pictures, I thought we were looking at Talby … nope – it was Annie! Where has the time gone?!?! Anywho, love this post – I love basketball! The smell of the gym, the squeaks of the sneakers, and the fact that it’s INDOORS!

Becky P. - My kids are now 27 & 25 and I still miss Saturday’s in our small town at the YMCA watching them grow up playing basketball. Our youngest continued to play basketball until graduating from High School. That fall/winter after she graduated felt so different not having any sports to go to that we sought out friends and family that had kids or grandkids playing!

Carol S. - Nice to hear from you! I try to blog weekly and it’s too much for me, ha ha. It certainly is a job. If I could just write, I’d do it more, but pulling in the pictures is slow for me.
Looooove basketball and my son plays 8th grade. We just lost in disappointing first round of state playoffs, but experience was great. High school gets very competitive and he is working hard to be a player. We start AAU next for spring and summer, and that is lots of weekend tournaments which I love. Win or lose, we have fun escaping everyday responsibilities and focusing on the moment of the game. Had a varsity boys volleyball player who now plays Big 10 college club volleyball, can’t wait to see one of those games. Enjoy your week.

Sarah Wolfe - Our boys play baseball. But some of them are close enough in age to be on the same team, so usually we can get them on 3 teams. I love being at the ballpark. The little kids run around outside and play. We eat popcorn and chat as the boys play. My husband coaches and I love seeing him out there too 🙂 I’d love to do basketball, but we are not the tallest of families 🙂

Tami - Our family is a football family. Also music. So we get he best of both worlds. We love it all.

Roganne - I can not wait to have kids in organized sports! My two-year old is in mommy and me swimming lessons right now and we love it!

Alicia @ La Famille - i do love basketball. none of my kids play yet though. i remember those clinics and games like yesterday. so fun! such fun memories.

christy - Looks like a lot of fun! The little ones are so cute! How neat that Craig runs the clinic too.
My son plays soccer & I love it! Not a sport I ever tried, so I am learning more & more each season. He has played baseball, basketball & soccer & seems to like soccer the best.

Tiffany - Hey there! Don’t worry about not blogging every day. It’s fun to hear from you whenever it may be! Not sure what sports my kids will be into… Olivia has tried dance, gymnastics, and t-ball so far. T-ball is her fav, but she is only 5! It will be fun to see how they grow and develop in their interests and skills!

Stacey - All 3 of my kids play water polo and I had never seen a game before they started. I LOVE watching it now and I’m so proud of how far they’ve come in the sport. We live in Canada and we’re at the pool 5 nights a week with the different teams and I’m just happy that it’s in a warm pool and not a hockey arena!

Debbie S - Four kids = 3 soccer teams, 3 baseball teams, 4 on swim team, 1 gymnastics, 2 basketball teams and my husband coaches highschool baseball and 8th grade boys and girls middle school basketball. And through all of this, in the last three years I started running and have finished 1 half-marathon and 14 other races. So what I’m saying is, if I can find time to run, anyone can 🙂

Heather E - My son plays soccer and we love going to games and watching him grow in his athletic abilities. He and his dad play basketball in the driveway all the time so I am sure basketball will be in our future! 😉 And there is nothing better than watching fathers share and teach their kids about something they love.

Julie - I live in New Zealand, and my 9 year old son is in a school basketball team. They have games on a Friday afternoon after school is out throughout the year. I love it – the games are only 30 minutes long, inside so I don’t get wet and cold like I did when he played cricket and soccer on Saturday mornings. I still don’t get a Saturday sleep in – cos now he’s got guitar lessons at 8.30 am.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - One of our girls(7 yrs) has found her niche in gymnastics. She just had her first competition and was nervous the morning of. She asked me to pray with her to calm her nerves. We did and she ended up loving every minute of the competition.
Its such a blessing to watch your kids try new things and figure out life, isn’t it?

Seriously Sassy Mama - My 9 year old plays basketball and I love it. I played ball in high school, and I LOVE teacher her skills. My 7 year old is in gymnastics. I like it now, but I hope she chooses something different as she gets older. It is very expensive, and I do not have the discipline to have a gymnast. I do not want to be up at the gym every day. I your husband played or KU, I probably saw him play. I went to Texas Tech, and watched all the men’s games the 4 years I was there.

heidi c - Your weekends look just like mine! 🙂 except we only have one that plays basketball on saturdays, since our high schooler only play during the week. But, baseball lessons just started for the littlest one and my other son is taking about football. Yikes. But I love basketball the most. 🙂

Juli - I grew up outside Wichita, Kansas. One of my fondest memories was going to my big brother’s basketball games for Derby High School. My family always sat high up in the bleachers, where the little clerestory windows would fog up from the warm, sweaty air inside and the snow falling outside. To this day, the smell of sweat and the squeak of tennis shoes on hardwood takes me right back there, 50 years ago.

Nikki Gamon - My daughter was a 3 sport athlete from 5th grade through high school and ran track in college. I loved every minute but I don’t miss all the driving and I really don’t miss sitting on the bleachers!

Krista - Gosh your kids are getting big. I was looking at the clinic pictures thinking it was Talby and then realized it was ANNIE!! How did that happen??? Bless you for your patience and being such a good mom going from game to game to game!!!

Becky - My son played “Biddy Basketball” for the first time this year. We’ve always been a “wrestling family” – but I LOVED that he wanted to try something new this year with basketball. It was actually less of a time committment for our family – and he REALLY enjoyed it and improved every week! It was all very fun to watch. 🙂

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haiti… in photos.

two weeks ago i traveled to Haiti with The Adventure Project.
it was a very quick trip where i was able to see the inside workings of the stove project.

YOU donated $6270… We sponsored 313 stoves!!!  

THAT is so wonderful!!

and together the entire Adventure Project raised over $24,000 for stoves in Haiti.   

eight women from different areas of The Adventure Project met up in Haiti.
we were in Port-au-Prince the entire time. 




the first stove vendor we met with has her stoves set up for sale in a big market.
she is the top saleswoman in this project.
most people we were in contact with spoke french.
so we had translators to ask our questions and to give our responses.  


when we told her what we were doing there she said "well if they can fix my car i could sell a lot more stoves."
that is thinking like a business woman! 
it never hurts to ask!



anyone hungry?  
this was kind of mind blowing to me.  rabbits running around for sale?  turtles?!  
to eat.


mmm…. delicious?



as our group walked through the market we had a few men "protecting" us from anything they saw fit.
they were self appointed protectors.  they saw us pull up and rushed to "help" 
our local guides talked with them in french and it was all ok so the rest of us just followed along.  :) 
in return sarah and i bought some of his paintings.
because i really did appreciate the protection.   



he made me a leather bracelet with my name stamped into it.   
i love it.

and here is where we used the bathroom that morning.  :)
we paid to pee in a trailer that had stalls in it…and dudes in it…
and the guy gives you toilet paper in your hand before you go in!!!
shy bladders would not work in Haiti.

and did i mention…. there were DUDES IN THERE!
ha ha ha  

i was being a chicken and said i would wait.
then thought "this is no better than anywhere else"  so i decided to go.
rebekah came out and said "it's not that bad… you'll be fine" 
so i went up the stairs and to the only open stall and there was no toilet seat.
i popped my head out and asked rebekkah (but the whole crowd can hear me) 
"not that bad?! did yours have a seat?!!" 
she said yes and to wait for that one.

i sound like a baby i know but when you are facing everything opposite that you know…. like peeing in a truck with men with toilet paper from the guy outside the stall and there is no toilet seat…. it's hard to not sound like a whiny brat.
i tried very hard though.
i am sure i lost. 




near the next stove vendor these children were playing together.
they were doing a dance for us and cheesing for the camera.
it was an orphanage.
beautiful babies….i have been praying for them.  


we went down a very steep hill to get to Isaaic's home.
he is the only male stove vendor in the project.

his sweet little boys were so shy with all these ladies showing up in their home.
i don't blame them one bit.
and that baby… i wanted to snuggle him and keep him forever.
but he was quite well loved i could tell.  :)
i took this one with my phone.
he was drooly and had the biggest brown eyes in the world.




we traveled onto another stove vendor's home.
she told us about her business and had lunch cooked for us… on her stove!  
she made us rice & beans with chicken on the side.

she served us plates in these food covers to keep our clothes clean… i think.

while we in her home Becky's sister called on Face Time. 
she is a teacher and her whole classroom facetimed with us in Haiti.
technology is rad.



yellow and turquoise.  


this was the last stove vendor my team met with.  
she sells lottery tickets also.
we drew a crowd…. 

chicken on a leash.
peacocks and geese for sale.


fabric store.

fruits and veggies.

poinsettias in bloom in pots!  
this was so cool to see in real life.
in kansas these are ONLY available at christmas shipped in from wherever.


my favorite pot in haiti.  :)

these vendors were outside of our hotel.
we all bought souvenirs from them.  
they are SERIOUS about sales.
if i made eye contact i was sunk.  
they can play me like a piano.
but i did come home with a bull horn canteen…. soccer season is around the corner ya know. 

most interesting plant i have ever seen… it's very dr. seuss.
my grandmother would have been SO intrigued.

my favorite wall in haiti.





the "buses" were decked out in colorful design… very cool.


our hotel had wi-fi off and on so when it was ON then we were ON.  :)





spelling out T.A.P. the minute before we left for the airport.  
funny girls.


i was in no photos…and jody had already left for the airport when i decided to take headshots.
and judging from the customs agents responses…. it's best i was not photographed.


I love the heart of The Adventure Project.
i love that they have a fire for ending poverty in the world.
that is not an easy battle to fight.

God calls his people to care for the poor.
that is why i am a part of The Adventure Project.
i want to do something.
if i don't… then my life is all about me…. what i buy, what i eat, where i go.  
But the world does not revolve around me – NEWSFLASH.  
I want my heart to be for what Jesus wants.
Helping & Giving where i can.
and telling others about how they can help… telling others how much God loves them.

God loves you just as you are RIGHT NOW.
no matter where you live.  
no matter what you look like… he thinks you are beautiful.
He loves you because you are HIS and He made you.
He wants to be in a relationship with you.
He wants you to know you are special to HIM.  
that you are IMPORTANT to HIM. 
that you matter.

and i am going to keep telling you.

i am going to keep traveling places to see where God wants to use me.

and i will keep telling you about different ways to give your time, your heart and your money.

because how many cardigans (i just bought another one yesterday!!! i am an addict!) how many lattes, how many pairs of shoes, how many purses can we buy that will make us happy?

it's temporary.

we NEED a sustaining love and hope in something MORE.

and that is Jesus.
the One who saved me from sins. 
the One who set me free.
the One who loved me before i was made.

He is the way. 



Trish - this is awesome!
so the whole buy your food alive thing and everything else is so different and mind boggling… but when i saw that little boy with his toothless grin, my heart just ached! i wonder if he has anyone to be excited for losing a tooth? this moves my heart closer to wanting another child… not of my womb!

Eugenia - Glory is so bright. Translucence gold. God is light. Oh my my I see Him in all your photos. The smiley eyes, the bright colors, the obvious energy of the people, and your team’s bright joyful faces. All for His glory. May you be blessed for answering the call and calling us to do likewise.
May the Lord bless you richly to allow you to continue.
There is nothing like sharing.

Lora - Amen 🙂

Jodi - This whole post was amazing. YOU are amazing Meg!

Mindy - Beautiful pictures and beautiful words. Most of all a beautiful heart shared with Haiti and with us. Keep reminding us there is more…

Ann - Hi Meg – Thanks for your Haiti updates. Your Haiti work makes me feel inadqeuate, and that’s good. I need to be pushed to realize that I can and I should do more to help others. I live in Kansas too, I have no excuses – seriously, thank you – for your work, and for posting the pictures, for making me feel guilty. Now I hope I shuffle my priorities to act on that guilt. Because we are all too spoiled and over-blessed here in good ole’ USA.

Gevay Piercefield - Hey Meg! Great post. I live in South Florida and the plant you pictured is abundant here. We call it Crown of Thorns. It’s funny that that is the one tropical plant you picked out-on a mission trip, speading the gospel. So cool!

Amy @ Fig Milkshakes - Yes, what a beautiful and fascinating post! I scrolled down with baded breath for each picture. I love the sign, “Jesus is the chief of my house”. What an interesting way to put it – I can only assume it is a cultural saying? I love that pot, too, and I love your friends purple pixie cut! 😀 And that first picture of the second vendor…I feel it gives a window into her character. Thank you for sharing with us!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Such a great project. Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us. I wold love to do something like that.

Tiffany - Oh my. What an experience! I’m so happy for you to have that opportunity!
Ok,I need to rant for a moment. (And I never rant…) Have you ever noticed on Facebook or Instagram when people use the word “Need”? As in, someone posts a cute outfit or something and someone responds, “I NEED that!” DRIVES. ME. CRAZY. I want to say, “Really, you NEED that shirt, that plate, that ____ ? Do you know what people in Haiti need? A safe way to prepare food so they don’t need to worry about their children suffering from respritory struggles. *sign* Such is the world we live in I guess. End rant.
You are doing such wonderful things with the gifts God has given you. I’m so excited to see where else it will bring you!
Hugs~ Tiffany

Sarah - Yes! I love this post! I’m so anxious to give more, this has been placed on my heart lately in a very special way. I’d love to hear more about how to give more time and energy to certain projects, whatever they may be. So often it’s easy to give money, which is very important, but I feel called to do more!

Jacci in Ohio - I love, love, love these photos. And I love how TAP and it’s stove project is helping Haitians provide for themselves and their families. It’s clear that the job opportunities those stoves provide are making a big difference in the lives of the vendors/salespeople.
I’m a little surprised that PAP looks so good in your photos. There’s still so much damage from the earthquake… But, I know how you always look for (and find!) beauty. This post celebrates Haiti. Thank you 🙂

Tracy Fisher - wow. simply beautiful. -tracy

Sarah - I am tearing up with happiness. Thank you, Meg for sharing your journey with us. I love your heart. I pray that at some point I am able to join a team like this. May the Lord continue to bless you and this ministry! 🙂

ira lee - the buses are called tap taps. they jump on and off and cram folks in there, on top, hanging off the back! its crazy!when you need off, you literally tap the side of the bus, he stops- right in the middle of it all and lets you off. there is also no traffic laws in haiti, so cars, trucks, motorcycles, tap taps are driving any direction on the roads, and speed. its very chaotic! we went from port au price to leogane which is about 20 miles, but it took 4 hours!!!

ira lee - yes, its actually haitian creole- a mix of french and creole. very beautiful to hear!

Gale - I love the beautiful pics and beautiful hearts!! My daughter has traveled there but I would go in a second – so glad you had a chance to experience this and share it with us! 🙂 We are so blessed to have a BIG, HUGE God (and after all, He made the first rainbow so we KNOW He’s awesome – He must have thought, “I bet Meg will love this!!” 🙂

ira lee - thank you for sharing!!!!! i went to haiti in august 2012 and fell in love and i can’t wait to go back again. i went with some dear friends thru our church and we served at the orphanage in leogane. and your pee story was hilarious. we didn’t have running water for 4 days- no bathroom, no showers, no clean clothes! but it didn’t matter, we were troopers (called the best group to ever go thru the compound- we helped clean up, we played with the kids who lived there, we wanted to visit the orphanage as much as possible- which is all just normal to us). i sadly can’t make a trip there this year, but my heart yearns to go back. looks like you stayed close to port au prince, we traveled into the mountains and deep into the country. there is a family opening another orphanage, they are from arkansas and its called hope rising childrens home. their web site is i highly recommend a little peek over there. god is working hard to deliver people with a giving heart and a calling for orphans.

Heather in Ohio - Your post brought tears to my eyes. Thank you for sharing. God makes great things. He makes beautiful things. He is the way. What an experience.

Diane - Bless you for living out and sharing the Good News!

mollie's mom - Meg, I can tell that Haiti “got” you. I have only ever met one person who went to Haiti and didn’t come back on fire to serve – there or somewhere else! Haiti is a life changer and it is amazing how so little can do so much there. I’m intrigued by the stoves and that entire project. So many are doing so much in Haiti. Loved the photos of the school children – I serve on an NPO Board that focuses on schools and a Christian education and those little children in their uniforms ( how do their mommas get them so clean and crisp in that environment?) touch my heart. Thank you for posting about your trip. I cannot quit looking at the pics! Marcie

Ana - BEAUTIFUL POST ! I love it!
Did you know that Brazilian government has a peace force within the UN in Haiti? We did.
You are a blessed person for worrying about others. I admire you.
About the “intersting plant” let me tell you more about it.
It is very common here in Brazil and it’s known as COROA DE CRISTO, Crown-of-christ (Euphorbia milii)in english. It is a thorny shrub originating from Madagascar, widespread in Brazil, where it is used as an ornamental plant and as protection in hedges.
See, now you know more about the plant!

Katey Deasy - Thank you for sharing your amazing trip. God Bless You and the people you touched in Haiti.

Martha - You rock Meg. You are so real and that’s why your blog is so successful. Thanks

Susan - So enjoyed reading about this wonderful trip. Your pictures tell such a story!
Your post was a good “quiet time” for me this morning. Helps to put what I do
in perspective-rest of today.

Lorraine - Beautiful!!!! that wall was perfect!!! The colors, the people, the joy!!! I totally laughed out loud over the chicken on a leash!!!!! The stove project….what a beautiful thing!!!!

Lisa - Amen Amen Amen!!!! Love this post. Went to Haiti 14 yrs ago! Loved seeing your pictures. Brought back so many memories. I visited a christian Haitian church and heard them sing “I could sing of your love forever” in english and french. One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever listened too!

dani - Meg, you are SO awesome! Thank you for sharing this trip and your inspiring thoughts…you are a great example

Kate - Love you.

amy jupin - this whole post is so rad, i can’t stand it.
keep pushing us, meg.
keep sharing your heart.
keep listening to Jesus and the tugging inside your heart.
proud proud of you.

Brittany - Thank you for sharing! A beautiful place with beautiful people! So happy to see up close and personal where the money raised is going and the vendors. Loved the family with all those kids and edible baby! Keep doing the amazing work God has given you to do and keep sharing it with us, so inspiring!

Karyn - I don’t speak French AT ALL (even though I’m Canadian!) but my husband could understand that sign too. My friend lives and works with Clean Water for Haiti about an hour away from Port-au-Prince, and they actually speak Creole in Haiti – that’s probably what you were reading and why the spelling was all wrong. Just a friendly FYI. 🙂

Heather - What an amazing experience!
Americans are incredibly fussy about toilets. Travel around the world a bit, and you’ll lower your standards, even in first world countries.
At the Leaning Tower of Pisa, you have to pay to use the toilet and the attendant gives you a neatly folded strip of toilet paper. And there are no toilet seats at the Uffizi in Florence, Italy. Yes, a world class art museum, home of “The Birth of Venus” and other artwork of Renaissance masters, but no toilet seats. We were in Nice, France last fall and the toilets at the train station are unisex and you had to pay to use them.
Always carry plenty of Kleenex and some loose change in the local currency with you in case you have to pay to use the facilities. Just remember the kids’ book, “Everybody Poops!”

Carol S. - Sweet story and pictures. You be the hands and feet and we can supply the funds and lots of prayer. I bet you are inspiring others to travel and get involved as well. This is awesome work. I was in Haiti way back when cruise ships went there and remember a very beautiful place with very poor people (and so many artists/crafters.) Thank you for sharing all of this…every detail was enjoyed. Loved the gal’s bright pink top and skirt, lovely proud people.

Lindsey - Thanks for sharing and inspiring me be more.

Debby Graber - Love it, Megan! Thanks for sharing!!!!

Stephanie - This is amazing and makes me all teary.

Tiffany - Living (& Giving) your life for others is a grande way to live. Beautiful pictures. And your words were gentle & kind, thanks for sharing.

Amy - ok…so when I was in Haiti, I had to go to the bathroom in a bucket behind someone’s hut! When I tried to clean it out, they insisted on doing it…such sweet people! Your pics make me want to go back! And I love the ministry you’re involved with there.

happygirl - It’s amazing. I was in Haiti 35 years ago and it looks the same. Thanks for the pics.

Taryn - What a beautiful Word! May it take root in the hearts of all who read this!!!! Love you!

Jennifer Allred - You are authentic! Thank you!

Lennie Jackson - Thanks so much for sharing your story with us Meg. I hope that you continue to share with world how God works through you.

jen - love these photo’s! i reminds me so much of guatemala…they have the same “style” of buses. loved to see all about the stoves and the people who are making them. so great of you. i also loved seeing the sign on the wall behind the one vendor – the woman in pink – completely wrong spelling in french but i could still understand what it meant…it was phonetically correct! {i might have to ask you if i could borrow that to show around here – they are so protective of their language! ha!} anyways, awesome trip – awesome you!

Liz Botts - What an amazing post. What a great witness. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂

gretchen - Amen!!

Paula S. - LOVE, LOVE the post! Thank you for sharing with us. So much to comment on…that pot is so beautiful and I want it….the “interesting” plant looks normal to me as a Floridian…I love your heart and actions for the Lord…and you really should have been in some of the pictures! 🙂

Lauren - love this so so so much.

Beth - Meg, I’m so glad you posted this today! I was wrapped up in your trip with all your beautiful, funny and sweet photos. So often I wonder if these things (ie the stoves) are real, if they help, if that $$ goes….and here it is–real life, real people, using this amazing thing to help their families and themselves. Thank you for sharing, thank you for going. I pray God uses this to His glory!!

kim - this post is incredible, meg.
my heart is overflowing with joy.
thank you for being obedient to the Lord, serving his people, inviting us to join with you in all of that, and sharing your experience.
i have been blessed this morning because of it.
i am excited. hopeful.
God is so good. He is working so often, in the little stuff, and the big stuff. and it’s a joy that we get to be a part of that!
amen. and amen.

Lisa M. - Wow, Meg, what an awesome post. These pictures tell such a story. They are beautiful. My husband and I host two children (brother & sister) in an orphanage in Port-au-Prince. We sponsor them through Mission Discovery (based in Texas). The project is “HOLD the Children” and they have a school and an orphange. By sponsoring these chidren, it gives them the opportunity to attend school and pays for basic needs that they might otherwise not be able to have.
But, I have never seen pictures like yours and wow is that an eye opener for me, as I am sure is for everyone who sees this post. Thank you so much for giving us a glimpse of what you saw and what is happening. And thank you for reminding us why we were put on this earth. Why we were created and what we are supposted to be doing.

Heather Simnitt - Thanks for being the Hands of Feet, Meg! Isn’t there amazing beauty in Haiti? I’m sure you were digging on all the colors!

Lori H - Meg, Haiti is perfect for you – all that color!! Beautiful children too. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

Tressa Duerr - Best post ever!!! This is all just temporary. I need that reminder daily. Can’t wait to see where God leds you next. Thanks for sharing.

Angela A - I love you Meg. Thank you for sharing your heart and these beautiful pictures with us.

Janelle - Oh you just made me tear up a little. Amazing to think about Haiti sitting here in my little suburban home. It’s truly hard to imagine.

Tina Jacobsen - What a wonderful trip you were able to be a part of! Those children dancing and smiling…I want to take them all home!! I love your heart and your love for Jesus! Thanks for sharing it all with us!!
Tina Jacobsen

Michelle Whitlow - What wonderful photos & stories!!! I would so love to do something like that but with my Crohn’s disease there’s no way. Your bathroom story had me cracking up…esp since there’s no way I can ever ‘hold it’!!! haha

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i know i haven't blogged about Haiti.
i know i haven't talked about the freezer meals.

i have had a lot on my mind.

and five kids can keep a mama busy…. especially if they like basketball and it's february.

it's craft weekend this week already.
i am super happy about that.
new crafts this weekend again!!


my lady friends and i ran SEVEN miles this morning.
no walking.
seven miles straight…. legit…. please pass the advil.


since i can't seem to make a blog post about something….
please enjoy this blog post about nothing.



i found this blog recently…

Art as Life   

she owns an Etsy shop i love called Inspire Lovely.  :) her blog is beeeautiful…look at her studio!!






letters…. this blog post and this beautiful blog got me all teary.




totally making these donuts!




i want to have this party…. FOR ME.
a big 38 painted on the wall.
a cake with bunting.
watercolored handmade bunting hanging in front of turquoise striped walls.

this party looks like perfection.



i can see myself getting carried away with this project.
i can imagine painting more and more.
like….i would start this with my kids and the next day i am still going making funny outfits and hairdos.



this is an awesome rooster painting.
i adore it.
it's from this blog…. paint a bird a day.   she makes me wish i was a painter.

then i found that you can buy a print of it.… wouldn't it be lovely at the craft house?
even though it is more farmy.

i think i may need it.
and a real chicken too. 




1ae213da380f00be54b32fd6d63616c1 (photo off sold product on ebay)

surely since i am training for a half marathon… 
i will soon be able to wear white spandex and look GOOD.





and this was the best super bowl ad.
i left the party at half time…i know beyonce is gorgeous but i don't like to watch THAT with the men in my life.  
you know what THAT is.
it bugged me.

so since i left….i didn't even see this commercial live.
but it's amaaaashing.

makes me proud to know so many people like that… unbelievable men and women who work so hard.






Krissy - I love love love that commercial!!! My father in law is a farmer, and I have the utmost respect for him and what he does!!

Kari - I loved that commercial, and I don’t even know any farmer… Made me wish I did though.

Linda - I just have to say that the half time thing bugged me too, so much so that I went downstairs and ran on my treadmill.

Eva Ginter - I was going to ask what ‘THAT’ is, but after reading the comments, I think I get it. 😉
Good for you running 7 miles!!
Love these random posts.

Courtney R - I disagree with the Beyonce criticism. First – I’m not sure what is all that “family friendly” about the NFL. It’s violent, there was a murderer playing in the game (and won), drug use, poor sportsmanship, the cheerleaders never wear much – and let’s not even START about the image they project – especially when they are weighed in and kicked off the team for gaining a pound or two.
On a positive note – the Farmer ad was fantastic and I am proud to say I know most of the people who worked on the ad – from the creative team to the photographer to the assistants. They are a talented and fun group and I am honored to have been able to work with them on a different project.

colleen from Alabama - Honestly, i didn’t watch much of the super bowl but when the male members of my family watched it at our house, the beyonce segment was paused and then fast forwarded (is that a word?)so that we didn’t have to watch it. My husband and son navigate the visual minefield every day. I know we (females) don’t get it a lot of times as women but they are both sexually stimulated visually. If my husband is going to see anyone that skimpily dressed, i want it to be me in the privacy of our home. AND I certainly don’t want her image in his mind competing with mine! I know this is a minority opinion. Okay with standing alone.
LOVE your random posts! That’s the way my mind works… randomly! Love the handmade home. Thanks for sharing their party. I would like one like that too!

Ana - I truly love your random posts. They are all so creative and full of interesting stuff. By the way, I’m a Brazilian girl so I do not watch Super Bowl here, however this ad was realy AWESOME !! Thank you for sharing.

dee - i want that bunting so bad.And i am going to make those pebble people-love dee x

Isabelle Kessedjian - thank you very much!

Gina - Hehe…I couldn’t watch that commercial with the men in my life and had to leave too…I missed the commercial paying live but when I did see it I totally thought of you in Kansas….I have 6 kids and totally know how far behind a person can get in February due to basketball. Good thing I love basketball!! Seinfeld was my favorite show about nothing…I guess you are my favorite blog about nothing…although I totally think you are something! Can’t believe another month has flown by since the last Craft Weekend…have fun with those new crafts!! Great job on the 7 miler…I so need to start up running again before I am too creaky. Have a great week Meg!!

Daisy D. - I love your random posts! My whole life is random! LOL! I have been following silently for a long while now…..but I had to speak up and say I loooove Em and Tim from Today’s Letters, truly a fabulous couple and a great blog! They used to live here in Dallas, but they just made the big move to Louisville, so it should be fun! I can’t wait to see them have some gorgeous babies! *squee*

Sarah@ This Farm Family's Life - I am so happy to hear that was your favorite commercial. We are a farm family and were so excited that Dodge ran that ad knowing that millions of people would see it. A lot of times farmers are misinterpreted, but we care more about the land and our animals than most people realize! Thank you for sharing the video.
Sarah @ This Farm Family’s Life

kaye - The commercials are usually one of my favorite parts of watching the Super Bowl…the commercial you highlighted was the only one I really even remembered.
I loved it too!

H. - Amanda, I agree… I thought it was a great show! I’m a huge Beyonce fan! Never crossed my mind that people would see it negatively. Was it kid friendly? No. But it shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone that it was going to have at least a little bit of suggestive dance moves. The NFL showcases their cheerleaders up close dancing every single week in waaaaay less clothes than Beyonce had on, so I don’t understand why anyone would think NFL broadcasts were family friendly. That being said, perhaps they could have put a warning on the half time segment the way they do for other shows with suggestive material, and it would have given people time to turn the channel if that wasn’t their cup of tea.

stephanie - It’s gotten to where we never even watch the half-time show because it’s just not family friendly. I do not know why these promoters can’t get it in their heads that those watching the Super Bowl might just want an amazing show that their kids can watch too.
And I just have to say–that commercial hits me right in the heart. Go farmers!

Beth - Great commercial. Didn’t watch more than 5 minutes of the Super Bowl, just not my thing. Have a great day!

Alice H - the Super Bowl is supposed to be a family-friendly event. She should have had a stripper pole up there. Yes she looks amazing and she is powerful, but that doesn’t mean she can’t keep it a little more classy (and covered up) and not do so much gyrating (sp?). I also thought there were a few ads that were inappropriate also, like the 2 girls show where they for real had a stripper pole in the previews!

amyjupin - love all of this…even had some of it pinned before too.
we are twinkies.
and we will look awesome in our white spandex.
some day.
probably in heaven.
p.s. the beyonce show made me uncomfortable too.
i kept thinking about her bikini wax and that’s NEVER something i want to think about.
like ever.

Amanda - I thought Beyonce looked amazing and powerful! I didn’t find her to be “overly” sexual at all. For goodness sake, there were men running around in skintight spandex! I think she should be praised for being so awesome, especially after just having a baby! I’m surprised to see so much judgment about her in these comments.

Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - OMG! Love that rooster print! I think I just found my mom’s mother’s day present! It would be perfect in her kitchen!

Lisa M. - Oh geez, now I feel bad about leaving a comment asking you to post those meals…no pressure 🙂
I am soooo painting stripes like that in my entry/hallway (different color)
Love that commercial. I too missed it live. Thanks for posting it.
And, by the way, I look JUST like that in white leggings. Kidding 🙂 But let me tell you, makes me want to keep up my running.

Jenn - Cute running outfit, but my 39 year old body would not look so hot in it. I’m impressed that you run so far…Go Meg! If I ran that far I would so be making those donuts. They are so beautiful.
Don’t even get me started on Beyonce, so disappointed in that performance…it was so not necessary.
Yay for randomness!

Linda - I love your random posts they are always my favorite!! And I want that watercolor party for myself too! It’s totally perfect!

Janelle - As I was reading your post I thought I know what commercial Meg picked and I was right!! Yes…Beyonce. I looked around online yesterday because I was wondering if I was the only one who thought her performance was a bit inappropriate (clothing and some dance moves) especially since there were many children watching the SuperBowl…and I was surprised to find very little criticism. She’s a great singer, great dancer, fabulous performer, but I’m not sure that’s an image we need to be promoting to our little girls. Although I would like to look like her and be able to wear white spandex too 😉

Routhie - I am glad you said that about the Beyonce half time show. I cringed listening to my husband watching it with our daughter and the comments they made. She’s a great singer and I give her respect for not hiding that she she isn’t itty bitty, but yeah. I hear you. For the record, I will never wear white spandex. It begs for stains and I would have to actually buy underwear that isn’t colorful and that’s just not fun. 😉

Jenn - Missed the whole Super Bowl, the half-time show, and all the commercials with no regrets.
But I am so glad you shared this one with us!!
Best commercial….ever!
It made me a little teary-eyed.

Sonja - That was a pretty impressive commercial – I didn’t see more than half a commercial live because, well, Small Children. 😉
I did really like this blogger’s take on that commercial:
I am super impressed with the SEVEN MILES! You are amazing!

Melissa - I LOVED that commercial. And I run all the time but sadly must eat too much junk as tight spandex still isn’t my friend. LOL

ginny - I guess I don’t know what “that” is. I just wish someone would tell Beyonce that she can not dance! She sure tries, flailing herself around, doing the seizure dance, but the backup dancers always, always show her up.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love that commercial. Too bad it is only us little people that truly respect what they do. I live in a world where no woman should wear white leggings. I need that rooster print for my kitchen.

Gina - My favorite commercial too!! I “pinned” it right away!! 🙂 Off to look at all the goodness…..

Tiffany - I do really really like that Beyonce can get the party started, she jams! But Lord knows I always always always want her to put some damn clothes on..UGH. Beyonce, UGH. 7 miles, in.the.cold. AWESOME. Cant wait to check out the new blogs you shared. Holla.

Kerry Wiebe - OH yes Megs I LOVED the shout out to the Farmers. Have a great weekend so excited for another fun weekend for you 2!

Southern Gal - My husband had us watch that commercial last night since we missed it during the Super Bowl. I love it. And I love that Ford had to tweet something immediately after it was aired saying they support FFA, also. Ha!

amy - love Paul Harvey. love farms. love that message. fun posting today! lots’o neat things. 🙂

happygirl - Seven miles!!!! You are a ROCK STAR. I know what being too busy to blog is like, but your energy humbles me.

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Our society does nothing to help men turn from all the stereotypes that come with “being a man.” Its annoying, and very sad. Just another reason to lift up our sons and husbands in prayer that they’ll be Godly men even in the midst of a sexually-saturated world. And yes, I’m a little surprised at myself for getting on a soapbox there but it bugs me too. Loved the commercial.

Libby - I want that running outfit SO SO bad!!

carrie beth - Loved this fun post! I soooo agree about the halftime show. We have two boys that are only 17 months and then 9 weeks old, but as soon as it came on I said, “nope, not in our house.” I can be a little bossy sometimes 🙂 I dread my boys having to deal with that one day.

Lisa - The LETTERS blog! Oh my! Thank you for sharing that. What a sweet couple they are. 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Oh and just to be clear…the white spandex comment was about me. You might just be able to rock it! 😉

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Shoudn’t you be sleeping? It’s late where you are. That was one of my favorite commercials too. That and the Budweiser horse one. They both got me choked up. White spandex? Uh, NO WAY JOSE!!!

beth - oh my goodness, i have the white striped leggings/minty running shirt photo on my pinterest fitness board! something about it just speaks to me! something like “you too, can feel that good!”

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january sponsors


each craft weekend we have RAD sponsors that send their product for our guests!

they are the best!

check out ALL of their shops below! 



  Little Branches


adorable shop filled with hand painted signs for holidays, sports fans or just because!

shop / blog



Jeanne Oliver Designs 


 vintage treasurers, beautiful art work, jewelry and courses that encourage creativity

shop / blog



Stitch Craft Create


this magazine is so much fun for anyone who likes to get crafty!




Sorta Southern Boutique

super cute cases combining a place for your phone and wallet in great colors!






christian cards, inspirational gifts, home decor and more!




Jenze shop is all things paper and party!




Crystal B Jewelry

crystal makes beautiful jewelry in lovely colors!

shop / blog




Studio Mela


awesome prints illustrated by Shelli Dorphe



Ike & Co. Jewelry

pretty stone jewelry in every color and style

use the code:MEG20 for 20% off your purchase



thank you to all our january sponsors!

you make Craft Weekend

even more fun than it already is!

tinaehb3 - All this swag always make for bright colorful pictures! I hope I get to join in the fun someday!!

Brenda - I love to see all the products from your sponsors.
You always have such great ideas.
What a treat for your Craft Weekenders!

Lisa M. - I love when you post your sponsors! Such neat things!
On another note…was wondering if you were still planning on doing a blog post on the meals you and your running friends made?
My aunt and another person I know are going into the hospital for surgery and I wanted to make some meals for them. When I saw the post of you all making meals together I thought that would be perfect for what I want to do. Thank you!!

sam - thanks so much for posting the list. such cute stuff! i have to tell you that i just love your blog. thanks so much for doing it. one day, if i ever work up the courage and savings and bribe my husband to watch our 4 kids, i would love to join a craft weekend. 🙂

Tracy Fisher - what fun! thanks for posting their websites. i think i’m going to get myself one of those cute little phone/wallets! -tracy

Tiffany - Such fun products! It was exciting to see Sorta Southern sponsoring now too!

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