we decided pretty last minute to take a little mini vacation over some of spring break.
we didn't go far… Lawrence & Kansas City.
we stayed at my parents house…even though we told Annie we would go to a hotel… we never made it.

we started out with swimming at the Lawrence Indoor Aquatic Center.
my kids were all so content to play on the diving boards that i bought myself some goggles from the front desk and swam laps for 30 minutes… and it was awesome.
i have never put on goggles before?! what is up with that?
it made a HUGE difference.
i kind of like swimming now. :)
then dinner at Chili's where annie ordered a half slab of RIBS… and ate them all!

the next day they chose to go shopping.
they really never get to do that with us so we agreed to go.

my girls were commenting on all the clothes and so happy to be there.
they tried on a bunch of clothes and shoes…each buying those shirts with their own money.
my boys left after no more than one minute.
i heard they spent most of their time at Nike and watching the games at Dave & Busters.
even though they said they wanted to shop.
i guess they forgot how awful shopping… with girls… really is.
because my girls took over an hour in just Old Navy!

we got a treat at the chocolate shop.

we picked up the boys.

we didn't eat at T-Rex.
but we looked around again.
it's a super long wait to get in so we went across the street instead.

to Sam's Club.
because when we have to feed this many people… it's what we do.
and they LOVED it.
the boys chose to get their own table away from us.

next stop was the College Basketball Experience in Kansas City.
this place is way cool.

i think we lucked out because it was sunday afternoon and it was empty.

seriously? shaquille o'neal wears size 23 shoes?!!

craig brought the car around since it was raining and freezing!
annie and talby were running up and down those steps to warm up.
the NEXT stop was SKY ZONE… an indoor trampoline park!!

this was my kids most favorite place they have ever gone!

they were all dripping with sweat when we were done.
and by we….. i mean them.
i have had five babies.
i do not jump any where at any time.
i can't even sneeze.
you know what i mean….

the next day…
i went out for a run by myself that i thought would be short.
i took a turn and it took me an extra 20 minutes to get back.
but oh well… i did it.
craig took the boys to shoot baskets at the gym and the ladies went to downtown lawrence.

i did some damage at Sarah's Fabrics.
it is the best fabric store in kansas, i am pretty sure about that.
if you disagree… plese tell me where else i need to go.
i love it because of the creaky wood floors and big windows too.

my mom shopped with the girls while i shopped for fabric.
then we met up to get lunch.

talby was sitting here with me and i said "Bill Self just walked into this restaurant behind you"
they girls were pretty excited about it and nervous to talk to him.
but together talby and annie got brave and walked over to introduce themselves.
(he is the KU basketball coach)

he was very kind and sweet to them both.
annie said (while touching his knee)
"do you know my brother?! His name is Scott Duerksen. He came to your camp last year"
he winked at me and said "there were a few kids that came to that camp."
i said "just a couple" (about 3500…)
but he said to Annie "i am sure i would remember him if i saw him"
she was so proud.
they couldn't wait to tell the boys who they saw!

there is always wrestling going on at some point in our day.
this is scott, talby and annie wrestling while craig doesn't even notice.

we tried to go to the Nelson Art Museum but it was closed.

more window shopping at the plaza since our musuem plan was shot.

dinner at the Cheesecake Factory.
then a decided to go see Oz the Great and Powerful at 8:25 for an 8:30 show.
afterwards they tried to run up the down escalators
and since we had the place to ourselves at 11 PM on a monday night we let them.

we went bowling on our last day.
the boys were relentless in trying to beat each other.
what is that about?
everything is a competition!

annie was most excited about the vending machine.
and we got to play the jukebox with all the popular songs they like!
taylor swift while we bowl was perfect.

all five in one shot!
that is a big deal…. they are a good group.
so proud they are mine.

it was snowing on spring break… all day long!

we left the bowling alley and went back to the trampline park again!
it's all they wanted to do.
we drove home late and everyone slept so hard.
such a good trip.
Maybe. JUST maybe… they are all old enough that we can do this vacation thing differently.
there is much less crying than there used to be.
and even less fighting.
but probably the key is finding a trampoline park WHERE EVER we go on vacation ever again.
trampolines = happiness to the Duerksen kids.
Penny Smith - Have you been to a “Love and Respect” conference? It was really good. Great two days. We do pretty darn well, but what they had to say helped us still! And yes. We are VERY different!!
All that fabric was wonderful-I ESPECIALLY love the wood grain!
Robin - Inspiration feeds the soul – as does your blog which is one of two that I look forward to looking at every day! No matter what – I have to see what’s up at whatever!
It’s funny you talk about inspiration – I have been mired in the muck of taxes and paperwork and “quicken” for the last ten days and am usually a right brain gal so I desperately needed a creative “fix” today. On the way to the supermarket I veered left into the Michael’s parking lot and literally, just SLOWLT walked up and down every aisle simply LOOKING for an hour. I didn’t need or want anything. I just wanted to see color, materials, inspiration. It filled me before I went to do the week’s grocery shopping and a sense of peace and calm came over me as I investigated glitter, paint, silk flowers, and such. It was completely frivolous, and pure joy. All I bought were some lime green paper straws. For someday. A lunch with friends? I imagine cutting out flower shapes and gluing Daisies to the straws…with lemonade or iced tea……
Thank you for always being an inspiration!
Wendy - Love these fabric pics! I tried to go to Sarah’s once when we were in Lawrence and it was closed. 🙁 Wonh wonh I love your pics.
rosewoodfloral@hotmail.com - Meg, I love how you put into words the things that make your heart sing…I am so aware of all the little things that make up this whole beautiful world too…. My hubbie sees almost none of what I see…he likes to be in the woods. He likes to hear birds and the crackling of leaves as critters move underfoot. I like those things too, but I would be noticing how the sun’s rays are shining thru the trees, how the patterns on the bark are spectacular, finding a kodak moment in just about everything I looked at. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t take photos, cause there is just so darned much beauty all around us and I want to preserve it!
love your blog~
denise@victory rd. - i think if you found fabric for me that would inspire me. you could be my personal fabric shopper. 🙂
i do love that God made us all so unique. it would be boring if we were all alike.
it is important that we value our unique differences and celebrate them (as you do here).
Flower Patch Farmgirl - Woops.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - FOR THE LOVE, make this sister a skirt with that first peony and the gray stripes. OR the second peony fabric and the green/white stripe. (It’s your fault for pairing them up!) See how accommodating I am? I give you options!
Flower Patch Farmgirl - FOR THE LOVE, make this sister a skirt with that first peony and the gray stripes. OR the second peony fabric and the green/white stripe. (It’s your fault for pairing them up!) See how accommodating I am? I give you options!
Blanche - Love the bicycle fabric. Who made it?
Jenny B. - So true. I went to an education seminar a while back where the speaker talked about the different ways boys and girls learn and see the world (like literally, with their eyes). One thing he mentioned was that most girls see color and texture, while most boys see lines and movement. God made us different. 🙂
Digital scrapbooking really gets me going. I stay up late creating pages, and when I finally go to bed, I lie down with a smile on my face and tell God thank you for all the pretty colors. 🙂 That’s when I’ve felt successful. When I’m struggling to make my photos and the papers and do-dads come together, I gain appreciation for God’s creativity and the fact that he SPOKE the world into being. I sometimes wish I could look at my blank computer screen and say, “Let there be a colorful, heart-warming page for my four-year-old’s birthday,” and there it would be. Ha. 🙂 I read a post recently about creativity and how we can know it matters to God, and I loved what she had to say:
GardenOfDaisies - I’m here visiting from Jemm’s. What gorgeous fabrics. Love this explosion of color and pattern. It will be interesting to see what you make with them. I love all the wonderful color in the world, too, but I also find a lot of comfort and serenity in gray days. I think it’s my way to recharge.
Jen - YOU inspire me! Your blog, all that colour, you help me through the blah! Spring inspires and being still stuck under piles of snow D O E S N O T H E L P! Flowers, tree buds, all living things, all things imperfect and time worn, dilapadated old houses…I want to fix them ALL up and bring colour and cheer to the world. And I have a mean fabric collection too…which I don’t do enough with, but it keeps growing!
Melissa - My 4-year old niece watches tv and during every commercial for kids items, she says “WANT THAT”. This is what I said looking at your fabric. WANT THAT. WANT THAT. LOVE it!
Angela A - I too love fabric–and finally figured out I could make quilts to use it. And have a reason to buy more. I buy a lot online with good sales but also try to go to the stores, especially to see new lines and the larger scale prints. It’s harder to see those online. I am inspired by the fabric, the colors in them, by nature and travel, seeing new patterns, textures, color combos, and people. I am inspired by blogs and real life houses, seeing how others use color and decorate in new ways. I also spent a long time staring at the lamp over my table at Chuy’s trying to figure out how to make it.
Jen - Thank you so much Penny! It was an amazing day with God at the very center!
roganne - such beautiful fabrics! how could i possibly go to sleep now when i want to create something! i too have a deep joy in my heart for creating things…giving new life to something that is unwanted…planting seeds and watching them grow. He made me a nester! and i love Him for it!
jodie - Love the fabric-great choices you made there!!
me, i am thankful for the….honeycomb pattern…gets me every-time….what a great design created by the creator…so glad he thought of it so I could be mesmerized!!!(not to mention the little creatures that help make it -so amazing!)
Kelly - I love the bicycles on the white and both peony/cabbage rose? prints. I too love color and pattern and texture and notice things like tile and light fixtures. i love that my husband appreciates that about me and knows it about me. He has an eye for the visual in photography and such but also is inspired by other things as well. I am also inspired by breezes. Moving air and water are both a big deal to me. Kelly
Sharla - I thought I had spotted bike fabric – NEED now! Thanks
Kimberlee Jost - Where joy meets my heart:
The beach.
Barnes and Noble.
That one fabric. You know the one.
Greenhouses full of flowers.
You get the idea. 🙂
kerry - Oh that bicycle fabric is just GORGEOUS!!!!! I’m in love 🙂
I’m inspired on a daily basis by others who fill their blogs and therefore my mind and heart, with colour, love & happiness! *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Kerry x
happygirl - I love that God made us all different, too, at least in the things that inspire us. I’m super glad for God’s love and forgiveness, too.
Danielle - Great fabric choices,I saw at least ten that I want right now! Sunny days, being outdoors, color, textures, pattern and my kids all inspire me:)
sharon - I am thankful for all of our senses that God blessed us with! At the moment im thankful for the wonderful fabric eyecandy youve shown us! Wow! Thankyou!
Stephanie - Oh my. There is such beauty here! I totally get what you’re saying about color and pattern and texture. I LOvE color. But since I can’t draw or paint I tend to want to express it through photography and sewing (when I have the patience). There are not many things I can get lost in, but photography of nature is one of them.
Thanks for always creating beautiful blog posts!
Jack - I always find your blog and your love and use of colour so inspiring! I always look forward to reading your blog posts and looking at your lovely colourful photos!
Stephanie Talty - Love the bicycle fabrics!!!
C - I get what inspires you. I worked in retail for 20 years and my favorite thing was to do the merchandising. Creating displays with the products and making clothing/fabric look like other things to creat the atmosphere in the space. Now I see colors and supplies and want to create. I also notice the light fixturea and tiles…i think my husband thinks I’m crazy sometimes, but he has his things too. Thinking outside the box is so much fun…CREATE!
Penny - Jen, what a beautiful wedding your family put together! You can see the look of pure joy in your daughter’s face.
Lora - Yes! I don’t “get” people who don’t notice things like… flowers, colors, furniture, gardens, home decorations, pictures, wind chime sounds, paint, textures, turquoise! 🙂 I don’t know how these people live in this beautiful world!? But, you’re right, God made us all different. I’m glad he made me this way though.
Lindsey - I too am inspired by fabric and color. I smiled when I saw your fabric choices – many were the exact same as I have bought lately! Love them! I feel the need to create everyday, even if it is something small. I am thankful that I have the opportunity to do so.
Tracy - Aaaahhh…what a beautiful post! I’m thankful for books to read and knowledge to learn! God is good 🙂
Jen - These are lovely! I am 45 years old and am just finding my “inspiration”! I was forced (by budget contraints!) to do a lot of creating and sewing for our daughter’s wedding last year. I found that I LOVED it and I’m starting to gear up to do my first scrappy quilt! I can’t wait! I’m wondering if you have a “target price” for your fabrics? Do you try to get them below a certain price per yard? Do you wait for sales? Do you use every last scrap? Just being nosy!
On another topic: we had Lynnette’s creamy ham and noodles for dinner last night. Always a YUMMY hit at our house! Thanks for sharing.
P.S. Proud momma moment: our daughter’s wedding (that I had to get “my craft on” for was featured on the fabulous wedding blog, Style Me Pretty, if you’d like to take a peek! It was SOOO much work but worth every second for the amazing day God gave us!
Heather Simnitt - I am inspired by God’s creation. I love the beauty of a sunrise, a sunset, the mountains, the beaches, the prairies. Flowers and water and all the gorgeous things God chose to place in our world – totally sets us apart from the other planets, KWIM? How you feel about fabric and art – it’s how I feel about travel. Some people don’t get it. I’m not looking for a continuous vacation from life….I want to explore, learn, and take in the magnificent creation that God blessed us with. I think about where to go and what to see and do all the time. We no sooner come home from a trip before I am inspired by what we saw to want to go out and see some more…plan another trip….look into exploring this amazing sphere!
Jenn - I completely agree! We are all so different. I’m thankful for those that love numbers, my husband gets them. I find them boring. But we need number people. I love creating. I definitely gravitate towards others that are like me. And those that aren’t, I try to convert them…hehe.
Jen - Super love the bicycle and wood grain fabric…
angela - My seven little grands….nothing gives me energy and happiness like spending time with them!
Seriously Sassy Mama - I am thankful for color. Especially color in paint and ceramics. I am thankful for dishes. They make me happy!
Mary - There is not a single pattern or color here I do not like! Color sends me too. My husband is a financial planner…my eyes glaze over when he begins to excitedly explain to me a plan…it does take creativity to do what he does…it’t just different! I am learning to actively listen…lol.
The top of my list for inspiration is color, design, pattern, books, lets not forget books…I love pulling all those together…I love arranging and re-arranging rooms…I love working in my journal and showing women how to take their first steps in using visual journaling as a way to connect with God in new ways and exploring their hearts with color, image and word!
Yes, thank God for all the ways he enables us to be creative…he provided unlimited ways to express ourselves didn’t he…
Meg, I love coming to your blog, daily. I am always inspired, encouraged and always get a punch of glorious color! Your beautiful heart shines brightly here.
Jill - Oh my! We are kindred spirits! I am exactly the same way. You should see my fabric collection. I just like to look at it! I have to stay away from the fabric stores… and there are some fun ones here in Omaha….because I can’t go in without walking out with a bag full of inspiration!
On another note. I have been a blogger for a long time… however, some life changing things have happened in the past couple of years causing my blogging to come to a complete halt. Anyway… I am ready to hop in again. Visiting you always makes me smile and inspires me so much. I want to thank you for that. I am ready to move forward again. I miss that creative outlet so much. I just hope people will find me again.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
And by the way…. you are just too darn cute!!! And I love reading about your beautiful family!
shar y - Great question and beautiful post! I am thankful that I can see beauty in so many places. Just this morning, on the way to work, I was admiring the sunrise glow in the sky and how the light posts on the freeway looked so cool in front of that glow. It was so pretty!
Linda - So beautiful! Makes me happy to see all the colors and brightness. Grateful for all our differences! Have a happy day!