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ice ice baby.

All right STOP. Collaborate and listen.

(dorkiest title E V E R but i did listen to that song on my first date with mr. duerksen)

yesterday i wore a skirt and flip flops.
we woke up this morning to a blanket of ice.
it was wrapped around everything in site.
kansas is going off the deep end!



these are icicles!!
icicles on every branch and leaf and blade of grass.
and it was still raining.



i took all these pictures in my yard while i waited 20 minutes for my car to warm up enough for the ice to melt off the windshield!
SOMEONE took my ice scraper this morning before she left for school even though she got her own ice scraper in her stocking this past christmas… a NICE one with a fur glove from eddie bauer!  

the ice was so thick over all the windows that i couldn't see out AT ALL.
this was my view from the driver's seat out my front windshield!!!



and if you have never experienced an ice storm…
it has a very weird sound.
it seems quieter because of how the ice must absorb sound? maybe 
but then all the branches and bits of ice touch together when there is wind and it makes a crackley sound.
and then big tree limbs fall off all over town because of the weight of the ice on old heavy braches.
very exciting!  

for now… we have power so that is good.
this happened 8 years ago when annie was a new baby and we lost power for 8 days!
so i am hoping this ice junk (even though it's pretty) will be all melty by tomorrow.

besides… i have running to do!
that little 13.1 mile run is only 18 days away!

i wish it was 18 days ago.
i am ready to stop thinking about it.
i want it over! 


i put bbq ribs in the crockpot this morning.
then drove very slowly to the craft house for a hot bath because the hot water was out at the farm.
for reals.
the washing machine is broken too.
a tree limb knocked down the fence in the yard.
and the glass in the back door shattered last night.
AND for some reason this storm makes everything smell like the lagoon in the back. 

so yeah… a hot bath was happening no matter what.

and now a blanket and a movie?







Tracy Fisher - hi. i swear there was a full moon. our fence just fell down too. and one toilet is not flushing and one sink not draining… and i’m leaving on vacation at 4am tomorrow (sigh!). good news is i got my computer back… 748 messages to return by 4am. i think i will take a HOT BATH!!!! hugs, tracy fisher

Karen Gerstenberger - My friend MB in KC tells the same kind of weather stories – spring, then winter, then spring again – all in one week!
Your windshield view looks like the surface of a lovely pond.
I hope you continue to have power, and that your hot water is restored soon. Power outages are NO FUN – we’ve had them due to high winds – but they are survivable if you are prepared (and even better, have a wood-burning stove).

tinaehb3 - Confession…. I like to watch “The Vanilla Ice Project” show on DIY πŸ™‚

Leslie - Your pictures are SO cool – love the pine tree ones at the end! We don’t get this in CA so of course I think it would be neat to see in person πŸ™‚

Carrie - I have a 1/2 marathon on 5/12 and I also want it done!! I am racewalking mine and I look like a freak of all sports to be talented in, argh! I also just agreed to work an extra day at work for the next month and then remembered about this race, I guess my training schedule just got harder!

elisa - Pretty pictures, I hope it warms up there soon. You can move here to Arizona where were in the 90’s. Already too hot.

kate@stillroomtogrow - we woke up to 4 inches of snow in wisconsin. we have not had a warm sunny day in about 6 months. it is brutal! i am from missouri, so i’m used to the random warm days to get you through the winter months. on a positive note the pictures look pretty.

Katey Deasy - You make me laugh.

Tracy - Awesome that you remember hearing that song on your first date! It’s the little things.
Beautiful photos!

Kristin S - The ice on the grass needs to be blown up and added to your shop. Beautiful

Angela - Fun times πŸ˜› Beautiful pics meg!!

Lisa - Wan’t the ice beautiful this morning, with the sun shining on it – the trees and shrubs looked like they were made of crystal. The crabapple trees with the small red berries were just beautiful! Enjoy the Lord’s fine art, for it is already melting off and we’ll be enjoying springtime weather by tomorrow, with an awesome weekend on the way!

Lindsey - Love the title – my two year old and I jam out to that song almost daily (and nightly – will it ever stop? Yo! I don’t know) The ice pictures are gorgeous, but glad we don’t have that here. Yuck-o.

ranee - i ran a half marathon last fall and it was so great…i was kind of unsure and dreading it beforehand as well, but trust me, you will be so glad you did it and i can almost guarantee you’ll at least consider doing another one when you’re done! πŸ™‚ sorry about that junky ice, i am sick of winter too…hopefully the bath helped!

Valerie - Meg your pictures are stunning πŸ˜€

Tiffany - Ug, so sorry for you that you are having that yucky weather. Here in MN we are getting hit with snow! Like a foot of it! Rediculous. On the plus side, you got some KILLER photos. Such talent you’ve got, girl.

Andrea - Oh Meg…yuk…once you break the flip flops out it’s tough to go back. So sorry….I think so many of us are ready for winter to get out… showed up late to the party and doesn’t want to go home!!!!
Hang in there!!! hope the bath did some good!

Michelle from Australia - We live in the sub-tropics. We are the same latitude South of the equator as Tampa, FL is north of the equator. So I know nothing about ice storms, ice scrapers, snow or anything related to having 4 distinct seasons. Just another reason I hope to one day get to Kansas…..

Kla - We are having the same weather in Oklahoma as well! I love the picture of the prickly tree covered in icicles!! Hope you guys stay warm and it warms up again soon!

Kristi - Wow! Glad we dodged that! Hard to believe ~ it was absolutely beautiful last weekend!
Missing you and the craft house!! xo

valerie - Hahaha BEST title ever… When you hear STOP do you immediately think
a.)STOP collaborate and listen, OR
b.)STOP in the name of love, OR
c.)STOP (insert disco lights here) weee ohhh ohhh STOP weeee eeeee ohhh ohh
Good times either way! I love your blog so entertaining!

Susan - These are truly beautiful. Sorry about the weather glitch, but at least you’ve captured its glory.

Janna - Commiserating in Nebraska. I had just done a yard walk-through noting what was finally coming up Now it is all covered up with sleet and a fine layer of snow. Needing a refund on spring!!

Stephanie - Ahhhh…Kansas weather. Next week you will have a tornado warning, no doubt? Still, I loved KS when we loved there. LOVED. His used to happen in OK too, when I was there. It was beautiful, but kinda scary.

Karie W - Oh I remember those ice storms from when I lived in Missouri…

Southern Gal - Wow. We were in the 80’s today which makes me concerned that we may skip spring all together this year.

Amy @Lucky Number13 - the joys of living in the midwest : ) i am in illinois… shorts and flip flops for the kids yesterday, rainy and chilly today– but no ice here, so that’s good. i do love the changing seasons of the midwest, don’t get me wrong, but just kinda wish they didn’t all happen in the SAME week!!!

Seriously Sassy Mama - This makes me appreciate that all we had was some rain and cold. Keep warm!

Rebecca - Sorry to hear about ICE in APRIL!
Would love your crockpot rib recipe. Would you mind posting it?

caroline - That was s crazy ice, glad we didn’t get it here in Topeka! About the only fun thing about ice is your pictures πŸ™‚ ha!

Sarah - Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever seen ice quite like that. It’s nutty weather here too, but nothing like that. Near 80 yesterday, high 30s to low 50s for today. Not a fan.
Hope you all stay safe and warm!

Susan - This has been crazy weather in TX too. We are in Fort Worth in the 40s but yesterday it was 29 and snowing in Amarillo and 106 in Laredo. This has so far been a psychotic spring! Stay warm and dry!

Nicole - oh my goodness! I’m glad you’re family is safe & sound!
I think I remember the storm from 8 years ago. What we thought was lightening turned out to be power transformers exploding all across town.
here’s hoping & praying it all melts away soon!

Sara Torbett - Oh my word, I hope you enjoyed your bath, blanket, and movie….all those other little inconveniences are just too much! I will say though, your “deep end” looks so beautiful still…..the chippy paint of the chair with the ice IS rather beautiful, don’t you think? But then chippy paint makes everything better. πŸ˜‰ Sending warm thoughts your way!

Linda - WOW those pictures are amazing. I’m glad you have the craft house to take refuge in!

Gail - Got to love Kansas, agree it is pretty but am ready for Winter to be done. Believe me the last week or two of long distance training is the hardest. You are just done and want to get the race over. But after the race, you will be amazed on how you feel about yourself, like you can deal with anything. I am so ready to be able to run in shorts and a tee instead of layers of clothes. Come on Spring, I know you can do it.

Terrie - I’m getting ready to go out & see if I can photograph some cardinals against the icy backdrop.
Isn’t this weather the craziest!
And with all this ice…I never even thought of that for a title!
Now, it will run through my head for days! LOL!!

Marsha Kern - I live in KC so I know exactly what you are talking about! Our weather can change so fast in the Midwest!

Mandy - Same weather here in Iowa! Isn’t it lovely!?
That was sarcasm….:)

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we like them.

we have eleven chicks in a box in our basement. 
they peep all day and all night. 


the kids come home from school and go straight to the chicks.
partly because i told them they have to so their chicks will be completely people friendly but also because they really like to play with them.

the littler ones are a different breed that will be small chickens even when they are grown.
they will be about half the size of a full grown chicken… very easy for kids to hold.  :)

and they will have fluffy feathery legs!

i honestly can't remember the breeds we have.
i am so forgetful.
i know there are a few buff orpingtons and that is about all i can recall.



we have two dark chicks with chocolate brown heads.  
and two dark chicks with black heads.

they are getting really loud too.
their peeps are much louder as they grow.  it's pretty cute.

waffle is used to it now and leaves them alone… mostly.

watching them jump around and try to fly is so funny!



this brown chick is the one i claimed for myself.
her name is Pan Fry.
because she is a "pan fry chicken".
we had picked her out and later we were told she was a meat chicken.
we were not quite sure what that meant…i understood the MEAT part but didn't know if that was a sure thing.
there are chickens that are raised for eggs and chickens that are raised for meat.
supposedly.. she will have to be eaten but i am hoping that since she was the only brown one in with all yellows that maybe she was put there by mistake.
i am hoping she is an egg chicken.
she is super cute… and i don't want to eat her.

(please be chill and don't freak out in the comment section about this ok? people have eaten chickens everyday since the beginning of time.  it is all going to be alright.)  

don't they look like they should have arms?
birds are weird.



a human chicken corral was made.




we let them loose in our garden area that is fenced with chicken wire to keep the dogs out.
they LOVED it.
one of them got a worm and it grabbed it and started running really fast and the others chased it all around.
it was hillarious.
because you could tell it was all instict.
they have never seen a worm?! they didn't know what that was!
but they knew to grab it and run.
and then they pecked at it for awhile all together.

we laughed a lot.

enjoy a few seconds of the sounds of our chicks in the leafy garden.

i think we are going to love having these ladies around.

Victoria - The chicks are darling! Lol at “Pan Fry”. My daughter summoned the courage to hold her first baby chick a few weeks ago. I’m sure she would not be able to handle the thought of eating them either.

Jodi - what beautiful pictures!!! I laughed when I read about your meat eater. I hope she isn’t. Unfortunately I did not know what that meant and assumed she would eat meat if I gave it to her…… how naΓ―ve! Anyway I raised them like any other chicken an didn’t think much about it until they started to out grow the other chickens…significantly! I finally called a friend who explained that we would need to butcher them. By this time they were so big that they could not even walk, they would wobble. She said that it was the merciful thing to butcher them because their weight would get to the point where their legs would break. Sad huh? Anyway she helped to butcher them and one ended up weighing 17 pounds!!!! We tried to eat the meat but it was stringy and tough. A total loss. Learn from my mistakes, good luck to you! Keep the beautiful posts coming! Miss Jodi

kari - The feathered feet chickens are my absolute favorites!! They are called cochens, said coach-en. They are the friendliest things ever. And they grow up to be soo big and fluffy, and they look like they have feather saddlebags. It’s like a giant pile of feathers waddling around. So stinking funny. Love them, hope you do too!

Prairie Jenn - are, not is…sorry!

Prairie Jenn - When your banties (little hens) lay eggs, the eggs will be smaller
but still yummy.
3 banty eggs is equal to 2 regular eggs when you are baking…just so you know:)

Prairie Jenn - That’s what I was thinking too:) I bet Pan Fry will be just fine.

Vonda - LOVE THE CHICKS!!! We’ve been raising chicks and chickens for about 10 years now. And when we order them, we always order females, and always end up with a rooster. lol Some nice, some NOT SO MUCH. I did want to mention 2 things in what I’ve learned and need to pass on. When the chicks are little, and you let them out in an open area, make sure the kids are there to watch them. We’ve had chicken hawks swoop down and carry off chicks (and a kitten once….sigh). Chicken hawks will even swoop down and carry off a full grown chicken. We have a netting on the top of our coop and run area so this can’t happen. Also, I have a friend who got her kids baby chicks for Easter. The 4 year old played with them nonstop, but then got really sick, like fever, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. She contracted salmonella from the chicks. So make sure your kids wash their hands after playing with them. Hate to put in the negative stuff, but just wanted to pass it on so the kids don’t get sick. She’s been in the hospital now for a week. πŸ™ And to keep your chickens laying eggs, always feed them laying mash. If you just feed the corn or regular pellets, they won’t lay as much. Enjoy!!! πŸ™‚

doveboat - I luv luv luv the human chicken corral! Adorable team work! You are an amazing photographer…I adore your photos

betsy - Our kindergarten classes at school just hatched chicks. Last year they had a few ducks that were SOooooOOoo cute, but this year was all chicks. One of the little yellow ones was born with deformed feet. He couldn’t walk around, but was super sweet. He loved to be held, but the other chicks were mean to him and just kept pecking at him until he bled πŸ™ I saw your post about the chicks and imagined bringing little Cheese (the kids named him) to your house so your kiddos could love on him a little bit πŸ™‚

Lucy Tracy - My old cat likes your video of the chicks! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ Your pictures are beautiful!

mandi@herbanhomestead - Meat chickens can live pretty normally if they are free ranging. If they have the chance to forage and be a chicken, they usually don’t develop the weight problems (ha!) and the poor broken legs. Also, if they are fed a layer feed, it has less protein and they won’t gain as much. You should be able to tell by about 4-5 weeks old if it is going to do ok. If not, you are right in wanting to harvest it.
ps- the ones that get grotesque are generally confined to a small space with nothing to do but eat. My gut tells me that since this one is with layers who will want to scratch and forage, it will follow suit.

christy - Melinda, Same thing happened to us. One out of our 4 was a rooster, since we are in suburbia & not in a rural area I had to bring him back to the feed store. He was so beutiful & sweet, the owner of the store brought him home.
We named ours, Orange Chicken (my son’s fav dish), Nugget, Lunch & Dinner, although we usually just call them the red one, the orange/yellow one & the black one. πŸ™‚ They all have personality!

Lyndsay - Look at those little farmers. πŸ™‚ This is too cute!

elma - Very good advice. We just bought 8 more to add to our flock and I know my daughter kept an eye on the bum area and kept them clean.

elma - SO cute!! We just bought 8 more to go with our other 5. We love them and the eggs are amazing!!!

Meg Duerksen - that is what i thought too which is why we brought it home anyway. but then the more we were told about it… the “meat” chickens are genetically made to get huge and soon their legs won’t be able to hold them up. they will just sit and eat until they get so fat that they die. when i left with it i thought “i will just keep her even she never lays eggs and that is fine” but didn’t know about the huge fat and dying thing.
so we will wait and see.
and cross our fingers that she is not one of those chickens. πŸ™‚

Melinda George - My son named our chickens after types of chicken dishes…Alfredo, Fried, and BBQ. I renamed them because if bothered me so much! Though I compromised and named them after spices, Ginger, our buff orpington, Pepper,our black and white striped and Salty our white hen. Some of our chicks were male, even though we bought what we thought were females, they can’t always tell when small, so you end up with some roosters anyway. Have fun with your new chicks!

AshleyAnn - People eat chickens?! Seriously, that side note was my favorite part of the post. My kids loved the video…especially Pan Fry pooping πŸ™‚

n/a - I have no problem killing and eating chicken ( I love it in fact!) I’m confused though, what exactly differentiates meat and egg chickens? If their your chickens couldn’t you just decide to keep pan fry as a pet? or is there some practical reason why you don’t keep meat chickens in with egg chickens? again, not hating at all, I am just curious about the whole thing! Thanks.

Christina - ME four!

Kirsten J - Me three πŸ™‚

Kate@stillroomtogrow - oh so fun! my kiddos would love having them too!

April R - love love the human chick corral πŸ™‚

Krysta - We got baby chicks a few weeks ago and we spend hours watching those cute little buggers run around. We call it “Chick TV”. It’s so great because our friends and our daughters friends enjoy it too!

christy - 2 words, Meal worms! They love them. It’s like chicken crack. When my girls see the little white container coming they go nuts! They go crazy for them and chase each other around.

Kate - Oh goodness… I just fell out of my chair laughing. SOOOO neeeded this today. I’d like to freak out in your comment section. About all the cuteness.

Christine Ishmael - We bought 5 chicks a few years ago…named them all after the Golden Girls..until we found out 2 were males…when they were babies I whistled to them, like calling a dog, and when they grew up, they came running when I whistled…we have only 2 left and seeing your pictures makes me tempted to get some new babies…if only our new puppy wouldn’t hurt them! Enjoy them! They are so much fun!

Amy C. - Your post made a great ending to my day! We are just preparing to live in the country and I would l-o-v-e for my 4 boys to experience chicks/ chickens. I especially love the part of your video where Talby is moving the leaves so Pan Fry can get to the dirt – she has a tender heart for those chicks (it seems like your younger 3 are all really loving them, though!). I love your blog, Meg! I read it every day and so enjoy how refreshingly real you are with your life and journey. Keep up the great work!

Tiffany - Oh, I love it. I’m so glad you and the family are enjoying them so much. Don’t you just wish they could stay that cute forever? My parents get chicks every spring (the meat kind). But they have the egg laying kind too. Your comment about that cracked me up. Didn’t want another turtle episode? Also, I couldn’t help but smile at the irony that I was eating a cadbury egg while reading your post. No lie.

Dawn Gross - So cute! And the part about being chill in the comments was hysterical!!

Tanya - Happy post. πŸ™‚

Andrea - your chicks are adorable….I cant wait to watch what happens with them. I would love to have some but don’t even know where we would begin……

Lindsey - Love the disclaimer and love your chick photos!

Kimberly - My cousin (at age three) became a vegetarian when she realized that yes, people eat chickens and yes, they really ARE chickens! Too funny!

Kimberly - That’s why I’m reading ;o)

Katey Deasy - Those with the feathery legs are going to be so pretty. I saw them at a farm at the World’s Longest Yard Sale detour we took when we saw a sign that said “barn loft sale” turn here. Great detour. The chickens were so pretty and the farmer said their eggs have the yellowest yolks of all and were delicious. So you have that to look forward too. Yeah you and your ladies!!!

stephanie - I am in love with your chicks. I so want some. HOA says “no”, but I am SO up for challenging them to defend why.

Jen - I have serious chicken envy!!!! What is your coop going to be like? I even have a Coop Dreams board on Pinterest. You lucky woman.

Amber H. - I know! I totally had to read the comment section due to that disclaimer. Hilarious!

Stacy - LOVE your chickens! I’m part of a group in my town trying to get permission to have 3 or so chickens in our yards. So I’m a bit jealous of your puffy feathery sweetie pies! As for Pan Fry… even if she is a MEAT chicken (we’re having fried chicken tonight…) I don’t think I could eat her. She looks too cute! Best of luck- I look forward to seeing updates on them. πŸ™‚

Sarah b - You will love your buff orpies!! They are so big and fluffy and beautiful and SWEET!! We have all buff orpies and they’re just wonderful. They’re our little flock of “golden girls.” Enjoy!!! πŸ™‚

Jeri - Fried chicken…yum! Who knew there was a difference in chicken? You’re educational and hilarious…

Gina - Between your and Ashley Ann’s chick pics I really want some chickens not only for eggs but to have some baby chick photos. The human chick corral is an awesome shot!! Hope you have recovered from Craft weekend!

Jill - The chicks are so darn cute. My favorite part is the upcoming awkward teenage stage (they go through it too!).

Debbie Hargadon - Holy Cow!! Sean is turning into a replica version of your husband before our very eyes! That instagram “corral” shot — I had to look twice to be sure it wasn’t Craig! hahaha. Teenage boys are scary as they are growing almost as fast as those baby chicks! I have girls and I’ve always been amazed at what happens to boys from the ages of 12 to 17. Yikes.
It’ll be a fun spring at your house! — and maybe a bit sad as I think you have a graduation. . . Enjoy it all! And thanks for the entertainment.

Kristin S - Your disclaimer is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time. Hope the haters stay away.

Lori H - Chicken is yummy! And your chicks are adorable. Can’t wait to see photos of the eggs some day…

Whitney - They are so cute! I have never wanted chickens (because of how much I hear the stink, ha) but when I see them I want them! Don’t eat Pan Fry, keep her small forever! (Don’t you wish you could?!) Hope she is an egg chicken! (I eat chicken, btw, but with a name like Pan Fry and seeing how cute she is I don’t want that fate for her!)

Angie's Boblog - seriously.
1. those chicks are friggin adorable and you caught some great shots of them
2. right: people eat chickens and raising your own is pretty much where it’s at
3. actually i don’t think i have a three, but I hope you have an awesome day. thanks for being YOU.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Chicken are cute!

Suzanne - oh my goodness. they are so cute. and yes, they look weird all armless like that πŸ™‚ meat chickens… I have never heard that term, but it make sense. I eat chicken, so no disclaimer needed… though now that I have seen their sweet little armless, hairy-legged, leaf-digging cuteness, I am going to think twice on my next bite πŸ™‚

Melissa - Oh my gosh how stinking cute! I just got four chicks over the weekend – precious little things

Michelle Whitlow - So cute!!!! I want some πŸ™‚ Actually, I’m thinking about getting just a couple next year. I had to crack up when you made the ‘meat chicken’ comment…cause as soon as I read that I thought “oh God, someone’s gonna go all PETA on her” hehe Mmmm…chicken. JUST kidding πŸ™‚

Kristina - I loved your side note…made me smile πŸ™‚

Amanda M. - I love love love your blog! My dream is to one day come to craft weekend. I have 32 chickens, 22 of which we just put outside with the big ladies. I noticed that your chick you were helping “dig” with in the video looks a little “pasted up”. Until they feather out (loose the little fluff they have now and get their big girl feathers) you need to check their bottoms. That downy soft fluff seems to have the poop sick to it and closes over their vent (bottoms!). When this happens they can’t go potty and could die. Just hold them in your hand, run some warm water over the poo and their bottoms until it gets soft enough to pick off…. gross I know, but it’s sorta the equivalent of changing diapers! πŸ™‚ You should only need to do it for a week or two. I just take a wash cloth and make sure that they are nice and dry then back under the heat lamp they go!
I’m no chicken “expert” just been down the chick road a few times! They are so fun. πŸ™‚

charlton - what?! people eat chickens?! πŸ˜‰ Your comment in parenthesis made me laugh out loud! I love it! Enjoy your chickens and hopefully you won’t have to eat Pan Fry when he/she gets bigger. πŸ˜‰

mary - When I was in college, I worked at the Houston rodeo in the AgVenture exhibit. One of my jobs was to monitor the hatching baby chicks for NINE hours a day! They were cute after they dried and started running around, but oh man I wanted to speed up the hatching process for some of them.

Lee Ann - So excited that you’re doing this! You will know soon if PanFry needs to be eaten. If she’s truly a meat bird she won’t be able to walk after about 8-10 weeks. Her breast will be dragging on the ground :(. There are lots of breeds that are good for eggs and meat so hopefully that’s what you have and she will live a long, happy, egg laying life. As they get a bit bigger it will be much easier to tell what they are. So many look the same when they’re chicks. I love Buffs – so big and pretty. And I’m guessing the other little ones are some type of silky?

Roganne - Love it!! We have had chicks the past few years and the baby stage is so adorable!! Wait until they hit the preteen stage where they start to lose their fluff…kind of ugly, but also cute and kind of reminiscent of my junior high might want to be cautious with pan fry because some meat breeds are bred to grow big breasts and they can “get down in the legs” with the extra weight. I’m all for eating chickens too (we always butchered our own), but you may want to take her somewhere to be butchered sooner rather than later because its always sad to see them hurting. Usually three months time until they are ready.

Amy Bogan Griffin - Oh my goodness!!! They are so cute! My girls are wanting to get some but I am afraid one of our 3 dogs or the cat would get them. I was wondering what does Annie think abot them???

charity - whaaaaaaat?!! people eat chickens?! πŸ˜‰

Stacy - Hmmm…since Pan Fry was in the meat chicken bin are you sure she is a she? Could be a he! Good Luck! Chickens are fun.

Robin Canter - do you have plans to keep them outdoors permanently? a chicken coup? I imagine you’re waiting for warm weather 24/7.

holly - I love your blog. I read it everyday!!! I love your chicks, so sweet. The Pan Fry name is the best! I wish we could have cute chicks, our dogs would eat them though!!

Jenn - I love the chicken eating disclaimer…too funny! Great background music to the video. I have a friend that has chickens and my girls love checking them out. They lay eggs all the time!

Cathy - Pan Fry, what a great name.. And I wouldn’t eat her either.. We a have a new Rural King store that has chicks and I want some too but NO :> I love your blog and will keep reading.. I would love to see more videos.

sarah - So jealous! I have wanted a coup for a while but right now its just not feasable. Do you have any idea if the smaller ones will get picked on by the bigger ones? This past weekend I got some farm fresh eggs at our farmers market – nom nom!
Tip: if you dont refrigerate the eggs the wont go bad!

Dena - Love all the chick pics you and Ashley are sharing. My favorite of these is the one of Talby w/ the sleepy chick… so sweet. Enjoy them πŸ™‚

Aby - Love it! I want to move to the country and get chickens!!! I love the furry legged ones! They’re still so cute when they’re grown! My neice had one named Percy. I love that name for a chicken! Of course, Pan Fry is good too! lol

Amanda - Super cute! Looks like your family is really enjoying being chicken farmers. πŸ™‚ I think the small ones are bantams. I received my 2 maps from your shop the other day. THANK YOU!

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the monday after….


Craft Weekend #14 

this was a pretty awesome group of women.
and they are late nighters!


my kids just got on the bus and i am headed back to bed to sleep the rest of the day.
i will tell you all about our weekend soon.
but right now i can barely keep my eyes open.




i wanted to share with you a beautiful piece of art that Lori Danelle made for me.


it is cut paper!

every detail is so delicate and perfect.
i love seeing how each line is connected… SO creative.

she hand cuts all of this!!



she made this for me based on this post i wrote back in september.
i had had a very bad day related to parenting and this verse was the hope i was clinging to.

isn't Lori's work absolutely stunning?
can you even imagine how long this would take her?!
it is AMAZING.

Love never fails.

Go see Lori's great talent at her shop and read her blog.

i really think that i need this print at my house.
and the craft house.
who doesn't need that cheerful reminder daily?

thank you Lori for blessing me with such an awesome reminder of the gift God gave me… LOVE.





Tiffany - What a talented lady! That sure is stunning! Excited to hear all about your weekend!

chandu - Meg ! Lady ! You definetely know your it the pink sparkly converse or those silver flats you are wearing.Love your choice of footware and that brings me to my question…mind telling where you got those sandals, thats exactly what I am looking for.PLEASE !

ashley @ little miss momma - I love learning how small this world is when I find out I am connected to someone I have never met. Hopefully I will get to meet you one day when I’m out visiting Bens family. Are you still it the same ward?
xoxo, ashley

sarah katherine - on the listing in her blog it says they are all laser cut, not hand cut

Claire - That paper cut is amazing. I tried to hand cut some (much less intricate that those) before and they turned out so disappointing. That blue she uses is so happy!!

Lori Danelle - So glad you like it! It was my pleasure. πŸ™‚
Looks like you had an amazing group at CW! So much fun!!!

Gina - Phenomenal paper cutting!! That is my favorite Bible verse and I have a different print of the verse that hangs in my bathroom. I read it often! But I think I need the papercut version. Thanks for sharing and have a good recovery from Craft Weekend πŸ™‚

Katey Deasy - THAT is amazing. What a gift of love. WOW! So inspiring. Thanks for sharing and can’t wait to hear about the weekend. Hope the Kanas storms miss you guys.

Mique - Still feels like a dream. The pic turned out great! And I love that design from Lori Danielle.
So grateful that I was able to come this weekend. You and Kimberlee are the best hosts!! xo

SV - Wow! So pretty! There are so many talented people in the world. Looks like another great weekend! I don’t know LMM personally(we attended church with her husband before we were all married and know her in-laws) but, from the looks of her blog, she seems like such a nice and fun person…as I imagine you to be, too. πŸ™‚

happygirl - That is gorgeous. You rest well.

colette - This group of gals got an extra bonus… Little Miss Momma in their group! That’s awesome!! Looking forward to hearing more about it!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I actually saw an entire storefront display that was paper cut this past weekend! Hubby and the girls and I were walking through a town we hadn’t visited in awhile and I stopped and just stood there in awe staring at it. I love how art has so many different forms.
And I spy two familiar faces in the CW photo-Mique and Ashley. Can’t wait to hear about the newest weekend.

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it’s good. all good.


M A D  M E N 
it's back!!!!!  
this sunday night a TWO HOUR season premiere!!!!
i will be sitting next to mr. duerksen on the couch happy as can be.  







Pam and her family are back the US for a bit and we have loved it already.
they came for dinner last weekend which was a totaly blast. 


she and her daughter surprised use by making cinnomon rolls for us at our house!!





i did a little treasure hunting yesterday.
i was searching for vintage trims and ribbons for craft weekend projects but also found a few other lovelies that needed a good home. 


a sweet little handstitched cloth.                                    a grayish/green/pink bark cloth curtain panel.

a jesus plate to add to my collection.

the brightest yellow daisy bowl with lid…. i think it's dreamy.

a colorful vase covered in poppies.

a globe…duh.   (it was $10.  there were two others at the same antique store that were $25 and $28 score!)
vintage pillowcases 
a sweet little wood box painted green with a decopaged rose.
lots of vintage lace trim.


and a milk glass bowl that i filled up with old wood spools.

sometimes when i am out looking for fun antiques…i find nothing.
but then days like this make it super fun.



after the feb. craft weekend i decided to not have any sweets or junky sugary foods until the next CW.
sugared cereals, desserts, candy, ice cream, etc
50 days.
i am at day 49.
i thought it would help with my running/training for the Half Marathon (25 days away…..AAAAAaaaa!!!!)

i broke my own rule twice.
once for cheesecake at ashley's. (and probably breakfast there too…so good)
and once for a cinnamon roll made by pam.

now i get to enjoy craft weekend guilt free!  woo-hoo!


then i will go back to NO sugary stuff again.
i just made it up and work it out for me as i go… but i have noticed a difference in my running.
i feel lighter. 


waffle got his spring haircut.


waffle is a goldendoodle.
we shave his hair because when it's long like the picture he gets really dirty and smelley.
also he only sheds when his hair is shaggy.
he always prances around when he gets home from the groomer.
he is a happy dog.





kimberlee and i are setting up for Craft Weekend today!
it is always such a fun time.
the swag we have from our sponsors is always great but this time it's  F A B U L O U S!!!!

the girls arrive tomorrow and i can't wait to meet them all!
and now i must go hang up some bunting and the giant sunflower canvas!

(but man i wish i could take a nap! πŸ˜‰




Becky - those swag pictures just make me happy! πŸ™‚ love it!

Lorie - You find the BEST stuff! I’m also a huge Mad Men fan, but we don’t have cable, so we watch it on Netflix the year after. Lame, but still fun!

jaimie - Awesome!
PS…saw this on Pinterest and thought you’d like it…

jeanne - I have been counting down ALL week!!!!! I can not wait.

patty - O. Mi. Good. Mad. Men.
My husband and I just started watching Mad Men last week. We are obsessed, staying up late, watching 4-5 episodes in a night! We need to watch all of season 5 by Sunday night so we are all caught up! Ugh! The stress. This is a really great show, I dont know what took us so long ; )
Have fun at craft weekend! I love checking out the recap and would love to go, but its not in the cards any time soon ; )

jody - Whew! im not the only one – let’s start a MM groupie site! ha! I have a huge-o crush on Don. my hubby (yes, he knows of my crush!!) & I have been catching up on past seasons and are almost to season 6!! such a great show. can’t wait to watch!!
Meg, love seeing your finds on antique trips!! so fun.
Can’t wait to see photos of craft weekend!

kate@stillroomtogrow - I’m excited to see another fun craft weekend!! Waffle looks so handsome….my pup prances around after the groomers too.

Lisa - Aw, I really like the embroidered cloth, and the bright, cheery daisy bowl. I was thinking of going out to “the barn” this weekend, but I guess I’d better stay away and leave plenty of room for the craft weekend ladies! Have fun!

Jessica/littlepumpkingrace - What a fun post!!
Oh, how I wish I was going to Craft Weekend!!! I’ve been on the waiting list since the very beginning and hope to one day get the chance one of these days!!! Have fun!

Lindsey - Love your thrift store finds! I need a thrift store fix! I have been toying around with the idea of no sugar for a period of time. I think it would be good for me. Have fun at craft weekend! I would love to go back to CW~ So wonderful!~

Alicia @ La Famille - love your randomness…it’s so inspiring!! πŸ™‚
a. MAD MEN!!! I have a serious infatuation with Don. it’s bad. i’m ashamed. i’m also nine months pregnant with an infatuation with Don Draper. gaaaa!!!! Also, I can’t stand megan. It’s not that I’m jealous. I would want to smack her if Don was a dog…she just gets under my skin!!! gaaaaa again!!!
b. I am dying for a cinnamon roll now. thanks. DYING.
c. I know the key to losing my baby weight in a few weeks will be sugar. Gotta give it up too. I like doing challenges like that with myself. Go GIRL!!!

jodie - Waffle looks dashing sporting his spring attire!!!

Gina - I will be on my couch Sunday night as happy as can be too!!, I love their clothes! Great finds at the thrift. Have a fun craft weekend. Cute little chicks post and darling photos!,

Kate - Have a wonderful time! Hugs!

Lori Danelle - My Mom has the whole sheet set that match those pillow cases. . . Might be able to convince Jeff or Joni to sneak them out of the house. Just an idea. πŸ˜‰

Organic Aspirations - I love the God is Love plate, and I love the yellow container too. Thanks for sharing such happiness!

Tiffany - 1) I have never watched Mad Men… I should give it a try! 2) Cute vintage finds! 3) I admire your strength giving up sugars. I did that for lent last year. 40 days and I could hardly handle it. I gave up Facebook this year instead. I was just thinking today that I have eaten so much Easter candy today I wished it was a food group. 4) YEAH for craft weekend! Have SO much fun! I’ll be IG stalking, as always. Our group is starting to plan a reunion at the craft house!!! Hope it all works out! That would be fantastic! πŸ™‚ MISS YOU!

Linda - looks fabulous! thank you I needed some pretty eye candy to help cheer me up!

Kristin S - That does it, I’m moving to Kansas.
(Actually, I’ll be driving through in mid-June and again the end of July. Any places we shouldn’t miss? All I ever see is I-70)

stephany @ home is what you make it - Oh, I cannot wait to be there for craft weekend!!

Karie W - CAn’t ait to see how this craft weekend goes. Love to see all the great things you create.

Jennifer - Good stuff! Thanks for sharing πŸ™‚

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we finally did it!


i took the three youngest to the farm store and they picked out chicks for our flock.



i love their little beaks and feet.
and fluffy puffy feathers!
they make the cutest littlest sound all together… peep peep peep peep peep.



they have named them but i can't recall the names… Ginger? Libby? Teddy? Nate? 
soon i will update with official names-to-faces i guess.



for now we are just figuring out what to do for them.
and lots of playing with them.




and trying to keep Waffle from wanting to eat them.


kate@stillroomtogrow - so cool i want some chickens, so jealous!

Gretchen - So happy for you! We have some babies right now too! WARNING: it may have addictive side effects. We started with 6 chicks 3 years ago. Since then we have moved to the country and have started an organic egg business! We currently have about 70 chickens with 75+ chicks on the way! Never say never. I did. πŸ˜‰

Alicia @ La Famille - yay!!!! go farmer meg!!! you’ll be dishing up farm fresh egg omelets in no time!

Rach - All I can think about is farm fresh eggs. Yummmm

Sonja - Ahhhh, they are so CUTE! I’ve wanted chickens for years, and every year we inch our way a little closer… next spring, we may even actually GET chicks. For now, I’m jealous.

sara b - chicken names at our CooP…
LOLA, BEEZUS AND RAMONA are the only ones who remain…until the next batch! I am thinking a turkey or two. we live in a neighborhood so it will have to be a LADY. or two! πŸ™‚ and a duck.

christy - Yay for you! You are going to have so much fun and the kids are going to love them. When we had our first few chicks they would follow my son around like he was their momma.So cute! My 2 Labs don’t bother the girls, they are not normal though. πŸ™‚ We didn’t have to buy a single egg for Easter, we had a couple dozen from our 3 hens.

Terrie G - Between yours & Ashley’s pics of cute chickens…makes me want some just to take pics!! LOL!!

Courtney - YAY! We’ve had chickens for a few years now and we love them, I agree with Jeannett above though, annoying they don’t stay cute and fluffy hehe. We’ve got a flock of 10 right now and we are adding 7 more (6 girls and a boy) latter this spring, can’t wait for my next batch of fluff!!
If you’re looking for some great chicken blogs (and really, who isn’t LOL) is one of my faves for cute stores and amazing art/illistrations/cartons and is a fantastic source of knowledge and resources. Both have facebook pages if you’re into that, and seriously, they are fantastic blogs.

kerry - oh man! How CUTE! peep peep peep! love the pic of annie on the floor with her little one – SO sweet! xx

Robin Canter - be careful with Waffle. My little 8 pound cock-a-poo dog ate a pet canary that got out of its cage. We were stunned. animal instinct is real.
the chicks are cute, but not for me. 24/7 thing. I like to lock my front door and GO whenever. can’t bear to find someone to watch a dog, chicks, etc.

Edie S. - Adorable!! What kind is the one with feathery legs? We’ve had chickens for a year now, and I love it so much!

Jennifer - So stink’in cute!!!

Susan - You will love having chickens! When my daughter was in 1st grade her class raised chicks from eggs and when they were able they got to take them home. We ended up with 2 a black one named Martina and a yellow chick named Sunshine…he grew into a beautiful red rooster with a green tail. He also was nearly eaten by a raccoon one night. We live in the city so we had to give them up to friends in the country. Martina is still alive and laying eggs like crazy at cousin Tessie’s. Have fun, they are a great source of entertainment and lots of lessons for the kids.

Roganne - So great!! We have had chicks for the past few years and my daughter loves them!! This will be something you kids remember for years to come!! Great pictures!

Emily - I want chicks too!! But I’m a city dweller. And don’t even have back yard. Someday… Someday!

sara - We have had chickens for 3 years now…LOVE my ladies! They have awesome personalities. Raised them all from little peep peeps too! As in a tub in the livingroom withheld heat lamp. I know…super glam.

Kathi - You beet me to it! We are getting chicks too. You need to keep them warm and have water and food for them at all times. A cardboard box with a work light hanging over them will probably be warm enough. I have found there is lots of online help. Good Luck:)

Dawn Gross - So cute! Have fun!

Heather Simnitt - Enjoy them! They grow SO fast! All that fluff will be gone in 5 weeks…so sad!

CathyC - OMGosh! I love them!! so sweet!!!!

Sarah - Oh how cute!!!! Poor Waffle just doesn’t understand! Looking forward to seeing their progress on the blog!

beth - Meg, these photos are just fabulous!!!! I want chickens too~ : )

Shannon - so adorable, my girls want to come over and play at your house now πŸ˜‰
I wish we could have chickens!

Lori Austin - Awww you and Ashley are chick mommas! πŸ™‚
Such cute pics. I bet your kids are LOVING them.

Lora - Oh my! So cute!

Prairie Jenn - Great photos:)
Love the chicks! You will enjoy them:)
They grow up fast though…kinds like kids!

Natalie - we love our chickens! i’m not sure how young you got them, but make sure to keep them clean so they don’t get pasted over. πŸ™‚

Tiffany - So fun! Take lots of pics while they are so cute… it doesn’t last long before they get awkward looking! πŸ™‚

jeannett - We went on Monday to buy chicks. They were sold out. Apparently they get 250 chicks on Wednesdays…and by Thursday afternoon they are gone. So we are going back today. Although I kinda want chicks…not chickens. Annoying they don’t stay fluffy. Sheesh.

Meredith - Love the photos! They are precious! Good luck with Waffle! LOL.

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easter - Might have come across this a couple of weeks late, but so very glad I did! Cold chills… Thank you for sharing this with us. =)

Lisa A - Such a beautiful song. Happy Easter!

jodie - Yep!!!!

Lori Austin - Love this. Many wonderful memories of my childhood church and singing this hymn.
Happy Easter Meg!

happygirl - Love this song, too. I had 10,000 Angels on mine. I love Easter songs.

kelli - i saw that at gcc yesterday. makes me teary every time!

jen smith - thank you for sharing that hymn! we don’t sing them much anymore but when i hear one it brings back precious memories of growing up and hearing them every sunday morning and evening. life is worth the living just because he lives!

kathi - Thank you for sharing, Meg! It was so good to see Eric who used to sing at my church. It has been a few years since he has graced us with his voice. So good to see him and all hear all these beautiful people sing for HIM.

Prairie Jenn - Beautiful!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - That was beautiful. And the ending…precious! Happy Easter!

Penny Smith - Amen! And happy Easter! (He is Risen! πŸ™‚ )

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this week.

it has been CRAZY busy.

THE SHOP opened last friday… boom.

saturday and sunday my boys played in 9 different ball games…i watched 5 of those.


monday i ran 7 miles in snow and ice…and worked on shipping all afternoon with the help of a great friend.


tuesday i shipped for another 5 hours and then drove to the KC airport and picked up PAM!!!
oh i was so happy to hug that girl!   she was dearly missed.


wednesday i packed & shipped ALL DAY then cleaned the craft house for several hours with the help of 2 friends.

thursday i finished cleaning at the craft house (with kimberlee) for an event that was in the evening.
i was so happy to just be at home with my kids for the evening!
talby talked to me non stop all afternoon.  i missed that this week.



then i went to bed at 10:30!
that only happens when i have the flu or something.
but i obviously needed the sleep. 

and today all my kids were home from school.

it's been quite a day.  
nothing i thought we would do got done.
oh well.








these pictures were from last night.
it ended up being just these two home last night.
they were almost silly about it… they were LOVING it so much.
we ate dinner outside (gorgeous weather) and those two were chatter boxes!
after the sun went down they chose a movie to watch that annie wouldn't be able to watch because they are big kids.  :)  sneaky siblings.
I am so happy that sean and talby still like each other so much. they are only 16 months apart!  
(that was a crazy year in my life….OY!!!)

ok…KU game is on.
i am going to watch the end now.

because… bill self and i are besties now ya know….


so if you wanted one last week and they were sold out… they are back!

AND… there are BIG 11×14 prints of most of them… even the whatever verse!
(you click on the size of the pic and options show up)

ANNNND there are more maps in there too.

almost all my orders have shipped.
i am getting very close.
thanks for EVERY order, all your patience and for all my helpers! 




Teresa - I Want that shirt about Jesus playing in Lawrence. Is it available for the general public to buy?

Pat Schmidt - I miss your beautiful photos taken with your real camera. Sorry, phone cameras are not the same.

charlton - Just bought the whatever print and am so excited! Thanks for restocking so quickly. I can’t wait to put it in my girls’ room when I redecorate this summer.

tasha - oh girl! i am still heartbroken over the loss. i was in a texas buffalo wild wings on spring break trying to catch the game. i was the only ku fan in the packed restaurant. it wasn’t pretty. i’ve come to the conclusion that it’s only fair for them to share and not get too greedy. πŸ™‚

Jemm - Are those your new chickens?! I’ll be happy to answer any questions…but I am no expert. I wish I could look at your blog more than I get to. For some reason typepad blogs just don’t load we’ll with our Internet. We have a very slow satellite Internet. Anyway, it was great to meet you. I hope I wasn’t too stalker-ish πŸ˜‰

Tiffany - Love your posts. Always. Keep on truck’en busy lady. Always happy to hear from you and hear about what is going on in your world. So happy for you that you got to spend time with Pam, your business is doing so well, your kids enjoy hanging out together, and the weather is nice enough to eat outside and wear shorts!! HAPPY EASTER! πŸ™‚

megan - got my map prints this weekend! love them…thanks so much for them!
ME & VA will be adorning my walls soon!

Jenny B. - I’m so looking forward to my happy mail!! πŸ™‚ Thanks for all your hard work, Meg!

happygirl - I was pretty bummed about Kansas, too. But I’ve got Louisville to take it all. Right now, suffering watching Witchita killing Ohio State. They are AMAZING!

Sarah@ This Farm Family's Life - Seriously jealous that your kids are in shorts!!! Hurry up summer!!

Janelle - I thought about Scott last night while watching the game πŸ™ So funny how I was thinking about the feelings of a teenage boy I don’t even know. Hope he gets over it soon!

Kristin S - I love that you had time at home with JUST your “middles”.

Jeannine - Oh Meg, I need some advice lol.
I’m currently pregnant with my second, so this little one and my daughter will be 16 months apart. Any tips for having 2 babies this close together? Your kids seem great πŸ™‚ I’m beyond excited but scared out of my mind!

Roganne - Gracious you are busy! When do you sleep?! Just bought the vintage Norway/Sweden map from your shop in honor of my family’s Viking heritage! Super-pumped to get it! Thank you!

betsy - So, SO, SoOoOoO sad about our Jayhawks πŸ™
Does this mean we all just get to cheer on the Shockers? I think so (but I’m still sad).
Here’s to hoping this gorgeous weather sticks around for good!

Beth Anne - I have a feeling you’re in a not so happy household tonight! I didn’t watch the game, but I am so bummed about KU.

Heidi DeGroot - First, I am SO jealous that all that snow you had is already gone! It was 60 degrees in Marshall, MN today, and our snow piles are getting smaller, but definitely not gone. Second, I would really love to have a rainbow hoodie for my 6 year old daughter and hope they are replenished soon! Thanks:)

Meg Duerksen - I KNOW!!! scott got so mad he stormed out of the house and slammed the door!
oh well…. we will all be ok right? πŸ™‚

Jessica - Omg. I posted too soon. My bracket is a mess now!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I wish I had a barn to play basketball in.

BriBedell - So happy you refilled the prints!! Just ordered the close up gum all for my girls room in my new house!!! Thanks Meg <3

Jessica - Sad to see Michigan lose because they are my husband’s fave, but I picked Kansas to win the whole shebang baby!

C - thanks do much for keeping it real! you keep me sane. as much as you do, you keep things in perspective and i love when you show pictures of the laundry or dishes that need to be done. you inspire me to be my best, not to be superwoman! thank you.

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