Masthead header


so… i live in small town with no clothing stores.
and then if i go to where i used to live 10 minutes away, there is a walmart & a few places to shop for clothes.
we have no target.
no malls.
no GAP.
no starbucks.

and somehow…. i am still alive.

it's a 30 minute drive to get to those things and really that is no biggie at all.

what i do have in my halfway biggish town that is 10 minutes from my house is Dress Barn.

i hardly ever go there.
and then when i do…. i always find stuff!
it's tricky.
there is a lot to navigate that is too "mature woman" for me.  
and there is a lot of…. ruffles where there shouldn't be?
and denim jackets with rhinestones.
in a bad way. 
and racks and racks FULL of mom jeans.

but i am telling you… it's worth a peek if you have time to shop with no children.

so today i will walk you though my shopping experience at the Dress Barn (moo)

(WHO named that store???? it's HORRID!)

i tried on this one.
it looks like it's coral zebra stripey fabic but it's actually seperate little layers of fabric.
too bulky on my curvy frame.
and looked too old on me. 


when i shop… i am committed.
i bring in A TON of clothes to the dressing room and try on ANYTHING i may remotely like.
i find this method to be productive when trying to shop without children.
maximizing my time.
if you don't like shopping for clothes… you definitely don't want to go with me.
i fully admit that i take forever. 


they didn't have this one in my size.
sad face.
i liked it a lot and would've probably gotten it…it's classic. 
but i would need a strapless bra and that is not a favorite of mine… but may still be worth it.


not my size in this one either.
it looks so comfy! 


not my size.
but i know it would be too low cut and too much focus on the hips for me with that v-ncek.


maxi dresses are always teetering on the line of cute and Mrs. Roper.
this one expecially.
a good maxi dress is hard to find if you are not a long skinny stick lady.

but if you are then i bet you'd look amazing in that!
you should also get a huge black sun hat.
and send me a picture.


this is a nice churchy dress.
it was not red it was orangey.
so orangey that i actually didn't even try it on.
i took it in but just couldn't do that color on me…. i knew i wouldn't want to look at it against my skin.


now THIS one…. i loved.
the color is off in the website photo.
it looked like this:

bright mint green…yellow, orange, and corally pinks.
with little birds all over it.
i loved it!
but in the end decided it was too dressey for my life.
i have no where to wear it…my friends don't get married any more… i go no where that requires this.



funny story: one time (not yesterday) i was shopping and had an over zealous store employee trying to help me find something to buy. (dislike) i came out with a dress on and she was arranging me (touching me a lot) straighting and moving the belt and said "oh honey if you just need to get some Spanx and you will look great" and i said quietly "i am wearing spanx now"


 i did not buy that dress. 

this was my favorite.
orange dress…just the right shade of orange….with cream lace on top.
i think it is an AWESOME dress!

the photo looks pink but it's orange.

it didn't fit quite right.  :(

i am considering ordering it in two sizes & trying again in case it was that ONE dress that wasn't sewn right. 


this one i thought was really sweet.
kelly green underneath with white lace on top with that sweet little belt!
very flattering cut with the pleats facing inward.
(would that be called an inverted pleat? did i just make up a new term? let's say yes)


this one is crazy bright yellow but i thought it looked good!
i think with brown cowboy boots… chunky necklace… denim jacket….yes! 

much better maxi dress.
slimming lines.
a bit more coverage up top…. probably a cardigan to top it off.  
thumbs up on this one too.


this one was the best for my needs.
it is a deep corally hot pink color not red like it appears.

my first coral dress of my life!

does it say "mother of high school graduate class of 2013"??

that is the look i am going for.

a cute cardi (of course)…  wedge sandal… pretty necklace…. shave my legs…. 🙂

YEP!  i think it will work!

let's party.


all of these dresses are their website.   (  

i appreciate the affordability there compared to lots of places.

they are having a sale with dresses.  (buy two save $10 i think?)

i really don't ever buy anything else there…it IS the DRESS BARN ya know?

dress barn did not pay me to post any of this.

i am not even going to link it because i don't want you to be confused. 

i don't even know the girl who helped me check out today.

i just thought i would share with you that dress barn (moo) is not that bad.

i mean… it has lots of stuff that is just NOT for me… but there is good stuff in there too.


i am having lunch with mr. duerksen today.
hubba hubba.


Jennifer Cooper - The Spanx comment totally made my day. I have not had a good laugh today and you were my funny moment. Thanks.

beki - you make me want to go to dress barn! super cute choices 🙂

heidi c - Ok, you have convinced me to give that store a try. That yellow dress is adorable and I love the ones wit lace. And you also just reminded me that I will be attending a graduation in a month as well! Yikes! I better find some kid-free time to shop! 🙂

Gina M. - This made me think about Tim Hawkins Comedy routine about the Dress Barn. Have you seen it? Here’s the link if you want to watch it. 🙂

J - My 19 year has the coral dress. She doesn’t have your curves, but has ball-player shoulders and arms. It is very flattering and cute, cute, cute! Not old ladyish at all and she gets many compliments. Go for it!
I am the old lady and can’t bring myself to wear the big floral prints and sparkles. Round ladies don’t need rhinestones.

janet @ ordinary mom - I had to laugh because next week I am headed to Florida with my family for a vacation and this is the third conversation about Dress Barn I have had. My hairdresser told me to go there, as did my mom and now you. So I am listening and will plan to go.
And all three conversations ALSO talked about the unfortunate name.

Victoria - Wow. I may have to just check out dress barn. Love the black/white maxi dress and the white lace dress with the green underneath!

Lee Ann - So glad you posted this! I went to the Dress Barn and bought 2 dresses today! So excited. Neither of them are ones you posted though 🙂 I really wanted to find the black and white striped one with the yellow cardigan. No such luck, but 2 dresses in one day is pretty amazing!

katie - “i’m wearing spanx now.” haha–oh this made me laugh!!
i agree, you gotta try it all on….give things a chance because you never know where you’ll find that coveted piece of clothing.

Carrie - We have a dress barn too, I always forget about it. I feel like I’m a a difficult age for clothes, but I’ve felt that way since I was 25.
The same spanx story happened to me except it was my mom who said it. There really isn’t strong enough spanx in the world to hold in my freakishly pregnant looking belly (I’m very much NOT pregnant!).

Lisa - Hey, you oughta get, and wear the green dress shopping. Even to Wal-Mart. Especially to Wal-Mart. With strappy flat sandals, or some cute flip flops. You’d be surprised at how femmie and good it makes you feel. And so much cooler on hot days.
And, BTW, horses are easy, they just eat a lot.

Katey - I grew up with my dad saying hubba hubba about my mom. This made me laugh to read you saying it. Have fun!

midwestmom - I agree with everyone else, run back and get that green dress!! I’m sure the coral one is beautiful, but the green one just looks more like you! Not that I actually know you, lol.

Lorraine R. - Now I wanna go to The Dress Barn (moo)!!!!! You found some super cute dresses! Thanks for sharing – I’m inspired 🙂

Sara Torbett - Thanks for sharing these fun finds! We just got a Dress Barn (in Fayetteville, AR) so I’ll have to stop in :).
I thought of you today-at Target I saw a party banner with the word “WHATEVER” in a variety of colors!
It was so you. Thinking about it now-I should have bought it and sent it to you. Boo. 🙁 I suppose the thought will have to do!

Angie - I’ve found some really cute things at Dressbarn but your right you have to be careful. Lots of their things are just too mature looking for me. I love the graduation dress you chose!

Janel - The gorgeous green dress you think is too dressy for your life is perfect for lunch with Mr D, lunch with the girls, going to get your done, any reason. I think it can be dressed up or down….so pretty. Just because your in Kansas doesn’t mean you can’t dress like its Chicago or New York! You are beautiful and should show it off a bit once in a while. I bet had you worn that dress to lunch, Mr D wouldn’t have gone back to work! Ha!
Love ya Meg!

Stephanie - Mrs Roper! Hahahahahahaha!!!
Walmart is 20 mins from us. Target is an hour. I get ya!

Whitney - We live in a small town too- with nothing! Walmart & Target are 35 minutes away… Dress Barn is an hour+ However, I love it too despite the name! I have been in a Macy’s and decided not to buy a dress and then find the exact same one there with a different label and half the price! Love the ones you posted- I want them all… except I am 11 weeks pregnant and I know they wouldn’t fit me soon!

Connie - I read your blog everyday. I was born and raised in Newton and now live in Wisconsin. I’m wondering why you don’t mention Et Cetera. It’s my favorite clothing store in Newton (though not for HS graduation).

Amy K. - You are so right about the Dress Barn – the name, the million old lady clothes & then, crazily, incredibly cute stuff mixed in! I do believe I might have to see if I can’t find that green floral dress in my size for a wedding this summer… =)

sara @ it's good to be queen - i LOVE your choice! and you’re right about maxi dresses..they are tricky….especially if you’ve had kids…

Kelly - I laughed out loud at the Mrs. Roper line… got an immediate mental image of her in her moomoos ( I don’t know how moomoos is actually spelled, but they should sell moomoos at Dress Barn, shouldn’t they?!)or caftans as they were called back in the day before they became maxi dresses…had totally forgot about Mrs. Roper, but maybe that’s subconsciously why I can’t bring myself to try on a maxi dress ha! From now on ugly maxi dresses will be called Mrs. Roper caftans around here… You are a kill. You did good at the Dress Barn.

denise@victory rd. - you are a MOG! Congratulations/Sniff sniff.
We live 30 min from everything, too.
We have a “Pants & Things” in our small town. The mannequins in the window are gold. I’ve lived here 20yrs and never been in there.
I’ve learned to shop like you.. just try everything…who knows I might be surprised…or fall into despair.
The MOG dress you picked is perfect!

Tiffany clark - Living out in the country myself, I too have to drive 30 minutes for anything! I really don’t mind it either. It probably helps me spend less. And shopping without kids? Well, since Olivia was born 5 years ago I don’t think I have really experienced that since. Oh well, there will be a time again. Maybe when I am shopping for HER high school graduation. Oy. You will look fabulous in the outfit you picked out! I love it!

Sara - Some of my favorite dresses have come from Dress Barn…but like you I have never found anything else!

Heidi DeGroot - Just wanted you to know that I recently found the Sweet Nothings strapless bra at Wal-Mart for I think somewhere between 11-14 dollars!! It really is the best strapless bra I have ever had. It also comes with straps so it can be a “convertible” bra. Extra bonus you have a Wal-Mart near you:) I believe it is made by the same company that makes the brand Maidenform which is much pricier in department stores!

Kate - When Julia was a baby, I used to sneak out once a month to dress barn during her Sunday nap. Good times 🙂

Kristin S - So, I just did a search. A brand new one just opened in a new shopping center. Crazy.

Gina - You had me at moo. I need that same look…. Mom of the grad, only I need it x2. Thanks for the shopping help!! I guess I am in denial and hadn’t thought about it but I definitely need a new dress for the occasion. Have a fun lunch!!

Kristin S - You did great! That’s a great dress.
Now, I have no clue where Dress Barn is near me but I’m sure there is and I so want to find that green floral dress!
On a totally different note, I’m driving to Colorado from NC next month. We stay with friends in Tulsa and then head up to 70 and shoot across Kansas. No offense to your state, but I hate I-70. That’s how I see Kansas. You have opened my eyes that there is so much more! So, where should I pull off the interstate and browse/rest/shop!??!?! You find such amazing things in barns. Things that would cost 10 times more here.
Help a girl out?

Adrienne s - I have a Dress Barn 5 minutes from my house and have never been there. You just inspired me. I had no idea there were all those cute dresses!!! I thought it was all “mature” woman clothing.

michelle - A) Dress Barn needs to change their name IMMEDIATELY. I honestly think they’d see at least a 20% jump in sales if they were CUTE DRESSES or HOT MAMA or something. Sheesh.
B) Have you ever looked on They’re web-only, and you can enter your measurements and they’ll customize their (super cute) dresses to your shape. And honestly, they’re around the same price as Dresses for Moo-Cows (aka Dress Barn). I’ve never ordered one, but I want to! Just waiting for the right event… 🙂

Makila - Why oh why oh why did they name it the Dress Barn? Moo.
🙂 Cute dresses.

Karyn - I’ve been following you for awhile but haven’t commented before…now I must because this post spoke to me on so many levels. WHY did someone think putting BARN in the name of a women’s clothing store was a good idea?? I had never set foot in a Dress Barn til 2 years ago and I was pleasantly surprised with the options for a cocktail-type dress for an event. I’ve found a couple other good options there since. Also, I grew up in Emporia and can totally relate about driving to a town with other stores. We would make pilgrimages to Topeka a couple times a year to go to a “real” mall. 🙂 I live in Denver now but travel back to East Central Kansas a few times a year. Reading your blog feels like ‘home.’ Thank you!

Susan - Mrs. Roper! Too funny. Years ago I shopped at Dress Barn because I worked for the home office of RadioShack and we had a mall (in downtown Ft. Worth). We had a Casual Corner which was my first choice for work clothes but they went out of business and so Dress Barn enters the pictures. Hate the name too. I had the same issues 15 years ago as you do so I usually bought skirts and sweaters that were okay for work. Thanks for the reminder! Looks like nothing much has changed in the past 15 or so years!

erin - go back and get the green dress….it looks great and you deserve it! after all, you did just run a half marrthon!!

Tracy - Really…who named that store? What were they thinking??
Have fun at lunch!

jamie - kinleigh is napping. my house is quiet. laughing out loud with this blog entry. too funny. and full of absolute truth.

Lizelle - I agree with Kimberly – get the dress!! It looks so so cute!

Carol S. - What a fun post. Thanks for sharing inspiration meg. Hang in there. As a mom of a college freshman I can tell you…it is all good! And I’m grateful I have an 8th grader to keep things going. Have not even thought of a dress for graduation so better jump on this. Thanks again.

rae - ooo! i need a coral dress for a wedding party and i might go in and check that last one out! i went to dress barn for a “blogger event” that was pretty weird and funny. but i did find a tiki looking dress that i loved!

Jennifer@CupcakesandMudPuddles - Loving those maxi dresses….going to have to head over to their website and grab me one or two of those! They’re so great for the summer down here in South Texas. 🙂

Molly - this is how i need to shop too. sometimes i think i can get away with having my girls along…ya know like a fun girls shopping trip. but nope it doesn’t work that way.
and love that dress. you’ll be a sweet mom of a graduate of the class of 2013!!

Jen - I love this post! I feel the same way about Dress Barn (moo!) but a few weeks ago I needed a dress fast and it was my only option. I was shocked! I tried on so many dresses (many of the same ones you tried on!) and found one I loved. I am heading back to use my “bucks” and hopefully find another one for our daughter’s graduation. Glad you found something!

Cori - We have a dress barn too. Get past the old lady clothes and it totally works! I live it because I can find things that aren’t being worn by every other mom in the PTA because we all shop at Target and Kohls.

rhonda - I discovered Dress Barn when shopping for my courthouse wedding 3 years ago. There are some AMAZING dresses there!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I am stuck in my house because my car is in the shop. Boo!

Heather - There is a Dress Barn in the outlet mall near where I live, but I never go in there because of the name. It just puts me off. You’ve shown me some really cute dresses, though. I may have to go in there sometime. They SHOULD pay you for this post!

Stephanie - Have you looked in JCPenney lately? They have some really fun stuff and the prices are actually quite nice! I usually always find something in there. Surveying my closet (or the pile of clothes on my bedroom floor), seems to me I buy myself a lot of clothes at Target!!

Southern Gal - Our small towns must be similar. We are 30 minutes away from the metropolis. We are actually getting a local Chick Fil A next month! The whole town is ecstatic.

Jamie - I bought that orange lace dress. Couldn’t leave there, but the yellow one just was all wrong. Funny.

Kari - Just Friday I had to drag my friend to Dress Barn, the same way my mom had to drag me. I wear a LOT of dresses to work and that’s where I buy most of them. They’re a good quality and they seem to last a long time. But seriously…that name. Could not be any worse.

Kimberly - Cute cute cute!
And the green/floral/birdie one… heck, you should have got it for everyday. It was so you! And besides, you only live once, and it doesn’t need to be for a wedding! :o)

Terrie G - Black stripe with yellow cardi…looks so you!
I used to live in a town with almost a grocery store…
Now I’m in a town with a mall (if you can call it that),
Target, Hobby Lobby, Wal-Mart, etc…
But, sadly I rarely go.
Think I’ve been trained most of my life there is no where to shop.
Not a big shopper anyway…I’ll probably not clothes shop with you.
Unless they have a comfy chair… 🙂
Happy Thursday & Yeah to lunch with the hubs!! Me Too!!

Lee Ann - I totally agree with everything you said about this store! In fact, I’m so excited you posted all of this because I need to head there soon – a wedding in the family this summer and I need a dress!

Amanda - I did a little bit of research. The store started in little city (big town?) on the coast of Connecticut. I’m going to guess that the lady who named it didn’t have much experience with typical barns, or she might have changed her business plan.

Lacy Rohre (who still really wants to come to Craft Weekend!) ;-) - could not agree more. Why in the world did they name it that?

erica - funny! i, too, live in a small town (3300 peeps) without target, starbucks, etc…and it’s about a 30 min drive…so, when i go shop – im serious! lol. living in a small town – the advantages out-weigh the disadvantages for me:) love the dresses! never been in a dress barn.
(ps. i bought one of the bubble gum prints from you – love it! looking forward to your next sale;))

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my last 10 pins…

i am secret on pinterest…. but these are some of my recent pins.  :)



best colors.  
that mint green in there… seals the deal.



such a grown up lady bedroom.  
someday i want to be a grown up lady.  (ha ha ha)






melissa you made that hallway TOO CUTE!



get in my belly.



i know just where i would like to do this.
super sweet isn't it???




i love a great poster.  it's an oldie but goodie.



well…. there are no words necessary.



when i see things like this i am reminded how little details are what make a home so special.


Honeycomb Hexagon Wall @ Vintage Revivals-2[2]

this room is CRAZY fabulous.
the palette…the honey comb…the headboard… i love it.


i would like to smile into that mirror everyday.



how much fun is this house tower?!!


totally making this this summer with the kiddos.



we are doing this for our chicks when the coop is done.


chicken coop is underway with this picture as the inspriation…. FABulous.



i could make this quilt.
i want to make this quilt.
it's fabulous.



i want to go to there.



this has been a recurring theme in my life this year.



i would like to stand in front of that wall.
the cake looks a little… cardboard-ey.
but if i had to eat cake while stood in front of that beautiful wall…i would do it. 



The LORD…. He's awesome.


color is so rad.


too bad horses aren't as easy as dogs.  
if they were i would need some in my life.


and did you notice….i shared 21 pins… 11 more than 10.  

it must be your lucky day.



now…i am off to eat lunch at school with Talbs.



Carole - well I NEVER comment on these things but I have been following you a long time…just had to say
Cinque Terre next month with my hubbie and I can’t wait!! woot woot. hope it is as great in real life, i have seen a lot of pretty incredible pictures…saturated but incredible. 🙂 so excited to see a picture of it on here!
great blog, you are my hero of beautiful colour…God bless!!

Nikki - We’re going to Cinque Terre this summer to celebrate my 40th birthday and our 15th anniversary. Can’t wait to check out the blogs that have recently been!

tara - i did wonder if i should go back and count to see if it was 10. 🙂

Lindsey - Great pins! Thanks for sharing!

Lori Austin - Great pins! LOVE Melissa’s map wall. Plus I just bought that purse! 🙂
Also, that yellow bathroom makes me happy.

Angie - That chicken coop is nicer than my house LOL

Kori - absolutely no words whatsoever. 😉
he’s just so super dreamy.

Melissa @ The Inspired Room - YAY! Thank you for featuring my little hallway! xoxox
Loved all the pins!
PS. I’ve always wanted to go to Cinque Terre too, oh my it looks amazing!!!

Leslie Padgett - Sometimes I wish I had a grown up house like that one bedroom. But then I’d just be copying, and trying too hard, and I may yell more at my kids for jumping on my bed. Since kids can’t jump on grown up beds. So nah.

The Orchard - I have been there, too! GO! It was one of the best trips of my life! So vibrant and stunning!

Stephanie J - I love your 30 Rock reference, I least it was in my head, And I too want to go to there.

Lori H - Meg, if someone showed me those pins and said “guess whose pins these are?” I would pick you immediately. They are so you! MAKE the quilt! Can’t wait to see your coop, lucky chicks! The HAPPY pillow is awesome and I pinned a picnic scene from that blog when I went to the source to check it out…
Oh, and I had no idea it was more than 10..I am always wanting MORE from you so I didn’t even count 🙂

Tiffany - I think you are a super smarty pants to keep them secret! 🙂 And yeah, I was scrolling, smiling, and thinking, wait, there has to be more than 10 on here… 🙂 Hope you had a great lunch with Talby. What a lucky girl!

Julie - Sorry I just had to repin George – and the beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Terrie - I want a honeycomb wall…
and horses…
I remember the days of our dog jumping into the lagoon…
seriously worst smelling dog ever…well, maybe 2nd
skunk struck dog #1

steph - ahhhhhh manarola!!!
the cinque terre in italy is one of the most beautiful places on earth.
you need to go there with craig.
it was so gorgeous and so romantic.
we stayed here:
here’s a whackload of my instagrams from that trip here:
seriously… you NEED to go there!
the colors are amazing!!!!!!

Southern Gal - Love these. I’m repinning some from the original source. Thanks for sharing.
P.S. Those private boards are amazing for surprise party and wedding planning. Some things need to be kept secret.

Kristin S - Way to go keeping your pins private. You gotta keep some things private in blog world – pins and teenagers are good choices.
Thanks for sharing these!

Casey - EEE we just got back from the Cinque Terre!!! Our little hotel is in that shot 🙂 I put up pics in this post: Go!!!! It’s just as amazing as you imagine it would be!

Michelle - Great pins…I have some of those pinned!!! LOVE that map wall. I must do that!!

Jennifer - Love these, but I think my two favorite are the sweet treats….oh my–they look soooo yummy! 🙂

lauren - everything is lovely….but george, oh george.

sally - BOO, that your pins are private!! I don’t even follow many people but I would LOVE to see your pins. They just make me happy looking at these!!! PLEASE share with us. 😉 😀

Beth - Meg,
Your link for the Lord fighting print doesn’t work. Can you update it?

Tracy - Such pretty pins! I wish you wouldn’t be secret….I want to follow you!
We had the MOST AMAZING double rainbow this morning in Kansas City! Made my day.

Heather Simnitt - Laughing…halfway through I thought, “this sure seems like more than 10…..”

Gina - Fun, pretty pins!! Thanks for sharing. Have a good day…hope you have caught up on sleep from CW.

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sunshiney sunday

craft weekend #15 was wonderful.
it was very sad to see our friends/helpers leave.
very sad.

i got home and it was a gorgeous night with a brilliant sunset.
even though i was soooo tired i had to get out my camera. 




the chicks are getting big.


our neighbor's dog loves to hang out at our house.
he likes waffle and all my kids.
he is such a handsome guy.


everyone's bikes got aired up and WD40ed.

it was the perfect night to ride on our dirt road.





my man child.


annie ran all the way down the road to tell talby that waffle had jumped into the lagoon.
then talby gave her a ride back home.



waffle got a hose bath.
he smelled H O R R I B L E. 


then ice cream cones and it was time for bed.

for everyone.



i am sleeping off craft weekend today while the kids are at school.
even typing this i can barely keep my eyes open…

have a great monday!


tara - you do have a manchild.
i do too….it’s weird & wonderful.
the girls look older…even annie.
those pictures of the dandelions and the sunset…gorgeous.

Michelle - your photos always make me smile.

Rach - Looks like the beginning of summer is near. I’m sure your summer list will be packed with fun and silly things as well. My kids still love summer afternoons covered in shaving cream thanks to you!

Jennifer - Gorgeous photos…

Amber - Can you will you please add the dandelion field picture to your prints for sale? : ) Please? : ) Whenever my boys bring them to me in front of their Dad, my hubby tears up remembering this song about the love between a son and mama.

Jenny M - You take such beautiful pictures! What kind of camera do you use and what editing software?

Rachel Matilda - Your crayon craft is featured on Pioneer Woman today!!!

Tiffany - That looks and sounds like such a perfect evening! Still waiting for our ground to dry out more here so we can take the bikes out. Not much beats a family evening ride followed by ice cream! Btw- stunning pictures, as always. Miss you!

Taryn - Love the dandelion pictures. I wish I didn’t live in the desert.

Tracy Fisher - love your photos. and your “happy” reflections. -tracy

Heidi DeGroot - I can’t believe you already have dandelions in KS and the ones that have gone to seed too! We finally have green grass, no snow, and buds on the trees here in southwest MN 🙂

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, I always have such a great time with you and you do an AMAZING job with craft weekend. You and Kimberlee ROCKS!
Love you both so much I’m so glad I could help out!!

Heather Simnitt - That sunshine did NOT make it up to Topeka! Poo – still dreary here, even now. Praying for some sunshine later today ‘cuz I really need to feel it!
Beautiful photos of a lovely Sunday evening with the fam. Love it!

Jennifer Dahl Designs - That single dandelion photo is soooooo awesome!!!!! Love it!

Sonja - That does look like a really beautiful night. Your dirt road is perfect for bike riding – I wish I had one like it here!

Sara Torbett - I would describe these pictures as “golden” 🙂 Thanks for sharing the happiness. Can’t wait to see Craft Weekend pics! 🙂 Happy rest day to you.

Amy @Lucky Number13 - i love those warm Spring nights with the gorgeous light. my kids got new bikes this weekend but it rained all weekend long so i hope it dores up this week so we can ALL bust out our bikes and Charlotte can learn to ride a bike already! happy Monday, have a great week!

jenny - Oh Meg, how I already miss you! I feel like I did one blink and CW was all over-so sad. And…SO sleepy today. Me thinketh the kiddies will watch lots of shows this afternoon so I can get some snoozing in. 🙂

Viktoria - My kids love their bikes. we live in the city so it’s not a lot of space to ride, but they menage to have fun even here.

Seriously Sassy Mama - What a lovely country road you live on. I live in the burbs, but my back yard is huge, and secluded with large trees. I like to sit out there and pretend I live in the country.

Lisa M. - Great pictures! It looks warm there. I am in Western PA and it will just not warm up, but the sun has been shining and the grass is green…I’ll take it! I had my son (who is 7) watch the two videos that you posted on your last post and he was laughing so hard at “the way animals eat their food” he could barely breathe. You know those laughs where nothing comes out? My husband was laughing at Evan laughing! They were great. Thanks for sharing! Cannot wait to see Craft Weekend pics. Especially the aprons…my favorite part!

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quick post

what he says is "You wanna piece of me? I'll give you piece of ME!"

and the little girl hears her big brother say "you want a piece of meat…i'll give you a piece of meat

see her response….

my kids were watching America's Funniest Videos this week and this video cracked me up.

it's still funny 16 years later! 




then this is a new favorite that my kids watch over and over.





craft weekend is here again.

i have been busy setting up this week.

the swag…. so good!

the crafts… SO FUN!

and i can't wait to eat whatever kimberlee prepares in the kitchen for me.
it is ALL so yummy. 





happy friday!!!



tara - our house bursts into laughter when we watch AFHV.

Katey - My husband and I watched that video of how animals eat their food one night real late and we couldn’t stop laughing it was so funny. I’m glad it wasn’t just us that thinks its funny.

Kelly - The video of How animals eat their food is my best friends son! Too funny! We live in Nj and her son Ian on the left goes to Liberty University.

Kate - Oh my word. I think I just woke up Brian laughing so loud… it was the alligator’s fault.

Tiffany - You are about to bless those ladys’ socks off! I hope every woman leaves your house as thankful and blessed as I was! Enjoy your time so much! 🙂

Tracy Fisher - have a super fun weekend!!! thanks for the laughs. -tracy fisher

Gale - Hope ya’ll have a wonderful time this weekend – I’d come back to Craft Weekend in a heartbeat – so fun and let me find a part of myself I hadn’t seen in a while 🙂 ENJOY!!!!!

Terrie - Loved seeing your beautiful SWAG on Instagram..makes me Instahappy!!
Did you watch the bloopers on How Animals Eat their Food? 🙂
Happy Crafting!!

Dawn Gross - Oh my! I die laughing at how animals eat their food every. single. time. They have a blooper video too!

Sara Torbett - Happy Craft Weekend! I totally had a dream last night I got to attend…but had to leave after an hour or two to nurse my baby. LOL. (That really is my real life right now, a nursing mama). The SWAG looks awesome! (Been seeing pics on fb) Have fun! Eat some delicious food for me 😉

MP - My kids have been watching the “How Animals Eat Their Food” endlessly!

Molly - whoops…not AMF….AFV:) it’s friday!

Molly - My girls L.O.V.E. watching AMF! and I do too! It is just so funny. like no swear words or gross jokes funny. good clean fun. makes us all laugh!

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the half marathon….

well…. i did it!
it is hard to believe that i actually have done 13.1 miles.
but it's TRUE!!

whoop whoop! 

let me recap the weekend as it went down.

on friday, mr. duerksen left with four of my kids for a bball tournament out of town.
so to begin my girls weekend i got a full 24 hours ALONE.
um…yeah…that rocked!
then…craig accidentally took my car keys so i couldn't even leave my house and you know what?
it was such a blessing.
 i HAD to stay home and just be alone.

i did laundry, cleaned the chicken's box and watched crazy stupid, Love.
(i love that movie!)



saturday morning i put on my favorite shirt to bring good vibes my way…. ha!

my friends picked me up since i had no car.
and we took off for our road trip!
as usual… talk talk talk all the way there.

we picked up our packets with our bib inside it and shopped the expo a little.
i bought sporty sunglasses…you know i needed them after all that fashion wear all winter.
i hate the way the sport sunglasses look.
so much.
but i can wear them with my hat so it was needed. 


they had this wall with the names of all of the people who died in the OKC bombing.
the people the race was honoring.
the first 168 bib numbers were given to them.
it was emotional. 

one of the best parts of marathon training is getting "CARB LOAD" the week of the race.
and believe me… i did.

we went back to our hotel and right to bed.
our wake up time was 4:00 AM.
oy veh.
i slept terrible as expected and leaped out of bed at the alarm.
my roommate was pretty surprised by that.

we geared up with all our running stuff…gummy energy chews, wipes, kleenex, money (? we didn't know??), body glide, hair ties, hats, sunglasses, our bib numbers, ipods, phones and layers.
we waited in the cool air for 35 minutes for the "every 15 minutes" shuttle
that was suppised to be there at 4:30.


then headed to a sunrise service at The Survivor Tree.
again… emotional. 

it's hard to see but that is because it was completely dark outside…it was 5:30 AM.
we sang worship songs… Bless the Lord Oh My Soul and Amazing Grace were too hard to even sing. 
i was too choked up.
i just closed my eyes and listened. 

the pastor read from Jesus Calling and it was just so appropriate.


we made a stop at gear check.

(use gear check if you do a race… super easy and convenient)

we made one last pit stop… porta potties….gross.


then we found our pace group and waited.
with 10,000 other people.
they had 168 seconds of silence for those who died in OKC.
i cried.
and prayed.
i was getting VERY nervous with all the unknowns…
can i do this?  am i safe?  what if i get hurt? what if i fall? 
you know… all that stuff that Satan loves to put in your mind when big things are happening. 
i texted craig and kimberlee.
i needed one last boost of love before i took off. 
they gave it to me.

some of my friends are conscience of their time when they run.
these were free tattoos you could put on to know your pace.
i was not remotely interested.
i can only do what i can do at that moment.
not anyone else's time. 


the gun went off and we stood still for a looooong time because we were SO far back in the line
14 minutes after the gun went off we crossed the start line and began our first half marathon! 

and it was fun!

there was loud music.
people in their driveways all along the way.
some had water… some had beer…. donuts… signs… all SO SWEET!

then the hills began.
geez louise.
there were so many hills on this course.
we didn't train for that.
but we did it.
i mean come on….LOOK AT THAT HILL!!!

and that wasn't even the bad hill that everyone told us about.

the sun was coming up as we came through this tunnel.
it was beautiful light…
i wished i had my big camera.
(and that i was not running… ha)

firefighters were all through the race.
which made me tear up every time we came up on them.
they were sweating like crazy walking with all that gear on…
what amazing men! 

we ran right past the capital building.
that was really cool.
and the sun was just behind it… GORGEOUS.

we hit the halfway mark and decided on taking a picture.
try # 1
try #2 
we were honestly smiling.

i repeated to myself so many times
"God's spirit is with you"  
"present your body as worship"  
and "Glorify God with your body"


i made it 9.5 miles before walking!!
that is AMAZING.
i had never run more than 8 miles before that… so i had my personal best that day.

around mile 11 i was feeling a little delirious.
and i said to my friend "have you seen Taledega Nights?" 
and i quoted this line.


i know i know.
ricky bobby and carl naughton jr. are complete blasphermors through that entire movie.
but… i quoted it because as i was dragging and weak..

i said "well….i am picturing my jesus in running shorts and nike frees…running beside me"

we giggled a bit and decided Jesus probably would have been way faster than me.

i walked a bit, ran a bit, walked a bit
and then at mile 12 an older man on the sides controlling traffic, looking like morgan freeman,  
leaned in towards me and did a quiet clapping and said quietly

"let's go. let's go. run. you can do it. let's go"

 and it was so quiet that i just listened to him.

i ran.

and suddenly there was the finish line way up ahead!!

i turned to my friend and said "i am so glad you made me do this! THANK YOU so much!"

i meant it.
it was such an awesome morning!


i took out my headphones and took it all in.
people were all cheering and screaming for the runners.
it was so cool.
big races are such a positive atmosphere!
every runner feels like a rockstar.

and there i was.
it's not fast but i don't care one single bit.
i did it.
(nice glasses…..)


after we caught our breath, regrouped, ate oranges, bagels and bananas to refuel,
we headed to the memorial again.


MANY people ran for those they lost in the OKC bombing.
the memorial had all kinds of sites like this. 


we made it to the shuttles.

i was beginning to feel sick.

then i got sick.

and i was miserable.

my body was in full-on-freak-out mode.

it was not pretty.

my friends let me sleep for awhile and after an hour and a half i was better.

i rallied.

i ate a quick lunch and then it was time for massage.

it's what we do.
we run hard and then we go to the spa.
the best way to run a race.



then dinner and a DELICIOUS drink to celebrate!
i am so proud of all of us!!

we trained hard for months.
with 15 kids between the four of us…and all of our jobs…and busy lives…

we did it. 

i don't know if i will ever do it again….

but i can always say that I DID IT!!! 

and i think you should train and do it too.



Andrea@KnittyBitties - I loved reading this Meg because one week from today I’ll be running my first half. My stomach already lurches if I think too much on it, but it’s going to be amazing and great and fun and I can’t wait. I did 10 miles yesterday and felt really good, so 13.1 should be cake, right?!?! 😀
Congratulations on training and following through!

tara - oh how i remember the half that i ran in ATL…..
crazy awesome and crazy hard.
i laughed when i read that you imagined jesus running beside you in shorts and nike frees. i am sure he was there beside you..i need to quit imagining him in a white robe and try your imagination.

Carrie - This made me cry. So proud of you.
I am part of a full/half/5K organizing committee as part of my job ans runners never cease to impress me. Love their spirit and determination and sense of humor. If I didn’t have fibro I think I would try it. But I’m just not tough enough!

Momofthree - Great job! I am training for my first half marathon at Niagara Falls in June and watching as you trained has been inspiring:)
Did you talk anywhere on the blog about your running playlist? On my shorter runs I have been happy with no music but now for the longer distances I really think I would like to have some music to help me along. I’d love to hear what you were listening to!

Rachel - Congratulations Meg…you are awesome!

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Had to add my congratulations and tell you how proud I am of you for running your first half, Meg! (And even if you never do it again, it’s something to be incredibly proud of!) 🙂 Way to go!!

Lora - I teared up many times reading your post. Congrats to you!! I especially love the part about the Morgan Freeman man cheering you on. That’s so great! Since he played God maybe that was God’s way of cheering you on 🙂
I’ve been to the OKC bombing sight and walked around the fence with all the memorials stuck in it. It was completely silent. I’ve never felt anything like that before. It was very emotional.
Yay for you!

Leslie - As I read that I felt so proud of you! I read your blog all the time and you are such an encouragement to me! 🙂 How excited to ACTUALLY do it!!

Jenn - Wow! I’m sitting here crying. You may or may not know this, but you ran for your kids, your husband, those that died that horrible day, those that died in Boston another horrible day, those that were hurt, you ran for those of us that read your blog and you ran for you! I’m so proud of you! You rock! And Jesus was with you in running shorts and Nike frees and he’s proud of you too!

Alicia @ La Famille - CONGRATS!!!!!
I’ve run four halves…two were to get me back into shape after babies. I’ll have to start thinking about another now! It is SUCH a rush every time. SO SO worth it!!
Congrats again!!!

Andrea T - I havent been by to read in awhile…busy, back to work. something made me drop by. i am so glad i did. i am wiping away the tears. just the motivation i needed! CONGRATS!!!!!!! what an amazing accomplishment!

Heather R. - RoCk oN!!! You should be so proud of yourself! Great job!

Krista - So proud of you MEG!!!!! Thank you for sharing!
P.S. Your pace is just fine 🙂
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to run/ walk for nearly 3 hours but I’m working on it!!

denise@victory rd. - meg, tearing up.
i just love every bit of this- even the photos that don’t do the reality justice.
i love your honesty.
the beginning the day in worship, and continuing in worship as you ran (and as you blogged).
i related to the not sleeping, and jumping up at the alarm, and to the texting for one more dose of love. praise God for those relationships that nourish us.
and i loved that you all ran for okc.
but my FAVORITE part (when i really teared up) was when “morgan freeman” spurred you on. makes me think of the Spirit nudging you so you finish well (which from my experience if more for my good, than God’s).
maybe someday i’ll join you and run my own 1/2 (yikes).

amanda d - Congratulations! Smiled through the whole post … “God’s spirit is with you”
“present your body as worship”, and “Glorify God with your body” – made me teary. I’m going to say it when I’m on the treadmill b/c I always feel like I’m dying when I’m running. 😉

Lori Austin - This post made me BAWL!!
So proud of you.
That’s all (heading for tissue). 🙂

Lisa - I’m so sorry you got sick! ugh! I have done 2 half marathons and both times I got totally sick after too. Not sure why that is cause all through my training I felt great! So glad you did it and had a great time. 🙂

Talia - Congratulations! You ROCK girl! Well done!

Amy - Beautiful and inspiring, Meg! I will never run but I LOVE the enthusiasm my running friends have 🙂 You did it!!!!

Mindy W - Well, I’m proud of you. Just plain bursting my buttons proud of you.

Kimberly Parker - My cousin ran in the same race! I’m proud of you both!

beth larson - Meg…I am smiling and crying and so happy for you! What an amazing accomplishment Girl! My body really and truly was not made to run- but it would be my proudest accomplishment if I could ever do one. : )
Proud of you and for you!
p.s. I ordered one of your prints and framed it for my BFF for her birthday and she loved it soooo much! It’s the sunflower with the words I am here to serve with JOY. It’s so her- xo

a - Awesome!
I ran my first (of two) half marathons a couple of years ago and I was so proud of myself. I called my dad and told him I had finished and my time and he said “Isn’t that usually the time for a full marathon?”

Jill - Congratulations! It’s been fun to read about your journey on your blog.
~ A fellow runner and fan in San Diego

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Meg, can I just say I am so, so proud of you. I wish I knew you in real life to give you a huge hug. You rock girlie. May I also take a minute to let you know my husband is a firefighter and I got a tear in my eye with the photo of the firefighters. They truly are heros. They really are men and women who would lay down their lives for others and not think twice about it. xo

Tracy Fisher - i am so very proud of you! -tracy fisher

Katey - Your post brought tears to my eyes several times. Wow. So powerful. I’m glad you did it. Thanks for sharing your awesome adventure. I loved reading about it and seeing your pictures. God is Good.

Cari - This had me in tears. For one, I am originally from Oklahoma. Things like bombings always seem so much more “real” when they happen in your home. Secondly, I am freaking OUT about attempting my first 5K next week. Freaking.Out. I have convinced myself I’m just a big girl and it’s okay if I walk a lot of it. I need to change my attitude. Thirdly, so proud of you for reaching your goal! What an accomplishment!! Way to go!!! Thank you for letting us “run” this journey with you.

Debbie Hargadon - What a great recap and nice post. Thanks for all that you share!

Rebekah - GO MEG! You made me cry, and almost — ALMOST — made me want to run. Not quite. But almost. 🙂 Way to go!

shiela - believe me….once you start doing some kind of marathon, you are hooked for the rest of your life! keep running & keep inspiring sssso many gazillions of people around you…way to go! too many lives are waiting to be touched by your example. every sweat/trials/hills…they are all good & will make you stronger. to God be all the glory! He is the one that allowed you to accomplish more than you could ever imagine.

Wendy - You are such a motivator! I want to do this. thanks for posting about it. I love the Taledago Nights quote. So funny!

Tracy - Congratulations, Meg, to you and your friends! YOU ROCK!! so inspiring.

Robin Canter - I don’t know you but feel so happy for you and am so glad you ran this race and had such a positive experience. Pretty darn good girl.

Laura - Meg, You’re a ROCK STAR!

Suzanne - So. Stinkin’. Awesome. Period.

Cathy - Ok.. you made me cry.. I am so happy for you.. maybe that little guy was your running angel.. only you could see/hear him.. say run… now I have a quote. Run Sally Run.. Dick and Jane. I would love to try a half.. considering I don’t RUN to start with that would be a big thing..

Janelle - Oh you made me teary eyed! Thanks for the inspiration…I think you’re right, I can do it too 🙂 Any tips for how to start??? Did you do Couch Potato to 5K? Number of days per week?? Amount of time spent running? Would love to know how you got started when you get a chance!

nora - Congratulations! But I must say – you did not run 13 miles, you RAN 13.1 MILES! That .1 counts!!!
Thank you for the awesome recap. What a wonderful race.

mary liz cawley - Love this post … brought tears to my eyes the whole way through. Congrats on 13.1 … you rock. I especially loved the “Morgan Freeman” man quietly cheering you on … LOVE HIM

kathy - And you trained through a horrible winter-that is the most impressive part to me! I loved the reading from Jesus Calling. Thanks for passing on some inspiration 🙂

Hannah - CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so so awesome! most of my friends are BIG runners…so i signed up for a half last year…just so i could be in on the girls trip! ha! i wasn’t fast…but you can’t explain the feeling of accomplishment when you are done! not sure if i will ever do it again…but like you…i can say…i did it! love how you take pictures along the way!!! :):)

Gale - CONGRATS!!! SO proud for you – and I lived in Norman when that bombing happened. So sad and terrifying and something I will never forget. My Okie heart is so blessed to see those pictures and know you were part of it.
YOU ROCK, GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

sallie - WooHoo! You did it! Congratulations! I’ve been following and checking in to see how you did! Amazing accomplishment! Wonderful words about your journey and race day! I love that you had the chance to worship before the race! You and your friends are an inspiration!

Leslie - WOW!! Congratulations to you and your friends – what a true accomplishment. I was teary when reading about the moments of silence and the pictures of the memorials. Thanks so much for the recap – glad you shared with all of us 🙂

Heather - This is so beautiful, Meg. You did it!!! What a moving experience. How awesome is that Morgan Freeman guy? So cool. One day when my baby is a bit older, I’ll get back to running. You’re my inspiration!!! 🙂

Terrie - What a great post Meg! I’m so proud of You! And the rest of your group too…Go Angie!!
How stinkin’ emotional…I’m not sure I would have made it…
Shoot I teared up just reading this and thinking about how emotional it would be.
What an accomplishment…with family, friends and God..we can do anything!
Praising Him for all your Blessings!!

Jenni - Thanks for posting. I knew you were training but didn’t realize it was for the OKC run. I grew up there and was a senior in high school when the bombing happened. Now I live in California where no one quite gets the impact of what happened there. It was a nice surprise to see this today.
And way to go! You inspire me!

Jess in Chicagoland - Meg, congrats on finishing your first half marathon! Reading this post of yours was such a huge inspiration for me and I got chills as I read all about it 🙂 I’ve been on a running journey of my own for the last year and a half and am currently training for my first 5k (it’s on June 16, eeeeek, haha). I’m a little nervous, but I know I can do it! Thanks for sharing your experience… it is quite the wonderful accomplishment! <3

misty - I wish I would have known you were there! I would have LOVED to have met you!! {I’d rather meet my favorite bloggers than any celeb} My mother in law & her sister run marathons. They are so amazing. I would love to be able to run an entire marathon one day, or actually, even the 1/2 would be fantastic. Isn’t the memorial so moving? We went last year & I couldn’t hardly sit through the part where they play the phone calls. I still remember sitting my my math class & hearing what had happened… I was in 7th grade, but I remember it like it was yesterday.
So excited for you! What an awesome accomplishment!

jodie - You are amazing! So proud of you ans your friends. You are all an inspiration! !

Kate - so proud of you!

beki - Wow, Meg, that was powerful! You’re my hero 😉

Barbara - YAY MEG!! I’ve been checking here the last couple of days to see if you posted about the run….great job! So very happy for you!! Way to go!!

Mary - so rad!!!
what an amazing accomplishment!

Jan B. - That was a great recap. Way to go! Very inspirational.

Linda - You are amazing and inspiring! Thank you!

Jenna - Tears! What a race to run … An amazing tribute. Congratulations!!

tonya - that pic of the firefighters totally did me in! so proud of you and your girlfriends for training so hard and accomplishing your goal!!!

Kathy - wow wow wow I am SO proud of you! I have been thinking about training for one of those but so on the fence … now you have me thinking even more about it … GREAT JOB!!!!

Heidi Durant - You did rock that! So awesome. Last month, a friend and I ran NINE 5ks. It was insane, but when I crossed the ninth and final finish line, I was so proud if myself and us! Loved your training posts and running attire. Moms can and will run!!

Lindsey - Way to go! What a great accomplishment!

Heather - I cried through this whole post. You inspire me. Craftily, Spiritually, as a Parent, Style-wise. You’re rockin it! 🙂 Good Job Meg!

Angela A - Congratulations Meg! Such an amazing accomplishment and amazing day. So thankful you had so many to cheer all of you on–even the Morgan Freeman dude!

Kristin S - Yea Meg, yea, yea, yea!!!
So proud of you!!!
After a year injured, I long to run again. I’m a run/walker and really do enjoy it and miss it – as do my growing thighs. I have hope of returning but am content if it isn’t God’s plan.
Maybe, someday, I’ll walk/run a half. I want to!

tinaehb3 - This brought tears to my eyes 🙂 This is definitely going on my list of must accomplish!!

Carrie - I am racewalking my first post second baby event on May 12. Prior to her I have 6 marathons and several halfs under my belt. She is almost 2 1/2 so it has been awhile and I am nervous. I racewalk and I look nerdy doing it, but I am evidently good at it. I wish my knees would let me run. I am hoping to keep a 12:15 pace, slower then what I used to do, realistic now I suppose. My husband against my getting back into this as it has involved some watching of the kiddos while I do my long training on the weekend. I have not shared that I already have a race picked out in September!!

Colleen - Congrats to you and your running friends! Quite an inspiration you are…maybe I will try for a 5K first! Well done.

jenny - You’re such an inspiration! Congratulations!!!

Amy K. - SO PROUD OF YOU… that you did it, but especially how you have spent the past week using the whole thing to glorify God!

Tiffany - God is so good….(then u say) ..All the time. I am very happy for you, this is an impressive accomplishment! Rockstar!

Hannah Lesley - There is nothing cooler than running a race. I am convinced of it. You should be so proud of yourself! I’m proud of you:)

ann - Congratulations Meg! I am so proud of you and being a runner myself, I know what hard work that was! Yea! Go you! Isn’t amazing that so much of our physical body has to do with our MIND! (Having God give you strength helps, too!!) Hugs, Ann in Park Ridge

Courtney - Congratulations! I got a little teary reading this too! I ran my one and only half a couple of years ago and it was amazing! My body freaked out afterward too and I felt horrible! I love the encouragement you got toward the end and how you kept yourself going! And super impressed that you ran that far before you walked! Super inspiring…thanks for sharing!

melodee - you are amazing! all of you girls are! congrats!!

Jeanelle - I just wept when I read what the older man said to you at mile 12…God is just the best. So glad you made it. You’re awesome.

Kelly - I’m getting emotional for you! I know what it means to mentally and physically do something you didn’t think you would ever be able to do! Such a HUGE accomplishment! Congratulations!

becky @ farmgirl paints - i am so proud of you meg. seriously running a marathon seems impossible to me…but YOU DID IT! rock star. love the mantra you said to yourself.

Connie - Congratulations!

Leann - Congratulations to you and your friends!!!! You are all AMAZING women in my book.

Rachel B. - I was tearing up reading your post! What an amazing opportunity! What an example of Philippians 4:13!!!

Mia - AMAZING! You are an inspiration to all of us who have never run a half marathon. Clearly, those runs in 17 degrees weather paid off!

Tiffany clark - GOOD FOR YOU! You’re so amazing! I’m so happy you did that for yourself! I didn’t realize how emotional it would be, but reading this post, now I get it. Wow.

Carol S. - Remember I hung up my running shoes after my first 5K….but am sooooo proud of you. Loved all the pics and stories. Adored Morgan Freeman’s encouragement at the end, and the Jesus in the tuxedo clip really made me laugh. Haven’t seen it but I need to memorize that line…cause I like my Jesus to party a little, too. Sigh, great work Meg, thanks for sharing the journey.

CathyC - Good for you Meg! That is super-awesome!!!!!!! You should be so proud!!!!!!! 🙂

Mary - Way proud of you! Big congrats!
Had to chuckle about Jesus in running shorts…I have a feeling he was smiling too!

Rach - Congrats! It must have been an amazing feeling of accomplishment!

chrissi - inspiring post. thank you, i loved it.

Anne - I’m so proud of you!!! Way. To. Go. And you look adorbs in those running glasses. Don’t tell yourself otherwise, cause its just not true! Congratulations to all of you.

kim - i’m so proud of you , meg.
this post made me choke up.
(which isn’t something that happens for me a lot).
picturing the morgan-freeman-lookalike quietly encouraging you made my throat swell up, and tears well up.
and the special sights at the memorial. the bibs.
so amazing.
i remember the day of the bombing, i was super young, and spent the whole day watching the news (unsupervised). i think it is incredibly special that you did this.
and you’re right. now you can always say you did it. 🙂
it’s a good feeling, isn’t it?

Lori H - Love this story Meg and I am so proud that you did it! And here I am, worried about an 8K with my lately-rebelling 50-year-old body. Haha.

tracy dickinson - way to go! my sis has done the okc half and it was pretty amazing. i am training for my first half in november! now you need to do a full…!!!!!

Stephanie - I’m totally wiping tears away. 🙂 how amazing for you! I love that you leaned on God and wanted to present your body a living sacrifice.
I lived in OK before the bombing. That memorial is so moving. I would love to go back.
I ruptured my Achilles’ tendon almost 2 years ago while on a run and it still bothers me. I don’t see a half marathon (or even a mile run! Lol) in my future.
Good for you! So glad to see the update!

Jenn - Meg, you made me tear up by the end of the post. I ran my first two half marathons last year and am so ready to do it again after reading about your experience. You did rock that half. Way to go!

Sabrina - Awww!! You DID IT! Nice work! 🙂

Melissa - So proud of you! Sounds like you did amazing and soaked it all in – perfect! Stinks you got sick afterwards.

tiffany gardner - YAY MEG!!! I was totally standing on a street in my neighborhood (by the beer guys) cheering you on! I kept telling my husband… I have to cheer on my blog girl… he said .. is that creepy??? Maybe… but I said I would be there and I was!! My hubby and oldest son ran the 5k. The run was awesome… the day was awesome … our city is awesome. So glad you came!!

Lynette - Great job, sounds like a pretty cool experience!

Lisa M. - So wonderful Meg!! I’ve been checking for this post all weekend and all day today 🙂 That is so awesome that you took pictures throughout the race to save those memories. I love your mantra “God’s spirit is with you….” Thanks for sharing. I ran a 5 mile race last fall and I had just started training in September. After about mile 3 I kept asking myself, “Why? Why am I doing this?” but then when I was done, I was so glad and I will probably do it again, but honestly? Give me a 3 mile run any day and I’m good 🙂
CONGRATULATIONS on reaching your goal!

Ashley E - Great job Meg!!! Sad I didn’t get to see you, but that’s life. 🙂 You should do the Route 66 1/2 in Tulsa this November…. 🙂

jamie - oh my gosh. i better hurry up and wipe my tears before my kids come down here and see me crying. what a beautiful recap of your race experience. i am so proud of you my imaginary friend! what an amazing accomplishment!

stephany @ home is what you make it - Nice work!
I refuse to run for longer than 1 hour at a time, so I train for 10k’s.
Maybe I’ll decide that I would like to run for longer than 1 hour at a time someday, but for now that is good.
Right now I am training for a 10k at the beginning of August…and it is in the park i run in all the time, so I can practice the route from my house!
Does anybody go for a run during Craft Weekend?

Sarah Wolfe - Awesome! Makes me want to do one too… eventually 🙂

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annie’s favorite books

i love children's books.
when i find one with illustrations that pull me in i always feel like drawing.
they are just such a beautiful way to enjoy childhood.
i have great memories of reading with my kids. 


annie is working hard to finish up something at school for points.
she has had all year to get points but now that it's the end of the year i am guessing there is
an ice cream party or something that has given her incentive to buckle down.
she has been reading each afternoon.
she is not really a sit down and read for an hour kind of girl usually.
that is ok.
i am not that kind of girl either… my dad wanted me to be so badly.

i thought i would share some of HER favorites today.
this is her stack she was working through that she carefully selected.   

you can click on the link to find it on amazon.  


Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type ….. that duck is so funny!



Cowboy and Octopus
 …. very dry humor book but funny and has cool illustrations.


Eaglet's World

this was a book that Scott got during his preschool LOVE OF EAGLES phase.
he was obsessed with eagles for a few years.
i remember going to his classroom as the surprise guest and reading it to his whole class.
we love this pretty book. 


Martha and Skits  …. my dad gave us a whole collection of these books.
BEFORE they gave Martha a show on pbs.
my kids really liked these… all five of them. 



Pirates Don't Change Diapers
 ….. my girls like these 2 pirate books but my boys loved them. 

How I became a pirate

How I Became a Pirate….. and really David Shannon is a favorite of mine.


Too Tall Houses…. pretty book about friendship and competing.  :)


Art & Max

Art & Max
…. brillant book for anyone who likes art….super pretty! 



Is Your Mama a Llama? …. i had this book memorized at one point.
so many years of reading it over and over.
who doesn't like a book with baby and mama animals?! 



Fancy Nancy: Splendiferous Christmas…. all Fancy Nancy books are loved by my little girls.
she has quite the obsession with fanciness. 



Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes …. annie's choice at the book fair.



Emma Kate …. BEAUTIFUL book.
Patricia Polacco is one of Talby's favorite authors.
she did a report on her once! 



Llama Llama Misses Mama

there is something adorable to me about llamas.
Anna Dewdney ties toddlers and llamsas together perfectly.  :)
Annie loved these two llama mama books…. always loves to say "i've done that…."
on the tantrum page.  ha ha ha 


Llama Llama Mad at Mama



The Three Snow Bears  Jan Brett is famous… everyone knows her books.
this one is the story of the three bears but drawn so lovely.
and my kids make silly voice for all of the bears and it's very funny. 



If You Take a Mouse to the Movies…. annie loves this one.

If you take a mouse to school

If You Take a Mouse to School… i loved this one…
the art and the thrill of going to school for little ones.


If You Give a Moose a Muffin
  but this one was our favorite to read as a family!
i have a moose voice that makes my kids crack up and i always use it he says
"do you have any old socks?" when he wants to make sock puppets.
love this book. 


My Garden…. talby and annie love this one.  
always…. EVERY TIME …. say "i wish our garden was like that" 



Diary of a Spider ….cutest books!  
i love every detail that is in these three Diary books.


Diary of a Worm


Diary of a Fly


I'm The Biggest Thing in the Ocean…. LOVE these two books!
that googly eyed octopus is very endearing and silly. 


I'm the Best Artist in the Ocean!


Yes Day!…. another book fair choice this year chosen because of our love of the grumpy book.
and all kids love the dream of a YES Day.



What Are You So Grumpy About?…. this is such a good one.
because kids get grumpy a LOT.
and this puts some wrods to their feelings in a funny way.

that was kind of a long list but it was fun for me to remember reading them all with my kids.

what are your favorite children's books?
i am sure everyone likes to find new great choices.


1.5 days till the half marathon!!!!!!!!




cassidynoga - Amelia Bedelia?

cassidynoga - When she’s old enough, introduce her to the Babysitter’s Club Books (basically my childhood…) (I think she’s old enough for the BSC Little Sister books!). Also the Boxcar Children series. I’m 20 and I STILL love those. In 3rd grade, I got the second highest amount of Accelerated Reader points in the entire school because of those two series.
Also: I LOVE Click Clack Moo. I have a stuffed cow from that book.

TonyaElise - Currently in love with Sandra Boynton books. She really gets kid humor, and they RHYME! And I have some favorite Golden Books from my childhood that I love to read to my kids: The Poky Little Puppy, Home for a Bunny, Four Puppies. Those never get old.
Oh, and I think you should share a video with us in your moose voice, lol.

Victoria - Those are some of our favorite books too! Right now my almost 8 year old is into Amelia ______ books by Marissa Moss (I think American Girl puts them out). They are diaries of a girl named Amelia and she adores them.
I will check out those Kevin Sherry ocean books, they look like fun!
I hope your 1/2 marathon was awesome! You are a role model to all of us Mama’s!

Angela - I loved Owl Moon by Jane Yolen – I just got to meet her last week and she is an absolutely lovely woman. This was a special book for my Dad and I, just like the father and daughter in the book. I also loved Berenstein Bears.
Also, if Talby is looking for anything good to read, check out the auther Sharon Creech – particularly Bloomability. It is a great book. I have read all of Creech’s books and I love her writing.

Dena - A couple of my favorites from my childhood are:
Andrew Henry’s Meadow by Doris Burn
The Ernie and Bert Book by Norman Stiles
My daughter loves the Pinkalicious books (Pinkalicious, Purplicious, Silverlicious, etc) by Elizabeth and Victoria Kann
Couple others we love:
Katie Love the Kittens by John Himmelman
Chickens to the Rescue by John Himmelman
Wacky Wednesday and There’s a Wocket in my Pocket by Dr. Suess (but we love them all)
We love the Litte critter books by Mercer Mayer and the Berenstain Bear books also and for really little ones the Sandra Boynton board books are awesome.
One I would suggest for you that we like is Dog’s colorful Day by Emma Dodd. it makes me think of you and your love of color.

Meg G. - I love that Tom Lichtenheld’s books made the list! I used to work with him a few years ago at an ad agency here in Chicago and remember when he took a sabatical to write one of his books. He’s such a nice and talented guy!

mkpoggie - Great recs! I haven’t heard of a couple of these titles and I’m excited to try them out! A few books that were always a hit with my preschool class were “Falling for Rapunzel” (Leah Wilcox- the story of Rapunzel with a hilarious twist of misunderstanding…plus the illustrations are so creative), “Smiley Shark” (Ruth Galloway…a friendly shark has trouble making friends) and “Aliens Love Underpants” (Claire Freedman…Exactly what it sounds like. Aliens really, really like underpants. So silly).
Absolute favorite though? “A Bad Case of the Stripes,” by David Shannon. Gorgeous and a message that every child (and, frankly, adult) should hear. I met David Shannon once at book signing. And I cried like an idiot. It was ridiculous.

melissa@joyineveryseason - I love children’s books too, and can’t bring myself to clear the bookshelves even though my kids are older … we always loved anything by Robert Munsch … his books are CRAZY funny stories with hilarious illustrations … and also King Bidgood’s in the Bathtub by Audrey and Don Wood … also a crazy story with beautiful illustrations. And then there’s Holly Hobbie’s adorable Toot and Puddle books … very cute characters and beautiful, beautiful pictures. Happy reading to Annie!

Jen - I love this post! My girls are 8 and 5 and I recognize and know several of the books you listed well. I am always looking for more good storybooks and will now look for the others at our library. Thanks! My girls love Fancy Nancy books and Jan Brett books. Some of our other favs include:
Grumpy Bird by Jeremy Tankard – this is MY favorite!
Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods That Make My Day – Jaime Lee Curtis
The Easter Egg – Jan Brett
Parts – Tedd Arnold
How to Bake an American Pie – Karma Wilson

Bethany - I see lots of our favorites here too. Right now it’s me reading to my little ones. I look forward to them enjoying our favorite books again when they are the readers.

IT Consulting Dallas - Nice books. Some of these are my daughter’s favorites too.

Christie - LOVE this post! Thank you for sharing!
“You Are My I Love You” is an all-time FAVORITE at our house! As well as about 10,000 other books!
Keep those darlings reading!
Happy, Happy Day!!!

Sarah - Please do a race report! I’m running my first half in a few weeks and I am trying to gather as much sane info as possible! I know now how much effort goes into the training and I’m amazed that you can fit it in alongside everything else you do! Cheering for you from afar!

Shaun - Love Pete the Cat…
Follow the link below to a live reading of Pete the Cat! Our librarian showed this one day…the kids LOVED it…so did I!! Enjoy!!!

Sasha - I love all of your picks. My fave authors include Mem Fox, Rosemary Wells (esp, max cleans up), sam McBratley (Guess How Much I Love You), Keiko Kaszaa, Eric Carle…oh the list goes on and on. Ish, peter Reynolds. Press Here, Herve Tullet. Not a Box, Antoinette Portis.
If you haven’t read Mem Fox’s books for adults as well they are worth it too. Your kids might be a bit old for it to be applicable, but when you wrote that you make a terrific moose voice it just reminded me of her.
Congrats to Annie and best wishes to her as another school year comes to a close.

Kate - mad at mamma is one of my favorites. seriously awesome.

Tiffany - Good list, thanks for sharing. Pinkalicious is popular, her and Junie B Jones these days.

Kristen - We love “17 Things I’m Not Allowed To Do Anymore” by Jenny Offill. OHMY, it is a hilarious and an artistically beautiful book – such a cool mixed media format, and lots of fun with all-things-beavers. Not sure who requests it more, me or the kids… 🙂 Also love the whole “Scaredy Squirrel” series – I think I was Scaredy Squirrel in a former life. Dry humor and squirrels…a great combo! 🙂
Praying for you, runner girl…keep those Scriptures coming! YOU ARE AMAZING AND YOU WILL BE AWESOME!!!!! SO ADMIRE YOU!!! 🙂

Stephanie - I feel like I’ve been given a gift! Thank you for this list. I LOVE picture and children’s chapter books–maybe even more than my children do. Ha. My older kids have outgrown them, so thank The Lord I still have 3 little ones coming up that still enjoy them.
We just finished Charlotte’s Web with my 6 year old and are now on to James Herriot’s treasury. Then probably Wind in the Willows. Some of my faves:
100 Hungry Ants
Ruth Heller parts of speech books. Very colorful art!
Exodus and Joseph books by…..I forget the author’s name. Also colorful art.
The Cat in Numberland
100 dresses. (I love this book.)
The Little House. ( I AM that little house. One of my very favorites.)
Blessings to you during your run!

elma - We have that one:) Love it!!

elisa - My 7 year old son would probably like the pirate books. Good for Annie for reading. We are bookaholics over here.

Laura Conway - We have been huge fans of Skippyjon Jones in our house!

Michelle from Australia - Our Beloved American friend is a retired children’s librarian. So for Christmas and each of our kids birthdays, American childrens books arrived. My son absolutely loves the If you give a mouse…. and the If you give a moose books by Laura Numeroff. AND even better, when he takes them to school for show an tell, no one here knows anything about them so he feels extra special!!

Larissa - I love The Little House…I can still remember my mother reading Chicken Soup with Rice to Me….wish I could find my copy of that one.

Jenny - Anything by Oliver Jeffers. “Stuck” is our favorite.

Jenny - This is a fantastic post! I love children’s books too. I have two recommendations for you too. My friend just had her first book published she is the author and the illustrator. I love her painting style, it definitely inspires one to create! The story is great too, especially if you enjoy stories about grumpiness. it is called Maya Was Grumpy. Here is the link.
And the Chester the Cat books by Melanie Watt were just introduced to us this year by my daughter’s first grade teacher. We love them! We have all three and don’t seem to be tiring of them.

jaimie - the kissing hand

Courtney Walsh - We love so many of the same ones, but I have to add two all-time faves: “When Moon Fell Down” by Linda Smith (who passed away–I’m not sure the book is even available anymore, but it’s BEAUTIFUL and sweet) and “The Remarkable Farkle McBride” by Jon Lithgow.
Brilliance. 🙂

Diane - Have you guys ever read Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus? HYSTERICAL!
Skippy Jon Jones books are fun too. Our family highly recommends these!

Heather Simnitt - My girls are past this age now, but we loved the “Diary of a…” books as well. Some of my favorite children’s book authors are Sarah Stewart (The Gardner brings me to tears), Mary Ann Hoberman (The Seven Silly Eaters was a fave), and Erin Dealy (Goldilocks has Chicken Pox – Love)!
And oh – ALL my kids and my students (K-2 grade) have LOVED Slugs in Love by Susan Pearson….there is usually a waiting list for it at the library!

jen - Great list! i spied a few of our favorites there!
I love the Berenstein Bears books. we read those all the times – they get into messes as all other families do but by the end the message is always the same – family is awesome! and there are always little life lessons in there too.

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - I have a kid’s birthday party to go to this weekend and I always like to include a new book in with the gift. I was just researching what to buy when I saw this post pop up in my reader. Perfect! Exactly the advice that I needed.
I’m going to bookmark this one for future gift ideas. Thanks for sharing!

Jody - Thank you for this list!! I love love to get new ideas for books!!!
I went right to my library site & reserved a bunch of them!!
We love “Yes Day” in our house & actually have our boys pick a yes day every year! they of course love it! (but when is Mom & Dad’s yes day?!)
My fav is “Henry in Love”. Very sweet book. by Peter McCarty.

Becky - The Moose is totally my favorite of the If You Give A… series, too!
With a house full of girls around these parts, we can’t get enough of Fancy Nancy either!
Enjoy your race! So inspired by your faithfulness in training.

Deb - Don’t miss all of the “Skippyjon Jones” books – our favorite is “S.J. in Mummy Trouble.” And a really neat one called “Anna’s Table,” about the nature items a young girl collects and displays on a special table. Great illustrations! And anything illustrated by Robin Priess Glasser (of Fancy Nancy fame) – she has a great one about the 50 states, I THINK written by Lynn Cheney. Happy reading!

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getting bigger…

i am not wordy today.
but you can enjoy pictures of our chicks from last week.
they are already much bigger than this. 



























Pan Fry is doing just fine.
i do not see us eating her anytime soon.  :)

my plans for a coop fell through.
does anyone have any suggestions on a coop for 11 chickens?

i have a sweet pinterset board going… i know what i like and what i don't.

i know that ashley is a complete stud and built hers with a NAIL GUN!
but i am not seeing that in my future.

maybe mr. duerksen would be willing to build one with me???
there would be power tools involved.
he likes those.
i know sean would be interested but it may be hard to keep him interested long enough to finish. 
i know the girls would paint it beautifully when it was done.

or maybe you know the perfect thing for me and i am overthinking this.
maybe you know a great place to buy one already done and big enough for us and not a fortune.
maybe you know a guy who likes to build this kind of stuff.



3.5 days until the half marathon.




Jen - Hi meg! Search shutterlily on Instagram. She just built a coop for her chickies out of a children’s playhouse.(all documented on IG!) Adorable! Good luck!-Jen.

Naomi - My parents modified our old Wendy house for their chicken coop. They just added some perches for the hens and created an area at the back where the hens lay their eggs (basically it’s raised a bit to keep them safe[r] from rats). They also cut a hatch at the back so they could reach in and collect the eggs without having to actually go into the smelly coop!

elisa - Your photos are amazing. I grew up on a ranch….it was a wonderful experience. How awesome for your kiddos to be surrounded with life everyday.

Rebekah - I love the chicks among the grape hyacinths — one of my very favorite flowers and a perfect scale comparison.

Gretchen - I’m so excited for you as you begin your chick adventure. Here is a link to our first coop. Since then we’ve graduated to two larger coops, 75 chickens, and … moved to a farm! 🙂

beth larson - Love the pictures of your chicks with the chicks! Also just wanted to wish you the best at the marathon….if I could do one thing in my life that I would be eternally proud of it would be to run a marathon- (ps it’s never going to happen haha) YOU GO GIRL!
xo beth

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Love, love, love your photos of yur littles with the chickies. You are so brave to do the chick thing. I might be too much of a city girl even though I live in the suburbs 😉 I think for know I will live through you and your chicks.
I will be praying for you on your run. You GO girl! You can do it! Yay Meg! Go, go, go!

Tiffany - The photos made me smile once again. My dad built one for their chickens. He calls it their “cottage”. Too bad we live so darn far away, otherwise I’m sure he would enjoy building you one!

Lee Ann - My advice is to make it simple and make it easy to clean. (and get going on it because those birds will need to be out there in the next couple of weeks 🙂 You can look up all of the dimensions you need on-line. It doesn’t have to be terribly big if they’ll be able to get out during the day. I think they say you need 12-18 inches of roosting bar/bird. If they’re going to be in it all the time it will need to be pretty big. The roosting bars must be at the highest point of the coop. Their instincts tell them to go up at night so if the roosting bar is below the nesting boxes, the will sleep (and poop) in their nesting boxes. They poop all night directly below the roosting bar -again, easy access/clean up of that area is a must. Nesting boxes don’t need to be anything special. About a foot square opening. I’ve seen lots of people make them out of buckets tipped on their sides. I have had up to 14 chickens and three nesting boxes have been more than enough. They like to all lay in the same one. And then you have to know the critters in your area. Our main ones are chicken hawks and coyotes. My chickens roam in a pretty big fenced in yard. At one point we didn’t have that secure and lost 10 of the 11 in one night to a coyote. (It’s secure now.) However, the area is big enough that I can’t really keep the hawks away and have lost one to a hawk.
Good luck! They really are so fun! There’s nothing like a fresh egg.

Erin - Meg-you rock! God will see you through, just as you said. I can’t wait to read your post-race post! FINISH STRONG!! Sending you a big hug and a smile from Colorado!

Katey - Seriously the cutest pictures of your girls with those chicks.

Andrea - I agree with the Craig’s List thing. We just received chicks about a week ago(ordered them through the mail). My husband was talking about building one but I talked him into getting one. By the time you spend the money and the time, you could have had one made. He looked and looked, and finally ordered one from a gentleman off Craig’s List. My dad spent $600 on making his own! We are going to build a pen to move around the yard. HOPEFULLY, they will go from coop to yard and back every morning and evening. My eldest daughter is going to take one in 4-H. She is VERY excited.

Amanda M. - Go check out your local feed stores. Ours always have those handy coops for sale that look like mini barns. The only problem you are going to have with finding something is that most pre-made chicken houses and runs are for 2-3 full size chickens. You could do something like that if you plan to move them around all the time— or let them free range. Im sure you have really cold winters so checking with your feed store will really help with specific directions for Kansas!

Terrie G - Great pics!! I seriously want chickens…and a cute chicken coop!
I’m sure if I had some my hubby would build me a coop!!
Can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Brady - Meg–you should check craigslist. I live in Benton, KS and we just got a few chickens too. I was checking out craigs list and there was an already built coop with 11 or 12 nesting holes for $100 🙂

christy - Love the chick-chicks pix! I was just thinking of you & your chicks the other day. My husband built a lovely fence for us to keep our girls on one side of our yard, away from my plants & patio. Two of the lil’smarties found a way over the fence. The 3rd, is too big to hop up high enough. Reminded me of PanFry. She doesn’t lay eggs, she’s just a pet/company. I could never eat her + we get plenty of eggs from our other two girls.
We built a very simple coop, 2×4’s & chicken wire. Since we live in a mild climate no need for winter protection & I live in suburbia, the only wild animal I have in the backyard is a squirel. Our dogs don’t bother the chicks, but they do like to steal their treats. I would look on Craigs List or have your on Craig build something. has some great inspiration, there are also books & magazines with coop plans, check your library. I would love a fancy coop, but it’s not in the budget and my girls are content & sheltered as is.

Jacci in Ohio - Hey, Megan 🙂 Check out @tiffanyruda on Instagram. She built a super simple one from scrap material.

Terri - Oh, I went to the link and you have to scroll down almost to the bottom (or go into archives to Sept. 15, 2010) for her Coop tour. It’s also a really neat and creatively done coop. Lots of ideas!

Terri -
Scroll about 3/4 of the way down and you’ll come to the post. It is called “Here’s the Coop”. Lovely pictures of her chicken coop (complete with chandelier!) Also, picture of the original chicken coop which is much less elaborate from when they had less chickens. Her 12 year old daughter designed the original chicken coop herself and she and her dad built it for her mom. Very sweet. I believe this posts also links to a chicken coop linky party. She talks about it at the beginning but I didn’t click it. Enjoy all of the picture. You’re sure to get an overload of inspiration! Here’s thel ink.

tere - I wish I had chicken coop advice.
But your chicks are growing too! The girls are looking older! And I’m happy to see the kids in tanks and not snow attire. That’s a good thing 🙂 xoxo tere

Sarah - One with a huge run! I reluctantly gave up my chickens last year. They were mostly free ranging and the amount of poo was ridiculous.

Heidi DeGroot - Runnings sells a small chicken coop. I am not sure how many chickens the size is perfect for. I also am not sure if you have Runnings in your neck of the woods:) I think the price seemed fairly reasonable though. May be worth a try!

Ashley - what about those cool coop trailers? that way you can move it when you move!

Arielle - I’m sure you can’t wait for the chickens to give you yummy egs.

Jen - Those are happy pics, Miss Meg. 🙂 Best of luck with the 1/2! Have you seen this shirt?
Half Marathon Mama: 13.1 miles of peace and quiet.

Jen - This woman (Karen) has made a fabulous chicken coop. Also has all kinds of info on keeping the chickens.

Melissa - I am amazed at how fast those chicks grow! I need to take pics of mine I think we have some of the same breed. I only have four so bought a tiny coop. Without a doubt build one – or maybe could buy from Menards one of those sheds and make it into a coop? Probably expensive though.

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