Masthead header



this is probably my favorite picture of the year so far.

i can't stop looking at it.


we now have a hedgehog living at our house.
it is from the pet store.
it is pokey.
it is also very cute.
it's name is Percy.
while we were all admiring Percy suddenly annie shouted "HEY IS THAT A TURTLE IN THE YARD?!"


it was.

we brought it to the patio and enjoyed it for awhile.


we took lots of pictures of it.
we introduced the turtle to Percy.
they both were completely uninterested in each other. 

and then nature time was over.

the turtle went on his merry way and percy went back to his home in laurens room.

later there was pie making by lauren.
which is always nice surprise. 

this shirt is from Moxie Clothing Co. and i love it!
my family got quite a laugh out of it.
(they are working out their shop details… you can find it sometime over here at houseofbelonging on IG)
we were discussing freckles at the track meet and annie asked "do I have any freckles?"
just a few.

lauren made it all the way to State in Track!
she competed today in Javelin. 
we were so proud!
it's pretty impressive to watch those girls throw!

pretty flowers when i stopped by the craft house today.

i took my little girls to see Epic this afternoon.
it was very pretty.
the graphics were stunning…. i can't believe they can make animated movies look so real!
your kids will like it.
and you will enjoy it enough just looking at all the details.
i had to pull over again tonight because LOOK AT THAT beautiful sky!!
i am crazy for a farm sky all of may and june in kansas. 
we ate little caesares pizza on the patio.
the kids jumped on the trampoline while i started working on th is blog.
it was a very nice day.
the summer list is not done yet.
we are working on the rough draft still.
what i am most excited about tonight?
nothing on the calendar for this weekend.


i like that.

Deb Meyers - Lauren has such pretty and capable-looking hands.
deb meyers

Kristin S - I keep going back to this post. Love it.

Kate - We loved epic! Very cute!

Melissa - The slug in Epic was HIlarious. Love the freckles. My daughter was convinced for the longest time that she got hers from drinking too much strawberry milk.

Michelle - Did you paint the little bit of blue on the turtle shell? We do that, too (but we use red nail polish) so we can tell if the same turtle visits us again.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I could use that beer.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - So much Lauren! I love it.
And that hedgehog. Please don’t show Calvin.

Lisa Biedebach - Meg:
How do your flowers do in the galvanized buckets once it gets hot? I love how it looks.

Stephanie - You make me miss Kansas with every post.
Lauren has gorgeous hair. I’m in love with the pic of dad and daughter.
Annie is a cutie.
Your blog is cheerful and lovely.

Mindy - Such a cute little hedgehog (but not as cute as that girl attached to the freckles)! I had no idea people kept them as pets. And I love that the turtle just showed up to visit.

danielle - Now I want a hedgehog…

Lisa M. - This weekend we are working in our yard. Good stuff. We’re ready for some color after this dreary winter.
Your flowers are so beautiful! I have been admiring them these past couple of posts. I also do mostly containers and I have been taking some cues off of you this year 🙂 I have a question maybe you can answer since you seem to paint alot of things 🙂 I have and old galvanized tub that I think used to be used for canning. Do you think I could paint it? I was going to poke holes in the bottom and use it as a planter, but I’m concerned I will ruin the inside of it if I put soil in it (some might say I’m going to ruin it if I paint it!:). If you have time, I’d love to hear your opinion! Thanks!

Mac - The hedgehog and turtle are too cute ! Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos and Happy Summer !

Lachalle - You can tell Annie I once heard that freckles are kisses from angels. My daughter has quite a few too! Super cute hedgehog, although I don’t think I would be a brave mama to allow one in our house . So brave and open to let your kids have all those opportunities to them , awesome shirt as well.

Tracy - We have nothing on the calendar this weekend either. AHHHH! I’ve been looking forward to this w/e for months! Schools out. Graduations over. Quiet. 3 day weekend 🙂
It’s nice to see Lauren on the blog 🙂 Beautiful pie!

Melissa Hillier - So much Lauren in one post!! I love it! She’s grown up so much!
Love the pie. Can I borrow her?

Lisa - I love turtles and Percy is adorable! Curious what the blue mark is on the turtles shell? Enjoy your weekend. We have nothing this weekend too!!! So glad. 🙂

SmithShack71 - Awesome day!

Jill - Nothing better than a weekend with nothing planned. Enjoy! I noticed how lovely Lauren’s hands are…. I have a thing for hands. She is beautiful! And… farm skies are gorgeous… up here in Nebraska as well!

Annette - Lauren has the most beautiful hands! Strong and graceful at the same time.

Southern Gal - That is the cutest hedgehog. He looks like a stuffed animal. My daughter is getting goats;the boy’s name is Percy Cedric. 😉
I notice you have LightRoom to edit photos. I have a question. Do you use the same size/pixels, etc for blog photos that you do for those you print? I have blogger and have to use 800×800 and I use less pixels. Then I find I have to redo them to print. Am I missing something?

Lori H - I am in love with Percy! When my son was in elementary school, his friend brought a hedgehog to school when his mother read a couple of books to the class that featured one. Adorable.

angela - I love a post like this! Highlights of your week with pictures…gorgeous pictures!!! I know you are so proud of Lauren! She is a beautiful girl and so talented! What a blessing!

Sara Torbett - Lauren’s pie looks delicious and fancy. Percy makes me eeeeeek 🙂 Daisies and farm skies are heaven on earth. I never knew how much I would fall head over heels in love with the farm/country life. Yet here I am. 🙂 I picked up a turtle once on our farm and tried to drive it to my classroom, back when I used to teach. The crazy turtle escaped in my car and was about to crawl under my feet! He was hissing at me and everything. YIKES. No more turtle catching for me…
Enjoy your lovely weekend….I worked on my blog the same way you did tonight. So I’d say we’re both off to a great start to the weekend! 🙂

laura @ - I didn’t even know you could have a hedgehog as a pet. So cute. And that sunset….gorgeous. You make me want to sell it all and move to the wide open land. With grass and sky. We’re working on our summer bucket list too! Yeah summer!
laura @

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this week has been packed.
but school has ended for four of my kids.
i plan on sleeping in tomorrow…. FINALLY. 

nevermind i was just told i need to give a ride to the last one in school.



talby wanted rainbow cake for school but we settled on rainbow cupcakes instead… quicker.


we finally let waffle outside while the chickens were outside.
it was… decent.
he was very curious and probably would have been naughty if we weren't there.
but he won't ever be with them without us there so we should all be fine.




"who's a good boy? who's the best dog?"


their last day to ride the bus because today i drove them in… and we were even late!
i was going to take them for donuts but they said "can you make pumpkin muffins instead?"
umm… and not have to get out of my pajamas or brush my teeth?  yes please.  :) 


the peonies have juuuuust started to bloom around here.
they are each so incredibly gorgeous. 



on tuesday i took the entire day for myself.
no one else.
just me… because i knew that school was almost done and my alone time would be gone soon.
i searched the mall for a swimsuit….
i tried on no less that 75 suits.  i kid you not. 

and finally FINALLY they have started selling suits based on your BUST size.
thank goodness.
what a brilliant idea someone had!
because out of 75+… i picked one… based on my bust.

and check out how hip and with it JCPENNY looked yesterday?!

i was totally impressed.


i got home from my swimsuit shopping and these cows were eating across the road from the house.
i am so happy to see them back again.





living out here is beautiful.
everywhere you look! 


talby got this paper at school and took a LOT of time  coloring it in.




school's out.
we have a Summer List to make.
i am so behind on laundry.
and sleep.

what are your big plans coming up this summer?



tara - I tried on suits last Monday….took my 6 year old daughter with me…mistake. epic.
she laughed…not because she’s mean, but bc the sight was hilarious. 🙂
I finally landed on land’s end…black tankini. love it…and I never love a bathing suit.
glad you found one.

Jenny B. - Where did you end up buying your suit? I need one, and my bust is usually the deal breaker. Underwires? Yes, please. 🙂

Shelly Massey - Aimee… the girls have school for FIVE more weeks?! I cannot decide if that’s awesome or terrible.

Jenna - Oh that dirt road looks like home! I’m spending the summer with my baby boy and could not be more excited. And because of that baby boy, I need a new swimsuit. 😉 Where is yours from?

kate@stillroomtogrow - i too was in JCP recently and was super impressed with them! what happened? They have got it going on for sure! happy summer!

Alicia @ La Famille - we are moving to a new house and decorating that…doing lots of projects! yay!!

Katia de France - Je me décide enfin a vous donnez Un petit bonjour de France. Je suis depuis quelques temps ( environ 1 an) votre blog. Je le trouve merveilleux vos photos sont si belles et les week-end craft ohhh!! qu’est ce que j ‘aimerai avoir la possibilité d’ en faire moi aussi…
Et je voulais vous remerciez de tout ce que vous partagé, de vos créations, vos idées, vos tranches de vie et même votre buanderie…. La moindre des choses était de vous dire que vous avez une Fan en France.( Et mon mari est un fan de Waffle!!! )
Je suis maman de quatre filles âgées de 9 ans à 2 mois, nous vivons dans le Beaujolais au milieu des vignes, je ne sais pas si vous connaissez…
Nous aimons partager des moments créatifs ensemble et bien d ‘autre chose…
J’essayerai de vous laisser des commentaires de temps en temps.En attendant je souhaites à vos enfants de bonne et belles vacances…
Pour nous il va falloir attendre encore deux mois, les enfants ont pourtant hâte.
C ‘est avec hâtes que j ‘attends votre prochain post qui me donne temps d’idée…
En espérant que votre traducteur fonctionne bien.
je vous souhaites une Bonne semaine soyer heureux.

colleen - we are in CT.. we had hurricane sandy and 36 inches of snow in February…. my kids don’t get out until well june 27th….thank God!
good luck… love this post.. you don’t seem at all anxious, just relaxed and happy…. as they are saying nearby to me in Newtown…. may you have an Invincible Summer.

Shannon - We still have school for another 9 days!! I can’t wait for a 3 day weekend and sleeping in. I LOVE your pictures they always make me so happy, the bright colors in every picture is amazing.
Happy Summertime to you!

holly - I love your posts!! Your blog is wonderful!! I love your house pictures and Kansas looks so beautiful! I was born and raised in California. Its all I know! Your blog posts always inspire me!! I would so love to come to one of your craft weekends@@ Waffle is adorable!! Happy Summer!

Whitney - Kansas looks so beautiful!!! I must come to a craft weekend 🙂

Carrie - This is the first summer that I have to work and I thought I would be ok with it, I am not, I am so not. I am a teacher and I recently switched to working as a preschool special ed itinerant teacher. I only work 2 days a week for 4 1/2 weeks this summer and I am whining about. I need to stop! I have 3 weeks off in the beginning and 3 weeks off at the end of the summer. We signed my 5 year old up for swim team and we joined the pool. We will also spend a large amount of time at a local arboretum and Longwood Gardens along with the library and end the summer with a 2 week trip to the beach. Then my youngest goes to Kindergarten, sigh.

Cindy - Yeah for taking a day for yourself!!! Just curious, how do you make rainbow cupcakes? I have never made a rainbow cake but I would guess that it is made in
different layers with each layer a different color. It is finally warmer & the sun is out here in Nebraska. Have a wonderful summer!!! Hope that you get to sleep in sometime soon & get rested up.

Becca - Going to London and Paris with my daughter, it’s our dream trip and we are finally going in June. Yay us!

stephanie - siiiiigh….I love peonies…and Kansas. I want to move back.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Our last day is today too. Tomorrow morning we are waking up and having breakfast at IHOP where we will have a meeting and discuss out summer to do list. Then, we are going to watch Iron Man 3. I was very excited until they just started yelling at each other over the play doh.

Kelly - I also want to know who sells swimsuits based on bust size. It has been a problem for me as well, especially this year.

Tracy - As of yesterday, all 4 of my kids are out too! YAY! I love summer! 🙂

Barbara - I was in JCP a couple weeks ago yes they have changed so much better and your town is just a sight, love the cow sticking her tongue out so silly.

Lindsey - I love all your potted plants in the pictures – they look gorgeous! No fun summer plans yet. I was going to make a list then decided I would wait to see if you posted one, then go off that! Ha! But seriously… post it. 🙂

Rachel Reeves - My one plan this summer: RELAX and be PEACEFUL! {out side in the kiddie pool, of course}

Kristin S - Clearly, we all want to know. This 34DDDD wants to know. Who sells swimsuits in bust sizes!?!?!?

aimee - what Shelly said! You make me miss Kansas, too. I have five more weeks of packing school lunches and getting my caboose out the door on time!

colleen from alabama - Where do they sell bathing suits by bust size? Are any of them cute enough for a 13 year old? preferably a tankini? I have a 13 who is a size 2/4 and has a 32DD bra! I am an AA so I am in totally uncharted territory. For right now she is okay with swim team suits. But I know that won’t last long. Would LOVE some help!

Shelly Massey - Ahhh… your photos made me miss Kansas. (I grew up there, but I still get to visit all my family there, so YAY.) And that’s a whole lotta hip packed into one space at jcpenney. After seeing your post, my big summer plan is to go to the mall to steal that banner from Sears.

Melissa - Love that you live in the country – someday I will. JcPenny has become quite hip lately it seems

beth larson - I loved your blog post today….. I soooo want to come to one of your craft weekends some time Meg, and am so curious- is the house you use for that on your farm?
p.s. I want some chickens….. are they really messy to have around?
the sun is finally, finally shining here today in Minnesota and it’s making me feel like a new woman!
xo beth

angela - Kansas is gorgeous!! Reminds me a little of our North Carolina…so green!!! I was just thinking yesterday about making a summer list!

Mary Peterson - Good Morning! Thanks for posting the pics of the beautiful Kansas spring! We’re making our annual trip to McPherson, Lindsborg and Hutch for my husbands family reunion this weekend. We always love the landscape in Kansas! Any place we should not miss while there?
Thanks, I always enjoy your blog posts and pics!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - so what store did you end up buying your swimsuit at?

Penny - We have a litter of Goldendoodles and Saturday and Sunday are puppy pick days. Nine families will come and pick which puppy will go home with them in a few weeks! Love your chickens and of course we LOVE Waffle. He is the best. Goldendoodles are such wonderful family dogs! Love the cows! I grew up near cows and miss seeing them. I hope your summer can be full of relaxation and fun. What are Lauren’s plans for her future? Maybe you said and I missed it. or maybe she doesn’t want to share.

Martha - Where did u find a swimsuit? I am having same problem?

Jennifer - My friends five year old daughter recently had trouble finding a swimsuit herself…because she said, “Oh, they are all so beautiful!” When did we lose that sense of wonder and decide they all looked so ugly? I wish I could shop the way she does instead of just finding the passable outfit.

misty - we are moving in july {from Tulsa to Stillwater}
my sister in law is getting married to a fantastic guy & my husband, myself & my girls are all in the wedding {I LOVE weddings}
I’m taking a photography class
taking the girls to the zoo, splashpad, movies in the park, riverwalk in Jenks…. we are still making the list {but we have made one every year since 2009 (saw it on your blog} 🙂
The house we are buying is literally my dream home. It is where we had our wedding reception & we have wanted it for over a year, things finally fell into place. It needs a lot of updating & the lawn/landscaping has gone straight downhill, but I think it’s exciting to work on all of it & I just can’t wait to start picking out paint colors.
I’m making a bucket list for my 30’s
it’s going to be a long list…
chopping my hair is on there… i’m nervous about it, so I might make that the 1st thing I do for the summer.
go to a craft weekend is also on there… skydive, grow a huge garden, learn to knit, take a painting class, family music video….. several more things & I think I am going to take the scariest ones & start there 🙂
happy summer!

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class of 2013


well… she graduated.
we are VERY proud of her.
the ceremony was outdoors and the sky was so dark… even lightening in the distance.
it was nice to not be SO HOT but the weather was very iffy and made me nervous.
as soon as it ended the entire stadium emptied almost immediately.
it was raining shortly after. 


so we did not get photos of her afterward with friends or with her tassel,etc.
but we got this one really quick before the ceremony.
she got a new dress and looked so pretty! 


our party almost didn't happen because of the weather.
there was even a tornado 30 minutes away!
i said "well… it's not a TRUE Kansas party without a tornado watch"


she requested rainbow cake.
i hadn't made one in a few years…. remember when i first made it?
way back before they were EVERYWHERE.
BEFORE martha stewart.
granted martha's was very professional looking and perfect.
but mine is filled with a mama's love.
perfection is not the goal. 

it was so fun to make it again.

we kept the snacks and drink very simple.
and credit to my boys… they helped me big time preparing the food.
they rocked yesterday!
it was "Duerksen Team Effort" for sure all week long.
that was a huge blessing we kept it simple since it POURED hard rain just before the party.
anything elaborate we would have done would've been ruined.



every party should have a baby.
it should be a rule.
so many of craig's family came by to wish lauren good luck in college and give her hugs.
one great thing about big milestones like graduations or weddings is seeing the family you don't see as often.


lauren with my mom and lauren with craig's mom.



it was so fun to have my friends show up to love on me as well as lauren. 
high school graduation is big deal for the kids but also a BIG DEAL for the parents too!
and they snuck off and were cleaning up in my kitchen and doing dishes when i wasn't looking.
grown up friends are the best! 



although… i prefer babies at parties that are not wearing K-State onesies.
he is so cute that i made an exception.
i was so busy that i never even got to hold this guy! lauren took over as baby holder for this party. 



family friends that we have had since i was 8 years old came to celebrate. 
(my dad did not get the memo about the black shirt…)

i LOVE that they came.
that is love ya know?  showing up for your people.   taking the time.  it is meaningful. 
it makes me teary.  






craig was face timing with his sister during the party.
isn't that fun?  she got a little tour of the party and said hello.  
2013 is pretty awesome. 


i took an after photo this morning since it was too crazy yesterday.
our new little patio that we put in and all the pots of flowers make this place even happier.
it's so peaceful out there.
my chippy painted metal benches got new cushions. (home depot online)
i used all old pots, buckets and planters i already had to plant flowers inside.
the bunting is the same as what i sell in my shop…not weather proof but who cares.
it holds up just fine.

great party.

i think lauren felt loved.
and that was the most important part of yesterday for me.


and now i am going to go sit on that yellow bench.


Lynn - Congratulations and many blessings to you and your family. Your daughter Lauren has such a God blessed sweet spirit. Kudos to you as parents.

TAB - What a lovely party, lovely family and lovely grad. She’s beautiful.

Heidi - Beautiful post all-around. Our family recently drove 8 hours round trip (with two small kids) to attend a family graduation and we were so glad we did!

Rhonda Quaney - She is such a beauty. I can just feel her gentleness from here. Had to pray for your sweet girl. And every party should definitely have a baby. Your graduation party was complete with love, darling-ness, ….and the baby. Thanks for sharing it all.

Barbara (WA) - What a special day beautifully done! Time flies (my sons are in their 30’s now). Have a great after the big event weekend!

Kat - I got all teary seeing Lauren so grown up, so I can only imagine how you feel.
What a gorgeous girl.
You have inspired me with your potted colour everywhere. So many beautiful flowers and I adore the pots.
Simple but oh so effective. One of those things that I often think I must do but rarely get around to.
We need some pops of colour on our deck as it is autumn and soon to be winter here in Aus.
It looked like a beautiful, colourful party, full of love.

Whitney - Love your patio, I want those benches!
Second- I cannot believe how grown up Lauren is! Gorgeous girl! I wish she let you tell us more about her life… so happy for you all, the party looked wonderful. Best wishes for Lauren in the future!

Angie - Congrats to Lauren! What a huge moment in all your lives
The party looked amazing. Your rainbow cake turned out just perfect
Wishing Lauren a future full of blessings 🙂

Bree - Congratulations to your daughter and to you all! Prayers for her transition into this new season of life. On another note-new pictures for the shop- yellow daisy picture, flowers with the green chair, and the fabulous yellow chick in the Barbie car! Love it! Happy and blessed week to you.

Barbara - Congratulations HS so many memories made in those short four years, love the patio all of it!

Kayla - Lauren, you are beautiful. You look so happy in your pictures! Congratulations on your graduation. Thanks for letting us get a glimpse of your life….we don’t see you enough on your mom’s blog. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

Rach - I never knew until I became a parent how emotional all of our children’s milestones are on us as the parents. Our eldest is just finishing her first year in pre-school next week (which I am sure seems like so long ago for you after watching your eldest just graduate from high-school) and I find myself filled with heartache at the passing of such a milestone in her life. There will be so many more of these end of the school year events in her life and with each I will shed a tear as I watch her grow and thrive and get one step closer to leaving our home to become her own person and start her own life. Congratulations Meg on raising a wonderful young woman. May she only continue to thrive and grow outside the shelter of your heart and home.

elisa - I love the pic with your daughter surrounded with older women on the porch. We all need older women to look up too and help shape us.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - She did it!!!!! I remember my HS grad and party like it was YESTERDAY. Weird??
Your party was awesome. You looked so pretty. Lauren, too.
I’m glad your people showed up for you. 🙂
Hope you all felt way loved.
And I was going to tell you that I’m probably going to steal your bunting idea but I figured it was waterproof. Since it’s not, I’m extra-on it!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Congrats to your beautiful Lauren!

Tracy - Congratulations to Lauren and your whole family! Next year we will be celebrating my oldest’s high school graduation. I can’t believe it! Where has the time gone??
Where has Lauren decided to go to school? I’m in KC and went to KU. My husband went to Missouri. My son is leaning toward Mizzou 🙁 I feel the same way about K-State as you do!!
BTW I love your blog!

chrissi - congrats to lauren. what a wonderful circle of family and friends that came to show their love for such a pretty girl. (congrats to mom and dad too for getting through a graduation day/party.)

Lisa - Such a big deal having a child graduate high school! Congratulations to both of you!

Lori Austin - Congrats to Lauren (btw, she is so beautiful!).
Looks like a wonderful celebration with family.
You bright, fun patio is fantastic.
Container flowers turned out beautiful as well.

Rachel Reeves - It looked special and sweet, Meg.
A day that she won’t soon forget.

susan - Congratulations to Lauren! Love to read about FAMILY gatherings. Memories
to keep forever.
Meg, you have a beautiful family. Blessed by your writing.

Carol S. - It all looks wonderful. Congrats to you and your family. Good things are coming next! Freshman college son just home now and we are enjoying a “new and improved” version of him. After a year of independence, he seems engaged and appreciates of home and our family. Yay! Gotta plant more large buckets of flowers and get some festive bunting…fantastic inspiration pics. Awesome patio.

Tiffany - This makes me happy. I’m so glad you have such fantastic family and friends around you. What a blessing. (And your place looks SUPER cute!) (AND, Martha has nothing on you.)

Amy - I just love everything about you. (As much as I can know from reading your blog for the last four+ years) Except the fact that you don’t love K-State. Oh well. No one is perfect. 🙂
Just kidding.
Congratulations!! The party looks amazing! Your family is beautiful!

Dawn Gross - Congratulations! That’s a big milestone.
Your house looks super cute – patio is lovely.
Glad you all are safe & sound.

Mac - Congratulations to Lauren and your family on her graduation. Your rainbow cake which I saw on the Poppytalk blog a couple of years ago is what inspired me to start following your blog. It certainly is a great symbol for your happy, optimistic but always realistic blog which I continue to enjoy every morning once my 4 children are off to school.

Kristin S - Beautiful!

misty - congratulations lauren!!! I have been following your blog since july of 2008 & it doesn’t seem possible that your lauren is graduating!
love your seating area & those striped cushions. what a fun party. I alway associate a rainbow cake with you meg! not martha! i think martha must have ppl reading your blog to find out what’s cool 😉
stay safe from this crazy weather! we have been taking cover & praying.

elma - What a wonderful party!! Congratulations to Lauren may the Lord be with her and Bless her!!

The Domestic Fringe - Congrats to your daughter! Looks like a fabulous party. Love the cake.

vicki - You, my darling, can make anywhere feel like a home. What a lovely way to go through life. Your daughter is breathtaking. Congratulations family. And friends. And family friends. I firmly believe it takes a village….congratulations village…what a lovely woman you have all raised. Happy summer to you and your dear family. Good luck young lady on what lies ahead.

Pat - congratulations to Lauren on her big day! I must say, that yard looked like the perfect place for a party. I’m a little jealous, wished that was my happy patio!! You guys did an amazing job!

Alicia @ La Famille - congrats to your little girl!!! and your pictures are so happy! glad the weather held up for you. 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - Beautiful.
I am happy that Lauren feels loved, and that you do, too.

Georgia - Love the photos, lauren looks so grown up!
Good luck to her, college next?
I dont know how it works in the USA, as she would still be in 6th form, or college in the uk.. confusing! 🙂 x

Cindy in WA - Congrats to Lauren!!! My oldest is graduating in a few weeks too! Is she going to a local college or far away?

jerusalem - ok, now I am weepy too! I have a yellow glider like yours-it was my great-grandmothers and came here all the way from Mississippi. I love it and I love your little patio area.

Chantelle - Congrats to you all. Lauren is a beautiful girl! PS: love the cake!

Susan - Congratulations to your pretty daughter, Lauren. She will treasure this moment forever. Congratulations to you and your husband. These moments are bittersweet. However, she will still need you both and she will seek your counsel in the days and years to come. Then, one day, you will discover that not only do you love her but you like her! Those are precious moments also. From a mom who has already traveled that road, it seems that you did a GOOD JOB!

lisa currie-gurney - Congratulations to you and Craig.
You’ve done it.
God is good.
So good.
Hugs From My Heart

Katey - Congratulations to the Whole Family!!! My son graduated last year and I will have another one next year. It goes by way too fast!! It’s tough. Tough on everyone. Glad you had a nice party and loving memories of the day.

Terrie G - Congrats to Lauren & You & Craig!! You are so right…it is a big deal for the parents too!
I worried about all of the graduations going on with our crazy weather yesterday!
Glad that you were able to celebrate & all were safe.
LOVED the rainbow cake! And your home was decorated beautifully.
Lauren is growing up into quite a beautiful young lady!
And that baby!! I must say, I had to make sure I was reading your blog
when I saw the K-State onsie..but I thought it was the cutest outfit EVER!! Wink, Wink!!
Hope your week is relaxing!! 🙂
I’m off to buy flowers…well, maybe after this storm passes!
Can you believe I haven’t even purchased one yet this year!

Jennifer - So fun, a day she will remember forever!

sally - Awww, everything was beautiful…Lauren, you , family, flowers, just everything!! 🙂 I love having family get togethers like this at my home over a restaurant or other place any day!! 🙂

Ana - Congrats Lauren!!! Best Wishes for her in this brand new fase of her life. This is awesome. Congrats for you too Meg!! Beautiful party, flowers, cake and FAMILY.

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this week….

we have had a FULL week with more excitement still to come.

life skills being taught…. 




waffle was naughty and completely dorky as usual. 
he got on the couch while i was still home! 
how is he smart enough to know not to get on when craig is home and that i won't do anything?
it's crazy.
he slept with his leg up in the air for a long time.

ha ha haaaaaaa


read this in The Message this week….


"His love was not cautious but extravagant"  



the kids tried to dress up the chickens with american girl doll clothes.
but realized chickens don't have arms to make it work.
it was funny to try though. 




one of these days those chicks will be gone & we will know that they learned how to hot wire Barbie's car…





i like having lunch with my kids.
i wish i had done it with my older kids.
i didn't know that was a thing that people did.
your kids would love it if you showed up too. (with no other siblings… just you… and fast food) 


campfires are pretty much the best thing ever.
i have tried my best to keep all s'more ingredients stocked all all times at our house. 

mother's day was a very nice day.
i try very hard to keep expectations VERY low and that helps to keep the day flowing well.
i was treated to homemade cards by the little girls…. and cashed in that free coffee immediately. 

after church i went in my bedroom and shut the door and relaxed while my family made the entire lunch.
what a nice treat to come out to a completely set table AND food.

then i went straight back in my room while they cleaned it up. 

best mother's day i have had in many years. 





gardening this year in pots only….this is a huge relief to me.
the thought of gardening was LOOMING over me and i wasn't excited about it.
but this is perfect! 



lauren is done with high school.
it's so crazy how fast that passed!
we are so proud that she made it through with excellent grades and can't wait to see her future unfold.

her graduation is sunday afternoon.
it's been an emotional week….



this is what happens on a daily basis here.
if we don't do the dishes every 18-24 hours… it looks like this.
we even ate on paper plates that day!




i sported pigtails today.
after a 3 week break…. i went out for a run with my friends this morning.

it was short & sweet but felt so good to remember that i did still know how to run.  :)


as i drank my second cup of coffee i looked down and realized i was a rainbow of colors.


so… we have a very busy weekend filled with parties to attend & to give, basketball, shopping, cleaning, rainbow cake making, graduation cermony and grandparents coming.

what do you have going on in your life?



s - Love the kitchen sink pic…I keep up with the dishes but not so much the clutter and piles…sigh

misty - meg, you have to read this blog post
Kristen loves a rainbow as much as you 🙂 She is another fave blogger of mine & I messaged her about your blog too. I think you’ll love her sweet post

Rachel S - I discovered your blog a few weeks ago, and I have to tell you I’m addicted. I love how you show your real life, (with real messes in kitchens), the Scriptures, life with kids, the crafts (oh how I’d LOVE to be able to come to a craft weekend!!), the photos, etc. I have 3 kids and my oldest will graduate next year. It’s already hard on me, so I look forward to hearing how you make it through the change in seasons. So thank you for sharing your life with us! 🙂 Have a happy day!

miranda - Love your post today I laughed at those crazy chicks~~ and congrats on everything!!!!

Whitney - Oh my goodness, how is she old enough to graduate! They are growing up (too quickly) before our very eyes! Congratulations Lauren! Excited to see what the next step for her is!

mary - Love that you showed your dishes. my three kids are under five and this is how my kitchen looks after 24 hours of no doing dishes. Refreshing to see real life with kids. I used to panic when there would be a knock on the door when the kitchen looked like this, I am learning more and more that this is real life and it is good to share real life with people. Thanks for being real it helps me continue to be authentic too.

Victoria - Congratulations on the graduate! I know you guys must be proud.
Loving the littles dressing the chickens up in clothes!

Mindy - Oh, those chicken pictures make my heart happy – and the verse from the message makes it happier yet!

Connie - Congratulations to your daughter!! Thanks for the honest picture of your kitchen….nice to know I’m not alone!

Kari - congrats to lauren! that is great…
glad to see mine is not the only kitchen that looks like that 🙂 my oldest is playing 60 baseball games this year – youngest playing also – add in all the other end of the year stuff with a dance recital in there too and it’s been CRAZY! have a great weekend!

Vera - My three year old boy (who happened to be naked at the time) saw the chickens in the car and said “MOMMY! Get my clothes on! I want to go to that family’s house!” 🙂

colleen - Such a great post… I love the part about keeping expectations low on mother’s day so you can enjoy it. Congrats to your oldest graduating from high school.. how wonderful that she let you announce it on the blog… 12 years of school done.. not a small achievement for her or for you.
Love your spirit as well as your ability to “roll” with whatever life gives you!

Barb - Hi Meg, could you please tell me what translation of the Bible you have? Thanks for the beautiful post! Barb

Tiffany - I love that you and your family love those chickens so much! I’m so glad you had a nice Mother’s Day too. Congratulations to Lauren! What a beautiful young woman (must take after her mama!).
Hubby is gone on a 4-wheeling weekend, so I’ve got the single parent gig going on. I hope to plant our flowers tomorrow, and hit up the Children’s Museum Sunday. Not nearly as exciting as your weekend, but I love my family time!
I hope you enjoy yours this weekend too!

Kori - Animal teeth always crack me up!
I had lunch with my son weekly if not a couple times a week when he was younger and loved it…it was a great way (better than volunteering in class, I think) to meet more of his friends and see what *really* goes on at lunch – both with the kids and the playground staff. He loved when I got there to stay and hated when I tried to make it a ‘going out’ lunch…he wanted to eat and then be able to run off to play, not be stuck with me in a car!!
Hope you have time to catch your breath in the coming days…

Michelle from Australia - My Dad has shingles 🙁 My daughter who has been vaccinated against chicken pox got them this week. Blisters, itchiness and one upset girl who couldn’t go to school. My son goes into hospital next Monday for surgery. We asked him what he wanted for a treat dinner the night before his operation. He said SMORES. We had them at Yosemite NP last year. So I went out and got ingredients as close to SMORES as you could find in Australia. And we are all ready for SMORES tonight and tomorrow. Here’s hoping we get through next week with God’s help and grace.

Tiffany - My son just turned 17, i am mentally wigging out about graduation next year. Dogs are smart! Waffle had got your #. Please photograph the Chicken Run, hilarious. Its so hard not to vent with your girls, but God is right there is a dofference between venting and back-biting, sigggh. How did none of your kids get your eyes? They are striking! Enjoy your weekend, im off to have another malibu-bu. TGIF.

Jennifer - Love all your pictures…and that Waffle….he is a hoot! 🙂

Sara Torbett - What a lovely post! The chicken pictures and Waffle’s close-up made me laugh :). Congrats to Lauren! I imagine it’s a bittersweet time for you…..I hope all your graduation festivities are lovely (I’d be bawling like a baby…..I’m tearing up at the thought even and I still have two tiny babies! Oh dear)
Your flowers are gorgeous…and who has time for massive flowerbeds when there are crafts to make and meals to cook? We don’t-we use flower pots too. 🙂 This weekend we’re getting some family pics made..wish me luck (two babies under two)

Kerry @ Made For Real - That looks like our dog. Exactly! Love the potted plants and love having an older set and younger set of kids as well : )

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - WOW, Congratulations Lauren! Seriously where does the time go?! My oldest(9) is at a two day sleepover and Im getting ready to take my baby girl(ahem…7) to gymnastics. I remember the days of crying in the church nursery thinking “I’m NEVER gonna sit in another adult service ever again…I’ll be here FOREVER!!!” I blinked and those days are gone. But yet theres so much great stuff to look forward to also.
Have a wonderful weekend! Keep the tissues close by.

Amy - I try to eat with my boys at least once a month at school. Of course, little sister is usually with me. But they love that. One likes to go off campus, one likes to have it brought to him and eat in the cafeteria. Hilarious. But it’s always fun. Of course, despite saying I’d shoot for once a month, I think this second semester I did it twice. And that includes this week. {ouch} By the way, love that pic of Lauren. She’s beautiful!!!

Hanny Norton-van der Valk - congratulations to Lauren, well done. Here in the UK it is still quite cold and just put the heating on to warm it up a bit. Also still having a lot of rain. We were hoping to go sailing tomorrow, but the winds will be too strong, so I probably will do a bit of gardening. I hope your weather is a lot better. Have a lovely time Sunday, you must be so proud of your daughter.

amy jupin - i’m totally tripping that lauren is graduating.
waffle is a dork and i love him.
annie looks like she’s in middle school and i want it all to stop.
the growing, the maturing, the time slipping by so quickly.
love you meg.

sally - Awww, your daughter is so beautiful!! Congrats to her and so happy we got to see her. 😉 I’m sure you are proud! I just read depressing news in the local newspaper about the economy and I came here and now I am smiling and Happy!! That is why I LOVE your blog…I leave happy!! 🙂

Shelly Massey - My happy moment this week was when the canvas of your wet watercolors photo arrived here! HAPPY DAY! I smile every time I walk by it. Thank you!

Janelle - I adore your messy kitchen picture. Wish more people would share those 😉

Heather Simnitt - My eye caught “basketball.” Basketball? In May? Really? It’s all baseball and soccer around here now. And recitals – oh the recitals! Last week piano, this week ballet. After that it’s all planning for vacay. It’s T-11 days! So READY!!!

shar y - Oh, how I cried when my first child graduated. Happy and sad all at the same time.
And, the chickens in the Barbie car, funniest thing I have seen all week. What a hoot!

Nancy - I love the honesty of your kitchen picture. I have been reading your blog forever but I am not much of a commenter. My youngest is graduating from HS and I have a grad party pin board –

Cathy - Hey..hey what are you doing taking pictures of MY kitchen.. he he.. our kitchen always looks like that.. I have to stop ask myself, “why when I fill the dishwasher are there still dishes left that won’t fit”

Jessica - High school graduation, how exciting!!! Congrats to Lauren!

Tonya - Congrates to you and your daughter. my oldest son just graduated from College. Take tissue with you to the ceramony!!!

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fifteen YEARS.

we had a 15th birthday.


it is pretty awesome to watch a boy turn into man-size right before your eyes.
the have him still lay his head on your shoulder waiting for his dinner from the waiter.
and even let you play with his hair.
at a restaurant! 


it's always fun to celebrate together.
and i never make cakes except for birthdays so i enjoy that too.
he requested chocolate with chocolate frosting. 


he also wanted to light his own candles.





after cake craig put on a video of them when they were little….scott's 4th birthday.
it was the highlight of the night.
their little voices…. sean's pacifier… the way the boys couldn't say their L's and C's…
the birth order traits showing up loud and clear even 11 years ago…and little baby talby just beaming in the swing while the chaos goes on all around her.


we are so mad that we didn't take more video.

and now that is gone.   G O N E.

SO here is my Public Service Announcement for today …. take video of your kids.


of nothing.  

of everything. 

of them eating dinner.  

playing with their toys.  

singing a song.  

reading a book.  

playing dress up.  

taking a bath.  

sitting in the yard.  

playing soccer.

swinging on a swing.  

being tickled.




because when it's gone  then IT IS GONE.

you WILL NOT remember the voices.
you won't.
i promise. 

your little boys with drooly lips, new teeth and chubby cheeks will get deep LOW voices and be taller than you and you will not have the ability to remember the sounds of them squeeling about the new "P-eeece Tars!!!" they got for their birthday (police cars) 

i am NOT kidding around here.

take video today and all the time of nothing special.

because it's ALL SPECIAL!!!

it is gone WAY too fast.


now stop crying and get out your video camera.





Abigail Gossard - I’m finally catching up on your blog after about a year because of my two boys, one w special needs and a 6 month old, keep me busy! I found myself randomly taping them today and realizing how quickly they’ve changed in 6 months! Thanks for the reminder and for the sweet photos of your family. .

Alison Joy - Yes, crying! Thank you for a beautiful post.

Kasey - Yep, crying. So sad to see them grow up so fast.

Michelle - HOW did you know we would cry? Spooky! I say to my husband at least every other day, “I could listen to Ted’s little voice all day long.” And I do. He’ll be three in July. His little brothers are 5.5 months – yes, twin boys. Life is good … And I LOVE that birthday cake! Happy Birthday Scott! xoxo

Whitney - I don’t even have children and I agree! For Christmas I took all of our family videos and put them on DVD… and I accidentally erased one of my favorite videos of all time 🙁 Now I wish we had more of that Mother’s Day! Memories are so important!!!

Lora - AAAAAAAA-men!
My baby is 13 and just lacks a smidge being as tall as me. I DON’T like it! He still holds my hand sometimes in public, but probably not for too much longer. Shoot those videos and take lots and lots of pictures!

ArielW - in tears…. you are so right.
and as I sit here and type this crying,
I have one girl in time out
and one boy watching veggietales,
and I know I will miss this.
off to charge the camera battery.

Rachel Reeves - I’m in tears.
I posted a video of Frankie this morning, singing, and I realized how I don’t do it enough.
I totally forget what K sounded like.
Great. I’m in tears again.

mpoggie - This made my heart beat irregularly.
Earlier today, I recorded three different phone-videos of the same bathtime and felt like an idiot. I said to myself, “This is ridiculous. Calm down with the videos, maybe.”
…Nevermind, Self. Keep up the good (obsessive) work.

Wendy - Amen, sister! Thanks for the reminder!

jen - Perfect post!!!!!

amanda - Needed this reminder – thank you! And I have a young man in my house with a birthday this weekend and I’m going to bring out some videos for the family to see. I’m already looking forward to it 🙂

Sierra - OH my. I just cried a little at work. I did a lot of videos when they were babies, but I haven’t been doing many lately. I definitely need to. I would hate to forget the way my 5 year old talks right now. Thanks for this public service announcement! 🙂

Heather - Oh Meg! I love you and your blog!

Trish - um… this totally made me cry.

Beth - I’m getting my video camera out when I get home. You’ve just scared me straight!

beth larson - AMEN SISTER!!!!! I could not agree more! We did video tape quite a bit when the kids were little…but now we’ve quit! What’s that all about? I have to add one other thing —print photos!
print favorites every few months- just having them stored digitally will never be satisfying in the future because the mode of storing them changes every decade or so and you kind of loose the means to print or see them easily.
In 25 years you’ll be so excited and thankful for albums full of family photos- and your kids will thank you too!!!
(the photo of the birthday boy in black and white- directly behind his cake is a-mazing!!!!!)

denise@victory rd. - my son turned 15 {gulp} 2 weeks ago. crazy… where did the time go?
like yours he is still loveable. best thing about him.
my three always ask to watch videos from when they were young on their b-days. i think they like to see my ugly-cry-face.

Tonya - My oldest just graduated from college. how did you know i was crying! i cry over every little thing. I DID VIDEO TAPE AND SOOOO VERY HAPPY I DID.

tonya - happy birthday to your boy! and thanks for the reminder to capture these fleeting moments!

Routhie - Awesome photos of him blowing out the candles! I am so glad we took videos of our girls. It’s funny to look back and hear them. My oldest still had a British accent when she was 4 (gone now…sniff sniff) and we all roar laughing listening to the weird things she said.

Eryn - I’m bookmarking this post in the hopes that one day, evntually when I have my own kids, I will always be able to remember these words. Thank you Meg! 🙂

Kristine - Crying….so. Much… 13 year old changed his voicemail message and it broke my heart…he had a little voice and now…so deep…
Digging out the video…thanks for the reminder…and the tears…

Gina - Happy Birthday to your man child!!

kathy - Sometimes I find it is almost too much to watch the videos. I have to be in the right frame of mind or all I do is cry. So much emotion tied into it all! Love your pictures~ it is crazy to watch our babies transform right in front of our eyes.

christy - You know your audience too well. I was totally crying until I read that last bit & started to laugh. I was just thinking yesterday that I have a video cam & never use it. I will now.

Maria M - We spent last Christmas break pouring over old VHS-c tapes of the boys…so funny. Those little voices crack us up.

Tiffany - What a great public service announcement. My camera fund is almost there! You are making me want to find more ways to make a little extra money so I can finally make the plunge and get the Mark 3. Videos on my phone will have to do for now. Today Olivia was rolling down a hill and requested I take a video of her, so I did. She was wearing my old first communion dress from when I was 7, princess crown and jewels.
PS- You take the BEST birthday cake blowing-out-the-candles pictures, EVER! I have so much to learn!

Vicki Esh - How do you feel about arranged marriages? I have 3 daughters (all beautiful!), and I’m always on the look out for nice young men from Christian families. Let me know if you want to set something up. 🙂

Mia - you caught me… i was crying. and, i will now go video my babes. 🙂

Kirsten J - Oh man, you got me….I’m so totally bummed that I didn’t take more videos. Have plenty of hours of my big boy, but my baby girl? Minutes. Seriously. Only minutes saved.

tracy fisher - i think we had the same happy tear for our kids birthdays! i just blogged about our little girl growing up. 🙂 -tracy

Gale - AMEN. Well said 🙂 Happy Birthday to your cutie!

Tiffany - Very handsome, what a killer smile! The time goes by so fast, too fast!

Georgia - The pictures are awesome!

Wendi Siyajuck - I remember reading a letter from you telling me the news about Scott. I was in my college room :)Your pictures are fantastic!

Andrea - My oldest just became a teenager last week. A teenager. Sigh. Can still remember the day she was born. When they put her in my arms and the sun came through the window and lighted on her. The rush of love and protectiveness was unbelievable.
You are right about the videos. I have quite a few pictures but not many movies. Need to get the kids on that – they are the ones with the video cameras!

kristin - LOL…. you know your readers well. 😉

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - The picture of him blowing out the candles is awesome! What a great way to commemorrate his 15th birthday!

jennifer - Totally crying. And sending to my husband!

Katie S - Thank you! I got a new video camera for Christmas because my old one died right after/before(?) my third baby was born. I have not even had a chance to read about it and get it up and working. She is 9 months and crawling and I keep thinking I need to get the “good” camera working. Luckily, in this day we always have an iPhone at arms reach so she has lots of little videos, but I know those little snippets will not be enough for my heart in the future! My nap time project is to get that camera up and working!!!

lauren - You speak the truth! My favorite video is not of the ‘events’…the graduations, or awards ceremonies or Christmas pageants…it’s just of them being goofy doing nothing. Oh to have had an iPhone when they were little!

Kelly - I just shot a little video of us at dinner the other night all because of the antics of my youngest. Antics I know won’t last. 🙂 Thanks for the reminder!

Molly - getting the video camera out when we get home!!!!!
it is hard i try to walk the line between documenting things and living in the moment.

Ana - I’m at work now and crying with your words because I did not take vídeos… I now all I can do is to think: Where did all these years go? Was I sleeping or something? Now, I got adults around here and can not remember the sounds they make…You are so right…Thanks for sharing…

Angela A - My father-in-law brought some videos of my husband and his brother playing soccer when they were younger. And I realized at the end of the season that I should have recorded at least ONE soccer game from this season. He even brought those early enough to make me realize this in time but no. Or the piano recitals that my mom couldn’t attend–did not cross my mind. I will just stalk them with it all summer.

Lora - OH, you made me tear up. I haven’t visited blogs in MONTHS and this is what greets me! Thank you! 🙂

Southern Gal - We have the old videos that I need to convert to DVD. The kids love to watch themselves. I feel sorry for our baby who has lots of video when he was little and then I became a bad video mom. I try to catch it now even though he’s 11 and almost to that man stage. Ah. yes, you make me tear up reading all that.

Bethany - My little ones are sleeping right now but I promise to capture them on video when they wake up. Mine are only 4 and 2 but even those years have gone by so quick.

Mel - How it all goes by in the block of an eye. Great pics!

jamie - OH MY GOSH how did you know i was crying??!!!?? so true! it just goes by so very fast!

Kate - Love everything about the post but I can’t get enough of the cake! a simply beautiful!

Lane - Ahh…thank you. I’m out of video tapes and I need to order more! My 2nd son didn’t make his debut on our video camera movies until he was 8 months old…sooooooo SAD!!! I have to take more videos. The few that I’ve taken of my 4 1/2 year old talking about nothing are the favorite things I’ve ever laid my eyes on.

amber - Geez. That was rough! Now I HAVE to go video my 3 year old. On the couch. Eating dry cereal. Watching Woody. Thank you. You are so right.

Meredith - I have six saved voicemails from my from my first son who is now 9. The first one was when he was 3 and they go up in years. We love listening to them. I think I am 3 phones later and still have them. Love to watch and listen to videos and movies.

Sheila - STOP IT. Just stop it now. Waaaaaaah!

Analia - Such a good reminder! I love your outlook on life! and your photos! that cake!

Shari - I am right there with you! I soooooo wish we had had the modern convenience of a cell phone with a video camera back when mine were smaller. I would give ANYTHING to have those sweet little voices again. 🙁 I have been trying to video little snippets here and there, but it is so much harder when they are teenagers and dodging you at every turn! 😉

Jenn - You are so right. Mine are still young, but I think about how I should have videoed more. Love the cake…its perfect!

Tracy - Sobbing! Such a good reminder! My kids are close to yours in age. We have videos from the very young years, but so many years lost!

Terrie G - I’m with Christine!! It’s too late for me, but not to take video of the grandson!
And you are soooo right!
I’ve got him covered with photos…I need to take more video.
I was just thinking of that this morning as I was going through my photos.
I don’t take much video…need to record!
Thanks for the reminder!
And Happy Birthday to your young man!

Christine Ishmael - How’d you know I was crying??

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i really like my job.
it’s so fun to get the house ready… make it pretty… plan new projects… shop for supplies.
craft weekend is so much fun!




















our helpers this month were Lisa Leonard and Chrissie Rouse.
twin sisters… SUPER women…  i love to spend time with them and as usual it was WAY too short.

Lisa taught handstamping to all of our guests.
it’s addicting.
her shop sells stamp sets so you can make your own too… totally worth it!





i loved how comfortable this group was with each other from the beginning.

they were relaxed, happy and laid back.
i love that!
loved hearing about their lives and their friendships.



we shopped the antique stores finding treasures of all kinds.



for homes, parties AND clubs…. 🙂


mint green milkshake maker?  and juicer (i think) ummmm…. YES please!!

we changed it up this month and ate at the barn this time.
we were hoping for warmer weather but kansas has been freaking out all spring.
so we were chilly but still yummy and fun to snack amoung the antiques.



cupcakes made by Kerry were amazingly good.  i had… three?  i have no control.






this is what i stamped with lisa.
vintage silver spoons that i polished myself… so stinkin’ hard!!
i am thankful we don’t have to polish silver and can just throw everything in the dishwasher in 2013.
technology for the win!


breakfast is special at CW.
because you have a new day ahead… new friends… happiness on everyone’s face.
and kimberlee’s cinnamon rolls.
and coffee of course.
i love the mornings at the craft house!




HAPPY cheerful wreaths with adorable Hellos from the Say Hello Shop. 
i loooooove how they all turn out differently and lovely.



jenny’s necklace that she handstamped… awesome.

we made bunting from Benzie Design felt fetti.
she has THE BEST felt!!
i love crafting with any of the felt from her shop.



pretty aprons all lined up.
and a tote bag from Moxie Clothing Co.  (they are going through some changes but it will be there soon)

Isn’t that the truth… happy girls just radiate beauty everywhere they go.



fabric is my favorite.
some one asked me for a solid fabric last weekend… no pattern.
i said “ummm…. i don’t buy solid fabric.”  ha ha ha

it’s all pattern all the time at craft weekend.  🙂



roomates for the weekend…..







                    SUCH A FABULOUS GROUP!!!

kimberlee and i just love craft weekend.
love to meet so many A W E S O M E women.
love to take care of them… help them get a break and go home REFRESHED.
it’s such a joy.

i can’t believe we have hosted 15 already!!


if you would like to get on the wait list for future Craft Weekends…

first READ THIS: Craft weekend Q&A

and then get on the list!!




Jen - I’m in!!!

Kerry @ Made For Real - That is unbelievable …first I’ve seen of it!! What a fab weekend that would be : )

tiffany day - 🙂 I am on the list – and keeping my fingers crossed that all works out when I get the “call”
Would be wonderful to attend – and so good for my soul!
P.S. My son just turned 15 too on May 11th!

katie - reunion is seattle? i don’t have a craft house…but i have a crazy house 🙂

Andrea - I agree with the patterned fabric. I had to make myself buy some plain linen. So glad I did! Just two weeks later found some gorgeous vintage fabric yo-yo’s and quilt pieces. Sewed them on to the linen to make some handbags. Of course, just the flaps are made of the linen with the vintage embellishments, the rest of the bags are patterned fabric.

kim - Oh, Meg, I LOVE your job too! How fun!!
I’m on the list, and still hoping it works out for me to come sometime soon!
I love what you do–keep it up–you’re so inspiring. (=

misty - I want to come to a CW so so bad! The craft house looks amazing! LOVE LOVE that striped floor.
I am commenting to tell you, next time you’re in Tulsa, Ok- if you go to 61st street & highway 169, there is a QuickTrip gas station. {coming from 169} you turn right onto the road with the stoplight right before the QT. Follow that little road around about a 1/2 block & on your left there is a building that says HEART in bright red neons. {it’s a little church} By their front door, they have a MASSIVE GIANT DINO sized heart shaped rock & as soon as I saw it I thought omgosh Meg needs a pic with that rock! It’s pretty awesome & every time I see a heart shaped rock I think of your blog 🙂

Julie - Hello Meg. Huge follower of your blog. In regards to craft weekend, I was wondering if you kept track of how long people have been on the wait list and if so, if you could perhaps choose a craft weekend to pull names from the early people like me whose names have been gathering dust on the ol’ waiting list. Just a thought! I’ll love you regardless!

denise@victory rd. - every bit of this is cheery.
i am thrilled that lisa is sharing her stamping secrets with us. i want to get a kit and get to work on my silverware, too!
and those “hello” wreaths! WANT.

Lisa Dick - So much yummy eye candy! Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos. I cant wait to get the chance to go to a Whatever Craft Weekend!!!

kerry - looks like you had an amazing time as usual, your house is SO well put together, bright, colourful and happy happy happy!! Are Lisa & Chrissie twins??!? They are SO alike! Kerry x

Sara Torbett - Happy, happy, happy post! So inspired by you and Kimberlee following hard after Jesus and listening to your hearts. Imagine the lives that are refreshed because of it! 🙂 As soon as my newest baby is weaned (6 more months!) I’m adding my name to the email list! Attending Craft Weekend is on my list for turning the big 3-0.

Tiffany - I’m always amazed that you find new ways to make the craft house even cuter! Those cupcakes… I would have been right there with you eating several! Blessing those women… You and Kimberlee have such a gift. XX

Linda - Looks as fabulous and happy as ever! Maybe someday….

Gale - So happy I was part of #13 – would love to come back even though my hubby said, “Can’t you just make bunting at home?” Duh! Of course – but it wouldn’t be as fun!!
Glad ya’ll had a great time!

Mary - hi meg! this looks so great!
i totally want to come one day! 🙂
i’ve been trying to find your email to inquire about donating spome ‘swag’ from our shoppe!
could you let me know if that is possible and how that all works?
thank you so much!
my daughter and i recently opened a shoppe and would love to share it with you and your ladies.

Shelly Massey - OHHHHHH… the drooling that went on while I perused through this post. Just the kind of colorful happiness that I love. Rock on, Craft Weekenders!!! P.S. Congrats on your marathon run! Yay you!

Jenn - This just looks like heaven on earth to me. What fun! One day, I’ll get that email that says I’ve been picked. I just hope its sooner than later 🙂

Megan Jewett - Yeah!!! Thanks Meg.
I have been eagerly awaiting this post. It was so nice to look back at these and remember the weekend. I miss you, Kimberlee, Chrissie, Lisa and my fellow crafters so much. Can we have a “Craft Weekend 15” reunion? Just looking at this made me smile and will make my afternoon brighter. I’m slowly incorporating the crafty goodness into my home. I also can’t wait to share this with all my friends and family who asked, “what the heck is Craft Weekend?”

Allison - I wish I had a vintage store near me that sold globes. I was trying to explain to my girls that their grandparents were visiting Germany this week. It’s so hard to show them on flat paper how far away that is. I always look forward to your craft weekend posts, so much color, so much fun and so much craftiness!

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national geographic

first push play on this video and then enjoy photos of our two tiniest yellow chickens fighting.


or whatever it is they are doing….




they never hurt each other…just playing.
i threw these in to show off her fluffy leg feathers.
she looks like she is wearing slippers.
do you have big mother's day plans?
i told my kids that i want the house to stay clean for an entire week.
i even bought a bunch of cleaning supplies to help them out.

sean said "ummmm….. i would just rather buy you something"

at least he is honest.
i hope your day goes great tomorrow no matter what you do.

Tami - Those chicks are establishing pecking order. You will know soon what the order is. It is very obvious in our coop of 9 hens.

Christina - Those chicken pictures! Oh my goodness…they made me think of Game of Thrones. haha!

Alice H - Your Sean sounds like my Zack…he is 12 years old and I think at this season he is more difficult (not always in a bad way!) than my 14 year old daughter. Happy late Mother’s Day!!

Joanie - Yep, my thought too! Surprise, surprise!! 🙂

Tiffany - That is so awesome! Thank you for sharing! Do you ever do video with your camera? Mark 3, right? I’ve been saving up and am close to making the purchase, but someone at National Camera said the video has a steeper learning curve with the Mark 3.

Julie S - I am doing a major cleaning job in preparation for a graduation party this Saturday and a birthday party next Saturday. As I was cleaning this past weekend I told the senior boy (you know, the one for whom the party is for this Saturday) that I need the house to stay clean for two weeks. I really just need people to put their things away and not drop and run like they usually do making my house look chaotic 15 minutes after I am done cleaning and putting away. His reply, “yeah right.” Honest, maybe. Selfish, absolutely. Good luck on getting your house cleaned. Hopefully one or maybe even several of your kids will do a nice thing for their mom this week.

Emilie - I agree with Lucy!
That black one is going to be beautiful, looks just like my Edie, a black Cochin.

lucy - can almost guarantee those 2 chicks are roosters 🙂

Carol S. - Just on our way from lunch and playing at a Tennessee state park. Pretty day, full and content. Don’t know how you do it Meg…cleaning up after chicks would put me over the edge. Grateful for good mom blogs today! Happy Mothers Day!

Lisa - I have just put all my kids to bed at the end of our mothers day here in Australia. It was a lovely day of no meal preparation at all! Hubby took care of it, this in itself was an incredible thoughtful gift.
Enjoy your day tomorrow.

Kirsten J - They’re such funny creatures! Kids and chicks -ha! I said for Mother’s Day I’d love to be locked in my craft room for the day (wish I had a craft house to escape to) but I’m going to be spending the day watching my girl play softball. Happy Mother’s Day, I hope one of your kiddos cleans a little 🙂

Kate - Killing. Me. Hilarious. 🙂

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