we have had a FULL week with more excitement still to come.
life skills being taught….

waffle was naughty and completely dorky as usual.
he got on the couch while i was still home!
how is he smart enough to know not to get on when craig is home and that i won't do anything?
it's crazy.
he slept with his leg up in the air for a long time.

ha ha haaaaaaa
read this in The Message
this week….

"His love was not cautious but extravagant"

the kids tried to dress up the chickens with american girl doll clothes.
but realized chickens don't have arms to make it work.
it was funny to try though.

one of these days those chicks will be gone & we will know that they learned how to hot wire Barbie's car…

i like having lunch with my kids.
i wish i had done it with my older kids.
i didn't know that was a thing that people did.
your kids would love it if you showed up too. (with no other siblings… just you… and fast food)

campfires are pretty much the best thing ever.
i have tried my best to keep all s'more ingredients stocked all all times at our house.

mother's day was a very nice day.
i try very hard to keep expectations VERY low and that helps to keep the day flowing well.
i was treated to homemade cards by the little girls…. and cashed in that free coffee immediately.

after church i went in my bedroom and shut the door and relaxed while my family made the entire lunch.
what a nice treat to come out to a completely set table AND food.
then i went straight back in my room while they cleaned it up.
best mother's day i have had in many years.

gardening this year in pots only….this is a huge relief to me.
the thought of gardening was LOOMING over me and i wasn't excited about it.
but this is perfect!

lauren is done with high school.
it's so crazy how fast that passed!
we are so proud that she made it through with excellent grades and can't wait to see her future unfold.
her graduation is sunday afternoon.
it's been an emotional week….

this is what happens on a daily basis here.
if we don't do the dishes every 18-24 hours… it looks like this.
we even ate on paper plates that day!

i sported pigtails today.
after a 3 week break…. i went out for a run with my friends this morning.
it was short & sweet but felt so good to remember that i did still know how to run. :)

as i drank my second cup of coffee i looked down and realized i was a rainbow of colors.
so… we have a very busy weekend filled with parties to attend & to give, basketball, shopping, cleaning, rainbow cake making, graduation cermony and grandparents coming.
what do you have going on in your life?
Deb Meyers - Lauren has such pretty and capable-looking hands.
deb meyers
Kristin S - I keep going back to this post. Love it.
Kate - We loved epic! Very cute!
Melissa - The slug in Epic was HIlarious. Love the freckles. My daughter was convinced for the longest time that she got hers from drinking too much strawberry milk.
Michelle - Did you paint the little bit of blue on the turtle shell? We do that, too (but we use red nail polish) so we can tell if the same turtle visits us again.
Seriously Sassy Mama - I could use that beer.
Flower Patch Farmgirl - So much Lauren! I love it.
And that hedgehog. Please don’t show Calvin.
Lisa Biedebach - Meg:
How do your flowers do in the galvanized buckets once it gets hot? I love how it looks.
Stephanie - You make me miss Kansas with every post.
Lauren has gorgeous hair. I’m in love with the pic of dad and daughter.
Annie is a cutie.
Your blog is cheerful and lovely.
Mindy - Such a cute little hedgehog (but not as cute as that girl attached to the freckles)! I had no idea people kept them as pets. And I love that the turtle just showed up to visit.
danielle - Now I want a hedgehog…
Lisa M. - This weekend we are working in our yard. Good stuff. We’re ready for some color after this dreary winter.
Your flowers are so beautiful! I have been admiring them these past couple of posts. I also do mostly containers and I have been taking some cues off of you this year 🙂 I have a question maybe you can answer since you seem to paint alot of things 🙂 I have and old galvanized tub that I think used to be used for canning. Do you think I could paint it? I was going to poke holes in the bottom and use it as a planter, but I’m concerned I will ruin the inside of it if I put soil in it (some might say I’m going to ruin it if I paint it!:). If you have time, I’d love to hear your opinion! Thanks!
Mac - The hedgehog and turtle are too cute ! Thanks for sharing all the beautiful photos and Happy Summer !
Lachalle - You can tell Annie I once heard that freckles are kisses from angels. My daughter has quite a few too! Super cute hedgehog, although I don’t think I would be a brave mama to allow one in our house . So brave and open to let your kids have all those opportunities to them , awesome shirt as well.
Tracy - We have nothing on the calendar this weekend either. AHHHH! I’ve been looking forward to this w/e for months! Schools out. Graduations over. Quiet. 3 day weekend 🙂
It’s nice to see Lauren on the blog 🙂 Beautiful pie!
Melissa Hillier - So much Lauren in one post!! I love it! She’s grown up so much!
Love the pie. Can I borrow her?
Lisa - I love turtles and Percy is adorable! Curious what the blue mark is on the turtles shell? Enjoy your weekend. We have nothing this weekend too!!! So glad. 🙂
SmithShack71 - Awesome day!
Jill - Nothing better than a weekend with nothing planned. Enjoy! I noticed how lovely Lauren’s hands are…. I have a thing for hands. She is beautiful! And… farm skies are gorgeous… up here in Nebraska as well!
Annette - Lauren has the most beautiful hands! Strong and graceful at the same time.
Southern Gal - That is the cutest hedgehog. He looks like a stuffed animal. My daughter is getting goats;the boy’s name is Percy Cedric. 😉
I notice you have LightRoom to edit photos. I have a question. Do you use the same size/pixels, etc for blog photos that you do for those you print? I have blogger and have to use 800×800 and I use less pixels. Then I find I have to redo them to print. Am I missing something?
Lori H - I am in love with Percy! When my son was in elementary school, his friend brought a hedgehog to school when his mother read a couple of books to the class that featured one. Adorable.
angela - I love a post like this! Highlights of your week with pictures…gorgeous pictures!!! I know you are so proud of Lauren! She is a beautiful girl and so talented! What a blessing!
Sara Torbett - Lauren’s pie looks delicious and fancy. Percy makes me eeeeeek 🙂 Daisies and farm skies are heaven on earth. I never knew how much I would fall head over heels in love with the farm/country life. Yet here I am. 🙂 I picked up a turtle once on our farm and tried to drive it to my classroom, back when I used to teach. The crazy turtle escaped in my car and was about to crawl under my feet! He was hissing at me and everything. YIKES. No more turtle catching for me…
Enjoy your lovely weekend….I worked on my blog the same way you did tonight. So I’d say we’re both off to a great start to the weekend! 🙂
laura @ luckypennylove.com - I didn’t even know you could have a hedgehog as a pet. So cute. And that sunset….gorgeous. You make me want to sell it all and move to the wide open land. With grass and sky. We’re working on our summer bucket list too! Yeah summer!
laura @ luckypennylove.com