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Search Results for: owl

eight more.


1. Fajita Sizzling Salad

2. Crockpot Pulled Pork Chili

3. Grilled Cherry Tomato Turkey Burgers

4. Hummus Crusted Chicken

5. Sweet Potato Brownies

6. Cranberry Almond baked Oatmeal Muffins

7. Healthy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins

8. Crunchy Quinoa Granola

don’t they all look delicious?!
i am feeling happy about food again.
i’m enjoying trying to find healthy options instead of just pouring a bowl of cereal.
(although… cereal could be my most favorite food category ever)

that salad is making me long for summer.
not good when it’s only january.

and other than #1 i think my family would eat all of these.  🙂

and i would want all the salad for myself anyway….

what are you enjoying today?



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November Sponsors & BIG giveaway!


Shop at FELT FOXES…. Use the code WHATEVER15 for 15% off your order.
(her shop is on vacation until the 27th – she’s having a baby! 🙂

Shop At SORTA SOUTHERN….  Use the code craft20 for 20% off entire purchase!


Shop Ike & Co….. Use the code MEG25 for 25% off your order!


Shop at Recipe for Crazy....  Use the code HEYCRAFTYLADY for 20% off your order.



Shop Jennifer Dahl Designs…. Use the code FALLCW25 for 25% off store wide.
She has some REALLY cute ornaments in her shop that i love!!
One is in the giveaway at the end of this post!

Shop Barn Owl Primitives for hand painted signs!  Use the code WHATEVER for 15% off your order.

Right now the Rosy Retreat class is BUY ONE GET ONE spot free!  Details can be found



Shop The Turquoise Tomato…. Use the code  MEGNOV for 15% off your order.

You can purchase Jerusalem’s book on her site Jolly Good Gal.  
It’s a really fun book filled with traditions for your family and friends to start!



Shop at Dayspring….  Use the code 30SPECIAL for 30% off your purchase.

Shop at Lori Danelle….. Use the code CRAFT15 for 15% off your purchase.

Shop at Wifey Singer….  Use code WHATEVER20 for 20% off your order.

Shop Jenna Lou Designs….. Use the code WCW10 for 10% off your order.


Shop Spotted Owl Soaps…. Use the code CRAFT50 for 50% of your order!!!



red letterIMG_0499
Shop at Red Letter Words…. Use the code crafty20 for 20% off your purchase.


Shop Close2MyArt….. Michelle has a big sale on her pencil cups – 70% using the code PCSALE at checkout!

Shop Lisa Leonard Designs….  Use the code hollyjolly for 15% your order!

Shop the Christmas Collaboration…. Use the code whatever10 for 10% off your purchase.
offer good through December 2, 2013.

Shop at Say Hello Shop for unfinished wood pieces….   Use the code craftweekend for 10% off your order.



Shop at Broward Patch… Use the code craft20 for 20% off entire order!


and how about that giveaway?
we gathered up lots of super lovely goodies for ONE lucky reader!



thanks for all the loot:  Sorta Southern, Barn Owl Primitives, Jerusalem Greer, Broward Patch, Jenny Doh, Rosy Retreat, Potted Owl Soaps, Red Letter Words, The Christmas Collab, Wifey Singer, The Turquoise Tomato, Ike & Co, Jenna Lou Designs, Jennifer Dahl Designs, Recipe for Crazy, Avenue Lou, Say Hello Shop, Dayspring, Lisa Leonard!


leave a comment  telling me one of these products from any of the sponsors that you hope someone will get for you for christmas.


or something that you will be getting for someone else!

i will pick a BIG winner on Saturday!



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i like donuts and my kids.

i took my kids for donuts and i caved in and ate that peanut butter one.
i had serious guilt about it.
but it was so delicious.
they may fight but they really are good friends.  IMG_9213
i gave more haircuts…. it never ends.
their hair just grows and grows.
but if i cut it then that is one less appointment i am running to, late to or miss.
and of course… cheaper.  🙂IMG_9265
i made an apple pie.
it wore me out standing the kitchen making that darn thing.
they were tiny apples so i have to hand cut them all (no peeler/corer/slicer)
and then it didn’t even taste that great.
blah… that is the part about cooking that ticks me off.
all that work and it not being as awesome as you had hoped or thought it would be.
craig liked it so that is good at least.
halloween costume shopping.

we stopped in a shop in wichita called The Yard just to peek around.
my kids were so excited about these street signs and wanted to buy them.
i talked them out of it for the time being saying it should be something that was significant to them.
then we walked out to the back and there was the Armour street sign.
i almost cried.  My grandma lived on Armour for entire life.  I said “Now THIS would be significant!”
we didn’t get it but it was a sweet little moment for me.
the store was pretty cool… such odd things there… kind of a junk shop/hardware store?
the wall of cording was pretty fabulous.meg4
bowling with the kids and Chili’s for dinner.

good times.

do you have plans this weekend?
what are you doing…. does it involve donuts?

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this project looks so cheerful yet simple and easy to do.
i need to print some photos!!!
raise your hand if it’s been more than 2 years since the last time you printed photos….



this is stinkin’ adorable.
i keep looking at it trying to figure out why i love it so much… the glasses?  the lowlights in her hair? the freckles?

i think it is that the shirt is just three stripes.




does this owl project make you want to create?
that is all i can think about when i look at this picture!
i want paper, scissors and glue RIGHT NOW!
i think my kids would like making this.



i pretty much love everything Kal creates.







i bought the new Avett Brothers immediately.
isn’t the “album cover” the best?  i love that.
i really like the violin (cello?) in The Clearness is Gone… i greatly dislike the DRAMA part of Vanity… Apart from Me is lovely… and Good to You… and Bring your love…
basically i love the whole darn thing.



b88a4415199dd4d44da1637b206b9256we got creative after seeing this watercolor painting on pinterest.

there is something about sitting down and painting… it is so calming.
i always have music on quietly.  it is a memory i hope they keep of time we spent together.




as soon as i finish this post i am getting up to make these.
i have a ton of apples that need to get used.



aren’t these super cute?!


and then these make me not want to carve any pumpkins at all – we can just paint!

it is going to take a lot of self motivating talking to myself to get pumpkins carved this year.
“it’s not so bad meg.  you can do it”
“the kids love it.  just do it megan”
“you will be so happy you did it when they are done”
please tell me i am not the only one who feels this way about pumpkins.



have you heard of Lindsay Letters?
she is super rad.
she donated a canvas to danielle’s adoption fundraiser… i bid and won.  🙂
it was a hard decision to choose which canvas!
in the end i picked Come Thou Fount… but i ALMOST chose Ecclesiastes 9:7-9.
i mean… the C O L O R S  part???  it really would be perfect for me…
maybe my next order!
seriously amazing work she does.
ok… gotta make those apple bars.
and cuddle with my kids.
our house is FREEZING so i am happy to let kids warm me up.

did you know it SNOWED here today?!!  Craziness.




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way back when… in july


i have lots of pictures still that i never shared from our family vacation.
as time goes by i just forget about them.
as we have started bundling up in jeans & sweatshirts & i was longing for summer already.

scott played in a basketball tournament in st. louis with a travel team.
we joined him there and he left with us as we continued on our trip.
we spent two nights in st. louis…if i remember correctly.
the first day we went to the City Museum which i posted about a month ago.

we also did some exploring, shopping and went to the St. Louis Zoo.
it is FREE to get in and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!
Seriously… it was an awesome place to spend a few hours.
if you are going to st. louis you should put this on your list.

these flowers were ginormous!

my kids went in the building to see the animals and i stayed outside dying over the gorgeous flowers!

it was extremely hot that day so the misting fans were appreciated… and FUN!
Annie tried her first burrito of her life at chipotle in st. louis.  🙂
she must have been feeling brave that day.
we went to Fitz’s afterwards for root beer floats.
umm…. this was more than they could’ve even imagined?!
we let them each get their own!

after they finished we sat at our table for a long time drawing in our art journals.
me included.
they didn’t want to stop… and i am not going to argue about art time.
so we drew and drew and drew.
it was dreamy.
annie claims she was fake sleeping but i haven’t seen her sit that still for…. never.
she was out.
we picked up scott and stopped at the arch on our way out of town.
we drove to Indiana to meet up with our friends.
we spent four days doing this…

we almost always go bowling when we are with the Hills.
it’s tradition.
and we are quite a scene in any bowling alley.
no one has ever accused our group of being quiet.  🙂
scott was taking a hundred close up pictures of people so i moved in for a few….
jenny beat everyone.
that girl has got skills!!!

there was no place to set my camera for a timer pic so we did this to get us all in one shot.
it might be my favorite from the trip!
jake and abby had their own bb guns that they shared with us.
the kids set up a tower of solo cups to use for target practice.
sean took his birthday money and bough his own bb gun that week too.
i think i hit something once.
i didn’t have my glasses on….

sean had his 13th birthday during this trip.
he got to pick where we ate dinner and since he only wanted money this year it was pretty low key.
we picked up a few goodies for him too… joke book, x-men dvd & candy.
i used a few hours of our driving time to make him a card.
there was also a water balloon fight… wiffle ball…Despicable Me 2… dave’s birthday… kayaking with lola…

sunkissed and a camera flash… crazy combo.

Duerksen tribe – 2013
lauren chose to stay home this year to work at her job.
we missed being a family of seven.

fireworks… duerksen kids love language.


every year when our vacation is over & we are driving away we say, “Those Hills are good people”

true story.
we love spending time together no matter where we are.

hey…. maybe i am on a roll and i will post our chicago leg of the trip tomorrow?!


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Craft Weekend Sponsors & Giveaway!!!


Each month of Craft Weekend we have sponsors that send their product to our guests.
it is like christmas morning when we get to give each of them all those goodies!

Thank you to all of our GENEROUS sponsors!!

As you look through this post, be thinking about all that Christmas shopping you have coming up!
So many sponsors included a discount code to save you money in their shops!

At the end of this post i want you to enter in our giveaway.
i gathered up goodies from sponsors that i knew you would like and ONE of you gets everything in the picture!


— Barn Owl Primitives creates eye catching Typography Word Art Signs  —

use code WHATEVER for a 15% discount on your order.




shop with Lori Danelle, Maker of Things —– use code CRAFT15 for 15% discount on your order.





shop Katy Girl Designs for beautiful prints and cards — use code WHATEVER15 for 15% off your order.





shop Ike & Co. for a large selection of pretty jewelry — use code MEG25 for 25% off your order





House of Belonging shop is taking a vacation until the new year but has been an AWESOME loyal sponsor to Craft Weekend.
You can follow her blog and on Instagram to see updates on what will be coming in her shop.

thanks Tiffani for all of your support!





Where Women Create Magazine is filled front to back with inspiration to get you creating in every issue!
purchase your own copy HERE on the website.





Broward Patch Shop is full of colorful handmade camera straps — use code craft20 for 20% your order




Spunky Fluff is a super cool sign shop — use code MEGBLOG for 20% off your order!





Visit Matthew’s BLOG for great decorating inspiration…

order your own copy of Matthew Mead’s Halloween Spooktacular






Sorta Southern Boutique sent these wrist wallet/phone cases that i LOVE!!!

use the code Craft20 for a 20% discount on your order in her shop.





Jenny Doh has authored many creative books her website is a great place to get inspired by her and other artists





Red Letter Words is an awesome gift shop filled with faith inspired art.  She has lots on sale in her shop right now!





Jennifer Dahl Designs is FUN jewelry that makes you smile — use the code FALLCW25 for 25% off your order!





Kelle Hampton is a New York Times Best Selling author — writes an AMAZING blog — mama to three RAD kiddos

she sent each of Craft Weekend guests personalized signed copies of her book BLOOM.
thank you Kelle…. you rock!

You can your own copy of Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected by clicking HERE





Dayspring is a card & gift company with the mission statement of:

 Connecting people with the heart of God through messages of hope and encouragement every day, everywhere.

We love Dayspring!
thanks for being a SUPER sponsor to Craft Weekend!




Pam Garrison is an artist from California that makes beautiful prints and paintings.

Her blog is always inspiring and i enjoy all of her photos.  She finds great beauty in life.

You can purchase her her prints in her shop HERE






i have a whole bunch of fun goodies for one of you to win today.

the winner will receive all of these products from:
Raising Up Rubies – Lori Danelle – Ike & CO. – Where Women Create – Red Letter Words – Little Branches – Dayspring – Broward Patch
– Pam Garrison -Sorta Southern Boutique –  Say Hello Shop – Studio Calico –  Jennifer Dahl Designs – Benzie Felt

Please  look through all of our sponsors this month and answer one of these questions in the comments:

“which item do you wish someone would give YOU as a gift?”

“what item will you be giving as a gift this year?”


************************** WINNER PICKED ON FRIDAY! *****************************



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what a great weekend!


we had the best time this weekend with my mom, my sister & nieces and family friends.

we filled each day full till we laid down to sleep.
it was great.


sean had a football game but it was cancelled in the middle because of lightning.
those clouds were creepy!


talby had a volleyball game… it’s going to be SO FUN watching her play these next few years!


my mom and i did several hours of antique shopping.
I found all kinds of treasures!
a little red bedside table… a teal tackle box (i can’t walk away from away a good colored box)… linens…milk glass batter bowl… flour sacks… and cute dishes.
but then my Mom found this big gallon size Santa Fe Pears can.
This was the brand that my grandpa sold in his grocery business!  My grandpa was a “Ranney” of Ranney-Davis.
my parents have all kinds of things they have found at antique shops from his store over the years.
but i don’t have any and this can is so perfectly ME!
i said “this looks like it should be at Anthropologie!”  i was in love.
my mom bought for me for my birthday.
thank you mom!


we went to my home town’s craft fair and i ran into several old friends i grew up with.
i treated the girls to a giant lemonade from the lemon shaped lemonade stand.  (yummmmmm)
then we headed out to our family friend’s home for the night.
it was a total blast.



my girls were loving these little boys!
they were so giggly & cute… they all had hours and hours of FUN!



IMG_0419IMG_0488IMG_0482the girls put all the frogs they caught under the fire pit screened lid for awhile to observe them.
i thought that was a pretty great idea.
IMG_0478scott got in for one minute i think but it was pretty cold with the sun almost down.
that water trampoline was too tempting to not try it at least once!

IMG_0489COL3IMG_0518in the morning we got to do a little fishing.
it was windy so we only caught three.

IMG_0528IMG_0543IMG_0554IMG_0563my mom caught the biggest one!

IMG_0571PicMonkey Collage

this is the good stuff.
family… life long friends… catching up… making memories… catching frogs… floppy fish…. 3 am wake up calls.  🙂

thankful for all of it!


how was your weekend?



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