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Match that BLOGGER! {a contest and RYOBI Father’s Day Giveaway!}

Gooooood MORNING!

We’ve got a special surprise for you today… who doesn’t love a little friendly competition and GIVEAWAY?!?! (there will be a randomly drawn winner in addition to the winner of the contest, so you should enter both ways!)

The premise of this contest stems from the fact that ALL OF US are guilty of Pinning an idea without ever checking the source… guilty as charged! But there are likely pins on your boards that are from your favorite bloggers, and you don’t even KNOW it! (amiright?)

And that’s where the contest comes in:



Here’s the line-up! SUCH an amazing group of bloggers that we wrangled!!


And below are projects from each blogger (including ME!) that you’ve likely seen viral all over Pinterest!

Project Collage

Before we get to the rules, can we talk about how

RYOBI is giving away $800 worth of POWER TOOLS?

Just… in time for Father’s Day!

Perfect timing if you ask me.

Enormous RYOBI Giveaway!

$400 RYOBI Giftcard goes to our randomly selected winner, and $400 RYOBI Giftcard goes to the first person to correctly match up all 16 bloggers with the correct projects!


When you click on the Contest Form (at the bottom of this post), it will direct you to a page that will show you an image of the project, and a drop-down menu of bloggers. You just go down the line and select away! Some projects you probably know already, but some you may need to SNOOP AROUND blog-land to find!

We call this BLOG-HOPPING. And it’s highly encouraged in the blogging world.

Here’s the links to the home page of each blog (in no particular order). Now get busy! 

      1. Sawdust and Embryos
      2. All Things Thrifty
      3. Interiors by Kenz
      4. Whatever Blog
      5. Home Stories A to Z
      6. Sarah M. Dorsey Designs
      7. Twist Me Pretty
      8. The Idea Room
      9. DIY Village
      10. Pretty Handy Girl
      11. Domestic Imperfection
      12. One Good Thing
      13. Kara Paslay Designs
      14. Nine Red
      15. Vintage Revivals
      16. East Coast Creative


Entry #1

(Randomly drawn)

‘Like’ us ALL on Facebook, and let us know that you did on the Rafflecopter form below!

Entry #2


Click below to match up each blogger with their amazing project!


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Click Here!




  • One entry per person, per entry method.
  • Winner of matching contest will be emailed, and publicly announced on Facebook.
  • Winner of random-drawing giveaway will be announced on Father’s Day here on the blog, as well as Facebook.
  • Be sure to hop over to RYOBI Nation and check out some amazing inspirational projects!
  • Be AWESOME today (that’s a given)

Ryobi Nation - leaderboard1[6]

This contest/giveaway is in NO WAY affiliated with Pinterest or Facebook, and we hereby release them of any liability related to this promotion, the receipt of prize winnings, etc. The giveaway prize has been generously provided by RYOBI Nation. All prizes will be mailed by the sponsor and all participating blog owners are not held responsible if the prize is not fulfilled. Giveaway starts Monday 6/10/13 at 5am est and ends at midnight on Saturday 6/15/13. Alternate entry available by sending your entry via email to Winner will be announced on Sunday 6/16/13 and will need to respond within 48 hours to claim their prize, or another winner will be chosen.Winner must be 18 years of age or older and a US citizen in order to win.   May the force be with you.

Lisa - Enter me please!

Meredith - I’M FEELING LUCKY!!! It was so much fun to do all the match ups! 🙂

valerie - Great Meg! When my boss asks what I did today instead of payroll I’ll say I found 16 awesome new blogs to check out daily. You know while I do my other tasks… Thanks a lot! No seriously, thank you!! And a few things I’ve been wanting to comment on Lauren is such a beautiful young lady, and your little girls will be towering over the boys in no time! Lastly you look great, ever since you started running you look so slender and young! Thank you for sharing your world with us lucky “blog friends” (or creepy stalker as my friends call me when I talk about my “blog friends”).

Robert Goulet - I know yours.

Cassidy - That was fun (:

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the weather is gorgeous today.
and yesterday.
practically perfect.

i was just sitting outside enjoying the weather…chatting via text with some friends
conincidentally about how i was feeling exhausted by parenting. 


i sat for a moment and thought … why?

why is butter on the floor?
why is the country crock container ON THE FLOOR?!
how could this have possibly happened? 

then i went inside.

it was on the floor IN THE LIVING ROOM?!!!

what the what?

i had a mini meltdown.

my kids KNOW the rule of not eating anywhere but the dining room or kitchen.

they know it.

but they always break it!!!

they had made macaroni together (it is nice that they make their own lunch…)
and were eating it in the living room and
someone brought the butter in to add some extra to their bowl of macaroni.

and annie stepped IN it.


so i had a rant about that…. and then i had them clean the whole kitchen.


stepped in the butter?!!


it could be a long summer. 


Lisa - Yep. Two days ago I had a mini meltdown when I asked my son to take care of his drinking glass, which was (on a coaster!) on the table in the living room, and then minutes late found he had put it on the kitchen counter…..right above the dishwasher! REALLY!?! Couldn’t he open the dishwasher and put it IN!?! (He and his dad are both bad about this) I did hold my temper, though, when I found the empty mini-m&m bag (meant for making cookies) in his bedroom closet last week. Some days are good, some days not so. Hang in there.

tracy fisher - if i had a dollar for every time i told them not to eat anywhere other than the kitchen i would be a very wealthy mom. haha. i hear you! -tracy

Alice H - Why must they always rebel?!?! Darn kids! I have a rule of NO FOOD in the bedrooms! For crying out loud this rule gets broken all the darn time. And I flip out every single time and my older 2 kids think its just hilarious or something.

Tracy - Sadly, this story could so easily apply to my house right now! So don’t feel badly…we’re in this together! You’re not alone. I love how you do notice the good thing. At least they made their own lunch!! LOL

Helen Shields - OMG i am laughing so hard with you not at you at the moment. I have three and I find myself having a meltdown at least twice a day. Crisp packets with my oldest, found one stuffed up the chimney, inside the lining of my new chair (really not happy with this) and 7 in his room the other day. Why don’t they learn!! I’ve told my husband I am going to record my voice and make one of those sound books since I find myself saying the same thing fifty million times a day. Hang in there Mrs.

Lisa - Sometimes it’s those kind of stupid things that make me lose my temper the most. Those are the kind of things that do make parenting exhausting sometimes. My oldest was helping my sister watch all 7 cousins and when I asked my daughter how it went and if her siblings did ok, she replied, “Well, it was easy when they were obeying.” I totally laughed and I told her, “it is easier when you all obey me too!” She got a sheepish look on her face, but I do think it made her think for a moment. Kids, such a blessing. Parenting them, so hard!

Stephanie - That’s ok–I’m pretty sure I stopped breathing during this event too. Lol.

Molly - oh my. i hear ya. sometimes i just don’t know what to say. the things they do.

Gretchen - My kids break the no-food-in-the-living-room rule all the time.
We homeschool so you’d think summer break would be no big deal as far as change for momma goes. Nope. Let’s just say that our 1st week of summer break was less than stellar. Sigh. I’m with ya.
By the way, I linked up to you in a blogpost this week. You might giggle because of my lack of SWAG knowledge.

Jen - We call the a “case of the stupids”. It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Hang in there, mama!

Carol S. - Isn’t it wonderful! I love the quiet mornings, then they wake up and things get a little messy. But I’ll take dirty butter over backpacks of forms and homework and tests and permission slips and….yeah, summer is great!

shepea - Well, at least they are not lighting off FIREWORKS in the bathroom in the middle of the day while you are at work because, you know, there are no windows in there so it could be completely dark for the light show. This may or may not have happened at my house. (No fingers or eyes were lost so I can laugh *almost* about it now.)

Heather - On the roof or in the butter… Yes, it could be a long summer. 🙂

Lindsey - Oh I LAUGHED when I read this! Sanitize the butter…oh my stars! It is super-funny when these things happen at other people’s houses 😉 Ha! Each day is a giant, beautiful mess waiting to happen.

Rach - Glad to see not much changes as they grow. I heard myself say “No Bug, cheese is not worn as a hat” the other day. Kids, eh? 🙂

Darlene - I think I am going to be saying “what the what ?” for a while now. Thanks for being so real!

Janelle - Hee hee. But those days do make good stories don’t they!? One day I was cleaning out the fridge and had all the food on the counter. I was busy and din’t think to check and see why my 2 year old and 3 year old were laughing hysterically in the other room. They had taken not one…but THREE bags of shredded cheese and were throwing all the cheese up in the air like it was confetti. We found little pieces of cheese everywhere for weeks 😉

elma - Ok me and my kids loved this one:)

Leah - Don’t feel too bad. It was the first day of our summer vacation and I found myself saying, “Toes don’t belong on the iPad.” Really?! It’s gonna be a long summer!

MeganM - One time I found a package of ham cold cuts stuffed in my couch! That was about enough to put me over the edge!

Leslie - LOL!! I was expecting a picture 🙂

Katie - My kids break our “only eat at the table” rule as well!! Right there with you! Today found me trying to explain to my two year old why water balloons stay outside! This is after he peed on the living room floor as he is potty training! Aarrgghh!

Pamela Gordon - Oh dear. Kids in the house and summer time. I always enjoy your family stories and even if I don’t visit often or comment I do check in once in a while. It’s been a while. Your kids are getting too big! Little Annie isn’t so little anymore and she is so pretty. They all are pretty/handsome! I love your photos in these recent posts especially the ones of the stormy skies. Amazing. Blessings to you and your family. Enjoy your summer and your kids. Pamela

Alyssa - Oh man. I thought you were going to say they were using as a slip and slide on the floor. There is always that…

GreenDavis - I literally stopped breathing I laughed so hard at this. Thank you for sharing this terrible, hilarious story.

GreenDavis - This made me laugh out loud (for reals). I love that their logic led them to conclude that it was necessary to “sanitize the butter.” Not that they should pick it up off the floor, throw it away, and get new butter–before Mom finds out. But to TELL you about it and then tell you to sanitize it.
Kids are so awesome and awful and delightful at the same time.
School gets out for us next week. I hope I can keep a sense of humor.

stephanie - BIg hugs! This is so what happens here with the rule about not eating in the living room. The little ones (4 and 2) are the biggest culprits, but the older ones will forget sometimes and wander around the house with food. We live in FL with BIG bugs and plenty of them, so they have gotten the lecture over and over again asking them if they want bugs in their rooms. We have seven and homeschool, so although I love my life–LOVE!–it does feel like two steps forward, three steps back much of the time.
ONe time, just after having a c-section with my 5th, I came out of the bathroom to find my two boys (5 and 2.5 at the time), STOMPING a poopy diaper into the carpet. As I ran towards them, mouth agape, silent screams not able to escape my throat, I saw with every stomp, poop would fly up and around them and my two older girls (6 and 8) who were standing there watching them, laughing. That piece of carpet never was the same. Scrubbing on hands and knees is no fun two weeks after major surgery. Now I can (mostly) laugh about it. 🙂

Lisa M. - Ha! At least mine did something like that on the driveway…and it was raining so no stickyness! 🙂 Glad it was not the kitchen!!

Heidi Jo the Artist - This is my everyday, ha ha… Every once and awhile I will get frustrated and have a mini meltdown; human here too. Especially if I’m feeling tired too, but these are the little things that you (and I) will laugh at someday. My 10 year old is pretty good around the kitchen since we are at home for a majority of our meals, while my daughter, age 6, is definitely still learning. Sometimes she makes messes that seem like common sense things to me–not to do. But then I think about it and say, wow, she is learning, her intentions are good, I need to have patience, she is only 6. I try to let it roll off my back, so to speak. I try to think–how frustrating and sad it would probably make me if someone got mad at me, every time I made a mistake.
My most recent frustrating moment lately, was probably the poop-est mess I’ve ever had to clean up. So maybe this will make your butter incident seem…not-so-bad. I was busy in the kitchen and my 2-year old and 10-year old were in another room. My 2-year old has this habit of sticking his hand down the back of his diaper these days, and well, he pooped, and you can imagine I’m sure how gross that all was. Some of my frustration was that my 10-year old was right there, and didn’t notice what he had been doing. Had the 2-year old been caught sooner it wouldn’t have been such a big mess. Ugh. Now, I can laugh about it…as long as it doesn’t happen for a third time, because it happened again in the same week, just not quite as bad as the first time. Kind of wish though, that I would have used my dad’s old phrase “I tell you what, POOP EVERYWHERE!” I grew up on a farm. And my dad never swore, so this was one of his phrases that he used when poop was involved, and us kids thought it was pretty hilarious since he wasn’t one to get super mad about things. Hope your day turns around, and that was only one bad moment of your day. 😉

Julie S - A few years ago, in the winter, I came home from school in between teaching and conferences with parents that evening to straighten up, start laundry and vacuum the floor in the living room. As I was vacuuming I moved one of the chairs to vacuum under it when lo and behold there was a full-sized Cheeto bag that mice had been eating from. When the children were confronted about it the 7th grader said, “Well, we aren’t supposed to be eating in the living room and when you and Dad showed up I just hid the bag under the chair.” For the mice to eat! We live in the country in an old farmhouse and trying to keep the mice population down with teenage boys who leave food everywhere is difficult! No wonder we couldn’t catch any mice with the traps, they were eating from the Cheeto buffet! I wanted to hurt him!
Good luck getting through the rest of the summer. I am at least lucky enough that they have to be out in the fields most of the time. Our food bill is outrageous though!

Laura Lynn - I seriously miss those days….honest!!!!

Aimee - Oh Meg I feel your pain. Today is my boys’ last day of school. I only have two but they can be handful enough. I foresee lots of long baths in the evenings after my hubby gets home from work this summer. I find myself saying “Seriously?! Did you seriously just do/say that?!” a lot.

Kerstie Pederson - On days like that I remind myself to breath, I am the most oxygenated woman I know! 😉

Alicia @ La Famille - one of those moments when you’re so p.o.ed and then you laugh at later, I’m sure. No? Not yet? Ok, maybe later then…

Rachel Reeves - I need resolution. HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!

Mj - Good grief! My son once talked my daughter into shaking a soda and then poking a knife in the can. Sticky soda everywhere in the kitchen. EVEN after they thought they got it all. I am SO glad to be done with those years!!

Robin Canter - hhmmmm – in my house that would have gotten me sent to my room WITHOUT dinner; and believe me, next time I thought twice about breaking the rule of eating in the living room. If they keep breaking the rule, then the punishment isn’t harsh enough. just saying…

Christy - whew.. starting out with a bang

lisa currie-gurney - Oh my friend… I remember those days like they were last week.
Take a deeeeeeeeep breath.
Grab a book..
Go sit under a tree.
They will be grown and gone before you can say,
“Hun, could you stop at the store and pick up another tub of butter.”
Hugs From My Heart

Becky - I’m so sorry to laugh at your pain, but this cracked me up. I have VERY strict rules about only eating in the kitchen and dining room, too, but everyone tries to sneak food into the living room when I’m not looking. What’s up with that?! It drives me crazy!

Lisa M. - Ha! I can’t beat stepping in butter on the living room floor, BUT as I write this the neighbor boy is at our house and instead of playing they decide it would be fun to open cans of soda and throw them up in the air and watch them land and explode on the driveway. I’ve allowed this because I just want to get my dishes done 😉 But in my head I’m thinking…” why can’t you just go jump on the trampoline??” Because they are 7 & 9 year old boys I guess. I can’t wait unitl it warms up and stops raining so we can swim every day!! 🙂

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it's here!!!
i am so ready to just relax.
sitting in the sun… nothing going on.
i think maybe that will happen next week.   



annie and i were talking on the patio and suddenly we realized we were being spied on….


scott FINALLY let me cut his hair short… i have been begging for months.



my kids were super helpers getting the house ready for craft weekend last week.
i am so glad they are getting old enough to pitch in.





the chickens gather where ever it's quiet.

we have a new kitten… she is named Wicket.


waffle was so over excited about the kitten.
he couldn't stop panting.
for hours!

they drew the kitten.


there were only enough peonies left for one vase but it was worth it.


talby is as tall as her kindergarten teacher! what a difference five years makes.


waffle took a few days to get used to the kitten.  
but it's looking good… he may not eat her.



softball has started for talby and annie. 




peaceful way to start the day…


our cousins came for a visit!




chasing chickens and jumping on the trampoline is so much fun.

all these girls in one house is always loud and crazy.


what is going on in your summer so far?


Tiffany - I had my last day of teaching today, so summer will just be starting for me! I’m excited to write up our summer fun list. Will you be posting one? I missed it last year.

Meaghan - I have been following for a while so i feel authorized to answer this. Ha ha. The craft house and the farm house are in different places. I believe they said they moved to the farm house to be closer to the kids school but i could be wrong. I also know that they are renting the farm house so it is not permanent but also not short,term. 🙂

Lindsey - Your flowers are beautiful!
I am not in the swing of summer yet. I still need to go dig out shorts and tank tops.

Lori Austin - I just love your patio. So inviting. Looks like a wonderful place to share a meal with family and friends.

Tracy - I’m with you! Summer, I wish you’d never end!!
We still have activities and a bit of a schedule, but it’s much more laid back. And not every day.
My babies (twins) are turning 14 tomorrow. 14!!!??!!! I can’t believe it. I will have 4 in high school next year. Send help!

Seamingly Sarah - Oh I love peonies! I wish I could smell them through the computer right now. The only downside is the ants and spiders that come inside with them.

Gemma - That food looks so good! Are you going to be doing a summer list this year? It would be fun to compare it to years ago now your kids are much older!
Gemma xXx

Susan @SugarBeans - Just found your amazing blog; so creative and free- Lovely! We are hanging by the pool this summer and getting our senior ready for an eventful final year of high school. Just trying to relax with my 5 kiddos and ENJOY all that comes our way!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Looks like you guys are enjoying the “farm” life! So far, picnicking, gardening, camping, and just exploring new places. It has been good, really good. Hope you guys enjoy your summer together. It sure does fly by, doesn’t it!?

beth larson - I want to be your friend and neighbor…real bad! loved all the pictures.
Meg, I’ve asked this before- but haven’t figured it out- is the craft house on your farm or at another location? If I win the lottery I’m going to try to come to it some weekend. Looks like a dream come true. : )

Susan - Love all the pictures! My daughter says she will explode if she sees another picture of Wicket! She says she wants that kitten so bad it physically hurts her to see it….drama much? Good thing you live far from Fort Worth!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - I L O V E summer too. You spend it the way we do. I might just take a trip to Kansas and take that adorable kitty cat. Soooo precious!

Victoria - Love the colors on your patio! Beautiful.
We had our first real lazy day of summer today – make our bucket list, made stepping stones and read books.

melodee - beautiful pix, and that kitty is so adorable!

Rachel Reeves - Love this. Love your pictures. Love your life.
Love you.

stephanie - That has got to be the world’s most beautiful kitten! I have never seen eyes like those!

Lisa - 1. That very first picture is gorgeous! So many bold colors. I love it!
2. I’m not a cat lover but that kitten is too cute.
3. My kids still have 5 days of school left. I hate school at this point. Please just be over already! 😉
4. Looking forward to a relaxing schedule this summer. Lots of play time. 🙂

kerry - Our summer holiday only starts at the end of July until 3rd Sept here in the UK 🙂 Spent a few minutes catching up on your blog – it’s such a happy place to visit, like chatting with a friend! I’m always amazed how you just Get.Stuff.Done – with a whole lotta pizazz thrown in too… how dooooo you do it! let me in on the trade secret!! hope you all have an amazing summer 🙂 Kerry xx

Jeana - We are in the middle of 2 boys in soccer, and I’m planning tons of reading and pool time! Yay! Your pictures are beautiful as always. Your kitten is precious. We just had to put our kitten down yesterday. She ate something that got stuck in her intestines. So sad!

CathyC - Our summer has not started yet. The kids go until June 27!!! Yikes!!! Looking so forward to it–beach, pool, beach, pool, repeat!!!!

Southern Gal - Catching lightning bugs and a going away party for my oldest boy. Looks like fun at your house.

Mia - Summer starts next wee for us. Am envisioning lazy pajama mornings, afternoon swimming and a tub of ice cream each night. 🙂
Love your patio and all of the colors — so festive!

Seriously Sassy Mama - We have basketball camp next week. Our list is full of fun things to do.

Lori A - It’s not summer here quite yet. Last day of finals tomorrow. Oh, and the weather hasn’t gotten the memo that it’s June here. North of Chicago and it feels more like April.

Kimberly - Oh and that kitten? Totally adorifying!

Kimberly - Summer… it’s still a few weeks away around here, although I did spend a couple hours on the deck yesterday and have the pink skin to prove it! Our kids have a week and a bit left of school and then we’re home free! Now, if only the pool would start to warm up…

Marsha Kern - I love short haircuts on boys! I made your Mom’s margarita’s this weekend! They are so good! Thanks for sharing!

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normally after a Craft Weekend i get to sleep all day on Monday to catch up from all the missed hours over the weekend.
but not this time. 
it's summer and my kids are home ready to go go go to all their activities.
i am not sure if i am awake or not right now.

our weekend was really nice!
great helpers make everything run so smoothly…and enjoyable!

i took all these pictures last week when i was running into town to pick up scott.
i was not sure if i should be nervous or not.
it was just a really big rain storm.
i love getting to watch storms in the daylight.

i took all of these with my phone.  :)











ok… gotta run to another sporty thing.

i am so sleepy.



missing you craft weekend ladies already!!



Jenn A. - Oh my gosh! All of that open space is making me want to just get in the car and DRIVE!
Gorgeous photos.

Tiffany - Do you ever share your pictures? I am in LOVE with the sixth from the top and would love to have a copy of it!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love these photos! Makes me miss the country, can’t get photos like this in town, that is for sure.

Jen - Very cool storm pictures, Meg. I hope you got a restful night’s sleep last night!

Meaghan - I live in Portland now after growing up 15 minutes from the Canadian border in New York State. I totally agree with you about missing the blizzards and thunderstorms!

tracy a - Hi Meg, I linked over here from Ashley’s blog…I’ve tried looking at the craft weekend link, but it keeps coming up blank! Any ideas? It sure does look like an amazing time!

Susanne - I live in about the most NW of the Pacific NW a person can (I’m north of Seattle, about 15 minutes from the Canadian border). I grew up in NE – had family and visited TX a lot growing up – – there are no storms here – – after all the events in the last few weeks, maybe I should be grateful for that, but two things I really miss – – a real blizzard and a good window rattling thunderstorm! Thanks for sharing the photos!

Alice H - Its amazing how beautiful a storm can look but how dangerous it can quickly turn. I am just so sick by all the tornadoes that keep hitting my home state and how many lives the tornadoes have taken.
Great pictures!!

Gina - Pretty pictures!! It is always surprising what awesome pics can be captured by a phone. Enjoy your summer!

Pat - Meg, you live in such a beautiful area. Love your gorgeous pics.

Kori - These pictures remind me of being under a wave in the ocean.

Barbara (WA) - I can enjoy photos like this when I know they don’t include a tornado! I do love clouds of all types.

paige - what gorgeous country!

Stephanie - Love the big Kansas sky. I literally crave going back. I’m in FL right now and it’s just….blah. Lol.

Kimberly - Wow! We sure don’t see a sky like that where I live!

Linda - what beautiful pictures. I never have fabulous pictures with my phone and I have an iPhone 5 which is suppose to be awesome. Must be me!!!

Julie - Storm photos are always so neat to look at, especially with really dark sky and that special light they seem to cast.

Debbie Hargadon - I miss midwest summer rain storms — but not the tornadoes. The national nightly news with the HUGE red stripe through the central states maps looks so bad — these photos are nicer. Glad no tornadoes have hit in your area. The fields are beautiful. LOVE the green and all the color contracts. Where is any traffic? Not one other car anywhere? I forget that is how it can be. You can hear the quiet in the photos. Loved them! 🙂 thanks.

beth larson - Oh Meg…I loved all these tumultuous sky photos…each one is compelling, but the whole bunch of them together is really cool!
like you…. : )

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mid may is the best


       one of the Lord's best creations…. Peonies.
















and they are all gone.
it goes so fast.

i can't wait for mid May next year.

craft weekend 16 begins today!
we are prepping and cleaning and chopping and stirring and folding and photographing everything to get ready.
it's always so much fun.
we can't wait for everyone to get here already.
have a fabulous weekend everybody!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Amazing photos! Just took photos of some the other day (maybe, just maybe I will get them up on my blog that has been sorely neglected!!)and I agree one of the best of God’s creations!

{sue} - I cried a few years ago when my husband came in after doing yard work and said “There were these flower buds that were all infested with ants, so I just cut them all back.”
Peonies are my favorite.

Lee Hatcher - I’m glad at least one other person mentioned the ants, and I’m glad your beautiful pictures showed one or two. I love peonies and hate when I don’t remember to shake them off real good before bringing them in the house.

Amy Collett - Oh how I love peonies too! Here is Alberta,Canada, the weather is a little cooler and so I am anxiously awaiting their arrival in mid-June! Your pictures are positively lovely – maybe a few of those in your store would sell quickly…like, maybe to me…:o) God is good and He shows himself in every lovely detail of creation – but especially in peonies! Good luck with C.W. and have fun!

Michelle - absolutely love peonies too. just sad that the season for them is so very short. (a wind/storm took out most of mine this year) so love seeing your pictures.

Karolina - i love peonies, luckily in Poland they are just starting to blossom 🙂

tara - I’m going to plant them for next year!!!
I can’t wait.
I just bought Dahlia bulbs today….can’t wait!
Y’all have fun this weekend……..

Katey - My peonies have been great this year too. I love them. I wish they lasted longer. So wonderful!! Have a blessed weekend.

Cathy - Thanks funny, cause I went out last night a took a bunch of pictures of ours..with ants.. I just haven’t got them off the camera yet..

tinaehb3 - beautiful!!

Lisa - The ladybug on the unopened bloom is my favorite! Beautiful!

Mindy - Gorgeous ~ God does good work!

Julie - Fabulous peony photos. I can’t grow them where I live in New Zealand, cos our winters don’t get cold enough. I do see them in shops at an exorbitant price – so i have to live vicariously and enjoy them through photos like yours.
Looking forward to seeing your craft weekend photos.

ali moll - GORGEOUS! Love peonies! And Craft Weekend! Enjoy!

TAB - Beautiful!

Bethany - It’s the same with irises. I returned from the holiday weekend to see my irises in full bloom. Now they’re already on their way out.
Peonies always bring back memories of my childhood home. We had two huge peony bushes on either side of our back sidewalk. My parents would bring in bouquets when they were blooming-love that scent! I have two new peony plants just starting out at my house. Not sure that they will have any blooms this year, but I’m hopeful for next year.
Have a great Craft Weekend!!!

mae - Ha! This story made me laugh out loud 🙂

Sara Torbett - Thanks for sharing God’s beauty! Aren’t you thankful He made everything so colorful?! I always say…He could have left everything black and white, but decided to splash our world in rainbow colors instead. I’m so glad. 🙂
Enjoy Craft Weekend!!!!!

Liesl - My favorite!!!! After transplanting about 7 peony plants last year I was very excited to see them all budding this year! - Your pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! My neighbor growing up had tons and tons of peonies….all I can think of is ants, ants, and more ants every time I see a peony!

Tracy - Ahhhh! I love peonies so so much! They remind me of being a little girl because we had a long row of them in our backyard.
I would love to see some of those prints in your shop!
Good luck with craft weekend! 16 is my lucky number 😉

Emily - So beautiful! Would you consider adding these as prints to your shop?

Whitney - Yes yes yes! There was a bouquet if peonies next to me on the counter while I had my coffee at Wheatfields this morning. So fragrant and lusciously frilly. What a nice treat on a rainy morning.

CathyC - Have fun today!!!
Our peonies have not yet bloomed–I can’t wait!
I remember last year you said only one Craft Weekend group gets peonies in the kitchen vase–today’s group is lucky!

Jen - Beautiful, Meg! Thank you for posting!

Blanca - Gorgeous!

Jessica - This reminds me of one of my favorite stories about my dad when he was a little boy. He walked into his Granny’s kitchen and announced that he had “cut all the buds off that bush in the yard because they were covered in ants” 🙂 He was “helping”.

*Just Fran* - I couldn’t agree more about peonies…and can’t wait for mine to open. Here in SD, it is more like June before we see the blossoms, and possibly later this year due to excessively cold weather hanging on. I have buds, though and am anxiously waiting.

kim - oh to have a peony plant.
trader joes had them, and i snatched them up two weeks in a row. hoping there will be a few more tonight.
the unopened bloom with the ladybug, perfection.

Linda - beautiful!!

Kerstie Pederson - Can’t wait till these photos are prints in your shop. 😉

rebeca - What I love the very most about you, is that you give all the glory to God!

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i miss my grandma.

so yesterday i drove out to my hair salon which is several towns away in a reeeally small town.
i am almost always late because it is so many towns away.
i spend most of my drive there worrying that i am late and then usually i am right on time.

occasionally i show up on the wrong day… but that is the not the point of this post.

(i just googled the population of this town… 872! oh my goodness)


so after my hair was colored and cut so nicely i paid and went to my car.

and then i looked to my left and saw poppies!


this man planted all of these.
he was watering with his red tractor… couldn't be any more perfect?!








it was absolutely gorgeous.
it was so sad to me that i did not have my big camera.
i am going to HAVE to go back with it…soon

my grandma loved flowers.
i mean… she LOVED them.

she gave me poppy seeds many times and told me to just sprinkle them in my flower beds & they would come up.
it never worked for me.
she had the magic touch.
as i walked around that little patch of poppies i kept hearing her voice.
she would have been beaming.  
she would have noticed all kinds of details that i missed.
it would have made her day.

i miss her.




Lasso the Moon - This made me choke up a little. My grandmother’s nickname was poppy. Now her daughters and grandchildren hold poppies in the highest regard as a way to remember her sweet self. Thanks for this.

Heidi Jo the Artist - {{{hugs}}} So hard to lose someone so close to you. May God bring you peace and comfort on those tougher days.
Beautiful, amazing, flowers! Oh, how I love spring!

misty - oh this post made me CRY. not tear up, not just a little cry, but one of the THERAPEUTIC cries. My grandma is so so special to me & she is getting older & it hit me the other day that {obviously} she won’t always be here & I am trying to spend so much time with her right now. 🙂 <3 <3 this post. I hope you sell some of these pics as a print in your shop. I'd love to have one. gorgeous.

elisa - Forget the big camera you did an amazing job at capturing the beauty of poppies. I love the farmer and his tractor and the sky is beautiful. I lost my Dad 7 months ago and this post made me cry….I miss him very much. He loved gardening. Thanks for posting this.

Kimberly - So beautiful. Kansas is so beautiful. I’ve never been. But I love how you can capture it for all of us.
Greetings from Wisconsin!

kristine cline - Oh boy…hit the nail on the head with this one…My grandpa passed in November and my grandma passed two years ago…The peonies made me cry…my grandma loved them so…hugs…thanks for the sweet post!

Lesa - Hi, New to you blog.

Kris Saia - I’ll bet that man on the tractor was tickled you were so taken with his poppies! I love them, too, but I can’t grow ’em for nuthin’… but I keep trying.

Tiffany - DYYYYYYYING at your selfie. The peony pics are wonderful, u sure that wasn’t ur big camera? Having your grammie in your heart is a pretty wonderful place to keep her memories. Happy Friday!

Whitney - Kansas is so so beautiful! I hope to get there someday (for a craft weekend 🙂 ) I am sure your grandmother was looking down on you smiling. Maybe if you try the poppies again she’ll watch over them and make them bloom!

beth larson - oh Meg!!! I loved this post….my momma died when I was 7 and from then on I lived with my gram. She LOVED flowers too…loved, loved, loved them. She passed that on to me and I can’t get enough of them.
I have poppies and bachelors buttons planted in my garden. I sure hope they come up. And bloom.
Your pictures inspired me!
p.s. did you take these with your phone? when I try to post I-phone pics on my blog they have to be really small or they get blurry- any advice?

Michelle - I didn’t know bachelor buttons grew so tall. I always thought they had short stems, like dahlias.

Jen - Beautiful poppies, Meg! I had a dream last night that I was at your farmhouse with you and your family and Craig took me shopping to buy you presents. I bought you one large and one HUGE chalkboard for your house and an upholstered (sp?) chair for your family room. You were so excited! Then you and Craig went on a date and I noticed you lived right next door to a car maintenance repair shop, but the wide open spaces were on the other side of the house. Dreams are so weird!!!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Sorry you are missing your grandma. I totally get it. Missing long, lost loved ones is hard. You must have loved her very much. She sounds like a special lady. You were lucky to know her for so long. Sending you a bloggy hug xo

Mindy - Such sweet pictures. Thankful for those memories of loved ones that come in unexpected ways.

Debbie Hargadon - Beautiful post. I have always thought – the State of Kansas should use your photos and posts as part of their Tourism Board. Your photos make everyone want to go to Kansas! I agree – that last one is spectacular. Thanks for being a positive distraction to so many of us! And the big camera isn’t always “it” It is the eye of the photographer. 🙂

Karyn - Beautiful! My Gram had beautiful flower gardens at her home in Emporia. The poppies in your pictures are lovely but it’s all the ‘bachelor buttons’ that really spoke to me and made me miss my Gram. 🙂

Carol S. - You’ve got her green thumb. My grandma died at 95 and loved flowers and gardening and cardinals and lady bugs…and now I do too. Sweet memories live on forever. It gets easier but keep telling your kids the lessons and clever things she taught you. I just told my son one of her stories about getting a job back in the late 1920s!

Stephanie - Ok, that would be “think of your grandma”….thanks, auto correct!

Gemma - Gorgeous photos! So beuatiful!
Gemma x

Tracy - Awwww. I miss my grandma now, too.
The good thing to remember is that she was beaming and noticing all the beautiful details right there with you 🙂
I am always in awe of the idyllic setting you are surrounded by. I love Kansas City (we actually live in Leawood, KS) and all the conveniences just blocks away, but you make living in the country so appealing!

Amanda - My grandmother loved flowers, too. I have dozens of little envelopes full of seeds that she gave me over the years and, instead of just writing the name of the flower on the outside, she did beautiful, colored pencil drawings of them – she was also an artist.
She passed away last night and I’m about to head to New Mexico for her memorial services. You’ve inspired me to stop and take pictures of the beautiful flowers along the way.

Laura Wilder - Have you read Ashleyann’s blog today? 🙂 No wonder you are friends too! 🙂 I call beautiful moments like this ‘hugs from God’. Oh how he cares for us.

Christian T - Be sure to check Ashley Ann’s blog today… 🙂

Lisa - How gorgeous!

Melissa - Those poppies are amazing! What a neat neat guy. I feel your pain as far as missing your grandma – I was going through the same emotions last night. Oddly enough over Waffle cone wednesday at TCBY – drove by and saw the sign and remembered how that used to be our thing. Lucky we have these great memories.

Lela Pohlmann - So beautiful! Isn’t it amazing how the small things in life remind us of our loved ones. My grandma loved butterflies and amaryllis. I have many butterfly attracting plants and flowers in my yard and when the butterflies start flying, I find myself talking to them like they were my grandma.

Alaina Bennett - and the sky…oh, the sky in that last photo!

Amy M. - So beautiful! Can’t wait to see poppies in your shop! Always fun to read your blog! Have a great day!

heather - the blue flowers are bachelor buttons not weeds 🙂

a - My Grandma is old and often bitter and full of mean nasty words. She is making it very difficult to love her right now. She has not always been this way. This post made me realize how important it is for me to love her past all of that. And that one day I will miss her and ache for her and wish I had not let her brokeness tarnish our relationship. Thanks Meg.

MissPam - In Flanders Fields
The poppies blow
Between the crosses
Row on row
Do you know that poem? From WWI by John McCrae I think.
It’s why Veterans groups pass out poppies on Memorial Day.
Goggle the whole poem. I thought that you were mentioning poppies for
Memorial Day. And in an odd way you were.:)

christy - Beautiful tribute to your grandmother.
That last shot looks like a painting! Beautiful!

karen - Beautiful! You take the prettiest pictures. We have beds of orange poppies around town that are all blooming now. I always love it when I see them. 🙂 My grandma loved iris, she had every color there is in her garden. I miss her too…..

Lorie - They are beautiful! My grandmother lives in AZ and I miss living close to her. She is 93 and I dread the day I get a phone call from my parents telling me she has passed. I dread even more that I won’t be there.
I am sure your grandma was looking down on you while you enjoyed those beautiful flowers!

Kate - How beautiful. Thank you for sharing those with us. I’m so sorry you miss her. Hugs!

jody - There is a little old woman who lives in a little brown house near my home. Every night I walk by her home with my dog Lily. The old woman has beautiful poppies in her yard. I admire them every night they are in bloom & one night she was outside and said “My mother gave me that plant!” So sweet.
Love lives on. Through each beautiful thing on this planet.
Now I will think of your Grandma too when I see poppies!

Alicia @ La Famille - i have those days too. i miss my grandma too. she was a diva. a real betty draper lady…gorgeous.
beautiful pics, girl. can’t believe they’re phone pics!

Laura Lee - You have made me miss my grandma too. She had a magnolia tree in her back yard that I used to climb. I always thing of her when I see one 🙁

Kristin S - I miss my grandmother too. I called her Googie. Her favorite flower was jonquils. I planted a ton of them this year and each one made me think of her.

Kristine - Your pictures and your sentiment are so beautiful. 🙂

karen - I love this post!! So sweet! Thanks for sharing. I miss my grandma too. EVERYDAY.

Jayne Barbour - God makes beautiful things! And you’re even beautiful in your foils;)

Danielle - So pretty! What are the little blue flowers called? I bought a packet of wildflower seeds and this is exactly what it looks like on the side of my house, but my cousin swears the blue flowers are serious weeds. So, now I’m really curious! 🙂

Tonya - She was saying hello.

Stephanie - OMGosh! I’m in love. And the fact that this makes you junk of your grandma….what an awesome reason to remember someone. These flowers are very patriotic!

Terrie - Beautiful patch of flowers! I hate when I don’t have my big camera…
but, you captured it beautifully!
Bought some poppy seeds yesterday…
Yes, I’m behind…but I’m going to plant anyway. 🙂

Ashley - What a beautiful way to be remembered. I always remember my Granny and Pappy dancing around their farmhouse kitchen, or hearing them pray together as I drifted off to sleep. I think they would all be happy to hear of the ways we remember them. I have no doubt that she would be so proud of you.

Lindsey - So beautiful!

Lisa - My grandpa passed away in February and I have moments like these that remind me of him and make me miss him. You should definitely go back with your real camera. Poppies are such sweet flowers. 🙂

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May Sponsors

Each month at Craft Weekend we have awesome, generous, AMAZING sponsors that send each of our guests their product.  Please go visit each of their shops today!  They provided coupons too!




 Use the code  20offGIFTS  to get 20% off your order at Dayspring!



 Use the code  WHATEVER10  for 10% off your purchase at PaperDoll Designs.

 (such fun personalized gifts in her shop!)



Use the code  whatever  for 15% off your purchase at The Splendor Shop

(p.s. i LOVE this dainty sweet bracelet!!)


Use the coupon code is  CRAFT15  for 15% off your purchase at Lori Danelle

(she makes AMAZING paper cut art… it is so beautiful!!)


Use the coupon code  MEG20  for 20% off your purchase at Ike & Co.

(check out the awesome vintage rainbow necklace in her shop!!! i LOVE it!)


you can purchase Matthew's magazines on his WEBSITE 


Use the code  CRAFT25  for 25% off your purchase at Jennifer Dahl Designs.

(i wear this necklace all the time!)



use the code  WHATEVER15  for 15% off your purchase at KatyGirl Designs.


Use the coupon code  CRAFTWEEKEND10 for 10% off in both of our shops
Benzie  and  Benzie Design 

(this is THE BEST felt to work with!!)



Use the code  craftweekend  for 10% off your purchase at the Say Hello Shop.

(that hello is my favorite!)



Use the coupon code  crafty20  for 20% off your purchase at Red Letter Words.



Use the coupon code  Inspire15  for 15% off your purchase at Inspire Lovely.



beautiful prints and hand drawn embroidery kits fill Pam Garrison's shop.



Use the coupon code  WHATEVER20  for 20% off your purchase at Raising Up Rubies 
offer good through June 8 

(seriously adorable shop!!) 



use the coupon code  freedom10 for 10% off at Moxie Clothing Co.

(her shop is taking a little break but will be back VERY soon)



use the coupon code  craft20  for 20% off your purchase at Sorta Southern Boutique

( i use that wallet everyday and i LOVE it)



THANK YOU to all of our sponsors!!



Jen - do you know how long the shops are offering discounts-I saw that some give a date and some don’t - Checked out the rainbow vintage neclkace and love it! There are 2 listed- one is longer and can just slip over your head and the other has a clasp. Which do you have?

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