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friday alone and the summer list.

i dropped my two middle kids at camp on tuesday.
then annie and i had mama time all day wednesday and thursday morning.
then i dropped her off for a short First Camp.
she was quite nervous. 


she doesn't like to be away from me overnight… and really doesn't like to be away from talby at night.
to help her week go smoothly i slept in her room tuesday and wednesday night.

the nerves were high on thursday but she did SO GOOD.

she wanted to go to this camp so badly.
all her friends were going and i knew she would have a blast if she could get over the nervousness.
and she did!

(and now My Little Girl by tim mcgraw is playing on Pandora and i am crying!!!)

i am excited for her to have an awesome super short two nights at camp.
and everytime i think "what if…" then i recall that there is nothing i can do and she will be fine.


it is hard to be a mama.

i am thrilled to have ONE day alone with no kids.
but my heart is all over the world right now!
three at camp… one at his aunt & uncles and one in Honduras on a missions trip.

i think i will snuggle in with mr. duerksen and let it go.



my kids made our summer list while i was making dinner because i was taking too long getting it done.

i think it will be a good summer….

we have talked about going to africa as a family.
but since my african connection is in the states right now i don't think we will be going this summer.
but who knows… it IS on the list.

and i know you are dying to see what is on that little frame on the shelf…..


this was at my grandma's house i think so it came back home to me 30 years later.
this was my second grade school picture.
my kids think it should be on display apparently.
man…. i loved that dress soooooo much.  i felt very pretty when i wore that.
i liked black & white all the way back then too.  :)


did you make a summer list?

 if you would like to see out past SUMMER LISTS  you can check them here.


                                               this is the 2011 version





writing the list helps us with ideas on slow days.
or something to look forward to in the days to come.
it is OK to not complete it.
but it is really fun to get everything checked off too!


i will pick a winner for TREX OUTDOOR FURNITURE GIVEAWAY when i get home tonight 
from my hot date with my husband.
it's going to be… steamy.
i sure do like that guy.


what are you doing on this first Friday of summer?




Renee - I still remember my first time at camp. One week. Camp awana. The summer after 2nd grade.
Then I went to summer camp every year after that until I graduated high school.
And they wouldn’t let me come anymore.
So I became a counselor.
I have seen sooooo many lives changed and so many kids fall in love with Jesus at summer camp. All my kids will be going. But I’ll probably cry my eyes out.

Mary Elizabeth - so… how did you print those instagram collages?

beth larson - Meg, you have the most beautiful eyes- what a pretty child you were-now a gorgeous young woman. I LOVE how you dig your Big Sweetie!
Happy Monday!!!!!!!!!!!

Mindy - Oh how I remember sending our daughter off to camp for the first time and the big case of the ‘what-if’s” going on in my head! She, like your daughter, had a wonderful experience and in subsequent years made life-long friends at camp. I learned that year to turn my what if she gets scared, what if she…into what if she goes to camp and gets scared but works through it and grows, or what if she does’t get scared and helps someone else who is. God works better when I get out of the way of myself : )

Juanita - I can’t wait til my daughter is older to do a summer list. It seems like such a fun tradition!
I had a question about the photos on top of the list, how do you print them like that? I would love to do something with all of my iPhone photos!

midwestmom - This is the first year we didn’t make a summer list. It’s just too disappointing to me when we barely complete any of them!! And the not so nice comments I got from family (of all people, family!!) about the stuff on our list. So we are just winging it this year!

Jennifer - your pic=talby!!! so cute!
i also love how you love your husband.

Jenny B. - Go Annie! My 8-yr-old has not been to camp yet. Some friends invited us to go to one, but it was WAY expensive, so we said no. Plus, our goal for this summer was learning to swim. A lot of opportunities open up once they can swim, you know?
We DID do a summer list! I did one last year for the first time (after seeing yours), and we love it. My kids don’t want to check things off, though. I think they think if we check it off, that means we’ll never do it again. Ha! 🙂
Hope you enjoyed your date night!

Maria - Recovering from the cub scout day camp for my two littles, at home ‘date night’ with my oldest while the littles go off to the movies with friends, and waiting for the hubby and other one to come back from their boy scout trip tmrw…looking forward to sleeping in a bit tmrw and a recovery Mani/pedi too…

meredith feisel - Took the baby to the pool, for only the second time. Met up with girl friends and their babies to swim. Then met up with my parents at the mall, sat outside, ate, then walked the art fair there… Then went to Patio Night at church. Now we’re home, baby is bed (she was pooped) and gonna watch some Harry Potter and cuddle. What a day. Need to make our Summer List.

Julie - What a fabulous summer list – I have to ask though – what are RIPCORD and SUNFLOWER SISTERS? Enjoy your summer.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Gee I wish I had thought of an summer list when my kids were home all summer and bored. Now they pretty muh do their own things except when I talk them into going to a movie with me or I buy them lunch, or of course the girls will pretty much always go shopping because mom will always buy them something 😉 but no one wants mom to take them to the beach or picnic or to the pool, boo! Summer with younger kids is so fun. Miss those days. Have fun with them, oh and your date tonight woohoo!

Megan - The list looks great! My 4th grader goes out there to camp in a few weeks – he’s counting the days already. We are starting wheat harvest on this first day of summer!

Tanya - Just thinkin’ about sleepover camp makes me want to cry. So little, so brave <3
I think I went for the first time at 7. It seems so young now 🙂

Rosemary Hinz - I can see this beautiful table and chair on the patio of the house that my grandson and his win just bought!!!

Kerri - hi Meg! We had a playate this morning and then we just got back from strawberry picking! I also signed the girls up for Vacation Bible School for a week in August.

Linda - Love that picture of you and Annie! And I always love your summer list! we always make one too. My kids look forward to coming up with the ideas! looks like a great summer

Becky - I used to work at a camp full time and I think the short camp start thing is genius! I’m sure Annie will have an amazing time! I bet you’ll make it, too 😉 - I wish my boys were young again and we could do a summer list! Heck, after reading your I wish I could come to your house this summer! So much fun! Martha….p.s your Annie looks so much like you! Sweet! 🙂

Gina - Haha,I wondered yesterday when you were going to make “the list.” 🙂 Have a fun night with the husband!! 😉

angela - I want to make a list just so I have the color in my house! Love that you do this every year!

monica Redman - You are always so inspiring! Love your posts!

Shannon - You inspired my about three years ago to make a list. We’ve made one every summer since then. It’s wonderful and I’m hoping it a memory my kids will cherish when they grow up.

Tere - Hi Meg! Your baby is getting so big! Way to go Annie! She will be so proud of herself!
Thanks to you, this is our third summer with a “summer list”. As this is the first week out of school, we are a bit behind, but have some time to brainstorm.
And oh, that picture! You have amazingly beautiful eyes…and this picture is proof that Sean and Annie look like their mama.
Happy date night. xoxo

laura @ - We’ve made our sand bucket list for this summer.
I love that we come up with some new things to try as a family. Thanks for being the inspiration to start this tradition a few years back!

Jane - Wow, would love to win. Our backyard needs some freshening up.

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in the summertime….

i have had a week filled with laundry and packing kids, driving kids and planning when they go to camp.

i was looking through these pics and this song came to mind…. 

i had to go to itunes and buy it of course.


next week is when we are all home for a full week.

i am going to have to do some planning.


don't forget to enter the TREX OUTOOR FURNITURE giveaway!

i pick the winner tomorrow!



Laurie T - What camera are you using? Do you have a favorite “go to” lens?

Stacy - The kitten in the grass stalking the chickens is the best!

midwestmom - I also love the kitten stalking the chickens! I’m wondering how you put the words and arrows and flowers and such on the photos? Also was wondering about roasting veggies like someone else. Love your photos. Wish I could capture our summer fun the way you do !!!

Kerstie Pederson - Ok… Wicket stalking the chickens…. BEST-PHOTO-EVER-!!!!!!

Tracy - I love summer!
And I love your photos so much, too! Thanks for sharing 🙂

Katie - Dumb question here: I was wondering what kind of vehicle you have for 5 kids? We just had our 5th and our oldest is almost 9…we still fit in a minivan but not for long:)

Kristine - Ok fantastic photos as always….but Wicket and the chickens? Hilarious….I would love to see the next few pictures of that!

Jen - I love all your pictures, but especially the ones of you and Annie, Talby and Craig, and you and Craig. Looks like a great summer!

beth larson - you are THE BEST photographer! I love all these, but I too am in love with the kitty and chicks pic!!

Lynette - Love the picture of the kitty stalking the chickens!! Would you put that in your store so I could buy a copy of it?

Jen - The picture of the kitten and the chickens KILLS ME!! So funny!

Rach - I am hoping that some of these activities can help mark off some of your summer list. 🙂 I’m exhausted just looking at them. I feel like we were just looking at your icy snowy pictures just yesterday. Time is flying by.

Michelle - Hello! In one of the pictures above there is a print with the saying the glass is half full. I have done several etsy searches looking for a print I like with this saying with no luck. Would you mind mentioning who the print is from or anyone else reading this who knows??

Fran - Very unique and interesting ,plus great photos. Love The deck products and furniture. - Omgoodness! The pic of the kitty stalking the chicks is a hoot!, it just quacks me up! You should tweet it. Hahaha ! Cracked myself up with that one! 🙂

Christie - Such fun pictures!!!!!!! I love them all!

Tiffany - I love your sweet little family, and seeing all the sweetness through Instagram makes me smile. Continue to enjoy summer!

Ann - Love the picture of your kitten stalking the chicks!!

Linda - Fun and everything looks so sunshiny and amazing!! Happy Summer!

Kerri - I love your photos! So cheerful and bright! And I love your entry way! Happy Summer!

Gina - I know that you’re life is far from perfect but when look at your pictures and read your little snippets of life it just makes me happy!! It make me want to go back in time when my two were young…kinda. 😉 Thank you for sharing your life and family with your readers. 🙂

Lisa - Fun just fun those pictures are wonderful, all of them. The one of the kitten stalking the chickens and Waffle’s tongue and nose just make for the best pictures.
Thanks for sharing!!

debbie lynn - Awwwww…all of that just makes me smile….
the song is also the perfect summer song.
How do you make your roasted veggies? They look so delicious!
Have a fabulous day!

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the new table.


since moving out to this country house we have been spending a lot more time outside.
pretty much anytime i am awake and not doing chores like cooking or cleaning… i am outside.
and the kids are too.
it is so quiet and peaceful all the time. 



we play games, play with the pets, make camp fires, eat meals, jump on the trampoline, read books.
i blog, email, and edit pictures while sitting outside.
we have music playing most of the time.
the kitten is outside… the chickens are in their coop.
sitting on our patio is the place to be.



and it just got better…
we got a new table from Trex Outdoor Furniture!!!

i am very excited to be working with them!

this table is just my style.
it is so happy & bright and we are LOVING it!


this Trex table and chairs is made from a POLYWOOD®  brand recycled plastic lumber.
it does not absorb moisture; therefore, they will not rot, splinter, or crack.
these products require no water proofing, painting or staining.

i think Trex might be the perfect solution to all outdoor furniture!
they take all the work out of it!
i love that.


it is SO EASY to clean.
we live on a dirt road with cars and trucks and tractors driving by all day long… making things super dusty.
this table wipes clean in seconds!


the way the table is built everyone has plenty of leg room.
(which is good for all of these long legs these duerksen kids are growing.)



aren't those cushions so pretty??!!
i am loving the pop of colors on the bright white chairs! 

they come in lots of different colors but this is the one that i fell in love with immediately.

spending family time outside is my favorite way to be together.



we love this table.
It's sturdy and well built.  
it is my new favorite table and chairs (and that is saying alot…remember my rainbow legs barn wood table?)

and you are going to love this…

TREX OUTDOOR FURNITURE is letting me giveaway a two piece Cape Cod Folding Adirondack Seating Set to ONE of my readers!!!!

there are three ways to enter this giveaway:
1. Leave a comment on ths post.  (you had better at least do that… you would be a crazy person not to)


2. PIN this contest photo to Pinterest directing people to this post.    
Leave another comment that you did that.

3. Blog about this contest and leave a comment on this post with a link to your post.

i will pick a winner randomly on friday, June 21, 2013
i can't wait to see who wins!
UPDATE:  if you have questions about Trex furniture or this contest please email thanks!!!

Mary Jo Smith - Gorgeous!!! They would look great on our back porch. 🙂

Lady Dorothy - That table and chair set is now on my wish list!

Becky Shoemaker - THis chair would look awesome on my patio! Thanks for introducing Trex!!

patty - Wow! That is a beautiful table and chairs. Id love to win a set of adirondack chairs ; )

Heather - Absolutely the cutest outdoor furniture I have seen! Love it!

mary m - would love this!!!

Jennifer - The Trex furniture would be great on my outdoor covered porch, it looks sturdy and I love the style!

Caroline Calcote - This chair would be so perfect on our front porch! The furniture looks awesome.

Judy Litz - I would love to win! This is a great set!

Debra S - I want Trex everything SO so very badly. Our “deck” is old.. 20 years old and it’s so ugly right now… so , a new deck, and TREX deck and furniture.. maybe this chair would be the start of everything new and good.

jeannett - I pinned it too. Because I want it mucho.

jeannett - Um, I NEED that. Like, BAD. For real.

Jennifer - ohh, i hope i win! our picnic table just bit the dust. love your outdoor space!!

Terrie G - I’ve been looking for some chairs just like this. Our son called them ‘add ’em onto your deck’ chairs!
Love the pop of color!!

LeAnne - Looks great! I would love it!

Jenn - I would love to win!! - i love it- so cute-

Allison - Pick me! Pick me! 😉

Abbie Swartzentruber - Very cool – thanks for the chance:)!!

Robyn Farmer - I love this set! Would be perfect in any backyard! - Lovely

Ronda - Love the look of this furniture. Would be perfect for my family on our back porch. 🙂

Angela - Looks comfy!

Lisa - Love the chair!

Lisa adams - I spend lots of time on my porch this summer too.

Elizabeth - I can see this chair in my garden already! - I would LOVE this table and chair set- sooo pretty!

Nicole - May be to late to post — but I love this chair! my momma has a green one and LOVES it!!

Suzanne - pinned it!

Suzanne - Oh, we so need patio furniture! Our naked patio… it’s killing me!!

Linda Bartelt - I never win but here goes!

Stacey B - I am in need of some new out door furniture! I love the clean white lines!

Lauren S. - Oh how our backyard would be a fabulous spot for a nice table. Late summer nights eating dinner on the deck, instead of cooped up inside. Fingers crossed.

Annie - Wowzers!!!!

amy - love these!!

amy - I Love this1 need for my new back yard

Mia - Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance! 🙂

Amber D. - Love the table! Would look so great on the new deck we’re building!

Karen - Love this! Would look great on our new deck!

Pam - Love it!

Beej - LOVE the idea of white patio furniture. It feels so refreshing and non-trendy!

GINA PASHKO - Wow…what abeautiful p?lace you have Meg! My home is a foreverwork in progress And I too have a moisture issue living over an area with underground springs But TREX would be the perfect solution for me to cut down on maintenance expenses! So please enter me to win one of those beautiful chairs and if I win we can take have one seat with no splinters or rust!!! Love your site! Gina

Angie B. - oh me oh my! I hope I get this entry in in time!! 🙂 happy summer to your family!

Ali - Wow, that is really great-looking. I had no idea they did furniture, I thought it was all just expensive decks. Very cool!

Marie - What a sunny table! Love!

Kla - Love the chair and your table set!

Shelly - I love the furniture! Gorgeous and the easy cleaning is so appealing!! - Love it!

tinaehb3 - We just put a little fire pit in the back yard and those chairs would be PERFECT to sit around it 🙂

karla smith - I love the furniture and it being maintenance free, way to cool.

Heather E - Pinned on Pinterest!

Heather E - How awesome! I have been looking for some great outdoor furniture! Looks like I may have to give this one a try!!

Bre Ann - I have always dreamed of having some patio furniture! Your country house is looking quite beautiful these days! - I’m picturing relaxing in that chair with a good book and an iced coffee!

Karen R. - I love this and love the idea of it being worry/maintenance free even more!!! 🙂

Lisa - Luv this chair! Already see myself reading a book in it. 🙂

Anne - We live in Alaska and are enjoying a very sunny summer this year – spending any minute we have outdoors. We have Trex decks and love them. Trex furniture is great idea. Enjoy your chickens! We love ours.

karen - Since June 21 is my birthday, thought I should try and win some furniture

Suzette - The country house is looking beautiful! I pinned the giveaway on my Sum, Sum, Summertime board!

Suzette - Beautiful! Thanks for the chance to relax on a gorgeous new chair!

Barbara - What a great idea we have a Trex deck and love it this is beautiful, thanks for the entry!

Courtney - Love it!!

Jeneal Andrews - It would be nice just to have nice furniture.

CHRISTINE - that table looks so well made!! thanks for sharing!

Cris - Absolutely LOVE this give away!

TamiV - Didn’t know Trex made furniture, love it! Off to check out their website!

Barbara - Your patio is such a happy place and the table makes it so functional, too.

Becky Kerr - I was born in the North. We had porches. I now live in the South. We have a lanai. A porch or a lanai would be a good place for the Trex Adirondack Set. I would sit in it and watch the people pass by on the trail behind our house and admire the new oilcloith bunting I made to hang in the lanai. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Jeri - Sweet giveaway!

Christy - Oh my! Your porch is loverly! I love everything. Would to win. 🙂

Raye Marie - Love it! Thanks for the fun!

Lisa Johnson - June has been Project-Fix-Up-Patio month for me and this would take the cake! 🙂

Robin - Perfect for a sunny summer day!

Mary Craig Hart - OOH! Need this!

LaRae - I would love to lounge on that chair and enjoy the summer!!

Tami H - I would love to have these at our country home!

erin - These would finish our recently finished back porch off perfectly!!!

Beth - Want this for my front porch!

Brittany - Love all this furniture!

Bethany @ 3SonsPlus1...and... - Awesome! We have no patio furniture since moving in the fall! Thanks!

Maria - Wowza. This stuff is lovely!

Cheryl - What an amazing looking product! Thank you for this opportunity! Happy Summer!

Rachel V - Want it!

Lori in Iowa - Just moved to a farm and would love to stare at the view while relaxing in this chair.

Trisha - I had no idea they make furniture! Would be beautiful on my new patio!

Trisha - Pinned it!

Jen - We love eating outside, too. I love the bright white with colorful cushions!

SimplySusan - My ‘secret garden’ needs that chair.

Jill - Beautiful patio set. I have the perfect spot picked out for those adirondack chairs!

Jill - Beautiful set. I have the perfect spot for those chairs!

Andi - Gasp! I never win anything! Love the furniture!

Liz Goode - Pretty patio !

Bethany - Just pinned it too!!

Bethany - I would LOVE this!!

Michelle Bostinelos - Just pinned it too!

Michelle Bostinelos - Oh wow! Love the table! And I would love to win that chair! Thanks!

Sophia - I pinned this to my pinterest board.

Sophia - That chair would be so awesome in my backyard!

Rachel - OH my golly, I want that soooo bad!! I have been wanting a new seat (better than a picnic table) for our backyard/patio area. This would be just the thing! Pick me!

Emily - Awesome table and chairs. I had no idea Trex made furniture. I thought they only made deck material. I’m so excited they made furniture!!!

Bora Pogeler - Love the table! It would be awesome here in Hawaii. Love your blog and photos as well.

Janna - YAY!! I wanna win:) Looks beautiful!

Stefanie - This would be perfect for my new house since I will be house poor!!

Tobi - Beautiful.

Stacy - Pick me! Pick me! This would be fab in my new back yard!

Amy @Lucky Number13 - complete awesomeness. little bit in love with your back yard.

Amy - I would love to have one of these to give to my folks. They are letting us and our 2 rugrats live with them while my husband finishes grad/doctorate work and they love to sit outside and watch the kids!

Susie - Just pinned on Pinterest!!

Amber Treat - Looks amazing!

Susie - lOVE this furniture! We just bought a new house with he perfect front porch for these chairs! I would love, love to win these!

Tere - I’d love a new table. So I shall comment here. 🙂

Amy - The table looks awesome! White table + all the lovely colors of your backyard= LOVE IT!!

Whitney - Beautiful furniture!

Cheril - Trex is amaze balls ! Love this furniture !

angela - that looks like the perfect lifeguard chair! 🙂

christy - Pinned it:)

christy - Love it!!!!!!

Kathy - I would love these chairs! We recently moved and have a really tiny backyard, but these chairs would fit perfectly =)

Angie B - LOVE this!!!!

Dawn - I love the furniture! That chair would be so perfect for my new backyard!!!

Susan C. - Love it!

Kristi Thomsen - This would be perfect in our backyard!!!

Susan C. - Love your new patio set! - I pinned this contest photo to Pinterest directing people to this post. Here is the link:

ranee - awesome giveaway! that table is awesome, too! thanks!

Katie - Okay, pinned it so now that’s two attempts.

Katie - Love it. Hope to win… but I never win anything. Here’s to trying.

Bridge - I love it!

Allison - Love it! Thanks Meg! - I pinned this contest photo to Pinterest directing people to this post. - Pick me! Pick Me! Would love to relax and read a book in that chair.

Tami Mackimmie - To reclaim my back patio from my 12 year old, who has turned it into a free throw shooting area, these chairs would be oh so perfect! Especially for IDAHO weather!

Kathy - Your table & chairs look so nice! Thanks for the chance to win!

Lisa - I was just telling my family I need to get a lounge chair for the back porch so I can get some sun on my legs! My face and arms are tan but my legs are white! haha…would LOVE to win this beautiful chair! Thanks so much! - Just bought a new house with a very large deck that these would look great on!

Randi - Dukes and Duchesses - My backyard desperately needs some sprucing up … I’d love to win!

Sarah E - This would be so great by our fire pit!

Melissa - I also pinned the link to the chair giveaway!

Melissa - I would love to own one of these chairs!! Great giveaway!

Lisa H. - Would love the chance to sit at your TREK table…. or win my very own.
Will they ship to Canada if I win?
Thanks, Meg!

Tabitha - This would br great for my patio!

Stacy - Would be great to relax in why I watch the kiddies in the baby pool:)

Lisa Stewart - Wow that is an awesome table set! We would love to win it!

Stephanie - Pinned it to my Outdoor Spaces board! @stephie915

nikki - Fiance and I are building our first home. This would be a great addition to our new patio.

Caroline Clark - Love, love, love the chair, and the cushion you chose!

Stephanie - I just had foot surgery. I could use this beautiful chair to sit in the sun and read books all summer.

elma - Oh we have a deck but no table!! This would be a awesome to win:) Thanks!!

Abby - Just pinned this!

Abby - A friend has two of these and loves them!

Mollie Stretch - Beautiful table! I would love to have that chair! It would be great to nap on the porch in.

Karen - We loooove being outside as a family in the summer too! Our backyard is so peaceful and I can just see us eating at a lovely table like that!

Amy G - Would be the perfect addition to my parent’s backyard.!

D Daniel - I pinned the contest photo to Pinterest here on the Me Time board. - What great furniture for a patio

Mindy - What a great table (happy to pin it!) and your porch is perfect. I would want to spend all my time out there!

Whitney - Love it! My husband was just saying how he was going to miss the Adirondack chair at the house we are renting!

carmela hershey - Love the table and chair…hope to win!

krystal wethington - awesome prize.That is a nice piece and I would love it.

Lindsay - what a great product! i love the fact that it’s easy to clean!

Tom Maturo - I have a deck with no chairs and no table. Would be nice to have

Kathryn - Pinned it as well!!

Amy - Lovely table–would love to have a couple of chairs. Thanks for the opportunity!

Michelle W - Such a beautiful patio set!

Carla G - Love it! Thanks!

Christy - What a great idea Trek! Love the new furniture!

darci - pinned it!

Jennifer Driskill - Just what my back yard needs-JenD

Rachel - I have been looking for this company for a while! I could not remember the name. I love the white!

Brigid - My patio could use some sprucing up!

darci - would love to win this for our new deck (which happens to be made out of Trex) just new last November!

Courtney - Would love to win this…would be gorgeous on my brick patio!!!

Brenda - Would love to win this. Loved all the pictures. Such a pretty spot you have.

Amie Olson - Beautiful table and chairs! I would love those in my backyard!
Amie Olson

Crystal A. - Would love to have something beautiful like this in our backyard!! Thank you!!

vera hanson - looks great…would love to win! 🙂

Rebecca - Cool furniture. Would love to own some. Thanks for the chance.

Susy Manduley - Trex is the best quality..

Denise - Perfect for meals outside in California!

Rachel - Would love anything Trex… my sister has a gorgeous deck made from it. I think I should have a chair. 😉

Meredith - When we moved into our house it had a TREX deck! When I was a kid I used to go to the Adirondacks in the summer…
The Awesome TREX adirondack chairs are a perfect fit for me.
Hope to win!

lucy - never have to paint???? woo-hoo…count me in!! - Hi! I tried my best to pin it but couldn’t get it to work… 🙁 Instead I forwarded It to my friends…I tried! A for effort? Martha

Pam C - I dream of celebrating summer with this table & chairs! Gorgeous

Sheralyn M - This would be perfect for our backyard. We just moved and are in desperate need of some patio furniture. - We had an old Adirondack chair ( big green chair was it’s name!). My son and I would eat lunch on it in the summertime! Great memories! I would love to win this chair to carry on the tradition with grandkids! Martha 🙂

Susan - So fun! I am working on getting the kids outside more – I have indoor kids for sure!

Julie Bennett - This chair is a classic. Adirondack never goes out of style. I would love this because it would look beautiful forever.I would be honored to have it on my patio.

Joni - Just love these chairs! we are buying our first house and moving out of a too small apartment. Of course we’ll need furniture and these chairs would be great in our new backyard.

Beth Schultz - This set would be a wonderful addition to our yard! We have squirrels who won’t leave the wicker alone, maybe TREX will ward them off! I am pinning on Pinterest and FB because I don’t have a blooooooggggg! Thanks for the chance , if I’m ineligible I will understand. Your porch yard and patio look like a happy place, enjoy!

Christina - That’s awesome. It would look so cute in my new screen porch! 🙂

Rebecca W - Cool, looks nice!

Sarah - Love the new table! This would be great with our family of five to enjoy BBQ dinner outside or an ice-cream cone on a hot summer day. I know my kids would love to grow up with this table:)

Nicole - We have been in our first home for 2 years now & JUST finished the backyard (which was nothing but dirt). These chairs would be the icing on the cake for us & would get SO MUCH use! Thanks!

Liesl - We’ve been working on redoing our backyard–this would be the perfect addition!!!!

Caitlynne - I love the table and chairs!!

Julie - love the chairs!

Marcia - We are celebrating our first summer in our new home which has a big backyard and it would be AMAZING to have this gorgeous set out there for family and friends! It will match a newly painted house too – FUN!

Amanda - Wow! some family is going to be very lucky. What a great outdoor set!!
I love that it will withstand the weather and wipes clean easily. Nice.

Carol - I would love to have this chair to relax in. I also like that is maintenance free. That alone means alot.

mrs. dunbar - Oh these are awesome. We so need some place to sit outside, i usually end up wathing the kids while sitting on the hot concret. no fun. keeping my fingers crossed. - Wow they are the bomb!! I need and want!

Chelsea - Wow, those look great and how nice to never have to sand or stain a piece. I think I may have to look into some other pieces from Trex. Thanks for the giveaway!

Alicia Gallagher - Pinned this on Pintrest too! YAY!!!!

Alicia Gallagher - LOVE Trex & LOVE Adirondack Chairs! So pretty!

Jessica Levin - This furniture looks so awesome! I love the low maintenance factor!!!

Heather - Just because I’m 40 today and because my family of 6 will be moving in July from 3765 sf to 1700 sf to simplify and go back into ministry…I’m gonna need an outdoor space for some quiet! So…I’m commenting and crossing my fingers!! 🙂

Jenn - Awesomeness! What a fabulous give away! Fingers crossed for my own Trex goodies!

Susan A - LOVE the table and chairs. Those cushions are SO pretty!

Jennifer - Pick me, pick me! Reading outside would be even better with this chair 😉

Dixie - We would love to have this table!

Denise. Malesa - Liked and Shared on Facebook!!!!

Penni - So in need of backyard furniture – would love to win this!

Denise. Malesa - Would love to add this to my pool area .. Thanks for chance to win!!!!

Jill - Love the table and chairs . . . but especially love your photo of the ferocious kitten stalking the chickens! A masterpiece.

Deb Butterflys Cohen - these are awesome chairs for a fishing dock

Janelle - I pinned it too!

Jenn - Awesome table! And who wouldn’t want some equally awesome chairs!

michelle - well i wouldn’t want to be considered a crazy person, now would i? it is lovely and i could sorely use a beautiful adirondack chair on my deck–especially one that is not made of wood that can rot in the wet pacific nw!

Melissa Mackler - I would love love love to win those chairs! Our patio is very sad with just two cheapy plastic chairs!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Pinned it too!

Mallory K - We just sold out our patio furniture (as we moved from MI to NC) so this would be AMAZING! Now if only I could also get some beautiful lakes (I am a lake MI girl so ocean living will take some getting used to). - Would love to win!

Gerri - Love this furniture! Thanks for sharing 🙂

Conrad Kovash - Love this. How is the chair for someone with back issues

Sam S - Love the pattern on those cushions!! And the chair looks so relaxing!

mell - Love your backyard. I would be fantastic to have this prize in my backyard.

Heidi Jo the Artist - Would love to win! Have been wanting Adirondack chairs ever since our first trip (over 10 years ago) to the Adirondack mountains. 🙂

Jena - Also pinned it….to Win It!

Jena - Love it! Pick me!!

April - I would love this chair in my back yard! Thanks for the chance to win,Fingers crossed!!!

Bivra Cluck - we are researching outdoor furniture, this is great!

Allison Hanson - Pinned it also. 🙂

Allison Hanson - Love it, especially how it is maintenance free!!

Erin - Thanks for the chance to win! We would use the heck out of this!

Erica - Would love this! Can’t wait to start spending more time outside this summer…I live in Oregon, so summertime hasn’t quite started yet, but it’s close!

Sally Spires-Bodnaruk - I would love this for my front porch!!!

Nanci - Love it my is about 20 years old would adore this one

Jenny M - I pinned about this giveaway!

Jenny M - LOVE your patio Meg!! So fun! Please come decorate my home?! xoxo

Julie - These would look so good on our new patio we worked hard to lay the brick and then set it in the sand that hardens (I know there is a name for that but cannot remember it) would love to win these thanks for the chance..Your patio looks fab!!

Jennifer Stonier - Yes I would love this! And I would LOVE for my yard to be as cute as yours! I know… when the new Trex set is delivered to my house I shall re-vamp the yard to match :)Thanks for thinking of me and my yard 🙂 LOL

Blair B. - With 2 toddlers we love being outside and the dog has officially eaten all my chairs and the kid’s picnic table. This would be great!

Ellen - We love our Trex deck… the dining set looks so great!

George - I need this for my wrap around porch. I have deteriorating wicker now. - Love the Chair. Love the outdoors!

Holly - Beautiful table and chairs. Hope to win!! 🙂

Lindsey W. - I’ve also pinned it!

Lindsey W. - This chair would be perfect on our deck!

stacie jameson - Wow i’d love to win this!

Donna Barnes - Hope I win 🙂

tami - I love Trex furniture, sadly, I have none. Would put these to good use!

Hollie C - I would love some outdoor furniture!!

Laura Barker - With Summer starting yesterday, for us, this is a great prize! We would love to win!

Noreen Plantz - This Trex chair set is really nice, I like how durable their products are. This would certainly get me out into my back yard more. By the way, I really like your dining set as well.

Elaine - These would look great for my family of five!! It looks like it could handle breakfast, lunch and dinner with twin 8 year old boys and a little sister who follows behind!!

Jolie - Love this chair. I hope I win:-)

Angela - Love the trex and the white is awesome!

Kevin Yurkanin - Pinned It

Catharine R - Pinned:
cer5555 at gmail dot com

Catharine R - Trex makes great products. Would love to have this chair!
cer5555 at gmail dot com

Amy W. - Pick me!! 🙂

Sarah crosby - Love it! We have a back patio just dying to be filled up w/ pretty furniture!

Kevin Yurkanin - This is awesome I would love to win this

Devonna - Would love to have this to relax on!

Cori Barney - that furniture is so cute! I NEED it!

Tina Jacobsen - Love the table and chair!! We love to be outside all summer too!! 🙂

Brandy Ritter - I would love to have this beautiful set in my backyard. Trex furniture seems so easy to maintain and looks so pretty

Emilee Prenevost - Wow! Would totally love to win this!

Jon - this is my comment.

Lemonade Makin' Mama - I’m just laughing because I’ve been whining about the price of adirondacks all spring.
I had two wooden ones that I loved, for years! They were my favorite spot to sit in the backyard until my best friends’ husband sat in it and shattered the wood last fall… a week later the other one broke too! So I would love to be entered! 🙂

Meredith L. - Would love to win!

William Hoffman - Great pictures and awesome outdoor setting!

chrissi - love that table, it looks great in your patio with the pops of color and mix of vintage and new.

Cortney - Ooooh I love your new table!! A lot!! The chairs are great too! We are getting ready to re-do our deck and I am waiting to be done before I buy new outdoor furniture!! The chairs would be perfect. We have a great view that would do them justice!

Joe Downey - Classic lines The set would look great on the Patio up in Maine. Can you ship it for the Fourth? BTW to all HAPPY SUMMER

Scott Wheat - Pin it thanks for the chance!!!

Rosie Britton - Pinned it!

Rosie Britton - I love this Adirondack Chair & have the perfect place for it 🙂

Elise Walen - Very nice

Joey Carnes - Oh WOW! I LOVE that chair!

Jody Dietz - I can see these by our pool at our new house!

Becky F. - Pinned it!

Denise - Your table looks great! I’d love to win those fabulous chairs!

ConnieM - I love the look of the chairs would be great paired with bright cushions. The family would be so happy to win them.
Thank you for the chance.

Janie - How fun is your new table and chairs. I love the colors you picked. The Adirondack set would be perfect in the corner of my backyard to read a good book and sip lemonade in. Or better yet, read about what the Duerksen’s are up to. I love your blog!!

jaimie - fun and practical…gotta love it!

Jena Kluver - Pinned it, Blogged it.. and now commenting. 🙂 Enjoy your week with a few less kiddos. I’m only down one child and I’m missing her like crazy!

Erin Johnson-pina - These chairs would be a blessing to win. We don’t have any chairs to sit on in our yard at the moment. We kind of just use blankets as if we’re having a picnic.

Amy - I would love to have this chair! I’d give it a nice home 😉 Thanks for the give away

Michele - Ohhhhhh! I love the table and chairs — and I love sitting in adirondack chairs!

kellie - 3rd entry by pinning and directing to your site!! i’m totes winnin’! 🙂 thank you meg!!!!

Becky F. - My family would love to enjoy dinner on this table! And the furniture would hold up in the Central California heat :)Love it!

Kelley - Pinned it!

Kelley - I hope I win!! Our porch could use some major sprucing up!!

kellie - BLOGGED IT!!!! EEK! @

D Daniel - I love everything about Trex decks and the furniture looks like it would compliment it beautifully! Love the pics and this post about nature and the family enjoying outdoors.

Renay Wilson - Would absolutely love to have this in my yard. I could relax in it while reading my favorite books.

Amber Benson - I’d love to win this great Trex product! I love these chairs!

Elaine - ♥ Adirondack chairs!
Have not tried Trex products; would ♥ to win! 🙂

Stephanie R. - I would love some Trex furniture!

Natalie J Vandenberghe - I would love to win that chair! Your photos are beautiful and I especially love that you have the wonderful verse Phil 4:8 at the top of your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.

Tim Conway - Needing something like this for my sun-baked backyard in central California.

crystal moyer - Awesome table!!!
Cbrocious1984 AT gmail dot com

donna joyce - I could use these chairs — and I love Trex products!

Debra Sauvageau - I love it! I also love outside family time…such precious memories are made…

Toni - I just saw this on Trex Facebook page – would love to win this!!

Matthew Buoscio - Totally what I need for my backyard!

Kari Judd - Wonderful Giveaway!

Annie Sauer - This looks great!

Michelle.A. - This furniture seems perfect for outdoors! Great giveaway!

Annie - Pinned it!

Annie - I would love to replace the camp chairs on my back porch with those lovely chairs!

Trish - lovely!!!

Jennifer Madison - I pinned it!:)

Jennifer Madison - Absolutely in LOVE with this furniture!!

Kristi Rediske - ok-I tried to pin it also, don’t know if it worked, hope so. I dont have a blog to talk about it so I guess this is my last entry-:)

Kristi Rediske - Wow that is pretty neat furniture-I really need that chair-pick me!

Katie - Also, I pinned this.

Katie - Yes, please. I like! 🙂

Joanne B - That table is so cool and I’ve always wanted an Adirondack chair!!

Anna - Your backyard is gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!

Katherine - Awesome! I’ve been looking for rocking chairs, do they make those?

Vonda - Love your new table, and what a fun happy porch!!!:) I would love to win some chairs:)

Lachalle - I would love o win that beautiful chair .

deb nordeman - what a fabulous addition to your yard! Loving all your flowers and the color in your pots and gardens! You are living my dream life!

Missy P - Just pinned the link! These are such great chairs- wonderful contest!

Sheila Fazio - We also live in the country on a dirt road……this furniture would be awesome!!
I love your porch and your blog!!!

Missy P - My family would LOVE LOVE LOVE these chairs!! Oh, I hope I win!!! 🙂

Bobbie - What a cute table. I would love to have those chairs to lounge in after a long day at work. 🙂

Jeanie - Gorgeous furniture – and would great on my patio!

Brooke - Wow, what pretty furniture! I love it all.

Karen - Your porch is lovely, I love that everything is so colorful! The cushions on your new chairs are beautiful. You can never have enough orange!!

Mary Kate - The Trex furniture would certainly improve my sad-looking back porch! I love how easy it is to care for it. Love, love, love the colorful cushions!

Sara - Your porch is so inviting. Can I come for dinner tonight?!

Julie - What a great set!! The adirondack chair looks awesome and comfy… Perfect for our deck 😉

Megan - What an awesome giveaway! Fingers crossed I win!

Kim farr - I love this table and your sweet country home!

Rachel - Love the table, what an inviting outdoor space!

Lynne B - Gorgeous table!

Julie Hull - I would love to win those chairs! We have no proper furniture for our outdoor deck!

Pam - I just pinned!

Pam - I would love to win one of those chairs. Your patio area speaks love.

Rachel S - Love your table! Those bright cushions are perfect.

ginger king - I would LOVE it

Yolanda - Gratitude for the chance.

Sue - Trex has furniture! A set like yours is efinitely on my wish list now. I pinned your contest:
I love the pictures of the girls writing down all your pets names on an outdoor chalkboard! All the smiles, colour and lfowers are blissfully lovely. I hope you are finding a bit of time to relax.

Cassie - Awesome giveaway! Would love to win.

amyellen - Would love this!

barb c - Love it!!

Olivia - These look awesome! We just moved into a new house with a deck and backyard…these look perfect for our new space!

Cheryl - I pinned it!

Gina - I had no idea Trex made furniture. Perfect!

Jessica - Love it! We’ve been looking for a sturdy table for our back patio.

Cheryl - Oh, that is just the neatest table! I love the white with the pops of cushion color. And can I say, your flowers are beautiful, so full and colorful. I just moved to Kansas from California and am seeing which flowers thrive in this heat ;-).

Dani - I love the colors! I was looking for something to go on our back porch and that seems like the perfect place to look!

jennifer - Gorgeous furniture!

Nancy - I pinned the pic to pintrest!

kim - Love it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Nancy - What a great product – I have a trex deck but I didn’t know they made furniture. I would love those chairs!!

maggi - how great! love your outdoor living space.

Amy - Oh…this is perfect furniture for outdoors!

Skye Gregerson - This furniture is beautiful! Great giveaway!

Angie G - Love the table – would look so cute on our patio! 🙂

Adrienne s - Very surprised to see you with a white table 🙂
I love it though!!

Jenna - Very fun, and looks comfy too!

Vicky - It is so pretty. I’d love those chairs.

Julie - I pinned this to my Pinterest! Thanks Meg!!!

Julie - This furniture rocks!! I love the table and chairs with the pop of color on the cushions! Thank you for the chance to win the adirondack chair; it would look great on our deck!

talya - i wished i had a blog to blog about it or facebook to like it but i don’t ,BUT I love your blog, I love the table, and I would LOVE to win those chairs! =)

beccy - I would love to win chairs for my empty front patio. :o). Thanks!

Amanda - LOVE the table & those cushions are fabulous!! 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - We lve to be outside too. I hope I win 😉

Holly L. - I love your blog, I love the table, and I would LOVE to win those chairs! =)

Amy - My fingers are crossed!

Amanda R. - Love it!

Alicia @ La Famille - AND I pinned it toooooo!!!!

Alicia @ La Famille - I included a link to this post in my blog post going up tomorrow!!!

Alicia @ La Famille - those chairs have my name ALLLLL over them! AND the table too!!!

Carri Siebenmark - So pretty! Love your patio!

Carri Siebenmark - So pretty! I love your patio.

Vicki Esh - I love this table! I especially love it since I just discovered a nasty split in my current picnic table!

Susan - So fun!

Susan - Love it!!! Just what I’ve been looking for to go on our front porch.

Shawna - The table looks fab. Would lovey love the chairs for my back patio.

Denette - Pinned it!!! =)

Michele - I pinned it! - I need outdoor furniture!

Denette - Beautiful table! Exactly what I am looking for!

Michele - Love the table and the cushions. Your outside world is pretty great!

Lori Tucker - What an amazing idea- TREX outdoor furniture. We need this in our rainy Vancouver back yard.

Nan Beach - beautiful! Someone will be very very lucky! What an awesome give-away!

Melissa Tichy - I would love to read a good book in one of those chairs!!!

ruth smarr - Love it!!

pam - i’m leaving a comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i don’t need that chair but i really want that chair. 😉

Sarah B - I pinned it. 🙂

Sarah B - We’d love to have any of that beautiful furniture! It sounds like the chair is a good place to start!

Alissa Getson - This is a super awesome giveaway!!!!

abby - Oh I can’t wait to look at all of the trex brand furniture! It is beautiful!

Sheryl - The white Trex table complements what seems to also be a Trex deck if me eyes are not deceiving me?? The white is a great “neutral” color to go with any colored cushions, placemats, dishes, etc. Plus I love the longevity of the Trex products!

Jennifer Suckow - Super cute cushions!

Aimee - Pick Me 🙂

Kimberly - I would love this in our backyard!

Jane Karsten - Awesome giveawayM

Meredith W. - Our deck furniture bit the dust, so we’d love something new to replace it with other than folding chairs. 🙂

Diana - Pinned it 🙂

Diana - It would be so cool to win some nice outdoor furniture!

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Oh how fun! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Stephanie - Oh, I would love nothing more than to win these chairs! Your home is beautiful!

Julie Briggs - Would love these!!

Mel - Love the furniture!

Dawn Morrison - White Adirondack chairs have held a special place in my heart since my new husband and I sat on these drinking Heineken Beer on our honeymoon 19 years ago on Mackinac Island, Michingan. Our 19th anniversary is coming up July 30 and this would be an awesome gift to my hubby….with a 6 pack of Heineken, too!

lisa - Would love to win!!

Deb Meyers - blogged about this contest! deb meyers

Elizabeth - I love this furniture! I pinned this

Deb Meyers - I would love to try Trex in New England weather. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity Meg and Trex!
deb meyers

Julie - hey i just broke our outdoor table a few days ago! glass shattered everywhere! not awesome! i guess i should look into a non-glass table, like yours!

Carolyn Mackie - Thanks! These look great!

JenniferREG - me me me me! PLEAAAAAAAAAASE~! They are great!

Sara - Would love to have it at our house!

Jamie Forsyth - I also pinned it!

Jamie Forsyth - One can never have too many adirondack chairs! Especially ones that will last forever!

Michelle B - …and I pinned it too:)

Michelle B - It looks great! Here’s crossing my fingers that the random generator likes me:)

Tina C - Love Adirondack chairs! I can see myself, book in hand and glass of lemonade close by, soaking up the sun in that pretty white chair!

Emily - Pinned it! Thank you!

Meghan Borough - Love love love! We have a bare patio that is in need of a nice little chair or two – Trex is awesome.

Laura in LA - I just heard about the Trex furniture the other day and knew it would be awesome! Thanks for sharing with us!

amber reece - I need a new chair out by my pool! This would be fantastic!!!! : )

JILL - I do not want to be the crazy person who didn’t leave a comment here to try to win!

amber reece - OH! How wonderful for easy cleanup! : )I am ‘pinning’ also!

Jeannine - These are beautiful! I love the crispness of the white combined with the splash of color from the cushions. While the outdoor furniture would look great on our patio at our apartment, I think it would look even more wonderful outside in our backyard when we finally get our house 🙂

Angela - Love it! These would be perfect for lounging…..who am I kidding there is no lounging with 3 small kids 🙂

Rissa - these would look so awesome on our yard.. it’s beautiful how WHITE they can stay 😉

Cindy McAllister - I LOVE it…and you make everything look so wonderful. I especially like the easy clean-up. - I love eating outside.

Judy - Would look great on our deck!

Casey Justus - Love it, and love Trex!

Vickie - Beautiful table! Thanks!

Mary - Love the outdoor furniture. Looks so durable!

Julie h - Love how clean it looks!

jamie pryor - these would be great around our firepit awesome thanks for the opportunity.

Jenn D - It looks great on your deck!

Kristi K - love this! would love to win!

Amber P. - I need one of these. My puppy chewed up some chairs on my last outdoor set. He’s grown out of his destructive ways so we are ready for a new one! (table, not puppy)

Linda R. - Would love something like this, Meg! Thanks!

Amy - Very nice! Could really use some new chairs

Heather - *my* 🙂

Heather - Could so use those chairs for me patio. LOVE! Pinned as well.

Ann Marie - I pinned it on Pinterest!

Ann Marie - I would love to win this since we are getting ready to install a TREX deck in our backyard!

Colleen - Love the furniture! Perfect for Florida humidity!

holly - Oh these would be so wonderful to win!!
A full size extended cab pick up missed the turn by our house colliding into our home at 30mph. It is amazing we weren’t home, I homeschool the children and we are always home. God has His hand of protection on my family that day!!
My kids and I went to the store for popsicles and my husband was at work. My 3 dogs survived this devastation!
As you could imagine, we are trying to re build what we had since we lost our home and posessions!! So, this would be such a treat!! You have a great blog! Thanks

Cindy - great giveaway! Thank you Meg!:)

Kristin - We have a Trex deck, and I love it. I’m sure I would love the furniture too!

Tori - Pinned it!

Tori - Ohhhh, I want them!! Hoping to build a back deck next spring and these look like they want to belong there!

Denease - Your flowers are beautiful! And love the chair! - So cool and inviting!

Sara G. - I’ve always wanted an Adirondack chair sitting in my yard! I love it!

Amy - I love this furniture!

Jamie - Thank you, love the chair!

Caroline - We live right next to a dirt lot and an interstate, I’d live something that cleans easily!

Lari - These would be perfect for our deck!

Angela - I have always wanted adirondack chairs, and finally this year we have a backyard we could use them in. 🙂

Heather Richter - The table is great. I’ve always wanted adirondack chairs. Thanks for thinking of us. 😉

Angela - That table is so pretty! Pinneed! 🙂

Tim - Awesome!

meghan - This is a beautiful chair I would love to win it.

Rachelle - Just moved to the lake and plan to accumulate several of these style chairs – easy to care for would be great!

Stacy Tatkenhorst - I love this!

Kim - Love love it!!
I can picture myself sitting on it already.

Donna Yost - I honestly have always wanted a chair set like that. It would be perfect for our yard!

Tracy - I pinned 🙂 Hope i win!

Tracy - It should would be crazy not to leave a comment!
I would write a blog post if I had a blog!! haha

Valeri - What a great idea by Trex! My sister in law has a deck made out of Trex and loves it! It would be nice not to have to paint my wood chairs every summer! Thank you!

ikarentee - Those chairs would be great to win. Thanks for the giveaway!

Sandy - Pick me! Pick me!

Shannon - Wouldn’t that be perfect for me with a glass of wine in my hands watching my kids play before sunset 😉

Jennifer in VA - Pin’d it!

Jennifer in VA - love the chairs, we’ve been looking for some new ones for our front yard.

Judy - I didn’t even realize that Trex made furniture!! I LOVE it, and it would be so durable and perfect for outdoor dining!!!

Ali - I can’t imagine all the cool throw pillow combos with this crisp white chair! Lovely!! Yay for summer!

Jill Sisson - Pinned it! Love, love, love!! 🙂

Ashley - Love the new furniture! It’s so crisp and clean looking, and I love white to pop color!

Amanda - And I pinned it!!!

Kelly - WOW – Awesome giveaway – We just finished a fenced-in swingset area in our backyard – those chairs would be perfect for the grown-ups!!

Amanda - Wow. Sign me up!

Ashley - I also shared the giveaway on pinterest (a_latimer)

Ashley - Would love, love these! I’ve been wanting adirondack chairs forever!

Megan - Great chair for sitting the sun or next to a fire! Lots of fun for the summer. I pinned it too!

Amy - Pinned it! Of course!

jen smith - i pinned it!

Amy - We need it! We usually sit on busted up lawn chairs!

Lisa - Very pretty!

jen smith - wow! what a great giveaway! yay for summer!

Gretchen - If Trex makes it, you know it’s going to last! This chair set would be perfect next to the pond at our new farm!

Kate - Dreamy & no maintenance!

beth k. - I would love to have chairs for my back or front yard. Nice and relaxing. I would pin or blog about it, but do not have either. 🙂

Wendi Hansen - Love the table and the chairs. We currently have no outdoor furniture and these would be awesome for our backyard!

beth k. - I would love these chairs for our front or back yard so I can sit comfortably while watching the kids. I would pin or post a blog if I could, hopefully this will be lucky enough. 🙂

Joleen - I would love some on those chairs on my deck!

Becky J - 🙂 oh my- this family of five could so, so , so enjoy relaxing in that baby- I am thinking it would be the perfect spot for early morning devotions..THANKS for the opportunity to win! Blessings!!

Anne - A good book, glass of iced tea and those adirondack chairs…a perfect summer recipe!!

janelle - Beautiful outdoor furniture!

Erika - Ohhh love, hope I get picked!!!

Shelley C. - Pinned

Shelley C. - Never knew trex made furniture!!

Gina - These chairs would be great! Love it 🙂

Jessica - PINNED!!!! <3

Sarah K - My husband just finished building a Trex deck! We love it! That set would be more than perfect on it!

Deb M - This furniture looks awesome!

Jessica - oh man! that would be perfect for sitting around the fire pit!!

jill - i love adirondack chairs!

Amy K. - Pinned 🙂

the chubby dove - love the trex table and chairs!
and your little colorful chairs along the wall are adorable!!

the chubby dove - pinned it! looks so pretty against all the pops of color on your patio.

Corinne - Adirondack chairs remind me of the Hotel Lenhart on Lake Chautauqua (NY) – Meg you would love it – beautiful lake view and the chairs are a rainbow of colors!

Katie G - And I just pinned it! Thank you!

Rebecca - I would love to win! Thank you for the chance! Love your blog – we’ve stolen some of your ideas for our own craft weekend in Flagstaff Arizona!

Joanna Peck - We just bought a small farm. Need all kinds of outdoor items! Thanks for the chance. Jodi

Carol - Pinned onto “In The Garden”. Love it!!!

Katie G - Oh, please??!!!!?? I would love this!! 🙂

Amy K. - My husband and I were just discussing about buying 2 adirondack chairs! It would be even better to win them! ♥

Carol - Love TREX products! Enjoy making memories around your new table.

Annie - It’d be wonderful on our front porch!

Heidi - Tried to pin photo but it wouldn’t pin …

Tammy Henderson - Love the new table! We were just talking about needing 2 seats out near our swing and fire pit. These would be perfect!

Carrie - I need to take a break this summer & those chairs would be the perfect resting spot!

BeckyM - We just bought our first home and these would be perfect for our new front porch. What an awesome contest!

lorraine tuohy - its soooooooo pretty, and perfect for my long legged men in my family too!!!!

Heidi - Great giveaway – thanks!

Jennifer - We have lived in the same house for 3 years and our patio is still bare! This would be awesome to win!

Tara - Love it!!

jennifer - Just pinned the giveaway. Thanks!

Tiffany - Beautiful table, LOVE TREX! Great idea taking their awesome decking and deciding to make furniture with the same concept!

jennifer - Love that furniture!

mia - love trex, your blog, and this giveaway!

denise - Love It!!!!!

Wendy - looks great to me!!

Karina - Love the crisp white look of your table and chairs. The contest chairs would look great in the backyard of our new house!

Sandy W - I am happy to see this post. We are looking for new outdoor furniture and I had never heard of Trex. Iam going to go look at their website right now.

Amy - Wow! What an amazing giveaway! I just heard about people using Trex to make patio furniture on the radio. I didn’t realize Trex had their own line of already made furniture. How cool!

Kristy - I love how easy and durable these seem!

StephanieKay - Love this table!! So fun!! Awesome giveaway!

Dawn - Really lve this…would love to win!

Lynda M. - Your yard looks SO inviting – love the new table! Adirondack chairs are my fave! - I would love to have that table in my back yard!!!!

Lora - Your outdoor areas always look so pretty and happy! It must not be as hot in KS as it is here in TX… I tried to eat outside with my son the other day and it was NOT fun :). Love the table and chairs!

Deb - Love your table and chairs! I would love to have the adirondack!

Alice H - I love that table! We are in desperate need of some patio furniture. Thanks for the giveaway! - I am ALWAYS looking for cute, function and durable patio furniture! even if I don’t win, thanks for introducing me to Trex!

Julie Johnson - Love the table and chairs!

Holly - Nice!

Kari - pinning it now too 🙂

Kari - My parents have a trek deck – it’s awesome – thanks for the chance to enter…

rachel - These chairs would be absolutely perfect for my porch! I’m crossing my fingers!! 🙂

rachel p - Beautiful!! I’d love to sit and hang out with you and your family on that gorgeous patio 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win the chair!!

Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - OMG! I love that set! So functional and made of great material that will last a long time! That’s exactly what we need!!

Rachel Matilda - I love that table!

Rachel Matilda - I love that table!!!

Shauna - I really love reading your blog!

Robyn B - Table is super cute! That chair would look great on my patio – pick me!

Kristina C. - Love your new table! The fabric is so happy!

Tracey W - Love this! my sweetie would love kicking back in the yard in this chair!

Robin Canter - swooning over the table and cushions!!

Ruth - Absolutely love this! What a great giveaway!

Amy Moran - I wasn’t aware Trex made outdoor furniture. What a great idea. The Adirondack chair is gorgeous.

mary - trex is some amazing stuff! i would love this!!!
(thanks meg!)

Lindsey - The table looks great! I love the cushions also! Your patio area looks so gorgeous with all your flowers and accessories!

Aimee Murray - That chair is awesome!!

Jamie C - This table is adorable!

cynthia - Pick me! Pick me! I have the perfect spot in the back yard for these. Love them.

StephanieNelson - Would love these chairs in my yard! Thank you 🙂

amber peters - i pinned the giveaway on Pinterest!

amber peters - Ooh! I want those chairs! I would spend most of my time out there too! Lovely outdoor space!

Rhiannon - I LOVE Trex. They make great products. I would be so super-dee-duper excited to win those chairs. 🙂

sharon - Your yard looks so pretty and this new table and chairs is perfect! Thank you for the chance ro win the cool chairs!

Katie Jones - Love Love Love! We just moved out to the country on 5 acres and would love to have this out on my deck!! Our family would definatly get good use out of it!!!! Whoop Whoop!!!

Kelly - Great outdoor furniture and prize!

Rebecca - Love the chairs and your new table.

Stephanie - Your backyard is beautiful and I love that furniture 🙂

Dena - This is lovely furniture. I always worry about how my wood won’t last long enough out in the elements.

Sara D. - Love it!!

jodi - beautiful! those bright colors are so you! enjoy!

melissa@joyineveryseason - Adirondack chairs are my favorite … best chairs ever!!!

Meg - Ooh, love it. We’ve been looking at trex decking, now I have to look at their patio furniture too!

allison - That table is AWESOME! I especially LOVE the cushions! Bright, cheery and happy – just like you. 🙂

Maggie - Love it! Would look sweet on my patio! pick me! =]

M. Williams - Outdoor furniture that requires no up keep or maintenance! That’s my kind of outdoor furniture!

Elise - This would be perfect for our new deck!

Staci - Good Morning Again! Just pinned the giveaway…..THANKS again!!!!!

Amy W - I am looking for outdoor furniture-thanks for letting me know about this brand!

beth larson - Meg…I love that you have two tables on your patio…and the new white trek one? divine! It’s so crisp and clean and just plain inviting.
I adore the adirondack set too! Your pictures are lovely!

Staci - LOVE these furniture pieces. I had NO idea they made furniture too! Thanks for the chance to win!

brandi - I love Adirondack chairs! This would be my dream chair for our outdoor living space! Hello “easy-to-clean”! Love it!

Stacy Mc - Everything looks wonderful. Your outdoor space is inspiring. Would love to have those chairs in our backyard.

Sarah F. - I would adore having those chairs in my front yard!

DiAnn Cardona - Our family would like this chair. One more chair in the backyard would be great.
Thank you.

Deborah - We have a pool and I am a native of California (currently living in Indiana) so I LOVE being outdoors with my family!!!!!!

Christine - I pinned it!

Christine - I would LOVE this! I have a rod iron set that I love but it has become high maintenance as it has gotten older. This is perfect! Your flowers are gorgeous! All the colors, such a happy place to play and spend time together.

Maegan C - i love being outside in the summer, best part of country living!!

nora - Wow! I love low-maintenance outdoor furniture 🙂

Linda G - Very nice! Those cushions are just my style. I have some kitchen towels from Crate & Barrel that look just like them. How great would it be just to be able to wipe down your white table and have it look that good? Ahhh. And no more shopping for a new table every 3 years because the wood is shot.
I have always admired the look of an Adirondack chair. Thanks for this opportunity to win one!

Anne-Marie - I would love to have new outdoor furniture! Ours is aweful 🙂

Kim - I love this set and have actually been looking into purchasing one or two for our house. Will definitely be checking out the website today and seeing what else they have.

Analia - Love your set up and your pictures! - I love this, need it in Hutchinson

Chesley - pinned it too!

Katie Kramer - I pinned it!

Chesley - love! great way to kick off the patio redo 🙂

Katie Kramer - Those chairs would be perfect in my backyard!

Kaye - We just moved into a new house and we need outdoor furniture!

Michelle pierce - Love, it’s so happy looking!!

s - We are outside a ton as well and love eating on our back porch. The only issue is cleanup..lots of in and out!!

Northern Cottage - Pinned it !!! Yay trex & whatever!!!!

Sally - Would love to win!

Northern Cottage - Who wouldn’t want to bring this baby home ? sigh!!! Thinking of building a picnic table and benches this summer but MAYBE trex instead – yum!!

Julie from Iowa - This would be perfect for reading with my kids!!!

Emily - I just pinned it, too:)

Emily - These would be fantastic in our back yard:)

Allison - Love that table! And I sure hope I win those chairs!

Deb A. - I love your new table. Thank you for the opportunity to win the chair. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

Mary - annnnnnnndddddd…i pinned it! 🙂

Mary - holy wow! this would be so great to win!
thank so much!

Jackie - Love, Love, Love your new table. I am crossing my fingers!!

Alexis K - Fantastic! Fingers crossed

Alexis K - Amazing! Fingers crossed!! 🙂

Amanda - What a beautiful patio set! Your yard looks so inviting, too. =)

Jordan - Pinned! 🙂 This would be perfect for my outdoor patio!!

Julie - Love your new table. Love those folding chairs. Thanks for posting this giveaway!

Lelia - I would LOVE this! We have very little outdoor furniture!

Ann Wagner - I just love our Trex pool deck–haven’t had to do one thing to maintain it in five years and it still looks great. Would LOVE to have a Trex Adirondack Chair on that deck, too! Summer love!

Darla - My hub has always love adirondack furniture. Thanks!

Wendy C - Love the cushions you picked out – the charis would be a perfect addition to a new fire pit area that we are building! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

Gwennie - Nothing better than a summer meal outside. Fingers crossed that I win!

Emily - I love it! We’ve replaced three outdoor sets over the years because they just fall apart.

Kathleen - would love to win the chairs for our new back deck!

Dianna - I love this table! It looks so nice outside your house. Yes, please enter me in the drawing! 🙂

Sharon - I would love to win!!!! Just in time for summer………..
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Erin - That would be perfect for my little Midwest cottage!!

Melanie Smith - I would love these for our patio!!

Stacy - Crossing fingers and toes… 🙂

Julie - Love the TREX furniture! Thanks for having this giveaway!

KTG - I would love a chair I could wash off and keep on my patio!

Jennifer Bloom - OH MY – this would look amazing in my backyard.

Becca - I would love love love to have an adirondack on my wrap around front porch!

Deanna Winne - So cool! I didn’t know Trex made furniture!

Amber B - Very cute!!

Carol S, - Awesome set loving it. Plus pop at dinner you are too cool.

Teri - Love the bright white furniture and colorful cushions!
Thank you for the chance to win!

Bethany - Love it!

Shaun - Love these chairs! What a great giveaway!! Thanks to you and Trex!!!

Nancy - Sounds like a great piece of furniture!! We need to replace our outdoor table.

Julie - I’ve posted about the give-away!

Julie - I have always wanted an adirondack chair!

Whitehorse - Gorgeous

Laura Conway - I love the furniture, already checked out their website!

meredith feisel - Sonic Shakes are half off on the 20th – a perfect comment to go along with a perfect table!! Oh, that would be the most amazing prize for us right now, on the new patio.

Michele - Love, love, love…and June 21st is our wedding anniversary! =0)

heidi - It’s a beautiful table–I’ll have to keep this company in mind when we look for new patio furniture. We are in the process of moving and I’m sure our new house in California will need some new furniture 🙂

Amanda M. - ohh I want to win! If I dont win…. where can I buy one of those awesome tables?

Sam Andrews - Love the new table. Your flowers are so pretty.

k - We NEED this!! 🙂 What fantastic outdoor furniture! Thank you for offering this great giveaway! Blogged, pinned and commented! 🙂

kelly - Love the carefree element to TREX….makes enjoying summer a bit simpler! Thanks for sharing….

Bora Pogeler - The table looks awesome! I love your blog and your photos are amazing!

Claire Peucker - I’ve also pinned it!

Erin - Very fun! Would love to win and sit outside on this soon!

Claire Peucker - I love how you’ve set up your outdoor area. That table is just gorgeous with all the white and a pop of colour. I would love to win one of those chairs, I’ve been eyeing those off for the deck of my new apartment!

Krista W. - WOW!! Just what I was looking for!!! Love it!! fingers crossed!! 😉

Katie - I live in Seattle and I bet those would be perfect for the summer and stand up to the rain the rest of the year!

Mary Garrigus - Amazing and gorgeous! I love summer and living outside!!

Sue Linse - Love the table! Hope I win.

Julie B - Love all of these!

Shelly Clark - Oh my gosh, that would look so totally cute in my yard! Makes me think about lemonade and chicken salad sandwiches

Jennifer - This would be great for our patio!

Melissa - Commenting because I’m not crazy. I love it.

Kelli Baker - I love when things are functional and pretty. What a great chair for relaxing!

Sandra - Please pick me. Big front porch. Old ratty chairs. I would love an update!

Amanda M - I love the classic lines. Would really love it on my back porch 🙂

Susan L - Love your new table and chairs. Would love this chair at my house!

Ann Marie - I love my parent deck made out

Annie - Looks like such since table, would love the chair

Heather - We would love to win that! We just moved and its perfect!!

Maria M - Pinned it!

jen - FINALLY-smart, pretty outdoor furniture!!! Such a smart company!!!

Maria M - Cute! We are in need of a new set since our last one bit the dust

Carrie - I pinned it too …

CassM - That table IS gorgeous! Just my style too …
Enjoy your summer there …

kellie - oooh! your patio is divine!!! and the chair is a beaut too! thank you!

Jody - Fun fun FUN!!!!!

Kate - Pinned!

Jenni - We SO need this at our new house. It’s a little cabin in the pine woods and our deck is empty:(

Kate - Fingers crossed!

leslie - I really like the cushions you picked out. 🙂

Janet Roth - This is just what I need, no maintenance. Please pick me!!

Leigh brown - this furniture is gorgeous!!

Lauren Fortney - Pinned it, too! 🙂

Lauren Fortney - Love this!! Awesome giveaway. Have the perfect spot waiting for a couple of those! - Love it!

Karly - We have the perfect patio for a chair like that! I could totally see myself catching some sun and sipping on a margarita while lounging in one of those!

Carrie - What a great table! Might be the perfect solution for outdoor furniture in the AZ desert!

Susan Harris - Crossing my fingers!

Amber - If my house looked that happy I would spend all my time outside as well 🙂

michelle - I absolutely love this! Can you buy it in stores or only online? Eep! So cool!

Kristin S - First of all, what a great set for your family. Can it fit all 7?
Second, brilliant idea. I hate my outdoor table and chairs. They weigh a ton and rust always comes through my spray paint job.
What a fun giveaway!

beth davis - We just redid our patio and would LOVE a TREK table!! 🙂 My family loves being outside, too. Happy summer!!

angela - What a great table! I could find a perfect spot for that chair in my backyard…

Shauna - PLEASE PICK ME!!!

Marilyn M. - I would love this. We have a trex deck and it is amazing. Essentially, no upkeep. Sturdy and no rotting of wood. This would look great on our deck. Thanks for blogging about your life.

Anne - Perfect for the outdoors – thanks !

Summer Samide - The six of us love to spend time outside too!

Christina - I would love this- my husband has been asking for a chair just like this!

Kim - Would love some new chairs for our deck. Ours are O.L.D. – old.

Patricia j. - Trex is awesome!!!!! Patti

Heather G - I love Trex stuff!!! Table is amazing!

Heather G - Pinned it!! 😉

Cassy - Your new table & chairs look great. Here’s hoping I win some TREX chairs for my backyard!

Stacey - Love the chairs – maybe winning them would force me to relax and take some time for myself! 🙂

Lori - AMAZING dining set! So thankful for summer- blessings to you and your family for a great time making memories—–

Barbara Youngren - I would love that chair! I enjoy reading your blog. My best friend is an Aunt to Kimberlee…. which is how I found out about you!

Margaret - Great chair! Hope I win!

Lisa - LOVE it! LOVE your yard! LOVE the table!

Beth P - I love all things trek and love the bright white!

Michelle M. - That table looks awesome! I would love to try the chairs too!

Alison - Oh I would love to sit in that chair under my big walnut tree!

Lori Austin - Pinned! 🙂

Lori Austin - I’ve said before and I’ll say it again…I LOVE your patio!
Awesome table and those cushions are perfect. - Just pinned the link! By the way, I love your blog! I’m also from Kansas! One time I thought that I saw you in Kohl’s in Wichita, but after closer observation I decided it wasn’t you:( I know it’s crazy, but I feel like I know you and we’ve never even met! Thanks for inspiring me to be more creative and looking closer for the handprint of God!
Cheri Simpson
P.S. I’m going to The Barn antique store in Marion sometime this summer:)

katchen - I want one!!! My parents have this same set and I would feel so grown up to have my own!

Jack and Verna Collier - Love the table and I need those chairs 🙂

Carole - Wow! I am totally going to go check this out! Sounds fabulous and so dang cute too. Thanks for the tip

Jessica P. - Pinned! 🙂

Jessica P. - This would be wonderful!

Jody - Love the furniture!

Amy - Oh my gosh, I LOVE that table! I would also love that chair on my back patio!

Rita - Love the furniture and the bright cushions. AND your generosity! You have a real gift with colors – thanks for sharing your “colorful” world with us, Meg.

Beth - I just pinned the giveaway on Pinterest. 🙂

Jayne barbour - How awesome ! These are lovely!

Kathy Y - Thanks for the chance to win the Trex chair. I have a empty patio at the moment that is crying out for furniture so I will definitely be checking out their furniture. And I love the colorful cushions and all your beautiful flowers together. Such a cheerful place to be!

Stephanie - That would be a perfect chair in my backyard!!I’ve got just the right spot!

Lisa M. - I never knew Trex made furniture! Awesome! Thanks for the chance to win.
And…great post! Love all the color and flowers 🙂

Jenny B. - That is awesome. Like, I would put that table in my dining room. Seriously. Love it! I have been looking for outdoor furniture for a long time (you know, so we can go outside, stare at the privacy fence, and listen to the planes, trains, and automobiles… ahh… so peaceful. Ha!). One day… we will live in the country. Yes… maybe. I can put that table on my back porch and just pretend, right? 🙂

Dana - I LOVE your little piece of the country!! and would love to visit your patio 🙂
The Trex table is just perfect to gather around with those you love!

Laura - What fantastic chairs! They would be adorable on our front porch next to the bench my sweet hubby made.

colleen - Okay so I am of course loving the trex table… but keeping trying to get a better look at the orange chair with the blue and white polkadot cushions…. so pretty!

Jane - I just love the furniture! So precious! Would look great on my deck! - How fun! I spend so much time outside with my 3 littles and would LOVE to be sitting in something comfy like that!

Heather - Wow, I didn’t know Trex was making furniture until now. It looks great!

Beth - Our family just got a little pool and a deck this summer. We are also spending a lot of time outside together. It’s wonderful! I think my favorite thing is eating meals together outside. Your new table is beautiful! So excited about the giveaway–we could really put that chair to some good use. Good luck to everyone! 🙂

karen - PINNED it!!

Kristel Armes - Hello! Beautiful table and I love the bright colorful cushions! I would love to have that chair sitting on my back porch with my buns in it with an iced tea and a good book!

Kelli R - Thank you for the chance!!!!!

Lee Smith - That furniture would look great by my pool!

karen - I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win!!

Nancy Fidler - I have always paired an adirondack chair with peace and relaxation. Have pictures of them in my office and home. Would love to add one to my yard or porch.

Lisa - I would love to win this! It would look so cute in my back yard.

Liana - I love it! I want the the same table plus the chairs!

JoLynn - I love Adirondack chairs…I would be super excited to win!! Thanks for the giveaway! Love your patio, BTW!!

Lisa - This would look so cute in my backyard! I want it!!!

Laura H - As always…LOVIN your blog! Your backyard looks so inviting! Love that bunting!’ I “pinned!!”

Paula - Love your new table and chairs. Would love a new chair that looks so fab and comfy.

Ashley - That table is SWEET! Love the chairs too! 🙂

Cara Yeh - Pick me!! Looks awesome! 🙂

Barbara - We have two wooden Adirondack chairs that are rotting so a brand new TREX Adirondack chair would be a wonderful replacement! Oh, and my brother has a Trex deck and he has nothing but good to say about it.
Thanks, Meg and love your new table and chairs!!

stacey - Pinned it!

Kimberly - Those chairs would be perfect in our new back yard!

stacey - I love Trex decking. How awesome that they now make outdoor furniture too!

Tiffany McCoy - Beautiful!

natalie atwood - Pretty! I love your space too!

karen - Pretending I am sitting in that chair! So comfortable!!! LOL 🙂

karen - i want to TREX it up!!

Cindy in Tx - Love these chairs!

kyra Bell - Just what we need for our patio. Love Trex products!

Laurie - What a peaceful place! Love the flowers! Gorgeous! The table is pretty fantastic too!

Angela McCarty - That looks like a great chair for relaxing!

Brooke - This would be wonderful for my tiny porch amidst my morning glories and zinnias!

Amy Woods - I love this set! I can see me ignoring my housework lounging in that adirondack. Oh yes.

Jennifer - Ooh love the furniture! I have just the man who would love that chair!

Gina DeHoogh - I pinned it, too! Such a lovely chair! And – this is crazy – I have a cousin who goes to church with your friend Kimberlee! Small, small world.

Margo - This would be great on m patio for relaxing!! - Thanks Meg! Your blog is my web Target; such a happy place for me!:-) I love the chaira and would love to win them although with three little ones I don’t suppose my husband and I would be able to do a whole lot of sitting in them for a while.;-)

Ashley E - Looks like an awesome give away!

Kari - Pinned!

lacey poag - i pinned it to win it 🙂

aimee - would love this for my backyard around the fire pit

Stacy - Pinned it on my outdoor ideas board!

lacey poag - perfect. we are outside all day and evening too…this is exactly what we need!

Stacy - This would be perfect for my patio! Great giveaway. I love your painted chairs!

Jen L. - Love those chairs!!

Christy r - Oh I love this table so much!

michelle@decorandthedog - Can I be one of your children? I pick up after myself. 😉

Kari - Low maintenance, Awesome!

Tami - I pinned it too.

Tami - I would love one of these chairs by our pool. It would be the perfect addition.

Teresa - I love the furniture. It would be nice to sit outside and read a good book.

Jamie - Pinned it!

Jamie - This would be perfect in my backyard!

Katie G - Love the chair and table!

Karol - Fun giveaway! Didn’t know Trex made furniture! Awesome!

ArielW - Holy Moly….Gorgeous!!!
Love this, and did not know they even made furniture. Good to know. Outdoor stuff takes such a beating here in TX!

Stephanie - I pinned it! )

Stephany W. - I would love to add this to my newly landscaped backyard!

Stephanie - I am in love with that table and chairs set! We have a covered patio that is completely seating-less right now. I’d love to win! Thanks for this!

danielle @ 2 Little Superhereos - We’ve been looking for an outdoor table. I love this one! - Amazing looking products! The chair would be perfect in our backyard next to the swing set!

Hope - Me!! I’d love to win!!

Caroline - I would love to win!

Linda - I don’t know if I have ever wanted to win a giveaway more than I want to win this one.

Jamie - We love the outdoors too!!

Jill - I need that chair!!

Mommyjulia - Outdoors is my favourite place to be too! Would love to kick back in that chair 🙂

Kim - We have been working on our outdoor space and this chair would be a wonderful addition in our yard. Living in New England, we try to enjoy all the sunshine of summer! - I’d love it!!! Pick me! Pick me!! (Your yard looks amazing by the way!!!)

Andrea W - Meg……I am SO excited. I have wanted these chairs forever! Forever! Thank you so much for the chance to win!!!!

Molly S - What great pieces!

Erin S. - Pick me!! I would love those chairs. They are awesome! New house (yah!), new patio (yah!), no furniture yet :(. So, I could use em’ 🙂
I love your patio – I can see why you spend so much time there!
I love your blog, read it daily. I have been a reader for about a year and this is my first comment.

Mandy - Beautiful!!

Amy - I do thing I need those chairs! For my birthday next week. Pretty please!

Debbie - Perfect!

arlene - I can just picture those chairs on our large wraparound porch here on our farm in Ohio. Pick me, PLEASE.

chris - love them! thanks for sharing.

Carolyn - I just found you blog and love reading about your family!! I would love to win the chair from TREX. I miss my kids and summer antics!! Thanks for sharing your family life!!

sharron - When y’all left the Craft House I thought is she crazy?!It has so much LOVE poured into it by you and your Family and is so amazing! But seeing your Country Home I realize that you pour Love into wherever you are. It is so cozy bright and so very MEG! I just love the deck and the flowers and all of the vintage sweetness.
Enjoy your Summer!

Jane - I love your outdoor space and would love to win this!!

Betsy - So we are going to Cape Cod for vacation this week… Does that help me win the chair? 🙂 Thanks for the chance @ the giveaway!

Heike - I would LOVE this table! SO great!

angela - pinned it!!!!

Rachel C - OK–Pinned it! 🙂

Jenny wells - I need that!!!

Rachel C - Ohhh… I just had to put my adirondack chair out in the trash today after 8 years outside they ROTTED! This is exactly what we need so that wouldn’t happen! 🙂

Janna - Free chair? I’m game. ;o)

Amy S. - I’d love to win that chair! It’s looks so comfy.

Jaime S - I also pinned it!

Jaime S - Love the white and freshness of it! Would love to win!

Tara - We live in South West Florida and spend all year outside! This table would be perfect for our family of 5 🙂

Laura O - love that chair!

Rachel - I would LOVE a chair! I have been dreaming about those chairs forever!

Stacy - Love love love that chair!!!! Perfect for watching my babies play outside!

Amy - Love the table and chairs! What a perfect family space for summer!! 🙂

Stephanie B. - Love the white! That alone is a great pop.

JulianneB - I know the perfect place in my yard for that chair.

Carol - Would love to win that chair – it looks very comfortable:)

Janelle - I hope they ship to the Virgin Islands!

psmullican - I have been a fan of Trex for awhile now – hoping one day to have a Trex deck. I had no idea they made furniture. Your table and chairs are beautiful!

kelly - i think i will start saving my pennies for that table…love it!

Heather McDonald - LOVE it!! And…it looks perfect with your orange spray painted chair with the navy pillows!!! Perfect.

Kimberly - Love those chairs! My patio could use one 🙂

Chris - That chair would look loverly in my yard!

lorena - This chair would be great in our backyard! Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
lorepuckett at verizon dot net

Kimberly - UHM! AMAZING! Love that table! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

lorena - I’ve pinned it! 🙂
lorepuckett at verizon dot net

Brenda - Pinned!

Brenda - It looks great! My table shattered last fall! I need one!

Toni :0) - I’ve always wanted that furniture but never can afford it! Beautiful!

Kelly - A Trex table & chair 🙂 would be wonderful here in Florida. Furniture just rots away with the weather here.

Tracie - We had a Trex deck at our last house and it was AWESOME! Would LOVE some new furniture!

Leah - Sign me up! That chair looks super comfy

michelle - love your patio! would love the set of chairs!

Sarah - Love this set!! Looks so relaxing!!

Leslie - This would look great in my backyard! We are re-doing some landscaping and this would be a perfect getaway spot. I love hearing that it’s weather proof too!

Debbie Cowell - I love the table and chairs and I love the durability they offer. Having lived in Kansas for 10 years I know how harsh the weather can be, don’t get me wrong I love the changing seasons. Anywho, I would love that chair and ottoman! so….pick me!:)

Maria - Thanks so much for the opportunity to win! You’re Awesome!

michele m fry - pinned it too!

Paige - Now this is something I would LOVE to win!!

michele m fry - I love your outdoor space, outside is the best place to be!!!

Maryaz - Pinned it!

Maryaz - I just had to sell my favorite chairs to make room in the moving truck…this would be a great replacement for the new house!

Becky McArthur - I LOVE how colorful your patio is!

Sandee Prince - yay! We have been looking for this type of table for our back deck. I want a white table to match my white vinyl fences. Are you able to hose this off? And do you know if you can get benches instead of the chairs?
The adirondack chairs would be perfect for our pool. Great giveaway!

Lisa J - Oh, my! I can’t even….so pretty!!

Karen - Love the table and the Adirondack chair! Thanks Meg!

Katek - My mom used to have a trex deck (she has since moved)! Awesome product! Would love to win.

Heidi - So lovely!!

Amy - I would love is table for a new patio we are working on in our backyard. I love the pattern of the cushions you chose! I love the colors.
Have a great day!

Sheri - Adorable, please pick me!

Laura - We would LOVE to live in the country some day as well! I grew up in the country and there is just nothing like it!

tammy - I pinned it! @tyeatts

tammy - pick me, please!

Susan Wilke - Pick me Pick me!

Mary N. - I pinned it to my “Outside Spaces” board on pinterest!

Rachel B. - Get out! I’d love to win 🙂 Beautiful furniture and beautiful yard!

Mary N. - I would so love to relax and read a book in that chair! Fingers crossed!

Angela B. - I love your outdoor area! What a fantastic give away!

Gina - Looks Comfy! Thanks for the opportunity!

Marci - I pinned the contest photo to Pinterest.

debi - Your front patio looks happy!

robbie - i would love to have a beautiful chair to watch my beautiful daughter enjoy her summer!

Marci - We definitely need some more friendly outdoor seating. That chair would work perfectly!

Vanessa Griffith - Love these! With all of the structural renovation we’ve been doing, it would be nice to finally have something fun and beautiful!

Laura - Great giveaway! I LOVE Adirondack chairs!

Krista Verba - I pinned the picture on Pinterest! They are beautiful! - Perfect timing! I’ve been looking for an outdoor table – these look perfect! The matching seating set would be great for lounging while my husband does the dishes.

Karie - Oh how I love Adirondack chairs!!

Kahs - I Love these!! What a great idea, I didn’t even know they made these but I love trex !!

Krista Verba - We would love to win those beautiful chairs! They look great!

Kathi - OMG – I did not know that Trex made furniture! We love the deck at our church camp that is made from Trex. I can only imagine how well this patio furniture will hold up, even in Texas weather. Thanks for opportunity to win the most awesome give-away!

Michelle - I didn’t even know Trex made outdoor furniture! It looks really nice.

Denise W - That table is right in my wheelhouse!! It would be perfect in the Las Vegas heat!

Kiersten - I didn’t even know they made furniture!! They would be great in the brutal hot hot hot Phoenix sun. Great giveaway. Thanks.

Angela - I seriously have one of these chairs on my wish list! Oh. My. Word.

Kerri - I really am a crazy person! It took me a few days, but I have looked at EVERY single post you have written! I am so glad I found you from Beck’s blog! And I LOVE how you LOVE color and God! Your outdoor space is super cute too!

Leslie - I would love to win!

Eric B. - I’m in!

ira lee - i’m no dummy- i pinned this!!

ira lee - i love this!!! and im really loving how everything that you own doesn’t match but it does match bc its all colorful. not overwhelming, just pretty!!! anyway back to the chairs….i could really use them. i had a house fire in april and lost everything. new chairs would be a great thing that i didn’t have to replace myself!!! plus i love trex!!!!

Susan - I love the Adirondack chairs. Our furniture on our back porch was chewed up by our daughters little dog. They would look great on our porch.

Bailey C - Love your table and that chair! Thanks for the chance to win!

Madison H. - I LOVE that pop of color!

Jenn Shock - I pinned it to win it baby!

Jenn Shock - We finally moved back to Texas and into a house with an amazing back yard! We are always out there too, enjoying our outdoor fireplace and “beer garden” area. I would love some comfy chairs for the hubby and I to chill in while watching the boys play 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!

Rebecca E - Love this chair! Thanks for the opportunity!
Rebecca E.

Jenn - We’ve been saving up to replace our wood deck with a Trex deck. Their product is awesome and the adirondack chair set giveaway is SWEET! Enjoy the outside living with your gorgeous new table !

Gwen B. - Love the look of the table and chairs!!

Kindra - I love this chair and the table set! This would look so good in my yard! Also pinned it!

Nicole B - Of course I would love to win this awesome set!!! It would be perfect for our little patio 🙂

Amy Collett - Wow! That furniture looks fantastic…and wouldn’t you know it, we’re looking for something for our family! I think I might have to go shopping! But thanks so much for the chance to win that chair – it looks great too!

Julie C. - I could use a cool chair! My chairs are so stiff and they don’t lean back. This chair would allow me to get my tan on…with SPF on of course 🙂

Courtne Huffman - We don’t really have any outdoor furniture yet, so this would be a great start!

Mrs.Pearson - Well, you know, I would love to win this awesomesauce giveaway.

Lisa - Here is the link for where I pinned it!

Paula Moss - I love your table and the cushions are wonderful! We live on our patio as well in the summer. Would love to win new chairs!

Michelle - Pinned it to my garden and outside living. At least I can wish for them even if I don’t win. 🙂

Eliece - I love your backyard because it is so colorful! It looks like a happy place to be.

mpoggie - I have been nonsensically putting off getting a set of these chairs for forever! Winning them would really help me out with my nonsense!

Michelle - As soon as the weather is warm enough, we live outside. These chairs would be perfect for an afternoon of reading under the trees or at night by the fire.

Bonnie - So pretty!!!

Anita K - What a beautiful set!

jenny - Pinned it. That way, if I don’t win, I can save up the moolah to buy one!

Heather - I’ve been looking for furniture for our balcony/deck. Good to hear about Trex!

jenny - We just finished a huge herringbone brick patio project and I would LOVE a table like this for outdoor dinners!

Lisa - Just pinned about this too!

Lisa - Would LOVE to win those chairs!

Shannon - pinned it!

alisha - awesome! Love your outdoor space!

Nissa - We are redoing our backyard, so this giveaway is perfect!

Mendi Tieman - LOVE the cushion colors! Matches perfectly with your style!

Shannon - I have a big oak tree that would be perfect under.

Melissa - love, love, love it! my patio would be so happy to sport it!

Kate - I love that it is made from something recycled! It’s so pretty! Thanks for the chance!

Nancy - Oh I hope I win!

Brandi Winger - Ahh, we are moving lakeside (in Kansas) next week! These would be perfect for our beach!

Lisa A. A. - I love everything about that furniture! Pretty and easy to maintain!

Nancy - Oh I hope I win!!!

Holly - I love seeing other people use their patio/ porch as much as we do. That is where we spend most of everyday. Love the new table.

Jess - I need! - Such a beautiful chair! I would love love love it!

jenn - These would make a FANTASTIC addition to our patio!!!

mandy friend - PINNED 🙂

JessicaF - Definitely throwing my name in for the chair. It would be a welcome addition to our

Heather - I would love this!

mandy friend - eek! LOVE!!!!

Chelsea - I pinned!

Chelsea - I have wanted adirondack chairs for our house since we moved in almost 6 years ago!

Kelly Sites - Beautiful table and chairs. Love it!!

Beth Ann - Thank you for the opportunity to win these chairs!

Amy - Wow! I would love to win this!

bethieh - Love this company! The furniture is great and also kid-proof. You picked an excellent color!

Wendi Hadley - Love your blog, love the table!! I never comment, but am taking the time today 😉 I live in Nebraska so can relate to a lot of what you have to say…and I think craft weekend looks awesome…I’m gonna put myself on the list one of these days…:)

Andrea Morrison - I love your blog and your new table and chairs!!! - I love how beautiful your set is with the chair pads! Love it!!
Julie Y

Kori - Thanks for the chance to win the chairs!! I can already picture me and my soon-to-be-hubby sipping lemonade while sitting in them! 🙂

angie - Trex decking is great, so their furniture must also be!

Melissa - Love Trex, and I love adirondack chairs….perfect pairing!

Melanie - Its soooo hot and humid in Florida that everything wood rots and everything metal burns your arms or fanny!:) Wow! am I lovin’ on this!!! I hope, I hope,I hope!!! Your flowers look so fabulous!

sheri - yay. I would love to win that chair! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

amyjupin - Mr. Neck would love that chair!

Michelle - Just pinned to my SUMMER board! This will remind me to check out the entire line on their website. Thanks for hosting Meg! xoxo

Michelle - How fantastic! I would LOVE to win those chairs for our family of five. Thanks Meg. xoxo

Megan Carr - My best friend just bought his first home. This would be perfect for his new deck!

Blakeley - Pinned!

gina - i pinned the giveaway 🙂

Amy M - Also, what a lovely chair! Would love to have one!

Amy M - Pinned it! 🙂

Anna - Yes! We just bought our first home. These would be awesome for the deck! Love the pattern you picked.

Jana - Please pick me!!!

Rebecca - Very pretty and practical!

Ady - Oh I need this!

Bethany - How awesome would this be? What a great giveaway!

Ashley K - Pinned it too!

Ashley K - Love this!

MaryLea - Pinned it to my garden board! Thanks!

MaryLea - With the humidity here, this is just about the ONLY kind of furniture to have. Doesn’t rot and splinter or mold — right up my alley!
Thanks for the opportunity! Fingers AND TOES crossed!

Lisa - I pinned it!

Lisa - Would love to win these chairs. We live near the adirondacks and they would be perfect in our yard. 😉

Robin - I love it! That chair looks so comfy!

Lacy Rohre - I pinned it!

Jessica - I pinned the contest:

Heather Hilscher - Adorbs! I would love one!

Jessica - That chair would be amazing! I need new patio furniture!

Katie - Yes please!! Those are beautiful!

Kirsten - How much fun that chair would be – relaxing and beautiful!

Sydney Noel Seavey - What an awesome product! I would LOVE some!

BeckyB - I have heard of this company… love the idea of ‘wood’ that doesn’t need upkeep! Thanks so much!

Maureen - I love the easy peasy maintenance. I love to relax outside, not work outside. Very cute!

Jessica - Just gorgeous! Thx for the chance

Christa H - I would lOVE this!!

Kerry @ Made For Real - Lovin’ it – who wouldn’t? We love to be outside as much as possible, especially with how long our winters drag out. Thanks for the chance to win!!

colleen from Alabama - I live in the deep south and we have been getting A LOT of rain… too much for my taste and my outdoor wood furniture is taking a beating! I would welcome something a little bit sturdier!

Rhonda F - I pinned it too Meg!

Heidi DeGroot - I have always wanted a chair like this AND better yet one that won’t need to be painted or stained!!

rychelle - outdoor living in las vegas (in the summer) isn’t easy, but i’m sure that chair would make it more so. 😉

Heather S. - Oh my gracious molasses, those chairs would be a fabulous addition to our back yard summer gatherings… maybe I’ll be the randomly picked winner! 🙂 You rock, Meg! I’d come sit in your lovely outdoors with you any day.

Rhonda F - That chair would be perfect in my backyard… I can see me in it now… sipping coffee and reading… Love the thought! Thanks Meg.

Melissa - I love the cushions on your chairs! They remind me of the awning on my deck. My parents would love the adirondack chairs. If I won, I would give them to them.

katie - I love the table and chairs! So Cute!!!

Kirsten J - Heh heh. I’M not crazy – and I lve that table.

Julie Fischer - I would love to win this chair!! Love your blog – so fun. I also love all of your flowers in the pots – such great color!

Stephanie - I have been drooling over adirondack chairs for years! I would love to own a set, especially one that’s so durable, easy to clean AND foldable!

Marlie - I have always wanted an adirondack chair!!

Jess - Love it, Megan! I want to make a little back patio at our house…I would love to have a table like that. Eating outside is the best. The chair would be great too!

Laura - Pinned!

Michelle Whitlow - Love those orange chair pads!! I agree, the pop of color on the white table & chairs is so pretty. We had a glass top patio set that I sold before moving cross country cause we hated it…SO hard to keep clean!

Christy - In love with that table & chairs so awesome, We just moved to a new home with a patio and can’t find what I have been looking for outdoor furniture that will last for awhile this stuff seems like the answer.

Laura - Would love one of these chairs!

Jessica Anne - very cute!

Stacy - I have been looking for something EXACTLY like this for my white front porch! Especially something that is easy to clean – lots of pollen in the south!

Chelsi Krause - i LOVE adirondack! Winning this would just be so peachy keen. Thanks for a great giveaway! - I love the table. How sweet and nice. Great addition to your family.

Debby - Wow…really cool! Do you know if they hold up to the south Florida sun? Would love to have some furniture outside that doesn’t rot and crumble in two years time.

Joy Foster - oh boy!! What a beautiful place for your family to share your meals!! 🙂

mollie d - Lovely!

gina mitchell - Pinned it!!

Becca Hoelscher - The table is wonderful. My family would spend so much time there, too!

Alyssa - I just spent hours painting new unfinished adirondack chairs. Would have loved this chair instead!!!

Kathie McAuliffe - Oh how wonderful! What a great outdoor set! Love the colors! That chair set would be a wonderful addition to our our door space!

debbie - Oh, I would LOVE!!!! Love the bkyd pics! Look so peaceful and happy! Love your blog! Love all your pretty potted flowers! Love your little chicks…love your….etc etc! ha ha! Ok, sorry, I’m delirious..I need some rest and relaxation in those sweet chairs!

Susan M - love the post — we love spending time outside on the porch/deck with our family as well. Many great memories, cookouts and family fun times. It is the best.

shar y - Love it and love the table! Thank you for the chance to win the chair!

Rae - Great colors and great table. . .such a great idea!

Jamie - That’s so cool! Who knew Trex made furniture, too?!

Candice - Perfect for summer lounging. Love it.

Lisa B - YES PLEASE!!!!!

Charlton - I would love some new outdoor furniture! Especially, if it’s free! 😉

Tiffany - I’ve been wanting adirondacks on my deck! Your place looks great Meg. I love all the colors and the beautiful landscaping.

Karla Conner - Would love to get one of these chairs! They look so pretty on your deck.

Beth - Would be great for my patio area in Alabama.

Sharon - The chairs are lovely and exactly what I need.!

Liz Bernard - I love this chair, here’s hoping!

Liz Bernard - I pinned it! Happy summer!

Erin - Oh! I’d love to win a chair! Love the table!! and of course your flowers are always stunning!

Sara H - Would love to win this! We just moved into a new house last week and our deck is bare! 🙂

Monica - This set would make the perfect seating addition to my outside area!! Thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

gina mitchell - Trex is the best decking! I can’t wait to see their outdoor furniture in person!

Laura V. - I would love to have this outdoor furniture. I don’t have a covered porch so this would be perfect! I hope I win the chair. So cute!

jen - pinned too!!!

Christy - Oh wow sounds perfect! I am looking for weather proof! We just threw away 2 cracker barrel rockers (only a yr old) because they just cant handle ANY moisture. Your patio looks gorgeous!

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - My parents got a recycled plastic lumber table 20 years ago and it still looks like new. They even used the lumber to built their deck. It’s awesome stuff.
On a side note – your potted flowers are looking awesome! So much colour and fun flower shapes. I can see why you want to be outside on the patio all the time!

jen - how amazing!! exactly what we are looking for and in my favorite outdoor shade…white!

Betsy - I want/NEED new patio furniture and this is exactly what I’m looking for! Thanks for the site!

Jen Logan - Love these chairs!

Elizabeth Flowers - Love this furniture!!

Gina - Gorgeous photos and table!

Christy - That outdoor furniture looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to win!

Pam - Who knew Trex made anything more than decks? Would love to win the chair!

Lane - I pinned this! 🙂

Mollie - Love it! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Elizabeth Cannata - Oh wow! I have always wanted an outdoor space but have never found anything like this that would work where we live! What a beautiful way to spend and evening!

Lane - We are building a new pergola out on our patio so these chairs would be PERFECT!!

Becky Z - Pinned it!

sharon young - love this! Thank you!!

Brady Wilhelm - Looks perfect for my country wrap around porch!!

Becky Z - We’d love this! 🙂

Becky - That chair is calling my name! It’s begging to be sat in with a big ol’ glass of sweet tea and a book.

Susannah - Oh my word, that would be fabulous to win!

Donna - We live in the same city as the Trex headquarters!!! We would love to have some Trex furniture!

sheila - the table is beautiful and I would love the chair too! 🙂

Gina - Pinned it too!! 🙂

Gina - I love the table!! Love the chair too!! - Awesome! I love your outdoor space and this table and chairs fits in perfectly! LOVE!

Kara - Trex has great products, love the chair!

Kim P. - I’m impressed w/ this outdoor furniture. What a great giveaway!

Emily - LOVE LOVE LOVE- would love to have some adirondack seating in my backyard!! 🙂 - We had a Trex deck at a home we lived in a few years ago and it was awesome! Love that they are doing outdoor furniture. Would love to add another white adirondack to my patio! We love being outside in the summer too!

Terri Fretwell - I love your table and chairs! I need some new patio furniture.

Jeanelle - I want! 🙂

Jaime - Thanks so much for the chance to win! GORGEOUS table!

Tami - Love it! Looking for one for our back porch!

alimoll - I love TREX! We installed a deck in our last house with TREX! It was fabulous! I love, love, love that table! I had no idea they made patio furniture! Awesome!

Carrie - awesome!! I would love one of these for our sunroom!! Have a great summer Meg! - I love outdoor furniture and summer meals outside on the patio. Would love to add this piece to our Texas patio!

Amber - I love the table and will definitely keep Trex in mind for any future outdoor furniture purchases. And I love Adirondack chairs so it would be perfect if I won the giveaway since I don’t currently own one. 🙂

Nanette - This will probably be the last year for my wood adirondacks so this would be perfect….thanks! How does your patio stay so clean with all of the pets and kids?

Jillw - Would love this at my house!!

Susan Pola - Love that table. Thank you for the giveaway!!!

Meredith - This is gorgeous furniture. I love the ease of upkeep and cleaning factors best!

Southern Gal - I pinned the image to my pinterest account.

Leah - Just pinned the contest picture too. Hope I win! We love sitting outside.

Leah - I would love that outdoor furniture! Sounds perfect!

Southern Gal - I love the fact that they won’t rot, peel or warp. We’ve had too many experiences with those. The cushions are gorgeous, too! I would love the set of chairs for our backyard. Thanks for the chance.

janet @ ordinary mom - Oh! Wow! I had just decided to spruce up my old patio furniture because I can’t afford anything new this year. But I would love to win those for our fire pit area. Not sure if I am eligible in Canada?

crystal b - Pinned it!

crystal b - I saw some of this furniture at an outdoor shop, and I couldn’t believe it. It looks so awesome, and to not have to worry about maintenance like you would with wooden furniture would be awesome.
Excellent giveaway!

Heather Simnitt - Adirondack chairs rock – they look like they wouldn’t be comfy, but then you sit in it and sigh, “yeah, that feels just right!” Beautiful table – LOVE the colors!

sarah - How exciting! Going to look at all their furniture now

Taryn - I also pinned this to mt Pinterest under garden!

Linda - WOW it is beautiful. I don’t usually think about white furniture outside but I love it!

Lisa - LOVE IT!! My deck is in need of some serious love.

emily hope - moving up to the mountains this month & need some chairs for the deck! love these 🙂

Taryn - Love the table! I also love all your flowers, your yard looks so inviting.. I love the Adirondack chairs, there were wood ones at the Church camp I took the youth to and they were so comfortable.

Tiffany - You’ve created a beautiful space outside for your family! You must not have mosquitoes like we do here. It’s finally nice out and I feel like we get chased back inside before we’re ready.

Darcie - Ahhh, weatherproof is definitely what we need! We sit in our backyard all the time!

Karen - I really like your table/chairs! They are very Megish…is that a word? ;o) But that chair is MADE for me and my outdoor space!

Erin Shnowske - We are moving into our new house this summer and that chair would look perfect on my front porch!!

Kimmie - It looks so nice & fresh!!

Mandy - I most def pinned this! (for future reference even if I don’t win the chair!)

Rebekah - Oh I love it! It is perfectly you..happy and colorful! I would love to win!

Cindy - …and I just pinned it too.

Cindy - Would love to win this for our new place. 🙂

Mandy - I would love that chair! The table is gorgeous!

Megan Jewett - Whoop! Nice giveaway. Thanks. We are in the market for new adirondack chairs. it would be great to win them, but if not I might have to buy some. Our old wood ones have lasted a loooong time, but they are starting to rot. So much that I can’t even paint them anymore. Sad. But some new, no maintenance ones would be nice.

Justine - Love it, so colorful!

kim - love the table and love it even better knowing that it will last forever!

Leigh - Love the table, screams summer!

Lisa B. - That would look great at my house!! Love your style Meg….and the bright colors you choose!!

Sarah K - these would be great at the lake cabin!!

Iris Brown - You had me with “the no maintenance” angle! Love it!

Hanna - Love your blog!

Jen - Your farmhouse is so pretty! Love the table too! But wondering–do you not have bugs in Kansas?? 🙂

Wendy - Love it! So beautiful and family friendly. 🙂

Sharla - Love it! I am going to look into this because we don’t have a table to eat on outside and I’ve been looking for one. This sounds perfect! Love your flowers 🙂

julie - makes me want to move to the country!!

Aby - Yes please!!! Love it!!

juli - Those look awesome!

Denise - “Pinned” the contest!

Jen N. - Love it! Your yard sounds like an amazing place.

Kelly O. - I’ve never heard of Trex–but now you’ve got me coveting a table!

Jamie - that table and chairs are so beautiful! and the cushions are perfection! i would love to chairs. sign me up! love your farm life.

Tania - Love this! Such a happy home.

Niki - Love it! So happy!

Lauren - Very cute back yard space! I love adirondack chairs and have been searching for some for a while now. This set looks great!

Mel - would love to win. My adult son is developmentally disabled and his work program recycles plastic bags for the Trex company. I love that they are employing my son and his fellow co-workers! And that they are keeping plastic out of landfills.

Tracy - Ooh……I love it!!

Alicia - Pinned it!

Melissa s - That would be a great addition to our deck!

Missy - how fun! I would love to win that chair!!

Tracey - Love the new table!

Alicia - I hope I win! Thanks!

Steph - Love your whole yard, and the table is so cool.
I also enjoy your blog! Lucky me that I also have great memories of you from way back in Hillsboro Middle School! I won’t say how many years ago that was, especially since I was one of the teachers. LOL

Eb - Nice table and chairs.

Betsy - Nice table! We have a metal set that really needs some de-rusting and paint.

Kari - Wow! It is a perfect table for your house! I love your blog!

DONNA - Very lovely!

Mary - Love the table. They even sell rockers- I bet they are wonderful!

Abigail g - I’ve been following you on Instagram and was about to ask where you got your table. Love it – going to now spend the afternoon browsing patio furniture for when we add onto our small concrete square!

Denise - What a great product! I also love your outdoor space and your pets! What a serene place to live.

Becca - The table is great and not having to stain/paint over and over sounds awesome!

Jessica Cornman - Love all your outdoor living pics and that table…amazing. 🙂

Kay - I love your outdoor space. What a great space for all of your kids to make memories!

Karen - The table is beautiful!

Sabrina - I love being outside! Nothing beats it!

Marsha Kern - It is beautiful and I would love to win the chair! Thanks for the chance!

Nicole - Awesome giveaway!!!

Aislinn - Love this!

shannan - Yes!!!! we just moved and this would be the perfect starter piece to our deck!!!

rebecca - Meg, the table is BEAUTIFUL! I am going to google them and see where they are in Alabama.

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i love a big canvas.


i have some new canvases in MY SHOP!


he globes


flowers in the wind


dandelion wishes

rainbow cupcake


kansas wheat


on white

                                 and all my other canvases are still in the shop too.






                                       everytime i try to pick a favorite i can't do it.
they are all so fun!!

i love to see my prints blown up really big with all that color!
i would love to have them hanging in your home too!





i was very excited about that.
have a super afternoon.
i went running this morning and we got rained on!
some of my kids are packing for camp that starts tomorrow.
i purchased their travel size toiletries and a surprise snack to sneak in their bag.
i have chicken in the crockpot for dinner.
but all i  really can think about is a nap on the lawn chair sounds nice….. 



Tammi O - So excited, I just ordered the Globe wrap!! What company do you use for your canvas wraps?

Jenny B. - Oh, Meg… these are all so pretty and happy! You are one talented lady. I wish I had a big white wall and a big wad of money. I would just buy them all and fill it up! 🙂 I am really wanting the 5 cent gumballs one for my laundry room… maybe someday!

Jamie - Sorry this has nothing to do with this post, but I thought I should make sure you know about this…..1/2 priced shakes at Sonic all day on June 20th (at participating locations). Maybe you already knew, but it would be a shame if you didn’t. Where we lived in PA a sonic had it’s grand opening on my birthday in 2011! 🙂 …and then we moved away October of that year. 🙁 We don’t have a Sonic near us now. 🙁

Christy Kowalenko - Hi Cathy!!! *waving* 😀

ira lee - oh i am in love with these!!! they are so crisp and bright!

melodee - your work is amazing! I love each one of these canvases….AND your decor is adorable too, love the thread spools in the jar and the old coke crates for storage…..darling:)

amyjupin - your photography has blossomed into this lovely, awe-inspiring, goodness that just makes me so happy.
good for you!
so proud of you for acheiving that goal!!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Such fun canvases…love all your colors. They are all so very fun! Hope you got your nap 😉

psmullican - They are fun! I purchased a couple prints previously to frame for my classroom. Love your photos and styling!

Stephanie - Love your photography! 🙂

CathyC - Hi Christy!!!!

CathyC - GORGEOUS! I love all the prints, plus the other stuff too: 7-Up crate, the quilts, the scale…..

Linda - they are all so beautiful!

Christy Kowalenko - Canadian shipping!? Hip-hip-HOORAY! I’m heading over to your shop RIGHT NOW! Happy Monday indeed! : )

Kerry @ Made For Real - Why is it that I don’t particularly love cupcakes, but I adore pictures of them ??? : )

Jennifer - They are all so gorgeous…I really like the red barn!

Mary - oh my, meg.
these are SO stunning!

Terrie - LOVING all your prints!!
Especially the big canvas ones!
a nap…sounds good!
Think I’ll stay inside to avoid the
giant sized mosquitos!!

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the coop

back when i was trying to figure out what to do for coop… i remembered my friend Kerry's son.
he built a tree house.
he LOVES working with wood and building stuff.

so i threw it out there.

"do you think Kenton would be up for trying a project this big?"


the answer is YES.
he knocked it out of the park.
he and his dad showed up with strapped to a trailer.
and between their guys and mine… they slowly rolled it off the back of the trailer.

it wasn't graceful.

but they did it!
he added features i didn't know i would want.  :)
those are drawers to pull out and clean all the poop off.
we can keep the coop much cleaner…easier.

i love it kenton.

you are going to be an EXCELLENT builder when you grow up because you already are now!

the ladies love it.

talby and her friends were checking out the new home and getting the chickens all worked up.

waffle walked right into my shot!
he is doing well with being the big brother around here.
sniffs everything 100 times a day and gives plenty of licks to keep everyone in line.
kind of a "dont-forget-i-could-eat-you-in-one-bite" lick to the head or back.


i am truly turning into the crazy chicken lady.


loving this new adventure out in the country.
chickens are very funny.

hope you have a great weekend.
is it just me…or do you feel summer has not been one bit relaxing???

i am feeling that summer is not going the way i wanted.
i need to get to work on this.
because really… who is in control of that?
it's me.
operation RELAX.
coming soon to my home.
happy weekend!!!


Torey - Totally awesome coop. You just might want some kind of rock/brick around the bottom outside to prevent weasels and raccoons from digging under. Although, if you lock up your chickens every night that shouldn’t be a problem.

Dena - Great coop! Love the picture of you with the chickens! If you havent’ found it already this website is awesome.

Lindsey - Wow! Kenton the carpenter did an impressive job! It looks great!

Corny - Where is the door to get into the chicken coop? How do you gather the eggs? I looked at the picture all overr, making it big and bigger but can’t find the door to the coop?

Kimberly Parker - He did an amazing job! Love the picture of Talby with the chickens; it’s so cute!

Prairie Jenn - That is one amazing boy to build such an impressive coop! I bet the chickens are happy:)
Hope your summer is chill! The key for me is not to have too many expectations;)

Tiffany - What a gift he has! Glad he could share it with you. Your girls are going to love it I there! I hope your summer starts to slow down a bit!

psmullican - Kenton did an amazing job! I hope you and your chicks enjoy your new coop!

Lisa - I am blown away that he built that beautiful coop!!! Seriously amazing!

Tracy - WOW! Kenton is very talented!!
I’m on board for operation RELAX!!!

Carol S. - Cool coop. Crazy chicken lady and relax are opposites! But think of the fun and new experience. You can relax later lol. Fun post.

Jenn - What an impressive job by an amazing young man! I grew up in farm country, but not on a farm myself. My friends, who mostly hailed from dairy and beef farms, were the most focused, industrious kids I knew. It’s an incredible life that instills work ethic, ingenuity, and a deep sense of community. Farm life is awesome. Send kudos to your young friend from a fan in Western North Carolina, and enjoy your happy brood of chickens 🙂

Kimberlee Jost - Kenton rocks!
Must be because he has amazing parents.

Barbara - Could you please tell Kenton that some lady in Missouri said he did a FANTASTIC job on your coop? He really, really did!! I couldn’t be any more tickled for the Duerksens or Kenton! Way to go!

Lise - WOW! Does he travel to Massachusetts? Amazing.

Heather - Wow! Wow! Wow! That’s amazing!

Kori - I am totally amazed! I hopped over and read the story of how it was made and all….I don’t even think my husband could do that! For real.
Kenton has a bright future ahead of him for sure!!!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Good job Kenton on the coop. Meg you are so lucky to have chickens. That looks like fun. I don’t think I would be able to do that in my yard. Actually that coop is probably the size of my back yard, well the coop and the picnic table would be all that would fit in it 😉 happy weekend?,

Mindy - Your coop is just great and I love the features added. What a great job for a young man! I want chickens, I really do…I drool over all the coops and your pictures of your cute chicks. Your human chicks are pretty cute too : )

elma - WOw he did and awesome job!! He could sell these!! We bought ours from an Amish guy and it has big trays that pull out. So nice as the poop wont ruin the coop:)

christy - What an amazing coop! What a fantastic job by Kenton! I want one. The country seems to be suiting you all so well. 🙂

Southern Gal - That is one handy boy! I can’t believe he did that all by himself. And those little extra features are wonderful.

Tiffany - No way?!!! he knocked it out of the park. He did this at 13 I can’t wait to see his future designs, someone sign this kid already. Go KENTON! BUILDING ROCKSTAR EXTRAORDINAIRE.

Danielle - What a great coop! He did awesome! Love the one of you. Crazy chicken lady 🙂 awesome!

Kate - WOW!!!!
Kenton – awesome job!

jacqui anderson - wow, kenton is amazing! and i love those glasses!! where did you find them?

beth larson - Dear crazy chicken lady—– your blog is so wonderful— I just hate it if you don’t post for a day or two. (love your life and all you are)
That chicken coop is the cat’s meow- and the lad who made it? amazing! (plus he looks pretty young-wowsie!)
off to finish planting flower seeds- here in Minnesota on a very nice day -finally!
xo beth

Gemma - Such an amazing job he’s done! His mother must be so proud!
D you think you’ll be doing a summer list this year?
Gemma xxx

Katie - How utterly incredible!! Kenton is a teen GENIUS. What lucky chickens 🙂 xx

Tere - Love the coop. The ladies are looking fine. Everytime I see “Backyard Poultry” in the magazine aisle, I think of you.
We haven’t even finished the school year. Have you read Jen Hatmaker’s latest blog post Surviving Summer — it’s great!

Julie - Planter boxes are good for kids to start on – my 9 year old son made me some out of old wooden pallets. He had a bit of help from his dad pulling the pallets to bits and using the skill saw only.

Julie - That coop is fabulous – how old is that boy? i predict he will have a great future ahead of him. He has done a beautiful job. You will have to tell him how impressed all your readers are from near and far.

chrissi - this kid is good! i am amazed. great job Kenton!!!

Stephanie - That boy has some skills!!

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, I’m SO glad you liked it! He loved coming up with the different features. Thanks for giving him the job!

Melissa - Oh my goodness that looks so neat. Wow what an amazing job he did. I needed him as my neighbor.

shar y - I have never in my life thought a chicken was that cute. But your photos of chickens are incredible! They really bring them to life! I absolutely love seeing those chickens of yours! And the coop, wow! Amazing!

lisa currie-gurney - that coop is amazing!!! He must be a home schooler. 😉

Seriously Sassy Mama - Happy weekend. Chickens an be so pretty.

Suzette - Amazing job, Kenton! I have a 14-year-old that wouldn’t even know where to begin building a coop (or anything for that matter). It’s one of the problems with living in the suburbs. But, I’m going to remedy that this summer…maybe we’ll start with a dog house or better yet a planter box.

jamie - how old is kenton? what an amazing job! and the clever poop drawers. what a talented young man.

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running errands

we dropped sean at his friend's house the other day and went to run ONE errand.
but then as we drove by the thrift shop there was a cool mirror in the window…
so we parked and went in. 

they picked out books…

checked out the furniture….

i was very tempted to get these chairs.
but once i got closer i saw they both had a rip so we passed.

annie legit got upset when i said no about buying a 2000 piece puzzle.  
im not crazy…


then i wanted something to eat so we went for groceries.

i rarely give up the task of pushing the cart but i did that day.
(is it just me or can you not think clearly in a grocery store withOUT pushing the cart??) 
i knew my girls wanted to push… i always wanted to when i was little. 


they wanted bob marley drinks…

look at how cute this baby ice cream container?! 
it's teeny.

self checkout is always their favorite.

they always sign up for the giveaways.

it was happy hour.
so of course we had to stop at sonic next.
it's practically mandatory.

we delivered the new fabulous thrift store mirror to the craft house.
what color should i paint it???

i ate my lunch while annie cut scraps and talby read her "new" book.


annie continued on her quilt from last week… it's coming along quite nicely.


we stopped at the farm store and ended up holding puppies.

we headed to walmart for a few more things.
and i look over at checkout and seriously see this…
she said "Michael Jackson DIED?!"

i guess i haven't kept her up on pop culture. 

and one more farm store…. where we ended up leaving with four surprises.

fun day of errands with my girls.

we picked up sean on our way home and craig pulled up at home the same time we did.

all those little moments make up for great memories.
even at the grocery store.



Racheal - I love that you take pictures of everyday moments! I’m really trying to get better about capturing the seemingly mundane times because those really are the best memories. Do you take your camera with you everywhere, or use your phone?

Mindy - How did you ever leave without that sweet puppy?! I have a soft spot for Dachshunds – our daughter has two mini’s.

Linda - what a great day. You almost make me look forward to taking my kids on errands. But I have boys I don’t think its as fun with boys. The mirror is awesome I vote either yellow or green.. I’d usually say turquoise but you have one that color. Question for you. Were these photos all taken on your phone or do you take your DSLR camera everywhere? Oh and a side note I wish my thrift store was as fabulous as yours!!!

Vonda - The mirror, turquoise or fuschia!!!!

Kate - No paint! Gold, gold, gold!

Barbara (WA) - My mom had chairs exactly like those! Memory has been majorly jogged!!

Kerri - oh my word! Can I just tell you that I spent a good part of today reading almost a year’s worth of your blog posts! I discovered you when Becky mentioned Craft Weekend on her blog but I teach full time so I couldn’t keep up with reading blogs. Now that summer is here I have more time! I am going to save my money and come! Also, I can’t believe Cathy from MA attended Craft weekend last year. She lives in the town next to me and I just discovered her the other day from Shannan’s blog! Becky was the very first blog I ever read! I could just sit and read your blog all day,lol! But I am sure my 4 and 5 year old girls would probably not like mommy to be on the computer that much! So happy to have found your blog!

Debby Graber - You’ll like this, Meg. We were talking the other day and mentioned something about Mindy and adopting her at 3 months. Sophie looked at me and said “Aunt Mindy is adopted??!!” Yes, from Korea. Guess she just fits in!! LOVE!

lauren - the best. “michael jackson died??”

Lisa M. - I think you should paint that mirror sunshine yellow or the color of your sandals in that same picture!

Tracy - How fun! I love days like that with my daughter…my boys not so much haha 😉
I think you should paint the mirror the green of the sandals you’re wearing! I love green 🙂

Jeri - Paint that mirror a bright turquoise! My vote anyway. Do your kids not fight on errands? I walked my girls out of Hobby Lobby yesterday because of their fighting. Seriously, I hate running errands with my kids.

Colleen - What a fun Mama you are! Sounds like the prefect day!

Dena - I vote for turqoise for the mirror 🙂 it’s lovely.
and I think you should name your chicks name your chicks after things you did that day… thrifty, sonic, grocery store name, etc. - I love to run errands with my two kids. If I pay close attention I learn alot about them in a short amount of time.

Jenn - Three things…
Annie looks exactly like you – in that Sonic pic she’s your mini me!
I become a confused mess in the grocery store if I don’t push the cart…what is that about???
Love the thrift store find! A bright coral color would be fresh and fun, but whatever you do your magic touch will make it awesome!

Gemma - I love days like that too! Relaxed and simple yet busy!
Much love,
Gemma xxx

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Yes, you’re right all great memories for sure! Love, love your new mirror. I’m thinking yellow! but whatever your do, it will look amazing I’m sure. Happy summer to you and your family. My fave time of year yippiee!!!

Lori Austin - Fun, simple days are the best aren’t they?!
Love that mirror for sure (and love how the girls are framed in it).
Oh and that puppy!!! 🙂

Southern Gal - Three things:
1. Annie looks so much like you!
2. My 14th birthday gift was a dachshund puppy much like the one in the picture except her ears were as long as her face. We had to hold them up when she ate. Lady Tiffany “Tiffy” was her name. She died when I was 25. I miss that dog so much.
3. My grandmother had chairs just like that with avocado as the main color instead of the yellow. You took me back!

Kristen - I always enjoy following along on your adventures. Makes me want to move home again.

Siobhan - Prayers for her and for you to have peace. Cancer sucks so much.

Tiffany - I just got news that my friend (and Olivia’s preschool teacher) is losing her battle with cancer. My heart aches and I want to cry. (But am holding back now so the kids don’t see.) I wanted you to know that for the few minutes I take to read your blog, my mind is transported to a happy place. Even something as simple as looking to see what your running errands looks like. It’s a perfect distraction. Thank you.

Mary Jo - Annie looks exactly like you! I need to push the cart to think clearly as well. Shocked you didn’t come home with a puppy and seriously what does your husband say when you keep coming home with more chickens?

Heidi Jo the Artist - I bet your girls will remember that day of fun! The little things I think are what our children will remember most.
I think you should paint the mirror lavender! But um, yeah, not sure you would go for that… I think a nice peachy color would look great too. Or yellow? You can never go wrong with yellow. But probably depends on what room you put it in… If it is a room with a lot of yellow, I would go with a different color. 😉

Christie - Oh, what a fabulous find!!! The mirror is darling!!! Your pictures are amazing! Enjoy your day! be blessed.

anita - If you made that made that salad please share a tutorial because I never have a salad look that good.

Suzanne Gallagher - Mirror is awesome!!! I think I would paint it a high gloss black 🙂

Andrea in AK - Hmmmm…at first I thought yellow. But then I read other commenters saying turquoise and/or red. Any of the three…that’s helpful, right? 😉

Mark - When I was little, I once took an egg from a farm because I desperately wanted a baby chicken. Alas, it never hatched. You just skipped that step entirely and cut right to the chase. Coolest. Mom. Ever! 🙂

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I think those were the exact kitchen chairs I grew up with.
Your thrift store is so organized. I am a tad jealous.
The mirror. . orange! Well more like a melon color. I found a great oragnish coral color at Lowes. . in their new paint sample summer collection. . called Sonora Rose. . just painted my bedside table that color. And love it so much I am thinking of painting my dresser that color too.
Fun cherry post. . thanks for sharing.

Caroline - Orange red would be great too!

Caroline - Fun/busy day!!!! I would lay painters tape across the mirror about one inch thick and stand right above and spray painted it *lightly* with mint blue color. Take the tape off and you’ll have some cool stripes. If it doesn’t look good, then just paint over the stripes, but I think it could look real cool!!!!

Julie - Fabulous mirror – how about crimson. Never see these in op shops in NZ.

rachel - adore the mirror and love your dress. 😉 as for paint, i would got with turquoise.

Maegan C - Do you still have your other chickens and just go some additions? Cute!

CHD - I recently discovered your blog and am glad I did. Your thrift store looks amazing compared to what we have in NZ. The mirror is great. I’d paint it yellow. I have a thing about yellow at the moment, but any bright colour would look good.

Sue - I’m pretty sure those chairs were part of the “dinette set” we had in our kitchen when I was growing up!

Shara - “Michael Jackson died?” Um, that made me giggle!! A lot!! Love all those little chickies and your patience letting them sign up for give-a-ways!!

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - I loved this post – great snapshots of a day with your younger girls. It brought back so many memories of running errands with my mom during the summer as a kid. They would usually end with a trip to the library to pick up an old yellow Nancy Drew book.
I can’t believe how big you’re girls are getting! It feels like just yesterday you were posting about Annie and she was just this little thing. They’re growing into such lovely girls. I especially love the picture of them in the mirror taking a photo of you. Too cute.

jeanie - That mirror is golden – literally and figuratively! And the baby chicks so sweet. Great photos!

Alicia @ La Famille - you’re gonna have sooo many chickens!!! lots of eggs 🙂 love your random posts like this.

Shannon - Love errand running days especially when it goes smoothly with the kids 😉
I would paint the mirror a mint color or maybe turquoise!
What a fun day.

Lori H - Love that mirror – I would paint it turquoise. And I can’t stay focused in the grocery store when I am not pushing the cart!

heather e - ooooh, that mirror is fab-u-lous! I would paint it a really bold color like red, or a burnt-orange. looks like you had a nice day with your girlies!

Meredith - i could see the mirror staying the way it is but if i had to choose i see turquoise or orange!

Michelle Whitlow - Love days like that! And that mirror is FAB!!! I would paint it yellow!!! And then maybe distress it a little 🙂

Barbara Smith Wilke - Always enjoy your blog, but rarely comment– so lazy ha!
Your errands are so fun and cheery!! Awesome find on the mirror– I would say don’t paint it! I think the goldfish color could add a nice contrast to the painted bits and pieces at your neat house(s) 😉

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this month for craft weekend we had all fresh flowers right out of the garden!
i had way too much fun cutting flowers for over an hour.


some of my favorite people ever were helpers this month!
Pam (my friend who moved to africa and is back for a visit) came to be a helper and she made us THE CHEESECAKE that she created the recipe for!
what a dreamy treat!!
eating pam's cheesecake prepared BY PAM!!! 


Ashley was a helper this month…we have missed her!!
she is like five helpers in one.
so speedy and on top of anything that needs to be done.


and Jess stopped by for friday lunch and helped us a little more.  


Megan drove with a guest and was our helper from friday- sunday.
she was a cooking machine beside kimberlee.


and we were ready just in time with minutes to spare…when are we going to be SUPER ready with no rushing around?
someday i hope.

we sent out all the swag in the cubbies, at their chair and also on their beds. 


kimberlee made an amazing "kansas" meal for our first night.
it was SOOOOO delicious.

(we even pulled out my grandma's silver platter… she would have liked that)



margaritas go with any meal.
it's a fact.


every month its so enjoyable to see the fabrics they put together for their aprons.
everyone's personality comes out in their choices.



9:30 pm rolls around and the cheesecake is passed out.

having someone bring you dessert WHILE you are crafting… and a cup of coffee… it's dreamy. 





they rocked those aprons!


while we stay up late into the night crafting kimberlee gets her beauty sleep so she can get up early and make beautiful coffee cake like this.
what a gift she is to me.
i don't do mornings.

we took our lunch on the road this time so prep was happening before we left for our field trip. 



at Bearly Makin' It i saw that diet pepsi bottle and had an immediate flashback to being 7 years old and choosing my dad's birthday present.  
i got him a pack of typing paper (he was a newspaper reporter before computers)
and a 6 pack of diet pepsi cans (his favorite drink).
that was the label at the time… i think…it's at least from sometime in my young childhood.




we ate our lunch at the barn.
on a quilt.
surrounded by beautiful green fields and antiques in all directions.


it was lovely…. great food and great company. 





Megan kept picking and picking….and she kept finding MORE and MORE awesome!!!



those girls were serious shoppers.

when we get back on saturdays we get right back into crafting.
Ashley led a craft that required using a saw!
we felt very empowered.  :)




they worked into the night again making so many beautiful projects.



these were hanging fabric chalkboards.
aren't they adorable?!!
some used paints pens to make a permanent decorative frames too.




we made the wreathes again with the Hello from Say Hello Shop.
each group has made them so differently.
and i love them all!



our purchases were delivered early sunday morning… there was so much…this is not all of it.

i wish that i could get this delivered to my driveway every sunday morning.  :)


roommate photos!




setting up for our group photo…



Erin from wisconsin …………………………….    Julie from iowa ………………………………..


Beth from kansas ………………………………..   Megan from kansas ……………………………..


Lisa from wisconsin …………………………….    Kyra from wisconsin ……………………………..


Pam from wisconsin …………………………….   Heidi from kansas ……………………………….


Jenn from kansas ………………………………     Stephany from Oregon ……………………………


Janis from kansas ……………………………….   Kaitlyn from virginia …………………………….


Pam from africa/kansas ……………………….     Megan from michigan ……………………………


Ashley from oklahoma …………………………..















such a kind group of women.
i like them.  

and i super like our helpers too!

thanks for another awesome Craft Weekend ladies!


kimberlee makes everyday fun to come to work.

we have the WHOLE summer off.
we don't have craft weekend again until after school starts again.
that is kinda crazy.

i hope you have a creative day today.
i know that my mind is craving creativity deeply.
it's going to HAVE to happen or i may get too cranky for this little house full of kids.


if you would like to get on the wait list for future Craft Weekends…

first READ THIS: Craft weekend Q&A

and then get on the list!!



Jackie - I love your blog, love your shop, love these pics of the craft weekends. I drool and dream. Been on the wait list for over a year now. Hoping one day my name is picked. I know in God’s timing it will be right. I also would wish I could drive to bring larger things home from that amazing thrifting trip you take. But alas I know I could not. It’s just such a wonderful idea you have made into a reality! Thanks for giving us a visual walk through the weekend. It truly looks amazing.

tinaehb3 - I love looking at these photos! I soooo hope I get to see it in person someday 🙂

Lela - Oh my goodness, do you want to sell the Lord’s Prayer picture you bought? I love it!

Blanca - I’ve been following your blog since 2007. While I stopped blogging I still kept up with other blogs. Especially yours. Love this whole craft weekend idea. That would be a great weekend getaway!

Amy - I just gotta come back! I’m drooling over these pics!! I think I need another craft weekend in my future. Don’t you?!?!?

misty - oh i love every single picture! Everything looks amazing & fun.
I’ve added “Craft Weekend” to my 32 things to do before I’m 32 {wink wink} 🙂

Sara Torbett - Thanks for sharing all this happiness! It just looks like heaven on earth. 🙂 I love how you bless not only the women who attend but those of us at home peering into the computer screen. I sat down with my coffee tonight, ready to look through your pictures and be refreshed. Thank-you Meg, for giving this tired mama an uplifted spirit! 🙂

Mel - I am awaiting a baby but I promise (myself and you all) that I am signing up for one of these awesome weekends ASAP! Also, ya’ll need to franchise; I could see these all over the place.

Amy Woods - I have to tell you, my fam and I are heading to South Dakota (from N. Texas) for vacation the end of this month and I’ve already prepared them that we WILL be jagging over to Marion,KS so that I can shop at Bearly Makin’ It. You should totally get commission. 😉

Seriously Sassy Mama - I might drive to Kansas just to go to the barn.

Amanda - I want to come to Craft Weekend or the food and shopping! The crafting is just an added bonus! 🙂

Katey - Love what all they bought. They were great shoppers. I love your fresh flowers from your yard too. Awesome!! Enjoy your summer.

Michelle Whitlow - I cannot tell you how much I NEED a Craft Weekend!!! I sure hope my name gets picked soon 🙂 And if I *do* get picked I may need to drive all the way from Washington so I can have my truck to haul all my goodies back home from the antiques store! lol

Julie - I love it when you post all your craft weekend photos. The colour, the flowers, the food ( I feel hungry just looking at these photos, and I’ve just finished my breakfast), the smiling faces of all these women having a great time. Thanks you so much for sharing them with us.

amyjupin - i love you.
i love kimberlee.
i love ashley.
i love cee dub.
it’s pretty much the best ever.
like ever.
the end.

heidi - Thank you for a wonderful weekend!

Nicole - I love opening my Reader & finding a Craft Weekend post! This weekend looks extra fun! Enjoy your summer off!

Heather Simnitt - Meg – you know, I’m only two hours away…and I’m not very crafty, but I can cook pretty well! I feed 18-20 men breakfast every Tuesday morning at 6:00 am…If anything ever happens to Kimberlee or she just needs a helper, I’m there for ya! 😉

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