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a little tour…

we went to my parents for the Fourth of July this year.
it was a beautiful day!

we went to the pool for a few hours.
i even took a little short nap on the lounge chair!
that never happens.

we had a yummy meal that my mom made for us.
while she was working on the grill i took a little photo tour of my parent's yard.





















it's always relaxing sitting outside at my parents.
they have worked hard to make their yard so pretty.
there are birds everywhere and butterflies.

we ate our delicious summer meal complete with my mom's famous margaritas.




then we headed out for the fireworks show downtown.



which turned out to be quite an adventure filled with too many total weird things to list.
but it ended with me calling 911 for an elderly man who fell down in the dark and was bleeding all over.
it was such a crazy 4th!


then…. we left these three with grandma & grandpa for a couple days.

mr. duerksen and i drove home after the fireworks show because waffle was at home.
we were so tired… i was trying so hard not to fall asleep… and did fall asleep a couple times.
we cranked up 80s & 90s and were singing loud trying to keep ourselves awake.
and laughing a lot.

time together JUST US is refreshing.
we need it.
it is so nice to have a conversation uninterrupted & not have to think about the everyday things like chores and dishes and making dinner even for a short time.
and also because i super like hanging out with him!

scott is due back from his youth group trip any minute.
and life is back to normal.

and that is good too.




Saundra Fowler - Hi Meg, I have followed your blog for years and I just wanted to say how much I enjoy your gorgeous pictures along with just about everything you do! Your style is so so cool! I have especially noticed how your photos have improved so much over the years. They are stunning! Did you happen to take one of Ashley”s Snapshot courses? I have been wanting to for a long time!

misty tharp - love that margarita recipe. I remember when I was getting stuff to make it for the 1st time {right after you posted the recipe} I was at the liquor store & I was telling them about beer being an ingredient & they were like, “beer in a margarita?? are you nuts??” and now, everywhere you go, the margaritas with the bottle of beer turned upside down in them are all the rage 🙂 I love how everything you do is cool before it’s ‘cool’ {i.e.: martha stewart rainbow cake}

Carol S. - Gorgeous, beautiful, colorful and relaxing backyard. The apple sure doesn’t call far from the tree! Thanks for sharing pics from this special day. I recently moved 9 hours with my family for husbands work and was happy to be back in Chicago last week to see my mom and dad and family. Sitting around yacking with family is the best treat. My mom outlasted both my husband and I and played poker with my boys till 11pm. They said the next day. “Grandma’s the bomb!” and I want to be like her someday! Inspired to get some more color for my garden today. Thanks Meg.

Kimberly Dial - I’d love hanging out in that yard too! Very lovely! Thanks for sharing 🙂

lorel - beautiful – one of my favorite places in the world.

Lorraine Richie - It may be a Harry Lauder Walking Stick Tree, they are so neat!!

Cindy - Do you know what kind of tree that is? The one with the twisty vines and leaves. It is fantastic!

D. Jean - Love the birdhouse. Very cute and it looked like a fun time.

Tracy - Your parents yard is beautiful!! Looks like a wonderful 4th!
So jealous of you alone time with Mr D. So important! My husband and I need some for sure.

Lori H - It is easy to see where you got your love of color! Love their outdoor space.

Tiffany - Beautiful, it looks welcoming and cozy. The margaritas though, they look famous and relaxing.

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - I LOVE the 4th. Yours looks like it was fun. Glad you ad time with your mister 😉

KirstenP - Meg, your mom’s yard is beautiful and so colorful!
I loved the close-up photo of the shiny, slender, curving leaves
on the willow(?)tree. You could win an award with that photo!

Jen - Your pictures make my eyes happy. All of them are so beautiful – their yard is lovely.
Meg, I want to thank you. I really dislike shopping for clothes for me, but I needed to pick up some new items for my closet. I took our advice and if I saw anything that was even remotely a possibility, I tried it on. And you know what?! Success! I even got a lot of va va va voom from hubby when I did a fashion show for him. Thanks for the encouragement!

Lindsay H - I love her yard! So colorful. 🙂

Stephanie - It is easy to see where you get your eye from, Meg. Your mom’s yard is gorgeous! - Dawn – I was the wedding coordinator for your wedding. I am the Director of Congregational Care now! Meg is my youngest daughter! Fun, huh!

Dawn - FUMC downtown? Is she the wedding lady?

Dawn - WAIT. A. Minute. I know your mom from somewhere… church maybe?

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girl time

we had a VERY rare happening this past weekend.
all the kids were gone except talby.  
so we had a mom date!

we went to Goodwill for me to look for a few things quickly and left with SEVERAL pairs of CUTE
bright colored jeans for talby!
it was so fun! 




the album covers at goodwill were cracking us up!
there were 8 Barry Manilow records!  
we almost bought that Steisand one for my mom.
and Barbara Mandrell?!! did you LOVE the Barbara Mandrell show as much as i did when i was little?



we looked at all the crazy clothes at Justice.
anyone need some itty bitty referee pants?





she took lots of time deciding on the perfect headphones for her iPod.
what is the deal with Beats headphones?
WHY WHY WHY does anyone in the world (especially anyone under 18 years old) need $250 headpohones?
it is insanity.
i refuse.
i think $30 is riduculous also BUT it's $220 better than the others.
america you are REDONK. 



it was a lovely girls day.
just wandering around… finding our style…. enjoying each other and time together.
with an iced coffee in my hand.

i love days like that.





Bette@ Somerset Lane Blog - oh look, Kenny Rogers real face! It looks like a fun day! I try to do that with my girls sometimes too!

jo - those album covers are too funny…especially the Gino Vanelli! thnx for sharing. looks like you had a fun girls day out.

tracy fisher - this makes me miss my girls who is away. precious photos. note to self… do more of “this” as i only have 2 more years with her before college. -tracy. ps.. love the albums. i asked for an old 70’s stereo for Christmas and everyone looked at me weird. haha

tonya - those days are the best!!! so glad you and talby got to enjoy one! i LOVED me some barbara mandrell…and the mandrell sisters!!! holy cow, i haven’t thought of them in a long, long time!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - When you have multiple kids alone time with them is a must even though it”s so hard. I know they feel so special when you spend tme with them uninterrupted. You are a good mom and Talby was a lucky girl.

Debbie S - We have three sets of Beats in our home…so worth the money and I bet Copacabana would sound AMAZING on them 😉

Sara - You are such a fun mom, and Talby sure looks fun to spend a day with. Great post!

Tami C - Hahaha! I think everyone of those records were also in my parent’s collection. Memories…

Michelle - What a fun day…those are the best 🙂 And those albums…oh man!! Had me laughing!! hehe Btw, those green & turquoise bowls are heavenly…where were those?? I MUST have some!!

Katie - This looks like such a lovely day! I still have these days with my Mum now, and I’m 25! Which means I have the money to treat her too 🙂 xx

Tiffany - I look forward to creating those kinds of memories with Olivia as she gets older. What a fun and special day for Talby!

Lisa - I’m listening to NRP right this minute – an interview with Barry Manilow, and I’m singing along with all the songs and remembering the ones I used to play on the piano. He’ll never go out of style, hahaha! And, yes, I have every one one of those albums pictured. *sigh*

s - I am with you on the headphones…I am a mean mom per my 11 year old..but since I refused to buy Uggs for my daughter I guess I am ok with mean. I am sure the quality is good but I still can’t justify shelling out that much money.

liz - Beats are crazy expensive BUT they are really good! My 15yr old has a pair and I thought too that it was ridiculous for a teenager to own a pair for that price but boy there is a HUGE difference when you listen to them compared to a lower price pair. Not knocking anyone who chooses the lower price pair. To each his own :). Great pics today so colorful.

stephany @ home is what you make it - YES! My sister and I LOVED the Barbara Mandrell show!!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love days like those! These are great headphones, super cheap–cost wise, and come in a rainbow of colors: Maybe bookmark for your other kiddos, would make great stocking stuffers too. 😉

Jennifer - So much fun — and you have a great Goodwill! I still listen to Barbara Mandrell sometimes, even if it is on iTunes. And ok, Barry, too. What a great way to have a mommy-daughter date. Inspires me to do the same! 🙂

kate - I think the necklaces are at Francesca’s Collections – I recognize them, and that is what the store is called at my mall. Great photos, love the color!

Kori - Barbara Mandrell was my first concert….with my GRANDMA!! I was 9 or 10 and I thought it was so cool! I got a new Jessica McClintock dress for the occasion and some sassy black patent flats to wear with NYLONS!

midwestmom - Beats. Agree the price is crazy, but if you’ve ever listened to them and compared them, they sound SO much better. I borrow my 15 year olds to mow the yard. they are the only headphones that will block out the super loud mower! I love them and wish I had my own pair 🙂

Jodi - OMG Meg STOP IT! The Barry Gibb/Barbara album I would have died over! Not even kidding, I have an advertisment for it on my watch list on ebay. I am moving to Kansas!!!

Lyn - I have that Barry & Barbara album! Woman in love! Great song!!!!

amanda - my oldest is 7. and a half. i cringe when i think of her growing up. but i look forward to this, too. girly stuff is so much fun!

kate - What a fun day! Talby is adorable!

Kathy - love this! love finding great bargains and GIRL time!

Alicia @ La Famille - Nice! I need a day like that!

DanaD@BoysMyBoys - You hit the nail on the head- America is REDONK! 🙂 Our value system has become sadly skewed.

MaryLea - Sounds like a PERFECT day. Nothing better than mother daughter bonding time!

Tracy - How fun! I love days with just my daughter (she has 3 brothers).
I agree 100% about the beats headphones!! What’s up with that?? The surprising thing is how many people you see wearing them!

Chris - I think I had all those Bary Manilow albums.:)

Linda - love all the beautiful color! and I love you you share your special days with your kids it inspires me.

Heather S. - Totally having one of these days with my 11 year old girl next Thursday! Two girls with some yummy drinks shopping, pedicuring, and playing with makeup! So looking forward to it! What a fun age this is!

Southern Gal - Forgot to add that I loved the Barbara Mandrell Show, but I thought they had the strangest names. Irlene?

Southern Gal - Sounds fabulous! I’m with you on the headphone debacle.
I have two of those albums in my closet: Streisand’s Guilty and Manilow Live! I loved the commercial jingles section of that album.

Shawn - What goodwill is your favorite? Mine is near Maize in Wichita.

Alice H - Where are those earrings and necklaces at? I love getting to spend one-on-one time with my children. It doesn’t happen as much as I would like. I need to fix that!

tasha - fun day!!!
Where did you find those gorgeous necklaces?

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easily entertained.








sometimes we put the sprinkler under the trampoline 
but somedays are just too hot so we just soak them straight on with the hose.  


Mindy - Ah, summer the way it was meant to be…

Christine - My kids do this ALL the time. So much fun!

Tiffany - Love that! I bet right now you’re thinking the trampoline was the best investment ever!

Emilie - wet trampolines are the best! Happy Summer!

Angie - I remember doing that as a kid. So much fun!

Dawn Gross - Rainbows! Looks like they’re having a blast!

Alison Joy - Fun! Do you have a go yourself sometimes?

tracy fisher - i love the rainbow they made! precious. -tracy

Elaine - Love this! I just spent the afternoon laughing with my girls while they played with the hose, trampoline, slip and slide and a bottle os dish soap….I love the simple things in summer:)

Anne - They look like they’re having a grand time! I’m concerned about the safety of jumping on a wet trampoline, though …

Tracy - Love the rainbows going through the photos!

Sabrina - I totally used to do this when I was a kid! Hours of entertainment and laughs!

sharon - Theres a rainbow in almost every picture! The first one the rainbow is going right into annies head! That is so cool!

Heather - My kid used to love to fill up a bunch of water balloons and jump on the trampoline with them on hot days.

Viktoria - I wish we have that kind of fun!

angela - brings back so many memories!

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Good, old fashioned fun is always the best!

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wednesday list

1.  wicket has taken a big space in our hearts over here.  she is a total spaz.  she leaps and jumps all over the place and she is fast!  everyone loves her so much already.



2.  i miss making things.  it's been forever.  i am just so busy.  that is the dumbest excuse.  i need to just do it.  no plan.  nothing… just start.  because it is what makes me feel the most like myself.  


3.  i am reading The Help.  i am not an awesome reader that pours through books and can't put them down…  but it is growing on me.  and i will be honest that i actually love that i have seen the movie so i can hear the voices in my head as i read it.  i can hear emma stone's low gritty voice.  i am pretty sure that is the opposite of what "real readers" say when reading a book that has been turned into a movie.  oh well.   i think i am finally outgrowing my A.D.D. or at least stablizing a lot more which is why i can read more than i could in the past.  but i am not a doctor so really who knows what the deal is!  


4.   i mentioned again about the sky during talby's ball game last night to her and she said "I KNOW! it's like so beautiful every single night!"  she is right.  kanasas just seems to ROCK OUT in june!


it was blinding but so pretty!!!  half cloudy.  half storm blowing in.  scorching hot.  sun setting.  it was just lovely.

5.  my friend kerry is a garage sale queen.  she finds all the good stuff!  look what she has found for me!


that means more awesome maps coming soon to the SHOP!!


6.  i get the night off so i am going to go enjoy some quiet time A L O N E.  i am quite ready for that.




Bree - I read the book after seeing the movie as well…and was SO GLAD I did! The book was better but having seen the movie helped it be even better since I was able to “see” and “hear” the characters. Glad to know I’m not the only one!

Sarah @Professional Doctorates - Wicket is so adorable. I can imagine that you guys just love that kitty to bits and pieces. I have fallen into a crafty funk lately as well. I just have not had the time to really create things. I miss it.

Jenny B. - I am the same way about books made into movies. I didn’t read any of the Harry Potter books until after I saw the first two movies. I loved that the movies did the hard work for me. 🙂 I love the audio versions of those books, too. It’s like watching the movies, only better since you get the whole story. 🙂 Anyway… not sure if you’re a Harry Potter fan, but just thought I’d share how I relate. Have fun with all those maps! You should use a few to make something for yourself. 🙂

misty tharp - would it be possible to get the cow print in a special listing in a 16×20?

Lisa - I LOVE Wicket! I just love orange kitties. We just got a new kitten for my son (no, really, it’s supposed to be his kitten!) and he is just so much fun to watch and to play with. Even my husband who proclaims to not like cats, can’t help but pick up the kitten and snuggle with it – I have proof – I took a picture of him while the kitten was snuggled up to his neck and they were both sleeping. 🙂 I love our Kansas skies, too! And watching them while sitting at the ballpark watching our son play ball is just some great summer fun. And I know what you mean about “needing” to create – I just found a free coloring sheet online of a beautiful design and I can hardly wait to get home tonight (after the ballgames) and get out my colored pencils!

Tracy - I loved The Help. If you’re going to read a book, that’s the one to read! Stick with it!!
Excited to see the new maps in the shop.
Hope you ENJOYed your evening!!

Jodi - I do the EXACT same thing with books! I love reading them after I see the movie. The Help was one of my favorites to read that way!

Kelly MB - Another Kansan here who is often amazed by the sky, especially when storms are rolling in! I am an avid reader… as in I read just about every single day. I am currently reading the Harry Potter books for the first time, after seeing all of the movies, and I agree.. because I did it in this order I can see and hear the characters much more clearly. When I read a book first and then watch the movie I am often disappointed that the characters are not how I pictured them in my head. And it never bothers me that the ending has been spoiled!

Dena - Enjoy ” The Help”. I loved the book; read that first, but was disappointed some in the movie as there is so much they didn’t include.

Lisa - Hi Meg, I rarely comment here because you get SOOO many that is seems like it would just get lost in the shuffle, BUT….don’t feel bad about your “ADD!” As a mother for 23 years so far, I believe you’ve just been too busy and distracted to fully concentrate on books. As with your crafting, reading is my outlet and when I am happiest. As my kids have gotten older I feel like I enjoy reading EVEN more. And even though I’m still “mothering” in some way every single day (my youngest is home from college for the summer), I truly treasure the escape that reading gives me. I’ll bet you will start to read more as the kids get older……

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - Hope your enjoy your alone time. Maybe you will make something 😉

Kori - Loved The Help…in book and movie form. Reading is my favorite. 🙂

Rach - I’m with you on #2. I have a 2 and a 4 year old. I can’t even sew a hem without being interrupted. 🙂

Tiffany - 1) Who wouldn’t love that adorable face! Oh my. I need to find myself a kitten stat. Just to play with, not bring home. I’m pretty sure my hubby might kill me if I bring another cat home.
2)I’ve been using my kids’ nap/resting time in the afternoons to create recently. Mostly little things to decorate for my future sister-in-law’s wedding shower this weekend. I’ve made 3 different kinds of bunting. I blame you. I never heard of bunting before you! It’s fun creating!
3)I’m self proclaimed ADD too! It was always tough for me to focus on something like reading when I was younger too. Finally managing it well as an adult. If you like funny, check out Jennifer Lancaster’s memoirs. Laugh out loud funny!
4)That sky! Are you kidding me?! That’s amazingly beautiful! As you post about beautiful Kansas weather it has me cursing my ancestors that decided to hunker down in Minnesota.
5)Love me a good garage sale! Lucky you to have a friend help you out that way!

CathyC - That sky is incredible. It looks like a piece of heaven.

Kerri - I loved reading the The Help! Since I am a teacher, reading for pleasure has to wait until the summer! On my list to read is Bread and Wine and Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist, Kisses from Katie, Sparkly Green Earrings and A Little Salty to Cut The Sweet. That Kansas sky is gorgeous! I see an angel with her wings when I look at it!

Rhonda - Meg..
I wanted to tell you that I used your idea of a shaving cream battle at my son’s ‘end of 2nd grade’ class party. It was amazing. (I got the idea from one of your posts last summer.)I am guilty of using ideas , and never following up with giving thanks to those who deserve it! So Thank You! I love your blog.. thank you for sharing your many talents. Take Care
This is what the teacher wrote about the party.
Thank you to all of you who turned out for the incredible last day party! If you came, I am sure you are glad you did! I can say unequivocally that I have NEVER seen children have so much fun!!! That is spoken by one who has taught for 28 years (and had 3 sons)! Not ever: it was unrestrained joy! Every child experienced it. It was interesting to watch some children hold back for a while, and finally they couldn’t stand it, and joined in the fun.
I truly wish we could start the school year with such an experience. The children were all BFF’s by the end of the shaving cream extravaganza!

Heather Simnitt - The Help is one of my favorite books ever. Read it in less than 48 hours…and if I recall it’s like 500 pages, so that’s a lot of reading while I’m supposed to be training up some kids. I even invited their friends over to spend the night so they’d all be happy together and let me alone to finish reading it. Sick, huh?
And you are so right, the sunsets in Kansas are the most amazing I have seen in all the places we’ve been. Homegrown Kansas sunsets are the BEST!

Katie - I made the white chocolate mint Oreo dreamy creation from your Monday post with my kids this morning…it was ready by afternoon snack time. It is awesome! Thanks!

Terrie - I loved ‘The Help’! Hope you enjoy it as much.
I can’t start a book unless I have the time to finish.
I’m a read until it’s finished kind of person.
I try to stretch it out…I’m really trying. 🙂

tere - Sounds like a great Wednesday. And I have that Target purse…I mean bag…I love the color and all, but I don’t know, I can’t find a darn thing in it. Enjoy your alone time. xoxo

Janelle - I actually took the two maps I bought from your shop to the framers today! Beautiful white wood frame with burlap matte – can’t wait!

Allison - You could try listening to audio books while you craft or clean. I often listen to them (or podcasts) when I am working on my artwork and it is a great alternative to music. Most of the voices are excellent and add a whole new dimension to the story. I download them online and put them on my ipod, so it is super convenient (most libraries have a great selection as well). Hope this helps! Happy reading!

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today…. it was monday.   
we cleaned up the house all morning and caught up on some laundry.     
it was needed. 

then as a reward i took my kids to the pool.
and we walked in the door and over the speaker it was announced

"please clear the pool. there is lightning "


it was just that kind of day.
and i really wanted to eat something sweet….
i REALLY wanted it.

but we have no groceries so we couldn't make any of it!

which made it even more of a monday. 


these were some of the pins that were making us drool over here today:


                                                Oreo Pudding Pops


                                              York peppermint brownies


                                           mocha coconut frappuccino


                               white chocolate mint oreo icebox cake

                                        s'more brownie cookies 


                                       snickerdoodle crumble donuts


                                  peanut butter banana french toast



                                            blueberry mojito
                             my kids weren't craving this… just me.
                            frozen chocolate caramel sea salt banana bites  


                                   chocolate peanut butter cup cookies


                                            twinkie layer cake


are you a sweet or salty cravings kind of person?

i am 100% sweet.  
i never crave salty food.

and now… i have to go to sleep before i get out of bed and find something to eat.
do you do that too?

Sara - This post just about kills me. Reminds me that I’ve been wanting to make coffee ice cream Oreo pie. I’m dying to make that blueberry mojito. That is some outstanding food photography! I have Smitten Kitchen’s peanut butter brownies with chocolate ganache in the oven right now…

Rach - Well I won’t be starting that diet anytime soon.

Mindy - A sweet tooth definitely – and your Pinterest photos are not helping : ) I laugh at our grocery cart in slight embarassment at all the fresh veggies we put on the conveyor belt followed by a package of cookies and a couple candy bars. We are so bad…

Terrie G - Stop. it.
I just gained 5 pounds looking at the pictures!
I can go either way…
salty…chips & Salsa/dip
sweet …red vines licorice (preferable rope from the store where I grew up in Califonia…it’s all different now. 🙁 )
of course…all things Pinterest!

barbara - Sweet all the way and I could eat one of each!

Lora - Oh!My!Gosh!
York peppermint brownies!…. and everything else!
I LOVE sugar…

Tiffany - Sweets win for me. Every. Time. All of those look SO good!

happygirl - I like salty and sweet TOGETHER. And, this post gave me a toothache. Loved it.

Suzanne Gallagher - How I wish I was a nerd right now 🙂 YUMMY!

Linda - Now I’m craving those things!! I even had to go pin them! I totally have a sweet tooth too I never crave salt.

Gemma - Sweet all the way!!

stephanie - WOW. YUM.
If I am actually hungry I crave salty food–savory all the way. However, for treats and snacks it is all sweet, all the time. I never crave, say, chips. Or pretzels. Or Goldfish. But I do crave steak with grilled asparagus, or a loaded salad.

Alice H - I am both sweet and salty! Chips with salsa is one of my faves. Or a root beer float. I want both ALL the time!

Kimberlee Jost - Ultimately, salty.
Cheese, chips, crackers, pickles. Oh OLIVES.
I should have had a child named Olive.
Oh well.
Too late now.

nan - ditto! That was so bad to tease us like that. Just kidding.

Casey - We made those blueberry mojitos last week, and they were DELICIOUS! Switching out the berries for pineapple is really good too.

Kristin S - I think I just drooled on my computer.

Racheal - I crave both! Usually salty during the day and sweets at night. I think I’m going to have to make those chocolate peanut butter cup cookies now!

CathyC - Everything looks delicious! I crave both sweet & salty. Gotta have both. Now I want some ice-cream…

nora - I love both together! My favorite is M&Ms with some pretzels on the side. Pretzel M&Ms are just not as satisfying.

Robyn Farmer - Those all look yummy! This is one of our favorite summer treats.

Sabrina - I love sugar!! Sometimes I just sit on Pinterest and look at hundreds of pics of desserts just to satisfy my sweet tooth, but without the cals.

Allison - Sweets are my thing, especially chocolate. I’ve been trying to watch what I eat and breaking my chocolate addiction has been the HARDEST part of it all.

Laura - If I crave ANYTHING salty, it’s a Reese’s cup. Sugar – all the time.

jen - i used to have a bakery so yes…i crave sweet foods ALL THE TIME!!! and i make them too!

Kate S. - I dream about dessert – all day, all night!

meredith feisel - 100% Chocolate girl! Also, I just made an Oreo Ice Box Cake. The link I had was to use regular Oreos and I thought I’ll try it with mint… then I see your pin here. Lol. Its really simple. Made it for Daddy for Father’s Day.

Molly - Hey Meg, I was craving the snickerdoodle donut, but the link appears to be the icebox cake link. Can you link to the donut? I’d love all of those and the blueberry mojito sounds really good. Thanks for sharing……..

Valerie @ Chateau a la mode - I crave all foods, but mostly sweet. Pinterest has amazingly yummy looking recipes. I’m heading to my freezer right now after seeing all that yumminess. I think we have some Ben and Jerrys in there somewhere 😉

Lisa - I just crave food period. Ha! But sweets really are my addiction. 🙂 And yes sometimes I scavenge for food too. Ugh… Why is food soooo yummy!?

Kate - nerds

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TREX winner!!!!



I love this chair, here's hoping!
Reply | Edit | View | 4 days ago on the new table


email me at cdduerksen @ yahoo dot com to claim your prize LIZ!  congrats!!!




Liz Bernard - Wow! Wow! Wow! Thank you so much!

Mia - Yay for Liz! 🙂

Sharron - Awesome! Enjoy!

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