School started up for us again last week.
It was so early! Β I wonder why they started so early this year? Β No idea.
Everyone was up at 6:30, ate pumpkin muffins for breakfast that Talby made & were wearing their new school clothes.
Annie was very excited about her new backpack that came WITH a matching lunch box.
We found her dress at the Gap outlet on our way home from vacation this summer.
We knew immediately it was coming home with us.
she chose a pair of her great grandma’s earrings to wear on her first day… that was pretty special to me.
Talby found her first day outfit at Old Navy. Β We love Old Navy at our house! Β I love that she picked jeggings.
They are really cute!
Someday she will look back at those and feel the way i feel when i look back at my stir-up pants i wore.
Sean was the least happy about school starting again.
he likes to hang out and strongly dislikes early mornings… we are so similar.
his headphones he bought himself are a staple around his neck. Β i don’t want to forget that either.
i wonder what will be around when he grows up and looks back on those big headphones?
Scott got a ride to school with a friend before i could snap his picture.
Lauren was up early too and Annie gave her a hug goodbye… she was moving to her new dorm an hour later.
it was a big morning at our house.
i absolutely love that my kids can ride the bus to school.
not having to leave my house in the morning is A W E S O M E.
another year… a new beginning… i know it will be great.
lauren and craig had loaded up the cars with her things the night before.
i had another cup of coffee, did my hair and drove my daughter to a new stage of life.
actually she drove herself and went so fast that i lost her and we had to find each other later at the college.
(kind of fitting….)
she chose a small-ish college that is 30 minutes from home.
close but not too close.
the process of choosing was all so interesting to watch… since she is our oldest and we haven’t done this before.
when we got to her dorm, all of these people in red shirts were waiting to help her move her things in!
we literally carried in NOTHING.
it was weird but also totally helpful and amazing.
it was my kind of moving experience!
we unpacked her boxes, met her roommate, made the bed and met craig for lunch.
we ate in the cafeteria. Β π
craig headed back to work…lauren and i went to target for a few more things.
we got her a trashcan, some snacks, a new bedspread, some kitchen utensils and new socks and undies.
that is what moms are supposed to do i think?
i don’t know…. it felt right.
i made one last trip to her room and then we hugged goodbye.
i don’t really have words for that moment.
i can’t believe we are here.
it is surreal.
and i didn’t have this moment… i didn’t go away to college. Β i got married and left with a husband.
i didn’t have an experience to compare it to really.
i drove to starbucks for a giant iced coffee.
i cried all the way there.
not because i am sad… i am not. Β i am so excited for her.
but more just because it is a new start.
and i don’t know how to navigate it.
she’s the first.
and new things are…. NEW.
sometimes that is good and sometimes it’s hard and usually the unknown is a little scary.
but that is where i come back to God.
He never leaves me alone in my fear. Β He never abandons me in my sorrow.
i drank my coffee, wiped my tears and drove home to the other kids waiting for me.
i prayed all the way there.
oh so grateful for a new start.

Jaime - counting. the. days. π
Natalie - Love the pictures! It was a blessing to be there and to meet you! π
Mindy - Oh, these weekends look like such fun! Lovely ladies, lovely crafts and yummy food – yep, that would be a good weekend indeed.
Su@TheIntentionalHome - Michelle- I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I was thinking wow, every single woman is sooooo pretty. . .and I bet they are looking at those pics saying, ugh. . what a bad pic of me. . .as the saying goes. . happiest girls are the prettiest. . .
Michele - As I look at the beautiful faces of all the ladies at the top of the post I think to myself…I wonder if anyone looks at the photo of themselves and thinks oh that is not a good photo of me. We so often have a tendency to do that and yet when I look at those faces all I see is beauty and happiness!
becky - can. not. wait. π
Julie - Such fun, such colour, such lovely happy looking ladies. Looks like a fabulous weekend was had by all. Thank you for sharing these weekends with us. I love these posts.
Chrissie Grace - One day for me too! :). It always looks like such a lovely time!
Teresa - I am new to your blog and am loving it! I was wondering if there are directions for making those cute ruffle aprons? I would love to make one! π
Roganne - I WILL come to craft weekend. how is it possible that every craft weekend looks more inspiring than the last? you are rocking your job! π
Melissa - Always love seeing what everyone makes – your craft weekend is amazing!
jen - these pics are always so inspirational!! one day i will make it to craft weekend..i will, i will! but for now i am going to go and play with my sewing machine!! love living through these photo’s – thanks!
happygirl - Your craft weekend pics are always so colorful and joyful and just plain HAPPY. What a beautiful group of women. LOVE it.