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life is good… don’t ya think?


somedays i just feel so full of joy in the everyday little things of life.
i am super busy… you are super busy.
but looking around at the everyday stuff is when the busy-ness falls away and you can SEE the goodness.
the stuff that brings a peaceful and content heart.

some pictures from this last week….  starting with scott’s first high school football game.
he didn’t play last year.   i am SO happy he is playing this year.
he is #6 on the sidelines.


this view… it doesn’t get much better on a friday night at 10:30.


getting up early to run on the weekend has made for great weekend DAYS for me.
i am not as tired as before… i spend my morning waking up with God and this beauty all around me
instead of people talking to me right away and hearing sponge bob in the background… and cranky kids.

i dare you to try it.
it took me 37 years to figure it out…. but i am loving it.

as soon as i took that corn picture… it started to rain.
what can you do when you are out for a run at 7 AM on a sunday in the rain?
in the rain.

annie made chocolate chip cookies on her own.  🙂
my friend and i ran a different route last week and i really loved it… i think i loved the shade!

we tried to see if cows like watermelon.   they are so skittish that they took off running… big dorks.
this is one of my most favorite snacks:  greek non-fat vanilla yogurt (high protein & no fat), blueberries and just a little bit of low fat granola

these are two very spoiled kitties.
if chickens would poop about 1/3 of the amount that they do… they would even more awesome.
on IG i asked what song she might be singing in that picture on the right.  SO MANY funny responses!  i loved it.

“you wouldn’t believe what i heard Libby say about Oreo just now….”
“Oh no she didn’t”
it appears that our chicks are quite the gossipers.
best mornings.

this is so worth getting out of bed for!
oh kansas…. you don’t know how much i love you.



are you singing now?

i have been belting it out all morning alone in my house.


i continued on in the series of sermons i listened to last week.
i am going to check into the pastors you shared with me.
i have already downloaded several!

how was your weekend?



Country Mouse vs. City Mouse | The Blue Tulip - […] And so when I get nostalgic about country living, I just hang out with these online friends.  Ree and Myquillyn and Meg. […]

Amber Campbell Hibbs - Yay for morning runs and for Kansas. And I think you should add that picture of the sunrise and the road to your canvas prints. I know i would buy one. 🙂

Carolyn Ruth - I appreciate everything you share with us! And I wanted to share another podcast with you of one of my favorite pastors to listen to.

Kathy - Hey there! I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, maybe a little longer. I never realized you were in Kansas until you said in this last post how much you love Kansas. I am in Kansas also. Serving a mission for 18 months, in Dodge City. HI CUTE NEIGHBOR!

katie - As a girl from Kansas that has been permanently transplanted to Texas I would love to have that corn picture on a canvas. Reminds me of my Dad and growing up on the farm outside of Lawrence. Anyway you could make that happen?


elizabeth - Maybe I am a scaredy cat but I don’t know about running at 7am on a long deserted road. Abduction comes to my head…but the scenery is beautiful none the less.

tara - love these pictures…so much to smile about.
life is good.

i need to get out and capture some of the beauty around me…it’s been a little too long.

Lee Ann - Beautiful morning pictures on your runs. And don’t EVER forget – “Once you’re wet, you’re wet.” Even in the rain – just keep running 🙂

Samantha - Such a great week! If God wasn’t so amazing ehat on earth would we do with ourselves? Glad you had a wonderful week! Thank you for the reminder to be grateful and cheerful in our gladness! Lioking forward to more weeks ahead!

Emily - I love this picture! How do you get the web to show up so well? It’s amazing!

Tere - Hello Meg! My favorite picture is your 10:30pm outside, love, love it. And then there is the cows. But tell me, dumb question, what happens with all those sunflowers? Are they harvested for bouquets or seeds or ??

Jenny B. - Beautiful! Your face is looking skinny, too! Not that it hasn’t always… Do you feel weird when you compliment someone on their weight? Like, what if they’re actually offended? Anywho… 🙂

I missed the post about listening to sermons. My husband keeps telling me I need to listen to a recent sermon I missed about the Trinity by our Sunday night pastor (He’s actually our collegiate minister, and is really good.). Here’s the link:

To hear the one on The Trinity, you have to scroll down to 7/21/13. Maybe I’ll finally go listen to it now too! 🙂

Sarah H. - I often feel overwhelmed with gratitude about the mundane daily things of my life. It’s not that my life is so fabulous, but it really is, you know? Compared to what it could be, I am so thankful. Love your pictures.

Mj - You want to hear powerful sermons? Check out the podcasts from Venture Christian Church on iTunes. Pastor Chip Ingram and Pastor Tim Lundy. Both are down to earth and preach truth like no other Pastor I’ve ever heard.

Tiffany - Love your positive attitude! I should have read it earlier today. My kids got me cranky this evening. Tomorrow is a new day. Also, I wish we had sunflowers like that in MN! Stunning!

Mary - Your pictures make me miss Kansas so much! Born and raised there, for 23 years. Now have lived in Colorado for 22 years, beautiful here, however Kansas is still home…

amy jupin - you have such a gift…to see and capture the stunning beauty all around us.
you inspire me!
just thought you might want to know that!

Tanya - I love reading about people figuring things out. It makes me feel like I’m not the only mid-30’s gal still figuring things out. I love this post. Life is good indeed 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - I love this post. And I agree. Life is sweet, and I always need reminders to turn my mind to the things that are good and sweet and lovely. And to turn my mind off of ALL the clutter!

Julie {CalleLillyCafe} - Wow!! Those sunflowers! I would HAVE to walk or ride my bike past those beauties every day! #notarunner =)

Mindi - What are you listening to on your runs? I would love to change it up!

happygirl - You running girls are amazing. I just want to become a walking girl again. You are GREAT!!

Lori H - Life IS good! But I wish I lived where there are sunflower fields!

beth larson - morning Meg!
so, as always I loveddddddd your photos…the one of you close up- you look 14 in. : ) the last one of the sky is simply AMAZING!

(I may have asked you this before- but are most of these pics from your phone? when I try upload my camera pics to my blog they have to be super small or they are blurry) : (

Would love to know how you do it!
thanks and have a blessed day,

Necole@seriosulysassymama - I prefer music when I exercise. I am already talking in my head, so someone else talking would just make things crowded. I love Texas like you love Kansas.

Southern Gal - Morning runs are the best. I love clearing my mind and then focusing on what God has for me. It’s a lovely way to start the day. Now if you ask me to run in the afternoons I’m toast. Can’t hit a lick with a stick in the afternoons. Love your chickens. My daughter’s family has goats, chickens and honeybees. We love visiting and watching the three-year-old boss all the animals around, except for the bees. 😉

Alicia @ La Famille - this IS a whole lotta happy stuff right here. love that you’re getting up early. I LOVE getting up early before my kids…it just doesn’t happen right now and I hate that. yuck. you make me want to run.

Tracy - I’m almost 10 years ahead of you on early mornings….I have been loving them for several years now. Bliss.

We had our 10th grader’s first football game last week, too. Like Scott, he didn’t play last year and we are so so glad he decided to play. He’s trying to be like his older varsity playing 12th grade brother 🙂 His bro is a good role model, thank goodness!!

Terrie - I loved all the answers on your instagram photo too!
Sooooo funny!!
The hubs was wondering what I was laughing at…
Great pics!
I Love living in Kansas…so much beauty.
And I’m wishing we had some sunflowers close to us…
looks like I need to go stalk some country roads!
Love taking sunflower pics!

Amanda - These posts always make me miss Kansas something fierce! I was born and raised there but am a Georgia transplant now. I always say I have half my heart in Georgia and half in Kansas! I love them both! But miss my beautiful home state. Thanks for the pictures!

stephany - life IS good.
have a great week, Meg!

Melissa - Jealous of those sunflower fields. Gorgeous

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august sponsors

with school starting and taking Lauren to college the month of august got away from me!

so even though it’s september…. these are our awesome AUGUST sponsors for Craft Weekend!

each Craft Weekend our sponsors send their product for our guests.
They are such generous amazing companies!

they have given coupon codes for you too!


shop for you!    shop for birthdays!     shop for friends!     shop for Christmas!



Knitty Bitties Shop  – Instagram @knittybitties  – blog

Use the code HAPPYCRAFTWEEKEND for 15% off your order in her shop!





Sorta Southern Boutique   –  Instagram  @sortasouthern

Use the code craft20 for 20% off your order!





Between You & Me Shop  –  Instagram @taralowry  –  blog

Use the code WHATEVER  for 10% off  your order through the end of September.





Broward Patch Shop   –  Instagram @jendaniels5

Use the code “craft” for 20% off  your total order in her shop!





Jennifer Dahl Designs  – Instagram @jenniferdahl

Use the code CRAFT25 for 25% off your total order, good through the end of September.



Barn Owl Primitives Shop  – Instagram @barnowlprimitvies

Use the code  WHATEVER for 15% off your order!



Raising Up Rubies Shop  –  Instagram @raisinguprubies  –  blog

Use the code WHATEVER20 for 20% off your order in her shop!





Little Bit Funky    –   Instagram  @littlebitfunky   –   blog






Ike & Co. Shop  –  follow on Instagram  @ikeandco  –  blog

Use the code MEG25 for 25% off your purchase in her shop!





Use the code 20offGIFTS for 20% off any gift purchase at Dayspring.


Little Branches Shop   –   Instagram @littlebranches   –   blog






Benzie Design  -OR-  Benzie Handmade    –  Instagram @benziedesign  –  Blog 

Use the code CRAFTWEEKEND10 for 10% off your order in her shops.

(BEST FELT EVER!!!!)   🙂



Evie Ivy shop  – Instagram @evieivycrafts  – blog

Use the code whatever10 for a 10% discount in her shop!





Lori Danelle Shop  –   Instagram  @loridanelle

Use the code CRAFT15 for 15% off your order!





Red Letter Words Shop  –  Instagram @redletterwords

Use the code craft25 for 25% your order!




thank you to ALL of our sponsors!!!

i love seeing your products and getting to tell everyone about them!

thank you for offering my readers a discount!  You are so COOL!


Happy Weekend!!
it is my last weekend in a the next two months with nothing on the calendar…. i plan to enjoy it!




Melanie Sheppard - Would love to be a Whatever Craft Weekend sponsor! Please let me know if you think anything in my shop would be a good match. 🙂 XO

Michele - Thanks for posting about your Craft Weekend sponsors. I scored a couple of cute pair of earrings at Ike and Co. just now. I can’t wait to get them!

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the city museum

when we were on vacation this summer the one place i was the most excited about (that we’d never gone to) was The City Museum in St. Louis, MO.

it did not disappoint.
it felt like i was crawling into the mind of an artist!
to me… it was dreamy!

art come to life in crazy ways that for almost all situations would not be allowed…it’s not “practical” to have a fish stairway.  it’s weird.

Yes! that is why it’s awesome!
it was CLEARLY made by artists who like to have fun.

i adored this place.

cm3cm2color was EVERYWHERE!
cm1 cm17cm9cm14cm13
it was the craziest place!  climbing through wire tunnels to get to an airplane on the roof?!
cm8cm11a ferris wheel on the roof at sunset?  perfection.
and sean asked to ride with me.

i was a little nervous until he asked to go with me… then i was too happy to be nervous.

cm7 cm12cm10
scott was at a basketball tournament in st. louis so he missed the museum.
we tried to tell him about it but you have to see it to believe it.

cm6 cm4 cm15
if you ever have the chance to go to the City Museum.… DO IT.

be sure to wear comfy clothes you can climb around in.
and let your kids go crazy!

ours were dripping with sweat by the time we left.

it was several hours of entertainment and well worth the price.

i can’t wait to go back!



Heather R. - Love City Museum, Pappy’s BBQ, & Crown Candy Kitchen. All St.Louis. If you like City Museum on Facebook you’ll see their next project. A castle!!!

rae - awesome! we have been twice and it was so freaking amazing! you are right,it is really hard to describe it to people,I always just bring up photos. we are going back next week and this post has made me even more excited!

Sharon w - We live about 2 hours from STL and the City Museum is our families FAVORITE place to visit…that and a Cardinal game 🙂

Tracy - The City Museum is beyond amazing! We spent 2 whole days there one summer! We thought it was so great the first day that we cancelled our plans and went the next day. Definitely worth the $

Chris - Awesome pictures. I live in St. Louis and haven’t even seen all these places in the museum. Can’t wait to schedule a trip with our brownie troop!

Linda - that looks AMAZING!!! I want to go now! Maybe I’ll add it to my ever increasing bucket list!

Denise - It IS absolutely one of the most amazing places to visit in Missouri PERIOD! We took a group of AFS kids (foreign exchange students) and it was so fun to just watch them and their reaction to this place! We have also taken our own kids (now 20 & 23) and we had a ball! So glad you all could experience this place and I agree, well worth the price! Enjoyed your photos!!

Beth - I can see my office building in the background of some of your pictures! I took my daughter for the first time this summer, she’s 4. We love it, she asks to go back every week! I wish I had known you were here. I work at the newspaper, I could have given you a tour of our building! Next time!

Melissa - Oh my that place looks crazy cool!

Tiffany - It’s like a museum and amusement park/carnival all in one. Enjoyed the pics.

Terrie - Definitely looks like fun! On the bucket list!!
Grand-one needs to get a little bigger!
Wonder if the hubs will help me redecorate?

colleen - I’ve just put this on my list for our cross country trip in an RV… thx so much for sharing the particulars… I saw the pictures on your vaca post and remember wondering “I wonder why they went there!”. Clearly I am a vacation snob….. now I know why… looks like the coolest place on the planet… too bad we have to travel from ct to missouri to get there, oh well!
I agree w/ the nerves about the ferris wheel.. so glad your second son “asked you out!”!
Don’t you love that?

kimberly oyler - ahhh! i loved this place when i went in high school!

kaye - I took my fourth grade class a few years ago when I lived in Missouri. The outside stuff was not yet completed,wish I could go back now and take in the outside!! Super special place!

Julie - What a fabulous place – my kids would thoroughly enjoy this, actually I think the whole family would. Thanks for sharing your time their with us.

Jessica - That looks AMAZING! I want to go!!

Tanya - My kids would LOVE that adventure!
Places like that are what make life great 😀

Lisa - That place looks crazy awesome! My kids would love it. Too bad we live in Oregon and probably won’t be in St. Louis anytime soon… 😉

Crystalyn - I’ve been wanting to check that place out for months now! We just moved to Missouri and some coworkers told me about it. Your pictures help more than their descriptions though, it’s kind of a hard place to describe, hah!

amber - My husband & I went there several years ago (before we had kids) & I’ve always wanted to go back when my kids were old enough. It was fun for us big kids too;). But now my sister doesn’t live in MO anymore…so I guess we’ll just have to visit there on our own now! Such a crazy place!!

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pom poms & rainbows!



well we have been working hard on the shop and it’s got some fun goodies over there….

but you better be quick!


jennyonthespot - I just love all of it. ALL. ALL.

Janelle - Hey Meg…just thought I’d pass on an idea to you that my mom did for my girls. She made them pillowcases for each holiday…Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, etc. They LOVE them and love switching them for each holiday. Your pillowcases in your shop reminded me of them and thought maybe your buyers would be interested in them if you made them 🙂

Heather - Oh man, just recd your post, and some of the goodies are already gone 🙁 Didn’t even know you had a shop. How do I find out sooner that you have new stock? I hope you will make more rainbow sweatshirts!! 🙂

Rachel - Thanks for adding the rainbow hoodies. Finally got off my butt and ordered one for my daughter. No if only the weather would cool down enough for her to wear it. 🙂

Amanda - Please, please, please add more size 10/12 white rainbow hoodies 🙂

justme - They look more like bulls to me 😉

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I love the cow prints.

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nineteen years

IMG_0177IMG_0180 IMG_0168 photo-26 photo-27 PicFrame IMG_8896
nineteen years married to my best friend.

thank you for making me  Mrs. Duerksen so long ago.

it has been the best adventure.




Kerry - Happy Anniversary Meg & Craig! Hope you guys have many more fun-filled, happy years together – you are an inspiration to us all 🙂 Kerry xx

Mindy - Happy Anniversary and many blessings in the years to come!

Jenn - So awesome! Congratulations!

Sarah W - Happy belated anniversary!!
You two are adorable.

jennyonthespot - Oh friend… congratulations and continued marriage blessings 🙂 My Paul and I hit the big 19 this year too!

tasha roe - happy anniversary! congrats!! you two still have that sparkle in your eyes. 🙂

joanne - love your dress in the second last photo, so pretty

Luisa - Congrats! and You look always fabulous.

Lisa - Love this… Happy Anniversary!

jamie - OH MAN i absolutely love the very first photo. to look back to that moment from where your beautiful family is today. where it all began. love that so much.

Martha - Way tooooo cute! Congratulations! 🙂

Tracy - Happy Anniversary! A special day for sure. Enjoy!

Terrie - Do we have the same anniversary date?
If we do, I think I forgot that.
But, we have a few more years on you… LOL!!
I wish we had taken as many pictures of us together…
hard to do when you are the family photog.
HaPpY AnNiVerSarY to you!!!

Gina - Awww. Happy Anniversary!! Quite a feat this day and time, even for Christians sadly. What a wonderful example to your children and all those around you!! 😀

Victoria - Happy anniversary! What an encouragement to me as a newlywed! Ya’ll are precious!

Jeannine - You guys are the cutest. Congratulations & Happy Anniversary!

Sarah - Happy Anniversary! What a blessing to your family!!

Lorraine - Happy Anniversary!!!! You two are the cutest!!!!

Vanessa - Wow!! The top picture is fantastic!! My marriage of 12 years is really struggling now. I hope to someday feel like you. CONGRATULAITIONS!!

Colleen - What sweet and wonderful photos honoring your years! Happy Anniversary!

Tiffany - Awwwww. Happy Anniversary!!!

Linda - Happy anniversary!

Alicia @ La Famille - congrats! next year calls for a vacation!!!! also, you are adorable.

Karen Gerstenberger - Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to both of you!

Amy - Congratulations!!! What an incredible milestone!!

Toni :0) - Congrats to an adorable couple! Has anyone ever told you two that you could easily do a toothpaste commercial together? :0)

Ashley - What an incredibly fun collection of photos! Happy Anniversary Duerksens!!!

Lori H - I love all those photos. Happy anniversary to an adorable couple!

Amanda - Happy anniversary Duerksens!! Here’s to fifty more!!!

Kimberlee Jost - You are so cute together.
Happy Anniversary.

PS. Tell the Mr. I’m glad that you and I had REAL plans today. 🙂

Tricia @ The Domestic Fringe - Happy Anniversary. Love all the photos.

jerusalem - y’all are precious!! congrats on 19!

Southern Gal - Happy Anniversary to you!

april r - Happy anniversary!

We are celebrating 14 years today <3

Julie - Congratulations – what a wonderful achievement and a great example you are setting for your children and their future relationships.

Kristin S - You two are adorable!

(and what would you do if a boy put his hand on one of your girls’ bottoms? 🙂 )

Stephanie - Brings tears to my eyes. I love your story. My best friend and I are comin up on 17 years of marriage. It’s good to be so in love. 🙂

amy jupin - yay!
i love that you guys are still so in love.
it’s such a testament to how wonderful and important a promise can be.
love it.
congratulations duerksens!

jen - awesome. happy anniversary!

Jen - Happy anniversary!!!

kristi - congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Duerksen!!

Jenny - Happy Anniversary, Meg! Cutest couple!

tara - Happy Anniversary to you guys!

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i have been wanting to share my workouts and health stuff i have been doing this summer.
but at the same time… feeling nervous to share.
because who am i to talk about health and diet?
what do i really know?

but it was put on my heart this morning during my run that it was time to talk.

because everyone has to start somewhere when it comes to getting healthy.
you may be super tiny & fit and run 20 miles a week and if that is you… you won’t get much from this post.

but chances are… many of you are not and you wish you were.
wishing you were stronger.
wishing you were lighter.  
wishing you had more energy.  
wishing for control over what you eat.

i am just going to share some of what i have been thinking about and doing for me & you can take it or leave it.

and that goes for anything i have ever said on this blog.
i am not your boss.


OK… back in april when i ran the half marathon… it was really great.
i mean yes i got super sick right afterrds, spending a lot of time in the bathroom.
BUT it was still an truly awesome experience!
i felt so empowered that i really did that.
i really finished!
but then i saw all the pictures & i couldn’t get over that the person i saw in the photos did not match how i felt.
it really bugged me.
i trained and trained for that dang half marathon and i gained weight!
it was not muscle.
don’t give me the old “muscle weighs more than fat” response.
i know that statement is true but this wasn’t case here.

i was eating whatever the heck i wanted…. and running.
so it wasn’t doing anything as far as getting lighter.

and that sucks!
because that was really hard training for that.

i didn’t feel strong physically.
and i felt unable to make any good food choices…. just so stuck in my habits.

then i saw how Rachel was working so hard on her health.
WOW!! i was inspired.
i was following along and wondering what was she doing that was working so well.
#1 she was eating VERY well  and #2 she was working with her brother Jonathon who is a personal trainer.

so i emailed him.
and we have worked together all summer via email.

he has told me what kinds of foods i should be eating and how often and how much, etc.
and then how to workout.
and guess what?
it has been working!!
i have lost 10 pounds since May.
it’s not a huge amount but it’s not nothin’ either… it’s a clothing size for sure.

i have really enjoyed the accountability of having the emails with him and discussing what to change.
i needed that to keep going.
he has been a great help to me!  Super encouraging.  Easy to talk with.
but there is no secret magic thing in what he told me.
you already KNOW what he told me…. EAT RIGHT and EXERCISE.
but seriously i had no idea what to eat before.
i just ate anything.

bottom line:  there is no magic… you have to decide if you want it or not.

then when you decide you do want that healthier body then YOU do the work.
and it is HARD!
no one else can do it for you.
you are the only one.

Rachel said something that stuck with me all summer.
she said that getting healthy & staying healthy had become a “Non-Negotiable” to her now.
things that are important to us will be non-negotiables.
if we want a strong marriage we have to fight hard for it.
if we want to have kids that aren’t complete brats… we have to do the hard work of parenting well.

anything worth keeping requires HARD work.
so getting healthy…. is NON-NEGOTIABLE.

God gives us one body.
and i want to take care of mine that best i can.

believe me… i fail often.
i eat the cupcake (and then a few more later)
but i am doing that much much less than i used to.
i am still fighting to knock out that voice calling me to sweets practically all the time.
i feel a slave to sugar some days.

(this is the longest post ever)

SO… i have been working at making the healthy choices all day long.

the first thing to change was to be drinking a ton of water.
A GALLON of water every day.
not kidding.


that is a lot of water!
i have stuck with that all summer long.
at least 5 of those big giant water cups a day.

so that is my BiGGEST tip for you this week.

drink water… a LOT of water.
there is no room for soda and pop if you have to drink a gallon of water a day.

i thought that since i didn’t know how to eat prepare healthy foods… maybe some of you don’t either?

so as often as i can i am going to share a new recipe i find and try.
my favorite snacks & drinks too.

this is my first snack tip…


of course this isn’t practical to buy all the time. ($$ it’s cheaper than a fast food meal though!)
but i am a busy lady and a somewhat poor planner at times.
so this snack tray of veggies at my Dillon’s stores is a great way to eat my veggies without having planned ahead.
and a fat free dressing would be preferred but it’s not an option so i just don’t eat much of the dip.
just a little.
but hey…. before this health kick… i had never bought a veggie tray unless i was having a party.

and now i eat a whole veggie tray for a snack!
(and it fits exactly in the console of my Suburban so obviously it was meant to be)

and last tip for the week…
get moving.
ANYTHING is better than nothing.
go for a walk.  or a jog.  or do both.
go for a bike ride.
run up and down your stairs.
alone or with friends… or your kids.
don’t be so hard on yourself.
it is O K to not run fast…. it is O K to take your time…. but just get out there.
who cares who sees you!  Go GO Go!

and if you can….

listen to a good sermon while you are out moving around.

today i listened to North Point Ministries message called Follow: Fearless.  (#19)
i thought it was great.
i was crying… God is so cool.  He has such awesome plans for us.  He knows everything about us.
it was such a great run because of what i was listening to!

i am going to try to challenge myself to find great sermons to share with you often!
(feel free to share great speakers in the comments)


SO…. sorry that took so long.
see why i haven’t written it out?
i really don’t feel qualified to be giving health advice…. but we all have to start somewhere.

taking care of ourselves is a NON-NEGOTIABLE.

“God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.”
1 Corinthians 6:20 (The Message)


what do you think?
what do you struggle with the most?
what do you want to change?




Rene - Thanks for sharing…I know I just need to make the commitment, but so worried I won’t stick with it. Love the idea of listening to sermons while exercising! Pastor Zach Terry in Huntsville has some great podcasts…my sister attends his church & recommended him to me.

Laura - You look great! I’d love to hear more about the food you are preparing for you and your family and how you control any cravings you might have.

Breeanna - I think God’s timing is perfect in the fact that I read this post today. I’ve struggled with weight since high school and now that I’m getting older, I feel like I have wasted so much time being a slave to sugar like you said. I crave it and it makes me feel good. It makes me believe that by eating it, I will be happier. It really is evil. I’ve started “getting healthy” many times, but ended up giving up. A few weeks ago I decided to start again because I have to change, there’s no option. I would love to listen to a sermon while working out, I never thought about doing that before. Thanks for being so open and inspiring. You look great!

Melissa - Thanks for sharing! I struggle everyday with my (over) eating. I need to make it a non negotiable. I quit smoking in feb after smoking for 25 years and i have gained a ton of weight. I made myself a promise that I would get healthy but I keep breaking it.

Jamie - Good work!! I enjoy Greg Boyd at Woodland Hills He doesn’t mince words and at one point lost a large portion of his church attendance b/c he “offended”, so be advised for potential controversy or huge challenges :). He always had a way of keeping me engaged and challenged. Also, my pastor at Redemption Hill, Alex, is good at making the Word real and applicable. But, I have a hard time listening while I do anything else because I always want to take notes. How do you handle that??

Jen - Coming back with one more question: what’s the case you use for running with your iphone? Do you have an iphone 5? Do you like the case? Thanks!

Here we go..again | - […] was on Meg’s blog this week, reading about her journey to better health. And I was inspired to get back to it.  I […]

Amy M - “i am still fighting to knock out that voice calling me to sweets practically all the time.
i feel a slave to sugar some days.”

I feel exactly the same way. Good to know I’m not alone. Thanks for the post. I’m trying to make slow, gradual changes into healthier habits and making my health non-negotiable too. Its hard, but to quote one of my favorite movies…’the HARD is what makes it GREAT.’

Kari - Last weekend my mom introduced me to cherry tomatoes, cut in half, salted with a little Italian dressing drizzled all over. My life will never be the same now. You’re welcome.

Libby - LOVE this post! I hope you post more like it! I miss Rachel:( I lost 90lbs in 2012, doing WW and started moving…I ran a full marathon in Feb! I have to make smart choices everyday! It’s never going to be easy for me…but I do it, one day at a time, with lots of prayer!

Larissa - Thanks so much for posting this. I have been waiting on this post since you mentioned it would be coming.
I started a pretty radical diet a month ago under doctor supervision. It’s pretty much protein shakes and then one real meal a day. I have a lot to lose and try to tell myself that this is just for a season and then I can go into a more balanced, healthy eating plan.
I am not a runner, but I have been walking and trying to do some strength training.
You look great and congrats for your accomplishments so far!

liz - thanks for the encouragement! i’m glad you took the time to post this!

Jill R. - Thank you thank you thank you for sharing! This is exactly what I needed to read on this exact day! More please!

April R - Thank you for the inspiration 🙂 healthy soul and healthy body

I listen to North Point too 🙂 most recently we listened to their series “You’ll Be Glad You Did” and “New Rules for Dating.” One of my favorites is their series on Christianity.
Paul Washer preaching from Heart Cry Ministry is intense. Francis Chan has some great sermons too.

tara - love how hard you’re working…
i’m working hard over here, too.

you’re right…it’s not rocket science…
it’s eating right and exercising. period.

i’m a slave to sweets, too, but coming off of them has helped me so much!

proud of you!

Also, you know my hubby is on staff with a strategic partner of north point, right?
i love that series that you mentioned!!
i cry in every sermon….

Allison - I went running after reading this, thanks for the extra push!

Anna Marie - Meg, I actually like that you aren’t an expert on the topic. It gives me hope and you say it all from a point of view that is so similar to mine. Please, PLEASE keep sharing your tips. I am at a point in my life (I turn 30 in November) where I am ready to make some huge changes in the health department. I am overweight and I never exercise. I have had a treadmill for almost 9 months now and have only used it once. Ridiculous! I am done with excuses and I need change. Thank you for making the changes seem simple by giving easy tips. Water, veggies and exercise…YES…got it. Thank you!

I look forward to more tips.

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I struggle with what I eat just like anyone else. I love carbs. My kids are all in school starting last week, so I am home by myself and only have to cook for me. That has made it soooooo much easier. I am a lite eater, so sometimes I will just have two eggs toast and some carrots, and that will be my meal till dinner. I know you should eat three meals, but I am not a three meal person. I just found some great bars that are like a meal, so I eat those also. I need to eat like I did before kids. I can just consume so much more food now, and always ate because I was bored. Not anymore. I keep myself busy, and exercise 3-4 times a week. I want to be a good example to my three daughters.

Wendi - Thank you SO much for sharing!! This is a struggle for me too, many similarities. I love the way you share in such a real way. I can’t wait to hear more specifics on what you eat, what your workouts are, and if you cook separate meals for your family. When do u treat yourself? Also, I have a 3 year old who looks like she could be Annie’s sister 🙂

Katie - I have commented and maybe even emailed you before about my desire to call myself a runner. I don’t think I will ever feel like I am one of those “people who run”…mainly because I jog at a ridiculously slow pace and feel like I am going to die the entire time…but this post was just the kick in the pants that I needed. I have been feeling EXACTLY as you described, but putting off doing anything. The stupid thing is, I do this ever 6 months. Starting in January through May I lost about 7 lbs and was up to running 3 consecutive miles…and then work gets busy, and I quit and gain the weight back. So this week I am back at it. It is hard, and I get hungry…and did I mention that I work at a bakery!? Hello, hard! But I am determined, and mostly I just wanted to say “Thank you!” for this post. I needed to hear this. I needed it to be from a real person and not from some 80 lb, blonde six pack that eats nothing but flax seed and tomatoes. I love that this post cake right after the dessert post. Thank you for being a real, inspiring person. Thank you…and good luck!

Jenn - I had struggled with being overweight, most of my life. I love saying “had.” I don’t struggle anymore because I decided that I wanted to be healthy and it was non-negotiable. You are so right, once you decide that…its a lot easier. I had to work hard to break old habits, but once they were broken and I changed the way I looked at food I was good to go. I have been able to keep the weight off for 3+ years. You are right on, water, water, water. We are usually thirsty, not hungry. And ya gotta move! Great post! You are doing fab! Way to go on loosing 10 lbs…AMAZING!

katie jones - Thank you for sharing! Please continue!Been running/weights/tabata/videos ect…..but gotta get the eating under control. I get tired of salad and chicken breast! So please share all the workout/food tips/mind over matter tips/sermons you have. I think we are all in this together and need each other!!!

Lynette - Thanks so much for this post! I just wanted to let you know of a great preacher I am listening to on my way in to work – I listen to him on Bott Radio Network, but there are podcasts online – his name is Adrian Rogers. I have been listening to him for almost a year, and I can tell you he has changed my life! I actually look forward to driving in to work now.

Destiny - Hey Meg,
Thank you for posting about this. It’s always such a struggle for me and I’m so encouraged by the tesimony of others who deal with the same issues. I think you would love this book by Lysa Terkeurst called Made to Crave. It’s about craving God more than food. 🙂

cassie - allistair begg preaches in cleveland. all of his sermons are excellent … the scottish accent doesn’t hurt either.

Cassandra - Love love love this!!! thank you for the reminder of all the things i know to be true. I just had baby #2 three months ago & am just struggling w/ getting active & the eating is so-so. so thank you for this & reminding me my body is God’s!!

happygirl - It isn’t magic. It’s hard work. Expend more calories than you consume. No magic. Thanks for sharing you hope and experience.

Beth - Meg, a great app to download for sermons is our church here in the DFW area called The Village Church with Matt Chandler. Here is a short link to one of my favorite clips from years ago:
I cry almost every Sunday! 🙂

Katie G - These teachings are great- Very helpful for parenting!

Mary Margaret - Thank you for sharing this. I inspired by your commitment to get healthy and want to begin to get healthy too. I just turned 40 on Saturday and now is the time. Love your blog and being inspired by all that is here. Way to go Meg!

Tere - What do I think? I think you are amazing. And I think I want those chocolate chip oreo bars that I can see below this comment box, as I type.
I struggle with grazing. Then I think, I haven’t eaten today. And honestly, your sentence “but then i saw all the pictures & i couldn’t get over that the person i saw in the photos did not match how i felt.” Hit me hard. real hard. tears hard. Because, I am shocked every time I see myself in the mirror. I still see myself as thin (well, at least smaller) and younger. But the reality…well, you’ve seen me, you know.
I want to change….my health, my endurance and the longevity of my life. I read your post, and Rachel’s too, and cried. I’m crying now.
Today’s a new day. Thanks for your continued inspiration. Thanks for sharing (and keep it up). Thanks, friend, I needed this. xoxo tere

Tracy Fisher - OMGoodness…. Meg… you hit me over the head! Loved the post. Not too long. Totally real. So funny because I lost 15 pounds over the summer on Omni drops (no lectures please… it’s a fad that all the girls in my area are doing). But the funny thing is I don’t feel like I have lost anything now. I thought I’d be happier and skinnier. Now I’m just grumpier that I have more to lose…haha. But I do feel so much better and am starting another round in October with some friends for another 15 lbs. This is a journey. It’s really not about weight. I love how you said it is about health. Yes, my family deserves US moms… and our healthier attitudes. Bless you for sharing. You go girl!!!! Proud of you :). -Tracy

paige - girl. i did the same thing. ran two 1/2’s in 2 years & for crying out loud, i gained weight. like what?
so i realized that at age 47 ( 46 at the time) that it was not ever going to be easy & i really wanted to feel good about myself. SO i got back into mixing it up with cardio. 3-4 times a week i drive my tail 20 minutes GAG each way, to the gym. i am well aware each time i make that commute ( to a little hole in the wall cheap womens gym) how much quicker & easier it would be for me to go for a quick run. appears that my body plateaud with running. i’ve lost 22 pounds since january by doing this AND eating wiser breakfast & lunch. and whatever everyone else is eating for dinner.
hoping to maintain this plan. and yes, trying to drink more water. apparently i need to crank that up!

Jenn - Good for you Meg – you are taking control of your health and that is AWESOME! Keep on keepin’ on :). I can’t believe you drink a gallon a day holy moly – I tried that for a week and it was so hard! I am impressed.

cindy - Thank you for the encouraging post….please take the time to write more on this. It really helps!

stacie bowers - Thanks a whole bunch, Meg!!

You inspire me.

I started my own little “get moving” plan as soon as the big 3 started school a couple weeks ago, but I continue to struggle with food.

I’ve been searching for a good audiobook to start to get me out and moving when I don’t have a friend to meet me. Bloom by Kelle Hampton maybe. I don’t know yet!

I listen to youtubes sometimes: this one is awesome!!! Brene Brown’s work is so cool.

Please keep sharing about this stuff. I really appreciate inspiration. I wish I could just go for a run with you.

I’m so sad I’m not going to the Blue Lily reunion to talk to you till the wee hours of the night again. You’re so so awesome!!

Thanks with love, Stacie

Talysa - Meg, could you tell more details about what you are eating? Such as foods you cut out, foods you added, are you “low carb” or “paleo” etc.?

Heather - Great post, it is definitely a motivator and inspiring for others who are hesitant to get on track with taking care of their bodies! Can’t wait to “hear” more on this subject! Two great podcasts I would recommend are: Bay Community Church (bay and Loxley Church of God. 🙂

Danielle - Thanks. I needed to hear this again. I do not make a lot of healthy snack choices. Wish I had read this before I had those fish sticks an curly fries for lunch… 🙂

Karen - Thank you so much for sharing. In January 2012 I finally made the decision to start losing weight. I was 360lbs, 5’8″ and was totally miserable. I started using the myfitnesspal app on my phone and logged everything that went into my mouth.I walked or rode by stationary bike 4-5 times a week. By November I was down 65lbs. Since then I have completely stopped doing anything. I did play softball with my church this spring so that was my excuse not to walk. Thankfully I have not gained but 5lbs back but I can tell the difference in how I feel. I have got to get motivated again and get back on track. I still would love to lose another 80lbs. Thank you so much for the motivation!

Sara - LOVE your blog and you look great! Check out Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church. He is awesome and has many great sermon series to listen to online! There is a great nutritional center in our area (Mpls/St. Paul) that hosts a radio show. You can listen to any of their previous radio shows via podcast. They have great topics and talk a lot about eating real food to lose weight and heal our bodies!

Sarah L - Thank-you so much for this post! I have read your blog for awhile but have never commented until today. I think that God led me to read this late last night as I was laying in bed as I have been struggling with feeling tired, lethargic and just overall blah. Your post has given me a kick-start to try to begin some life-style changes.

Thank-you for sharing your story and what has worked for you! I would love to have you write more suggestions or tips that you find along the way, as well as any work-out suggestions….esp. anything that can be done at home.

melissa rice - Thank you for this. i don’t like fad diets or something that is “revolutionary” at the time ie…. south beach atkins hcg grapefruit diet not eating after 7 or 3 or noon!!! i totally agree with your trainer eat less move more and eat what is good and pure whenever you can! i think it is alllll about moderation in food and moving everyday! it is a lifestyle but you can have your cake and eat it too. just a small piece and then go for a walk or jump on the tramp with your kids. You are REAL meg and thats what everyone wants.

Tanya - I’ve been reading forever and you’re great Meg 🙂
I’ve always thought so!

Library Momma - My husband and I started following Dr. Fuhrman’s Eat to Live guidelines and we both have lost substantial weight in a very short period of time. It is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change and waking up to what you really are doing. Thanks for sharing all your thoughts I totally agree with the water, drink, drink, drink! I have to make a request personally from your blog, the running advertisement at the bottom many times expands making it tricky to move on the page or read anything. It can be extremely distracting from the great content. I just thought I would share, maybe it is not an issue for other readers.

Cat - Thanks for sharing – it is quite a vulnerable thing to do, isn’t it? I started running a couple of years ago and have been surprised at how much I enjoy it and it has really helped me get over hang-ups from my school days and the idea that I am just “not one of those people who exercise”. For me, that is just not an option as I approach 40 in a world desperate to sell me fat, salt and sugar in ever-more tempting combinations and force me off my feet and into my car. The amazing thing, in fact, is that we are not all obese!! Food is an idol for me – cooking it, eating it, reading about it, watching shows about it – and like any other idol, I need help from God to put it in its proper place. This is a work in progress, needless to say. There is not much out there on this topic this but I did find this sermon by Crystal Munson at Mars Hill Church which I found very illuminating I recommend any woman who eats and has a body (haha!) to give it a listen. It will challenge and encourage and shines a spotlight on the lies the world tells us about food and our bodies. Now that all 3 kids are back to school/preschool this week, I am getting back out there after a few weeks off. I, too, have sought the advice of a PT just to show me how I can improve my fitness and get the most out of my runs with out having to go for hours and hours, 7 days a week; exercise – like food – is a good slave but a poor master!

Mhairi - Hi Meg! I’ve read your blog for a long time, but I thought today’s post really prompted me to leave you a comment. YOU are the reason I got off my butt this year and decided to run. I have never run- ever. And I ran my very first race a 5k this June. Here’s a little side-blog I wrote about getting ready for this race.

So, you’ve already got one person behind you (literally- I can’t run a half marathon yet!) and it’s awesome! 🙂 xo

Thanks for being an inspiration!

karen - Wow, this is so timely for me and thank you for sharing. I have absolutely no discipline in my diet and exercise, and that overlaps in sooo many other area! I will be following along and thank you for the encouragement!

p.s. I love your pictures also. 🙂

Lee Ann - Thank you sooo much for sharing this! September is my month! 🙂 I have been working out SO hard. I have gained SO MUCH muscle this year. And….I’ve eaten like crap and gained fat as well. I KNOW it’s my diet, I just haven’t been willing to do anything about it. But now! NOW is the time!

Sara Torbett - Thank-you for boldly sharing this!! I am figuring out, for the first time in my life, what healthy looks/sounds like for me. How I need to make it a daily priority. I’ve been trying to run/walk during my little girls nap times and I admit-it is extremely hard to be disciplined about it when that’s a tiny break I have all day. But I always feel awesome afterwards! We are so weight obsessed in our culture…it is so, so refreshing to hear you talk about HEALTH. Thank-you for inspiring Meg! (and I need to drink more water tomorrow!)

Stephanie - One of the best books I’ve read on nutrition is ‘Deep Nutrition’ by Dr. Shanahan. Just in case you were interested. It’s pretty fascinating.

Carol - Listen to Perry Noble at newspring church! He was some must listen to messages! You won’t regret it!

Amber Willis - Thank you thank you thank you!!!! This is just what I needed at this time. I just signed up for a 90 day challenge to help get this baby weight off (ummm she just turned one) Wow it was so much easier with baby #1. Anyway, I have been praying for God to help give me strength and encouragement. This is what I needed right now 🙂

Kendra - Your post is totally me! I ran my first half in the May Prairie Fire. I had lost weight before thr marathon and people kept asking me how much while I trained. I hadn’t lot any. None. Because I was eating whatever I wanted. And now, I’m training for the full in October and I’ve actually gained some weight. I’m with you! I only get one body, I need to treat it with better food. (;

Great post.

Fay - This was great Meg. Thank you!

Brenna Marie - Thank you for this post. Eat right and move more! I think we have all been inundated with dietary information since the 1980’s no fat slogans that eating has become either good or bad. I like the common-sense approach that you have taken – you have taken out the all or nothing factor that has gotten me into trouble for years! Thanks Meg for letting us share in your journey!

I really like listening to Pastor Steven Furtick at


Christine Ishmael - I’m laughing because as soon as you finish your post on eating healthy/exercise the post below is “cravings” which I have, all the time, which I need to get over and get in shape, thanks for the kick in the pants/reminder kind of post! 🙂

Kathleen - Been following your blog for a couple of years and love it, but have never commented. Felt led to comment today – thanks for this post! I think it is what I needed – I have three littles and want to do a better job of eating healthy and exercising. So please keep your tips coming! I love the idea that taking care of our bodies is non-negotiable…that is awesome! Inspires me to get moving and not eat any more of the cookies I just made. 🙂

Felicity - Meg I just wanted to say how timely this post was. I have been inspired by your running story previously and have signed up to do my first race ever, a half marathon. In Febuary. Mostly I feel like I’ve made a ridiculous choice and what the heck was I thinking I like chocolate and I like to sit on the couch and who cares if my tummy is really wobbly I’ve had 2 babies in the last 2.5 years. And then I think that really, I want to live freely, and I want to be gentle and kind with my body, and I want my whole being to be submitted to The Lord. So I run, and sweat and then walk a bit, and then run a bit more. I’m pretty tired, but that could just be the baby who won’t sleep 😉 and I know that I shouldn’t put sugar all over my cereal and eat chocolate for lunch, and I know I need to change that too.
So talk as much as you can about exercise and being healthy, because I need all the help I can get! Do you want to be my personal trainer? You can email me and tell me that. I’m doing a good job.

Felicity x

Kirsten J - Yep, you obviously struck a chord here. I saw your Tweet yesterday and was inspired to get moving. I seem to do better with a clean slate/get moving change when the kids get back to school. Mine starts Wednesday, but I’m liking this September 1st thing….

Alicia @ La Famille - Thank you for this post. Honestly, I just feel gross about myself right now. I AM four months post pardum and I know it takes time to lose that baby weight, but I think its just that I WANT so bad to work out and sweat and there’s just not time! I’m just so tired all the time. In july my hubby and I did a big food overhaul and that has helped a lot I’ve lost a ton of inches and about fifteen pounds since july 1st, but eating that well is hard too. I am just frustrated. I feel like other people seem to lose it so fast and I’m just scared I’ll be stuck here at this weight. I just realized this is a really personal comment…more like an email. Hmmmm…must be feeling share-y today. Anyway, GREAT JOB on your venture! Keep it up! I find for eating healthy, the only way I can do it is to plan. Keep us posted on your results! Also, what’s your health goals?

missy - Your post came on the day my husband & I have recommitted to our health. Just what I needed this morning. Had I read it two days ago it wouldn’t have affected me the way it did today. I’m off to fill my water bottle.

Debbie - Thank you! Please keep posting on this, and specifics! You are awesome!

renee - amen!! you inspired me.

Jen - One quick question: clicked through to Rachel’s blog! Love her story and would love to follow her on IG but can’t seem to find her at IAMRACHELREEVES. Can you help? What am I doing wrong? HAHA

Couldn’t manage to leave a comment on her blog either! Can you say “Tech challenged?” 🙂 Thanks!

Jen - Perfect post, Meg! You know, I noticed in your latest Craft Weekend group photo that you looked thinner. Good for you for doing this for YOU, and consequently for your family, too. I never feel guilty about a workout because I am setting a positive example for my girls and I want to be active with my family for a LONG time. Eating healthier had a ripple effect on the fam, too.

This healthy thing is 30% exercise and 70% diet. I am a group exercise instructor and had the exercise thing down, but recently have been focusing on a better diet. I have seen positive changes. This 36-year-old wants to be an even healthier 40-year-old. Preach on, sista and keep going!

Jen - I’m so glad you shared! I have noticed that you are thinner and wondered what you are doing! I have been through much the same journey-I’ve lost 50 pounds since January (doing Take Shape for Life) but I’ve slacked off a bit since I reached my goal so this is a great incentive for me. I appreciate you being vulnerable and honest!

Great sermons: Mark Driscoll, Mars HIll Church in Seattle. His Peasant Princess series on Song of Solomon is PHE. NOM. E. NAL. Now, he takes some getting used to-he swears occasionally and he’s a little crass at times but if you can get past that, I believe God is really using him. (I know he’s controversial and I’m not here to debate that! So please don’t anyone jump all over me!) 🙂

Happy exercising! You are inspiring! 🙂


Kristin S - And, just downloaded that message. Can’t wait to listen. On a run/walk! After 16 months of injury, I’m slowly getting back in.

Kristin S - Meg, thank you for being so vulnerable. I know that was big ol step of faith and your honesty flowed through it all.

It is hard.

You didn’t even have to say anything. I never thought you looked overweight. Ever. But in recent posts, I can tell that you had lost some weight and the long hair is sassy too!

For me from age 33-37, I worked out all the time and lost no weight. It was the food. I know it was. So, I started running and started eating smaller portions and salads for dinner. Slowly, slowly 50 lbs came off. And I felt better.

It has to be a personal choice and seeing a picture of myself did it for me too. Sigh.

Press on!

Anne - Hello Meg
You spoke to my heart today! Thank you for the tip about listening to sermons… I find it really humbles you and gives you determination at the same time. Another tip I find that works is to stay off the recipe section of pinterest HA HA:)
God truly knows what I need and today I needed you to speak to me. Godspeed to both of us on our journey! Anne

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - It’s so funny that you shared this in the way you did! Last year I started doing the C25K training (and I am so not a runner) all b/c of a post you did similar to this about feeling the need to be healthy. That post compelled me!
So I did it along with another friend and we ran a 5K. I have never felt better physically…until about 8 months ago when we moved… again! And I can count on both hands the number of times I’ve ran. I’m back to feeling, well, yucky. I feel the extra inch that’s been added back to my back side and my side sides.
So again Megan, your post has compelled me. It’s hard to love God with ALL your heart, mind, soul and strength when you ain’t feelin’ too strong. It all works together. Thanks for sharing even though you didn’t feel qualified:)

Elaine - Thank you for being brave and sharing.
Thank you for motivating me to believe I can make the changes I need. It isn’t easy, but it will be worth it!
Have a wonderful day….

Jonathan - Meg-

You should be VERY proud. Not just in the numbers. Remember- a scale means nothing in comparison to a happy life and slimmer pant size.

Looking forward to hearing more from you. KEEP ROCKING! YOU ARE AWESOME!!!!!

Michelle - In the 7 study Jen Hatmaker connects NT passages about our body being a temple to the OT instructions for building/caring for the temple and then makes a statement along the lines ‘if he cared that much about the old temple … How much does he care about the care of your body?’ It was a huge moment for me and pushed me to call a spade a spade and confess gluttony in my life and start addressing food and exercise. I have also lost about 10 lbs so far and it feels great! I am reading Made To Crave and it has been really great- very encouraging and convicting. Wishing you well in this Meg!

Heather S. - Sister – I am with ya! You DID look great in those Craft Weekend posts, so I knew you were up to something! I am currently int he role of *supporter* for a friend who is working hard to get in shape. She, too, is a runner and all that running was NOT adding up to weight loss at all. So, we took it up a notch. We joined a gym together. We go to a 6:00 am class three days a week (we force each other out of bed at 5:15 to make it on time) and two other days we run on our own. Her journey is making me work harder on my health. I would be considered to be in perfectly *fine* shape – in that wonderful area of *normal.* The problem is, I don’t want to just be normal. I want to be strong and lean and this summer I have only lost 4 pounds, but I have seriously toned up and it is a beautiful thing to see one’s legs in shorts or a skirt and not cringe, KWIM? So – you keep going and you keep encouraging us! Great job, Meg!!!!

btsoi - I was nodding in agreement through your entire post. I finally got to the point where I decided to do something about this body I was not happy with so I started doing yoga and some walking/jogging. It’s disappointing when you look in the mirror and it doesn’t match how you feel. But I’m pushing on, and I’m trying to eat healthier, with smaller portions (I’m so used to “finishing my plate” – aka eating until I’m full and then some). I’d love to hear more about your journey! And listening to sermons while running? What an awesome idea!

jamie - thank you so much for this post! i am so proud of you! this summer i have found that buying already prepared fruits and veggies is the way to go for me! if the fruits and veggies are already cut up i will gobble them. my new obsession is orange cherry tomatoes from our local farmer’s market! i went yesterday and they didn’t have any {boo}. my daughter goes to an amazing church and i listen to the podcasts. i’ve cried during each and every one because my heart is so overwhelmed with truth.
sometimes i lay in bed at night and listen to several in a row and before i know it what felt like 15 minutes was actually three hours!

ktg - Post baby weight. Not to give excuses but before kids I had a flat stomach and trim everything.
2 kids in 2 years…

For four years I was not getting enough sleep, then needing the energy for a 13 hour day entertaining children alone. Food was the fuel I needed to stay awake and take care of everyone.I felt so low energy all the time!

I lost 10 pounds with my fitness pal for food checks and running/ballet for exercise. An observation , as soon as I went on vacation where a fridge was stocked with sodas I got back into the habit and gained 5 pounds in a week! Sugar is what I struggle with the most. I want to add more natural foods.

Val - Hey Meg, love your blog, love what you have to say, LOVE Craft Weekend! but alas, as I live in Australia I can’t see myself attending anytime soon. But seeing your pictures makes me feel like I’m there (almost), so thank you!

I heard a quote a few months ago, “you can’t out exercise a bad diet,” how true! I’ve been on a daily walking regime (30-45 mins p/day) and did NOT lose an ounce!!! You’re right, it is hard word and takes dedication. I so want to lose 10kgs to feel better in my clothes!!!

Keep writing Meg, you inspire me – thanks!

PS – love the tip about the sermons,

Southern Gal - I had noticed you looked slimmer in the Craft Weekend photos. Good for you! I needed to read this. I turned 50 this summer, am heavier than I’ve ever been and I started running two years ago!!! I know it’s diet (and some issues with steroids I took this summer for an arm injury), but it’s been so hard. I have been drinking lots of water – not quite a gallon. Now I’m just tired of feeling like a blob. After years of cooking from habit I need someone to tell me what to cook and how, just like you. Thanks again for posting this.

Robyn - Check out Craig Groeshell at The church is based in Oklahoma and is fabulous! Podcasts are available for free on iTunes.

The Orchard - Thank you for that post. I am a runner and have been for 25 years, (I turn 40 in a few months) but I have been injured a lot this past year and my running has really slowed. I am not as fast as I used to be and I feel sluggish when I go out, so now I hardly go out. It is so not like me! On top of that, I eat what I want, but it is not always healthy, and now that I am not running as much, it is starting to catch-up with me and it doesn’t feel good physically or emotionally! And, I don’t drink water. Like hardly ever, even when I get back from a run!

This post is the reminder I need! Thanks for taking the time to write it out and share your experiences.

My first goal will be to start drinking more water. Second goal, get back out there and run. As you said, it doesn’t matter how fast. Just getting out there is better than nothing!

Good luck with the rest of your journey and please do keep sharing!


Jennifer - This post is so timely for me – thank you! Just this morn I was writing my best friend in WI (I live in Australia) and telling her how I currently have no commitment, no motivation and no plan; but I hate how I look and feel. The perspective that my health is a non-negotiable, and more importantly the fact that Gos gave me one body and I have an obligation to take of it, are fantastic. Can’t wait to see the recipes and read more posts. Keep up the awesome work!

Alisa Muir - I am finally at the point where my health is a non negotiable.
So please please please

Share more of these kinda of posts.

it is such an inspiration.

I just had surgery 12 days ago and starting this week I am back working out. Hopefully back to using that unused gym membership.
Back on myfitnesspal.

I need to put this on my priority list.
Just like I do my kids health.

xoxo thanks for sharing.

Kelley - Thanks for the encouragement! I needed the reminder of “my health is non-negotiable.”
Great speaker- Robert jeffress, his podcast is called “pathway to victory”- I learn a lot from him
What do I want to change- I am 7 months post baby- and although the weight is technically gone, the body is NOT the same. I am learning this mom thing- but I still want to be healthy and be strong. Need to find time to workout with baby. Want to get back to running, but afraid of compromising my milk supply (TMI?) so not sure where that all puts me. Just know I am feeling motivated for something! Now I need an action plan

Melissa shepard - Oh!! I have been waiting on this post!! How awesome meg!! You should be so proud of yourself. That IS alot of weight… when u arent that big to begin with… I crave sugar and soda…. why is it so hard? Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels tho.. right? Thx for sharing meg! I must drink more water! You are the bomb!

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i want to eat these cookies from


this pumpkin dream cake looks TO. DIE. FOR.  from


i know for a fact that i would love this Puppy Chow with Snickers from


and seriously…. coconut AND dark chocolate… frozen?  come to mama.
these are called Coconut Klondike Bites from


if i could sit out on my patio on a saturday morning with a cup of coffee
and these blueberry lemon sweet rolls… my life might be complete.
these are from



can you tell that i am hungry?

and that i haven’t been eating any foods like this for quite awhile?!

i love sweets.
but my waistline disagrees.
so for now… i will have a salad and dream about enjoying these treats (just a taste) in a few months.

first i need to stop drooling though….



Molly - I’m reading your new posts backwards and I love how you posted this and then posted about your weight loss! Cruel!

Carol s. - I’d definitely reach for the bowl of puppy chow first, but I’m on the low carb wagon for a couple months with decent success. I did have a splurge meal of deep dish pizza, umm three pieces, and a bowl of ice cream with a blessed banana (oh how I miss my bananas) but have been back on the wagon happily since. Someday those sweets will be yours…

Mindy - Oh how I admire your self control when it comes to sweets! I eat plenty of vegetables but I also have something sweet Looking at your lovely pictures has set off my craving for today…you can pray for me if you want : )

melissa rice - i thought you were going to share your health journey with us?

comfypjs - Looks like you have an extreme sugar craving…Ha!

Jen - Yum! Those do look good! Proud of you for having willpower though. It’s hard. I just started a food journal for the first time ever a month ago. I am amazed that I don’t eat as much as I thought each day, but am also very concerned about my lack of fruits and veggies. It’s been an eye opener and I’m trying to feed my body with the real food that will fuel it.

April R - come to momma indeed! 🙂

Kimberlee - That pumpkin cake looks amazing.
I want it now.
Thanks a lot.

Gina - Thanks a lot Meg!! I just started a diet. 😛 Actually, I was thinking about foods to make at Thanksgiving and I thought of a pumpkin cake with cream cheese icing so I pinned that one. And the sweet rolls. Oy! 😉

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