i have been wanting to share my workouts and health stuff i have been doing this summer.
but at the same time… feeling nervous to share.
because who am i to talk about health and diet?
what do i really know?
but it was put on my heart this morning during my run that it was time to talk.
because everyone has to start somewhere when it comes to getting healthy.
you may be super tiny & fit and run 20 miles a week and if that is you… you won’t get much from this post.
but chances are… many of you are not and you wish you were.
wishing you were stronger.
wishing you were lighter.
wishing you had more energy.
wishing for control over what you eat.
i am just going to share some of what i have been thinking about and doing for me & you can take it or leave it.
and that goes for anything i have ever said on this blog.
i am not your boss.
OK… back in april when i ran the half marathon… it was really great.
i mean yes i got super sick right afterrds, spending a lot of time in the bathroom.
BUT it was still an truly awesome experience!
i felt so empowered that i really did that.
i really finished!
but then i saw all the pictures & i couldn’t get over that the person i saw in the photos did not match how i felt.
it really bugged me.
i trained and trained for that dang half marathon and i gained weight!
it was not muscle.
don’t give me the old “muscle weighs more than fat” response.
i know that statement is true but this wasn’t case here.
i was eating whatever the heck i wanted…. and running.
so it wasn’t doing anything as far as getting lighter.
and that sucks!
because that was really hard training for that.
i didn’t feel strong physically.
and i felt unable to make any good food choices…. just so stuck in my habits.
then i saw how Rachel was working so hard on her health.
WOW!! i was inspired.
i was following along and wondering what was she doing that was working so well.
#1 she was eating VERY well and #2 she was working with her brother Jonathon who is a personal trainer.
so i emailed him.
and we have worked together all summer via email.
he has told me what kinds of foods i should be eating and how often and how much, etc.
and then how to workout.
and guess what?
it has been working!!
i have lost 10 pounds since May.
it’s not a huge amount but it’s not nothin’ either… it’s a clothing size for sure.
i have really enjoyed the accountability of having the emails with him and discussing what to change.
i needed that to keep going.
he has been a great help to me! Super encouraging. Easy to talk with.
but there is no secret magic thing in what he told me.
you already KNOW what he told me…. EAT RIGHT and EXERCISE.
but seriously i had no idea what to eat before.
i just ate anything.
bottom line: there is no magic… you have to decide if you want it or not.
then when you decide you do want that healthier body then YOU do the work.
and it is HARD!
no one else can do it for you.
you are the only one.
Rachel said something that stuck with me all summer.
she said that getting healthy & staying healthy had become a “Non-Negotiable” to her now.
things that are important to us will be non-negotiables.
if we want a strong marriage we have to fight hard for it.
if we want to have kids that aren’t complete brats… we have to do the hard work of parenting well.
anything worth keeping requires HARD work.
so getting healthy…. is NON-NEGOTIABLE.
God gives us one body.
and i want to take care of mine that best i can.
believe me… i fail often.
i eat the cupcake (and then a few more later)
but i am doing that much much less than i used to.
i am still fighting to knock out that voice calling me to sweets practically all the time.
i feel a slave to sugar some days.
(this is the longest post ever)
SO… i have been working at making the healthy choices all day long.
the first thing to change was to be drinking a ton of water.
A GALLON of water every day.
not kidding.

that is a lot of water!
i have stuck with that all summer long.
at least 5 of those big giant water cups a day.
so that is my BiGGEST tip for you this week.
drink water… a LOT of water.
there is no room for soda and pop if you have to drink a gallon of water a day.
i thought that since i didn’t know how to eat prepare healthy foods… maybe some of you don’t either?
so as often as i can i am going to share a new recipe i find and try.
my favorite snacks & drinks too.
this is my first snack tip…

of course this isn’t practical to buy all the time. ($$ it’s cheaper than a fast food meal though!)
but i am a busy lady and a somewhat poor planner at times.
so this snack tray of veggies at my Dillon’s stores is a great way to eat my veggies without having planned ahead.
and a fat free dressing would be preferred but it’s not an option so i just don’t eat much of the dip.
just a little.
but hey…. before this health kick… i had never bought a veggie tray unless i was having a party.
and now i eat a whole veggie tray for a snack!
(and it fits exactly in the console of my Suburban so obviously it was meant to be)
and last tip for the week…
get moving.
ANYTHING is better than nothing.
go for a walk. or a jog. or do both.
go for a bike ride.
run up and down your stairs.
alone or with friends… or your kids.
don’t be so hard on yourself.
it is O K to not run fast…. it is O K to take your time…. but just get out there.
who cares who sees you! Go GO Go!
and if you can….
listen to a good sermon while you are out moving around.
today i listened to North Point Ministries message called Follow: Fearless. (#19)
i thought it was great.
i was crying… God is so cool. He has such awesome plans for us. He knows everything about us.
it was such a great run because of what i was listening to!
i am going to try to challenge myself to find great sermons to share with you often!
(feel free to share great speakers in the comments)
SO…. sorry that took so long.
see why i haven’t written it out?
i really don’t feel qualified to be giving health advice…. but we all have to start somewhere.
taking care of ourselves is a NON-NEGOTIABLE.
“God owns the whole works. So let people see God in and through your body.”
1 Corinthians 6:20 (The Message)
what do you think?
what do you struggle with the most?
what do you want to change?
Country Mouse vs. City Mouse | The Blue Tulip - […] And so when I get nostalgic about country living, I just hang out with these online friends. Ree and Myquillyn and Meg. […]
Amber Campbell Hibbs - Yay for morning runs and for Kansas. And I think you should add that picture of the sunrise and the road to your canvas prints. I know i would buy one. 🙂
Carolyn Ruth - I appreciate everything you share with us! And I wanted to share another podcast with you of one of my favorite pastors to listen to.
Kathy - Hey there! I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, maybe a little longer. I never realized you were in Kansas until you said in this last post how much you love Kansas. I am in Kansas also. Serving a mission for 18 months, in Dodge City. HI CUTE NEIGHBOR!
katie - As a girl from Kansas that has been permanently transplanted to Texas I would love to have that corn picture on a canvas. Reminds me of my Dad and growing up on the farm outside of Lawrence. Anyway you could make that happen?
elizabeth - Maybe I am a scaredy cat but I don’t know about running at 7am on a long deserted road. Abduction comes to my head…but the scenery is beautiful none the less.
tara - love these pictures…so much to smile about.
life is good.
i need to get out and capture some of the beauty around me…it’s been a little too long.
Lee Ann - Beautiful morning pictures on your runs. And don’t EVER forget – “Once you’re wet, you’re wet.” Even in the rain – just keep running 🙂
Samantha - Such a great week! If God wasn’t so amazing ehat on earth would we do with ourselves? Glad you had a wonderful week! Thank you for the reminder to be grateful and cheerful in our gladness! Lioking forward to more weeks ahead!
Emily - I love this picture! How do you get the web to show up so well? It’s amazing!
Tere - Hello Meg! My favorite picture is your 10:30pm outside, love, love it. And then there is the cows. But tell me, dumb question, what happens with all those sunflowers? Are they harvested for bouquets or seeds or ??
Jenny B. - Beautiful! Your face is looking skinny, too! Not that it hasn’t always… Do you feel weird when you compliment someone on their weight? Like, what if they’re actually offended? Anywho… 🙂
I missed the post about listening to sermons. My husband keeps telling me I need to listen to a recent sermon I missed about the Trinity by our Sunday night pastor (He’s actually our collegiate minister, and is really good.). Here’s the link:
To hear the one on The Trinity, you have to scroll down to 7/21/13. Maybe I’ll finally go listen to it now too! 🙂
Sarah H. - I often feel overwhelmed with gratitude about the mundane daily things of my life. It’s not that my life is so fabulous, but it really is, you know? Compared to what it could be, I am so thankful. Love your pictures.
Mj - You want to hear powerful sermons? Check out the podcasts from Venture Christian Church on iTunes. Pastor Chip Ingram and Pastor Tim Lundy. Both are down to earth and preach truth like no other Pastor I’ve ever heard.
Tiffany - Love your positive attitude! I should have read it earlier today. My kids got me cranky this evening. Tomorrow is a new day. Also, I wish we had sunflowers like that in MN! Stunning!
Mary - Your pictures make me miss Kansas so much! Born and raised there, for 23 years. Now have lived in Colorado for 22 years, beautiful here, however Kansas is still home…
amy jupin - you have such a gift…to see and capture the stunning beauty all around us.
you inspire me!
just thought you might want to know that!
Tanya - I love reading about people figuring things out. It makes me feel like I’m not the only mid-30’s gal still figuring things out. I love this post. Life is good indeed 🙂
Sarah Wolfe - I love this post. And I agree. Life is sweet, and I always need reminders to turn my mind to the things that are good and sweet and lovely. And to turn my mind off of ALL the clutter!
Julie {CalleLillyCafe} - Wow!! Those sunflowers! I would HAVE to walk or ride my bike past those beauties every day! #notarunner =)
Mindi - What are you listening to on your runs? I would love to change it up!
happygirl - You running girls are amazing. I just want to become a walking girl again. You are GREAT!!
Lori H - Life IS good! But I wish I lived where there are sunflower fields!
beth larson - morning Meg!
so, as always I loveddddddd your photos…the one of you close up- you look 14 in. : ) the last one of the sky is simply AMAZING!
(I may have asked you this before- but are most of these pics from your phone? when I try upload my camera pics to my blog they have to be super small or they are blurry) : (
Would love to know how you do it!
thanks and have a blessed day,
Necole@seriosulysassymama - I prefer music when I exercise. I am already talking in my head, so someone else talking would just make things crowded. I love Texas like you love Kansas.
Southern Gal - Morning runs are the best. I love clearing my mind and then focusing on what God has for me. It’s a lovely way to start the day. Now if you ask me to run in the afternoons I’m toast. Can’t hit a lick with a stick in the afternoons. Love your chickens. My daughter’s family has goats, chickens and honeybees. We love visiting and watching the three-year-old boss all the animals around, except for the bees. 😉
Alicia @ La Famille - this IS a whole lotta happy stuff right here. love that you’re getting up early. I LOVE getting up early before my kids…it just doesn’t happen right now and I hate that. yuck. you make me want to run.
Tracy - I’m almost 10 years ahead of you on early mornings….I have been loving them for several years now. Bliss.
We had our 10th grader’s first football game last week, too. Like Scott, he didn’t play last year and we are so so glad he decided to play. He’s trying to be like his older varsity playing 12th grade brother 🙂 His bro is a good role model, thank goodness!!
Terrie - I loved all the answers on your instagram photo too!
Sooooo funny!!
The hubs was wondering what I was laughing at…
Great pics!
I Love living in Kansas…so much beauty.
And I’m wishing we had some sunflowers close to us…
looks like I need to go stalk some country roads!
Love taking sunflower pics!
Amanda - These posts always make me miss Kansas something fierce! I was born and raised there but am a Georgia transplant now. I always say I have half my heart in Georgia and half in Kansas! I love them both! But miss my beautiful home state. Thanks for the pictures!
stephany - life IS good.
have a great week, Meg!
Melissa - Jealous of those sunflower fields. Gorgeous