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Craft Weekend brings the best ladies together!
i don’t have a lot of words for this post.
the pictures speak for themselves… awesome women… awesome weekend!

kimberlee and i were given handmade slippers and we were pretty giddy about it.
aren’t they SO sweet?!



DSC_0666-1IMG_0247IMG_0311IMG_0315IMG_0301IMG_0302IMG_0298IMG_7866IMG_7867IMG_7864IMG_0261IMG_0264IMG_0248such a crafty bunch of ladies!
they just kept adding beauty to everything they made.


just as we were about to take our group picture Amy injured her ankle.
we got ice and water and she was soaking it to keep the swelling down.
it was a little crazy!  We thought it would help us all remember if we kept the bucket in the shot.
Amy you are a trooper!

col1CR18col2CW18Kim???  (a CW girl not Kimberlee)
how did you skip the headshot time on sunday morning?!
i can’t believe we missed you!

jess and heather were our helpers.
online friends becoming real life friends is the best!


kimberlee and i are loving the women who come.  we love being able to help them have some creative time for themselves.  loving to feed them crazy good food!  and of course we love taking them to the barn… it’s an experience!

if you would like to get on the Craft Weekend Wait List…  Click above on the button the says About Craft Weekend.

thanks ladies for being awesome.
i truly enjoyed my time with you!



Brenda Wohlscheid - I found this site because I love the slippers you posted. I have been looking for a pattern for slippers like those and have been unable to find it. Where are you located? Your week-ends sound like a lot of fun.


31 Days of Getting to Know Me {again} Day 2 | - […]  Wooden print is a new gift from Barn Owl Primitives that I received at my Whatever Craft Weekend in Kansas.  I love the yellow, it makes me happy and is the perfect size for this little […]

Kim - HELP!!! Where can I find those adorable slippers? I would love to order some somewhere…….

Our Vintage Life - Oh! That looks like so much fun, and the results of your handiwork and heart work are beautiful!

tara - look at you in that red/white polkadot dress and cowboy boots.
skinny minny.
hard work and all those logged miles has paid off.

i hope you can tell me that you still eat pam’s cheesecake.

Jessica - I. DIE. over all those Coca-Cola crates!! Man, oh MAN do I want to go to that barn!! We have NOTHING like that here in New Jersey!

Breeanna - Another great Craft Weekend! I would love to come someday, but I need to save up for it!

Jeremie Shaffer - Amy-I was thinking the SAME thing!!! oh my goodness they favor!!!!!

Amy - Looks like so much fun! Are you sure Lisa isn’t your sister?!

Tiffany - Eighteen, WOW! Still looking just as colorful and fantastic as the first. These are my favorite posts to visit when I need to get the creative juices going. Well done Ladies!

Katie - Loved reading about eighteen. Thanks for letting me live it through pics. Oh ya. That vintage fisher price barn….tell me she got it. 🙂

Necole@seriouslysassymama - These are the best apron ever!

Julie - Another wonderful collection of colour for us to drool over. Would love to visit that antiquey place you go to. Your red spotty dress looks great.

Jill - Look how skinny you are! All your hard work is paying off!


Amanda - What a beautiful weekend! I wish whomever made your slippers was selling them. I’m a tad jealous. =)

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Be Excellent to Each Other…


have you ever heard of the etsy shop  called Spunky Fluff?

i love this shop!
i hung this sign from Spunky Fluff up in our little stairway at the farm house.

Bill & Ted had it right.
i think those are good words for my children to read over & over as they walk up the stairs to their bedrooms.


and this one… i adore it!

how fabulous is that font?!

Kristen’s shop is full of great colors, pretty fonts and really good quotes.


i also have the Good Morning Sunshine sign hanging up at the Craft house and the Missing Socks sign in my laundry room!

go over to her shop and see which one is your favorite!

You can use the code MEGBLOG for a 20% discount on everything at


(think ahead… christmas is coming.  wouldn’t it feel great to have a great gift like this already done?!)


thanks Kristen!


Jenn - My Choose Happiness sign arrived last week and I LOVE IT! I hung it at the bottom of the stairs so my family can see it every time they come downstairs. Kristen helped me pick the color and was wonderful. Thanks, Meg!

tracy fisher - love these signs. one day i WILL order one for myself. just trying to find the right saying. thanks for sharing. -tracy

Melissa - Oh my gosh I love those – they are super fun!

Gemma - Love these ! I am so amazed at what some people create on etsy. So clever!

Gemma x

Jeremie Shaffer - Oh my goodness! Is that curtain made from a sheet? Growing up, my mom had sheets that looked just like that!!! Such awesome memories!!!

Tanya - Just had the convo with my kids last night about being excellent to each other…especially in the morning before school, lol 😉
I need that sign! 😀

Mindy - Be excellent to each other – Love it! Want to live it… On my way to check out the site. Thank you for the discount code.

Kerri Clark - AWESOME stuff. Def. will purchase one

Taryn - Oh my!!!! bookmarked the one i love…”Be more you”…awesome!

Lasso the Moon - I love Bill and Ted.
Thanks for the discount code!

Billy - Those designs are amazing! As we try to decorate our new house I’ve been dismayed by the cheesy designs of many wall hangings. Thanks for sharing such a great find. Now the only problem is which ones to get first!

lacy brauner - oh no. why’d you show me her stuff?! So many if those signs are too awesome!

Kari - Wow! These are so cute! I took a look at the shop and there are so many that I really like. These would make such a nice Christmas gift for a few people on my list. Thanks for sharing and for the discount code.

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what a great weekend!


we had the best time this weekend with my mom, my sister & nieces and family friends.

we filled each day full till we laid down to sleep.
it was great.


sean had a football game but it was cancelled in the middle because of lightning.
those clouds were creepy!


talby had a volleyball game… it’s going to be SO FUN watching her play these next few years!


my mom and i did several hours of antique shopping.
I found all kinds of treasures!
a little red bedside table… a teal tackle box (i can’t walk away from away a good colored box)… linens…milk glass batter bowl… flour sacks… and cute dishes.
but then my Mom found this big gallon size Santa Fe Pears can.
This was the brand that my grandpa sold in his grocery business!  My grandpa was a “Ranney” of Ranney-Davis.
my parents have all kinds of things they have found at antique shops from his store over the years.
but i don’t have any and this can is so perfectly ME!
i said “this looks like it should be at Anthropologie!”  i was in love.
my mom bought for me for my birthday.
thank you mom!


we went to my home town’s craft fair and i ran into several old friends i grew up with.
i treated the girls to a giant lemonade from the lemon shaped lemonade stand.  (yummmmmm)
then we headed out to our family friend’s home for the night.
it was a total blast.



my girls were loving these little boys!
they were so giggly & cute… they all had hours and hours of FUN!



IMG_0419IMG_0488IMG_0482the girls put all the frogs they caught under the fire pit screened lid for awhile to observe them.
i thought that was a pretty great idea.
IMG_0478scott got in for one minute i think but it was pretty cold with the sun almost down.
that water trampoline was too tempting to not try it at least once!

IMG_0489COL3IMG_0518in the morning we got to do a little fishing.
it was windy so we only caught three.

IMG_0528IMG_0543IMG_0554IMG_0563my mom caught the biggest one!

IMG_0571PicMonkey Collage

this is the good stuff.
family… life long friends… catching up… making memories… catching frogs… floppy fish…. 3 am wake up calls.  🙂

thankful for all of it!


how was your weekend?



Leslie - Yes, please share about your adorable sweater/blouse!!!!!! Thanks 🙂

jill - Meg, you capture the best times in photos! Looks like a lot of fun. I love your gray cardigan too! the shirt you have under it is darling. Where did you find it?

Kate - Would you mind sharing where you got your cute polka dot/stripes cardigan? I loooooooove it! You have a beautiful family. 🙂

Kathi - Sounds wonderful, memories for sure.

Carol S. - Looks like you grabbed the last bits of summer. Nice! So glad you’ve got another volleyball player coming up. One of my fav sports to spectate, after basketball. Cute peaches can, curious if its empty and hope to see where you put it in your home. Anthro finds are great.

Gemma - Looks like a great weekend! I love the frog pictures…although I don’t think I would be brave enough to hold one!


Breeanna - Looks like such a fun weekend with family and friends! I want that trampoline!

Alicia @ La Famille - so so fun, meg. love weekends like this.

Lori H - Your weekend looks fun! Our weekend was pretty great, too. We went to see my son, a freshman in college, the first we have seen of him in a month! I wanted to hug on him all day, but of course I am not allowed to do that 🙂 At least now I know he is happy, and that is the most important thing.

Tara - It looks like you had a wonderful weekend! I love that your girls caught the frogs. My girlie-girl would run away squealing!

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family fun & capri sun


I was asked by Capri Sun to share some of my thoughts on spending family time together.
That is an easy one!  It is the best thing!  They are my favorite people to spend my time with.  It is when I feel the most comfortable, loved, and content.

After my little girls got off the bus from school I asked them to help me come up with some of our best ideas for fun family time.

I try to have snacks and drinks available for them when they get home from school. They are always so hungry & thirsty after all that learning.

Capri Sun 100% Juice is a popular choice at our house.
They love the taste and I love that it’s not just sugar water or soda.
With all of our family’s sports activities that go on year round we have Capri Sun Juice Drinks all the time.  We fill our coolers up for the kids playing sports and for the ones who are just watching on the sidelines.  Capri Sun Juice drinks are great for packing into school lunch boxes too.

My girls enjoyed their Capri Sun Juice Drink and some fruit while we made a list to work from.


(fyi… Annie got a black eye at school bumping heads with someone in PE class)




We had chicken photo-bomber.
I guess she just wanted to see what was going on up on the table.
Then Annie tossed a blueberry her direction….

She loves blueberries!
Oh my goodness we laughed so hard.

Ok… back to list writing.




We tried to think of  ideas that involved being active and if it wasn’t active then at least we were learning.
But sometimes it is good to cuddle up and just relax too.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to have fun as a family.

You just need each other.

Big vacations are great, expensive amusement parks are cool, but the real stuff that builds memories for life is consistently spending quality time together.  Being engaged in the activity, making eye contact… no phones or internet distractions… that is the GOOD STUFF.  Your kids will remember that.  They may not remember the activity but they will remember the love & focused attention you gave them in that moment.  It builds… one experience on top of the next.

Time together is important.  You might as well make it fun too.

What is one of your favorite ways to be together with your family?

Learn more about Capri Sun Juice Drinks at their website and also visit their Facebook Page.




Liz - Love this. So true!

Carolyn - I know this comment does not have anything to do with this last post, but, I made your Roasted Veggies this past Sunday for a Dinner in the park with my wonderful family!!! What a delicious way to fix these veggies!! YUMMY! They are also very beautiful to serve!! Thanks for sharing your recipe. I wish I would have taken a picture of our table of food!! We grilled steaks, baked potatoes and Roasted Veggies!!! My sister brought the most wonderful Opera Cream cake also. What a wonderful day to spend with the family!!!

jo - couldn’t agree with donna more.

Mindy - I love how you celebrate each day! And the chicken photo bomber. I love that too : )

Gina in Louisville - They are growing up too stinking fast.

Jennifer - Love the chicken photo bomber. Also the orange kitty and sweet girls. Your family always looks like fun!

Donna - I love your blog and I understand why you do sponsored posts, but those little Capri Suns have more sugar than soda. Juice IS essentially sugar water. To each his/her own, but to present juice as healthy is irresponsible. Juice consumption is linked to a whole host of childhood illnesses.

Tiffany - Perfect! We all need reminders to unplug and engage! We like going for walks on our country road and hunting for “treasures”. 🙂 PS-I thought Annie was wearing eye makeup before I read about her black eye.

Martha - “you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have fun as a family… just need each other”. Perfectly put!

meredith - stroller rides! simple fun with my 6 month old. I point out objects all around and just talk to her. when all three of us walk after dinner it’s perfect family time. my mom walks with us a lot too, when she’s over. she points out the same objects and says them in french.

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cheesecake, africa and you


i have a friend named Pam.

i have talked about her a lot over the years on this little space.
she took me all the way to africa for a week and changed my life.
then she sold everything she owned…car, furniture…everything.
and then she moved there with her family!

(pam….how do we have NO photos of just the two of us??)

(and boy do we look…HOT.   literally.  very sweaty)

her family has been back in the states again this past few months and are almost ready to return to Liberia.
selfishly… i want her to stay.
i want to have her around for long lunches and late night talks. (very late)
i want to spend time with her.   i want to learn about faith and life from her.
i want to hear that laugh! (she has a fabulously loud, awesome laugh!)
but as much as i want that for me… i know it’s wrong.
she and her family have been called to go and share the gospel in Liberia.
and that is so obviously right.
they are meant to be there!  it is THE PERFECT fit for them.
their hearts are alive for africa.
when you talk with them for five minutes you already know that they have servant hearts for africa.


God has called them and they are going.

this was part of their newsletter:

“We have a Clear Call to work with the people in Liberia. We will soon be returning to Liberia and make the big move to the interior of Liberia. God has broken our hearts for the people there – more than 98% of them are without the Gospel and with little chance of ever hearing of our Savior’s love. We are excited about God opening doors for us to work in Liberia. We have much to learn in the coming months and years, but our goal is to obey the Holy Spirit and love the people around us.”

Pam is an amazing cook.
i mean….she is absolutely A M A Z I N G!!

a few years ago she was sweet to me and let me share her cheesecake recipe on my blog.
she didn’t have to do that.
that was probably a pretty hard thing to do actually… she CREATED the recipe over several years!
it took her a long time to figure out all the perfect ingredients to make it just right.
and oh. my. goodness…. did she ever get it just right?!!  YES!

a fun weekend. new old friends.

if you haven’t made it yet…. WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!!
it is a user friendly recipe and it is by far the best cheesecake i have ever had.


and tons of people agree with me.






AND… this won’t be the last you see of Pam.
no way.
because i can’t wait to go visit, help, share, learn and GROW in Liberia too.
so really…this is just the beginning.


i am so proud to be your friend.
you are such an incredible inspiration to me.
what a gift God gave me in YOU.

if you love pam’s cheesecake let me know in the comments!
i would love to know what you have made it for… birthdays, holidays or just because!


Lisa - What a great idea to help raise money!!!

Tiffany - I’ve made it a few times now… For Thanksgiving and Easter. It is hands down, THE BEST! I want to propose to our craft weekend group that we need to do a virtual reunion through IG. That would be a good reason to make it again!

Skim - What an amazing family! Being on the other side of the world in Aus, how many ounces is in a packet of cream cheese in the US? Would love to make this cheesecake.

Terrie - You’ve convinced me…
I have like 3 different tried and true recipes…
But, I just HAVE to try Pam’s!
Making it for our K-State watch party tomorrow!
Can’t wait to let you know how much we LOVE it…
’cause…I KNOW we will!
You’ve never let me down yet!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I WISH I could have met Pam! One day… 🙂
Pam – Your cheesecake rocked my knee socks off.
I love your heart and your willingness to GO.

Johnsie Buller - I am Pam’s mother-in-law and I have eaten some of her cheese cake. It is wonderful, like everything else she makes. I have never made her cheese cake but I will now. Johnsie

Susan - Best ten dollars I have spent. Meg you are indeed a good friend. I only wished you lived near me. Take Care.

Sandy - I had to buy a springform pan to make Pam’s Cheesecake!! Thanks to her and you for sharing it on your blog. I made it for my daughter before she left for Chile to study and do mission work last semester. She made a wonderful Chilean friend while there who will be visiting our family here in the states in December. Pam’s Cheesecake will definitely be on the menu again!!

Lisa - What a wonderful way to support Pam and her sweet family! I treasure my time spent with her at Craft Weekend 16. Making her cheesecake will always be a special way to remember her and the beautiful work she is doing in Africa. Thanks Meg!

Lisa - What a wonderful way to help Pam and her sweet family! I treasure my time spent with her at Craft Weekend 16. Making her cheesecake will always be a special way to remember her and the beautiful work she is doing in Africa. Thanks so much Meg!

Stephanie - I am SO gonna make this cheesecake. Thank you Pam! Thank you, Meg!

Cassie - Of course I had my first amazing slice at craft weekend and I knew being a cheesecake lover I had to make it! The first time I made it was for Easter and then Christmas and then Valentines day…I was finding any reason to make this and there was never a slice left over! Love love love! Thanks Pam for sharing this amazing dessert and good luck on your next journey to Africa!

Tina Wuthnow - LOVE PAM

Thanks for doing this Meg!!!!

CathyC - What an awesome friend you have Meg. What a calling!!!
I have made Pam’s cheesecake and it is amazing!!!!!!! I absolutely LOVE it. (thank you Pam).

Kimberlee Jost - Love that Pam.

Amy Gubser - I am tearing up reading this. So blessed to know The Buller’s. I am definitely getting a print and hanging Pam’s cheesecake recipe in my kitchen so I can think of them and pray every time I see it. 🙂

Michelle Whitlow - I have made Pam’s cheesecake several timed and you’re right, it’s so easy. And OH MAN is it good!!!! Seriously, my family gobbles it up. Ok, I gobble up more than my fair share, too 😉

Jessica Johnson - We LOOOOVE that cheesecake. And we LOVE Africa more. You are a good friend, Meg.

Darcie - Uhhh… if this is the cheesecake that Kimberlee made at the last Craft Weekend too, then YES. It is the best I’ve had! Someone in our group said, “I don’t like cheesecake.” Someone else said, “This isn’t like cheesecake.” She said, “I won’t like it anyway.” I said, “YESS. You will.” She tried it… “This is NOT like regular cheesecake!” Agreed. I have yet to make it, but now I certainly will!

Lisa - I met Pam and her family a few weeks ago here in Oklahoma! What a wonderful family! They shared in church and it was awesome to see her passion, even from the short amount of time they had to share. I asked her afterwards if she was the Pam that knows you and the Pam that makes the cheesecake…small world!!

Dee Dee Burson - Hi Meg ! Some of our very good friends we go to church with started an orphanage in Liberia several years ago. He went there on a mission trip and fell hard for the precious children there. So he came home and downsized his whole life here and started Orphan Aid Liberia, You can find them on FB. Every month he feeds, clothes, educates 115 children there. It has been amazing to watch his ministry grow ! Best of luck to Pam and her family !

Jenny - Wanted to share a funny story about Pam’s Cheesecake….I had never made a cheesecake before in my 33 years and decided to give this recipe a try! I stayed up super late making it and it came out of the oven looking practically perfect. We were going to a friend’s house for dinner and I took the cheesecake to share. My husband carried it in and while he was walking in he tripped and dropped the cheesecake on the ground! My heart sank and if we hadn’t been around friends I would have had some ugly choice words for him! He knelt down, carefully saved as much of the cheesecake as possible and later that night, the 4 of us sat around and ate Pam’s Cheesecake for dessert, complete with some green grass garnish. I’ve made it several times since this first time and it’s just as delicious every time. Best wishes, Pam and may God Bless You and your family.

Tonya Upton - My sister-in-law was called to be a single missionary in Africa, and while she was there earlier this year, she met a hot missionary boy. They are getting married in one month – Yay! And I’m making Pam’s Cheesecake for their wedding. God’s plan is so awesome.

stephany - I am so thrilled to be able to help Pam and her family!
It was such a blessing to meet her at Craft Weekend 16…and eat the cheesecake that SHE made for us!
Thank you!

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full heart.



we had a REALLY great Craft Weekend!
such a wonderful group of women… God brings us the best people to craft with!
i am so happy that i know each one of them now.
i think it’s so cool that with the lottery system we really do just let God be the one who puts it all together.
He knows who should be in each group.  He knows who needs to meet.  He know who needs encouragement.
it’s just the best.


i brought home some pretty fabulous treasures from the barn on saturday… in the form of two giant shortening barrels.
how great is that color?!!


i may use them for flower pots.

this September Craft Weekend was our SECOND anniversary!!!
18 groups so far…
over 250 ruffled aprons…
at least 35 cheesecakes…
over 40 different sponsors…
almost every state represented….
and two foreign countries…
a wait list a mile long…

i would say we are loving having the best job ever.


this is our “selfie face” to celebrate our anniversary.

(i am not sure it’s working for us…)


after CW was over and the Craft House was completely empty,  i took a looooong nap.
it is so much easier to re-enter life at home sunday night when i have caught up on some quiet time.

check out the sky i got to enjoy as i drove home tonight….


i am going to sleep like a rock tonight.

and hug on my kids all day tomorrow…. they have no school.

i hope they sleep late.




mandy - I’ll echo the others. where did you get that dress??? amazing~

tara - she’s got legs…..she knows how to use them! could NOT resist singing a little zz top tonight!

you have worked hard and it has paid off.
thinking you need to post about your total body makeover.

Tiffany - i hope they sleep late – crack me up!

Kat - Meg, you are looking amazingly fit and healthy and a slimmer version of yourself.
That picture of you in the red and white spotty dress (love that dress!) compared to the one above when you were in Africa, wow what a transformation!
You are inspiring me, as I have been going to the gym for 7 months and getting fitter and more toned, but I am still sabotaging my efforts by eating too much chocolate, cake, sugar etc.
Seeing your picture and your healthy snacks has inspired me to be more disciplined with my eating.
I just wanted to say well done and keep up the great work!
I love your sunset pics of Kansas, just beautiful.
You take THE best photos.

Loni - Meg, that dress looks great on you! You’re tiny! All that running must do a body good! I love you, been reading for a long time. I wanna be you!

Michelle B. - Wowza! Great group shot – good lard tubs – selfies XO – Kansas sky 🙂

But another big wowza! All of the hard work you are doing is showing up in the photos big time! I may have just put down the cookies I was eating. I’m 44 this week and a good 40 pounds heavier than I’m used to. Been having a bit of a pity party that it’s just too hard, blah, blah, blah.

I am inspired to talk to get back to running and eating the way my body needs.

Thanks for the motivation – keep up the awesome work!!

Diane Baucke - Your blog is one of my absolute favorites. Never fails to make me smile! I love your sense of humor, your faith, your “craftiness”, your beautiful family, and so much more. Hope to someday make a craft weekend!!! Hope you have a wonderful week 🙂

Gwennie - Where did Kimberlee get her daisy necklace? It is so cute!

Tosha Duckworth - Fitness and healthy eating are doing you good. Seriously Meg you look AMAZING!!! I had to do a double take in the first photo…you look ten years younger. Keep up the good work!!

Tiffini - oh…can i please have your knees? i have such grandma legs. never had good legs for dresses…i even pinned this picture is is so crazy cute…xo

Tiffini - you two ROCK…such big hearts..BOLD hearts
loving on all of us
sharing your gift…sharing your story
all so beautiful…xo

Jaime ♥ Raising up Rubies - duck face selfies are the best.
i will wait patiently for the boots to be a print. ♥

Jen - Looking good, Meg!!

AshleyAnn - WOAH!!! Hottie in the red dress and boots at the barn!!

Tiffany - A) You look amazeballs(using your word) 🙂
B) You are so right about how amazing God works, to pull the right ladies together and at the right time, AND how he works through you! You and Kimberlee are such a blessing to so many! I miss you two!
C) Glad it was such a successful weekend, and hopefully you had a great day with your kids!

Tami C. - Ok, I just have to say this – I love the red dress with the boots! So very stinking cute.

april R - that red dotted dress!!! <3

and the selfie-face photo XD

gale - So glad ya’ll had fun! I love seeing every weekend as it posts on Instagram and would love to meet all the helpers! So glad I got to come in January 🙂 Still one of my best weekends ever!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I saw that belt cinched on that dress. Someone is getting skinny!

Breeanna - I’m so happy for you that craft weekend is such a success!

Chris - Meg…you look fantastic!! Love your dress and you look so skinny!! Nice work!!

Heather S. - Oh dear – I want your dress AND your belt! So cute! I adore those photos of the Kansas sky! We just returned home (Topeka) from a disastrous week in Colorado (have you seen that flooding?) and I don’t think the Kansas sky ever looked so beautiful to me!

Tere Canas - Fun times, fun times. Meg and Kimberlee, you are a blessing to those who attend, such fond memories of CW. xoxo

Rachel - Meg, you are glowing! You look absolutely beautiful in that red dress! Holy legs! I’d say those miles on the pavement and roasted veggies have paid off! Love the photo of the ladies with the old truck and you with your finds! Can’t wait to see the rest of craft weekend!

Sue - Just want to be another person to tell you how fantastic you look! I, too, wish I had your legs!

beth larson - Meg… these were my thoughts too— you have TO DIE FOR legs—long and strong! Love the dress on you too. I sat here and thought “and this girl has birthed 5 babies”. Way to go- all that running pays off right?

Can’t wait for the rest of the pictures from the weekend!

p.s. I took a screen shot of you to my stylist and asked for a haircut like yours! : )
(I do not look as cute as you- haha)

Melyssa - I can’t wait to meet you, Kimberlee, and a bunch of lovely ladies in November! I am so excited for my turn at the craft table and the barn. EEEEEEK! It is so soon I can barely contain myself.

Kristin S - Meg, you are itty bitty! In a good way. 🙂

Alice H - I need to start praying harder/more that I get picked! And yes…amazing legs! Cute polka-dot dress. Congrats on 2 years!!

Heidi - Meg, I love your dress and cowboy boots!!!!

Sarah K - You are simply ADORABLE…and that Kimberly, she’s one of a kind. So thankful for the memories made at CW!!!!

becky - i had so much fun. thank you. xoxoxox.

Amanda - Cutest dress!!!!! Please share where you found it…pretty please!?!?

Andrea - Meg, that polka dot dress looks fabulous on you! You look so happy!

Hannah - I agree with Gemma! AMAZING LEGS!!! that dress and the boots…so stinkin cute!! 🙂

CathyC - Meg, you look GREAT!!!! So happy CW leaves you happy every time!

Carol s. - Fun. Your face is very slim in your Arlie. Happy to hear you are enjoying what I know is hard work at times. I think I’m on the list from way back lol. Someday!

Gemma - First of all…you have amazing legs meg!! So jealous.

Secondly..I love your CW updates. 2 years! That has flown by. Hopefully you will share some more pictures

Gemma xxx

Lisa - After the day I had today, I am wishing I was looking at those beautiful sunsets and could have spent the weekend learning how to sew! Happy two year craft weekend anniversary! That’s pretty exciting! ANNNND that outfit you are wearing in the picture? Could not love it more!!!! SO stinkin’ adorable!

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roasted veggies



until this summer i had NEVER roasted vegetables.
i had no idea how to start.    no idea what to do.
so… i decided to just try it…. how bad could it be?

it was A M A Z I N G!

we ate this over and over all summer long.
and by WE, i mean craig and i … there were tears every time we said they had to try it.
parenting is kind of exhausting sometimes… i mean really?  crying over a quarter slice of sweet potato?
sometimes i just don’t have it in me and i want to eat my veggies in peace.


so here are the instructions for the easiest (VERY delicious) roasted veggies.

1.  line a cookie sheet with foil for easy clean up.

2. spray the foil with cooking spray

3. cut up any veggies you want to eat…
sweet potatoes, squash, zucchini, peppers, carrots, brussel sprouts, onions… WHATEVER!
keep most of your cuts around the same size-ish.

4. toss some garlic on top…. if you feel a little wild you can put a little olive oil (but it’s higher fat that way….)
sprinkle salt and pepper too.

5. stick it in the oven at 350 for about 35-45 minutes.
it’s done when the sweet potatoes are easy to cut.


i am telling you… these are so good!
and if you don’t eat them all they are still super yummy heated up the next day or two.

also we put the foil on the grill and cook it that way when we are grilling for dinner.

you can add parmesan cheese too… but that is more calories so i don’t.
(but it is really yummy when you do….. of course)


i am guessing that some of you are laughing about this recipe and how old news it is.
BUT i know there are also a few of you that are like me and never have made this.
so for this is for you!




Wendy - THANK YOU for sharing this!!! I would love to see more like this and any exercise tips too.

Kathleen Mahoney - Tried these over the weekend – PERFECTION! Thanks so much for sharing.

Renee - funny you should mention it bc roasted veggies is on our menu this week & i’ve never tried it before. i was inspired by this video (which includes easy, healthy, roasted chicken)

bonus – his italian accent makes me feel super fancy that i’m trying this out this week.

Jill - Meg! Have to tell you THIS! I craved these roasted veggies after seeing your post on Saturday. Made them at 8 in the evening (NOT the best time to eat but better than a bag of CHEETOS!) And, we LOVE them – so having them again with dinner tonight!! My kids are like yours in that they do NOT see the glory in them and think we are insane to suggest that they are AMAZING! Thank you! DELISH!

sara @ it's good to be queen - this is for me!! thank you! looks so yummy!! {excessive use of exclamation marks.}

Alyssa - balsamic vinegar is super yummy on these too!

Jill - Like me! I have never done this!

With 4 kids I do think it’s pretty sad I’ve never tried it but I will blame the fact that we have moved nearly every two years and I STINK in the kitchen! I still, at 40yrs old, have no idea how to truly stock a pantry! How can that be you may ask, well, after beating myself up for years about it I realized, it truly is due to the fact that we have moved so darn much in such short time spans, that I’ve never been able to really get a “pantry” going.

Just when I start to get what I may see hope as becoming a functional one, we move and I give it all away meaning once again I have to start all over. UGH!

I need simple recipes like this – FAST recipes like this – DELICIOUS recipes like this that my kids will (maybe)eat.

Oh and to make it even more difficult on my end, I have one kiddo with Celiac Disease. I NEED to learn how to cook from scratch because buying things (truly)Gluten Free is EXPENSIVE and we have one teeny tiny sad little grocery budget.

So please!

Continue to post your discoveries because not only does it make me feel more secure ( *wink* ) but you seem to like a lot of the same things as I do, from actual food to simplicity in making it!


Jill - Yum! Trying it. NEVER tried it before! Cannot wait to taste them!

Kim Barlow - My kids love roasted vegetables (not beets or brussell sprouts). I will tell you they love it when I grate the cauliflower, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper. My husband has been on the Paleo diet for a year. Whenever we have pasta, I substitute the grated cauliflower for pasta. It’s so good. Many blessings.

S.T. - that is just too funny…kinda like what I remember in high-school…this one Caucasian dude (who’s from California) in class said, “I’ve never been to Disneyland.” in my mind, i’m like…where have you beeeeeeN?!???

tara - love roasted veggies.
my favorite.
my boys act like they’re dying, too, when i make them.
kills me.

Kelly - I grew up being served squash that had been boiled to a slimy mess. I thought I didn’t like squash. Then I tried it roasted!! Oh, YUM!! I like to do a little paprika and oregano on my roasted veggies. I second the comment of using higher temps. I usually roast veggies at about 405. (Why the extra five degrees, I don’t know, it’s just what I do.) 🙂 Yum! Kelly

Laura - someone mentioned MONTREAL STEAK SEASONING.
I put it on everything.
My veggies…my chicken…my kids…

ok. not my kids. but if it made them clean their rooms, I would put it on them.

also…grilled veggies with melted fat free feta cheese or goat cheese is awesome.
so is goat cheese in pasta
or goat cheese on a spoon
or goat cheese with crackers and a bottle of wine
or just a bottle of wine

and now this has nothing to do with veggies….

Amber - Way to take the leap to trying new things! It’s not always easy. And keep it up and you may be surprised to see your kiddos coming around. It’s taken my kiddos a bit, but with persistence to try everything, they now eat almost anything I put in front of them!

Shannon - Roasted Cauliflower is DELISH! My kids will even eat it because I let them dip it in ketchup or Chick-fil-A sauce. I second the roasted broccoli, yummy.

Jenn - I love roasted veggies! A lot of times I just buy frozen corn, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, whatever (like you said) and just toss with Olive Oil, salt and pepper, 425-450 for 15 minutes and I’m done. I like mine to be slightly crispy, so that’s why the high temp. I don’t thaw them before they go in the oven either. Easy Peasy! You are so right too….yummy the next day. Sometimes I eat mine with some rice, bulgar, any kind of grain or alone. Great tossed with lime juice, feta and definitely parm!

Erica - Girl you gotta turn that oven up to 425 and roast for 20/25 mins, that gets everything a nice ‘crunch’ esp broccoli!

Kristine - Tears? Seriously?
The line from date night came to mind, when Tina Fey’s character says something about her kids being SuPRISED EVERY NIGHT about pajamas… is one of my favorite lines from that movie…
Tears? At veggies? :0

Barbara - Your picture had me licking my lips…..yummy! Another meal we make is cut up colored peppers and sweet onions, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with Lawry’s and cook that either in the oven or on the grill in a basket. Then serve with grilled (or baked) chicken breasts which have been marinated in fajita seasoning. When cooked, cut into strips and place on a tortilla along with the peppers/onions, avocado, salsa or “whatever”. Serve a fresh fruit salad alongside and you have a fast, healthy and filling meal that everyone seems to like. Bon appetite!

Melissa - looks so good! roasted brussel sprouts with bacon is my favorite. here is a link to my recipe…
super good!

GB - Do the same with potatoes (rather than baked or french fries), add the salt, garlic, pepper, and then for some zing…cyanne pepper….yum, yum…

Lisa - Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this! I have been wanting & needing to get in more veggies! I Love that it’s easy! =)

Lisa - Thank you for always posting such fun, simple, easy -to -do ideas! You NEVER have to worry about “dumbing-down” anything for me! I just love following your blog – it’s a highlight when I see you have a new post ! Blessings on your day! 😉

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I accommodate parmesan cheese when it comes to my daily calorie count.

Tanya H - I’ve only done broccoli and asparagus and yes, they are AMAZING!! I drizzle a touch of lemon on ours, instead of olive oil. But I learned my kids will eat it better if I forget the lemon, lol….

Meg - I love roasting veggies too! My favs are parsnips, carrots and green beans. I use a Misto to spray them will olive oil before roasting, add some sea salt and freshly ground pepper – yum!

Beth Ann - My husband would have tears if asked him to eat this combo, but to me it sounds yummy. Esp the poster who commented to add balsamic and serve over pasta.

Here is another veggie to try – cauliflower! All of my family will eat it roasted. I also generously sprinkle it with Season Salt (lawrys) and a drizzle a little olive oil (but you could probably use cooking spray?)

Stacy Mc - We eat roasted veggies nightly. Asparagus, brussel sprouts, broccoli, carrots, okra, zucchini and sweet potatoes are some of our favorites. But my 15 year old is not a fan of all of them especially sweet potatoes. So I buy the small red potatoes or just a baking potato and dice it up and toss with a little olive oil, salt and pepper for him. He loves them and I guess it could be worse.

Alice H - We eat the crap out of roasted broccoli in our house!! My kids love it. It is delish! My oldest (and only daughter) will eat almost all of the roasted veggies I make. But my 2 boys will only eat roasted broccoli and potatoes. LOL!

I am not sure about the calories, but I have been using Montreal Steak Seasoning on ALL.THE.THINGS. Give it a try!

stephany - We just started roasting veggies in the last year or so, too! I cut my brussels sprouts in half and they get nice and toasty…we also roast broccoli and asparagus. Oh, and beets! Yum!

Lindsey - I love this also! I feel like sometimes it is a battle of will to get my kid to eat one teeny morsel of vegetable. Really? Ugh.

Try splashing a bit of balsalmic vinegar on it before roasting. Especially yummy on the brussel sprouts.

rebekah - I must be the one you were talking about. Ive never had a roasted vegetable but love them every other way. Cant wait to give them a try. Thanks for sharinga Happy day to youa

cara - thanks for being very real and simple. yes, i’ve done this before but something about you posting it and your awesome pics makes me want to start roasting veggies again! thanks for sharing your healthy tips!

Routhie - I grew up on roasted vegetables and only tried roasted broccoli about a year ago. It is amazing!! I’m sure it will illicit tears in your house, but you would love it! I like to use broccoli crowns, cut into bite size pieces. Brush them with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and roast for 18-20 minutes in a 425* oven. You won’t be disappointed. Try turning the heat up on your oven next time you roast anything. It’s what really helps caramelize everything.

Bethany - We started roasting veggies just a few years ago. My husband and I love it and our kids aren’t big fans either (but they’re only 2 and 4). I second tossing them with pasta and a little homemade dressing-easy vegetarian meal. Also you have to try adding fennel to the mix. Cut up the bulb part and mix it in. I’m not a fan of fennel’s licorice flavor, but when it’s roasted it’s flavor is mild and sweet. Especially good with carrots (which I never used to eat cooked…until I had them roasted).

Cathy - hi, i just started reading your blog- first post I saw was the craft house and I fell in love !:O) Unfortunately I am a bit too far away (Austria, Europe)…
but this recipe… definately for me! I always need easy ones as I never know what to make and my kids ( and actually hubby too!) are picky eaters..don´t worry we have the same problem, that they make a big fuss about healthy food and I always have to try to trick them (like shredded zucchini in meatballs…)
Greetings from Austria, Cathy

abi - this summer i discovered how awesome grilled veggies are over salad! sounded super weird to me at first but now i can’t get enough- especially squash, zucchini and eggplant. YUM.

Terrie - Yum!
Can I just say…
that if I made that in MY house,
there would be tears…
from my HusBanD!!
Hates, HATES Sweet Potatoes…
silly Hubba!

Amy Petz - I have roasted veggies before, but still appreciated this post. I had never thought to add sweet potatoes to the mix, or parmesan. Please keep sharing!

Meg - Ok, you must toss these in a bowl with garlic, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and basil, roast them just the same way, and serve them over pasta (like penne). Toss the pasta with a bit of olive oil and herbs first. HEAVEN.

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