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self timers…and the winner!


this morning was just lovely outside.
i made some coffee and cuddled up with my little girls and the kitties.
it was so nice.
just…. the best morning.

then i headed out to Craft Weekend to set up and get ready.
the helpers had rocked it out in the morning while i was cuddling. ย ๐Ÿ™‚

everyone arrived and we are having a fabulous time (of course)
actually they were almost all in bed before 12.
every group is so different… and i love that.


now really all you want to know is the WINNER of that huge pile of swag.
i know.

ok…. the winner is:


Daraย –ย I love the Pam Garrison print!

email me Dara with your address and i will ship it out this week!
and now i am off to bed…. goodnight.hope you have a super saturday!


Tessa - The one thing that always draws me to your blog is the colors! What fun pictures … I want to go grab a quilt and cuddle right now!

tracy fisher - craft weekend…. oh how i hope it’s in the cards for me next year :). by the way, i love your quilt and the photos of you girls. precious. -tracy

Jill - I NEVER get tired of seeing the things you make at Craft Weekend and SOMEDAY I am going to try to make one of those aprons!!!!

I would LOVE to have those aprons for our volunteers at our Community Thrift Shoppe! SO HAPPY and CHEERFUL! They are sure to make our locals smile when they come in!!!!!

If you get extras…let me know! In the meantime I may have to TAP INTO my sewing side (do I even have one?) and try to MAKE ONE!


Chris Krueger - I know where you took that picture:) It was so fun meeting you. I loved everything about craft weekend!! Thank you!!

Mindy - Beautiful people under a beautiful quilt : )

stephanie C - I love your kitty pictures!
Congrats, Dara!

Dara - yay! what is your email? I’ll find it!

Breenah - Those pictures are great!
Congrats Dara!

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windy city.


three years ago we promised to go to the Willis Tower (Sears tower).
and then we got there and saw the huuuuuuge line and said “nope… sorry. ย not going to happen”

three years later we made good on our promise.
the plan was to get up and get to chicago early and go straight there.
it worked!

the Sky Deck was CRAAAAZY!!!
i could barely go near it without sweating and my heart racing.
and my kids were doing sit ups and push ups??
i was #3, 514,417th person to go up to the Sky Deck.
we had never gone to the Willis (Sears) tower.
We were Hancock Building people up until this visit.
honestly… not much different… but we did it and they will remember forever.

i went one step into the “glass box of nightmares” snapped a pic and got right back out.
here is all of us IN the glass box.
holy cows.
it was scary and fun and exciting all at the same time.
i love this photo.

we love the Bean.
i believe it’s actually called the Cloud Sculpture.
but… it’s a bean.
everyone was reeeeeally excited to eat at portillos again.
we loved it when we lived in chicago-land and we don’t have them in kansas.
everyone except for me got a milkshake and everyone had a stomach ache… except for me!
i was trying not to think about the germs at Crown Fountain.
i tried to focus on how much fun all those kids were having.
And listening to them all screaming with joy.

but still…. that is a city’s worth of germs. ย OY!

we went out to the Observatory to get this view of Chicago after all of our exploring.
it really is a beautiful city.
i am missing it at christmas time.
i need to do that again.

it looks like they are 3 inches from falling into Lake Michigan in this picture!
there is a huge set of stairs behind them and tons of people were down there.
that’s funny that you can’t see any of that.

We had a hotel way out in the suburbs so this was our only day in the city.
our chicago friends met us at our hotel with pizza & dessert and we shared “our” pool & TV.
It was a fun night catching up!


Have you been to chicago?
what is your favorite place to go when you went?

What city or travel spot do you recommend for a great vacation?
i would LOVE to hear your ideas!


Renee - looks so so fun! i grew up in a near suburb of chicago, and i just love that city!! we’ve lived in Nebraska and are now in Boston (both places we really like), but Chicago has such a special place in my heart. i love the spot where you took those skyline pictures. another good (farther away) view is from Promontory Point in hyde park, a few miles south of downtown. I love the view from the hancock gal’s bathroom on the 96th-ish floor. Fave pizza – pizanos & giordanos. and Portillos – oh my word, I miss this. People don’t even know what Italian Beef is outside of Chicago. [this was shocking to me! haha] i so so miss it & ALWAYS eat pizza and portillos when we’re back to visit. we like shopping on state street (hello discount stores!)
Next time you’re back, venture to the Pilsen neighborhood for Mexican food and go on a mural tour. It’s my FAVORITE thing to take visitors to there. So different from anything else you’ll experience in that city.

Gretchen P - favorite place of all time, Charleston, SC. There is so much history in the city, there is something for everyone to do and see. Love it, it is our second home!!!

Amy M. - The last time we were in Chicago we went to the Money Museum and it was fascinating. Granted, we were with a school tour and the guide for it had super dry humor. He was great and had amazing stories. Our favorite place to vacation is Bald Head Island, NC. You take a ferry over and then there are no cars. I would love to see it through your eyes. Lots of adventures and you feel like life has really slowed down. It is very family oriented, which is one of our favorite things about it!

Sarah W. - I have never been to Chicago, but really want to visit.
Those pictures on the tower made my hands sweat just looking at them… But I’d love to go up and go out on the deck. So cool.

Looks like the kids had such a blast!!

Eugenia - Chicago is definitely on our bucket list. San Francisco is my favorite city. Small enough to walk with a little something for everyone. Cable cars, sour dough, Golden Gate, Alcatraz, Chinatown. Also, love Vancouver, BC super clean and there is Victoria island. I’m a huge fan of public transit, Vancouver has everything including a ferry.


Christy - Oh my goodness! I’m with you on the “box of nightmares.” My palms are sweaty just looking at your photos! Your pictures make me want to take another trip to Chicago. My husband and I went yeeeears ago. It was a long-weekend type of trip to sing in my friend’s wedding and visit with his cousin. We only had one morning downtown before our flight home. We did get to eat some of THE best deep dish pizza EVER! It was heavenly for this pizza lover. YUM! Excuse me while I wipe the drool off my mouth. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Jenn - The Mr. and I got engaged in Chicago (on Lakeshore Drive in a horse-drawn carriage). It is our FAVORITE city to visit (we used to live close, now we don’t). But, we still go back to visit annually. Our family tradition is to take the kids (4 of them) to Chicago sometime during the Christmas holiday season. We eat at the Walnut Room and visit with Santa. It is the best weekend of the year for the Mr. & I (and for the kids)!

Heather S. - We went to Chicago for the first time two years ago and I LOVED it. Honestly, I have found that I really love visiting big cities. I don’t have any desire to live in one, but visiting them is fascinating. Of course, when I visit we can afford to stay right in the center of it all, and if I lived there it’d be a different story! HA! I really enjoyed all the architecture in Chicago, and I also liked that it was big city, but the people we encountered were still Midwest-friendly.
One of my other fave cities we visited that year was San Francisco. Again, thought I would hate it and it ended up being my favorite place on a three week tour of the Western U.S. Who knew? I loved the natural beauty that is the bay as well as the architecture. Plus, so much great history there!

eric andrews - I used to live near Chicago. Loved Pizzeria Uno! Yummm!

Jenna - I LOVE Chicago and am so happy you shared this!!

Angie P - I’m from Chicago (my dad lived on the southside near Midway until I was 12) and my family still lives there! We visit my dad every year and try to do something fun with the kids – this year it was Navy Pier (ugh. the ferris wheel kills me.) and lunch at Ed Debevics. I miss living there – my husband actually ordered Portillos for my birthday a few years ago and had it shipped to us in Georgia! (It was expensive…but delicious…and so thoughtful!)

Melanie - I live in the northwest Chicago ‘burbs and have been here most of my life. So, of course, been there, done that with the Sears Tower (can’t bring myself to call it the Willis Tower), but can you believe I have never been to the Bean?! We rarely go into downtown Chicago…maybe one of those things where you live kind of close to something, but just don’t visit because you know it will always be there? I dunno. Anyway, if you’re looking for another great city to visit, I’d recommend San Francisco. We were there 4 years ago and loved it. So much to see and do, love all those hills…beautiful views, beautiful architecture (the Victorian houses), great restaurants, the bridges are really cool, and the Bay is beautiful.

Maria - How fun! We did a weekend escape to New York minus the boys for my 40th earlier this year and it was so much fun! We also love going into New Orleans whenever possible for the day (we are really close). Any big city is on my to do list…would especially love to go back to San Francisco.

Jennifer E - We went to Chicago for a family vacay last spring. It was fun to see all the hustle and bustle of a big city, but we parked our car and took the el everywhere and that was my least favorite part!

Things we liked:
Art Institute (mostly me), Museum of Nature, the big fountain, skyscrapers, Sears Tower, SPRINKLES cupcakes!!, Molly’s cupcakes, Magnolia bakery (we fell into a cupcake thing, every single day we had a gourmet cupcake!), and Wrigley Field. Oh, and the marquee at the Chicago Theater, very cool.

colleen from Alabama - My hubby and I went there for our 15th anniversary last year. They had a “broadway in the park” preview at the amphitheater by the bean. It was hands down our favorite thing. It was free and they had probably 20 acts from the Broadway Shows that were touring and stopping in Chicago during the next season. FABULOUS! It was beautiful weather (august) and the performances were so good. We also loved garret’s popcorn. My kids want to go back with us just to get that!

Kathy T - We have lived in NJ for seven years, but Chicago is still our home. I miss it every day, and especially PORTILLOS!! Thanks for the beautiful images. I hope you had a great time there.

Jen - Chicago is MY FAVORITE!! We lived in western Michigan for ten years and visited often and I just love Chicago. I tell my husband that I want to retire in a loft apartment in Chicago! (I love the cold and snow too though, so I’m weird! :-))

And the Portillos chopped salad is TO. DIE. FOR! I’m not a huge milkshake fan so I don’t get those either but oh the chopped salad!

Glad you enjoyed it! I know you’re far away but Philadelphia is also a cool city–rich with history and LOTS of fun things to do in the surrounding area (Valley Forge, Amish Country, DC, etc!)

Kristen K. - LOVED CHICAGO! We live in Philadelphia, but took a road trip to Chicago (two days in the car with four kids – WHA?!) this summer…we were there just a few days before you! I’m SO with you…that Sky Deck was tooo scary for me. I backed up onto it, got a pic, ran! Our kiddos loved the Bean, too, and the fountains…we loved the Art Institute, an architectural boat tour that we took, and Navy Pier. Three days there was NOT enough! Definitely going back!!! With more Purell! ๐Ÿ™‚

Barbara - We just moved from Chicago to San Diego— I miss my city! Cloudgate is indeed awesome, I like to refer to it as the Monument to Selfies lol
Looks like a fun visit! Willis Tower just sounds stupid, it will always be Sears Tower to me hahaha
I definitely miss chicago, but I will not miss the cold weather that’s headed that way soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

Jenn - I love Chicago! My husband and I visited there before we had kids. I wanted to move there. I’m from Texas and was transfixed by the cool temps in September and the city life. Definitely plan to take our kids there one day. I loved Old Town and going to a game at Wrigley.

Valerie @ chateau a la mode - Hi Megan, aren’t trips auch great family memories. Chicago looks like it was super fun, it’s still on my lit of places to get to. Our best trips have included my husband’s sister and her family (they have 6 kids). We are in LA and they are in San Francisco. We have done New York city, Washington DC and motorhomes to Yellowstone with them. I recommend all of those as my kids have such great memories associated with those trips. Maybe only because kids waaay outnumbered adult supervision ๐Ÿ˜‰ but great memories none the less.

meredith - The Bean (on vacation in Chicago) is where I told my husband we were pregnant! Also The Purple Pig was a favorite spot to eat. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jaimie - Great pics!! Love Portillo’s!!

Lucky enough to have had one sibling live in San Francisco and another in New York City…and prior to that, Boston. Made for very inexpensive trips as was able to crash at their places and had built-in tour guides from a local’s perspective. Would recommend all three of those fabulous cities.

We’re in suburban Chicago, so in addition to what the city and suburbs have to offer, we really enjoy driving up to Lake Geneva, WI for a quick little get away.

One of the times I was visiting my sister in NYC, she mentioned that she hadn’t really enjoyed the city as much as when my Mom and I were there to share in all of the wonderful things the city had to offer. Another confirmation that it’s not necessarily where you’re at but who you’re with. Based on your blog posts and amazing pictures, it looks like your family could have a blast where ever you’re at as long as you’re together.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and photos…they’re a constant inspiration!

andrea - Meg….your face in the picture of you all in the nightmare glass box was priceless….I haven’t been in there either….I got anxious just looking at your pictures! What a great trip! Thanks for sharing!

Stacy P. - We loved Boston with our 3 kids (13, 10, 6). We toured around, then rented a car to drive to Newport, RI to see the amazing houses on the coast (The Breakers, Marble house, etc) then we drove up to Maine. Beauitful. We did the RI/Maine thing in a day–visited the beach at Ogunquit, Maine. Very different from the beaches we are used to in Florida! Really great, though. It was mid-July and the temps there were in the 70s…waaay too cold for us Southerners, but the “natives” loved it! We played in the sand with our jeans and sweatshirts on while the locals jumped in the waves. The whole New England coast is a must see.

Laura - I’ve loved all my trips to Chicago. Shopping is always fun on a girls trip and the American Girl store is so wonderful to go to with a daughter. I’ve always loved the Shedd Aquarium!
This summer our family went to San Antonio and we had a great time! We went to Sea World, the Alamo and did the Riverwalk boat tour.

Jen Sully - I love Chicago! I’d have to say my favorite thing there is Garrett’s popcorn!!! The best.popcorn. EVER!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Alicia - Oh, we just recently moved from Chicago to out in the boonies of Michigan. Man I love that city and enjoyed so much seeing those photos. We’re at about 2 months in our new place and there is some “missing” going on. Thanks for the nostalgia:)

Marla - I moved from southern Wisconsin to Montana but my parents are still an hour and a half away from Chicago. For a while I would meet my college friend there each Christmas. I loved the big city for a day. I met a lady in a coffee shop who couldn’t imagine living in Montana. She thought I climbed mountains to get to the store.

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m not much of a big-city girl, so I love to visit Victoria, B.C. on Vancouver Island (Canada). We take a ferry without our car, and arrive in that charming city on the sea. You can also take a car on the ferry, but it’s such a fun city for walking – and they have double-decker buses, horse-drawn carriages and pedi-cabs if you prefer not to walk everywhere. Great restaurants, shops, history, Chinatown, coastline, parks, and friendly people make it really welcoming.
If you are feeling really adventurous, you can go up-island to Sooke Harbour, and fish and hike. If you really want to get into the country, Tofino is on the wild west coast (I’ve written about it alot on my blog) – it’s my idea of heaven on earth, this side of Hawaii!

Christy - OK, I never comment but I just had to say that I have been reading your blog for years and it just dawned on me that we were at that fountain thing on the same exact day. We were in Chicago for my brothers wedding — if you remember seeing a very harried woman with a 4 year old, 2 year old and 6 week old baby.. that was me!! Ha! Ha! What a small world we live in. I have to wonder what I would have done if I had seen you. That would have been surreal.

Alicia @ La Famille - oh girl, I get you on the germ thing. germs can steal my joy faster than you can say “e. coli.” good for you for closing your eyes to it and letting the fun prevail!!

I want to go to Chicago badly. its high on my list…I want to see the great museums!

Tanya - I looooove Boston…and Cape Cod. We did that trip numerous times as teenagers with my fam. It was one of the first trips I took when I was newly married and I’ve done it as a grown up with just my sister’s as well. Great sights, great food, great history and great shopping ๐Ÿ™‚

Rachel S - My husband and I went to Chicago last year for our 20th anniversary. We loved it! My favorites were probably the Bean, going to a baseball game at Wrigley field, (and surviving the ride on the El!) and also seeing the Blue Man Group. We had so much fun and can’t wait to go back. We didn’t even make it to any of the museums that week so I want to check them out next time. Your trip looks great!

KirstenP - Our family lived in Chicago for several years. We all love to go back for a visit. I’ll admit the Sky Deck scares me and I haven’t even been there, but I will go on it some day soon. BTW, the Bean was actually named Cloud Gate, but I don’t think many call it that. I love the energy of Chicago and it’s people and visitors and that it’s right next to Lake Michigan. Thanks for sharing your photos and memories!

Courtney M - I work in the Prudential building and walk up & down Michigan Ave (right past where you were) to the train every day. I am usually in a hurry and curse having to walk that each & every day. Sometimes I need a reminder of the beauty in this amazing city – thanks for that! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kassondra Taylor - i went to chicago twice. the first time was with my 8th grade class and we went to a 50’s style diner that had one of the first photobooth! Then I went back for a girls weekend with my mom,grandma and aunt. It was really fun but we could not find that diner! would love to know the name of it or even if it’s still there!

Shannon - When in Chicago I always have to go to the Art Institute and the Aquarium. Both are wonderful!

Jen - I love Chicago! I’ve only been there a few times, though, and not in over 15 years. Need to take my kids there. So far my favorite city to visit is Savannah, GA. We’ve only been there once, but we go to Hilton Head, SC every summer and Savannah is only 45 minutes from there. I hope to make more trips there in the near future – it is so beautiful!

Breenah - I’ve only been to Chicago once, spring break in 2009. We got to see the river dyed green for St. Patrick’s day and visit the tower when it was still the Sears Tower. I loved it and would love to visit again!

Laura - I went to Chicago for my anniversary for, like, three minutes…had to get a flight back home to avoid hurricane Sandy…BUT…I loved the bean, and all the cute bakeries, but mostly just enjoyed WALKING and people watching and beautiful shops. I am a city girl at heart…which is why, the ONLY city you need to vacation at is NYC…but with ME…I will give you the non tourist version of NYC and you will love it xo

Karol - Love Chicago. Headed there next month with my family. Can’t wait to eat at Giordano’s, take my girls to the American Girl Place, and see the Navy Pier.

Some great vacation spots my family loves are Charleston, SC; Virginia Beach, VA; Washington, DC; New York City; Atlanta, GA; Asheville, NC; Hilton Head, SC…so many great spots on the east coast.

Nanette - Your photos have inspired me! We live in Highland Park and I have never done the tower…my 3 boys would love it! It is now on the list! There is a German restaurant near the bean that my father in law used to go to as a boy…Berghoff’s. Everything in the bar is still the same – he used to get a sandwich for a quarter. Very good if you like German food and the kids love their root beer!
You might like the Museum of Science and Industry…lots of neat, historic things for kids.
Awesome summer!

Jessica - I live 30 minutes outside the city of Chicago in the SW Suburbs. We love taking the train in and just walking around. My girls love the Art Institute, we have spend many a day there. However, my favorite place to vacation is at my cottage in Northern Michigan.

Heather - I grew up in Chicago, but moved to Atlanta in high school. I used to miss being there, but it has since worn off. Now I dont mind visiting…in the summer.

My cousin is getting married next year on the top level of the Sears Tower. I have been up there three times and each time it made me so nervous.

Another vacation city you should check out is Charleston, SC. It is so wonderful! I would live there if I could.

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way back when… in july


i have lots of pictures still that i never shared from our family vacation.
as time goes by i just forget about them.
as we have started bundling up in jeans & sweatshirts & i was longing for summer already.

scott played in a basketball tournament in st. louis with a travel team.
we joined him there and he left with us as we continued on our trip.
we spent two nights in st. louis…if i remember correctly.
the first day we went to the City Museum which i posted about a month ago.

we also did some exploring, shopping and went to the St. Louis Zoo.
it is FREE to get inย and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!
Seriously… it was an awesome place to spend a few hours.
if you are going to st. louis you should put this on your list.

these flowers were ginormous!

my kids went in the building to see the animals and i stayed outside dying over the gorgeous flowers!

it was extremely hot that day so the misting fans were appreciated… and FUN!
Annie tried her first burrito of her life at chipotle in st. louis. ย ๐Ÿ™‚
she must have been feeling brave that day.
we went to Fitz’s afterwards for root beer floats.
umm…. this was more than they could’ve even imagined?!
we let them each get their own!

after they finished we sat at our table for a long time drawing in our art journals.
me included.
they didn’t want to stop… and i am not going to argue about art time.
so we drew and drew and drew.
it was dreamy.
annie claims she was fake sleeping but i haven’t seen her sit that still for…. never.
she was out.
we picked up scott and stopped at the arch on our way out of town.
we drove to Indiana to meet up with our friends.
we spent four days doing this…

we almost always go bowling when we are with the Hills.
it’s tradition.
and we are quite a scene in any bowling alley.
no one has ever accused our group of being quiet. ย ๐Ÿ™‚
scott was taking a hundred close up pictures of people so i moved in for a few….
jenny beat everyone.
that girl has got skills!!!

there was no place to set my camera for a timer pic so we did this to get us all in one shot.
it might be my favorite from the trip!
jake and abby had their own bb guns that they shared with us.
the kids set up a tower of solo cups to use for target practice.
sean took his birthday money and bough his own bb gun that week too.
i think i hit something once.
i didn’t have my glasses on….

sean had his 13th birthday during this trip.
he got to pick where we ate dinner and since he only wanted money this year it was pretty low key.
we picked up a few goodies for him too… joke book, x-men dvd & candy.
i used a few hours of our driving time to make him a card.
there was also a water balloon fight… wiffle ball…Despicable Me 2… dave’s birthday… kayaking with lola…

sunkissed and a camera flash… crazy combo.

Duerksen tribe – 2013
lauren chose to stay home this year to work at her job.
we missed being a family of seven.

fireworks… duerksen kids love language.


every year when our vacation is over & we are driving away we say, “Those Hills are good people”

true story.
we love spending time together no matter where we are.

hey…. maybe i am on a roll and i will post our chicago leg of the trip tomorrow?!


Tiffany - It is rainy and seriously Fall here in PA today. The leaves are changing and ppl are stoked for it. I am already longing for sweet sweet Summer again. No thank you Pumpkin anything. Can you post sun-kissed pics all Fall/Winter, I think that will help keep the Winter Blues away. Great photos, Great memories, I am sure.

Kimberly Dial - Awww, how much fun was that?! Loads! Thanks for sharing your summer fun ๐Ÿ™‚

Martha - Hi Meg, I love your blog, it’s my favorite! Your vacation pictures are amazing! Did you happen to come to Plymouth , indiana on your vacation? That’s my town, and I can’t believe it, you were here and didn’t come to see me! It’s such a small world, right?

Martha - This is so funny Meg, your blog is absolutely one of my favorites! This morning I was reading your blog about how fun your vacation was, I kept reading along and notice you went to indiana, I thought to myself I live in indiana, I want to meet meg! kept reading! saw that you went bowling, and saw the name of the bowling alley! Quicks we have a bowling alley named that in Plymouth. Did you come to my town and not stop in to see me. How fun! It’s such a small world after all.

Kori - Annie chose an awesome place to brave her first burrito….I hope she loved it!!

tara - love seeing these pictures….
I remember seeing several of them on IG back when you guys travelled.

great memories!

Lori - Nothing like time with family and good friends.
And I want to know how long it took you to fill and tie all of those water balloons?! Oy!

Jennifer - what do you keep in the pencil boxes for art journaling? my kids want vibrant colors to create with and i want to keep the mess to a minimum ๐Ÿ˜‰

Craig - Jenny, I let you win!

danielle - That looks like so much fun!

Taryn - Seeing your face and then seeing Jenny’s face makes me sigh…how lovely would it be to be able to run out and grab a coffee together for the afternoon?!? Loved my time with both of you!!!

kimberly oyler - pictures of you and your kids make me want to cry a little. i love how you always have an arm wrapped around them. such a good mama.

Julie - What a wonderful holiday – you all look so happy, relaxed and pleased to be together. I love seeing your family photos – thank you for sharing them.

Amanda - It looks like you guys had an amazing time! A nice balance between activities and relaxation.
I have to say that there is something very kind and gentle shining through in Sean. He looks like a real beautiful, sweet soul. =)

Lora - Looks like fun. I wish I had done art journals with my girls. They’re in college now so they probably (for sure) don’t have time for them now.

I want that pink car!

meredith - Loved it all! Thanks for sharing. Excited to know about the Zoo. Might be in St L next year. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve only experienced the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago (for Free) and it was amazing.

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Craft Weekend Sponsors & Giveaway!!!


Each month of Craft Weekend we have sponsors that send their product to our guests.
it is like christmas morning when we get to give each of them all those goodies!

Thank you to all of our GENEROUS sponsors!!

As you look through this post, be thinking about all that Christmas shopping you have coming up!
So many sponsors included a discount code to save you money in their shops!

At the end of this post i want you to enter in our giveaway.
i gathered up goodies from sponsors that i knew you would like and ONE of you gets everything in the picture!


—ย Barn Owl Primitivesย creates eye catching Typography Word Art Signs ย —

use code WHATEVER for a 15% discount on your order.




shop with Lori Danelle, Maker of Things —–ย use code CRAFT15 for 15% discount on your order.





shop Katy Girl Designs for beautiful prints and cards — use code WHATEVER15 for 15% off your order.





shop Ike & Co. for a large selection of pretty jewelry — use code MEG25 for 25% off your order





House of Belonging shop is taking a vacation until the new year but has been an AWESOME loyal sponsor to Craft Weekend.
You can follow her blog and on Instagram to see updates on what will be coming in her shop.

thanks Tiffani for all of your support!





Where Women Create Magazine is filled front to back with inspiration to get you creating in every issue!
purchase your own copy HERE on the website.





Broward Patch Shop is full of colorful handmade camera straps — use code craft20 for 20% your order




Spunky Fluff is a super cool sign shop — use code MEGBLOG for 20% off your order!





Visit Matthew’s BLOG for great decorating inspiration…

order your own copy ofย Matthew Mead’s Halloween Spooktacular






Sorta Southern Boutique sent these wrist wallet/phone cases that i LOVE!!!

use the code Craft20 for a 20% discount on your order in her shop.





Jenny Doh has authored many creative books her website is a great place to get inspired by her and other artists





Red Letter Words is an awesome gift shop filled with faith inspired art. ย She has lots on sale in her shop right now!





Jennifer Dahl Designs is FUN jewelry that makes you smile — use the code FALLCW25 for 25% off your order!





Kelle Hampton is a New York Times Best Selling author — writes an AMAZING blog — mama to three RAD kiddos

she sent each of Craft Weekend guests personalized signed copies of her book BLOOM.
thank you Kelle…. you rock!

You can your own copy of Bloom: Finding Beauty in the Unexpected by clicking HERE





Dayspring is a card & gift company with the mission statement of:

ย Connecting people with the heart of God through messages of hope and encouragement every day, everywhere.

We love Dayspring!
thanks for being a SUPER sponsor to Craft Weekend!




Pam Garrison is an artist from California that makes beautiful prints and paintings.

Her blog is always inspiring and i enjoy all of her photos. ย She finds great beauty in life.

You can purchase her her prints in her shop HERE






i have a whole bunch of fun goodies for one of you to win today.

the winner will receive all of these products from:
Raising Up Rubies – Lori Danelle – Ike & CO. – Where Women Create – Red Letter Words – Little Branches – Dayspring – Broward Patch
– Pam Garrison -Sorta Southern Boutique – ย Say Hello Shop – Studio Calico – ย Jennifer Dahl Designs – Benzie Felt

Please ย look through all of our sponsors this month and answer one of these questions in the comments:

“which item do you wish someone would give YOU as a gift?”

“what item will you be giving as a gift this year?”


************************** WINNER PICKED ON FRIDAY! *****************************



Jessica Kuszmaul - I love love the Dayspring mug and I would give any sign from Barn Owl Primitives!!

Jennifer Bloom - I wish someone would give me something from Little Branches. Those sweet signs are precious and I will be most definately giving someone one of the signs for Christmas.

Argiro Koutsouri - Oh my!!! I adore the earings-The colour combination is genius!! I would give my mum the coffee mus, she would love it!!

sara @ it's good to be queen - this is an awesome giveaway!!

i would LOVE to receive the Ike and Co. earrings and I plan to be shopping from Ike and Co. this year. ๐Ÿ™‚

Maddy N. - I would LOVE to have the camera strap and I would give my mom the necklaces from Jennifer Dahl

Trindin - Wow! Thanks for the chance.

Christina - I would love the mug for my morning coffee. I would love to give the camera strap to several friends!

Jenni Carlisle - Love the Jennifer Dahl necklace & the Ike & Co. Earrings are perfect for my sister! Such a fun giveaway!

Lisa - I wish someone would give me something from Barn Owl Primitives…Love her stuff! ๐Ÿ™‚

Debra Lee - The Lori Danelle fingerprints would be a gift for me. I would give the Stamp it book to my sister!

joyfullness - Oh Meg!! Every.single.thing. would make a beautiful gift to give or get!! The mug and mugrug would make a sweet duo for anyone in my family.. I would drool over those felt circles!! LOVE!!

Beccy - I think I need the book on organization! ;o). I am giving homemade gifts this year.

Terri - Everything is so lovely. I would like to receive the Kelle Hampton book and I would love to give my daughter the Sunshine word art by Barn Owl Primitives.

Staci from PA - Meg,
THANKS for offering this opportunity!
I would LOVE a Jennifer Dahl necklace representing a “Life Story”. I have been drooling over them for about 1 year……..
As for GIVING a gift, I would LOVE to get my daughter the Pam Garrison art “You are Loved”. It is a saying I share with her often and would love to hang on her wall as a CONSTANT reminder.
Thanks so much!

Lisa McCalvin - I love Kelle Hampton and would be thrilled with a signed copy of Bloom !

courtney - I would give the sunshine banner to my mom bc her favorite song is “you are my sunshine.” It makes her feel closer to us since we live so far apart. Such lovely items, I wish I could come to craft weekend someday.

Melanie Ann - OMGoodness…. GRACIOUS… such a cool/sweet giveaway! I am head over heals for Broward Patch, especially the pink & navy elephant “Lilly” camera strap. Love it all!

Brooke Z - Wow, so many great gifts. I’d love to give and get the Katy Girl prints and anything from the Sorta Southern Boutique

Lori Herring - In my dreamy world of gifts…I would gift myself a Pam Garrison print and a Jennifer Dahl designs necklace for my daughter who adores the one I received at Craft Weekend 17.

Kristy - That KatyGirl Designs print is amazing!

Amy T-Y - I love the “be excellent to each other” sign!
And anything from barn owl primitives!
All these products & shops are gorgeous!
(& I somehow still haven’t read Bloom!)

Heather - I would LOVE to receive the Where Women Create magazine as a gift, and to give as a gift, I would probably choose one of the Spunky Fluff signs. They look like they would brighten anyone’s day!

Linda R. - I have been wanting some ike & co. earrings for myself for a very long time. They are all so beautiful. Thank you for such a great giveaway!

Lori L. - This is super exciting! I love it all ๐Ÿ™‚ I would secretly love the Rainbow Jade Necklace from Ike & Co. and I would get my sister the New Family Rules from Barn Owl Primitives. Thanks for the chance to win ๐Ÿ™‚

Kathie Whisman - I would like someone to give me the Autumn topography sign from Barn Owl Primitives. And I just found my Mother’s Christmas present (or maybe birthday, they are close to each other)…the Trust the Lord topography…her FAVORITE scripture…how perfect ๐Ÿ™‚

Amy M. - I would love a Jennifer Dahl necklace. I look at them often and can never decide–so depends on the day, my kids and whatever challenges and joys we have…do you pick joy or hope or creativity!? So fun!

Brianne Cohen - I would love to give and receive earrings from Ike & Co. Very pretty!

wendy - i would love to receive either a jennifer dahl necklace, or a lori danelle print. so many awesome sponsors and items to choose from, though!

Michelle - Meg, this has got to be a trick question! How can I pick just one thing I’d love to get? I love everything! ๐Ÿ˜€

Abby Schaber - I would love to give the Spunky Fluff signs as gifts! And I would absolutely go crazy for a sign from Barn Owl Primitives. Every sign is such a work of art!!

Kit - I would love to get the Creativity is Messy necklace…but I would also love to give it to my creative sister-in-law!!!

Debra - I would also have to say I love Dayspring … to get and to give. Anything that has God’s Word and/or reminds me of God’s Word is priceless!

Debra - The Bloom book is my first thought because I LOVE to read and be inspired, but I am constantly inspired by the creativity on your blog and I always look through the sponsors. My sister and I are even on the wait list for a craft weekend. Yeah!

Lori - I would give my daughter either some Ike & Co earrings or a sassy camera strap! Beautiful things, created with love!

Skye - What an awesome giveaway! The hello sign would be super fun to hand out as gifts and if someone was purchasing a gift for me, the sunshine banner would look great in my kitchen. Kitchens should be cheerful and full of sunshine!

Christian - I wish someone would give me a Sorta Southern wristlet/phone case. I’m making a mental note to remember Barn Owl Primitives for my sisters for Christmas… I love those!

Kathy C. - I would love to have the ‘Where Women Create’ magazine. It is such a treasure to look at others studios.

Jennifer Mitchell - The Jennifer Dahl necklace of course!

Jennifer Mitchell - I would love the Jennifer Dahl creativity is messy, because I am such a messy person ๐Ÿ™‚

Janna - I love the Pam Garrison, Katy girl and the Barn Owl. I would love any of it! And I just might have to get some of them for gifts for my besties!

Laura in LA - So tough to pick just one! The Dayspring mug is particularly inspiring to me right now. The Ike & co. earrings would be great for my boss. It is all awesome!!

Carrie - I wish someone would give me a Pam Garrison print. Gorgeous! I would love to give my sister one of Broward Patch’s camera straps.

Erin - i wish someone would give me the barn owl primitive sign. ๐Ÿ™‚ and i am going to check out pam garrison for xmas gifts – so pretty!!

Jenny B. - I would love for someone to get me the turquoise and coral bracelet and/or clover earrings from Ike & Co. I also LOVED the wooden earrings (also from Ike & Co.). I don’t wear big earrings, but a sweet friend of mine does, so I might get them for her. ๐Ÿ™‚

Mindy - I would be thrilled with any of the items from your sponsors (especially loving the signs) and would love to give my nieces the you are loved print.

lauren duke - I would love to be given ANY of Katy Girl Designs prints! I just love them so much! And I’ve given a few away as gifts too!

robyn - It all looks fabulous! The Pam Garrison print would be my top pick! A good reminder for my daughter in college…

Dawn - My nephew LOVES bacon, so I am hoping to find an awesome bacon gift! Last year was an ornament and the year before that was bacon band aids. I feel like I’ve started a tradition!

Cindy Hilliard - I would love to receive the Barn Owl Primitives sign “You are My Sunshine”. Then I would pass it on to my daughters because they are sunshine for me and I have sung our own made up version of that song at night since they were itty-bitty.

Courtney Balingit - I am most certainly interested in supporting my sister’s hobby of being our family photographer and purchasing her a Broward Patch camera strap! Those patterns are to DIE FOR!

Rhonda - Hi Meg…

You do have awesome sponsors… I got all kinds of ideas from this post : )

I myself would love to get the book ‘Bloom’ it sounds so encouraging… just one word and I was hooked!

I would gift one of Pams’ beautiful prints… they are amazing and smile inducing.

Thanks Meg

Tracie Ann - I am over the moon in love with the design by Pam Garrison! In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is a quiet reminder that is often needed. I would gift anything by Red Letter Words. Everyone needs some encouragement when they least expect it! Awesome sponsors all around!

heather d - I’d love to give and receive a sign from Barn Owl Primitives. KatyGirl Designs and Spunky Fluff are both new to me and I’d love to check them out too! Kelle’s book is also fabulous! I’d love a hard back copy since I read it on my Kindle!

Dana S - I would give a Dayspring coffee mug to my best friend of 40 years so that she could be reminded of God’s love each time she reached for the cup. She needs a reminder right now.

Jenni - I would live to get one of Pam’s amazing prints! I would love to give one too. Such amazing pops of color and femininity.

Susan C. - I’ve been wanting a “You are my sunshine” print for a while and I love to give word sign/prints to friends & family.

Analia - I’d love to receive the Pam Garrison print and I’m thinking I need to get the Bloom book for a friend!

Kelly McDonald - I’m looking at lots of stuff, but I would love the mug from Dayspring with Romans 8:28-it is a verse that has been on my heart lately.

Elizabeth - I would love the “You are my sunshine” for my grandma who used to sing “You are my shine” with me growing up.

I plan to give donations in place of gifts for charities that are specific to each person.


Zvezda Marie - I would love to wake up and open those fabulous earrings from Ike & Co. on Christmas morning. Thank!

gale - Already ordered Christmas and birthday gifts from Raising Up Rubies and Jennifer Dahl with the coupon codes – yay!!! I wish someone would give me ANYTHING from Spunky Fluff! ๐Ÿ™‚ That name is just the most fun….

Thank you, Meg!

amy - I would give a Pam Garrison print as a gift and i’d love to unwrap a camera strap from the Broward Patch Shop for myself! Everything is wonderful!!!

Dawn Hodes - I have already purchased a gift for myself from Spunky Fluff, loved it so much getting a couple for my friends for Christmas!!!

Annette - My tween girl is getting a Spunky Fluff sign for her redecorated room. And I may treat myself to one of Lori Danelle’s gorgeous creations……
Such awesome stuff!!!

jenna - I looooooooooooooooooooove Pam Garrison! I will be gifting a print to my mother and gifting a print to myself!!! Because Ive been good this year!

Jayne Barbour - I love everything by Ike and Co! Love their earrings! But every little goodie is fabulous!!! Thank you for the chance to win and share in the fun of craft weekend!!!

rachel s. - wow, you have great sponsors! love all the brights. So many fun things to choose from but i’d probably have to give the key to my heart charm necklace from ike and co. to my beautiful daughter this year. i really love the rainbow “you are my sunshine” print from barn owl primitives. Those colors!!–it’d go well with all my whites and brights! LOVE your blog!

Janine - I love Spunky Fluff, thanks to you! I would have never known about them. I am planning on giving a “be excellent to each other” sign to my sister in law. I would love her “how sweet it is to be loved by you” sign as a gift. That was my wedding song. I also love Sorta Southern Boutique’s wristlets. Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!

Caitlin Coughlin - Loooove the KatyGirl print!!

Sam Andrews - I love Pam Garrison’s prints. I’ve always dreamed of having one in my house. I would love to gigot a House of Belonging hat to my sister.

Sarah - I would love to be getting the “You are my sunshine” picture. LOVE the colors!

To give, I’d give someone the Bloom book.

Suzy - Hi Meg,
I would love someone to give me the colorful “You Are My Sunshine” sign! I have the perfect spot picked out for it. I may have to treat myself for my birthday in November! I love it! So hard to choose though!


Dana W - I would give as a gift the book Bloom by Kelle Hampton , I read that book and I found myself crying at her journey and by the journey that mothers all share. For myself it would have to be the Broward Patch camera strap they are so cute and colorful.

Jennifer - Oh my gosh. I would love to receive the Pam Garrison “You are Loved” print. I have loved that print for years (since I first saw it on your blog) and often doodle those words on post-it’s at work. I think it’s the gift I would give too… I can think of some ladies in my life who could use that reminder!

MaggieG - I would love to receive the camera strap and Pam Garrisons print “you are loved”. So many gift ideas!

Amber - I would love some new clothes or gift cards to go shopping.. it’s been awhile!

Michelle Burke - I would love to receive the candle…..Candles are my remedy for messy houses, kids fighting, stinky dogs and burnt dinners. Your sink can be full of dishes, a laundry mountain on the couch and dust bunnies floating freely….but you have a candle lit, a great scent wafting…all is forgotten. For the moment.

Christy - I would love to give one of Jennifer Dahl’s “Creativity is Messy” necklaces to my youngest. She is one of the most creative people I know, but good grief is she messy!

Katie W - I would love a gift from Red Letter Words! I also know quite a few lovely ladies that would like a gift from them as well:)

Dana Maxfield - I would love to get one of those cute camera straps for a gift. ๐Ÿ™‚

Heidi c - I love it all but especially the mason jar bunting! Also the hats from house of belongings are amazing!!

Jamie - The you are my sunshine sign! Love it. Thanks.

Patti Mullican - Any of the sponsor products would make a great gift to give or receive. I’d have to say Matthew Mead’s magazine or the embellished hat would make me smile!

Morgan - Call me a nerd, i wish I had a room full of benzie felt ๐Ÿ™‚

Liesl - What gift wouldn’t I want?? :-). I have, however been eyeing the camera straps . . . maybe one would inspire me to take time for spendin time with my camera! I have already decided that some dayspring mugs will be filled with goodies for gifts!

Amy Woods - Oh, I don’t know, can I just ask my hubs for one of each? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Would love some Barn Owl Primitives typography for sure!

Jordan Huie - I would absolutely love to receive the Book of Organization as well as give it to a few friends!

Sarah - I am giving lots of handmade things like knitted goodies and sewn bags. I’m already excitedfr the holidays!

Jen G... - I would love a Jennifer Dahl Designs necklace!

colleen from Alabama - I would love to receive the YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE sign from Barn Owl Primitives AND I would love to give it as a gift. My mom always says that to my sister so it would be fun to give it to her! Thank you for sharing! This is an Awesome giveaway.

Suzanne - I love everything by barn owl primitive and Jennifer Dahl. I’m gonna have to get started on Christmas shopping now!

Ann Richards - I would LOVE to receive the “You Are Loved-pastel art print 8.5×11” as a gift!! I would love to read it everyday, and know my family could read it everyday too!

Stacey - I would love to receive any if it, but really like the you are my sunshine print and would love to brighten someone else’s home with it as we’ll!

courtney - That is some great looking swag! I love the book of organization, I would totally love to have that along with some fab vintage jars and boxes to corral all of my craft goodies. I will be giving handcut monogram ornaments to my friends for their Christmas trees!
Woo hoo!

Maria - The earrings, wristlets, and camera strap are all on my wish list…but would be great to give as well….

stephanie - bloom……i have given it to several friends. it is a beautiful story, and kelle writes a beautiful blog. but really…..all of the stuff is pretty cool ๐Ÿ™‚

Monica W - I would love to receive that adorable Jennifer Dahl necklace from someone! Not only do I love, but I know many of my dear friends would love it too, so I am going to have to check out her website!

Julie Briggs - Would love a print from Pam Garrison and will be giving 2 as gifts!

Sandy - I would love to receive any of these items as a gift they are all AWESOME!! I will be giving my Cousin the where women create magazine for Christmas this year! Thank you so much for this great giveaway!

Jennea - barn. owl. primitives. ’nuff said. tell annie hi!

Amy Kneisler - I would both give and love to receive a prin from Pam’s collection! I’ve admired her work for a long time now.

Martha - Oops! So sorry..I forgot to tell you which gift I would give. Definitely the cute necklace by Jennifer Dahl. My sister is a teacher and loves to wear happy fun jewelry to school!

Martha - Hi! How generous of your sponsors! And, generous of you! Please include me in your giveaway!

Ashley E. - Awesome giveaway!!!! Love it all!

Whiffletree - I think the candle – a great reminder for my season at this time – I need to know that in the midst of sorrow HE is still good. Love your blog ๐Ÿ™‚

Leslie - I would love to give and receive the camera strap. so fun and inspiring!

Jennie W - I love the benzie felt and the dayspring mug. I do think the mug would make a great gift for my mom and sisters.

Cate - Big fan of all Ike & Co jewelry! Will be choosing gifts for Christmas.

Kerry - Love KatyGirl Designs and Jennifer Dahl Designs – but these are all wonderful shops!! – to give and to receive : )

Fun giveaway!!!

Steph - Tough choice… Love everything!!
For myself, I would love something from barn owl! Or a Pam Garrison print. For a gift… Maybe a day spring mug or katygirl print? (I have both and love dearly… So that’s why they’d be good gifts coming from me).

Kyra - I received a necklace made by Jennifer Dahl as a gift and I wear it all the time!!! I would love to give one of her necklaces to my dear friend.

And for me…. I’ve had my eye on the camera straps from Broward Patch. Such fun colors and designs-makes taking pictures a treat.

Kristi - I would love any Jennifer Dahl jewelry! beautiful. hmm, what will I be giving- maybe some Jennifer Dahl jewelry! who wouldn’t love that!

Heidi Henderson - I would like to receive the Bloom book, as it is fun to read other families stories that I can relate to first hand, as I have a 16 year old who was blessed with Downs. I would also give the book for a gift to first time parents.

Cindy Singer - I would love anything from Red Letter Words!! I think dayspring is going to be getting an order from me for some Christmas gifts! It’s so hard to choose from all of the great sponsors!!

LeeH - I’ll be giving a custom name sign for my grandson from SpunkyFluff

Courtney - I cant figure out which shop it came from, but I hope some one gives me that awesome mason jar bunting!

I love Daysprings mugs, I’m sure at leas t one of them will end up with a “from” tag with my name on it .

Kelly - Right now I need to sing even if I don’t have a song so I would pick Katy Girl Designs and I would love to give Pam Garrisons print to a dear friend.. Thank you

Janie - I would be over the moon if i were to receive any one of these beautiful creations!

Sarah - I love the Sorta Southern Boutique clutches and know my best friend would love to get one wrapped up for Christmas from me!!

Jessica Rogge - I will be giving away the Lime Green Chevron Stripe camera strap from Broward Patch to my cousin for Christmas this year! Lime green is her fave color and she just got a new camera = perfect gift.

Thanks for the give-away!

Maryellen - I would give the “You Are Loved” print to my granddaughter and “You are my Sunshine” for two other granddaughters.

michelle - I would love any Barn Owl primitive sign, so cute!

Tonya - Both katygirl and Pam Garrison are favorite shops of mine on etsy. Love their colorful prints! My sisters and I have the same taste, so I could choose anything from their shops and be considered a rockstar grifter. ๐Ÿ™‚

Meredith W. - I’d love to give and receive the you are my sunshine board.

Robin Phillips-Knotts - Oh what lovely things! I’d love to give/get the You are Loved sign. That is beautiful. ty!
cokelush at gmail
Good luck everyone!

Breenah - I would LOVE that sunshine banner! It’d be perfect for my craft area, if I ever get one ๐Ÿ˜€

Sarah - I love the sunshine bunting. I would want it for myself and to give as a gift!

Mollie - I think I would have to pick the Book of Organization. I desperately need that in my life right now!

courtney - i would love to receive one of the broward patch camera straps as a gift.
thanks for putting together {along with your sponsors} such an awesome giveaway!

Aimee - I’m giving my little sister and her new baby girl the “you are my sunshine” sign from Spunky Fluff for Christmas this year. My two sisters and I didn’t grow up together but we all share a love for that song. It has a special meaning between my sisters and they sing it to their kids. My mom and I always sang it when I was little and I sang it to my boys when they were babies. I think the sign from Spunky Fluff will be a sweet gift for my sister to hang above her daughter’s crib.

Ashley - I think I NEED the book of Organization…..and I would love to GIVE a dayspring mug! I think that would be a great and inspiring and reassuring way to start the day and I’d love to give that to someone I love!

Julie - I am LOVING the “you are my sunshine” print from Barn Owl Primitives.

Amber Treat - What an awesome giveaway! I already have an item from Red Letter Words on my birthday wish list! And I would love to give the camera strap from Broward Patch to my daughter. Such happiness!

Jennifer Wood - I already own Bloom, but I wish someone would give me an autographed copy…how sweet!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

raye marie - I would love to recieve any of the items from your sponsors, they are all fantastic! The candles would make a great gift for anyone.

Thank you for your inspiration and fun!

Ashley - I would love earrings from Ike & Co!! ANd I love the bunting! eee! I love it all!

Michelle - I would LOVE to receive earings from Ike & Co.!!! I have admired her work for over a year and bought sweet gifts for friends, but never for me.
I love the fiath inspired candles! I may even purchase one this week for a teacher friend’s birthday gift!
Thank you, Meg!! I LOVE your blog!!!

Lori in Iowa - It is hard to pick but I would have to say the “You Are My Sunshine” sign from Barn Owl Primitives. That is the song I sing to each of my four kids each night. ๐Ÿ™‚

Carrie - I love everything from the hello shop for me ๐Ÿ™‚ And I’d give one of Pam’s prints to someone I love ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks Meg!!

Stacy Mc - Great giveaway! I would love to receive the Pam Garrison You are Loved print. I may have to order one for my daughter.

tiffany day - So fun! Thanks Meg – keeping my fingers crossed for my attendance at a Craft Weekend!

I would LOVE the Red Letter Words candle and I would give the same a gift! OR maybe a Barn Owl sign….

Thanks again!

Kathryn blume - I love that sunshine ball jar garland. So cute!

Ali - The super cute camera strap is my favorite! I love it.

Lisa Q - I would give that yummy candle to my girlfriend….and for me, I’d give that adorable mug rug! Such fun sponsors you have!

Amanda - I would have to get a print from Pam Garrison for my boys room.
Her work is beautiful!

tonya - oh, i love the magazine where woman create! i also would love to read the book, Bloom!

Michelle - Such cute stuff! I would love to get the camera strap!

Hannah O - Definitely Pam’s paintings for both questions! Her work is always so lovely!

Lynette cox - I would love to get the necklace from Jennifer Dahl and I would love to give the Pam Garrison print. All of the items are pretty awesome though!s

Heidi Allred - If someone were to give me a gift, I would love the Sorta Southern Boutique wrist wallet/iphone case. Or anything from Barn Owl Primitives. And I’d probably give the same gifts away that I really want for myself.
Pick me, pick me, pick me!!

Heather - I am in love with the design by Pam Garrison and would give it to my mom:) We don’t live by each other and that would be a great reminder to her everyday!!

Chris - I wish someone would give me the “You are my sunshine” print from barn owl primitive. I’d be happy to give it to someone else, too! I love them all – great sponsors!!

Kristi M - I wish that someone would gift me with that Jennifer Dahl necklace – it’s the best! I would absolutely love to give the KatyGirl Designs print to some friends. Everyone can always use more beautiful art in their home!

Kari - I would love to give one of the pretty mugs from Dayspring to my sister as a gift. Thanks!

Kristen - i would love a barn owl primitives sign. i have had one on my wish list for awhile. i would give a jennifer dahl necklace and/or knitty bitties mug rug.

Becky Kindel - I would love to receive Kelle Hampton’s book.
I would love to give Pam Garrison’s artwork.

tonya - i would love a pair of ike & co earrings and would give a pam garrison print to my bff!

Vicky Bright - I will give the Pam Garrison print You Are Loved and hope someone gets me one too.

Christina - I would love the Pam Garrison print and I think I will be getting the Stamp it book for a crafty friend!

Michelle Pack - I love the “You are my sunshine” print from Lori Danelle! I may possibly be giving it as a gift to MYSELF!

DeNeal - Choosing a favorite from this list is like asking someone to pick her favorite child (lol). I would have to vote for Red Letter Words as I have had items from this shop on my wish list forever!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Dana - I would love for someone to give me one of the prints by Pam Garrison. They are beautiful!
And I think that the Jennifer Dahl jewelery are great things to give as gifts!

Jodi - I would love to give a Jennifer Dahl necklace to my little sis and I would looooove to receive a Jennifer Dahl necklace!
Thanks for a fun giveaway!

Stephanie C - Such great items! I think I would LOVE one of those camera straps, and I am definitely looking into giving items from Pam Garrison, Ike and Co, and Red Letter Words.

linda hads - I would love to receive a gift from raising up rubies and I would also give a gift from the same. Love her!! Linda:)

Rebecca - I would love to give the pam garrison print and i would love to get the camera strap.

jen - love all these goodies! i guess if i had to choose i would love a necklace from Jennifer Dahl or anything from Studio Calico. and to give? i love the hello signs or the pam garrison art. yep – those are my picks.

Beth Lewis - I absolutely love so many of these shops! I would love to get some fun art from Spunky Fluff. Especially loving this

Becky Z - For myself, I’d love a beautiful camera strap. To give… I’d love to give a Pam Garrison print to all of my friends. “You are loved”… who doesn’t need to be reminded of that every day?!

Molly - I will be giving mugs (love the one from Dayspring!) and specially blended teas to some of my favorite girlfriends.

Julie B. - I would most like to receive the “you are loved” print! Thanks for having this great giveaway!

Jessica Kromphardt - I’ve been craving a good read lately. With the weather cooling down, coffee in hand…just snuggle up to a great book.

Cindy Morgenthaler - I would love the “creativity is messy” necklace by Jennifer Dahl Designs because I love how colorful it is and I can definitely relate!!

Brianna - I would give the “you are my sunshine” from barn owl primatives to my grandmother, she lives in kansas and that is her favorite song! i would love to recieve a print from Pam garrison. The colors are just amazing in her work. i love them all!

Sarah - I have already gifted one of those items to someone!! I would love to gift another, I am thinking the camera strap. Need to start shopping.

Carla - I would love to get and give “let the wild rumpus start” sign from Spunky Fluff!

Beth Jones - These are just wonderful, Meg! Thanks so much for sharing! So many awesome, talented artists! I can’t wait to order my green chevron camera strap from Broward Patch! There are sooo many things I’d love to give as gifts. Think I’ll start with one of Katygirl Designs!

Tiffany B - I would give the adorable earrings from Ike & Co. and I would love to get the mug from Dayspring. Everything is awesome though!! You are right, excellent christmas gifting ideas!! Thank you~!

Wendy - I would LOVE to receive anything from Barn Own Primitive as a gift. I have given a fun and comfy camera strap from Broward Patch in the past (and then got one for myself bc they are awesome!).

kathy - Love Jenny Doh’s Stamp It, getting it for my sister-in-law! Motivated to wrap more gifts in brown paper and stamp, so cute!
Would love Porch Rules from Barn Owl Primitives~ LOVE!

Maggie - would give and would love to get the ‘give thanks to lord’ candle.
super cute! =]

Jennifer Tucker - Such pretty things!

I’ve been looking at the Rainbow Jade necklace from IKE and CO. for so long. I don’t know why I haven’t broken down and bought it other than I just don’t wear necklaces very often. That’s the gift I would love someone to give to me.

I’m really liking the “Blessed is she who believes in the promises of the Lord” print by Red Letter Words. My mother in law is going through a serious faith building season and I do believe this reminder would be much appreciated. I might just have to buy it for her for Christmas.

Gretchen - The Barn Owl Primitives stole my heart. What a great gift to give…anyone! For myself? I’d take any of them, but if I had to choose, I’d go for the Dayspring mug. I have thing for mugs. ๐Ÿ™‚

Rhiannon - Can my answers be anything and everything? ๐Ÿ™‚
I super love the mason jar garland. Those are always so cute!! I might keep that for myself. While the rest of it is all awesome, I would probably use several of the items as Christmas gifts, as money is tight and the stuff is all great!!

Shannon - There are so many great things to choose! I have ordered Katygirl prints and have an extra to give for Christmas. They are amazing!

Autumn Zuraiqi - i love the print from Katy Girl Designs but to be really honest i would like to get any of them as a gift and the candle would go perfect with the wedding gift i have to give in a few weeks.

jodi - I love the creativity necklace – such a great reminder!

Julie Johnson - I would LOVE to receive a Barn Owl Primitives sign.
And I would like to gift to someone something from Red Letter Words. I love the truth they speak.

Awesome giveaway!

Carla G - I would LOVE to receive the Barn Owl Primitives sign, and may be giving the Jennifer Dahl Designs creativity necklace to someone else!

Kathryn - I would love to receive the Faith & Sweat sign from Barn Owl Primitives…or love is patient cutting from Lori Danelle…or Philippians 1:27 from Katy Girl…or You Are Loved from Pam Garrison. Too mant beautiful things to puck just one ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d live to give a mug from Dayspring or the Blessed is the family who delights in the word sign from red letter words to my sweet friend.

Thank you Meg for this giveaway! God Bless You!

Megan Scrivner - I’d love to get the wrist wallet/phone case & to give the KatyGirl print…I have a friend that it’s perfect for!

Michelle S - I wish someone would give me “The Book of Organization”. I need it! And I will be giving the book “Bloom”,

Melanie - I LOVE the artwork by Pam Garrison. I am going to buy a print for my daughter for Christmas. I would love for someone to buy me a Typography Word Art Sign from Barn Owl Primitives….the “be awesome today” sign is perfect for our home!

Becky J - Hi Meg..I would love to give or receive a red letter words candle…I have purchased many of her signs for gifts and for our walls…there is nothing like THE WORD!! Thank you for all the sweet things you share…and have a blessed fall!!

Shalee - I love the wrist wallet! The colorful camera strap will be perfect for my best friend!

Alexis - That’s easy… I’ve both given (and received) camera straps from Broward patch. I went to school with jen (go Gators)… and happen to know that not only are her straps beautiful, but so is she .. inside and out. Her straps are so amazing. Hardest problem: only having one! ๐Ÿ™‚

Amy M - I would LOVE one of Lori Danelle’s handcut pieces!!! They are AMAZING!!!

Teresa Murphy - Thank you for the give away! I am in love with anything that Pam Garrison makes! I would love to give her artwork to my best friends to brighten up their world.

Deb A. - I love it all! So hard to pick but if I had to choose just one thing to receive, I think it would be a print from Pam Garrison. What wonderful sponsors you have!!

Allison - I love Pam’s prints. I would decorate my sewing/guest room with them ๐Ÿ™‚

Kathleen Welch - I would love the “You are my Sunshine” for my craft room….it needs a punch of color !

I love the ” Creativity is messy” pendant necklace for my uber creative sister in law !

Everything is awesome….very hard to pick ! Thanks for the chance in the giveaway !

Martha - Hi meg, love your everydayness, and your looking pretty skinny with your new eating habits. Looking good girl. I love the Pam Garrison print, I would want them and give them. Thanks for the giveaway. How fun

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Oh thanks for a generous giveaway and all the coupon codes. I have ordered from many of these shops because of your previous sponsored posts so thanks. I really want the magazine about Where Women Create. And I am going to give the book Bloom to a favorite friend who just had a special needs baby.

Jenn - I’ll be giving some Spunky Fluff signs this year. I just purchased one and LOVE it!

I wish someone would give me any of these! I’d be thrilled with any of these items.

Jenna - I want to give a sign for my son’s room — either the abc sign from spunky fluff, or you are my sunshine from barn owl. Or both. ๐Ÿ™‚

Kristen K. - I drool over Pam Garrison’s art / blog / stitcheries…everything!..and would love to show off her work to my friends and family by gifting her prints. And for me? Is a visit with you, Meg, while unwrapping a Pam Garrison creation, while sampling Pam’s cheesecake an option?! Please say yes….SWEET! ๐Ÿ™‚

eva scott - I have been wanting one of those hello signs forever so I’d love that and I love everything Raising Up Rubies does so I’d give a friend the Sunshine banner!

Karen Ann - I would love a sign by Redl Letter Words!

Kristine - Inspiring & colorful….would love to win!
Thank you!

Michelle Parrott - Oh my. What a GIVE AWAY!!! Ah!
I honestly wouldn’t be able to decide for myself but I love the dayspring mug for my family/friends. What a great way to start the day to see God’s word right away. Love it.

Christine Yager - I wish someone would give me the hat from House Of Belonging. It’s so cute!!

Lia - would love one of those spunky fluff signs!! would be so cute in our kitchen!

Renn Giblin - Right at the top, The Primative Owl’s “You are my sunshine” sign! I’d gift it to my son as this song his his in my mind because the day he was born my dad brought a giraffe that played that song as a gift to him… And he’s 33 now!

Kirsten J - I would love to get a KatyGirl Design!

Sharon - Ok, this ALL looks amazing! And btw, I would love to come to Kansas for Craft Weekend…someday!!!
And if I HAD to pick, I’d love to receive anything from Barn Owl Primitives. And the gift to give would be the super cute jewelry from Ike & Co.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Jane - Oooh gosh I would love to be given the 1 corinthians 13 print from Lori Danelle this year, and if I’m honest I would like to gift it to someone too!
My favourite is really the cut paper version, but it’s not really in my or I suspect, my gift givers budgets!

Thanks for sharing Meg, it’s like you are sharing your birthday with this lucky lady (or fella!)

lisa elizarraras - well, i love the barn owl primitives sign for me, and i already bought some jewelery from ike and co. for christmas gifts~yay!!

Nancy - Hop to Signaroo - I would LOVE for someone to give me the Pam Garrison “You Are Loved” print…or a Jennifer Dahl necklace. )))

Tobi - My mom would love the Dayspring mug, even though she already has a billion of them. For me, I’d love the Jennifer Dahl necklace!

Jen - One of each please! No that’s a little greedy- I’ve had the same wallet since college so I’m thinking a sorta southern pretty would be lovely!

Megan N - I think I would love either the Barn Owl sign or Jennifer Dahl Design necklace — too tough to decide! I would love to give a Barn Owl sign as a gift to some friends (love their Christmas signs). Thank you! From one “Meg” to another – keep doing ‘Whatever’. Such a fun inspiration to be creative!

erin - I would love to get or give something from any of these sponsors, but I think my favorites are Barn Owl Primitives and Red Letter Words.

Sandy - I would absolutely love the “You Are My Sunshine” from Barn Owl Primitives. It’s bright and colorful and oh so happy!!! This giveaway is awesome!!

Laura C - I love Pam Garrison’s you are loved print. I also have my eye on some of Jennifer Dahl’s jewelry for some friends this holiday season!

Karen Groves - I would love the “Oh Happy Day” sign for myself and I would love to give the rainbow “You Are My Sunshine” to my best friend. Everything you show on your blog is so cheery and happy ๐Ÿ™‚

Jennifer Roehl - I would love to buy the She Knew Formed print from Red Letter Words for my daughter’s bedroom. She was adopted and what a neat reminder that she was created by God for a purpose and that she is loved and wanted. I would love someone to buy me the Choose Happiness sign from Spunky Fluff.

carol davis - I would hope someone would give me “YOU ARE MY SUN SHINE”!!!!

And I would give “creativity is messy” necklace ๐Ÿ™‚

thanks meg!

stephanie - I would love to receive the alphabet sign from Spunky Fluff as a gift.
And i love Pam’s You Are Loved print as a gift.

Jodi C - I would give a great camera strap to one of my best buds. She is an amazing photographer! I also love the KatyGirl print and anything from Barn Owl! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jenny Damewood - All of these items would make fabulous gifts but i would choose the Spunky Fluff sign because I love the positive messages and cheery colors of her signs.

Ashley - I love the sunshine banner from Far More Than Rubies! So so cute! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Katy - I would love to receive the “happy day” stitching from Pam Garrison’s shop. Its’ soooo cute, but I would love instructions.

I think I will give the rainbow “you are my sunshine” sign from Barn Owl Primitives to my kids for their playroom.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Heather L. - These may just be the hardest questions I’ve had to answer today.

What to give – I would love to give one of the super fun Jennifer Dahl necklaces to a kindred heart friend of mine!

A gift I’d love – the Bittersweet print has been on my “wish list” ever since I saw it on Ashley’s blog.

How gracious to host this amazing giveaway!

Kandis Pankratz - I would love the colorful camera strap! What great ideas all these crafters have!

Ellie - I love all this stuff!!! But if I had to choose one for myself I think I would go with the you are my sunshine sign. Love it! And for a gift for a friend the wallet/phone cover.

KimB - I LOVE the Pam Garrison “You are Loved” print – I think I might need to order that for my little girl’s “big girl” room!!

Carrie Corrigan - I’m loving the Jennifer Dahl jewelry. I’m going to hope someone buys me that!! If not, I’d definitely give it as a gift!

Kim - It’s really hard to chose because they are all wonderful, but I love the camera straps for me. I also have my eye on several Katy Girl Designs for gifts!

Tonya S - I would love to receive “Every child is an artist” from Barn Owl Primitive’s. This sign will look great on my soon-to-be artist wall for the littles. Thanks for the giveaway Meg!!

Amber - I’d love to give my kids the Pam Garrison print. It’s impossible to express to them just how much I love them!

Tara - I would love BOP as a gift! ๐Ÿ™‚
Will give red letter words as a gift to a friend ๐Ÿ™‚

Amber Hatcher - I’d give my kids the “you are loved” poster. I can’t tell them enough just how loved they really are! <3

Laura - I love the ice cream sign from barn owl primitives and would love to give the “be awesome today” sign to someone awesome in my life!

MelissaG - I am wishing for someone to give me the You Are Loved print! I love all the colors in it, and would love to hang it in my blah living room with some colorful frames.

Lisa somerville - You are my sunshine sign is a must have for me and a gift to give! And who doesn’t love some jennifer Dahl jewelry? Love!!!!

Annie - I absolutely love the print by Pam Garrison .

Cheryl - I would love to receive the camera strap. Any design or color. They are all so cute. It would make a great stocking stuffer. I would love to give someone a Jennifer Dahl necklace. Soooo cute for all ages.

Kate - I would love to give my friends the Sorta Southern Boutique wallet/phone case! It’s awesome ๐Ÿ™‚

Valerie Duncan - I just discovered the magazine “Where Women Create.” I think that’s a perfect gift for all my female friends who have created and started their own business. For a gift, I’d love to read Bloom!

Verna - I would love to give my daughter the camera straps. She is a fantastic photographer.

Jenny mcdaniel - I would honestly love to have a camera strap! Just got a big girl camera earlier this year and feel like I need one! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Heather - So hard to choose because I do love it ALL but I would love for someone to give me a Jennifer Dahl Designs necklace!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Erin Thibodeau - I want and will give Pam Garrison print “You are Loved”… Because it’s so very true….All the items are beautiful .

Arlene - Awesome giveaway! I would LOVE to receive the mason jar sunshine banner as a gift! So cute!

Kim Elliott - I think out of all your lovely sponsors’ gifts, the one that jumps out to me as a gift I would give someone would be KatygirlDesign’s print: “Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyways.”
My sweet 10 year old daughter CONSTANTLY hums or sings..CON.STAN.TLY. What makes this print like honey to my soul is that my daughter struggles with anxiety and fear. She self-soothes by singing or humming. After watching her recently struggle with tears through a school program only to calm herself when the students closed their program by singing, “Be Thou My Vision”…this print sums up my girl and the prayers I say for her daily. ๐Ÿ™‚

jengd - I’d LOVE to have one of those Jennifer Dahl necklaces. I think necklaces or earrings may be on my to-give list this year. Thanks for the chance!

Erin - I have loved Ike & Co forever! I would love to receive one of their rainbow necklaces or big turquoise earrings.

Lori Tacchino - I wish someone would give me a necklace from Jennifer Dahl Designs. Love her stuff!

Keshet Starr - What a giveaway! LOVE the bunting, and Would give the ribbon to a scrappy friend!

Robyn - I love the little branches signs…have one and would love another! Would also love to read kelle hamptons book ๐Ÿ™‚
I’ve recently given a little branches sign as a gift and think it would be fun to give another!

Margaret - I think the red letter words site is fantastic! All ate great! Fun giveaway:-)

Heather McDonald - I would love to get the sunshine sign with the ribbons at the end. It would brighten up my classroom. I would love to give a camera strap to a couple of my friends who always have a camera around their neck. A fun gift to give away.

Stefanie - I wish someone would give me those gorgeous earrings from Ike & Co! And Barn Owl Primitives is my place to shop this year.

Cindy H - I would love to give YOU ARE MY SUN SHINE to my daughter and daughter in law.

Karie - How in the world is a girl supposed to pick?!? I’d love one of everything and would love to give one of everything away ๐Ÿ™‚

Heather G - I wish someone would give me that Jennifer Dahl necklace! It is so colorful and pretty! And I would choose a Pam Garrison print to give as a gift, because they’re so warm and lovely. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thanks for this opportunity to win, Meg!

Kelly - Oooo, I’d love to have a beautiful camera strap or anything from barn owl primitives. I’d love to give those to a friend, too!!!!

Mary Hutton - I would give away the katy girl sign about singing anyway! Everyone needs that!

Carol - I have given lots of Daysprings mugs as Gifts I have also recieved Dayspring mugs, but I love them I would pick the mugs!! Everything truly is beautiful!!

Kathy - ooohhhh, I would love anything from Raising Up Rubies – I LOVE her blog and shop!!

I love to give Dayspring stuff to my friends because it encourages them in their walk with the Lord.


Robin Canter - Be still my heart for any Pam Garrison print. I love them so.

Amanda McNamara - I would love to give my friend the Jennifer Dahl necklace, she is super creative! And for me, I would love to hang the Pam Garrison print up in my house, everyone needs to hear “you are loved” every day!! Thank you for the giveaway!

Becky - Loving the Barn Owl Primitives sign. It’s so bright and cheery. It would make me smile everyday!

Jessica - I love the “You are loved” print. I am a mother and a wife and I spend every hour of every day making sure they know that they are loved. Sometimes it is easy to forget about me. This would be a great reminder to know that I am loved…unconditionally and eternally.

Jeanette in Illinois - I would love something from Jennifer Dahl Designs and I will give a goodie from Red Letter! Thanks for your generosity, Meg!! So appreciate the opportunity!
Blessings ~ Jeanette

Michelle Skalet - I wish someone would give me one of the beautiful camera straps. I’d like to give my daughter one of the Barn Owl Primitives for her room!

Becky McArthur - I would love to get either the paper cut art or the sunshine banner! So much of it would be fun to give, but I would tend to lean towards giving something like the “you are my sunshine” sign ๐Ÿ™‚

Sheila - The gift I’d most like to give is Pam Garrison’s You Are Loved print. I really would love for my daughter and son to wake up every day and have that visual reminder. Such powerful words.

Heather G - I would love anything from Jennifer Dahl designs or from Barn Owl Primitives. I might even have to buy all my sisters a necklace for Christmas

Heather - I dare say I would be pleased as punch to get any one of those things! That being said..I will take them all if I win!!

Paula Moore - I would LOVE to give someone special the “You Are Loved” print by Pam Garrison! It is so beautiful and would surely remind someone of how much they are loved daily!

Vicki wehrley - I love it all…too hard to pick just one!

Jenna Walsh - Raising Up Rubies creates beautiful pieces!

Lauren Taylor - I would just be head over heels to recieve a barnowl primatives sign! I have been spying them for quite a while.. ๐Ÿ™‚ I also would love to give or recieve a Pam Garrison print! How uplifting and happy! Just what we need in this world!! <3

Jenna Franke - I would love to receive a print from KatyGirl Designs. I think I’m going to buy one for a friend : )

Krista - I would love to give my 7 year old niece (a budding artist) the beautiful Jennifer Dahl Designs necklace that says “Creativity is Messy”. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lori - Amazing items! My wish list is long, but I really love the Sorta Southern Boutique wrist wallet. The colors are so fun!

The Countess of Nassau County - All about the Pam Garrison print for my daughters bedroom! I’d love to get the nativity candles from Dayspring.

Sarah - I would like to receive Lori’s paper cut out of 1 Corinthians 13. It was the second reading at our wedding. Such a great reminder of the promises. Just celebrated 6 years ๐Ÿ™‚

Dianne - I’d love to receive a print from Pam Garrison and I will probably order something from Spunky Fluff (again!) as a gift. Although I’d be happy with any one of the products from your sponsors ๐Ÿ™‚

Kathryn - I would purchase ATLEAST two of the Barn Owl Primitive signs . . . one to keep and one (or more) to give away!

EmmyJo - I love the Little Branches sign! Thanks for doing these posts – my Christmas shopping is going to be so easy this year!

Kathy h - The cute Ike & Co earrings!

Laura h - Ohhhhh my!! I LOVE the Pam Garrison picture! My oldest just went away to college, and I would love to give it to her for her dorm room!
As always Meg, love love your blog!

Fern - I would love the magazines or the sign from the barn owl. Both are things i. Love!!!

jessica at the chubby dove - i’d love a piece of jewelry from ike & co!

Lynette - I would like someone to give me the “You are Loved” print by Pam Garrison! I just love it!

Beth Steffen - I will be giving Kellie Hampton’s book to a new friend who is going through a rough time in life right now and could use some reminders of ways to find beauty in it!

Kim - I want a camera strap from Broward Patch-I think the Chili Pepper is my favorite! I think I’ll put a little hint in for Christmas ๐Ÿ™‚ And right now I’m ordering myself a Red Letter Words print for Christmas. While on their site I also saw that they now make smaller prints and I think they are perfect to give a few girlfriends this year! Yeah for Christmas shopping in October!

Amy Covey - A gift for me……definitely the Barn Owl Primitive sign!

Give to give….the Jennifer Dahl necklace for a creatively messy friend. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ellen - I would give those earrings to my mama- they are right up her alley! And I have had my eye on those Pam Garrison prints- I would love to be gifted one of those!

Krista - If someone were to give me a sign from Barn Owl Primitives I might just hug them all day long! Seriously!! At this point in our lives where our budget is on a “diet” I can’t afford one but oh golly would I love one!

Thank you for the opportunity!

Katelynn J - I would love for someone to give me the ‘Be Awesome Today’ sign from BarnOwlPrimitives! I am a teacher and my students love to post up motivational signs in our classroom. This would go perfectly!
I would love to give my sister the ‘I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas’ sign for her primary classroom.
It’s awesome that you post up all of these great vendors! Thanks!

LInda - I would love to get and give any jewelry from IKE & Co. I love it all!

Danielle - can I answer both??

I would love a Sorta Southern Boutique’s wrist wallet/phone case as a gift~
I will be giving Katy Girl Designs cards as a gift this year!

Charly Smith - I would love to give and receive the Jennifer Dahl necklace. I have went to her website numerous times to pick out the perfect necklace!

Jenny H - I am in love with the pink wallet/case and I want to give those adorable camera straps because I am too lazy to make my own.

Cheryl Jaeger - My wish is the “Good Morning Sunshine” sign from Spunky Fluff. My dad used to say that to me in the mornings…and it is safe to say he was being funny, because sunshine, I was not!

Jackie - I would love for someone to give me one of the Barn Owl Primitives signs, and I would love to give someone one of the prints from Pam Garrison. What a wonderful giveaway, and hope you had a wonderful Monday!

Debby - I would love the “you are my sunshine” from Barn Owl Primitives to give to my little girl. It is the song I always sang to her when she was a baby and I’ve been looking for a sign to hang in her room so she will always remember.

Lindsey - I would love some Benzi felt! I would give my sister something from Spunky Fluff! I think a sign would go great in her family room!

Tiffany H - I would love to be given anything from Little Branches! I’d lvoe to give a friend that Katy Girl print!!!

Kathi - I’d love to receive a single issue of Where Women Create – the gift just keeps on giving every time it’s opened. You have such a beautiful heart, Meg! Thank you.

Vanessa Moore - I would love to get the Where Women Create magazine or anything from barn owl primitives as a gift. My birthday is coming soon, maybe I should show this to the hubs.

Bethany - For myself I LOOVE that dayspring mug!!! I already know someone that the Pam Garrison print should belong to as well as the spunky fluff design.

Beth - I would lOvE to get a cute new sign from Barn Owl Primitives! After almost two years of not hanging anything in our freshly painted living room (I guess it’s not F rESHLY painted after 2 years)–I have been putting some family pictures, a painting by me, and a new Katy Daisy print. It looks awesome! A new sign from Barn Owl Primitives would really finish the living room. Good luck to everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚

megan clausen - Oooo I love the “Choose Happiness” sign from Spunky Fluff!

Trish - I love the “You Are My Sunshine” sign from Barn Owl Primitives!! I’d love to gift or give it ๐Ÿ™‚

Julie - i would love to give or receive that mug from dayspring. perfect!

kristen - I would love to give and receive the Pam Garrison print. I love everything else too.

Lorie - First of all…do you know how hard it is to choose! All your sponsors are fantastic! If I was choosing a gift for myself, I would choose a sign from Barn Owl Primitives, and I would want a Where Women Create magazine because I’m a magazine -a -holic! For a gift, I would give one of Ike and Co. pair of earrings. I would give them to my sister because she loves things like that, and hardly ever buys herself some.

I adore you Meg, and don’t ever miss a day of reading you. Thanks.

Harriet - I love the camera straps. I have a dear friend of mine who has just started her own photography business. I would give her this strap.

sarah k - for me… i LOVE the ‘you are my sunshine’ print you have pictured.
for someone else… loving the cute earrings from ike and co.

Jenna - I would LOVE for someone to give me a Lori Danelle cutout! They are so delicate yet beautiful! Just in love with them!

Laura O - This is such a great giveaway! I wish someone would give me all of the prints in Katy Girl’s shop!

Cheryl V - I would love the barn owl primitives sign!I would love to give Kelle Hamptons book this year.Thank you !

Darcee Perrin - Meg!
Oops I posted a comment on the wrong day!
I would LOVE someone to give me anything from Red LetterWords! I absolutely love all her work and find having scripture on my walls helps keep my priorities straight
I might actually be giving some stuff from her shop as gifts( and your shop too! The farm girl in me is loving the cow canvas!)

Jennifer Ciniello - Everything is amazing! But I’m partial to the prints by Pam Garrison, they are just so beautiful!

Liesl - I would give something from Pam Gerrison to a friend and I would love that “create” necklace from Jennifer Dahl.

Katie Canipe - This is so cute! I would be thrilled to win! I’d love to receive Ike and Co’s gold hoops with the turquoise beads on them. Awesome!! This year I hope to give my husband some much needed time to relax! Maybe some coupons he can cash in!

meredith - I would love someone to gife me the actual necklace, craftiness is messy. I love the wood word cut outs as well. I think I will gift the camera strap to a friend of mine. Although I want one for myself too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Tracey - Hmmmm…I would love to receive either the “You are my Sunshine” (that you have pictured) from Barn Owl—because I have been drooling over it forever!!! OR I would really like the “don’t forget to be awesome” chalkboard print from Lori Dannelle.
And to give…I am checking out the super cute and colorful key chains from Broward Patch. How great for teacher gifts or to add to stockings for family!

Rachel N. - So many neat choices! I especially am partial to Katy Girl designs…have 1 hanging in my bathroom & would love more!

Iris - Oh to choose one. I love them all. Right now I would love a Garrison print. They are so encouraging and uplifting and cheerfully colourful.

Amy G - I would LOVE happy pair of earrings from Ike and Co!
Thank you for this FUN opportunity!

Cortney Hardy - I love anything from Barn Owl Primitives. That is what I wish someone would gift me anything from there! All of these sponsors are inspiring me to go make something in my craft room!!

Adrienne - I love the necklace! I NEED someone to tell me it’s okay to be messy ๐Ÿ™‚
I would like to give my daughter the ‘sing’ art for Christmas. She’s in college and I think sometimes we all need to hear “sing anyway” to help keep us going, in spite of the way we feel or our circumstances.

alise - I wish someone would give me the give thanks candle. Love it, maybe I will win it!! thanks for the chance to win :0)

Stephanie Showalter - I would love to receive the Bloom book as a gift!

Melissa - Do I have to pick one? Would love a Jennifer dahl design necklace. I also missed out on Tiffani”s signs. Will have to order in the new year. Love reading your blog.
You are an inspiration!

MaryAZ - The book…Bloom has been on my long list of books I want to read! I would love to receive OR give any of these as gifts (giving is usually more fun!)

Amy K. - I have had my eye on several things from Spunky Fluff every since I saw the “Good morning sunshine” cutout in the Craft House bathroom… that is how I greet my boys every morning!

katie - I would love a sign from Barn owl!!

Jesica S. - Oh my goodness! This is amazing. You have incredible sponsors! I can’t believe I am hearing about YOU for the first time. I would love to receive the “You are my Sunshine” sign from BOP. I have had it on my wishlist for what seems like an eternity! Maybe this year someone will get the hint. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Tanya - The You Are Loved print! I said that to my father when he was in the hospital very ill. It is so fitting ๐Ÿ™‚

Robin - I love the Jennifer Dahl necklace…that would be the perfect gift to give or receive!!

Julie A - I would give away Kelle’s book “Bloom” to another mom friend. It was such an inspirational read… I loved it!

Leslie - Oh they are all terrific gems. I would love the necklace.. But all are lovely lovely lovely.


Jessica - I love the hat but would absolutely be thrilled with any of the items!!!

Sara - As a writer, words are art to me, so the Spunky Fluff store makes my heart flutter.

Tammy - I would love to receive a Jennifer Dahl Designs Story Necklace! As for gifts this year I am sure that I will be paying a visit to Broward Patch to give a couple of their camera straps( ok I might just get one for myself too) and I think their pretty keychains will be awesome teacher gifts! Thanks for this awesome giveaway and highlighting these small boutiques!

Tracie - The Jennifer Dahl jewelry is awesome. I love that you feature the sponsors so we can get great gift ideas. Christmas will be here before we know it!

Bettyann Marrone - I would love a camera strap from the Broward Patch!

Casey - I would give the sign “let the wild rumpus start” from spunky fluff to a friend of mine. She just did a where the wild things are party for her son! Super cute! Thanks for the giveaway!

Janel - At Spunky Fluff I so Want the “Be Excellent to each other” or the “God Bless the world no exceptions” signs. And I’ll be giving a custom name sign to my beautiful “Claire” Thanks for a look at all the great stuff!

Lela Pohlmann - I would love to receive the Creativity is Messy necklace, the Barn Owl Primitives colorful sign, the You are Loved print. Actually, I love all the items! Please pick me!

Nicole - I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the Ike&Co earrings and I would love to give my daughter the sunshine banner for her room:).

Cris Marsh - I would love a Pam Garrison print as a gift. I know my girlfriends would love a Pam Dahl necklace.

christy - I would totally love to give a friend the pam garrison print

Christy - I would be happy with any one of those, but I especially love the ike and co earrings
so pretty and two of my favorite colors

sharon - I would love if someone gave me the Pam Garrison print! It would be a great gift to give as well:)

Felicity - I love that oh happy day spunky fluff sign, I’d like a yellow one for me, and a bunch to give out to my friends! So cute.xx

Jen - I would LOVE anything from Barn Owl primitives. And, I would GIVE anything from Pam Garrison. In fact, I have! But I would love to do it again!

Amanda - So many amazing choices! I have to say; Katy Girl Designs continues to be an all-time favorite of mine. Definitely gonna put some of her adorable prints under some trees this year.

tara // etsetara - i’d love the organization book!!

DWall - IKE&Co earrings for me and to give as gift!

Mary Sergent - I wish someone would give me a Pam Garrison print. Her prints would look great in my little girl’s room. I would give Kelle Hampton’s book Bloom to a friend for Christmas. I love passing on great, inspiring books to other moms!

Juanita - Oh my goodness! How to choose?!

I would love to be gifted something from Katie Girl Designs. I can see myself gifting someone with something from Red Letter Words.

What a fun giveaway!

Jennifer - I’d love to give the Mickey camera strap (in black) from Broward Patch to my dad.

Heather E - We are playing ‘Dirty Santa’ this year at our family party, but we agreed to do tasteful gifts…so I am thinking a cool sign from Spunky Fluff would be fun!

Maureen - I love all the prints and signs. I have that kind of thing all over my house. I also think the Ike and Co. jewelry is so fun. I would love any of it and I will definitely be adding these places to my shopping list. My sister’s b-day is next month so I will start with her in mind.

Ana Hogan - I would love to receive the Katy Girl Designs print. I need that reminder in my heart daily! I will be ordering Bloom by Kelle Hampton for my girl friends. Along with a copy for myself..if I don’t win, of course! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kendra - i adore the katy girl design prints and would be thrilled to receive one as a gift!

Lelia - I would like to receive the candle & I will gift the coffee mug! ๐Ÿ™‚

Alicia @ La Famille - I love to give candles….everybody loves candles!

I would love Matthew Mead’s book! Or and of this great stuff!

Taylor - I am dying over that print “sing anyway” I think im going to go order it for myself! I might get one for my sister too ๐Ÿ™‚

Heike - I love the Broward patch camera straps and will be putting that on my Christmas list asap! They are amazing! And the Red Letter products are all amazing and perfect for my college roommates!

Meg - I’d love to give my mother in law the “Where Women Create” book- she’s already super creative and I think she would love the inspiration. Really everything I’ve looked at looks gorgeous.

Brandie A - All of your sponsors are amazing! I would love to get the sign from Barn Owl Primitives. I would like to give the Jennifer Dahl necklace, I have the perfect person in mind!

Nicole - I will probably be giving away some earrings from Ike & CO- I LOVE their earrings!:)

Amber - Ack how do you pick just one ๐Ÿ™‚ I would love a sign from Barn Owl. I haven’t even started thinking Christmas yet…yikes!

Andrea F. - Such fun stuff!! I love it all! I would especially love a typography sign form Barnowl Primitives. Thanks for a chance to win!

Kendra - I would love one of the camera straps!

michele m fry - I would love to recieve the dayspring cup or the Pam Garrison print….she makes me happy!!! I would love to give the same to someone or even the Red Letters candle. Happy, Happy, Happy!!!

Cara Yeh - That’s a tough one; all such wonderful stuff! I would love to get or give “Where Women Create.” You can never have too many fun magazines, right?

Meggan D. - I love the Pam Garrison prints. I know the perfect person to get one of these for!

Kimmie - I love the Creativity is Messy necklace ๐Ÿ™‚

Amy M - Oh, I love the camera straps from BrowardPatch – I have a friend that this would be perfect for. In Wine Spots, I think.

For me…I adore everything from Spunky Fluff! I think I’d have to get a custom sign – either “Du Bist Nicht Allein” or “What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?”

So cute, all of it!

caren mckinney - I would love to get the dayspring mug. love my mugs!!

mary - the gift i would love is a gift card…
so i can gather all the art supplies i am wanting
and books i have been looking at

the gift i am giving is…..
handmade specialties for everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

Kathie M. - I will be giving at least one of the amazing wrist cellphone wallets from Sorta Southern Botique to a friend or two! I think that they are just great and a few of my friends as well as myself are first time mommy’s and I think that it would be a great gift to keep us organized on the go with all of our little ones stuff! Let me tell you as a new mommy to twin boys there is a lot more stuff than I could have ever imagined especially with one of my boys having Cerebral Palsy, he comes with his own arsonal of stuff! I love them and I love keeping up with your amazing blog!! Thank you for this opportunity! <3

Jennifer Clark - Hi! I would love someone to gift me a sewing machine! Gently used so I can learn to sew! I would love to give someone a nice magazine for crafting to inspire them to be creative!

rachel - oh yah I forgot… ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to receive that YOU ARE LOVED print. love color.

Margaret - I love anything Barn Owl Primitives, but one of my favorites is the “True Love…” sign.

rachel - Oh man! I love all these goodies! I want ’em! ๐Ÿ™‚

stacey - I would love to receive the book of organization.

As for giving I plan on making some homemade gifts for family and especially my brand new niece.

Kristy - I would LOVE to give someone Pam Garrison’s print!

Lisa - I love all of it but especially the Jennifer Dahl necklace!!

Rosa Grace - I would love to recieve, and would also gift, the Creativity is Messy Necklance! This is so true for me, in my craftroom and on my desk at work as well!

Christy K - I have already given out a few of Jaime’s (Raising Up Rubies) lovely garlands this year and I plan to give out many, many more! There’s nothing like spreading a little ‘sunshine’ all through the year! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Heidi DeGroot - I wish someone would give me any sign from Barn Owl Primitives and I would give my mom earrings from Ike and Co.

CassM - I’ve always been a big fan of Barn Owl Primitives …. wish someone would gift me one of their Christmas signs! …
A little early though so I could enjoy it for the holidays! ๐Ÿ˜‰

You always DO have the best sponsors!!!

Mackenzie - I would love the Creativity is messy necklace! Adorable!!! I would love to give a friend the mason jar garland. ๐Ÿ™‚

Karen M - I would love to receive the SUnshine banner— too cute. I’d love to give the wooden signs from Spunky FLuff– unique and cute. Awesome goodies!!!!!

Monika - I want “What good shall I do today?” from Spunky Fluff. I want to post this in my classroom of 3rd graders!

Aimee W. - I would love it if someone ordered a wrist wallet/phone case for me from Sorta Southern Boutique! I really need something smaller than my giant handbag to run into the grocery store with!

Deidre - I’d love to gift that Red Letter Words candle to my sweet Mom. She *loves* that verse and I *double**love* her! Thanks so much for the chance at these amazing items!

Brenda H - I would love to receive a gift from ANY of the sponsers but my favorite has to be the Barn Owl Primitives and to give I would do a camera strap from Broward Patch because I love mine.

Misty Dick - I will be giving the Dayspring mug this year along with some spiced chai. Pretty excited for a special friend to receive this gift this year! Thank you for a chance to win!

Kristi - I would love a Jennifer Dahl necklace, but everyone of rthese sponsors item as look awesome!

Sabrina - The design by Pam Garrison is awesome! I would give that as a gift! and I would love anything Matthew Meade puts out as a gift for myself.

Charlton - I would love to get one of those bright colorful camera straps and I think I might get one of those wristlets for my sister-in-law!

Kelley - I really want a camera strap from broward patch!! And I can find many prints to give as gifts.

Dara - I love the Pam Garrison print!

alma - I love the camera straps from broward patch. They are so awesome!

rissa - i want to get a subscription to Where Women Create and i’d love to give a mug from dayspring ๐Ÿ™‚ so fun ๐Ÿ˜‰

Nicole reinford - I’d love the sunshine mason jar garland from raising up rubies… Kind of got a thing for Mason jars
I’d gift anything from LittleBranches. Everything in her shop is amazing!!

Mary - I would love the Jennifer Dahl necklace for myself – and I’d love to give Pam Garrison prints and Raising Up Rubies hoops as gifts. I love the encouragement and the whimsy ๐Ÿ™‚

April Kelly - I would love to be gifted something from Jennifer Dahl’s shop! Love her creations!! Thanks for the chance to win!

Kim P. - I have someone in mind for the Red Letter Words candle. What great gift ideas!!

Mary Beth Hunt - I am giving a sign from Spunky Fluff to my children and I’d LOVE something by Pam Garrison.

Gretchen - It’s hard to choose all of these goodies are wonderful. For gifts to my mom and a few friends the Ike jewelry and Barn Owl primitives is high on my list. For myself, it’s been a want for sometime, a Pam Garrison print. I love all of her prints. Second, a subscription to Where Women Create.

Kristin S - Since your very first mention of the rainbow necklace from Ike & Co a few years ago, I bought one and have continued to give her creations as gift. Such good quality. I’m sure I’ll give more in the future.

MAEGAN C - i would love to give my mom the “you are loved” print! how cute!

kimberly oyler - well i think it would be pretty lovely to get that “you are loved” print.

i can’t wait to win all of this! (positive self-talk really works, you know?)

kimmie - I would love to have the “Be Real Be Wholehearted with Bunting” sign as a gift and i would give the “Story Wings Story Necklace” as a gift.


Susan in KS - I would love jewelry from Ike and co.
I would be giving a candle from Red Letter Words to our Sunday School leader!

Annie Chittick - I love all of these and plan to give several items as gifts this year. My favorite is the “You are my Sunshine” sign and I know so many people who would love to get one as a gift. I know I would!!!

Danielle - I would LOVE to get something from any of these sponsors, but I think a Barn Owl Primitives sign would top my list!
And the Pam Garrison prints are definitely going on my giving list!

Rachel S - I definitely LOVE all of these awesome gifts! I especially love that banner by Raising Up Rubies and that candle by Red Letter Words. I think I should put these things on my Christmas wish list! Besides these type of gifts, I’m really hoping for a cute camera bag for Christmas.

Katie - I absolutely LOVE the sunshine banner for ME ๐Ÿ™‚ And my sister in law would completely LOVE the candle!

Mistie - I would love to receive “Where Women Create” So inspiring!
Every year i give my mom candles.

Mistie - I would love to receive “Where Women Create!” So inspiring!
As far as giving, each year i buy my mom candles.

Midwife liz - I would love to give the Barn Owl Primitive’s You Are My Sunshine sign to my daughter. And I would love it if someone gave me the Pam Garrison print. It’s good to feel loved. What a happy giveaway Meg!

Kaye Nazarko - Pam Garrisons prints! I love them. And I think everyone would love some Ike and Co stuff.

Kelly - I would love the print by Pam Garrison. So beautiful and such a great reminder to see daily hanging on the wall!! Thanks for the giveaway, too!

Natalie - I would love to receive a wrist wallet/phone case from Sorta Southern Boutique!

Tonya - Oh wow! The gifts are spectacular !!!!!

Louise - I would love any Pam Garrison print and I will be getting a coll camera strap for my sister!
I love love love your blog! You brighten my day.

Leah G - I would love to be gifted a copy of “Bloom” and would love to give something from Jennifer Dahl. I hope it’s a beautiful day where you are!

Carole - I love dayspring( I have their wallet and get tons of compliments on it) and would love to ship the mug to my son at college.

Molly - Love, love, love the colors in the earrings from Ike & Co.

Liz Sutterer - My oh my, do we really have to pick just one thing?! I love them all! But, if I could only pick one for myself I would pick the hat from House of Belonging. And seriously, they all make wonderful gifts! But, again, if I had to choose one to give, I would give the earrings from Ike & Co. to my mother. She deserves them and they would look great on her. โ˜บ

Tiffany - Jennifer Dahl, “Creativity is Messy” for sure!

Shelby - I would love to get the “Life Is a Song” Notecards by Katy Girl Designs! I will be giving the Love Never Fails art print by Red Letter Words. What great sponsors!

Melissa - I would love anything someone gave me and I would give all of it…thought I’d be very specific today…

Angela - I would love to receive the “hello” sign as a gift, I always have my eye on them when I see them. They’re just so simple and so great! It would go perfectly on the doorway to the room we host our exchange students in. ๐Ÿ™‚

I would love to give “you are my sunshine” to my friend who is expecting her 2nd child in March.

Stacey S - I’d love to get AND give the Jennifer Dahl necklace.

R - Would love to give the print by Pam Garrison to a very special person.

kate - I’d love the You Are Loved print so that I could display it near the entry to our home to remind everyone who enters that they are very loved. Thank you for offering this giveaway!

Andrea - I would love the candle or mug. I would give the painting as a gift.

Jennifer - I wish someone would gift me anything from barn owl primitives. Love it all!!

Brooke Sobrero - I am so in love with everything!! I would love a Brodward Patch camera strap. I am going to give goodies from Jennifer Dahl for Christmas. They are amazing!!

k - I would give my Mother the mug from Dayspring. She does SO much for others without being asked and never asks for anything for herself. She could start each day with this inspirational mug.

kt - I will be giving the You Are Loved to my daughter. We always tell her but she is at an age where other kids start becoming super critical and we want her to look at this and always feel the LOVE we have for her. ๐Ÿ™‚

Erica - I keep looking at all the different prints and dreaming of hanging them in our kiddos room when they come home. I would love to give the little clutch/phone case to friend Kristen–she needs a place to keep that phone and lip gloss ;).

Jacki - I love everything! If I had to choose one thing to receive as a gift, it would be the “You are my Sunshine” word art…or the wallet…or the Pam Garrison print…or the….

Kori - Its like Spunky Fluff and I were destined to be friends – everything they make I want to make or give, but I have a dear friend who just had her first baby girl and they did the nursery in starts and moons and I’m pretty sure the only thing its missing is an ‘I love you to the moon and back’ sign ๐Ÿ™‚

Jen - Have purchased two hello signs and will def be purchasing more for holiday wreaths. Love it all!

Karen - The gift I would love to receive is the wallet because I NEED a new one and I would love to give the “You are my sunshine” sign to my daughter because that is the song that we sing together at night right before bed.

Gretchen N. - I would love to get something from Katygirl Designs. I love her prints!

kathleen grace - I wish someone would give me a subscription to “Where Women Create” and I would give the Organization book to my daughters:>)

Sunny Haynes - I love barn owl primitives signs! I am thinking of giving some for Christmas.

Manarose - I love the Ike & Co. Earrings:)

Juliana - I’ve been working to get Christmas shopping done early this year…and my sister is always hard to buy for. Love this post because now I’ll be getting her Ike & Co. earrings!

Katy Jo - I love the Pam Garrison prints. They are colorful and wonderful and I can already envision them on my walls!

Adrienne S - I will be giving Bloom as a book this holiday. Loved Kelle’s book!

Jill - I would love the Jennifer Dahl necklace. So spunky!

Rae - I want the Ike and Co earrings. . .my favorite!

Darcy - I’m not a mother, but reading about the book Bloom brought me to tears! That would be an inspirational gift to give OR receive.

Courtney - I would love to receive a Sorta Southern Boutique phone and wallet wristlet. Perfect for a busy girl on the go! And I actually just bought my first KatyGirl Designs print to start a gallery wall in my new home. So excited!

Jennifer - I would love to get the wallet/phone case from Sorta Southern Boutique.

kaye melgren - I would love to give the You are Loved print to my pastor’s wife!

Molly B - Well, I would love for someone to give me a Barn Owl primitives good tidings of great joy sign for Christmas, and I am thinking of giving Ike and Co. earrings to my sister and SILs this Christmas! Thanks Meg, love your blog and hope to someday go to Craft Weekend!

Becca - All of these items are wonderful! I would love to give the you are loved print from Pam Garrison.

Gretchen - So many wonderful sponsors! I would like to give and receive a katygirl print. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jeannette - I love to read so the books from Kelle would for me and the Dayspring mug as a gift ๐Ÿ™‚

Whitney Benson - Everything is so cute! I love the Ike & Co. Jewelry…I would love to give my sis a camera strap from Broward Patch!

Lisa McCracken - I would love to receive any of them as gifts, but I would really love that candle! I’m sure it smells divine :)And I am definitely already set to give Katy Girl prints for Christmas!
Thanks for the giveaway!

sharon - anything pam garrison is always colorful and lovely. hard to choose with all of these great sponsors!! those earrings are so lovely too!! thank you for the chance to win!

Julie Baldwin - I want Kelle’s book. I read her blog and need to buy a copy of the book.

Angie G. - Amazing stufff!!!!! Love them all! I would love to have the Pam Garrison “You are loved” sign and would like to give someone i care about Ike & Co. beautiful earrings, they are gorgeous! Thanks!

ingrid lapp - I will be giving a Broward camera strap and I sure wish someone would give me one!

Tania Sorensen - I would love to receive and give the candle. Love candles! Who doesn’t?!

Amy Jo - I love love love Lori Danelle’s paper cutting work. I would love to receive a family member’s fingerprint as a gift! And I’m hoping someday to just buy it for myself!

Amy S - Such beautiful things made by such talented people! I would love the You Are My Sunshine sign by Barn Owl Primitives. Pam Garrison’s You Are Loved print is great too. Great to give and receive!

Kate B. - I might have given myself an early Christmas present this year – from KatyGirl Designs!

Terri Upton - I would love something from Barn Owl Primitives. I love the You are my Sunshine!

Then I would give my daughter some earrings by Ike and Co.

Thanks for the great giveaway!!!

jenny gilley - I would LOVE to receive the Jennifer Dahl Designs (Limited Edition Happy Necklace) and I’d be thrilled to GIVE the Barn Owl Primitives Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas sign…. What an AWESOME giveaway!!!

Becca - Love Pam Garrison’s print and I know just who I would give it to…reluctantly, but I would.

Linda - What gorgeous swag! I’d love to receive one of the Pam Garrison prints and I’ll be giving someone some jewelry from Jennifer Dahl. Such talented artists! Thanks for the chance to win such great stuff from this group of sponsors!

Dani - I would love the hello… it would be so cute in my hall!!

SoCalLynn - I love those prints from Pam Garrison and am thinking of ordering one for my daughter for Christmas. All of the items in the give-away look so charming and fun!

Tracy - I would love a Barn Owl Primitives sign!

I would also give my MIL one of them this year!

Last year I gave her Pam Garrison’s “you Are Loved” because she is!! She loves it.

Emilee - I would totally love a camera strap from broward patch!!! Or a sign from red letter words!!!

Marissa LaDuke - This is so hard to decide. I think for a gift I would do broad ward patch because I have some of her key chains and I LOVE then. I would love to share my love for them with someone who loves photography. For myself I personally want barn owl’s prints. I’ve been looking at them lately and can’t explain how much I’m
In love with them.

Jenn - i have most of my Christmas gifts ready to give. although a ton of these would be great to for me to give. I love the camera straps. I have one of hers and I love it. I think I would like to get the you are loved print. that beautiful. I love it all though. it is so great. hope I win. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jay - Wow…What great loot! Love it all…I would give the “You Are Loved” print to my 4 little girls. Thanks for the chance!

Awbree Caton - I would LOVE those cute earrings as a gift, & I think I am going to give all my girlfriends the “sing anyway” print for christmas. Last year we did a My Favorite Things party that print would be perfect! But..I hope I win it all ๐Ÿ™‚

Tracy - Meg, i love reading your blog and seeing all of the great swag you gather for an amazing group of women. I think my favorite is the print by Pam Garrison. I am going to get one for each of my girls one in college and one in middle school. It captures in 3 beautiful words what I want my girls to know everyday of their lives…”You are loved”

Michelle - I would love to receive the Pam Garrison artwork as a gift! Love it!

Ruth - Oh my goodness I would DIE of happiness if I got this…most of all I would love a HELLO laser cut…I love them!!! And I’d Defo be making something from the felt circles!!! Been thinking about how I can make my own, but if I won I wouldn’t have to!!! Eakkkkkk

erin m. - All of these items are beautiful! I would love to receive the Bloom books – I’ve heard so many great things!

Linda - I would love to get a Pam Garrison print as a gift.

Cathy - I love the Pam Garrison prints for myself and to give as gifts!

Michelle - Well… I asked for a camera strap cover for Christmas already ๐Ÿ™‚

Stephany Waters - So many great things to give as gifts. Much better than anything you could find in a store! I know my sister would love some jewelry from Ike & CO!

Taryn Brown - I would love a rainbow necklace from Ike & co. Beautiful!

Ali - WOW! Amazing roundup of awesome swag! I would love to give the mason jar “Sunshine” garland to my mom. She is feeling the loneliness of being a single grandma/ empty nester and I would love to remind her that sunshine surrounds her always. I would LOVE it if someone gave me all of those colorful felt circles so I could get crafty. They look so happy and I can imagine them strung up in my daughter’s room.

Julie - I have already given several gifts from the say hello shop this year (and am grateful for the discount codes you give!) I would love to receive some of that fabulous Benzie felt or the Ike & Co earrings. But really if someone got me one of everything I would be thrilled. It’s all so great!

amelia wright - I will be giving something from Barn Owl Primitives and I would love anything from KatyGirl!

Margo - I would love a new camera strap from the Broward Patch.

Jennifer Potter - I would love one of the necklaces!!! And I would gift the Dayspring coffee mug to my friend Alison who just had her first baby- she could use the coffee that would fill it and the inspiration written on it ๐Ÿ™‚

Angie - I wish someone would give em a barn owl primitives sign. We have a new house this year and I have been eyeing some of their signs. I am especially loving some of the Christmas stuff. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Julie McMillan - LOVE, LOVE the Barn Owl Primitives football typography sign. I am redoing my son’s room and this would be perfecto! I wold love to give the Gold Bubble Earrings from IKE & Co. to my sister for her birthday on Oct. 27th!

Ashley H. - I wish someone would give me the Amazonite and Gold Necklace from IKE&Co. It’s definitely going on my wishlist! ๐Ÿ™‚

Erin Alley - Maybe I’ll give a spunky fluff sign as a gift – I love the one I have!

Linda Totman - The “YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE” word art sign from the Barn Owl Primitives shop would be so adorable in my granddaughter’s bedroom! So I would give that one away and for myself I would love the turquoise and coral earrings from the Ike & Co shop!

Molly - so many lovely goodies. i could give so many great gifts. i love the print my pam.

Jenn - Okay, yeah….that’s hard. I would totally love anything for any of the sponsors, but if I had to pick I really like the vintage glass earrings from Ike & Co. In fact, I’m adding them to my to my Christmas wish list. Now, what I would give, I’m thinking any of the lovely signs from Barn Owl Primitives. So many awesome ones to choose from! Thanks Meg!

kellie - oh my.. what a haul! i would LOVE to have ANYTHING from Raising Up Rubies… just LOVE her style! i’m very tempted to order a ‘hello’ sign to finish up my acorn wreath for my parents new home!!! thanks for this generous giveaway!!!! EEK!

Janelle - You have some pretty spectacular sponsors! I think Spunky Fluff would be a wonderful gift to receive – preferably the “be excellent to each other” sign. ๐Ÿ™‚

Maureen S. - I would love to have a sign from Barnyard Primitives and would love to give a Pam Garrison Print. And as a side note…I love seeing all the monthly sponsors. Make me feel (a tiny bit) like I was there. One day I’d love to join in on craft weekend:)

Deborah - I’ll be giving that “you are loved” print by Pam Garrison to a sister who needs a tangible reminder of the immense support and love that she has but the devil tries to make her forget! There is light in your life!

amber - So, this is totally amazing! I’m wanting & will be giving some katygirl for gifts! She speaks life & we all need that. Thanks for the giveaway!!

erin j - I love the signs!! My favorite is the “You are my sunshine” one but I would also be thrilled to receive the “Oh happy day”. I think I would be most excited to get the Ike & Co earrings. They are adorable!!

Ruth - I would love the Dayspring mug and I would love to give the Broward Patch camera stap as a gift to my sister-in-law!

katie - โ€œwhich item do you wish someone would give YOU as a gift?โ€

The Dayspring mug! What better way to be reminded of God’s love for you then over your morning cup of joe?

โ€œwhat item will you be giving as a gift this year?โ€
Broward Patch Shop Camera Straps…perfect for the new DSLR owner (shhh she won’t know she is a new DSLR owner until Christmas!)

Susan @SugarBeans - I would love to give the notecards from Little Branches away. And I would love to receive any print from Pam Garrison!!
Hoping to win this lovely batch of goodies!!

Courtney - The “You Are Loved” print. Beautiful and meaningful!

Michelle - Pam Garrison print for myself and because I love it so much, I’d give one as a gift as well. โค

Nicol N. - I want to get my sister a necklace from Jennifer Dahl Designs, I have one and I love it.

Jenny Logan - I would love a Jennifer Dahl necklace! I think I might have to email the link to my hubby for ideas! ;0)

Katherine - I would love to be gifted that hat by House of Belonging. Does she even sell them though? When I clicked on her shop I didn’t see them.

Stephanie - I would be a happy girl if someone gifted me those earrings from Ike & Co. !!!!!

Chelsea - I have always wanted one of the Red Letter Words scripture or hymn wall hangings!

Angelica - I would love to be gifted a garland from Raising up Rubies.
I’m already making my Christmas List to buy and give away some keychains from Broward Patch ๐Ÿ™‚

dana - I would most likely like a Pam Garrison print for myself…and then probably end up giving it away to a friend ๐Ÿ™‚

Liz - I have always loved barn owl primitives signs and I think that would make a great gift…for me!

Andrea - You DO have the most AWESOME sponsors! And I am off to order the Creativity is Messy necklace for my 13 year old artist daughter for Christmas!

Nicole - I love the Barn Owl print!!

Morissa - I gave the sing anyway print to a friend that really needed that to look at each day during a rough time in her work life. I would LOVE to receive the come in we’re awesome sign from barn owl primitives. ๐Ÿ™‚

TJ Jay - I would like to give my daughter the “You are Loved” print. So beautiful and meaningful.

meg duerksen - Raising Up Rubies makes the bunting!

Angie - I would love to receive the you are loved print, and I would gift the day spring mug. All of the items are fabulous!! What an awesome giveaway!!

Stephanie y. - I will be giving the day spring mug to my mom this year. She will love it!

Amanda W - The earrings to my sister-in-law!

Shelley Heppner - I would love a Pam Garrison print for myself and I would give someone a beautiful day spring candle.

Mary - I would love to receive Pam Garrisons’ You are loved print (who wouldnt??) and I would definitely buy that for someone as well since everyone needs to be told that they are loved once in a while!!!

Denise - I have already given two of Jennifer Dahl necklaces; one to my mom and one to my grandma for their birthdays. I live in Ireland so ordering online was great, easy, and they loved them. I would really love to have one for myself. Maybe I can get my husband to get me one for Christmas.

Brianna Link - I’d LOVE a Pam Garrison print to hang near my daughter’s room/bathroom to remind her she is so so loved!

Sheila - I adore Knitty Bitties mug rugs and Broward Patch’s camera straps. I would love to win!

Jena - I would love a fun camera strap from Broward Patch. Someone please get me one! ๐Ÿ™‚
And I would give the Pam Garrison print….they are all so pretty, who wouldn’t love one!

Kara G - I would love to receive the blue polka dot ombre camera strap from the Broward Patch Shop!!

Cassie - I would love the mason jar bunting so adorable!! I would give anything from one of these sponsers but really love Ike & Co.’s jewlery!!

daina funk - I absolutely love Spunky Fluff’s signs….I am currently planning to order her “In this house….” sign with one change to it and I am so excited…..

For Christmas, I am planning to buy the smaller, “you are my sunshine” sign for my sister-in-law….(I am pretty sure she won’t read this, so I am safe in posting it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jennifer Dahl jewelery is also something I have checked out multiple times….I love the hope neckace and have multiple women in my life I could give that necklace to because of how during this difficult year, they have been Jesus to me. Love them!!

daina funk - I absolutely love Spunky Fluff’s signs….I am currently planning to order her “In this house….” sign with one change to it and I am so excited…..

For Christmas, I am planning to buy the smaller, “you are my sunshine” sign for my sister-in-law….(I am pretty sure she won’t read this, so I am safe in posting it. ๐Ÿ™‚

Jennifer Dahl jewelery is also something I have checked out multiple times….I love the hope neckace and have multiple women in my life I could give that necklace to because of how during this difficult year, they have been Jesus to me. Love them!!

Traci Folkersen - Love it all! I would love to receive a camera strap from Broward Patch and the neaklaces by Jennifer Dahl would make great gifts!

Dianne - Most definitely the Jennifer Dahl necklace. Might just have to get that for myself as a birthday gift!

Kim - would love to know where to get the mason jar bunting banner!?1?! all of it would make great gifts to give and receive.

Karen - I would love a Pam Garrison print

Ali - That mason jar banner! Too die for. How cute! I wish someone would give that to me! Pam Garrison prints are so awesome. I love them and know several people who’d appreciate them.

~kris - I have put “Ike & Co” earrings on my list of “gives” to a couple of dear friends this holiday season.

Also, I’m a big LOVER of books and they too make wonderful gifts so would likely add one of those as well : )

Thank You for this opportunity!


Shannon Chappell - I would most like to GIVE each of my girls the Pam Garrison print. Such an amazing reminder & it’s absolutely beautiful. I want them to always remember that they are loved!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Beth - I’d love a Pam Garrison print and would give away some earrings from Ike & Co. Love all the stuff!!

Amy - Oh pleeeaaase pick me:). Love all the color!

Julie - I love your blog and the CW sponsors are AWESOME! I would love to receive the Oh Happy Day cutout from a special someone and I have already given one of the Jennifer Dahl Designs “Creativity is Messy” necklaces as a gift. I love her stuff and will probably give another for Christmas. Thank you for the chance to win these awesome goodies!!

jennifer cole - I wish someone would give me something from Barn Owl Primitive. I love her things. Or something from Jennifer Dahl Designs. Or more Ike & Co. (love her jewelry).

Jennifer Erickson - I would love some of the Pam Garrison prints for our home, and I have a good friend who should have a fun camera strap for her camera, she’s expecting her first baby and I foresee the camera being used a lot more now!!

Heidi - The “you are loved” print is my favorite, I love the happy colors!

Kim K - I would love the Where Women Create I have several at home and I peep through them all the time

Kim K. - I would love to receive a sign from Barn Owl Primitives – I love ALL of her signs and one would look sooo perfect hanging in my home!!

julie - I love the Pam Garrison prints. And I would love to give my daughters a necklace from Jennifer Dahl. Such fun and happy things. Love them.

Melissa shepard - Love the “creativity is messy” necklace!!!thx meg and happy late bday! U r lookin good!!

Melissa Gold - I would LOVE to receive that Sunshine banner for my Little girls room! And I would give the ‘Hello’ sign as a gift….after I attach it to a cute wreath! Love you Meg!

Tiffany Gardner - I love the barn owl primitive goodies!!! love the “you are my sunshine” … i sing it to my 2 year old every night! his favorite!!

Lesley - I’m totally smitten with Jennifer’s “creativity is messy” necklace and Katy’s “some days” print. Such great messages beautifully presented!! xox

Alice H - I would love to gift the HELLO sign to my friends and I would love to receive a sign from Little Branches. Thanks for the giveaway!!

Valerie Froelich - So hard to choose! I love the prints. The one about singing anyway is how I feel many days!! Would love to put the “you are loved” print to my daughter!

Linda - You have such amazing sponsors and Its so hard to choose. I would love a sign from Barn owl Primitives because I’ve been wanting one forever and I would give a print from Pam Garrison because I love the ones I have ๐Ÿ™‚

Amy - I’m loving so much of these items! I would probably buy myself a camera strap and perhaps I could find something for the women on my Christmas gift list.

Erin Hills - I would love to receive any of these amazing items as a gift. But I really love the sign from Spunky Fluff. The lettering is so cute and the colors are awesome. Love everything here. I want it all ๐Ÿ™‚

Melyssa - My mom is hard to shop for. For Christmas I found a wine decanter that has a very similar design to a series of party lite candle holders she had when we were kids. It’s basically the perfect thing to make up for all the “this is why I can’t have nice things” we caused her as the candle holders dwindled away.

marianne - gift I am giving are little cards that my friends can record a little thought each week. helps to remember the sun on a cloudy day!

Emily B. - I love the signs from Barn Owl Primitives–would love to give and get the ‘Love wins’ or ‘Be awesome today’ signs!

Renee - Oh, I would be so pleased with any of these gifts… but if I’m being very honest about which gifts I would be wishing for as I shake all the presents under the tree it would be the Pam Garrison “You Are Loved” picture and a Broward Patch Shop camera strap!
(I would also be beyond happy to give any of these as gifts, but I’ve got specific people in mind that would loooove anything from Ike and Co.)

Blair Ahrens - I love it all! I would love to receive a Jennifer Dahl necklace or a Broward Patch camera strap…they are both so cute! And I think I will be gifting some Pam Garrison prints and Ike &Co earrings this year. I love it all!!

gina m. - I love it all but, really like the wristlets from Sorta Southern. I think the Bloom book would make a nice gift to give!

Kristie K - I would love if someone gave me one of the camera straps- so cute!

Linzi - I would chose Pam Garrisons You are Loved print as I have had it in my wish list on Etsy for months!

Jenn Larson - I have been following all of these amazing ladies on Instagram since I spotted them on your website. Slightly obsessed with all of them!
If I could choose something for myself I would want something from Lori Danelle. All of her things are so unique!
I love all the garlands from Raising up Rubies. I would love to get one for my Lucy Lu’s room!

Thanks for having such a fun give away!!

Lindsay F. - I would give my daughter one of Pam Garrison’s prints. The ‘You Are Loved’ print would be especially wondeful in her bedroom. I would like to receive one of the wooden hello signs… So cute!

Julie - I would love to get that Creativity is Messy necklace! And I would give the Bloom book

Kacy - I absolutely love the Pam Garrison prints! What a great gift to give OR recieve!

Leslie - I wish someone would give me a sign from barn owl primitive. I love everything on her shop!

joanie - They are all awesome, I would be so happy to receive any of them! I would love to give some of Pam Garrisons prints out as gifts.

Katie P. - I was just layed off from my job of 10 years and will soon be diving in head first to a “career” of crafting, thrifting, blogging and freelancing. Needless to say, I would love that “Where Women Create” magazine to inspire ideas for my future home office. And if this imaginary person that’s buying that for me wanted to throw in a Broward Patch camera strap too,that would be nice. I mean I just lost my job, it’s the least they could do, right? And for my holiday gift exchange recipient I will be buying her some earrings from Ike & Co… might just buy a few pairs for myself too!

Danett - I wish someone would give me the book of organization. God knows I need help with that! Too much craft stuff and no where to put it! Is there ever to much craft stuff?

SaraLyn L. - I will definitely be giving Ike & Co jewelry as gifts this year!! Super amazing product and such a kind shop owner! Love everything about this.

Carolyn - I love the print from Pam Garrison, perfect gift for my tween daughter.

Jennifer B. - I would love to receive the Barn Owl Primitives sign or the Broward Patch camera strap. And I could totally see myself giving the Barn Own signs or the Pam Garrison art as gifts for my friends.

Ashley Houck - I would love the mason jar sign and woyld lovvvvve to give the candle. All such great gifts!

Megan OConnell - Can I wish that someone would give me all of it as a gift?! I really love the Jennifer Dahl Designs jewelry though! I know a few people on my Christmas list would love a gift from Red Letter Words!

Rebecca - Everything looks lovely, but I ADORE Pam Garrison!!! So, her print would be awesome!

Meg - I have earrings from Ike & Co. that I love so I would give those as a gift but if I could get one thing as a gift, I would pick a necklace from Jennifer Dahl designs. I love all your sponsors and have ordered from several of them in the past!

Susannah - I’d love to get the book, Bloom and give the mug! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jaime baeza - I would love for someone to give me ALL of them, but if I had to chose one it would probably be Barn Owl Primitives.

Hollie - I coulnd’t pick! They are all so awesome and I would die if I received any of them!

amber - i would love the ike and co earings! and iam gonna buy that beautiful bloom book!

kayla - looks fabulous. i would love to win! thanks to your wonderful sponsors!

Christie O. - I have been wanting one of Jamie’s sunshine garlands forever!! I’d love one of those!! And my mom would so love Dee’s cute candle!!!!

Lauren - I’ll be getting SpunkyFluff’s “Home is where you mom is” sign for my mom for Christmas! And I’d love if someone gave me Pam Garrison’s art print … the exact one you posted on your sponsor listing!

Rachel Russo - I love the water color looking prints from Katy Girl designs. Would make a great gift for my admin assistant! Or other co-workers!

Jennifer B. - I would love to have that KatyGirl Designs print, or nearly any other one in her shop. This Christmas is going to be a DIY year. Over the last couple of years, I’ve just become aware that I am, in fact, creative. Haha! My sewing machine and I will be spending a lot of time together in the coming weeks.

Sara Torbett - I adore the Katy Girl design print to Sing Anyway ๐Ÿ™‚

Kate B - I just love the jewelry from Ike &Co.! So cute!

Laura - The camera strap from Broward Patch would be a great gift to my camera carrying friends ๐Ÿ™‚

Katie - I will definitely be giving some Christmas gifts from Ike and Co. this year! My friends and family will love her things. ๐Ÿ™‚

Randi Siegenthaler - I love Pam Garrison’s print and the sampler ” happy day” on her web page. These would make great Christmas gifts!

Amber Farnham - I would love to receive the book from Kelle Hampton.

I would give as a gift the you are loved print.

Thank you for the opportunity ๐Ÿ™‚

Whitney - Loving the typography from Barn Owl Primitives — would look pretty good in the nursery I’m working on for Baby #1 in February : )

Sarah Martin - I would love to get that Book of Organization as a gift this year. I’m still trying to piece together my project room and am a little lost as to how.

Ann C - Barn owl primitives for me and most of the other stuff I have a friend in kind for each. ๐Ÿ™‚

Katie Harbison - The mason jar “Sunshine” banner would be a perfect gift for ME ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to hang it in my kitchen to brighten it up a bit!

Libby Donovan - Everything looks wonderful, but if I were to choose something for someone to give me as a gift, it would be the book on organization. I have two boys of my own, and my two nieces while their father is deployed, and I could use some help with organization!!!

Katie W - The Dayspring mug is gorgeous! I would definitely love that! This year, I will be giving my close friends KatyGirl designs! ๐Ÿ™‚

Alicia - I would love to give or receive anything from any of these sponsers, however, I LOVE barn owl primitives & the prints from Pam garrison!

Heather S. - SO HARD to decide! For me, I would love if someone gave me a curiously cut sign that says “Bon Appetit!” or “Eat!” for my kitchen.

I would LOVE to get my oldest daughter the You are My Sunshine Sign from barn Owl Primitives for her room – that has been the song I sing to her every night for the last 11 years. It is so precious to us!

SO MANY great things here!

Lindsey - It is all so lovely! I’ve had recommendations for theBloom book a few times!

sam - I would really like one of te camera straps from Broward Patch. I keep thinking I’ll make one myself but have yet to do so, guess it’s time to put it on my wish list.

Kim B - Great giveaway ๐Ÿ™‚
I would love to GET a wrist wallet/phone case from Sorta Southern Boutique. I would love to GIVE a cool chevron camera strap from Broward Patch Shop for my daughter.

Julie h - I would love to get and give it all!!! If I were picking one thing, it would be that sweet little hello sign ๐Ÿ™‚ what an awesome give-a-way!!!!

Katie G - I would love to receive the Barn Owl Primitives sign. To gift would have to be the Dayspring mug, what a great morning reminder!

Rebecca Coolidge - I would love a Barnowl Primatives sign for Christmas.
I would love to give my sister in law a Red Letter words candle for Christmas.

Virginia - I’ve always LOVED Pam Garrison’s prints…especially the “love lives here” one ๐Ÿ™‚ That will definitely be on my Christmas list this year. LOVE it.

Leona - I would love to receive a Jennifer Dahl necklace as a gift.
What a fun giveaway.

Shawna - How how I would love these items…to give away and a few to keep.

Crystal K. - I would love to receive the prints from Pam Garrison – beautiful. I would gift the cute camera straps to all my photo loving friends ๐Ÿ™‚

Lisa B - I would love ANY colorful sign for my house or a fun hat!
I’d like to give some of Pam Garrison’s prints this year

Kristie Browning - I will be giving myself a print from Pam Garrison. I am redoing most of my house so the colorful prints will fit right in!!!.

Meg - I plan on giving food this holdiay season. Spicy pretzels, Friendship bread, maybe even some puppy chow. It will be even more special, because my two little dudes can help make & package them!

Andrea - What a wonderful giveaway!

Shelly Clark - I love the Jennifer Dahl necklaces, and already have my eye on some for friends. I also love anything that says “You are My Sunshine” which is our go-to song to sing in tunnels on the way to the beach.

Maggie G - I ordered my first Spunky Fluff item last week (with the coupon code – thank you!), and would love to give one of her items as a gift to my sister! Thanks for the chance to win such great items! ๐Ÿ™‚

LIndsay - I would give the camera strap to one of my best friends that is a photographer.

Mindy - I will be giving the Dayspring mug as a gift this year. Maybe with some homemade hot chocolate mix. Thank you!

Alysen - I love, love, love the design by Pam Garrison and plan to give it to my best friend for Christmas! She’ll love it too!

Donna - I would love to receive a new camera strap from Broward Patch, and I’d love to bless someone with a Pam Garrison print. I love all of your sponsors!!

Amy F - I would love get Lori’s new hand-in-hand canvas from her store and plan on getting You are my Sunshine for my kiddo’s room…All of it is so beautiful!

LuAnne - Wow, awesome gifts. What would I like to give as a gift??? That’s a tough decision. A therapist friend would truly be inspired by the book “Bloom”.

Sandra K - I just love Pam Garrison’s colorful “You are Loved” print, although all of her items are awesome. I’d love to either receive that as a gift or give it to my children. Thank you!

Regina - I just ordered 2 gifts from Jennifer Dahl! A gift for a friend and a sticking stuffer for me. Yay for give always and coupon codes! Not done shopping yet. I think I’ll head over to red letter words and raising up rubies next. Happy Monday!

Ariela - I would love anything from Jennifer Dahl Designs or Ike & Co!

Shauna - I would love the dayspring mug as a gift… I need those reminders whenever I can get them! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jennifer H - I love it all! If I had to choose just one thing to receive, I think it would be a print from Pam Garrison. You have such great sponsors!!!

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this week.


my birthday week was wonderful.
my girls made me sweet cards and picked some cute kitchen utensils for me and a candle and lotion. ย ๐Ÿ™‚
my cake caught on fire from all the candles that were lit… oh my.



sean found a snake while taking out the trash.
everyone came running to see it.
i am so glad none of my kids are scared of things like bugs or snakes.

spiders don’t count.
everyone should be afraid of spiders.


we found some pumpkins at our garden center.
i think picking them out is so fun… i like to see ALL the choices.
check out the big brown and orange pumpkin!
she is pretty.
and the weirdo green/black gourd? ย  ย odd.



THANK YOU for so many orders in THE SHOP this week!!
i have so much fun playing with all that fabric and so glad you like it too!
there are still pillows to choose from and the canvases are on sale until October 15.
Use the code FPFG15 for 15% off canvases.
photo-2(fyi… that peony fabric is G O R G E O U S ย )


a few weeks ago i hurt a muscle in my back.
i haven’t done any kind of exercise since.
so i was going to head back out for a run on wednesday… i thought i would take a selfie to document this big occasion.
i have a self timer app and it takes four in a row with three seconds in between.
the left picture is pic number one… the right is pic number two, etc.
our kitty leapt up onto my shoulder and scared me so bad!


mr. duerksen and i are away for a long weekend celebrating our 19th anniversary a month late.
our mothers are watching our kids so we could do this… thanks Moms!

we started off with the Lumineers concert.
we met friends for dinner before too… so much fun.


trying to get a group photo in the dark with a flash and the phone turned around was almost as bad as a cat jumping on your head.
so funny… great memories.
Lumineers are still new… still fresh.
they came out IN TO the crowd and played IN the crowd.
that was pretty sweet.

mr and i are having the best time.
we may or may not have already watched 6 episodes of Homeland… ย we are WILD like that.
and we are eating good food.
and smiling a lot.
AND finishing conversations!!!
that is a big deal… talking it out till we want to move onto a different topic. ย with all those kids at home this never happens.


ok… i want to hear who your favorite concert has been.
cause i decided yesterday i want ย lots more concerts in my future.

WHO do i need to go to?!

happy weekend.



Heather - The. Polyphonic. Spree. Enough said.

The lovely one - Rascal Flatts. Best concert EVER.

Kim - Could you send me the self-timer app that you use? I would love to have something like that, as I use my phone for almost all my pictures now….thanks!

jennifer - First of all I love that final photo of you and Mr. Duerksen. You both look so happy and relaxed!

Second… concerts. I saw Charity and Josiah from the Head and the Heart in a tiny venue in Seattle last year (The Tractor Tavern). AMAZING. I would love to see the whole band play sometime if just those two were that good! I have heard their shows are super awesome.

Lori - Sounds like you had a great birthday celebration.
One problem… HAVE to put a warning at the beginning of any blog post that contains snakes. EEEEKKK!!!

Melissa - You NEEd to see U2. Hands down the best concerts ever. Bruce Springsteen was pure fun too

j - Last summer my husband and I went to Austin for his work. We went to a place called Stubbs BBQ. There were a couple of bands playing that night. We stood in the crowd of mostly college students, listened to music and had maybe, one beer. It was one of the best nights I have ever had.

FLWendy - Happy Birthday Meg!! I think you’re next concert should be Michael Buble! Such a wonderful show! I love the pic of you and the Mr.

Darcie Perrin - Hi Meg! I would LOVE someone to give me anything from Red letter words! I thinks Dees shop is so beautiful and having the words from scripture on my wall keeps me aware of where my priorities are!
I actually think I may be giving some of her work for gifts this year! ( and yours too. The farm girl in me is loving the cow canvas)

Kate - I love Kid Rock in concert – he is my very favorite bad boy!

Rochelle - Taylor Swift is the best entertainer! Lots of costume changes and different types of dancing and acrobats. And she does a third of her concert from a revolving stage at the back of the theater for the cheap seats. I’ve been to two of her tours and they both beat every other concert I’ve ever been to for best ever! Almost worth the money!!

Jennifer - Avett Brothers!! Best concert ever! Of course, if you ever come to Nashville in December, Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb concert at the Ryman is pretty amazing too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Heidi DeGroot - You all absolutely need to go see P!nk !!!! I went to see her last Feb in St Paul MN at the Excel Center and she was amazing! I loved it so much I would love to go see her again and again. She definitely puts on a good show. Oh, and the gal who commented about no tickets under 100 bucks—it is worth all the money in the world. I think that’s about what I paid and I was toward a back corner of the arena about 26 rows up and the view was just fine. Plus, she does some awesome things that may let you see her a bit closer;) But, I won’t give it away you will have to go see for yourself.

Rachel S - Hands down, the best concert I’ve been to was Chris Tomlin. Saw him in Minneapolis in April. Amazing!

Rachel - definitely NeedtoBreathe.

Lisa - Please tell Talby that I really like her hand-drawn font on your birthday card, and I may be copying it for a poster I need to make for Sunday School this week. The brown and orange pumpkin – so cool! As are the pictures of kitty jumping onto your shoulder ๐Ÿ™‚

Mary - Needtobreathe and Coldplay were my absolute faves – MUST see live shows ๐Ÿ™‚ happy birthday and happy anniversary!

beth larson - well…concerts I’ve LOVED in the last few years have included, Lady Antebellum and Little Big Town. OH and my girl —MIRANDA!

Karen S. - What a generous giveaway ~ I’d love to win! Thanks……

Alice H - I cannot believe I forgot to mention Dierks Bentley and Gary Allan. I have seen them 4 times each and they always put on the best show.

Alice H - Dave Matthews Band has been my favorite so far!! He played at the ballpark in downtown OKC. I enjoy any outdoor concert that doesn’t assign seats. I like to be able to get up and move!!

Cindy McAllister - TRAIN….Loved their concert !!!!!

Heather S. - This summer my girlfriends and I went to Starlight Theater in KC to see Train with Michael Franti and Spearhead as their opening act. We LOVE Train, but honestly, the show Michael Franti put on was the best I’ve ever had with a concert. He was all over that auditorium and dancing with people. It was a blast!!! Very interactive and his songs are so fun and upbeat – some of my fave running music!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - Back in 2009 I went to a ACL music fest in Austin. It was awesome! My favorite concert to date was back in 1995 when I saw the Ramones and Pearl Jam. The Ramones are my favorite band, and I had no idea they were playing. It was one of my best days ever up by the stage with 30000 other people singing Ramones music. I would love to see Ray Lamontagne in concert.

NS - Michael Buble! I saw him on your playlist last week. Good choice. He is wonderful in concert! He was just in St. Louis 3 weeks ago (my birthday present ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

jen - Philip Phillips. He was SO good!
And I really want to see Pink, she’ll be in my area in a week. Can’t find tickets under $100, so… not happening. But I think that would be a crazy fun concert!

Caroline R. - I’ve only been to a few concerts my self, but the ones I went to were super great- Michael Buble and Coldplay! Coldplay is on a break, but Buble is on tour now… Happy Belated bday!

Tiffany - I thought I didn’t have a comment but as I scrolled down I realized Adele was in the list. I think I would consider camping out for her tickets, she got me through a rough time in my life, and she doesn’t even know, music is good like that. C’mon Adele, bring baby (I’ll watch baby!) double my pleasure, get that message to her would ya? Oh, Happy Anniversary!!! Best Wishes for Many More!

Kate B. - We saw The Lumineers in Lincoln, NE this past May-great concert! When they came out into the crowd, my husband and I were seriously about 4 feet away from them. Yay for 10 minutes of being close to celebrities! The best concert I have EVER been to was Mumford and Sons! They came to the Pinewood Bowl in Lincoln, which is an outdoor theater. The setting was beautiful and the concert was a solid 2 hours of great music. Another great concert is the Avett Brothers! Really cool brothers and I love the messages the share in their songs.

Jennifer - Your hair looks FABULOUS in that last picture!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I am TERRIFIED of snakes. But not spiders. Still love me, please.
2. Pretty hair!
3. SO excited for this new season of Homeland.
4. Now I just want to know about the good know me, I like hearing about it. Sue me.
5. PCD! Duh.

katygirl - celine dion’s heart of the ocean tour in 1997.
there was even a titanic boat replica.

Dusti - The hubs and I have seen sugarland twice in okc at the zoo and LOVE Jennifer nettles! I’m surprising him in December with zac brown tickets for December 28th!

Jen - You and Craig look so very happy and in love. Love that you make time for each other and nourish our marriage. That is food for the marriage soul.

Concerts??? I was never a Lyle Lovett fan AT ALL until I met my hubby. He hooked me. Saw Lyle in concert a few years ago and he and his big band played for almost three hours straight and sounded great. Lyle has a great sense of humor, too. Have a great week, Meg!

Mindy - That last picture of you and your hubby is SO cute! And your pumpkins on the porch with the chicken – where is BH&G’s photographer?! The last concert I went to was a Steven Curtis Chapman/Michael W. Smith combination at our State Fair and I loved it. Getting lost in a huge crowd of worshippers is good for my soul…

Valerie @ chateau a la mode - Happy anniversary and birthday! All time favorites Paul Mc Cartney, Elton John and Mercy Me. Get to see Bon Jovi next Friday….so excited! I love concerts. So much fun.

Dawn - Love that last shot. You are SO adorable. I can call you adorable since I am old enough to be your mother.
Just sayin.

Breeanna - Happy Happy birthday! This next week is my birthday week! The best concert I ever went to was Mumford and Sons. It was last minute too. My friend texted me on a Monday night and said she got two tickets from one of her student’s parents. 2 hours later we were at the concert! They were the best live performance I’ve ever seen.

Michelle M - I don’t know what you think of country music, but Kenny Chesney puts on a great show! My DH who is not a big country fan loved it.
Glad you are having a great b-day weekend-you are looking hot girl!

Kimberlee - If Adele would go on tour I might die.

Alicia @ La Famille - Girl, I love concerts so much. We’ve been to a lot but hands down favorite? Mumford. And. Sons.

Amazing! Other good ones: John Mayer, Edward sharpe, Brandi carlile (have seen her 3 times), David grey, and joe purdy. We’re going to see The Head and the Heart in a couple weeks. They’re pretty new, not very popular yet but you should check them out. They’re good stuff. New album coming out in a week or so.

On my list: the Lumineers, Adele, Florence and the machine, Mumford forty more times, and the avett bros

Is this the longest comment ever? I love concerts. You hit a big conversation starter here for me ๐Ÿ™‚

Wendy - My hubby and I just celebrated our birthdays in August with Depeche Mode concert during a long weekend in Chicago. The concert was fantastic but I loved the down time with my favorite guy even more. I love reconnecting with him away from the daily chaos. So much so that we are scheduled to see Jimmy Fallon in St Louis this month for our anniversary. Can’t wait!

Katie M - Glad you are having fun! We only have one little one and I can totally relate to not getting to finish convos. We recently saw Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and they were AMAZING!!!

Sarah K - Seriously so fun!!! Happy birthday sweet Meg! If you can ever catch an Avett Bros concert, you won’t regret it!

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - Happy Birthday!!!! Sounds like you had an absolutely lovely birthday week.

What app do you use with the timer?

Margaret - Sounds fun!! Have been to 7 Avett Brothers concerts with my hubs..they have this energy…fantastic every time.
Love your blog and reading your chicken posts!

Debbie S - My husband and I flew to Chicago FOUR days after we met to see Dave Matthews Band play at Soldiers Field. Four kids later and we still love to see them play ๐Ÿ™‚ And….every woman really needs to go to a Bon Jovi concert at least once. Meow.

Janel - I have seen Fitz and the Tantrums and Neko Case recently. I loved both very very much. I am seeing Gary Clark Jr next week….this year I decided to see all new artists. So far it’s been working out great!

Happy belated Anniversary and Happy Birthday!

lisa - We saw the Avett Brothers this summer and they were amazing! Loved them. Happy Anniversary!

Tara - Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! My husband and I saw The Avett Brothers last fall….we LOVED it. I hope we get a chance to see The Lumineers!

Dana Marshall - NEEDTOBREATHE!!! oh my goodness, BEST concert of my life.

Angela A - Oh, you were in OKC! I was wondering how you guys were posting pics of the concert on the same day as a friend here!

Kathy - Ok so the pic of you and the Mr … you are simply GORGEOUS! Do you think you might share what you do/use for skincare and makeup in a future post? Pretty please? =)

Angie P - We saw the Lumineers open for Old Crow Medicine Show at the Fox Theatre in ATL last August – such an AMAZING show!!! Old Crow is a fun one to see if they’re ever in your neck of the woods. ๐Ÿ™‚ (and it was our anniversary date too!)

Jenn - Needtobreathe for sure. You’ll thank me later ๐Ÿ™‚

Meghan - Happy belated birthday

lacy - if you’re from Houston,bring afraid of snakes is ok. bring afraid of snakes can save your life here! Dave Matthews puts on an amazing show, everytime! he’s so great!

Anne G. - I haven’t been to any concerts since high school, almost 20 years ago, but want to see Maroon 5 or Dave Matthews. Congrats on 19 years and Happy Birthday to you. How did your run go after a few weeks off. I have a hard time after not running for three days straight. By the way, your top in the last pic, where did you get it?

Margaret - I had never seen Homeland.. Until 2 days ago. I watched seasons 1 and 2 at once. (Got nothing else done) That show rocks!
Miranda Lambert is a great show!,

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shannan’s cow.


this is my friend Shannan’s house.

IMG_2855 (2)

shannan has the COW hanging in her living room and it looks SPECTACULAR!!
she has quite a gift for decorating.
and i love how she used everything she already had to change her house for fall.

her look is very eclectic but so classy.

mostly i wish i was sitting on that couch eating chips and salsa with her…

she has a code on her blog right now for 15% off any of the canvases in my shop.

YOU can use it too!

Use the code FPFG15 for a 15% discount on the canvas you’ve been waiting for!!

(offer good through oct 15,2014)

also there are a bunch of new pillows over there… maps & printsย too!!!

click the SHOP button at the top of the blog to go to the shop.



nev - love the pic and loved her post. hate to see that you are being copied with your cow canvases. you are the queen of the cow pics!

Mindy - THe cow looks perfect there! And she is indeed the Queen of eclectic ~ does is with perfection.

susan - Hi meg. Will you be having any bunting in your shop soon. ?

Tere - I love this cow. I do. And I’m so glad I found Shannon through you ๐Ÿ™‚ xoxo

Kristen - Pinning your gumball machine print to my wish list. Pretty sure I need it.

Colleen - I have the cow framed and waiting for my husband to hang in our laundry room… i’ll send you a picture when its done!
You should try to see if you can get the cow in all 50 states… BTW… Connecticut… Done!

Bethany - I love Shannan’s blog and it’s how I found your blog. What luck! I love your cow pics. They remind me of times spent as a kid at my aunt and uncle’s farm.

jodie - This room is awesome!!! I am pinning it ASAP.
love the ginormous cow ๐Ÿ˜€

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today is my birthday.


a list of a few things about me right now on my 38th birthday.

* these are my new favorite jeans…. Legging Jean at the GAP
i probably won’t wear them with heels too often…. but occasionally maybe.

* talby wants me to learn how to do hair like this video. ย i promised i would try.


* the best book i read this summer was Tattoos on the Heart.
it has a little bit of foul language but i still LOVED this book… SO MUCH. It changed my heart. ย i saw some things differently.


* i prefer to eat cake cold out of the refrigerator… frosting that is cold? YES!

* i absolutely LOVE to take a hot bath… in a BIG deep tub.

* coconut is top of the list for smells & taste. ย it love coconut dessert! ย and the smell… YUM.
the best lotions, shampoos & soaps are coconut.

* i want to see Gravity (clooney… duh) and ย i am scared to see Prisoners. ย Are you going to see either?

* i think of my dad every time i hear the song Werewolves of London (which is surprisingly often!) because he used to play it for us when i was little.

* i am hooked on the seriesย Homeland


* my most used app on my phone (besides Instagram of course) is Afterlight. ย i use it 90% of the time as a photo brightener.


* the top 30 played songs on my iTunes right now




* i am going to the Lumineers with Mr. Duerksen this week!!

* i like this bedding.


but i would probably lean towards this style if i was actually buying new bedding. and i would buy it from target…not Anthro.


* i want to go to a party like this. ย someone do this and invite me to it ok?

* this movie is going to be so good.

* after i watched that trailer i got sucked into watching movie trailers 30 minutes!

* these are some pretty sweet running shoes….



* i don’t like to eat breakfast. ย i would prefer two cups of coffee and nothing till lunch. i know i am supposed to eat breakfast… and i do. ย but i don’t want to.

* i dream about painting. ย about being “a painter”. ย  i do. ย  but i never ever make time for it. ย i should change that. ย (someday…)

* my favorite drink at Starbucks in the warm months is a Trenta (XL) ice coffee/4 pumps SF vanilla/extra skim milk/no sweetener

* my favorite drink in the cooler months is a grande skinny peppermint latte (or caramel)

* all of this fabric just came to my door. ย (I ordered from Hawthorne Threads.) ย they are ALL so beautiful!


* i am going to buy some pumpkins & mums with my little girlies today.

* this list has become too long.



shirin - today is my bruthday!

Shellie - If you love coconut, you’ll love almond too. Everything almond smells yummy!
Prisoners is scary, I didn’t sleep after I saw it and my kids are 20 and 15. It was too real. It was a really good movie though.

Mindy - Happy belated Birthday! What fun favorites in this post – I share many of them and there are a few I need to check out. Hope your special day was great : )

amelia - it’s my birthday today

tracy fisher - i love cake out of the fridge too!!!!!! i can’t wait to meet you one day. ๐Ÿ™‚ -tracy

Breeanna - Happy birthday! Mine is coming up too! I’ll be hitting the new decade of 30. I’m really looking forward to my 30’s. Hope you had a great birthday!

Wendy - Happy birthday! I love your list. I am always writing down books from blogs and I now have some of your playlist playing. I promise I am not a stalker. just like to “hang” out with those I want to be like. You rock! happy birthday!


Lemonade Makin' Mama - Happy Birthday sweet thing! I turned 38 earlier this month. GOod month.. better year! ๐Ÿ™‚

Love so many of these same things. And coconut? LOVE!!

Hope your day is extra sweet.

Ana - Megan, you are such a blessed person that I admire so much.
God was really inspired when He created you.
I wish someday I really can meet you in person.

Lindsey - Happy Birthday! I love the list!

Sarah - Happy Birthday!!

Katrina - Hope you had a fabulous b’day. I did leave you a message on facebook ๐Ÿ™‚
What did you do to celebrate?
Love your list.
Wait till you hit the fab 40’s in a couple of years. It’s a great place to be.

Alicia @ La Famille - oh so much to say here….gravity?? maybe. prisoners? i’m too scared. my worst nightmare actually. (making the sign of the cross)

I love your play list….somebody likes the Avett Bros ๐Ÿ™‚

happy birthday!!!

love those shoes.

And those sheets.

jodie - i like you meg.
i think we will be friends in heaven, because unless you come to canada, or i go to kansas, i might not meet you in this life time except through your blog….and blogs aren’t really real exactly true meetings, are they?

Melody - Happy belated birthday! We are the same age but I see how much you’ve accomplished and am amazed at all you do… I know you visit Sonic for their happy hour quite often – I was just in Colorado for a visit and stopped at Sonic to try a ‘Dirty Dr. Pepper’ – something I’d seen on-line and was curious to try – it’s Dr. Pepper with the white coconut syrup added…have you ever tried one? It would be my new drink of choice if I had easier access so I think it’s a good thing they don’t have Sonic where I live! If you love coconut, I bet you’d love a Dirty Dr. Pepper!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Marli - love these random bits posts. they are such fun to read. thanks for keeping up such a bright and cheery blog. i enjoy reading it.

Mia - Happy Birthday! May the year ahead be full of all those colorful moments that make our lives full.

tonya - hope your birthday was fantastic, meg!

Laura - well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear sweet friend.
I am older than you.

that book has me intrigued…looks like Our Lady of Guadalupe on the cover, she is dear to my heart……AND foul language??? Perfect!

love you
love that you were born
you are wonderfully made!!!!


Maclaine - My college age son saw Prisoners. He loves suspense and horror movies and is an all-around tough guy. His review: “Mom, it’s disturbing. You should not see it.” And I pass that on to you. If you decide to see it let me know if he was right! lol

Tanya H - Happy birthday! I agree. ๐Ÿ™‚ on a lot. And this is a fun idea! ๐Ÿ™‚

Rachel S - Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a wonder-full day! And if you get invited to that party, I want to come too. ๐Ÿ™‚

Charly - Now I can’t wait to see Saving Mr. Banks! Looks so good!
I clicked on your book link because I knew I had heard of it before…this is why…the author is coming to where I work!
Thought you might want to know about that… ๐Ÿ™‚
Fr. Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries
(Special Events)
The Gerber Institute, in conjunction with Newman University’s Traditions and Transitions program, is very pleased to welcome Father Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries – the most successful community re-entry program for gang members in the U.S.- to the Newman University campus on Thursday, October 10, at 7:00 p.m.
Father Boyle’s lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the Performance Hall of the De Mattias Fine Arts Center at Newman University.

Tracy - Happy Birthday (one day late)!!!!!! Hope you had a great one ๐Ÿ™‚

I LOVE coconut too!

Jenn - I cannot wait for Saving Mr. Banks! I get chills. A good movie, no junk, just good stuff. We need good stuff right now. Hope you had the best birthday ever!

Jessica - Happy Happy Birthday!

LeeH - This list is just right!
This is a lovely insight into you, it feels like you’re a friend.
Thanks for sharing.

Kristen - Happy birthday, Meg. a) Lumineers are GREAT live. You will have a blast. b) I went to art school when I was 39. Best thing I ever did. c) I’m going to pick up the Tattoos book. Thanks for the recommendation.

lynette - Happy Birthday!!!

Lisa Q - Happy Birthday Meg! Hope it’s a great one…and that the year to follow is overflowing with God’s mercies! Thanks for all the inspiration!

april r - Happy Birthday ๐Ÿ™‚

the list was just right

heidi maggard - Happy Birthday Meg! You are amazing!

Jen - Okay-just read my last comment, which sounded totally whiny, so I wanted to be sure to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it was very special. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bedding (but not Anthro prices!). A friend just sent me the link to Homeland so I need to get on that! Not a big fan of cake (give me pie!) or coconut (I prefer cinnamon!) and I don’t do baths AT ALL (don’t enjoy sitting in dirty water! HAHA) but I LOVE those running shoes and all those fabrics too! And fall is my very favorite-with mums and pumpkins and cornstalks! It doesn’t get much better! Happy day after your birthday! ๐Ÿ™‚

Jen - Okay-this may be too personal so feel free to ignore me but how in the HECK does anyone buy clothes at GAP anymore? First, their sizes are crazy (once I found the signs that helped a bit!) And, anyone that’s had FOUR (me) (or, in your case, FIVE!) babies isn’t welcome there anymore! I was just there on Saturday and it was DE. PRESS. ING! None of the jeans had zippers longer than 1 inch and they were all so short! Now, granted I’m tall (5.10″) but I’m thin and I’ve had four BIG babies! And some of that tummy ain’t ever going away! Now, I was looking for cords, not jeans, but I was really bummed. Gap used to be my “go to” store and now it’s not cuttin’ the mustard! ๐Ÿ™

alexis - Prisoners was beyond scary and disturbing for me. BUT I still really liked it…the story, the acting, the twists, the suspense.
Probably the scariest movie i’ve seen ever. But i don’t see many.

I want to see Gravity so badly!!

Michelle from Australia - Oops. I messed up. I meant YESTERDAY was your birthday in Australia. I knew what I meant even if my fingers didn’t type it properly!

Michelle from Australia - Happy Birthday Meg. Today was your birthday in Australia ๐Ÿ™‚ But you can have it again in America today. Don’t you love the craziness of time zones like that??

Call Me Maybe? I love, love, love that song. No matter how many times I hear it or how many times I hear a take off of it, I still love it.

And coconut. YES PLEASE. In any shape, way or form. When we were in the USA in 2012, I wasn’t able to eat a piece of coconut cream pie. And Australia doesn’t have coconut cream pie. So I’m hoping for a Stateside trip in 2014 (all on my own – NO FAMILY COMING WITH ME – TAKE ABOUT A DREAM COME TRUE FOR THIS MAMMA!!!!!!) ….that will include a pie of coconut cream pie somewhere on my travels.

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday Missy!

Melissa Lewis - Happy Birthday Ms. Meg! Love your list, if you get invited to that party I wanna come!

Karen Gerstenberger - Happy Birthday!

Rach - You will love Lumineers. Just saw them on Saturday. The opening bands are pretty fun too. Enjoy!!

Tamra - Oh. My. Goodness. I commented before I watched the trailer. Had never heard of the movie and wasn’t sure if it would be about mary poppins which was my first thought when I read the title. Watched the trailer and am IN LOVE!! Can’t wait until I can see it! Thanks for sharing..

p.s. Happy Birthday!

Tracey - Happy Birthday to you!!!! Today is my birthday too. I turned 34. I had a less than subpar birthday today (dropped my sweet 3 year old in the tub on accident and spent way too much $ on food that wasn’t even good to name a few…) Do you think all of 34 will be this way? I sure hope not. I’m looking forward to 37. I’ve been reading your blog for the last year and I have to say you’re one of my absolute favorites. I just love you, your family and the way you “do” life – Such an inspiration! Thanks for being awesome! ๐Ÿ™‚

Tamra - I’ve tried the hairstyle on my girls. so easy!! You’ll rock it! Love lists like these because I always find new things to buy or try. =)

Paula - Go see Prisoners. I was afraid to see it but something made me go. It is not scary as much as it is INTENSE. I do not like scary movies at all so did not think I would like Prisoners…but I must say it is good and I do recommend it.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Have a great day!

ashley - happy birthday!
i’m looking for your website almost tiwo years.
however i’m writing down first time now.
i always want to say thank to you.
when i read your website you’re inspired me and let me know God’s love.
sometimes life is very hard.
but we still live our lives because God is loving us and with us.
thank you.
and God bless you!

Heather S. - Happy Birthday! I personally adore Bux, but can’t handle the SF syrups. I’m all non-fat milk and no whip….but if I’m having a sweetener, it has sugar. I’ve tried before and blech – give me my money back! My hat is off to all who can order a skinny drink! LOL

Saving Mr. Banks looks great – what’s up with being PG-13? Sure would be nice to have a family film come out about Disney around Christmas. Oh well – that’s Hollywood!

Hope you had an awesome birthday!

Amy - Happy birthday to you!! You and the blog are such an inspiration. Wishing you many more joy filled years!

Magnolia Mom - WOW!! So I was surfing through pinterest and came across someone who pinned your blog. I decided to stop by and was surprised to see your post from today. Happy birthday! It’s my 38th birthday today, too!

Kristin S - Not too long at all.

Happy Birthday!

Those jeans scare me. I have “athletic” calves. I love that new name for those of us with heavy extremities no matter how hard we work out. Sigh.

Carrie - Happy Birthday. My birthday is on Saturday, I will be 37! I guess I need to make a list like that.

The bed has the headboard I have been looking for, for my oldest daughter- except I want it in white!

Carol S. - Enjoy your special day. Enjoyed your fun facts. Thank you for entertaining us all!!!

Kathy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! OK you are one of my fave bloggers and now I know why, I love so many of the SAME THINGS! woohoo …. have an awesome birthday!!!

Caroline - Happy birthday!! Today is my birthday too:) It’s a great day!

Maria - Happy Birthday!!!

Hope you have a great day!

Linda - Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a wonderful day!

katey deasy - Happy Birthday. I love your list. Have a great day!!!!!!

Lora - happy*happy birthday.

Go see Prisoners. It’s SO good!!

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday, Meg! I can’t wait to see that movie. Movie trailers drag me in, too, especially Thor 2. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Dana - That fabric!! Oh my….does fabric make you happy like it does me?!? Sometimes i just walk through fabric stores when I’m in a bad mood…it always brightens my day! (Weird…I know!) Hope you had an awesome, blessed Birthday!

Patty - Happy Birthday, Meg! Love your list…I can identify with almost every single one.
Enjoy your day and I hope you get to eat coconut birthday cake.

a-m - Happy birthday Meg! I’ve been reading your blog for years and it’s made me so happy, I thought it was about time I gave you a big wave on your big day! Hope you have great fun! a-m x

Amanda - I absolutely love posts like this. I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now. Realistically, I’ll probably never meet you. But I feel like I know you from reading your blog. These are such fun little tidbits of Meg information that i’d probably never know if you hadn’t shared it. So fun!

Rachel B. - Birthday Blessings to YOU!

kimmie - My daughter Haleigh and I wish you a most awesome BiRtHdAy EVER!!

Kristin - Not too long, and happy birthday!!

Amanda - A very happy birthday to you! May all of your wishes come true.

Tracy - Happy Birthday!! Today is MY birthday, too!! (except I’m 7 years older than you. boo.)
I adore the scent and smell of coconut, too (coconut lime is a fabulous combination!) LOVE coffee (with real cream and sweetened with xylitol. yum!) and long for a nice hot bath (this house has a crappy tub. Sometimes I think all of my troubles will disappear when I finally have a comfy bathtub again ๐Ÿ˜‰
I’m far too fat to wear those awesome jeans ~ but I am working hard to lose weight, so, maybe on our NEXT birthday? and you can just go on ahead and forward that package of fabric right to my door ๐Ÿ™‚

I hope your day is fabulous and filled with color!!


Welcome to the 38 club!!


Jen - Happy birthday!!!

Stacy P. - Happy Birthday! You make 38 look fabulous!

stephanie - Happy birthday to you! Yours and Anna Maria Horner’s are about the only blogs I read. I am glad to see that you seem happy about the day. I turned 38 this year too. It’s almost surreal as I still see myself as a new high school graduate. Now with teenagers of my own, its as if life is repeating itself. Have a happy and blessed day!

Laura H - Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with family and friends!
I just checked out season one and two of Homeland from my library. I can’t stop watching it!!!! I am completely HOOKED!
Love that Claire Danes! Love every episode! Staying up very late at night because I need to know what happens next….totally addicted!
Love your blog! Enjoy YOUR day!

Tiffany - Happy Birthday!! Listen to the Stevie Wonder version of that song, it’s fantastic. And I LOVE the GAP, been loving them since I was a teen, they make jeans/pants for Moms like me, not too flashy, not too Mom-like. Regular everyday jeans;) Hope you eNjoY yOuR dAy!!!

Jill - Happy Birthday to a favorite blogger! Make sure to have some wonderful coconut treats for your special day. ๐Ÿ™‚
I bet you look awesome in those Gap legging jeans. I’m excited for the Tom Hanks movie too.
Thanks for sharing this fun list!

Colleen - Happy, happy day to you! Hope you get coconut cake! I, too, read Tattoos on My Heart this summer. Great book! I recommend it to anyone who is looking for an inspirational read. Can’t wait to see your mums and pumpkins.

Cindy - Happy Birthday! It’s my birthday today too!
On coconut…have you tried the Chobani greek yogurt Flips? They have a coconut flavored one that you flip dark chocolate and almonds into it…YUM!
Hope you have a great day! Love to read your blog!

Lisa - Happy birthday! OMG. I adore the Lumineers! Enjoy and tell us about it, please. I’m going to see Pink in December with my daughter. Can’t wait.

Random, but the other new Tom Hank’s movie, “Captain Phillips,” is a true story about a ship captain who is highjacked by Somali pirates. The real Captain Phillips lives down the road from us. It looks so scary, but amazing.

Kristin F. - Happy Birthday! I’m going to see the Lumineers in 10 days and I can’t wait. Such a fun birthday surprise :).

Bethany - Happy Birthday!!! Hope it’s a wonderful day!

It’s always fun to read random bits about favorite bloggers. I want to go a party like that too! So cute! The Tom Hanks movie looks great-hadn’t heard about it. I love the fabric…now I’m going to head to Hawthorne Threads to “window shop”.

Melissa - Happy Birthday!!!!!

beth ann - happy birthday!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - After seeing this list….I feel like we should be friends.


I have a million things I want to comment on, but mostly, I DID throw that party…and it was inspired by “that” exact photo…It was for Sarah’s wedding shower, back at the farm. Everything was great until Ralph (the cat) jumped on the cake table THEN killed a baby bird. Some girls cried.

I’m terrified of that space movie.

I like those jeans. (Still mad that G discontinued my size…)
And love the bedding. And coconut.

But not coffee. Or baths.

This comment better post. It’s THAT important.

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