so… let’s talk about the Craft House.
The Craft Weekend wait list is so very long.
i am not exaggerating.
if i ran Craft Weekend EVERY single weekend 52 times a year with ONLY people on the list… it would be over three years before i got to the end of the list.
but that is not going to happen.
unfortunately i cannot work every weekend of the next three years.
actually getting a spot for CW is super duper lucky.
and awesome!
But the reality is only a few of you get to come each year from the ginormous Craft Weekend list…
It’s not over but i don’t think i can handle another 10 this year.
i miss my kids!
and it is hard work.
it looks like super fun fun fun (and it is!) but there is LOADS of prep and energy and time put into each CW.
so it is not going away but there will not be as many this year as last year.
So what i think… is that your should get your girlfriends together, pick a date, and have your own weekend at the Craft House!
you get to pick your date and all the people that would be there!
all while getting to stay at the Craft House!
Here are some ideas for great ways to use the Craft House:
Scrapbookers… this house is set up perfectly for you! there is work space for 16 along with even more tables to set up in other areas to get even more work area.
You can stay longer than 2 nights too if you really need time to get those albums finished. If you are not a scrapbooker pass this post onto someone who is!
Crafters… you could have everyone bring their own projects to work on where everyone does their own thing. it could be from someone sewing curtains to someone making a digital scrapbook! OR you could have some people in your group lead projects that were planned and bring the supplies in for everyone. It’s always nice to sit and do a project that someone else gathered everything for you ahead of time. But then be sure to make the people who don’t lead the crafts do all of your cooking! 😉 just kidding.
Quilters or Sewing Groups… there is space for you to spread out and work at the Craft House. One of the first things people say when they come inside for the first time is “It is so much bigger than the photos show” there is PLENTY of space for sewing here. We have a really great quilt shop, Charlotte’s Sew Natural, right in our town! And there are many more within short driving distances. It would be a great place to come and get those sewing projects started or FINISHED finally. Get your sewing group together for the weekend!
Girlfriends… you can have a full weekend of time away with your friends in a fully loaded house, comfy beds, beautiful kitchen to share your meals together.
you can go antiquing, to a movie, watch dvds or even arrange to have a massage therapist come in to give massage!
it is a fabulous house to just relax!
Bachelorette Weekend… this would be such a fun way to spend a weekend with your bridal party ladies.
you could work on projects for the wedding together… relax… plan… and get pampered before your wedding!
Spiritual Retreat…. the craft house is a lovely space for getting together for a weekend of spiritual focus. your church group or women’s group could have a weekend away for discussions, study and prayer together. it is perfect for a small retreat!
Friend Reunion Weekend… college roommates? high school friends? all in one place for a weekend to catch up and relive the glory days!
Birthday Weekend… invite all your favorite people together for your birthday have them come from all over the globe… friends from all stages of your life… together in one spot for the weekend. it’s awesome! trust me i know! 🙂 it makes for the best birthday memories! Plan a surprise birthday weekend for a friend or plan your OWN birthday weekend. you will have THE BEST birthday of your life!
Workshop… if you have a class or a course that you teach like photography or cooking or an artist workshop you could use the Craft House for a retreat.
everything is ready for you when you arrive… you can order your meals locally… you could arrange for outings or special guests. I would love to accommodate anything you would need to pull off an amazing workshop.
Bloggers Meet Up…. yes. all those friends you have online that you haven’t met in real life yet. but you are soul sisters very obviously. Pick a date and make it happen! Have a mini blogger conference at the Craft House. You will find the deepest of friendships in meeting your online friends face to face. it’s a weird and awesome thing to know so one so well and never having met. and it is so amazing afterward! it always blows my mind that God blessed me with so many friends through the internet. And i haven’t regretting meeting ANY of them in real life. DO IT. you will LOVE it. 🙂
about a month ago i stopped by (after being invited) when a group who drove from arkansas were using the house for a crafting retreat.
it was lovely to meet all of them and chat for a bit. but what i loved was looking around at all of these women… each being creative in their own way… each so happy to be there.
they had each taken a break for themselves!
they were all smiling… the real smiles that come when you feel relaxed and content.
i was about to burst with joy seeing how the Craft House was blessing all those women!
it was a big deal to me!
i felt like the purpose was met!
that house is made for this.
it is a place to find your creative self again.
the house is place where you can just be YOU… not the mom, not the wife, maid, employee, not the nurse, not a chauffeur or taxi, not a chef or a referee
just you.
being there and remembering YOU and remembering what kind of creativity you have.
using your hands to MAKE stuff.
sharing coffee with girlfriends who get it.
and lots of T A L K I N G.
i would love to see the house used to the very fullest.
i want you and your friends to be able to BE at the Craft House!
i am happy to help answer questions about airports, car rentals, restaurants, shopping or anything to help your weekend go smoothly.
the CALENDAR is at the top of the blog in pull down menu under the Craft House button.
you can see the dates that are available for the year.
I would really love to get the January weekends reserved!
So… i am discounting them by $550!
If you book any of the available January weekends you can have the house for 16 guests for only $950.
that could be as little as $59 per person?!!
January 3 – 5 …..$950
January 10 – 12 ……$950
January 17 – 19 …..$950
ALSO… if you reserve your weekend for anytime (feb-dec) in 2014 THIS WEEK you will receive 20% off the price of your stay.
that would make a two night stay only $1200!
adding additional days would only be $200 each.
email me anytime this week (through dec. 16) with questions and to reserve your spot.
wouldn’t that be something great to look forward to after all the hustle and bustle of christmas season?
i can’t wait to hear from you!
happy monday everyone.
Julia - One trick I learned a few years back is to hot glue the gingerbread house pieces together. It’s instantaneous so you don’t have to wait for the frosting to dry and hope the walls are aligned. We don’t eat our gingerbread houses after the holidays.
I bought some extra cans and tubes of frosting to use, too.
Interesting idea of blowing the gingerbread houses up with firecrackers- maybe a New Year’s activity!
Janna - Waiting to hear what your word is:)
For the first time I chose a word…or it chose me…and I am taking ali’s class and I can’t wait!
Nurture is my word for 2014
Iris - My word for 2014 is eucharisteo.
tara - they’re beautiful.
how fun that you guys hang out at the craft house when you feel like it.
we didn’t make gingerbread houses this year…i think i was more devastated than the kids, although they did mention it at least 1/2 dozen times!
the flu hit us hard, and most of our traditions just had to be let go…
except for snuggling while watching movies…that one stayed! And, we did it over and over and over and over.
happy new year, meg!
Sydney - Wow, those are some very fancy and pretty gingerbread houses. (Look tasty too!) That snow was pretty and it was about four inches, enough to make our Christmas white which was what my kiddos wanted. (We live in Eastborough)
andria - I use all the Halloween candy we don’t like ie) rockets, sweet tarts, skittles etc… for our gingerbread houses……. also, you can use regular cake frosting in a can for building houses and decorating – works amazing – holds the houses together no problem and tastes much better than royal icing or the stuff that comes in the kits….
Wendy - They are all adorable – being snowed in like that sounds fun! I’m curious…do you make extra icing? I never feel like the kits have enough icing. If so, what kind works best?
Barbara (WA) - Kids of friends of ours used to make gingerbread houses every year. Then after Christmas, they got to blow them up with firecrackers saved from the 4th of July!!! That was way more fun than eating them – a great idea, I think!
Meg - We made gingerbread men from the kits you can buy… pretty sure there was plastic somewhere in the recipe. They tasted HORRIBLE! Are you supposed to eat them? Probably not… even the dog wouldn’t touch them. It’s definitely a fun family event making them though!
tricia w. - You are such a great Mom!
Laura - LOVE how she phrased that…not that art can be gingerbread…but gingerbread can be art!
it IS all art…isn’t it?
food, family, creating, snow fall….
all of it art.
you are so smart, annie.
would be fun to get our kids together again and let them create, while we do margarita art!