You need a break.
you need time to talk late into the night and starting over at breakfast.
Your friends miss you.
You miss your friends.
You need some creative time that is uninterrupted.
You need to use the bathroom without someone knocking on the door.
You need a diaper free weekend.
You need to sleep in.
You are singing frozen songs alone in your car.
The Craft House is waiting for you…
it’s time to pick a date and get here already!
i asked the groups that have stayed at the Craft House for their own weekend some questions about their stay. It was so much fun to read their answers! It made me so happy! it’s lovely to see this home that we loved so deeply & cared about every detail being used in this beautiful way. God is so cool how He works out the dreams in our heart! His plans for us are always so good and amazing.
(the different colors are different answers. not every color means the same person. it just looked pretty)
1. What did your group use the Craft House for?
* We use our stays for scrapbooking and crafting, and just hanging out with creative people!
* we had a crafting girls weekend
* We set up our own craft weekend. We shopped oggie’s barn, downtown Marion and downtown Newton. We slept in, stayed up late, chatted, laughed, enjoyed our friends.
* we stayed for a conference that we watched via the internet
* Everyone in our group did their own thing. Some crafted, some scrapbooked, some quilted, others just drank wine and thrifted.
* Our group was a combination of scrap-bookers, quilters, crafters, and jewelry-makers. The space accommodated all our needs quite well.
* Momma bonding time, sewing, scrapbooking, crocheting, arm knitting, and relaxing.
2. Did you cook your own food, go out to eat or get take out/delivery while you were at the Craft house?
* We normally cook our own food. We learned the first time that we had way too much food, so our second trip we tried to plan better and not get carried away with meal planning. We did make a Friday night trip to the donut shop. It was fun, but I am not sure the donut shop will ever be the same!
* We take turns cooking meals in groups of 3-4. That way, each person only ends up having to cook one time the whole weekend, and the rest of the meals are homemade awesomeness done for us by the rest of our group! We also love having themed meals like Italian, Mexican, etc…
* we brought most of our own food to cook. some of it was easy and pre made, and one of the nights we went out to dinner out on the town.
* We ate out on Friday night (can’t remember the place?!) and did a late night donut stop 🙂 For the rest of the weekend, we cooked! Our sweet friend who lives in Wichita did all our grocery shopping for us. We made a big breakfast and dinner on Saturday and snacked all day long. It was glorious. The kitchen is well stocked with every tool or gadget you need!
* I paired up girls and each pair was responsible for providing 1 meal for the entire weekend for everyone… All meals were prepared ahead of time to minimize time in the kitchen while we were there.
* We went out to eat Friday night and cooked soups made ahead of time for Saturday night. We all divided up and brought sandwich stuff, chips, fruit, etc for lunch. Everyone brought their own breakfast. It was nice for no one to have to spend time cooking! We also checked out the midnight donut run!!!
* We split up the meals and cooked. It worked great for us and the kitchen is amazing which made it more fun for me than cooking at my house. Or maybe that was just the other women cleaning up after me?
* We split up the meals and everybody helped cook and clean up. Dishes are much more fun with friends! We also had everybody bring candy to share so we quite the “sugar station”
3. Did you enjoy your stay? What was the best part of staying at the Craft House?
* Of course we enjoy our stay! I would go once a month if I could, but I think my family would get a bit suspicious! My favorite part of my stays at the Craft House is always walking in. I am selfish and get there a little bit early and just wander around alone (shhh-don’t tell the girls I come with!) It is truly magical to me, I think because as a mom, wife, and business owner, especially with sons, it is a beautiful peaceful place where I can spend a little time focusing on myself even if I am with a group of friends. Walking into the craft house means that I am off duty for a few days, and I LOVE that. I come home refreshed and ready to be a mom and wife again. I also enjoy waking up in the mornings without the sound of televisions or little ones wanting breakfast. Plus, with only women, I know the toilet seat will be down. 🙂
* YES!!!! Bonding with girlfriends, playing hide and seek in the dark (yes, we totally did and it was awesome!), staying up late, laughing until we lost our voices, getting to work on projects without interruption, enjoying the beautiful house and décor.
* it was such a blast. it felt like a giant slumber party at the cutest, most well decorated, pinterest-came-to-life home ever! the best part was that it felt like we were staying in someone’s actual house, being hosted, thoughtfully and comfortably. it was just nice to go to a home, that could accommodate that many women (who usually take care of everyone else’s needs), and feel like we could rest.
* Heck yes!! Our favorite part was EVERyTHING!! Staying in a super cute, creativity-inspiring, clean home… Far enough from home to experience freedom, close enough to not spend majority of time off traveling. Uninterrupted time chatting with girlfriends, treasure hunting… Livin’ the dream!!!
* YES! Can’t wait to do it again! Our favorite part was the ENERGY at the house! It was inspiring and relaxing and rejuvenating.
* We absolutely enjoyed our stay…it was hard to leave! My favorite part was the bright, open, airy, beautifully decorated space. My home is fairly “neutral” so it was very refreshing to spend time in such a colorful, inspiring home.
* I LOVED it. I would live at the Craft House if Meg would let me. I don’t think I can come up with just one “best part.” I love everything about the Craft House. It’s where I was born to live.
* The house is incredibly beautiful and comfortable. We all felt incredibly cared for while we were there. My favorite part was spending time with girlfriends in a beautiful home!
* We absolutely loved it!! My favorite part was the togetherness getaway with friends. As for the actual house, the fact that there was so much room to spread out and leave it all out while working.
4. What do you think every lady needs to know about the Craft House?
* Every group of ladies needs to know that they should come to the craft house! It is so refreshing and wonderful. You will not regret your trip!
* you need to know that it’s a great hideaway, nearby, but far enough away to escape daily routine and mundane. so good for the soul.
* Go, even if you are not a crafter, go! We had crafters and non crafters, some close friends, others just meeting for the first time. We were all young moms needing a weekend away. All raved about their time, each blessed on a very personal level! The craft house is a beautiful… huge home, with enough adorable beds to sleep all of your nearest and dearest. While it is perfectly designed for crafting with large tables, numerous outlets, and space to spread out… It is a cozy, bright, cheerful home, with amazing character that invites visitors to feel comfortable in their home away from home. It is wonderfully clean and tidy. An environment that is both refreshing and inspiring. To spend time in such a place with friends is a blessing! Communication with the owner at any point prior, during, and after rental was incredibly efficient and kind. Any instructions were simple and clear.
* It is the most amazing place ever and once you go you’ll find yourself wanting to go back. We started planning our next visit before we left. It’s addictive. You’ve been warned.
* I think everyone should know that it is truly an amazing home – and you’re not going to want to leave!!
* It is even more awesome than you can imagine! Be prepared to wish you could stay longer and/or come back annually at the least. It’s like getting to have a grown up slumber party! 😉
* You need to make it happen! There is something so special about being in a beautifully decorated, immaculately cared for home that inspires creativity and relaxation. Meg is so easy to work with and truly cares about making your stay enjoyable and comfortable. Call all your friends – make your Craft House weekend happen!!
* It is amazing!
* This is the best value for a group of ladies to be able to escape and have a low-key weekend with friends!
these are the dates left to choose for 2014.
MAY 9-11 =====$925
MAY 23-25 ====$925
JUNE 6-8 =====$1100
JUNE 13-15====$1100
remaining weekends $1250 if you reserve now.
JULY 18-20
JULY 25-27
AUGUST 15-17
AUGUST 22-24
AUGUST 29-31
NOVEMBER 28- 30 (maybe your entire family should meet at the craft house for thanksgiving weekend!)
the May dates that are available are up for grabs at $925 each!!
the June dates are $1100!
if you make your reservation in the next two weeks the cost of the weekend is only $1250.
that’s $250 off!
email me at to reserve your date!
do you have questions?
you can read the information HERE from the button at the top of the blog about the Craft House.
tara - freezer aisle.
i think i misspelled it in the last comment, and it wouldn’t do for me to just leave it wrong.
tara - everything about this post was inspiring.
the words. the color. the stories. the pictures.
the thought of whitney houston on the freezer isle.
all of it.
Lisa - I loved reading this post. Especially about the tough guy wanting flowers. My husband is a tough looking, tattooed guy. 😉
kristin - Your mother’s day flower story brought tears to my eyes. You are kind.
Melissa - Love that you gave the guy flowers. I bet you made his day! We did yard work for my mom for mother’s day also!
What I’m Reading | a glass of milk - […] whose lives don’t intersect with mine in many ways, but whose posts just make me happy. This is one of those […]
Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - I love your random, photo-filled posts about what your family is up to, Meg! And love seeing all your nature/flower pics!
I especially love seeing how you guys fill your warm summer days 🙂 It came so fast this year, its crazy!! My daughter will be in 2nd grade next year. Where did the time go?!?
PS- *love* your white kitchen!! Gorgeous!
Katherine @ Grass Stains - Meg, I found the perfect mug for you a few months ago, and I bought it on a whim. I’d love to send it to you for you to keep, whether at the Craft House or your new home, if you’ll allow me to. I’ve been reading your blog for years and years, although I only comment occasionally. I think I sent you a direct photo of the mug on Instagram a while back … I can’t remember. Anyway, I’d love to mail it to you … it just screamed “MEGAN DUERKSEN” at me, and I had to get it. 🙂
Flower Patch Farmgirl - “i gave him a huge bouquet of fresh cut flowers for his girlfriend who he said was upset with him.
he said thank you so many times and i said “be sure to call your kids today ok?!”
This just made me cry. And I already knew the story!!
Kerri - What Heather said!! She said it perfectly. And I love the peonies; the home we moved from 7 years ago had several pink and white peony bushes and I really miss them.
amy jupin - i know it’s silly but these are my favorite kinds of posts.
i love the pictures and the little bits of you sprinkled in between.
reminds me of the days when i searched for beauty everywhere.
i need to get back to doing that more often.
that’s where contentment is found.
in the every day.
Su - Your tattoo guy story sounds like a story from Love Does 🙂
tinaehb3 - The flower story is the best!! And the Nike socks made laugh too…my boys are 9 & 11 and asked for Nike Elite socks for Easter and almost died when the cashier said my total was 36.00 for two pair of socks!! In my head I thought I will never tell anyone I just did this!!! Lol
KJ - I love it when God shows up as a tattooed man ready to snag some flowers, but instead leaves us with more of himself.
Reminds me of the homeless man at MCD’s…
Michele - Your peonies are so pretty. Here In north central Wisconsin I might not see mine until the 4th of July! I’m not kidding. The stems just started to peak out of the ground last week and are only like 2 inches high now. This winter was brutal. Considering it is 38 outside this fine Saturday morning….I don’t think they will speed up anytime soon!
Ana Hogan - You are so awesome! 🙂
I bought that book on the kindle today. Hoping to read it on our mini road trip tomorrow.
Thank you for being an inspiration to momma’s… and women in general!
Tiffany - I loved the “tattoo guy” story. You have such a big heart! Happy Mother’s Day!
Kristin - The story about the man & the flowers just made my day. Beautiful!
Kelly - You’re so pretty! Love that last picture and LOVE the story about the man and the flowers! God is good!! Kelly
Traci - Looks like a colorful week, and full of good things! Also. That looks like such a sweet dog. I’m jealous!
Kirsten J - I love the tattooed man story. Good, good stuff. And. We’ve lived here 7 years and I still don’t have handles/knobs on everything. Oh, we bought them way back in the beginning, but it’s a chore that has yet to be completed. Although he did finally work on them a few weeks ago and only has a bathroom and a half to go. But. We’re one knob short. *sigh* hopefully that place is still in business and has more…..
Seriously Sassy Mama - Sounds like a nice week.
CassM - Meg, I spy a Vancouver Island Starbucks coffee mug in your cupboard! So do I! (Well, I live here …) Gift from a Craft Weekend-er??
Sarah Wolfe - You beat me on the kitchen cabinet hardware. We moved into the house and after making so many decisions, I just couldn’t make another one. So the cabinet doors are still bare… I have a feeling when we finally get that done, we will wonder why we didn’t do it sooner! 😉
Sounds like you had a fabulous Mother’s Day… and I love the story about the man… I’m sure you made his day!
Heather - Meg – I’ve been reading your blog for quite a while now and I just want to say that I LOVE it!! I find all kinds of inspiration on it, whether it be spritiual, creative, fitness, junking or decorating. I find you so genuine and I just look forward to your posts. I’ve found that in the blog world, there seems to be this “need” to show only the perfectly styled pictures of our life, and while I appreciate a beautiful picture, I want to spend my precious time on things that I relate to. I usually end up feeling inadequate about my own life after reading some of the blogs out there. I never feel that way after reading your blog! I always feel inspired and like we could totally be friends. 🙂 I love your style, your home is beautiful & I’m trying tof figure out a way to move into the craft house! I really appreciate when you post pics of your laundry piled on the couch or books strewn on tables & your kids crafting! I love that you are continually striving to do/be better but still share the reality of day to day hectic life. Basically, I love your genuine-ness and your heart for the Lord and it totally permeates your blog. I just wanted you to know that. Have a wonderful weekend! – Heather
Jenn - I followed your advice. I ordered the book. (I even convinced my girlfriends that we had to read it this month, as the inaugural book for our book club.)
Amazing book! Wow! Thank you for sharing it with us!
Kim B - Cant wait for a home tour, your design/decor is always so uplifting.
Seamingly Sarah - I love the peonies! I’m still waiting for mine over here in Northern New York. I loved your story of giving the flowers to the man. What a wonderful god ordained encounter. It is so good that you saw it for what it was, a moment to give, maybe plant a seed. =)
april R - Happy belated Mother’s Day 🙂
I can just imagine that big tattooed guy years from now
thinking about the lady who gave him her attention, time, and flowers