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an hour on pinterest

follow along with me as i click-click-clicked my way through pinterest this morning.
(click on photo for source)

how cute are these?!
they had me at sprinkles…

80c9ee3962b552a4d426cc79833af8fcspeaking of cute AND tiny… 
these mixed drinks in jars are ADORABLE!

this shirt is awesome!

this somehow led me to embroidery.
it’s all so pretty!
i want all the mexican flowers!


LOVED this wall!
the shiplap… the game boards… the crates… it’s so good!
and how sweet is this simple wall treatment?

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
swiss crosses forever!

and then this week i saw pam garrison’s backdrop she made for a class she is teaching.
i mean… dang PAM!!!
it is so beautiful!
send it to me when they’re done with it.
ha ha ha!

which led me to alissa burke’s beautiful walls…. sighhhh.

but you know i need some color…
making this wall would be so. much. fun!

what fun place to shower!
it would be hard to feel sad in there.

i would like to sit here and drink my coffee.

colorful tiles are happy!


i love the bright floor against the ALL WHITE bathroom.

but these yellows are like soaking in the SUNSHINE!
i admire people for going of it and making fun rooms like these.

i love the different shades of green but mostly i want to FEEL these walls!
you can tell that it has texture and dimension and that is dreamy to me!

that floor?
it’s too much.
too perfect.
i want to lay down next to this cat and i could die a happy lady!  🙂

rainbow executed in the best way.
simple and fun.

and then i felt hungry and started thinking about dinner…

and of course… dessert.

and then my coffee cup was empty and i had to get up and do something else.

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on instagram a few days ago i asked for topics to share about here on the blog.
i love hearing from you!

some topics mentioned were:

– parenting tips for survival and sanity with schedules
– parenting teen girls
– dealing with mean girls
– how do we handle kids with phones and social media
– parenting regrets
– parenting big kids and staying close as they grow up
– what are your favorite things
– favorite fashion if money was no object
– Organizing photos/storage/printing
– what is your decorating inspiration
– how’s supper club so far?
– how was the happy hour with jamie ivey
– furniture painting tips
– how did you start craft weekend
– what devotional do you like and tell us about your bible time – how can you focus?
– can you share about your best, most loyal girlfriends?
– food choices, healthy eating and fitness
– dealing with Post Pinterest Inferior Syndrome (that was a cute one!)
– how do you balance life, work, hobbies
– what is your next house project
– what made you want chickens
– favorite family meals
– what blogs & IGs do you follow
– what are you reading

so… i am going to touch on a few here today.
and hit others soon.

most of the comments were asking to see our house.
gosh… you guys are very kind.
right now christmas decor is put away and nothing has taken it’s place.
so i am working on that.
we hung the barn doors up and i am working on how to make it pretty again.
i promise to show it as soon i do.

and the rest of the house.

if you are new-ish here you may not know there is a category in the sidebar for home decorating.
you can see all the post that have ever been tagged in that category.


How do you like living in a more modern house vs the vintage?
well… i don’t want to sound ungrateful in any way here so please don’t think i am.
i love this 14 year old house and i’ll tell you why.
i like having a garage.  i like the big cement driveway.  i like that it was built solid, sturdy and reliable.
i like that there is a tornado shelter! i like that all the windows work.  i like having a sink in the laundry room.  i love our block and location on our block. i like the gas fireplace! i like large open space.  i like dry wall vs. plaster.  i like i like that the plumbing & electrical is not even two decades old.  it’s a really great house! i tell craig how much i like it here all the time.

BUT… if i could have an old white two story farmhouse with land and a view of sunsets and pretty fields with chickens all around the garden and an old porch with a swing…. i’d pick that in a heart beat.
but with old houses comes old plumbing and probably a lagoon.  Also drafty windows and doors and broken steps and paint that needs stripping and re-painting. it would most likely need new bathrooms and/or kitchen.  there would be wallpaper to strip and I’m sure there would be trim that needed to be painted white.  😉  There would be much more work than this new house is.
And i would still choose that over the new.

BUT as 40 year olds with 5 kids, 2 jobs and a non-stop schedule AND another house… the newer, more reliable house is the best option right now.

and maybe ever.  (cause we aren’t getting any younger)


What is your morning routine?
oh girls.
this one made me crack up.
because i am THE WORST about mornings.
and about routines!
i love sleep so much it’s not even funny.
but i hate to go to bed at night… i’m a total night owl.
it’s not falling asleep that i love… it’s the not getting up part.
summer break with big kids is the best thing ever!  sleeping until 10 or 11? every day?! HEAVEN!
but i have kids in school now so i have to get up each morning.
we wake up around 6:30-6:45.
i make sure everyone got up with their alarm and i make coffee.
then i sit there and stare at nothing and drink the coffee while they get ready for school.
i say things like “did you put your homework in your bag yesterday?”  “are you bringing a coat?” “tie your shoes please”
but really i have trained them to be VERY self sufficient.
they don’t actually need me to be awake but obviously i want to see them and help if needed.
then at 7:30 they leave and run down the block to catch the bus.
and just two weeks ago scott started driving so he leaves a little after them and drives himself & sean to school.
after that… if i have nothing going on that morning… i go back to sleep!
then i get up and drink more coffee and wake up real slow.

probably not the inspiring go-getter routine you were hoping to hear… ha ha ha!

BUT i have a routine that i WISH i was great at and that i am attempting to try.
5:30 – workout
6:30 – coffee and quiet time
7:30 – shower
8:30 – have a productive day
hmmm…. it sounds horrible.
truly awful!
wish me luck.
it starts in the morning… i’m trying not to cry already.
i saw this blog post on pinterest and thought it was right on!
i’m going to try some of her tips.

being a grown up is dumb.

and last for today:
How do you maintain your house… no clutter, no piles?

well…. there ARE piles and clutter here.
but not crazy amounts i guess. (the laundry room doesn’t count)
house work is not my strength.
my husband is the clean one and the one who keeps things neat.
i am not a slob but i don’t have a binder with cleaning charts and a schedule either.
i am able to be pretty chill about all of it… clutter and mess do not undo me.
i have no trouble going to bed with a sink full of dirty dishes or unfolded laundry.

i’d say there are 3 things that help keep it under control.
1. the kids clean up their rooms and bathroom on saturdays.
that is their space and their responsibility… i do not get involved.

2. our kids alternate loading and unloading the dishwasher
(meaning i don’t have to do dishes every single day)
we started this as young as kindergarten for unloading.
right now my boys take turns loading the dishwasher and the girls unload.

3. i have a cleaning service.
the woman who cleans for me is absolutely awesome!
i spend several hours picking up the house in the morning on the day she comes so she can deep clean.
having professional help has kept the clutter & chaos down immensely.
she cleans the main floor of the house except for annie’s room and the guest room.
that means the kitchen, dining, living room, hallway, bathroom, my bedroom and bathroom.
i know that it’s not the answer for everyone to have a cleaning service… but i decided about 3 years ago that FOR ME it was absolutely worth the money because the keeping up with the housework had gotten to be too much for me with everything else going on.
i hated it!
i hated thinking about it, worrying about it and of course DOING it.
and i hated that i couldn’t keep up.
so for me – a cleaning service was the answer.
it has made my life easier and it is my favorite!
i am grateful and it’s freed me up to get other things done during that time!
AND she’s so much faster than i ever was.
when my kids were babies and toddlers it didn’t feel like the best use of money because little ones are tornadoes of mess 24/7.
but with bigger kids who are gone all day and many evenings… it is totally worth it!


thanks for all the topic ideas!

and guess what i’m going to do now… yeah.
another basketball game.



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ok…. the kids have gone back to school.
i got one day to myself (or technically just a half day).
so with my silent morning…. i wrote out my goals for 2016.
why does it make my stomach hurt?
goals are good…. right?
everyone says they are so it must be true.
even it feels scary.

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unrelated: my sister got me adorable polka dot “sleep” pants for christmas and i’ve worn them for dayzzzzzzz.

i separated my page out into sections – Self Care / Personal / Business / Jesus stuff
very professional.
probably just like Beth Moore would do it.

i will share a few but not all because some are personal & also i don’t want to bore you….

*Self Care
1. get a mammogram (cause i’m 40 now and it’s that time)
2. figure out if i can enjoy and see benefits of the Essential Oils
i want to understand… but i fear i may not be self aware enough… like knowing if my body is responding or not… or if have the stamina to keep it up… idk… we shall see.  i have them.  but feel basically clueless about them.
feel free to share why you love them and why i should as well.

1. create something every week.
because i haven’t for months and i am slowly dying on the inside.
dramatic much?
i feel my best when i am creating… so i need it to be more not less.
2. send happy mail often.
i love to send people happy mail and i want to do much more of that in 2016

1. record and balance accounts early & often
this is pretty much my least favorite thing ever of all things related to business stuff
but now that i’m 40… ha ha ha.
it’s still my least favorite.
that doesn’t mean i can’t do it.
and it would make my husband so happy too.
win – win!
2. new products in my shop.
because duh… it needs to happen.
i just gotta do it.
feel free to share what you’d love to see in the shop!

*Jesus Stuff
i’ve always been really lax about this.
that makes me sad to say.
but it’s the truth.
i want to dig in and spend time in the bible.
i want to know Jesus more.  i need it.
not in a ‘do better’ kind of way but in the ‘i miss closeness with jesus’ kind of way.
2. memorize bible verses.
it doesn’t have to be fancy.
this week’s was from our sermon at church.
Eph.6:11 “Put on the full armor of God so you can stand firm against the devil’s schemes”
3. Africa
someway – somehow – sometime this year.
yep… it’s a jesus thing…. it could be in the personal category too but it’s so big that’s it falls under Jesus Stuff for me.
(i knooooow that in reality EVERYTHING falls in that category.  I do.)


and then i attempted to fill out my 2016 calendar.
that is just dumb.
but i did it.
basically it was 571 basketball games and 3 dr appts.

ok… boring talk is over.


here is something you need to do: listen to Jami Nato’s Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey.

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trust me.
it’s REALLY good.
crazy good.
you’re welcome.


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vacation – part two

the house that we were in was just up the beach but also had a stream next to it (way down a high ledge) that fed into the lake.
so everyday we would come out to the beach and see how the stream had changed.
it was different everyday because of rains at night.
our rental house is the dark one in the trees just above annie’s head.

i brought my rainbow sun hat that i got in gulf shores alabama.  🙂

everyone’s favorite thing to do in the water is wave crash.
we had several days of good waves.
of course i prefer it calm but i don’t ever get in the water so i doesn’t really matter.
one night we packed up and drove to the La Porte Co. Fair for some entertainment.
we watched a pig judging contest, a lawn mower demolition derby, a figure 8 race, gambled on mouse roulette, ate at a church fundraiser and ate funnel cakes.  it was good old fashioned fun!

we always go bowling.
because it’s inexpensive… it’s fun… and all ages enjoy it.
Team Hot Moms win again!
no dishes for us!
big kids are so silly.
i didn’t think it would be very fun having a house full of big kids… i love babies so much.
i am so glad i was wrong!!!
they are so much fun!

and we always play wiffle ball.
this year they played on the beach!


why do boys love to wrestle so much?
please notice how empty the beaches are.
that is the only family we saw all week… and they were leaving when we got there.
people walk by throughout the day but there is NO ONE at the beach.
and that is why i love michigan.
i LOVE that there are no crowds and it is gorgeous every where you look!
football on the beach passed a lot of time for scott.
being 17 on vacation with your family may not be the most fun thing you could be doing but he was really fun to be with!
i liked hanging out with him… almost like another grown up was there.  football2annieheartannie found me so many heart shaped rocks!
i came home with a pocketful!

on our last day we had craft time because it’s ME!
we kept it simple and painted sticks, rocks and pinecones from the beach.
it was easy and sweet.
we came home with some pretty souvenirs.IMG_1399IMG_2969
every vacation we take a group photo.
oh my goodness have they grown!!!IMG_2970IMG_2976
dave and jenny!!! you guys are the best!
thanks for being such a sweet friends… for sharing your vacation time with us… for being hilarious… for loving our kids…. and a hundred other things.  we love you!

we packed up and drove the 12 hours back home.
it’s far.
and we get tired.
but it is SO worth it!
taking time away together is something we are very intentional about with our kids.
every trip has meant so much.

(and YAY for waaaaay less hiking this year compared to yellowstone! ha ha ha)

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vacation 2015 – part one

my favorite week of the summer is vacation week.
i get craig and my kids all to myself.   🙂
we get to just hang out with our kids all week and do only fun things!
no chores!  no work!  no sports!
it’s a sacred week for me.
i look forward to it for 51 weeks a year!

our kids had been begging to go back to The City Museum in St. Louis so we decided to stay one night in St. Louis on our way to Michigan.  The City Muesem is SO COOL!  Our kids were off running around the whole time and i literally sat in a chair and chilled… for hours.  I had no need to go down a 10 story slide or crawl under floors.  They came back soaked with sweat and happy as can be.
if you have never gone to the City Museum… YOU HAVE TO DO IT.
i mean it.

that is sean… up in a tiny wire cage 11 stories above the ground.
i was having heart palpitations just getting this photo.
he said “WHY? You’re not even up here?!”
fear of heights is a weird thing… it’s not logical.
but it’s so crazy real!

we also had a very VERY hot and sweaty trip to the St. Louis Zoo… along with about a million other people.
we didn’t last too long.
it’s a BEAUTIFUL zoo!  AND it’s FREE!
but it was soooo hot and soooo crowded that we took off pretty quickly.

annie had been looking forward to going to Fitz’s for their famous root beer floats again.
they did not disappoint.
we went late afternoon and every one got their own HUGE float and then we ate pizza at about 10 PM.
so it was basically ice cream for dinner.
(another thing i love about vacation…)
mine was called the Loop Da Loop – root beer with coffee ice cream & chocolate sauce.
i loved it.

in the morning we loaded back up and hit the road towards Michigan.
the big van we use for Craft Weekend is so good for vacation!
everyone gets their own row!
but sometimes they share a spot to play games or watch dvds together.
the boys just lay down and sleep.
not complaining about that one bit.

everyone asked on every instagram picture “where do you stay?”
and we all thought it was funny because anywhere along the water all the way up michigan is awesome.
it’s all so nice.
we tend to stay near St. Joseph area because it’s what we know best.
we get on and find a place… like a year ahead of time.
its always a gamble… and this year the house was less than stellar in MANY ways… except the location could cancel all of the other things out.
we were right on the beach!
we didn’t have to go up or down 213 stairs to get to the beach or the house.
that was really great!
within minutes the kids were in the water and happy as can be.

we share a house with our friends from Illinois when we go to michigan.
it’s a special friendship when you know you can handle a week in close quarters with 6-7 kids.
this was our sixth vacation together!
the first thing we do is go get groceries… without kids or dads.
we figure out what we are cooking for the week and work through our list.
it takes forever but then we are set for the week!
all these kids just keep growing up!
so rude.
we almost always end up going on vacation over the week of sean’s birthday.
so on his big 15th birthday we let him choose our activity.
and then he even beat everybody!  they definitely weren’t letting him win either.
everyone was trying really hard to get in front but sean won on his birthday.
i like that.
and then we played mini golf too!
for all of our activities, Dave had us pair up in teams to compete for washing the dishes that day.
ha ha ha
no one ever chose to be with me or with Jenny! i guess because we are the moms? but guess which team won every ativity?!! Team: Hot Moms! That’s right!  We dominated at all activities and were off Dish Duty all week.  🙂
on our way we drove by this crazy place and i begged to stop.
because… duh.
it was part statue store – part junk yard.

i was in love with the old signs!IMG_2786IMG_2802IMG_2783

i’m trying to convince scott to use this for his senior photo in the year book.  🙂


we went to Chili’s for sean’s birthday dinner and rushed back to have birthday cake on the deck before the sunset.

i sure do like that 15 year old guy.
he is nice.  he is considerate.  he is funny.  he is a big teddy bear.  🙂
that’s my view for all of our road trips… that smile and saying funny stuff to me all the time.

my girls learned to play card games at camp… in particular… they learned to play B.S.
talby calls it Bologna Slices.
and that brought a whole new element to vacation.
jake and abby already knew how to play.
it was so funny listening to them try to trick each other.
now that our kids have all gotten older – they all sleep in!
and they make their own breakfasts!
and even have dance parties in the kitchen.
i like big kids!

the dads leave super early every morning and go golfing.
(whatever… that sounds horrible to me!)
then jenny and i get up hours later and make coffee and sit outside to talk.
and slowly slowly slowly the kids wake up one at a time and peek out to say good morning.
then they would each go back to their electronic device of choice leaving us to talk some more.
around lunch time the dads come back and we all head to the beach.
skipping rocks is a vacation must.IMG_1294
jake brought his Spikeball game.
My kids had seen it on shark tank and were excited to play.


more vacation to come… but this is already long enough.


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7 things to love on a monday!

i love these shoes?!
i saw them at Finish Line but I’m guessing they are everywhere Nike is sold.
i didn’t buy them but i do love them.


i want to eat this.

i am LOVING these mugs from Emily McDowell!
her work always makes me smile (and sometimes seriously crack up!)
just this morning i had to take my coffee & go outside because the volume of words coming out of my children’s mouths was too much & too loud for the first five minutes of being awake.
i need that mug.

this is my FAVORITE shampoo & conditioner.
every time i wash my hair i stand there and breath in that amazing smell.
i can’t stop myself.
and why would i?!
it’s so good.
i love the coconut scent too but this one is my most favorite.
you can get it at target or walmart or even your grocery store probably.


59f8a5857a89842f7397f68b9410cf2f(this is not me… it’s the stock photo on amazon)IMG_2040this is me! those are my feet and hey look! a dime on the floor! score!

i had someone email asking me for the link for my favorite workout pants that i shared awhile back.
they are the High Rise And Shine Capri on amazon.
they go up OVER the muffin top and hold it all in.
and that is why they are my favorite.
i have black, midnight, jade and the dark magenta.
i wanted to show how bright the magenta is… there is no being shy in these capris.
ha ha ha
but i like pink!
and bright!


have you used Chatbooks?
it’s an app for your phone that makes your phone pictures into albums.
i have been using them for my Instagram photos.  🙂
but you can use them for any phone pictures and even make books from hashtags!
how fun is that?
use this code below to get your first book free…. (there are restrictions so check the fine print)
i love how easy it is.


and last but not least for today….
Pregnancy & Newborn Magazine featured my Cow Print in their August Issue!
i love the details they chose for that baby space!

so to celebrate i am having a sale on all prints in my shop!
Use the code 20OFFPHOTO for a 20% discount on prints through July 31.

annnnnd their may just be a bunch of Mini Scrap Bunting over there too.


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12 crafts for kids

i used to make lots of crafts with my kids.
i am not anti-craft now but they are older and its just not how we spend our time together as often.
BUT even if they are from years past… they are still great and fun craft projects!
maybe your kids (or grandkids) are really into art right now?
i put together my top 12 favorites of all the projects i have blogged over the years.

you can click the link underneath to go to the blog post for instructions.

1. Water Color Butterfly Canvas

i LOVED these butterfly punch canvases.
Talby still has her hanging in her bedroom.
they are beautiful!  these canvases POP!
we used this Martha Stewart Butterfly Punch to make the butterflies.
i looked other places and this was the best price! Those peeps at Amazon know what’s what!


2. Giant Squids

these were SO FUN!
we loved the book I’m the Biggest Thing in the Ocean and we made an art project to go along with it.
at the end of the post about making these is a video of teeny tiny annie reading the book!
time is a jerk.


3. Beautiful Butterfly

a favorits book at our house was ALWAYS The Very Hungry Catapillar.
i remember turning the last page and saying “And he was a beautiful butterfly!” so many times.
we created our own Eric Carle inspired butterflies by using construction paper.

4. Gumball Machines

what is happier than a gum ball machine?

5.  Rainbow Windcatchers

i think these are probably my FAVORITE of all the crafts we ever made.
and that’s saying something.
they are just SO pretty hanging in the windows and blowing in the breeze.
we may need to make these again!


6. Robin Nests

we had a nest of robin’s on our porch and their nest was fascinating!
this project was inspired by our mama robin and her three babies.


7. Homemade Chalk Paint

this post is one of the ones i go back to often.
it’s the perfect images of summer.
i LOVE this post… sun tans… zinnias… kids everywhere… paint everywhere.
these were the good ol’ days for sure.


8.  Crazy Owl Continous Line Drawing

there is even a video with these!
this looks hard but i promise you it is NOT and your kids will feel like experts!
you need to make this one for sure!


9. Happy Sunflowers
these happy flowers hung in our kitchen for years!
there is an endless way to create with them.
it’s also a very easy project.  🙂

6a00d8341c469c53ef01761661251f970c-700wi10. Painted Peacocks  

So Much FUN!!!
this project was as much fun to prepare as it was to put together.
the colors are awesome!


11. A Galaxy Far Far Away

you guys this was such a pretty project!
it looks so pretty too wherever you hang it up.
my kids had a good time making this one.



12. Melted Crayon Art

this post has been one of the top pins in history… like for real!
its been on MSN… The Huffington Post… magazines and newspapers all over the world…
everyone loves color!
it took very little time, a canvas, a big box of crayons, hot glue and a blow dryer.
everyone should try this project at least once.  🙂


now… it’s time to get your supplies and get crafty with your kids!

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