We had a nice weekend.
Friday we ate pizza and watched a movie (the Greatest Game Ever Played). Then i scrapbooked until 1:00 AM. . . . love that.
Saturday night we went bowling here in Newtwon. We were at Eastgate Lanes near 135 and we pulled in the parking lot – 2 minute drive from our house and Scott yells “Are we in Wichita?!” and then Lauren says “Are we in North newtwon?” i said “we are 2 minutes from our house guys.” “Where is this place? I have never been to this part of town!!” They were cracking us up. Then we go insided this cute little bowling alley and it was “Cosmic” (much nicer than i expected actually) and talby shouts “This place ROCKS!” We bowled for almost 2 hours on 2 lanes. Annie couldn’t wait for her turn – dancing all around inbetween to the very loud music. once it was her turn she would squeal with delight, get her ball, drop it on the lane HARD and then run back to the ball machine to wait for it to come back up. never loking at her ball down the lane (rolling very slowly). i was in a very bad mood when we left to go bowling so i didn’t bring my camera. boo hoo for me. leason learned. It was such a good time. Craig and I tied with a 99 the first game and then a much improved game the second round he beat me 118 to 112. at least he won once.
Sunday was church and big lunch, naps , playing at the Rec Center and our small group bible study. nice weekend.

this is annie favorite book right now – NO DAVID! very cute to hear her “read” it to herself. “go to rum da-nid!!” gotta love the boots with the p.j.’s – all on her own. she was getting herself ready to got the zoo – not that we are actually going.

Girly time with mommy, talby and annie.
Annie making the sound of an elephant trumpeting! you can almost hear it!