A new family favorite game . . . Annie makes it worth watching.
She is pretty clueless but sure loves to copy everyone.
Lauren thinks she is way too cool for it but after they play a few times she can’t stand it anymore and must prove that she is smarter than they all are.
And Daddy always gets to be Simon.
Somehow they believe me when I say I don’t know how to do it.

Busy weekend. If I could . . . if it was acceptable for a mother of five . . . or any adult . . . to have pink hair I would. I wish we could have hair like the Barbies with a button in their backs to make it longer or shorter whenever you want. But in real life this bright pink wig is as close as we get. It’s even the same style as Talby’s real hair. When Jenny was here she got quite a laugh out of Annie’s bed. I am so used to it that I didn’t notice anymore. This is how she sleeps every night. Sometimes if Talby falls asleep first Annie will sneak over to her bed and take her blanket and pillow or any toy she has with her. So last night it seemed worse than normal. In her little toddler bed she had 3 baby dolls, 3 blankets, 3 pillows, her sippy cup, an entire deck of oversized Old Maid cards that she is obsessed with and 20 books. 20!!! She is a very funny girl. This is so funny! I used to sleep the same way! My bed would be up in the corner of my room, and I’d have my matress set up so that there was enough space between it and the wall, then I’d put all Barbies in there. I’d have all my favorite stuffed animals around my head and at the foot of the bed would be (haha) MY BOOKS! It was as though surrounding myself with the stuff I loved made me feel safe. 🙂 This weekend was filled with lots of laughing, lots of talking and staying up way too late. What a blast! Jenny made it in late Thursday night and we talked every minute inbetween till her flight on Monday afternoon. we went to dinner, we played with the kids, we went to wal-mart – TWICE, we cooked, we stripped wallpaper, we shopped, we took naps, we drank a ton of coffee and we watched lots of TV. It was so much fun. Come back soon Jenny! FYI – Annie just brought me a tape measure and said “What’s dis?” so i showed her how to measure herself. She is exactly 36 inches tall. here are a few pics from the weekend. yesterday i got to talk to my frined Lisa in Illinois for a long time – so good to hear her voice. craig brought me a sweet little coffee cup and some chocolate from starbucks – the perfect gift. 2 out 5 kids liked my cake i made for them for Valentine’s but Craig loved it. he said it looked like it was out of a magazine. . . ahhh. i got some more scrapbooking done again last night. i am on a roll this week! last night i had a moment of joy realizing i could still create pages that were all my idea (not copying someone else’s) and like what i created. that felt really good. then this morning my friend lynette called and we talked for an hour! it was so nice to catch up. And tonight my friend Jenny is coming all the way from chicago with no kids to stay for a four day weekend! her husband is so thoughtful to give her the plane ticket for Christmas. Also the perfect gift. (there are many many perfect gifts) we have no big plans other than talking way too much. She may have to help strip wallpaper but she doesn’t know that yet. ha ha it’s just a happy house right now. a self portrait taken by Sean.
Amanda - I know this post is old… but go for the pink hair even if it’s only for a little while. You only live once and you’ve mentioned pink hair several times. Heck do it in October and say it’s for breast cancer awareness month. Pink hair is awesome to have though even when you do have to go to PTA meetings with it.
Do the pink 🙂