Sean has found a new love. A new ball doesn’t hurt either. He won’t let anyone else touch it. He wanted me to take these pictures – not the norm for Sean.
He can dribble through his legs (slowly but he can do it). But his most impressive new skill is dribbling while squatting down into a sitting position then laying down flat and then coming all the way back up again without losing his ball or stopping the dribble. He was so proud of it. He learned at JAM basketball so lots of other kids can do it too but I am not their mom. He probably did it 20 times yesterday. Determination . . . love that.
After watching him I had to try it myself. I’ve never laid on the cement and dribbled a basketball before. (notice how there is no picture of that?) What great skill for a 6 year old to work on! It is balance and timing and strength and coordination all in one. And it ‘s FUN too.
Last week Sean said “WOW MOM! You are so good at basketball!!” (ha ha ha – go ahead I know you are laughing already)
Conversation after soccer last night –
Sean: “Mom, I could beat you at soccer easy!”
Me: “What makes you think that?”
Sean: “Because you are so old and I am fast and young.”
So much changes in a week.

Awana Grand Prix Race was tonight at church. Scott’s car was painted with black chalk board paint and then he wrote Rock CHALK Jayhawk on it. He did it himself. I was most most proud of that part. It crossed the finish line twice. He wasn’t the slowest one – I don’t think. And even if he was that’s okay too. Great job Scotty! I love this picture. Annie on the run after her bath trying to catch Talby who is too fast and already out of the room. This is a scene I see out my kitchen window almost everyday. This Friday was all about relaxing. Now I am not a squeemish girl about the pets we have but I don’t particularly enjoy touching them when i don’t have to. Three weeks ago I let the kids get a DEGU. That is like a hamster/rat/squirrel? mix. It’s cute for a rodent. They love it. They named it Hammy after the crazy squirrel on Over the Hedge. It looks like a squirrel in the face. The gross thing is the tail . . . it’s long like a rat but has some fur. Yuck. Yesterday Spiderman (Sean) showed up in the middle of a friendly neighborhood soccer game! It was quite funny. Then Talby set up her chair, one for her baby and a chair for me and sat on the sidelines. She was shouting “GO SEAN! GO SCOTT!” She said to me, “This is like a real game”
elma riedstra - Oh my word look how small annie is!!!Why do they have to grow????
melissa @ the inspired room - Oh my gosh, that Spiderman looks exactly like my 7 year old son! He wore his Spiderman costume to the park one day and all the way there he kept saying “I hope know one will laugh at me”! Boys! They crack me up!