Our nephew had a birthday today and we forgot to call him.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY you big 14 year old boy!
I remember holding you all the time when you were a baby! You had the cutest little walk. I loved your little grin. Craig would flip you upside down and you would laugh like crazy. You always loved to drink our pop too!
One memory I have of you was when you were 1 or 2 and sitting on the floor with you in Nana’s kitchen in her old house lining up a very long line of Mathcbox cars? or dinosaurs maybe? The line was perfectly straight. We couldn’t move them at all. You’d turn your head and I’d switch one to be backwards or crooked and you’d immediately see it and fix it. I thought then that you were amazingly attentive and smart! and you still are.
I honestly can’t believe you are so grown up. A young man now!
Hope your day was great.
We all love you very much!

What an incredible weekend! I had the best time. All these women were sooo much fun. I haven’t laughed like that for a long time. Thank you girls for laughing with me (and at me). Its GREEN DAY at pre-school. She picked this outfit herself . . . so cute. St. Patrick’s Day always make s me think of my Grandpa Osborne. He and I were pen pals. He sent me a poloroid once of his St. Patrick’s outfit. He had a green 3 piece suit with a green hat to match. I think he is standing next to his 3 wheel bike in the poloroid. He was always doing something funny. OH I wish i knew where that picture was!!! I would post it. If I find it this morning I will. Craig is home today working on the house. He is so handy. I will show his finished product when it’s finished. Later today I am off to Oklahoma to a “scrapbook” bed & breakfast for the weekend. I am so thrilled about it! It only sounds fun if you like to scrapbook I am sure. The house is all ours (8 friends and I). Everyone gets their own table & workspace. Then we get to be free of kids and housework for 48 hours to work on what we love! We can sleep when we want and eat when we want! It is going to be so great! We are leaving behind 22 children with their daddies. I have to go pack my clothes – 2 pairs of jammies and a toothbrush. I plan on staying in pj’s the whole time because I CAN! We had TWO surprise visitors yesterday. Illinois friend Chad Gifford emailed early yesterday morning saying he was in Kansas on business! He was way up in Kansas City but had no afternoon plans so he drove the 3 hours down to see us. He stayed for dinner and we gave him the tour of little Newton. It was so good to see you Chad! Thank you for going so far out of your way to see us. That was really special. Next time you come we will hit the antique stores! I hope your drive back was free of deer this time. Last night was Student-lead parent conferences. The kids take you around their room showing you their work. They love to do it. It is such a cute way to hear how they doing. The teacher is there but just sits at her desk listening to be sure they have the correct information. She loves art . . . when she’s in the mood. Friday night we got a fire going in the pit outside. It wasn’t even cold in the dark. It was loud (like always) because the kids are so excited and hyper but it was nice to be out. We roasted some marshmallows and then threw them at the kids on the trampoline. It’s a game they call “Mallow Toss.” I don’t know if they made it up but they always play it when we have the fire going. |
Chad - Look at the hotties in the first picture!
I will for sure come back, and suprise you all again!
I love Kansas!