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great day

This morning got a jump start by having to take the kids to school myself last minute in the rain. I was still in my p.j.’s & talby & annie too. other than getting halfway there and coming back for a lunch bag it was all good. it was good to be up and going.
i cleaned all morning! don’t you love when the mood hits and you get so much done? how can it get so messy?
When it finally stopped raining we headed out for groceries. today was one of those days with no crying at wal-mart. yay! i even got to enjoy talby and annie singing together while we shopped. they were oblivious to everyone around them. I overheard annie tell talby “good job!” when her song had ended.
we picked everyone up from school and we have been stuck inside ever since it began to rain again. poor craig has to clean all the gutters again. they are over flowing everywhere.

Earlier today I was missing chicago ALOT. i was thinking that it’s been over 2 years since i have been to Kane Co. Flea Market!!! Quite possibly my favorite place to shop. i MISS it! It was my inspiration spot. I went even when i couldn’t spend money just because i came home full of ideas. i just loved it. (and the coffee and time alone was awesome too) i miss all the shabby antique stuff. i miss the treasures waiting to be found and thinking “what could I do with THAT?” one time i bought a cupboard for cheap and when i got home inside it was an old photo album and newspapers of the day of JFK’s funeral with little john-john saluting in his little bitty suit. trash to treasure.

This afternoon annie was discovered with a blue marker. she took a piece of paper from the cabinet. i said “can i have that marker please?” she replied deliberately “NO. i MAKE something!” i had to smile and watch. she laid down by my feet and drew this. She was very sure about it. “DINOSAUR!” she drew eyes and a nose. this was her first “face” i’d seen her make. Proud mommy.
of course it’s a dinosaur!
She is a Happy Camper!

Nana - Another artist! I wish you could see the pictures Lauren and Scott drew in church Sunday. Scott drew a cross on a hill with lightning and the caption “Our God is an Awesome God”…is He ever!! The sermon referred to the prodigal son and Lauren drew him working with the pigs. Very well done.

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new toy

Check out Craig’s new toy. He claims to not be excited about a new(er) car. “It’s just a car. . . no big deal.” Whatever.
The smelly loud Maxima is gone. I am happy about that.
The Maxima and I never bonded. There was no love. I am glad it’s gone.
I like this car. I am looking forward to driving it. And I know Craig is too he just doesn’t want to make a big deal of it.
It’s pretty. (and it comes with a meatloaf oven in the console -SNL skit)
For all I got accomplished yesterday – I did the opposite today. i got nothing done and even went back to bed in the mid morning! I was dragging. I made some phone calls but that was about I could do. Annie got lots of time playing at the park since I was too tired to do anything else.


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feeling organized

The only day of the week that I am guaranteed out the door by 9:30 so it always feels like such a productive day. Imagine that. . . when you get out of your pajamas before noon it feels good? weird.
I went to my bible study this morning. I always learn a lot from that group – the women and the study.
Then I took 2 extra kids home with me for a playdate. While they played I folded this laundry mountain, mopped the kitchen & got dinner in the crock pot. And I even got a page done in Annie’s scrapbook. After the extra kids left and Annie was sleeping I got a nap in too!
Love my Tuesdays.
Lauren has a soccer game tonight and it’s my turn to go. She loves soccer! She is so competitive – like her dad.
Sean took this picture of me folding clothes. They all love to take pictures. I almost have heart failure while they are holding my camera but I let them so they can get enjoy photography like I do. I think for birthdays and Christmas they will be getting digital cameras (for kids) so I can breathe easier.
And I just wanted to mention . . . I DO know how to properly capitalize words but I don’t like to so . . I’m just lazy not dumb . . . if you were wondering.


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I got a call from my friend Tonya (wearing turquoise) and she had Baby #3!!!! Hooray!
She had a boy. He was 7 lbs. 13 oz. if I remember correctly. I won’t say his name since she may not want me to. If you know her you will have to call her or me to find out. 🙂
I am so happy for them. I wish I could hold him!
These are some pictures from her visit in January. She & her 2 sweet kids stayed for one night with us. We took them to one of Newton’s finest restaurants – Drueber’s Donuts.
It was just way too short of a visit. (yes Sean IS wearing a Mr. Incredible costume to play Zingo)
Miss you guys!

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more fun at grandma’s

I thought since I still have time to relax that i’d post some more pictures of our time at my mom’s.
She and I took my kids and my older niece to the Natural History Museum at KU. Lauren had been before so she was not happy to be back. the others LOVED it!
there was an exhibit going on called Play with Your Food letting the kids do experiments with food. They got to shoot marshmallows out of a tube/gun thing, make the baking soda volcano thing in a ziploc bag, and see something explode. it was very cute.
WE let them wander the whole place for a few hours. The grossest (is that a word?) thing was the bug part with these enormous grasshoppers in a tank. ugh – it was disgusting! They were alive and crawling around – at least 3 inches long and fat! so sick.
We took them to eat at the cafeteria at the Union. they thought it was the coolest place. We went through it all first showing them all their choices but they all came back to the Pizza Hut kiosk. Sean said halfway through his personal pan cheese pizza “This is way cooler than a regular dinner because we all get our own pizza!!” He had never had his own before. sweet boy.
Then on our way out we let them browse the KU Bookstore. They were all shouting “look! a jayhawk!” every 10 seconds. scott picked a KU basketball with his money.
we had a wonderfully quiet weekend. we hung out here at the house the whole time. it was great. craig said “did you ever know this house could be so quiet?”
ahhhhhh…i hate for it to end. . . about 1 more hour left. boo hoo.
Enjoy your day! I will enjoy my last hour.Img_1287_2

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all alone

i went to visit my parents yesterday with all the kids. we got to see my sister & her kids and my grandma too.
We went swimming at an indoor pool. it was very crowded but just what we needed. they are mostly big enough to be on their own. it made me nervous to let them go out of my reach but they did great!
annie stuck with me or my mom. she went down the baby slide at least a hundred times! each time was as exciting as the first one. too cute.
we got to see my youngest niece almost walking! she is 10 months old. you would just want to kiss her and squeeze her if you were holding her! So BIG already.
the bottom picture was taken by lauren.
The title is “all alone” because i left 3 kids with my parents and 2 kids with Craig’s mother for a weekend alone here at the house! it was a surprise for craig! it’s awesome. . . we are child-less for another 43 hours. thanks moms for watching them for us!


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Rainy day

Yesterday it rained all day long.
Not good for spring break.
Talby really wanted to play in the puddles. At first I said no – i was feeling lazy. i didn’t want to dig out the boots or go out in the rain. But I gave in. I am so glad I did.
And i wasn’t going to take any pictures either. But after watching this for 10 minutes I couldn’t stand it any more.
So sweet.
The last picture was taken by Talby.

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