potty training is my least favorite part of toddlers.
i don’t think she’s getting it.
i think i may quit. don’t judge me.
tomorrow we may go to the zoo so then it’s really not working . . . not to mention how nasty those bathrooms are. yuck.
i heard twice today “mom! i peed on the couch!”
new subject.
we had a playdate with 2 sweet girls today. annie had a hard time – not being nice. she pushed one of the girls. bummer.
lunch at sonic. i love sonic. the gal who calls me me sweetie makes my day. jana told me to try the cranberry limeaid and it IS too yummy!
i got to help at preschool today (didn’t really do anything but if something had happened i’d have been right on it) they took class pictures. annie got to stay and play in the toy kitchen and have snack so she was thrilled!
annie and i went to walmart.
while there we ran in to a friend from church (that annie has never met.)
i said “hi! how is your new baby?” and annie looked at her and confessed “i pushed emma”
we just cracked up. it had been 2 hours.
i said “she must be feeling pretty guilty.”
picked up all the kids from school.
got some stuff cleaned up to prepare for another overnight guest!
Peter Hang is in town from IL. he comes to Wichita once a year for business. when we first moved here (2 years ago) he called me from the plane and said “How close are you to Wichita?”
i said “craig works in wichita.”
he said “no way! can i come over?”
it was great. we surprised the kids . . . “guess who’s coming for dinner. you’ll never guess!!”
they went crazy to see him.
i love this yearly tradition.
so i got dinner together and it was like the old days of dinner on henry ave. peter used to come over before our small group and eat with us and help with the kids. that was before he was married with 3 kids and we only had 2, 3 and 4 kids.
good times.
he loves movies and tv as much as we do so we never run out of movie lines to swap. we can’t go one minute without a quote.
we got the kids off to awana and sat around the camp fire catching up. just love that stuff.
sean came to me around dinner time and gave me these cards as gift.
he was serious.
he was given them by a girl in his kindergarten class and for some reason he thought i’d really like them.
they are dated 1991. these are actual trading cards.
i bet this little girl’s dad may be upset when he finds 2 drummer’s missing from his megametal card collection!!!

kristin - another thing:
i totally know the sweetie-lady at sonic…micah really likes her because she gives him extra mints.
kristin - ok, so i haven’t laughed as hard as i did when i saw those cards…and then thinking of sean getting them…and then knowing what his face looked like when he seriously gave them to you as a gift…very funny.
by the way, i am of the thinking that i would rather change diapers than wet clothes any day.
and by the way again, having your joyful presence at preschool is the exact help we need. 🙂