We had a Saturday on the calendar with nothing on it!
it rocked.
i slept in.
we worked in the yard.
i am so ready to plant flowers!
craig took the kids on a bike ride in the afternoon.
annie took a nap.
i sat on a blanket in the yard and read my magazines that has been waiting for me the past few days drinking iced coffee.
it was just so sunny and wonderful.
we called craig’s aunt and uncle and asked if we could come over for dinner.
we are so rude.
they said yes (what could they say? ha)
so we headed to the farm for the evening.
we couldn’t have had a better night.
just beautiful.
gary and janet have pigs.
lots and lots of pigs.
we were lucky to get to see baby pigs that were only hours old.
they are the cutest.
annie was nervous but everyone else was right in there trying to grab one.
wow! pigs are loud.
i think the squealing is what made annie nervous.
later she said “pigs were cryin’. they say put me down! put me down!”
some were so tiny i could have put one in sean’s pocket but he wouldn’t let me try.
the tractors
the combine
four wheeler
playing frisbee
hunting for bugs
the new cows
kitties running all around
the swings made from old tires
burgers and chocolate cake
the sunset
so comfortable.
so lovely.
i am emotional thinking about it and that seems silly.
(craig will say that it is)
i just love to see the kids love everything around them.
love to see them discover.
feeling free and learning.
gary and janet are so kind and patient with our kids.
teaching them new things without judgement (city kids)
the views from their yard are gorgeous.
like a painting.
kansas IS beautiful.
okay. . . you get it!
i loved it.
and love them.
today i began clearing out the craft room.
it suddenly looked like a place they would put on an oprah show titled “houses gone bad” and she’d say “When did you just give up? how can you live that way?”
not clearing the crafty stuff (mostly) but stacks of everything else that had no place the past two years.
it will soon be empty.
the Etc. shop will be so happy.
one more till may.
holy cow.
kristin - HA! talby told me on friday,
“there is a babysitter and i don’t know her name yet and my mom is going to be gone a long time.”
🙂 happy, happy for you!!!