all day i was going to blog.
and all day i just never could get to it.
so here i am at 10:00 writing the bloggy blog.
first off… the laundry room has been cleaned (by me) and must be documented.
i am dying to paint every inch of this room white.
and by “i am” i mean i am dying for craig to paint it white.
every single inch..jpg)
have i mentioned before that everyone in our family does their own laundry?
we started this 5 years ago.
everyone does their own clothes. they wash. and dry. and fold their own clothes!
they even wash their sheets and towels.
and i wash mine.
(i also wash the slip covers, the kitchen towels, the rugs, the dogs and everything in-between that moms do)
it is THE BEST system and i think everyone should be doing it this way.
(im not trying to be bossy or anything… i just love it that much)
doing your kids laundry for them… as a teen? as a 10 year old? it is not necessary i tell you!
we started this system when annie was in kindergarten.
for reals.
laundry is NOT a hard job.
they very quickly learn how to do it.
and they should!
it is their own clothes. 🙂
the hardest part for annie when she was in kindergarten was that the basket was too heavy to carry.
so i carried it for her!
but now she can do it all on her own.
and so can my teenage sons.
and my husband does his own too!
i help them out occasionally by throwing their load in but i truly love that 99% of it they do themselves.
if they need their uniforms before a game? it is not MY problem. I’m not the one playing basketball? i shouldn’t be in charge of washing their uniform on time.
i give reminders. but that is a LIFE SKILL that kids need! they need to remember things and get stuff done. it’s not mean. it’s GOOD for them!
i don’t have to get mad telling them to help me with mountains of laundry.
it eliminated an argument that we were constantly having.
once we gave them the responsibility of doing their own job… ahhhhh.
for all of us.
no yelling (not that anyone ever yells in our house of course… HA HA HA)
and no blame.
“kids – if you want clean clothes… wash them”
the end.
but the point of the photo was that every piece of laundry is done and that room is spotless.
and i like that.
UPDATE: people had questions about HOW the system works.
In an ideal world everyone would each have a day and everyone would do their laundry on the right day.
seven people in a family – seven days in a week? obviously that is a good idea.
but these are kids.
mostly teens!
so all that flew out the window immediately.
how we worked it out was… IF there is laundry done & sitting in the washer and someone else wants to use the washer next… they must ask the person whose laundry it is to come and move it to the dryer OR for permission to move it for them.
BECAUSE in the beginning of all this… i would put my laundry in and my kids would move it all to the dryer and shrink ALL my clothes.
there is no fury like a mom who only has one good pair of jeans that were just ruined forever because a kid decide to do their laundry at midnight thinking no one would find out!
they have to get permission to move them or wait the few minutes for that person to come get it.
If there are clothes in the dryer and they want the dryer and the clothes have been sitting for awhile (a day?)… we let them dump it in basket.
but if the person NEEDING the dryer is basically “jumping the line” by making everyone move their laundry at light speed for them…. because they didn’t remember to do their laundry until 1 hour before they need the jersey… then they are REQUIRED to fold that person’s laundry in the dryer for them.
because AGAIN! when a mom works all day and then finds her clothes wadded up and still damp in a basket in the laundry room… LOOK OUT.
it’s not pretty.
after several trys of working it out… three of our kids are awesome at this.
not everyone.
but majority.
and even the one who drive the rest crazy by cheating… is still learning the skills.
they keep a laundry basket in their closet for dirty clothes & when that basket is full they are supposed to wash it.
one basket at a time is not too much work for your kids.
they take turns.
they learn the best time to do laundry. 🙂
i have heard many times “OH!!! THE WASHER IS EMPTY!” and someone racing down the stairs to get their clothes quick before it gets filled.
that is them learning to strike while the iron is hot!
don’t miss an opportunity!
clean underwear awaits!
it’s not mean.
you are not a bad mom if your kids do their own laundry.
i know this to be a fact.
i made it even EASIER and switched to the laundry pods because then they can’t even make a mess with soap!

my little green pick up that i found last week at the antique shop looks so cute loaded up.
it’s on its way to the fabric store obviously.
a few days ago it was sitting on the table as i was cutting scraps for bunting & it made the perfect scrap holder!
this truck can do no wrong.
annie and talby make such good cookies.
it’s the same recipe (recipe HERE) i have made since the day i got married but they have made them even better!
i don’t know what it is?
but they make them and make them and make them.
and i have THE HARDEST time resisting them.
*cake plate is from world market several years ago.
*wire basket holding paper plates and napkins is from hobby lobby in december.
i got these beautiful stars from Kurt Knudsen.
i’m going to hang them in my window but it’s so hard to get a photo of them that way.
so i am showing you what they look like before i hang them up!
Kurt Knudsen is having a sale right now using the code: HEARTSTAR for 20% off!!
have you seen his shop?
oh my word.
so many amaaaaaazingly cool options!
polka dot stars? yes please!
every color of the rainbow? i want them all.

so…. the other day i was having an extra big feeling-all-the-feelings kind of day.
lots of different stuff with lots of different people was happening all on the same day.
and it was cold and gray.
so i went online shopping… because – feelings.
i ordered all of these:
Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way
The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands
Make it Happen: Surrender Your Fear. Take the Leap. Live On Purpose.
Thirty One Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and Doer
Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less
Speak: How Your Story Can Change the World
i guess one of my feelings was “Uninspired” on that day.
i think in the past 10 years i have read…. maybe two fiction books?
i just can’t.
i get my fiction on tv.
reading is my time to work on my heart and mind i guess.
i WISH i could focus long enough to read more!
i am so glad no one can see into my mind when i am trying to read a page (not a chapter just a PAGE!) of a book.
it would be ridiculous to most of you i am sure.
no less than 10 different thoughts… ideas… chores to do… things i notice… sounds i hear… per page.
it’s not ideal.
i started this one today.
and one page in i was feeling thankful and SO GLAD i had this book in my hands.
i am a dreamer.
i am a doer.
God made me that way.
sometimes it seems that is not the easiest kind of heart to have.
i don’t know what is the easiest but it sure feels like other people have it better sometimes (even though i know everyone struggles and the grass is always greener and yada yada yada)
and i have been feeling worn lately.
worn out by doubt. worn out by feelings. worn out with tasks.
and wondering about so many things…. can i DO it? should i do that? what is the answer?
feeling tired.
but one page in i knew it was going to speak to me.
Thirty One Days of Prayer for the Dreamer and Doer
is going to be a good one.
i can feel it.
i sent this text to a friend immediately (because i have to stop 10 different times per page remember?)
I started reading “31 days of prayer for the dreamer and the doer” just now and I’m going to read a quote to you: “Whether you are called to design create, write, speak, support, grow, share, serve or build… there will be a journey. There will be days of joy, days of weariness, days of fear, days of success, days of loss, days of restoration, days of creativity, days of brokenness, days of rest, and days of nothing. Whatever the day stay tethered to the Dream Giver with prayer and His Word. Prayers to bring hope, conviction, encouragement, and guidance as you answer the call and hold your dreams with an open hand”
SO GOOD right?
AND i started this book too!
Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar–Your Brain’s Silent Killers
because i love learning about silent killers.
but really… with all the “feelings” i’ve had…. and the low energy… and wanting to get strong and healthy…
remember my word?
so learning about stuff i eat or shouldn’t eat is action to me.
and to show how totally crazy i am right now…
i am also reading both of these at the same time as those other two?!
who am i?
i really like Dirty Faith so far…. it makes me think about the hard stuff with church and missions.
Dirty Faith: Bringing the Love of Christ to the Least of These
Talby wishes i would finish it because she doesn’t want to look at that guy’s hairy hand anymore…
and if you wondered about Glennon’s book…Carry On, Warrior: The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life
you could watch her TED talk first and then decide.
she’s very interesting to me… she is shocking at times.
i haven’t really heard anyone like her before.
she’s…. refreshing? i think that is the word?
she’s brave and vulnerable and scared right out there for everyone to see.
telling her truthiest truths so that others can see that it’s OK to show up as you are.
it’s hard to hear… because it hurts to hear about hurts!
but we need to HEAR and feel and notice all of it.
what are YOU reading?
what do i need to put in my cart for the next shopping spree?
Sharilee Ensz - i love you!!!!! my mom cleans for kimberlee jost. and i love her!
Amy - Hi Meg!
Thank you for blogging. Today is a day where I really was needing a lift and you and your words and pics did it! Oh, and I hope you received the Christmas card that I sent you of our family. I am the Amy Collett from Stony Plain, Alberta, Canada with the husband and 4 boys plus pets in the pic. Take care! A prayer of thankfulness for you and your blog will be lifted up to our sweet Saviour today.
Michelle from Australia - The bathing boxes in the photo are on Brighton Beach in Melbourne (Australia). They are well known as Aussie (Australian) icons. I took a photo of them when I was in Melbourne last year. But I wasn’t organised enough to have a model recline on a sun lounge for me! And as someone who lives in the tropics, I look at that picture and think ‘Gee that looks hot in that sun. Why aren’t they in the shade?’ 🙂
sharon / - oh dear. hEaLtHy chocolate bars!! where have they been all my life??! i want to eat those while walking a red carpet in a glittery dress.
KirstenP - You picked your green color for your hutch before Better Homes and Garden picked it as part of their Color Palette of 2015!!
chrissi - so proud of talby♥
Flower Patch Farmgirl - WHAT????!!! I just came here to donate (keep forgetting!) and read this. Yay Talby!! So proud of your obedience and your Jesus heart!
Jenny B. - Oh, that blueberry whatever it is! I have been seeing something similar popping up on Pinterest, and I WANT IT! My husband is the baker, and he made something new that LOOKED really similar this weekend. But, when I took a bite of it, it was all I could do not to choke and spit it out. It was called soda bread, and it had raisins and caraway seeds in it. It tasted like rye bread. I think it might have been good if I had been expecting the flavor, but when you think you’re about to taste buttery blueberry sweetness, it really is a shock. 🙂 ANYway… Your desire to wear an Oscars-worthy dress reminded me of a Bunco party my friends had. We play Bunco once a month, and the hostess usually tries to come up with some sort of theme. Well, one time, they had an Oscars night, and everyone wore glittery formals! Well, some people didn’t dress up (I would have been one of them), so the hostess had press badges for those girls. It was great! You should totally do something like that. 🙂
Lori - Love that beach picture and the washi tape, too!