sing with me….
“which one of these is not like the other?”

oh my sweet sean…
he does not enjoy being in front of crowd of any kind.
he told his teacher we had a party that we had to go to
so we wouldn’t be at his program.
she didn’t buy it (but a good try on sean’s part)
i knew he’d be nervous.
and he was.
as soon as he found me in the crowd, he calmed down and did fine.
i was mouthing “turn around!!” and giving him the evil eye…
until he did it and i gave him a BIG smile and a thumbs up sign.

the highlight of the program was when his teacher came on stage
playing the part of “little bunny foo-foo”

the kids were all giggly during the song.
then just as the good fairy said “now i will turn you into a goon”…

the kid in the front row in the black with the red tie points and shouts
in pure donald trump fashion…
it was not part of the program
but it sure cracked me up and everyone else.
he was quite pleased with the crowd’s reaction.
and to think i almost accidentally-on-purpose skipped this program.
i would’ve missed out on so much.
April - That cracks me up about the tongs and the silverware….too funny !!
meg duerksen - crystal – i did make my blog header. it’s made of real paper and scrapbook products and then scanned it into my computer. i have no clue how to create anything digitally. i kind of want to learn but not really because i love to scrapbook with real products so much that i would miss it.
jodi – we are going to a place called “the hager house bed & breakfast.” it is a big old house that she has completely updated and set up only for scrapbookers, we went a year ago and loved it. her website is
also i think the “scrap fun attic” in andover has retreats.
raci – for the record i don’t think i am doing that great of a job with my 13 year old….but thanks.
chris – thanks for checking out my scrapbooking. it definitely has to be something you love or it will become something that just makes you feel guilty that you aren’t doing it enough.
andrea – thanks. $7 at walmart!
Andrea - Cute shoes!
cynthia - love breakfast for dinner!
and i can relate to your daughter…i always hated when my mom would stack the plates after eating which meant that i would possibly have to touch leftover “food” on the bottoms….ick!
now after being a mom…you can pretty much touch just about anything!
Julie K - Annie’s pants on backwards cracks me up! Great shot.
jodi - Meg – can you pass along any info on the scrapbooking weekend? Is there a specific place that does this for ladies? I’d love to get a group together and do this!
chris - Oh yes, I wish I had a sprayer, you can rent them , that would make things easier , I might rent one this summer and spray my cabinet doors in the kitchen , I hate painting furniture , well actually anything , but who else will do it.
chris - your scrap book layouts are lovely , I really need to try doing that , it looks fun.
traci - my daughter is only 11 and we already are going thru this!!! I will say you seem to handle it VERY WELL.
Your poor Talby….hope she is better!
Your pictures could seriously be in a magazne…they are just FABULOUS.
chris - That’s so good , I am looking so forward to my child reaching the teen years, yikes, and those pants on backwards crack me up. I hate it when my girls are sick , this was the first sick free weekend in a few weeks, poor babies.
I can’t get into scrapbooking, can you post some pictures of your finished work.
jerusalem - when I was 13 I had to load and my younger brother had to unload. I remember being soooo aggravated that he wanted me to put the steak knives in blade down so he wouldn’t cut himself when he went to grab a handful of clean silverware. I can remember huffing and rolling my eyes, thinking how ridiculous he was being, how demanding he was being. Ha!
Melanie - Meg,
I have a 13 yr. old son and he doesn’t want to load the dishwasher because he doesn’t want his hands dirty. (he will unload though) This from a boy who is outside in the dirt piles and playing football with his finds. I feel your pain:)
traci - i could tell by your daughters eyes that she wasn’t feeling well. glad she is better now. i have been trying to organize for scrap getaway too. this weekend. 11 great friends – i can’t wait!! have fun at yours.
Crystal - Meg- we would totally be friends in real life…I live for “breakfast for dinner” 🙂 I have been meaning to ask you….did you make your blog header? I love it and have kinda been looking for something fun like that for my blog…but I don’t want to pay someone a ton for blog decor…
Jennifer P. - Glad to know someone else makes a complete mess with their waffle iron too. I’m forever scraping runny batter off my counter top!—your waffles looked delish though!
Good luck with your scrap-fest :)!
meg duerksen - amy –
the jellybeans are already packed!
and of course i will room with you!
be sure to bring the bubble bath…it’s all about the bubbles.
amy - ooh… bring the jellybeans with you!
amy - and eating jellybeans and wearing cutie polka dot shoes? i’m anxious to get my 497 photos so I can start organizing! wanna be my roomie again?