i am so happy to be gardening again.

i love it so much….
i dread it around april but by the end of may i am ready!
i think half of the reason i like it is the quietness.
usually i am alone.
but at the same time i can hear what's going on around me with the kids.
and to see something grow so beautiful from just a seed….
so amazing.
and humbling.
my parents have always had lovely yards.
my dad is obsessed with trees and my mom loves flowers.
my grandmother always had interesting and different plants in her yard.
i remember strawberries, grandpa's gourds and bamboo by the sandbox.
i am grateful to have grown up with a love for gardening.
but i never even touched a plant till i was 24.
except when i HAD to water my mom's flowers as a chore.
when we bought our first house craig's mom helped me plant my first plants.
and i was hooked.
and all that stuff i'd been watching all my life became real to me.
it was so clear why they loved it.
i love that we…my parents and sister, my grandmother & craig's mom
all enjoy this same simple hobby.
to watch my grandmother go through my entire yard asking questions
or giving facts…makes me full of joy.
to see my parents' yard overflow with curly willow and birds & butterflies…joy!
thank you for that.
here is a peek into our first garden in illinois.
silver lace vine
it was mislabeled at the flea market…what a great mistake.
i put it on the arbor craig built me
and it grew up over the roof the first year!
purple coneflower, black eyed susan, bee balm, hollyhocks and tickseed.
and huge sunflowers.
oh i miss this little yard.
it was full of evergreen bushes when we moved in.
jenny and her mom were so helpful too.
sharing plants and answering lots and lots of questions.
in my yard now…
most of the peonies are now down on the ground…it rained really hard.
but inside they look and smell lovely.
i know i know, enough with the peonies!
but like i told you…they will be gone for 11 more months.
i cut 3 huge vases full and you could barely tell i had touched the bushes.
if you do plant some…
they do take a few years to get really healthy and bloom well.
i am feeling hopeful for this years garden.
i think it's going to be a good one.
everything is coming up so nicely.
and a friend gave me my first tomato plants!
we'll see how that goes.
i got some happy mail. oh maybe i shouldn't i open this box.
i don't need a lion in the house…i already have 5 monkeys.
oh jenny. (art by jake…i assume)
you silly girl.
thank you for my gi-nor-mous chandelier!!
i have no idea where i will put it…
but i WILL find a spot.
2 chandeliers at my door? wow. i am the luckiest girl in the world.
friday night is family night at our house.
we carried out pizza and ate it at the park.
while eating her pizza annie said "look! some slides!"
i answered "yep…when you're finished eating you can go play!"
she gave the fist pump and said "YES!"
then lauren said "UGH! we're staying to play?!"
how cruel would it be to take the little ones to eat at a park
and then not let them play?!
somehow our 13 year old managed to find some fun…
even at the park.
dad vs everyone.
good good times.
what do you think…are these pictures too big?
can you see them well?
the color isn't as clear as it was before typepad changed…
what's up with that?
Great pics! Lauren looks just like her dad! You can see it so well in the pic where they are head to head/face to face.
The pictures look great , no problems at all.
if you enjoy torturing yourself…. you should take 5 children with you
to home depot, lowes AND sam's club in the same afternoon.
did ya leave them there?
All I can do is laugh……. How funny…..(of course it is funny when it happens to someone else….not so much when it is you!!!!! )Been there….done that….. LOL you just made my day . Hee hee… the next time I go I may see if I can leave Matt in one of the showers while I shop. 🙂 All I can think is…”it’s five o’clock somewhere!” Oh gosh! I could have posted the same picture with my two. The door section at Home Depot is the worst! They stand on either side and knock and say who’s there, then giggle loudly, when the door opens, they screech, hug, then run around the another “door”. Torture it is INDEED. OH…and my kids can’t keep their hands off the blinds and shades. Open, close, open, close, , and I”m headed over there later today. With both kids. Just pretend you are in a dream and know it will end. We’ve done it with all three kids – and oh the lovely comments you get from them – hearing every doorbell sound five times over. 🙂 this looks very familiar but with only one child! look who came to play in the peonies.
oh she is such a cutie!
annie, talby, jenn and i were jumping up and down trying to get her to smile.
we must have looked so funny to the traffic going by.
miss london has brothers and a sister too.
and a daddy of course.
i forgot to share these pictures from a few weeks ago.
what fun neighbors to have.
now…when do we get baby-sit?
talby and annie are ready!
Meg, these are awesome! I can’t decide on a favorite… the first one? the feet? Russ and Konley? The are all perfect. We defintely need to sign up with your studio! 🙂 Those are beautiful pictures. Babies and flowers. Two of my favorite things! Dang she’s cute. What a nice addition to the peonies! one word…PRECIOUS!!!! She is edible! Even more beautiful than the gorgeous peonies! Love her fun and sweet little name too. Fantastic pictures! I linked the chicken and biscuits on my blog because we are obsessed with it here. Cute, adorable family!! ~Jill 🙂
Those are great pictures!! I love peonies and babies… very pretty together! Oh so cute! Beautiful. Love the family head shot. They all look so happy! Love the last photo…so creative GREAT JOB !!
she is such a doll. the pictures are beautiful – i am sure they are so happy you took them. great job.
oh-so-adorable! That first one is so adorable it should be on a fabric softener bottle! And I loved the one of the whole fam. on the blanket. I’ve seen that pose before, but you make it look all fresh and new! SO cute ;)! that’s how long i wait for my favorite flower.Â
the entire bush grows out of the ground in a month.Â
then huge round buds form all over it.Â
annie shouted “look we’re growing watermelons!”Â
Peonies are just the most feminine flower.Â
wouldn’t they make a wedding so beautiful?Â
i wait 11 months to enjoy their blooms.Â
and inevitably….always…every year…no matter what….Â
it rains within a week and they all fall down to the ground.Â
too heavy to hold themselves up anymore.Â
and in 11 more months we’ll see them again.
I agree with you (all). They are the most beautiful and fragrant flowers, and yours are just lovely. I remember reading somewhere that they’re the only flowers that can’t be grown out of season…I wonder if that is true. Almost makes them more special. I’m with you……they are my favorite! I just went out in the yard yesterday and cut some to fill a vase in the kitchen and they just bring a smile to my face! My sister just married and she had lots of them at her wedding….. these remind me so much of our wedding…nine years ago this coming june 5th…ooodles of peonies in the cellar of my grandmothers house…Lorel and I got to make all the table arrangements for the reception and I think that was pretty close to heaven. 🙂 Thanks for bringing back memories. I too think you should make a calendar! These are beautiful. Mine are blooming too. I want you to know that I’m using the one with the faded out background on my powerpoint for worship this week. It’s perfect. Peonies are my absolute favorite flower. Unfortunately, I live in Houston, TX which is not a spot where they grow well. I miss peonies, lilacs and old fashioned flags (irises) from back home in Ohio!!!
Just gorgeous! Martha would be proud! I want some! You should pick them and make lavish and luxurious boquets and garlands to drape all over your beautiful house while they are still alive! 😉 such a worthwhile 11 month wait, the peonies are lovely! BEAUTIFUL!!!
I also love peonies. Mine are getting there, but not yet ready to bloom….thanks for sharing yours…..Cut some of those and put them in a vase….little ants and all. Pretty, pretty peonies! Reminds me of how our azaleas bloom… so pretty but for such a short time. Great photos. 🙂 ~Jill
These are so pretty, I think you should publish a calendar, so then while you are waiting for the next 11 months, you can be looking at photos of them. 🙂
As as ex-florist of 17 years before becoming a mom, those, too, were my favorites – seeing I could have my choice at any time – oh, to have a flower shop again….(sigh) My favorite flower too!!! I just love them!!!
i love these flowers! my mom has a ton of them and you’re right, as soon as a rain comes they fall to the ground! those pictures are incredible!! i’ve never paid attention to that kind of flower before, but i will now…GORGEOUS!! those are beautiful meg. i don’t have any. maybe i should get some – are there a bunch of different varieties? I just love how bulbous and about-to-burst they look right before they bloom! those are gorgeous! perfect pics 🙂 my sister came to visit us for the weekend! with s’mores…and neighbors and dogs…and beers. saturday was perfect. laid in the grass, talked with our grandma, splashed on the trampoline, stuck stickers on maya’s belly, went for a long walk we ate our treats on the steps of the historical museum. FAR!
lorel i am so happy you came to visit. grandma thank you for coming too. I meant to comment before but forgot…The Grover on Sesame Street reference cracked me up! I used to be able to the best “Near/Far” impersonation. I’ll have to try it out on my family tonight. 🙂 what a wonderful weekend treat – time spent with your sister. her kids are adorable too. i love the look of your street. such pretty houses with wonderful front porches. very welcoming.
wow! great blog! fantastic photos…love time with family 🙂 Looks like you had a great family weekend… Near…far! So funny! I want to jump on the tramp with water! Everyone looks like they had a great time. The little one with star stickers on her belly reminded me of Dr. Seuss’s “the sneetches”—too cute ;)!
Seeing you both together made my little heart ache, you have such a great gift in eachother. It makes me wish so much that I lived closer to 1. my mom and 2. my brother and 3. Lorel. Super fun & yummy food to boot! Sisters are great to share adulthood with! I am so glad I came too! I (mostly)enjoy the roller coaster ride of raising kids, and I enjoy our sisterhood. Sat. was a wonderful day. Our ride home was mostly really nice – both girls slept for almost 2 hours, so I drove the “cowboy trail” thru Cottonwood Falls. Just beautiful. When Macy woke up though, her right front tooth was really loose and bleeding (whine, whimper -“It tastes gross!”-then Maya says,”gross” too.) It finally fell out last night at 8:55! thanks for everything. See you in June. Looked like a glorious day! Looks like a fun weekend! Smores, ice cream, waterplay… just makes me want to go outside and soak up some sun. 🙂 ~Jill looking at these pictures just makes me feel so blessed. another outing with annie craig was out of town so dinner was a picnic in the yard. and bald eagles in their nests. and bike rides around the driveway. its all SO good. You know I love a good dinner picnic! No crumbs to clean up inside! I love the costumes! a picnic complete with costumes – how very enchanting. cute pix. You are such a fun mama! You inspire me!!! How those everyday moments bless us! I love all the costumes involved in the picnic, and the outing with the arms full of babies. So sweet! fun, great pictures!! 5 kids??? wow!! i bow to you!! your children are beautiful!! I’m still drooling over those dad gum biscuits below… ~Jill 🙂 Life’s precious moments!! Wonderful memories… ~Jill Posts like these that you create always feel so “magical”. I enjoy reading them.
Cindy - I just discovered your blog today and saw this picture with your floral pillow (beautiful flowers by the way) I have been in search of the perfect fabric and there it sits on your chair or sofa. Do you know the name of that fabric or any ideas where I can find a few yards or the order the pillows? Thanks for your time. You are so blessed with a lovely family and home.
mrslimestone - Im so jealous – I love peonies! (And my yard is way too small to have a cutting garden). I just have to buy my flowers from the local shop but they don’t look half as nice as your fresh ones.
Amy - Oh my goodness, those have to smell like heaven! Wow! You are a far better gardener than myself, but I nodded my head at how great it is to do it and to feel that connection with the earth and the people in your life.
Tiffany - Oh my gosh, what a gorgeous yard/garden you had in Illinois! I dream of such a lovely yard, but don’t have a clue where to even start! lol
I’m with you on the Peonies, we have one single little bush in the corner of our backyard and I wait all year for it’s blooms, which are gone in what seems like the blink of an eye.
Have a wonderful day!
Marcie - The picture of the peonies on the table by the fan looks like it’s out of a Better Homes and Gardens magazine!! You inspired me to bring in my pitiful rain soaked peonies to enjoy for a few days! By the way, I’m a friend of Frank and Amy who are friends with Russ and Jenn.
Jill (One Wired Woman) - You have a beautiful green thumb, my dear!! Love your garden history… love your garden now!! You’ve turned me into a freak for peonies. They are gorgeous!! Have fun with your garden. 🙂 ~Jill
amanda - oh to live somewhere green. az is beautiful in its own way, but nothing like the photos you have shown. i would LOVE to garden– to REALLY garden. until a time when i can . . . i will read your blog and drool over the beautiful landscapes you share.
amanda az
Liz - Lovely post. Your pictures are gorgeous.
traci - good luck with the tomato plants. i love your peonies – you can post pictures of them whenever you want – they are just beautiful. i am getting some the next time i go to the nursery or home depot. and that little old fan – so cute!!!
Jennifer P. - I could stare at the picture of your garden forever! I just want to get lost in it! That English garden overflowing with wildflowers look is just what I’m after. I’m only two summers into my house, so I’m still waiting for everything to fill in—but I hope it turns out as lovely as yours! And your peonies are gorgeous! Fresh flowers whenever you want are a definite plus for having a great garden!
Staci - What beautiful peonies! By the way, I’m Staci from The Amy Clan–Brian and Staci–came from Emily’s blog. I made your chicken pot pie tonight! YUMMY! I must say I’ve been looking at those pics of your home you have posted and your house is MAGNIFICENT! What a beautiful home and beautiful family!
Crystal - Oh Meg. You just send pangs of jealously through me! I can’t wait to have a yard and garden with lots of sun!! Right now all we have is shade/part sun so I am having to learn to garden opposite of what I usually want…black eyed susans, cone flower, sun flower…one day. 🙂
julie - Gorgeous and dreamy. Makes me want to go outside and dig. I haven’t in so long. Thanks for the inspiration.
April - Oooh Meg…I love that first photo of the peonies with the little antique fan nearby….nice !!
great gardening stories and memories you have too…..your kids will have the same stories….gardening is GOOD ~